orbitbrain · 2 years
NIST to Retire 27-Year-Old SHA-1 Cryptographic Algorithm
NIST to Retire 27-Year-Old SHA-1 Cryptographic Algorithm
Home › Data Protection NIST to Retire 27-Year-Old SHA-1 Cryptographic Algorithm By Ionut Arghire on December 16, 2022 Tweet The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) this week recommended that IT professionals replace the SHA-1 cryptographic algorithm with newer, more secure ones. The first widely used method of securing electronic information and in use since 1995, SHA-1 is a…
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gslin · 2 years
NIST 更新了 SHA-1 的淘汰計畫
NIST 更新了 SHA-1 的淘汰計畫
NIST 對 SHA-1 的新的淘汰計畫出來了:「NIST Retires SHA-1 Cryptographic Algorithm」。 先前 NIST 在 2004 年時是計畫在 2010 年淘汰掉 SHA-1,在「NIST Brief Comments on Recent Cryptanalytic Attacks on Secure Hashing Functions and the Continued Security Provided by SHA-1」這邊可以看到當時的宣佈: The results presented so far on SHA-1 do not call its security into question. However, due to advances in technology, NIST plans to phase out of SHA-1…
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grassbreads · 11 months
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On a scale of Chang Geng to Luo Binghe, how well does your teenage protagonist cope with the realization that he has a massive thing for the guy that's basically raising him?
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wanyinchen · 1 year
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uh oh you hurt his demon, whoospies
He may be a big softie but DO NOT push his buttons.
Hello everyone! I'm "new" to the fandom :D (LIES i have been lurking for the last two years before summoning the courage to draw for it, yes, i am like that, unfortunately)
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amaranthdahlia · 4 months
love valley - shigaraki brothers short pmv
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acequinz · 28 days
Chang Geng has only two sleep modes.
Horny dreams of his yifu
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Season 1 intro vs Season 3 intro
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asurius · 1 year
Sun Wukong being too prideful to admit his feelings and thus says rude hurtful things to Y/N to try and push them away, hurting them before they can hurt him: Yeah no they I just don’t think they’re all that great really.
Sha Wujing coming in with the steel chair: You wanna say that again motherfucker?
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violetvirus · 1 year
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a collection of journey to the west work I've created recently. lego monkie kid really has influenced me haha
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danikatze · 11 months
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[ID in alt text]
I've drawn Gojyo and Hakkai on my birthday for seven years and I'm not gonna miss one just because it's Mushishi week! So here's a fluffy sketch <3
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cringefaillosersummit · 11 months
Round 1 - Group 7B
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Submission notes under cut. Some submissions had notes others did not:
Bart Curlish:
Lives in filth and blood. Just goes around killing people and has no idea how to live life. Has no emotional literacy, but that’s not on her she was raised as an experiment in a government facility.
Look at her. She’s grimy and never takes a bath and doesn’t know what friends are and kills everyone she sees
Sha Hualing:
Went from one of the top three wives in the original book to underpaid secretary of the same dude. AND was forced into a front seat of his insane love life (him spending 5 years trying to resurrect his dead teacher whos also his gay crush). Also at some point she tried to prove that the girl who is considered extremely beautiful aint shit, tore off her veil, and promptly Screamed. That wasn't really explained further in the book, but fandom consensus diagnosed this as a gay panic moment.
the most bisexual disaster cringefail pathetic girl you have ever met. she literally screamed in the face of the girl she immediately caught feelings for. i love my failwife so bad
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
Web Novel Quotes Tournament, Round 1E
Quote A: 
"If one's heart is small, all their sufferings even as large as a house, can only be crammed into that small corner. But if one's heart were as vast as heaven and earth, then even if their troubles were as large as a mountain, they would become nothing more than a droplet of water in the endless sea."  - Liao Ran, Sha Po Lang, Chapter 26
Quote B: 
“She wanted to tell him. Tell him that there was a world that didn't need his sacrifice to be saved. She thought that, if it was her, she should be able to do it.  Because she was most proficient at lying than anyone alive, after all.” - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 539
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pompomqt · 7 months
Journey to the West Chapter 23
Tripitaka being offered 4 beautiful wives, fifteen thousand acres of land, and a mountain of silver:
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Just let my man live his monk life.
