#Rusted Hero
vanalex · 26 days
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undeadvinyls · 9 months
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being on tv must be rlly cool. esp if ur a zombie and it's human news channel
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iwritewhump · 20 days
"You're my last chance" + rusted metal + enemies teaming up
day three of whumptember
1642 words
warnings: captivity, escape attempt
Hero looks over her shoulder one last time at Superhero’s door and sighs heavily. She turns the door handle and steps out of the bunker Superhero had dragged her into. She makes sure to lock the door behind her and leans heavily against it. For just a second, Hero wonders if she should just stay with him. 
Maybe he wasn’t being suspicious, maybe he was just really worried about Supervillain. Even if it was weird that he was being cagy about the locked door in the back of the bunker. The room that was definitely not empty. The extra rations were easy enough to brush off as him being overly prepared. And maybe, just maybe, she was reading into the whole “We won’t need to worry about anyone finding us.” 
No. That’s definitely suspicious. 
Hero drops the key on the ground and wipes the rust on her hand off on her pant leg. Stepping a few more feet away from the door, Hero’s phone begins to buzz. 
She takes her phone out of her pocket and slides her thumb across the screen to answer it. “Hello?” 
Shaky breathing echoes into the phone, “Is this Hero?” 
“Who’s asking?” 
There’s a relieved sigh, “So that’s a yes. This is Villain…can we get coffee?” 
Hero doesn’t answer. 
“Before you say no: I can swear to you I just want to talk. If you…decide to meet up, I’ll be at the cafe next to the museum, they’re open all night. Please come, I’m really worried.” 
The line goes quiet and Hero pulls her phone away from her face. She reads a few of the messages she’d gotten over the past three days in the bunker and slips her phone back in her pocket. 
Without much debating, Hero climbs into her car and starts on her way to the cafe. 
After a short five minute drive, Hero takes the key out of the ignition and jumps out of the car. She sees Villain through the cafe’s window and bites her cheek. 
If she just got back in her car now he’d never know she came. He’d wait until sunrise and then leave, probably wouldn’t even bring it up the next time they faced off. But there’s two cups of coffee on the table and the pastries in the showcase don’t look half bad. 
She can always leave, just going in won’t hurt anyone. 
There’s a bell on the door, so when she walks inside, Villain looks up at her. He smiles and waves her over, “I didn’t know what you’d want so I didn’t order you anything-also I figured you might not drink it because of our…history-so just order whatever and I’ll cover it.” 
Hero sits down and puts her hands in her lap, “I don’t think I’ll order. I’m not planning on staying long.”
Villain nods and inhales deeply. “I think your boss kidnapped my boss.” 
Hero looks over at the expectant barista, “I’ll take a green tea please.” 
“You know something?” Villain asks, leaning over the table. 
Hero rubs circles on her temples and shakes her head. She looks down at the table and sighs. “I don’t know what I know.” 
“Please,” Villain says, holding his hands out to her. “I’ve tried everything else to find him. You’re my last chance.” 
Hero shakes her head and slides further into the booth so she can put her legs up. She leans against the back of the booth and looks at Villain. 
“How long has he been missing?” 
“Three days.” 
Well, fuck. It was increasingly more likely that Superhero had kidnapped Supervillain and was keeping him locked up in a bunker. 
Hero exhales slowly and closes her eyes. “This is like…the worst thing you’ve ever done to me.” 
“I’ve broken several of your bones,” Villain says, taking a sip of his coffee. 
Rolling her eyes, Hero scoffs and shrugs. “Bones mend. But you’re asking me to help you break into Superhero’s-” 
She cuts herself off and crosses her arms in front of her chest. “You’re a sneaky one, Villain.” 
“I know about the bunker, he hasn’t exactly been subtle about it.” he says. “I just don’t know where it is.” 
And maybe it's because Hero can’t help but remember the sobbing through the door that Superhero tried to pass off as the wind, or maybe it was Villain hadn’t slept in days. But Hero nods. And that’s how they ended up back at the bunker. 
“I’m sure he’s awake by now,” Hero says, pulling Villain behind a tree. “Let me go in, see what he’s up to. And I’ll give a signal when it's safe for you to come in.” 
Villain nods, “What’s the signal?” 
Hero’s brows knit together and she taps on her chin. “I guess I can just open the door for you.” 
“Yeah, that’ll work.” 
