#Rumor of the Memory Creator
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puellatransparents ¡ 2 years ago
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Magia Record Rumor and Uwasa Transparents Part 1
Requested by @squidink18
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bluerosefox ¡ 1 year ago
Tim, buddy, what do you mean you might had accidentally made a Love Child?!
Danny finds out that
1. He's a clonish 'love child' of two heroes
2. He was accidentally created during one of his donors mental break downs after losing his father and best friends (one of which was his other donor)
3. CW interfered before his creator realized what he made and pulled him out of that dimension because "it would had lead that world to true ruin if he found out at his state of mind. He's better now but it would had been the final straw for him should anything had happened to you in his care and given who he had to partner up with later... I did what I had to."
4. Due to Danny having a bad fall out with his parents after he told them about being Phantom (they didn't attack him... but they did disown him.) Danny is left adrift of what to do. He doesn't wanna bug Jazz, she's in college and dorming. Tuckers place has no room. Sam's parents would never let him stay. Vlad was a definitely a no go. And Dani (Ellie) last check in was near the Amazon rainforest.
5. Danny finds out some of his powers might not be as ghostly as he thought... it does explain the huge power boost some of his powers have compared to other ghosts.
6. He went to Clockwork... who proceeded to tell him the truth, smile his cryptic smile while saying "and now. Have fun this time around. I'll see you again in due time Daniel." Before yeeting him into a portal.
7. Danny woke up in his home dimension.... deaged to being five years old (the age he would be if he stayed and grew by now) (DC timeline is slower than DP in this)
8. He woke up apparently his creator's home city... during a Gala (Danny woke up in a garden, dazed and confused. His memories are fuzzy)... and wandered into the party... and apparently he looked like a perfect mix of his.. dads? Which catches A LOT of peoples attention.
9. Especially with Tim Drake-Wayne and Conner Kent-Luthor just announcing they're dating that very night.
10. Rumors and gossip of a random kid, who looks just like the recent happily announced couple, go flying quickly among the elite... and reaches certain ears before it gets to batfam and supers (I have a feeling they learned how to block out rumors and gossips during these events)
11. Those ears happen to be Lex Luthor and Ra's al Ghul (both who are there at the Gala just to annoy and unnerve the Bats and Supers)
12. By the time the rumors get to Tim and Conner, they find Danny almost getting taken away by one of those two.
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leonardmccoyevents ¡ 2 months ago
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Introducing the first event for this Tumblr and for the year, Leonard McCoy Bingo.
There is no deadline and is open to anyone, all you need to do is create something inspired by any of the squares below and post it!
This bingo is open to platonic and/or romantic relationships, any universe or rating you'd like, just make sure to keep the focus on Leonard McCoy and properly tag anything sensitive.
Please tag any of your creations with #leonardmccoybingo2025 and this Tumblr, so that it can be reblogged, you can also post it to ao3 here
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Some clarification on a few things:
Harvest Moon: This actually has a few meanings, its the name of a popular farming game, a type of full moon, and a song.
Scuttlebutt: means rumor or gossip, deriving from the nautical term for the cask used to serve water (or, later, a water fountain).
EV Suit: A suit worn to go into an inhospitable environment.
Dreams of the Raven: The title of a beta canon novel where McCoy loses his memories of the Enterprise and his Starfleet career. A Contest of Principles: Also the title of a beta canon novel where McCoy gets kidnapped.
There are no hard rules for how the fills have to relate to the square. So for the novel titles/episode titles squares, they can be inspired by the plot of the novel/episode or simply from the phrase itself or in whatever way you as the creator interpret the square.
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delulu-with-wandanat ¡ 10 months ago
Tainted Past
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Reader Description: he/they, masculine titles, early 20s.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Masculine!Reader
A/n: So this was inspired while I was playing around in Character.ai (I was being delulu as usual), so I guess shoutout to the creator of Mature!Wanda ai for kickstarting my brain again. I haven't write in a while guys pls be nice :')
Warnings: No warnings for now actually, maybe sadge Wanda, Wanda lowkey being bullied.
Summary: Years have passed since Westview and Wanda finally has the chance to settle down and live the normal she had always yearned for. However, that comes with a challenge as many were still wary of her. Along the way she met a young man in his early 20s, whom took pity on the witch despite all odds.
It was a huge deal when rumors spread about the infamous Scarlet Witch moving into their town. The same witch that brought upon destructions and chaos, the one who enslaved a whole town. The one that the Dracula from Hotel Transylvania would describe as,
"-Nutsy Cuckoo!" Y/n snorted at their friend's description of the witch, "She's a total nutjob, I'm telling you. She went berserk for kids she DIDN'T even have."
"And afterwards went after a child, no, a literal CHILD!" Their other friend added, "Who happens to be America Chavez, who ended up teaming up with her as well. Hence why she's able to even live freely back into society."
"That's crazy..." Y/n said while shaking his head. The were all sitting their usual cafe, gossiping about their latest neighbor.
"I heard she lives across the street from you. Hey, at least she's a hot MILF right?" Their friend Magdalena joked, which made her receive a cookie thrown at her face.
"Shut up, Lena." She only snorted. As both of his friends were snickering, the two of them stopped and their eyes trailed something behind him.
"Speak of the devil..." Victor said as he had a little bit of a disgusted look.
Y/n turned around, and there she was. The Scarlet Witch. She hasn't been seen on any media for the past few years, the last time she was seen, she had a long auburn hair, and was wearing her suit. The look she had right now was a striking contrast to her last appearance on the media.
She had cut her hair, it was now dyed blonde, and she was wearing a casual civilian clothes. Y/n felt shivers running down their spine as painful memories flooded his mind.
"She really wants to be normal, huh?" Victor said under his breath.
"I mean... she's kinda-" Victor elbowed Magdalena on her ribs before she could finish her sentence. Giving her a look that says 'don't'.
The whole cafe went silent when she entered the shop, she awkwardly said 'hi' before making her way to the queue. Everything else was a little bit of a blur for Y/n, as for some reason their heart started beating rapidly. Their fist clenched to the point his friend had to snap him out of his thoughts.
"I'm fine." Y/n responded with a faux smile before focusing his attention outside the window. He couldn't help but to focus on Wanda's voice when she ordered.
"I would like something to drink please." He heard Wanda speak, there was a beat of silence.
"Coffee? Tea?" The barista responded, soundingly uninterested and rude. Seems like the Barista wasn't a huge fan of Wanda, as normally the Barista was always so kind to Y/n and his friends.
"O-oh! Coffee, please." Another silence, "Cappucino, hot."
"That'll be $4.50." She could be heard rummaging through her purse and took out a some money to pay.
"I'm assuming you would need my name-"
"We know." The barista said rather coldly. Wanda could be heard clearing her throat nervously and waited for her order. It didn't take long before they called out, "Cappucino for Scarlet Witch."
Y/n glances at the bar, they noticed how tense she was upon hearing her title. The title she wishes everyone would forget. She gave a forced smile before turning and walking back to the exit. Seems like she was nervous, and then the worst possible thing could happen to someone happened to her...
Her purse got stuck on the door handle as she was about to walk out, causing her to spill her beverage. "Shit!" She cursed.
Y/n's two friends couldn't handle their snort upon seeing the tragedy. Wanda glances at them and awkwardly laughs, "Silly me." She says before hastily walking away from the shop.
"She is just adapting well to us mere mortals." Victor said sarcastically.
As much as Y/n wasn't exactly fond of the witch (for personal reasons), they did felt... a hint of sympathy towards her. He looked outside and saw her seemingly cursing at herself for the embarrassing encounter at the cafe.
Oh she's going to take a while to adapt...
Y/n looked down at the notes their sister sent them and walked down the aisle to find the item. What seem to be a simple errand turned into a full blown grocery shopping, that bitch.
I just wanted to buy some ramen...
He picked up a bunch of items his sisters needed, and picked a pack of ramen for himself. While he was on the cereal section he heard that familiar voice again.
"Hi, ma'am, do you know where I could- O-oh, yes, that's alright have a good day!" He turns his attention to her direction, from the customers to the staff, they were all ignoring her existence. She visibly sighed and gave up on asking people. That's... what she deserves I guess.
He only saw her again as he was about to pay, they were queued just behind her. Crap.
"Sorry ma'am, we take cash only, the machine is broken at the moment." The cashier told her.
"I... I don't have any cash on me right now." She nervously laughs, "Are you sure? Because the customer before-"
"Look if you don't have cash you can pay with apple pay." Seems like the cashier just wanted to torment her, which she did as Wanda sighed in frustration.
"I don't- I don't have that set up on my phone yet." The cashier only shrugged their shoulders. "Fine. How much was-"
"$27.60" Wanda started rummaging through her purse again, desperately trying to find some cash left. She found... $5, ok that's a start. $10, ok we're getting there.
"Hey come on, lady! You're holding up the line!" The guy behind Y/n yelled, making Wanda panic slightly. Y/n closed his eyes, ugh fuckin-
They opened their eyes again, and Wanda was still hastily searching her bag as people got increasingly annoyed at her. They closed their eyes, agh Jesus fucking christ I better go to heaven for this-
"Ok, is there any-" Wanda's sentence was cut off when hand puts down a $50 dollar bill to pay for her checkout.
"You can just pay me back later." Wanda wanted to refuse, but she internally sighed in relief. The cashier gave Y/n the change and Wanda thanked them with the brightest smile. "Don't mention it." They said giving her a polite smile.
As Wanda walked out of the store, she took another glance at the young boy and smiled to herself. She made a mental note to find the youth later on.
They didn't understand why they had to be so sympathetic to the psycho witch, especially after everything she had put them through. Everyone was doing just fine ignoring her presence, in fact, Y/n had the biggest right out of them all to ignore that crazy, wacko, mentally unstable-
"There you are!"
A familiar voice made Y/n whipped their head to the direction. Oh no... Don't tell me she thinks we're basically friends now. Wanda walked up to him with a smile, Y/n had a natural instinct to tense up. Just the sight of her, made him clenched his jaw.
"I just wanted to properly say thank you." She said, rubbing her hand nervously. She wore a simple red t-shirt, and jeans. Wanda looked like any normal civilian. If you had lived in a cave, unaware of the outside world, the idea that Wanda is capable of such chaos and destruction wouldn't cross your mind. "And uh... for your trouble."
Wanda then handed him cash of what she owes him. He looked at the money and then her. "This is.... $30"
"Oh you can keep it all." The witch said with a slight shake in her voice, she then cleared her throat. "U-unless you prefer it to be precise I can-" She pulled out her phone from her pocket. "I can use that uh... that app, Vimeo?"
Y/n couldn't help but to let out a chuckle, "Venmo. Vimeo is a like a... it's like Youtube." Am I really talking with this lady?
"Ah... Right, right, I... I knew that." She looked at her phone with confused look on her face. Wanda then let out a soft laugh. "Well imagine my confusion."
"Well, thank you. I could definitely use the extra $2." Y/n said with a smile.
"I should be thanking you." Wanda responded, she bit her lip slightly, wanting to continue the conversation with what it seems like the only person who sees her as a human. "I'm Wanda, by the way, Wanda Maximoff." She hold out her hand awkwardly.
"I uhm- I'm your new neighbor, but I- I'm sure you knew that already." She let out a nervous laugh.
Y/n didn't want to talk to the witch any longer than needed, sharing name would mean they were on first name basis. But if there's anything Y/n hated more... Being left hanging when you hold out your had.
"Y/n, nice to meet you, Wanda."
Wanda noticeably beamed at the fact that they didn't just brushed her off.
"Well I should be heading back. I live just across from you." Shit! Why did I say that??
"Oh then I hope to see more of you!" Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity-
"Yeah, see you around, Mrs. Maximoff." He said politely, giving her a smile and crossed the street to his house. He internally cursed at himself. Idiot!
