#Ryan Leonard au
jamiedryssnail · 20 days
Never Change
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Ryan Leonard x McKenna Estapa
Ryan gets a hard time at first for dating McKenna. She is very head strong and as cringe as this sounds she isn’t like other girls.
She basically never wears dresses or excessive makeup. Her vibe could only be described as salted granola in some respects.
Obviously if she goes to a party or fancy dinner she will dress will dress appropriately but otherwise it’s baggy pants and a little fitted shirt. Paired with her berks, bostons, or sneaker.
She has always been described as one who can stand her own ground. Being compared to Kat Stratford at times and honestly she did agree. There was some resemblance in there personalities not a lot but definitely some.
She had never in her life felt self conscious before in her life. But now she was in college it was new and strange. She was always told kids would act differently in college but she didn’t think this would happen.
In what world do you get made fun of in college. She would get teased constantly in one of her classes and when she met Ryan i guess that fell onto him.
Guys wether they were freshman to senior we’re making fun of her. Kenna had no idea this was happening until her best friend Tallulah brought it to her attention. Lu was Ryan’s sister but ever since she has met kenna they has instantly connected and became besties.
Lu has overheard a group of three boys who were known school dickheads, talking to Ryan. Lu was walking to one of her media classes and saw this happening. Being this sticky beak she is she couldn’t help listen in to what they were saying at Ryan. Not to Ryan at Ryan. Jerks.
Something around the lines of you sure she’s not gay, have you ever seen her in a mini dress, is she even a girl. Followed by laughter and laughter. Ryan stood there with a blank face but couldn’t say anything. Just nodding.
“We’ll Lu I appreciate you telling me this but I have to ask” kenna asks
“Yea I thought you would have wanna known” she said
“But go ahead hit me what’s ur question” Lu said knowing what she was already going to ask.
“Did Ryan stand up for me, or did he just laugh with them” she asked quietly.
“He didn’t laugh, but he kinda just stood there with a blank face” she said regretting it immediately.
“Oh, well um I um I better go” Kenna said stumbling over her words rushing out of Tallulah’s dorm.
As soon as she shut the door a single year well down her cheek. Then two, then the next thing she was balling. She ran to her dorm that luckily wasn’t much further. Once she arrived she layed in bed eating some old cereal and watching her favourite movie how to lose a guy in the days.
Although she wash all cosy in bed she couldn’t help the flying thoughts in her head. Was her style weird. Should she wear makeup more often than parties and dinner. Should she be more agreeable.
She was a naturally gorgeous girl, stunning even. Everyone could see it, but everyone also has something to say about what she was wearing and what she looked like in it. Her mother always telling her to show off her figure more. Even blaming her last boyfriend for cheating on her because she never wore dresses on there dates. In her mothers words why wouldn’t he cheat.
She has to fix something.
-The Next Night-
McKenna was getting ready as it was Saturday night and her and Ryan always went out on a Saturday night. Tonight they were going to a house party. It was going to be filled with bc students as the hockey team had also just won there game. Meaning she was meaning Ryan there and going with Lu.
Lu would pick her up at 7:30 and it was 6:00 right now so she started to get ready. She searched through her closet and pulled out a little dress and cute boots. She did her makeup and even she admitted she looked really good.
Just as she grabbed her bag she heard a knock at the door.
“Hey out here we gotta go babes” Tallulah yelled.
“Coming” Kenna yelled back
“Oh my goodness you look stunning”Lu said shocked at the outfit.
They chatted for another few minutes and then decided they were super late and needed to leave asap.
When they arrived at the part the whole vibe felt different for McKenna she had eyes on her and not judging ones admiring ones. But all she cared about was trying to find Ryan.
Once she spotted him she skipped over to him and he took her under his arm.
“This is well is this new” he exclaimed knowing he had never seen that before.
“Oh this no I’ve had it for ages, never had the chance to wear it” McKenna lied right through her teeth.
“Yea right” Ryan said barely above a whisper in a kind of sarcastic tone. He knew her to well and something was wrong. She never dresses like this and she has blood shot she’s suggesting she has been crying earlier. Her makeup was done more than both of them even liked and her tone of voice was wavering.
Sounding like she was ahout to break down. Which honestly she was she didn’t want to lose Ryan the man she was in love with. Little did she know he loved her styles, makeup, and personality.
He fell in love with her and didn’t want her to change herself for others.
Just as gabe has walked away he left space for someone else to join the conversation. Oh and who exactly the guys who made the comment in the first place.
“Leno how are you bud” the main guy said as the other two faded into other conversations obviously uninterested in any drama.
“Leave us alone aye Tom” he said with a stern tone.
“Calm down Lenny, oh and what the fuck happened since when were you dating a girl not a fucking man” he whispered antagonising Lenny even more.
“Shut the fuck up before I rip your head off” he finally yelled grabbing Kenna and ditching the party.
Kenna didn’t even realise but she had started crying. She caused a scene and she couldn’t take the comment he made about her it pushed her over the edge.
As Ryan heard her sniffles he wanted to do nothing more than to take her home cuddle and kiss her and tell her how beautiful she was. Ryan looked down and saw her sad little pout making him ache inside. He hated seeing her sad it made him feel horrid.
“Oh no baby please please don’t cry” Ryan softy told her
All he got in response was sniffles though.
“Baby you gorgeous, most definitely the most ravishing girl ever, you are so perfect and you don’t even know. Your eyes are such a perfect shade of green and your face is all around gorgeous. Your personality suits mine perfectly like we were made for each other. And I know you don’t like wearing dresses it’s not your style and I get it. Frankly i think you look so pretty in whatever you want to wear your style is so cool. And please for the love of his don’t lie and say you like it because I know you too well and your thoughts are written all over your face. I love you so much and you are my favourite person in this entire world”. Ryan rambled on and on.
“Aw Lenny I love you too, and thank god you said something because I could not were this every weekend it’s so tight and not in a good way” they laughed together.
After the nights events they settles away into his dorm and cuddled and made out until they drifted off to sleep. Him praising her with words of affirmation as she drifted into sleep. All McKenna and Ryan needed was each other and they knew that.
Xoxo 🩵🩷💙❤️💚
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peachhcs · 27 days
a fic or blurb of ryan’s farewell party for will pls?!
charm bracelet
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy heads to boston after ryan begs her to fly out for will’s farewell party in hopes of reconciling things between the ex-couple (writing grace and samy’s dynamic was actually so fun because i’ve never wrote them before)
2.1k words
i got so carried away with this it wasn’t gonna be this long but it turned into a whole fic. the ending of this is a bit interpret how you want, but in my mind it’s them not completely ignoring one another, but they aren’t gonna talk it out for a long while. p.s. the baby grace and will photo i found is actually adorable!
au masterlist
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"please come?" ryan begged over the phone while samy sat at her desk pondering the offer he'd been trying to convince her of for the last twenty minutes. "if not for will, then for us? don't know when we'll see you if you aren't coming out to boston as often anymore," the brunette continued making samy feel even worse.
"hey, i'll still come to boston. i didn't just go for will, you know," the girl rolled her eyes slightly.
"then come out to see us. you don't even have to see will if you don't want. there will be enough people that you'll probably be able to avoid him," ryan kept persisting because 1. he knew samy still cared deep down and 2. she was their friends too and he knew the guys really wanted to see her again before school started back up.
"you're so annoying," she teased a bit making them both laugh. "i'll think about it, okay? i might have to be back at school, but i'll see."
"i promise," samy nodded and the two ended the call. when her phone found its place back on her desk, samy knew damn well already that she was completely free that weekend. she just didn't know if she could stomach potentially seeing will.
two weeks later, samy and her mom were on a plane to boston for the party. ellen was still very close to colleen and after being there for will his entire life, she wasn't missing this despite everything that's happened.
gabe and ryan drove into the city the day before to catch up with samy themselves. will didn't have much idea that the hughes were in town and probably wouldn't find out until tomorrow at the party.
"hey, hughesy," ryan greeted with a large smile. his arms quickly slid around the girl's frame in a tight hug before letting gabe take his turn.
"hi, it's good to see you guys again," samy grinned widely. she really did miss seeing them. it'd been since worlds that they were all together like this.
"i'm glad you came out. i didn't think you would," gabe admitted as the three sat at a small table waiting for the waiter to take their orders.
"i didn't think i was coming either, but i wanted to see you guys before school started and we'd get too caught up in everything," the brunette explained which made them smile.
