#SNO laboratories
vetusmemoriae · 2 years
Yan!Dottore x Reader (Part 2)
Author's note: This goes for you, @wite-sno-flik ;) Hope you like it
Summary: Childe is dead, how will the Harbingers deal with a clearly problematic Dottore?
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'There's no way Y/n knew, what they were doing. And that's because of Dottore.'
'You think so? They were the only person that entered Childe's room prior to his murder. Who else would it be?'
'Y/n can't think shit, as if they would suddenly decide to do something by their own and kill someone. Even if so, why Childe? We knew he has been kind to Y/n, even if that meant that he had to take them away from Dottore.'
'He was turned... problematic, lately.'
'Maybe we should confront him about this.'
'We seem to forget, we are framing a comrade of the murder of one of us. If an assistant was enough reason to do so, we should take them away to see how he reacts.'
'You are talking just like him, Pantalone...'
The voices were muffled by the wall. Capitano, Pierro, Pucinela, Pantalone and Arlechinno were talking about Dottore, that's for sure. They had so little faith in him... But they wouldn't find Y/n any time soon.
Dottore was a mysterious guy, no one else but Y/n was able to find him at all times. If you had something to tell him, you sent Y/n with the message. And as hard to find was Dottore, he could do the same with Y/n. They wouldn't move, they were so busy cleaning everything in that remote laboratory in the outside of the city... where they were safe at the command and vigilance of one of his clones no less. 'Don't let anyone close to the facility, if they do, pretend everything is off, that there's no one here'. This was just a short term plan, until the rest of the Harbingers calmed with his new creation.
'First Signora, then Scaramouche, and now Childe... Dottore had a close relationship with their doings.'
'Are you saying he might be trying to take the Tszariza's plan's down?'
'We all think that he isn't doing this for the Tszariza, we already knew that, but does this matter so little?'
'He doesn't have anywhere else to go, we could find him in a matter of days, even hours. He might be smart, but you need resources to succeed.'
'Let's leave, we should think twice before doing or saying something we regret.'
Before that, Dottore had already left, because his creation was finished, and there was no time to waste if he wanted his plan to work just as he had thought.
'It was not nice to not invite me.' That was a... familiar voice.
'Who are you?'
'What do you mean? The same as always, Childe, your comrade.'
They couldn't believe their eyes, it was Childe, right before them. He was declared dead, his body was found with wounds, he had bleed to death.
'You are not real, you died.'
'Are you gettin' philosophical or...?'
'No, we all saw your body, you were stabbed at least 142 times.'
'Isn't that a bit too much? But I'm here, I don't know what's all the fuzz about.'
'Is there something wrong?' Dottore entered the room with such a smirk, everyone would notice that this was just what he wanted.
'What does this mean, Dottore? Childe was dead mere hours ago.'
'And now he is alive, so there's nothing to worry about.'
'There is, that you attempted against your own people'
'Did I? How are you so sure?'
They stayed silent, while Dottore smile grew bigger: they had nothing to do against him right now. Would they kick him out of the Fatui? That was unlikely after all he accomplished, after taking back two gnosis.
'I will take that silence as a "we don't know". I will get going, I have matters to attend to.'
On the outside of the city, Y/n was cleaning all the equipment, and wasn't even half way though. The clone, Theta, was watching them clean without taking any breaks. He was commanded to not help, to only look and watch out, but as one of the young clones, he couldn't help but question their doings. Even with this, there was nothing to do but wait for Dottore to come or for something to happen.
'Y/n, do you have any idea why you are here?' They denied with their head. 'Do you want to know?'
'Should I?'
'Not necessarily, but don't you feel curiosity towards why did Dottore kill Childe?'
'No, unless you want me to'
'You are no fun... I don't have any idea of why he likes you so much.'
'Maybe it was a punishment for disappointing him'
'What do you mean? I know him, well, we are the same, you don't disappoint us, that why we like you, you do as you are told.'
'You aren't?'
'No, being honest, it's... weird, because we would usually try and experiment on you just because we have strong felling towards you. Maybe he's just trying to understand what's wrong.'