Wanda turned around smiling to herself. I made a friend...
For the next few weeks, Wanda never fails to greet them whenever she happens to see Y/n pass. She did that to everyone, of course, but no one ever really bothers to respond. Y/n desperately wanted to avoid her, but it was difficult as she continuously try to interact with everyone. Which... to be honest was quite sad.
He doesn't know why he felt bad, but seeing the woman trying so desperately to join society and no one giving her a chance was such a depressing sight to see. Not that Y/n should care, she shouldn't have done what she did. But...
Ugh... It doesn't take much for him to be polite at least.
So Y/n started to return her polite greetings. Whenever he sees her watering her flowers, she greet him with a wave and a smile. And Y/n does the same. They had to admit, seeing her so happy that someone responded was... kind of cute.
It went on for a while, so you could say they were on a friendly term. And Y/n had no plans on furthering that relationship. At least by choice.
"Hi there, Y/n!" She greeted with her usual smile and wave. It had been about 2 months since she lived here. "How's your morning jog?"
"Hi, Mrs. Maximoff. Uh... It was alright, nice weather today."
"I agree. Say, you fancy joining a party? I'm having a housewarming party this evening, you should come. There will be plenty of food." She asked with hopeful eyes.
"Uh..." Say no, say no, what the fuck are you- SAY NO. "I'll have to see, ma'am. I have a pretty packed schedule today."
Wanda tried to hide her disappointment as much as she could. She had heard tons of those excuses for days now, at least he was polite about his rejection. "That's alright, darling! I'm just across the road if you change your mind. And feel free to bring some friends!"
"I'll keep that in mind, Mrs. Maximoff. See you around!" Y/n said before going back to their house. They leaned on the closed door and sighed. Their sister looked at them expectantly.
"She invited you as well?" She said with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n sighed before answering, "Yeah..."
"I don't know why she even bothers. Not like anyone would take her up for it." His sister said dismissively as she went back to the living room, settling on the couch.
Y/n joins her and grabs the remote, "Maybe she has change."
"You've got to be one mentally ill fucker to say that, especially coming from you." She added, waiting for him to pick a movie. "Did she hex you or something-"
"I'm perfectly fine." Y/n sighed. "I just... Look she does seems like some woman who's trying to live a normal life."
"But she's not a woman, Y/n. She's a monster." She rubs her temple. "A lot of people gone mad in Westview, I'm sure you remember."
"How could I forget..."
"She could try all she wants, but I won't give her the benefit of the doubt. And I won't stop you if you decide too..." They looked at their sister who smiles at him gently. "The beauty of it is that you have a choice now, none of her victims did."
He looked at the floor, his sister could see the gears in his head moving.
"Though I have to say you are one mad son of a bitch if you did."
I am one mad son of a bitch.
They thought to themselves as they rang her doorbell. I could still change my mind right? I can run-
"I'll be right there!"
Wanda opens the door, delighted to greet her guest. "Y/n! So glad you could make it."
"Hi, Mrs. Maximoff." They took in her dress, well she does look good. "You look stunning."
Wanda gave him a smile, "Thank you. Please, come in!"
They entered the house, it was cozy, small, homey, there were very little pictures hung up. They did notice one family picture, and what it looks like and old frame of her and her late brother. Her informations was easy to find on the internet, yes Y/n did their research.
The house was decorated for party mode. There was some snack on the table, fruit punch, and a few other things. However, it was missing a key ingredient...
"Sorry, am I early?" He turned to Wanda.
Wanda sighed, "Early is uh... one way to put it. You're the first one here the others must've been late. They said they'll stop by." She puts on a reassuring smile, but Y/n had a feeling she must've felt devastated.
And in fact, Wanda was. This housewarming party was her attempt to prove herself to the neighborhood that she was in fact not a threat, maybe make some friends... But no matter, she had one guest now.
"Take a seat!" She said enthusiastically, "Would you like something to drink?"
"Yeah sure, I'll get some fruit punch, looks really refreshing." The two settled down on the couch, there was a moment of awkward silent between them.
If there's one thing Y/n couldn't take, it was that.
"Here." They passed her the gift bag they had brought for her. "It's an old record player I had lying around, I don't ever use it anymore and I thought it would go with uh..." He searched for the right words, "Someone of your generation?"
Wanda took the gift with a smile and gave him a funny look, "You make it sounds like I'm old." She said jokingly. "But thank you. You didn't have too, but I appreciate it."
It was a red colored Crosley turntable. It was portable, and had a built in speaker. Her heart swelled at their gesture. "There's some vinyls in there as well, I hope you like the Beatles."
"I love the Beatles."
"I'll help you set it up." He said with a kind smile. Wanda decided to put the record player in her living room, perhaps some tune would help set up the mood. They plugged it in and Y/n made her choose the album. Wanda scanned the various albums, looking at the front cover and the back with a smile on her face.
She puts on one album and the song 'Twist and Shout' started to play. "Now this is a party." Wanda said, earning a chuckle from the youth. She then lightly bop her head into the song, twisting her legs like one of those old style dance. For a second she seems to lost her self into the music.
Y/n had always seen Wanda in... sort of a negative light. But seeing her smiling, dancing, just interacting with her on a more personal level... They were starting to see Wanda in an entirely new light.
The woman then turns to face the youth, she had a bright smile on her face as she made a 'come here' motion to him. "Not much of a dancer?"
They let out a laugh and joined Wanda. "I'll have you know I'm an incredible dancer."
Music was the exact ice breaker that they needed, they wen't from keeping their distance to even occasionally twirling each other playfully. Y/n had to admit, he was having fun with the witch. Wanda had a contagious laugh, an intoxicating energy, a smile that could light up a whole room, and she was so so... beautiful-
Why am I thinking about her like this?
"So Y/n, tell something about yourself. I'd like to get to know my neighbors better." Wanda asked once the music ended and it started playing a much slower song in the albums. They sat on the couch with a snack dividing their space.
"Oh I'm just your typical fresh graduate, ma'am. Still trying to find where I'm gonna belong here in the workforce." Y/n responded with a dry chuckle.
"I'm sure you'll find your place." She look down at her drink with a small smile. "Friend of mine always said there's a place for everyone in the world."
The way she said it so softly, made tugged something inside Y/n's heart. She really is just trying to fit in the world like the rest of us.
"And you, ma'am? Who is Wanda Maximoff?" He asked teasingly, getting more comfortable with her each minute. He popped some chips in his mouth, anticipating her answer.
"Me? Oh you know... I'm a retired old psycho witch." She said jokingly.
Y/n couldn't help the snort that came out of them, "Sorry-" Ok. She's got humor.
Wanda laughs and waved him off, "Don't be." She thought for a second before answering properly. "Well... I'm sure my informations are out there. Former Avenger turned villain, was... a threat to humanity once, served my time of redemption and here I am."
"Those are old news." Y/n said. "I'm asking along the lines of, who is Wanda Maximoff. What does she do for fun?"
Wanda tilted her head at his question, tiny smile creeped onto her face. No one... ever really asked her that question before. Wanda took a drink of her fruit punch before answering.
"I..." She cleared her throat, "I enjoy reading in my spare time, I love gardening as you can tell." Y/n listen intently with a soft smile on their face. "I like board games, I have a few collection of those, and... cooking."
She finishes with a smile. "Not the answers you were expecting?"
"Yeah... I honestly expected potions brewing." Wanda bursted out laughing at his response. A genuine hearty laugh. "With cauldrons and everything." He said jokingly, trying to get more amusement out of her.
She's so cute when she laughs.
"Don't tell me you think witches do potions brewing do you?"
"They don't?!" He asked in an exaggerate tone, which amuses Wanda further as she shook her head still with a smile on her face.
She then leaned against the her seat. "Maybe some do."
"Did you also had a wand like Harry Potter?"
The two shared another laugh, and they fell into an easy conversation from there. Wanda learned that Y/n lives with their sister, his parents were retired in Vancouver, Canada. She made a mental note to travel there as it seems like a wonderful place to live. Y/n just recently graduated from University and had planned on moving to New York once they had saved enough money.
Y/n learned that Wanda was also fond of drawing, painting, anything art related. She drew flowers that she grew in her garden mostly, but she occasionally draws a portrait of people. And she was actually pretty good.
Wanda gave him a tour of the house, her kitchen was surprisingly well equipped. Her living room had a 4K flat screen TV. She shyly admits that she enjoys watching movies and shows so she wanted put a little more money on investing in a decent screen. Y/n couldn't judge, they binge watch Netflix all the time too.
The clock soon hits 11 o'clock and Y/n remains the only guest at her party. He felt pity on her, as he could see from all the drinks and food, she really went out of her way only for no one to show up. They would assumed that Wanda felt sad and depressed, but to quite honest, Wanda was so happy that even one person attend her party.
Y/n was kind and polite, they treated Wanda like she was their neighbor instead of some witch. She couldn't be more grateful.
They were playing a game of Jenga when she noticed how late it was. "It's getting late." She told him as he was pulling out a block of wood from the tower with pure concentration, he was even sticking out his tongue.
"Mhmmm... I just need to-" The tower then falls and he groaned in frustration. Wanda laughs at his adorable nature. "You did that on purpose, you just wanted to kick me out!" He jokingly accused her.
"I did not!" She playfully shoved his shoulder. Y/n helped her cleaned up the block of woods before being escorted to the front door by Wanda. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Maximoff. I had a really great time."
"Please, just Wanda." She smiled at him. "And I should be thank you. This is the most fun I've had in a long time."
"So did I." He smiled at her while stepping outside. "If you need anything, I'm just across the road. Don't hesitate to stop by."
"I will, thank you." She smiled sweetly at him. Y/n walked backwards while waving goodbye at her.
"And I want a rematch!" He said before finally turning around to walk back to his house. Wanda laughs saying 'Of course' under her breath and closed the door.
She leaned against the door and let out a happy sighed. I really made a friend!
Smut next chapter homie? 👀
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revivemyreverie ¡ 2 months ago
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Having endured quite the long list of trouble during the school year, Yuukei and Grim have learned to adjust to the magical world of Twisted Wonderland just as a sparkling winter takes hold of Night Raven College. And like a child opening a present, they are surprised one faithful morning by students of Toytoriya— a dorm that follows the childishness of a softhearted sheriff and the creativity he sought for. Invited to the dorm’s annual Festival of Memories, Ramshackle’s problem-solving duo see this as a chance to take a break from the heavy dealings of overblots and helpless students. However, when rumors of a nightmare of looping days begin pouring into reality, Yuukei must race against the clock to stop both time and his new allies’ memories from repeating. Will Ramshackle’s only prefect defeat the lord of this loop, or will he too fall into the clutches of a corrupted nostalgia?
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ SCHEDULE ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
01/02 Saturn SLEEPWEAR Card
-Let’s wish the stars’s favorite rocket a Happy Birthday!
01/06-01/22 Toytoriya Chapters begin release (Toytoriyadorm Tumblr + Ao3)
-Remember those nostalgic days?
01/24 Toytoriya QnA
-With doodles!!!
Creator’s Notes:
Waow!!! Can’t believe they've gone for this long!!!!
To be honest, I am very, very nervous about the release of this. I am not the best writer, far from it actually, but I do hope that my followers enjoy Toytoriya’s story nonetheless. Also forgive me for how long the entire release will take!!! I did not plan to go this far!!! I swear!!!
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no-fate-but-what-we-make ¡ 2 years ago
Behind Closed Doors | Fezco
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Description: you’re with Fezco in bed when Rue shows up and bangs on his door. Set in Euphoria season 1, episode 3
Pairing: Fezco x Female!Reader
A/N: The moment I first saw this scene, I knew I wanted to write something with it, but I never got around to it until now. Gif isn't mine - all credit to the creator. Enjoy xo
Warnings: drug mentions, addiction
- - -
The sound of a fist banging on the door to Fezco’s house shook you out of your nap. “Mm, what is it, Fez?” You asked, still sleepy, stretching and turning over to face him.
