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crimsonamber9999 · 2 years ago
Would you play strip poker with them y/n
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council-of-beetroot · 2 years ago
If you haven't been paying attention the past few weeks i can sum it up for you
Pony play gil
little meow meow cat boy Felek
Embrace top! Feliks
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stararonia · 3 months ago
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– pairings: zoro x f!reader, law x f!reader, sanji x f!reader
– sfwish
– summary: caught in a heated moment, he finally tells you how he feels.
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“You are unbeatable.” You hissed, “yet I continue to challenge you every damn time I get.”
“Any why is that?” He smirked.
“It’s because I hate you.”
“Y’wanna know something?” He asked darkly. You rolled your eyes, ignoring the intimidating feeling you got when he pinned you against a wall. “I think I hate you more. And I’m gonna show you how much.”
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Zoro wasn’t bothered by your statement, nor did he give a fuck whether or not you hated him. What mattered at that moment was the intensity between you two; and, it was palpable.
“Show me what?” You asked.
“How much I want to wipe that smug look off your face.” He growled into your ear. “Or how much I want to tie your wrists with my sash and fuck that defiant mouth until you cry.”
Annoyed, you rolled your eyes, “is this a game to you?”
“It is,” Zoro whispered, kissing the curve of your neck. “And I’m going to win.”
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“And what does that mean?” You demanded. “I’m not afraid of you.” You whispered your last statement and gave him an angry look, hoping to convince him that you indeed were not afraid.
You were just pissed off, and he knew that.
Law’s piercing gaze eyed you curiously, wondering among all of the people he had to fight it was you.
“You should be scared.” He growled, letting go of one of your wrists. He slowly ran his fingers down your cheek and shoulders. “But…” he trailed, twirling his fingers at the hem of your pants, “you like this.”
“N-no-” you started.
Law kissed you roughly, knowing you were going to lie. “You like hating me, you like how I hate you.”
“Fuck you, Law.” You whispered. His lips ghosted over yours as he let you go, not stopping you from running away.
“If you hate me so much, stay and prove it.” He challenged. “If you run, you’re wasting both of our times.”
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Sanji’s eyes, normally warm and happy, were replaced by something else. They were burning with desire that you couldn’t identify, and it bothered you.
“Hate me all you want,” you shot back. “I don’t care.”
Sanji smirked. “You want to know why I hate you?” Your breath hitched as he tightened his hold, briefly reminding you who had the upper hand in the situation. “I hate how you know we can be something more…” he whispered, softening his tone. “…that there is more to life than us constantly going against each other’s throats.”
“Sanji-” you breathed.
“Prove to me.” He cooed, “prove that we can be together.” He let you go, observing. Instead of walking away, you fiercely grabbed his collar and pulled him into a kiss.
“Good girl,” he murmured, wrapping his hands around your waist, “you are such a good girl.”
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vodika-vibes · 9 months ago
Vodika... could we, please and thank you very much, get another mystic au with the Same Faces Gods? 👉👈 With a commander (Wolffe, Fox, Cody, Mayday, your choice). A first wohoo of love at first sight but busy.
Idk someone tries to appease the gods with a sacrifice, or the imperials try to replicate the technique but it backfires or a friend of 1st reader is a bit clumsy in a good way??
Of course you have every right not to do so!!!!
God Of War
Summary: Your cousin has been missing for months. Her social media has gone dark, and the people in the ExploraCorps have been tight-lipped about her whereabouts. Your family is sick with worry, and no one in the Empire seems willing to help. And then, when you're at work one day, everything changes.
Pairing: Commander Fox x F!Reader
Word Count: 3079
Warnings: Mentions of attempted human sacrifice, and kidnapping
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thanks for your request! I wasn't sure if you wanted smut or not, so I erred on the side of caution and left this largely SFW. SFWish. I hope you like it!
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You peek around your mother to look at your aunt. She’s sitting at the kitchen table, her hands wrapped tightly around one of your cousin’s old stuffed animals. Her eyes are glassy with tears. Your uncle has been staring out the back window since you and your mother arrived.
“Are they okay?” You ask, your voice quiet to not be overheard.
Your mother presses her lips together, and lightly cups your face, “Never you mind,” She admonishes, “They’ll be alright. So far as we know, your cousin is alive. They’re just worried about her.”