'Is there something wrong with me? Something to be fixed?'
'No, you are good, it's us. Some like to call it... "love", I don't like that word. A word to describe this? Pointless, a word is so little it can't describe it. What I mean is that you are a weakness, and because of that, I can't understand why he doesn't get rid of you.'
'I... remember' Dottore looked with some curiosity, it was so long since Y/n had some thought on themselves, that them just remembering something was something new. 'that when I got here, I wasn't directly assigned to you.
>We were on a line, waiting to be chosen. We waited for what could be all evening, standing. Some started to cry, some even pissed themselves, and I just stood there against my own thoughts, against my body, and I remember my legs hurting, as if I were to fall. At the end, from 20, just lasted 7 of us. The rest were dragged away, and as they took us to another room, we were able to hear screams and people begging for mercy, people crying. But we couldn't do anything, and if someone talked, they too would be dragged away.
>It was night, and they left us in an empty room. No instructions, no food nor water. Some thought that we were meant to kill each other until only one was left. When they touched me I left all my rage out, and... I killed him, his jaw was broken, and he didn't get up. I didn't care, because for some reason this was my only way out... to live... I didn't sleep that night, I just sited on the corner watching no one got near to me, and they didn't. In the morning they came again, you, the Harbingers came in, and investigated us, someone even was naked when we left, because you got close to me, saw the body on the floor, my knuckles with blood, and my weary eyes. And you took me to your laboratory. I have no idea what happened next or what happened before, I just know that if I want to live, I must do anything you want. There's nothing else in my life.' Y/n looked at their master's eyes. 'If you told me to kill myself I would, if you told me to kill someone, I would. Not because I want it myself, but because your want is my must, and your command is my rule.'
'And that's why we love you so, so much.' Dottore got closer, taking Y/n chin, making them look out of their duty to clean. 'You are willing to do anything we say, not because you are afraid, but because you want to live and would do anything for it. You are not afraid of us, nor of our ideas nor what we do. If we asked you to open up somebody, you would, because, like us, you have no regard for life. And even if you do not fear us, we have power over you, because at any time given we can re-start you, make you forget as we do with others. And still, it never happened more than once, when we met. You screamed so much we thought you were going to faint of the pain, but the belt we gave you was enough, and though the electricity was all around you, making you forget, you were brave enough to know there was no other way. And still, you don't hate us. I can say all we did to you and you still wouldn't be afraid or hate us. You are so dear to me... If you were to think any more clearly' he laughed 'I too would feel the need to obey you.' Dottore kissed Y/n knuckles, going up to their shoulder. 'May you be like a deity to us, we can't fell anything but happiness when you are by our side... And happiness blinds anyone, we are blinded by our love, dear, that why we did it.'
'Did what?'
'Killed them.'
'Aren't you curious? It was so long since you last wanted to know something for yourself, but it doesn't matter anymore. Whatever you do or say doesn't matter, you've already come to love us more than you can think of.' Dottore laughed 'It doesn't matter who we killed, you can't even think of them anymore, there's no need either. We all are your family now.'
'Yes, dear?'
'You killed my family...'
'Well of course I did! There wouldn't be any other way you would come across the idea of applying as an assistant. But does it really matter? Can you even recall their faces?'
Y/n tried their best to think of their family, but there was nothing, no memories nor faces. There were tears, but no sobbing.
'Ohhh... dear, love, if you start felling sad about it it would mean that you really can think of something when I say family.'
'I don't, that's why I cry.'
'If there's nothing, then there's nothing to cry about.'
'Can I know something?'
'It depends.'
'Why did I come here?'
'To kill me, a necessary evil. But you have no need to kill me now, do you?' Y/n felt nauseous. 'The thought of killing me makes you feel sick, right?' Dottore caressed Y/n hair. 'It's okay... You won't kill me... there's no need to be so sad about it...'
'What did you do, Theta?' The original Dottore came next to Y/n, cleaning their tears.
'Just said the truth, they can't do anything about it.'
