#{Asleep among the rose bushes: Maria}
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flaminggildedrose · 3 years ago
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She shined bright and her magic even brighter~! Art Commission by : Sppichkka
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 years ago
Döden Går Tyst I Skogen
Word count: 4487
Prompt: “I’m going to die. I’m going to die with an absolute idiot!”
“I hope you guys had no other plans for this weekend because we’re going camping!”
Of course Cleves was the one to present this idea. She was the nature freak, after all (in a good way, of course).
It was just another day at the theater, another day of singing the same songs and dancing the same dances. Perhaps that’s why Cleves came up with this proposition in the first place; she could sense the dreariness coating the ten of them and knew they all needed a break.
“Camping?” Aragon said slowly. “Really?”
“Yes, really!” Cleves replied with natural enthusiasm. “Come on, we don’t have any shows this weekend. We need this. What’s a better way to unwind than be in the great outdoors?”
“Be inside where it’s safe?” Joan put in.
“It sounds good to me.” Anne said, talking over Joan, earning an annoyed huff from the girl, who promptly buries her face back into her sketchbook. “It gives me more of a reason not to do the dishes!”
“You’re still doing them,” Jane said, then smiled at Cleves. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. I don’t think I’ve ever gone camping before.”
“Think you can handle it, Miss Germaphobe?” Anne teased.
“Yes!” Jane barked, suddenly defensive. “It is nature! It’s probably cleaner out there than it is in here.”
“Poison ivy, poison oak, leprosy, hornets, rabies, murderers…” Joan began to rattle off the dangers of nature. “Fungal diseases, scorpions, bears…” She continues, but nobody pays attention after that.
“I think it’s a great idea!” Kitty piped up. “Can we take the dogs?”
“Yeah!” Cleves said excitedly. “This is gonna be amazing! You won’t regret it!”
And so, the plans were arranged.
After spending the three days in actual civilization, the gang packed up two cars with supplies Cleves had bought (again, nature freak) and drove off to the campsite the red queen knew about. 
They arrived a little after six. It took ten minutes to hike to the clearing, and then around another thirty minutes to unpack and get set up, but they were all eventually sitting on logs and chairs around the fire Kitty and Anne started, a task Jane had been hesitant about giving them.
“Let’s play a game!” Kitty said.
“Hippo,” Joan suggested.
She got several head tilts, but Cathy flashed a grin at her.
“We used to call it Hippo, but we got tired of people always asking, ‘Why’s it called Hippo?’” She laughed. “Nice OXENFREE reference, Jo. I got it.” She swung her head around to the others, missing Joan’s shy blush in reaction to what she said. “It’s like Truth or Dare, except it’s a little nicer because nobody has to chug a bottle of hot sauce or lick someone else’s butthole. You can ask anyone any question you want and they have to answer no matter what, but if someone can prove that they’re lying, they get to slap them for not telling the truth.”
The others nodded in understanding.
“I’ll go first to start us off,” Cathy said. “Jane- Would you ever be polygamous?”
Jane scrunched up her nose in bafflement at such a question why several others laughed loudly. Cathy merely shrugged at the look she was being given and then motioned for Jane to answer.
“No. No way.” Jane said. “I mean, if you’re into that, nifty, but one partner is hard enough to deal with for me.”
A few more snorts went through the group, but nobody made a move to slap Jane, meaning, as far as they all knew, she was telling the truth.
“My turn, right?” Jane asked.
“Yup,” Cathy nodded.
“Okay…” Jane looked around at everyone. “Anne!” The green queen perked up and waited excitedly. “If you woke up as the opposite gender, what’s the first thing you would do?”
Laughter erupted through the clearing. Maria even tipped backwards off of the log she was sitting on and had to cling desperately to Bessie’s shirt, which nearly made the bassist come down with her.
“I’m crying!” Maggie howled, wiping a finger under her watering eyes.
“There was zero hesitation!” Cleves cried.
“Can I slap her just because?” Aragon asked. 
“I speak only the truth.” Anne smirked. “My turn now, and I choose...Bessie!”
There was a swell of intrigued murmurs. Bessie raised an eyebrow at Anne.
“Ever committed a crime?” Anne asked. 
“If the illegal downloading of over a thousand songs counts as a crime, then yes.” Bessie said nonchalantly. “And tax fraud.”
“What?” Aragon gaped, among many shocked reactions.
“Anna!” Bessie said, providing no context or explanation for her answer.
And so, the game went on. 
Darkness began to fall over the forest as evening turned to night. Rays of marigold and pink and orange slipped through the trees, bathing the clearing in the colors of twilight before serene, inky black settles in its place. Laughter and music filled the grove even as the moon rose up high in the silver-speckled sky. Hippo turned into Cards Against Humanity, then a forest dance party, and then just normal conversations with topics that would randomly whisk away with the wind. 
Maria was the first to turn in for the night at eleven. Cathy and Kitty followed thirty minutes later, until everyone had nestled into their respective tents. The sound of humming crickets and croaking frogs lulled them all into a peaceful sleep…
Saturday, November 12
That’s what the big, white letters and numbers at the top of Joan’s phone screen read when she pressed the power button. She squinted at the brightness, then shut it off to relieve her eyes of the stinging glow that blinded them. She set her phone aside and rolled over, finding that there was much more space than before. When she peeked out from under her heavy eyelids again, she saw that the sleeping that used to occupy Cleves, her tent roommate, was empty.
Probably using the bathroom, Joan thought, snuggling back up in the blanket she brought. However, for the life of her, she couldn’t drift back off. You’d think the silence outside would help, bit it didn’t. In fact, it made falling asleep even worse for that very reason- that it was silent. No chirping of night birds, no rustling of leaves in the wind, no croaking of frogs. Nothing.
Complete silence.
Joan sat up, rubbed her eyes, then crawled out of the tent. The fire had been reduced down to flickering embers, and the minimal glow they gave off revealed a bare perimeter around the site. When she checked, there was nobody in the other tents.
No answer.
