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yudaies · 1 month ago
peeps and pooks, what was your first impression of me and what are your thoughts abt me now?
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raddestrose · 12 days ago
just know the amount of sskk spotify playlists are going to SKYROCKET
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geckosliktheireyes · 23 days ago
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ghostfacd · 2 years ago
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pairing; slytherin!luke x hufflepuff!fem!reader
summary; was this the end? you surely hope not, you were so sure luke hughes was the one. not just any boy, but the one. so why was he walking away from you right now? especially when you need him the most?
genre; angst, misunderstanding, both reader and luke get hurt, blackcat!bf luke, golden retriever!gf reader, mentioning of house rivalries, you kinda get an inside look into luke’s thinking, this one’s a long one so put on your seatbelt 🤗
part 2
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Luke Hughes was a boy of many things. He was stubborn, cold, smart, athletic, and opinionated. But he was no idiot.
Of course he had heard what people said about the two of you, the most unexpected couple at Hogwarts yet. They’d raise their eyebrows whenever the two of you walked, talking in hushed whispers.
“Didn’t you hear? The Hughes boy is dating YN now, we have no chance! He’s scary as shit,”
“Now why on earth is YN with him? She’s so kind and bubbly and he’s just.. him.”
“He’s lucky he has Quidditch going for him, or else nobody would bat an eye at that snake.”
It used to not bother Luke. He knew he was better than them, call him a narcissist or whatever, but he knew it was true. Why would he get upset over some words spoken by idiots with a brain the size of a pea?
But ever since he started dating you, he started to question himself. Was he really better? Or did he only think that way because it was better than thinking he was a total loser?
Luke agreed with Marina when she sang “cause I feel like I’m the worst so I always act like I’m the best” because Luke truly felt like he was a total and complete loser, so he always acted like he was the best Slytherin to exist. Fake it till you make it, right?
Marina was definitely his favorite artist, there was no doubt in the world. And maybe The Smiths too. God, was he really that depressing?
“What are you listening to Lukey boy?” Jack asks as he swings his arm around Luke’s shoulder. “Whoa, you have gotten tall haven’t you?”
“Have you grown shorter?” Luke asks, pretending to gasp in surprise.
Jack hits him on the shoulder, rolling his eyes. “Very funny you punk. How are you and YN? I’ve been so busy with Quidditch that I haven’t been able to see you and Quinn at all.”
“We’re okay,” Luke shrugs, “I guess.”
“What do you mean you guess?”
“I don’t know Jack, is it stupid of me to be insecure?”
Jack stops in his tracks, making Luke stop as well. He turns to face his younger brother fully before giving him a frown.
“What? Of course it’s not stupid, Luke. What have those assholes been saying about you?”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” Luke sighs. “Do you really think I’m a cold asshole who has an egotistical mindset?”
“First of all, what the fuck is an egoistical mindset?”
“Oh,” Luke grins, “how do I dumb this down for you?”
“Shut up and tell me!”
“They’re basically saying I’m a self centered asshat who thinks way too highly of himself. They think I think I’m better than everyone else.”
“Well, do you think you’re better than everyone else?”
Luke wants to say no, but he doesn’t. Instead he says, “of course I think I’m better than everyone else.”
Jack finally starts walking again, patting the younger on the back, “hey, I’m proud of you little man. Your grades are great, you’re a terrific Slytherin seeker—although Gryffindor is way better by the way!—and you’ve really proved yourself to be a good boyfriend. You have every right to have the ‘egoistical mindset’ those people talk about.”
“I guess,” Luke says quietly, looking down at the ground. He doesn’t see you approaching out of your Herbology class with your partner, Rye Anderson.
“Stop saying I guess,” Jack whines, “anyway, your Hufflepuff is here.”
Luke’s mood brightens when he looks up to see you, but instantly drops when he sees your face light up as you talk to Rye.
What he doesn’t know is that Rye is actually gay, and that he’s literally asking about what he should get his boyfriend next week for their date.
“I’m thinking daisies? Is that too cliche?”
“Never cliche to get your man flowers,” you grin. “Luke always gets me flowers.”
“Yeah whatever, you guys are gross.”
You pretend to gasp offendedly, throwing a small playful punch to Rye’s side.
“Luke, don’t blow up,” Jack says slowly as he watches Luke’s face turn into one of jealousy and anger. He knew that look on his brother all too well. They had lived with each other their entire life up until now.
“Oh please,” Luke says as he starts making his way towards you and Rye, “I never blow up.”