'Be in pain. You want that?'
'You don't? I still don't understand that... fetiche of the new clones and you of not letting nothing bad happen to them.'
'I was so... careless... The only reason I'll leave you walk out of this is because you are money. Leave.'
Theta left with a victorious smile, but just when he was about to leave, Dottore came next to him, about to tell him something, but instead stabbed him in the neck.
'I'll fix you latter, it's not like you can do anything but to stay in pain...' He smiled. 'Doesn't it feel right?' He came back with Y/n, offering his hand to help them stand up. 'I'm sorry for whatever he said, can I know some details?'
'He said you love me, that you killed my family, that...'
'Agh... That's troublesome... But it won't be any trouble for you, right, darling?'
'No... sir.'
'That's what I thought.' Dottore petted Y/n. 'That really says about your loyalty, I'm proud of you and your understanding of this situation. You can now stop cleaning, we can change your clothing and then... Is there anything you want to do?'
I'm very proud of this fanfic. I was unable to write for a while, but I kept reading Brothers Karamazov and it solved a lot. Definitely, Dostoyevsky is the goat.
I hope you liked it and my ask is open.
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symphno1 · 6 years
SNOlabs: Reality, Race, and Religion
 From the creators of Symphony Number One come SNO Laboratories, SNO's space for partnering with composers, artists, and creatives to co-create unique community projects across the Mid-Atlantic Region. 
Reality, Race, and Religion
The Music of Jasmine Arielle Barnes
Reality, Race, and Religion is a concert debuting a variety of works written by composer Jasmine Barnes. This concert is aimed to take the listener on a musical journey of life. The Songs, categorized into these three topics, speak on various aspects of each category. The Creative team has aimed to partner the listening experience of the concert with the visual experience. Come listen and feel the experience of Reality, Race, and Religion.
Here's a video of our collaboration with Jasmine in August 2017:
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internutter · 5 years
Can you start the "Everyone is suffering and Sno is in the canon AU?"
[AN: This is an AU of an AU that Duality and I are calling “Glass Canon”, mainly because Sno would fucking shatter the established canon with the least little twitch of causality.]
Lucas Miller warned, “Don’t touch tha--”
A flash of light. The sensation of falling.  A dizzying sensation like being inside-out without being inside out. Then something resembling reality restored itself with dizziness, disorientation, and debilitating nausea.
Snocoun Ton passed out without any realisation of what had gone wrong.
She would realise it as soon as she woke.
“I’ve called the four of you here today because of an unexpected event. Our arcane energy detectors found a spike in energy similar to a relic... here on the moon.” Lucretia watched their faces with a stab in her heart. Taako didn’t seem to care. Magnus was instantly alarmed. Merle was wearing his, This shit again, face. Angus was intensely shocked.
“But... every relic that comes to the moon is destroyed. Right?” said Magnus. “I mean, we’ve seen three go down.”
“Yes,” she said. “Yes you have.” Better a plausible truth than a definite lie in front of the world’s greatest detective. “That’s why this arcane energy spike is so alarming. I’m afraid it only gets worse. The epicentre of the spike was in the Miller’s moon-base laboratory, which has been left vacant since the incident with the Philosopher’s Stone.”
“Fuck,” summarised Taako, not even looking anywhere but his nails. “That’s some bad beans.”
“Indeed. I need the four of you to get your asses down there and find out what the shit is happening. If you can contain it, do so. I doubt it’s a relic, but... if it seems like it could be one, Mr McDonald, I want you to retreat the hell out of there at all possible speed.”
“I want you to find out who’s responsible for this and, if you can, bring them back to me alive. If you can’t - at least find out what they were doing, why they were doing it, and how they got that idiot idea in the first place.”
Sno moaned as she sat up. The world was still spinning as she tried to make sense of what had happened. The globe she had picked up from Miller’s desk was on the floor beside her. Cracked. Dull. Dead.
The lab around her was covered in a fine layer of dust. Everything here had lain undisturbed for quite some time. Not quite as she last recalled. Someone had thrown a sheet over some things, but not all of them. Her body print and the print of the globe were the only signs of recent life.