“The ExploraCorps hasn’t said anything?”
Your mother tapped your nose, “Never you mind.” She leans in and kisses your cheek, “Go on, baby. You’re going to be late for work.”
Worriedly, you gaze at your aunt and uncle and then back to your mother, “Are you sure? Senator Organa won’t mind giving me the day.”
“I’m sure. I’ll take care of them today,” She lightly pets your cheek, then turns back to her brother and sister-in-law.
You watch them momentarily, then turn and hurry out of their house. Luckily, the taxi is still waiting for you and you climb in the back before giving the driver your destination, the senate building. 
When you completed the placement tests as a child, you had a predisposition for politics and law. You were lucky and were selected to be an assistant for Senator Bail Organa, rather than some of the less agreeable Senators. 
He’s an agreeable man, with a big heart, and has come to view you like a beloved niece. When you told him that you were going to be late that morning due to a family emergency, he offered to give you the whole day.
If you thought that your presence would help your aunt and uncle, you’d take him up on that offer. But your uncle took one look at you and nearly collapsed to the ground in his grief.
You pay your taxi driver and head into the Senate Dome, walking the familiar path without really paying attention. It’s late enough in the day that there aren’t many people roaming the halls.
Which is good for you, because you’re not paying the most attention to your surroundings. 
You don’t snap back to yourself until you open the door to Senator Organa’s office and he says your name. You focus your attention on him, and he smiles kindly, “I wasn’t expecting to see you until this afternoon.”
You pause, and then duck your head, “Sorry, Senator. My presence wasn’t helping things, so Mom said to come in.”
He looks worried, “Is everything alright?”
Your hands curl into fists, “My cousin is a member of the ExploraCorps. She’s missing. Has been for months, and no one is telling us anything. Her social media has gone dark and…” You trail off, “Well, we’re worried.”
“I can understand that. Would you like me to reach out?”
“I appreciate it, Senator. But I doubt you’ll get an answer any different than what we got.” You sigh, “I just need something to do, that’s all.”
He walks over to you, and lightly places his hand on your shoulder, “Well, I have a lot of that. Would you be a dear, and deliver this stack of missives for me?”
You glance at the small stack of brown envelopes, and then you nod, “For the Perkins Bill?”
“Indeed. I’m sure it’s going to pass, everyone supports it, but we need to do things properly.” He walks over to his desk and hands you the stack of envelopes. “Take your time, there’s no rush.”
“Yes, Senator.” You reply as you flip through the envelopes, and then pause when you get to the last one, “Senator?”
“This last envelope isn’t labeled.”
“Oh?” He takes it, and stares at it in bewilderment, “I think this goes to the ExploraCorps.”
You stare at him.
“Ah, hold on.” He moves around his desk to open the envelope, and scans the content inside, “Ah, I was wrong. This goes to the Director of the MediCorps.”
A frown pulls at your lips, “Wasn’t the director of the MediCorps recently replaced?”
“Yes, he was.” Senator Organa flips open a binder and scans a sheet of paper at the top, “The current director is…hm…ah, here she is. Doctor Yasmin Kelb.”
“What happened to Doctor Trudel?” 
“Medically Retired.” Senator Organa replies, “Cancer.”
“That’s a shame.”
“It is.” You watch as he seals the paper in a new envelope and labels it to Doctor Kelb, “Here you go. Once you deliver all of these, come on back. I’ll have some more for you then.”
“Yes, Senator.”
“Good, lass. Off you run.”
You turn and leave his office, and stop in the hallway to organize the envelopes in a way that makes sense to you. Mentally, you map out the senate building and organize the delivery schedule in such a way that you won’t have to backtrack a lot, and then you start making deliveries.
The nicest thing about being Bail Organa’s aide is that you’re largely invisible. The people you work with don’t see you so much as Senator Organa’s crest on your nice jacket, and it gives you access to places where you normally wouldn’t have access.
It’s only fair. Senator Organa is a very well-respected man, almost as well respected as his lady wife. And anyone who is even remotely attached to him is treated with the same amount of respect.
It’s one of the few perks of your job.
The other one is the daily free food and coffee.
Finally, you only have the envelope for Doctor Kelb, and so you hop on the elevator to go up to the Director of the MediCorps office. Only to find yourself in front of an empty room.
