#Rui from demon slayer
drag0nalias0 · 11 months
Wasn't expecting a trash isekai with an op protagonist anime to make me start to almost cry today but hey ho.
It seems that my weakness for cute villains with sad backstories has struck again.
Atl least Toma didnt die like i thought he was going to, unlike Rui and Destra. (Although the second season of Fruit of Evolution was horrible and deviated from the light novel in the worst way. He didnt even die, from what i remember, in the light novel. But i was yelling the whole season for the poor boy to get a hug and at least he got that. Untill he killed hisself)
#It was#isekai shoukan wa nidome desu#Btw#English title being#summoned to another world for a second time#Toma#The other two i mentioned were#Rui from demon slayer#And Destra#From#Fruit of evolution#Shinka no mi#I wasnt expecting to start crying a bit when i thought toma had died#But i was so happy when it turned out he was still alive#I also feel sad that his little group also died#My weakness for sad backstories and cute boys returns to make me cry over another silver haired boy#I think one of the first times i cried over an anime character dying was when rui died in demon slayer#It was either him or Haku from naruto (another cute villain with a sad backstory although he had black hair)#finished another one#But i havent finished tanaka kun is listless. I started that one thinking i would binge watch it#But i got thought the first episode a while ago and havent watch any more#Im so mad at what they done to season 2 of fruit of evolution#They cut out half of the class and killed off destra#Im not mad about the random song at the end bc its a comedy anime so what ever#But they cut out some good stuff#For like no reason other than to make bad jokes#They also cut out the bit in the under world with seiichis (did i spell that right.idk) parents and replaced it with#Bad jokes about gay men. With the gay thugs that werent funny and just offensive#(Fairly sure anyway. Its been a while since season 2 and even longer since i read some of the light novel)#But the light novel was actually quite good from what i remember. I do like trash isekai so my standars might be a bit low
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captain-astors · 1 year
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Not sure how I feel about this series yet but the character designs are fun.
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krikidilly · 1 year
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Theyre best friends i know it in my heart
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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feral giyuu beloved
hes gonna fucking kill Shinazugawa
so Sanemi pulls his stab-the-baby bullshit which terrifies Tanjiro, thinking he'd try to open the box next to burn her in the sun. as soon as Giyuu registers his distress all the tension he'd be holding in snaps violently- he lurches forward out of the lineup and lunges at Sanemi with the ferocity of an actual demon. Sabito and everyone else are stunned in place as Giyuu punches him hard enough to send him to the gravel, snatches Nezuko's box from him and leaps back pulling Tanjiro behind him. He stands there posed protectively in front of them, every muscle tensed ready to move as he stares Sanemi down snarling as loud as thunder. Obanai Mitsuri and Tengen are cringing back- Obanai because hes closest aside from Sanemi and can smell the intense sea-salt & pine through his mask, Mitsuri because shes an Omega Prime and the warning growl/threat scent affects her more, and Tengen because the sharp ring of loathing in the growl hurts his head. Sabito's still in the lineup baring his fangs, struggling to keep calm and not make the situation any worse for his partner despite the anxiety of the situation.
"Don't fucking touch them." "I didn't even touch your stupid brat!" "YOU STABBED HER!"
Everyone startles at the implication of that- Sanemi growls and starts berating him for imprinting on a demon, stomping closer, calling him a traitor for attacking him. Giyuu leans forward ready to rip out his throat at a moments notice, not lunging solely because Tanjiro's holding onto the back of his haori pleading for them not to fight. Sabito finally snarls and stands up- Kyojuro Mitsuri & Tengen follow, fully expecting to have to intervene when the three of them start tearing each other to shreds, "SIT!. ALL OF YOU!." He snaps, harshly grabbing Sanemi by the shoulder and shoving him down. Sanemi starts to protest but Sabito leans over him threateningly and grabs his throat, "You stay fucking put. You're already 5 feet down and i suggest you stop digging any further." Sanemi stares back at him, gripping the arm holding his neck, but doesn't do or say anything else, the others hesitantly settle back down. He lets go and straightens up, looking back at the other hashira, "We're going to sit here and wait for Oyakata-sama like civilized people," a pointed look at Sanemi, "Are we agreed upon?." When everyone murmurs in agreement he nods to Giyuu and kneels next to Sanemi, barricading him and the other hashira from Giyuu Tanjiro and Nezuko.
