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AshtonIrwin: 5 minutes till stage-time
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danieyells · 3 months
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@2flowerz also asked for Lyca so
NOW WITH 100% MORE DOGGO LYCA. HE IS DEFINITELY A HUMAN AND NOT A WEREWOLF. He is trying very hard to be a human. I love him very much. . . .
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"...You again. Where're we going today?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hey, you got letters. Don't you have to read them? Oh, don't you know how?"
he understands if you can't read, man. neither can he.
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"You smell sweeter than usual today... Stop. Go away."
after learning that the pc is going to turn into the anomaly that cursed them any sort of 'you smell nicer than normal' feels like such a threat lmao
"You want to touch me? Fine. Ten seconds and that's it."
that is more than enough my good sir
"When I find Neros, I wanna prove I've been getting along with humans. Then he'll definitely let me live with him."
considering he related the term 'neglect play' to what Neros did to him. . .I'm not so sure. . .and if Neros was as old as he sounds like he was, I wonder if he's even still alive. . . .
"Hey! Moth-eaten Casanova! Where'd you go? I'm gonna show you my special move today."
"special move" in Japanese is 「必殺技」 or 'lethal move'/'killer technique', usually unique to a person or fighting style. Not sure if he wants to show Ed how cool he is or try and kill him lmao--
"This phone thingy they gave me keeps making noises and making me jump... Why do I gotta carry it everywhere? It's scary!"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Mnn... Let me sleep... Don't touch me... Zzz..."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Laws, school regulations, anomalous law... Manners, morals, rules... How're you s'posed to remember all that?"
man i wish i could tell you. . .i've mostly got the morals in order, that's basically just 'don't do harm to others' when you get down to it. laws are about 50% 'don't do things that may endanger you or others' and 50% bullshit. the rest you're kinda on your own with.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Urgh... My skin's crawling... Moon must be gettin' round soon..."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"At first I was sad 'cause I got put in a different house to Suba, but all kinds of stuff happens here every day so it was fine."
awww he was sad because he doesn't get to see Subaru as often but he's not bored so it's alright! glad he's comfortable ;u;
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"H-Hey, don't come so close! Somethin' about your scent makes my stomach feel weird!"
WE'RE ONLY ON AFFINITY 5 DUDE YOU CAN'T BE CATCHING FEELINGS THIS EARLY it's probably because he's scared of girls or something lol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I didn't do anything wrong! Those guys were saying mean stuff about me 'cause they thought I couldn't hear. All I did was yell at them."
I hate how they won't even let Lyca defend himself verbally. . . .
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I don't mind classes. The teachers say cool stuff. Once I learn to read the textbooks and the notes and the blackboard it'll be perfect."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"There was this big noise in our practical class and my ears popped out. Everyone ran away screaming. Damn it..."
wow they're cowards if the ears alone scared them. . .how're they supposed to deal with anomalies if that scared them!?
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"This? It's a picture book, duh. How come you don't know that when you're a human? I study with it before bed, everyone does it."
I wonder who made him a picture book of all the things he'd be learning as a first year to study with. . . . . .or maybe it's just a generic picture book lol
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"This blanket's not trash, it's just dirty. I can't sleep without it, so hands off."
he really loves that blanket huh. it must be one of the only things he had from his childhood or from being looked after by neros. . . .
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"What's a "so-shul skill"?  That blond gigolo was talking about them. He said I don't have any. Is that a good thing?"
he's got social skills!! Just. . .not very human social skills!!!
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm starving... I wanna eat Sho's food, but I can't order it without Suba... Wait, you can read, right?"
Lyca slowly realizing how many people he knows can actually read and thus can help him with placing orders for delicious foods--
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"That moth-eaten Casanova's in his room all day so I tried to take him for a walk, but he locked his door and ignored me. The hell?!"
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"That stupid blond gigolo ran off with my blanket. I'm not done sleeping yet..."
tbf your blanket is filthy. . .and I get it, it's what you've got and it smells familiar but. . . .
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"I can't get back to sleep... I'm gonna wake up that moth-eaten Casanova for a walk."
lyca is a dog scratching at your bedroom door with his leash in his mouth like 'yes it is time for walkies now rise human'
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"The teacher asked us to name an anomalous plant you can eat but when I did he said humans can't eat it. So what? I can, so I'm not wrong."
I AGREE WITH HIM HE SHOULD NOT GET THAT MARKED WRONG. if you only want a human applicable question say 'humans' not 'you.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"In the last place I never knew what time it was and I pretty much just slept all day. Now I gotta get used to having a "roo-teen.""
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm drawing. If I draw all the good stuff and bad stuff that happened every day I won't forget about it."
if he could write he'd keep a diary but since he can't write he's keeping a picture diary. . .and he's a really good artist according to his character story, so it's probably a pretty faithful recreation of whatever happened that day. i'd love to see his picture diary. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Huh? The blood on my bed? ...It's nothing. Don't touch my stuff, you're gonna get your smell all over it!"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"...Did you cry? Your scent is all squeezy. How come?"
smelling you sad makes him sad too so tell him why you're feeling sad and he can make the sad go away?
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I wanna go to the cafeteria, but the teachers won't give me my pocket money. They said I'll get "spoiled." The hell does that mean?!"
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"That moth-eaten Casanova told me humans like it if you ignore them sometimes. Something about playing hard to get? I'm gonna try it tomorrow."
I wonder if that has anything to do with Subaru's home screen chat where he wonders why Lyca hasn't messaged him back. . .he's trying to play hard to get because he thinks it'll make Subaru like him more. . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'll stay here and be quiet at night, even when the moon's not round. 'Cause you're tired, aren't you? Go sleep."
even if he doesn't have to stay or even if he wants to make lots of noise, he'll stay and be quiet so it's easier for you to fall asleep. He won't be loud and you don't have to worry about him! so sleep tight!
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Sleep here. Huh? Is there a law that says we can't sleep together? There's not, is there? Hurry up and lie down."
it's pretty much innocent. . .he just wants you close by. . .being able to smell you while he sleeps would probably make it easier to fall asleep. . .feel safe and familiar and everything. . . .
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I'm gonna work hard... I'll gonna work so hard, they're gonna say I can live with humans forever..."
Lyca, despite being a werewolf, is a lot like Kaito in that he just wants to be a normal human. Except he never started as a normal human, so he has a bit further of a distance to go to become one. . .he's not a dog, he doesn't wanna be a pet or an animal or anything like that. He wants to be a person like everyone else. But it's hard when others reject him, and when everyone says they think he's too dangerous even when he hasn't done anything wrong. Other ghouls--other humans--do way worse stuff than he does, and yet he's still held to a higher standard. It's not fair. But he's working as hard as he can to catch up. . . .
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"That blond gigolo tried to wash my blanket! He's never coming in my room again!"
he does not like spring cleaning--
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Lately there's flower smells everywhere, but sometimes there's one that kinda smells like you."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Harurin kept nagging, so I went to the safari park. Not gonna lie...it was super fun."
I love that Lyca uses the nicknames Rui uses for some people lol and I bet he loved running around Jabberwock!!! All that fresh open air and the wildlife. . .he's a wolf at heart really and truly.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Cherry blossom petals are super fun. They're like, whoosh, then they fall everywhere. I wish our house had some."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Urgh... My head...it hurts... This? It's shaved ice. The blond gigolo told me to eat it so I don't get "heat eggs-aw-schun.""
oh buddy you're eating it too fast. . . . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I was just in that moth-eaten Casanova's room and it was so cold I thought it was gonna snow! Is he secretly a yeti?"
okay it was only 63 degrees in there it wasn't THAT cold Lyca.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm gonna go practice swimming at Harurin's place. Can you do other stuff besides doggy paddle?"
I can't swim at all so. you are miles ahead of me my friend.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I know I said I always wanted to do sparklers, but... you sure this's okay? I thought we're not s'posed to play with fire!"
canid instincts are kicking in--fire BAD and SCARY and DANGEROUS. ABORT MISSION.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"I just tried to join in with some guys playing with a ball, but they said I don't know the rules and told me to go away."
THEN TEACH HIM THE RULES god they're such jerks around here.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Blond Gigolo was makin' this massive fire near the garden just now. It smelled all burnt and sweet... Is that some kinda ritual?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Finished my picture. That Romi guy who comes to the bar all the time said he wanted one, so it's for him."
Romeo does like fine things. This just goes to show how good of an artist Lyca is! I bet Romeo's gonna frame it and put it somewhere people can see lol or maybe just keep it in his room. . .that or he wants to see if he can get him to make a forgery and profit off poor Lyca--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Moth-eaten Casanova said humans like looking at the moon... D'you get sad if you can't see it?"
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm gonna go play at that big ice castle after class! Huh? 'Cause playing in the snow's fun."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Mm, I don't really feel the cold. Humans get warm when they run around too, don't they? Race you over there! "
he is having so much fun in the winter ;;;;; just running around and playing. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"My fingers have been gettin' all tingly and stiff and my hair's all crunchy! What's up with that? "
maybe playing in the snow a little too much lol--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"How d'you drink hot drinks so quick? They always burn my tongue... Huh? Dogs have sensitive tongues? I'm a wolf, not a dog..."
His birthday: (April 19th)
"Oh right, it's my birthday. Neros told me my mom wrote down the date."
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday, right? No, I only know 'cause that blond gigolo was yelling about it. ...Here's your present."
I bet he drew something really nice or found you something really cool ;3;
New Years: (January 1st)
"Hope you have a happy and prop...props... prosp...prospinous? new year... Damn it, I practiced that for ages..."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Oh, thanks. Professor Nicolas said I can't eat chocolate, so I'll give it to Casanova and Gigolo!"
why would you even risk giving him chocolate in the first place lmao. . .also in Japanese he says "I'll share with those two idiots" instead of "casanova and gigolo" lmao
White Day: (March 13th)
"This is for you. I dunno what kinda stuff human girls like, but Suba helped me pick it, so it's prob'ly fine."
Subaru knows girls' tastes is Lyca's logic I guess lmao Subaru is a lil on the femme side comparatively--
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Why's everyone being so mean today?! Telling lies and laughing at me... They're all jerks...!"
please explain the day to him. . .people are mean enough to him as it is. . . .
Halloween: (October 31st)
"My ears and tail are out? I know, I'm doing it on purpose. The moth-eaten Casanova said it's okay today."
THE ONE DAY HE CAN BE HIMSELF IS HALLOWEEN BECAUSE NO ONE WILL THINK ANYTHING OF IT. . .they'll just think it's a cool costume or maybe a fox robe! And he'll get candy for it!!!
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Hey, look! When I got up this present was next to my pillow! Santa really came..."
WHO TAUGHT HIM ABOUT SANTA. . .AND WHY. . .then again Romeo said Santa's reindeer is real so. . .it probably isn't actually harmful to teach him about Santa since Santa's probably somewhat real here. . . .
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...I'm going for a walk."
(13 affinity and above)
"Hey, you alive? Huh, you're breathing so I guess so."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"How come you stopped coming? Do you hate me? It made my heart all squeezy, so don't do it again."
oh no sweetie. . .sometimes we just have to take care of things and disappear without wanting to. . .sometimes life gets in the way instead of finding away. . . . . . . .
JUST. . .SWEETEST OF SWEETHEARTS. HE'S SO CHILDISH AND ADORABLE AND SWEET AND GOOD. . .I WILL USE MY TEN SECONDS OF PETTING TIME WISELY. He really does try harder than anyone, he's so determined and I believe in him so much. I want my boy to be happy.
