#Ruler of 10th house
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plutosunshine · 4 years ago
The ruler of the 10th house and your CAREER
Remember that you have to check other placements as well to see the whole picture and understand your career path! This article is just a part of the whole thing.
Also, if you want a reading about your career, check my astrology readings post.
The ruler of the 10th house is in the 1st house
You may become self-employed or have your own business or project. Also, you can make a career on your personality. For example, creating a channel on Youtube and just being authentic yourself there. Or becoming an Instagram fashion model! Anyway, your personality and appearance will be important at your work. Also, this placement may tell about a career related to sports or something related to competition, fighting.
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The ruler of the 10th house is in the 2nd house
Your career may be related to cooking, working with textiles, food, finances, economics, the beauty world, arts, acting, music, singing, farming, perfumes, etc. Your career depends on your self-esteem. Once you build a stable sense of yourself, your finances and career will improve and move forward.
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The ruler of the 10th house is in the 3rd house
Your career may be related to transport, logistics, communication, writing, marketing, travel, organizing, learning, education, etc. Your career path is connected to communication with people, whether it be airport, courses, or a logistics company.
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The ruler of the 10th house is in the 4th house
Your career may be connected to your family. It can be a family business. Also, your career may be related to children, nursing, helping others, spirituality, music, culture, heritage, caring and protecting others, etc.
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The ruler of the 10th house is in the 5th house
Your career is related to the expression of your personality, games, children, creativity, drawing, music, dancing, government, politics, business, your hobbies, acting, etc. You need to express yourself in any field you choose.
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The ruler of the 10th house is in the 6th house
Your career may be related to helping others, nursing, pets, doing research, education, medicine, health, animals, healthy food, fitness, etc. You need to organize your work and find the best way possible to work hard.
The ruler of the 10th house is in the 7th house
Your career may be related to arts, music, museums, relationships between people, the beauty world, negotiations, modeling, acting, law, etc. You may work with your partner or they help you gaining recognition.
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The ruler of the 10th house is in the 8th house
Your career may be related to death, taxes, finances, medicine, sex, spirituality, detectives, all kinds of dangerous professions, psychology, occult, etc. Your career path is never boring. It can be even dangerous and risky.
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The ruler of the 10th house is in the 9th house
Your career may be related to travel, languages, teaching, education, foreign countries, publishing, culture, religion, philosophy, etc. It is important for you to have a job that expands your horizons and teaches you something new every time.
The ruler of the 10th house is in the 10th house
You want to be a boss. That’s all haha. You may work in politics, government, business, etc. Actually everywhere you can gain status and recognition. You want to be famous for what you do and get fame and respect.
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The ruler of the 10th house is in the 11th house
Your career may be related to cosmos, spirituality, astrology, organizations, charity, social work, internet, communities with like-minded people, philosophy, rights of people, etc. You may work with your friends or involve them in your projects.
The ruler of the 10th house is in the 12th house
Your career may be related to spirituality, psychology, helping others, social work, nursing, medicine, charity, drawing, music, acting, creativity, paranormal things, etc. You may like to work alone and may even be scared of becoming famous.
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cosmoss-express · 3 years ago
Astro Observations (part 6)
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!DO NOT COPY, CHANGE, REPOST without permission, otherwise I'll show up as your sleep paralysis demon!
🌑 Sun square ASC are overly confident and cocky. These natives usually have been through difficult moments in terms of who they are as a person. Accepting themselves for who they are was the best way to deal with this placement
Women with this placement might be treated with hostility by men a lot
📞 Natives with 2 or more T-Square formations in their chart tend to accumulate a lot of tension in their body than those with more harmonious formations
🌑 Mercury square Saturn in synastry speak in patronising ways to each other. This is a "student becomes better than his master" aspect
📞 Libra Moons are usually well liked wherever they go, even if they're not so good when it comes to socialising (they could be extremely awkward and people would still find that endearing, like it's part of their charm)
🌑 Aquarius Moons are either the most compassionate and selfless people you've ever met, or they're straight up the most calculated masterminds. No in-between
📞 Mars square ASC tend to have sculpted faces, defined jawlines, prominent or hollow cheekbones, usually model-like features (especially is Mars placed in an earth sign)
🌑 Pluto in the 10th folks are HOT AF 🥵🥵. They're so SO freaking mesmerising, these natives could hypnotise you easily and their gaze is super intimidating 
📞 10th house lord in the 1st house indicates that your career choice has to be in alignment with your personality. You will work much better in a place that allows you to be yourself and that lets you put your ambitious to good use
🌑 Virgo Risings have such gorgeous hair 😍😍 Their hair always looks fluffy and it usually looks better in lighter colours
📞 Virgo MC in earth degrees are much harder on themselves and can have the tendency to never be satisfied with their work. These natives also tend to base their worth on how close to perfection they can get because they tend to feel the dread of failure very strongly
🌑 Cancer Risings have been conditioned to grow up much faster than their peers in order to be taken seriously. That's why they always feel the need to be the bigger, calmer, more serious person, aka the Capricorn DSC they project in connection to others
📞 Aries placements always pour their heart out no matter what they do; they approach things with such innocence and enthusiasm, it's almost endearing :'((
🌑 Cancer MC (or at 4°, 16°, 28°) can make people empathise with their agenda and public persona no matter what they do (these natives tend to thrive when doing things that make others feel welcomed and accepted) . The general public tends to feel intense attachment towards these individuals
📞 I've seen people talk about it and I'll confirm it:
3rd house synastry is so underrated but it's so important. Sun, Mercury or Venus in someone's 3rd house makes you think the same and have the same sense of humour. You guys will mirror each other and will stimulate eachother to be curious and mentally active (which is definitely needed in any type of connection)
🌑 Leo men always get slandered on TikTok and I'll give my two cents on this topic. Half of the Leo men I've met are undeveloped and don't even realise it (the other half have been really sweet and caring). Because their toxic traits are what they get praised for by other men. Other men wish to be what Leo men project out into the world, because that's what The Patriarchy ™️ expects of men
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📞 Having Sun conjunct Ceres can soften the typical masculine traits of the Sun and give you this comforting and warm presence
🌑 Having prominent 5th house can indicate that you crush on people often and these people can still be friends with you once the infatuation fades. Whereas having a prominent 7th house means that you'll eventually come to hate the people you had a crush on and wonder why you liked them in the first place
📞 You might enter in contact with many people who have their North Node in the sign that's most prominent in your chart. You might even change the destiny of these people
Like, think about it, you can literally BE the turning point for someone with this type of NN, and that's so wild to me
🌑 Uranus in 7th house individuals always have someone that believes in them and supports their vision. These people also might trigger an Aquarius MC effect, where they can gather support from the crowd like it happens with Aquarius MC natives
📞 Libra Risings with Mars in the 1st house could always worry about the "imperfections" on their face a lot (like asymmetry, scars, pimples, moles etc). Because Mars rules asymmetry, scars, battle wounds, inflammations
🌑 Taurus not only rules the throat/neck but also the chin. Taurus risings tend to have defined chins resulting in a diamond-shaped face
📞 People with dominant Air element in their chart tend to be early birds while Water dominants tend to be night owls or sleep a lot
🌑 5th house Pluto can be distant and cold during the talking stage with someone
📞 2nd house Venus might enter enemies-to-lovers relationships and have a push and pull dynamic with their first partners unless there's an interception in their chart
🌑 Scorpio men 🤝 bullying their crush to get their attention
📞 Wherever Sagittarius is placed in your chart, it's likely you'll be doing too much of it until you burn out (1st house - exercising too much; 2nd house - overindulging, 6th house overworking, etc)
🌑 Fights between Fixed dominants are BRUTAL (I'm Leo dominant, my parents are Aquarius and Scorpio dominant, and two of my colleagues were Taurus dominant, and let 👏🏻 me 👏🏻 tell 👏🏻 you 👏🏻 we're DRAMATIC AF)
📞 Jupiter aspecting the 8th house lord could have extensive knowledge on the occult or illegal stuff no one knows about. These natives tend to have a more mysterious and distant aura to them
🌑 8th house South Node natives: knowing about taboo and "forbidden" subjects is already second nature to them and they might even think it's normal until people tell them that it's actually not common for people to be interested in those topics
These natives might go on a tangent about a study on sexual kinks or what is the perfect method to rob a bank and someone could ask them "umm how do you know that? 😅"
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©️ Cosmoss-express (2022)
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safiredreams-astrology · 3 years ago
When it comes to physical beauty and the Birth Chart I think looking at the Ruler of the Chart and where it’s placed is very telling of how someone first appears to people, as well as any planets in the 1st house itself.
Because the 10th house is kind of a try hard house of the chart, the planets there are consciously working on how they want to come off and appear in the public eye. 
If the Chart Ruler is Venus and it’s in the 12th house then that person may give off a kind of illusive, naturally beautiful vibe that doesn’t try too hard.
And if the Ruler is Pluto and it’s in the 12th house then the beauty is quite powerful and overwhelming in a kind of alluring and frightening way yet the individual doesn’t even perceive themselves as being like that. Those are the eyes that say ‘I see you for everything, for every life you have lived on this Earth.’
Neptune would be angelic, innocent and lost. Almost untouchable beauty, one would be a little bit cautious and careful, as if touching this person would make them break apart or disappear. I think that last part is actually true to most people with Chart Rulers in their 12th house.
Whereas a person with Venus in the 10th house will very consciously emulate the beauty of the Sign that it’s in. The individual really gives time and thought into how they can appear as Venusian as possible in their career, social media or wherever they need to impress someone. 
A Gemini Venus might show off their charming and witty side and an attitude of being very open and curious and make it very appealing to others while a Capricorn Venus might come off as very classy, put together and quite serious, someone that is seen to be important in the room.
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cloudsandwaterfalls · 3 years ago
3rd House Ruler in Dif. Houses
Hello, my loves! I hope everyone is doing amazing! I’m sorry about not posting recently, but I’ve been on vacation for summer holidays.This post is the third installment in the effects of house rulers in different houses series, focusing on the 3rd house. 
The other installments for this series can be found here [x]. 
The 3rd house ruler is the planet which rules the sign on the third house, and in which house this planet lies in your natal chart determines what effects the 3rd house ruler will have on a person. Traditionally, the 3rd house ruler is an indicator of one’s communication, personal intellect, and community. 
DISCLAIMER: Before we start, I just to acknowledge that I’m NOT a professional astrologist, however, I have been personally studying astrology for the past 7 years so I am knowledgeable about the subject.So please only take whatever interpretations resonate with you and leave the rest. 
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TRIGGER WARNING: Each section contains portions which discuss the “if ill-placed” effects of the 3rd house ruler in that house. Includes concepts such as revenge, negative personality traits, pre-mature death, health issues, wealth issues, etc. Please read only if you feel comfortable with such concepts, otherwise skip those sections. Thank you! 
This placement allows a person to gain in life through personal efforts. Individuals are hard-working and try to become self-dependent from a young age. Indicator of a personal establishment, such as a business. 
This placement is also considered good for their siblings. They could be famous and you could experience fortunes through your siblings. 
As the 3rd house also indicates short-distance travels, these individuals could often travel in close proximities to their home. 
Gives a person bravery and courage, but if ill-placed, could indicate a revenge-seeking nature. 
If ill-placed, this placement could indicate health issues which start during a young age, but may improve over time. 
Since the 2nd house rules over wealth and riches, this indicates a person who may earn a lot of wealth and money. But, since this means the 2nd and 12th house have a connection, the person also has a lot of expenses. 
But due to connection of 2nd house of artistic ability and 3rd house of communication, this indicates a person who has artistic ability in communication and could succeed in careers such as singers, writers, musicians, dancers, etc. 
But this placement could cause unhappiness in family life if the individual is too lost in the realm of making more money. 
If ill-placed, could indicate a person who spends money on women and immortal activities. Also, could indicate death of younger siblings. 
If the 3rd house ruler is placed in its own house, then it indicates a person who is very brave and courageous, and full of constant self-confidence. 
Shows a person who earns through personal efforts and thus, works hard throughout their life. 
Also, shows a fortunate and happy relationship with siblings and a helpful local community. 
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This is a very fortunate placement to have since it makes the person wealthy and happy. Many entrepreneurs have this placement. It makes one have comfortable and often times, lavish lifestyles. 
These people are high achievers who are also selfless and caring. So their family life will be stable and peaceful. This is because these people often have the mindset of a spouse because thr 4th house rulers Cancer, which represents family and early marriage. They’re also quite protective of their mother, once again due to this Cancer energy.  
Finally, these people are well-learned, wise, and intelligent. Both in family and profession settings. 
This placement is also auspicious since the connection between the 3rd and 5th houses are well-balanced and both themes will be harmonious in the individual’s life. 
The first thing that these people possess is a righteous mentality. They seek to be mortal and ethical in all their decisions. And thus, appear quite wise and intelligent to society, 
These people are blessed with good children, should they want to start a family. Their children will be smart, intelligent, well-behaved, and courageous. All wonderful qualities! 
If ill-placed, this placement indicates a spouse who is immortal and causes obstacles and friction with the family dynamic. The spouse could be jealous of the individual’s wealth and good luck. However, if placed in a beneficial sign (exhaled or neutral), then these effects will be reversed and the spouse will be cooperative and seek to increase family wealth. 
This indicates a person who is financially well-off and stable. 
Gives a person who is a fighter and doesn’t let their enemies win. They have great stamina and are respected for this quality. 
Since the 6th house is of service, these people could gain income through service. Such as careers in hospitality, tourism, law enforcement, public service, healthcare, etc. 
If ill-placed, then since this placement connects with both the 3rd house of siblings and the 4th house of mother, the individual might have troubled relationships (communication) with both their maternal uncle and siblings. 
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This placement gives a person who has respect for authorities and thus, gains help from authorities such as the government, politicians, etc. 
These people often travel to foreign countries for business or contracts. If ill-placed, they could have troubles with foreign business. 
But this placement gives the person ample luck and fortune. They might be an influential figure due to their personal skills in communication, persistence, and energy. They could be an influential spokesperson, coach, or YouTuber. 
Their fortune and looks make them quite desirable to others. 
But these people have a personal desire for independence, both in their career and relationships. 
This placement creates a mentality that is inclined to service. This is because of the disposition of the lord. The 8th house is 6 houses away from the 3rd house, so the 6th house of service comes into play. 
The above is especially true in the case of unexpected events, so these people may be involved in emergency services (healthcare, fire, or police service) or psychological counseling. 
This placement also has a direct impact on the 2nd house of wealth, so the individual will accumulate wealth through 8th house themes, such as mining, research, occult, psychology, etc. 
The 8th house also indicates sudden wealth gains and losses. If the planetary lord placement in the house is good, then it’ll be wealth gains. Otherwise, wealth losses. 
The 8th house is also related to in-laws, so the individual will have good in-law relationships. 
This placement gives a person a spiritual mindset and an old soul. Due to their knowing personality, they could possess a sorrowful disposition. 
If ill-placed, this placement would give a person the mentality of a thief, in the sense that they’re cunning and mischievous and willing to do whatever it takes to get to their desired end-goal. 
This placement gives the individual a fortunate spouse and marriage. It also indicates wealth gain after marriage. The spouse will be influential and highly sensual. 
These individuals have great luck in forming business ventures and partnerships due to their loyal personality. They have a mind of righteousness which is another attractive feature to others. 
This person’s children will be fortunate and go-to-lucky as well. 
Finally, the individual’s personality will be very skilled, valorous, and have fortunate wealth and happiness as life goes on. 
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Since the 10th house signifies career, reputation, and wealth, this individual will be favored in these aspects. 
They will have happiness from real estate and own lavish properties, all through one’s self-efforts. The individual’s wealth will be self-earned. 
They will have the highest support from authorities. 
However, their work life will be difficult. They will have to venture through different professions because life finally leads them to the word they’re meant for and find success there. 
These people will have wonderful mentors and teachers who guide them through life and career. 
These individuals will have sudden gains and expansion of significances. 
However, if ill-placed, these people would become jealous of siblings and authorities and thus, face bad relations and communication. 
Since 3rd house of siblings is placed in the 11th house, this could mean the individual has a lot of siblings, is the elder sibling, or at least acts as the eldest by bearing all family responsibilities. 
This is one of the best combinations for wealth and success. The individual may earn through self-efforts and build themselves a very successful life. 
If ill-placed, they could become proud and too powerful because of this name and fame and develop a revenge-seeking attitude. 
This placement also indicates a career in armed forces or related professions. 
These individuals are skilled in long-term planning and thus, accumulate and save wealth. 
This placement also produced a person who has a “wicked” mindset meaning they often make expense on bad deals. As a result, they have an immortal approach to gain wealth, such as underground or sensual activities, destroying their enemies, etc. 
However, the 10th house is well-placed here and gives high rank, social status, high achievements, etc. 
This also indicates a person who has their father’s mindset. Depending on the deposition of the father, this may be good or bad. 
The individual can also have sudden gain through hidden sources, since the 12th house rulers over hidden things. 
No matter how much courage and valor a person with this placement has, they will be slothful in certain aspects of their life. 
The individual will also have a desire for salvation because of the triangle created by the 3rd house of desire and 12th house of salvation. 
