kwon2 · 6 years
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180818 짠내투어 승리 캡처.
180818 Salty Tour SEUNGRI CAP. 
twitter. @kw0n22
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anachavez1397 · 6 years
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#Seungri de #BIGBANG #salva el #día en “#Salty #Tour” En el episodio del 18 de agosto de “Salty Tour” de tvN, Seungri de BIGBANG se unió al elenco en un viaje a Xiamen, China. Durante el episodio, Park Na Rae, que estaba a cargo de planificar sus actividades durante el día, llevó al grupo al Túnel Furong de la Universidad de Xiamen. Cuando llegaron, había una gran multitud frente al túnel, lo que hacía imposible que el elenco y el equipo filmaran allí, y Park Na Rae se puso nerviosa cuando se encontró perdida por lo que debía hacer. Ella admitió: “No sabía qué decir [a los demás]. Hacía calor y humedad, y había tanta gente, así que también me sentí frustrada”. Sin embargo, Seungri rápidamente acudió al rescate y ayudó a Park Na Rae durante su inesperada crisis. Actuando como miembro del equipo, personalmente le pidió permiso a la gente que estaba dentro y alrededor del túnel para filmar. Gracias a Seungri, pudieron terminar sin problemas su filmación en el túnel, y Park Na Rae comentó: “Me sentí tan apenada y agradecida [con Seungri] al mismo tiempo”. Más tarde esa noche, el grupo se dirigió a un pub local cerca de su hotel. Mientras disfrutaban de sus bebidas, algunos chicos se acercaron a Seungri, y para su sorpresa, eran sus amigos que vivían en Xiamen. Aturdido y sorprendido, el ídolo dijo: “Realmente no sabía que estaban aquí. Me sorprendí al encontrarme con mis amigos. Mis amigos administran un club y un restaurante. No sabía que ellos también eran dueños de este pub”. Seungri luego tomó a sus amigos desprevenidos al preguntar los precios de los artículos en el menú. Explicó: “Nunca antes había preguntado acerca de los precios”. Gracias a la generosidad de los amigos de Seungri, el elenco terminó disfrutando de algunos servicios gratuitos pequeños pero significativos.
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daesungindistress · 5 years
Do u think seungi's absence from the gpe gonna help daesung? definitely not. It will just brother him cause he will need to do all the mc/chat talk alone to communicate with vip and lighten the atmosphere for the huyngs to act the swaggy & get all the praise. Pff as if the leader will give him a shit, if you look closely you will see that all gd do is to secure yb ( his bff) and push the shit out him as the great vocalist ppl know him now. I hope you will have the audacity to address the issue
Anon, I can’t figure out from this ask alone if you’re a salty SR stan or an embittered Dae stan… but I’m gonna hazard a guess and say you’re not a Dae stan.
Because if you think Daesung is going to be “bothered” then you haven’t seen him working the crowd like a pro during his solo tours – because he is a pro! Even during his Dome Tour in that massive venue (in which he said he couldn’t even see the fans on the upper levels) he had no reservations about interacting with and teasing them, so sassy and full of himself that even I was surprised. Pleasantly surprised. And what about DnaShow? As if he needed to prove that he’s more than capable of having fun with the fans with nothing but a mic, a tacky cape, some stage lights, and his own goofy off-the-wall sense of humor. He was one of Korea’s biggest up-and-coming variety stars for a reason before the accident took that away from him.
He’s more reserved with BB because 1) not all the fans in the audience are there exclusively for him and he’s aware of that, and 2) he isn’t comfortable stealing the spotlight from his hyungs out of turn. He can, he just chooses not to. Daesung is a phenomenal performer with a big personality when he wants to be. When he’s allowed to be. And I think he’ll step up and assume the role beautifully. That said, I’m hoping the loss of BB’s self-appointed MC will make room for all the members to speak up and be heard more. Not just Daesung.
And yes, to answer your initial question, I do think Seungri’s withdrawal from the group is going to help Daesung. Not only in terms of screen time and line distribution, but because it might actually be less stressful for him overall. He’ll no longer feel the need to act as “lubricant” (his choice of words, not mine) between the maknae and the hyungs, placing himself between them to minimize friction and keep the machine known as BIGBANG running smoothly… because he is the maknae now. The youngest member. In this “new” BB, with their new dynamic, he doesn’t have to be lube anymore.
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dwsrkhns · 4 years
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Nanya om gugel wkwk..
Cuma Prison Playbook yang belum nonton nih.. Otw akan.. Padahal adik tengahku sudah bilang berkali-kali drama ini seru katanya. Cuma belum ngelirik aja.
Btw drama-drama besutan tvN menjadi favorite sejak series Reply keluar wkwk. Setiap tayang drama besutan barunya hampir selalu didownload 1 atau 2 episode buat ngecek sesuai selera apa kagak. Banyaknya sih ga mengecewakan, seperti OCN akan drama thriller criminal- nya (series voice disana tayangnya).
Variety show nya yang pernah ditonton cuma Youth Over Flowers itupun yang isinya para pemain Reply 1988 heuheu..
Three Meals a Days pernah liat satu episode doang..
2 days 1 night sama New Journey to the West favorite nya si adik tengah.
Aku cuma pernah ngikutin Kang's Kitchen yang isinya para pemain di New Journey to the West. Suka soalnya acara masak-masak, makan-makan, jalan-jalan gitu. Jadi kayaknya bakalan download Yoon's Kitchen.
Coffee Friends, terus acara kompetisi masak makan siang anak SMA yang ada pak Baek - nya kusuka wkwk. Salty tour (lebih suka season 1 para pemainnya cuma karena kasus JJW bareng Seungri jadi aja mereka bubar dan diganti), Traveller, Chef and My Fridge (susah banget download acara ini kalo bintang tamunya terkenal banget baru bisa download).
Ada rekomendasi acara sejenis lainnya kah? (Kecuali battle trip yaa karena ga begitu suka sama konsep acaranya selain kalo lagi menampilkan Indonesia di acaranya heu) Dan situs download nya wkwk.. Beberapa episode susah banget didownload..
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chanshine · 6 years
Im reading about it now... Incredible, and even more shocking ´cause its an idol, someone that's supposed to be and example for their fans, but it looks that problems surround bigbang
im gonna be honest, i wasnt keeping up with this at all so i was a bit sad when i read seungri is retiring this morning cause it’s not proven he’s guilty but after looking it up, the things he and the other men have done, all the women they have hurt...... and its not just that, like you said he’s a public figure, he has fans who adored him for over 10 years, i can’t imagine how hard it must be for the fans who supported him and jung joon-young (he’s also confirmed to be involved in this) after all these years of loving and supporting them to find out that they have done such things.... i remember seeing joon-young in salty tour and being like “he’s a nice funny guy” but turns out he has been filming women without consent and sharing the videos to his gc, its so disgusting. i really hope all the victims get the justice they deserve
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sunxsurfxkpop · 6 years
Burning sun scandal timeline
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January 28
News Desk airs report where a man, Mr. Kim, says he was assaulted by Burning Sun nightclub staff on November 24, 2018, while helping a woman being sexually harassed. When police arrived, he was arrested as an assailant.
It is reported that BIGBANG’s Seungri is involved with management at Burning Sun and was at the venue that evening.
CCTV footage from the club also reveals a separate incident, with a woman shown being dragged down a club hallway. The woman reported the assault to the police who did not take action, and it was reported that Burning Sun deleted the footage.
January 29
Burning Sun CEOs Lee Sung Hyun and Lee Moon Ho issue a statement and apologise for Mr. Kim’s assault and plan to cooperate fully with the investigation. They take disciplinary action against the staff member in question.
The CEOs provide more CCTV footage from the second incident and state that the woman was removed from a VIP table for causing a disturbance and then assaulted their staff, for which she was arrested. The woman had since apologised and given assault settlement money.
The CEOs state that Seungri was not at the club on the day of the incident, and that he is someone they don’t see often.
January 30
A Burning Sun representative tells Kyunghyan Shinmun that Seungri managed Burning Sun but is not really the owner.
KBS News reports that Seungri had been a director of the club but resigned from the position a week prior.
KBS News also reports testimony from a former Burning Sun employee about VIP room CCTV footage that has gone viral, showing a woman being sexually assaulted by a man. The employee also suggests that illegal drug use occurred in VIP rooms.
February 1
YG Entertainment CEO Yang Hyun Suk confirms Seungri is no longer Burning Sun’s executive director and that he is resigning from all current business roles as he prepares to enter the military.
He states that Seungri was at Burning Sun until 3am on November 24, and the incident involving Mr. Kim took place past 6am.
Mr. Kim is accused of lying by the woman he was supposedly saving. She states that he was sexually harassing her. Mr. Kim is questioned by police.