Giyuu finally stops growling and posturing, hesitating for a moment before turning and fretting over the two of them for a bit- they finally sit down when he calms. When Kagaya arrives hes immediately hit with the tension and thick fear-anger-stress scent filling the courtyard and asks what happened. Sanemi opens his mouth- Sabito slaps a hand under his chin and closes it again. Shinobu and Kyojuro pipe up, explaining that they were questioning the boy when Shinazugawa went ahead and stabbed the demon in the box, how Urokodaki stepped up and ...convinced everyone to sit back down. He finally brings out Sakonji's letter and asks everyone else to allow it like he did. Sanemi of course objects and asks to prove the demon's real nature. Giyuu immediately snaps at him to shut the fuck up- he's already done enough stabbing his fucking cub. Kagaya recognizes the gravity of the situation and offers Giyuu to come inside so he can check on her (and maybe possibly also show everyone else shes not so bad-). Giyuu quickly takes up the offer and pulls Tanjiro over with him in the far corner- Sabito follows them to the edge of the engawa and stands guard there between them and the other hashira.
Giyuu sits down in front of her box and gently opens it, little Nezuko crawling out and looking around for a moment. She sees the blood on Tanjiro's face and tries to wipe it off with her sleeve, Giyuu makes pointed eye contact with Sanemi and carefully cleans Tanjiro's face off. Nezuko patiently sits in his lap until he pats her head and inspects the damage to her clothes. The other hashira are talking, arguing maybe- he doesn't care enough to tell. "Shinazugawa, you owe me 5 yen." "The fuck do i owe you for jackass!?" "Thread, for the fucking HOLE you put through her-" "Ah!- Giyuu-san its fine!-"
Eventually its decided they'll let her live for now, "I also offer to take them in to the Butterfly Mansion, if that's okay with Tomioka-san." Giyuu notices the peace-offering look she gives him when she says that. "...I'll allow it.." Tanjiro herds Nezuko back into her box and Giyuu growls at the kakushi who try to pick up Nezuko's box. He puts the box on himself, Tanjiro tries to assure them he can walk on his own and immediately buckles when he puts pressure on his injured leg. Giyuu picks him up and carries the both of them out and to the butterfly mansion while Sabito stays for the rest of the meeting
#loserboy giyuu posting#neros art tag#abo sabigiyu surprise adoption au#giyuu dipped as soon as he could he did NOT want to stay around that mess any longer than he had to lmao#hes never been so junked up on adrenaline before- he dropped the two of them off in Aoi's care and went to run off the rest of it with a#few laps between the estate and the nearby village. grabbed some more thread while he was there#oh yeah i didnt talk about the mt natagumo scene w rui & shinobu#he was super panicky about possibly losing them to a lower moon so soon- he got there in time though and had that whole convo w tanjiro#abt not hesitating to slay demons- he was swayed by tanjiro and grabbed rui's clothes after he ran from shinobu. had em stuffed in his#sleeve the whole time- probably asked the btfy trio to wash it for him and gave it to tanjiro#tanjiro told him about the little family lower 5 was trying to make with the other demons- how he must've been trying to replace the family#he lost and going about it the wrong way given how happy the spider mother was to die. he smelled so profoundly *sad* when he was dying#giyuu gets why hes so sympathetic to demons like that. he doesnt really feel the same but he understands. hes just happy tanjiro found a#balance between his kind nature and his job as a slayer- he doesnt have to sacrifice his kindness and he doesnt have to sacrifice his *life#sabito eventually arrives w shinobu & fills giyuu in on the meeting stuff- they also talk about that little bit about 'his cub'#'what about it? they're ours now.' 'giyuu you cant just adopt-' 'i dont wanna hear that from you *urokodaki*' 'touche. they're ours now'#giyuu#tomioka giyuu#giyuu tomioka#sabito#kny sabito#sabito lives au#sabigiyuu#kamado tanjiro#kamado nezuko#originally it was supposed to just be a redraw but my obsession w sharp teeth won out#giyuu beloved#next im gonna try to draw somethin w giyuu original design#that fuckboy w the slutty gloves
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imkazz · 9 months
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thinking about. them.
