macaronichewtoyz · 6 months
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I describe trans people as art and the sun.
[Juno (dog) he/him, Skai (fox) he/they/aer]
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doopipe · 26 days
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.hi bro
littlle broesss bors bros
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lamaery · 1 year
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Shard Roller Disco: Sel and Scadrial These two duos had something similar going on, so I decided to let them pose together. Intensely. Music to this? 「あの娘は誰?」とか言わせたい by KIRINJI
More Shard Roller Disco AU: Roshar Nalthis Scadrial 2 First of the Sun and Taldain Threnody Roshar 2 (row spoilers) Roshar 3 Bonus Dawnshard (spoilers)
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twobitsandanibble · 2 years
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"Et tu, Cephandrius?"
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cryomiji · 2 months
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dread and agony
(i drank water and need to pee but im comfy)
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spinjitsuburst · 11 months
BOO! Trick or treat! 👻
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chris-hartley · 3 months
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Happy Pride!!
GUESS WHO GOT A BINGO!!! Hehe. I have been kinda neglecting this challenge a bit cause life got hectic but I'm back with this fic of my Total Drama OC Skylar with his boyfriend Kai (@samgiddings' character). This fic chronologizes their first (and second) kiss, and then their first date! Feel free to follow our blog for these OCs (@teadocs) for more fun moments!
(To hide these posts going forward blacklist #kenziewritespride)
Skylar had opted to skip the party that the people in the program were throwing for New Years and was heading back in the direction of his dorm when he felt a hand on his shoulders.
“Crikey!” He muttered.
“Skylar,” the familiar voice brought a smile to his lips. It was Kai, the guy Skylar had spent a lot of time with during his stay back in Australia.
“Hi Kai,” he looked over, “What’re you doing? Thought you were out with the others.”
“I got a roadie,” Kai held up the two beers in his other hand, “For both of us.”
Skylar nodded, “Well I’m going to hang out in my room.”
“Can I come with you?”
“Yeah,” he nodded.
Kai smiled, walking along with him, “Not really getting on with the other blokes?”
“It’s not that. I’m not much for partying anyhow. Even my friends at home knew I was kinda a buzzkill.”
“I’m sure you weren’t,” he reassured.
Skylar shrugged, “I don’t know.”
Kai nudged him playfully, “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re a great guy.”
He smiled softly, “Ta Kai.”
When they made it back to Skylar’s dorm, the two of them went in. The living situation was pretty nice, Skylar shared a room with a guy named Rocky and the two of them shared a living room and kitchen with two blokes named Hunter and Jack. But all 3 of them were out having drinks to celebrate with the others.
Kai sat down on the couch, flipping on the TV to the New Years countdown which read there was still 30 minutes left. Skylar sat beside him, taking the beer that Kai had gotten him and taking a drink.
“So, you got any more interesting stories about working at the zoo?” Kai said with wonder in his eyes.
On one of the first days, Skylar had gotten paired with Kai for a task which he was used to doing at home so he kinda took the lead on it all, leaving Kai to ask about what it was like to work in an actual zoo and not just the petting zoo he was used to. Skylar had told some funny stories about things that happened and every time, the way Kai’s eyes lit up made him happy so he kept going.
“Well, there was one time I was going to check on the hippo exhibit cause Peter, the guy who usually goes to clean up in the morning was running a little late, and I walk in and one of the hippos had pulled out a huge chunk of the grass we keep out for them and it was just everywhere.”
“A real dog’s breakfast,” Kai chuckled.
Skylar chuckled. His whole family was Australian, but there had definitely been a lot of new terms he’d learned in the 2 months he’d been here.
“So I’m like crikey! What happened here! And I had to go grab the rake and get it all back in the feeding area and I found one of the baby hippos had laid down for a nap in the grass.”
He awed, “A baby hippo.”
“So I just let her have her little nap and cleaned around her,” he smiled.
Kai took a sip of his beer, “That’s a bonzer story, Sky.”
“Thanks. I know you like hippos so I thought you’d like it,” he nodded.
Kai smiled, “So tell me more about your life at home.”
“Like another zoo story?”
He shook his head, “No. Like… What else do you do for fun?”
“Oh,” he shrugged, “I mean I’ve been on Total Drama a couple times.”
“Total Drama? Like… the TV show from when we were little?” Kai raised his eyebrows.
He nodded, “Yeah. They did a reboot of it and I was on seasons 3 and 4.”