February 2
Seungri shares statement on Burning Sun incident via his Instagram. He states that he was not there when it occurred but heard about it a few days later. He was shocked by the footage and does not condone any violence. He states that he had been the executive director in charge of promotions at the club, but that the club’s operation and management were not his role.
Dispatch reveal group chat conversations between Burning Sun staff where they discuss tactics for bringing girls into VIP rooms, looking for drunk women as easy targets and watching VIP clients engage in sexual intercourse via CCTV. Seungri is not part of these conversations.
February 4
Burning Sun CEO Lee Moon Ho issues a statement in which he apologises to Seungri. He states that Seungri only helped as a consultant and assisted in contacting foreign DJs. He confirms Burning Sun will remove VIP rooms and increase CCTVs.
February 15
Police raid Burning Sun and the Yeoksam District police unit. They confiscate programs related to alleged collusion of police officers as well as CCTV footage. At Burning Sun, they take data necessary to investigate on suspicions of drugs, sex crimes and collusion at the club.
February 16
At his solo concert in Seoul, Seungri apologises to fans saying, “I am very apologetic to all those who care for me. I’m sorry for causing disappointment for so many people, and I am reflecting on what has happened”. (Source)
February 17
Burning Sun shuts down as the investigation of drug dealing widens to more clubs in the Gangnam area.
February 18
Burning Sun assault victim Mr. Kim is suspected of a third count of sexual assault as police review CCTV recordings. He is already accused of two counts.
February 20
It is reported that police are investigating Burning Sun executives, including Seungri. Police summon staff members to make statements about Seungri’s role at the club.
February 26
SBS funE release text messages that were allegedly shared between Seungri, CEO Yoo of Yuri Holdings and an employee in 2015. The content implies that they were hiring sexual escort services at Club Arena for foreign investors.
A few hours after the report, YG release a statement that the texts are fabricated and untrue. Yuri Holdings issue a similar statement, stating that they believe someone with malicious intent towards Seungri fabricated them as a grudge.
Seoul Police Department confirm that they have launched an investigation into the escort service claims reported by the media.
YG Entertainment’s stock prices fall amid the controversy.
February 27
SBS funE journalist Kang Kyung Yoon responds to accusations of fabrication and says: “There is no reason to fabricate or edit the reported messages… If a request is received from the investigative agency, I will actively cooperate”. (Source)
Seungri states through YG Entertainment that he wishes to submit to drug tests as well as cooperate with investigations regarding the allegations surrounding him.
Seungri attends a police station for questioning that evening and is released 8.5 hours later. He submits to urine and follicle tests, and answers questions about drug and sexual escort allegations. He asks that people wait for the results of the investigation.
February 28
Seungri’s drug tests prove negative, barring the hair follicle test which takes longer to confirm.
Seungri cancels all scheduled activities, including upcoming concerts in Osaka and Jakarta.
https://youtu.be/Y4V1t1pR7LMMarch 1
SBS funE report that a whistleblower submitted the text messages of Seungri ordering sexual escort services to the Anti Corruption and Civil Rights Commission on February 22. The source says they submitted to the Commission because the messages suggest a deep connection with the police.
A source from the Seoul Metropolitan Police agency initially states: “We have yet to secure an original copy of the messages. We are contacting people [who are tied to the messages] in order to confirm [the existence of the original copy]... Not only have we not confirmed its existence, but we also have received a testimony that such messages do not exist”. (Source)
Burning Sun co-CEO Lee Sung Hyun admits to bribing a policeman with 20 million won while being investigated for possible entrance of a minor into the club.
March 4
News report reveals that the Seoul Police Department were aware of the Commission’s original copy of text messages on March 1. The police formally request for the organisation to cooperate with them regarding the documents.
March 6
It is reported that Seungri promoted a club in Hongdae in the past, which is owned by YG and now suspected of tax evasion. Three more clubs become implicated in the tax evasion controversy, with two residing in a building owned by Yang Hyun Suk.
March 8
Seungri confirms he will enlist as an active duty soldier on March 25.
MBC News share Burning Sun internal documents showing Seungri invested 225 million won in the club and listing him as a corporate promoter. He is also listed as one of four executive directors alongside Lee Sung Hyun, Lee Moon Ho, and an individual referred to as Kang.
Burning Sun’s list of shareholders includes Yuri Holdings with 20% of shares, of which Seungri is co-CEO.
March 9
BIGBANG fans on DC Gallery petition for Seungri to be removed from the group and YG’s roster.
March 10
Police begin searching Club Arena. It is reported that they find evidence of pimping allegations but no confirmation of who is involved. Arena is also investigated on suspicion of tax evasion.
Police confirm the December 2015 messages are not fabricated.
Seungri is booked and questioned by police on charges of violating South Korea’s Acts on Pimping and Prostitution and its Punishments. He is currently considered a suspect pending further investigation. Three to four other people in the chat group are also booked.
Results on Seungri’s follicle drug test prove negative.
March 11
SBS funE report on a KakaoTalk chatroom where hidden camera footage and photos are shared between Seungri, two male singers, CEO Yoo of Yuri Holdings, two regular citizens, and Mr. Kim- an acquaintance of Seungri’s who helped him run his restaurant business and also worked at Club Arena. According to the texts, Mr. Kim posted illegal hidden camera photos and videos, to which Seungri and others responded.
Police say they are aware of the chatroom allegations and are investigating.
Seungri announces his retirement from the entertainment industry in an Instagram post. He cites protecting the honour of YG and BIGBANG in it.
Police prohibit Seungri from leaving the country.
SBS 8 O’Clock News report that one of the celebrities in the KakaoTalk chatroom is allegedly Drug Restaurant frontman and variety star Jung Joon Young. The report states that he uploaded illegal hidden camera footage to the chat several times, some showing himself engaging in sexual intercourse with women filmed without consent. At least 10 victims are confirmed.
March 12
Jung Joon Young’s agency respond to hidden camera allegations, saying they are unable to ascertain the truth at this time but that the artist is returning to South Korea cooperate with police investigations.
Jung Joon Young is removed from 2 Days & 1 Night, Salty Tour and 4 Wheeled Restaurant. He will be edited out of episodes that have already been filmed but not aired yet.
Police book Jung Joon Young on arrival in South Korea and prohibit him from leaving the country.
The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission transfer the KakaoTalk data to the Supreme Prosecutors' Office after 15-day analysis.
SBS funE report on messages from July 2016, where Seungri opened a club named Monkey Museum in Gangnam. The alleged messages suggest police covered up issues with reported illegal structures in the building.
March 13
Jung Joon Young admits to hidden camera crimes in apology letter. Investigations will commence on March 14.
MAKEUS Entertainment terminate their contract with Jung Joon Young.
YG Entertainment confirms that it has terminated Seungri's contract with the agency.
YTN report that FTISLAND's Choi Jong Hoon used his connections to police to cover up a drunk driving incident from February 2016. It is alleged that he shared information about the incident in the group chatroom that includes Jung Joon Young and Seungri.
SBS 8 O'Clock News report that a police officer in charge of Jung Joon Young's 2016 illegal filming case requested the digital forensics company say the data couldn't be restored on Jung Joon Young's phone, the key evidence in the case. The police closed the investigation before receiving the data.
SBS 8 O'Clock News report on alleged text messages between Choi Jong Hoon, Jung Joon Young, Seungri and other non-celebrities, discussing payment being made to police to cover up Choi's drunk driving accident.
The former Korea Police Commissioner General, Kang Shin Myung, denies allegations that he is tied to the chatroom including the three idols.
The current Commissioner General, Min Gap Ryong, holds a press conference acknowledging the possibility of high-ranked officers abusing their power in the past to protect celebrities. He says he will investigate further.
FNC Entertainment share statement confirming Choi Jong Hoon was caught drunk driving in February 2016. He denies any ties to police. He halts all solo and FTISLAND-related activities while under investigation.
March 14
DC FTISLAND Gallery demand Choi Jong Hoon withdraw from the band.
Yong Junhyung announces his departure from HIGHLIGHT, after revealing he was aware of Jung Joon Young's hidden camera footage and had discussed it in one-on-one chat conversations. He states that he was not part of any group chats.
Commissioner General Min Gap Ryong announces plan to investigate corruption in the police force, as well as a nationwide investigation of clubs across South Korea, looking into drugs, sexual assault, the filming and distribution of hidden camera videos, and police connections.
Seungri, Jung Joon Young and Mr. Yoo report to Seoul Police Agency to start questioning
Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office takes over the case from the police
Choi Jong Hoon announces retirement from industry and departure from FTISLAND
Sisa Journal shared messages from 2014 of Seungri providing sexual escort services to his business partner. He is also revealed to have gambled overseas - an illegal act for Korean citizens.