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oreolemur · 5 months
A Maid's Dream Come True- Sebastian Michaelis Fanfic
Working as a maid of Ciel Phantomhive, you found yourself having feelings for the boy's butler, Sebastian. "He's so hot", you drool. You followed the demon around every chance you got, hoping he would notice you. Because you weren’t a clumsy maid, like Mey-rin, your efforts for the demon butler to look at you were slim.
Cleaning up in the kitchen, you gazed over at the door, getting a glimpse of Sebastian. “Huh? Where is he going?”, you grinned. Putting away the cleaning supplies, you quickly hurried along, following behind discreetly. “What matters does he have in the guest room?”, you questioned, watching him enter the room. “I have to get a closer look…of him, of course”, you giggled. Tiptoeing to the entrance, you poke your head in slightly. 
"Why have you been following me?", Sebastian hissed. Getting caught by him standing right in front of the door, you jumped. "N-no reason. I was checking to make sure things were nice and tidy", you smile nervously. "Huh!", his crimson pupils bore into you. With a smirk, he replied, "You've been looking at me, haven't you?". With your reddened face, you tried to stammer out a reply but were interrupted by Sebastian, "You want my attention, is that it?". 
Gulping down another lie, "Me? No way! I'm not a stalker. It's not like I'm desperate to have you touch-". Quickly covering your mouth, you feel embarrassed. Staring at you with a sly grin, he walked closer and reached for your mouth, taking away your covering. With a soft smirk, he looked into your eyes and said, "I think you're trying to tell me something", his fingers slowly running across your face. Shaking your head rapidly, "No!", you yell. 
As you turned to run away, all you felt was Sebastian's tight embrace. "Oh, you think you're going to get away that easily?", he smirked. His hands tightened around your waist, pinning your body and arms to him while pressing the side of his face against you. “What the hell?”, you shrieked, feeling his warm body against you. “Oh, a strong reaction. Looks like I'm onto something", he chuckled. "You really are... cute, aren't you?", his crimson eyes slowly trailed you and back up to meet your frightened gaze. Sebastian softly lifted your chin up, "Look at me.", he commanded. 
Doing so, you blush. "I-I really need to finish cleaning". "May we do this another t-time?".  "I wasn't asking your permission", his lips curled into an amused smile. "But, since you're so cute...", he paused, "I'll allow it", his eyes wandered down once more before his lips met yours. Pulling you into a deep, passionate kiss, Sebastian's hand ran along your back as he held a tight grip on your waist. "Mmph", you moaned. His lips were soft like feathers. Letting you go, Sebastian whispered something into your ear. His hot breath against your throat sent shivers down your spine. "Meet me here", he said, his mouth almost grazing your neck. "Midnight tonight”. "Yes, sir", you reply, stuck in a daze.
Seeing Sebastian walk away, you zone out for a few minutes. "I can't believe what just happened". You couldn't help but replay the vivid moments in your head, your mouth moving silently to retell what had transpired. Sebastian's hands on your waist and your lips in a deep, fiery kiss. “He touched me….”, you paused. “HE TOUCHED ME!”. Doing a small happy dance, you remembered something. “Oh right, I’m not done cleaning”.
After cleaning up, you decided to make preparations. You would surely make yourself presentable for Sebastian. You were determined to make sure he found you attractive at midnight. “I definitely need a shower”, you huffed, wiping away the sweat from your forehead. “That’d be embarrassing if I smelled bad”. Removing your clothes, you set them aside as you headed towards the servants’ washroom. “What a long d-”.
Suddenly, you stopped, surprised to see Sebastian standing in front of one of the sinks, naked. "Oh, what a surprise", he chuckled. He watched you staring at his naked body and grinned. "Like what you see?", he said while his hand traced across his chest, his muscles tight. Sebastian took in your reaction before saying, "You may join me if you'd like. I'm sure we both need to clean up before midnight," his voice was like honey, a sensual draw which demanded your attention. “Fuck, fuck,, fuck!”, you internally scream.
Walking over to one of the unused showers, you turn on the water, ignoring him. Watching you, Sebastian smirked before following you in and closing the sliding door behind him. With your back towards him, he grabbed you by the waist to turn you around, "I'm sure I can persuade you to share the shower with me...", he winked at you, his words dripping with flirtatiousness. Pretending not to hear him, you proceed to reach for your washcloth to bathe.
As you began scrubbing your body with the washcloth, the demon took the opportunity to admire your form. With his eyes running a trail up and down your curves, he began to move closer.  "You know," his voice was low and sultry, every word making your body shake. "There's a much better way to get clean", he stepped forward and gently pressed you against the tiled wall. "A better way?", you questioned. "L-like what?". 
Sebastian chuckled darkly as he replied, "You don't really need a washcloth, do you?". Grabbing your hand that held the washcloth, he slipped it out of your hands, and onto the floor. “Now look at me”, he said seductively. Turning around, you did as told. His hands ran across your face before they moved down your body, his caress making you shiver. "I'll make sure you never need a washcloth again”. Gasping, you felt him rub your cunt’s lips. “Open”, he demanded, staring into your soul with his lustful eyes. Spreading your legs apart, the butler played with your clit, gently massaging it. 
Trying your best not to moan, you bite your lip. “I don’t want us to get caught”, you thought, shutting your eyes. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”, the demon asked, leaning into your ear. Slightly shaking your head, you didn’t want to use your voice to answer him. “No? Well it surely doesn’t seem like it”, he chuckled. Moving down to your neck, he licked the water off your skin, wettening it with his saliva. “You have pleasant skin, little maid”, he commented. Feeling your cunt get wetter, he inserted two of his fingers in you. Letting out a small whine, “Sebast-”. Covering your mouth with a kiss, Sebastian stuck his tongue inside. “It’s so warm and slick”, you blush. 
“Cum for me”, he whispered, penetrating you harder. You grab his arm, grinding against it as your forehead rests on his chest. “I’m close”, you whimper. Smirking, the butler said, “No need to rush. I have all night”. He kissed your forehead, feeling you shake with ecstasy. As you came on his hand, you climaxed so hard your knees began to feel weak. “I can’t stand much longer”, you pant. Holding you up, Sebastian lifts you, placing your back against the wall. “Don’t give up just yet”, he said. “I’m just getting started”.
He kissed your neck, slow and passionately. Taking a handful of his soft black hair, you run your fingers through it as he begins to mark your neck. The sound of your moaning flooded the washroom. “I don’t care if we get caught”, you say to yourself. “I need this….I need him”. Giving you one last hickey, Sebastian kissed your cheek, then moved to your lips. Making out with you, the butler slid his hand down to his cock, positioning it near your cunt’s entrance. He gently and slowly thrusted into you, making you moan in his mouth. He pushed his lower half upwards, causing your breasts to jump.
“Harder…please”, you beg. Satisfying your needs, he pounded you harder, adding more speed to his thrusts. The two of you make sweet love to each other, feeling one another’s body heat hit your torsos. “I’m gonna cum”, you say. Hearing you say that, Sebastian stopped, putting you down. “What are you-”, interrupting your speech, he took hold of your waist, turning you around.
The demon pressed you against the wall once again with your back facing him. His hands travel to your ass, giving it a small squeeze. “You have a soft bottom, little maid”, he said, right before slapping it harshly. You wince in pain, making him force your legs apart. “Sebastian?”, you call out. Giving you his attention he replied back. “Yes?”. “Can we keep this a secret?”. Sebastian smirked before speaking, "This is just our sweet little secret". He placed a hand gently on your face and said, "I promise, nobody will know,” he whispered into your ear. "Not even your master".
Sticking his fingers in your mouth, he held your mouth open, while he thrusted back into your pussy. You sucked on his fingers, having drools leak down from your chin to your breast. Feeling his digits wet enough, he averted his attention back to your clit. “You’re so good with your hands”, you moan, face pressed against the tile wall. He went deeper and faster, making him grunt beside your ear. You felt his warm breath hit your neck. “I never want this night to end”, you thought. “I finally got what I wanted”.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
five more minutes | luke hughes
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summary; I liked this song so it’s a song fic!
Eight years old, couple cane poles sittin' down by the creek
Lines in the water watchin' those bobbers, seein' that red sun sink
Mama's on the porch yellin', "Supper's hot, y'all come and get it"
We yelled, "Five more minutes"
“y/n, luke c’mon you too! Dinners getting cold!” Ellen shouted down the yard to the dock where you both sat watching the fish.
“Five more minutes mom!”
“You can come back out after but you’ve gotta eat!” She demanded and the two groaned, standing from their sports and marching up the garden to the table where everyone else waited for them.
“About time, I’m starving!” Jack moaned, finally able to eat his burger.
“Yeah we had to wait for you Lukey and your girlfriend” Quinn taunted.
Their dad gave both of them a stern look “Knock it off you two, you’re making poor y/n uncomfortable”
You smiled, burger in hand and ketchup smeared on your cheek “It’s okay I’ve got brothers too and they suck also”
The two choked on their food and Jim let out a laugh “She’s funny, I think she’ll fit right in here”
After dinner it was getting dark.
“Mom we’re going down to the dock again!” Luke announced
“I don’t think so you two, it’s late and y/n sweetheart your mom will be wanting you home soon”
“five minutes? Please mom?” Luke begged
“Okay five minutes and I mean it! No chancing it remember you’re still only eight young man” she kissed his forehead and let you go.
At sixteen it was 12:03 standin' at her front door
Katie's dad said midnight, but we needed just a little more
Yellow light flippin' on and off, interruptin' that goodnight kissin'
We wanted five more minutes
“Twelve o’clock you return my daughter Hughes” is what your dad said when luke picked you up for your date.
“Yes sir, twelve o’clock like the past eight years we’ve been friends” he made a playful jab but your dad didn’t laugh
“Well you weren’t dating her then, it’s different criteria now”
Your date was perfect, he’d taken you to the fair and it was just carefree. It was very You.
Luke landed you on the porch at 11:57, before the cut off.
You stood in front of him on the porch, hands cradling his “I had a lot of fun tonight, thanks Lu”
“Anything for my girl” he smiled, brushing the hair from your eyes behind your ears.
You watched his eyes as Luke’s head slowly dipped down and right before he was going to kiss you…
the porch lights began flickering
You both groaned simultaneously
The door opened and your dad mumbled “twelve o three kid, you’re late”
“Five more minutes sir?” He almost begged and you gave a pleading look.
“Fine but I’m deducting ten the next time you take her out!”
At eighteen, turned my helmet in and walked to the fifty-yard line
Just the coach and me after we lost eighteen to nine
And I cried, "Man, next time to get in here, I'll have to buy a ticket
Can't you give me five more minutes?"
They had returned from Florida, unsuccessful once again.
Everyone was moping around and making calls — the calls. Mackie and Duke never even left Florida, Luke and Eddy had to pack their stuff in a box and ship it out to Florida.
Luke found himself at the brunt end of phone calls from Jack, Nico, the organization. He just wanted to breathe.
He found himself in Yost on a Friday night all alone.
He sat in one of the seats, it felt weird he’d never sat here before.
He stared at the ice thinking of all the memories; his first goal, his team, his first hattrick.
“It’s weird to sit alone in the dark you know?” Your voice broke him out of his thoughts, turning to see you on the concourse.
“What are you doing here?”
“I had to grab my camera from the media room I’ve got an interview with Mackie tomorrow about signing that I need it for” you explained, sitting in the seat next to him and dropping your head onto his shoulder.