“I don’t know.” Fez sighed, pulling you into him for a quick kiss. “Maybe they’ll go away if we wait long enough.”
The incessant banging continued and after a few more seconds, your boyfriend let out an annoyed grunt and shifted to get out of bed. You watched, a lazy smile on your face as he grabbed his shirt from the floor and threw it on. “Be right back.”
You didn’t necessarily try to hear, but the walls in the house could be thin so it wasn’t hard to eavesdrop on conversations. 
“Who is it?” You heard Fezco ask as he walked into the living room. The door squeaked as he opened it, and you could only imagine who was on the other side. One of his clients, no doubt. “Not today, Rue. Sorry.”
Rue. Your chest constricted at hearing the younger girl’s name. You’d seen her around school before you’d graduated, and had met her a couple times since whenever she showed up asking for drugs. From the rumors, her drug habit was one of the worst out of all of Fezco’s clients, and that was seriously saying something.
“C’mon man, don’t be a dick.” The window was open, a fact you hadn’t realized until now, and you could hear the hurt in her strung-out voice.
“Nah, I’m serious. You can’t come in.”
You and Fezco had just been talking about how he wanted to set firmer boundaries with his clients and you knew this was going to be one of the hardest. He saw Rue like a little sister, and always took special care when it came to her - any other girl would be jealous of the relationship, but you saw it for what it was: guilt mixed with some fucked up version of platonic love. When the news broke that Rue had been carted off to rehab after a very nasty OD where she almost died, Fezco had been inconsolable for almost a week. Ashtray had done a majority of the deals that week and you still weren’t sure what he’d told the buyers.
“Look, man, all I- all I need is just a few OCs-”
“Sorry, I can’t help you.”
“Fez? Fez? I’ve had a really fucked up day, alright? It’s been a really really fucked up day, so I need you to open the door for me, okay? Can you open the door, please?” The desperation in her voice had tears pricking the back of your eyes. You knew that tone of voice well, memory taking you back to your dead, alcoholic mother when she’d beg you to go buy booze with the fake she’d had made for you specifically for that purpose. Addiction was a hell of a drug.
“I ain’t gon’ help you kill yourself, Rue.” His silence was deafening. “I’m sorry but you can’t be comin’ over here no more. Just go home.”
“Don’t! Fez, don’t close the-” you heard the click of the door. “Fuck! Fez-” Rue banged her fist against the storm door, “open the fucking door, please? I’m begging you, just open the door.” In a flash, you were off your feet and heading down to the front door. When you got there, all you could see was his back, his forehead resting on the now-closed door. You wasted no time, coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek in-between his shoulder blades as you held him tight. He took a shuddering inhale, bracing himself for Rue’s next words.
“Fez! You’re full of shit, man. You know you make your living off of selling drugs to teenagers, and now all of a sudden you wanna have a fucking moral high ground?! You’re a fucking dropout drug dealer. You know that? You’re a fucking dropout drug dealer with seven functioning fucking brain cells. OPEN THE DOOR! Fuck you! Fuck you Fez okay? Are you doing this because you care about me ? If you gave a shit about me you wouldn’t have sold me the fucking drugs in the first place but you did! You fucking did so open the goddamn door! Open the door!”
During Rue’s rant, Fez had turned around, his eyes meeting yours in one of the most tortured expressions you’d ever seen on his face. You hugged him again, your arms winding around his neck as you let him bury his face in the crook of your neck. 
“I can’t do it-” He whispered against your skin, and you couldn’t fathom how Rue had heard him, but she responded like she had.
“Open the door, open the door, open the door!” The silence was heartbreaking, but you were currently torn between comforting Fez and fighting Rue for what she’d said to him even though you knew it was no use when an addict was like this. “Open the door. You did this to me! You fucking- you did this to me, Fez. You fucking ruined my life. The least you could do is open the goddamn door! I’m so serious I’m so fucking serious. If you don’t open this door right now I swear to god, I will hate you til the day I fucking die.”
“I’m sorry.”
She let out a heart-wrenching wail and smacked her fists against the storm door. “You fucking did this to me! Open the door! Open the door, Fez! C’mon man…”
Wordlessly, you took Fez’s hand and led him back to the bedroom, the sound of Rue banging on the door for far too long until she tired herself out and left.
The two of you had laid in silence and you waited without expectation until he began to speak. “I just…don’t know how to help her, ya know?” Fez murmured, staring up at the ceiling. 
“She’s an addict, Fez. And you’re a dealer. You can’t control what she does and you have to let her fail on her own. It sucks but there’s only so much you can do.”
“I know.” He sighed, turning his head to press a kiss to your temple. “Thank you for being here.” After a while, Fez finally fell asleep in your arms, his breathing finally evening out after an exhausting encounter. You tucked him into bed, curling up into his side as you tried to get some sleep of your own.
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canthelpit0 ¡ 10 months ago
Pairing: bf!Chris sturniolo x Reader
Wordcount: 700
Summary: you talk to your boyfriend about the internet (literally just the song skinny, by Billie Eilish)
Warnings: really short, angst(?), body image, the internet, hurt/comfort (?), direct quotes, idfk
(Litterally wrote this during a 1h car trip, so it’s rlly short. I was listening to the song while writing this. Hope you guys like it tho <3)
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I recently met the triplets in LA. We quickly became friends, but I always felt drawn to Chris the most.
Sure they’re all considerably hot, but there was just something about Chris that made me feel something..
Turns out I wasn’t the only one that felt it, and soon enough Chris confessed to me. Wich meant a lot, considering he has commitment issues, but he was willing to commit… for me?
We dated for a while until I realized,
I fell in love for the first time.
I may only be 20, but those 20 years felt so eternally long. Chris was everything I’d been waiting for all my life, being the hopeless romantic.
I started to go to the gym more often, and eat healthier. Not for any other reason then, I was happy.
I also started to notice that Chris’ Pepsi habits got better, and he started to eat healthier as well.
We were talking one day, both of us sitting on opposite sides of Chris’ bed.
“People say I look happy, just because I got skinny.” I sigh.
The only reason why I look happier is because I have a working healthy relationship, because I’m in love. Not because my body changed.
Chris tilts his head to the side his eyes slightly furrowed as if asking me if I’m serious.
But the ‘old’ me was still me. Maybe even the real me, my actual personality when I’m on my own, And I think she is pretty.
I never really had body image issues. I never struggled with eating.
I got famous pretty young, like 17 or so. And back then I was a kid, of corse I liked to eat. I wasn’t even that big really. I was just a kid, I didn’t care about it too much.
I’m not magically happier than I was before. I still cry.
“People say I’m acting my age now.” I sigh. “Am I already on the way out, am I ‘falling off’?”
Chris tilts his head not saying anything just trying to process my words. As if my words are outlandish to him.
“I feel like a bird in a cage, you know. With all these expectations and rumors.” I sigh softly. All these things have been bugging me for a while.
“I’m sorry.” He looks at me with not pitty but understanding. “You were my secret,” when we started dating we hadn’t told the internet. “- and I didn’t get to keep it”
But like couples do we would go out on dates. With both of us being touchy people, PDA was big. But a random fan took a picture of us kissing and it spread like wildfire.
I sigh heavily at the memories. How betrayed I had felt by those so called fans looking into my business.
“The internet is hungry for the meanest kind of funny, and somebody’s gotta feed it.” I purse my lips closing my eyes briefly.
“I suppose that’s true” Chris breaths out his eyes locked on mine.
“People really think suddenly all my problems are gone and I’m all happy, not because I’m in a healthy and stable relationship but because i got skinny.” I huff working myself up, and getting angrier and angrier at something that seems like nothing.
“Do you still cry?” I ask rhetorically, my previous breathy and small voice now loud and clear. “I mean I do.” I reply to my own question.
I look at my boyfriend and the way he looks back at me with such understanding.
We look at each other in silence. “I love you. And I’ve loved you for so long. And that’s not going to change.”
Chris says firmly a small gentle smile forming on his lips. Chris opens his arms waiting for me to come to him.
I’m not upset per se, it’s just annoying seeing people comment on my body and happiness and whatnot. It’s none of their business.
I’m a content creator. I didn’t ask for them to criticize me.
I sit up shuffling over to Chris. I let myself fall into his embrace.
But in Chris’, the love of my life’s arms, like this, it doesn’t matter anyway.
A/N: hope you guys like this style of writing. If h goys want to be on the taglist comment. Asks & requests are open 💕
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo , @slut4chriss , @mattsturniololoverr , @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n , @st7rnioioss , @t1llysblogs , @nonat-111 , @blahbel668 , @rockstarchr1s , @sturnsintrouble , @nayveetbhh , @tillies33ssss , @sturncakez , @strnilo , @somegirlfromasgard , @mattslovelygf , @sturnsmaeve , @sturnstvr , @lucianastrun , @jnkvivi , @jamiesturniolo , @chr1sgirl4life , @h3arts4harry , @whosthislyssbitch , @jamiesturniolo , @sturniololover-09 , @zayyluvz , @sturnzsblog
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petermj-week ¡ 8 months ago
2024 Masterlist
Thank you to all the creators for another wonderful year celebrating Peter and MJ! Don’t forget to like, reblog, kudos and comment the works that you enjoyed!
Day 1: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Tragedy
how did it end by @goldingwrites
Angst by @edgepunk
wilder and lighter (for you) by @abcd-em
still a flicker of hope that you first gave me by @peter-covinskys
loops and circles by @missamyshay
off I go by @seek--rest
Day 2: Famous!MJ | Teacher!PeterMJ
teacher!peter by @edgepunk
I promise to be there by @peter-covinskys
golden by @abcd-em
famous!mj and teacher!peter by @iovewords
all the rumors are true by @goldingwrites
MJ-log: New York State of Mind by nickyb
Day 3: Friends with Benefits | Fake Dating
friends with benefits by @edgepunk
late night talking by @goldingwrites
I know better than to call you mine by @peter-covinskys
like a moonbeam by @missamyshay
Reach and Impressions. by @abcd-em
point of view by @seek--rest
Day 4: Break Up/Make Up | Second Chances
Break Up/Make Up by @edgepunk
then you were gonna come find me by @goldingwrites
let’s go back to the start by @peter-covinskys
this lullaby by @weezly14
can’t make any promises now by @abcd-em
Day 5: Established Relationship | Domestic Bliss | Parent!PeterMJ
Established Relationship / Domestic Bliss by @edgepunk
parent!PeterMJ by @missamyshay
I swear that I’ll be around for you by @peter-covinskys
you got (all my love) by @abcd-em and @weezly14
golden hour by @goldingwrites
Day 6: Childhood Friends | Growing Up Together
childhood friends by @edgepunk
forever was a sentence by @abcd-em
you always remind me that memories last by @peter-covinskys
killing time by @the--journeys
Day 7: Free Day
free day by @edgepunk
we worked and built this on our own by @peter-covinskys
everything by @ravagedarkness
Run This City by @abcd-em @missamyshay @the--journeys @seek--rest and @weezly14
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berriblossom ¡ 4 months ago
Sorry I can't find your rules for ask I looked at the pinned post but all it said was that asks are open and that kids should not interact (im 22 btw) anyway if you're cool with it can I request a yandere sagau where yandere furina is saved by reader (who hides their creator status from the world) and when she's near the reader she feels all of her pain wash away (like reader has a calming aura which makes people feel safe) anyway when reader leaves all of the pain returns which causes furina to grow a yandere obsession with the reader and gets the raeder accused of some crime so that she can keep the reader with her so only she will have the reader (also you can make the reader any gender you want also if you're comfortable with it do you think the reader might develop a short of Stockholm syndrome?)