Finally, the connection with the 3rd house of siblings might indicate struggles and obstacles for one’s siblings. However, if well-placed, the siblings could gain success after pressure. 
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Thank you for reading til the end of this post! I hope you gained insight into astrology and its effects in daily life. 
Please like, comment, reblog, and share! Also, stayed tuned for my 4th post in this series! 
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kkoumiii · 3 years ago
How your alone time can be beneficial for your well-being? 🪔
Check where is the ruler of your 12th House. To find your 12H ruler, you need to look at the sign of your 12H cusp and then find its ruling planet, so let’s say your 12H starts in Gemini, you should check in which house your Mercury is!
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🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 1H:
Take time for yourself and cleanse your energy. You need time to recharge by taking a real moment for you and by that, I mean removing every potential disturbance and not doing anything else but sitting and breathing, or at least relaxing. You don’t need to always go the extra mile, productivity is a concept created by society, tricking us into thinking that not doing anything is a waste of time. But spending time on yourself is necessary for your well-being and it is only a waste if you choose to give it this meaning. Looking for new ways to take a break from responsibilities and let off steam can be as rewarding as working towards your goals! And think about it, you cannot be as efficient as you would like to be if you’re exhausted and don’t listen to your needs. In conclusion: find what fulfills you and stick to it whenever you need to take a break. You may even develop skills you would have never expected before!
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 2H:
Have you ever considered clearing out what doesn’t benefit you anymore? It can be anything, whether it’s going through your closet, getting rid of bad habits, cutting toxic relationships, reassessing your thought pattern… At this point, it would be great for you to reappraise your life. Are you happy at the moment? If not, why aren’t you? What could you do to change the situation? Maybe you should even think about what happiness truly means to you. Happiness is a point of view, it can be found within yourself, not in the outside world. You’re the one decided if you want to be content with your life or not. Everything out there is temporary, so stick to what is truly valuable to you. Don’t forget to be thankful for everything you already have and what you have achieved so far. Oh and of course, it’s okay to indulge in your guilty pleasure every now and then, just enjoy this moment.
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 3H:
Do you wish you had an “off button” on your brain sometimes? I get you and I know it’s hard to turn down the volume of this critical inner voice when it decides to take space. But maybe you could actually turn it to your advantage by releasing it through any form of expression: it can be writing, drawing, recording yourself, making a speech to yourself (I mean, why not?) give free rein to your vivid imagination! You may have sudden ideas here and there, maybe it’s time to make something out of them? This rich inner world is a goldmine you should take time to explore, and this need for mental stimulation is a blessing since it’s the fuel to your curiosity. But you have every right to distract your mind by doing something that doesn’t require a lot of mental stimulation if you need a time out. You could also enjoy activities that necessitate meticulousness with your hands rather than your brain!
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 4H:
This is the perfect moment to relax and make things that bring back good memories to you. Take this moment to put all your guard down, let go off all the weight you’re carrying and take time to actually feel all the emotions you might be repressing. Listen to your needs and desires, make peace with what burdens you and don’t forget that this is YOUR moment. No disturbance accepted. It’s nice to help others but you better take care of yourself first if you want to be as effective as possible. Your serenity is priceless. You’re not a robot and it’s completely okay to take a break, there’s no feeling guilty about it. Cherish this moment, pamper yourself as the royalty you are, and surround yourself with comforting and reassuring items. Remember that you’re precious, you’re loved and appreciated for who you are and everything you do.
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 5H:
Being alone might not always sound fun, but you can actually make it fun by finding new interests or immersing yourself in those you already have! Try to find beauty in everything you see. There’s beauty everywhere and it’s up to you to see it. Or you can also create it by bringing your ideas to life. Your creations aren’t always meant to be seen by everyone. You can keep them to yourself like a treasure because it’s what they are, everything you pour your heart, soul, and mind into is gold. This would also be a good time to reconnect with your inner child and do things that bring you joy, no matter how childish or silly they might look like. Even if you want to put on a whole show by yourself, do it! Consider this extra moment as a time to shine, you are your best public. We all have a secret garden and yours feels like an amusement park, it brings this endless spark into your life. Keep nurturing this youthful energy, it’s precious!
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 6H:
This is the time to do once and for all the tasks you tend to procrastinate. Yes, it is annoying but think about it: by not doing them, you keep them at the back of your mind and they remain as an extra burden even though you already have a lot of things in mind. But once you get over them, you can fully enjoy your free time! And I know how much you deserve it. There’s a fine line between being a hard-worker and overworking yourself, that’s why you very much need some time off. Watch out for your physical and mental health, regenerate by giving space to what comforts you, whether it’s nature, animals, loved ones, favorite items, specific habits, a good meal, exercises… The world won’t stop spinning if you take a break from your responsibilities for awhile. This alone time may be good to reevaluate what’s preoccupying you and find ways to be more at peace with yourself. Remember: one day at a time.
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 7H:
Your energy is precious and you don’t have to prioritize others’ well-being over yours. You deserve as much respect and dedication as anyone else so take this alone time to treat yourself as good as you treat others, and I dare to say, treat you even better. It’s fun to have people around, but it can easily become draining if you don’t set limits. The thing is, we all mirror each other without realizing it, and sometimes, it confronts you to parts of yourself you would rather dismiss. But whether you like it or not, this is part of yourself for a reason. We’re all made of light and shadow attributes, because one cannot exist without the other. So during your alone time, learn to tame yourself, and make peace with your demons. You don’t have to be perfect to be loved, and you specially don’t need to keep up the façade when you’re alone, you’re just in a solo date with the person that can cherish you the most, aka you. Much love.
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 8H:
When you’re alone, it might feel like it’s the time to hibernate and cut yourself out of the world. You go through a lot, you feel a lot, and it’s time to learn from your experiments. But you don’t need to constantly suffer to grow up even though in the daily life, you have no choice but to face your fears. But remember, you’re not your fears and you’re capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. This time is yours, celebrate yourself as a whole, with all your flaws but also each tiny part you love about yourself. Escape your worries with something that allows you to fully immerse yourself and concentrate. It may also be good to step out of your comfort zone, no matter what it means to you. You can try something new that may eventually spark a new interest, or do something you’re originally afraid to initiate. You don’t need to be on guard when you’re alone, just do what your heart is drawn to.
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 9H:
Your thirst for knowledges and experiments is remarkable and I want you to preserve this spark inside, because it is really precious when you start to feel hopeless. You always find new ways to learn from life or create experiences when it starts to get boring. Life offers you so much discovery, whether it’s in the outside world or within yourself, you’re a traveler. When you feel trapped, take a moment to reevaluate everything you have experimented so far, and you will eventually realize how much you grew up. The contrast between the hustle and bustle of life and your alone time may be striking, sometimes it can become nerve-wracking, but you don’t need to live life in the fast lane to appreciate it, you can even learn from the silence and enjoy it. You have so many things to share with the world and your excitement is contagious, but don’t forget that everyone is going at its own pace so for the meantime, nurture your own secret garden.
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 10H:
Do you have this specific goal in mind you want to achieve for quite some time now, but you don’t actually take the time to fully focus on it? Well, let go of all the expectations the outside world is putting onto your shoulders, and do what feels right for you and you only! Commit to your personal goals and make sure to enjoy the process, your hard work will pay off. You could even keep a record of your progress and if it motivates you, share it with the people that support you! If you want to step out of your comfort zone, take it one step at a time, and don’t focus too much on the end result because it might become frustrating if you feel like you’re not making tremendous progress quickly. Life’s a marathon, not a sprint, and it’s not a competition neither. After all, you’re not infallible, so be proud of yourself and everything you’ve done so far, you’re stronger than you think.
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 11H:
Do you feel like life gets dull when you have no goals to achieve nor dreams to fulfill? You know, it’s okay to be at a standstill in your life, it’s not supposed to be exciting all the time. Sometimes, you need to take a moment to reevaluate what you really want and what is the real meaning behind your actions. You have strong values and I get that it’s important for you to respect them. But don’t forget that you’re constantly evolving and no matter where you’re at, you have every right to dream big. No matter if it seems unachievable or insane, if it gives you enough faith and strength to keep going, follow this light. Therefore, take this alone time to think about what you want to value the most in your life and what you want to focus on. Which path would fulfill you the most and for what reasons? And in case you need a little help, feel free to turn to the people around you, they could greatly inspire you.
🕯 Ruler of the 12H in the 12H:
You’re probably willing to remain alone for a moment, because you’re aware of how important it is to take a moment to reflect and be with yourself. You need to clear things out or else you can be overwhelmed by the amount of information you absorb all day long. You’re often overstimulated by all the signals life is sending to you and you need to isolate for a moment to disconnect yourself from reality. Use this precious time to do everything that helps you get your energy back and find a way to ground yourself. All the stimulus aren’t meant to get a reaction out of you, so let go of what doesn’t serve you. When a situation starts to weigh heavily on you, listen to your intuition and make sure to surround yourself with good energies. If it’s something you shouldn’t be carrying, life will throw a spanner in the works till you get the message, so don’t ignore the warnings. What is meant for you will come, claim this energy.
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You're all precious 🧡
- kkօմตííí ❁
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moonianbbyg · 3 years ago
How does my reputation really build itself? ・゚☆
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in a natal chart there’s many ways to see how you come off to other people & your true identity. some people judge this based off the sun sign (which is PARTLY correct) but the important placements we should focus on when wanting to know more about reputation is our ascendant and the sign of our 10H. 10H represents our reputation and it is ruled by saturn & the sign capricorn
Ruler of 10H in houses
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10H ruler in 1H: you come off as a confident person but to some you could come off conceited/self centered. people tend to love your energy but at the same time you easily attract jealousy as well, so with that being said people either really love or hate you. if your 1H is in the element of fire then the first things people notice about you is your body or your facial features.
10H ruler in 2H: many people probably had crushes on you throughout your school life. you seem approachable and you’re naturally nice (unless someone is rude to you first). you either feel like you have main character energy attached to you or others see you as someone who deserves to be appreciated. if your 2H is in the element of earth people feel attracted to your intelligent personality or your voice
10H ruler in 3H: you always leave a good impression and usually stay on stranger’s minds as they walk by you. your classmates could find you very beautiful and your aura is warm and welcoming. you maybe get complimented for always smelling good or looking clean. if your 3H is in the element of air you usually get recognized for your knowledge, your butt or your legs
10H ruler in 4H: when getting into relationships you might easily make your partners be obsessed with you or you’re viewed as someone important in general. you could get told you act like your mother a lot too! strangers tend to think you’re cute instantly when they see you and you might look very youthful/younger than you are and you’ll age beautifully. you’re the unforgettable type of person. if your 4H is in the element of water you probably receive many compliments for your upper body area and your reliable personality. your lovers are usually very fascinated by your bedroom skills!
10H ruler in 5H: everyone loves a person with good energy right? because that’s how you come off. energetic, honest, smart, funny, nice, always have a smile on your face and super approachable. you could get into drama/problems with certain people a lot though because it seems like you like to show off but you’re just naturally a secure person. strangers meeting you is a 50/50 chance of them liking you because you intimidate others with your energy, and you have a unique personality you think most people can’t keep up with.
10H ruler in 6H: your body image is what people notice first about you, not your face - just your body. you either get adored for it or judged. you’re organized and have chill vibes. people perceive you as someone secretive, mysterious or serious, so it depends if people like your energy or not in order for them to speak to you first
10H ruler in 7H: you come off very energetic but peaceful at the same time. your reputation is usually very good unless people feel like you’re stealing their spotlight. people think you’re beautiful naturally and could be shy to approach you because your beauty intimidates them. many people could’ve crushed on this individual because they’re so respectful and have good looks, but they care a lot about what people think of their looks.
10H ruler in 8H: this placement right here is a tough one. people either perceive you as someone alluring, worthy of praise, high maintenance or they see you as someone annoying, conceited, toxic, rude/bitchy and etc. your reputation could’ve been good growing up, kids liked being friends with you but as you started growing older it was harder and harder for people to like you just because you were so different from many (which isn’t a bad thing!) usually your friends or partners help you come off nicer.
10H ruler in 9H: was probably not accepted growing up or had trouble fitting in. as time goes by and as these individuals get older they start to learn more & more about themselves they can feel surprised about because they’d they never think they were that type of person. some people even thought they were the teacher’s pet at some point of their lives. they always want to be and become better versions of themself and work so hard to improve who they are and they work hard on improving their flaws too. they’re people who like to know how people feel about them, they want to know they’re easily likable but this doesn’t make them obsessively think about other people’s opinions because at the end of the day they’ll be themselves no matter what.
10H ruler in 10H: this is a lucky placement especially for those who seek fame and attention in their life. you come off confident and to some you may even come off cocky. this placement can indicate an ambitious person who chases their dreams and refuses to let anybody stop them. 10H being ruled by capricorn and saturn these individuals either look older than they are, are on the shorter side or come off mature which makes them get told they’re mature for their age a lot too.
10H ruler in 11H: you make friends easily and people maybe picked you as their partner in a project you had to do together with someone at school. this placement brings you the gift of being able to manifest easily so you have the potential to achieve your dream life/your goals. people know you’re smart and they usually feel like they can’t outsmart you because you’re possibly a smart mouth. this depends on your ascendant but you can come off unapproachable too with this placement. could’ve been told you came off bitchy when they first saw you by your best friend(s)
10H ruler in 12H: this is the main character or high maintenance placement. people have hidden crushes on you & you seem unapproachable in a good way because you have this charming and alluring many people are afraid to approach because you seem so dreamy and unique. could’ve had trouble expressing yourself though because you weren’t always accepted for who you were and possibly got bullied in the past as well, but as time goes on you let go of the fear of being your true authentic self.
use vedic, navamsa and tropical chart
this post was created by @moonianbbyg on tumblr <3 please give credits if reposting my work.
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thewanderingstars · 2 years ago
My toxic 10H stellium trait is finding a cool new hobby or interest and thinking, “how can I make this my job?”
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your-astro-mami · 4 years ago
The 10th House Ruler and Career
The 10th House represents out career, accomplishment, what we are known for and our reputation.
How to find your 10th House Ruler:
Look at the sign on the 10th House Cusp or your Midheaven.
The signs and the planets that rule them: Aries (Mars), Taurus and Libra (Venus), Gemini and Virgo (Mercury), Cancer (Moon), Leo (Sun), Scorpio (Mars and Pluto), Sagittarius (Jupiter), Capricorn (Saturn), Aquarius (Uranus), Pisces (Neptune).
For example: I have Sagittarius on the 10th House Cusp = Sagittarius Midheaven. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is in my 2nd House.
When you find that information, check this out:
Ruler of the 10th House in the 1st House:
Your career may be connected to having our own brand, being the face of a product, representing something or being the representative of a company, modelling, beauty industry.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 2nd House:
Career connecting to finances, investing, trading or collecting posessions. Could also be connected to singing or design.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 3rd House:
Career connected to communication, writing, administration or accounting, translation. Can also be connected to music.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 4th House:
Career may be strongly connected to family or a family business, may be close to home or be connected to home (interior design), family therapist.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 5th House:
Career may be connected to their hobbies, creativity and artistry, drama, theatre, acting. Something they have to create or express. Could also indicate working with children.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 6th House:
Career connected to service or office work, career connected to health and fitness (fitness coach, dietician). Can also be a veterinary doctor or generally in the healthcare field.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 7th House:
Career connected to relationships (couple's therapy, dating coach), business or networking - usually a career that requires the help of another person, creating something with another person/people.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 8th House:
Career may be funde by an inheritance, connected to finances or money management, loans, investments, lotery. May also be connected to sex work, secret organizations.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 9th House:
Career connected to travelling, education, foreign affairs, foreign language or business, law, politics, something that is connected to greater things, larger scale.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 10th House:
Great focus on career and career growth regardless of what it is connected to. A person with great ambition that can be very strategic, hardworking and dominant in their field.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 11th House:
A career where they may have a large audience, following. Career connected to networking, working with many people, having the support of others. Career connected to humanitarian organization, volunteering.
Ruler of the 10th House in the 12th House:
Career connected to spirituality, clairvoyance, astrology, mental health and therapy, pseudoscience, arts.
Note: For more information throughout September I will have a sale for my Career Readings that go more in depth into the career field, finances and investments depending on the personal chart. For orders direct message me here or email me ([email protected])
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1111jenx · 4 years ago
"heavy is the head that wears the crown"
👑 The 10th house & The crown one bears
/10th house rulers in the houses
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check out more posts from my masterlist I & II✨
Hi beautiful it's Jenx back with another informative post haha! I hope you enjoy this 360 degrees take on your success & links to the 10th house. I'll also talk about 10th house rulers in here if you don't have any 10th house planets✨Check out my old post on Saturn in the houses here if you're interested loves! Let's dive right in 🤎🤍
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The more planets in your 10th House, the more vital your career is to you. These distinct specific talents that come with the native's occupation and capacity to attain goals include: vital energy, leadership, the capacity to think outside the box, and a positive mood. These natives has a significant, specific gift or ability that will be developed in the material world through their job. The most common manifestation of this is their involvement in public service.