SBS 8 O'Clock News reports CNBLUE's Lee Jong Hyun messages with Jung Joon Young in one-on-one chatroom, including sharing of illegal hidden cam videos. It is reported Lee Jong Hyun has also filmed women without their consent.
March 15
Jung Joon Young completes police questioning after 21 hours
Seungri completes police questioning and states he will be asking the military to delay his enlistment date so he can complete the investigation.
The military say it is unlikely they can delay Seungri's enlistment, but if he puts in the request they will look over his reasoning before March 25, when he is due to enlist.
Yuri Holdings replace their CEO, effectively making Mr. Yoo resign from his position.
FNC Entertainment issue statement confirming Lee Jong Hyun watched hidden camera footage sent to him via KakaoTalk, and had inappropriate conversations degrading women.
We'll continue to update this timeline as events unfold.
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seungribubus · 6 years
Seungri Heading to Xiamen, China with Jo Seho and Gugudan’s Sejeong for TvN’s “Salty Tour” https://bigbangupdates.com
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The cast of TvN’s travel variety show “Salty Tour” (Park Myungsoo, Park Narae, Jung Joonhyung, Heo Kyunghwan) is heading to Xiamen, China for a special episode with BIGBANG’s Seungri, Gugudan’s Sejeong, and comedian Jo Seho.
BIGBANG’s Seungri, who is a close friend of cast member singer Jung Joonhyung, has apparently expressed his interest in appearing on the show when Xiamen was revealed as the tour’s destination. According to reports, Seungri will be the tour guide/planner and viewers should anticipate how “The Great Seung-tsby” will design the tour as he is said to have connections in China.
Broadcast date of the episode has yet to be announced.
Source: Naver
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soompi · 6 years
BIGBANG's Seungri Reflects On Happiness And His Extravagant Spending In The Past
BIGBANG’s Seungri Reflects On Happiness And His Extravagant Spending In The Past
BIGBANG’s Seungri looked back at his spending habits on tvN’s “Salty Tour.”
On August 18, Seungri joined the cast as a guest during their trip to Xiamen, China.
Before the tour began, he said to the members, “I used to hold ultra luxurious parties, inviting foreign guests and famous chefs in the past, but I’m trying to do [the tour] with a humble mind.”
Later that day, Seungri looked uneasy about…
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neocatharsis · 7 years
171219 Daesung - Diraito 2 Album Release Event in Fukuoka
Event 1 in Fukuoka- Q1: What do you feel like eating whenever you visit Fukuoka?
MC: I think I actually know the answer. DS: What do you think it is? MC: Motsunabe. DS: Uuuh, correct!! MC: You love motsunabe, right? DS: I do. There's a place where I always go eat it when I come to Fukuoka. MC: So you went this time too? DS: I did. Yesterday. MC: So fast! Fans: Where where?? DS: I won't tell you. Fans: Wheeere?? DS: (mean laugh) you guys. Fans: Where where? DS: "where, where?" There, there~ well I think those who know, know already. DS: Look, there is one who seems to know. (to the fan who kept asking "where?") please ask her later. Row two, left side, wearing black. Please ask her after the show, she knows the place. (the fan in row 2 nodded confidently)
Q2: What time in your life do you think you are/will be the most popular (with the fans/ladies)? Fans: Now!! DS: (laughs) (suddenly dramatically serious) Not now! Tomorrow! (strikes a pose) *Right after he got so embarrassed that he hid laughing behind his chair
Q3: What do you always keep in your fridge? DS: As a Korean I always keep kimchee. And... what else, hmm... MC: Water I guess? DS: Of course. Hmm... but there isn't much. I don't usually cook. MC: Right. And you can't store anything since you're traveling a lot for work DS: I often order from delivery services, so... I store the left overs in the fridge. But in the end they end up being thrown away by the older lady that keeps my apartment clean. I ask her to clean out my fridge when I'm not there. It's like my garbage bin MC: Wow, she cleans out your fridge, nice! DS: Since I don't keep any utensils/ingredients... yes, I tell her she can just throw it all away. MC: So only kimchee then, since you can keep it for a long time. No alcohol? DS: I keep wine. I have a wine fridge. MC: A wine cellar. DS: (laugh) your voice turned low so suddenly, "wine cellar~" MC: So you pile bottles 1, 2, 3, 4... (gestures) ..oh, not that high? DS: Not that high. About this (indicates about knee height) MC: So about 10 bottles? DS: It fits 32 bottles. MC: And how many bottles do you keep currently? DS: I don't actually drink a lot but I like buying wine, so I usually have many bottles. I don't drink any alcohol a few days before using my voice (to sing) DS: But when I buy wine, I like the feeling of knowing that I will be able to drink it any time. Something to look forward to. They also make good presents. MC: (imitates situation) What do I bring today? 2010.. this one should be good. DS: No. Rather (imitates) hmm how much was this one? Ah, not expensive. Ok, this will do (laugh) MC: Deciding by price (laugh) Which do you prefer? White or red? DS: I like red wine. (they started fooling around, pretending to chill on a sofa & drink wine)
Q4: What was the most recent thing that made you burst of laughter? DS: Burst of laughter... (he thought for a while) oh! I remember! When I saw pictures of Seungri at his birthday party in the Philippines, shirtless. He looked like a panda. DS: He's called panda from the start because of his eye bags. So... the pictures made me think "Oh, so he really became a panda". But he's working out really hard these days. MC: He's an artist after all. DS: Of course. DS: He's been working hard on his ramen business, doing all sorts of research himself. Maybe that's why... MC: Oh! I finally went to Aori the other day! DS: The one in Tokyo? How was it? MC: Amazing, so many people! DS: It's good, right? MC: Really good. DS: He's been working hard on his ramen business, doing all sorts of research himself. Maybe that's why... MC: Oh! I finally went to Aori the other day! DS: The one in Tokyo? How was it? MC: Amazing, so many people! DS: It's good, right? MC: Really good.
Q5: Is there anything you want to master/overcome? DS: Overcome... I have overcome a lot of issues up till now. Those who have been my fans for a long time will probably know it well. There's been a lot of problems, and things I'm still trying to master even now. MC: Even now? DS: I want to be able to continue singing for as long as possible, so I'm taking good care of my throat. The way I have used my voice in the past was not right, so a couple of years ago - I think maybe 4 years, I had a lot of issues with my voice. DS: So that's when I went back to the beginning and started from zero. And I'm still in the process of mastering it. MC: I see... DS: I'm sure there will be a lot of issues to overcome in the future, too. MC: Look at this positive attitude! Amazing. MC: I think you, his fans know this the best. He's such a sincere guy. Constantly mastering issues. I myself am daily trying to overcome my wife. Just yesterday. "Fukuoka tomorrow, again?" - "You see, Daesung's event..." If it's for Daesung, never objects.
Q6: What is the scariest dream you have ever had? DS: I don't dream a lot. I sleep very well. MC: So you don't wake up from dreams a lot? DS: I don't. Ah, but... it's not scary, but during elementary school, I had many dreams where I was conscious that I was dreaming. DS: It was so much fun! I used to jump from huge buildings, or jump very high. Also at times, my dream from the night before would continue the night after. I loved going to sleep during those days. I still remember those dreams well. MC: So when you grew up, you stopped dreaming. You're so busy after all. DS: I just sleep very well. I fall asleep right away. MC: Even when it's noisy? DS: Doesn't affect me at all. Even when I think I won't be able to sleep, before I realize it I passed out. DS: Oh, and also...! Ah, never mind. Fans: What is it?? DS: No, it's ok. Fans: Tell us!! DS: You really want to hear (so much talk about dreams)? MC: Please continue! DS: Well, before I became a trainee, in middle school I used to take lessons at an academy. DS: After we (students) finished our lessons, we used to fall asleep in the classroom, all tired out. We used to fall asleep with music playing in the background. So in my dreams, the singer of that song would appear! MC: Performing? DS: Yes! DS: No matter how intense the dream was, suddenly the side corner turns into a bar and there is the singer, performing live. So impressive. It happened to me once, so the next time I tried playing a song of a singer I wanted to see in my dreams. Like Beyoncé. DS: But... MC: She didn't appear? DS: She didn't. MC: So it happened only once. So the singer who appeared was.. DS: Gummy, it was Gummy-san. MC: Gummy-san!! Yeah, she would fit into a bar setting. DS: Right? MC: You don't happen to remember the song? DS: It was Ani, a Korean song. MC: Wow. Such an interesting topic.