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Before the prophecy was declared "false" Furina placed her hopes deep into the great divine, so much so it was rumored that she'd end every Opera performance with a small prayer to such of a diety, however near the end of a perfomance, more specifically Lyneys murder trial, Furina spiraled.
For such a perfectionist in her art form, Furina could feel the grip she had on her mind slip to a point she couldn't even try to make right of the trial.
"Was she wrong? What does the public think? How would Neuvillette make right of this? How could a goddess of justice be wrong in her prosecution? What else could I do wrong, what else can I keep onto? What am I doing wrong, am i-"
Furina sat alone on a bench in the quiet streets of Fontaine, her eyes hollow of life as she stared at the famous fountain outside the elevator and Aquabus station entrance. All memories of every embarrassment and failure conjure in her mind. As the street lights flickered awake, a figure sat next to her.
The waves of depression swallowing over her form calm, the sounds and voices come to a whisper and suddenly stop, and the dark and cold water stays still. Furina's eyes come back into focus as she looks at who sat beside her, where this mere force of calm comes from.
Furina's eyes narrow at the person, who has a strange yet familiar appearance. A warm smile appears on their lips as they offer her a small golden candy from their palm. Nothing is said at all. Furina takes the candy and sits in silence. By the rise of the moon, she feels at peace.
These occurrences don't happen as suddenly as they should. Many times, Furina wished they did, but you only appear suddenly, whether at a cafe, on a bench outside the Palais ammonia, or outside the balcony of her apartment. Sometimes, she wishes you'd speak to her or even try to make known your intentions. However, she feels she knows better than to ask.
Days after the meeting with the Knave, who Furina shivered at the image of, she had to be escorted everywhere by a guard, whether Clorinde or a member of the Marecheuse Phantom, random attacks against Furina's image increased, and even Neuvillette was worried for her well-being.
Entering the public is a now daunting task to remain in good light of the people in politics, to make the other members of the court, high and low to see how "responsible" their dear archon is. To see if she could handle the crisis Fontaine was in. News spread after the outbreak of primordial sea water inside the Fortress of Meropide.
Furina walked outside the Palais Mermonia. She looked out at the grey sky and took a deep sigh. Her mind scanning the busy streets, she took calm but vaguely confident steps onto the pavement, her heels clicking against the ground as she walked out for the stores., as she walked past fruit stalls, selling fruits, vegetables, and new fresh flowers, despite the rainy day as she takes small interest in anything, even the small droplets of rain falling against the umbrella of the stan. She could feel dozens of eyes on her, not an unusual occasion. When your fontaines biggest star, you're used to many watching your every move. Even a glance to learn about her would suffice.
However, a particular man, specifically one who looked a little too closenfor comfort, was watching her. He stood under a post with an umbrella and newspaper with the wrong date. She didn't panic well physically, but mentally, she was reeling. She shook her head at the stock of rainbow roses and walked away briskly. Rain followed as she fumbled with her umbrella to get it open.
As she walked, the streets were busy despite the rain. She waved to some locals, actors, and journalists while winding down the path to escape her pursuer. Who followed not to be closely behind, occasionally standing to look at stalls or pretend to watch the crowd. Furina walks past the ramp towards Chioria boutique.
As she walked, she heard the hurried footsteps behind her, and she walked quicker.
He followed, almost stomping as he jogged behind.
Her heels clicked faster, and she was sprinting, running past unfamiliar faces.
The man chased, Furina bolts down the rampway, as she is casuing a scene, gordes, mekas, and people crowd around to see what is going on?
Is that lady Furina? Why is she running? Is it a show? Is she acting? Oh! Is this a new sequeal to her play last year?!
Furina panicked at the voices, all coming back, he feet carrying her somehwere she didn't know yet.
Ironic, a common theme of her life thus far.
She ran before running past an alley and felt a knowing feeling, warmth.
Furina scurried towards the alleyway and saw the familar face she had seen for ages at a time, but jow she sees it fully.
A divine presence.
You were petting a small kitten and looked up, pushing a finger to your small, smiled lips, nodding. The man following Furina stops outside the alleway but huffs when seeing nothing. He turns away. You nodded and continued petting the kitten.
Furina for never doubtful decided.
This feeling is something she can never get bored of. Never be tired of, never wanting to be rid of. She needed it in her presence and life.
As she is watching you hum and pet the kitten, a golden glow emitting off your features, almost like a halo effect, Furina whispered into her mind.
More.....I want more...
That moment, the alleyway-enlightenment as she would proudly proclaim was when she knew. She needed you to herself. For days after this experience, nights, she stayed awake. She rationalized.
No one can hear of this. It could bring harm to you, to the functions of the world, your nature, your power that she had no idea existed or even worked. She couldn't tell Neuvillette if he knew you'd be put away for safety and probably tested by the institution. Not to mention, she found you, and you made your presence known to her...willingly.
It had to be a sign then. For this was for your safety. She knew that having your around 24/7 could help her image, a divine deity with a warming embrace...perfect for the hydro archon... a beacon of life and a god of justice.
So she put the plan into motion. A month after her enlightening, she went into a frenzy, reading logs, articles, journalist papers, and reports on cases for this.
By the end of the month, she had all she needed.
Furina was quick with her proclaim, the audience sat in shock.
Who dare attack the hydro archon? Stalk her? Even try to force her into the rumors of her divinity.? How dare they!
Oh, so beloved by her nation, the skeptics, dramatics, and lovers of a good Opera visit. Sat in shock, this random person, with no record of existence in Fontaine, dares such?
You sat in silence, the bench was cold, the prosecution being Furina herself, you stared at her, compassion and empathy brimming at your eyes as she went on with the case. Arguing to your silence.
Neuvillette watched and multiple times stepped in to offer you an argument, only for you to plead guilty before the end of the trial. The Oratrice Mechanique D'Nalise Cardinal answered in truth.
You were guilty.
Even if no crime was committed, you wallowed in guilt. You felt pity and guilt for her. Maybe she was desperate for a drop of divinity, true divinity. Maybe she feared you or was thinking for her nation. However, it was plain to see.
The Oratrice read guilt somewhere.
You were moved to a "special" cell in the countryside of Fontaine, authorized by the Fortress and Furina with the Opera house. It was like a mock kitchen from a play in the Opera. Old books and playwrites sat everywhere as entertainment. The kitten from before slept on the windowsill but could never go out, nor could you.
Days you'd sit alone and sit in meditation. Some days, Furina would sit with you, never speaking. Others, you'd be alone again.
Some days, you can feel her shame, her compulsive actions speaking, others its delusion and denial.
Finally you figured it out.
This poor cursed human was coping with your existence, her cries at night when she rested with you, even while you lay awake, the nightmares shed have. It was truly pitiful. Your heart beated 2x mkre for your dear creations, so seeing one so special, suffer in so many ways, it hurt your heart.
So when she asked for a melody to hum, you hum. When she returns back from a day of performances, you clap and cheer for her when she talks about her dreams and nightmares. You no longer sit still but now comfort her.
In this reality, she gets the drop of divinity, not godhood, but rather your love and care. Something truly beyond anything Furina could dream of.
Whether you felt like it or not.
-> EDIT: took so long and lost steam halfway, not the worse. But thanks again for the request. I'm sorry for the wait, everyone!
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axkirak ¡ 7 months ago
The Curse of Cassandra [EP : IV]
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Read in Ao3 : here
Pairings:  Qimir x f!reader(SEA Reader)  [The Acolyte]
Content Rating : Mature 18+  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warning (AT YOUR OWN RISK)
tags/themes : Alternate Universe - Dune & Star wars, Partners in Crime, Strangers to Lovers
Summary: Even though you saw a chance to escape, you face an inner conflict between desire for freedom and a growing attachment to Qimir. You’re unsure whether you want to flee or stay by his side.
Status: finished writing this fic! (It will end in Episode 14)
A/N : beware! This dude is a mastermind manipulator (and he's also fucking hot when he does this)
➡  Intro // EP : 1 // EP : 2 // EP : 3 // EP : 5 // EP : 6 // EP : 7 // EP : 8 // EP : 9 // EP : 10 // EP : 11 // EP : 12 // EP : 13 // EP : 14 (Completed)
Special OS : Phantom Thread // My mother is my enemy
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[Episodes 4] Seek freedom and become captive of your desires.
A storm was raging across the surface of an unfamiliar planet, and through the small viewport, nothing was visible except for the relentless sheets of rain and the murky, gray sky. All other sounds were drowned out by the deafening roar of raindrops striking the roof. The air was thick with the damp scent of rain, but it couldn’t mask the overpowering stench of blood that lingered stronger still.
You closed your eyes, taking a long, measured breath, trying to calm your turbulent mind. You had known this was inevitable, yet the guilt burning in your chest hadn't diminished at all.
Your mind drifted back to your memories. Three days ago, you had begun using your prescient visions once more, searching for the future that lay ahead. It was then that you saw one path in destiny—a crucial opportunity to escape Qimir. The likelihood of success was a staggering hundred percent. As long as events unfolded along this path with no missteps, freedom would be yours, true and unshackled, severing all ties with him and every other bounty hunter who might come after you.
However, the price for your freedom was steep, paid with the blood of others.
And that price had already been exacted—on Qimir, with you as the cause.
That was the story you had seen in your vision. Like the butterfly effect, it all began with a small rumor that spread like wildfire among the bounty hunters—a whisper passed from one to another, ear to ear, that Qimir was in possession of a woman with a high bounty on her head, and they were now wandering across the galaxy together.
These rumors fueled the greed of many, and eventually, a group of daring bandits concocted a sinister plan. The plan was brutally simple: kill Qimir, capture the woman, and claim the bounty for themselves.
Your prophetic vision had laid it all bare for you. They would attempt to assassinate Qimir on a day when a heavy storm raged on a remote planet far beyond the reach of the Republic's watchful eye. Everything was perfectly set for murder and evidence concealment, ensuring that no lawkeeper would trace the deed back to them.
But what those criminals hadn't considered was that Qimir was no easy prey.
You had faced off against Qimir multiple times. You knew him thoroughly, unquestionably in his skill, and the future vision confirmed this. Even though he would be surrounded by over a dozen armed men, Qimir was still formidable enough to defeat them all—and ruthless enough to kill every one of them, leaving no one alive to tell others about you.
You already knew he wouldn't die, but this fight would severely injure him, paving the way for your escape. Qimir would have no chance of catching up with you, and if you managed to escape successfully, he would never find you again. The thread of fate binding you two together would end there.
You knew this was the only chance you'd been waiting for. The chance to break free from him. as you've always wanted.
So, you chose not to warn Qimir, even though you knew exactly what he would face.
You didn't care who got hurt or died. You fully embraced the truth that you were not a good person because this universe had no place for good people. To survive, one had to learn to be selfish and heartless. This was how you were raised, and there was no changing that.
All you have to do is wait. Let fate play out as you've foreseen it. Don't interfere; don't alter the course. Then, when Qimir is gravely injured, you'll leave him here, steal his ship, and escape to another planet. That would be the end of all this chaos—no more being hunted, no more death, and no more Sith haunting your dreams.
Everything seemed so easy in your mind. But when the moment arrived, you found yourself hesitating.
Your clear blue eyes gazed down at the large figure lying on the floor. Qimir's face was growing paler by the moment. His eyes closed in unconsciousness. His body was riddled with wounds, and his clothes were soaked with blood that had darkened to a deep crimson. At a glance, it was hard to tell if he was even breathing, but deep down, you knew he wasn't going to die—not today.
And yet, the sight of him had a greater impact on you than you'd expected.
You clenched your fists so tightly that your nails dug into your palms, the pain sinking deep into your thoughts. A voice from your conscience whispered accusations, telling you this was all your fault. You might not have wielded the knife against him, but you allowed this to happen. You were part of what led him to this fate.
