beverageartblog · 20 days
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self indulgence will continue until morale improves
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How Arslan looks after a "light" 2 hour workout.
Arslan: *Stretching out her back and her arms* Mmmmm~ man that workout really hit the spot. Wow! You can even still see my abs from it! What do you think darling~?
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Arslan: *After having just watched her man stumble face first into a wall after seeing her* Wonderful~. You know, I think it's time for the our post workout relaxation~ *Starts shashaying her way towards her blond noodle while peeling off her sweaty top*
Jaune: *Watching beads of sweat travel down her incredibly tone body, especially the one that went down between her abs* Yes ma'am!
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Idea i did last year with a few DC characters working as some food places. Raven at “Goth I-Hop”, Jinx at “Tomboy Outback” and Clark Kent/Superman at “Himbo Outback”
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Hi!! I love your hcs.. can I ask for some hcs for 2p north italy and reader who is often stressed? Thank you!
He's stressed af too due to the whole mafia boss thing
You would think Luciano would understand these things, since he's always stressed out. Unfortunately this is not exactly the case, he understands that he can get so stressed he just wants to sleep for a while and not do anything
Does that mean he can empathise with other people's stress in a productive/effective way? No, no it does not.
It's not that he doesn't care, it's more that empathising is difficult for him and he's always had to put himself first for survival. Eventually that just became the norm, being of a 2p nature, doesn't help either.
Flavio on the other hand is better at emphasising, he just doesn't care that much about anyone who's not family or a very close friend/partner.
Flavio plays an essential part in getting Luciano to understand that other people have feelings too
Once all that is over (aka Flavio lovingly beats it into Luciano), Luciano will start trying to help
His help does include some sfw and nsfw things, his mood still affects it a bit but at least he's trying
He makes good coffee for you basically from scratch, whether you like coffee or not has no meaning (Flavio points out caffeine might not be good for stress, Luciano shoots him, don't worry he'll be fine)
Luciano does switch to getting gelato for you, you may request flavours. If you don't like gelato he still doesn't care, it's gelato time
It takes a bit of trial and error but eventually he figures out how to help you when you're stressed out (Flavio gets shot a lot and then Luciano has to apologise when he wants his help again, he refuses ofc)
He will also ask you to join him when he wants to sleep away his stress, because having you close to him is nice
He might focus more on you during stress relieving sexy time, but he'll also want you to show the same care towards him when he's stressed
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vita-divata · 11 months
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Im absolutely obsessed with them :3
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distortedclouds · 5 months
just a hc i just got while trying to sleep that annie really likes armins face with his glasses on.
so one time after seggs theyre just chilling talking in their bed and armin just wore his glasses to see her properly and after he said something abt the state of the world or sm insane like this she just stared at his face for a few seconds then said “next time youre gonna keep them on” and armin was like “as you wish maam😆”
I can't get over the idea of Armin straight up not seeing her during sex it's hilarious. While Annie is on board with her new professor kink or something Armin is thrilled to get an HD view of Annie on top of him
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Hi! How would Akeno ,and Rias with an s/o who gives off top/dominant vibes?
Thanks for your blog btw its been helping me a lot whenever i feel down
Thank you for saying that. I know this ask is months old (I got it back in May 2023), but I appreciate it and I'm glad I can offer you and possibly others a pick me up or smile with my silly little posts and writing. I really want to write more and get better at getting stuff posted/finished this year, so hopefully you'll have more content to look forward to!
She would really be into it. While she is usually quite dominate herself and always willing to take charge (which I feel might kind of subdue the S/O's own dominant vibes because honestly if Akeno tells you to do something, you still probably do it without question), but she'd also be happy to give them the reins in the relationship if that makes them happy
She also gives them advice and "pointers" on how to be a better top. They're being a bit shy or awkward about something? She'll give them a pep talk and make them feel more confident about it
She gives them a pass to be openly affectionate with her in public and nearly free use access when they're both in private, so S/O can feel free to grab her whenever they'd like, however they'd like
She likes to "challenge" them being the top or dominant on occasion. Basically, she's just defiant to get them to embrace their confident, dominant personality
When they REALLY show off those dominant vibes, like grabbing her waist suddenly or kissing her deeply all of a sudden, she does get a little weak in the knees
She does enjoy how they take charge in the bedroom and private stuff, but in casual everyday stuff she is still the one to usually wear the pants and make decisions
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YDKJ-inspired Valentine's cards! Perfect to really confuse your friends with.