Joan grabbed one of the flashlights lying around and began scanning the area of the camping ground. There was nobody.  Not even the dogs they had brought along.
“Hello? Guys?”
She vaguely remembered them talking about going on a night hike hours earlier, so she stepped out of the fire’s light and started to search. She waved the flashlight around everywhere, calling out for her friends.
“Jane? Bessie? Catherine?” She shouted into the darkness. “Where’d you guys go? Anne?”
Nothing answered her.
Joan delved deeper into the woods. Fallen leaves and icy grass crunches underneath her feet. The darkness surrounded her like a malevolent entity. It seemed palpable, almost physical. She shivered as a cold whirlwind gusted around her, her pajamas providing little to no protection from the wind. She regretted not grabbing her coat, but she hadn’t been expecting it to take this long.
“They could have at least told me where they were going.” She grumbled, “Or when they would get back. Or when they left because this is ridiculous!”
A branch snapped loudly from behind. Joan whirled around to see nobody.
Bushes rustled nearby.
“Guys, this isn’t funny anymore!” She yelled.
There were more snaps and crackles that seemed to come from every direction. A crash sounded from a few yards away, like someone had taken a big log and threw it to the ground with as much force as possible. Joan thought she heard laughter coming from in the trees. She’s spinning around in rapid circles, shining her flashlight everywhere.
Then, a scream. 
Something lunged out from the underbrush.
Joan shrieked in pure terror and fell backwards, becoming paralyzed with fear. She braced her arms over her head. The laughter is back. She peeks out and her heart sinks.
“Oh man, you should have seen your face, Joan!”
“You...you prick!!”
Kitty jumped out of the way when the pianist flung a stick at her. She doubled over, giggling and trying to catch her breath.
“That wasn’t funny!”
“Sorry, sorry, okay! It was just too good!”
She hauled Joan up to her feet, despite the nasty glare she was getting.
“So all of that was you?”
Kitty nodded, grinning widely and wiping her eyes.
“God, you are so annoying. You put way too much effort into that!” Joan growled, rolling her eyes. “That didn’t sound like you up in the trees. Come on, let’s hear you do that voice again.”
Kitty gave her a confused look.
“The laughter. In the trees. Do it again.”
“What are you talking about? I just made all those rustling noises. I never climbed a tree.”
Joan was awful at telling when people were lying, but something inside of her told her that Kitty was telling the truth. She fidgeted nervously.
“It must have just been the wind then.” She said, despite how painfully cliché that sounded. “Let’s-let’s just get back to the camp.”
She and Kitty began walking through the woods. 
“So, was everyone in on the joke?”
Kitty shook her head. “Nope. Just me.” She said, “We were heading back from the hike and I heard you yelling, so I decided to give you a little scare.”
“Which was so nice of you.” Joan deadpanned. She hated having to walk alone with Kitty of all people; it was so awkward! And it only got worse when it became evident that they had no idea where they were going.
“Shouldn’t we have found the clearing by now?” Joan asked anxiously.
“Calm down,” Kitty said, as if she weren’t a big scaredy cat herself. “We’ll get there.”
Joan gave her an unconvinced look, but kept walking because every other direction didn’t look any more helpful than the one they were going on. She pointed her flashlight straight ahead, but it seemed like the light wasn’t as strong as it had been before, like the shadows were devouring the length of the white beam and leaving it dimmed and short. 
Their hike was spent mostly in silence, aside from all the forest noises, which had finally returned. Or, perhaps they’ve always been there. It gets hard to tell after a while.
The two of them duck under brittle, reaching branches and coils of thorns until they break through the thicket and into a small clearing where a cottage as old as time itself sat. It’s swathed by tendrils of ivy climbing their way towards the roof and splotched with patches of emerald green moss. It’s a chalk color, black peppering along its breast. The windows are a deep brown, shoddy paint chipping along the frames’ lips and brow, the very age of the cottage showing in its deterioration. Strings of small bones and clumps of fur and feathers dangle from branches and carvings of snakes with gemstone eyes guard the trees around the property.
There’s light coming from inside.
It’s barely there. Just the occasional flicker, a warm orange seeping through the windows and bathing the frosted, overgrown grass that sits along the ground against the wall of the cottage outside. 
Kitty furrowed her brows, then glanced at Joan, who had her head tilted slightly in confusion. She’s looking at the house as if she’s expecting it to start talking and give her answers of its history.
“We definitely didn’t go the right way.” Kitty said helpfully, earning a glower from Joan. 
“You think?”
Cautiously, they make their way up to the front door, a wide brown-oak thing, with a cut-out panel for a small, cracked glass window. As Joan is pushing down the rusted grey handle, Kitty swore she saw one of the snakes with ruby eyes turn its head to watch them. She instinctively latched onto Joan, who jumped and then shrugged her off.
“Let go,” Joan hissed.
“Sorry,” Kitty said softly. “I thought I saw something.”
Joan frowned and scanned the trees circling the house and then stepped inside, motioning for Kitty to come with her.
“This isn’t trespassing, right? Shouldn’t we have knocked first?” Kitty said, looking around the musty interior.
“Maybe,” Joan said. “But we’re inside now. Oh well. Maybe the person who lives here can help us.”
She shines her flashlight around, revealing racks and shelves of various animal bones and furs. In fact, the entire place seemed to be either decorated by remains or wood carvings.
“What’s that thing where people are into collecting animal skeletons?” Kitty asked quietly.
“Vulture culture,” Joan replied.
“Ah,” Kitty nodded. She took her phone out of her pocket; the bedazzled, hot pink case glittered slightly in the flashlight’s glow. “Well, I’m going to go back outside and try to get some bars to call Jane.”
“What time is it?” Joan asked before she did so.
“It’s two in the morning.” Kitty answered.
The front door remained open for Joan’s own sense of safety and so the sparse moonlight could leak inside. She made the quick trek through the living room, which was adorned with more fur and bones, and made it to a short hallway. She opened a door on the right, which led to a musty-smelling room overgrown with fungus and plant life. She was about to leave and check if the other door was the one where they had seen the light, when she noticed a boot sticking out from behind the bed.