You quickly shook your head, trying to banish the nagging thoughts. You had no reason to feel guilty about Qimir. He was a bounty hunter, after all. He had captured you and imprisoned you, all for the sake of a reward. He was just as selfish as you. You don't need to care about him at all.
You tried—really tried—to convince yourself of that. You tried to force yourself to walk away while you still had the chance.
But in the end, you found yourself right back where you started. Back where Qimir's body lay unconscious, injured, and vulnerable, as if he could die at any moment.
“Damn it!” You curse under your breath, frustration gnawing at you as you kneel down, gathering all your strength to lift him off the ground, not caring that his blood is staining you all over.
You pulled his arm over your shoulder, struggling greatly as Qimir was much bigger than you. But you were determined to drag him through the rain and onto the ship as quickly as possible before anyone else stumbled upon you and the bodies of the criminals.
You knew you were getting yourself into trouble. You knew that well.
But this time, to hell with fate.
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“How long am I unconscious?”
Qimir’s question makes you frown, your eyes drifting for a moment in thought. “About a week, I guess. I didn’t count.” You shake your head before focusing on examining the large wound on his abdomen again. “Don’t move. Do you want to tear your wound open again?” you scold him firmly, pushing gently against his chest as he attempts to sit up suddenly.
Qimir complies, though he feels somewhat bored. It has been three days since he regained consciousness, but he remains confined to the hard bed of his ship, with you attending to his every need—cooking for him, applying medicine, and wiping him down. You do all this without a single complaint.
In truth, the wound is minor for him. He could heal himself completely right now if he wants to, but he doesn’t want to draw any unwanted attention from you. Moreover, deep down, he enjoys your care and attention. With this thought, enduring another few days of lying still isn’t so bad.
Qimir watches as you move closer, close enough that he can smell the faint scent of sandalwood from you. It is a strangely calming scent. You place your hand on his abdomen, near his wound, your fingers carefully tracking along the shape of his muscles. Your face looks worried as you look up at him. “Does it still hurt?”
Not at all, he thinks, but chooses to answer the opposite. “It hurts.”
You lower your eyes, trying to ignore Qimir’s gaze that has been fixed on you constantly since he fully regained consciousness. You reach for the Bacta spray, telling him, “Just bear with the pain for a bit, okay?” Then you spray the healing substance on his wound. The blue liquid covers all the damaged areas on his skin, rapidly regenerating new flesh.
The bacta healing process is quite painful for a large wound like this. However, Qimir’s expression doesn’t change one bit.
After finishing dressing the wound, you are about to move away, but Qimir grabs your arm, holding you in place.
“Why did you save me?”
You hesitate, taken aback. Even though you knew he would eventually ask this question, you are momentarily speechless.
You had previously tried to come up with a hundred reasons to answer this question for yourself, but no matter how much you pondered, none of the answers seemed entirely correct.
Even now, you still don’t understand yourself. Why?
Why are you still standing here? Why haven’t you just left him?
“I don’t know,” you say honestly, pretending to busy yourself with putting the medical supplies back into the box, avoiding his gaze. “I just didn’t want to see you like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like...” You close your eyes, and even with your eyes closed, you can still feel Qimir’s intense gaze. This time, it holds more than just curiosity. There is something in his eyes that makes your heart waver and tremble. “I didn’t want to see you hurt,” you say, opening your eyes, but you still don’t turn to face him.
Qimir notices your nervousness, which you can’t hide. He can tell you are speaking the truth, not lying.
He chuckles at your reaction before playfully tugging at your hand, pulling you closer until you are almost breathing on each other’s necks. You stiffen, your face flushing lightly, but you don’t pull away or push him off.
“You are worried about me?” His voice is low but not threatening. On the contrary, you think it sounds oddly seductive.
You bite your lip hard, refusing to answer his question. You’d rather die than admit you are worried about him because you know that if you do, he’ll start to get cocky. You don’t want to boost his already towering ego any further.
Qimir seems unwilling to give up his intentions. He raises his hand to cup your face, gently forcing you to look at him again. As your eyes lock with his, your breath quickens involuntarily. It is the first time you are this close to someone, so close that you can feel the warmth radiating from his body and see all the details you have only observed from afar before—his collarbones, his sharp jawline, and his eyes...
You notice that Qimir’s eyes are pitch black, devoid of any other color, as if nothing exists within them but an empty darkness.
Strangely, you think Qimir makes that black color look captivating.
Your heart pounds erratically as he leans in closer, his nose almost touching yours. For a moment, you think he might kiss you, but instead, Qimir simply tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.
“You know, you don’t have to hide yourself when you’re with me,” Qimir whispers, his fingers tracing your cheek slowly. The warmth of his touch lingers long after he has pulled away.
You blink, momentarily lost in a trance. As reality rushes back, you step back as if you have touched something scalding. Without a word, you quickly make your way out of his room, almost running in your haste.
Yet, even then, you can still feel Qimir’s dark eyes following your every move, watching you until you vanish from sight.
Swallowing hard, you place your hands over your chest, hoping to calm your racing heart. With each passing day, it becomes more apparent that Qimir’s presence is disturbing your thoughts and emotions deeply. The only solution seems to be distancing yourself from him before things go too far.
But it is impossible for you to stay away from him. No matter where you go, his presence, his scent, his gaze, and his voice always manage to find you.
And you know well that, deep down, you don’t want to leave him either.
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adhd-fandom-hyperfocus ¡ 15 days ago
✧₊⁺ Remember ✧₊⁺
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Pairing: Raserei (Primarch oc) x Reader
Summary: To stop the freed Primarch of the 2nd legion from suicide missions and to maybe clear the dark malaise that plagues him, Guilliman assigns a personal remembrance to his brother. However, most of the Imperium at large have not seen the rumored fiend primarch of the 2nd.
Part 1/?
Arthur's Note: I am terrible at keeping POV when writing in the third person and try to do omniscient, but again I am no real writer.
Warnings: general gimdarkness.
18+ Minors DNI
★。------ \|/------。★
Raserei struggled to find a place in the world he had woken to. Every trace of his homeworld was gone, not a single missive or breath of his people ever existing, his legion slain or absorbed into other legions. Though with careful mindfulness their gene-seed died out; his gene-seed. Even his false sons were robbed of him. A primarch of nothing, a specter to nothing in particular. A failed project not cared for enough to properly discard of.
Heavy, dark thoughts swirled in his head, threatening to allow little fissures into his mind; his fabricated soul and let the whispers of those who sow ruin in. It was that which moved his hand over the parchment. This need to push back the side of him he hid from Guilliman, hid even from The Emperor; at least he believed so. Perhaps his creator always knew there was a tinge of black in his soul. Something hollow always looking for something to fill it. A beast that lurks just below the skin that is stretched too thin.
The pen moved with grace as he tried to put memory to it. Planes of their faces. He had to remember because everything was getting foggy; had been foggy since he awoke. Weren't their minds supposed to be perfect? So why was his fading? Why couldn't he fully remember their faces anymore?
A knock at the door to his chambers stilled his hand. Though the pacing of the knocks were calm; they were too heavy for one of the baseline serfs, and too out of sync to be one of Guilliman's sons. Raserei felt the corners of his lips twitch. He wondered if Roboute knew his knock sounded more human than his sons? How inhuman they really were at times.
"Enter," Raserei said, moving his project inside one of his desk drawers.
The Fiend Primarch of the second held a callous stare as Guilliman entered his quarters. While their relationship has grown, there is still much tension between the two demigods. The reasons for Raserei's erasure from history and memory caused great strain between the brothers. As Guilliman's memory of the events was murky, clearly a sign his mind had been tampered with. But that did not mean he trusted the man's recollection before him.
As Guilliman entered the room he stood to the side revealing you to the daemon-looking primarch.
Raserei craned a brow before returning his attention to Guilliman, "I will assume there is a reason why you are disturbing me?"
Guilliman nodded, "I know," Guilliman paused ever so briefly, knowing the weight of what he was about to say. How hypocritical it would sound to his lost brother, "All of your past deeds have been stricken from Imperial record. That things are not what they seem, or perhaps how I remember...But I wish to try and amend this. I present you with your own Remembrancer. They were not formed yet in the early days of the Crusade, but they have become quite beneficial in recording events and people of the Imperium's histories. A good number of us had them before..."
Raserei held a massive clawed hand up to quiet his brother, "I have heard of this order. However, I was under the impression they were all on Terra, merely writing history and not living it. And why would I need one?"
His brother frowned deeply, "I cannot replace what was lost, but I hope to keep and save what happens forth. Perhaps you could tell her about what was lost?" the last part Guilliman said quietly.
The lord of the 2nd didn't speak, nor move his gaze from his brother. Finally, he spoke, "No."
Raserei's tone was deadpan, and upon delivering his answer the monstrous man seemed to go about ignoring the pair in his presence, as if the matter was handled.
"No? I am not giving you a choice in this," Guilliman's voice was firm. He did not wish to start an argument, nor to explain that this was a ploy to get his brother to stop flinging himself against the enemy so wantonly. The Avenging Son knew what a death wish looked like, and Raserei screamed it silently, "I am assigning them to you. The Imperium has fallen in it's ability to account for things, and this is my way of making sure such details and events are properly recorded."
Raserei glared at his brother, but as soon as he went to speak Guilliman was already guiding you in and making his exit.
You were told it was a great honor, but you knew it was punishment. Honor would be following the Regent Lord, one of his champions or even the Primarch Lion or Dante. No, being sent to be a personal remembrancer for the possibly heretical primarch of the 2nd was unspoken cruelty by those above you who were angered by you daring to point out their errors.
Though, when Guilliman himself told you he saw this as a great chance to make amends for something he never elaborated on, it did make you feel somewhat better. After all you got to meet The Avenging Son yourself! Stand in his presence, and it was him who asked for this. So perhaps this was in it's way a blessing from the Emperor!
As you followed him through the halls of the ship, to where his brother and his men stayed, the primarch of the second explained how the 2nd Legion was small in number and not ready to man a ship of their own, yet. So you will have the honor and glory of accounting for their reformation and rise to greatness.
But when you stopped at a door, your heart pounded. No one had seen this lost primarch before, only rumors spread through the Imperium. How, the God-Emperor's chosen almost censured Guilliman for him being released. Everything was shrouded in mystery and darkness regarding this primarch's return.
Guilliman cleared his throat and stood aside, leaving you in the unforgiving stare of a creature nothing short of a daemon. Your chest tightened and your lungs refused to fill with air. His gaze was crushing. The inhumanness of his nature was more oppressive than the Lord Regent. You try to bow, but your knees buckle as your legs wobble.
Meeting the Lord Regent left you awe-struck, but seeing the man, no creature before you made you fearful. Was this why this primarch was stricken from all histories? All records? A daemon among the God-Emperor's sons?
The hold of his gaze released you as he refocused on Guilliman. The exchange was brief and you were soon being ushered into the room to be alone with a clearly disgruntled primarch. Your ears burned hot with fear. You couldn't move or speak. His gaze fixated on you. There was something in that pale eye of his that held you in place. Like it was searching, rending your soul bare. It was like death was looking at you and judging if you were to be reaped. A look of the grave. Cold and still.
"I do not know who you angered to be sent to me, but do not stand there like a scared animal," he smirked at you, "You have nothing to fear, I already ate."
And then there was crushing darkness.
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4drianaaaa ¡ 8 hours ago
can u make a hamzah x reader where they’ve been together since like high school? Reader was with hamzah during freakshow but just never revealed her identity cuz she’s kinda shy abt it and her and hamzah just keep it private online but one day during the pod hamzah slips up abt something to do with her and him and Martin forget to edit it out and the fans figure out he has a gf? 😭
"Keep us a secret..." | Hamzahthefantastic
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fem reader + sfw! wrd counter: 1.5k
It was the summer after graduating when you were able to finally hang out with your boyfriend Hamzah. You both grew really close together and he ended up asking you out one random morning on a Friday with a small cute teddy bear and your favorite drink - any energy drink ever.