Planets in the 10th house
Sun in the tenth
  The career is incredibly essential to these natives, serving as a significant part of their daily lives and renewing them. They have to be working with the public in some manner in order to feel active and alive. The experience of being out in the world, deeply connected with the public and in the workforce, enriches them and makes their energy soar! Since having a regular job helps them to feel better about themselves, it is typically preferable for them to go to work each day instead of exercising at home. Being in public places serves to restore people's vigour and focus their energies. It's okay for a homemaker to be involved in the public arena, as long as they are not overburdened and as long as they are able to use their leadership abilities, creativity, and "recharge their batteries." To choose among several possibilities, they may be willing to take a position on the board of an organization that they support, or to volunteer with a group that helps the people or communities they know and care about. A purpose to strive toward is essential for persons with the Sun in the 10th House, as this helps to spark their creative energy and motivates them to take action. The people who achieve are those who have a goal they can see and have made a plan to accomplish it. As an example, adopting a particular aim to improve a relationship might empower people to take control of the issue. The objective may be to find a way to bring more intimacy, enjoyment, and better communication into the relationship. In their lifetime, their Soul has already committed to increasing their overall leadership capacity by refining and integrating their natural skill. Many aspects of the process revolve upon a character's growth. In order to progress, the main character must be willing to accept an increase in their objectives, motivation, integrity, and maturity. The other participants engaged must be included in any planning and must have a mutually beneficial aim in mind - such as accomplishing something together instead of using their talents to fulfill solely their own individual aims. The people from every aspect of their life—career, relationships, and families—are becoming more capable at using their abilities and talents to help others. In order to become more self-respecting, respected, and gain leadership positions, it takes time to learn how to express their creative leadership qualities in ways that foster self-respect, respect from others, and a successful leadership career. The way others fight the native's leadership is an indication that they have abandoned their values in favour of selfish interests. If this occurs, their best hope is to seek out others and ask them what they want to occur if things take a turn for the worst. As a result, they will be able to reassess how to best satisfy the requirements of everyone involved. As natural leaders learn via trial and error, they'll be able to realize their intrinsic leadership capabilities more completely. They increase in popularity as they obtain more public influence, and as a result, the size of their impact in this area may be estimated by how widely others acknowledge and respect them, and as a result, others willingly join their cause.
Moon in the tenth
Moon in the 10th house enables the native to have the following characteristics and talents: empathy, a nurturing nature, capacity to connect with people, and a loving attitude. The native requires public engagement for emotional fulfillment. Public figures have a greater sense of fulfillment in their careers, since it contributes to a deeper level of personal happiness. It gives them great pleasure to assume center stage, and delivering speeches in public is something they like a great deal. When they take control of a situation and draw others together to work toward a goal, they feel fulfilled. They know they are safe once they reveal their true personalities in the world. Additionally, this enriches people's lives by fostering emotions of fulfillment and personal well-being while simultaneously augmenting their capacities to be kind and supportive. However, for those who are housewives, they still require a degree of participation in the public sector in order to experience a full emotional life. Many of them may choose to join an organization that works toward their own beliefs, such working with the PTA or another community organization. Every part of their existence revolves on having a clear, obvious aim, and that drives their desire to achieve stability. When they have achieved it, they are confident in their ability to succeed. Setting clear "goals" and developing a logical strategy to meet those goals may stimulate someone's "survival drive" since they will have a safe and healthy future to look forward to. It allows people to stay connected to their emotional selves, which helps them get the necessary energy to attain their goals. They have committed to progress in this lifetime by honing their inherent abilities to convey their emotional core in the public sphere and developing their aptitude for empathy and nurturing. Growth and self-empowerment to higher maturity and self-knowledge is necessary in order to get the most out of this portion of their character. In terms of emotional integrity, those who have the Moon in the 10th House have the chance for a lifetime evolution of character. In general, increased comfort and security while discussing honest sentiments with people might be seen as a result. During this phase, people may go through various professional or personal aspirations changes. People want a wide range of new experiences because they are looking to enrich their personal and emotional understanding as well as their worldview. This person is mastering the skill of being more compassionate and understanding in all aspects of their life, including their profession, their personal relationships, and their family. First, they must understand how others feel about their objective, and then integrate their wishes and requirements in their planning. Affecting others' sentiments to get a goal leads in more favorable outcomes than disregarding or overcoming someone else's sentiments to get their own aim. The difficult part is to learn how to convey their genuine sentiments so that others react in response to the desired outcome. When it comes to speaking about others' sentiments, we must be willing to be vulnerable. There is only one way for the loving nature of the native to be recognized and given free rein in the world. Sharing their emotions with honesty empowers people to better understand and sympathize with their feelings, and a sense of belonging frequently eludes them. Gaining others' respect, as well as being given positions of leadership, is a byproduct of this. This may indicate that their power is being resisted due to a tendency to surrender to temptation and misuse their emotional influence. The only effective thing they can do in this situation is to back off and evaluate how they might communicate their sentiments to the other person in a way that they can accept and appreciate, while still giving weight to their sentiments. There is a possibility that letting go of their fears and being vulnerable by disclosing their issues first would allow them to connect on a deeper level.
The more the native is exposed to learning how to leverage their emotional impact in a positive way, the more good results they will produce and more charge they will take control over in a loving way. The degree to which others recognize and appreciate their nurturing spirit and willingly follow their leadership is a good indicator of how successfully they've expressed their emotional body.
Mercury in the tenth
Professions such as writing, public speaking, outstanding communication skills, reasoning abilities, salesmanship, learning, and teaching have specific gifts and benefits bestowed on them. Avoiding boredom and stimulating the mind both need global participation for the native. Their abilities to communicate effectively in public are best displayed in the public arena. People want to share their thoughts and ideas fuel enthusiasm, therefore it seems sense that famous people motivate others to communicate. Those who suffer from emotions of social isolation or boredom will benefit from spending time in public places sharing information with others.Mentally stimulating work or exciting work is frequently linked to a vocation or profession that enhances their mental ability and their interest in sharing ideas. It is possible for individuals to get it in a variety of ways, but most often it is via pursuing personal objectives that are personally meaningful to them through a support group, non-profit organization, school, etc. It is crucial for the native to be involved in the public arena whether they are homemakers or not. Volunteering for an organization or group that benefits their family or community might be a possibility. They would be excellent for working on the newsletter, or making calls. Having specified objectives in every aspect of their life helps the person's logical and mental capabilities to activate, making it possible for them to achieve. For example, setting a particular " a target" and designing a smart strategy are excellent ways to help people lose or gain fame.  All they have to do is sit down and decide what it is they hope to accomplish. Doing so allows them to be sharp, focused, and organized. In their lifetime, their Soul has agreed to go deeper with their talents, such as leadership, communication, and so on, via employing their talents. Growth in these three categories—maturity, self-awareness, and integrity—is critical to making progress in this area. A lifelong chance to learn how to psychologically connect with people so that they might have more pleasant experiences is offered to natives with Mercury in the 10th House. In every facet of life, there are lessons to be learned for handling work, relationships, and family; and everyone is in the process of learning how to more effectively convey their thoughts with integrity. Only a momentary victory is achieved when someone uses words to gain an advantage over their opponent, especially if they're doing so by intelligent reasoning or clever speech. Losing the fight because of neglecting to incorporate the ideas of others might lead to a brief success, but ultimately they will "lose the war." If they are not paying attention to the other person, their conversation will be one-way and likely to have an air of lecturing about it. Sometimes individuals might become so involved in the conversation that they fail to realize that both parties must be speaking and asking questions in order to better understand each other. It means communicating honestly, and being interested in the other person's thoughts. Honoring their right to their own point of view rather than disputing with them to establish that they are "Right" is vital. When the native does some due diligence and determines the other individuals' aims instead of jumping to conclusions, they may formulate a mutually acceptable aim that everyone is on board with. Once they have established themselves as valued assets, their ideas and talents become accepted and highly regarded assets that help to lead to the garnering of respect and being placed in positions of leadership. If others react negatively to their communication, they have likely utilized their logical and linguistic talents in an attempt to get their own way, without considering the impact it may have on others. When this happens, people should look for different ways to communicate so that their needs and wishes are taken into consideration. When they are treated fairly, people will be more open to their views.
As the native continuously learns by trying and failing how to communicate their ideas, they will come up with more beneficial outcomes when they assume responsibility. It is how others see and respect their communication abilities and put their faith in their leadership that demonstrates their capacity for progress in this area. 
Venus in the tenth
A greater appreciation of beauty and art, diplomacy, social skills, magnetism, a loving spirit, and a positive attitude are among the Venus attributes bestowed to natives when they choose a vocation or focus on their objectives. Individuals with Venus in the 10th House must engage with the public to quell their need to be adored. When they are out in the world, they feel the most alive. When they are in the public light, their physical appearance is also improved. Goal-setting, speaking in public, and participating in their job all help to open their heart and inspire love. If they are feeling lonely, they should seek out others to connect with. All natives require social engagement and loving exchanges, and all of these things may be found at a museum, a meeting of people who share similar hobbies and occupations, or in a management group. For those who identify as homemakers, public participation is critical in order to help fulfill their desire for social connection and overall well-being. Awards they win may be given to organizations or groups that help their family and/or community, or to charities that advocate causes they care about. A fanning the flame of their love will promote every aspect of their lives, no matter how mundane. If their soul contracts again during this lifetime, it will do so in order to help them refine and integrate their social abilities. This largely involves the ability to grow as a person in terms of integrity, maturity, and self-confidence. In particular, these locals are learning how to utilize their magnetic allure and charm more fairly. Instead of using their attractiveness and diplomatic abilities to obtain goals at another's expense, they are learning to resist the desire to misappropriate their power. The next steps to helping them get better outcomes in this area are by learning about the intents and desires of everyone involved before making a decision on a goal. Once they have worked with the other stakeholders to develop a mutually agreed-upon goal, they may help implement it. When people go the "high road," they receive respect and are seen as diplomatic and socially adept; these attributes allow them to rise to positions of authority. If others reject their social leadership, they are probably doing so because they have exploited their attractiveness and charm to "mislead" someone into having sex with them in order to achieve their aim. They should retreat and think about how they may utilize their social and diplomatic talents in a more honest way to address the needs of others. Natives learn often by trial and error, discovering the means by which they can use their talents in social interactions to achieve their goals. When they discover these techniques, they establish harmonious, loving relationships that do not yield to the temptation to misuse their beauty and their abilities in the pursuit of selfish aims. The next steps to helping them get better outcomes in this area are by learning about the intents and desires of everyone involved before making a decision on a goal. Once they have worked with the other stakeholders to develop a mutually agreed-upon goal, they may help implement it. When people go the "high road," they receive respect and are seen as diplomatic and socially adept; these attributes allow them to rise to positions of authority. If others reject their social leadership, they are probably doing so because they have exploited their attractiveness and charm to "mislead" someone into having sex with them in order to achieve their aim. A violent response from others is likely if this occurs. They should retreat and think about how they may utilize their social and diplomatic talents in a more honest way to address the needs of others. For these locals, learning about how to properly exhibit their skills in social interactions is one of life's greatest rewards.
Growth is assessed by how effective you are at communicating, acknowledging, and valuing your abilities and contributions, and following your leadership.
Mars in the tenth
These talents and abilities brought to the job and abilities to meet goals include being brave, being outspoken, having initiative, and having the capacity to encourage others. Energizing and motivating, they take charge in getting outcomes. Mars in the 10th House those who want to boost their energy and motivation have a desire to take part in public life or to accomplish a particular objective. When a person or organization has fully taken responsibility for a goal or project, then they have the energy necessary to accomplish the work. When others look up to them as the "authority," they have an incentive to take action. In order to remain joyful, energetic, and motivated, the homemaker must maintain some form of participation in the public sector. Volunteering to help the PTA or another organization that helps their family and/or the community might be something that's on their minds.
Another way to get job on the board of a nonprofit organization is to research nonprofit organizations with aims they believe in. Going to a public location might boost your initiative and re-energize your batteries if you find yourself discouraged or melancholy. Setting objectives helps to promote their courageous spirit, encourages and encourages them to take action, and is crucial in all areas of their life. To give them a concrete objective they can pursue is to empower them to take the lead and establish a plan of action that can lead to success. Losing or gaining fame can be achieved with strategic planning and an action plan that includes a deadline. When you know exactly what you want to do, it energizes your efforts and motivates you to achieve. Through further refining and integrating their intrinsic potential for self-assertion, their Soul has contracted for more growth in this lifetime. In order to become more productive in this area, you must learn to acquire these characteristics: honesty, self-empowerment, and growth in maturity. How they relate to others and the results they get will inspire them to alter their approach to other people in order to get better results. Failing to be truthful about what it is that they desire in a scenario leads to other people being upset. They might become distracted by rage or use sex to dominate others, or they might strive to expedite their work to meet their own ambitions. Although this will result in encountering numerous instances when they are excluded, it will have no other effect. When others have shown their anger at being off-track, they can do one of two things: refuse to play with them, or aggressively attack them. Every element of their lives - their work, their relationships, and their families - teaches them how to become more bold, proactive, and courageous. Having greater honesty in the manner you go about collaborating with people is included. Honesty, cooperation, and responsibility are vital components of giving leadership in a way that others can collaborate with. Informing their interactions with others on these essentials will enable them to earn respect and positions of leadership. There may be other natives who are resisting this native in some part of their life. It is most probable that they have succumbed to temptation or utilized their brave initiative poorly. For example, they may have resorted to sex or violence. When this happens, their best strategy is to avoid engaging with people, maintaining a general appearance of isolation, and then re-evaluate the way they have been dealing with people when it comes to setting and reaching their objectives. In order to ensure that everyone's goals are actually the same and that some modifications are made in the partnership, it is necessary that they verify that everyone else engaged has the same values and priorities. As individuals experiment with ways to better demonstrate their abilities to take leadership, they will experience increasing levels of success. Being recognized as someone who is in control and takes responsibility indicates to them how effective their progress has been. When people see that other people are being given credit for their natural talents, they will happily join them in leading.
Jupiter in the tenth
Jupiter contributes good luck, belief in favorable outcomes, the capability to inspire others, and an expansive, optimistic attitude to the individual's career and capacity to attain goals. Jupiter is situated in the 10th House of those with the need to influence others in a professional position, and their commitment brings "good luck" to their task in that field. People who work in this industry are the happiest when their job allows them to reflect their spiritual beliefs, and they are able to share these beliefs and inspire others to do the same. As a result, these people's hearts are filled with expanding, positive energy since they are doing something that gives them positive, inspiring energy by offering it to others. Destiny has chosen these locals to do something meaningful with their lives. In order to feel their drive for development and expansion, they must engage the broader public in some way. Regardless of whether or not the native is a housewife, they will need to be involved in public life in order to keep their upbeat spirit, capacity to draw good luck, and overall positive attitude. If they get hired on at an organization working on something they believe in, or if they volunteer for a group doing work that helps them and/or their community, they could consider a job with the organization. Having clear and distinct objectives in both their personal and professional lives is crucial. When people have a goal, they may increase their intrinsic faith and optimism, and they get empowered to move forward. Since they have a good attitude, they also have the ability to inspire success as well as to fuel their abilities to produce great outcomes in any sector. In the example above, if the individual wants to revive their relationship with their partner, they will benefit from having a concrete goal (which, in this case, may include enhancing intimacy, having more fun, or opening communication lines) which will generate positive energy and empower them to take charge of their lives and form a clearly defined plan of action to create success.
They have a strong desire to apply their natural abilities for leadership and management in this lifetime, and they've engaged in lifelong refinement and integration to that end. Leadership skill development is made possible because via this process, participants learn how to harness their innate leadership talents with their optimism and belief in positive results while using greater honesty. When it comes to character development, you will need to grow to a larger maturity if you want to fully grasp this aspect of yourself. No matter in whether aspect of their life, job, or personal relationships they find themselves, they are all learning to comprehend that in each scenario, they must consider what the other person's intentions are and incorporate them into their own objectives. They lose people's confidence when they attempt to persuade others to follow their plan even though it is not in the best interest of those around them in order to get their own personal gain. If they do not get the outcomes they wanted, then they can experience a lack of enthusiasm, and potentially even public anger. As they realize, the conditions they establish will need to be both mutually beneficial for long-term success to occur. When I say practice what you preach, what I mean is to exhibit your own faith through your everyday actions. They must slow down their work process long enough to be honest about their goals and to discuss those objectives with everyone else in the room. Only then can they put their abilities to work and develop a win-win situation for everyone. The end outcome of this process is that they will earn respect, their good energy will be welcomed and cherished, and they will be placed in leadership roles. When they do this, their best course of action is to go back and think about how they may regain their integrity while still considering others. Learning via trial and error helps them to apply their ability as an inspirational leader to result in win-win outcomes. They may be tracked by how much people know about them, respect their natural abilities, and voluntarily follow their direction. 