“Crikey! That’s so cool! Is it as fun as it looks?”
Skylar chuckled, “It’s kinda fun. But it for sure has its downsides.”
“I bet,” Kai smiled, teasing, “Is that all? No more secret hobbies?”
He shook his head, “No, not really.”
“You… got a girlfriend?”
“No,” Skylar shook his head, “Girls aren’t really my thing.”
Skylar took a sip of his beer, “No. Why?”
Kai was quiet for a second and Skylar followed his glance to the TV. 3 minutes left on the countdown. He looked back at him, raising his eyebrows.
“I think you’re cute, Sky,” Kai explained.
Skylar’s heart started racing and he could feel his cheeks turning a little pink, “You do?”
He nodded, “And if it’s alright with you I’d like to kiss you at midnight?”
“K-kiss me? Is that a thing people do?”
Kai chuckled softly, smiling, “Yeah. You ring in the New Year with a kiss. Doesn’t have to mean more than a kiss if you don’t want it to.”
“Oh,” Skylar swallowed hard, a little nervous as he continued, “Well I think you’re… cute too. But I- I’m not- I haven’t ever dated anyone so I don’t know… I might be bad at it.”
“Not possible,” Kai said reassuringly, “So is that a yes? I can kiss you?”
Skylar nodded, glancing at the clock as it started to count down. His hands got a little sweaty as he watched it.
“Skylar?” Kai said.
He turned to look at him as the people on the TV cheered. Kai slowly leaned in for a gentle kiss. Skylar kissed him back, a little more hesitant. When they broke apart, Skylar smiled shyly. He’d never really understood the phrase for having butterflies in his stomach but as he looked over at Kai he started to get it. 
After they kissed at New Years, Skylar freaked out. Okay freaked out was too loose of a term. He had completely lost his mind. Because these harbored feelings he’d had for Kai came to a bursting realization all at once. 
And it got to the point where he couldn’t even bear to be in the same room as Kai, because the second he looked over at him and caught him looking at him, it was like his stomach flipped and his face turned a bright red. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do, just like he hadn’t really for the entirety of this internship.
He’d made the private decision to keep some distance unless in group settings so he would be able to avoid… whatever that was. And it was going well. Okay scratch well, it was simply going. Kai and Skylar were teamed up to do a project together, which left them spending a lot of nights at one house or the other working on it together.
And that’s where they were tonight. On the couch in Kai’s living room. Sitting in a bout of awkward silence while they individually worked on their parts to this… rather dumb project if Skylar was being honest. There was no purpose, besides making him spend hours in the same room as Kai, trying his best not to make eye contact cause every time he did? Well…
“What do you reckon this has to do with working in a zoo?” Kai asked, looking down at his laptop, “Do you have to pitch ideas for events with the zoo to do?”
Skylar looked up from where he was gluing something on their posterboard, “What? No. Nobody is gonna ask us to do that.”
“Really?” Kai asked, looking at Skylar, “You never pitched stuff for your Canada zoo?”
“I kinda just got told what to do,” he shrugged, feeling his chest tighten as Kai looked at him so he dropped his gaze, “It wasn’t…”
“Interesting,” Kai muttered, looking back at his laptop.
Skylar pressed down on the picture as if it hadn’t already been firmly stuck on the poster, just wanting to do something with his hands while he waited for Kai to print out the words that were supposed to go across the top.
Kai stood up, going over to the printer and grabbing them and for a second, Skylar was alone and felt a bit of relief. He felt like such an idiot. Kai liked him! Kai had liked him enough to kiss him at New Years. And he’d gone and been weird and ruined it all. And now he was completely screwed over. Now he was the one with feelings, and Kai… well… he probably hates Skylar now.
He came back into the room, handing Skylar a pair of scissors, sharp end out. He instinctively went to grab the handle instead of the sharp end, to be safe, their hands touching probably a second longer than they should’ve. Skylar could feel his stomach flip again, his heart racing a little as they made eye contact, Kai’s eyes flicking down to Skylar’s lips.
He took the scissors and started cutting out the letters, putting all his focus on the paper in front of him as he gathered his thoughts. They sat there, the only sound breaking the silence was the dual noises of them cutting out the label for their poster.
“Whi-” Kai started but Skylar’s one track mind and anxiety cut him off.
“Do you like me?” His eyes darted up to Kai’s, trying to gauge his reaction. Facial reactions were always really hard for him to make out. From what he could tell, Kai looked surprised. There was a pause before he responded.