“Everything alright?” A security guard asks as he walks over to you, glancing at the crest on your jacket, and the straightening.
“I have a message to deliver to Doctor Kelb for Senator Organa. Did the location of the MediCorps office change?”
“Yes ma’am,” He nods once, “They’re in the basement now. At Doctor Kelb’s request. You’ll find her office next to Director Frosch’s office.”
Slowly, you nod, “Next to the Office of the ExploraCorps?”
“That’s right.”
You hum thoughtfully, “Thank you.”
“You’re quite welcome. Have a good day, ma’am.”
“You as well.” You turn and head back to the elevator, bypassing the first one and heading to the second one. There’s only one elevator that heads to the basement, for security reasons, luckily you already have an access card and you don’t have to go ask the Senator to use his.
You wave your card over the panel next to the elevator, and the door slides open several moments later. You hit the button for sublevel one, and you wave your card over the panel inside the elevator, which allows the doors to slide shut and the elevator to start moving. 
It takes almost a whole minute to get to sublevel 1, that’s just how massive the senate building is, and you scrunch up your nose at the scent. The sublevel smells like a disgusting mix of antiseptic, the pine of the cleaning solution that cleaners use, and mildew. There must be a water leak somewhere.
You walk down the hall until you reach Director Frosch’s office, and you peer at the two offices next to his. 
One is empty, it used to belong to the director of the EduCorps, but EduCorps was moved to the local university several months ago. But the other one has a temporary door sign marking it as the office of Doctor Yasmin Kelb.
The door is shut, but you can see a light on under the door, so you lightly knock and wait.
The door swings open so suddenly, and with such force, that you jump back.
If you were to meet Doctor Kelb on the street, you’d think that she was a professional dancer. Less thin and more willowy. She towers over you, standing nearly the same height as your uncle as best as you can tell, and she squints at you through a pair of wireframe glasses. “What?” She demands, impatiently.
“Doctor Kelb? I have a missive for you from Senator Organa-” You start, holding out the envelope, only to blink as the woman rips it from your hands.
“Yes, yes. Good.” She vanishes into her office, and you stare at the spot where the woman had been standing, wondering if you should just leave, only to jump when she appears again, “What are you doing?” She demands, “Follow.”
“I…yes, Doctor!” You step into her office and she slams the door shut behind you.
Her office is a mess. Boxes and books and loose papers leave very little walking space.
“Ignore the mess,” The Doctor says as she brushes past you, knocking a box full of papers to the floor. “I just moved in.” 
Her office is a lot bigger than any of the other offices. It almost looks like her office continues deeper beneath the Senate Building. 
“Doctor?” You ask.
“Where are you taking me?” 
The woman sighs explosively, “Keep up, girl.” It’s not a very neat side-step of your question, and you’re starting to get an eerie feeling, as though you should probably leave.
“...Senator Organa will be waiting for me.” You say as you slow to a stop.
The woman sighs again and spins to look at you. There’s a frightening look on her face, and you take half a step back, only to trip over a book and fall.
“This,” Doctor Kelb says to you as she advances on you, a syringe in her hand, “is for the good of the Empire.”
“W-wait-!” You try to scramble back but there’s nowhere to go. 
You feel the sharp sting of a needle entering your neck and the cold feeling of something entering your body. Panicked, you manage to kick the woman off of her, but you only manage to get a few feet away from her before whatever she injected you with takes hold.
A terrified sob falls from you, even as the world fades to darkness.
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Slowly, you come back to yourself.
You’re in a dimmed room, and you seem to be lying on stone. 
Immediately you know that you’re either no longer in the senate building, or you’re so deep beneath the building that you might as well be somewhere else. 
Slowly you sit up to take stock of your surroundings. 
The first thing you note is that you’re naked, even your hair tie has been removed. Your feet are chained to this stone bed, though there doesn’t appear to be anything keeping you from moving. 
There’s a deep gash on the palm of your left hand. Curiously, it’s already been wrapped in bandages.
You turn your attention away from yourself and to your surroundings. It appears that you’re in some kind of ritual circle, like the ones you learned about in history class all those years ago.
Across from you is a stone table. You can’t see, exactly, what’s on it, but you do see a blanket folded on the table, as well as the skull of some type of animal.
Around the edges of the circle is Doctor Kelb, as well as several members of the ExploraCorps.