Saturn in the tenth 
Like Saturn, you possess certain unique abilities and traits: decisiveness, strength, discipline, organization, and the capacity to accept responsibility for accomplishment. The locals here have a strong sense of purpose, or "mission," in their lives. Their childhood feelings led them to believe that they were "supposed to accomplish" something for the good of the world, and this motivated them to bring their mission into the open. They may not know exactly what the work is, but they are on their way to fulfilling this duty by assuming responsibility for being the "CEO" in their own life, especially in their work and with their personal ambitions. To find out if they have realized their full potential, people need to be involved in the public sphere. Even if the native is a housewife, they must preserve their sense of self-worth and a sense of purpose by engagement in the public sector to help them to feel respected and fulfilled. Direct action increases their abilities to lead, as well as their passion to improve the well-being of others, and fires their will to achieve. Volunteering with a nonprofit that helps their family and/or community can help provide financial security. They can have a positive influence in the community by doing initiatives in their own house, or by encouraging one of their children to excel in a public venue. Whether or not the individual is able to directly participate in a public activity does not prohibit them from making a difference, as they may contribute to their local newspaper or be a part of an organization that helps advance their own aims. They can serve as a role model to others, even while they are involved in their own lives. Setting clear and practical goals in all aspects of their lives is crucial. Knowing your destination motivates self-discipline, enables one to take responsibility, and supplies energy for all endeavors. For example, if their relationship with their mate has grown more tiring, having a specific goal to strengthen it (enhance intimacy, improve their enjoyment of one another, or enhance their communication) will inspire them to take charge and implement a strategy that will assist them in their achievement of that goal.
Once they have a goal, they are able to motivate themselves, and get into their "do-or-die" mindset. To get the success that they desire, the native must assume ultimate responsibility. Although they can delegate, a manager must be in control of the results. Pressure exerted by a certain deadline really enhances their self-discipline. Here, their Soul has entered into a new contract with an agreement to further refine and integrate their leadership capabilities. Becoming the CEO is a lifelong process of learning how to act with greater integrity, resulting in increased productivity. More to the point, it is about personal development, which necessitates an openness to growth and increased self-empowerment in this area of oneself. A bad trait of theirs is that they want to take control away from others in order to reach their own goals. But if they do, they'll end up realizing they've made a big mistake, and learn the hard way that they cannot treat people with contempt. For the most part, they will have the opportunity to exhibit their ability to lead by doing what they do for a living. Despite being used to expressing readiness and aptitude to take leadership, they are learning how to retain integrity while doing so. for them, mastering this area entails taking other people's aims and contributions into consideration, and giving respect and regard To become a successful CEO, a company's team members must unite their various talents, and then acknowledge and validate those who aid them in their goal. By using their abilities in this way, they will find that, not only do great outcomes follow, but they will also win the respect of others and be promoted to leadership positions. When others fight against their leadership, that can mean one of two things: either they have given in to temptation and developed a newfound egotism that leads them to overlook those who are challenging them, or they've yielded to temptation and become so fixated on their own self-importance that they no longer care about the welfare of those around them. By alienating people who would otherwise be eager to help, this alienates those who would. When this happens, it is an indication for them to review their assertive techniques. They might try talking to the other parties involved to see if there are any methods to make the aim an even trade for everyone involved. When they work together to build a shared aim everyone can commit to, people discover that they are more inclined to accept responsibility and work toward a goal. Because of this learning process, individuals will be able to achieve more effective results when they show their leadership abilities. As long as people recognize, respect, and appreciate them as the authority in their sector, and are willing to work with their leadership, a company's growth is considered successful.
Neptune in the tenth
Neptune in the 10th house Neptune associates native occupation and ability to accomplish goals with the following attributes and talents: creative insights, imagination, sensitivity, a capacity for the paranormal, idealism, and a spiritual character. Those with Neptune in the 10th House want to be a part of the universal energies' flow so that they are able to be emotionally connected to all they experience. As a result, their career is stimulating to this facet of their personality. This ability to open their heart with compassion and feel the ecstasy of unconditional love increases their exposure to the public eye. Connecting with a Higher Power may be experienced to the fullest through connecting with the public sector. In addition to their traditional responsibilities as a homemaker, natives who want to pursue an artistic career or otherwise use their creative or visionary abilities will need to engage in the public arena to excite their imagination, empower their artistic nature, and recharge their visionary abilities. Another suggestion is to volunteer at their church or with another organization that serves the community and/or their family.
Instead, they might work in an organization where their efforts help to support and pursue dreams that excite their heart. Setting objectives in all areas of their lives is crucial, since it encourages kids to develop their imaginations, help them envision a creative plan of action, and gives them the confidence to take control. They may set a specific objective to better their connection with their partner (create more intimacy, have more fun togeth- er, open the lines of communication, etc.). Once they've surrendered to a Higher Power, they can use their talent to help them get through the procedure. The more clearly you can identify your objective, the greater your magical powers will be, and the greater your energy supply will be as you strive for success in any field. While there is part of them that fights against ambitions that are overly materialistic, they do, on the other hand, seek success. For them to be interested, you need a small dose of idealism. To make better use of their abilities, they've cultivated their creative imagination and visionary spiritual awareness in the process of refining and integrating their abilities. Having the ability to evolve into a more mature, committed, and self-empowered person is primarily dependent on the character's willingness to do so. They will become more conscious of the need of integrity via this process. They will avoid deluding others and remain loyal to their responsibility of not abusing another's trust with this newfound knowledge. People will be tempted to present a far-fetched vision of prospective outcomes in order to get people on board with their own personal aspirations if they haven't developed a strong sense of integrity within themselves. Sometimes, in an effort to accomplish their aims, they may try to play both the role of the "savior" and the "victim." However, it's possible to use the power of illusion just so far. No matter how much people try to convince themselves that their feelings are justified, in the end, they will feel negatively if the scenario does not base its actions on common goals that suit the requirements of everyone involved. Credibility is lost when their fantasies are too far away from reality. It can also result in their loss of trust and a significant emotional impact for them. These locals learn to be truthful and retain integrity in all aspects of their life, as well as their work, family relationships, and life-long connections. Once they have a grasp of the other people's goals, then they should think about what the aim should be. If they are able to harness their sensitivity and spiritual comprehension of the situation, they will be able to help inspire and unite everyone in order to build a collective objective that they are all committed to. Success in implementing this process results in their being acknowledged by others, which places them in positions of leadership where their keen sensitivity to subtle, psychic worlds is much prized. When others reject them, they have given to temptation and used an illusion as opposed to the reality because of the pursuit of a personal objective. They should avoid making the issue worse by retreating and re-evaluating the scenario. In order to better address the requirements of everybody affected, how might they change the aim and/or the way in which they are taking charge? Through trial and error, a native learns how to convey their visionary talents and concepts based on truth and integrity. Their ability to progress in this area may be quantified by how many people acknowledge and respect their spiritual abilities and ability to perceive subtle levels of the spiritual world, and how easily they are followed. 
Uranus in the tenth
Uranus, is in the 10th house. The following skills and abilities are associated with the Uranus sign: unconventional ways, out-of-the-box thinking, and inventive solutions. Those with Uranus in the 10th House are more likely to think of creative ways to grow their business, and thus they'll usually have unique thoughts on how to make the decisions they make. They prefer to be their own boss: Being required to follow several layers of bureaucracy before implementing their creative ideas drives them crazy. People who bring out their rebellious side tend to have power over them. For this reason, individuals can't put up with tradition or the status quo even though it's accepted due of the quickness of their thoughts. Because they are innately able to perceive trends in advance, they are able to jump on emerging opportunities and, consequently, are usually the first to attain a goal that others will later be chasing. Having a specific source of excitement for them is something that they experience when they are working in their job or career. There is a correlation between getting the attention of the people and boosting their capacity for invention and stimulating their yearning for freedom to live life in their own manner. Involvement in the public arena is necessary for one to get an appreciation for fresh awakenings and knowledge. Homemakers are almost always involved in activities outside the house. People who spend time in the public sector show ingenuity, strengthen their ability to lead, and restore their vitality. A good idea is to join a group whose ideas align with your own. Another choice is accepting a seat on the board of an organization that works toward goals that they value, while also helping the members of their family and/or the community.
If people create objectives in all parts of their lives, it will stimulate their unique abilities to bring their aspirations to fruition in the manner they envision. It might be an example when relationships with their mate become less enjoyable, in which case, you need craft a particular aim to reignite the passion (by creating more intimacy, having more fun together, opening the lines of communica- tion, etc.). In order to lose or gain fame, individuals might set a goal and figure up a sensible strategy that will lead to their desired outcome, including a deadline. There is a good chance that they are pursuing their own strategy, but they need a specific objective to succeed. Pursuing a goal helps creative thinkers, inspires fans, and enables people to become successful in any field. They must now adhere to the rules set out by this lifetime's Soul to achieve further progress in their Soul's mission of refining and integrating their capabilities to be unconventional and to think outside the box, especially in regard to the manner in which they express their authority. It takes years to learn how to communicate their visionary ideas such that they lead to real-world results. Due to character development, a willingness to evolve and become more mature and self-empowered is required. They're all learning to express their autonomous, unusual character while simultaneously attaining their goals, all while maintaining integrity. This involves refraining from leveraging their unorthodox views' "shock value" to try to accomplish their aim, since this results in others either pushing away or being hostile against them. Another facet of creating a more effective conclusion is realizing that to get it, you will have to deal with the wants and requirements of the other individuals involved as well as the probable responses and worries of others. Gaining respect while providing leadership opportunities is a primary benefit of this strategy. Often others are unwilling to work with them due to their impatience, self-interest, or inability to bear inconveniences. When this happens, the greatest thing they can do is draw back and reevaluate how they might help others. Only then will they be more cooperative. Because they are still learning by trial and error, they will produce better outcomes in showcasing their capacity to take command. The increase in their success in this area may be assessed by how much others acknowledge and value their talents of vision and enthusiasm, and how willingly they team up with their leadership.
Pluto in the tenth
Pluto is able to contribute several positive features and talents: the capacity to empower people, charm, and transformation, as well as the capacity to become an agent of change, transformation, and alchemy. This native works via his involvement in the public arena to help himself to better self-mastery and personal empowerment. People who work in the public sector have their own personal fears when it comes to displaying their authority. Native people may be reluctant to unleash their full power and might in the world because of the risk of retribution. People can gain life lessons of integrity that enhance their character and strength if they allow the Light to be seen. To the people who are ready to take the risk, life presents opportunities that allow them to learn how to show their power in beneficial ways. Choosing the route of honesty means they can win time and time again. For them to do this, they're accepting the risk of walking through the process, during which they'll experience entire regeneration of self, confront their own fears, and gain greater personal power and leadership skills in the world. Regardless of whether the native is a housewife, they will still need to be involved in the public sphere to continue to grow and empower themselves. To help carry out the organization's aims, consider volunteering for a board seat with an organization that embraces these ideals. Organize an association, such as the PTA, that serves a community or local organization that directly helps your family and/or your community. They should try to do their best in all aspect of their lives, since having a fixed goal motivates them and enables them to assume control. For example, when a relationship with their partner becomes less fulfilling, having a specific goal to improve it (to help people bond and enjoy each other's company, to better communicate, or to take charge of a clear course of action) gives them the necessary energy and personal empowerment to act on a clear plan of action.
Alternatively, if people wish to gain or lose fame, they should determine a particular target and a well-conceived strategy for attaining it, together with a set timeframe. The definition of a goal gives them the motivation to pursue all possibilities, thereby fueling their creativity and strength to excel in any sector. The Soul has contracted to have additional spiritual growth via learning how to use their powerful and charismatic skills more effectively, such as by stepping up and taking leadership. Because character development is important in this instance, you should be willing to evolve into a deeper degree of maturity, integrity, and self-empowerment. They can finally feel comfortable in their true place in society as they continue to practice learning about themselves and expressing their personal power in constructive ways.
As people strive to build their lives, their careers, and their relationships, they are learning to use their personality and skills to empower others with more integrity. Knowing what others' aims are is part of understanding one's own objectives. If individuals feel that others' aims are being compromised in order to meet their own goals, they will oppose them. And if they succeed by using force, they attract an inevitable violent backlash and social ostracism. The natives best hope is to see if others are refusing to follow them in some aspect of their life and then see if they can follow in a manner that is more amenable to cooperation. What is ultimately most essential is if the aspirations of others are naturally congruent with their own purposes and intentions. Many individuals learn how to effectively exhibit their power and charisma via trial and error. This has a domino effect on other aspects of their lives, including increasing their self-esteem and the respect of others. Successful growth may be defined as the degree to which others acknowledge, recognize, and willingly follow the leadership of those who provide transformative gifts. 
North Node in the tenth
This individual brings some key traits and abilities to their profession: the gift of being able to be "the boss" in a way that generates rapport with those they are leading, the ability to reach goals, and the power to inspire others by "walking the talk." They have incarnated in many former lives feeling stuck in families due to familial obligations, or forced to remain within their family due to the needs of survival. People will learn enormous emotional empathy as well as the ability to identify and respond to other people's personal issues and fears throughout their lifetimes. That intuitive grasp of how others feel allows them to excel as leaders. The ability to develop these attributes was a requirement for their previous incarnations. To be taken care of by those who went out into the world to fulfill the group's material demands, many generations have developed a lack of personal competence and self-respect at the outset of this existence. To help them achieve their personal goals, their next responsibility is to feel the satisfaction of achievement. To have success in the world, they must learn to manage their emotional reactivity so they aren't always "swamped" by their feelings. They will rebuild their self-esteem and get respect from others as a result of completing this procedure. Their lifelong companions are their goals. to put themselves in a position to confront feelings they've had bottled up for a long time, they should establish a goal that asks them to go beyond their personal limits Work environments where those who manage others, or manage themselves, excel are likely to be very conducive to their productivity.
For example, they can establish a monthly income target in order to help them feel more confident about their financial status. Don't be impractical and naïve. Once they know how much they need each month to feel comfortable, their next step is to identify possible possibilities that might allow them to meet their financial objective. To keep their attention on their aim when talking about the issue, they should consider themselves financially dependent on their partner. Letting their emotions get the best of them will not provide any results. Only by offering their partner something practical and logical can their partnership be improved. In order to achieve their goals, they must "have it in their minds" that they are the authority. There are two additional alternatives in this case: they are on their own, or they believe they require more money than their spouse can offer to feel comfortable. If you think your income needs boosting, perhaps it's time to hunt for a better-paying work or pursue a second job that might complement your income. The biggest issue for them is that they must have a goal in mind, and then be prepared to sacrifice their emotional considerations in order to focus on that objective. Read about the North Node in Capricorn and Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller for a more in-depth understanding of the North Node in the 10th House.
South Node in the tenth
The. boss can be indicated by the position of the South Node in the 10th House, where many prior incarnations have a person in authority who makes sure that the shared aims of the family or clan are met. a They're used to accepting responsibility for getting things done in many various settings, and that is not a problem for them. Because of this, it is a given that they would assume control in life and want to be the boss. On the other hand, if a character trait is overemphasized, the whole character will be off balance. In order to better cope with all of the stress and pressure they now face, they simply avoided becoming the type of person that had such soft emotions and vulnerabilities in the past. As a result, unconscious patterns harm the emotional and spiritual well-being of their soul in this lifetime. When someone has a "take charge" mentality, they may be seen as "controlling" by others. When they are not cared for and safeguarded by the family unit, they will lose the sense of having been taken care of and looked after. Their family doesn't love them, yet they still adore their family. Their difficulty is to free themselves from the anxiety that stems from an underlying feeling of "intrinsic objectives that loom increasingly larger." The main goal is to end procrastination and begin experiencing bliss immediately.
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If there are two or more planets that are in the 10th house. If multiple planets are located in the 10th House in one's natal chart, this person has what it takes to become an accomplished public servant in the field in which they operate. Take a look at the house sections that cover each of the planets. Because their career or job is the most natural place for these impulses to happen, it is quite likely that their vocation will have a significant impact on their lives. As such, it is likely that natives with a lot of planets in the 10th House will choose to spend their attention here on Earth. It is also very crucial to bear in mind that these are not traits that can only be shown through public encounters. It may also be interpreted as the tenth house planets point to aspects of themselves that require refinement and integration at a higher level. They need to have greater personal integrity in openly expressing their needs. It is crucial for people with planets in the 10th House to be engaged in public activities since doing so keeps their creative flames burning and gives them purpose. As retirees, it is still critical for them to stay engaged in the public sector for both financial and personal reasons. For instance, helping others by working for a nonprofit organization that requires your specific talents, or volunteering on the board of your condo complex are both positive ways to use your abilities.
While they may be in a retirement home, these people still must seek out a job that requires their superior intellectual capabilities in order to be happy and fulfilled. They may stay vibrant and alive and use their creative skills in ways that offer them delight by taking responsibility and being active in the public sphere. While being around a lot of other people may really boost their energy, health, and general sense of well-being, it is generally accepted that it's bad for their psychological health. it's quite unlikely that any planets will be found in the 10th house It does not mean that those with no planets in their 10th House (the house of public action and authority) will never succeed. It suggests they are not motivated by the need for public attention or praise. Also contributing to their determination to realize a great life are several other influences. People who have planets in their 3rd House may seek work in communication or sales, both of which have to do with talking to others. Pursuing one's own natural passion might lead to public recognition. But it was not a primary reason why they decided to do it. Alternatively, if planets are situated in the 5th House, continuing their interest in performing might lead to being recognized without having first wanted to. As they pursue their own distinct abilities and initiatives that invigorate them and make them happy, their contributions may contribute to society. However, celebrity for its own sake does not give them any energy, and it does not excite their inherent abilities. On the contrary, becoming an open public figure does not appeal to them. They aren't striving for notoriety in the public eye, nor do they wish to make an impact on the public. They don't seek recognition and admiration for their work, but they do want people to know and appreciate what they're doing. This will happen naturally as a result of the complete pursuing the professional road with regard to the general public brings each of these aspects of life to their highest level of development. These assets are also available and ready to be utilized when a personal objective is being pursued.