"i can't believe school's gonna start again. feels like it just ended," gabe chuckled.
"don't remind me," ryan groaned earning more laughs from the other two.
the three quickly filled each other in on the things they missed. it felt like old times when everyone was in michigan together spending weekends sitting on a floor going back and forth with stupid little games. all of that felt like such simpler times because no feelings were involved. at least not any known feelings.
things settled a bit as samy and the boys ate their sandwiches they ordered and the topic shifted to one samy knew was gonna come up eventually.
"i don't know if i've said this to you, but will's a real idiot," gabe said quietly.
samy's jaw clenched a bit, "yeah, he is."
"have you..talked to him at all?" ryan wondered and the girl instantly shook her head.
"no and i don't really want to. i don't even know what i'd say to him or what he could say that would make me forgive him. he threw it all away and that really fucking hurts," samy admitted truthfully.
"right and you have every right to not wanna talk to him. he was an asshole for not trying to talk things out with you," gabe nodded in agreement.
"can i just say one thing though? i'm no way trying to defend anything that he said or did, but you gotta remember how will is with this kind of stuff sometimes. he says the wrong things when he's thinking something else. you guys were best friends above everything. you know him better than any of us probably. you really want to leave things on this note?" ryan said softly.
samy's gaze flicked away from the boys knowing ryan did have a small point in the back of her mind, but she wasn't ready to admit that. things were confusing and hard.
being back in boston had this pull on her. everything she's ever known came from michigan and boston—will being one of those things. he hurt her so badly, yet a really, really small part of her wanted to reach out.
"it doesn't matter anymore, ry. he meant what he said and even if he didn't wanna say it, he still did. i was basically worthless to him," samy couldn't though. her head overruled her heart knowing she needed to stand her ground because there was nothing more she could say to him.
will's entire house was packed with people. room to room, wall to wall, lawn to lawn—there were people everywhere. ryan wasn't wrong that samy could lose herself pretty easily into the crowd.
she hung outside a lot because out there she could escape anywhere if she saw will whereas inside could end up trapping her if she wasn't careful. she happily caught up with drew, aram, vote, and cutter who greeted her with bright smiles.
the idea of even being in the same proximity as will sent goosebumps down the girl's arms. her eyes were constantly flicking around as if she would see him turn some corner and make eye contact.
somehow, she managed to find a corner where it wasn't too crowded by the lawn chairs. the youngest hughes sat out on them just people watching when familiar locks of blonde hair started coming her way. for a moment, samy tensed, wondering how grace took the news about their breakup because she hadn't exactly talked to the oldest smith sibling since it happened.
"hey, samy," the older girl greeted warmly.
"hi, gracie," samy smiled, relaxing a bit when she saw the girl's smile.
"i'm happy to see you. it's been awhile," grace found a seat beside her for a moment while the brunette nodded a bit.
"yeah, it has," her gaze flicked away because they both knew why it had been awhile since they saw one another. grace didn't make a huge appearance at the family vacation a few months ago since she was busy apartment hunting and even then, her and samy didn't talk much because they never got to catch one another at the right time.
"this might be a stupid question, but..how are you?" the older girl wondered gently.
"i'm..i'm okay. hanging in there, i guess," samy nodded, biting the inside of her cheek.
"i'm sorry i haven't talked to you since..i don't want you to think i hate you or anything. last month was super busy and you looked busy and i didn't know if it was too soon to ask about everything.." grace trailed off a bit when she realized she was rambling. samy quickly shook her head.
"don't worry about it. i was worried you hated me," a small laugh sounded from the soccer players lips.
"oh my god no! i don't. i promise. i actually..am mad at will for how all of this happened. i..i was shocked when you left and i found will out there..i'm sorry. i..i wish i had an answer for my brother's reason, but i don't. i..i don't know why he broke up with you," grace frowned deeply.
"i left in such a mess, i'm sorry again. everything happened way too fast," samy shook her head.
"have you talked to him since.."
"ry and gabe asked me that yesterday and i said no. i mean, i have nothing to say to him, so why would i, you know?" the brunette shrugged.
"right, of course. mom told him this morning you and your mom were coming. that went over..interesting to say the least," grace tapped her finger against her cup.
"i've been avoiding him, i guess. i'm not sure i can really stomach seeing him, but..i don't know. felt like i owed it to him to be here at least? and the other guys too. don't know when i'll see them again. this whole thing feels like it screwed up everything with everyone," samy laughed dryly.
"i get it. i'm glad you did come. i saw your mom earlier, it was good to see her. even if will won't admit it, i know he's glad you're at least here too. one last hurrah before we move him out to california," grace said.
samy thought back to all the times will would talk about his move to cali whenever it happened. he'd always say how she'd fly out with him to help him decorate his apartment when the time came. plus, all the times will told her how he couldn't wait until they could live together so long distance would be over, yet he'd wait forever for her.
god, what happened to that will?
"you're thinking," the blonde pointed out, snapping samy back into reality.
while will knew her insanely well, so did grace. the two girls did grow up alongside one another even though there was a three year age gap. grace was the older sister samy never had as a little girl and she still was, so of course the older girl knew when samy was lost in thought.
"yeah, sorry," the younger girl shook her head.
"penny for your thoughts?" the expression made samy smile because will said the same thing.
"just how will always talked about me being there with him when he moved to california and how he couldn't wait until i was done with school to move out there with him. i wonder where that will went who was so ambitious about us and saying he would wait forever for me," the younger girl smiled sadly.
a little sigh escaped grace's lips hearing samy sound so heartbroken still. "i wish i knew what was running through his mind. i didn't even know he was considering it. it shocked the hell out of all of us. he's in there still somewhere, i know it and i know you don't wanna hear that, but i gotta believe it. i have never seen my brother like someone as much as he likes you, it confuses me how he just threw it all away like that," the blonde shook her head.
"you and me both," samy frowned this time.
"i think you just gotta give it time because damn, all of us believed you guys were it for each other. you'll find your way back, i think you two just need some space. will needs to settle in california and play a few games with the sharks and then i'm sure he'll come around. i don't believe this is the true end for you guys," grace said firmly.
the youngest hughes wanted to believe her so badly, but she just couldn't.
"maybe. it's hard to say though," samy said instead of being a complete pessimist about it.
the party ended a few hours later with samy successfully avoiding any contact with will. she didn't even see him which was surprising because she knew he was making his rounds.
her and her mom drove back to the hotel in silence just unwinding from the long day and talking to everyone they saw.
samy was brushing her teeth when her mom stuck her head in. the younger girl raised her eyebrow in confusion.
"i have a gift from you from someone i spoke to today," ellen said vaguely. the brunette raised her eyebrow.
mrs. hughes didn't say anything while she just placed the envelope into samy's hand. the girl saw her name scribbled across the top in handwriting that she quickly recognized as will's. samy's gaze snapped to her mom's.
"i told him he's gonna do great in san jose," ellen said because she knew her daughter knew who that envelope was from.
the older woman slipped out of the bathroom leaving samy with the gift in her hand. she should've thrown it away, but curiosity got the better of her and she carefully ripped it open.
there wasn't any note or card, only a small charm of a shark.
her eyes danced to the charm bracelet sitting on her wrist that held her most precious charms.
will knew everything about her charm bracelet because he supplied most of the charms on the chain.
she remembered seeing the shark charm in some little gift shop with will many months ago, quickly mumbling something about how adorable it was and would fit the aesthetic for will's soon to be san jose career.
she had no idea will went back to buy it for her.
samy even wondered how long he's had it for.
without a word, samy clipped it onto the chain, adding one more pretty charm to her bracelet and a tiny smile painted her lips.
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bbrissonn · 4 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰 - 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐡
☆⋆。°‧★ in which dahlia's friend force her out of the house to go to a hockey, leading to a night of small glances and smiles ☆⋆。°‧★ will smith x dahlia monroe ☆⋆。°‧★ wc: 1.3k ☆⋆。°‧★ au masterlist
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"hurry up, will you?" dahlia's friend, violette sighed from the door of their dorm. it was opening at conte forum, and somehow dahlia's friend group had convinced her to go to the game.
"vi, the game starts in an hour, calm down. we have plenty of time."
"plenty of time? girl, everyone and their moms are trying to go to this game. apparently the team this year is gonna be really good."
"people have been saying this every year forever now, and they haven't won for like ten years or something."