Q7: Name an item you have liked & kept using for a long time. DS: I... don't really like change. That goes for my phone as well. As long as I can still use it, I won't exchange it for a new one. MC: Your wallet too, for example? DS: Yes. As long as I don't lose it... MC: If you don't lose it! Do you lose your wallet often then? DS: Not really! Last year? Or 2 years ago, I lost my wallet in the airport. But bet it was stolen! You know the sky shop at the airport? I paid something and put my wallet on the side of the counter DS: I remember clearly putting it there. And right after leaving the airport and entering the car, I noticed that it's gone. So it would definitely be early enough to still get it back, but when we called the shop, they said it's nowhere to be found. MC: Quite possible that someone took it then. DS: Right. So that made me realize that in the end, you can trust nobody but yourself. (audience laughs) DS: And that I need to be more careful. MC: So as long as that doesn't happen, you keep using it a long time. DS: Yes. MC: How about your bag? Do you use one? DS: I do. Actually there was one I used for a long time, not my current one but before. I kept using it for 3 or 4 years, but then the zipper broke. So I went to the store (where I bought it) to get it fixed. MC: A world star who goes to the store to gets the zipper of his bag fixed!! Wow. DS: I have used it for so long, and it's the inside that counts right? I felt bad just asking them to fix it, so I bought a new bag to make up for it. I asked them while paying. DS: And the staff told me "this model is so old! You're still using it?" MC: Wow. So the bag that you get fixed is at home? DS: Yes, I keep it at home. MC: I see... who wouldn't want a husband like that? Fans: I do!!! MC: Please keep on dreaming. Fans: (laugh)
Q8: How do you spend your time while on the move (flights etc)? MC: Perfect topic for your wallet story. DS: (laugh) right! Well... in general I don't eat the in-flight meal. MC: No way! DS: It's too salty. And I guess I just got tired of it. DS: During our world tour I realized something funny. No matter where you go in the world, for some reason the food on the plane tastes always the same. No matter which airline. The same goes for hotels. Similar seasoning. I don't like room service either. DS: So usually... I just sit and sleep. MC: But on your world tour - I mean a flight to Japan is only about 2 hours, so it's alright. But on a 10h flight, isn't it a bit tough not to eat anything? DS: Ah, on long flights I eat it! MC: But you're right, in-flight meals are a bit salty, to preserve the food. DS: Yes, and up high in the air, your taste buds are less sensitive, I heard. That's why the food is higher in calories and the flavor is much stronger. MC: Huh~ An in-flight meal pro MC: But I'm surprised still (that you don't eat it) I mean, first and business class food is quite good after all. DS: Oh, but I do drink wine sometimes. MC: (laugh) Makes you sleep well too! DS: Right, some wine and then (snores)
Q9: What is BIGBANG to you? DS: Right... hm... I have said this in the past, but... BIGBANG is like a puzzle. MC: A puzzle! (dramatic voice) five pieces form a perfect picture. If only one piece is missing, it won't be complete. Five pieces as one - BIGBANG! DS:🤣🤣👏👏 /Laughing DS: I want to record this! I can use it at interviews, just like that! MC: (laugh) DS: So yes, that's one of the meanings behind it. The other is - every piece is different, right? The five of us all have a very different character. We don't overlap. DS: In terms of music, we all like hip-hop, but apart from that we all like very different genres. And the things we like are different too. I for example am not interested in paintings at all. But since our interests don't overlap, we don't argue about them. DS: We just accept those differences. There's something I'm envious of though. When TOP for example drinks just a slight bit of alcohol, he will just keep staring at a painting for forever. (imitates his moved face) DS:  I'd watch him from the side wondering "what the hell is he even thinking about?" (laugh) He gets so inspired that he's about to cry, almost. Since we're artists, it's good to receive inspiration from many different things. So it's a good thing. DS: It makes me a bit envious that he has that, and it's a pity that I don't. But I suppose not having it gives me the kind of power of expression that I have, so both ways are good. MC: Different personalities. DS: Yes. We accept all our differences.
Credit: mshinju
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daengerous-af · 7 years
[171219] Delight 2 Release Events in Fukuoka - Fan Accounts
**full credit to mshinju for all fan accounts unless otherwise stated**
Release Event #1
In the 1st event (13:00) he replies to a number of questions from the fans that haven't made it into his D'na SHOW talk parts. He replied to about 8 questions in the first event in Fukuoka, all without any script.
Q1: What do you feel like eating whenever you visit Fukuoka?
MC: I think I actually know the answer.
DS: What do you think it is?
MC: Motsunabe.
DS: Uuuh, correct!!
MC: You love motsunabe, right?
DS: I do. There's a place where I always go eat it when I come to Fukuoka.
MC: So you went this time too?
DS: I did. Yesterday.
MC: So fast!
Fans: Where where??
DS: I won't tell you.
Fans: Wheeere??
DS: (mean laugh) you guys.
Fans: Where where?
DS: "where, where?" There, there~ well I think those who know, know already.
DS: Look, there is one who seems to know. (to the fan who kept asking "where?") please ask her later. Row two, left side, wearing black. Please ask her after the show, she knows the place. (the fan in row 2 nodded confidently) 🤣🤣
Q2: What time in your life do you think you are/will be the most popular (with the fans/ladies)? [alternative fan account here]
Fans: Now!!
DS: (laughs) (suddenly dramatically serious) Not now! Tomorrow! (strikes a pose) [Right after he got so embarrassed that he hid laughing behind his chair 🤣]
MC: I see. If it was today, that would mean it's over tomorrow.
DS: (after coming back from behind his chair) Exactly. So I always work hard thinking that tomorrow will be my peak!
Audience: Oooh!! 👏👏
Q3: What do you always keep in your fridge?
DS: As a Korean I always keep kimchee. And... what else, hmm...
MC: Water I guess?
DS: Of course. Hmm... but there isn't much. I don't usually cook.
MC: Right. And you can't store anything since you're traveling a lot for work.
DS: I often order from delivery services, so... I store the left overs in the fridge. But in the end they end up being thrown away by the older lady that keeps my apartment clean. I ask her to clean out my fridge when I'm not there. It's like my garbage bin 🤣
MC: Wow, she cleans out your fridge, nice!
DS: Since I don't keep any utensils/ingredients... yes, I tell her she can just throw it all away.
MC: So only kimchee then, since you can keep it for a long time. No alcohol?
DS: I keep wine. I have a wine fridge.
MC: A wine cellar.
DS: (laugh) your voice turned low so suddenly, "wine cellar~"
MC: So you pile bottles 1, 2, 3, 4... (gestures) ..oh, not that high?
DS: Not that high. About this (indicates about knee height)
MC: So about 10 bottles?
DS: It fits 32 bottles.
MC: And how many bottles do you keep currently?
DS: I don't actually drink a lot but I like buying wine, so I usually have many bottles. I don't drink any alcohol a few days before using my voice (to sing)
DS: But when I buy wine, I like the feeling of knowing that I will be able to drink it any time. Something to look forward to. They also make good presents.
MC: (imitates situation) What do I bring today? 2010.. this one should be good..
DS: No. Rather (imitates) hmm how much was this one? Ah, not expensive. Ok, this will do (laugh)
MC: Deciding by price (laugh) Which do you prefer? White or red?
DS: I like red wine. (they started fooling around, pretending to chill on a sofa & drink wine)
Q4: What was the most recent thing that made you burst of laughter?
DS: Burst of laughter... (he thought for a while) oh! I remember! When I saw pictures of Seungri at his birthday party in the Philippines, shirtless. He looked like a panda.
DS: He's called panda from the start because of his eye bags. So... the pictures made me think "Oh, so he really became a panda". But he's working out really hard these days. MC: He's an artist after all.
DS: Of course.
DS: He's been working hard on his ramen business, doing all sorts of research himself. Maybe that's why...
MC: Oh! I finally went to Aori the other day!
DS: The one in Tokyo? How was it?
MC: Amazing, so many people!
DS: It's good, right?
MC: Really good.
Q5: Is there anything you want to master/overcome?
DS: Overcome... I have overcome a lot of issues up till now. Those who have been my fans for a long time will probably know it well. There's been a lot of problems, and things I'm still trying to master even now.
MC: Even now?
DS: I want to be able to continue singing for as long as possible, so I'm taking good care of my throat. The way I have used my voice in the past was not right, so a couple of years ago - I think maybe 4 years, I had a lot of issues with my voice.
DS: So that's when I went back to the beginning and started from zero. And I'm still in the process of mastering it.
MC: I see...
DS: I'm sure there will be a lot of issues to overcome in the future, too. 
MC: Look at this positive attitude! Amazing. I think you, his fans know this the best. He's such a sincere guy. Constantly mastering issues. I myself am daily trying to overcome my wife. Just yesterday. "Fukuoka tomorrow, again?" - "You see, Daesung's event..." If it's for Daesung, never objects.
