#Ruth Winters
blabbershere · 9 days
I'm a hopelessly romantic old soul disguised as a loner for this modern age love.
— Ruth Winters / Modern Age Love
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soapsworld-blog · 2 years
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expelliarmus · 6 months
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newyorkthegoldenage · 4 months
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White stoops, probably on West 88th St., 1952.
Photo: Ruth Orkin via the Howard Greenberg Gallery
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petit-papillion · 5 months
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The comments on Charles's ice cream post...
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cinematicjourney · 6 months
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Whoever Slew Auntie Ruth? (1972) | dir. Curtis Harrington
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fennshui · 8 months
My favorite female (and not only) characters from shows I’ve watched because I am bored
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ruzhuzhu · 8 months
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i have never seen adventure time
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luminouslywriting · 1 month
Ok, but I am really interested in seeing Dick and Rosie's relationship prior to this. Like who fell first, what drew them in, and ultimately just some key moments. I wish you best of luck on your surgery and can't wait to keep reading your work!
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Oh Nonny, this is such a good ask and I'm thrilled to answer it because I really do have a LOT of thoughts on the two of them! They're an underrated fave couple of mine actually because they really do work so well.....which is sad haha. SOME MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, SO BEWARE KIDDOS!!
How'd they meet?
Ruth had already been in Europe since Spring of 1942. Unfortunately, starting out as a woman in the JAG-Corp wasn't super appealing to a lot of different court systems within the military. She had to pretty much claw for every shred of respect and reputation that she earned. So by the time that Easy Company (I'm fudging the timeline a little bit so it all works out) shows up in England, no one really wants to work with her. Enter Ruth being the only person they can get to defend one of the NCO's in a court martial against Sobel. So naturally, this is where her and Dick Winters first meet.
He's hard at work training and trying to stay focused on his men and she's this little shark with an attitude. They immediately click and get along because he does NOT try to hit on her or flirt with her. He just asks her about work and what will be the most helpful for her job. Well she defends the men well and earns Sobel's irritation, which automatically endears her to him anyway.
How'd they get together?
She gets asked to stay on in Aldbourne and starts working with other companies and a large variety of soldiers. As she's building up her reputation, she doesn't go out on the weekends. You know who ALSO doesn't go out on the weekends? Dick Winters. Neither one really cares for drinking or partying or anything of the sort and they're both just nerdy enough to find each other doing paperwork on a Friday night, which presents the perfect opportunity.
The thing about Ruth is that up to this point, she's already been burned in a relationship due to a lack of respect from her former fianceé. If you ever want to get over that, date Dick Winters. Because he drinks his "respect women" juice and treats her first and foremost as a JAG-Corp lawyer doing her job, a friend second, and then romantically third. Which brings us to the next questions.
Who fell first/What drew them in?
Truth be told, Ruth was really turned off to wanting to get to know anyone. She has a hard time socializing, especially after how badly things ended with her first fianceé (more on that in the Flak-House chapters, so be on the lookout for that). So when Winters comes along and literally follows all of her standards, checks every single box off, and treats her as an equal?? She's absolutely baffled. He's a kind man who has goals and morals and beliefs. He has courage and cleverness and cares about people deeply.
But he absolutely fell first. He's quickly endeared by her quick wit and sharp sarcasm, though she rivals Lewis Nixon in that field, truth be told. She has a strong moral compass, similar to his and he really appreciates that she's open and upfront about the things that she wants. She's a natural leader in her own right and they're both very much opposite sides of the same coin, if that makes sense.
Their relationship:
These two were the sweetest with one another. Dick Winters had a way of calming her down and keeping her grounded. When she was with him, she wasn't constantly on the prowl for things to court martial or for people to sass. She was relaxed enough to do her job when needed and was having fun at the same time. Neither one was big on PDA, but they were big on communication and making time for one another. They'd swap ideas about the universe and about God and he and Lew were the only people in Aldbourne that knew she was Jewish.
They'd spend mornings together curled up in bed and she loved to help clean him up after hard training sessions. She was the person he could go to and rant and vent and let out all of his feelings to. They were each other's safe space in a seriously tumultuous time. They'd talk about history and art and literature and write each other letters. He'd buy her books and she'd find little knick knacks and things that he needed. They'd spend evenings just working on paperwork or talking about his men and his worries for them all.
And Lewis Nixon could usually be found trailing behind or trying to get them into trouble.
Key Moments:
Key Moment #1: They always used to go for walks together and talk about work. Surprisingly, it was her that initiated a conversation about more than work and about his hopes and dreams for the future. He kissed her first and their relationship very much had a sense of comfort and ease with one another. They never really needed to speak too much, though conversation was important to them. Everyone knew that they were together but no one was about to say anything about the scary lawyer lady and their beloved preferred leader of Easy Company lol.