What did this idiot thing fucking do, Miller? She was still recovering her wits when the door blasted open.
She was used to hearing that from a six-year-old boy adopted by her partner, Avi. He used it whenever he raced into anywhere. This speaker, though, was a grown-ass Humanman of thirty-something. Behind him was a smaller, stouter figure of an older Dwarf, and a slighter figure of a Humanman boy.
He looked a hell of a lot like Angus McDonald... but he’d had a daughter, not a son.
Behind all of them was a puzzling figure. Elven... a Sun Elf. Golden hair, dappled skin. It was the prominent front teeth and the gap between them that made everything click for her.
“How the fuck do you know my childhood eke name?” he demanded.
But... Elves picked their adult names at one hundred. If he was an adult, then Magnus couldn’t be alive and-- “Who’s the kid?”
“Hello, ma’am, I’m Angus McDonald,” he said, and offered his hand.
That was the exact moment that she knew everything was fucked up. It only got worse when they dragged her and the globe back to their Director.
The last time she’d seen Lucretia Clark, she had been bade farewell on her latest day at school. Because she was six years old and still combatting her elective muteness. Sno had kissed her adopted daughter on the forehead and gone to work.
This Lucretia was fifty if she was a day. Regal and authoritative, dripping gravitas from every pore.
Sno couldn’t help but start weeping. “Something’s gone very wrong,” she said.
Old Lucretia cocked an eyebrow that stabbed Sno through the heart and said, “Indeed.”
[TAZ Prompts Remaining: 6]
[Be sure to visit internutter (dot) org for details on how to support this artist]
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scifigeneration · 7 years
How scientists unlock secrets of the universe from deep underground
by Erica Caden
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What do a big chunk of ice at the South Pole, a mine in northern Ontario and a mountain in Italy have in common? They’re all home to extreme underground environments but they’re connected in another, more unexpected way. All three are host to large physics experiments searching to understand and answer the most basic questions about the world around us.
As a research scientist at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Ont., I get the chance to talk to a lot of different people about the work we do. The question often comes up: Why are we doing astrophysics — the study of space and the cosmos — from deep underground?
In particle physics, we long ago answered all of the questions that could be answered through tabletop experiments run by small groups of scientists in small laboratory spaces. Albert Michelson and Edward Morley showed that “luminiferous aether” didn’t exist, using a light source and mirrors on a bench-top stand. Marie Skłodowska Curie discovered polonium and radium in a shed next to the school of chemistry and physics at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, we’re now asking bigger questions — we are looking for the nature of the universe: What gives particles their mass? What kind of particle is the neutrino? What is the rest of space made of? What is dark matter? Bigger questions require bigger experiments, which need bigger groups of people making them function.
The way to answer these questions is not just to build bigger detectors, but also to think carefully about where we put these detectors. So, scientists build detectors deep underground. We use kilometres of the earth as a dense shield to stop the particles we don’t want to detect.
The neutrinos and dark matter that we are looking for are unlikely to be stopped by the rock, so they are free to keep travelling to our detectors. The deeper we go, the more of this shielding we have.
Take for example IceCube, the experiment built directly into the South Pole. Looking for the highest energy neutrinos requires a cubic kilometre of ice to be buried under another 1.5 kilometres of ice.
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The world’s largest neutrino observatory deep under the Antarctic ice, IceCube Laboratory at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, is backlit by the Aurora Australis. (IceCube/NSF/Ian Rees)
If you’re standing on the South Pole, the bottom of the detector is 30 city blocks below you! There are over 5,000 light sensors distributed through this volume, with cables stretching to a surface control building from which the experiment is run.
This project requires over 300 people across 12 countries. Professors, students and technicians are all working on building electronics prototypes, testing techniques to drill into the oldest ice on the planet and writing computer code to analyze all that data. There is no one country, much less one single university, that could supply all the necessary resources.