She believed she may have just found the owner of the cabin.
It was a man. Or, at least, Joan assumed it was a man from whatever clothes were left upon the skeleton. She guessed he probably died from a heart attack or something, which would have been a terrible way to go, since he had clearly been all alone.
Just then, the sound of the front door slamming shut jarred Joan out of her inspection. She jumped, whirled around, and opened her mouth to snap at Kitty for doing that, even though she specifically wanted to keep the door open, but something told her not to. The words caught in her mouth and her jaw remained agape for a moment as she listened.
There was a crack of wood from the hallway.
Someone was in the cabin with her.
“Hello?” Called a voice far too raspy and deep to be Kitty’s. It almost sounded like an old man’s. “Anybody in here? I need help!”
Joan backed up against the wall as quietly as she could, not daring to reply.
“Hello?” The man said again, this time with far more desperation. 
The door pushed open slowly, but Joan was still hidden behind it from the way it came out. However, she could still see around the frame and watched as the man came inside, crawling on all fours with its inhumanly long limbs. The skin was wrinkled, molted, and sickly pale with smears of dark red and brown. It was incredibly thin and completely bald, but had scratches and pock marks littering its head. Its bones pressed grossly up against its taut flesh as it climbed onto the bed, grappling on with grotesquely disjointed hands and feet that almost looked like a gibbon’s. It looked down at the skeleton, then, in the gravelly voice, said, “I need help!”
Joan inhaled sharply and the thing snapped its head around to her. Its black, eyeless sockets drilled deep into her soul.
“Come on,” Kitty muttered as she watched a text to Jane try to send for the third time. She sighed heavily in annoyance, but that feeling was quickly whisked away by a jolt of fear when the door slammed shut behind her. She jumped and spun around, then narrowed her eyes at the doorway. “Wow. I was barely even being loud. But I expect no less from the MD who gets mad at every little thing!”
She turned away, not wanting to have her back to all the snakes. She continued to try and send a text until the door behind her suddenly swung open loudly and Joan came sprinting out.
“Kat!!” Joan yelled. “Run!”
Joan grabbed her arm as she ran by, pulling her along. She quickly fell into pace, and the two of them raced through the underbrush, getting whipped by ivy and branches and thorns as they went along. They stopped, eventually, to catch their breath. 
“What’s wrong?!” Kitty exclaimed through pants.
“There’s...someone out here with us.” Joan said bluntly with a wince. “Not one of our friends. Just please tell me you got a hold of Jane and know where to go.”
“No,” Kitty shook her head. “Wait- what do you mean ‘someone’?”
Joan began walking again. “I-I don’t know, honestly. Someone came into the house or was already inside, I’m not sure, but I was someone. Or something…”
Kitty swallowed thickly. At first she had been thinking Joan was just messing with her to get revenge for earlier, but Joan looked genuinely terrified. She kept looking over her shoulders and shining her flashlight around everywhere and anxiously fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. Something had really frightened her.
“Like...a man?”
“I don’t know!” Joan said. “I- I can’t describe it. You would have to see it to know what I mean.” She fell into a moment of nervous silence. “I just want to get out of these stupid woods…”
“Me too,” Kitty agreed. “Anything is better than this.”
“Eh. I can think of a few things.”
“I just wished Jane was here…”
Joan set a hand on her shoulder. “Me too.”
Kitty smiled slightly, despite the circumstances. She looked back down at her phone to see that the message was still trying to send.
“Let me see,” Joan said and Kitty handed her phone as she spoke again, “KAT!!!”
Except it hadn’t come from beside her.
Kitty whirled around to see Joan running through the dark trees. Her face was ghostly pale and dotted with sweat along the brow. Her storm grey eyes were wide with peril. The words she screamed sent Kitty’s entire world come crashing down on top of her.
Kitty turned in time to watch the thing at her side disappear into the underbrush. Her jaw fell open, her breath catching in her throat as she was seized by terror. She had let it touch her. It had slipped into her life so easily and she had no idea. 
What was it planning on doing if Joan hadn’t shown up?
“Kat, Kat, hey,” Joan is in front of her, shaking her shoulders frantically. She clearly didn’t know how to calm someone in the midst of a panic attack. “Listen, I know you’re freaked out, but we have to go.”
She grabbed Kitty by the wrist and began running. Kitty stumbled along behind her, but managed to keep a steady pace, even with her rising horror.
“Joan-” She choked out as they sprinted through the trees. “Joan, what the fuck?”
“I-I-I don’t know!” Joan cried. “One moment I was alone in the cabin and then the next, that thing is there! I-it knocked me out, I think, and took my- AHH!!”
Joan cut herself off with a cry of pain and the loud clanging of metal as she’s suddenly yanked to the ground. Kitty screamed, too, at the sudden outburst and skidded to a halt. In the dim moonlight, she can see Joan writhing on the ground, sobbing in obvious distress.
“Joan?” Kitty whispered fearfully. “What’s wrong?”
“S-something’s got me-” Joan rasped. “Something’s-” She howled loudly.
“Is it the thing?” Kitty asked, but her only answer is a sharp whine that morphs into a sob. Slowly, she turned on her phone, which had scratch marks engraved into the glass from the creature, and activated the flashlight app. She couldn’t tell if what she saw in the light was worse than the monster or not.
A bear trap. Clamped around Joan’s left leg, just above the ankle. Joan’s left hand gripped at the limb tightly, slightly over where the metallic teeth bared into her flesh. One sporadic tremor was all it took to send new currents of torture up her leg. And, this time, there was no stifling her tormented scream from ripping out of her throat. Now, both hands were clutching at the appendage, trying as the might to lessen the pain. Of course, it did little to no good.
“Oh god,” Kitty whispered. “Oh god, oh god, oh god…!” She was beginning to panic, spiraling all over again. Joan caught attention of this growing anxiety attack through her own haze.