Q6: What is the scariest dream you have ever had?
DS: I don't dream a lot. I sleep very well.
MC: So you don't wake up from dreams a lot?
DS: I don't. Ah, but... it's not scary, but during elementary school, I had many dreams where I was conscious that I was dreaming. It was so much fun! I used to jump from huge buildings, or jump very high. Also at times, my dream from the night before would continue the night after. I loved going to sleep during those days. I still remember those dreams well.
MC: So when you grew up, you stopped dreaming. You're so busy after all.
DS: I just sleep very well. I fall asleep right away.
MC: Even when it's noisy?
DS: Doesn't affect me at all. Even when I think I won't be able to sleep, before I realize it I passed out.
DS: Oh, and also...! Ah, never mind.
Fans: What is it??
DS: No, it's ok.
Fans: Tell us!!
DS: You really want to hear (so much talk about dreams)?
MC: Please continue!
DS: Well, before I became a trainee, in middle school I used to take lessons at an academy. After we (students) finished our lessons, we used to fall asleep in the classroom, all tired out. We used to fall asleep with music playing in the background. So in my dreams, the singer of that song would appear!
MC: Performing?
DS: Yes! No matter how intense the dream was, suddenly the side corner turns into a bar and there is the singer, performing live. So impressive. It happened to me once, so the next time I tried playing a song of a singer I wanted to see in my dreams. Like Beyoncé. But...
MC: She didn't appear?
DS: She didn't.
MC: So it happened only once. So the singer who appeared was..
DS: Gummy, it was Gummy-san.
MC: Gummy-san!! Yeah, she would fit into a bar setting.
DS: Right?
MC: You don't happen to remember the song?
DS: It was Ani, a Korean song.
MC: Wow. Such an interesting topic.
Q7: Name an item you have liked & kept using for a long time.
DS: I... don't really like change. That goes for my phone as well. As long as I can still use it, I won't exchange it for a new one.
MC: Your wallet too, for example?
DS: Yes. As long as I don't lose it...
MC: If you don't lose it! Do you lose your wallet often then?
DS: Not really! Last year? Or 2 years ago, I lost my wallet in the airport. But bet it was stolen! You know the sky shop at the airport? I paid something and put my wallet on the side of the counter. I remember clearly putting it there. And right after leaving the airport and entering the car, I noticed that it's gone. So it would definitely be early enough to still get it back, but when we called the shop, they said it's nowhere to be found.
MC: Quite possible that someone took it then.
DS: Right. So that made me realize that in the end, you can trust nobody but yourself. (audience laughs)
DS: And that I need to be more careful.
MC: So as long as that doesn't happen, you keep using it a long time.
DS: Yes.
MC: How about your bag? Do you use one?
DS: I do. Actually there was one I used for a long time, not my current one but before. I kept using it for 3 or 4 years, but then the zipper broke. So I went to the store (where I bought it) to get it fixed.
MC: A world star who goes to the store to gets the zipper of his bag fixed!! Wow.
DS: I have used it for so long, and it's the inside that counts right? I felt bad just asking them to fix it, so I bought a new bag to make up for it. I asked them while paying. And the staff told me "this model is so old! You're still using it?"
MC: Wow. So the bag that you get fixed is at home?
DS: Yes, I keep it at home.
MC: I see... who wouldn't want a husband like that?
Fans: I do!!!
MC: Please keep on dreaming.
Fans: (laugh)
Q8: How do you spend your time while on the move (flights etc)?
MC: Perfect topic for your wallet story.
DS: (laugh) right! Well... in general I don't eat the in-flight meal.
MC: No way!
DS: It's too salty. And I guess I just got tired of it.
DS: During our world tour I realized something funny. No matter where you go in the world, for some reason the food on the plane tastes always the same. No matter which airline. The same goes for hotels. Similar seasoning. I don't like room service either. So usually... I just sit and sleep.
MC: But on your world tour - I mean a flight to Japan is only about 2 hours, so it's alright. But on a 10h flight, isn't it a bit tough not to eat anything?
DS: Ah, on long flights I eat it!
MC: But you're right, in-flight meals are a bit salty, to preserve the food.
DS: Yes, and up high in the air, your taste buds are less sensitive, I heard. That's why the food is higher in calories and the flavor is much stronger.
MC: Huh~ An in-flight meal pro. But I'm surprised still (that you don't eat it) I mean, first and business class food is quite good after all.
DS: Oh, but I do drink wine sometimes.
MC: (laugh) Makes you sleep well too!
DS: Right, some wine and then (snores)
Q9: What is BIGBANG to you?
DS: Right... hm... I have said this in the past, but... BIGBANG is like a puzzle.
MC: A puzzle! (dramatic voice) five pieces form a perfect picture. If only one piece is missing, it won't be complete. Five pieces as one - BIGBANG!
DS: 🤣🤣👏👏
DS: I want to record this! I can use it at interviews, just like that!
MC: (laugh)
DS: So yes, that's one of the meanings behind it. The other is - every piece is different, right? The five of us all have a very different character. We don't overlap. In terms of music, we all like hip-hop, but apart from that we all like very different genres. And the things we like are different too. I for example am not interested in paintings at all. But since our interests don't overlap, we don't argue about them. We just accept those differences. There's something I'm envious of though. When TOP for example drinks just a slight bit of alcohol, he will just keep staring at a painting for forever. (imitates his moved face) I'd watch him from the side wondering "what the hell is he even thinking about?" (laugh) He gets so inspired that he's about to cry, almost. Since we're artists, it's good to receive inspiration from many different things. So it's a good thing. It makes me a bit envious that he has that, and it's a pity that I don't. But I suppose not having it gives me the kind of power of expression that I have, so both ways are good.
MC: Different personalities.
DS: Yes. We accept all our differences.
  Release Event #2
Event 2 was a review of the D’NA SHOWs in Kyushu. A few short videos were shown on the screen and the MC Furuya-san asked Daesung a few questions in between. Fans got an insight into background stories related to the shows as well.
Video 1: D’NA SHOW in Nagasaki; Daesung has his dramatic entrance for DiraDiraD game (with the cape). The point of the cape is, once he puts it on he turns into an evil character whose single goal is to win against the fans in the game. Once the cape comes off, he turns into tame, friendly Daesung again who'd always let the fans win (which would be boring). While Daesung fools around on stage the cape suddenly comes off. Daesung grabs the cape and runs off stage, under the laughter of the fans.
DS: I’m in shock.
MC: In shock..?
DS: You see.. every time I entered the stage for the game, I was trying to make my eyes look as big as I can. I opened them so wide that it was almost painful. But watching the video just now… not big at all.
Fans: (laugh)
MC: Were you surprised when the cape came off?
DS: I was. The cape is quite long, so I stepped on it and it came off. I lost my confidence (bashful) and wanted to run away.
MC: Your D’NA SHOW Tour had 39 events. Did the cape come off only this once?
Fans: mumble “several times…”
DS: …(laugh)
MC: There were more times?? Many times? I see.
DS: (defensive) It’s really long! You just step on it! So… yeah.
MC: Not just in Nagasaki.
DS: The one thing I concentrate on is making my eyes big, so I don’t bother with anything else, but… yeah. Just normal sized.
MC: I went to see your very first show in Maihama and the one two months later in Nakano. I didn’t watch any show in between so I was overwhelmed seeing this persona (cape Daesung)
DS: (laugh)
MC: When did this persona start?
DS: I wonder…?
Fans: Oita!!
DS: Oh! Yes Oita! I knew!
DS: In Oita the staff started playing the background music, that’s when the persona got established. I actually had no idea that they prepared music… (laugh)
MC: Wow! So this persona was born in Kyushu.
DS: You’re right! It’s all thanks to you (bows to audience)
DS: Your (fans) memory is really amazing.
MC: …I think I just heard someone say “it’s just that yours is bad”
DS: (laugh)
MC: You held 39 events within 3 months. (To fans) in that amount of time, the Japanese skills of this man here have advanced so quickly, I’m truly amazed!
Fans: (loud applause)
DS: (gets really shy) (applause gets even louder)
MC: You see, V.I’s Japanese for example
DS: He’s really good right.
MC: His Japanese is really good. But if you pay close attention, V.I-san communicates mainly with vocabulary.
DS: (laugh) what do you mean?
MC: When you listen to V.I-san’s stage talk, he animates the audience mainly with single words. Like “nande yanen” (popular Kansai dialect that just means “what the heck”)
DS: Ah… with Kansai dialect?
MC: Yes. But you D-LITE-san, capture the audience with your talk (= content)
Fans: (loud applause and cheering)
DS: (gets really shy again) No no… you see, it’s thanks to V.I. If it hadn’t been for him who already walked down that path, I might have taken the same approach. “nande yanen!!” “chau!!” It’s all thanks to V.I. Please applaud him! (claps)
MC: In any case, it’s not just that your Japanese is good, but you are a really good talker. Your talk goes straight into the heart.