SNOLAB, Canada’s deep underground astroparticle physics laboratory, is in an active, working nickel mine over two kilometres underground. There is a rich history of particle physics experiments operating in mines, beginning in the 1960s.
Compared to experiments hosted in shuttered mines, working in an active one makes some aspects easier, because scientists don’t need to worry about operating the mine elevator (called the cage) or pumping groundwater out of the mine. But the size of the cage, and the mine tunnels (called drifts) limit the size of items that can be transported into the lab. Overall, the detectors’ increased sensitivity from all of the shielding is worth the effort.
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SNOLAB’s giant spherical neutrino sensor dominates the lab 1.5 kilometres underground in Sudbury, Ont. (SNOLAB)
LNGS, the National Laboratory of Grand Sasso, is a 17.8 sq. kilometres lab in the heart of Italy built underneath a mountain, within a national park, adjacent to a freeway tunnel. This provides an underground space without the logistical challenges sometimes posed by working in a mine.
The hours of access aren’t governed by someone else’s mining schedule, and being able to drive your detector straight into the lab is a definite bonus. But its space is limited, and the 1.4 kilometres of mountain rock above provides less shielding, which ultimately limits the capabilities of the 16 experiments it hosts.
Being in these unusual locations can be difficult enough, but working in large groups provides interesting challenges and international collaborations are the norm for most experiments.
Global collaboration challenges
SNOLAB is home to eight particle physics experiments (DAMIC, DEAP-3600, HALO, MiniCLEAN, NEWS, PICO, SNO+, SuperCDMS) that are managed and run by scientists from 79 institutions in 14 countries around the world. Beyond the physical logistics of doing science, we have the human logistics of working in large groups and across borders.
We have to keep each other updated on the day to day workings of making science happen. This means conference calls, and their coordination.
As collaborations span the globe, Doodle meeting scheduler polls span time zones, searching for the hours that will inconvenience the fewest people. Audio and video conferencing tools that physicists use to communicate with each other abound, including EVO, Uberline, Vidyo, and Zoom. My calendar is peppered with at least two to four calls a day — every… single… week! This can be tedious, difficult, and time-consuming but phone meetings are much better suited for making decisions than infinite email chains.
Beneath the earth and across the globe
Another big challenge is in-person meetings. The majority of collaboration projects get together a few times a year to catch everyone up on what’s been going on. This means that at any given time, most people involved in a project must travel.
A large portion of a group leader’s grant will be spent on travel funds for herself or himself and their postdoctoral researchers and students. Depending on what stage the experiment is in, the meetings might be held at the experiment’s site, or hosted by different collaborating institutions.
These trips can be great opportunities to actually see the project for which you might only be analyzing the data. They also offer a chance to explore another country’s culture while making professional connections with colleagues.
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Regardless of what you are doing in particle physics, filling up your passport is a given in this field. And depending which experiment you work on, you might not just travel across the globe, but into it as well.
Erica Caden is a Research scientist at SNOLAB and Adjunct faculty at Laurentian University.
This article was originally published on The Conversation.
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
How Econometrics Helps Us See the Bigger Picture
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is a subatomic particle detectors are very sensitive suspended two kilometers underground in a nickel mine in Northern Ontario. Shielded from background  Digital Marketing Company Southampton radiation at the earth's surface, which makes it possible to precisely measure SNO subatomic particles are most abundant in the universe, the neutrino.
SNO exemplifies a purely scientific observation: recording of data with limited interference from uncontrolled variables. This valuable data is used to verify, challenge, or improve our theories about how the world works. The pioneering SNO help unlock the mysteries of the Big Bang and the material itself, the project director earning a Nobel Prize for Physics in 2015.
Pure science is as admirable as it is demanding, requiring complicated equipment, sterile laboratory, exhausting peer review / replication, ridiculously educated experts, and financing. Do not let them sexy TED Talks fool you-the real science is difficult, meticulous, mentally-demanding marathon.
digital marketers as scientists With access to an inexhaustible reserve of data, highly skilled resources, and tools such as Adobe's advanced testing and Optimisely Audience Lab, it is easy to see why the modern digital marketers begin to feel like a scientist. It's just a shame that we will never be a scientist. This is not due to a lack of tools, talent, or money, but it we run our experiments on the surface in a fantastic dynamic system and a complex called the economy.