This wasn’t entirely false, but Jack couldn’t stop the angry Slytherin now; he was too far from him. He decided to just watch it all unfold, because well, there hadn’t been any good drama at Hogwarts lately.
“Hi,” Luke introduces himself, towering over Rye and you. “I’m Luke, YN’s boyfriend, and you?”
“Rye,” Rye smirks, “and I’m gay Luke, so no need to get your pants in a twist.”
Well that made Luke totally embarrassed.
“Rye and I were just talking about what he should get his boyfriend next week for their date,” you explain, rubbing your boyfriend’s arm in reassurance. “Shall we go Lu?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles under his breath.
Rye tries to hold in his laugh, mainly because he doesn’t want you or Luke to kill him. He couldn’t believe a tall and scary Slytherin such as Luke was suddenly all quiet and shy when he spoke to you. It was a whole new side of the boy that Rye did not know could even exist in this universe.
“Bye Rye!” You say, hooking your arm to your boyfriend’s as you walk off to his dorm.
“Bye YN! Oh, and bye Luke!”
Luke only waves shortly, not even bothering to turn around to the boy.
“That was embarrassing,” he says as soon as he situates himself on his bed. “Shit, that was really embarrassing.”
“It’s okay Lukey,” you say, taking off your sweater and throwing it somewhere in his room.
You had always left your stuff at his place, which was why when his friends came over, they’d see little hints of yellow lingering in the room.
“No, it’s not.” Luke rubs his face, stressed. “It’s like everything I do is embarrassing or just absolute shit.”
“Whoa, where is this coming from baby?” You ask, running your hands through his curls.
“Why are you even with me? We’re completely different. You’re in Hufflepuff and I’m in Slytherin, our houses don’t even like each other.”
“I’m with you because I love you,” you frown, eyes meeting his with so much sincerity that it makes Luke want to curl up in a ball and bawl. “I don’t care about what our stupid houses think. I told you this when I asked you to go to Hogsmeade with me for the first time, remember Lu?”
He did remember. How could he not? You had suddenly popped up into his life that one day after his game with Gryffindor and became the most important person to him in the blink of an eye.
“I don’t want to be that public anymore,” Luke mumbles. “Can we do less of the whole PDA thing?”
Your heart almost drops, worrying about Luke and your relationship. “If that’s what you want Lu, then of course.”
Luke nods. It would be the best for you two to have a little distance between each other. He mainly wanted to protect you from what everybody was saying, but partly because he couldn’t handle their comments. He had loved you so much, and for them to say that he didn’t deserve you—or that you were too good for him fucking hurt like a bitch.
The next two weeks went by like a drag for both you and Luke. The two of you had barely hung out, Luke always making the same excuse of having extra Quidditch practice, and you not questioning him because you didn’t want to start a fight.
The Yule Ball was coming up, and all your friends had been asked by their boyfriends or crushes. It was just you and Luke left.
He had asked you to meet him by the lake at night. Students were prohibited to go out by themselves at such a late hour, but you and Luke were always careful.
He had asked you with a small poster, one that said, “Oh my god look at that face, you look like my next Yule date,” with the back of the poster saying “YULE BALL?”
It was a reference to one of Taylor Swift’s songs, Blank Space; a muggle song that you had been listening to on repeat that Luke knew would be perfect for the ask.
You of course squealed quietly, not wanting to disrupt the sleeping professors and students. You said yes, jumping into Luke’s arms. For the first time in those 2 weeks, the two of you held each other like it would be the last time you would.
It was.
During the Yule Ball, you had entered with Luke, but couldn’t find the tall curly haired Slytherin anywhere after a few minutes.
You decided to talk to Jamie, another Hufflepuff in your year who you were pretty close to.
Luke, who was all of a sudden sweating at the amount of people in the room had gone off to take a drink of water. He didn’t know why he felt this way; you had looked so pretty in your gown and he was one of the luckiest men in the world getting to escort you and be your date. So why did he feel this way? It wasn’t like he didn’t enjoy parties. He liked looking at people go reckless and laugh knowing that it would never be him, and he enjoyed the drinks that were offered.
Which was probably why he was downing a few shots right after his glass of water. He figured alcohol will give him a confidence boost, but it only made him feel worse and gain a headache.
Great, he thinks. It was time to find you.
“YN?” He calls as he pushes through the large crowd of people. He spots you talking to another guy, Jamie, who was also a Hufflepuff.
He almost crushed the cup in his hands when he sees you giggle, throwing your head back as you push Jamie jokingly.