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🕊10h rulers in the houses
10H ruler in the first
The native's personality is put on display when they are in the public eye, when the planet of the 10th House dominates the 1st House. It may be that their work really makes them appear more attractive and compelling to others, encouraging and encouraging their personality to take action. When the spotlight is on them, they exude an aura of importance. They are energized physically as they follow their chosen work path. It provides individuals with a venue where they may utilize their various talents. They use their abilities to place themselves in the public light so that others may see their abilities. They are given the chance to be seen and valued as who they are, without attachments of any kind. To engage their complete self-expression, they can always turn to their work or their personal ambitions. If they have placed their sense of ego and personal ambition above their integrity and the necessity of having their objective fulfilled, they are less likely to stay focused on their aims. 
Reaching a degree of professional brilliance or manifestation of key personal ambitions will entail being a self-starter if the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 1st House. These people enjoy being their own employer, and so have the freedom to make decisions and take the lead. In order to find success, individuals must trust their intuition. They must be respected for their capacity to take the initiative if they want to be satisfied in their profession. Appealing personality is also a plus for them in their quest to succeed. Another part of their goal in this lifetime is to figure out various sides of themselves, identify personal strengths, and then apply these personal strengths to achieve success in the outside world. By formulating and beginning plans to attain their goals, and then seeing them through to completion, people will become more ready to take on new challenges and projects. Discovering that being more self-reliant in accepting personal responsibility for attaining their goals increases their achievement in the long run yields a great discovery. 
10H ruler in the second
The native's ideals are destined to be expressed and acknowledged in a public setting when the 10th House planet dominates the 2nd House. When they enter their field, they bring with them their innate values and make future opportunities available for others. the road of developing a job offers the best possibility for satisfaction and fulfillment, especially when it comes to material stability. People who have an innate awareness of money and excel at working with it are predisposed to careers in accounting, bookkeeping, or other professions where arithmetic and fiscal intelligence are required. Manifesting their values in an impersonal, public arena is the purpose of their existence in this lifetime. Activation of previously significant values is unleashed when people engage in a task that is personally meaningful to them. When they pursue their own fortune instead of doing what is right, it's because they have put the chase of riches above the well-being of everyone. The most important resources to construct a strong foundation are money and time. 
It is always an excellent job decision if the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 2nd House, as they will have perseverance and their own particular ideals to help them succeed. In order to find out their underlying value system and understand what's actually essential to them, their objective in this lifetime is to have a profound experience. What in the world do they believe is deserving of their time and effort? This sparks and motivates them to cultivate their self-reliance so that they can reach point B. For what kinds of long-term goals is the person setting personal targets? They may progress the objectives that reflect their core beliefs by intentionally tapping into their ability to persist and advance one step at a time. Also, their goal is tied to their ability to become financially independent. Another quality they bring to their work is a natural awareness of money. To them, money indicates if they are on track to exercise and claim their character attributes in this lifetime. They learn more and better abilities as they get more in charge of their finances. Letting children have a feeling of self-respect when they handle money is a route of growth that may lead to significant satisfaction. 
10H ruler in the third
When the 10th House planetary rule applies to the 3rd House, the native's communication abilities are greatly developed. When they're in the perfect job for them, they will naturally have what they've learned and the capacity to clearly articulate their viewpoint, while also recognizing the differing views of others. the road of developing a job offers the best possibility for satisfaction and fulfillment, especially when it comes to material stability. Because of their ability to comprehend money and their natural talent for working with finances, accounting, or some other profession where mathematical abilities and fiscal savvy are highly valued, their potential is great in the field of accounting, bookkeeping, or another field that value mathematical abilities and fiscal savvy. Manifesting their values in an impersonal, public arena is the purpose of their existence in this lifetime. When people are actively pursuing their career or a personal goal, their intrinsic priorities come to the fore. When they pursue their own fortune instead of doing what is right, it's because they have put the chase of riches above the well-being of everyone. The most important resources to construct a strong foundation are money and time. 3rd house When the 10th House planetary rule applies to the 3rd House, the native's communication abilities are greatly developed. As people advance in their work, they use what they've learned and their ability to express their ideas while also respecting others' views to become successful. An ability to convey information anonymously is what motivates them in this lifetime. Some manner speaking to a public audience activates all of their finer brain faculties. Their aptitude for logic and fact-gathering is brought to bear when they have a personal aim in mind. A common misconception is that when people "get off course" in their goal-attainment efforts, it is because they are using their mental talents in a manipulative way. In reality, this is only another evidence of their deceptiveness and lack of integrity. 
A vocation in which they may employ their talents for communication, writing, teaching, sales, information collecting, and logical planning is more likely to provide success and satisfaction if the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 3rd House. In order to get a knowledge of how others think and how words influence them, this individual leans on his/her "people skills." In businesses that deal with speaking and mentally connecting with people, being able to use words and connect with others in this way may be a tremendous benefit. Their job advancement and personal objectives are promoted by these tools and talents. Their objective is to collect new ideas and viewpoints, which they will apply to continue and strengthen their approach to life. Logic is becoming realized as a source of empowerment. Regardless of whether it is from reading books, attending classes, or obtaining information from others, people who expose themselves to a wide range of chances will become more cognizant of their own thinking because of it. Involving them in shifting their mindset allows them to more successfully harness their successes and experience better mental serenity. For another part of their mission, they could want to alleviate some form of sibling or neighbor-based "karma" they received in a prior incarnation. When the connection between the two of them grows deeper, then they will be able to recognize this truth for themselves. Resolving this karma means that they must listen to and believe what the other person has to say, even if it differs from their beliefs. Part of being open to the process is that they are willing to engage in it, and it breaks down dispute and releases the sentiments of attachment. Affirming and valuing the thoughts and ideas of others, even if they differ from your own, can help both you and others around you feel more self-sufficient and respected. Affirming and valuing the thoughts and ideas of others, even if they differ from your own, can help both you and others around you feel more self-sufficient and respected. 
10H ruler in the fourth
The emotional capacity for empathy is triggered and allowed full expression in the public arena when the planet ruler of the 10th House dominates the 4th House. Their profession provides them with the opportunity to show their loving nature and their own inner power. The professional skills they developed with their awareness of family and fundamental security are the foundation on which they built their careers. Additionally, they have a keen sense of the value of "home" and a natural talent for sharing their emotions, both of which will help improve their profession. A personal belief that is shared in an impersonal public forum is the main objective of their existence in this lifetime. When they are in a public environment, their intuition is at the ready. Briefly said, their chosen career motivates them to have an impact on others through a variety of methods. When they choose a different road than they intended to, it is because their main objective is to protect their own safety and security (or that of their family) instead of cultivating a long-term loving attachment. 
If the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 4th House, their work will bring their aspect of family closeness into their life, especially if they have a career that makes them happy and fulfilled. The capacity to comprehend and relate to others' emotions is an invaluable asset in both the professional and personal lives. A good job for them would entail helping people feel safe or nourished in some way, which may include the house or resources. Some occupations, such as real estate, decorating, and restaurants, provide as excellent examples. It may also include generating comfortable atmospheres in both mind and emotional realms. The two unique talents everyone have are the capacity to connect emotionally with people to build care, and the ability to help accomplish both their personal and professional goals. They have their work cut out for them in this lifetime because they must further develop their "internal self," which is the fundamental basis from which they approach life. To be able to experience happiness in life, it may be necessary to work at overcoming their early childhood programming, or to go through a spiritual or psychological process to reweave unconscious thinking patterns that are now in the way of this. They can then form a whole new set of positive ideas and feelings of emotional safety, which they have been searching for. It's the inner work, the building of character, that they will be able to carry with them at the end of the day. They are on their way to the next reincarnation, in which their Soul will have a healthier and more optimistic perspective to lead them on their path. A main component of their mission is to help strengthen the bonds between families. It is to be expected that because of their previous lifetimes spent together with their close relatives, family members, and siblings, they have a considerable deal of karmic debts to one It is to be expected that because of their previous lifetimes spent together with their close relatives, family members, and siblings, they have a considerable deal of karmic debts to one For those who have a greater capacity for working out agreements with these Souls, this lifetime provides the opportunity to do so in a more mutually beneficial fashion. 
10H ruler in the fifth
When the sign ruler of the 5th House dominates the sign ruler of the 10th House, the native's enthusiasm and originality will be witnessed and respected by the public. In the children's future, it is possible that one of them may go on to become a notable figure in the world, or that their work will become very well-known and praised. As a result of fulfilling their life purpose, their aspirations for drama, romance, and creativity are fulfilled. Their profession should allow them to display their artistic capabilities in some way. They want to do their best to reveal and share their unique artistic abilities with the general audience. The individual with a strong will will do all they can to succeed in their work, but their will might come off as overwhelming when applied to personal relationships. When they stray from their path to attain their aims, they are doing so in order to support their own interests at the expense of that of others. 
The qualities of creativity and playfulness are essential in all areas of one's life, and when the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 5th House, this person has to be able to bring them to all they are involved in, especially in their profession. The capacity to make people feel good and increase their happiness is an invaluable talent that may make success in one's work and/or achieving personal objectives possible. To ensure that students stay on course, they just need to know that they can have fun while they work. If the enjoyment and excitement start to fade, it is definitely time for them to make a change, such as switching jobs or deviating from their professional path. A child's career might come into play during their working life. That child might maybe have a lot to do with his or her mission in this lifetime if raised the right way with loving support. They may owe this Soul a debt from a prior existence, or the future job or vocation that they choose may be a reflection of their greatest possible potential. Their main objective is tied to pursuing their passion and doing what they love. Happier and more fulfilled as they pursue things that offer them joy for their own reason, they obtain a more advanced sense of personal competence and self-worth, as well as better recognition of their ability to control their own life. They discover their purpose through the act of following a route that captivates their enthusiasm and increases their good mood. They may have even used their own creative energy to produce something that has a good influence in the world at large.
10H ruler in the sixth
When the planet located in the 10th House governs the 6th House, the native's profession provides them with an example to follow and motivates them to become in good physical and mental health, so that they may have better concentration and power in their careers. It is part of their profession that they are organized. They infuse their business with the passion to help others and the talent to make order out of chaos. Since their employment exposes them to new and exciting environments, jobs that keep them grounded enhance their aptitude for planning, dealing with details, and developing healthy routines. Their task in this lifetime is to provide order and clarity to impersonal, public arenas in a disorganized state. As individuals, they might also have a talent for natural health and healing. When people stray from their desired aims it is because their pursuit of personal gain and esteem outweighs their confidence in a higher power and the power of a higher power for the betterment of everyone concerned. 
If the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 6th House, the individual will need to work hard and pay attention to details in order to achieve brilliance. They possess a uniquely perceptive sense of synthesis, in which they gather information, arrange it, and figure out the way it all connects. A key advantage of having this talent is that it enables you to think outside the box, develop ideas, and create plans that are both practical and correct. Another gift they have is their ability to heal, and a job that incorporates this skill is perfect for them. The primary goal in their lifetime is to build the skills that will enable them to merge their many aspects of existence, so that they can elevate their levels of order and clarity. It encompasses a greater variety of learning techniques, such understanding how routines strengthen people and arrange their lives so they can handle varied things without overthinking and planning. Clutter in the house and workplace clears their surroundings and allows them to better concentrate and has a significant impact on their emotions of competence and self-worth. When they deal with the minutiae of daily life, leaving "room on their plate," they feel as though they are in control of their surroundings. It is also in line with helping to build everyday habits to help the individual in their experience of life. When it comes to being healthy, it is essential to establish a routine that includes regular eating, regular exercise, and engaging in interesting activities or hobbies. This has the effect of enhancing their own sense of self-worth and boosting their level of respect from others.
10H ruler in the seventh
When the planet that 10H ruler is in the 7th house, a native's alliances and marriage may be linked to their work. They utilize their ability to bring organizations together and diplomacy to help them develop cooperative partnerships. And they put forward their talents in public for the greatest possible effect. Since the goals they've set themselves are well defined, they are able to mobilize their cooperation abilities and fulfill them. As part of their role in this lifetime, each person's capability to be a team player is essential. Perhaps they are destined to be married, and through that connection they are learning how to communicate with others more successfully. The connection with the general population is awakened and vitalized by their career. When they stray from their desired aims, it is because they have compromised their values, integrity, and self-identity in order to control their spouse. 
When in the 7th House, professional achievement will require great awareness of others and capacity to recognize and support identity. Diplomacy and negotiating abilities are valuable tools in a professional context. Additionally, these gifts go on to influence the general public, which makes them both successful and motivating public speakers. They're learning how to become self-reliant in their relationships, which ultimately boosts their emotions of personal competency. Talent is used to help others learn how to use collaboration to achieve their goals. As a result, their capacity to generate success expands. As a result, having a spouse they can rely on helps these individuals effectively fulfill both their personal and professional ambitions. For this lifetime, their goal is all about working with other people in a partnership: as a spouse, in business, or with the public at large. If they are drawn to someone, that might mean that they had a contract with that person in a previous incarnation. In order for this to be possible, a situation in which they have consented to help them achieve their objectives or to work with them in order to help them achieve their objectives must exist. When they deal with the effects of their past-life karma, they will be given the opportunity to reach a new level of worldly accomplishment than they could have attained on their own. 
10H ruler in the eighth
The native has an intuitive understanding of the interests and desires of others, and has a sharp eye for public opinion when the 10th house planet rules the 8th house. When they're in the middle of their career-building process, their capacity to help the public is readily apparent. Both qualities may be accessed when accessing their power to alter others and oneself. They have a reason to exist inside this lifetime. That reason has to do with revealing their grasp of psychology in a detached, impersonal public setting. Indeed, it is motivating for their psychological insights and investigative capabilities to work in an area that recognizes their strengths. When they are no longer on track in their ambitions, this happens because they have focused on gaining a financial or sexual bonus - either financially or in the bedroom. 
With respect to professional achievement, if the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 8th House, then it is important to have an understanding of another person's perspective, and to be able to instigate a shift in their emotional condition. Because they have a naturally developed capacity to grasp the other person's values, wants, and intentions, these individuals are capable of acting as a catalyst for transforming their mood to a more positive one. Engaging in a "empathetic journey" may be required in order for them to meet their own goals. Intuition for inquiry and study, and grant-writing ability are further professional skills that support their job. Another option is that they may be supported by another material or emotional assistance. Their lifelong goal has to do with exploring their own and others' inner psychology. Understanding and appreciating the specific resources each person brings to the situation are important aspects of this approach. By experiencing these many viewpoints, the individuals are identifying what is valuable to themselves. Once they have this increased knowledge of others, they will be better able to propose viable solutions that serve their requirements. Then they provide their input to others, which is more received and valued. Also, their main goal is to help clients learn how to communicate, collaborate, and maintain lasting relationships in either sexual or financial areas with more knowledge. They don't make commitments lightly. Achieving their personal and professional objectives becomes easier when they draw on their intrinsic awareness of how to do it, and intentionally endeavor to develop mutually beneficial partnerships.
10H ruler in the ninth
The native's spiritual views are almost certainly going to be a component of their work because the planet ruler of the 10th House governs the 9th House. By allowing themselves to use their finely developed intuitive instincts, together with their ability to connect with a spiritual resource, professionals utilize their natural capabilities. Using these tools, it seems as though they will spontaneously make the correct career steps that lead to success. Their spiritual growth takes place when they are working to obtain their professional objectives. They derive additional professional satisfaction from the spiritual advice they receive from their employment. Manifesting their positive ideology or spiritual ideas in an impersonal, public arena is one of their missions in this lifetime. It motivates individuals to put theory into practice because they aspire to be a role model for others. Another benefit of their occupation is that it inspires them to think about and contribute new ideas to a larger public sphere. When people stray from their goals because they've placed the pursuit of "correctness" ahead of integrity and the desire to include others in their plans, that is when they go "off track." 
If the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 9th House, creating professional excellenc achieve goals that are essential to them, one must tap into their intuitive awareness of the unfolding circumstances before them. Associated with this technique is an approach which is based on their claimed connection to a "inner knowing" that informs them about the next action that is required to arrive at their goal. Additionally, assets that contribute to their job include the capacity to successfully disseminate knowledge to a broader audience, while also providing inspiration and promoting an optimistic mindset. These gifts, together with trusting in positive outcomes, are a critical aspect of their ability to succeed. There are a number of personal, spiritual, and philosophical reasons for someone wanting to go into their career in this lifetime. This is because integrity, ethics, and truth are intertwined and intrinsically connected to one's ability to generate effective outcomes. As a result, individuals could gravitate toward a career in the ministry or a role in a higher education institution. Other suitable job paths may include any form of participation with a museum, or any profession that expands your understanding of foreign places.