“I- Yeah. Why?”
Skylar could feel his mouth completely dry out as he continued to blurt out exactly what he was thinking, with no filter, “Because I like you. A lot. And I’ve been freaking myself out about it and I’m sorry. But we’ve been sitting here for the last twenty minutes doing this stupid project and all I can think about is kissing you again.”
If his face hadn’t been red when he asked the first question, it sure was now. He took a deep breath.
“Sky…” Kai had an unreadable look on his face.
“So can I? Kiss you I mean.”
A smile came to Kai’s face, “Yeah.”
Skylar set his scissors down, cupping Kai’s face in his palm, taking a calming breath as he shut his eyes and leaned in to kiss him. And while he’d been nervous up until this moment, the second he felt Kai kissing him back, the nerves melted off him.
As they broke away a few moments later, Skylar cleared his throat, “Uh. So what now?”
Kai chuckled, “What do you want, Sky?”
“I’d… like to maybe go on a date. Would that be okay with you?”
“That would be more than okay with me,” he smiled, “Should we get back to the project?”
Skylar chuckled, “Maybe.”
Skylar stood in front of the closet of his dorm in Australia, staring at the clothes hanging in it. He had a date. A date. One that he initiated! That still blew his mind. How had he gained the guts to do that? He barely recognized himself.
He pulled out one outfit, looking it up and down. It was cute enough, right? He put it on, standing in front of the full length mirror hanging on the back of his door.
He was startled as a knock came from the other side, “Sky?”
“Can I come in?”
“Uh, yeah,” he nodded, opening the door to spot his roommate Rocky standing on the other side, a bottle in his hand.
“I heard you have a date tonight,” he seemed a little surprised.
Skylar nodded timidly.
“Do you wanna wear some cologne? Chicks dig it.”
His face went bright red and he shook his head.
“You sure, mate?”
“I’m sure,” he swallowed hard, “I don’t think I’ll need it.”
“Alright then,” he patted him on the shoulder, “So how’d you meet her?”
The more Rocky spoke the more he realized nobody here knew that he was gay, except Kai. Shoot.
“Work stuff,” he shrugged his hand off.
“Work stuff. What? Is she in the program?”
“Something like that,” he bit his lip.
Rocky’s face lit up, “Well crikey! Who is it? Poppy? Riley?”
“Uh,” just as Skylar was about to admit it, the doorbell rang, “I’ll get it.”
He went to open the door and Kai was standing on the other side.
“You ready?” He grinned at him.
Rocky came up behind Skylar, “Kai, mate. You come to see Skylar off for his big date?”
Skylar’s face turned bright red.
“Big date, huh? You’ve been telling people about it?”
“I didn’t te-”
“I heard it through the grapevine,” Rocky said confidently, “Apparently it’s someone in the program.”
Kai, playing innocent, smirked. Skylar cleared his throat.
“So um. I’m gonna go on the date. With… Kai,” he said timidly.
“Oh is it a double date?”
Kai chuckled, “No.”
“OHHHHHH! You two are…”
Skylar nodded, wishing he could disappear.
“Well, I hope you two have a good time. See you later, Sky. Kai,” Rocky nodded.
“You ready?” Kai asked again.
Skylar walked awkwardly alongside Kai as they headed over to the restaurant he’d picked out. Why he’d picked it out he couldn’t for the life remember because this walk felt like it was going on forever. Was he sweating? Oh god he was sweating. He hoped his deodorant would hide anything. He should’ve taken the cologne offer from Rocky after all. Kai probably was thinking-
He looked over at Kai, who seemed to be on cloud nine, walking peacefully. How was he so calm about this?!
Kai’s gaze turned to Skylar and his eyebrows furrowed, “You alright, mate?”
“Mm? Yeah. Fine. Uh. We’re just about there.”
“Crikey,” Kai said jokingly, “And here I thought you were gonna ask to hold my hand.”
Skylar’s face turned bright red, “Uh- oh- um, is that something people do?”
“Yeah,” Kai nodded, continuing to walk, “But we don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Skylar stood there contemplating what to do before he quickly walked to catch up with him, taking Kai’s hand in his. He turned to him with a smile, squeezing Skylar’s hand.
“I took that as a hint. Hope it’s alright.”
“More than alright,” Kai nodded.
When they reached the restaurant, Kai opened the door for Skylar, letting him walk inside. Skylar cleared his throat as he approached the hostess.
“Table for two. Under the name Witter?”