They don’t seem to notice, or care, that you’re awake. 
“We have everything,” Director Frosch insists, “This is exactly what the ritual entails.”
“I agree.” Doctor Kelb says with a dispassionate glance at you, before she looks back at the director, “Best get started before the sacrifice starts making a nuisance of herself.”
“Yes, yes.” Doctor Frosch strokes his beard and then picks up a lighter and lowers it to a divot in the ground.
You watch, in numb horror, as flames spring to life around you. Blocking the people who kidnapped you from sight.
They mean to burn you alive.
You’re only thought, hope, is that maybe it’ll be quick. Maybe your death won’t hurt too much.
The flames lick up the sides of the stone bed you’re strapped and you can feel the almost cold heat of the flames licking the soles of your feet. You slam your eyes shut, you don’t want to see this.
Then the impossible happens.
The flames bend away from you, the pain in your feet fades, and a cool hand presses against your cheek. Tearfully, you look up.
A man is standing over you, just as naked as you are, but strangely, you aren’t afraid of him. “It’s going to be okay.” He says soothingly, as he drapes the blanket over your shoulders and wraps it around you.
You start as the manacles holding you to the stone bed shatter as if they were never there to begin with. “Who-?”
His other hand presses against your cheek, tilting your head back so you’re meeting his gaze, “My name is Fox. I am the patron god of the forgotten and the abused.” Something like malice slides across his face, “I do not think they meant to summon me.”
Even with the malice rolling off of him in waves, you’re still not afraid of him.
Then he smiles at you, soft and warm, and he lightly presses his lips against your forehead, “All will be well. I promise.” The flames finally die down and Fox helps you off the bed and stands you behind him. “Stay behind me, ad’ika.”
You nod mutely and cower behind him.
Director Frosch and Doctor Kelb step into the circle, “Finally.” The director says, “Proof.”
Fox gazes at them dispassionately.
“We are the ones who summoned you,” Doctor Kelb says, “You have to obey us.”
“Oh? I didn’t see you in the summoning circle,” Fox replies.
The two adults share a look before the Director clears his throat, “We are at war, we need your expertise to destroy our enemies.”
Fox smiles, “I am a god of war.”
“Yes! So you can kill our enemies for us-”
“I am not a god of slaughter.” Fox interrupts.
“Then…then you can tell us strategies to help us win-”
“I am not a strategic god.”
“Then who-?”
Fox advances on them, “I am a god of war. I am every mother who has lost her son. Every wife who has lost her husband. Every orphaned child.” He pauses and glances at you, “...every sacrifice. Everyone who has been forgotten and abused.”
The protective circle crumbles, not meant to hold the will of a deity, and the people who kidnapped you scramble back as shadows pool at Fox’s feet.
“How dare you call on me.”
You see the shadows sliding across the floor, and you slam your eyes shut as the shadows lift from the ground. This isn’t for your eyes. Even though you can’t see what’s happening, you can hear it.
Screaming, and begging, and the sound of something sharp cutting through flesh.
And then-
The silence is almost deafening, and you only open your eyes when you feel those cool fingers against your face again.
“They will never harm you, or anyone else, again,” Fox says. There’s blood splattered on his face, and you use the corner of the blanket to reach up and wipe the blood off of his face.
His gaze softens as he watches you.
“What happens now?” You ask.
Fox hums thoughtfully as he takes your hand in his, “I have never had a priestess before. Though, I’ve also never had a priest before either. People generally aren’t fool enough to summon me.”
“I didn’t-”
“Shh.” He presses his finger against your lips, “I know you didn’t summon me. But, you are mine. Mine to protect, mine to hold, mine to love.”
Your face heats at his words. Not that you’re complaining. You feel drawn to him, and you wonder if the ritual had something to do with that. But it doesn’t matter. Not really.
You don’t want to leave his side.
Fox moves his finger from your lips and leans in so his lips are hovering over yours, “I should finish the claiming,” He murmurs, chuckling as you try to lean in to kiss him, “But we’re not safe yet. And I want to take my time with claiming you.”
He pulls away and you make a disappointed noise.
Fox chuckles, “Patience, ner ad’ika. When we’re safe, I will give you everything you want and more.”
You try to hide your disappointment, but you must not do a great job of it, as Fox leans in and trails his lips from your ear to your jaw. It’s like shooting electricity down your spine.