So Hero leaves him behind the tree. She walks up to the door to the bunker and picks up the key. Before she can twist it, the door opens and Superhero pulls her into a hug. 
“I was so worried about you! Where have you been?” He holds his hands on her shoulders and looks her over. “You’re not hurt, are you?” 
She shakes her head and ducks away from him, “I’m fine. I just…needed some air I guess. I should’ve left a note, I’m sorry.” 
Superhero nods once and pulls her into another hug, “It does get a little stuffy in here, doesn’t it?” 
She chuckles and forces a smile. “Were you up all night?” 
Superhero hides his face in his hands and looks at her through his fingers, “Are my eyebags that bad?” 
Hero pulls his hands down and squeezes them in her hands, “I just know you very well. Why don’t you take a nap and I’ll make us lunch, yeah?” 
Superhero nods and pulls away from her slowly, “Whatch’a gonna make?” 
Hero shakes her head and spins him to face his room, “Surprise…don’t make me spoil it for you. Just know: it’s something very fancy and you told me it was one of your favorite things I’ve ever made.” 
“Oh, that sounds nice,” Superhero says, closing the door to his room. “Wake me up when it’s done, I want to eat it hot.” 
And so, Hero dumps a few things in a baking dish and pops it in the oven. Even with the imminent threat of Superhero waking up. 
After turning the oven on and setting a timer, Hero pushes the couch in front of Superhero’s door and opens the bunker’s door so Villain can come in. 
“What took so long?” He hisses, hurrying inside. 
Hero rolls her eyes and huffs, “ I had to make sure he’d stay out of our way. Come on, we’ll need to pick the lock.” 
She grabs his hand and pulls him to the back of the bunker. He stares at the door, then at Hero, then back at the door. 
“He’s in there?” 
She shrugs and takes the pin out of her hair. 
“What do you mean, you don’t know?” 
“I mean…” Hero says, struggling with the lock. “I’ve never seen what’s in this room. Superhero’s cagy about it and it’s not always the safest thing to push him. Especially when we’re locked in an underground bunker. So I let him keep his secrets and he doesn’t actually keep me locked down here.” The lock pops open and Hero gasps softly. 
Villain steps in front of the door and Hero steps aside for him to open the door. He twists the handle and pulls it open slightly, just enough for Hero to see inside. 
He freezes and looks at Hero, “Can you see anything?” 
“Just the wall.” She says. “Do you want me to go in first?” Without letting him answer, Hero pushes inside the room and closes the door behind her. 
Supervillain’s curled up in the farthest corner of the small room, his knees drawn to his chest and his face hidden behind his legs. The room has a mattress with a few blankets, a half-full gallon jug of water, and a bucket. 
“Supervillain?” Hero asks, slowly approaching him. 
He flinches and peeks up over his knees. Just the little bit of him she sees, Hero can see bruises on his face and hands. She’s not sure he can even see out of one of his eyes with how swollen it is, but she ends up in front of him. 
She squats down and puts her hands on her legs. “Villain’s here, he wants to help you get out.” 
“You’re lying to me,” Supervillain spits, glaring at her. 
She shakes her head, “I’m not. I can go get him. Do you want me to?” 
She stands up and walks over to the door, twists the handle and pokes her head out. “He’s alive. He’s…in rough shape, but wants to see you.” 
“He’s alive?” Villain whispers. 
Hero takes his hand in hers and leads him into the room. 
“Oh my god,” Villain breathes upon seeing Supervillain. He runs up to him and stops just short of actually touching him. He takes a deep breath and looks back at Hero. She motions him on and he nods. “Let’s get out of here, Superhero won’t stay in his room much longer.” 
Hero watches as Villain hooks an arm around Supervillain’s waist and pulls him to his feet. She opens the door for them and puts the lock back on the door just as it was. 
Villain stops before they make it to the door and sighs heavily, “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help.” 
Hero shrugs and smiles, “Stay safe, I’ll try to keep Superhero out of the room for as long as I can. You need to get away. Stay low profile and please for the love of everything…don’t let him find you.” 