10H ruler in the tenth
The native's happiest moment in life is generally spent in professional service while the 10th House planet governs the 10th House. For them, being a public figure means they have the opportunity to use what they learn on stage to take leadership in other aspects of their lives as well. They are highly goal-oriented, and they believe that achieving their professional ambitions is critical to their success. Their lifelong aim is to demonstrate their proficiency and their capacity to accomplish objectives in the public eye. This lifetime will prove their ability to maintain their focus on the objective and to act as the CEO leading others. As well as personal improvement, their way of making a positive impact on the world around them is a meaningful pursuit. The knowledge gained from others helps them be more productive in their daily activities. Letting their own values (preserving their public image or wanting to be respected) overrule their integrity is the result when they stray from their aim. Their empathetic understanding of other people's sentiments has been weakened. 
The career success afforded by serving as the "CEO" of one's field of competence depends on the Ruler of the 10th House falling in the 10th House. They bring extraordinary organizational abilities to their career, and have a talent for successfully managing people and delegating duties such that those individuals feel fulfilled by their involvement. Their ability to achieve is dependent on their desire to take on responsibility for using their organizational talents and drawing on those talents to meet the objective that elevates them beyond daily problems. Their lifelong goals are related to the acquisition of self-empowerment that exhibits honesty and accountability. To implement a successful team effort, one must understand how to facilitate people successfully work together to accomplish a common goal. By directly displaying the ideas they believe in, they are teaching themselves to lead a more public life as well as help others learn by showing them what they are made of. The core of this is to help them organize their lives from a practical perspective, rather than an emotional one. Another component of their purpose has to do with enhancing their feeling of self-worth by learning how to connect to authorities in a way that supports it. As they learn how to express their own power without diminishing others, they are becoming more conscious of it. 
10H ruler in the eleventh
 When the planet that dominates the 11th House is the 10th House's native, he or she has capabilities that allow him or her to identify future trends in the field as well as networking and social abilities, along with an ability to connect and collaborate well in groups. It is their innate talent for cooperative and fair connections that comes to the forefront in their profession, and it becomes a cornerstone for their advancement and achievement. Manifesting their wisdom, or their vision of the future, in an impersonal, public arena is their reason for being in this lifetime. They are aware of the overall picture, and this knowledge helps them reach their goals. It happens when people focus all their efforts on fulfilling their own personal objective to the detriment of the group's mission. They have failed to show sensitivity to the uniqueness of everyone else engaged. 
As a result of working with others to jointly attain mutually defined goals, these personality traits will continue to be refined. This can help someone get to their professional goals or help them meet their personal objectives if the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 11stht House. They have a natural ability to rise to the forefront of a group and inspire everyone to collaborate on a meaningful objective. Skilled individuals may use their abilities and expertise in almost any employment setting. They have the capacity to discern future trends, and they know how to seamlessly adjust their commercial operations to effortlessly adapt. People's ability to relate and connect with people on a personal level is also an asset that may be put to use for their purposes. A friend might be of assistance in helping someone meet their goals. That is why it is simple for others to identify with them. Also, their reason for being in this lifetime is about spreading understanding about the "big picture"—which includes strategies that can benefit everyone inside their industry. They are naturally attuned to equality, and they also have a kind and compassionate disposition. On this life's journey, some of the acquaintances they find may be soul fragments to whom they are sharing heavy karmic energy from previous incarnations. If they encounter such relationships, they will feel them as intense connections and will be tasked with working things out with the buddy in order to bring peace to the relationship. Trying to help others, while at the same time helping oneself, is a difficult balance for them to maintain. Taking on obligations outside of their area of expertise takes away from the growth of character they will get from gaining responsibility for their own life. They are instead developing the humanitarian impulse, teaching people to awaken it in themselves so that they, too, may make a difference in their own lives.
10H ruler in the twelfth
The native takes their psychic sensitivity into their job as a tool to pursue their goal when the 10th House planet dominates the 12th House. What they envisioned, together with their own desire, came to fruition in the form of public performance. As well, when they are not completely up to speed, they find themselves in the spotlight due to their profession. It is via their profession that they are given the opportunity to become more conscious of, and to evolve beyond, their self-limiting behaviors. The goal of their lifetime has to do with doing something in the form of a dream or vision while not being a specific person or known to the public. People who wield this kind of influence have the capacity to bring the audience in contact with an authentic sense of beauty, imagination, and art they have seen. It is also part of their aim to let the general public to see an inspiring view of the future they foresee. When individuals end up "off course" in their pursuit of their goals, they have slipped into a self-sabotaging behavior escape, denial, or ignoring problems altogether.
As long as the Ruler of the 10th House falls in the 12th House, it is necessary to exploit their connection with a Higher Power to achieve professional achievement. Inborn psychic sensitivity enables them to perceive intangible parts of a situation and envision the optimal resolution of it. Most likely, they have found their dream job because they have successfully manifested a vision or a secret desire. Instead of approaching a problem with the intellect alone, those with the innate ability to connect with the subtler, unseen elements of existence can tap into spiritual support and guidance, thereby enabling them to achieve both personal and professional goals. Each of these unique presents makes them accessible to a broad audience while keeping them in the background and maintaining their privacy. The "vibe" between two individuals, the emotional mood in a space, the nuances that others are unaware of, are very susceptible to subtle causes. Sometimes they might retreat from the world because of hypersensitivity to others, or they might use hypersensitivity into a tool to find direction and safety via a personal connection with a Higher Power. Therefore, people might regain confidence in the world around them by creating a "spiritual insulation" to provide support. They have the unique opportunity to serve as role models by helping others see the spiritual force that is inside them. In order to achieve their full potential, they will have to identify the deep-rooted, subconscious self-sabotaging patterns and inhibitions that usually hold them back. That will enable them to use their full ability for the benefit of society. The negativity of these old habits has held people back from having a sense of mastery in specific aspects of their life, and as long as these patterns continue to dominate their behavior, they will remain unfulfilled. It will need a period of self-reflection to eradicate them. Addictions such as drugs, self-destructive behaviors, and undesirable habits may all have to be dealt with. if they are ready to choose this spiritual road, they will discover a condition of being that they are released from the constraints of being held in "prison," allowing them to finally be free from inhibitions that have held them back from being able to express themselves freely in social interactions A miraculous success in the world is possible for them. It depends on whether or not they are willing to ask for advice, support, and aid from their Higher Power.
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flickeringart · 4 years ago
Uranus in the houses
Descriptions could be relevant for houses with the cusp in Aquarius or houses that contain Aquarius
1st house: This house is related to self-image, persona and outwardly projected identity. It represents the point of entrance into the world, the point of birth and emergence from the undifferentiated source as a singular entity. Uranus here points to someone that is not very happy with the denseness of physicality. The person is restless and fidgety, running on high voltage. It’s almost as if there’s more energy to the person than is able to integrate into their being. The person could be impulsive and might give off a vibe of wanting to “level up”, get out of the old and jump on board with the new. Coming into life might’ve been particularly jarring for the individual in one way or another. Perhaps the birth was abrupt and unexpected, fast and overwhelming. Since the 1sthouse represents beginnings, this person might find himself or herself thrown into new contexts and situations rapidly without much time to lean into things slowly. There’s something within that can’t stand how things are and must uproot and move on but it’s questionable if there ever was any rootedness to begin with. The energy of the person runs high, but it’s unpredictable and unreliable. It can prove difficult for this person to follow conventional norms, not necessarily because the motivation is lacking but because there’s an inexplicable urge to switch things up and change gear. Changing gear is a good metaphor for Uranus in general because once you’ve changed you’re on a completely different level of experience. This kind of person is in their own lane, going at their own pace in their own way. While “in the mode” one can accomplish a lot of things by virtue of being in a certain mind frame but once the mind frame changes the behavior and patterns of action are conducive to something else. The person is predictable to an extent, but there’s no way of knowing how long that “mode” will last. One is showing up in life from a certain standpoint but that standpoint might alter and then there’s nothing anyone can do about it – conforming is not something that is easily done for this type of individual. No amount of pushing or coercing from others will get the person out of their state. It’s a little bit like trying to reach an airplane by stretching one’s arms up and shouting. Once the person has “switched” there’s little connection to the previous context. It can be exciting to be around these individuals because they have the ability to switch the way they present themselves to the world by getting into completely different states of being on the flip of a dime. Needless to say it can also be unnerving. They come off as charming, a bit distant, quirky, somewhat irrational but stubbornly determined, completely unique and original. They can come off as detached from reality and fixed in their own perspectives. They are distinctly more open and easy to be oneself with than most.
2nd house: This house is related to value, safety and control on a tangible level. It has to do with one’s talents and one’s ability to generate wealth, to acquire money and possessions. Uranus in this house can make a person experience unpredictability when it comes to their income. It might be difficult for this person to create stability because of the inexplicable urge to break out of limiting structures regardless of the safety they provide. The person might find themselves in circumstances where it’s impossible to find a foothold in the world; there might be constant ambivalence around how things are going to work out financially and materially. This is the type of person that could have a lot going for them one month and then suddenly everything is switched up and there’s no longer any desire to produce or put innate abilities to use. The person probably has great potential for living a life that is on the edge, waiting for sudden bursts of energy or insight to kick in in order to be able to have it all under control again. The annoying thing is, that one can’t predict when the impulse comes or when the light bulb goes off. There’s no way of knowing how things are going to work out over time because Uranus is an extremely erratic and disruptive planet. There’s a risk of not being the least bit practical with this placement, seeing as Uranus operates on a higher plane of thought progression rather than personal security and stability in the material realm. The risk is to be too ahead of oneself, acting on premature convictions and causing unnecessary unease because one can’t stand to keep doing the same thing. “Isn’t money an outdated concept already?” Uranus in the 2nd might be too progressive in their thought patterns and too concerned with the possibility of a better system of doing things in order to align with conventional structure. These types may be the first one’s to subscribe to new ways of earning a living, more exciting and evolved methods of putting one’s skills to use. Doing things the same way for years, working in the same place, saving money or playing it safe might not be in the cards for this person. In the extreme case, this person might get rid of all their personal possessions only because they felt bored and deemed them outdated and boring. There could be perpetual dissatisfaction with the material situation since Uranus is about potential more then manifested reality. Once everything imagined is actualized, it no longer holds any value in the person’s mind. Uranus certainly keeps the person in constant pursuit of the future, but the future never comes, as we all know. Visualizing the perfect meal or getting an idea for the perfect way to decorate the living room might be very satisfying but when seen in the “flesh” it all seems very unappealing. It’s difficult to satisfy Uranus in the 2nd, but it’s a positive thing in the sense that it keeps the person reaching for the ultimate physical translation of the perfect thought version. One could be prone to be unintentionally careless with material objects, causing breakage easily and wearing things out because of the unrealistic expectations on the physical objects somehow survive despite themselves and their frailty.
3rd house: This house relates to communication, interaction with the environment, siblings, neighbors, as well as learning and early education. It’s basically the house of everyone and everything that one relates to mentally on a daily basis. Uranus makes for quite a highly charged mental sphere being placed here. There’s potentially a lot of changes and disruptions of the way one is interacting from day to day – it’s difficult to fit in or mold oneself to the pace and jargon of one’s close circle. The person might have a lot of unusual or unconventional methods of relating and is prone to bewilder and stir people up. It might be difficult to make friends, or rather, keep them, because of the unreliable pattern of relating. However, there’s the promise of being very exciting and surprising. Because Uranus is so characteristic of creative freedom this type of person might be a bit of a loner. One needs to be or do whatever one wants even if it means disrupting the status quo. The mold that conventional education forces on individuals might not work well with this kind of person. There needs to be more freedom and openness for originality and rapid changes of pace. This is the kind of person that is rebellious without trying to be, unable to relate in a consistent manner. One lacks boundaries for how to be in and conceive of the environment, which makes for potentially genius ways of operating and thinking. Albert Einstein had this placement (according to astrotheme.com) and his observation and ability to step out of the boundaries of conditioned thinking led him to great discoveries. Learning is done through lightning speed in bursts of insight with this placement. Lightning strikes from above and an idea has hatched that other people have a hard time understanding. These people might prefer being observers of people and the environment rather than actively engaging. They might relate to things with a cold and seemingly uncaring energy. This is because the mind is very far up in the sky of potentials and ideas, far removed from the fixed and permanent reality of the earth plane. Other people might feel as if they’re being related to as concepts rather than physically manifested beings. The very thing that makes these people revolutionary thinkers (and creative odd balls) will perhaps get them into difficulties when trying to adapt and fit into the environment they find themselves in. Since the 3rd house is about communication, these people might dress contrary or despite of the norm, use body language that is a bit eye-catching, and appear in a way that’s considered to be shocking and provocative. It’s not necessarily that they’re trying to be different; it’s just that they have very open minds and doesn’t see the purpose of performing within limits. If an idea and concept appeals, it’s not any less valid than the preexisting set of unspoken rules of conformity. Blending in is too boring and dull, it doesn’t allow for free thinking and free living.
4th house: This house relates to roots, family, home and the ancestral past. It’s the place at the bottom of the chart, hidden from view, constituting relational foundation, our emotional base, our heritage and sense of deep belonging. When Uranus is here, home is potentially something distant, something that is more conceptual and abstract rather than concrete. The sense of belonging isn’t very stable. Although it can be captured every now and then it is very ambivalent. Usually one’s sense of home is anywhere and everywhere or perhaps so far removed from reality that it doesn’t seem to exist at all. The people of one’s family and family past are experienced as individuals, not as inextricable marks on one’s soul. In a sense, the universe is these people’s home, they might feel unusually connected to the people of the world and deriving their sense of containment from larger movements and units rather than the family of origin. They’re children of the universe first and foremost – perhaps very much inclined to find people they really feel connected to and make them their base rather than focusing too much on the blood relatives. These people might change residence often, feeling too restless to settle anywhere or with anyone for too long. It’s likely that the people of one’s family were never truly present even they were in close proximity physically during the formative years. The family is never “had” in the real world, but ever present in the realm of potential. It can make for a dissatisfaction to never be able to be in the same space or feel any real emotional closeness to one’s family. Unpredictability and disruption might’ve been characteristic of the familial sphere. On a more positive note there could’ve been a space of high openness and room for unconventional and highly original streaks. Independence might be deeply rooted in this type of person who might be trying to find a connection to a deeper identity through going against the grain. Again, being a “rebel” is not necessarily intentionally pursued; it’s just a consequence of needing to be whatever one feels to constitute the path forward. Conforming is not an option, it’s deeply important to ride the wave of one’s own convictions and insights no matter how risky or unsettling it might be. “Breaking the rules” is not done out of aggression per se, it’s done because being a game changer establishes a connection with one’s soul, the archetypal father and hero myth. The 4th house is where legacies are born and carried out. Uranus is the legacy of the sky god, the creator of the universe, the maker of the blueprint, which makes these people extremely invested in progression and tuned in to the winds of change. They might be keen to generate large movements toward a cause, more in love with the expectancy than the actual manifestation of the results.
5th house: This house relates to entertainment, leisure activities, uninhibited self-expression, creativity, play, romance and children. Basically, it’s the domain of anything that is done purely to have fun and enjoy life. When Uranus is active in this sphere, there’s detachment and innovative genius in approach to play. The person might have unusual ways of finding pleasure and enjoyment that is quite different from the norm. It’s also done with an urge to construct something of novelty, something fresh and exciting that hasn’t been experienced before. Playing around with the potential of doing something or exploring possibilities mentally might be a real thrill for these types. Ideas make these people excited, especially if it’s advanced and revolutionary and can be applied universally. These people are creative thinkers and have fun when catching some wind and can elevate above the ground for a while in their minds. When they can get to a place that feels elevated in terms of concept and ideas they are having the time of their lives. There’s an urge of wanting to express something profound and precious in the mental realm – to arrive at a conceptual point of perfection. Having children could be a very appealing idea, but one would do well to remember that the idea is more appealing than the actuality – especially when it comes to Uranus. The person might take an intellectual approach to having kids, insistent on doing things as properly as possible according to modern scientific discoveries – or simply according to one’s own “elevated” objective perspective. One aims to be progressive, not only with one’s children but also in romantic pursuits. These people might have a slightly odd style of courting their love interests, certainly well thought-through but a bit special in the sense that it has an unexpected element to it. There might be a feeling of not being seen in the present “here-and-now” by these people, being treated as a component in their mental narrative of the ultimate romantic situation. In any case, Uranus in the 5th certainly takes the experience of “having fun” to the next level in terms of planning and visualizing something unique and new. One might shock a few people in the process, some may like it and some may recoil from the strangeness of it all. It is possible to completely revolutionize entertainment with this placement, coming up with something that people haven’t experienced before, going a little overboard or testing the waters of what is acceptable. If it’s paired with enough finesse and good -will, one might be warmly received as someone who can be perform something that wouldn’t seem to belong on this plane of existence. That being said, it that which is foreign and unfamiliar is not always welcomed with open arms. It’s scary – and people might want to censor one’s self-expression.