"but this year is gonna be different, trust me. they got all these players coming, cute players." violette said, wiggling her eyebrows at her best friend. dahlia's eyes rolled to the back of her head. the last thing that was on her mind right now was boys, cute or not, it didn't matter. she was finally in college, ready to have the best four years of her lives, and she was not going to let some douchebag hockey player ruin that for her.
"i don't care if they're cute or not, vi. athletes are assholes, and you know that." the monroe girl said, referring to their junior year of high school when violette got her heart broken by a basketball player, and then a soccer player. it was a though year.
"doesn't mean you can't enjoy looking at them. i got us seats right behind their bench to!" the girl squealed as the two exited their dorm room.
when they got to the forum, there was an extremely long line to get in. violette had been coming to games her whole life with her dad, and she had never seen one this long before.
"jeez, all this just to watch sweaty man run after a rubber disk..." dahlia whispered as the two waited in line.
"hot sweaty man, they're skating and it's called a puck."
"that's in a shape of a disk and made of rubber."
soon enough, the two girls made it in, with twenty minutes to spare before the start. warmups were almost done when the two girls got to their seats. there was only a handful of players on the other team still on the ice, and about ten eagles.
"why're they just standing there and talking? are they gossiping?" dahlia gasped, confused as to why a trio of eagles were just standing at the blue line across from them.
"i dunno, maybe." her best friend shrugged, not really paying attention to them. but for some reason, dahlia's eyes stayed glued to them. they were laughing and shoving each other a bit, each playing with a puck. as the clock neared the last minute of warm ups, the boys slowly started making their way to their changing room.
as they approached the bench, dahlia made eye contact with one of them. he had blonde hair poking out the side of his helmet and a wide smile on his face as he laughed. the girl hated to admit it, but he looked good. his smile was truly beautiful and contagious.
the two held eye contact until the boy disappeared past her vision. their eye contact didn't go unnoticed from her best friend, nor his friends.
"girl, what was that?" violette asked with a smirk on her face. dahlia's cheeks during a deep shade of red, her eyes looking down at her lap.
"what're you talking about?"
"don't act stupid, you know exactly what i'm talking. that little eye contact you just with will fucking smith."
"will smith, pretty much everyone knows who he is. well expect you of course." violette teased, making dahlia roll her eyes slightly.
"whatever. it lasted like two seconds-"
"more like ten. a little more and his head was about to leave his body so he could keep staring at you."
"you're being dramatic, vi."
"i can hear the wedding bells already." violette giggle, making her best friend slightly shove her. the two didn't talk about it for the rest of night, but violette biting her tongue every time will came back to the bench and stared at her best friend.
all though dahlia would never admit it, the boy caught her attention. his soft smile, his little blond curls, and his intoxicating laugh that could be heard every once in a while. every time he was on the ice, her eyes would always move towards him, even if he didn't have the puck. there was just something about him that drew her towards him, and she hated it.
the eagles ended up winning 4-2 against long island, will getting an assist on the game winning goal. the boy wasn't shy to send a small wink towards the girl right before he disappeared for the last time down the tunnel.
dahlia hated how she could feel her cheeks burning, not even wanting to know how red she was. violette couldn't help but laugh when she saw the look on her best friend's face. her eyes wide with a shy smile.
"girl, what do you have to say now?"
"shut up." dahlia mumbled, her cheeks turning even a deeper shade of red, something the girl couldn't think was possible. the girl waisted no time getting up from her seat and leaving the forum, violette hot on her trail.
the black hair girl seemed to only have one thing to talk about on their way home. will smith. dahlia had never wanted to duck tape someone's mouth shut so badly before. sure the two made eye contact and exchanged smiled lots of times during their game, but it didn't mean anything. dahlia was going to wake up the same person she was this morning, and she would probably never even see him around campus.
violette wasn't the only who noticed all the same looks shared between the two 18 years old. will's linemates were quick to jump on his back when they got back to the locker.
"well that was fun." one of the senior said as everyone started undressing from their equipment, the celebrations done with.
"smitty had a lot of fun, that's for sure." ryan laughed from across the room, making the centerman look at him with confused eyes.
"what do you mean?" will asked in a confused voice. gabe started chuckling as everyone else was just as confused as the boy in question.
"we saw those little looks, buddy."
"what looks?" one of the sophomore asked.
"willy's got a little girlfriend." gabe said, looking at ryan as the two started laughing. the two boys couldn't contain their laughter as will's cheek turned a deep shade of pink, making others in the room start laughing as well.
"shut up."
"don't worry, bud, she was staring at you just as much." ryan added through his laughter.
it was safe to say that will had never gotten undressed and showered so quickly before. it was like all his teammates could talk about was this mystery girl who's name he didn't even know. he was tucked into bed far before gabe had even started making his way home.
"i have french with her friend. i could try to hook you guys up if you want." gabe said once he had made it into his bed and hour after his roommate.
"don't. you guys are making this such a big deal when it really isn't. we made eye contact a couple of times, that's all. i don't even know her name." will mumbled as he turned on his side, facing the wall.
"whatever you want, man. you guys would look good together, just so you know."
the room was silent after that, neither of the two boys saying anything, and slowly drifting off to sleep. meanwhile, across campus, dahlia was laying in her bed, her eyes wide open as the night replayed in her head over and over again.
the boy intrigued her, there was no denying that, but the chances of them ever seeing each other again were slim to none. and there was no way she was going to another hockey game just to see him, it was one of the most boring she had ever watched.
at least that's what she kept telling herself...
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toasttt11 · 3 months
wanted to win
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April 13, 2024
Kensington felt her heart drop even further once the buzzer finally rung, meaning that Boston College had officially lost the national championship to Denver University.
She felt her stomach just drop and felt like she suddenly couldn’t stand on her own two feet. She shakily kneeled down on the ice letting out an extremely shaky breath and could feel the tears in her eyes.
Kensington had officially played her last game for Boston College and her last game with all of her best friends and no one even knew but her and her family. She hopped that a day or two after the game if they won that she could tell everyone and it wouldn’t be so bad because they would be on a high after the win but now she knew now, it would be devastating.
Cutter stumbled a few steps over to Kensington and kneeled down in front of her, He looked at her with a nauseating look on his face and felt his jaw trembling making him clench his jaw, he leaned his forehead on her shoulder taking a deep breath.
Kensington leaned her head on top of his helmet letting a few tears drip down her face as she also knew Cutter was leaving.
“You’re leaving aren’t you.” Cutter whispered having a suspicion for awhile, he’s known her for years now and with how much she was sneaking off to talk to her agent and how guilty she looked when the topic of next season came up, he knew.
Kensington’s shuttering breath was the answer to his question.
Kensington slowly stood up and put a hand down for Cutter, he stood up for her and she turned about seeing Gabe, Will and Ryan walking over to them.
Kensington felt her eyes tearing up even more as she saw her three boys and she quickly pulled them into a hug making the three all wrapped their arms around her.
Ryan hid his face against his best friend’s head and sniffled desperately, Gabe leaned his head onto Ryan’s looking extremely out of it. Will just hid his face in his girlfriend’s neck grabbing onto her hand and holding it like it’s his lifeline.
Kensington didn’t know how she was going to break their hearts even more when she tells them she is leaving.
Kensington, Ryan, Gabe and Will all reluctantly let go of each other and stumbled slowly off the ice and down the tunnel, into the locker room.
Kensington slowly sat down onto her stall, feeling robotic as she slowly started taking off her equipment. Her brain was so fogged that all the words from the coaches and Eamon just didn’t even register, she kept her eyes downcast on the floor of the locker room.
Kensington was the last to get up and start stumbling to the showers, she didn’t know how long she stood under the burning hot water but long enough to not see anyone left in the locker room when she finally came out.
She looked at her stall once more and gently traced her fingers over her name and looked to the left seeing Will’s and Ryan’s name and to the right Gabe’s name, the last time she would ever play with all three of her best friends.
Jack walked down the hallway having seen the whole team come out already and meeting with their family and he saw Will’s sad shake of his head when Jack looked at him.
Jack knew how devastating and heartbreaking a lost like this is, he was close to Kensington’s age when he had a terrible lost at the WJC, getting second place is the last place you want.
Jack walked into the locker room gently leaning against the door being mindful of his sling, he watched as his sister gently traced her name above her stall, “I had a feeling you would still be here.” Jack spoke watching as his little sister didn’t even flinch at his presence.