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 23 days
Hi Rui! Do you perhaps like headpats? If so may I give you some?
Additionally, what is your favorite flower?
"Headpats? Yes please, I actually quite like them..." *the small demon thinks for a moment* "my favorite flower? Hm.... I dont think i have decided on one yet actually....maybe forget-me-nots?"
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the-real-kitkat · 11 months
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Aggressive art dump go brrrrrrrrr
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kin-glomerate · 2 years
i cant get into jack shit cuz ill walk out with kins
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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The weather was too cold for me to think and post.
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Drew the goodest spider boy from Demon Slayer, Rui!
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signedeclipse · 1 year
douma, gyutaro & rui’ s/o (separately) wandered outside and they thought their s/o left but were just making flower crowns and didn’t noticed they’re out of their demon’s territory - 💀 💚
You were supposed to be sound asleep in his room when he finished his meeting
But an empty bed and creaked open door letting in the snow told him 'supposed to' didn't mean 'would be'
At first he contemplates if you ran, if all of your emotions had been a ploy not too dissimilar from his own, but then he decided you were too genuine for something like that
Or perhaps he assumed himself to be too good at telling
Then he hurried out the same door you did, remembering humans didn't do so great in the cold and you did not have the proper attire to survive out there
He couldn't sense you any longer, which told him you had either left or been taken long ago
Fortunately he could rely on foot prints in the snow, but the further down the mountain he got the less there was
Then he relief on scent until he found you halfway to the bottom crouched in a meadow pilling all different kinds of flowers into your arms as if your life depended on it
Of course, he forgot sometimes your motives weren't as predictable as he'd expect
"Almost done, are we?"
You dropped all your flowers upon hearing your voice, but the demon was so close his chest wa snow pressed against your back, and he caught them all into his hand with a swift swipe
Once a show off always a show off, he opts to carry you home so your feet don't get frostbitten
He also pinches your cheeks a lot and calls you so cute for such innocent displays of behavior, maybe he'll let you teach him how to make a crown when you are safe and warmed up at home
Entertainment district isn't exactly known for its lush fields or flower shops
Out of the ones that do exist there they tend to be over expensive and not in much of a variety
So without even thinking to tell the upper rank expecting you back home in a couple minutes, you  bought yourself a snack with the flower money and ran off to the fields
Gyutaro notices the moment he can’t sense you any longer, but the sun hadn't set yet and he can't really do anything so he tried to follow you as far as he can through underground tunnels and through the empty spaces of peoples homes
He knows there are slayers looking for him out there, and he can't help but fear that someone got you
The moment the sun is down just enough he flings himself out into the shadows and follows the direction he had been following you in originally
It was right towards the exit of the district, which had him even more concerned
Following you while avoiding people wasn't easy, but he'd risk being seen if it meant getting you back before too much blood was spilled
Except... you were completely fine
In fact, he found you passed out in the field with a couple of flower crowns and an empty drink glass
Immediate 'why do I even try' pang, but he will make sure you get home safely
When asking about the flower crowns after you've woken up he is pleased to hear you worked so hard to make such a think for yourself, him and his little sister
He'll forgive your foolishness just this once
The mountain which you called home was so dense with trees it was almost out of a fairytale, where monsters hid
Well, that wasn't wrong to say, the forest was plentiful in demons beyond people's imaginations, trees tall and encompassing to the point where it almost always looked as if it were night
It allowed the lower moon to thrive beyond just the day, but he still had to be careful
On this particular day the wind was strong, allowing rays of sun to break through and make it far too dangerous to chance going outside
But you were fine to go out, and Rui wasn't all that demanding of you so long as you promised not to stray too far or put yourself in any kind of danger
Neglectfully, he trusted you
Because since the sun had risen, which it was now almost fully set, you had not returned
In fact he could no longer sense your being anywhere, which means you were no longer on the mountain to begin with
Once he was able to step outside, he was rushing in the direction he last felt you, partially with worry and partially with anger
Had you run away? It seemed nothing like you, but no one could have taken you, he would have known they were there
Once he gets near the edge of the forested mountain, he knows exactly where you are, he can see you sitting in the fields just beside the dirt path between the fields
Instantly he is relieved to see you are okay, and he is more than curious as to what made you so interested in sitting there all day