“Whatcha thinking about?”
“The next time i wanna get in here, I’ll have to buy a ticket” he mumbled.
“I’ll get you in, media perks and all that” you joked and he chuckled only lightly
“I’m serious y/n, I feel like I wasn’t even in college two seconds now suddenly everyone’s trying to pull me out I just need five more minutes!” He snapped, frustratedly sitting forward.
Your hand rested on his back and you kissed him shoulder “You’ve got all the time in the world baby, I’m here when you’re ready”
He looked up at you, eyes red and strained “Can we have five more minutes?” He looked towards the ice and you nodded.
You both took off downstairs and got on skates before headed off doing calm laps of the ice, hand in hand.
“I wish we were kids in the dock again” Luke grumbles, turning to face you and skate backwards.
You smile “We gotta grow up sometime kid”
The lights turn on and catch both of your attention. Reggie, the cleaning guy stands ice side “you kids gotta go!”
“Five more minutes?” You ask, a soft smile on your face and he shrugs “Only five! And because you’re my favourite!”
please give us five more minutes?
You sobbed and sobbed into his hoodie, gripping onto him for dear life “Baby I’ve gotta go”
“No not yet” you cried.
“You said that last time, I promise you it’s going to be fine” he pulled you away from his body and looked you in the eyes “you’ll be in jersey with me in no time”
You pouted, sniffling “just give me five more minutes”
“My flights boarding” he states, checking his watch.
You lean forward, wrapping your arms around him and sniffling into his chest “I love you Lu, I’m so proud of you”
“I know love, my biggest fan always but I do really have to go” he urges, pulling you away from his body and holding your face.
You lean up and kiss him before mumbling “You’ve got to walk away now Luke because if you don’t I won’t let you go”
“Okay I’m going” with one last kiss
You step back under Mark’s arm watching Luke walk through the airport and begin crying again. Mark rubs up and down your arm “He’ll be great y/n”
“We just needed five more minutes”
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but daddy, i love him!
jj is not fond of y/he new boyfriend.
tristen was toppers son. he was a kook. kooks and pogues didn't mesh, as jj tried to warn y/n
"uhh daddy?" 16 year old y/n asked through the halls of the chautue, coming from a long day at school.
"he's in his room" john b muttered, not looking up from the tv screen infront of him.
"oh ok" she but her fingernails and titled through the house, like she was getting a midnight snack, even though nobody was out to get her
"daddy?" she asked shyly looking through the crack he had left from the hall to his room
"what's up" he smiled, putting down his phone to focus his attention to y/n
"uhhh... I gotta tell you something" she tucked a start piece of hair behind her ear as she looked down to her shoes. "I don't know if you'll like it, daddy" she bit her gotten lip
"your scaringme, what's going on" his smile faded into slight anger and worry
"i-i um... I'm dating someone..." she started
"who?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows
"uhhh... tristen?" she said in an asking voice
"tristen thornton?" he confirmed
she only nodded her head
"y/n what have I gold you about that family?!?" he yelled, intresting the rest of the pogues "do you know what his dad did to your uncle?!? I thought I told you enough times!"
"b-but daddy-" she whispered, wiping her tears. she hated it when he dad was mad, especially when it was to her
"do you want to see the scars?!?" he continued to yell, pointing his finger to her
"daddy..." she cried but quickly got cut off again
"no lets go see those scars, come on" he grumbled, grabbing her hand, taking her to another room
"daddy, I've seen them but he's not like-"
"NO! Y/N let me talk!" he yelled, letting go. "you are not to be around that boy"
"but d-daddy" she cried
"you won't ever see him ag-" he started as he paced
"but daddy, I love him!" she screamed, cutting him off
"no, you dont mean that" he mumbled "AND WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT YELLING AT ME"
"your such a hypocrite, ypur lottery screaming in my face right now" she sobbed
"im the parent! you dont-" she cut him off by turning b her heels to walk away
"y/n, I'm sor-" he said, following her. he felt super guilty. she had a point. he went to grab the back of her arm to talk to her
"no daddy! you don't get it! just because you and topper don't get along doesn't mean we cant!" she cried back after turning back around to face him. neither one of them had yelled at each other like they did today.
the rest of the pogues went outside to give them space, even though they wanted to know what was going on
"I'm going surfing" she muttered after the long silence.
"you can't go alone, y/n" he grumbled, continuing to walk behind her
"I'm not a three year old, dad! I can make my own choices!"
she grabbed her stuff and walked oit of the chautue
jj noticed her bike was gone and rolled his eyes. he got on his own to try to find her at the beach. she had left her phone at the chatue so he wouldn't be able to track her
he thought on the way to the beach. maybe trusted wasnt like his dad, as long as she's happy, ect.
he hopped off the bike and walked onto the beach. "y/n?" he called. he walked down further, not seeing her anywhere. "shit" he mumbled.
he spotted her bike, so he knew she was here. "y/n?" he called out again, until he spotted her and tristen nuzzled up together on the beach, lookingbout to the ocean. he sighed in relief
"I love y-" Tristan started before he saw jj next to him "uh uh hi sir" he quickly stood up "i-im uh tristen" he stuck his hand out for a handshake but jjs arms stayed crossed
"daddy" y/n huffed, rollingher eyes "its fine, just leave us alone"
"y/n we need to talk" jj spoke sternly. by that time, tristen hand was in his hair, messing with is as he did when he was nervous
"can this wait?" she asked, looking up to him from the sand she was sitting on
"just come over here" jj motioned her over with his finger, stepping away from tristen.
"sorry babe, ill be right back" she whispered, giving him a little kiss on his shoulder
tristen sat back down in stress and played with his hair
"y/n..." he started
"yes daddy?" she looked at him with puppy dog eyes
"look,if he make you hap-" she started squealing
"thank you daddy! I love you!" she squeezed him in a hug
"but if he breaks your heart, dont expect me not to break his neck, got it?"
"yes daddy. thank you" she cheered
"be back by 8. and no funny business you too" he gave tristen the I've got my eyes on you look before he got back on his bike.
she sat back down and cuddled with tristen
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wyvchard · 3 months
Maybe it's a trick of my mind
Agent Phoenix stays overnight in a supposedly haunted location.
"I'm sorry you have to stay in this dreary place, agent." A man with auburn hair handed Phoenix a cup of coffee. "I have to admit I feel honored that the agency assigned you to this."
"Thank you. The agency wanted me to take it easy for a while. I have to ask though, what were you doing earlier?"
"Ah, I was just cleaning up some papers. It is quite rare that the agency sends me a living agent. Usually, they're pretty dead."
It took a few silent seconds for Phoenix to connect the dots.
"Was it too dark?" A wry smile graced his face as a subtle blush grew on his cheeks. "I do apologize if I made you uncomfortable."
"I-it's fine, Sir. It's just... It's night. I forgot I'm in a funeral home." Phoenix felt themself blush upon hearing him laugh.
"Don't worry about ghosts. I'll deal with them. Just call for me, alright?"
Phoenix nodded, watching the man leave for the hallway.
"Agent, I'm take it you've settled in nicely?" Reginald spoke from their earpiece, having heard the conversation.
"Yes. But this place gives me the creeps."
"... I think any place with corpses would have that effect, Agent."
"I was told that there are ghosts here."
"I wouldn't exactly dismiss the paranormal and supernatural. We did encounter aliens."
"... Thank you for that." They took a breath, noticing the wall lamps that lined the dreary room as they leaned back on the swivel chair. "How's things from your end?"
"Nothing I can't handle. Don't worry about me. Remember your mission."
"Yes. Yes. Make sure he's safe since our last welfare check showed that he got injured by something and keep an eye on any possible Zoraxis activity or security risks to make sure no files about the agency gets leaked outside the place."
Their conversation was cut short when they heard a clang out in the hallway, followed by a few select curses and laughter.
"I'm going to shove your sleeping body in a casket for that!"
Phoenix chose not to head outside, hearing footsteps approaching their location.
The man from earlier had a smug grin as he entered inside. "He wouldn't really do that, don't worry. The one yelling is Johannes, my companion in this place."
"... Mr. Veris, I never thought you'd be the type to pull jests like this." Phoenix narrowed their eyes at him.
"At least I don't put guns in mailslots. Hm?" Mr. Veris cleared his throat. "It gets a bit boring here. Usually, the ghost here is me pulling a prank."
"...And the other times?"
"Johannes does get back at me." Mr. Veris chuckled, fixing his tie that was left crumpled after his brief sprint to Phoenix's location.
An hour passed by with little incident, the only things of note were the lights flickering occasionally.
"It's nice to see that the agency cares about us still." Johannes' voice filled the hallway as they walked around to make sure the place was safe.
"... What attacked him?" Phoenix looked at the young man who was wearing suspenders and a bow tie.
He shook his head. "I doubt you'd believe me. But... some things randomly float in this place. For some reason."
The pair stopped, their shadows long from the dim lights that lit the hallway. They had darkened the benches outside each chamber that would house mourners.
"That's not really something new to this place, right?"
Johannes handed them a flashlight. "Here. Midnight causes the lights to have issues for an hour or so."
"Thanks." Phoenix appreciated the gesture, even if they can use their implants to see.
The striking of the grandfather clocked announced the arrival of the next hours and along with it, darkness.
Johannes was gone.
"Well, Agent, this is certainly shaping up to be one interesting night."
"Zip it, Handler Sir."
"Johannes? Mr. Veris? Where are you?"
Phoenix was walking around with their night vision as they spot something from the corner of their eye.
The pair stayed silent as they turned around. Yet, there was no one there when they used the flashlight.
"Agent, please tell me I wasn't the only one who saw that."
"... I saw it too."
"You certainly didn't have a nice night. What happened?"
"Mr. Veris, is this place actually haunted?"
He only laughed as he served breakfast. "If it was, do you think I survived long enough in this place?"
"... The truth was... I was the one who beat him. He wanted to live out his younger days as a field agent. He forgot how senile he'd gotten." Johannes spoke up, coffee being swirled as he took a sip.
"Hey. That's not very tactful of you."
"But the agent needs it to file the incident report. You finished looking around for any flaws in our security last night, yes?'
Phoenix only had a wry smile as they nodded before they ate breakfast.
"On your way back, agent, please go to a Zoraxis store or a base. Doesn't really matter. Just don't immediately go home."
Phoenix pauses as they swear that Mr. Veris' irises were pink.
"The board of directors will not be happy if you hid the fact their top agent got haunted within your care." Johannes crossed his arms as he sighed.
"We dealt with the ghost, didn't we? They'll be fine. But just to be sure, we'll let them haunt a Zoraxis location." Mr. Veris shrugged as he compiled the paperwork inside the folder. "Speaking of, did you really have to tell them you beat me?"
"You aren't really getting any younger. Besides, it is true."
"Listen here, you little-" he took a sharp breath. "It's fine. I will not stoop to your level. You. Are. A minor annoyance. Not worth considering at all."
"Keep telling yourself that. You are by far, the worst boss I ever had."
Mr. Veris merely looked at his assistant with narrowed eyes as he drank the rest of his coffee. "But I am also the best boss you ever had, Johannes."
@ghostlystarwanderer, I finally wrote the personality of the third plushie clone. XD Johannes' boss likes messing with people.
@phoenix-and-found-family, This is why Agent Smitten doesn't like the funeral director much.
@the-one-and-only-043, just messing around with my OCs.
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m!a: Delusional, for Asmodeus!
