#They also cut out the bit in the under world with seiichis (did i spell that right.idk) parents and replaced it with
concerned-cat-paws · 4 years
I have more bnha ocs than I’ve posted here so here’s them UwU
there’s 4 under the cut
also don’t mind like spelling errors honestly this is sorta for me to reference
Rianah Taylor
We dont need to talk ab her here she gets enough spotlight
Vivi Nishiro
Quirk: cat… you already know she’s a neko girl
She can do what ever a cat can pretty much. Above average athletics, very dexterous, her nails are sharp, canine teeth are sharp, above average sense of smell, hearing and night vision. 
She just goes to a normal high school
Also this is a bad ref it was mostly experimental in a n u m b e r of ways
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- she is a RAT
- she is very mischievous and snappy
-very impulsive
- she doesnt have a plan for her life and doesnt know what she wants to do after high school
-really just trying to have fun day by day
-is pretty protective of her friends because she always feels like she doesnt deserve them with how much of a rat she is so doesnt want anything bad to happen to them ever 
-more on that shes insecure about if shes annoying the people she likes and will accidentally push them away
-a little clingy ad a result
-will deny the fact though
-that only applies to her loved ones though if she doesnt know you she will be a r a t
-enjoys hanging around people she deems interesting and she is actually quite picky when it comes to who she likes
-however she really likes wandering and just seeing sights and people watching
-of COURSE shes naturally curious and despite her disinterest in school she quite likes learning new things
-probably likes true crime stuff
Naruki Hinana
Quirk: Reverential touch
If she touches someone they respect and treat her as if she’s royalty even if she tells them its her quirk making them respect her so. Over use makes her become listless sleepy and disoriented
She goes to a normal highschool but tried out for a couple hero schools (not UA she didnt expect to get in)
Only picture i have of her is with Vivi but I like this one for both of them sooo
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-shes also quite mischievous and her and vivi het into quite a bit of trouble together
-shes normally pretty neutral and just :/
-shes actually really funny though she just has a natural :/ face
-fairly popular for being funny but some people in her school jusy dont like her because of her popularity
-think she only has so many friends because she used her quirk on them (false btw)
-her family is like upper middle class and shes been on some cool vacations
-naturally smart and doesnt need to study as long as shes present for class
-def has a social media following
-likes to mess around and use her quirk on strangers and people she doesnt like
-probably likes painting or smn as a hobby
Kaede Nakamura
Quirk: Mending light
Her palms emit a light that can heal physical wounds and over exertion can cause a burning sensation and hand cramps. She’s also able to jump fairly well and run faster than the average person due to a minor quirk inherited from her dad.
She’s a first year in the support course.
Also she has a boyfriend i dont rmbr his name (these r old ocs but theyre getting revived) but he belongs to godriene on insta
(I dont have a very recent ref for her but i did draw and color a sketch so heres that)
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-Her quirk can take some time to fully heal but she can just partly heal a wound and move onto sonething else in a shorter amount if time
-Shes not super easily flustered because she can be a bit dense
-Very nurturing type like if she sees someone being like bullied shed be too scared to confront the bully but she would extra nice to the victum and help them however she can aka b a b y
-She’s the type to really like to make people laugh specifically her s/o cause she loves that smile
-Probably just likes to make people happy in general she may or may not have father issues
-With an s/o she might be a bit more protective she would get upset when they get hurt but she is extra caring like You thorst ? Of course you thorst here’s a pitcher of v i t a m i n w a t e r
-Shes that kid that sees the best in like everyone and honestly just wantes to improve the world for everyone else
-Doesnt consider herself alot but if someones being unreasonable she will stand up for herself
-Arguments actually kinda scare her
-She’s close to her mom and recovery girl is like another a grandma
-Shes spends her free time except for lunch helping recovery girl in the clinic running errands for her and helping her with what ever she needs since recovery girl is a bit of an inspiration to kaede
I drew a group pic of them for a fantasy au oc event so heres those
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Seiichi Takagi
Quirk: Hell hounds
(Ill let da picture explain)
Right now hes a villain
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So yeah my dog has a BUNCH OF DOGS (also second pic was also for the fantasy au oc thingy on insta)
-hes not well known and prefers it that way
-he has a group of other villains that he works with
-its more just like a bit of organized crime than the league of villains type beat
-he really likes animals and will try to hide the whole villain thingy some times and volunteer at an animal shelter
-that being said my dog has beat up many people bad man i swear
-he doesnt so much as hate all heros but if one gets in his way that sucks for them
-he likes being able to do what ever he wants by just ignoring laws so often times he just acts on his own agenda
-sometimes act sort of like a vigilante
-he considered being a hero but simply didnt wanna follow all those rules
-so now he hurts people just cause
-if he were to fall for anyone it would probably be someone really pure and soft but not a complete baby that needs to be watched all the time
Thats it
Thats them
Thank you this was a waste of both our time
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