He chuckles, “Oh, ad’ika, I am going to have fun playing with you.” Fox pulls away, “Is there someone safe in this building?”
“Um…Senator Organa is a good man.” You say, your face heated from embarrassment. 
“Then we should go to him.”
“W-wait! We can’t walk through the Senate naked!” You blurt.
Fox pauses and glances at you, and then down at himself, “I suppose you have a point. Can you get him here?”
“If I can find a phone, yes.” You step out of the ritual circle, and make a face at the bodies, “Gross.”
“They insulted me.” Fox says as he sits on the stone bed you were just chained to, “They’re lucky I didn’t do worse.”
“Ah, found one!” You pick up a working phone and dial a number you know by heart, “Uh…what should I say about you?” You ask as the phone starts ringing. 
Fox just shrugs and leans back slightly, his dark eyes locked on you, an almost hungry look on his face.
Slightly flustered, you turn away from him as your boss answers the phone. You give him a very abridged version of what happened, but you have the feeling that he knows something is wrong because he promises to be there immediately. 
“He’ll be here in a bit.”
Fox hums, and pats the stone bed next to him, “How about you tell me exactly what’s happening here?”
“I can do that.” You move to sit next to him, only for him to pull you onto his lap and bury his face in your neck. 
Absently, you wrap your arms around him and play with his curls at the base of his neck as you start talking. You know that nothing is going to be the same now.
You hope your mother will forgive you.
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youre-ackermine · 4 months ago
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Here's my entry for The Drabble Challenge 2024 hosted by @thedrabblecollective
Day 11 "Whistle"
Fandom Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin
Pairing Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoë
Setting Modern AU / Established relationship / Non-binary AFAB Hange / Kissing / N-sfwish / Swearwords
Wordcount 100 words
A/N Not beta or proof read / English is not my usual language
Read Previous: Day 10 / Next: Day 12
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Levi presses Hange deeper into the cushions.
His lips trail down their neck, drawing a needy moan from them.
But just as his hand slides along their thigh, a sharp whistle cuts through the room, carried by a sudden gust of wind that rattles the windowpanes.
Levi pulls back, breathless, brow furrowing as he notices the distant rumble of thunder.
"When did the weather turn to shit?" he grumbles.
A lazy smile plays on Hange's lips. "Didn't notice."
"Annoying," Levi mutters.
His lips curve slightly as he brushes a stray lock of hair from Hange's face.
"Now, where were we?"
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Divider @/saradika-graphics
Header by me
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pipermca · 11 months ago
I am accepting @altraviolet's challenge (from the post here) for the fic writer questionnaire. This looks like fun! *cracks knuckles*
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,133,042 (holy shit)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mostly write for Transformers these days. I do have a little short story cooking for Centaurworld; maybe I'll get that jotted down some day.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I can definitely see how writing for a popular ship will skew your stats on your fics, and smut gives bonus points. 😅
Frag the Police. Jazz/Prowl, NSFW
Claim Rejected. MegOP, SFW
Peer Review. Starscream/Wheeljack, NSFW
Anamnesis. Jazz/Prowl, SFWish (has plug-n-play interfacing)
Public Indecency. Jazz/Prowl, NSFW
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love comments and I want to pass on that appreciation. 💗
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. Even my darker stories usually have a bit of light in the end, since I am a sucker for happy (if possibly bittersweet) endings. But the story Atrocity (please mind the tags on that one) leaves Bluestreak in a bad place at the end, and nothing is really resolved.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have lots of fics with really happy endings! But in terms of having no hanging ends, I think The Renegade and the Hound might be the happiest. 🤗 The last chapter of that fic is all warm fuzzies for the characters.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. 😄 I've gotten some vaguely critical comments sometimes but I wouldn't call that hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ooooh yeah. I write it all. I'll even write the weird stuff there's no terms for. Give me that weird-ass smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I tend to write fusions rather than traditional crossovers, but the weirdest one was very recent: The Spark and the Lightning, which is the War for Cybertron game crossed/fused with Dune.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! The fic Becoming has been translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of? A friend and I tossed little bits of a story back and forth several years ago, each of us building on what the other had just written. I have the bits all collected, but I'm not sure if it'll ever see the light of day.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Bluestreak/Hound. 💗
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It's in the Alt Modes and Alchemy AU. Basically it's the events of the climax of The Renegade and the Hound and a period immedately afterwards, but from Perceptor's POV. It's written as a half diary/half academic paper. The title is:
On the Restoration of Cybertron: An Analysis and Personal Account, or A Treatise on the Effects of the Destruction of the Matrix of Leadership on Cybertron and its Inhabitants from an Alchemical Perspective, and a Personal Account of said Event as Recalled by Perceptor of Iacon, Head Alchemist of Optimus Prime.
