#São miguel
annajewelsphotography · 8 months
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Lago do Fogo - São Miguel - Azores - Portugal (by Anna Jewels (@earthpeek))
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moonoftheuniverse · 1 year
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where my heart often is
São Miguel, Açores
July 2023
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foldback · 3 months
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Part two of the São Miguel series, which focuses on the eastern half of the island, with Furnas, Nordeste and Achadina, where my dad is from. It was pretty wild to see the river where the family used to bring corn and such to get it milled, or just see the cows walking down a main road to go get milked, or just how ridiculous every single sight was. Canyons, waterfalls, churches, all of it.
Anyway, again, it was a hell of a week. And I'm hoping to be back soon and have another dinner vaporized in the Furnas hot springs.
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todademariablog · 21 days
Consagração da família a São Miguel
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Ó grande Arcanjo São Miguel, príncipe e chefe das legiões angélicas, penetradas do sentimento de vossa grandeza, de vossa bondade e vosso poder, em presença da adorável Santíssima Trindade, da Virgem Maria e toda a corte celeste, eu (nome) e minha família vimos hoje nos consagrar a vós. (ou renovar neste dia a nossa consagração)
Queremos vos honrar e invocar fielmente.
Recebei-nos sob vossa especial proteção e dignai-vos desde então vela sobre os nossos interesses espirituais e temporais.
Conservai entre nós a perfeita união do espírito, dos corações e do amor familiar. Defendei-nos contra o ataque inimigo, preservai-nos de todo mal e particularmente da desgraça de ofender a Deus gravemente.
Que por nossos cuidados, devotados e vigilantes cheguemos todos à felicidade eterna. Dignai-vos, grande São Miguel, reunir todos os membros de nossa família. Amém!
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mireoceu · 1 month
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Vamos rezar a Quaresma de São Miguel Arcanjo 🙏🏽🛡️
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Autor não Identificado, Natália Correia, Lagoa das Furnas, São Miguel, Açores, Portugal, 1975
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travelella · 8 months
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São Miguel, Azores Archipelago, Portugal
Evgeny Matveev
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Lagoa do Fogo
São Miguel
fotos cjmn
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thiagoarantesousa · 1 year
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lingocurio · 1 year
After 8 imaginary days on the island of Terceira in the Azores, I'll be make-believe flying to Ponta Delgada on the island of São Miguel on April 6.
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The first thing I've found out about Ponta Delgada is that there is a shuttle service from the airport to someplace called Vila Franca do Campo. It costs $13.41 CAD one way.
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A quick Wikipedia search tells me that Vila Franca do Campo was the main town of São Miguel until a massive landslide in the mid-16th century that killed 5000 people caused the powers-that-be to rethink the location of the administrative center of the island. They moved it to Ponta Delgada.
A quick look at Google Maps tells me that both Ponta Delgada and Vila Franca do Campo are located on the southern coast of the zucchini-shaped island. Vila Franca do Campo is only about 25km (15 miles) east of Ponta Delgada.
Should I base myself in Ponta Delgada or Vila Franca do Campo?
As usual, it seems that the recommended way to explore the island is to rent a car and follow your own nose. Unfortunately, I don't drive, so I need to look at alternative options.
A perfunctory search reveals the availability of various half- and full-day organized tours. It seems most, if not all, of these tours are based in Ponta Delgada.
Probably my best bet is to base myself in Ponta Delgada and venture out on organized tours, and possibly on my own with a rental bike, from there. I'll do a more thorough search of what there is to see and do in a future post!
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granolarolla · 1 month
Don't Go Too Fast, but I Go Pretty Far
Our transportation decisions determine much more than where roads or bridges or tunnels or rail lines will be built. They determine the connections and barriers that people will encounter in their daily lives, and thus how hard or easy it will be for people to get where they need and want to go. Elijah Cummings In the fall of 2023, I sold my car and used the money to move back to my hometown,…
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fanopeia · 1 month
mas e quem disse que eu consegui acordar às 4 da manhã pra iniciar a quaresma
é brincadeira o fiel, viu
mas amanhã serei melhor que hoje
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foldback · 3 months
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São Miguel, Açores, Portugal. This was my first trip to the homeland, where my parents are from (but on opposite ends of the island; they actually met in the U.S., and here I am). It was a hard-working vacation, with lots of stops and trips and the like, but fantastic in a way I didn't expect. I started plotting out how, exactly, I could find €100,000 or so to just buy a house, move there and figure out the whole life-and-career thing later.
Until then, please enjoy some of the sites from the first half of the trip in Ponta Delgada and the western half of the island (Sete Cidades, Ribeira Grande and the like). I'm sure I'll have more in time.
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sliderev · 1 month
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caminhandocomjesuss · 3 months
Oração espontânea da madrugada
Senhor, meu amabilíssimo Pai, venho rogar por sua misericórdia divina nessa noite que se passa. Meu Deus, toma conta da minha vida e abençoa os meus caminhos. Planta no meu espírito a semente da fé forte, do amor por ti e por tudo e todos que são seus. Derruba os inimigos espirituais e impeça os inimigos carnais de me atingirem com sua maledicência. Toca nas minhas feridas e me cura, Senhor. Nesse sábado, em especial, lhe peço pela minha vitória na batalha espiritual que estou enfrentando. Junto à Nossa Senhora, nossa querida mãe, e a São Miguel Arcanjo, impossibilita, te peço, os demônios de me vencerem. Me enche com vossa luz e me torna vitoriosa.
Nossa Senhora Aparecida, rogai por nós!
São Pedro, guardião do céu, rogai por nós!
São Miguel, São Gabriel e São Rafael, rogai por nós!
Jesus Cristo, rogai por nós!
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