Fans: (cheer and clap loudly)
DS: Ahhh so embarrassed!
Fans: (laugh)
DS: There was no script for these shows. The only thing in my cue cards were the questions that were shown on the screens, since I can’t read kanji I had them written down in Hangul. That was the only script. So the answers were all free… but the fans taught me so much. I learned many new words, like HanaKin (“flower Friday”)…that’s all I can remember right now…
Fans: 🤣
DS: Through 39 events I got comfortable talking freely in Japanese. I enjoyed being able to look my fans in the eyes while talking. It was really fun thanks to all of you!
MC: Sorry to change the topic so suddenly but... can I mention something?
DS: Of course. What is it?
MC: There was this moment that I was watching totally on edge… this weird yet funny moment on the first day in Maihama
DS & Fans: (start laughing knowing what comes next)
MC: (laugh) That moment when you invited the fans on stage in Nalbwa Gwisun. What I found so funny was that, despite you being the performer, you were completely cornered by the crowd of fans.I mean, you were standing on the edge of the stage like this (steps to the edge of the stage with only his heels remaining on the ground) I just can’t forget this sight!
DS: Right (laugh) now that it’s in the past we can laugh about it as a funny episode.
MC: But in that very moment..!
DS: It was really something (laugh) I had the idea for this part really in the last moment, during the rehearsal. We thought even if anyone would be brave enough to come up to the stage it would be at most maybe 10, 15 people. So I told the dancers, "the fans will be shy and probably won’t come up, so please encourage those in the front rows to join us on stage"
Fans: (laugh)
DS: But once the song started playing in the event, I felt it. “This is bad” (laugh). Just seeing the expression on their faces being anxious for the moment to come to rush to the stage… (laugh) I don’t think I have ever felt so uneasy. I was really standing on the stage like this (goes to the very edge) right? I really wanted to turn to look at my fans and interact, while asking them to please go back to their seats slowly, but… if I turn back and face them, it will only get worse, right? So I kept facing the front without looking at them. That way the situation would be safer.
MC: It was really amazing.
DS: Really, it was… that’s just how the world is (laugh) as an experience, it was good!
MC: So with every event, your MC skills increased and you kept growing, developing this new persona in Oita, losing your cape in Nagasaki. Lots of happenings. I heard some inside stories. In Kyushu you moved around by train. Some places are connected to shinkansen, but some are only connected to the local train network.
DS: Yes. It was really fun!
Fans: 🤣
DS: The staff reserved the front row seat for me even in the local trains. You know, with the driver's compartment right in front. The glass wall that divides the driver’s compartment from the front seats was so fascinating! (to the staff at the side of the stage) do you remember? (to the fans) the glass was so interesting, I kept looking at it!
MC: The driver’s compartment glass wall?
DS: Exactly! One moment it’s transparent, and the next it’s suddenly opaque. Really, in one instance! When was this developed? I was really amazed.
MC: So they changed the level of transparency in between?
DS: Yes! When the train was moving, you could always see the front through the glass. Then when it stopped at a station and the conductor started doing several tasks, it would suddenly turn opaque. So amazing.
MC: (laugh) fascinating glass technology!
DS: Yes! And… (laugh) it’s kind of embarrassing. I tried to film it but I never found the right timing (laugh) so in the end I didn’t manage to get a video.
MC: I was told that after your show in Nagasaki, you went to an Onsen.
DS: Right, Nagasaki was right in the middle of the tour, so we spent one night at an Onsen as a sort of halftime celebration.
MC: I picture it like this: Being a large group, you occupy a large tatami room-
DS: Yes, it was exactly like that.
MC: Really?! Like a Japanese dinner party?
DS: Just like that. The whole day.
MC: I see!
DS: I have videos of that day.
Fans: Eeeehhh~!! We wanna see!!
DS: I’m not gonna show you 😗
Fans: Hehh… 😕
DS: Please use your imagination!
Fans: (laugh)
MC: Totally fits the image of Delight 2!
DS: (laughs)
MC: A Japanese dinner party.
DS: Right. We ate lots of good food and then started the 2nd half of the tour.
MC: Your schedule is always so busy. Did you ever have the chance to stay at an onsen to have a dinner party before?
DS: It was my first time to have a dinner party at an onsen.
MC: First time! Despite having been active in Japan for a long time already.
DS: Yes. There aren’t many opportunities to go to an onsen in a group.
DS: Oh, but for this tour we had some band member exchanges due to the schedule, so even though I wanted to invite everyone, it wasn’t possible to gather everyone.
MC: (to the fans) so nice, going to an onsen together!
Fans: … 😒😑
MC: But you’ll be going to Hawaii together! ☺
DS: Right, Hawaii… uh… there’s no onsens in Hawaii though?
MC: You’re right. There probably isn’t.
DS: The beaches are beautiful though.
MC: D’na SHOW in Hawaii! So nice, must be so much fun… (longing face)
DS: (laugh)
MC: Do you have any special ideas for Hawaii already?
DS: Ah, we’re planning right now. It might be a bit embarrassing to continue with the Dira Dira D game in Hawaii… so I’m wondering what to do. Either try a new game that everyone can participate in, or keep Dira Dira D. I could turn it into Hawa-Hawa-ii.
Fans: (laugh)
MC: According to the staff, the audience in Kagoshima was really hyped.
DS: Right! Kagoshima was the first time that the fans started clapping to the music before the show started. Wasn’t it? (unsure)
Fans: (start discussing with seat neighbors if it was Kagoshima or Kanazawa)
DS: Hm, maybe it was Kanazawa.
MC: (laugh)
DS: Both start with the same syllable.
MC: The staff is saying that it was Kagoshima.
DS: They (gestures to some in the audience) insist it was Kanazawa.
MC: The staff seems sure. (to audience) Could you kindly not complain?
Fans: 🤣
DS: But I remember it clearly, Kagoshima. I was really amazed when I heard the clapping while waiting on the side of the stage. The fans’ reaction was really loud and good during the show as well. I also mentioned it on stage that day. I was really happy. I didn’t have a clear image of what Kagoshima is like until then, but my image now is this: the great reaction from the audience and great food. It’s a really nice place.
MC: So at every city in Kyushu there was a first time for something.
DS: That’s true. A special place.
MC: So the events in Fukuoka were on August 16 and 17. It was at the very beginning of the tour, right? Right after the very first two shows in Chiba Amphitheater.
DS: Yes.
MC: So how were the shows in Fukuoka? Fun?
DS: I remember the fans were really energetic. And also… Dira Dira D was a trial on the 2nd day in Chiba. So the first show in Fukuoka was the second time to do it. We had an alternative prepared in case it didn’t go well, but from Fukuoka onward, the whole structure of the show became very fluent.
MC: It seems Kyushu was a really important area for D’na SHOW.
DS: The staff also told me that the Kyushu part of the tour in particular was a lot of fun.
Fans: (clap)
MC: That’s nice. It means there are good memories associated with Kyushu. So this time was D’na SHOW Volume 1. We talked a bit about Volume 2 in the first event earlier today. Let’s suppose there is to be a Volume 2. What kind of things do you want to do? If you tell me now, I will prepare it for you!
Fans: (laugh)
DS: Well… it’s not decided at all yet (laugh) but… uh… hmmmmm… if there was to be a Vol.2, I'd keep the Talk & Live concept and change a few elements. Vol.1 was my first time to hold events of this structure. I made the setlist to fit a dinner show concept, so all songs were up tempo. Maybe the next time I could choose a wider variety, include ballads maybe. Uhh… (glances at the audience) I’ve been hearing a lot of opinions.
Fans: (laugh)
DS: I’m collecting a lot of ideas and will consider them for Volume 2.
MC: Well, we’ll be waiting. We count on you.
Fans: (applause)
DS: I’ll be back any time. As long as you call for me…
MC: You did the whole show on your own. Frankly - was it tough? 39 events, being both the MC and the performer. Being teased by the band members.
Fans: (laugh)
MC: At least physically it must have been exhausting.
DS: Hmm… physically yes, it was tough. But well, rather than it being tough, I paid a lot of attention to my health and fitness. I’ve mentioned this before: When one event ends, there’s another event on the next day, so even when I didn’t feel sleepy at all, I went to bed and forced myself to rest. I went to bed around 10pm.
MC: That’s early!
DS: It is. I use my voice a lot in the talking part, and then after that there’s the singing part. This tour made me grow a lot, it made me consider my physical abilities objectively so I was able to control my fitness well.
MC: And your MC abilities have grown so much, I’m sure you’ll receive a lot of offers for MC roles.