It's hella fun, and I'd love to finish it, but it keeps moving out of my "currently working on" stack into the "shelved" stack. :/
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at worldbuilding and writing those juicy emotional scenes.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing stuff. 😅 But seriously, I have a tendency to go back and rework stuff I've written (but not yet posted) instead of working forward on getting more words down. I love editing too much I think. >.<
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's fine? It should be clear to the reader what the dialogue says without them having to Google Translate it. Anything that stops a reader and takes them out of the flow of the story is a Bad Thing imo.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hahaha! I think the first actual fanfic I wrote was in the Time Quintet series (specifically after reading A Swiftly Tilting Planet) by Madeleine L'Engle. I think I was about 8 or 9.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmm. My favourite long fic is Mind, Body, and Soul (which was long and self-indulgent and I said everything I wanted to say about the Big Themes of the story). My favourite short fic is probably Datastream, mostly because I dipped into Cybertronian brains and weird sci-fi elements, mixed with formatting to help tell the story. :)
That was fun! Consider yourself tagged if you want to play along.
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pinklewdsoflove · 3 years ago
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Some bubbly Karine titties  
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malignedaffairs · 5 years ago
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Secrets for @shisuitaweek2019
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daftpunkselectroma · 5 years ago
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there’s always something special about ppl’s first reactions to the date w/ kaz in pw
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flusteredmountainman · 6 years ago
Why do you think Muriel doesn't like Julien? I'm thinking it's just incompatible personalities (since Julian is loud and dramatic and Muriel is,, not) , but it might also be due to the fact that Julian had an initially somewhat friendly (?) relationship with L*cio, presumably at the time that L*cio took control over Vesuvia. Do you have any theories? I love your analysis(plural) of the game
I think it’s a combo of a lot of different things including just that Muriel probably finds his personality grating. I think the MAJOR reason he doesn’t like Julian is literally just because of his complicated relationship with Asra.
Muriel is an incredibly lonely (I typo’d as lovely the first time and that is Also true lol) person, and Asra is the only person in his life who’s stuck around long-term and hasn’t hurt him. He sees pretty much anyone who gets close to Asra as a threat to his relationship with him and tends not to like them (e.g. he universally just does Not like MC at all in any of the routes when he meets them). 
I think also it has to do with some complicated feelings about Asra’s curse and him hating to see Asra suffer. I think he (similar to Asra) has complicated feelings about Julian because he blames Julian for MC’s death (and consequently, Asra giving up half his heart to bring them back). Obviously Asra’s been unhappy and lovelorn for several years before the start of the plot in the game, and seeing Asra that way would make Muriel unhappy. He likewise doesn’t like MC for being the cause of this pain for Asra - not that they have any control over that.
He also has a valid reason for feeling unhappy by Asra’s fixation on MC too though, I love Asra so much but literally in the scenes after the arena fight in Asra’s route when Muriel ran away and Asra was like “anyway is MC ok?” I was just like. DUDE. Go comfort your best friend smh!!! He just relived his greatest trauma for you! Asra’s relationship with MC comes at a detriment to his one with Muriel at times, and even in Asra’s upright ending when Muriel is a Little bit better off he’s still lonely. 
I think he’s aware on some level that his dislike of MC is irrational, which is why he usually helps them despite his mistrust of them, but he doesn’t seem to be able to get over that with Julian. 