6th house: This house relates to work, employment, the practical daily activities that needs to be performed in order to sustain health and well-being over time. This house is where one manages the technicalities and details of living in order to make the expression of life more pure, clean and organized. Uranus here can’t stand routine, which might cause the individual to be unable to stick to any routine or prior commitment. There’s a deep urge to break free from that which has become tedious and unexciting and one has no way of knowing when that famous restlessness is going to kick in. The person might go a long time doing the same things, keeping the same job or sticking to a set routine but it’s never because one does so consciously, it just happens to be the “mode” one is in for the time being. It could switch at any time and the individual might find it impossible to keep doing things the same way. One has to follow the spark of inspiration because it literally goes off like lightning and won’t be denied. This might not be comfortable for the conscious self that might be adamant about sticking to a set plan and operating out of reason. There’s not much to do than to trust and hope for the best with this placement. What one should do on a given day is not set in stone, even if one attempts to be very structured and conscious of what is being done. There’s a stronger push-and-pull force that dictates the daily activities. Some days there’s a lot of energy to put into projects and chores and work and some days are void of electric charge all together. Some days one is on fire and on others there’s no energy left at all. It’s wise to take advantage of the spurs when they come and work with the erratic pattern of energetic bursts because they might prove very useful. On a more negative note, the high productivity that can be generated by Uranus in this house might lead to burn out because of the high voltage of the planet. Exhaustion might be a high risk and all the related physical symptoms that come with it, since the 6th house rules physical (and mental) health. There might be temporary ills and pains that come and go – sickness might come from “out of the blue” and then disappear without apparent reason. The body might require very specific and unexpected nourishment and one might do well to yield to the impulses and insights received in the name of health. Keeping up unconventional dietary habits could be a thing, experimentation and change in the way one manages necessary activities such as eating, sleeping and exercising would be typical of this placement. Employment might also be irregular and unconventional in some way – working odd shifts and hours, having no set schedule, having undefined and unspecified tasks, not being able to go by anyone else’s guidance etc. Uranus in the 6th would have a hard time working “for” someone because of the strong emphasis on freedom and space, it can only be done if there’s complete integrity in the subordinate position, in which case one is really not subordinate at all. There’s no such thing as obligation, there’s only modes of being, which are set and carried out. These people could be very concerned with health and daily life as an experiment, like observers studying phenomena in order to get a grip of all the intricacies and details in order to change and explore potential. The boldness of experimentation can of course get out of hand and turn destructive, so one ought to be careful.
7th house: This house relates to other people, cooperation, union and commitment. Usually that which is in the 7th in the chart is projected onto other people and sought after through engagement with “that which is other”. It’s through looking to other people that the planet is discovered in one’s own life. When Uranus is here, innovation, change and genius is encountered through cooperation and deals, whether it’s marriage, business or any other social declaration of entanglement. Uranus is discovered through the consideration of other people and their perspectives. This type of person has a very liberal and open attitude to other people and is focused on progress and change as to make things better for the sake of social well-being and harmony. It’s no wonder that successful politicians have this placement such as Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Angela Merkel (as found on astrotheme.com). One is inclined to be open and insightful in relationships, detached, rational and impersonal. Emotional bonds could be difficult to form and stability in relationships could be hard to come by for these people. Somehow, other people might get up and leave for no reason and there’s no way of being sure that anyone will stay, especially not out of dependence. This kind of person is going to have to be in partnerships that allows for a lot of freedom of expression, to the point of there not being any ties that bind at all. Uranus has such force and charge that nothing is going to go according to convention. Everything is going to be a bit odd and erratic in relationships, for better or for worse. Saying “I love you” is never a guarantee for life-long commitment because the next day Uranus might’ve switched gears and the person has fallen out of love – not by choice of course, but because the feeling is gone and the mental frame is completely different suddenly. These people crave excitement and looks for it in others. They would find people who strictly lives inside the “box” of convention to be extremely boring and painfully narrow minded. If cooperation and engagement with others doesn’t bring some kind of fresh and new perspective, if it doesn’t feel exhilarating and revolutionary, one might not be able to stick around for too long. In the case of Uranus being projected on other people and not realized as part of oneself, one might be shook by other’s unpredictable and jerky behavior. One might see potential, genius and originality in others but fail to recognize it in oneself. The great ideas and insights that come from engaging with others might add a lot to the person’s life, but one might also feel sad that these qualities are absent outside of a social context. There’s no need for this of course, because Uranus will always have to be accessed through the house that it’s placed in. On a more negative note, people with this placement might scorn and reject others for being so “up in the clouds”, inconsiderate and individualistic. “Other people are so unpredictable and unreliable” might be the narrative, when in reality one is failing to recognize the same tendencies within oneself.
8th house: This house relates to the deep end of experience, death of all kinds and transformative yet traumatic experiences. It’s related to everything that is hidden, the most private, intimate and vulnerable dimensions of life, which includes shared finances and sex as byproducts of strong emotional attachment. Uranus here makes for potentially shocking discoveries of grim, taboo or soul-shattering realities about oneself or other people. Death of loved ones, random inheritances or unforeseen debt could surface from seemingly out of nowhere in the strangest of ways. However, one might be able to deal with it in an objective and detached manner without getting too drenched and sunk by the whole experience. A lot of things related to the most intimate sphere could change very quickly without a moments notice. The most personal and deep dimensions of life are never stable for this person - but the transformation is not that severe since there’s a simultaneous distance and objectivity in one’s way of relating to death and crises. Uranus here is a bit of a contra-intuitive placement because there’s coolness in the face of the most soul-shattering experiences. It’s as if this person is looking at everything but is never completely enmeshed in the emotions surrounding it all. Objectivity and rationality is sought in order to keep things light and up in the mental realm of clarity. The transformations this person goes through are quick and life altering, at the speed of light everything is turned upside down. There’s openness and fascination for everything occult and one might have quite an alarming universal perspective in personal and deep emotional matters. Death is related to primarily as a concept – and so is intimacy. Tying oneself to another can be done, but the risk of doing so is understood from a higher perspective. It’s easy to get into states of paranoia, fearing that important attachment will be broken because there’s a push for change from below the surface. When Uranus is in the 8th, socially/societally divergent behavior might lurk in the basement of the psyche and carefully kept out of sight from the conscious self and the rest of the world. Certain impulses and urges that don’t fit into a preconceived framework might be suppressed because of early conditioning and fear of losing something or someone. These people have the capacity to get a broad and clear view of the darkest facets of life and humanity with revolutionary insights into the depths of the psyche. There’s excitement in probing deeper and uncovering more and more through personal experience but also from looking into other people’s lives, what they invest in, support and might hide from view in order to stay in control and protect their interests. These people look for the unexpected and can therefore spot things that others don’t because they’re not blinded by the veil of convention.
9th house: This house relates to knowledge that is gained through experience and exploration. It’s the house of higher learning and the intuitive search for truth. It’s the house of exploring themes and patterns through life; in essence it’s the house of studying the archetypal realm. With Uranus here, there are bound to be life-altering discoveries and insights into the themes of life, how energies express themselves through the collective and what they ultimately mean in the context of life as a whole. There might be a strong push to discover the meaning behind things in order to change it and work with it to elevate humanity in the process – especially as it relates to the mental framework of people. One might be inclined to share one’s progressive perspective and insight in order to educate people and have them get more out of life that way. Belief systems and innate knowing can be thrown out the window with this placement and replaced in a heartbeat. Other people might be confused as to what one really thinks because it depends on what gear one is driving on at the moment but it could change at any time. There’s restlessness and a strong urge to look to the future for answers and reject the “old”. Openness to experience the strangest things could be characteristic of this placement – if one is in the right “mode” or mind frame to go along with it. Stubbornness and rigidity when it comes to certain opinions and insights could be typical, although it might change very quickly and won’t stick over time. Something the person is thoroughly convinced of today might seem foolish to them tomorrow. There would be strong push to go out of one’s way to discover things, no matter how impractical and inconvenient the pursuit. There’s electricity and charge to the person’s mental pursuits, to one’s observation and efforts to extract value out of experience. Although there’s force and intensity to the process of learning about life as a whole, there’s also a peculiar detachment to the whole thing as if one isn’t part of what one is learning about. In contrast to someone with say, Moon in the 9th, Uranus in the 9th doesn’t experience the overwhelm that it means to learn and experience existence because one is the “observer” not a living and breathing merged component of the experience. With this placement one might have an unusual outlook of life and a very rare and interesting life philosophy. In fact, one would not really subscribe to any one outlook and might identify solely as the observer because one has switched perspective so many times that one knows that none are ultimately real. This doesn’t make the person discouraged, it only confirms that life is complex and multi-dimensional and that truth is nowhere to be found within the hologram of existence.
10th house: This house relates to public image, career and our personal contribution to society. It’s represents worldly purpose and outward persona. When Uranus is here, the person has a certain protruding electricity and charge – there’s a lot of energy put towards moving forward into the future in revolutionary ways. The person could have a reputation for being unpredictable, eccentric and a bit irrational as a byproduct of only seeing potential and not taking note of the limitations. The person exist “outside of the box” and is somewhat of a stranger in society, presenting far-reaching ideas that might be difficult for the average person to digest. There’s probably great openness to all kinds of people and experiences, but the person is extremely jerky and fidgety, so it’s impossible to really know when there’s going to be resistance and when there’s going to be acceptance. More than any other placement, Uranus in the 10th is an indicator of someone to catch people’s attention because it’s so potent and forceful in an electric way – it’s so unsettling and unconventional that people can’t help but turn their heads. “I’m not like everyone else” is the kind of message these people convey, consciously or unconsciously. These are extremely flighty individuals – they can be miles away, seemingly living in their own fantasy world, except that they know that everyone else is doing the same thing and they’re just not aware of it. These people are likely pinned as the odd person that has a lot of energy and unusual opinions and modes of being. They can switch gears or “roles” frequently, unable to be bound by any standardized career path and pushed to carve their own lives, take risks and live on mental impulse. They probably have no idea what they’re doing most of the time, or at least it seems like it when taking the most contra intuitive paths and moving into unpaved territory in terms of vocation and worldly achievement. Some force of the unconscious is seemingly moving these people, pushing them and compelling them to take mental leaps. The curious thing is, that once the leap is made, there’s absolute certainty because one is not merely hoping to level up, one has switched gears and is now operating on a completely different level of existence that is just as real as the previous one. These people are really the pioneers and revolutionaries of society because they radiate a collective urge for change; they shake things up, perhaps even negatively in some people’s eyes. They are symbolizing the urge to break free from old shackles and to reinvent the ways of society. People might feel uncomfortable and put up a lot of resistance to this kind of energy, because it’s disruptive and destabilizing. These people might have “weirdo” painted all over their forehead, being misunderstood and taken for extreme creative individualists with no anchoring in the norm – or they might become the “hook” for collective unconscious forces as the leader of a collective movement. In the case of the latter, the individual becomes a public image for the winds of change for better or for worse. The career might be paved with unforeseen events sudden blessings and curses, as well as unpredictable turns of the road.
11th house: This house relates to collective movements, common goals, friends and shared interests, societal change and progression. Uranus is very much at home in this house, seeing as it is the planet of large-scale revolution and change. When Uranus is here, there’s a strong awareness of the differences and commonalities of human beings and a capacity to switch between groups of people and finding a common ground with all of them. This is the type of person to jump in between social groups – not belonging to any one group but open enough to partake in all of them. The humanitarian and liberal perspective is protruding and very strong – there’s no one more open and willing to find friendship with people from all walks of life than Uranus in the 11th. It’s likely that one views the self to not belong to any specific group or class of society, but to them all simultaneously. All people are part of the human family and this is profoundly clear to this person – religion, political opinion, ethnicity, sexuality or any other factor comes second to the fact that everyone depends on one another. This person might have great ideas about how humanity should organize itself in order to benefit everyone without the blood thirsty uncivilized game that is “survival of the fittest”. Of course, primitiveness is not innately bad, but the person with Uranus here aims to view things objectively and find new ways to make everyone live in a way that benefits the whole rather than merely themselves. That being said, this person could have some unconventional ideas and highly creative solutions to certain collective issues. One might be associated with various groups of people and have great insight into their way of viewing things, their needs and convictions, their character traits and innate disposition. More than anything, this person is an observer of humanity, a person of mental understanding of the inner workings of social systems and groupings. Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry all have Uranus in this house (according to astrotheme.com), which makes sense considering that they are people who are supposed to have a connection to the people – they are essentially symbolic “agents of the divine”, supposedly anchored in Christian values of brotherhood, love, compassion and respect. They are involved in various social projects and aim to improve that quality of people’s lives through their work and presence. Whether it’s successful or impactful can be up for debate but it’s certainly their intention. People with this placement will likely seek to offer guidance or insight to the masses in some way, whether it’s through expressing certain values or bringing an objective perspective to the situation that equalizes the charge within people. This type of person would be phenomenal at reminding everyone of the commonalities and shared quirks, reminding people of their basic humanity and all the problems and gifts that come with it. By being radically open and honest, other people are allowed to show their weaknesses and strengths as they are without feeling the need to fit into a box.
12th house: This house relates to the collective unconscious, undifferentiated reality and the absence of separate self. It is a house that is related to universal feeling, the truth of everything being one. This house is essentially the enemy of individuality and at the same time is the birthing place for it. The 12th is dual and paradoxical, the place where “reality” and dreams blend. With Uranus here, the person would feel as if collective forces govern his or her life to a large extent. Changes in the collective unconscious affect these people personally more than others, for better or for worse. They live in a perpetual atmosphere of Uranus, which means that mental impulses and insights flood them daily of the most new and jarring kind. The inner world is potentially absurd and strange and completely different from the mundane everyday life. In fact, these people might not find that there’s anything mundane about life because everything is a fascinating phenomena to them. There can be hidden feeling of not being of this world, of feeling things more objectively and from a standpoint of universal reality. These can be very creative individuals, able to channel some genius ideas through letting go of the defenses put up by the ego. This could potentially be done through sleep, drugs or any other method of releasing resistance. Since this house is related to hidden enemies, it might be that certain original ideas are detrimental to the separate self and to other people in one’s surroundings. Because the 12thhouse is the realm of no boundaries, doing the most destructive and weird things might come easier to these people. There’s a disruptive quality to these people that shines through their subtle aura – they’re not trying to act out of the norm but little twitches and pushes make them do things that they ultimately can’t control. In a sense, these people are sponges for collective energies and pushes for change. Adolf Hitler had this placement (according to astrotheme.com), which expressed itself extremely destructively. Uranus in the 12th reaches for the heavens and might end up in hell because ecstasy is only felt through complete disregard for the preservation of the individual even though one might argue that it is in the individual’s best interest. In a sense Uranus in the 12th is a push for societal structure and progression that comes the closest to ecstatic bliss and one might take the most insane actions to get there. On a more positive note, this placement can express itself as a positive force for changing group consciousness, and communicating a vision of a civilized and peaceful society based on humanitarian values, mutual respect and love. Whether the ideas are realistic and applicable might be another question, however, the dream of redemption can inspire people and instill hope in the darkest of times.
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crackcancer · 2 years ago
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suntrology · 3 years ago
My ascendant persona big 3 (:
Leo sun in the 5th house <3
The ascendant’s sun is the image you project onto the world. It feels natural and you are aware you come off this way.
Leo energy is proud especially in the 5th house, which is already ruled by leo. It’s obvious I have a strong desire for self-expression. I come off as proud, creative, dominating, outgoing, dramatic, expressive, and good w/ kids. And as this all being the ascendant’s sun sign, i’m very aware of it too.
Aquarius moon in the 10th house .3.
The ascendant’s moon sign can be how we feel jumping into new situations , what we are attached to , also sheds light on the role we serve in this world , this is how we feel what we project into the world/ besides of what we are aware of unlike the sun sign.
I feel like I can come across as the type of person who is tolerant when dealing with others’ emotions. I also feel like I can seem super emotionally unavailable at times when entering new friend groups & situations, just constantly ok with everything. I feel I have an ok reputation with the moon being in the 10th house, but when my emotions feel threatened I can be defensive and act as if i’m fine. I feel like I have a desire for each of my goals to be reached and sometimes it can be overwhelming.
Ascendant in Taurus ^-^
This affects how we approach the world. It indicates parts of ourselves we are not aware of when we project onto the world around us, it’s more subtle, quiet. It can show how we would immediately react when being pushed into a new situation.
Since it’s in Taurus, I am super cautious in new situations and I usually resist. I can subtly come off as serene, self-indulgent, and reserved. It can be obvious that I like luxurious things though, with my original natal chart having a 2nd house stellium.