Bonus for Headrush:
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If you haven't been paying attention the past few weeks i can sum it up for you
Pony play gil
little meow meow cat boy Felek
Embrace top! Feliks
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ladykailolu · 8 months
Godot puffs on a ciggy then Kristoph takes that ciggy from his nouth.
And replaces it with his lips.
They kiss and kiss again. Kristoph finds Godot's hands, and they lace fingers together.
Kristoph doesn't stop, even when he has Godot spread his naked legs, mask off, blinded and helpless, his arms bound to the headboard
The Devil takes him there 😈 😉 😏
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strapskinkstories · 3 months
Open letter, from a closed DM
OOoo hey bud, sorry I've kinda neglected you and the whole gay scene, my male side is *severely damaged* I need to get my orchiectomy so I can actually have my sexual function go back to normal, having all these testicular pains is *preventing me from sexual function*
get ready for this bullshit, I had my orchie scheduled for this last friday, instead I got a fuck you letter from a catholic hospital saying that they refuse to do a *sterilization* procedure, BRO I HAVE A TRACH AND LIKE A DOZEN GENETIC DISEASES, YOU THINK IM GONNA EVER HAVE KIDS!? YOULL HAVE TO RAPE ME AND THEN I END YOU
If a woman were to tie me down and then by force have sex with me I'll put a full magazine into their body and ensure they are done living
1. I do not want to have kids
2. I do not want to subject another single God borne God created SOUL to this shit hole world, while the LGBTQIA+ world is almost like a paradise within the earth a safe haven, it's surrounded by a proverbial sewer, that is America, European international and internal affairs along with all the other geopolitical BS we deal with. Then theres the shitty environment. We need an unbreakable world, a literal damn heavens specifically for the LGBTQIA+
3.I have so many medical conditions and even a high cancer risk, every time fucking humans multiply the mutations in the genome get worse because DUH! Just like COVID19 and other viruses, humans are in effect parasitic on the earth especially with reckless 'breeding practices' resulting in mass genomic mutations and higher cancer risk, believe it or not but in the damn Bible and in other books of history people could live to be several hundred years old, credited to the extremely new and pure earth atmosphere and zero emissions and full ozone layer. Humanity totally fucked the earth going with fossil fuels, we could have left the fucking oil in the ground and went with electricity but nobody wanted to listen to Nikola Tesla
4. I have chronic testicular pain that cannot be conservatively treated, so the only resolution is a full radical orchiectomy with removal of the contents of the inguinal canal. Scrotal approach is acceptable provided the surgeon possesses ability to terminate spermatic cords and arterial complexes leading from the genitofemoral branch at the inguinal canal exit point.
Soooo ummm sorry.. bit awkward that I just unloaded that on you but THERES THE LONG STORY.
Sorry it sounds UBER religious but hey if a fucking CATHOLIC HOSPITAL is gonna be UBER RELIGIOUS and fuck me over then I'll show the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD why #LoyolaMedicine should be allowing Orchiectomies and trans care to happen in its so called "Holy Hospital" Any place of true holiness would acknowledge that the system used for vessel enclosure, to seal a soul to a body is imperfect as it sorts thousands of souls per second during births. Sometimes a female soul ends up in a male body and this is well known by neuroscience and psychology confirmed by deep theological study as well as independent spirit explorations. Any hospital of holiness would be working as fast as possible to allow as many transitions to occur within a high throughput transitional care facility that should have surgical throughput of at least 60 cases per day and a psych services / presurgical clearance unit throughput of a minimum of 240 cases per day.
Such a trans center would be able to handle 13,000 MtF or FtM transitions within it's operating rooms, you'd think "bullshit, it can't run 24 hours" I say "fuck you, I can make it run 24 hours and people can come in and go sleep in an operating room while we do transition work"
Real Christians don't go around controlling other people for profit nor do they go using fear tactics for the churches purposes, and fucks sake they do not worship guns, though if you rape me or any woman you will find yourself dead or near it. Rape is not a joke on either side of the aisle *NOBODY SHOULD BE FORCED INTO SEX*
Discovery and decoding of a "gender key" is typically something that can happen in childhood but for some it can happen much later and trigger flashes back to childhood thereby revealing the childhood key.