“No!” She snapped. “You don’t GET to freak out! You don’t have this fucking thing attached to your leg! You need to be the strong one for once!” Her voice wavered treacherously. “Please-”
Kitty sniffled, but nodded. She knew Joan was right- someone had to keep their head on straight, and it would be much harder for the one caught in a bear trap to do that.
She knelt down beside Joan, her knees dipping into a pool of blood spreading out across the dirt. She reached out and cringed when her fingers squelched against the fabric of Joan’s pajama pants, warm liquid seeping through and almost immediately coating her hands. They were numb, quivering as she forced them to venture farther and nearer to the source of her companion’s agony.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” Joan muttered. “I’m going to die. I’m going to die with an absolute idiot! No offense.”
“None taken,” Kitty grunted  as she jammed her fingers through where she could, eliciting a sharp cry from Joan. 
“What the fuck?! WHAT THE FUCK?!” Joan yelled, writhing.
“I’m trying to get it off!” Kitty told her.
She attempted to pry the jaws of the artificial beast from Joan’s leg, but her arms were shaking too much and the torment that seized Joan’s body prevented her from using all her strength; all of it was quickly being stolen away in both of them. Before she could get the teeth more than an inch away, the slickness caused it to slip from her grasp and bite right back to where it was originally. Just like that, they were back at square one.
“M-maybe I can break it off?” Kitty stammered.
“Try,” Joan begged. She leaned back and laid down, clawing her hands at the dirt and ripping at the grass to try and cope with the waves of agony washing over her. Tears were falling freely from her eyes.
Kitty began to search the perimeter of the clearing, being mindful of other illegal traps laid out- bear traps, fox traps, snares, cages. She weaved around them carefully, scanning the ground until she found a few big and pointy rocks and some sturdy-looking sticks. She gathered them all, willing to try each of them until one worked.
“Listen,” Joan slurred as she made her way back over. “We both hate this. In fact, I hate it more because I’m the one with a bear trap on my leg. So-” Then, she went snow white.
“Joan?” Kitty said worriedly. “What’s wrong?”
“Kat, don’t move.” Joan whispered slowly. “I know we have our differences, but I need you to trust me. Whatever you do, don’t move.”
Kitty obeys, freezing in place. She held the rocks and sticks close to her chest, staring into Joan’s eyes and not daring to look at anything else. Bile was rising in her throat, not because of her mounting fear, but because of the sickly sweet smell of cadaverine emanating from the figure beside her.
“I can’t believe I finally found you both!” It said with Jane's voice. “I’ve been looking all over. I was so worried.”
A hand with long, spindly fingers comes up to rest on Kitty’s shoulder. Kitty squeezes her eyes shut, tears slowly rolling down her face as she barely suppressed a whimper.
“I was so worried.” It said again, using Anne’s voice.
Joan is perfectly still, not even feeling the pain of the bear trap anymore. She watches as the thing’s head twitches sporadically before finally stopping and staring directly at her, wearing Aragon’s face.
“You two know better than to run off like that.”
That’s when Kitty screamed. Unable to take it anymore, she darted left and ran for the trees. The thing went after her, and Joan could only lie there and watch as it lunged at her, latching on and throwing her to the ground, where it began shredding her face and burrowing into her back and peeling off her skin until she stopped screaming. Then, with the young queen’s flesh draped around its neck like a scarf, it crawled over to Joan. She didn’t move as it pressed its nails into her belly and grabbed a hold of the top of her face. She just cried until the Skinwalker stripped her head and she couldn’t cry anymore.
Kitty’s eyes snapped open- she’s barely able to breathe. Her hands immediately begin to feel all over her body- her face, her stomach, her leg. Then, she’s catapulting out of her tent, stumbling over it momentarily, and wrenching herself outside.
It was morning. Pale sunlight was filtering through the trees overhead. Birds were singing happily. Everyone seemed so calm, so at peace, while she stood breathing heavily and sweating. Jane looked at her worriedly.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” She asked. “What’s wrong?”
“N- nothing…” Kitty said, spotting Joan sitting by the dying fire with her knees to her chest. “I’m fine.”
She walked over to Joan and sat beside her. The music director’s face is very grey.
“They didn’t believe me,” She whispered.
Joan looked up at her. “I tried to tell them what happened and they didn’t believe me. They said it was a dream and it wasn’t real. But it couldn’t have been…” She shook her head and rested it back on her knees.
“Yeah…” Kitty said softly.
There was nothing to be done, however. They still had a day of camping, although nothing happened during the next night. That gave them both some reassurance, and they even started believing that it had been some crazy nightmare.
As everyone was driving home, Kitty felt a sting in her back and Joan felt a stab in her stomach. They exchanged fearful looks, then looked out the window and saw it standing between two trees, waving and wearing a horrid mix of their faces.
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thepanda-co-blog · 8 years ago
Pine Acres
Henry Redfur - Mayor of Pine Acres (red brown squirrel)
Tawny Redfur - Mayor's daughter (red squirrel)
Sheryl Goldeen - Tawny's friend (honey golden squirrel)
Richi Brownburough - Tawny's friend (caramel brown squirrel)
Maria and Frederick Goldeen - Sheryl's parents (honey golden squirrel)
Sera Brownburough - Richi’s mother (caramel brown squirrel)
        In a wide-open plane, which had an Oak forest also known as Oak Village, which grew next to Pine forest which was also known as Pine Acres that spread over fifty acres, and within those acres was a village. You may not see it, but you could hear them and they surely could see you. They lived among the trees, darting from branch to branch harvesting all kinds of acorns and nuts. Yes, you guessed it, a community of squirrels and chipmunks. The mayor of Pine Acres was Mayor Henry Redfur, he was a quite plump fellow with red brown fur from his head down to his fluffy tail, and a white stomach. From first glance he has an aura of intimidation and authority, but down below all the layers he is quite soft at heart. Mayor Redfur crawled out of his hole onto his branch, while sitting on the branch he stood on his hind legs and stretched letting out a great yawn like a lion. As he lowered his arms his body trembled causing him to shake, he quickly steadied himself before looking over Pine Acres. In all of Pine Acres the mayor was the only one who owned his own tree for he was mayor making his daughter Tawny Redfur quite popular and the main target for the paparazzi. Her father wanted her to have bodyguards whenever she went outside not matter where she went. The more reason Tawny tended to rebel.
