parisakamali · 4 years
there's so much going on yall im losing my shit i can't document everything
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broodygaming · 4 years
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My dumbass attempt at getting a cute photo, haha
Wheezy is such a good boy <3 he doesn’t care in the slightest.
The chick was less amused lol
#farming#dogs#he has toddlers climbing all around him all day his tolerance level is SKY high#when he first met a chick he sniffed them and kinda looked interested and i ‘ah ah!’ at him which i almost never do#he ducked away and was like ‘oh shit sorry note taken’ and has never bothered one since#when we had rats he’d chase the rats (he’s old and doesnt see well so he was never v successful lol)#and i was always amazed at how he could totally tell that This squeaking thing was BAD but These other chirping things are GOOD#if he wasnt like 10 and slept all day id use him more as my farm dog#as is he’s a great companion and loves to tag along#but i need a ‘sleep in the goat pen spend most day outside working’ dog and he’s old and gets sunburnt hahaha#he loves the kids sooo much#he sleeps with them or with the 15 yr old or on the corner couch thats His couch (its gross)#he’s a white red nosed pitbull ‘purebred’ but idk man the dude who bred him was a fool#and Wheezys dad apparently was constantly trying to kill Wheezy and Wheez was just in a room all day alone#the dude asked my brother if he could try and take him and give him a home#my brother said yeah but they just had a baby and if Wheez aggresses at all he’s gotta go#needless to say he never did never has#and Wheezy was my nephews first word!#my sis in law said when they had him and were still figuring him out and whether to keep him#she was outside calling him and he wasnt coming and she was frustrated#and my nephew (like 2? at the time) repeats her and goes ‘Shweezy!’ and Wheez came running hahaha#loves the kids so much#he’d die for them i know it in my heart he’d keep them safe from anything#but he’s the very definition of all bark no bite#he’s got a VERY loud impressive chest bark#and is objectively massive and very scary looking#he has bad skin issues that he’s on medicine for but he still gets red spots and hot spots#and let me tell you this rough looking 120 lbs pitbull is very intimidating to be barked at by hahaha#we live out in the middle of no where and people get robbed around here often#he’s a fantastic deterrant while also not being a liability
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jaychirps · 3 years
Other then Albert I watch game theorists and Cg5
Big big fan of Charlie.(cg5) amazing funny dorky nice dude. Really reaaaally wanted to go to his concert. Saved up money for tickets and everything! Just didn't have anyone to take me *sheds a silent tear*
Love his music.
But Albert and charlie have inspired me si much tbh. They've helped me come out of my comfort zone and be more confident(oh nooo this turned into a rat)
OH- I watch game theorists (and by extension, film & food theorists) too! Another user I like watching is a guy called The Theorizer, most known for his insane Mort from Madagascar multi-part theory :D
I always do a double take when I see Charlie simply because he looks freakily similar to one of my best irl friends (yea, thats you @binkmoi)
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
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so here’s my conversation with my friend, @guide-to-the-galaxy, as i and a sibling of mine watched the Lone Rat and Cubs episode.
spoilers: i didn’t like it, this is pretty short, and basically just a lot of dissatisfaction with canon.
so. me and my lil sis are watching the lone rat and cubs thing rn
already i am dragging it hardcore
Ive been so out of the loop i honestly forgot to watch it😂😂 my bro did but i was asleep
I’m only 3 mins in. I’ll tell you what quality it is as I go
okay so splinter /knew/ there were weirdo inhuman guys looking for them above ground all these years, but didn't think to mention that to his kids even once???
Not very responsible:////
not liking the designs for the turtles at all
they are Bad
very bad
Ugly alien boys
extremely so
jeeeez master splinter used to be hardcore
what happened to that????
He got lazy and depended on his sons to fight his battles
yeah basically
great parenting skills dude, shove all the babies inside a cardboard box
I heard he thought they were pets like bruh theyre making baby noises they aint turtles
Not the pet kind anyways
also: do the people who make this show know anything about fucking kids???
i helped raise three of them, this ain't how kids act
at all
Omg is it that bad😂😂 i have to see this misinterpreted version of bbys
i'm screaming
this is terrible
Ohhh noo😭😭😭
Splinters dialogue or the weird noises these kids make?
the kid noises AND kid dialogue
and would it have really killed them to get child actors to play the kid versions of the turtles?? are they /really/ that low on funds?
this isn't A) how kids talk and B) how kids SOUND
Yeah it just sounded awkward in the previews I hated it
i can't even enjoy the growing fatherness to splinter
its overshadowed by the horribleness of the turtle tots
😂😂😂 i neeed to watch this
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*kill bill sirens*
splinter's kid gets hurt and he LOSES IT
that’s at least something to his new parenthood
Aw well thats nice
"still full of fury, i see" - splinter @ his month old son, raph
but like
He's a baby
Babys cant...
Idk like i know thats just supposed to try and characterize but
jfc none of these people know ANYTHING about children
yeah and he just recieved a lifelong scar injury to his chest- the crack- right after getting run over by a fucking shopping cart and falling down at least twenty steps-
and raph just laughs??
this is not how babies work, my dude
They cry if they trip
Let alone get hit by a cart
i hate this so much
also: splinter has exactly no legs to stand on about lecturing raph on his temper, seeing as every time he's fought in this ep he's had like
Severe Angry Eyes
and goes overkill p much each fight
yes splinter let your babies play with your deadly ninja weaponry as you run full tilt mid battle
good dad behavior
and then he has an internal monologue moment WHILE THEY'RE STILL BEING PURSUED to think about how he wants to be a master and a dad
and how he might get a second chance now
but like
Oh no writers what are you doing???
its sticks out to me that he says "master" before he says "father"??
its kind of telling about his character tbh
He just wanted kids to fight his battles
sensei before father is pretty much the gist of this series' splinter and i hate it
now he's lost his kids in the sewer nice
He had one job
splinter why is it suddenly so hard to lift One shopping cart UNDERWATER??
physics are fake as it turns out
nice to know
okay, sure.
why does the sewer connect directly into a train station exactly?
that's...  not supposed to happen
i would not want a sewer thing to connect into my subway
oh god
he assigned them all weapons based on what they played with as fucking babies
not on how their individual skillsets work as actual students as they got older
to leo he says: “The katana. A royal samurai weapon for those with courage and keen skill.”
to raph he says: “The sai. For a fierce and fearless warrior, who will always fight the hardest for his family.”
to donnie he says: “The bo staff. For a thoughtful soul, and a peaceful heart.” (idk about that last comment but okay)
and to mikey he says: “The nunchaku. Because…. uh….. *audibly sweats* they are perfect for you!”
everyone else gets something spiritual blah blah blah and mikey's told that??
fuck this. they can’t even give him this, when the family situation wasn’t utter shit.
and.... that's it. that's the episode.
so. mutual agreement between me and my sib.
this sucked.
Its just
It could be so good
But its just not
no it is not. :///
and all this, after we had such solid eps with usagi??
*deepest sigh of all*
well. here's to hoping the vampire arc soothes the hives this episode gave me.
one last thing:
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i hate the turtle tots so much
they look like fucking muppet puppets.
i’ll probably see them in my dreams tonight. taunting me with my sins and telling me how i’ll die.
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these are good boys i’d protect with my life.
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these are gremlins i’d run over with my nonexistant car.
thanks nick.
excuse me while i go grab a drink. i have to wash this whole disaster out of my system by force.
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