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scattered-winter · 7 months
man. thinking about how jaune wanted so badly to become a hero that he lied and cheated his way into beacon, and eventually did become a literal fairytale hero but at the cost of literally everything
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protagonistprime · 1 year
Crossover albeit controversial to some Meme:
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I mean. Look at this:
Blond/Yellow Hair. Check Blue Eyes. Check Sword and Shield. Check Lives with regrets. Check Has rusty armor, sword and shield by the time of his old age. Check Time Travel. Check Magic lady changed his body to younger one. Check Younger outside, older inside. Check Yellow magic hand. Check
if there is more, let me know
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betelgeusing · 2 years
marty hart's cyclical return to praising family as THE thing that keeps a man grounded, stable, and happy (specifically in pointing out that rust DOESN'T have a family) even as flashbacks show him spiraling into jealous macho violence as he lies to, mistreats, and destroys his family over the course of multiple affairs (by which he deliberately steps outside of and away from his family despite his wife's best efforts to get him to reconnect and step up to be the family man he sees himself as)
rust cohle's repeated excoriations of the idea of individuality and personhood and the stupid self-centeredness and entitlement that comes with saying "I, a human being, matter to the universe, and the things I do matter", an ideology he carries for years and waxes poetic on for his interviewers as late as 2012, even as he obsessively works himself to the bone to get justice and resolution for the victims he's assigned and ultimately to protect children from the powerful and dangerous people who want to brutalize them
#true detective#so what if it all goes back to Melville and Milch. every great character spins against the way he drives#I know this is the point of their characters I know other people have said it before and better#but I go through it every time and this time Marty is hitting me extra hard. bc with Rust it's basically screaming in your face#Rust says humanity (without exception) is stupid selfish and vain and we're fools to convince ourself our actions matter#he then proceeds to take a job where everything he does matters SO MUCH. and to CARE about that job deeply and obsessively#but Marty... I've really noticed this time how Maggie calls him a coward multiple times in her efforts to pull him back to his family#and she's right because he's too much of a coward to face that gaining the sainted ''family'' hasn't fixed him!#it hasn't made him stop wanting to fuck other women#it hasn't made him the household hero the perfect father and husband the savior of the women in his life#he thought it would and when it doesn't live up to the fantasy he checks out completely#and even in 2012 when his marriage has fallen apart! he still lauds marriage and family as the thing that makes a man good!#despite all the evidence in front of him that he became WORSE after becoming a husband and father. he can't let the ideal go#he has good intentions at his core but he's obsessed with the idea of being a good ol boy and a family man#he shits on Rust for being isolated because he's scared to face the idea that he-- Marty-- would have done less damage on his own#sorry for the tag novel they make me want to bite. and knock their stupid empty heads together really hard#btw this show would be 75% less effective if they had not filmed on location. big brain move thank God for the TD S1 location scouts
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rwac96 · 1 year
To the Jaune’s harem: how did you guys react when Jaune soon returned to his normal age.
(I imagine some girls didn’t take it well that Daddy Jaune is gone.)
Some had a large statue of the Rusted Knight commissioned to be constructed, much to Jaune's dismay for the moment. Obviously paid for by Bleiss, some (Bleiss, Shantae, Tifa) held a memorial service for their Daddy Hero, while others (Pyrrha, Satsuki, Kendra) saw the whole thing being kind of ridiculous. Meanwhile, Noel saw that the whole thing was temporary, due to having the Eye of the Azure.
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rozecrest · 11 months
the longer we go in palisade with no sign of milli the more peace i feel honestly. the only thing she wanted to do in her life was stop fighting and it seems like she’s found that
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iinexorabile · 11 months
continued from x
Tanba goes on to cheerily reply, while waving a hand in Sylvia's direction.
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"Well, it was one of our enemies, actually, an enemy Master! Took them out of the game I did! Here see for yourself, you'll love this."
Tanba then claps his hands, and before Sylvia, a crow manifests out of thin air and perches itself on her shoulder. The crow's eyes then light up, and from them, a beam of faint energy is directed at one of the walls in the room, where a sort of, recording,of tonight's events begins playing on its surface.
"They were out grabbing a bite to eat it looked like, having a real fun time, but they didn't wind up having half as much fun as I did!"
From the projection on Sylvia's wall, she could see what appeared to be the Black Faction's Rider servant and their master seated at a table, eating dinner in an open-air establishment somewhere in the countryside, when all of a sudden the lights around the establishment went out. When the lights came back on, the Master sat at the table, headless and blood-soaked, as regular civilians began to scream and flee the scene.
"It was a classic kill, they never saw it coming, the beauty of it all! Their servant wasn't too shaken up about it but they still didn't want to serve me, which was a shame. Rider of Black left me no choice but to go for their head, too, though it was a surprisingly thrilling scuffle!"