This could also be because Muriel has feelings for Asra (as we see in Nadia’s route). I think this is also evidenced by how little we see Muriel in Julian’s route. We see him a lot in both Nadia and Asra’s route, but literally only in the Hermit and in the reversed ending briefly for Julian. Asra and Muriel don’t end up together in this route. I think this is because Julian’s route is the second worst for Asra according to the devs for heartbreak (they described like on a scale of 0-100 for each character that Muriel would be -1000, Nadia/Portia would be 0, Lucio would be 1000 and Julian would be 50 in an ask arcana lol), so Muriel would have spent a lot of time comforting Asra if they did interact in this route, and then Asra still ends up close with Julian in this new found family scenario but Muriel is the odd man out. Whether or not it’s a romantic jealousy thing or just him worried about being abandoned, he clearly sees Julian as a reason Asra might leave him (e.g. in HH when Asra and Muriel are both at Mazelinka’s house, Muriel asks Asra why he’s still talking to Julian when Asra doesn’t mention his name).
Also, beyond Julian’s personality, I think there’s a huge cultural difference between Nevivon, Vesuvia and Prakra.
Muriel likes Nadia, but she also directly acknowledges what happened in the arena was wrong. She’s from a very different place with better systems of law and order who was horrified by the treatment Muriel received, and validates him that it was horrible and shouldn’t have happened to him
Vesuvians seem to be fairly mixed in attitudes to the arena; some loved it and some hated it
BUT we see both Portia AND Julian being extremely excited about the prospect of the arena and the red market. Julian gets a kick out of the idea of playing gladiator (as we see in HH on his Colosseum interaction), and Portia also when she meets Muriel at the Colosseum LITERALLY says to him that she bets he was awesome on the sands and she wishes she could have seen it. Needless to say he’s upset, and this is pretty insensitive, but she genuinely doesn’t think that killing people is something to be ashamed of in that context
Also, Julian is pretty insensitive about Muriel’s privacy and trauma when they meet in his route; he calls him Scourge repeatedly. Even in the HH interaction where Muriel and Julian are both in Muriel’s hut, Asra says “Muriel won’t like you being here”, and Julian literally says “What is he going to do, crush me?”
Like Julian. Listen. I love you to pieces and it’s clear you think he’s hot (kjaefnknaf i can’t stop thinking about “You’re a.... big boy.... (blushing)”) but PLEASE curb your horny for 5 minutes and try to be a little more sensitive and not just “oh giant man please crush me” also please Julian you’re both bottoms this would not work
I think generally there’s a lot of stuff there that means Muriel would feel alienated and objectified by the way Julian behaves, but also just in the way Asra’s relationship with him is complicated.  Maybe it also has something to do with him helping Lucio, I mean he doesn’t know about the plague beetle thing so maybe that’ll be a uniting factor for them? That’s a good point that I hadn’t thought of!I’m interested to see how they resolve that tension in Muriel’s route, but I really have No idea how they’re gonna go about it
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That was way kajefnkae longer than I thought it’d be this is what happens when you hyperfixate folks lmfao I do have screencaps of a lot of the HH stuff if yall need proof kjaefnfae lmk and I can dig them out
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cafexalamode · 5 years ago
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flaminggildedrose · 6 years ago
@fallesto​ continued from {x}
        🌹 What part of this was normal anymore. She had been subjected to many horrors and even a few tortures but this. This was going to cause some mental damage no matter how she looked at it. One moment she was actually coming to terms with her curse when suddenly she was given her shape back. 
            She counted her blessings that she had all her limbs and nothing seemed to be broken but it was the fact she was standing in the middle of the road now buck ass naked that threw her into horror. 
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              Maria had to look like something from a storybook to the people on the road just behind them. Embarrassed and flustered she looked to the doe struggling to stand and her brain told her to run. Run and never look back instead the knight did something else. At once she reached out the best she could to aid the sorceress now deer up onto her new legs and off into density of the trees. 
               Neither of them was safe in these forms. Maria would need a moment to places robes back onto herself when given a spare moment but the doe.....the doe was in far more danger. One could trap, tame and ride a horse. As for the deer......well they were wild game. 
               “Come now one foot over the other it’s ok.....I got you ......”  🌹
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rpwatch-soldier76-blog · 6 years ago
Hrhh.......Commander....I’m trying to sneak around Talon but I’m dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards.......
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agirlwithsecrettastes · 6 years ago
Go wild
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  🎭 “I hope he lets me call him Daddy Duma for that’s a whole LOT of man~” 🎭    
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milich96 · 3 years ago
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There are some very good fics out there
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milich96-ocs-blog · 4 years ago
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SM it's lot of work and preparation guys
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