rosy-fox-art · 4 months
looks at you with big ole eyes if you want to can you draw Dr Sokolsky
“Following incident 6622-C, Dr. Harry Blank is no longer permitted to take site 43 staff to feed instances of SCP-6622-A in the name of “boosting morale”
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You asked for Sokolsky, someone on discord asked for 6622, so we have the best of both worlds
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livingdeadroom · 11 months
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SCP-1000 - Bigfoot
SCP-2000 - Deus Ex Machina
SCP-3000 - Anantashesha
Taboo -
SCP-5000 - Why?
SCP-6000 - The Serpent, the Moose, and the Wanderer's Library
SCP-7000 - The Loser
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iron-shears · 2 years
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SCP-6326 by Raddagher
SCP-6113 by Dr Asteria
SCP-2721 by DolphinSlugchugger and kinchtheknifeblade
SCP-7999 by OriTiefling
SCP-7007 by grigorikarpin and Vivarium
SCP-7333 by Zyn
SCP-7998 by AnActualCrow
SCP-7000 by HarryBlank
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aethris-art · 2 years
SCP-7000 contest banner art
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Count your lucky stars and pray that they align ⭐
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scp-torment · 1 year
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SCP-7000: The Loser
SCP-7000 is a progressive randomization of probability factors and anomalous fortuity on the planet Earth, and potentially beyond. The effect is not total — a comprehensive karmic failure would in quick succession terminate consensus normalcy, the SCP Foundation and the human race — but instead piecemeal. Each factor is randomized to a different extent, for a different length of time, and often with a different geographical radius of effect, corresponding to no obvious logical pattern. Nevertheless, the cumulative impact of many nonsensical and high-profile outcomes to formerly predictable actions is degrading the Veil of Secrecy at an alarming rate and jeopardizing containment efforts worldwide. SCP-7000-1 is Dr. William Wallace Wettle, a white male 54 years of age presently serving as Deputy Chair of Replication Studies at Site-43. His relationship to SCP-7000 is classified Level 4: Secret.
SCP-529: Josie the Half-Cat
SCP-529 is a small house cat (Felis catus) with grey tabby markings. Parts of the animal to the rear of the end of the ribcage appear to be missing. The body terminates sharply as if sliced in two. In spite of this, the animal has no health problems, and moves about as if its hindquarters were still in place. For example, walking takes place as usual, and some time after feeding the animal makes motions as if to void itself of waste matter.
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hisclockworkservants · 5 months
If you’re still doing SCP bunnies I’d love to see 7000/Dr. Wettle as a bunny. Especially because that one saying “the rabbit’s foot is lucky to everyone except the rabbit” seems to really fit him. No pressure if you don’t wanna though!
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glowl0 · 5 months
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1: any of a family (Diomedeidae) of large web-footed seabirds that have long slender wings, are excellent gliders, and include the largest seabirds
a: something that causes persistent deep concern or anxiety
b: something that greatly hinders accomplishment : ENCUMBRANCE
Commisioned by @tealquacks
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sistersorrow · 5 months
I generally try not to be elitist in whatever fandoms I'm in, but I have to make an exception for the SCP Foundation, cause 95% of the complaints I hear about it are just signs that whoever said needs to read more SCPs instead of getting all their information from content farms
Most SCPs aren't a bajillion words long like SCP-6500, most SCPs aren't generic uncontainable Things Which Kill You or doomsday monsters that are gonna scratch their nose which causes all of Europe to burst into flames, and there are still plenty of horror SCPs out there, the site has just over the years expanded from horror/copypasta to New Weird
The SCP Foundation has plenty of good content, you just have to actually read it
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Dr. William Wallace Wettle (aka SCP-7000) from the SCP Foundation is divorced (twice, I’m pretty sure) !!!
Dr William Wallace Wettle from The SCP Foundation is Divorced!
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scpaesthetics · 10 months
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SCP Aesthetics: 7000 (requested by anon, written by HarryBlank)
Mindy Wettle: You can ask me. Alright. For William, I'll do it. But you have to promise me something first. Researcher LeBlanc: If I can. Mindy Wettle: You can. Promise you'll tell him to think of himself from time to time. (green, luck, fate)
requests are open
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local-robotgirlthing · 6 months
best kind of SCP story is 'some random guy goes through The Horrors'
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rosy-fox-art · 5 months
“We die in the dark so you can live in the light.”
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My entry for the Characters & MTFs category of the Visual Archives contest on the SCP WIKI ^^~
This took forever, and with a total character count of 33 I’m pretty happy! [Character list/placement + flats below the cut ]
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Character list
Top to bottom left to right
- Dr. Talloran/SCP-3999 (top middle)
On top of/behind 408/682 /back row
- Dr. Moose
- Paul Kim (There is no antimemetics division)
- Marian Weaver (also TINAD)
- Dr. Zyn Kiryu
- Dr. Kondraki
- Draven Kondraki
- Dr. King
-Dr. Lillihanner
- Dr. Blank
- Dr. Riven Mercer
- Dr. Asheworth
- Dr. Mann
Front row
- Dr. Xi Taki
- Dr. Wynn
- Dr. Rune
- Dr. Everwood
- Dr. Glass
- Dr. Kain Pathos Crow
- Dr. Gears
- Dr. Iceberg
- (Dr Rights is behind them)
- Dr. Cimmerian
- Agent Adams
- Dr. Wettle/SCP-7000
- Placeholder McDoctorate
- Dr. Solkovsky
In the very VERY front on the floor
- Dr. Clef
- Dr. Roth
- Dr. Nerys
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handsome-john · 11 months
A little thing i wrote based off of Disco Elysium and SCP-7000
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its-stimsca · 10 months
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Stimboard of Dr William Wettle from the SCP Foundation with unlucky stims heheheheh
☘️ 🐈‍⬛ ☘️
🐈‍⬛ ☘️ 🐈‍⬛
☘️ 🐈‍⬛ ☘️
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mavlotov · 1 year
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commission for @thepinkestpug !! < 3
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scp-torment · 1 year
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SCP-3001: Red Reality
SCP-3001 is a hypothesized paradoxical parallel/pocket "non-dimension" accessible through the creation of a momentary Class-C "Broken Entry" Wormhole.1 While believed to be an infinitely extending parallel universe, SCP-3001 is almost completely devoid of any matter and has an extremely low Hume Level of 0.032,2 contradicting Kejel's Laws of Reality with the relation between Humes and spacetime. This phenomenon causes matter inside it to decay at an extremely low rate, and damage that would otherwise prove fatal does not impede any biological/electronic function; simulations suggest an organism can lose more than 70% of their body's tissue and still operate normally, as long as at least 40% of the brain remains. However, prolonged exposure will cause said matter to gradually approach SCP-3001's own Hume Level, resulting in severe tissue/structural damage as the matter's own Hume Field begins to disintegrate.
SCP-7000: The Loser
SCP-7000 is a progressive randomization of probability factors and anomalous fortuity on the planet Earth, and potentially beyond. The effect is not total — a comprehensive karmic failure would in quick succession terminate consensus normalcy, the SCP Foundation and the human race — but instead piecemeal. Each factor is randomized to a different extent, for a different length of time, and often with a different geographical radius of effect, corresponding to no obvious logical pattern. Nevertheless, the cumulative impact of many nonsensical and high-profile outcomes to formerly predictable actions is degrading the Veil of Secrecy at an alarming rate and jeopardizing containment efforts worldwide. SCP-7000-1 is Dr. William Wallace Wettle, a white male 54 years of age presently serving as Deputy Chair of Replication Studies at Site-43. His relationship to SCP-7000 is classified Level 4: Secret.
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