Noticing you have piles of all kinds of assorted flowers around you, he realizes you must have gone so far because the forest's density prevented anything more than white blossoms from growing on the ground
Might be a little cross and short with you for even causing him to worry, and he will also confiscate your crown you spent hours on
But next time you see him he's wearing it, so maybe it isn't that rough of a punishment
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Authors Note - I love this prompt sm,, thank you skull anon! Happy to see you got to sneak in a request or two as well ;]
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colourstreakgryffin · 10 months
Yo sup! I love your blog soooooo much!!! Your writing style is great in my opinion ^^. I'd like a yandere! Rui (platonic) with sister reader. She actually puts effort into making "family bonds" and while she is nice to the other "family" members, she never questions Rui's methods and actions and genuinely loves him despite the behaviours he displays. He is really overprotective over her and he likes her attention. I'd love a scenario like that
Hmmm! Okaaay! I have never written for Rui yet so let’s try it out, I’m optimistic! Been getting a lot of Platonic Yanderes lately tbh!
Yandere! Platonic! KNY Lower Moon Scenarios: Ayaki Rui
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Rui, on the inside, is a lonely miserable child that is so desperate to feel nearest and dearest love for once in his new life that he does truly cruel and twisted means to get what carves so badly
Rui finds weak, pathetic demons and transfers his strength to them so they become infused by blood, cementing them as his family for good. He has done this too many to count… but most go against him and end up fried
Rui figured you’d be the same. Another sister who dares to try run away from him and will become his next toasted spider but no. You’re nothing like the ones who came before you and he is very shocked at first
Rui, needing to know if this behaviour is genuine, begins to keep a close eye on you and is very pleased everytime with the answers. You’re sweet and considerate to the other family members he brings home, you never argue with his methods nor measures and you even ask him how he is
Rui suspected you’d be angry at him for his drastic punishments to your siblings and parents, but no. You never once go against him, you just smile and proclaim you understand if he must hurt you. But in that moment, he won’t lay a single thread on you, he gently pats your head and orders you return to your room
Rui becomes favouritistic towards you, to the point it becomes obvious to everybody in the house. You’re a real sister and he needs to keep you as his, at all causes. No demon slayer can take you away from him and no demon can try trick you into abandoning him, he grows a intense sense of overprotectiveness over you, his one true sibling
Rui never really gets the love he wants with this makeshift family he has forcibly created. You’re the rare diamond of the pebble pile, you give him love and affection with no fear nor opposing intent. He is very tense and tries to push back but once he realises you’re just kissing away the blood on his cheek, he lets you. His obsession over you growing in the process
His obsession over keeping you as his sister at all means. Must he kill all those other failures? None of them please him at all and none has true worth to him, Rui is tempted to just kill them all and keep you. Sure, two siblings aren’t necessarily a family but the risk of losing you, who actually loves him, over a family who doesn’t love him. He is going to pick you everytime
Rui eventually moves you out of the attic you were in with your surrogate siblings. You don’t deserve to be around those pieces of filth and he ends up giving you the room, right next to his. So he can come to you very easily and demand your affection without needing anybody else around
He wants you nearby 24/7, his one and only beloved. He wants you close so he knows you’re still here and you haven’t been twisted by anything else that can twist your views
Rui is very desperate for attention so he wants it from you all the time. He’ll just sit down before you as you read/other and wait for you to acknowledge him. He doesn’t get hissy nor attack like he usually would if you take a little while, since he knows you’ll apologise and give him hugs or kisses as extra sorries
Rui will never let you out of the house nor out of the forest. You can go outside when he is with you, just to make sure no slayer can hurt you nor a demon can intervene. It’s all from his anxiety that makes him step in and take those extra precautions to keep you with him
At all causes, he doesn’t care how big the bill is he must pay to have you
Rui holds your hand as often as he possibly can, loving the feel of your warmth. He summons you to stand besides him as he deals out punishment, he sends you to the safety of the household when he finds threats he must dispose off. He is loving, he is favouritistic, he is possessive, he is overprotective; he is all of the above and so much more
“My dear sister. Come here, I am exhausted from taking care of such useless humans, may I get some affection to ease all my tense nerves? I don’t suspect you’d refuse, here now. You know I don’t bite you”
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Yandere Demon Slayer Concept Pt.2
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This is part 2 of this concept.