       "What daddy doesn't know won't kill him," she would say to herself with a grin as she would sit in front of the mirror and fluff her  the luscious red fur on her tail before she snuck out a hole she made in the back of her closet. At the root of her tree were her friends Sheryl Goldeen whom had beautiful honey golden tone fur and Richi Brownburough whom had caramel brown fur. As her friends waited on her to come out her secret doorway she created her friends grew increasingly nervous by the second. Sheryl lived in Moss pines where the trees were beautifully covered with emerald green colored moss that smelled of pine, mulch, floral and a slight scent since it was close to Oak Village. The some of the residents in Pine Acres had mixed feelings for the creatures in Oak Village and no one of the new generation understood why. All they were told was "Stay out of Pine Acres" and vice versa. Now as for Moss Pines, it was twenty pines away from Tawny which was a good scurry away and near the edge of Oak Village. As for Richi, he never spoke of where he lived currently only that he used to live somewhere in Moss Pines, but he never gave an exact location. "Come on Tawny!" Richi whispered louder hoping her father wouldn't hear him. Suddenly they heard a scurry and hid in the bush and held their breath. "Guys? Guys where are you?" Tawny seemed to ask the forest with a hint of worry in her voice. Sheryl and Richi crawled out of the bush as they answered "Over here." which made her turn her hair with a smile and scurry over to them. "Come on, let’s go. The show already started." Sheryl directed while leading them over to Oakton strip. Now if you were aware then you knew that there was a back room in Bare Bark Lounge that led underground. As they say "what happens underground, stays underground." Once they were "in" the underground they saw firefly strobe lights, endless drinks, clouds of smoke, and music Tawny swore was bouncing off the walls. Richi and Tawny looked at Sheryl before they danced their way into the crowd. Tawny danced the night away with her friends feeling free from the constant supervision her father had her under.
        The night grew on and her father was still sleeping like a baby safe in his bed with, to what he last ordered, body guards watching his daughter having no clue of what was really going on. Meanwhile, back at the underground, Tawny and her friends were still dancing the night away. Laughing, Tawny turned and bumped into Richi. "Oh, sorry Rich," she softly said as a blush rose upon her face. Richi looked at her and grinned "It’s okay," he told her with reassurance "C'mon." he told her while grabbing her hand pulling her into a dance. She let herself be dragged along into the dance with a blush still present on her face. Sheryl turned holding drinks of Golden Nectar for herself as well as her friends. Looking down at the drinks being careful not to spill any while walking over to where she last was dancing. Then she looked up and saw that they moved, "Hmm…" she thought as she scanned the room before seeing Richi dancing with Tawny and shouted "Guys! Over here!" They both looked up and trotted over to her each a glass from her. They all clinked glasses and did a little chuckle before taking a sip."Ooo, that’s a little strong. Good, but strong." Tawny remarked before taking another sip. Richi and Sheryl looked at each other with a raised eyebrow while they made a little nod and knew she was a first timer. Sheryl smirked before looking back at her, "Are you going to finish your drink?" She asked while attempting to predict what she will say. Tawny looked down at her glass for a second and tilted her head already feeling a little buzz from the several sips she had already taken, "I'll finish it." she answered with a smile before taking another sip.
After several dances and two Golden Nectars later they left "The Underground" to go back home. Sheryl and Richi had to help Tawny back to her room and into her bed. She was clearly tipsy borderline drunk. Richi helped her into bed while Sheryl sprayed her breath with mint oil trying to hid the scent of alcohol then sprayed her body with pine oil to cover the scent of the smoke that was in the air. After they were sure that all the evidence was hidden Sheryl told her "Good Night" and went out the hidden door. Richi started to get up to leave, but Tawny grabbed his tail causing him to stop. "Huh?" he said as he turned his head looking down at her. "Stay." she pleaded as she looked up at him with her rosy cheeks flush from the drinks. He sat down next to her as he smiled at her "Okay," he told her while brushing back her hair. He turned so he could get a better look at her, she still held his tail and began to brush his fur.  He looks down at her hand as she stroked his tail and smiled as he looked back at her. He put his arms on his knees then rested down his head not breaking his gaze from her face. A few strands of hair fell in front of her face, "Hmm." Richi hummed to himself as he lifted his chin to extend his arm to brush the loose strand behind her ear. You could feel the heat building in the room, hot and steamy like the Sahara Desert building every second. Their gaze locked on each other afraid they'll miss something if they look away for just half a second.
        As time, ticked Richi and Tawny forgot about time and their worries while Sheryl was drowning in it with no way to escape. Sheryl on the other hand went straight home after she left Tawny's room worried her mother might check in on her and find out that she is not in her room. As she laid down in her bed tossing and turning hoping that Tawny wasn't caught. Staring at her ceiling Sheryl ran over everything they did to try and cover the evidence that was left on Tawny. After running down the list almost fifty time she was finally somewhat close to satisfied and could fall asleep. The night grew as the wind danced between the leaves whistled in the wind. A premature pinecone fell from a bounced from branch to branch landing outside Mrs. Goldeen's window. "MMm what was that?" Mrs. Goldeen muttered as her eyes slowly opened. "It was probably just the wind honey, go back to sleep." her husband groaned. "No no, I know it was something." She whispered as she slowly exited her room and traveled down the hall to peek in on Sheryl, checking in on her suspicion. Sheryl's door slowly creaked open as her mother peeked in only to see that she was sound asleep in her bed. Her mother pursed her lips as she closed her door forcing out a puff of breath while she walked back to her room. "Looks like I was wrong." Mrs. Maria muttered as she got back into bed "See, I told you. Will you go back to sleep now, please?" Her husband groaned as he rolled over in his sleep. As she scooted under the cover the pinecone rolled in through the window and bounced onto the floor. Maria looked down and saw the premature pinecone roll towards the bed as she shook her head before laying down as she fell back to sleep.