“Yeah why’s that.” Kensington monotonously spoke not looking at her brother because she knew she would crack and start sobbing and she was afraid she would never be able to stop.
“Because you’ve always liked to be alone when you’re upset.” Jack fondly commented and walked into the room sitting down gingerly on the stall next to hers, he patted her stall gently and gave her a look.
Kensington let out a breath and sat down to Jack, “I wanted to win.” Kensington played with her rings.
“I know.” Jack simply hummed and gently wrapped his good arm around her shoulder.
“I-.” Kensington voice cracked with emotion making her sniffle and wipe her eye, “I just wanted to end in a happy note.” Kensington didn’t want her last game and memories with the team to be so sad, she loved everything about Boston College and it’s been one of the best year of her life and she hates that it as ending so heartbreaking.
Jack just pulled her to his chest and gently rubbed her back and that just made her bust out into sobs, her who’s body was just shaking with her sobs and her face was soaking wet with salty tears that were getting Jack’s jacket wet.
“Ssh, It’s okay Sunny, let it all out.” Jack softly cooed feeling his heartbreaking even more for his baby sister as he gently rubbed her back and kiss the top of her head.
“I’m never gonna play with any of them again.” Kensington chocked out between her sobs, the first time she’s spoke about her leaving out loud.
Kensington just sobbed even harder and could feel her breathing catching as she sobbed so hard, “I just wanted to win.” Kensington whispered and held onto her big brother tighter.
Jack felt tears come to his eyes seeing how upset his baby sister is and a part of him right there hated that hockey had done this to her, to Luke, to Quinn, to Him.
Jack pressed more soft kisses to the top of her head and could feel her tears starting to soak through his shirt now.
Kensington’s sobs slowly started to calm down and she just leaned her forhead still on Jack’s chest trying to catch her breath.
“I’m sorry, i know how much this sucks.” Jack softly comforted her, he knew nothing he would say would really make her feel much better so he just had to be there for her.
Kensington nodded and reluctantly leaned up and lifted her head off Jack and winced apologetically seeing the wet spot on Jack’s jacket.
Jack just smiled shaking off her concerns and pulled his jacket down onto his hand and gently wiped off her tears and gave her a soft kiss to her forehead.
He sent her one more comforting smile before looked at the door seeing Will walk in.
Kensington looked up and saw her just as heartbroken boyfriend and she got up and met him halfway in a tight hug.
Jack smiled softly at the two, he knew there will never be anyone better than Will for his sister and if they can get through the distance then they would be together forever. He quietly left the locker room.
Will held onto his girlfriend tightly and slowly shifted them to the floor and Kensington shuffled closer sitting on his lap, on the floor in the middle of the locker room as they hugged each other tightly.
She knew she had to do this eventually, “I’m leaving this season Will.” Kensington pulled back and avoided eye contact with her long time best friend and boyfriend.
Will swallowed harshly, he knew she was going to leave before him because he knew her team wanted her this season but she declined as she wanted to attend Boston College, so he isn’t surprised but it still hurts just as bad.
Will just let out a shaky breath and cupped her face turning her back to him and pressed their foreheads together closing his eyes.
“I know baby. I know.” Will mumbled softly sniffling as he felt tears running down his face again. Kensington just let out a watery breath and closed her eyes.
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middstape · 25 days
ehe so like… gabe perreault au?
(if only one person wants it i will still do it)
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sc0tters · 7 months
One time Ava finally gets to have Ryan a whimper moaning mess like he usually has her.
This is one I’ve wanted to do for days now!
Ryan didn’t mean to piss Ava off that morning. Truly he didn’t, but his alarm had rung and his time under the sheets between her legs had to be cut short for practice.
Sure he felt bad but what he didn’t expect was that he’d be laying in the mattress with his hands tied to the headboard with his own tied as Ava straddled his waist “shouldn’t even let you fuck me now should I?” Ava rubbed her clit against his torso “please A.” Ryan dug his head into his sheets as he shook his head.
It made Ava smirk “maybe I would be better off getting myself off so you can watch.” Those words made him tug at his constraints “I said I’m sorry.” The hockey player whined watching her shift back “that’s why I’m even contemplating letting you be a good boy for me.” Ryan had to stay that he always thought that his girlfriend was the hottest girl around but this moment truly took the cake.
He watched with his lip between his teeth as Ava used his cock to tease her clit “let me hear you Rye or else I stop.” Ava warned as she dragged his cock down to her cunt as she sunk down on it “you’re so fucking hot.” Ryan groaned as her hands dropped to his chest as her nails softly scratched him.
Ava leaned down to peck the sides of his lips “my pretty boy aren’t you?” Ava asked as she began to move her hips forward making Ryan moan as his eyes screwed shut “all yours baby all yours.” Ryan nodded as he formed a pout as he wanted her to kiss him.
She laughed as her fingers grabbed at his jaw “don’t get anyone but me.” Ava felt herself growing possessive as she leaned down to kiss him.
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lennysfridge · 2 months
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cobrakaisb · 6 months
hi lovelies! i have 2000 followers on here, which is bizarre, but i’m so thankful for each and every one of you guys. some of you are new, and others have been here since my cobra kai days (crazy!!!). as a token of my appreciation, i want to do a small celebration before i go back to school, so please be sure to send in!
how it works: send an emoji and a guy (or au) and i’ll write a small blurb (runs from jan. 03 to jan. 13)
🍺 frat house ↠❥ pick a song from my frat playlist, 1 through 26, and a guy (or au couple) for a small blurb
🥅 tate mcrae ↠❥ a blurb inspired by a song from tate’s new album with a guy (or au couple) of your choice
📸 instagram edit ↠❥ an instagram edit for a guy (or au couple) of your choice
🃏 dealer’s choice ↠❥ send in a concept for a guy (or au couple) of your choice and i’ll write the blurb 
people i write for:
college hockey players: mark estapa, ethan edwards, luca fantilli, rutger mcgroarty, ryan leonard, gabe perreault, and will smith
nhl players: luke hughes, owen power, kent johnson, adam fantilli, mason lohrei, johnny beecher, mackie samoskevich, and matt boldy
aus: team baby au, one tree hill au, if he wanted to he would au, jj mccarthy + hughes sister, luke hughes + boldy sister, johnny orlando + fantilli sister
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ittaly · 3 months
Aspen Hughes AU
Aspen x Ryan
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This AU is interactive, anyone and everyone can send in thoughts about Aspen and Ryan.
There will be smut included in this AU so if you don't feel comfortable with that feel free to not interact with the post with smut or topics suggestive to smut in them!
📀 requested
💿 not requested
Au information
🧸Meet Aspen
° Blurbs
💿 Quinn,Jacks, and Luke's thoughts on the couple
° Fics
Coming soon....
° Trends
Coming soon....
° Smut
Coming soon....
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coolprettyleo · 4 months
maybe i will finally learn my lesson? - begin again au ☆
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wc: 1.2k
tw: sad, angst, rejection, talks about sex. no actual smut tho. borderline alcoholic tbh
ryan leonard x hughes sister au!
frankie fell back onto her bed with a soft thud as she tried to catch her breath. she looked at the boy beside her with a hopeful look hoping to gosh he would stay the night and cuddle her. she just needed some form of reassurance.
he never ever wanted to stay over though.
“i gotta go, the guys are going out tonight” he says as he gets out the bed acting like he was talking to some stranger. what frankie didn't realize was that they basically were.
“do you have to leave?” she says in a sad voice kneeling on the bed. she hated how he never wanted to stay and talk. was that so much for a girl to ask for these days?
“frankie, im all spent for right now, but i mean if im feeling it later on, i'll stop by”
is he fucking serious.
it had honestly been a while since frankie had felt that much rage. he really did only think of her as a fuck buddy.
she knew what she was getting herself into, when she agreed on their little agreement, but in the movies it always ends with the guys falling in love with you. right?
“oh my gosh. just leave. like actually” she said getting back in bed and turning her back to him. which left him dumbfounded. why would she be mad he had to leave?
“did i do something?” he asked confused as he finished putting his cloths on.
no answer.
that pissed drew off. she had no reason to be all pissy with him.
“are you mad because im going out with the boys? why would that bother you? were not anything, frankie. im allowed to go out” he said. still starring at her back.
“oh don’t worry. you’ve made that very clear to me drew” she says, her voice wavering due to the fact she just felt so foolish.