Check out my other works here.
I don't think this was as good as pt.1 but whatever.
Tanjiro was very excited to introduce you to his friends. Inosuke wasn't that interested in you at first, since he saw you as week, and therefore not useful. But he could clearly see how much Tanjiro cared about you, so you slowly started to grow on him. He took it upon himself to protect you, even if you were fully capable of doing it on your own. Zenitsu was kind and was happy to meet someone so important to Tanjiro, but he didn't really have time to develop an opinion on you since it didn't take long for them to get another mission.
Tanjiro really didn't want to take you along with them, he couldn't handle it if you were hurt. But you were stubborn, and insisted on going with them, so he made sure that Zenitsu and Inosuke would take care of you in case anything happens to you. He also made you promise to run if you were in danger, or at least get Nezuko, just anything other than putting yourself in danger.
You didn't want to leave Tanjiro, especially right after you found him again. So of course, you wanted to go with him on his mission. While you weren't a trained demon slayer like him, you knew you would be able to handle yourself, or at least you thought. Traveling up the mountain was hard enough, but seeing these demon slayers being controlled by thread was even worse. The moment Tanjiro realized this mission was going to be harder than they thought, he yelled at you to run back down the mountain and wait for them to get back.
Of course, it wasn't that easy. When rushing down the mountain, you ran into, a child? You knew he wasn't normal, he had to be the demon terrorizing this mountain, just off of his dangerous aura he was giving off. You were so scared; you didn't even notice when he grabbed your hand gently and let you deeper into the woods.
Rui of course knew about you, he was one of the 12 Kizuki, it was his job to make sure you were kept safe. While he might have not understood whey Lord Muzan was so obsessed with you, he was not about to let you get hurt on his watch, since that would mean his demise. However, Rui couldn't deny the warmth he felt when he took your hand, leading you away from the exit to the mountain. It was a warmth he was longing for, a warmth he needed. He knew it was wrong, you belonged to Lord Muzan, but it he couldn't help it.
Rui led you towards his home and sat you down on the engawa near the entrance before sitting down next to you. His behavior was so childlike, Rui kicking his feet like he had no care in the word. You didn't want to speak up, afraid of making him mad. After a minute, he finally asked you about Tanjiro, wondering if you were siblings. When you shook your head no, he smiled, saying that you could now be his. Before you could say anything, he left, assumingly to find Tanjiro.
Tanjiro could tell you didn't leave the mountain, your scent was too strong, the worst must've happened. After freeing mother, he planned on finding you, but he ran into Rui and sister. He could tell he was with you; your scent was all over him, Tanjiro hated it. When Rui offered him his life in exchange for you, he was enraged. All he could see was red as he fought Rui, he wasn't going to let him take you.