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Women with lab coat looking into a microscope
Most of the data points to analyze today's marketers describe a man tapping, clicking, scrolling, or speaking into the computer. This happens in all sorts of contexts: in shops, in the basement apartment, during a meeting, behind Übers, or when leaving the marketing blog post. And each of these actions can be influenced by the weather, the mood of a person, by the labor market, or with something that Kanye West just tweeted.
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Accounting for these variables not only the next-to-impossible: it disturbing and immoral. But as an industry, we are still trying to be more data-driven due to perform. In this case "move fast and break things" digital era where religious pursuit interference infect virtually all markets, academic rigor needed to be scientifically will always be a bridesmaid for the promise of direct benefit in the performance of the media.
Instead of aspiring to be scientists, we have to start thinking more in terms of econometrics.
What is econometrics? Econometrics is an applied science that extract quantitative relationships (called estimator) in economic data observed. If the interest rate changes by X%, what can we expect to see in a condominium supply in a city? If the gasoline tax increased by Y% and how this may affect an individual's driving habits? Econometric attempts to answer the questions.
Dominoes falling in a row
We never could nail down the relationship is exactly the same, so the game is to use the data available to the estimator uncover reliable (people become more reliable with more data) that will be used in models that explain what we see and produce generally successful predictions.
As digital marketers, we are uniquely positioned to apply the technique library web analytics data microeconometric very granular us. The variables that are not listed or not perfectly observe that bear individual actions (eg, mood, preference, Kanye)? We absorb these factors as a public nuisance or noise in our model.
For those with experience in the subject, so far it seems like a statistical model of the garden variety, is not it? We usually  Digital Marketing Companies Southampton  exclude such factors of our model and rely purely on what is produced in a media platform or CRM database.
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rahbars-blog · 6 years
West Bengal Lecturer Recruitment 2018 Apply Online For 597 Polytechnic Lecturer Posts
The West Bengal Public Service Commission has released a job notification recently. According to the advertisement, the organization is going to recruit best match candidates on 597 Polytechnic Lecturer vacancies. These vacancies are in different departments and in different posts. Job seekers who are living in West Bengal state have a great chance in govt job. To apply for these vacancies, the applicants need to inquire about all eligibility criteria. We have collected all relevant details and written these details here. If you want to apply for West Bengal Lecturer Recruitment 2018 then download the official advertisement first and then check the eligibility.
West Bengal Lecturer Recruitment 2018
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WB Polytechnic Lecturer Recruitment Advertisement Details (No. 24 /2018): Job seekers who want to apply may apply via the official website of WB PSC that is www.pscwbapplication.in. Applications in prescribed format are invited from Indian citizens and such other nationals only. These all posts of Lecturer in Polytechnics are on the temporary basis but likely to be permanent in upcoming time. For more detailed information about the post, vacancies, educational criteria, application fee, age criteria & how to apply etc read this post till the end.