In this chapter of Journey to the West with @journeythroughjourneytothewest we have assembled are entire crew, so now it's time for them to face their very first challenge together. So let's get into it shall we?
So the group has been traveling for a while and one day when it's getting late Tripitaka mentions that they should find a place to spend the night. Monkey is all for just sleeping outside and braving the elements, but Pigsy is tired from hauling the luggage about and is all for finding a proper place to rest. So Monkey tells him off for complaining while Pigsy tells him he should try hauling the luggage if it's so easy. But Monkey's like, I couldn't *possibly* my only job is protecting our master- it's yours and Sandy's job to haul the luggage and take care of the horse.
Monkey also takes this opportunity to tell Pigsy and Sandy that their horse is actually a dragon, which you would think something like that would have come up in conversation sooner, but then again, since the dragon doesn't do anything but 'be a horse' why would it? Anyways, Pigsy complains that if the horse is really a dragon, can't he go any faster? So Monkey takes this opportunity to use his staff to startle the horse and cause it to take off running- with Tripitaka.
The horse finally stops running when they come across a beautiful estate, and allows Tripitaka to catch his breath and for his disciples to catch up. When they do finally catch up, Monkey (and I) am very impressed with the fact that Tripitaka did not fall off his horse. Good job Tripitaka. Anyways Tripitaka yells at Monkey for his stunt, and Monkey blames Pigsy, who is yet again complaining about how heavy the luggage is and having to chase after the horse.
Anyways, Tripitaka decides they should ask someone to stay here, and Monkey notices that this place was created by the heavens, but decides not to mention that to anyone else. And because it would be rude to enter somebody's house without permission, they all wait outside for somebody to come out, but after a while when nobody does, Monkey gets impatient and enters anyways. Monkey immediately gets caught by the owner of the house and explains that he is a monk traveling to the west and seeking shelter for the night. So the middle aged women invites them all inside only to have to deal with Pigsy salivating over her. No good deed goes unpunished.
But it turns out that this is just fine for the lady, since she sits them all down for tea time and explains that she is a widow with three daughters and no sons in inherit their vast estates and wealth. And she thinks it would be a grand idea if the four of them married her and her three daughters.
Tripitaka is Horrified by this offer, so much so that he becomes completely mute during the discussion and he only gets worse as she continues to try and sweeten the deal. Like it's so bad I'm almost tempted to add a point to his 'Paralyzed by Fear' stat. Pigsy however is very tempted by this offer and urges Tripitaka to say something. Tripitaka finally snaps out of it to yell at Pigsy that Monk's like them can't be swayed by wealth or beauty. He even gets into a bit of an argument with the lady and ends up insulting her a little.
This makes the lady angry and she tries to compromise that at least one of them should stay here and marry them. Tripitaka immediately volunteers Sun Wukong for this. Sun Wukong is like 'Nah, I don't care about things like that, let Pigsy stay.' Pigsy wants to discuss that idea further, but Tripitaka has already moved on to throwing Sandy under the bus instead. However Sandy just joined the group two months ago and isn't willing to give up on the journey so easily. Seeing that they aren't going to be swayed- the lady slams the door shut on them, leaving them outside.
Pigsy isn't to happy about being shut out in the cold, and says that Tripitaka should have just strung the lady along with a vague answer so they could at least get some dinner and a place to rest for the night. And even Sandy is getting tired of his nonsense and suggests that Pigsy just stay here. Pigsy however would feel slightly bad for abandoning his wife for this quest, just to abandon the quest for a different wife. Eventually though Pigsy gets tired of arguing back and forth with them, so he takes his leave under the excuse of finding the horse a place to graze. So Monkey leaves Sandy in charge of babysitting Tripitaka so he can follow Pigsy.