After what felt like hours, you were found by Giyu. You remembered him from the night with Tanjiro and Nezuko. He was, quiet to say the least, softy telling you to come with him. When you ask about Tanjiro and the others, he tells you not to worry, that they were being taken to the Demon Slayer Headquarters. He confirmed to you that they weren't in trouble, that that they were being taken care of. You had no other choice but to follow him, just wanting this all to be over. -
You must've fell asleep, because when you woke up, you were in a bed, in an unfamiliar home. Your clothes were changed and there was a tray of food on a table near your bed. The window in the room was open, looking out to a beautiful garden. As you sat up, the door to your room opened, a man being led by a woman entering. The man was smiling, scars covering the upper half of his face, which must've caused his blindness.
"You must be (Y/N), am I correct?" You respond as the woman grabs a chair for him to sit down on. For some reason, this man makes you nervous, your heart racing as he stares in your direction. "It feels wonderful to finally meet you, my child. I am Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps." He searches for you hand, grabbing it before continuing, "Your friend, Tanjiro Kamado, is going to trial for protecting a demon." You knew he was referring to Nezuko, but it didn't make it less surprising. When you attempted to sit up more, Ubuyashiki's grip on you tightened. "I promise nothing bad will happen to your friend, my child. You can come and observe if you would like."
Kagaya has known about you for a while, he's kept an eye on you ever since Muzan started interacting with you. He took it upon himself to make sure you were protected until you came to him, using his crows to make sure you were always safe. He was greatly pleased you were finally here with him, that he could feel your presence with him, it made him happy, to finally be with his child. You weren't his biological child of course, but it didn't change his feelings about you.
After Kagaya left, you were led by servants to the garden, were you found Tanjiro laid on the ground, tied up. You were told by the servants to stay out of the way, so you watched from afar as the strange group of nine people figure out what to do with him. You wanted to run to Tanjiro, but you knew it would cause more trouble.
When Kagaya entered, the group kneeled, one of them even forcing Tanjiro to the ground. You wondered if you should too, but you were too nervous to move, simply staring at the ground as he was led out. You could feel Kagaya look at you for a split second, before looking back at the group, who he referred to as he Hashira's. During the meeting, he explained that Tanjiro and Nezuko could train to be Demon Slayer's as long as Nezuko doesn't hurt anyone. You were overjoyed, tears nearly seeping out as your friends were given a chance.
Tanjiro was to be sent to the Butterfly estate, owned by one of the Hashiras. You made your way there as well, finally meeting up with Tanjiro and the others. Inosuke throat was damaged and Zenitsu was recovering from poison You felt horrible that you weren't able help any of them, you felt like a burden. You decided that the best thing you could do was leave so that Tanjiro could get the best training possible, so he wouldn't have to look after you anymore.
"You can't leave!" Tanjiro told you, nearly yelling at you. You shook your head, explaining to him that you weren't a Demon Slayer, so you couldn't stay. He was on the verge of a panic attack, telling you he had to make sure you were safe, so you had to stay. Even Inosuke and Zenitsu didn't see a point in you leaving, you'd just be in more danger without them, so you might as well say. You decided to think about it for a while, hoping they would be a little more reasonable in a few days.
In those days, you met a few of the Hashiras, particularly the insect Hashira Shinobu Kocho, who owned the Butterfly estate. She was very kind and was happy to let you stay with your friends. You spent more time with Giyu, who opened up a little bit more to you as time went on. You planned on meeting the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku, with Tanjiro, but he was out on a mission. While everyone in the Demon Slayer Headquarters was great, you knew you didn't belong here. You could feel the other Hashiras judge you, and you couldn't stand it. You felt alone, since Tanjiro and the others spent most their time training.
So, one night, you left. You packed the very few things you had and left that night. It should've been easy, the three were usually passed out due to their training. But, by the time you got to the exit, you were stopped by Kagaya being led by his children. You questioned why he was out this late at night. He asked you the same question, smiling when you froze. You composed yourself and told him that you were leaving for the train station. He reminded you that you were allowed to stay, taking your hand when you politely refused.
"I would be terribly distraught if everything were to happen to you. Your safe here, with us." He held you as you were led back into the headquarters. He told you didn't have to worry about anything, that they will take care of you, and protect you, as long as you stay with them.