Oz starts randomly seeing Mammon everywhere he goes for the next two days.
Enjoy your jump scares my king.
//m!a oh my fucking god that's awful! I love it XD Espeically with my Ozz it's fucking terrifying for him so let's get into it, just gonna do a short thing then I'll post something in the morning as like a status for him XP Asmodeus was not having a good night, he was woken up in the middle of the night by one of his employees due to some urgent paper work that came in last minute,, The clock having struck midnight not long ago as he worked away at it as a rainstorm poured outside, dressed in a dark magenta robe and a deep blue gown underneath, resting his head on his hand as he wrote what he needed too, before an odd glow entered his perphiral vision, oddly a simalir shade to what his mouth and eyes emanated, eyes looking up from his paper and his heart nearly stopped at the grin only a few centimeters from his face.
Looming over him was the grinning sin of greed, his green teeth contorted into a grin that seemed almost impossible with a bone structure of any sort, pulled into a uncomfortable looking crescent shape, ever dressed in his green and yellow Jester attire, just silently grinning down at Asmodeus with his four claws pressed down on Lust's desk that made getting up and trying to move past him a seem like a bad idea, the blood draining from Asmodeus's face along with any sentence he could give, stammering in shock before lightning flashed outside, and just like that Mammon was gone without a trace
"M-Mammon!..." Asmodeus yelled out getting out of his chair, eyes darting around before landing on his balcony, seeing the familar three pointed sillouette making He said before rushing over to throw the doors open, but with another flash the figure vanished, making him growl "Wh-What are you doing here!? You can't be here! I made sure you couldn't!" The sin yelled clutching his suddenly aching head, before throwing his hands up sending a blast of fire out, revealing the barrier encompassing the entire skyscraper penthouse, invigorating even more so, likely to the poing it'd hurt bad if anyone activated it, though only one could agitate it, even if it's effectiveness seemed to questionable right now....
but he just huffed with a swish of his robe before he went back inside, rushing out of the room, nearly knocking over an Succubus walking down the hall, letting out a yelp drawing Ozz's attention to her "A-Asmodeus! What's got you in such a rush boss?"She asked, noticing the fear and panick on his face "Mammon."
"Mammon! Did you see him? He was just here! He snuck into my office and was just grinning at me then he just vanished! Where'd he go?!" He asked desperately, deeply flustering the poor Succubi "Uh.. no sir, I haven't seen anyone but you tonight, I'm sorry..." She said bashfully, before he sighed "It's fine Venus. Just... nevermind. Go... Go home, I'll handle what I need to but don't stay on my part... I must just be tired" He said, massaging his temples before walking on, leaving a very confused woman in his wake "Okay...?"
After that he went to check on Fizz, still asleep and safe luckily, but just in case he put an extra secure ward on him to keep him that way, but Asmodeus couldn't bare to try to sleep, swearing he could hear his laughter along with all the glmpses of green and lime his peripheral was giving him. The slightest strange brush of his gown against his body or sensation against his tail feathers making him jump, pacing around before making his way to one of the lounges, lighting the fire with a snap of his fingers, summoning some cushions to lay on in front of the fire. His fire, something he had control of when he did not feel safe for the first time in centuries, eyes apprehensive about closing for fear of seeing that grin again. Just seeing in front of that fire alone, almost desperate to make it stay that way while wanting the opposite as well.
He couldn't bother his employees, with this, and especially not FIzz, he was just tired he told himself, and he jsut wished he passed out into a dreamless sleep soon, curling into a ball slightly as his heart beat wildly...
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Been a while since I did this (RSC edition)
(Have random quotes to flesh em out)
Danielle: I fail to see what this has to do with me. Or rather, I am beginning to see, but I’m hoping I’m totally wrong.
Juliano: You might want to begin to prepare yourself for disappointment.
SMG-1: Do all of our friends have weird emotional issues?
SMG-2: Eh... Cory's probably fine.
Anna: I know what might cheer you up! Some gossip!
Dusty: I hate gossip. Gossip is for the weak.
Dusty: What's it about?
Danielle: Mandy, there’s no reason to yell.
Mandy: I have two brothers. There’s always a reason to yell.
Typical business tycoon: Whatever it takes to keep you out of my hair.
Cory: …Sir, you’re bald.
Cory: I'm Cory! And this is my dog, Midnight!
Midnight: Sup.
SMG-2: Aw, it's nice to- Did that dog just talk.
Midnight: Woof. Or something.
Juliano: Stay out here.
Mandy: I can't stay out here by myself!
Juliano: Sure you can!
Mandy: What if someone tries to take me?
Juliano: Who would want you?
Cory: You can’t hurt me cause I’m a minor!
SMG-1, chasing him: Yeah, that’s called a minor offense!
Danielle: This is a two man job.
Dusty: *looks at Cory*
Dusty: When is Juliano showing up?
Anna: Do you think your father likes me?
Dusty: My father literally begged you to marry me.
SMG-2: Comparing you and Mandy to -1 and I is like comparing apples and oranges.
Juliano: We’re both unique in our own ways?
SMG-1: Apples are superior in every way, and all oranges should be eliminated.
Juliano, trying to practice with the SMGs: To the left!
SMG-2: Take it back now, y'all!
Juliano: Is this about the grant I took from the bank?
Danielle: You took a grant from the bank?!
Mandy: Real smooth, Jul.
Danielle, looking at the RCS crew: .. who let a bunch of clearly troubled young adults run a circus? And why am I getting attached?
Juliano: Making those people laugh is impossible.
Cody: You admit defeat?
Juliano: Yes. They're the black hole of comedy.
Mandy: Hey, Anna! How are you?
Anna: Moving from one crisis to another as elegantly as I can.
SMG-1, to SMG-2: Have I ever told you how beautiful you look contemplating violence?
SMG-1: So, wait, why aren't we allowed to see Juliano at the moment?
SMG-2: I've got a great video idea and everything!
Cory: Well...
*shouts of pure rage coming from Juliano's office, all along the lines of 'fuck the IRS'*
Cory: It's tax season..
SMGs: Oh..
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Chapter One, Part One: Tony Gunk, Vampire.
Ask yourself, how far can somebody fall from the moral peak?
Midnight, the full moon illuminates the city, but brighter burns a fire somewhere downtown.
Orange flames rise from a building set alight.
“Brocc and Kind Authentic Italian Pizzeria”
reads the sign- until it's eventually swallowed by flame.
In the parking lot, on his knees, is a man named Richard Kind.
He knows why this happened. He knew the falling-out would ruin the business.
But he never knew how much it would ruin him.
“Come in and try our new red sauce! Our pizza's on the cheap but we never cut corners on quality.”
A chipper man in a suit, sporting a bowtie and bowler hat, smiles on the tv screen. His gravelly New York accent is too familiar around these areas.
“Our red sauce is to die for! Its unlike anything you've ever tasted!
We make our pies with the spirit of Italy in our hands, and our hearts- to bring you the most authentic experience you can get! Better ingredients? Well that makes better pizza! I'm Tony Gunk, of Tony Gunk's Authentic Italian Pizzeria, at 426 Carver Avenue.
Thank ya so much for your time.”
The cheerful tune of the advertisement fades as it rolls into the next.
Something about his genuine mustachioed smile, not just put on for the camera- makes you feel like maybe today or tomorrow, you'll stop in, give it a shot. It might beat having Domino's again.
“Alright, champ! You're gonna be overseeing the rest of the staff today! We've got a popular food reviewer or blogger, or something coming in soon. I'll be here, of course, but i need to split the load, ay?” Tony smiles.
His newest addition to the business, only two weeks in, can't help but respond eagerly.
"Of course, sir! You can count on me."
With a content nod, Tony walks back into the kitchen.
On the walls of the small hallway are small plaques. “Grand Opening” a small picture reads. It shows all of the staff present the day the pizzeria opened. Every staff member in sight- except Tony.
Another reads, “Employee of the month: Todd” with an accompanying picture.
Tony opens the kitchen door, walking through to the bathroom to wash his hands before getting to work.
He sighs and relaxes, scrubbing his hands with the warm water and soap.
“Cleanliness is close to godliness, heha!”
Tony chuckles at the sentiment, and dries his hands.
Looking up to the mirror, “Ah yea- I miss that old face.” After a humble moment of admiration, it's time to get to work.
“Welp- better get cookin’!”
The door bell rings, “Well, hello there!”, says the sharp dressed man crossing the threshold.
“Hiya, what can we get started for ya?”, asks Todd, from behind the counter.
“I'll take, um.. Three slices with olives and pepperoni, please.”, the man says with a smile.
“Sure thing! Take a seat anywhere, and we'll bring it when it's ready.”
After a moment, Todd takes a step to the kitchen window, and yells, “Tony! New order!”
“I got it, Todd!”, comes a cheerful shout from Tony.
“Oh! So the owner is in the kitchen?” said the gentleman. Todd was sure this must be the reviewer Tony was talking about.
“Yes sir! He holds a deep respect for the business, he's here all day. Oh, I'm sorry, can i get a name for your order?”, Todd responds.
“Consider my hopes raised, then. Name's Broccoli."
"Say- I know this is out of the blue, but you wouldn't happen to have seen a stray around here recently? A lost dog? Should still have her collar on.”
Todd, writing down his name, replies; “Euh- no, I'm sorry.. I'll sure keep an eye out for one though!”
"That's okay. I live nearby, actually, and my dog got out a couple night's back, ysee- I have a poster here with my number in case ya find her.” The man says, standing to slip a paper across the counter before being interrupted by a yell from the back.
“Order for Broccoli!”, shouts a gruff voice.
Todd nods, slipping the paper to the side, then grabbing the tray to hand to Broccoli, “Here you are, sir.” 
"Thank ya, son.”
Another yell follows from the back,
“Hey Todd! Get back here for a minute, wouldn't ya?”
Todd hurries in, and Tony meets him by the entrance to the kitchen. He places an arm around Todd's shoulders, and walks him over to the freezer.
“Say? You heard anything about a missin mutt?” Tony asks, an oddly cheerful tone in his voice.
“Yeah, actually the man who just ordered was-”, Todd is interrupted as Tony chimes in,
“It's not usually how i complete our unique red sauce but uhh- he's a special one.”
“Wait- are you gonna show me how to make it?”, Todd asks enthusiastically.
“Ah, well, uh- Yeah! But, like i said, it's not my usual method, so you wont get the full lesson just yet! Heh-”, Tony laughs as he guides Todd to the door.
Tony gives the freezer door a pull. Their sausage, pepperoni, ham and other assorted meats lay in tubs and drawers. Along the wall are hooks for the other ingredients; Some hooks are unburdened, others weighed down, covered by black bags concealing what's underneath.
Todd asks, “So what's all that hanging on the wall? How do we incorporate that into the pizza?”
“Oh well, let me take a bag or two off! Make sure to shut the door behind ya, first!” Tony says, noticeably excited.
“Im already getting a little cold, haha! Aren't you?”, Todd asks, shutting the freezer door behind him.
“Oh, me? Nah.”
Tony reaches for the first bag. They all seem to be hanging so long, they meet the ground; Most of the bags must be about 5 to 6 feet long. Except for the one Tony pulls off the hook, closest to the front of the row. It's much shorter.
Tony grins as he quickly zips open the bag, throwing the zipper flap backwards to reveal something that Todd... could never have predicted.
"This was the special ingredient for that fancy reviewers' slices!”, Tony exclaimed, with a tone of obvious glee.