No, he thinks. He wasn’t going to embarrass himself and go over to you angrily like he did with Rye.
Instead, he throws his cup at some random direction, hitting a couple who broke apart from their kiss to yell curses at him. He doesn’t care, all he wants is just to get out of this place and eat his feelings away in his dorm with a Disney movie playing in the background.
“Hey Jamie, I’ll be back, I think I just saw Luke leave,” you say to your friend, frowning as you make your way towards where Luke went off.
“Go get your man sis!”
When you finally see Luke in your vision, you yell out to him. “Lu! Wait up!”
He only walks faster.
You’re out of breath by the time you finally grab his hand, pulling him back to you. “Lu, why didn’t you stop when I told you to?”
Luke stays quiet, his back facing you.
“Lu, can you at least please face me?”
He finally does, staring at you with his red eyes.
“Oh Lu, what’s wrong?”
He shakes his head. “YN, this isn’t going to work.”
He never calls you YN. It had always been baby, lovely, or even lovie. But never just your name by itself.
“What do you mean Lukey? What’s not gonna work?”
Luke hates how patient and kind you’re being with him. He hates it. Why can’t you just get upset at him? Make this easier for the both of you?
“I mean us. We aren’t going to work,” he takes a sharp inhale, exhaling shakily, “we’re from opposite houses, and everybody says we don’t belong with each other. Our relationship is bound to fail,”
It was as if your boyfriend was suddenly speaking a foreign language. Why was he suddenly saying this? Especially during the Yule Ball? The one night that you two were supposed to be happy together, dancing under the stars.
“Why do you care so much about what they think Luke?” You say, voice quivering from how much you wanted to sob right now, “I told you many times that I don’t—”
“I care!” Luke shouts. He realizes how loud he is the second his words get out. “I care,” he repeats, this time so quiet that if you weren’t in close proximity, you wouldn’t have heard him.
“But you shouldn’t. This is our relationship Luke, not anyone else’s, and especially not those low lives who have nothing else to do but to judge us without even knowing you.”
“Not everybody can be oblivious and carefree like you YN,”
You shake your head. “Stop it, stop it. You’re being mean, Luke.”
This burns through Luke’s chest like wildfire. Sure he’s been called an asshole, even a conceited fuck by a couple of mad Gryffindors after a game, but never mean. And especially never from you.
“I can’t be what you need,” Luke cries. It’s the first time you’ve seen him so emotional. He was never the one to let his emotions get the best of him—his face always set to a blank expression. “They’re right. Aren’t you gonna be sick of having such a boring boyfriend? You deserve so much better. You deserve somebody who isn’t the exact opposite of you, you deserve so much more than me.”
“But I don’t want more,” you now sob, cupping Luke’s face into your hands, “I want you Luke.”
He shakes his head once again, more tears streaming down his face. “It won’t work. Let’s save ourselves the heartbreak and just end it now.”
“No,” you say, hands shaking. “No, I won’t let you end our relationship just because of them.”
“I’m not giving you a choice,” Luke backs away from you, your heart aching at the sudden loss of touch.
“Will you be back?”
“I don’t know,”
He leaves you outside in the dark, sobbing as you fall to your knees, entire body giving out.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” a familiar voice coos as he wraps his arm around your shaking figure. “It’s okay.”
But it wasn’t okay. You had just lost Luke, the boy who you were sure would be the love of your life until you died.
“Come inside YN, it’s raining.” Jack takes off his coat to place over you, your lips trembling as the two of you make your way back into the halls. “You wanna tell me what happened?”
You didn’t even know where to start.
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ghost-bxrd · 1 year ago
how would the coa react to jason?
I suspect you mean the Court of Owls for the Court Family AU? 👀
In that case, as vaguely referenced before, they wouldn’t take kindly to a “street rat” being adopted by their highest ranking member at first. The Court of Owls is comprised of old Gotham blood and money, neither of which Jason belongs to.
They’d tolerate him, sure. (They’d be fools not to with the Voice’s hard stare, and the Talon’s looming presence perpetually hanging over them all like a guillotine. ) But they sure as hell would let Jason feel that he’s not welcome amongst them.
At first.
Because between his adoptive father, a protective older brother, and… well, Jason hasn’t quite figured out exactly what Cobb is, but he’s preeetty sure him and Bruce got something going on. Anyway, Cobb’s got his back. Kind of. And sure he can’t exactly stop the Court members from being passive aggressive with him, but BOY does Jason give as good as he gets.