A/n: Here's the finished concept. Please request for Demon Slayer, I would love to write more for it. I'm sorry for not going into the Hashira's more, I've only watched the anime, so I only know so much. Also, keep in mind I haven't watched the Swordsmith Village arc since it's not on streaming services for free, so please don't spoil it. Please like, comment, and reblog if you enjoy. Thank you.
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alcordraws · 23 days
I have no idea how to properly put this into words, but one of my favorite things in Demon Slayer is like. The sibling switch up dynamic. Tanjiro is used to being the eldest. He's a big brother, the responsibility of being The Eldest is ingrained into his very bones, and even with his friends, despite being younger, he's still used to being more mature than Inosuke, Zenitsu, and even Genya sometimes. Which is why I really enjoy when he's thrust into a dynamic where he's thrust into the younger sibling role, like with Rengoku or Giyuu (or Mitsuri to a degree). He wants to be respectful to them since they're older, but like. They're all kinda goofy in their own ways, they're too casual for Tanjiro to go Full Polite and Respectful Young Man. He has to bully them back a little bit the way one would an older sibling and it's funny that that's just a little out of his wheelhouse since he's used to being the oldest. In the same vein, Giyuu and Shinobu were both younger siblings who dearly loved their big sisters and now that they're older, they've also been handed the responsibility of mentoring someone younger. Giyuu ran away from this for as long as he could because his guilt and shame kept him from seeing himself as someone capable of ushering in a new generation. It also meant that he ran away from being understood until Tanjiro got through to him. Shinobu, I think, also tends to be closed off, but she saw this little girl that her sister cared about so much and threw herself into training her. And she did find understanding with Kanao, because Kanae had become a big sister to them both. Something about family being blood and bond. Something about Tanjiro being the one to scold Rui about the family you create being just as important as the one you were born with. Argh
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vionyxart · 2 months
Rui speedpaint ☺️
IG : vionyx.art
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animekpopsimp · 1 year
(Demon Slayer Characters x Little sister reader) You get seriously injured)
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Tanjiro was hesitant about you being part of the demon slayer corpse in the first place
You and Nezuko were the only family he had left and he couldn't stand the thought of losing either of you
However you insisted on joining the corpse alongside him, so he relented
It made him feel a little better knowing he would be with you to keep an eye on you
And at first, things went well
Until you both went up against Rui
The fight was brutal and Tanjiro was doing his best to keep you out of harm's way
To his horror, though, you were caught in one of the demon's attacks, leaving you with a pretty nasty wound
Tanjiro instantly started blaming himself, seeing you in so much pain
You both end up winning against the Lower Moon and being taken for treatment
Finally, you both get to see each other again Tanjiro apologizes for you getting hurt
Of course, you don't blame him
You're just happy that he's ok
Zenitsu always felt bad that you were keeping an eye on him so he wouldn't get hurt
He was your older brother, he felt as if he was supposed to be the one keeping you safe
Luckily, you hadn't sustained any serious injuries during your time as a demon slayer
That is until you came in contact with a particularly strong demon
Zenitsu wanted to stand next to you and fight, but he was just too scared
So once again, you stepped up, showing no fear
You faced the demon head on, until the monster turned his attention to your brother
You panicked when you noticed this
You quickly took action, taking the hit for him
Zenitsu watched with wide eyes as you were injured getting knocked to the ground, bleeding
Zenitsu got so panicked that he ended up passing out, killing the demon himself
When he woke up and saw you patching yourself up, he started crying
He begged you to forgive him for causing you to get hurt on his behalf
Of course, you didn't blame him
Inosuke is confident that he can keep you safe
He's been doing it for years now, so he doesn't think anything bad could happen
However, he didn't expect a demon to attack out of nowhere
Neither of you were prepared, and being caught off guard you felt the demon's claws dig into your shoulder
Seeing this, Inosuke was pissed
He took care of the demon as fast as he could before running over to you
He yells at you to stay awake, doing what he can to patch up you injury
You do end up passing out from blood loss, which worries your brother
He waits until you wake up, and then yells at you for worrying him
Deep down, you know he cares
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