“No way-”
Todd stands, feeling more frozen than the meat and ice surrounding him. He stares, wide eyed at the emaciated and frozen remains of a dog, hanging from the meat hook. Attached to its' body runs wires that are no longer connected to whatever device they were clearly intended for. The dog's eyes and cheeks are sunken in, its' body and skin shrunken, and wrinkled.
When enough time passes for Todd's gut to clench as a warning, he starts to speed towards the freezer door, only a few feet away. He has to get out.
“Hey, c'mon!”, Tony yells from behind him.
In a moment as he reaches for the door handle, he glances backward to see- no one. He's stopped in his tracks, however. When Todd flips his head back to the door, Tony is already there, mere inches away, facing him. Todd stumbles back, further into the freezer, nearly slipping on a patch of ice in his path. His legs start to shake as his eyes map the room, desperately seeking another way out.
Tony pushes a grin onto his face, looking only a little impatient.
“Todd, c'mon! You're employee of the month."
"Somebody else has to start picking up a little slack here-", he sighs before continuing.
"If you don't wanna make the red sauce, that's fine.” Tony sighs, “But can ya at least help me juice 'em for it?”
“J-juice?? Is- is the red sauce-”, Todd stumbles over his words, now.
“Yes! Good heavens. It's blood, Todd! It's blood!"
Todd barely has a moment to process before Tony continues.
"And the fact is- I'm not trying to make a new menu item, that reviewer needs the rest of his pie. I made it from his dog after all.” Tony snorts and laughs.
“I cant just give it to any old customer, so would'ja please take it out to him?”
“I- I don't-” Todd can't comprehend the sight and reality in front of him.
“Just bring the customer his pie. Say it's on the house, for all i care! I've got a lot on my plate right now Todd- you wouldnt want to become the next supply, would'ja?”
As if he had a choice, Todd attempts to stand up straighter to address his boss. “N-no need for that, sir! I'll get it out to 'em!”, he responds, still confused.
“Adda boy, Todd.” Tony smiles gently, with a pat to Todd's shoulder.
“Hey, before you go, Mister! We've got a special pie for ya, it's what's left of your order!”, exclaims Todd from behind the counter.
“Oh, really? How much would it be?”, the man responds, a surprised look in his eye.
Tony chimes in from the kitchen before Todd has a chance, “Oh, it's on the house! We're about to close up, anyways, so I'm feelin' generous!”
Todd feigns a weak smile, handing him the pizza, “Leftovers–”
“Ah well thanks Tony!” Broccoli says before heading to leave.
“Oh and uh! Good luck findin your dog!” Yells Tony from the back.
“Thank you! I fear its very needed.” Broccoli says solemnly.
The door closes and out walks Tony to the counter, “Very needed indeed.” He chuckles and turns to Todd, “Well. If i letcha go home early will ya come in tomorrow?”
“Uhm uh oh yeah sure thing boss!” Todd struggles.
“Sweet! Then hop to! Lets close up shop, its gettin dark.” Tony beams.
Running through the streets. ‘’i need to find someone, a phone, something.” Todd is running through alleys. Dodging dingy dumpsters and trash bags. “I never thought id get out of that pizzeria.” He trips over somebody's leg, sitting in the alley. He turns over to get up and look at who he'd disturbed. A body sat limp against a brick wall. Skinny, malnourished. If Todd had a comparison it would be just like the dog in the freezer. Only now, there were no tubes. Just two bite marks on the person's neck.
“Oh god, oh fuck” Todd races to his feet. He runs. Step after step, he turns a corner. He trips again.
The leg has stuck out from a man standing this time. Obscured in a cape and a long collar was Tony, dressing sharper than when they were at the shop.
“You got a hot date or somethin? You're lookin awfully tasty. I- I mean hasty! Heha!” Tony cracks up.
“Yeah i do- uh she's waiting for me at the Denny's right now eh-” Todd stammers more
“Oh come oon. Stop it, I see through you more than my own reflection. Whaddya say we do somethin? You've had my pizza yeah?” Tony asks, knowing the answer.
“Yeah man, most lunches these days.” Todd answers.
“Alright. Hows about i change your biology up a little right now, and you see a whole new side to the recipe?” Tony offers.
“Whaddya mean by that?” He asks
“Ah well i just do what i did to him over there, except i uh, dont! squeeze ya like a juice box?” Tony remarks.
Tony usually looks like a normal, albeit eccentric, happy guy. Grease and sauce stains on his apron, living for his work and proud to do it. Right now, however, he stood taller than he should be able to stand, looming over Todd like a shadow cast by a flame. A dark red glow emanating from the shadows revealed the position of Tony's eyes, cutting through the darkness.
“Sure thing. If it means i get out of this alley with my blood.” Todd says.
“Oh i wouldnt dream of killin my top employee. In fact, this is just the promotion i's hopin you'd accept.” Tony approaches slowly, the only sound of the area being his footsteps.
“Here, bend backward slightly, show me your neck.” Tony instructs, his voice now just as deep but lacking any of its usual roughness or accent. A completely different man could have been speaking. Todd looks down his nose as he feels two sharp objects inject themselves into his skin. It feels as if they could slide in forever before they're taken out. 
A new feeling and power flows through Todd as he looks to Tony, “Did you really just-?”
“I did, welcome to the family, heha!” Tony remarks, his voice back to normal, “I'll see you at work then?”
“I- i- yes you will.” Todd assures him.
“Heh, well i better. I can still use ya for the pies, remember?” Tony chuckles.
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
Run semi Run
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Hey hey hey author chan here I will say before we start this tissues may be advised also warning gunshot sounds lets begin
Shoya and semi are expecting a baby shoya tells her dad who is the volleyball at karasuno he gets mad and plans on making semi pay how lets find out
Keishin:you’re pregnant i am going to make that bastard pay
Sho:daddy please no i love him we will get married
Keishin:out the way shoya
Sho:🎵 Daddy please don't, it wasn't his fault He means so much to me Daddy please don't, we're gonna get married Just you wait and see🎵
Semi:🎵 Every night, the same old dream, I hate to close my eyes I can't erase the memory, the sound of shoya’s cry🎵
Shoya calls semi later that night and said
Sho’s pov semi don’t come over my dad and I just had a fight and he stormed out the door
Semi’s pov
🎵She called me up late that night, and she said, "Eita, don't come over,But Dad and I just had a fight and he stormed out the door!🎵
All kinds of scenarios and thoughts were going through semi’s head before Shoya continued to talk
Sho:babe you still there 🎵 I've never seen him act this way, my God, he's goin' crazy He said he's gonna make you pay for what we done--He's got a GUN! So run, semi, run, semi, run!"🎵
Sho was still trying to clam her dad down
Sho:🎵 Daddy please don't, it wasn't his fault He means so much to me Daddy please don't, we're gonna get married Just you wait and see🎵
Semi:🎵 Got in my car and drove like mad 'til I reached shoya’s place She ran to me with tear-filled eyes and bruises on her face! All at once I saw him there, sneaking up behind me🎵
Sho:🗣 Watch out!
Semi:🎵 Then shoya yelled, "He's got a gun!" And she stepped in front of me 🎵
play when it say shot rang out
Semi:🎵 Then suddenly, a shot rang out and I saw shoya falling! i ran to her, I held her close When I looked down, my hands were red And here's the last words Shoya said...🎵
Sho:🎵 Daddy please don't, it wasn't his fault He means so much to me Daddy please don't, we're gonna get mar... ried...🎵
Semi:🎵 Run, Semi, run, semi, run, semi Run, semi, run, semi, run, semi, ruuuuuun!🎵
Keishin:omg i shot my daughter
Semi grabbed shoya and rushed to the hospital bursting through the doors
Semi:help save her and my child shes been shot
They rushed her away semi fearing the worse started pacing back and forth Minutes turn into hours it was almost midnight when he finally heard back from the doctor
Doctor: good news bad news which would you like
Semi:Good news
Doctor: congrats you have a beautful baby girl.
Semi:A girl okay and the bad
Doctor: i am very sorry for your lost the bullet was In a dangerous place we couldn’t move it
Semi:No no no If this is a dream let me wake up
Doctor:I’m sorry sir I’ll let you see your daughter now
Semi went to see his little girl
Semi:Hey semi Aimi you name mean love and beauty i think your mommy would aprove
How Aimi look and grows
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She is the mixture of her mommy and daddy
0 notes
hintofelation99 · 3 years
The Hours Before a Disastrous Wayne Family Dinner
Alfred: Master Bruce, I would suggest you leave your cave and prepare for dinner.
Bruce, not paying attention working on a case: I’ll take dinner down here tonight Alfred.
Alfred: I would advise against that sir. Unless you wish to host family dinner in the batcave?
Bruce, finally turning around: What?! Family dinner isn’t until Thursday!
Alfred: Today is Thursday Master Bruce.
Bruce: Oh god, I’m not prepared! I didn’t study! Have there been any major fights or murder attempts recently?
Alfred: Not that I am aware of, but the children tend to avoid exhibiting such behavior in my presence.
Bruce: Shit, ok, as long as Steph is having dinner with her mom and Jason arrives after Damian, we’ll be fine!
Alfred: Master Damian spent the day with Jonathan and will be arriving late. And Miss Stephanie will be attending.
Bruce, looking terrified: God help us.
-> 4pm <-
Jason: Hey Alfie!
Alfred, giving Jason a hug: Master Jason, it is wonderful to see you.
Jason: Am I the first one here?
Alfred: Miss Cassandra and Master Duke are in their rooms, Master Damian should be over around 6 pm. As for the others they should be arriving shortly.
Jason, with a mischievous smile: Perfect!
Alfred gives him a warning glare: The rules Master Jason?
Jason: All damages must be fixed and/or cleaned before midnight. No murder, maiming, or permanent damage may come to any of the invited attendees, uninvited may receive protection at Alfred Pennyworth’s discretion. Rules can be added or changed at Alfred Pennyworth’s discretion and all attendees are to review the banned items list upon entry into the Wayne Manor foyer.
Alfred nods, satisfied with the response: Have you reviewed the list of prohibited items?
Jason: Of course Alfie!
Alfred: Very good Master Jason, you may enter.
Jason: Sweet, cause I have to get a surprise ready for the Demon.
-> 4:18 pm <-
Tim: Hey, Alfred, I’m just stopping by to see if I left something here.
Alfred raises an eyebrow: You will not be joining us for dinner?
Tim: Uhhh…
Alfred: Master Tim, did you forget about the family dinner tonight?
Tim: Noooo… I was- uh just joking?
Alfred: Hilarious. Now please review the list of banned items while I fetch Miss Cassandra, she has been eagerly awaiting your arrival.
Alfred leaves to get Cass as Tim reviews the list, muttering to himself the whole time.
Tim: When was toothpaste added?
Cass walks into the room and pulls Tim into a hug before releasing him and tapping his nose: Little brother!
Tim: Hey Cass! Hey, did you know toothpaste was banned from family dinner nights?
Cass nods.
Tim: Why?
Cass: Dessert, December 8th last year.
Tim’s eyes widen slightly as he nods: Ooohh yeah. Forgot about that.
-> 4:24 pm <-
Alfred: Ah, Master Dick, I'm glad you could make it.
Dick: Wouldn't miss it for the world! By the way I brought over dessert!
Alfred: ...wonderful.
Dick, rolling his eyes: Don't worry Alf it's a box mix.
Alfred: No offense Master Dick, but that does little to quell my anxiety.
Dick just laughs and walks in. Alfred debates adding "food made by Richard Grayson" to the banned items list.