DS: The MC part was really fun. I didn’t feel a lot of pressure, to be honest. I think that’s why I could talk freely and make it a lot of fun. No pressure at all. That’s why at times I got really lost during the talk part (laugh) because no script is prepared whatsoever. It felt very exciting. When I got lost, I could just ask questions into the audience, and I got so many fun responses. Really, the fans played such an important role in this tour particularly!
MC: It was like catching balls back and forth between you and the audience.
DS: It was. I was almost surprised how funny/original they were.
<After MC excused himself & left stage the to Daesung for the live performance>
DS: (to fans) Ah, it’s so nice being able to talk with you in a relaxed atmosphere. Chances have become rare to perform in venues where I can clearly hear what you say. In a dome, I am able to hear your voices, but I can’t really make out your words. I pretend that I can of course.
Fans: (laugh)
DS: But it’s really nice that I can hear you clearly in this venue. I like that. It can be disadvantage too sometimes though (joking) (laugh) What day is today?
Fans: 19th!!
DS: The 19th. So the release is tomorrow.
*Fan in front row shows him the DVD version of his album in her hands.*
DS: Eh??
Fan: I already received it!!
DS: Oooh… even I haven’t gotten it yet.
Fan: I can give it to you!
DS: Oh? For real?
Fan next to her: Just give it to him, it’s ok!
DS: Wait wait. Why do you tell her it’s okay? Did you buy it for her? No? So it’s not yours. Why then do you tell her to give it to me? Hmm so you two are close. (laughs) Alright! So tomorrow is the release date. Delight 2… it includes a lot of different songs. There’s a special track called 아파 (It Hurts). This song… I think most of you won’t know this, but the track is the guide track that was recorded with my voice before the song became 2NE1’s song. So it’s recorded with the voice of my 20 year old self. I think songs are fate. The song fit 2NE1’s voices better so it became their song. But in the beginning when the song was composed, we first recorded a male version and then 2NE1’s, which became the official version. When I listen to the song today, I think my voice at 20 years old was really pure.
Fans: (laugh)
DS: It’s a bit tainted now.
Fans: Eeehh!!
DS: (laugh) So yeah, this special track is included on the album. Please enjoy the end of your year with Delight 2. Alright! I’d like to sing "A・ze・cho!!" now.
Fans: (seem unsure whether to stand up or wait)
DS: Please, feel free to stand up if you want to, or remain seated if you want to. You want to stand up? I want to sit. What do we do?
Fans: Stand!!
DS: Alright, just do whatever you feel like!
Fans: (laugh)
DS: Let’s go, A・ze・cho!!
(Daesung sings  A・ze・cho!! and “Soba ni ite yo”)
*MC Furuya-san joins Daesung on stage again*
MC: This song (soba ni ite yo) really makes you feel a lot of things.
DS: Right. It feels more like I am talking rather than singing in this song.
MC: Yes. My chest feels so tight somehow. But the VIP JAPAN in Kyushu will wait for you, and Motsu Nabe (famous dish in Fukuoka that Daesung likes) waits for you as well. So please come back soon.
DS: Yes, any time.
Fans: We’ll wait for you!!
MC: You’ll wait, right?
Fans: (cheer)
MC: I’ll wait too.
DS: Yes. So… what to do? With all of you waiting. I’ll come back soon!! (laugh) But honestly, thanks to your support this year was full of happiness for me. I think you feel the same - I have made so many memories this year.
DS: Just as I've been saying this on stage in BIGBANG’s concerts: I've prepared a lot of things for you to make sure you won’t feel lonely even when the blank period starts next year. So even when I go, really… I might have prepared too much, actually.
Fans: (laugh)
DS: So when I come back, you’ll probably be surprised “Eh?! We weren’t waiting at all?!” (laugh) I’m preparing a lot, so… please look forward to BIGBANG’s and also to my solo activities once we’re be back!!
(event ends with lots of finger hearts and “kuho suki” from Daesung)
Release Event #3
In the 3rd event (19:00) Daesung talks about his past solo activities. In Fukuoka, he talked about his memories of the beginning period of his solo activities, specifically D'scover time. Working on the album, his first solo tour, and a few specific episodes.
**to be updated**
misc fan accounts:
Daesung said that he's been working to prepare so many things for us to look forward to while he is gone (serving in the military) that we'll be surprised when he's back (because it will have felt so short). So curious what he's been preparing for us! (© mshinju)
Daesung said that the version of It Hurts included in 'Diraito 2' is the guide track recorded by him when he was 20 years old (so it's his voice from 9 years ago!), before it became a 2NE1 song cause a female voice fit the song better. (© susifg)
Daesung said that he doesn't care much abt art or business, and explained how sometimes, especially after drinking a bit, TOP can just stare endlessly at a painting on the wall in total amazement while Daesung would think to himself "What the hell is he thinking right now?!" 😂 (© susifg)
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gianhovn · 6 years
Tham gia “Salty Tour”, Seungri tiết lộ độ nổi tiếng của G-Dragon đối với các idol nữ
Là khách mời trong tập mới nhất của chương trình “Salty Tour” của đài tvN, trong tuần này, Seungri sẽ cùng dàn cast của chương trình đến thành phố Hạ Môn của Trung Quốc. Tại buổi phát sóng vào ngày 11/8, chàng út của BIGBANG đã tiết lộ bí mật của đàn anh G-Dragon về sự nổi tiếng với nhiều ngôi sao nữ.
Là em út của BIGBANG, Seungri cũng đồng thời là thành viên duy nhất của nhóm vẫn chưa lên đường nhập ngũ. Trong khi bốn anh lớn đang thực thực hiện nghĩa vụ với tổ quốc, thì chàng út của nhóm vẫn đang tích cực trong các hoạt động kinh doanh, sản xuất âm nhạc và giải trí.
Seungri hiện là thành viên duy nhất của BIGBANG vẫn chưa nhập ngũ (Ảnh: Internet)
Mới đây, khi tham gia vào chương trình “Salty Tour”, Seungri cùng dàn cast đã có màn trò chuyện trong buổi ăn tối tại Trung Quốc. Mở đầu câu chuyện, chàng út của BIGBANG đã cảnh báo với Kim Sejeong về những cạm bẫy khi đạt được thành công quá sớm. Anh chàng tiết lộ: “Anh đã kiêu ngạo và nghĩ rằng mình có thể làm được điều đó. Anh đã từng trở nên điên rồ.”
Anh chàng cũng rất hài hước khi chia sẻ kinh nghiệm với Kim Sejeong về việc nếu cô nàng có điện thoại riêng: “Em sẽ bắt đầu nhận được nhiều cuộc gọi chứa đựng hàm ý tình cảm. Sẽ có nhiều tin nhắn mang nội dung đại loại như là: ‘Tôi là thành viên của nhóm nhạc ấy đấy và chúng ta có thể hiểu thêm về nhau không nhỉ?’ Đi kèm với tin nhắn đó thường sẽ là một icon mặt cười hay trái tim.”
Seungri là khách mời tuần này của chương trình “Salty Tour”. (Ảnh: Internet)
Khi bị mọi người chọc ghẹo rằng bản thân chắc đã nhiều lần gửi các tin nhắn như vậy cho nhiều người nổi tiếng nữ, Seungri đã chối bay tất cả bằng việc đổ hết sang cho trưởng nhóm G-Dragon.
Cụ thể, chàng út đã tiết lộ rằng, có rất nhiều ngôi sao nữ, đặc biệt là các thần tượng nữ đã nhắn tin cho G-Dragon. Anh chàng đã nhiều lần đọc tin nhắn của đàn anh, nội dung chàng trưởng nhóm nhận được thường là: “Xin chào, mình là XXX, chúng ta có thể làm bạn với nhau không?”
Hé lộ về việc Seungri có thể đọc tin nhắn của đàn anh, thành viên của BIGBANG vui vẻ chia sẻ: “Em không biết làm thế nào họ có được số điện thoại của G-Dragon, nhưng anh ấy nhận được rất nhiều tin nhắn làm quen. Và sau đó, anh ấy sẽ khoe khoang điều đó với chúng em theo cái kiểu như là: ‘XXX và XXX đã liên lạc với anh đấy, anh nên làm gì bây giờ?”
G-Dragon và Seungri là hai anh em rất thân thiết. (Ảnh: Internet)
Thừa nhận bản thân không thể nổi tiếng với các ngôi sao nữ như đàn anh, Seungri ngậm ngùi thừa nhận, rằng mình thường xuyên trả lời tin nhắn từ các cuộc gọi nhỡ đến từ các số lạ. Mỗi khi nhận được cuộc gọi từ một số không xác định, anh chàng sẽ cảm thấy lo lắng và hồi hộp.