“Right this way,” she smiled, leading the two of them to a booth in the back.
“Two barramundi tacos?” the waitress said, carrying their plates over to them, setting them in front of them.
“Ta,” Kai nodded.
“Thank you,” Skylar smiled at the waitress, starting to pick up one of the tacos.
Kai did the same and they both took a bite.
“Mm,” Skylar moaned, nodding, holding a hand up as he chewed, “This is good.”
“See! I told you you’d like it. It’s an Aussie staple,” he grinned.
Skylar chuckled, liking how happy he was. It was cute. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach acting up. He took another bite, happily chewing.
“So, um, what else do people do… on dates?”
Kai raised his eyebrows, “Have you never been on a date before?”
Skylar blushed, looking down at his tacos, “Uh… no…”
“Oh,” Kai cleared his throat, “Sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“Because I guess I just- you probably should’ve had a better first date.”
Skylar looked confused at him, “What? What do you mean a ‘better’ first date?”
“You know…”
“Kai I really don’t,” he started wondering if he was stupid and hesitated slightly before continuing, “I like you, Kai. A lot. As far as I know, unless I missed some major thing, that’s all you need for a good first date.”
“You like me a lot?”
Skylar fought the knot in his throat, “I do. So I’m having a good time. With you, eating these really good tacos.”
“Would you wanna do this again sometime then?” Kai asked, a smile on his face.
“If you want to,” Skylar nodded, “I wasn’t really sure… how you felt about me.”
“Mate, I’ve liked you for a while. I just didn’t think you were on the same page as me,” he chuckled, “But that definitely clears things up.”
Skylar chuckled softly, nodding.
Kai walked Skylar back to his dorm, leaning against the railing of the decking, “So… tonight was a lot of fun.”
Skylar looked down at his hands, which were running along the seam of his shirt, “Kai?”
Skylar looked up at him and took a deep breath, “Would it be alright if I kissed you goodnight?”
Skylar timidly stepped closer to Kai, shutting his eyes as he leaned in to kiss him again. Once again his stomach was filled with butterflies as Kai leaned into the kiss.
A few moments later, they broke apart and Skylar nervously licked his lips, “Uh. I guess I’ll see you at work tomorrow?”
“You will,” Kai nodded.
“Goodnight Kai,” he turned to open the door to his dorm, but then quickly turned back to kiss his cheek before going inside.
Kai chuckled, surprised, “Goodnight Sky.”
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apfelskaiart · 3 months
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Stitch Day (2024)
Happy Stitch Day and Pride Month. There's no better time to be true to yourself and to those you love. Also no better time of year in the north for beach activities with your favorite Hawai'ian gremblin! - ApfelSkai.art via PostyBirb 💙
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crossonover · 4 months
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Kai x Skoochy
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onlycosmere · 2 years
Lotus: Can we get any pronouns for Aona and Skai?
Brandon Sanderson: Aona is definitely a she/her. I’m gonna go she/her with both of them, so you can talk about them accurately.
That’s how I picture them currently in my head. I have not written those books yet, so it’s subject to change, but I have she/her for both of them.
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macaronichewtoyz · 6 months
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me when im cute boy coded
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hider-n-friends · 2 years
For the mun from a curious anon: What got you into Minecraft askblogging of all fandoms? Is it an interest in a certain type of Mob? Inspired by a veteran mcaskblogger? For fun/curiosity? Or something else? Thank you!
Well.. It started back in Middle School for me!
I had taken an interest in Minecraft as a kid, and upon looking at fanart I inevitably stumbled upon the askblog fandom. Seeing Endy and the others for the first time sparked an interest for me! Though I didn't make an askblog back then, I did make an Enderman OC named Skai, and had a lil' mock "askblog" via a notebook and asking my friends if they wanted to ask him anything! (I also did this with non-MC OCs, lmao)
While he's not an active character of mine anymore, he still lives on in a way, as Ammo was my method of 'reincarnating' Skai before his story became a little more developed (albeit my continuous hiatus doesn't show it that much)
Here's the Ender himself <3
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Fast forward to 2021, and my interest in delving back into a bit of nostalgia sent me back into the askblog side of Tumblr, where I saw an ad for the MC Askblog Discord server. An opportunity to meet some of the artists that I had looked up to in Middle School was a click away- but I didn't have an actual askblog.
So Hider and Spooks were created! And thus I was able to delve into the server and further into the community. Albeit it was initially for a chance to talk to my childhood inspirations, I had been given a different outcome- one I wouldn't trade for the world.