“whatever, you’re annoying me. talk to me when ur done being crazy” he said walking out and slamming her door in a fit of rage.
to say frankie took it totally fine would be dishonest. she sobbed in a fetal position all night. while blasting foolish one by taylor swift.
that woman really does have a song for every situation.
she had honestly never felt so alone.
of course she’s not actually alone; she just refuses to go to anyone and burden them with her problems. it’s not like she can call her parents and her brothers due to the fact she can’t lie to them. she knew they were going to ask something like 'how'd practice go?' and whatnot so she's been forwarding their calls since Wednesday when she quit the team.
she could also call her friends. or her ex teammates. did she even have friends?
she was alone.
she sits in her room finishing up and assignment when she felt like doing something. usually she would get drunk and go from there, but no. if the last week has taught her anything; it's that she's becoming a new person. and the new person wouldn't black out after every minor convenience.
so in the spur of the moment, she decided she was going to rearrange her room! which is what lead her to where she was right now; outside the freshman hockey house.
while moving her bed from one side to another, she found drews hoodie. so being the mature, new, amazing person she claimed to be... she decided to give him back his hoodie, as a form of ceasing the deal. this is a supposed to be a step forward is it three steps back?
frankie walked up the front steps and as she lifted her fist to knock she halts, when she hears multiple voices coming from inside. not wanting to end her and drews situationship in front of his teammates; to save them both the embarrassment. she quickly trashes her plan and decided to just head home.
but when she heard her name is when she decided against that.
"frankie?" she hears drew ask.
"yes dude. its actually so obvious she wants you after what your saying she did yesterday"
he told them about the argument?
well she couldn't really get mad, if frankie had best friends she would of probably told them too.
"well i dont want her like that and she knows that"
frankie felt her heart crack.
i mean she told herself he didn't like her back, but hearing him say it, is a whole different level of pain for someone who just oh so hoped to joke about their situationship one day over coffee as he watched the morning news while their kids got ready for school.
foolish one, frankie hughes.
"no way your gonna reject her, she's so hot. what the hell is there not to like" one of his stupid teammates said.
"I mean she's the nicest and one of the hottest girls I've ever got with dont get me wrong, but some of the shit she says makes me question if she's being for real or not" drew said not knowing the match he was lighting.
"I think I know what your talking about, is it when she said she thought denver was in texas?" one of his other teammates chimed in.
"bro yes. that actually left me speechless" he says. frankie felt like burning the house down at this point.
"she's lucky she's got hockey" another voice said.
the hoodie she had in her hands slipped through her fingers. just like the heart drew held. the heart he never wanted to hold.
she backed away from the door, never wanting to slash anyones tires more. she wanted to commit arson. the way they were talking about her, made her want to throw up.
she can take the fact he didn't like her back. thats okay. if he didn't feel the butterflies she felt it wasn't no one fault. but mine.
but the fact he stood their and called her stupid? who the fuck even knows geography like that? she felt so many emotions run through her veins and the one overcoming the rest was the one that held the power over her tears.
"frankie?" oh my god. no. why the hell did I not run home?
she turned her head to see ryan leonard standing there. one of drews friends. someone she had considered to be her friend. but if the rest talk about her like that, him, will, and gabe probably do too.
"you didn't see me here, ryan" she said as she covered her face trying to push past him.
"wha- hey! what's wrong? who did this?" he said grabbing her wrist and seeing her crying eyes. he knew who did it. he just needed to hear a confirmation before he went inside and beat his ass.
"nothing. let me go" she said wiping her tears.
"im not letting you leave here alone hughes, i know how you get when your this sad. I dont want to wake up tomorrow and hear that you got hit by a damn bus for gosh sake"
one thing ryan hated was when she would drink her feelings away because that meant she was going to be reckless. she honestly is reckless.
"well then do you want to come?"
I got tired so im done writing but I wanted to post this! also ! I have no hate towards drew, its all going to add up in the future when I start the other aus I have planned but for now drew is like anyone else and he's learning and growing. so bear with me!
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jamiedryssnail · 24 days
Ryan Leonard x McKenna Estapa
Ryan Leonard x McKenna Estapa
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DOB - 22nd of October 2004
Full Name - McKenna Rose Estapa
Favourite Colour - Blue
Dislikes - sweating, getting up early, being ignored, breaking bones.
She is Mark Estapa’s sister
She decided to move to Boston as she wanted to see what it would be like living on her own and getting a fresh start.
She always had a hard time in her home town and Mark knew that. She also doesn’t have a great relationship with her mum. She is very hard on her.
She grew up in St. Clair’s Michigan .. So obviously she’s still a Mich girl through and through but she did need a break from that supposedly large but somehow still so small state.
She can get homesick but whenever she calls her mum about it it always ends badly.
Her and Mark ft every second day tho… Super close relationship!!
She lives to hike she loves it so much she has forever and will forever.
She doesn’t play any sport anymore she used to play lacrosse but had to stop after baking her femur really badly.
But she still loves hiking although she has to take it easier now.
She is very academic and hard working always overworking herself
She loves just chilling and watching a movie she wished she could do it more.
Her style is very salted granola and chill she loves baggy clothes. Which Ryan loves because she’s always using his hoodies.
They meet at college when she is running late for a class and he bumps into her spilling her Coffs all over her.
She was very disappointed not only did she have to go to flats with stains all over her top but she was very tired as to having no coffee.
So what did Ryan do… Take her out to repay her obviously what else!
She loves the colour blue because her and her family used to always holiday in the Florida keys and that was literally her happiest times until she met Mr Ryan.
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peachhcs · 3 months
moments on the ring
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
going backwards in time from a year in the future to the summer before samy's senior year, the ring camera captures all of the special moments between samy and will.
2.6k words
i was inspired by the tiktoks of couples having cute moments on their ring cameras, so i wrote this. i thought it was so cutie and it's all just scattered moments of samy and will caught on the lakehouse ring camera
au masterlist
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ONE (the summer before will moves to california)
the faster july bled into august, the harder it became for samy to ever sleep. the poor girl's mind raced with a hundred thoughts about starting her next chapter: the last half of college. junior year rode in fast and so did her new captaincy for the women's soccer team.
a dream that the girl's had since she stepped onto campus was now becoming a reality in just short of a few weeks. she couldn't be more grateful, but at the same, she was now leading an entire group of girls in hopes of taking home another national title.
if they lost, it was all on her and that terrified the girl.
she curled up on the front porch steps, eyes on the sky trying to find her favorite constellations. whenever she couldn't sleep, the little hughes wandered outside and stared at the stars until someone came and found her.
usually, it'd be her mom. occasionally jack or luke. recently, though, the one person who's never left her side became the one finding the girl by herself in the late hours of the night. mostly because he'd sense her presence missing and sleepily ventured out to find her.
the front door quietly slid open giving samy the indication that someone found her. she waited for them to approach before acknowledging them. gentle hands slipped something across her shoulders making the goosebumps along her arms quickly disappear.
"found you," will's sleepy voice echoed through the stillness.
"hi, baby," samy smiled up at the blonde as he sat down beside her. the pet name earned a small flush across his cheeks while his hand immediately found a place on her knee.
"hi. can't sleep?" the boy wondered trying to wake himself up more despite everything in him wanting to crawl back under the warm covers.
"yeah. thinking too much i think," she curled herself into her boyfriend's side. his body was like a heater as his warmth spread into her, replacing the cool air swirling around her.
"wanna talk about it?"
a bit of hesitation stopped the girl from immediately opening her mouth. she knew will wouldn't ever judge her, but she almost felt..selfish for admitting being nervous for the upcoming season. he sensed her pause, so he ducked his head down to find her gaze.
"talk to me, hughesy," the blonde gave a loving squeeze so she knew he was all ears. her nickname painted a brief smile on her lips.
"i'm gonna be captain this season," samy mumbled like she didn't believe it herself and she almost didn't.
a smile grew across her boyfriend's lips, "i know. i'm so proud of you."
"what if i let everyone down?" the worries finally flew out of her mouth which almost knocked the breath out of her for admitting it aloud.
"what makes you think that?"
"i dunno. i'm scared i can't lead them to a national title again. then what? i let everyone down," samy explained what troubled her—her doubts and fears about everything going wrong under her guidance.