Rather then grazing the horse properly, Pigsy instead chases the horse into the house as an excuse to talk with the Lady again. So Pigsy offers his pitch, that just because the other three are to afraid of disobeying the Tang emperor to stay here, he would be an excellent choice of husband since he's hard working despite being rather ugly. So Monkey takes this opportunity to return to Tripitaka and tell him the latest gossip ahead of Pigsy. Pigsy comes back right after, and Monkey makes sure to drop a hint that they know exactly what he was up to.
Just then however the Lady comes out of the house with her three daughters and asks them if they've decided which one of them will wed her three daughters. Sandy chimes in that they've decided Pigsy will be the one to stay here. While Pigsy says that they shouldn't play tricks on him like this, and that they should discuss it further. Monkey points out that there isn't anything to discuss since Pigsy was the one who went behind their backs to make an arrangement to marry them. So they might as well go forward with the wedding since it's an auspicious and lucky day and the whole family is here for the wedding to give Pigsy away. Also at least this way Pigsy can help on their journey by giving them a wedding feast to see them off.
So Pigsy's future mother in law now gladly lets them inside and gives them a meal before allowing them to retire in a guest bedroom. She leads Pigsy away from the others however and says that she has a dilemma. She doesn't know which of her daughters to give Pigsy to. Pigsy tries to advocate that he would gladly marry all three of them, but the mother has a different idea on how to decide. So she blindfolds Pigsy and says her daughters will walk past him, and whichever one he catches will be his bride. However despite prancing around the room like a complete idiot, Pigsy isn't able to catch any of them.
Pigsy eventually complains that they are to slippery, so the mother should just marry him instead. The mother however comes up with another idea on how to choose. The daughters have each woven a silk undershirt, so the shirt that fits him, will decide which daughter he will marry. Immediately after Pigsy tries on the first shirt however, the shirt immediately turns into rope and tightly binds him, and the women also vanishes into thin air.
We cut back to the rest of the group, who had a pleasant night, despite waking up to find the beautiful villa gone and that they had apparently slept in a forest the whole night. Sandy is rather freaked out by this disappearing house nonsense, but Monkey is well used to heaven's shenanigans and habit of making random houses appear and disappear at will. Monkey is much more interested in laughing about Pigsy's misfortune and gleefully explains to Tripitaka and Sandy that this whole thing was a test from the heavens.
They also hear Pigsy yelling for them to rescue him and untie him. Monkey is all for leaving Pigsy there to suffer his fate, but Tripitaka thinks he's learned his lesson and decides to rescue him since he's still useful despite being a moron.
Current Sun Wukong Stats: Names/Titles: Monkey, The Stone Monkey, The Handsome Monkey King, Sun Wukong (Monkey awakened to the void), Bimawen (Banhorseplague), The Great Sage Equal To Heaven and Pilgrim Sun. Immortality: 5 Weapon: The Compliant Golden Hooped Rod Abilities: 72 Transformations, Cloud-Somersault, Ability to transform his individual hairs, super strength, Ability to Summon Wind, Water restriction charm, and the ability to change into a huge war form, ability to duplicate his staff, ability to immobilize others, the ability to put others to sleep, and the Fiery eyes and Diamond Pupils, intimidating horses, churning large bodies of water, sleeplessness, seizing the wind, enhanced smell and discerning good and evil within a thousand miles. Demon Kill Count: 4+ Unknown Number of Minions Human Kill Count: 6 God's Defeated: 19 + Unknown number Defeats: 3 Crime List: Robbery, Murder, Mass Murder, Arson, Theft, Coercion, Threatening a Government Official, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Forgery, Employee Theft, False Imprisonment, Impersonating a Government Official, Treason, attempted murder, failure to control or report a dangerous fire, desecrating a corpse, breaking and entering and trespassing. Cry Count: 3 Mountains Trapped Under: 1
Current Tang Sanzang stats: Names/Titles: River Float, Xuanzang, Tang Sanzang, Tripitaka Abilities: Curing Blindness, making branches point a certain direction (allegedly), reciting sutras, pretty privilege, memorization and Heart Sutra. Cry Count: 14 Tight Fillet Spell Uses: 5 Paralyzed by fear: 4 Bandit Problems: 2 Kidnapped by demons: 2 Falling Off Horses: 5
Current Bai Long Ma Stats: Names/Titles: Bai Long Ma (White Dragon Horse), Prince of the Western Ocean, and third prince jade dragon of the dragon king Aorun Abilities: Transforming into a human, a water snake, and a horse, eating a horse in one bite, and flight. Crime List: Arson, and Grave Disobedience. Contributions to the plot: 1
Current Zhu Wuneng Stats: Names/Titles: The Marshal of the Heavenly Reeds, Zhu Wuneng (Pig who is aware of ability), Zhu Ganglie, Pigsy, Idiot and Eight Rules. Weapon: Rake Abilities: 36 Transformations, parting water, fighting underwater and cloud soaring. Demon Kill Count/Kill steals: 1 Failed Flirtation/romances Attempts: 3 Cry Count: 1 Crime List: Sexual Harassment, Murder, Kidnapping and arson.