I found myself within the midst of a welcoming and stunning community full of talented artists and blooming stories. I grew genuinely invested in my characters and began to toss together a story for them (as messy as it was at the start ^^") while becoming engrossed in others' tales and characters. I met new faces, talked, theory-crafted, laughed, drew, roleplayed, and watched as my art improved alongside so may others. I had made a cozy spot in this fandom, one that I continue to enjoy dearly.
Not only that, but I've become surrounded by cherished friends and memories alike from my stay here, and I look forward to meeting them all in person one day! Heck, maybe one day, I'd become the same inspiration to somebody else...
So I'd say I wound up here from a mix of several factors! Inspiration, love for the silly 'lil Minecraft mobs, storytelling, art... A little bit of everything, really.
I hope my answer is sufficient, and I want to thank this fandom and community for being so kind hearted and welcoming! I look forward to continuing to make my place here <3
- Luci
Some bonuses for this long read:
My first drawing of Hider! Drawn on February 5th, 2021. Damn, Hider's over 2 years old now!
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And the first concept drawing of Spooks! Made on the same day <3
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mirelurkkeki · 2 years
My Courier Six Skai ✨
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She’s my hotshot babe. She lost her memory so she has no idea how much lore I gave her. (I promise her and Boone care for each other, they just like to bicker.) ((open for better quality))
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cryomiji · 2 months
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skai cat
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meldritchhorror · 2 years
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Were-Creatures 🐺🌕✨
The sfw versions of several "Full Moon" commissions from 2021! the rest of this batch is too spicy for tumblr 😔 Skai, phoenix turned werewolf: He/Him Mervyn, werefox: They/Them Cas, weredog: He/Him
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chris-hartley · 3 months
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Happy Pride!
This prompt partially came to me from @samgiddings for our Total Drama OCs Skylar and Kai (aka Skai) and the prompts: Road Trip / Proposal! Hope you enjoy and for all fun little updates regarding these two, do check out our blog @teadocs hehe.
ALSO! This fic comes with a playlist to go with it :D Check it out here <3
(To hide these posts please blacklist #kenziewritespride)
“BABE,” Kai said excitedly, looking down at his phone.
Skylar looked up at him from where he’d been busy curating an Instagram post documenting the trip he and Kai had taken to the Zoboomafoo anniversary experience.
“Noah Kahan is going on tour!” Kai seemed excited as his eyes scanned the dates, and his face dropped, “But he’s not coming to Adelaide.”
“Who is Noah Kahan?” Sky looked at him confused.
Kai’s jaw dropped, “I can’t wait to introduce you to him. You’re gonna love his music.”
And sure enough, a few moments later, a twangy guitar came from Kai’s portable speaker, the guy’s vocals singing, “As you promised me that I was more than all the miles combined, you must’ve had yourself a change of heart like halfway through the drive.”
Skylar stopped Kai with a simple hand raised, “Wait. What’s this song called?”
“Stick Season,” Kai responded, confused, “Why? Do you know it?”
“No,” Skylar searched up the lyrics on his phone, “Lyrics. Can’t hear.”
“Do I need to turn it up?”
“Audio processing issues,” he shook his head.
Kai nodded, “Is that why you don’t listen to music that much?” Skylar shrugged but then waved his hand for Kai to restart the song and let it play once he had Genius lyrics pulled up in front of him.
“And I love Vermont, but it’s the season of the sticks. And I saw your mom, she forgot that I existed. And it’s half my fault I just like to play the victim. I’ll drink alcohol ‘til my friends come home for Christmas.”
Skylar nodded along as the third chorus came on, finding the song rather catchy.
“I like it,” Skylar smiled softly, “Do you wanna go see the show?”
“It’s in Melbourne… or Brisbane… Or Sydney.”
“And? We could take a little road trip to one of them.”
“Babe, that’s a minimum 8 hour drive to Melbourne.”
Skylar didn’t seem bothered, shrugging, “Then I guess we don’t have to.”
Kai nodded, looking downcast but accepting it wasn’t meant to be this time.
SKY: Come outside.
KAI: I’m about to leave for work.
SKY: I called in a favor. You’re off work this weekend.
KAI: What?
SKY: Just come outside. Please.
Kai came out from the apartment and spotted Skylar not in his work uniform (despite him supposed to be working too), standing in front of a van.