-> 4:48 pm <-
Alfred sees Tim and Cass walking by the kitchen: Ah, Miss Cassandra, Master Timothy, could I ask a favor of the two of you?
Cass nods.
Alfred: It appears that something has set off one of the perimeter alarms, would you mash the potatoes while I investigate?
Cass nods. And Alfred leaves to investigate.
Tim: Let me just check my room for something then I can help.
Cass: Be quick.
Tim smiles and runs off.
-> 4:50 <-
Jason, yelling from some where in the manor: Where's the duct tape?!
Alfred: No duct tape, Master Jason!
Jason: What?! Why?!
Alfred: Duct tape is a banned item!
Jason: Fuck!
-> 4:53 pm <-
Tim, digging through his room: Found it!
Tim looks at the banned items list, then back to the tiny black disk in his hand.
Tim: I'll just show it to Cass real quick, Alfred won't even know!
-> 5 pm <-
Tim, in the kitchen talking to Cass: See, it's nearly microscopic! Not deadly, but it will cause a big enough explosion to distract criminals and-
Jason runs through the room and bumps into Tim.
Jason: Sorry Timbo!
Tim looks horrified.
Cass: Drop it?
Tim nods.
Cass: Where?
Tim: I don't know.
Cass: Walk away. Pretend nothing happened.
Tim looks at Cass in shock.
Cass: No one will know.
Tim: You really just want to watch the world burn.
Cass: Yes.
-> 5:03 pm <-
Alfred calls Stephanie. As he walks back to the kitchen.
Alfred: Miss Stephanie, I am very glad you will be attending dinner tonight, but please, use the front door.
Steph: Aww but climbing the gate is more fun.
Steph: Fine...
-> 5:09 pm <-
Dick: Hey Jason?
Jason: Yes.
Dick: Whatcha doin'?
Jason: Ruining Damian's day.
Dick shrugs: Cool, have fun!
-> 5:31 pm <-
Duke, frantically looking around the manor for something: Where'd it go?
Steph: Whatcha lookin' for?
Steph just wiggles her eyebrows: Wouldn't you like to know lightning boy.
Duke digging through the couch cushions: Fair. I'm looking for my headpho- what the fuck?
Duke pulls out a dagger.
Steph: DIBS!
Steph takes the dagger and runs.
Duke watches her leave the room eyes wide: Oh no...
-> 5:48 pm <-
Alfred: Miss Barbara, it truly is wonderful to see you.
Babs chuckles: I would never miss watching this trainwreck.
Alfred: Wayne family dinners are rather... entertaining.
-> 5:59 pm <-
Alfred: Hello Master Damian.
Damian: Pennyworth.
Jason sees Damian and smirks: Hey Dami! Can't wait for dinner!
Jason walks away and Damian turns to glare at Alfred.
Damian: What did he do?
Alfred: I do not know. And as long as it is not in violation of the ruless I will not interfer.
-> 6 pm <-
Alfred calls everyone to dinner.
——— <- Bruce Wayne Interview | The Dinner ->
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milkb0nny · 3 years
If it’s okay can I request you for angst (Hwajin na) if thats cool (your last writing was wonderful btw, have a nice rest of your week!)
I don't feel very good so it's the perfect time for me to write this.
。・゚♡゚・。🌼。・゚♡゚・。 🌼。・゚♡゚・。🌼。・゚♡゚・。🌼。・゚♡゚・。
𝗔𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗛𝘄𝗮𝗷𝗶𝗻 𝗡𝗮
webtoon get schooled: Hwajin Na
Warning: yelling, heavy injuries, mentions of intrusive thoughts and death
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You often argue about Hwajin Na's violence towards kids and teachers. You disagree with the practice of harming them so they learn. You two often fight and those fights can result in a big mess. He will obertalk everything that differs his opinion and will talk a lot to overshadow you. It's a habit that makes you feel invalidated and like he scolds you.
When those arguments come to an end, you often avoid sleeping in the same room as him. The behavior hurts you and you don't want to sleep next to him. When he lays in bed alone he realizes his behavior towards you and bathes in regret. He'll apologize the next morning but it often takes more than just an apology to win your smile back.
He gets hurt a lot and you worry about him. He comes home with heavy injuries or he totally overworks himself. You are afraid your man will once die because of it.
How would he react if his beloved partner died? Well, I think Hwajin Na would be heartbroken as he lost his sister already and can't bear another loss in his life. It would take him about two years to overcome it. He swore to himself no one else will get this close ever again. Knowing he couldn't say goodbye to you hurts a lot.
He's very loud when mad. Whenever his voice raises you feel like a threatened animal. You want to run away and find calmness. He often manages to stop his voice and feels sorry for scaring you away. He shouldn't treat you like a predator since you are equally worth it as him.
Hwajin Na is quite jealous and protective. He can be a real helicopter boyfriend and that makes you explain every single thing when you meet up with male colleges.
my dear
。・゚♡゚・。🌼。・゚♡゚・。 🌼。・゚♡゚・。🌼。・゚♡゚・。🌼。・゚♡゚・。
It was past midnight and he still didn't hear your voice in the empty apartment. He came home some hours ago, confused by not finding you in the living room. It's not unusual for you to work longer but never was it this late. Hwajin Na, a man of passion, was worried where you were at at this time. Your neighborhood is very friendly and you couldn't be in danger around here. We're you at a friend's? He called everyone he knew but no one could give him an answer or clues to where you are.
He waited another hour, hoping you're out with a girl he didn't know yet but that wasn't the case. There was no sign. You didn't pick up on the phone neither did you message him. You left him nothing where he could find anything. After realizing your phone still didn't turn on, he called your boss. Hearing the old man's voice from waking up made Hwajin Na feel stressed. He has no time.
"Excuse me Sir, but might you know where Y/N is? She should've been home some time ago but I can't reach her." It was quiet for a while as the man recalled his memories, still in his dream. "Oh, I remember yeah. They were about to leave but a man approached her. They were talking but nothing seemed out of order. Ah! Wait - they took their keys with them and we have a tracker on them. My employees always forgot where their keys at. I can track them." A slight release of pressure fell off your partners shoulders. In a short time he got an address, which was a lost construction building. He could smell screams and blood as he got out of the car after an hour ride. It was besides a motorway but in the dark seeing the building was hard. He insisted to go look for you.
Walking through the door full of blackness and going up the cold stairs he got a worse feeling. What would you do here? He looked around in anxiety, the fear of you being dead consuming him.
He was trembling. He was about to throw up. The fear didn't stop, making his gut feeling dizzy.
He reached the third floor. He stops, listening to certain sounds that give him clues. As he heard a calm whining, he rushed to the direction. "Y/N! Are you there?! Y/N!" He passed through a door and saw you. His jaw fell as you layed in the cold, your hair greasy from dry blood. Hwajin Na stood in shock until he knelt down, throwing his jacket over your pale body. "Can you hear me?" He asked. A slight nod of you gave him some hope. He picked you up, running down the stairs and putting you into the car. It was warm in there and he hoped you'll make your way until the hospital. Hwajin Na was shaking, his hands were barely holding the wheel calm when he rushed through the streets to the nearest hospital. Your head injury seemed bad and your face was all beaten up, you didn't have much time. You passed out when he parked his car. Panic rose. Hwajin Na yelled for nurses and explained what he couldn't explain; where you were, why you were there and what your injuries were. A doctor took you in his care and Hwajin Na was asked to wait for you, which he did.
Hours and hours he waited in the white room, hearing nurses answering calls and beeping from the machines. He wished for the doctors talent. His heart dropped whenever he thought about being alone, left alone. And who did this to you? His serious facade vanished as he heard the doctors voice. "I have news for your partner, sir. You're allowed to come with us." He nodded and followed the older man to your hospital room. You needed ventilation and multiple infusions were attached to you. Though, your eyes were open.
"Y/N needs to stay here for a week to fully recover from the head injury. Luckily it didn't harm any of the brain parts and she woke up again." He smiled, Hwajin Na cried though. God, he was so afraid. His shivering hands touched your cheek and a weak smile broke through his teared up face. It was only the second time for you to see him cry. You smiled to him, wiping his face. God, he still has you. He didn't lose you.
"Y/N.. Thank you so much. You're so strong." He said, his voice cracking up a little.
He knew whoever did this to you would suffer way more than you, though, revenge was his second mission. The first one was cherishing your life.
。・゚♡゚・。🌼。・゚♡゚・。 🌼。・゚♡゚・。🌼。・゚♡゚・。🌼。・゚♡゚・。
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eternalmx · 3 years
you are the reason. (pt 2) | im changkyun
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genre : fluff
wc | 3k+
a/n : this was requested a while back when I wrote the first part but I've never got around to it. I originally wasn't going to make a part two but this is one of my favorite pieces I've written and I reread it all the time because it brings me a lot of comfort. I hope it makes you heart full and warm so here's part two! ♡. part one here! As always;; sorry for any typos.
{1:26pm} "Hey, can I come in?" Changkyun said. Knocking lightly on the door as opening it a little.
"What? No no no! It's bad luck!" she yelled. Pushing the door closed. He laughter filled the air from the other side of the door.
"I see you everyday babe. What makes today different?" he asked. He was only joking, she can tell because she knew him like the back of her hand. The smile evident in his voice.
"Today is extra special. You know this" she said, resting her head against the door. "What do you want kyun?"
"I wanted to give you something but it's too late now. I'll get going" Changkyun said, lowering his voice, as she unlocked the door and stuck her hand out.
"Give it" she said, smiling to herself as his hand held her, squeezed it gently before placing a small box in her palm.
"Open it while I'm here please" he asked.
"Okay." She said softly; leaving the door cracked so she can talk to him. He sat outside the door on the other side as she mimicked his actions.
"Well?" Changkyun asked nervously.
"Babe...." she said, as she opened the box. A small heart necklace with their initials and the date engraved onto it.
"I know it's nothing special but can you wear it when you walk out? I would show you but I have a similar one on. I got two one for you and one for me" he said, his voice was warm. It was different. He wasn't the type of guy to get flustered or nervous but today was different.
"Who knew you were a matching necklace type of guy?" she said laughing, as she placed the necklace around her neck.
"There's still a lot of things you haven't discovered about me yet babe" Changkyun said with a cocky tone.
"Oh I bet." she said, admiring the charm on the on her neck. "I can't wait to spend forever learning them" she added soon after. Nerves filling her body as she leaned against the door, head resting against it softly.
"Are you nervous?" he asked.
"A little" she answered truthfully.
"Me too" Chankyun said, in a small whisper.
"The Im Changkyun. The man who is ready to curse any guy who looks my direction out is nervous?" she asked, trying to calm their nerves.
"Hey! You're mine to look at not theirs! I have my reasons. Just like when you kicked that one girl out of my studio and then sedu-" he said, arguing back playful before she cut him off.
"I GET IT!" she said, laughing. The sould like music to his ears. The guest outside the venue filling the yard with laughter and music as they filtered in and got seated.
"I should get going angel" Changkyun said. His voice low but the smile still on his face.
"I love when you call me angel, you know" she said, smiling to herself.
"Just wait till you hear my vows" he said, as she heard him get up.
"I love you" she said to him through the door.
"I love you" he responded as he stick his hand through the crack of the door. She reached up and kissed his palm before he pulled away.
"See you out there" Changkyun said, walking away and making obnoxious kiss noises as he walked down the hall.