Current Sha Wujing Stats: Names/Titles: The Curtain-Raising General, Sha Wujing (Sand Aware of Purity), Sandy and Sha Monk Weapon: 'Monster Taming Staff' Abilities: Fighting underwater Crime List: Breaking a Crystal Cup, murder, and desecration of a human corpse.
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glosschi · 1 month
He’s the type of person who never expresses his feelings directly when he’s upset, but instead comes up with all sorts of creative ways to pick quarrels with others. It’s really quite tough being his subordinate at such times.
Stars of Chaos
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nothingwronghere · 10 months
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the-monkey-ruler · 3 months
A Chinese Odyssey: Pandora's Box (1995) 大话西游之月光宝盒
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Director: Liu Zhenwei Screenwriter: Liu Zhenwei / Wu Chengen Starring: Stephen Chow / Ng Mang-tat / Luo Jiaying / Lam Jieying / Karen Mok / Jiang Yuecheng / Luk Shuming / Liu Chunwei / Zhu Yin / Li Jianyan / Li Baolong Genre: Comedy / Romance / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Hong Kong, China/Mainland China Language: Cantonese / Mandarin Chinese Date: 2014-10-24 (Mainland China) / 1995-01-21 (Hong Kong, China) Duration: 88 minutes Also known as: Journey to the West 101 Chapters Moonlight Treasure Box/ Monkey King's Journey to the East/ A Chinese Odyssey Part 1 / 西游记101回月光宝盒 / 齐天大圣东游记 / 大话东游之一 / A Chinese Odyssey Part One - Pandora's Box / 西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒 / 大話西遊 IMDb: tt0112778 Type: Reimanging
Sun Wukong (Stephen Chow) escorted Tang Sanzang (Luo Jiaying) to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. On the way, he conspired with the Bull Demon King to kill Tang Sanzang and stole the Moonlight Treasure Box. This move made Guanyin want to eradicate him. Despite Tang Sanzang's request, Sun Wukong was sentenced to death. Five hundred years later, he was reincarnated as a human being to atone for his sins.
Five hundred years later, Sun Wukong transformed into the robber leader Supreme Treasure /Joker. When he met the monster sisters Spider Jingchun Sansanniang (Lan Jieying) and the Bone Demon Bai Jingjing (Mok Wenwei) who planned to eat Tang Monk's flesh, because Sun Wukong had a relationship with Bai Jingjing five hundred years ago, Joker fell in love with her at first sight, but due to the old Bodhi Zu told the identity of the two monsters, and Zhizunbao still led the bandits to start dealing with the two monsters.
In the process, Bai Jingjing injured Chun Sananniang to save Joker, and she was also poisoned and injured. In order to save Bai Jingjing, Joker went to find Chun Sanniang was misunderstood by Bai Jingjing and committed suicide in despair. Joker began to use the Moonlight Box in the hope of turning back time.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/1299398/
Link: https://kissasian.ac/Drama/A-Chinese-Odyssey-1-Pandora-s-Box/Movie?id=19927&s=oserver
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