Subtle remarks about his “ragged” appearance are immediately met with a flat out “takes one to know one, sir”. And a “concerned” little “you shouldnt eat so quickly, you’ll get sick!” are met with a pleasant “sure, and you should skip the laxatives once a while, lady”.
Jason ain’t taking shit from anybody (Cobb considers asking Bruce to do a paternity test with the boy because—- Pot, kettle) and Bruce is getting gray hairs flitting about and soothing ruffled feathers.
But before long the Court members learn to appreciate Jason’s deadpan demeanor.
He’s rude and downright scandalous in contrast to their delicate sensibilities and upbringing, but he’s loyal to a fault and doesn’t lie. While it’s something the less trustworthy Court members will try to exploit (“Please,” Will purrs, inspecting the claws of his suit one by one, and Dick gets the distinct feeling of being locked onto by the gaze of a predator, “Let them try”) the others quickly come to appreciate his honesty and openness. It’s a downright novel thing for them.
So anyway, Jason becomes something like the “Heart” of the Court. If he’s happy, chances are good the Voice, Talon, and Gray Son are also in a good mood. If he’s not… well. Let’s just say they’re all invested in keeping Jason happy.
(Within a couple months Jason manages to get the Court to finance several jobs with annual leave and health insurance reserved for inhabitants of Crime Alley, along with affordable housing and no-cost rehabilitation centers for drug addiction.
Bruce is very proud of this achievement.
Cobb is reluctantly impressed.
Dick is cackling uncontrollably.
For someone who steadfastly refuses to use manipulation tactics the kid really knows how to be a pain in the ass and bother everyone long enough until they cave.)
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divinelovers · 2 years ago
very much yes
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luminarytex · 1 year ago
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hhhhhh birthday
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hyukalyptus · 1 year ago
remember that clip of yeonjun practically humping a pillow? okay.. that but prince!jun balling up your servant wear, humping it on his bed <3
ok first of all….NO?? i’m not aware of this clip lol
second, omg perv!prince!yeonjun… now that’s an IDEA!! he’s just so into the new hire…he can’t help that he saw your uniform hanging out to dry on the clothes line from his window. and he DEFINITELY couldn’t help stealing it for a bit. and oopsie did he cum on it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he can wash it again.
now why is this taking so long to dry!! it’s been hanging up for a whole day!!
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jobikinn · 2 months ago
cute little fic snippet below (chris brookes/el desperado)
“Prepare yourself? Thought you weren’t scared? Why would you need to do all that, eh?” Some more laughter. Chris scowls at him, turning his head away, angling his chin upwards. Despe lounged how animated Chris could be at times. It’s.. Endearing.
“I’m not bloody scared. Shut up.”
“You definitely are. Thought haunted houses were cheap and cheesy.”
“Because they are! Paying my money to have people in masks yell at me? Unappealing.”
Despe only laughs harder, tugging Chris closer to him by his waist. Chris pouts more, but of course he leans into the other man. “Don’t worry. I’ll hold your hand through it.” God, that stupid fucking smirk. Chris pushes at Despe’s chest, wriggling out of his grip and standing. “You’re such a dick. I hate you.”
Despe knows there’s a complete lack of bitterness in his words. Maybe some annoyance, but what does Despe do if not annoy his boy?
“Love you too.”
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starburnedkisses · 1 month ago
anyone wanna be my valentine this year?
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thisishowiwinthetimewar · 2 years ago
Loathing… mmmhh idk sounds kinda gay
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brrmian · 11 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Phee Genoa/Clone Trooper Tech Characters: Clone Trooper Tech (Star Wars), Phee Genoa, CT-9904 | Crosshair (mentioned) Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Pabu Island (Star Wars), based on “tech told me all about your sparkling personality”, Fluff, Pre-Relationship Summary:
“You miss him,” Phee says. It isn’t a question.
“He is helping the enemy,” Tech replies. His throat feels tight.
Phee gives him a meaningful look. “Doesn’t mean you can’t miss him, Brown Eyes.”
(Any friend of Brown Eyes is a friend of mine.)
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blondthndrninja · 1 year ago
Lawna headcanon based on Nami’s recent outfit:
Nami never wears turtlenecks but the only reason she had to was because Law left too many noticeable hickies on her and she didn’t want any questions about it from the men on her ship.
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anadorablekiwi · 1 year ago
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kavalyera · 1 year ago
i dont have a pic of the wuxia dj’s outfit but all i remember that she and vincent are matching
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