“Hi love. Get in and get changed,” Skylar opened up the van’s sliding door to reveal it was a converted van and there was a stylish outfit Kai had never seen on a hanger inside the van.
“What are we doing?”
“It’s a surprise. Get changed. Get in the passenger seat. We’re going on a trip.”
“A trip? To where?”
“It’s a surprise. Is that okay?”
Kai chuckled, his face lighting up, “More than okay. Let’s do it.”
Skylar got in the driver's side, plugging his phone to the aux and queueing up a playlist of every song Kai had shown Skylar in the 4 years they’d been dating. He’d been carefully compiling it, not sure why he’d ever need it, but then this impromptu road trip came to mind and it was a perfect time.
The first song that played was a Wallows song, “These Days”. Skylar nodded along to the music as Kai got in the passenger song.
“I need to know if you’re feeling it or I’m wasting my time. Your way or mine?” Kai sang along.
“You ready?”
Kai nodded, beaming, “Take us away, my love.”
First stop was Stirling, a meet 20 minutes from Adelaide, the two of them pulling up outside the Aldi.
“Snacks,” Skylar announced as they pulled up.
“I was hoping we weren’t dressing up to go to an Aldi,” Kai joked, getting out of the van and heading inside.
Skylar chuckled, taking Kai’s hand in his as they walked inside, grabbing snacks and drinks for the drive. Skylar let it slip they’d be driving for a while and to stock up on stuff for the ride.
They checked out, heading back to the van and getting in.
Skylar stuck his drink in the cup holder and smiled, starting up the music again. This time, a funky piano with Valley’s vocals came through the speakers, “I always thought I’d meet the one at a record shop or something fun.”
They pulled back onto the freeway and Skylar grinned as Kai looked out the window, shimmying as the chorus hit.
“Love,” Skylar chuckled, “You should probably take videos of this trip. To look back on.”
“Oh? Okay.” Kai took out his phone, recording the road and then the two of them.
“Oh shit, are we in love?” The singer’s voice said and Skylar mouthed the words, leading to a chuckle and a kiss on the cheek from Kai.
“We are,” he reassured the video before turning it off.
More song and more driving, seemingly in the middle of nowhere at this point, Kai asked again, “Where is it we’re going?”
“To Melbourne.”
“You’ll see,” Skylar said, keeping his mouth shut, motioning with a simple zip.
“Sky,” Kai chuckled.
Skylar pretended his lips were actually zipped shut and spoke muffledly.
“I love you.”
Sky unzipped his lips to say, “I love you too,” before zipping them again with a chuckle.
Kai got comfortable in his seat and drifted to sleep.
“You feel like city lights, apple pie baked just right. Home is wherever you are tonight.”
Skylar glanced over at him and sighed peacefully. He was reminded of a poetry book of Kai’s he read one time. Most of them were things he never felt so he didn’t understand them. But this one came to him again at this moment. And it finally made sense.
Driving the road in the middle of the night,
Not a car in sight,
My world asleep in the seat beside me.
It’s moments like this that make life worth living.
I take a picture, worth a thousand words I could not write.
Skylar wished he could take a picture of it, but he was okay that it would just exist in his mind forever.
The road sign Skylar was following said Melbourne. Kai stirred, rubbing his eyes, “Melbourne? Sky, love, why are we going to Melbourne?”
He shrugged, continuing to drive.
Sure enough, they went into the city, pulling up to The Forum. The sign outside said: “NOAH KAHAN” in big letters.
Kai’s eyes lit up, “WHAT?!”
“Surprise, love.”
“H- wh- Skylar!” Kai reached across the car once they were parked, hugging Skylar tightly.
Sky hugged him back with a grin, kissing his temple, “Is it a good surprise?”
“A great surprise. Thank you.”
Noah stood on the stage, introducing the song Everywhere, Everything and Skylar took a deep breath. He’d memorized every song from his discography and done research to find out which songs were played at the concerts every night.
“I wanna love you til we’re food for the worms to eat, til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours.”
Skylar took Kai’s hand, squeezing it. As Kai looked over at him, Skylar sank down onto one knee, a nervous smile on his face, “Surprise again?”
Kai gasped, “No way. SKYLAR!”
“Will you marry me?”
Kai’s eyes welled with tears as he nodded, “Yes. YES!”
The people surrounding them cheered as Skylar slid a ring onto Kai’s finger. He stood back up and kissed him happily.
The rest of the concert they were inseparable. And when they returned to Adelaide, everyone at the zoo congratulated them.
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