        Richi remained next to Tawny's bedside looking down at her he grinned as he brushed his thumb across her rosy cheek. "Feeling okay?" he asked her as he slightly tilted his head. "Mhm, a little." she softly muttered in response with a warm smile. "Okay, you rest now." Richi requested as he pulled her blanket over her "I will be right here, close your eyes." he added to give her comfort to know he wasn't leaving her. He then leaned down to place a honey sweet kiss on her forehead when Tawny rolled over landing the kiss on her lips. She softly gasped in surprise as her eyes popped open as well as Richi's. They paused and looked at each other, her heart was suddenly racing as she wondered what just happened. "Her lips are so sweet…" Richi said to himself as he looked down at them as a soft smile spread across his lip while he leaned in and kissed them again. As she laid there she felt his warm lips pressed softly against hers, her body was flooded over with a wave of tender warmth of affection. His tongue tenderly traced her lips having her lips part in response as she leaned in and return the kiss. Heated passion that had been pent up for some time surrounded them, consumed them as Tawny raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck keeping him close. Richi leaned in closer as he ran his fingers through her hair becoming lost in their bodies blended and drowned in a pit of passion.
        The sun crept up over the tree tops as the rays glimmered through the window shades. The rays danced around the room as their eyes began the open. Richi stretched with a great yawn as he looked around the room. A few seconds had passed before h remembered where he was then a grin spread across his face as he looked down and saw Tawny beginning to awaken. "Hm." she muttered as she looked up and saw Richi looking down at her causing her cheeks to flush. "Morning." She said softly with a smile which echoed a response from him. A rustle was heard out in the hall which broke the trance between them causing Richi to jump out of her bed, fix his fur, and rummage around for a mint. "Ah" he softly emoted in victory as he popped the mint into his mouth before placing a kiss on her lips and escaping out the hidden passage way. A few second after he left there was a knock on her bedroom door "Come in." she said in response followed by a yawn. Her door open and her father entered with a cheery expression on his face. "Good morning sweetheart, I am going out to run a few errands. I will be back in a bit," He notified his daughter with a cheery demeanor. As he leaned down to place a kiss upon her forehead Tawny's heart began to race as she prayed that the smell that clinged to her fur had finally loosened its grip and disappeared. "have a good day sweetheart." he had wished her after placing a love filled kiss upon her. When her door closed, she let out a heavy sigh unaware that she had been holding her breath as she stared longingly at her secret passage way.
        Richi came downstairs as he let out a big yawn while he scratched his head. "Morning sweety." His mother greeted him with a smile upon her face as she was cooking toasted oaks. He inhaled heavily taking in the sweet smell of his mother’s cooking and a smile came to his face. While back in Pine Acres, Tawny got out of bed to look out her window making sure her father had left the tree before plopping back down upon her bed resting her head in her hands. After a few seconds, she sat up straight with her hands covering her face as she leaning her head back as she groaned dragging her hands across her face before laying back down to stare at the ceiling. Meanwhile, on the other side of the valley, Mrs. Brownburough looked over at her son, "Did you have fun last night honey?" she asked with some underlying curiosity. "Fun?" he asked himself as he was now dowsed in bewilderment while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
What did happen last night?
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flaminggildedrose · 4 years ago
“The child you carry could rule these lands one day.” * Sabrina
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🌹There was a moment as the honey-blond just stared at the ginger. She wanted to first ask how she'd ever known but then again who could really fool a witch of the wood? Sabrina was plugged into nature itself. Maria didn't want to look so jumpy but it wasn't a light topic.
"I....I don't wish to cause trouble for the already shaky ground the Tamarian empire is built on. Besides who takes a mistress' stance seriously. I can hear the arguments now. 'She's but a harlot. She's the daughter of witches!' and the all-time favorite of royal councils ' How do we know it's really the kings?!" She could only pull a long face, painted lips trying to be happy for the new life within her.
"And the other kingdoms? They're not past killing children. Who is to say that my child will see their father's land?" 🌹
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years ago
@griffin-acixd liked for a starter ~ 
       🌹 If it hadn’t been for the bumpy boat ride down the Mystic river and the steep march into the great mountains Maria’s brain would have been fog. For the most part it was fog with everything shew as trying to recount. She’d always seen so much blood, people beaten and left mangled by beasts or by the hands of other men. 
            The blood of a King however. It was almost taboo to her. They were to be those of the gods, children cast down to aid people as a vessel. Maria knew better then to think Foltest more then just a simple man but at the same time with all the victory and good. All this pain and sorrow while leaving Temeria’s now shrinking boarders felt ......hollow. 
            She’d tried so hard to keep from being sick but at least on the boat people didn’t think twice. The march however was harder to hide. Several times she had to stop and throw up on the side of the road. Luckily many took pity for she was a women and had been through so much in the coming days. 
             As the made camp that night Siegfried offered to stay with her after her tent was pitched. Honestly all she wanted to do was hold her brother close in fear fate would take him too but she only wished to retire. That and as the commander Siegfried had an important job to lead the Flaming Rose. 
             Still, for a little bit she sat around the now bright campfire with meal plate in hand as her fellow comrades laughed and talked. All the sorceress could do is look at her meal moving it around on her plate. She felt so alone.  🌹
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flaminggildedrose · 4 years ago
{@ofthenetwork closed starter}
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🌹 "It's been twelve days examining the 'spiral bridges'. I originally came out here for the fish...I know its odd sense most of the flora that is below could pique my interest. There's just something about how life moves out here. The separation of depth seems a bit wider than most of the lower and deeper levels. Not that I'm going down there anytime soon. The sea monkeys have......as darling as they are ...have been a problem. They like to take my equipment and have led me through the creepvine for hours till they let off.