After all those years you two were glued to each other like crazy. Hamzah ended up taking the streamer/entertainer thing more seriously after a crazy pay check. You on the other hand went to college studying what ever you were studying.
When quarantine happened, it was the worse for him. Ever since you both started dating he's always been clingy. He loved when you were around him. Just your presence gave him an awe. He loved when you would be all over him although he hated to admit it. And so did you. Because the two of you were inseparable.
He began a small streaming idea with some of his friends which gained him hundreds of fans. Although during this time there was so many rumors about his dating life that had to do with members in the small streaming culture and even outside of the group due to him having a lot of girl products in the background, especially during his streams.
Because of this he wanted to take his content creator lifestyle more seriously. He decided to move to Toronto, Canada. Where he also invited you to share a small apartment with him. The relationship was so true you couldn't say no.
Now, you both live under the same roof with two small cats, red and blue. He loved the fact that he was living the life he is with you.
Although there was always, always, speculations about Hamzah being in a relationship It was never you that was targeted which made Hamzah very nonchalant to the constant rumors that surrounded his love life.
He loved the fact that he was able to get home to see you and his two favorite cats in the whole world. He loved waking up every morning seeing you by his side. He also loved the way he was able to have you all to him self. He loved moments like that, he's always dreamed of them especially with you.
Memories with you were engraved deep into his mind. It was the little things he can never forget.
You, Martin, Hamzah, Mandy, and Freddie have all grown very close together. You all liked to spend time in the office thinking of ideas as well as the other people working in the office. This was also because Hamzah always begged you to come with him.
You and Hamzah were in the office by your self's waiting for Martin to arrive. You laid on the couch of the podcast as you saw Hamzah walking towards you with a small digi-cam. You turn and hear a click with a flash as you sat up.
"What was that!" You said clicking your phone off as he plopped beside you showing you pictures he's taken around the office, "Just things to keep around here" he smiled as he pushed his glasses back going through the very random pictures. You looked up at him as he seemed very intrigued to the camera. You hated to admit it but you loved his blonde hair. You noticed the small dark roots pop out which only made you more excited about what it would look like fully grown out. As well as his Glasses. His nose complimented them so well.
"I'm a big fan of this combo here" you said as your finger traced the side of his glasses, He looked up at you with the smallest cheesy smirk he always does. "You like it?" he said cheekily as you nodded, "I love it" you said in a more teasingly voice. His cheeks a faint pink as his hand met the outside of your thigh, "Yeahhh?" he hummed as his lips met yours. You giggled due to him towering on top of you. His hands met all over your waist until you both heard the door shutting.
Your lips parted from each other suddenly as you got up from the couch knowing it was Martin.
"We'll continue this later." Hamzah winked as you rolled your eyes jokingly pushing him off you as you made your way to a seat behind the camera.
"Hey guyss!" Martin wiggled his fingers in the air as he set his laptop down and his backpack. They both set up for the pod as you were practically controlling the camera. Because the fact you were here almost everyday, you slowly were taught how to use their equipment. You were able to record properly, sort of fix technical issues, and open software's to edit.
"Alright babe, ready?" Hamzah asked as he sat beside Martin. You threw your thumbs up as he nodded.
"Hello? Is this thing on?" Hamzah said into the Microphone as he jokingly snorted pushing his glasses up as Martin laughed at his reference.
You laughed behind the camera.
"Dude have they seen you in this Combo here on the pod?" Martin questioned as he pointed out Hamzah's glasses. "No actually they haven't." He looked at the Camera as he noticed your smile.
"Actually I think I was posted up in this exact outfit on Valentines Day!" He laughed as Martin scoffed, "Ah hell nahhh..." he backed up a bit from Hamzah. "Honestly to be fair it actually doesn't look bad. With and without the glasses It suits you man- the blonde." Martin explained as Hamzah nodded. "It's always a little experiment I've been wanting to do. I was just super bored one day." He spoke into the mic, "Actually not even like an Hour ago y/n said she likes what's going on here" he said circling around his face with his finger as he raised his eyebrows.
"Yeah it's not to bad at all" Martin added into the topic as Hamzah rambled about how it was something you were gonna hate.
"And guess what, she ended up LOVING it" He explained as Martin nodded. "Yeah Honestly Mandy didn't really care, plus we told her like months before so yeah.". Cluelessly they name dropped like crazy. It was like if you weren't even there or as if the Camera wasn't even recording.
"And that is it slushies. Make sure to go subscribe to us AND the patreons to have full access to the documentaries and Hamzah's exclusive podcast only on patreon! Okay byee!" Martin and Hamzah both waved at the Camera.
You all decided to order food and chill out in the office. You were sitting on the chair beside Hamzah of course and you skipped through the middle of the episode after they were done name dropping. "I'll finish if you want y/n, I'll continue at home." Martin offered editing the rest of the podcast as you agreed too.
It was as a couple hours later after releasing the new episode of the podcast. You woke up to a bunch of notifications on Hamzah's phone. You sat up from the cozy bed as he was still sound asleep. You reached for his phone and unlocked it, You saw the most jaw dropping message ever.
Martin: They know about Y/n...
Your heart dropped to your feet as you read the message. You didn't wanna wake up your peacefully sleeping boyfriend but it was something he was scared about revealing too.
"Babe! Wake up!" you shook him as he groaned in response as he slightly opened his eyes. You pressed on the messages as he read it with his eyes barely opened. After reading the message his eyes widened like crazy. He quickly got up as he grabbed the phone from you texting Martin back urgently.
"Did I do something?" you said lowly as he placed his hand on your lower back, "No of course not princess, It was Martin or one of our editors...I dunno'". He said calling Martin. He opened his socials to see your Instagram everywhere. He expected this day to come eventually and he was obviously planning on revealing you to his fans but this was the most unplanned way.
You looked over at Hamzah who seemed stress every time his finger swiped down on his phone. He placed his phone down as he took a deep breath.
"Well, I guess your free from being anonymous!" He said in a defeated tone as you looked at him un-amused. "Look I'm sorry if it was too quick baby I'm really sorry." He grabbed your hand as he kissed your hands. "It's okay I just can't believe it!" you said in shock as you felt naked in a way. Later on a ton of people's speculation and rumors became true. Obviously not specifically you but the 'dating since high school' thing was definitely a score in a bunch of people. Since then, you've finally had the liberty to be able to make cute videos with Hamzah, appear in videos, and even be in Mandy's vlogs. It definitely was a relief at the end of the day.
I hope you guys enjoy! Lowk confident abt this one ;)
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titanomancy ¡ 29 days ago
Some additional thoughts regarding the recently announced Astartes 2.
I don't pretend to have any particular inside knowledge of the situation between Games Workshop and the various creators that they've tangled with over the years. A lot of people have a lot of thoughts about the fanpocalypse of 2021 which resulted in SODAZ's disavowal of Warhammer and the spectacle Bruva Alfabusa made of ending Text-to-Speech, among others.
But on the flip side, you have creators like Richard Boylan that successfully parlayed a YouTube video into the Warhammer+ Angels of Death series; and despite memory holing the Lord Inquisitor, Erasmus Brosdau went on to direct the Enemy Without.
So it's not entirely beyond the ken that there's a wholly anodyne explanation for why, after five years, Games Workshop is finally returning to Astartes, and any rumor of acrimony between the company and their creatives is just a pernicious libel like the Warhammer/WarCraft connection.
I had previously believed - and, if I'm being entirely honest, still do - that there must have been some sort of creative disagreement between Games Workshop and Pedersen regarding the direction that Astartes should take, given the alacrity with which Boylan's project was produced while Pedersen's languished, even if it was something as simple as reticence to revamp the project to showcase Primaris Space Marines instead of the classic style.
As I observed at the time, Astartes was the single best piece of Space Marine media of the last thirty years and precious little has come out since that can hold a candle to it. I don't hold any of the subsequent Warhammer+ series to date in particularly high regard - bully for Boylan, but Angels of Death bored me to tears; Iron Within had all the cinematic spectacle of a Playstation 2 cutscene; and Pariah Nexus could charitably be described as unfocused, or uncharitably as a hot mess. I've been so thoroughly underwhelmed by what's on offer, I skipped the Tithe entirely and I have no comment on anything it depicted so don't at me.
But, here's the thing that really has me concerned, and to which I alluded in my earlier post:
This teaser trailer is not actually clips from the new animation, instead showing a compilation of shots that represent the former lives of the characters that will appear in the show.
While there is some footage that may not have previously been released, I'm extremely confident that almost everything seen in the trailer is taken from the original development of Astartes 2 before Games Workshop got involved, and the project has been on ice ever since. Some clips like the orks dogpiling the Lamenter have previously escaped from behind the Patreon paywall and at this point, I'm reasonably certain that most of it can be found as reuploads on YouTube.
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The best case scenario, and my hope for the series, is that Pedersen's Digital Bones brand/studio/Patreon campaign is basically the licensee for Astartes and is granted sufficient autonomy to produce a product that's faithful to his creative vision for it.
It's not enough to simply mimic the structure and style of the original short, Secret Level did that and while it was certainly a higher quality production than any of the outsourced industrial animation "Warhammer Storyforge" slop that's appeared on Warhammer+, it's self-evidently an imitation; like a cover band serviceably performing your favorite song. It has to be better than that.
And I sincerely hope that it is, but I'm not getting hyped for it and I warn you not to, either.
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loafbud ¡ 4 months ago
I feel sorry for vinyl's mother if she's the porcupine cuz damn... must have hurted
(i realized up to now i never actually talked about vinyl's parents- so all of this was cooked up on the spot LOL)
...Well, I say parents, but they're more like Vinyl's creators: creators in an abstract sense. They actually didn't meet up and make a baby - heck, they don't even know each other personally, or even fell in love!
So for Vinyl's origin, a dragon and a porcupine is involved anon, but Vinyl's "mother" is actually the dragon!
The dragon is a fierce immortal deity named Fury Valentyna (mental age: late-40s) and the porcupine is a reclusive city guy, musician & skateboarder named Edge Zero (age: 36).
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These guys exist in a world where humankind coexists with monsters, anthros, robots, supernatural entities, and such.
LORE SHIT BELOW THE CUT LOL (a lot of this was typed on the spot and can easily change overtime)
Fury is a dragon god who oversees this world. Most of the people worshipped Fury and admired her benevolence and her dragon spirits she'd send out to help the mortals. However, there was another god that began spreading foul rumors about Fury, stating that she actually had interior motives and planned the downfall of society. This, unfortunately, was a lie that most people fell for, resulting in Fury feeling a global betrayal.
Fury was, well, FURIOUS. "All that I've given, and I get a mass of scoffings in return?!" Her powers were being taken for granted, the people who spreading false accusations about her, banding together for ways to dethrone her divine position... It wasn't until after all this that she ACTUALLY prayed on the downfall of the society that she once cared for. Since then, Fury Valentyna was seen as a villainous dragoness.
On very rare occasions, she will grant the wish of any mortal who's known to put effort behind their cause, whether mentally or physically. One of these wishes was from a reclusive musician, Edge, who was a fairly popular artist and known for their DJ concerts. Around them, Edge got a first-hand look on how rapidly the society around him changed: from respecting Fury to suddenly wanting a new god to dethrone her, not to mention the chaos that erupted around them.
Edge specializes in music genres that have a more fast-paced, aggressive grunge to them- it really gets their adrenaline pumpin'. And with the state of the world, the growing rage burning within them shouts loudly in their music. Song after song, concert after concert, Edge wanted their voice to be heard, to bring awareness to how unjust the world has become. Deep down, they'd wished for some sort of force to put an end to all this chaos to bring justice.