"even if you don't, no one's gonna hate you. this is gonna be a real good season, yeah? you're gonna take them to the finals again, i know it," will encouraged and his words surprisingly made the youngest hughes feel a lot better. he always knew how to do that somehow and samy never knew how he did it.
"it's just such a big deal. i'm scared i'm gonna fuck it all up," the girl laughed in hopes of keeping herself from crying.
"you won't. you're the best soccer player i know. not many people can rebuild the soccer program in their freshman year," will's sappy words made the brunette blush to the tips of her ears. she hid her face in his chest so he didn't see.
"you're so cheesy."
all will did was kiss her forehead in response. he ran soothing circles across her shoulder which definitely helped settle samy's anxiety. he always knew how to lift her spirits, even if it was just his presence alone.
"you leave for california in two weeks, right?" she changed the subject for now wanting to direct the attention off of her.
"yup. 13.5 days," will's voice almost sounded sad saying that. samy quickly picked up on the shift in his tone, so she shifted herself so she was looking at him.
"your official rookie year. god, i cant believe it's already here," those two years unknowingly flew by for everyone.
"is it weird i'm scared to start a new life all the way across the country from my best friends," the blonde softly wondered. samy cupped his cheek, running her thumb over his soft skin as he leaned into her touch.
"i think you're gonna do really well in san jose. they picked a good one," it was now samy's turn to be all sappy and cheesy. plus, it was only fair that she was because will did it moments ago.
"promise to come visit me?" the boy searched her gaze, one filled with love and lust. the grip on her knee tightened a bit like she'd disappear if he let go.
"i can't promise it will be during the season, but i'll really try after," they knew samy couldn't leave as freely as she did to boston. with her captaincy, she was needed and expected at every practice. not to mention, flying to california was a lot different than flying an hour to boston for a weekend.
"right. just expect a lot of facetime calls then."
their foreheads connected briefly. samy closed her eyes, letting will's sent fill her body and slowly calm her down to the point where she finally became tired. the blonde hooked his arm around her shoulders, a gentle kiss landing on her soft skin.
"wanna go back inside?" he wondered.
samy just nodded, letting will pull her up and lead them into the house. the hockey player smiled at the ring camera that he almost forgot was there knowing it just picked up every single second of that soft moment.
TWO (the summer after samy and will's first year of college)
jack sure knew how to throw a party. people packed themselves in and out of the house, wall to wall, room to room. the summer house probably hasn't ever been so full before, but jack was determined to celebrate luke making it through his rookie year and with nearly everyone in michigan, it was bound to be a good one.
samy stumbled out onto the front porch with will close behind her as they finally escaped the chaos for a few seconds. their hands were intertwined, fearing they'd lose one another in the crowd if they didn't hold onto each other. the brunette fell against the porch railing, some of her drink dripping onto the wood, a lazy smile on her lips.
"jack so would've made a great frat boy if he went to college," will chuckled, leaning himself against the railing as well.
"trust me, i know. we've told him," samy was extra giggly tonight, especially after having a few shots in her system.
the alcohol her brothers bought for the lakehouse didn't and wouldn't compare to the cheap vodka her and hannah found or begged ethan to get them (he refused most of the time anyway). whatever stuff her brother's liked buzzed through the girl's system like a race car and she became a lot more drunk a lot quicker.
the music was so loud, they could hear it from the porch. jack had old pop songs playing and time of our lives by pitbul started blaring through the speakers. samy gasped, forgetting her cup as she pulled will up to start dancing.
"i know my rent was gonna be late about a week ago," the brunette sang—or more like screamed—while swinging her boyfriend's hands around who just laughed.
"i worked my ass off, but i still can't pay it though," will joined in.
they didn't even care that they were the only ones drunk and dancing on the porch. the moment couldn't have been anymore perfect. the oldie songs brought them back to their childhood where they'd similarly scream along to the lyrics without really knowing what any of it meant.
"ooh, i want the time of my life. oh baby, oohhh," once the chorus hit, will spun samy around. she giggled nonstop while the blonde enjoyed seeing her so happy.
the best part of the song came on a few moments later. will wrapped samy up in his arms, snaking them around her waist.
"this is for everybody going through tough times. believe me, been there, done that. but everyday above ground is a great day, remember that," the two sang the verse together before the blonde pushed his lips to samy's when the chorus began again.
something about the moment was so perfect—just two teenagers enjoying themselves as they celebrated getting through their first year of college and long distance while the entire thing was captured on the oh so infamous ring camera right above the door handle.
THREE (the summer after samy and will's first year of college)
samy's heels clicked against the hardwood as she stepped onto the porch. will followed close behind, lazy and lustful smiles on each of their lips as the girl spun around to face her boyfriend. he immediately snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her into his chest. 
"thanks for driving me back. you didn't have to, you know," the brunette hummed, reaching her hand up to fix some of his misplaced curls. 
"i know, but it wasn't any problem," the blonde shrugged. 
"it is like 30 minutes out of your way. you have to be up in exactly.." her eyes gazed down at her watch, "five hours." 
will didn't even seem bothered by the fact, "i'll just sleep on the plane. whatever." 
his nonchalantness never failed to amaze the girl. will was due in san jose for a two week summer development camp with a plane to catch in seven hours, yet he was standing on samy's porch past midnight after spending a long night out with her family and then insisted to drive her back to the house before he went to his hotel closer to the airport. 
"you're crazy, you know that?" samy shook her head in amusement. 
"i am for you," will grinned, his cheesy words earning a playful eye roll. 
"god, you're so insufferable sometimes," she cupped the boy's cheeks to pull his face closer to hers, an indication that she wanted a kiss. 
"gonna miss you, pretty girl. two weeks is so long," the blonde hummed. 
"it will fly by. we did four months." 
"the worst four months of my life," being so caught up in hockey and soccer, time to see one another was pretty limited during the school year. 
summer would always be will and samy's favorite months. 
"promise to call you every night," samy beamed making the hockey player smile too. 
"you better. you're sure you can't come with me?" will always did this when one of them were leaving for long periods of time. he was desperate to get samy to follow him everywhere. 
"i wish, but you need to have your moment. one more year before you join the sharks," the girl squeezed his chin. 
"don't remind me." 
with that, samy placed her lips to her boyfriend's. his hands gripped her waist, deepening the kiss as his tongue slipped into her mouth. she tasted like strawberries—a taste the boy would never get tired of. it just made him want her even more. 
"you looked so beautiful tonight by the way," will mumbled when they broke apart for some air. 
samy's cheeks reddened, "thanks pretty boy." 
that was will's favorite pet name. he ducked his head back down to reconnect their lips. samy's hands started wandering towards will's curls, pulling gently near the nape of his neck which emitted a small sound from the back of his throat. 
"wanna kiss you forever," his hands started wandering lower until his one hand slipped over her ass in a tight squeeze. 
samy tugged harder at his curls looking for more. their need poured into each other's lips with will tugging the girl closer despite there not being anymore space left between them. 
"you two better get a room," jack's voice instantly broke them apart. 
samy spun around, her gaze zeroing in on the ring where jack just talked from. 
"oh fuck off, jack," the younger girl rolled her eyes. 
"you better be glad i was the one who looked and not dad or some shit. wrap it up before they do see anything. y'all are so gross," jack was most definitely rolling his eyes. 
"fucking idiot," samy mumbled. she turned back to will, her smile quickly returning. 
"see you in two weeks?" 
"i'll see you so soon," will planted one more kiss to her lips before heading back down the porch. he waved to the camera incase jack was still secretly watching. 
once he was back in his car, samy spun on her heel. bending down so she was eye level with the camera, "you're so annoying. i can't wait until i can annoy you and your girlfriend." 
FOUR (samy gets her acceptance to umich)
the adrenaline buzzed through the young girl as she impatiently waited for her brothers and will to come back from their fishing excursion. their last eta update was 10 minutes ago being 15 minutes away meaning they were close to home.
samy texted them saying she had big news. the piece of paper was gripped firmly in her hands, the anticipation nearly killing the poor girl. she paced diligently across the porch with almost a hundred thoughts running through her brain.
distant voices started filling her ears, head whipping towards the dock down the yard. the four of them tumbled out of the boat. "mom! they're here!" samy yelled into the screen door.
she began waving her arms above her head, wanting to catch their attention. ellen was on the porch a moment later, phone in hand to record everyone's reactions.
"guys! guys! hurry!" the brunette yelled to will and her brothers.