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astrologybyana · 4 years ago
mc / 10th house / mc rulers in houses
back with another house rulers in houses post~
10th house is our public house, career house
and mc is the highest point of our chart, and also gives ideas about what we want to do in our life
i’d like to kindly mention that 10th house does not mean mc / midheaven, it’s simply ✨10th house✨ and mc can be found in houses from 7th to 12th
if your mc is in one of those houses, you gotta include the matters of that house while interpreting your career
what you gotta know to read this post is, your 10th house + the house your mc is in, their rulers, and the signs + houses they are in!
you can find them our simply by going to astro.com, choosing “free horoscopes” and then “extended chart selection”! from house systems, choose “whole signs” and there it is!
for sign rulerships, click here!
it’s a long post so i cut it from here 🧚🏻‍♀️
10th house / mc ruler in the 1st house / aries
if the planet is beneficial, you’ll achieve success continuously!
if it’s malefic, you’ll probably achieve success later in life
your professional life will probably depend on your personality, your appearance
you have to gain confidence and love yourself first 💜
try not to depend on luck too much, you’ll probably work for everything yourself
which will make you very proud 🌸
10th house / mc ruler in 2nd house / taurus
if the planet is beneficial, you’re most likely to gain a big amount of money from whatever job you choose
your personal finances might help you in that profession
your career might be related to 2nd house matters which are finances, security, self worth, fashion, and material things 🕊
the planet here will affect a lot too
this placement might show someone who is in a family business
or following the same profession as some family members 🎀
10th house / mc ruler in 3rd house / gemini
your career will need for you to be professional 💖
you might get help from siblings or cousins, or other family members lol but mostly those two
your career might be about communication because you will feel a necessity for self expression
you might be sharing your ideas with people with your career, and they might be about the planet sitting here
and you might be doing this through publishing articlesor through social media etc
you might have to travel a lot for your career 🎈
10th house / mc ruler in 4th house / cancer
now, this might be a family business too!
or you might be working from home, or possibly a very comfortable work environment 🌸
your profession might be related to real estate maybe, or home furnishing
the planet sitting here must be considered too
close relations with co-workers, or, co-workers might be related to childhood
you probably have / had a very caring father figure 💕
10th house / mc ruler in the 5th house / leo
your creativity plays a crucial role here!
you will always show your originality in your work environment
and you might do this through the planet sitting here ❤
your profession might be your hobby!
you might be talented in sports too
if the planet sitting here is beneficial, successful children 🌸
10th house / mc ruler in the 6th house / virgo
you feel good when you are helping others, so, your choice of career will probably include this 🎈
you might be dealing with and solving problems on a daily bases, these problems might be health issues, or law, or any other kind
or maybe you could be working in social services 
it might be a routine-based job
your workspace might need you to be a perfectionist hahah 💖
if the planet sitting here is malefic, your position might be in danger because of your health issues
mc / 10th house / mc ruler in the 7th house / libra
your professional success is most likely to be about dealing with people
you’ll probably be associated with your partner in the public eye
if the planet here is beneficial, you might have very fortunate partnerships 💜
you might be in business, and you might meet your partners through work
you could be dealing with agreements, contracts
and your work is probably in the area of the planet sitting here 🦄
mc / 10th house / mc ruler in the 8th house / scorpio
if the planet here is beneficial, it means inheritance 💸
so, financial support from people lol
your choice of career might be making changes around the area of the planet’s matters
you might be helping people transform themselves, or your work might be transforming you
if the planet sitting here is malefic, you might have troubles with the authority
also, your work might need you to deal with secrets / mystery, and you might be gifted at solving those ✨
mc / 10th house / mc ruler in the 9th house / sagittarius
your ideals and higher education is important in your career
you might need to travel for your profession,
or you might just find what you’re passionate about in a foreign country 🕊
so, your co-workers might be foreign! 🎈
you might be dealing with philosophy, astrology or religion
you will probably be expanding your knowledge everyday ☀
mc / 10th house / mc ruler in the 10th house / capricorn
you’ve probably decided on what you want your career to be at a young age
and you’re most likely to achieve them through your own efforts 🌸
you might follow the footsteps of your parents, or they might be your guidance or supporting you
in any way, you’re going to show your personal abilities 💕
if the planet is beneficial, it means you’ll ascend rather quickly,
but if it’s malefic, the process is going to be slower
mc / 10th house / mc ruler in the 11th house / aquarius
you’re probably gonna work in some kind of organization or a group, so there’ll be lots of people in your workspace
and you probably have a humanitarian cause, too
you wanna make a difference
you’ll be receiving lots of support if the planet here is beneficial ✨
and lots of fortunate friendships 🧚🏻‍♀️
your fame is most likely to be increased gradually
mc / 10th house / mc ruler in the 12th house / pisces
your might be working behind the scenes, behind closed doors
your career might be continuing at an isolated place, away from the city, or you might be working in a foreign place
these things depend on the planet 💜
your career might also change with time!
a career that needs you to be imaginative 🦄
if the planet here is malefic, it means difficulty in career
thank you for reading~ 🧚🏻‍♀️
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ellmeria · 3 years ago
hai ellmeria ! If its not much of a hassle. I'm currently in my last year of senior high and im trying to figuring out my career path/college course right now and i'd love to get your insight n thoughts on it. Im not sure what placements or signs i should give so heres my chart ! What do you think are my possible careers or best courses? Thank you!
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Hello, @nicovxn! Thank you so much for asking! I understand the struggle, so I hope I can help you somehow. You have your Midheaven in Leo. I made a post about that placement in this link. You may want to visit it for more career options!
Aside from the Leo MC, you have Saturn in the 10th House, and your 10th House ruler is in the 11th House. I will focus on these placements because they can tell the ideal career paths for you.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 ✧
This placement makes for responsible and hardworking individuals who value stability and organization. They may do well in careers involving authority, structure, business, and management. Success is strongly desired by people with this placement. They thrive more in an efficient and professional work environment.
Some excellent choices for Saturn in the 10th House:
Chief Executive Officer
Real Estate Agent
𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 ✧
These people may do well in careers involving humanity, volunteerism, social media, technology, and networking.
Some excellent choices for this placement:
Human Rights Advocate
Social Media Manager
Information Technology
Technical Advisor
Software Developer
Web Developer
Computer Science
Social Worker
Side note: I hope it helps. Thank you so much for asking! I hope you determine a career path that will suit your wants and needs. Keep in mind that Astrology is only a guide. In the end, you should follow what your heart truly desires. Best of luck in College! 🤍
Also, please tell me if you want me to send it to you privately since your birth information was out.
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astrobydalia · 4 years ago
More astro observations🍂
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
🍁 Libra risings have that very lazy look about them where they even look “sleepy” sometimes (like heavy eye-lids and relaxed lips) They could have a lazy way of talking and have a hard time vocalizing and rising their voice
🍁 A combo of your 4th house AND the 5th house is what more accurately describes your childhood and how you were as a kid
🍁 Personal placements (namely mercury) in the 9th, 10th, 11th house can be prone to overshare. Not necessarily talking too much but more like giving TMI a lot of times. This can also apply to Jupiter-Mercury aspects
🍁 Scorpio placements can make for great managers!!! they can seriously benefit from similar professions where they help others in the spotlight while they “control” everything behind the scenes
🍁 Virgo in the big 3 have come to this life to be humble or learn to be humble.
🍁 The house where you have your moon is the area of life where you adopt a more “passive” role. It’s where you don’t take much of an active participative role and you rather “sit back” to kind to bask on the energy of that house. This is specially true if the moon is in a water sign. Maybe not so true if we’re talking about a fire moon lol
🍁 The ascendant or the the ruler of the ascendant in a tight aspect to Pluto/Uranus (specially hard aspects) is commonly seen in people who have changed their birth name, particularly at a young age
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
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kkoumiii · 4 years ago
When and how do you find comfort? 🧸
Check where the ruler of your 4th House is. It can probably also work with your Moon. This post will be divided between houses and signs.
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☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 1H:
You find comfort when you feel secure enough to show your true self. You can assert yourself without worrying to be judged, or you came to a point where you don't care anymore about people's judgement. You can finally live peacefully when you realized your place on this earth and can fully embrace your purest self. When you accept who you truly are and cherish your extern and intern beauty while living in symbiosis with your values. When you finally understand who you truly are at your deepest core. Once you're sure you can fully trust the people surrounding you and can remove your protective shield, you can finally embrace comfort.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 2H:
Comfort comes to you when you're aware of your worth and don't doubt your abilities anymore. Whenever you're complimented and valued for your work, ethic, values, tastes and you can share with the world what matters to you. You're not afraid of expressing your tastes even if you think they are too much eccentric to be understood. You live peacefully, everything you need and appreciate is accessible and you don't have to constantly fight to get what you want, you don't depend on someone else. You live in a safe place. You feel that people around you care sincerely about your well-being and you feel secure with them.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 3H:
Your comfort lies in learning more about yourself and your surroundings. Your thirst for knowledges is satisfied and you can freely share your thoughts and opinions without worrying of being misunderstood. You make your own choices and you fully assume them. You have meaningful and deep conversations. You feel heard and understood. When you get people to go along with your opinions and defend passionately a cause you cherish. You get interested in a new topic and search information by your own without rules or restrictions. You learn in your own way. Here is the real comfort to you.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 4H:
You start to feel comfortable when you live in a peaceful and harmonious environment. You have found a safe place, whether it's your home, a secret place, someone's arms... You trust people around you and your loved ones are by your side. You create your own family (not necessarily the blood one) and you protect them. You also find comfort in your memories and your story. When you can simply stay at home and enjoy the sound of peace and calm, the smell of your favorite food, the view of people you cherish and the warm of your belonging place. You find comfort in the simplest yet most meaningful things to you because they remind you of a sweet memory.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 5H:
Comfort has a really unique interpretation to you, but it somehow correlates with having fun. When you find enjoyment in the things you do, you live for your passions and you can share your enthusiasm with your surroundings. You're surrounded by your friends or people who share the same values and you discover life together. When you're complimented and appreciated. When you feel the admirative stares on you and you know you have an impact on other's life. Maybe being around children also gives you a sense of comfort because you can fully show your childish side and thus you nurture your inner child.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 6H:
Your comfort depends on your routine. You either have a strict routine that reassures you and gives you structure, or you have to change everyday in order to not get bored. However, having your personal rituals are important to you because you know you can dive into them whenever you feel down. You need to have a secure and enjoyable job where you feel helpful because providing care for others is essential to you. Serving people gives you a sense of belonging and comfort. But what is even more comforting to you is when people are grateful and reciprocate the services. Walking in the nature and being surrounded by animals may also calm you down.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 7H:
To be finally able to embrace your shadow-side is the most comfortable feeling you can have. When you learn to live with it instead of trying to suppress it, you will reach this appeasing state you were always seeking for. It goes with saying that you can be fully yourself in your one-on-one relationship and trust your peers without being overstepped by your fears. You don't depend on someone anymore because you love yourself. Once you understand the fact that no one can fulfill you because people aren't supposed to be an extension of yourself but to be the icing on the cake in your life, you will find comfort within yourself.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 8H:
Comfort comes to you when you show your most vulnerable self and people around you love you for that. You don't let your fears consume you but rather use them to challenge yourself. When you don't have to apologize for living everything intensely and embrace fully your intensity, you feel finally at peace. Once you get a hint of people's intentions and this one person proves you their sincerity and gains your trust, you can let your guards down and dive into this heavenly state of mind. Your comfort might be easily shaken but once you're into it, your life becomes suddenly a lot brighter than you could have imagine.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 9H:
You find comfort when you guide others and see them grow. You're listened to and taken as an example and nothing can be more fulfilling to you. You know that your opinions are taken into account and your advice is followed. Your open-mindedness and your wisdom are helpful to people and you know that you have an impact in this world. Gaining more experiences and knowledges bring you in this state of euphoria that appease you. Discovering the world in all its facets and leaving your own mark may lead you one step closer to this comfortable state of mind.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 10H:
Having the feeling that you're waking up everyday with a goal is fulfilling and reassuring to you. You need to feel that you know where your life is heading. You feel comfortable when you have a project and nothing can stop your ambitions. Everything leads you to the achievement of your projects. Feeling that you're admired might be definitely a boost but you're much more motivated by your growth. Seeing yourself reaching a new stage of your life is fulfilling to you. Once you understand that there're no failures but either learnings or victories, you will be unstoppable and thus you will feel comfortable enough to run the world *put Run The World (Girls) from Beyoncé on*
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 11H:
Following your dreams and remaining hopeful are comforting to you. You need to see the world evolving and fight for what feels right to you because crossing your arms and wait is the ultimate trigger to your serenity. Feeling that you're supported by your peers is also important to you. When your life is in line with your ideals and your liberty, your rights are respected, you feel the most peaceful. Once you finally fulfilled your greatest wishes and you're surrounded by your friends or people sharing the same ideals as you, you can take a time to relax and feel the peace within yourself. You need to feel that you have an impact on the world at your own scale.
☁️ Ruler of the 4H in the 12H:
You find comfort during your alone time, when you don't have to justify yourself. Or you find another form of comfort when you're finally understood by someone and you're fully respected, accepted and loved for who you are. Being guided by your dreams and your imagination is like a safe place to you. You don't need many people around you, only those who respect your boundaries, help you heal your wounds and can become a shoulder to cry on when you need to. Meditating, daydreaming, listening to music, your inner world are necessary to your comfort. Once you release yourself from your traumas, you will find the inner peace you were always looking for.
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🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Aries:
You can find comfort by being assertive and bold, assuming fully your opinions. You don't need to apologize for being yourself because you trust your abilities and your motivations. Why doubting yourself when life is like a playground? By being unstoppable and unafraid of eventual hardships, you will come closer to find comfort. But first, you need to understand that life is an experience and you're the main character of it. So complete this bucket list and go for it!
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Taurus:
Comfort lies into doing things at your own pace. There's no need to compare your speed because everyone is different. You're the only one who knows what feels right to you, so don't let others influence your choices. You will find comfort when you won't depend on someone anymore. Once you start to realize that you live once and that you have to find your own definition of happiness, you will reborn and discover a new peaceful place.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Gemini:
By realizing that your eccentric ideas aren't a shame but a strength and using them to grow and embellish your life, you will come closer to serenity. You need to acknowledge your uniqueness. Once you stop trying to adapt to every situation or person to fit in and feel more accepted, you will come to the realization that you're a rough diamond and the world waits for you to make a move. Find comfort in your own mind, and you'll find comfort in your life.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Cancer:
Once you understand that it's as much important to protect yourself than protecting others, you will find the comfort of a home within yourself. But it starts by removing from your life anything that serves you badly without culpability. You need to realize that you don't need to always act like the tough one, some people want the best for you and will do anything to protect you, so remove this shield. Bring the comfort you create for others to yourself.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Leo:
When you feel that you can fully express yourself and your values and you don't care about people's opinion anymore, you will feel comfortable enough to shine bright as you should. But you need to feel accepted for who you are, not for who you're trying to show. Rather than seeking other's admiration, start to admire yourself and you will realize how being in peace with yourself is the only thing that truly matters. Become your best cheerleader.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Virgo:
Once you get the concept that you cannot help someone that doesn't want to be helped, you will prioritize your sanity. You need to realize that to fully help people, you have to take care of yourself first and set boundaries. Listen to your needs. Question yourself: why are you doing this? Who truly needs help? Yes, serving others might bring a sense of comfort to you, but beware of not exhausting yourself. Set priorities and you'll feel much more peaceful with yourself.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Libra:
Find your own meaning of harmony. What feels right to you? What do you truly want? When you start to live for yourself and don't seek others' approval anymore, you will feel more aligned with your core and then you will find comfort. Once you learn to accept your flaws, you will be more tolerant with others and form more meaningful bonds. You will also start to find people on the same wavelength. Finally you will understand what is truly peace.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Scorpio:
Difficult for you to find comfort when there's a constant turmoil in the inside. But here is the point: you don't have to get rid of that but to accept and embrace it. Your intensity makes you experience life as a rollercoaster. The truth is that as much as you can feel helpless, once you find your own outlet, you feel peace even more deeply than everyone else. It's the beauty of your soul, so learn to accept it and then you will discover what comfort truly means to you.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Sagittarius:
Just to consider life as a huge jungle to explore brings a sense of comfort to you. Whenever you're facing a hardship, think about the wisdom and the experience it will bring to you. Don't restrain your adventurous side, you don't need to go around the world but just exploring new ideas and sharing them with others can bring you much more comfort than you could imagine. Once you find your life purpose and follow it, you will find serenity.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Capricorn:
Being clear and honest with your intentions will help you be more efficient and fulfill you. Doing things because you enjoy doing them and not for what they will bring you at the end is more satisfying than you imagine. For once, don't set high standards, just appreciate the process and you will be even more satisfied by the result. The day you will stop to put so much pressure on yourself, your life will be more pleasant and comfortable.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Aquarius:
Embrace your eccentricity and live with your own standards. When you feel aligned with your ideals and don't follow rules that feel unfair to you, you will create your own harmony. Comfort also comes to you when you're recognized for your authenticity and what you stand up for. Learn to set healthy boundaries between yourself and your peers, you need time to reflect. Your expectations are probably different from the majority but there's nothing wrong with that, accept them and you will find peace.
🐚 Ruler of the 4H in Pisces:
You can't save the world by yourself for sure, but you definitely can impact it at your own scale. So accept the fact that you're doing your best with what you have, as long as your intentions are pure, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Listen more to your intuition and take time to retreat. Others' presence might be soothing to you, but solitude is also needed, you simply need to balance out. Listen to your needs and you will start to feel comfort.
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- kkօմตííí ❁
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