This wish, deep within their soul, was something that Edge had carried with them to their skateboarding trek to Fury's mansion. There, Edge had shared their mind with the goddess, in which Fury loudly agrees with them: there needs to be a disturbance.
Fury recognized this as a mortal wanting to make an offering, which usually comes at the price of exchanging something valuable to the goddess. For Edge's case, they gave up their music (literally: handed over their vinyl records, CDs, music players, their laptop, even sacrificed their passion for making music).
Once the offering had completed (which manifests from flames that Fury breathes out)... once the flames cleared, a new being appeared, unconscious.
That being became Vinyl! (Vinyl appeared as they do now: they didn't have a baby form)
After Vinyl was created, Edge's memories of creating music had vanished. That's because Vinyl is the physical manifestation of their music: bearing a resemblance to Edge and also to Fury, since they share Fury's dragon god powers and immortality. Vinyl was also the manifestation of their shared wishes for the world to be made right, whether Vinyl chooses to create or destroy society is entirely up to Vinyl themselves... and their creation is also Fury's intent to have someone take her place as dragon god, because "it's lonely being on the top".
Since this moment, Edge and Fury never crossed paths again. They never formed a romantic, sexual, etc connection. It was simply that of a mortal offering their music in exchange for a changed future.
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columboscreens ¡ 2 years ago
You know they've rumoured for years to either be remaking Columbo or shooting a movie. If they did, who would you like to see in the lead? I remember reading Mark Ruffalo was linked & yknow what I ain't mad.
as an actor and writer myself, i don't make a habit of inextricably tying actors to roles. i believe media is meant to be interpreted and reinterpreted freely.
but peter falk, man...peter falk was more than inextricable from columbo. he was columbo.
it's funny because the show's creators, levinson & link, had a totally different vision going in their heads during the casting process--they saw a much older, balding irish/anglo type. for reference, burt freed first played the character in a brief TV appearance; thomas mitchell first played him onstage; bing crosby was one of the first choices for TV.
then peter falk frantically waltzed in (quote: "i'd kill to play that cop") with his overpowering, mensch-y charm and sold them on columbo as the whimsical, dark-featured little guy we've come to know and love. falk's columbo was such an earth-shattering hit that NBC was practically on their knees begging him to sign a serial contract; when he did, he swept the nation. i don't have exact figures handy, but he was earning hand over fucking fist playing him, and NBC spent the better part of a decade kowtowing to his sometimes famously insane demands just to keep the hits coming. needless to say, despite the insanity, peter falk's dedication to his craft and the character of columbo was second to none.
on a decidedly darker note, i confess that i often think of it this way: when falk had alzheimer's in his twilight years, someone leaked from court documents that his doctor noted he could "no longer remember playing columbo". you can still find those news articles everywhere online; it was so widely reported and discussed that it was effectively treated as a death announcement. the public treated the "death" of peter falk's memory of columbo as effectively the death of both he and the character.
to me, it's pretty difficult to top that.
so yeah, frankly i'm just not interested whatsoever in seeing anybody else as columbo proper. if the character had to return, i'd rather see something actually iterative like a prequel/origin story or something. i'm also sick of reboots in general so seeing inspirations from columbo in new media rather than directly revived is a much more inviting prospect for me.
speaking of which, take natasha lyonne in poker face (you knew i was gonna go there!). she's a huge peter falk/columbo fan herself and was widely rumored to play "female columbo" in a reboot, but she did the far more creative thing and teamed up with rian johnson to devise a character/show inspired by columbo but fresh and new, neither a reboot nor carbon copy. if only the rest of mainstream flim/tv these days could take note.
tl;dr i would like to see absolutely nobody in the lead of a columbo reboot except for a terrible PS2 graphics render of peter falk clipping through the floor
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gaysindistress ¡ 2 years ago
Cocaine Jesus - Part 3 of Fine Line
Pairing: Mafia!Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: you know the drill; angst, mentions of abuse, vague descriptions of abuse, ďżźthe feels, Peggy Carter andddd John Walker slander
Word count
Master list
Fine Line & Dial Drunk
Word count: 4.3k
Tag list: @vickie5446 @cakesandtom @zaraomarrogers @deafeningvoidcloud
a/n: you guys - "I need you to promise me that you'll give Honey and Steve a happy ending.
me -"I promiseeeeed other people that I'd write all the angst possible and I gave 'em my word sooooooo"
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
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The letter read the most ridiculous thing that she has ever seen. A poor excuse, a failed lie, a fucked up story, a concoction of rumors mashed together to make something out of nothing. He left it on her bed without a second word to her, a word to her parents, and walked straight out of her life. He left the letter detailing every single lie he could’ve thought of for the last 48 hours on her bed, on her pillow to be specific like some fucked up love story you read about in high school. She always joked that they might be Romeo and Juliet but this? 
His actions were far beyond anything that Shakespeare might’ve thought of. 
“I used you to cheat on Peggy but we’re getting married so this has to end. Goodbye, Steve.” 
One single sentence to end a relationship that they had talked about that could last for years. One single sentence that shattered everything that she thought to be true and concrete in her life. 
One sentence to take everything she’s been looking forward to drowned in it in her own tears. 
She threw the letter into the fire, with tears streaming down her face, and a vengeance as she stared at the flames. Ashes of the relationship flooded around her, but a shard of light called her attention. On her nightstand is the picture of them from that first night; a polaroid of two bright and smiling faces, so hopeful that life will be OK. You already know the story behind the picture, but in the wake of the letter, she contemplated destroying that picture and any memory of Steve she could find. A part of her wouldn’t let her burn it so instead she slipped it into her nightstand and crawled into a ball on the floor to cry. 
That night she slipped into adulthood and decided never again would she allow herself to be fooled by men like Steve Rogers. 
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“Hey doll, where would you like me to start?” Bucky gently calls over to her as she stares around the room around her her entire life from birth to know I haven’t packed up into boxes and is laying like a field of memories around them. 
“I don’t know. I guess just pick up one and start putting them in the truck?”
But he gives her a no and does what she says; picking one box up and hauling it out to the truck. Her mom had helped her pack, shuffling through all the items that she felt like her dear daughter no longer needed. Her mother, Lauren, knew not to touch anything in the nightstand. She had seen the polaroid some nights after Steve’s week departure and figured that her daughter had hidden in the picture in the nightstand. She had liked Steve and talked to her husband many nights about how she had hoped that maybe one day he would be the one to harness that wild spirit within her daughter. Having known the Rogers since practically birth herself, it was a shock that Sarah had let something like this happen. Lauren had tried to get her husband to say something to Mr. Rogers however, nothing came of the conversations, but frustration and misplaced anger. She didn’t think that she nor her husband would ever be able to give the Rogers the time of day after this. It was a miracle to even get Bucky in the house given their new sentiment towards the Rogers.
Bucky chose to keep his words to himself and only offered her sad smiles or gentle hugs. He was so unbelievably pissed at Steve when he found out when it happened because they had known since his return that he would be forced to marry Peggy. On that Fourth of July night, he urged Steve to let go of this honey, to give her a chance but he refused. He was selfish like that sometimes, taking and taking from everyone around him, because it made him feel better. It caused many fights between the two childhood friends seeing as Bucky had taken a liking to her too. It was fun for him; the girls, the wine, and the weed. Nothing that Bucky could say would make him stop because he has always got what he wanted and Bucky was forever indentured to him so his hands were tied. His own father was in the same position as him, but to the older Mr. Rogers. So he watched on the sidelines as Steve ruined yet another young girl's life with his charm. 
When Bucky had walked back into the room, he sensed a shift in the air as she kneeled in front of her nightstand, frozen in time she held that stupid portrait in her hands and gawked at it as if she saw a ghost. Every ounce of life and color drained from her face as she held this momento of pain in her hand. It burned him to not just rip it from her hands and destroy it for her. He wanted to give her everything that she had been promised and so much more but he knew that if he did that he would risk the wrath of Steve. He knew that if he tried to give her any ounce of comfort, Steve would know and make his life a living hell. He already had enough control over Bucky’s life and he didn’t want to give him another reason to be even more controlling.
Instead of doing what his heart screamed at him to do he gently placed his hand on her shoulder so she would know that he was there for her if she needed. She brought it as if burned by his touch and quickly dropped off, turning slightly to look at him. He saw the tears in her eyes, and he gathered her into his arms for a death grip hug. One hand snuck into her hair, and held her head against his chest, as the other gripped her tightly, as if to provide her with all the physical comfort that she could ever need as her body shook from the sobs, a wet spot forms on his shirt and his own throat tightened at the feeling resolves quickly turned from that of a heart broken woman to those gut, wrenching gasps of a person experiencing true agony. The sound stopped leaving her mouth, and her body heaved in efforts to keep up with the demand for air. Her knees buckled and they dropped to the floor together in a heap of tears and bones.
“I got you, doll. I won’t let you go. I promise.” 
His words seemed to make her cries worse, but her arms wrapped around him and her hands Claude into the back of his shirt. She was gripping him as tight as he gripped her, the strength of their shared misery, keeping them together. 
“I got you. It’s okay. Let it out.” 
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“After this, we can’t see each other.” 
Once again, the boxes of her life scattered around them as they ate Chinese food and settled into her small apartment. 480 square feet of nothing but everything that she could possibly think of. She drops the chopsticks, flinging rice and vegetables everywhere when she hears the words come out of his mouth.
“I don’t… what?”
I just don’t think that it’s a good idea for us to hang out because…”
“ I swear to god if you tell me that Steve had anything to do with this I will actually kill him.”
He gives a sad laugh and looks down at his feet, “ doll. I don’t know what to tell ya.”
“You can start by answering my question. Did Steve have anything to do with us?” 
He refuses to answer her question and won’t meet her eyeline. That’s all the answer she needs though. Steve had yet again ruined another chance for her to be happy and this time he wasn’t even there to do it. 
She slummed against the couch and almost dropped the food container on the floor with disbelief. She stares ahead and says nothing. She can’t say anything. Nothing she could possibly think of would make this moment feel any better than it does.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky mumbles as he drops a light kiss onto her forehead and walks out of her life. 
Once again, that Polaroid staring back at her as it peeks out of the top of the box it’s in. All she can see is the fireworks, but she knows what the picture is. She knows the curse that inevitably brings, but she can’t throw it away. 
She won’t. 
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“You know, my apartment is bigger and you wouldn’t have to get rid of anything,” the blonde jokes as he lugs another donation bag out of her room. 
Y/N shakes her head while she sorts more of her things, deciding what can go to D.C. with her and what stays behind with the rest of her past. 
“But you’re here and I’m going to be 4 hours away. How is that supposed to work?” she calls after him. 
“I wasn’t talking about my old place.”
She cocks her head but continues to focus on the task at hand, “Yeah your old place would be like a 5 hour drive on a good day.”
“Look at me, gorgeous.”
When she turns to look at him, he’s leaning against the door frame with a set of keys in his hand and a smile wide across his face. She gives him an even more confused look. He shakes them before tossing them to her. Turning over the keys in her hand, she spots a key chain that reads “I heart D.C.”
“I don’t…” she pauses for a moment, “Oh my god you got the job?!”
“I sure did. I start in a week which means…” he trails off and his smile grows even bigger. She jumps up and hugs him so tightly that he stumbles back. 
“That’s so exciting, John! I’m so proud of you,” she all but exclaims holding him against her and the excitement vibrates off of her. 
“Thank you, gorgeous,” he whispers as he takes her chin in his hand and tilts so their lips meet, “But that’s not even the best part. I had your landlord put us on the same lease and get us a bigger place.”
She stills and pulls away, “You did what?”