"what's up little hughesy?" jack wondered as he picked his pace up and samy rolled her eyes at the nickname.
she'd never escape being little hughesy since her brothers would always be hughes or hughesy. she glanced back at her mom who beamed, nodding some encouragement.
"now what's up?" luke snickered while quinn and will looked at the girl expectantly while also confused when they saw ellen recording.
samy revealed the paper from behind her back, a large smile creeping onto her lips.
"i got into the university of michigan!!" samy exclaimed, immediately jumping up and down.
the shock hit all of their faces at the same time with luke being the first one to scoop his little sister into his arms.
"holy shit!! that's awesome! is it full ride for soccer??" the middle hughes exclaimed as well.
"full ride!" the girl echoed.
jack and quinn took their turns embracing their sister as well, leaving will as the last one. he scooped his best friend into his arms, a large smile plastered across his entire face.
"jesus, you're so awesome. so proud of you, hughesy," will gushed earning a small flush across the girl's cheeks.
she giggled as he spun her around a little.
"now you gotta come to michigan with me," samy poked his chest.
"or you can come to boston," the boy proposed with his little shit eating grin.
her eyes found everyone else's before landing on the tiny camera taking in the entire moment. she ran to it, showing off her acceptance letter with the word congratulations written in big letters across the top. someone wrapped their arms around her waist and samy immediately knew it was will just based on his hold. 
the quick kiss on her cheek most definitely went unknown by everyone except the camera. samy sported a small blush before turning back to her brothers where they all continued celebrating their little sister's acceptance. 
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bbrissonn · 2 months
𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
✩°。⋆˚⁺ this the girl?
✩°。⋆˚⁺ social media au
✩°。⋆˚⁺ gabe perreault x camila yanez
✩°。⋆˚⁺ au masterlist
✩°。⋆˚⁺ all of cami’s friends have private instagrams !!
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‎‧₊˚✧[ AUGUST 21, 2023 ]✧˚₊‧
➻❥ camila_yanez has posted on instagram !
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liked by gabeperreault44, nolesoccer and others
camila_yanez dream come true ❤️💛
little 5 year old cami would be freaking out rn
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nolesoccer our star 🌟
camila_yanez @/nolesoccer cant wait to be back !!!
_willsmith2 this the girl @/gabeperreault44???
gabeperreault44 @/_willsmith2 DUDE
mimivanzanten can't wait for you to come back
camila_yanez @/mimivanzanten me too !!!! seriously do not understand we've survived this long without seeing each other mimivantanzen @/camila_yanez fr fr i miss my training buddy
user821 future of spain right here 🙌🏼🙌🏼
val_guerrero SO PROUD OMG
val_guerrero THATS MY GIRL
camila_yanez @/val_guerrero CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU
ryan.leno4 @/gabeperreault
zeevbuium28 @/gabeperreault
jacob_fowler24 @/gabeperreault
user7102 why are all these hockey guys here--
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―┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆―
➻❥ val_guerrero has posted on instagram !
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liked by camila_yanez, danielerida and others
val_guerrero my best friend is a world champion???
and has a bunch of americans spamming her comments???
what is going on???
tagged camila_yanez
view all 71 comments
camila_yanez AHHH I LOVE YOU
camila_yanez IDK WHAT GOING ON VAL
camila_yanez wait
camila_yanez WHAT AMERICANS???
val_guerrero @/camila_yanez THOSE HOCKEY BOYS WHO KEEP TAGGING THE SAME DUDE camila_yanez @/val_guerrero what on earth is a perreault val_guerrero @/camila_yanez he's kinda cute rebeca.peralta @/val_guerrero HE TOTALLY IS OMG camila_yanez @/rebeca.peralta GET OUT OF HERE
danielerida so proud of our girl omg
camila_yanez @/danielerida i miss you guys so much danielerida @/camila_yanez btw i agree with the girls, he's cute camila_yanez @/danielerida SHUT UP
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toasttt11 · 4 months
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January 26, 2024
Gemma walked in wearing a pair of black trousers, a blue dress shirt with a black sweater over it and her black BC trench coat and a pair of black boots, she was walking into the BC Arena for their first game against one of their biggest rivals, Boston University.
Gemma was pretty exited for the game especially since she was playing her best friend and boyfriend Macklin, even if everyone thought they were rivals which always make the two laugh.
Gemma headed into the dry locker room first dropping off her personal items and quickly changed into her warm up clothes and hung up her outfit before sitting down on the bench tying up her shoes before she felt a hand on her head ruffling heels hair and looked up seeing Ryan Leonard smirking mischievously at her.
“Leo.” Gemma groaned wacking his hand away from her hair, Ryan just laughed and headed to his dry locker and Gabe and Will walked in behind him.
Gabe sent a bright smile to Gemma and leaned down to her her a side hug and Will smiled and squeezed her shoulder as he walked by.
The whole team quickly loved Gemma and quickly all adopted her as their little sister and she’s definitely the favorite on the team.
Gemma headed into the locker room seeing a few of the older members of the team already in the locker room stretching on the floor just chilling before they started warming up
She headed to her stall which is next to Gabe Perrault and Jamie Armstrong, she plopped down onto her stall and grabbed her hair brush, brushing her hair into a low ponytail and spitting the ponytail into two braids, she added a red bow at the end of her two braids.
“Oooo bows! i want some!” Will Vote teased her shaking his hair in front of Gemma’s face, Gemma just laughed pushing him away from her, “What! You don’t think i would look good?” Will smirked at her running a hand through his fluffy hair.
“I think you would look good in anything willy boy.” Ryan threw his arm around Will’s shoulder smirking flirtatiously at him.
“Do you?” Will pretended to swoon and batted his eyelashes up at Ryan.
“Alright knock it off, save it for your dorms.” Eamon Powell ruffled both of their hairs, his comment had a few laughs scattered across the locker room, He gave a wink to Gemma, who gave him a relieved smile that the boys knocked it off.
The team all started their warms up before the game and did a huddle before they headed back to the locker room and started getting into the hockey gear.
Gemma slipped on her compression t-shirt before putting on all the padding and slipping on her number 13 jersey, she stood up on her skates and started heading out with some of the team in the tunnel as she grabbed her stick.
The team was announced as they all got onto the ice and started skating around the one half of the rink warming up, Gemma toon a few shots on the goal and did some stick handling before she headed towards the bench and and switched out her stick and started stretching.
She felt a puck hit her on the skate and she looked to the right where the puck was from and saw Macklin standing by his bench with a smile directed at her.
She let out a little laugh not suprised he got her attention with hitting her with a puck she gave him a small wave and he smiled and gave her a small wave back.
They both shared one more smile before focusing on the game.
Boston College won 4-1 and Gemma had one goal and two assists.
The locker room was filled with energy everyone coming off a high of beating one of their biggest rivals.
Gemma celebrated with her team but hurried off to the showers first and quickly headed to the dry locker seeing a few of the boys already changing back into their suits.
“Fants! Are you coming with?” Jacob Fowler called out, the team likes to get dinner together and spend the night hanging out after a game especially when they win or have a game the next day so the can talk about it.
“Sorry guys i got plans.” Gemma smiled apologetically as she slipped on her socks and boots, she stood up grabbing keys and phone.
“Plans?” Ryan piped up looking at Gemma suspiciously. Ryan, Will and Gabe were all finished and walked out with Gemma.
“Plans.” Gemma nodded looking at Ryan, before looking over seeing Macklin in his suit leaning against the wall scrolling on his phone, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” She sent them one more smile before walking away.
“Macky.” Gemma spoke with a smile as she walked right to her boyfriend.
Macklin looked up and smiled seeing his favorite girl and immediately put her phone away, “Hopey.” He smiled pulling her into a soft and quick hug before pulling away as they are in public, “Ready to go?”
“Yeah.” Gemma nodded and walked out with Macklin, they walked closed to each other but not touching.
“Huh.” Gabe looked confused as the three watched Gemma and Macklin interact.
“I thought they were rivals?” Ryan looked just at confused, everyone knowing of the rivalry between Gemma and Macklin especially as both were projected for the first overall pick of the 2024 draft, and the game tonight was sold out as everyone wanted to see the rivalry.
“She never said anything about the rivalry though.” Will pointed out to his best friends and line mates, he always had a few questions if they were really rivals especially because Gemma didn’t speak much about Macklin and if she did it was never something bad like you would expect if you were rivals with someone.