Complete Details of West Bengal Lecturer Recruitment 2018
Post Name - Lecturer in Polytechnics Total vacancies - 597 Posts Post wise vacancy details are as follows. SNo Teaching Discipline Total Vacancy 1 Civil Engineering 82 2 Electrical Engineering 101 3 Mechanical Engineering 102 4 Computer Science & Technology 44 5 Automobile Engineering 18 6 Electronics & Telecommunication  Engineering 40 7 Electronics & Instrumentation  Engineering 03 8 Survey Engineering 14 9 Physics 40 10 Chemistry 28 11 Mathematics 39 12 Humanities 41 13 Multimedia Technology 05 14 3D Animation and Graphics 06 15 Chemical Engineering 08 16 Metallurgical Engineering 10 17 Food Processing Technology 05 18 Architecture 05 19 Mining Engineering 01 20 Mining Survey 02 21 Computer Software  Technology 01 22 Petrochemical  Engineering 01 23 Medical Laboratory  Technology 02 Age Criteria Upper age limit for these vacancies is 37 years for unreserved candidates. For reserved categories, there is a relaxation in upper age is up to 5 years. For SC/ST Candidates of West Bengal state, it is 5 years. For OBC Category (A & B) Candidates of West Bengal, it is 3 years. Persons with disabilities can have the 8 years relaxation in upper age limit. Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the pay scale of Rs. 15,60-39,100 with AGP of Rs. 5,400 Note:- AGP of Rs. 6,000 for those who had done M.E. or M.Tech. degree in the relevant branch for the post applied. Education Qualification: For Engineering Posts - Candidates should have a first class Bachelor's degree in relevant branch from a recognized University or Institute. For Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Humanities - Candidates should have a first class Master's degree in the relevant discipline. For detailed Educational qualification, please refer the official notification. Application Fee: To apply for these posts, Candidates Needs to Pay Rs.210 as application fee via online or offline mode. Online transaction fee should be paid by the applicant extra. If a candidate wants to pay fee offline through bank counter then the bank charge of Rs 20 should be paid by the applicant. Online payment should be done till 13th August 2018. Offline payment can also be made till 14th August 2018 through any branch of Union Bank Of India. However, the Challan should be generated by 13th August only for offline payment. Note:- SC/ST candidates of West Bengal are free to pay any application fee. How to Apply for West Bengal Lecturer Recruitment 2018 To apply for these vacancies, the applicant needs to do it via online mode. To apply online, candidates need to open the official website that is http://www.pscwbapplication.in. There is a section of Latest Advertisements/Announcements. Click on the related advertisement. Read all details in the notification. Now search for Live Application Section on the homepage. Then there is a link to apply. Click on the link and start filling the application form online. Upload all documents needed for this job title. Make payment online or offline. To make payment offline, you have to generate a challan and should be paid it in any UBI branch. Submit the application form and take a printout of it. Important Dates of West Bengal Lecturer Recruitment 2018 Online registration started on 24/07/2018 Last date of registration 13/08/2018 Online payment should be done till 13/08/2018 Offline Challan submission date is 14/08/2018 Exam Date Updated Later Useful Links Official Advertisement Link Detailed Advertisement Apply Online Link Apply Now Syllabus Exam Pattern — Admit Card — Official Web Link http://pscwbapplication.in/   Read the full article
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swissforextrading · 7 years
High-school physicists win chance to run experiments at CERN
One of the teams who won Beamline for Schools 2016 perform their experiment using a CERN accelerator beam (Image: Noemi Caraban Gonzalez/CERN) CERN today announced the winners of its 2017 Beamline for Schools competition. “Charging Cavaliers” from Canada and “TCO-ASA” from Italy were selected from a total of 180 teams from 43 countries around the world, adding up to about 1500 high-school students. The winners have been selected to come to CERN in September to carry out their own experiments using a CERN accelerator beam. With the Beamline for Schools competition, high-school students are enabled to run an experiment on a fully-equipped CERN beamline, in the same way that researchers do at the Large Hadron Collider and other CERN facilities. Students had to submit a written proposal and video explaining why they wanted to come to CERN, what they hoped to take away from the experience and initial thoughts of how they would use the particle beam for their experiment. Taking into consideration creativity, motivation, feasibility and scientific method, CERN experts evaluated the proposals. A final selection was presented to the CERN scientific committee responsible for assigning beam time to experiments, who chose two winning teams to carry out their experiments together at CERN. “The quality and creativity of the proposals is inspiring. It shows the remarkable talent and commitment of the new generation of potential scientists and engineers. I congratulate all who have taken part this year; they can all be proud of their achievements. We very much look forward to welcoming the two winning teams and seeing the outcome of their experiments”  