“Don’t be like that. Be happy that we’re both moving up in our careers and we’re moving to a new city. You even said it yourself; if I moved with you, we’d move in together.”
Nervously chuckling, she nods her head, “Oh I just wasn’t expecting it so soon, I guess.”
“What? You have a secret boyfriend or something?” tension fills his voice at her hesitation. 
“No, no! It’s just a lot of info at once, that’s all,” she tries to reason and it seems to calm what storm was brewing. 
John lets out a deep laugh and kisses her once more before letting her go. 
“Good because I saw this,” he says, pulling out that god forsaken polaroid from his back pocket, “And got a little worried.”
Her smile freezes once more and she scrambles to come up with something, “Oh that’s an old family friend that’s all.”
“You look awful… close.”
“Just friends… well not even that anymore,” she tells John as she returns back to her cleaning, “You can just put it in a box.”
John hums but it’s filled with dismay as he debates ripping it to see her reaction. He’s not stupid, he could tell that whoever the man in the picture was, he meant something to Y/N and it was beyond just old friends. He takes a picture of it to send to a cop friend of his and slips it back into his pocket. He’s going to figure out who this man was and erase him from Y/N’s life. 
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Five days later John gets his answer. 
Steve Grant Rogers, born July 4 19xx to Sarah and Joseph Rogers in Brooklyn, NY. Married to Margaret Carter Rogers. No known criminal record or alises. Father has a lengthy record and is suspected to be the current leader of the Rogers crime family. Steve is expected to be take over when Joseph dies. 
John’s jaw clenches when he reads the emails and closes his computer. Anger licks up his spine at the thought of his sweet Y/N being at all connected to this criminal let alone as close as she appeared to be. Almost immediately his anger is drowned out when she walks through the door of their new apartment, arms full of groceries. 
“Here, gorgeous, let me get that for you.”
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Time flies by when you’re having fun or at least that’s what they tell everyone. Y/N hadn’t thought about that Polaroid since John brought it up. She assumed that he did as he was told, and just slipped into another box. She didn’t even question it when she hadn’t found it when they were unpacking. Time really did seem to heal her wounds and Steve had finally left her mind. Nearly 5 years after he’d left her heartbroken and angry, she finally was able to forget the hold he had on her. Even though she’d briefly tried to start something with Bucky, John Walker had been the one to show her what love meant… or at least what his version was. 
Her new friends in D.C. had warned her about the red flags they’d seen but Y/N dismissed them. She felt she knew him better after all they’d been together for three years and were engaged. She always brushed it off as them being unhappy in their own relationship or John just had a bad day or he wasn’t always like this. It had gotten to the point where her own mother Lauren started to point out the concerning things she saw; however, it wasn’t until her three year anniversary dinner that it all came to a head. 
John had suggested they go back to New York for a little getaway considering how stressful their jobs and wedding planning were. He’d made reservations at one of the finest restaurants on the Upper East Side along with staying in one of his friend’s condos. Everything had been perfect; champagne, rose petals, quiet instrumental music, and two people fighting in the bedroom. 
“I can’t believe you! You’re such a fucking asshole!” She shouted at him from the bedroom as he continued to get ready. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he calmly responded, fixing his tie. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, John.” 
“No I don’t.”
“You had Joaquin look into Steve.”
“I did so what,” he leveled a very stern gaze towards her through the bathroom mirror. 
“And you didn’t tell me for 2 years.”
“So what?” He said even lower than before but finally turned to look at Y/N, “why does it matter if I looked into your little boyfriend?”
“What are you talking about?” She huffed, back straightening as chills began to run down her spine. 
“I know about you and Steve. You didn’t want me to know so YOU lied to me about it so what was I supposed to do? Ignore it? I wouldn’t be a very good fiancé, husband even if I ignored my gut when it comes to you.”
“You’re seriously trying to say that you were concerned about me? I would’ve told you anything you wanted to know, you didn’t have to have someone get a whole ass police background check,” she tried to reason and to defuse the situation. She could sense the anger and aggression boiling under John’s skin no matter how calm and collected he seemed in the moment. 
He ignored her, instead fixing the cuffs of his jacket and shirt. Waiting and making her think he was ignoring her was his favorite tactic to get under her skin. 
“I didn’t lie to you, I would never do that,” she tried again whilst taking small steps towards him. 
“I care so much about you, gorgeous,” he started, closing the gap before engulfing her in a bone crushing hug, “Steve is a dangerous man, so much more dangerous than you could ever imagine.” 
She gasped at the pressure he was putting on her, “John you’re hurting me.” 
His grip loosened for a moment before he spun her around so she could look in the mirror. One of his hands looped around her shoulders and the other found its place around her neck. Her own hands flew to his wrist and she began to claw at his wrist as he dropped his head so he could speak directly into her ear. 
“I am the only person who can protect you from him. Me,” he punctuated the words with a tightening grip, “I’m disappointed that you didn’t tell me about him, gorgeous. I can’t have a lying wife and you know that; I need someone who is completely loyal to me. Do you think you can do that?” 
Tears fell down her face, ruining the makeup she’s just finished putting on as she rapidly nodded her head. Satisfied he dropped her and let her fall forward to catch herself on the bathroom door frame. 
“Clean up, we’re leaving in 15 minutes,” he whispered into her ear before leaving the room. Once she knew she was alone, she scrambled to grab her phone and dialed a number she’d hoped to never dial again. 
“Doll?” The voice answered with confusion. 
She cried even harder when Bucky picked up and she choked on her words, “I need your help please. I’ll pay you anything, everything. Please just… please.”
“Doll what is it? Where are you?”
“I’ll send you the address but you have to come quickly. Hide in the alley and I’ll figure out how to get there.”
“Of course, do you want me to call HIM?”
“No,” she barely held back the next wave of sobs at the thought and hung up. 
She took a few deep breaths, calming her nervous system before standing to fix her makeup. Within minutes, she’s managed to make herself look presentable to John’s standards. However she’d exchanged her heels for flats in hopes that if she did have to make a run for it, she wouldn’t break her ankle. 
Her phone pinged beside her, alerting her that Bucky would be at the restaurant when they got there and was in the back alley like she’d asked. 
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“I’ll be right back. Can you order me the salmon if I’m back when they take our order?” she sweetly smiled at John as she got up. 
He gave her that sick PR smile he used on his sponsors and went back to reading the menu. 
Y/N’s body shook as she got closer and closer to the bathroom. On her way she stopped their waitress, a younger red headed woman that John had been relentlessly rude to. The woman smiled and stopped her by gently grabbing her arm to pull her closer. 
“Go through the kitchen and out the back door. He’s waiting for you,” she whispered to Y/N. Fear ran through her body again as she stared wildly at her. 
“Go. Bucky hates waiting around,” she smirked before releasing her arm and guiding her into the kitchen. The red head waved a hand at Y/N as if to shoo away a child and pointed to a set of doors that she assumed led outside. 
She mouthed thank you and ran for the doors, pushing them open with all her might. Before her was a blacked out SUV and a smiling Bucky in the backseat. He had opened the door when she came bursting out. 
“Get in Doll.”
She didn’t need to be told twice. She climbed in and sunk into the leather as the car pulled away. 
“Where to?” He asked after they’d gotten away from the restaurant. 
“Somewhere safe.”
Bucky nodded as he tapped the driver on the shoulder and said something to him. She didn’t register what address he gave him because fatigue took over her body and she drifted off into the abyss of sleep. 
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10 years. 
10 years since she’d been home, seen family, spoken to her friends. 
10 years since she’d left John in that restaurant and gotten into the car with Bucky. 
It had been 10 years since she’d gained her freedom but at the cost of a normal life. 
During that time, Bucky and Natasha, the waitress from that night, had hidden her and kept her in some sort of witness protection program. Bucky knew of John’s reputation and knew that the only way to guarantee Y/N’a safety was for her to disappear. He’s made her a ghost, changing everything about her so that no one could find her aside from him and Natasha. Of course going into hiding meant she had literally no other connections but the two of them. 
Nat had offered her a job working alongside her as an executive assistant to Bucky and another man named Sam Wilson. Bucky had assured her that he didn’t work for Steve anymore and she wouldn’t see him. His promise did little to quell her fears but she trusted him nonetheless. 
It became clear pretty quickly after she went into hiding that John had no idea where she went but he kept looking. Her family had been told about the situation but everyone else was kept in the dark, which made John even more furious. His efforts to find her had been in vain and roughly around the 4th year of no results he stopped looking. Regardless she remained hidden because at this point, she’d lived most of her adult life this way. Y/N didn't really know anything outside of the world that she’s created but that’s not to say she was naive. Of course working as the assistant to a mob boss, she wasn’t oblivious to the real world. In fact she probably understood it better than most, she simply preferred her world. 
It had been nearly 15 years by now since she’d seen Steve. Occasionally she’d see his name on paperwork from Bucky’s time working under him. Other than that, there had been nothing. Peggy, on the other hand, she’d seen far too often between events, galas, and even in Bucky’s office. Y/N doubted that the woman remembered her, let alone knew who she was so she didn’t let it phase her when she saw her. Natasha was quick to fill her in on all of the gossip if she wanted but it was usually the same; Peggy cheated with the same two men, Steve found out and would threaten divorce but it never came to fruition because she would claim she was pregnant. Spoiler alert she never was but if she made a big enough deal about it, Steve would have to reconcile with her to save his and his family’s reputation. 
However this round of accusations and threats seemed to stick; Steve had actually filed for divorce and demanded a paternity test if she was, in fact, pregnant. Of course she wasn't, hence why they were fighting in the lobby of Bucky’s office. Natasha chuckles under her breath at their petty words and glances over to Y/N. 
“You ready?” She asks as she gathers her own things. 
“Can we even get out? It sounds like they’re literally at the door.” 
Before Natasha can answer, Bucky walks in followed by the arguing couple. They’re shouting so many things at each other that no one can keep track of what they’re actually arguing about. 
“Oh fucking believe me. I can’t wait for this divorce to be over. Maybe I’ll stop getting so many fucking STDs,” Steve shouts as he slammed the door behind himself. 
Peggy scoffs as she crosses her arms over her chest and shakes her head. 
“Yeah that’s right. Don’t say anything because you know I’m right,” he scoffs back, dropping himself onto the couch Nat and Bucky had christened several times. 
Y/N winces at his loud voice and turns around so that her back is to them. She grabs whatever paperwork she can and shoves it into her bag. 
Nat clears her throat and whispers, “Let’s go.” 
She loops her arm in Y/N’s and bids everyone a goodbye. Dropping a kiss on Bucky’s cheek, she tries her hardest to sneak the other woman out before Steve can see her. As soon as they’re out the door, they hear exactly what they’re afraid of. 
“I swear to god, Buck, if that was Y/N, I will execute you right here, right now.”
Nat stiffens for a moment but quickens her pace and practically drags Y/N along with her to get them out as soon as possible. Steve’s booming voice chases after them and they make eye contact as the two women climb into the elevator. Before the doors close, Y/N can see the absolute heartbreak and pain that’s written across his face. 
She doesn’t care though. 
He’d done the exact same to her. 
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She’d gotten a few weeks of privacy before the oaf of a man came knocking at her door. The day had been rainy like the week prior and she kept to herself inside. Y/N had always loved the rain no matter where she was at because it reminded her that the earth could renew itself after a storm. However her peace is shattered when she hears the familiar sound of a luxury car pulling up in front of her house. Grabbing the gun Bucky stashed for her, she goes to peek out of the window to see her worst nightmare walking up. 
Albeit it’s Steve and not John, she still tucked the gun back into its place before answering the door. 
One knock. 
Two knocks. 
Three knocks. 
She opens it and her breath hitches in her chest at the sight. 
“What are you doing here?” 
The first words that came to her mind after 15 years of nothing at all. 
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