Gemma and Macklin walk out to her car, Macklin quickly opened the door for her, Gemma gave him a soft smile and hoped unto the drivers seat, Macklin walked around and hoped into the passenger seat. Macklin gently grabbed onto Gemma’s right hand pressing a kiss to the back of it before resting their hands against his thigh while she drove.
Gemma drove them to her apartment as Macklin ordered food on his phone as she drove.
They walked up to her apartment and she opened the door as Macklin held the door open as she walked in.
Macklin helped Gemma slip off her jacket and hung it up on her hook before he slipped of his jacket.
Gemma headed to the bedroom with Macklin following her and she opened the drawer in her dresser for Macklin and handed him a pair of his pajamas and he smiled pressing a soft kiss to her head in thanks before heading to the bathroom to get changed, Gemma got changed into a pair of Macklin’s grey sweatpants and Boston college t-shirt.
Gemma just pulled the shirt over her head she Macklin walked out of the bathroom.
Macklin wrapped his arms around her waist resting his chin on her shoulder, “That was fun.” Macklin always loved playing with Gemma but there was some more competitive enjoyment when they played against each other.
“It was.” Gemma agreed understanding how fun it is to compete against Macklin, it was enjoyable as they were both so similar in skill and play that it was always fun when they played against each other.
There was a knock on the door and the two knew it was the food, Macklin pressed a soft kiss to her cheek and reluctantly let her go and walked out of the bedroom towards the front door grabbing their dinner.
Macklin walked into the kitchen seeing Gemma sitting at the barstool with two gatorade’s on the counter and she put out his favorite flavor for him.
Macklin plated the food for both of them and they just enjoyed eating in silence and the sound of the rain starting outside.
Gemma grabbed the plates when they finished eating and put them in the sink as Macklin threw their trash away.
Macklin snuck up behind her as she was facing the sink and wrapped his arms around her waist picking her up, Gemma squealed with laughter as he carried her to her bedroom.
Macklin gently dropped her onto the bed and her laughter slowly calmed down, Macklin just smiled admiring her and listening to her laugh.
Macklin leaned down making Gemma watch him intensely as he leaned down gently connecting their lips together making him confident that he couldn’t live without being able to kiss his Gemma.
Macklin gently pulled away brushing her hair to behind her ear before he reluctantly stood up and walked around the bed to the side that he likes and pulled the covers up as Gemma slipped under the covers on her side.
Gemma laid on her side facing him watching as he laid down right next to her facing her, Gemma smiled leaning slighty foward nudging her nose to his loving how his nose scrunched up adorably.
Gemma hummed contently loving how the world seems to stop spinning when she is with Macklin, she enjoys how she can just be herself not anything more than that.
Gemma made a happy sound as Macklin gently ran his fingers through her hair and she scooted closer to him resting her head against his collar bone pressing a soft kiss to his skin.
Macklin smiled listening to her breathing slowly get quieter as she fell asleep he rested his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes feeling himself falling asleep as he held his favorite girl to the sound of the rain outside.
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wintfleur · 1 month
ᥫ᭡ old nicknames and quick byes.
﹕─┈ pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X Ex! Juraj Slafkovský )
au masterlist - you can find everything under #👩🏻‍🎨 ͡ ꒱ Stella Hughes!
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( this is just a short little blurb but it’s necessary for the future plot 🤭 I hope you guys enjoy !! wc; 1k )
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Stella slipped her phone into her back pocket and walked down the long hallway that led to the ice, ready to sit on the bleachers and watch as her brother and her friends practice for their upcoming match. Stella was hesitant at first to come along, but she was glad she decided to, she's had a great time so far. 
Her eyes widen in surprise when she sees a very familiar person standing at the end of the hallway, looking out at the ice. Stella’s quiet steps become faster as she calls out his name, her tone was filled with confusion but happiness nonetheless “Juraj?” 
The said boy quickly looks away from the ice and turns around at the sound of the very familiar and very much missed voice. His arms fell at his side in shock at the sight in front of him, standing a few feet in front of him was a smiling stella. 
“Stella” he whispered her name in shock, his palms immediately became clammy and the smile on her lips made his heart feel like it was going to burst out of his chest. The feelings never left. He cleared his throat and wiped his palms on his jeans as he took a few steps towards her to meet her halfway “Oh wow, uh hi” 
Stella smiled and stood on her tiptoes as she threw her arms around his shoulders for a hug, her face pressed against his chest. Juraj froze for a moment from her touch, but he was quick to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer. The smell of her signature perfume and having her so close was almost too much for him. He had to stop himself from frowning when she pulled away from the hug far too soon and took a step back from him, his heartstrings pulled in sadness of her being so close but so far. 
“I was really hoping that i could see you before the game” Stella confesses with a small smile, having to tilt her head a little to look up at him. Her words were genuine, she really did want to see him, she just felt awkward about texting him and asking for them to meet up, especially with how distant he's been lately. 
Little did she know that the only reason he was pulling back was because his feelings for her only seemed to get stronger, and he really didn't want to overstep and ruin things even more. He found himself being surprised by her words, he expected her to be upset or at least a little awkward, but no, she still looked at him with that pretty smile of hers “Really?” 
“Yeah, it's been so long since we last saw each other, how have you been?” Stella asked as she moved to stand closer to the rink, leaning against the rink shielding. 
“Oh, I've been good, yeah really good” Juraj’s words come out rushed as he leans against the shielding as well, trying to come off as calm and collected while his stomach was filled with butterflies, he didn't know what to do with his awkward hands, so he just fidgeted with the end of his sleeves. Stella raised her eyebrow at his strange behavior, and he was quick to keep the conversation going “And you, how have you been?”  
“I've been pretty good as well, it's nice to get out of Michigan for a little bit, i fear i was going to go crazy if i had to stay at my dorm one more day” she really missed traveling, and she was so happy to have her finals over and the summer to start. Yes, she missed her boyfriend, but being with her brother and her friends traveling was a much-needed break for her. 
Juraj opens his mouth, but his words are caught in his throat at the sound of someone shouting her name, he watches as she turns around and looks at the ice. Standing by the benches was a smiling and waving Ryan Leonard, he was the one to call her over. Juraj held in his sigh of disappointment when she shouted back “be right there!” 
Stella turned back to face him and stood up straight, Juraj following in tow. She gave him a sorry smile, sad to have their conversation stop. “Well, that's my cue, I'll see you around?”
“Yeah, I'll see you around hviezda” the nickname for her split out before he could stop himself, and he was worried that it would have made her uncomfortable, but she just smiled and gave him a small smile as he took a step back, they said their quick byes and she watched as he started to walk down the long hallway, away from her. 
“Hey Juraj” Stella called out before he walked off too far. He stopped walking and turned around to face her “Yeah?” 
“Don't be a stranger, okay?” Stella smiled nervously as she tilted her head slightly as she gave him a small nod, stuffing her hands in the front pockets of her jeans. Memories of them laughing and cuddling in his bed as she tried to teach him the meaning of the said saying, played in his head. Juraj cleared his throat and stuffed his hands in the front pocket of his hoodie, a small chuckle leaving his lips before he replies, his accent strong “Ditto” 
A small giggle left her lips, and she shook her head and watched as he left her sight. She let out a heavy sigh and looked away from the hallway when he was gone, a small pinch of sadness in her heart. She made her way towards the other side of the rink where the bench and her waiting friends were, trying to push away that small feeling of sadness at the realization that their friendship would never be the same. 
Neither of them is aware of the person hiding behind the bleachers, looking down at their camara and the pictures they took of them. 
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I wrote this in like 30 minutes, pls don’t judge )
°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 @bunbunbl0gs @petite-potato4 @winterbarnesblog )
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sc0tters · 7 months
Ryan and Ava definitely are the roughest BC couple in bed.
without a doubt
They both ended up with bruises at one point or another when they went just a little too hard. Both Ava and Ryan for all of the shit that happened at the beginning of their relationship they were good in communicating so they have things like safe words. And after a round of sex like this they do then talk about parts they liked and the parts that they didn’t.
Ryan 100% gives Ava a kiss and a cuddle after he has helped clean her up and he did this even when they both disliked each other.
They both agree though that college is the time to experiment too so as they trust each other it means that they are able to do certain things. Ava definitely has a contract they drafted up somewhere in her room about what they will try, could try, and won’t go near.
ava just wants to tie Ryan to her bed and ride him like a cow girl because he NEVER lets her be fully in control.
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