I really should be thankful though there's a whole new school of fish I've never seen before! Though they're oddly shaped...I've been keeping my distance for though most are small they're oddly aggressive. That's the question though.... there are not too many bigger creatures here yet the need to survive is still strong. Why is that? The bigger predators seem to be widening their territories .....perhaps I should check the log data back at the base. I could always see if the plant's saturation and density have anything to do with it. More food out here could change a hunter's pattern like a moth to a flame.....Hmm...for now I want to get these samples back to the lab before I'm swimming a marathon again. I'm honestly not built for all this extra activity, perhaps if I'm down here long enough I'll grow gills. Ahahah" Maria lowered her PDA to just look out at the long spirals before her that arched like bridges in the lightening blue 'skyline' that was the upper layers of ocean.
How long had she been here? All the journals and messages seemed to blend together at this point, she was lucky to know how long this examination had gone. Though with how beautiful it all was how could she not come back. 🌹
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years ago
@vagrant-vanguard liked for a starter 
         🌹 Heavy shadows cloaked her heavier then the wool hood of red upon the maidens head. Softly she walked beside the horse on the small track that was the ‘trail’. Everything was so quiet it left the knight uneasy. Why was there nobody else upon this road? Yes, it was but a foot path but the tracks left were days old. 
              Stopping she turned her head from side to side small groups of curls peeking from under the hood. Reaching up she softly calmed the horse. Another person? Solo? No, possibly with mount? Something was moving before her in the depths of deep greens and grays. 
              Maria always believed in talking first but it didn’t stop her from drawing her sword and hiding it under he long cloak. It could easily be another traveler or it could be bandits. She hoped it was travelers as she waited for the figure to get closer.  🌹
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years ago
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Maria & Siegfried  Art commission by Kialun! They did such a wonderful job i’m screaming at how soft my soft girl is ahhhhhhhhh <3 
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years ago
@aforgottenmercenary liked for a starter 
      🌹 Her body screamed at her to keep going. Limbs heavier then the blade in her hand and brain full of fog she didn’t know what to do other then to keep moving. Was someone screaming? Was the monster dead? 
           Was there a monster? Or was it man twisted into the form of something evil? Evil? Was that what she had seen though her eyes were smoky. Was she crying? The scream, was it her own?
            Stumbling over the dirt she caught herself with the sword but still toppled to the ground. The sky was still so blue beyond the high treetops. She’d sleep right here. 
            Yes, sleep sounded wonderful. Her body was so tired.  🌹
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years ago
🌹It mattered not if he was held he cuddled close to the queen. The ruffled layers of her dress not stopping him from his act. Such a soft hearted boy who was practically already given the world. Growing everyday to be an exact copy of his father aside from the beauty mark from his mother.
"We got news! We got news, tell her Mama!!!" The boy seemed to hold pride for the "news".
Maria said her welcomes first as she straightened the blue layers of her gown." Good morning ,how are you ? Fyodor we have yet to tell his Majesty first."
"Grandmama should know first! I can't wait!" It wasn't entitlement but excitement as he looked between the women.
The maiden let out a soft sign to join the others and gave a nod as her son only cuddled closer. She couldn't say no very long just like with Foltest, the two had a charm. It was clear he has easily won. 🌹
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@flaminggildedrose​ said:               The small boy had only gotten bigger over the flittering amount of years. He was now six. Bold and bright as any hopes for a prince. Though Maria wasn’t able to keep up with him more than ever. “Grandmama!!!!” The boy called his curls still wild as ever even when tired back in the tiny ponytail. “ Fyodor! Wait, please!! We must wait, darling!” Maria called after farther behind then she wished to be.
                she who was once known as the lioness of cintra, a woman who ruled her country with an iron fist and a golden heart was now a crownless queen, a queen whose castle has fallen. body and will both long broken, especially after years of failed search for her granddaughter, her only remaining relative, it was such a rare thing, to see light in her green eyes. yet this little boy, with a storm of red curls, was the one person that managed to do it. make her usually solemn face light up with a smile. perhaps it was being called grandmama once more what warmed her heart so. feeling his little hands grip at her dress, she looked down. 
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               “ ah, fyodor. good morning, little darling. “ she greeted. while she would love to pick him up, it was sadly not something she could do in her state. instead, she sat on the nearest bench, to lower the distance between them, before her ears were reached by the concerned voice of his mother. “ and good morning to you, maria. “
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years ago
Starter for @kaedwenistout (Kit)
🌹 The reminants of the northern realm were still startling to her. A safe place to keep her head seemed ever harder to find. Having a proper trade was nothing if one kept moving.
It was to dangerous to stop though. Her coin was good enough for several nights at an Inn or to just finally settle down.
She couldn't do that just yet though, not without muscle. The two that could help her were making the coin to keep her and her child feed though.
Many would or could take her in , it was her son she worried about the most. To many questions when peopke seen him. Who knew so many would take pity on a single mother. Who knew how nosy people were either.🌹
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years ago
Continued from {x}  @fallesto​ ( Roche) 
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           🌹 Internal conflicted. Not just in her or the commander beside her but within the very country they loved. Or what was becoming of what was left of it, how could there be so much fear and pride for ones land? Maria didn’t scorn Roche for his actions to the other northern king. It was shocking on how much selfishness seeped from him. 
                Two kings had died before him and all he could do was laugh and try to take what was left of a legacy. There was no honor for the fallen brother he had fought with in the war prior. However, this land didn’t need him anyways and Maria had to scream at herself for such a thought. Every man was worth something but her wounds of loosing Foltest were as open as Roches. 
                   The difference between the commander and the knight however was that she was made of something softer but at the same time something solid. Swallowing she gave a nod. 
                    “Justice must no longer be blind to the acts in the North. Try as they may to run and hide.......they must know their actions have consequences. They’be doomed us all through selfishness.” Maria tried to breath and found her ground. “ Now, I guess I’ve got to find a way to sway the peoples hearts. Its possible....I've heard the stories of Queen Meve growing up from my father.  I have nothing to offer them but desperation and pride is enough for men with nothing........” 