CERN Director for International Relations, Charlotte Warakaulle  “Charging Cavaliers” are thirteen students (6 boys and 7 girls) from the “École secondaire catholique Père-René-de-Galinée” in Cambridge, Canada. Their project is the search for elementary particles with a fractional charge, by observing their light emission in the same type of liquid scintillator as that used in the SNO+ experiment at SNOLAB. With this proposal, they are questioning the Standard Model of particle physics and trying to get a glimpse at a yet unexplored territory. “I still can’t believe what happened. I feel incredibly privileged to be given this opportunity. It’s a once a lifetime opportunity It opens so many doors to a knowledge otherwise inaccessible to me. It represents the hard work our team has done. There’s just no words to describe it. Of course, I’m looking forward to putting our theory into practice in the hope of discovering fractionally charged particles, but most of all to expanding my knowledge of physics.” said Denisa Logojan from the Charging Cavaliers. Watch the Charging Cavaliers's proposal video here (Video: Charging Cavaliers/Beamline for Schools/CERN) “TCO-ASA” is a team from the “Liceo Scientifico Statale "T.C. Onesti"” in Fermo, Italy, and comprises 8 students (6 boys and 2 girls). They have taken the initiative to build a Cherenkov detector at their school. This detector has the potential of observing the effects of elementary particles moving faster than light does in the surrounding medium. Their plan is to test this detector, which is entirely made from low-cost and easily available materials, in the beam line at CERN. “I'm really excited about our win, because I've never had an experience like this. Fermo is a small city and I've never had the opportunity to be in a physics laboratory with scientists that study every day to discover something new. I think that this experience will bring me a bit closer to my choices for my future” said Roberta Barbieri from TCO-ASA team. The eight students from Italy sent their video proposal for their project, A blue light in the darkness (Video: TCo-ASA/Beamline for Schools/CERN) The first Beamline for Schools competition was launched three years ago on the occasion of CERN’s 60th anniversary. To date, winners from the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, South Africa Poland and the United Kingdom have performed their experiments at CERN. This year, short-listed teams2 each receive a Cosmic-Pi detector for their school that will allow them to detect cosmic-ray particles coming from outer space.  “After four editions, the Beamline for Schools competition has well established itself as an important outreach and education activity of CERN. This competition has the power to inspire thousands of young and curious minds to think about the role of science and technology in our society. Many of the proposals that we have received this year would have merited an invitation to CERN.”, said Markus Joos, Beamline for School project leader.   Beamline for Schools is an education and outreach project supported by the CERN & Society Foundation, funded by individuals, foundations and companies. The project was funded in 2017 in part by the Arconic Foundation; additional contributions were received by the Motorola Solutions Foundation, as well as from National Instruments. CERN would like to thank all the supporters for their generous contributions that have made the 2017 competition possible.  http://home.cern/about/updates/2017/06/high-school-physicists-win-chance-run-experiments-cern (Source of the original content)
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
How Econometrics Helps Us See the Bigger Picture
 Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is a subatomic particle detectors are very sensitive suspended two kilometers underground in a nickel mine in Northern Ontario. Shielded from background radiation at the earth's surface, which makes it possible to precisely measure  Digital Marketing Agencies Newcastle  SNO subatomic particles are most abundant in the universe, the neutrino.
SNO exemplifies a purely scientific observation: recording of data with limited interference from uncontrolled variables. This valuable data is used to verify, challenge, or improve our theories about how the world works. The pioneering SNO help unlock the mysteries of the Big Bang and the material itself, the project director earning a Nobel Prize for Physics in 2015.
Pure science is as admirable as it is demanding, requiring complicated equipment, sterile laboratory, exhausting peer review / replication, ridiculously educated experts, and financing. Do not let them sexy TED Talks fool you-the real science is difficult, meticulous, mentally-demanding marathon.
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Women with lab coat looking into a microscope
Most of the data points to analyze today's marketers describe a man tapping, clicking, scrolling, or speaking into the computer. This happens in all sorts of contexts: in shops, in the basement apartment, during a meeting, behind Übers, or when leaving the marketing blog post. And each of these actions can be influenced by the weather, the mood of a person, by the labor market, or with something that Kanye West just tweeted.
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Dominoes falling in a row
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