Ok, so I'm probably seeing like half of my audience freaking the fuck out right now, at least a quarter of my audience is shitting bricks and saying WHAT THE FUCK, SINCE WHEN WAS STRAPS TRANS!?
Y'all might have seen some brief inklings here and there on Twitter but I haven't sat down to type and reveal the actual encoding.
When I was in earliest childhood I absolutely hated anything touching my genitals (sensory rejection, the genital organs shouldn't be there)
Later childhood, I didn't have any fitness level, ran a higher heart rate awake (females run higher heart rates with a higher ejection fraction than men typically) and I always gravitated toward female hobbies, arts and music although with a slight male twist of going digital and machine art with music mixing for a school radio station.
I often got into my moms medicine cabinet to steal makeup and also would get her clothing. Had a massive collection of barbies, a small collection of hot wheels and made a weird mashup between the two but the barbie collection got the most use
By the age of 14 I had the neuromuscular disease confirmed to be triggered by Cymbalta (I'm one of the reasons the antidepressants now all have a black box warning not to use them in children and young adults, they can be extremely neurotoxic in rare events) I also was run for many genetic tests and imaging tests, I have BREAST TISSUE on the left side of my chest. Someone do a damn gender chromosome check and a full endocrine blood on me, and look for hidden ovaries, I think I've been producing estrogen since day one. I'm probably a strange white unicorn.
Wait a minute... White Unicorn...
The white unicorn represents magic, divine female energy, and a balance between female and male energy. Explains why I am double gendered but more female leaning.
The white unicorn is considered a messenger of angels and reminds us to reconnect with our inner child and pursue activities that bring joy. Explains why I'm always working with music art or writing because I want to see other people enjoying my work
In dreams, the appearance of a white unicorn signifies purity of heart and can serve as a powerful guide. It may also indicate the need for more magic in life or the potential loss of something. This Unicorn came to me as a signal to write more, and also to reveal my true self to the world
White unicorns, according to Celtic astrology, are born between July 8th and August 4th. They are natural healers and nurturers, possess creativity, and are selective about who they spend their time with. I'm a Late Unicorn with a August 8th birthdate, but I was technically born prematurely and if I was four days earlier I would have been "on time" for Unicorn Arrival but not safe for the earth, so delayed four days for final preparations. I'm a heavily creative person, I am highly picky about who I spend time with but when I do select my people they form a very strong bond, I am one who always works with medicine and healing and have even returned to doing energy work after finding people who need it and who accept the world of spirit energy healing (I mostly do it to mitigate pain and reduce muscle tightness for people)
So this is why I have not been doing a whole lot on Tumblr, or Twitter or anywhere. I've been dealing with an internal spiritual battle, saving my female side from being destroyed and balancing things to find out that my male side is the destroyer, the one that will eventually kill me, the female side is what I need to keep. On top of the spirit battle which has now come to closure, the male side is dying slowly but has been successfully terminated. Now I need to get the physical battle done and get rid of the painful testicles that should have never existed in the first place.
Sooo yeah... Now you all know what's actually going on. We return to normal programming uhh... Whenever I finish my next story.
(If you read this far then you're a bud, thanks for reading, mash the like and let me know you're still around)
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queenofnohr · 2 years
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tasteful Asha nudes anyone?
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crimsonamber9999 · 1 year
Would you play strip poker with them y/n
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distortedclouds · 8 months
Listen I agree that Armin is baby and deserves the gentlest of handling and care
But I think he'd actually like it if Annie tossed him around a bit
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Could you some Kuroka (high school dxd) relationship hcs with a male s/o sfw and nsfw
She likes it when he gives her sweets or treats. She doesn't have a sweet tooth as much as her sister, but she does like sweet things, especially when they're given to her by her S/O
She's relatively touchy feely with them, but in weird ways. Like yeah cuddling now and then, but also just rubbing a part of her body against them randomly and with no real warning
She likes to experience things in the human or "normal" world with him, like movies, music, restaurants, and even nature during trips camping or hiking now and then, though for those she usually uses her powers to make getting there quicker.
She does go into a "heat" season for like a month every year where all she wants to do is fuck. She can be hornier than the average girl normally, but during her heat she gets a new kink. BREEDING.
Petplay. She knows it. She loves it. She'll put a collar on for it!
She'll suck harder on his dick during a blowjob if he puts his hand on her head while blowing him and rubs her between her ears
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potterpasta · 2 years
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damn pinterest i’m trying
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