Key Moment #2: She defended him in a court case against Sobel to get RID of Sobel. Yes, it was a messy situation but he knew that if he needed a lawyer, he needed the best one he could get. And she was the best of the best. So them getting rid of Sobel freed them up for more time together and to figure out where they'd go from here. Neither one had any illusions about the two of them getting to be together throughout the entire war. They just thought that they'd have more time.
Key Moment #3: They had a serious talk about what they wanted after the war was over. And for Dick Winters, he's a traditional man who wants a family and wants to settle down and live a peaceful life. And it isn't that Ruth is opposed to that. But she's got some serious trauma and some things that make her believe that she could not give him that life that he wants. He wants a farm and she wants to stay in New York. He wants kids and she's not sure if she'll ever be a mother.
This is also the point in which Ruth realized that she loved him. And love for her is scary, as I've talked about before. Affection, friendship, admiration—all fine things for her to be feeling. But love? Love is when things get real and she wasn't ready for that.
Which brings us to Key Moment #4: The breaking point. The picnic where she talked about that to him. She expressed that she couldn't give him the future that he wants and that she needed to leave. And the thing is? He can't even be mad at her or begrudging in any way. Because he understands that her leaving is an act of love for him. It's a rough pill to swallow for both of them. But they remain close friends and they write to each other as often as they can.
The other thing to consider here is the fact that if Ruth had stayed in Aldbourne....she absolutely would have ended up with Winters. He would have stuck by her through everything and tried to make a life that worked for the two of them. And they'd be very happy together. If she hadn't run, she'd already be engaged and waiting for him to come back by the time that D-Day comes around. It's the right person at the wrong time. And that doesn't mean that you can't have more than 1 right person in your lifetime. This is thus evidenced by her and Rosie—and finding the right timing for that relationship.
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loveryss · 11 months
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Round 1 - Mount Komorebi
Goodbye Mt. Komorebi - Sulani, here we come!
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These are the skills Ruth gained during the first round
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kafkasapartment · 2 years
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Young Ice Skaters, c.1950. Ruth Orkin. Ink Gelatin silver print.
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blabbershere · 7 months
In the end it was only me who fell, you were just testing the waters.
— Ruth Winters// Falling
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chicinsilk · 11 months
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US Vogue August 1, 1955
Ruth Neuman is wearing a fitted skirt suit with a box jacket with shirt-style details (cuffs, patch pockets, round collar). Pattern Vogue 8673, in Glen Urquhart plaid flannel in burgundy and gray wool from Miron. Garland sweater; John Frederics Charmer hat; gloves, Wear-Right. Jewelry by Bartek. Yardley Lipstick "Rose Coral".
Ruth Neuman porte un tailleur à jupe cintrée avec une veste box aux détails façon chemise (poignets, poches plaquées, col rond). Patron Vogue 8673, en flanelle à carreaux Glen Urquhart de laine bordeaux et grise de Miron. Pull-over guirlande; chapeau John Frederics Charmer; gants, Wear-Right. Bijoux par Bartek. Rouge à lèvres Yardley "Rose Coral".
Photo Roger Prigent vogue archive
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misterabit · 5 months
Obsessed with dangerous milves having messed up relationships with a powerful cardinal, anger issues and an amazing fashion style
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newyorkthegoldenage · 6 months
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Snow in Central Park, 1959.
Photo: Ruth Orkin via orkinphoto.com
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Julie doing “stuff” with famous people (17th post)
Behind the scenes of BODY AND SOUL, director Robert Rossen rushes behind Julie. Rossen was a screenwriter for three of Julie’s earlier films: DUST BE MY DESTINY, THE SEA WOLF, and OUT OF THE FOG.
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Before a scene is filmed for HE RAN ALL THE WAY, a camera crew member test tones on Julie and Shelly Winters with a light meter.
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Julie, Jennifer Jones and director, John Huston get a kick out of a visitor to the set of WE WERE STRANGERS.
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Richard Conte and Ruth Hussey take in an event with Julie as spectators. Not sure what the event was but they seem to be enjoying their conversation.
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Julie with Ramon Novarro on the set of WE WERE STRANGERS.
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In the first Hollywood Players radio program, Rex Harrison, Julie and Gregory Peck present flowers to Bette Davis after her performance of a one-act play based on Charles Dickens' "The Old Curiosity Shop” in 1946.
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Julie and Gregory Peck in a still from GENTLEMAN’S AGREEMENT.
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AND…Julie and Oscar Levant in a still from HUMORESQUE.
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A publicity shot featuring Julie and Cary Grant makes use of a DESTINATION TOKYO still to tout war bonds, the movie and the stars.
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David Niven visits Julie and Lily Palmer on the set of BODY AND SOUL.
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