                  Slowly she drew her sword from her side. How long had it been now sense she found it in the swamps? Picked like from legend. No her blood had been chosen, maybe it was due to the child fates knew she’d have. For now if there was to be any ‘children of fate’ the maiden had to make it through the next few months. 
                     “I guess with the seven months I have we build an army. Learn what we can from the shadows and upturn whatever we can.......now is the best of options while lips are the loosest and hands open for whatever it can get. I don’t like taking advantage of people but with the North on her last leg.......” Maria paused, “What do we do about that last leg.........”  🌹   
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flaminggildedrose · 6 years ago
        🌹 At hearing that she would see to the papers she almost felt relief if not with the tone that she took with her. Even though it was an agreement over the action she didn't feel like it was high priority. Foreword was a destination and what a horrible destination it was. Even though there came the smell of sugar first it was like being lured by a pitcher plant.
At once her covered her mouth and fought back a gag. It was the smell and though she was use to death , blood and guts this was something else. They were all in various stages of decay but all were a nightmare to look upon. The elves really did this? She knew she heard stories of and ant hills but this was something else....as for those strung up in her past at least there was something common between them. This wasn't common , this was monsterious and the knight had to realize this could be her fate. Naked , cut up and forgotten like a broken toy to a child.
Slowly her brought her hands down to calm herself but her painted lips still quivered. They would be forgotten here. Everyone of them wouldn't have a proper burial. This was how wraths were born . She sucked in a sharp breath of air and regretted it.
"I'm Maria of Denesle, second born to Eyck of Denesle , Knight of the Flaming rose and approved Sorceress by rights of the church through cleansing. I seek the Holy sword Gram by order of both the church and King of Temeria. " Maria held her ground but the looks of the bodies were hangared and she refused to believe that this was the end of her journey. She didn't even get to say goodbye to her brother. He would never know her body was out here if she were to die....and what if he looked for her? Would they rot away together? 🌹
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years ago
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MUN VS MUSE: Mari & Maria
tagged by: Anyone ( I stole it for it looked like fun lol ) 
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flaminggildedrose · 5 years ago
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      🌹 Maria put her hands up slowly to the other, it wasn’t common for him to be alone and she had come but to talk. Maybe if she had listened to her King this would be different but she was always one for talk rather then violence. 
          “I mean no harm at all. Please tell them to lower their weapons........”   🌹 
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flaminggildedrose · 6 years ago
        🌹  The movement of the group seemed forced far more than intended but what else could it be when she was moving them out for her own selfishness. A first of many to come she was sure. This couldn’t be heard by many ears, not till the final verdict was given. Still, there would be whispers but were in her life had there not been whispers?
            Roche was being cruel but he needed to be for it was his job but she was sure at the end of this she would be the true monster. The only thing that the honey-haired maiden could do was pray that the commander wouldn’t beat himself up.
           Alone she stood if she kept to sitting, she’d fidget herself into a fit.  Hands cupped one inside another in the slandered ‘s’ many of the ladies of court did the old lesson brought her grounding and didn’t stress her hands or posture before her. Maria was no longer a member of the Blue Stripes as decreed so there was no sense to keep to being a ‘warrior’.
          “Answer me honestly as I ask you this question….I know it will be a difficult one to answer or pathom but you are a man the same as I am a woman. Without titles or placement answer it with your heart for I know even now it has to be breaking. Forgive me for I shall have to break you more……”
        A small breath was taken in from the small women as she paced.
        “You shall be taking me home …..so shall start the question. Its been many months and you’ve been separated from the women you love and care about deeply. You’ve kept the memory of her through those months, the same as she, with ease believe the care she takes upon herself was if by your own hand itself……but one day she returns to you …..bloodied and cast out. You may take pleasure that being close to her once more will fill your world or curse her that she did not take better care of herself like she swore to you. On top of that ……she holds a new future for the both of you. A child ……..what do you do? Care for her despite how irresponsible she was or scorn her……think lesser of her and not trust her with your future?”
         Maria was clearly fishing, and she prayed that Roche understood what she was saying. His profession made him a sharp man, but he couldn’t even tell she was with child for this long. There was more here, and she couldn’t bring herself to say the words. She didn’t expect him to be heartless, after all, she trusted in him far more than he would ever believe, but the anger of men was relentless the evidence more so with the man they spent cutting down.
         “Do you understand? Do you see why I must explain my discharge? No more secrets, no more bullshitting you....”🌹
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WHY ON EARTH DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM - Why did he get landed with the shit jobs. He had taken far worse than her into his unit and made them into something, only thing the lads had not been carrying life within them and she had. She should have told him right from the start, he would have turned her down without even hearing her out.
What they did was not walk in the park. It was dangerous. They were not fighting men, they were not going into battles against people like them, they were fighting elves. That was a whole different kind of fight and had she fallen and been captured, they would have cut that child from her and killed it before her eyes and then hanged them both from there trees. He would not have there deaths on him - no fucking chance.
It was a shit thing to do, crushing one like her. Stamping her out before she even had a chance to show what she could do. Had she not been with child no doubt she would have moved through the ranks quickly, but the forests and swamps - they were no place for a mother to be. She should have known better and the fact that he had to be the one to tell her that was pissing him off.
He was going to have to leave Ves with the blue stripes while he ran off and dragged this fool back to her home, back to the royal court. This was a distraction he did not need, but the king would expect him to be the one to do the task and no other.
“You will be fine for that I am sure. You know deep down this is the right thing to do. Hate me as much as you want, but there will be no changing this.” He folded his arms over his chest, he hated this part, kicking someone out was always shit, always hated it, never found any joy and it always soured him for days losing someone like this. “I will consider it.”
He turned to Ves for a moment and she nodded and took her leave, gathering those up around the fire and moving them away as the commander remained were he was standing.
“Speak, no one will dare try and listen in - say what you need to.”
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