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Thành viên của BIGBANG đã luôn hy vọng sẽ nghe được giọng nói dịu dàng phát ra từ phía đầu dây bên kia. Đáng tiếc, anh lại chỉ toàn nhận được cuộc gọi từ những người nổi tiếng là đàn ông.
Thành viên út của BIGBANG cũng thường là người chủ động tiếp cận trước với phụ nữ. Anh chàng tiết lộ trong quá khứ có nhiều kí ức không hay đối với các cô gái. Khi một cô gái chủ động tiếp cận Seungri, điều đầu tiên anh chàng nghĩ tới sẽ luôn là: “Tại sao cô ấy lại liên lạc với tôi? Cô ấy muốn gì ở tôi?”
Seungri trong buổi ăn tối tại Trung Quốc. (Ảnh: Internet)
Nổi tiếng là thành viên đào hoa nhất nhóm, lại nhiều lần dính phải các nghi án hẹn hò, nhưng Seungri lại thua xa đàn anh G-Dragon về sự nổi tiếng với các ngôi sao nữ. Cho tới thời gian hiện tại, anh chàng vẫn rất mong được một lần nổi tiếng với các ngôi sao nữ như đàn anh.
Seungri ghen tị khi ông anh của mình nhận được nhiều tin nhắn làm quen từ những người nổi tiếng nữ. (Ảnh: Internet)
Sau khi phát hành các sản phẩm âm nhạc mới, Seungri hiện đang rất tích cực tham gia các chương trình giải trí truyền hình. Anh luôn là người mang đến nhiều câu chuyện thú vị và hài hước. Hãy cùng ủng hộ cho Seungri trong các dự án sắp tới của anh chàng nhé!
Các bạn có thể xem thêm các bài viết khác về Seungri tại:
Trở lại hoành tráng cùng “1, 2, 3!”, Seungri cảm thấy kém hơn các thành viên khác trong BIGBANG
Tham gia “Idol Room”, Seungri (BIGBANG) liên tục tiết lộ nhiều bí mật thú vị
Hãy theo dõi BlogAnChoi để có thêm nhiều thông tin giải trí thú vị nhé!
Xem khuyến mãi Nguồn:
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kwon2 · 6 years
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180825 짠내투어 승리 캡처.
180825 Salty Tour SEUNGRI CAP.
twitter. @kw0n22
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kpopreplay · 6 years
Jung Joon Young es fichado oficialmente por difundir imágenes sexuales por chat
Lo que vino de acusaciones por prostitución, por parte de Seungri, la investigación dio un vuelco distinto cuando la policía descubrió un chat dónde se compartían imágenes y videos sexuales tomados ilegalmente.
En estas acusaciones, se encuentra el cantante Jung Joon Young, quien se dice que compartió, al menos, 10 videos sexuales tomados de manera ilegal y sin el consentimiento de las féminas dentro del video.
Él se encontraba en Estados Unidos filmando para un programa y regresó de inmediato a Corea del Sur después que su agencia, Make Us Entertainment se contactó con él.
Las acusaciones se realizaron el 11 de marzo, donde también su agencia realizó una declaración oficial ante los hechos.
"Hola, somos MakeUs Entertainment.
Entendemos perfectamente la gravedad de las acusaciones que se hacen contra Jung Joon Young, que es un cantante bajo nuestro nuevo sello “Label M” y las consideramos profundamente lamentables.
Por lo tanto, actualmente estamos en contacto con Jung Joon Young, que se encuentra en medio de un trabajo en el extranjero, pero todavía es difícil para nosotros averiguar la verdad del asunto. Pedimos disculpas. Sin embargo, Jung Joon Young ha decidido suspender todo su trabajo en el extranjero para regresar a Corea de inmediato y ha declarado que pretende cooperar activamente con las investigaciones policiales en cuanto regrese al país.
Nos gustaría pedir disculpas una vez más por la angustia causada por este asunto desagradable".
La noticia se dio a conocer a través de SBS, en donde revelaron que Jung Joon Young grabó a varias personas cuando estaba teniendo relaciones sexuales y se dice que en el chat revela que él grabó por pocos segundos y los envió el chat.
Se cree que en este chat se involucra, al menos, a varias celebridades masculinas, incluyendo a Seungri. 
El 12 de marzo, la Agencia de Policía Metropolitana de Seul reveló: "Fichamos a Jung Joon Young y otros en relación con las denuncias de difusión de videos grabados ilegalmente esta tarde. No podemos revelar las identidades de los otros sospechosos".
La policía mantiene que no arrestarán todavía a Jung Joon Young, pero que si planean llamarlo para interrogarlo con respecto a este asunto de las grabaciones y el chat que lo involucra muy explicitamente. También le prohibieron al cantante salir del país mientras la investigación siga en curso.
Actualmente, su agencia canceló varias presentaciones de Jung Joon Young, como en el Beautiful Mint Life 2019, además de ser retirado de varios programas como 2 Days & 1 Night de KBS2 y de Salty Tour y 4 Wheeled Restaurant de tvN.
Con respecto a 1N2D, el programa anunció la salida del cantante de manera oficial del show, y que lo editarán de los episodios que ya habían sido grabados con anterioridad.
Fuente: soompi, naver, SBS
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2u3lBNG
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daesungindistress · 5 years
Lol here you go !! if you watched his translated documentary you could have knew how he talked that seungri challenged him in mc and how it boosted his energy to give even more and how he appreciate that instead of talking from you own perspective plz go search what Daesung said himself also you escaped beautifully the talk about how NEW BB will be A GD,YB&TOP ft Daesung, maybe cause as u said GD is ur weaker! Do you think the others gonna give shit to daesung? Let just wait and u'll see!
lol so now that we’ve established you are a salty SR stan…
Why are you still here? Isn’t it time you moved on to greener pastures? It seems pretty clear that you’re unable to find joy in the group anymore given their new state as four. See, this is exactly what I meant a couple months ago when I said you guys would soon start lashing out. “Let’s just wait and u’ll see!” Okay, but will you still be here? Will you see?
I am aware of the comments Daesung has made about SR over the years, good and bad. Yeah, SR “challenged” him alright. That’s essentially what the DaeRi dynamic boiled down to: SR testing him over and over again. Gosh, it’s like I haven’t been talking about this here for years 🙄 And I’m gonna guess “boosted his energy to give even more” is diplomatic Daesung speak for “felt obligated to keep pace to prevent him from getting out of control.” It was plain as day sometimes, how SR would get going and Daesung would (over)extend himself, hurrying after him to rein him back in so his hyungs wouldn’t have to. It had to be stressful, feeling pushed to be on par with someone like SR, who he didn’t understand at all. Equally as boisterous. There’s a reason why those DaeRi skits in Last Dance tour were so cringey; that wasn’t Daesung at his best, that was Daesung doing his best to meet SR’s energy and connecting with his humor awkwardly. Maybe now he won’t feel so challenged anymore. Maybe now he can do things at his own pace, in his own style, to his own liking.
Also, projecting your bitterness over SR’s departure onto Daesung like a wet blanket, trying to ruin it for the rest of us? You’re coming at the wrong person with this argument. I’ve been here four years and I’ve been mostly fine with Daesung’s place in the group, never nitpicking his line distribution and largely at peace with his overall “less popular” status within the group, like most Dae stans just happy to see him standing with them and hear his voice alongside theirs. Unlike you SR stans who were always riding a current of frustration and resentment, constantly complaining about the other members (even if among yourselves) and stirring up trouble when SR acted the victim over some perceived slight. This behavior is nothing new for you guys, but for the rest of us? There’s nowhere to go from here but up.
I wasn’t unhappy with Daesung’s role before, so you with your sour attitude have no power to make me pessimistic about it now. My outlook on BB’s future as four is a bright one and I’m really looking forward to seeing what they do with it. Even if it is, as you say, GD, YB & TOP ft Daesung. At least it’s no longer GD, YB & TOP, ft Daesung and Seungri.
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kpophighlight · 6 years
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'Salty Tour' officially penalized for airing an inappropriate scene where Seungri makes Kim Se Jung pour drinks for the male cast https://t.co/nScL9ULaBo https://t.co/RWQkM8yktF (via Twitter http://twitter.com/allkpop/status/1050468612329394176)
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philmax2018 · 6 years
Reality show to be disciplined after Seungri violates gender equality rules
Cable entertainment channel tvN faces a penalty for airing a segment that breached gender equality rules. The travel reality show “Salty Tour” contained a scene that featured singer Seungri, a member of K-pop act BIGBANG, asking a girl group member to pour drinks for men she favored. from The Korea Times News https://ift.tt/2RFPfD7 via IFTTTDiigo Blogger Tumblr Evernote
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