Multiple minutes of Tanba talking with and then clashing against Rider of Black then flash across Sylvia's wall, an ordeal that quickly left the establishment and other nearby structures in ruins, and one that likely would have caused more widespread destruction, had someone else not suddenly stepped onto the scene-- a figure dressed in attire that marked them as a member of the Church.
It was the man that was supposed to be acting as mediator for the Grail War, who had so far been doing everything except mediate between the war's participants.
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"Mmmm, right right, then that guy showed up, almost forgot, this was actually a little w e i r d ….." // @glacialsin
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mazuwii · 1 year
I know that a lot of people say that Reiner would be a police officer, if it was a modern universe but honestly I just feel like he leans more into firefighter jobs
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akuzeisms · 1 year
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  CONTINUED     ⤷ @grownpale
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At this point, she was surprised he’d joined her. Pleasantly so, but she was. Their reunion was more than awkward, but he was one of the last people she expected to agree to what was… well, effectively about to be a suicide mission. And that was assuming they even found what they needed to about the Collectors; they were still working on that part. Right now, she needed people—people that she could trust.
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“Uh… Kat’s—fine.” Rubbing her neck awkwardly, she smoothed her hair down over her shoulder, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “I mean, technically I’m not Commander any more, since I’m not active duty. Not with the Alliance, anyway.” Sure, she was in charge of the ship—its commander, in a sense—but she felt odd having him call her that. It felt too formal, too unfamiliar, even if she’d earned that level of respect.
Nevertheless, if he wanted to call her that, she wouldn’t fight it. “Uh… anyway, the airlock here leads to deck two, so we’ll start… here, I guess. To the left here is the bridge—not cockpit, though if you call it that, Joker will probably giggle like a little schoolgirl about it for a week,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. Peering around the corner, she could see their pilot’s chair was empty; now that she thought about it, Joker had mentioned something about eating a real meal on the Citadel. “Joker’s our pilot. Well—Joker’s his nickname. Flight Lieutenant Jeff Moreau.” Leading him down the long path away from the bridge, she stopped in front of the large room before them.
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“And this is… well, where all of the action happens, mostly: The CIC. Galaxy map keyed to biometric data, so only I have access to it unless access is needed by someone else for whatever reason. Oh, I should also mention that, uh… the ship itself is equipped with an AI. Shackled, but… yeah.” Even still, she was wary about EDI, even if the AI had proven useful. “So if there’s any questions you have and I’m not around, EDI probably has the answer.” She led him around the CIC, pointing first to one side. “Armory’s over there. I’ll let you look around there later; Williams offered to get you set up with some gear. She’s… a bit of a firearms enthusiast, so if there’s something in particular you want, she’ll find a way to get it. Other side is the tech lab, and Mordin said he’s working on something, so we’ll visit that… later, probably.” Better to leave the overly chatty salarian to his own devices, after all.
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divinelght · 10 months
tag dump.
OOC TAGS. i've got a lot on my mind. ⸻ ( ooc. ) do it all for love. ⸻ ( promo. ) keep the sun in your heart. ⸻ ( answered. ) the gold and the rust. ⸻ ( dash games. ) to live for the hope of it all. ⸻ ( memes & prompts. ) after this i'm never gonna be the same. ⸻ ( threads. ) AURORA TAGS. always an angel / never a god. ⸻ ( mirror. ) a light that never goes out. ⸻ ( study. ) sun: keeper of flame. ⸻ ( aesthetics. ) walk always in the light. ⸻ ( lathander. ) every good intention. ⸻ ( musings. ) let me put my lips to something. ⸻ ( desires. ) VERSE TAGS. a hero's journey. ⸻ ( act i. ) i have seen what the darkness does. ⸻ ( act ii. ) these roads are changing me. ⸻ ( act iii. ) now the darkness got a hold on me. ⸻ ( corrupt. ) DYNAMIC TAGS. where you go i'm going. ⸻ ( daemon. ) here is my hand. ⸻ ( astarion. ) your needs / my needs ⸻ ( sidxreus. )
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I just love that Jaune gets a fairytale epithet equal to a seasonal Maiden. He's the Rusted Knight to the Fall Maiden.
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bapzap · 1 year
my secret is that i dont like skins in video games and never had
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simpgonium · 1 year
I have the most niche, crack-ass Bakugou x Reader au in my head rn lMFAO
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