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Changkyun's P.O.V
There she stood in front of me. Her hair in a bun and a small silver crown on her head. The cherry blossoms falling off the tree making the moment that much more breathtaking. She's always been beautiful to me. I didn't think she could get more beautiful but as she stood in front of me I second guessed it.
"You look beautiful" I said to my girl. The nerves making my palms sweaty as she smiled at me and mouthed a 'thank you'.
"Shh" she said, laughing slightly as she winked at me. Her hand softly playing with the charm I had given her earlier signaling she was nervous like me.
"If we may start the ceremony now" the priest said, smiling between the two of us. The yard filled with guests but it felt like it was only her and I in this moment.
"Sir, you may say your vows" he motioned towards me as I pulled a paper out of my pocket. I laughed nervously as I fumbled to open the paper. My hands shaking slightly as I held it open in my hands.
"To my love" I say, clearing my throat so my words are clearer. "My soulmate even. The person I am more than ready to spend the rest of my life with. Today's the beginning of the next chapter. Our chapter. All our chapters have been intertwined leading up to today but now it's finally our chapter. I don't know what these chapters have in store for us but I promise to stay by your side through it all. The ups. The downs. The bad. The good. I will be there. Just like you've been there all these years. You know me better than I know me and I never thought I'd find someone who's knock the air out of me until I met you. I look forward to you asking me what's wrong before I know what's wrong with me." I say, choking on my words and take a deep breath.
"Don't cry. If you cry I'll cry and we both know that won't be good" she whispered to me, causing me to laugh.
"I look forward to our 3am drives. Your midnight concerts in our kitchen. The endless stories about your days. Waking up to you and going to sleep next to you. I look forward to our forever. I love you." I finished off. Closing the paper and rubbing my sweaty palms on my suit.
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Her P.O.V:
"Ma'am, your vows please" the priest says to me.
"Well... I don't have a piece of paper or a tear jerker of a speech planned. You know me better than I know myself and took the words right out of my mouth" I say and the guests laugh at my nervousness.
"Im Changkyun. The guy I would give the world too if I could. You have the purest heart of any person I've ever come across in all my years of life. You love me at my lowest and praise me at my highest. I whom belongs only to you, look forward to our next chapter. I look forward to kissing you goodmorning and cuddling you goodnight. For the many shared moments ahead of us. I can't wait to share every midnight with you from today forward. Thank you for loving me unconditionally up until know and for wanting to love me for even longer. To my best friend, my soulmate, the guy who taught me how to love and what it's like to be loved. I love you, let's plan forever together." I say, tears falling down my cheek.
Changkyun hands reached over wiping the tears off my cheeks as he smiles at me. His eyes watery as I take a deep breath and we hold hands.
"I love you" he mouthed at me as I returned the saying.
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"Do you take the beautiful lady before you to be your wife?" the priest asks to Changkyun.
"I do" he says, placing a beautiful purple diamond on her left hand.
"Ma'am, do you take Im Changkyun, to be your husband?" the priest asks her as she looked up at Changkyun.
"I do" she says, placing the wedding band engraved with the day in purple on his left hand.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" the priest says, smiling fondly between the two.
The crowd caps and cheers as their lips met. The kiss lasting long as his hand reached the back of her head as he kissed her. Once he pulled away she adjusted his bow tie on his neck as he kissed her nose softly. The air filled with claps and cheers from family and friends as they walk down the isle. Flower petals filling the air as they waved at the guests.
"So our chapter begins" he says to his beautiful bride. Her eyes twinkling as she looked at him and smiled.
"So it begins" she said, as they push the door open to the venue and disappear inside before the reception starts.
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hnychn · 4 years
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SYPNOSIS — it’s a new year and the karasuno team decides to throw a new years party in the school gym
WARNINGS — tooth rotting fluff <3
AUTHOR’S NOTE — none of this is realistic but shut up and let me live laugh and love with the idea it’s real
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⇀ so it all started out when noya and tanaka came up with the brilliant idea to throw a new years party
⇀ and since canonically, everyone in haikyuu are losers, everyone agreed 😀
⇀ of course you invited your boo kenma 😼 and the nekoma team
⇀ and kuroo invited the fukurodani team since bokuto heard about the party somehow
⇀ the party is held in the gym, it's byoc
⇀ "bring your own cups"
⇀ cause y'all broke broke 😭😭✋🏼
⇀ kidding . . . about the cup part, y'all are broke though . . .
⇀ anyways, so the team put you in charge of getting the drinks
⇀ . . . but they never specified non-alcoholic 😼
⇀ so you, being the six foot seven giant you were, got some alcohol
⇀ it was surprisingly easy
⇀ like the guy behind the counter didn't even ask you for an ID or anything and he probably assumed you were 21+ because of your features 🤡
⇀ i mean you do be chiselled by the gods themselves 🤪🥴
⇀ not me simping over you 🤺
⇀ so the party is about to start and you come in with literal bottle of alcohol like fUCKING JACK DANIEL'S AND WHISKEY AND RUM AND ALL THAT SHIT
⇀ and when daichi saw you with all the paper bags filled with bottles of alcohol he just-
⇀ . . . 🧍🏽‍♀️
⇀ "y/n. . ."
⇀ "yes? 🤠"
⇀ "why. . .why do you have alcohol?"
⇀ "you said to get drinks. ."
⇀ "i mEANT PUNCH-"
⇀ all daichi wanted to do was punch you 🏌️🏽‍♀️
⇀ they poured that shit into those punch bowls? ya know? the ones in those cliche highschool movies
⇀ they got red solo cups and everything 🔫
⇀ anyways, so people start showing up and daichi panics because no sir, these minors aren't getting drink on his watch, but oops-
⇀ kiyoko locked him in the shortage closet 👁
⇀ "i'll let you out in 20 minutes"
⇀ because babes knew that's all it'll take for everyone to be blackout drunk
⇀ and she was right 💅🏽
⇀ fifteen minutes into the party, noya, tanaka, yamamoto, lev and a bunch of first years are drunk drunk.
⇀ suga, kuroo, asahi, and ennoshita are also drunk but like they're the chill typa drunk y'know?
⇀ they playing a game of uno with normal playing cards 🧍🏽‍♀️
⇀ kenma . . . doesn't want to be there BLESS HIM LMAO-
⇀ he's sitting in the corner, red solo cup in hand because kuroo took his pspspsp and won't give it back, even if he is drunk
⇀ and you- good god
⇀ YOU. ARE. D R U N K.
⇀ i'm talking the embarrassing type of drunk
⇀ you're dancing on one of the volleyball poles like a fucking stripper and bokuto is throwing napkins at you like they're ones please- 🔫
⇀ kenma is just in the corner staring like 🐚🌝 hello yes, officer? imma need animal control here asap.
⇀ he's embarrassed for you 😔✋🏼
⇀ but in the corner of your eye you see kenma sitting all alone so you go over to him, alcohol nearly spilling over the side of your red solo cup
⇀ "what're you doin all alone here, kitten?"
⇀ kenma crinkles his nose because you smell like alcohol, but he just shrugs
⇀ he says something but you can't hear him over he loud music, so you lean closer but you end up spilling your drink all over your shirt and you just
⇀ "ew it's sticky . . . i guess I'll just take it off"
⇀ and holy fuck-
⇀ how knew you were so foine 🥴🥴
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kenma's eyes widen when you suddenly pull off your shirt, your chest still slightly damp from the drink spilling on you. he could feel heat rushing to his face the longer he stared. kenma wanted to look away, he really did, but it was something about the way you rubbed your hands over your abs and chest to wipe off the moisture and the way you looked down with hooded eyes that had him entranced. he couldn't look away, and by the sight of the other people in the room also staring at you with no shame, they couldn't either.
despite being drunk, you could tell people were staring and it filled you with a sort of confidence you only got in the privacy of your room with kenma. speaking of kenma, he wasn't fairing any better. his head was turned to the side to look away, but his eyes betrayed him and stayed focused on your chest.
you smirked.
kenma gasped as you suddenly leaned forward, your hand slamming onto the wall next to him and the other pushing him by the hip, your cold fingers slithering up his shirt and sending chills up his spine. your breathe was warm next to his ear and kenma's blush intensified.
"see something you like, kitten?"
kenma's breathing began to get heavier the longer you whispered in his ear, his chest and pants tightening. kenma refused to look up, knowing half of the people in the gym were staring, but he would by lying if he said it didn't turn him on more than he already was.
your stopped whispering in kenma's ear and began trailing kisses down his jaw and neck, leaving marks behind. kenma had to bite his bottom lip to stop noises from escaping his mouth, but his restraint was limited due to the small amount of alcohol in his system.
your fingers traveled further up his shirt and caressed his waist, pulling him closer to you. pulling away from his neck, you turned to his lips, sucking and biting on them as if it would be the last time you would be able to. kenma's neck was littered with hickies that, even in the darkness of the gym, were extremely visible.
but before things could go any further, you were ripped away from kenma by a fuming daichi, "first you bring alcohol and get everyone drunk, then you try to fuck your boyfriend in the middle of the gym? i'm gonna kill you, y/n."
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⇀ you were put on daichi watch for the rest of the night 😔🔫
⇀ but by the time 11 rolled around, you were a bit sober so i guess that's good
⇀ everyone gathered into he middle of the gym and counted down until midnight
⇀ kiyoko and yachi had hung some of those colour changing lights and gave the room some amazing vibes
⇀ and kenma was standing next to you, your arm slung over his shoulder as the lights hit his face perfectly and outlined every feature of his beautifully
⇀ you smiled down at him
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"it's already 2021, huh?"
kenma looked up at you and immediately looked away when he saw that you were already looking at him. even after months of dating and nights spent in each other's embrace, he still got nervous when you looked at him the way you were right now.
eyes so full of love and lips pulled into a satisfied smile.
"yeah. . . i guess. . ."
you laughed and pulled him closer to your side, kenma stumbled a bit and grasped onto the new shirt you put on. it was a spare that you left behind in the clubroom one day.
"c'mon kenma! new year, new possibilities! what are your new years resolutions?"
kenma shrugged, burying his head deeper into your side, "i don't have any."
5 . . .
you smiled, "really?"
you looked back up at the digital clock kiyoko hung up on the wall just for new years, your smile never faltering. kenma loved that about you, your ability to smile no matter what. no matter the circumstances.
4 . . .
"what about you?" kenma asked, a small bubble of guilt building in his chest for not answering how he thought you wanted.
you looked down at him with the same lovesick eyes and satisfied smile, kenma felt his heart stop, "me?"
you looked back up at the clock, "hmm. . ."
3 . . .
"i think. . . " you drew out, a playful smile on your face when kenma pouted at your long answer. he slapped your chest when you laughed at him.
2 . . .
"i think," you tugged kenma in front of you and rested your chin on his head, a lazy smile drawn on your face as everyone else yelled about, excited for the new year.
1 . . .
"i think i have everything i could ever want right here."
kenma gasped as you suddenly turned him around, lifting his face by the chin. everyone around you cheered as the clock hit 12 and it was now January 1, 2021.
kenma's heart pounded when he saw the same old lazy smirk on your face and the same old lovesick look in your eyes; but no matter how many times he's seen it, he would always feel the butterflies fluttering in hit stomach.
"happy new years, kenma." you whispered as you pulled him into a kiss.
what a way to start the new years.
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⇀ everything after that was a blur
⇀ the party amping up as a way to start the new years and you were sure even daichi had a cup full of some unholy concoction of alcohol kiyoko made for him
⇀ when you woke up, you were in bed, kenma laying a your side.
⇀ with close on, y'nasties 👁
⇀ your head felt like it was going to explode and your stomach turned in ways it shouldn't
⇀ but you were too lazy to get outta bed
⇀ me 🤡
⇀ so you just pulled kenma closer and went back to sleep
⇀ dreaming of a happy future with the man in your arms
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taglist:: @stickystrawberrysyrup @420-uwu @nvthvlyy @kaiwai @goshizaki-jun @thetrash-mammal @dprhvn @bakuhore
a/n :: i'll add the read more thing in the morning, i gotta start getting dressed for the new year party. this was kinda rushed too so sorry if it's a bit jumbled or something
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lunatriense · 2 years
Purrha 30
One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
"What do you mean 'she escaped'?"
"I'm sorry, sir, she just-."
"I don't care! Find her!!"
Blake listens to the conversation between Adam and the thug over the radio of the latter, currently beneath her in the hallway. For months now, she's been a prisoner of her former mentor's faction of the White Fang, ever since that enormous Grimm had knocked her out of Beacon's tower and she'd awoken in their custody. Months during which she's had to play her part, to keep Adam believing she was close to breaking and rejoining his cause.
That was before he murdered Sienna in his coup, though. The way he'd been spiralling into madness, she knew she didn't have long, and he'd recently decided her time was up — she would die with Haven. Adam always had had a flair for the dramatic. Not that she meant to meekly go along with his plans, which is why she's now on the run from his goons after having slipped her bonds and disarmed the bomb placed in the room with her.
As soon as she's satisfied the goon won't be getting any more questions, she drops and quickly incapacitates him, taking his gun and knife and darting out into the night.
"You took everything from me!!"
Pyrrha presses the attack, driving Cinder back with sheer ferocity. She's supposed to be backing up the rest of the team, fighting in concert — that's how they've been victorious in their journey, how they defeated the Nucklavee and drove Tyrian Callows away.
She's supposed to be, but the moment she saw that woman step out of the portal, she could only see red. She could only hear the last words Blake spoke to her before going off to die, to spend her life so that Cinder could be stopped and in the end… in the end, here she stood anyway. She hadn't been stopped, she'd killed Blake for nothing, and now she's here with that damned smirk on her face!
Pyrrha clenches her teeth. She'll wipe that smirk off with her blade.
"Have I? I don't remember doing anything to you." Cinder blasts a beam of fire at Pyrrha to open up some space, which she takes on the shield. "Oh wait, is this about that ridiculous faunus girl? What was she called, Blair or-?"
"Shut up!! You don't get to say her name!!" Pyrrha throws her sword, guiding it with her polarity to strike Cinder and knock her off-balance, using the opening it provides to close the distance and smash her shield into Cinder's face.
In return, she finds herself sailing backwards through the air, the breath driven from her lungs by a point-blank explosion directed into her abdomen. She crashes through the wall of the building and out into the courtyard beyond, and through the ringing in her ears she faintly hears Emerald yelling for Cinder. No attack follows immediately; something must've happened.
Pyrrha shakes her head to clear the ringing and looks to the source of the sound, and what she sees stops her cold. "Blake…?" She can barely whisper the name, not only because her lungs burn for breath but because her throat has squeezed all but shut now upon sight of her lost love.
No, it can't be her. It can't. She died months ago, back at Beacon — the worst day of Pyrrha's life. But how…? The illusionist, it must be; this has to be Emerald's doing, setting her up for an attack no doubt.
Pyrrha doesn't care. Her aura can take a hit, and to see Blake again — even an illusion of her — to hear her voice… tears well in her eyes as an expression filled with joy and pain and sorrow all at once comes over her.
Blake rushes over and falls to her knees to wrap Pyrrha in a tight embrace, trembling as she holds her. She's a little thinner than Pyrrha remembers, but she's still so warm and soft, she still smells like midnight and starlight and mystery and… and how does Emerald know that?
No attack has come, neither a blade in the back nor an explosion nor fireball nor obsidian arrow. Pyrrha dares to hope. She squeezes her eyes closed and holds Blake close, saying a silent prayer to every deity she's ever heard of.
"Is… is it you? Are you… real?" Her voice is again barely a whisper, quavering with her tumultuous emotions.
"It's me." Blake leans into her. "I finally made it back to you…"
"Blake… you… you're alive…" Pyrrha's voice breaks in a sob, then another, and she clings to Blake like a life preserver in a storm.
Blake holds on just as tightly, burying her face against Pyrrha's neck and nodding in reply. "I'm alive… I'm home."
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
Trouble (pt.2) || M.YJ
Pairing : Min Yoonji X Reader
Genre : fluff
Summary : Now that Yoonji had gotten introduced to you, she wanted to know you. Are you really as bad as people had told her?
Wordcount : 1.5k lol
Pt.1 || Masterlist
[ A/N : The fanart ain't mine, randomly stole it from Pinterest lol.]
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" I heard you cause trouble." Yoonji says as she sits down in front of the girl who's caught her eye.
You look up from your phone with a questionable look in your eyes.
" And who are you exactly?" You ask her, no undertone of politeness.
Yoonji blushes in embarrassment, having forgotten to introduce herself due to wanting to know you.
" Sorry, my names Yoonji." She tells you.
You smirk cheekily at her.
" Nice to know the pretty girl has a name. I'm Y/N by the way. And to response to your assumption earlier, do you believe them?" You ask her, holding strong eye contact as you ask her.
Yoonji shrugs her shoulder, a small smile making it's way to her own face.
" I don't know, haven't decided yet." She answers you honestly.
There's a small glint in your eyes which could mean you're surprised by her answer, but if you are, you don't really show it.
" Yah, Yoonji, break almost ended, let's go back to our lessons." 
Yoonji groans in displeasure of the appearance of her twin brother. Of course he's always there to interrupt her moment with hot girls, ( who are most probably not gay, but it's worth a try anyway.)
She sighs dramatically, making her twin roll his eyes before greeting you.
" See you around I geuss?" She smiles at you one last time before attempting to leave.
She gnaws on her lip for a moment as she glances at you when she's stood in front of the table the two of you are seated at, lowkey wanting to ask for your number but not having the guts for it.
" Yoonji." You softly call out to her as you too leave your seat.
She turns to look at you.
" You free tonight?" You ask her.
She nods enthusiastically, hoping you're asking to hang out at last.
" Good, dress casual. I'll pick you up at 7." You smile at her with a lopsided smile as you push a piece of paper into her hand before turning around and leaving.
Yoonji stares at you with admiration shining in her eyes as you leave the room, still not believing what just happened. She smiles like a giddy school girl before looking at the small piece of paper in her hand.
( Your Phone Number Xx) - Don't forget to text me sweetheart ;)
And so Yoonji is stood in front of her mirror later that afternoon, her room a mess as she's trying to pick out the perfect clothes for her first ever date.
Being lesbian had made it difficult for her to find a girlfriend who she could go on dates with. Until today she was actually starting to believe that she was the only lesbian around. She's tried out online dating too, but she just couldn't find the physical affection she needed. She really hoped that this date would work out.
" Yah, fatass, did you steal my charger agai- You going somewhere?" Yoongi cuts himself off as he sees his sister dressed up for once.
The twins look at each other awkwardly for a few moments before Yoonji finally breaks it.
" Close the door behind you and I'll tell you." She tells him in a hushed tone.
He knew she was a lesbian, but their parents didn't.
And so Yoongi does as asked, crossing his arms afterwards and waiting for an explanation.
" I have a date." Yoonji smiles excitedly as she smiles at him.
Yoongi nods, actually happy for his sister, tough he doesn't show her in his facial expression. It doesn't matter tough, she knows her brother well enough to know that he's happy for her.
Instead of saying anything, he checks out her outfit.
" What do you think?" She ask him.
He cocks his head to the side before answering.
" Too short." He tells her before rummaging trough the mess of clothes on her floor.
" What? No it isn't. I tough it's cute." Yoonji looks puzzled as she looks at herself trough the mirror again.
The black with pink printed crop top looks fine, even if she raises her arms all the way nothing is revealed, her skirt is admittedly on the short side, but not too bad unless she bends over all the way, plus she's wearing a pair of shorts underneath anyway.
" Here this is better." Yoongi grins as he holds up a huge sweater against her. 
She huffs and swats it away.
" Oh c'mon. My baby sister is growing up, I can't allow that." Yoongi fakes a pout.
" I'm older." She huffs.
" Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don't let her break your heart." He tells her softly before pulling her into a hug.
" I'll be fine." She giggles.
They talk a little more before the doorbell rings, and Yoonji almost yeets to the door, not having expected that you'd actually ring the bell, thinking that you'd call her that you would call once you were in front of her door.
She runs downstairs, hoping to beat her parents to the door, however, she failed, and she only hopes that you're not mentioning the word 'date' to her parents.
" Yoonji, I think you forgot to mention to that you'd go out with a friend tonight. I assume the two of you will just grab something out to eat?" Yoonji's father asks her.
She opens her mouth to answer, but you beat her to it.
" We will sir, tough we might end up talking for a while too, but don't worry I'll have her home before midnight." You smile.
Yoonji's parents smiles at you, and Yoonji herself is only too happy by the sight.
" Don't you think she'd make a good girlfriend for Yoongi-" 
" Alright mom, dad, we'll be going now." Yoonji cuts off her parents hurriedly as she leaves the house quickly, taking you with her by wrist.
She hears her parents yell out greetings before closing the door.
" I'm sorry about that." She mumbles as she lets go of your wrist, avoiding your eyes.
" You didn't come out yet?" You ask her softly.
She shakes her head wordlessly, and you nod in response.
" Okay, well, let's go." You cheer as you motion for her to follow.
She's relieved you don't pry, but concerned when you walk in the opposite direction of town.
" Where are you going? Town is that way." She tells you.
You look confused for a moment behead smiling and shaking your head.
You don't say anything as you take her hand and instead lead her to an old black and yellow lined Hyundai Azera first model. You suprise her by taking out your keys and unlocking it by inserting the key.
" My lady'." You smile as you open the passenger door for her.
She wordlessly steps in, you shutting the door behind her and walking over to the driver's side.
"Sorry that my car's this old and cranky by the way." You smile embaressedly as you close the door behind you.
Yoonji smiles at you and shakes her head.
" Don't worry about it, your car looks fine. I don't know a lot of people our age who own a car anyway." She tells you.
" I work at a car garage, this one came in all beat up, the owner left it to be brought to a dump, I was allowed to fix it up as long as I bought the stuff with my own money." You tell her proudly, starting up the engine.
" That's really cool. Can I ask you a question?" She wonders out loud.
" How did you come out to your parents?" She asks curiously.
You swallow and your eyes harden, making her worry that you asked the wrong question.
" My parents are not with me, let's just say." You tell her, your eyes focusing on the road.
" Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry." She says guiltily.
You shake your head, not saying anything as you start to speed off.
The next moments are in tense silence, until you break it.
" So, I know the first date is supposed to be fancy and stuff, but I hope you don't mind Mackey D's for our first date." You smile at her shortly.
She laughs, not at all minding.
" It's okay, I don't mind. Anywhere is fine as long it's with you." She says with a smile before turning red, did she really just say that out loud?
You've turned a soft pink too, and a laugh leaves your throat at her answer.
" Damn, you're adorable. And don't worry, I'll take you out on a proper date after this one." You smile widely.
She turns pink in response.
[ A/N : Someone tell me they like it, and I might make a pt.3 lol]
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