#Rues Ballet Au
a-whispering-echo · 2 months
Ballet Killer - Shank
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is this a bad time to post probably, its 2am here rn lmao
i know ive been off recently, not posting much and i dont know when that will change cus im really depressed and dealing with that 'losing interest' thingie, but i dont want to stop, so im pushing it in little increments
SO! weve met Sugarplum, meet Shank! though, of course, we can just call him Killer, lmao - once again, feel free to ask about him or the others <3
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lucydoodlessometimes · 6 months
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p... princess eater? soul tutu??? what if mytho was a weapon literally. what if princess tutu was soul eater. anime that rewired my brain
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
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edgar degas and his ballet dancers
dancers, pink and green (c. 1890) \\ ballet at the paris opera (1877) \\ le foyer de la danse à l’opéra de la rue le peletier (1872) \\ three dancers at a dance class (c. 1888-1890) \\ danseuse au repos \\ the star (1879-1881) \\ two dancers (1893-1898)
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chick-magnet-marco · 1 year
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Princess tutu swap au stuff.... also here's the sketch of kraehe btw
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More stuff sbt this cus uhhh ^___^ im ill
Basically rue is our duck in this story she was a human that was taken by a crow but longing for a different like she gets the ability to turn into a primadonna by drosselmeyer to be able to help fakir(a guy she sees in one of the ballet classes who is basically mytho in this idk(but she doesn't have romantic feelings for him) so that when she gathers all his heart shards she'll be able to turn into a crow and please her father by marrying mytho. Duck/ahiru is a duck from birth who was turned into a human by drosselmeyer to be with mytho(having a crush on him) but is also tasked with getting fakirs shards to truly stay a human so they are put against eachother (they are geniunely friends but have to fight against eachother for the shards) and im too lazy to type the rest I know this is different than some of the stuff in the art sryyy 😢😢😢
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lesbianfakir · 7 months
Ever After High/Princess Tutu Au: Duck
Fakir • Mytho • Rue
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Since Princess Tutu dies without ever being with her prince she has no children. Thus, a volunteer is needed to fill the role of Tutu in the Prince and the Raven. The Ever After High faculty searched long and hard but could not find an eligible student who would agree to Tutu’s fate for this iteration of the Prince and the Raven. Only when Drosselmeyer, a rogue narrator cast out for his attempts to drive stories with happy endings to tragedy, interfered with the course of the story that a suitable candidate was found: a little duck who longed to be human. Duck is given human form and a spot at Ever After High on the condition that she follows Princess Tutu’s fate and confesses her love only to vanish.
Royal or Rebel?
Rebel. Despite her obligation to fulfill Tutu’s fate Duck does not want to turn into a speck of light. However, she is afraid to speak out as a rebel for fear her humanity will be taken away from her. While she grows bolder as the story progresses, initially she resigns herself to looking for ways to break her curse in secret.
School Life:
Duck is terrified of falling in love as she knows it will be her demise. She has a crush on Mytho, and she tries to avoid him as much as possible, though they are often placed in the same classes as they are from the same fairytale. Duck avoids dances and dates. She has a hard time making friends. If she starts to feel as if she has the potential to fall in love with a person she runs away. With her fear growing stronger as her destiny approaches, this happens all too often.
Magic Abilities:
Duck can transform from duck to human form. She can also walk on water. Unfortunately, she was not gifted with Princess Tutu’s ability to dance gracefully and effortlessly, so she has to work twice as hard in ballet class.
Friends: Rue, Fakir, Briar, Cupid
Rue always rooms alone and so she was less than pleased when she was assigned a room with Duck at the last minute. Moreover, though neither of them are fated to be with him, the two princesses share a prince. Despite Rue’s wariness at the new girl, Duck’s earnestness wins her over. Rue eventually agrees to tutor Duck in ballet and the two become good friends. However, Rue becomes jealous and resentful upon learning Duck means to change her fate and as such the two have a complicated relationship.
After a rocky start, Fakir became Duck’s best friend. They bond over their deaths in their shared fairytale and their commitment to changing fate. Duck feels safe around Fakir because they have an agreement to keep their relationship completely platonic. Duck confides her fear of falling in love and vanishing, and he understands completely. Fakir fully expects to die young, and dating is the last thing on his mind. They even go to various dances and events like Thronecoming as friends.
Duck relates to Briar a lot as they’re both terrified of their fate but scared to try to change it. Duck stays up with Briar when she’s too scared to go to sleep and they chat all night long. Briar throws Duck a no-dates-allowed anti-prom so she can feel included.
Love is one of Duck’s biggest fears and she often goes to Cupid for advice. Cupid feels immense sorrow at Duck’s fate but tries to help as best she can.
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darlingsnow0 · 2 months
Thg dance academy au
Katniss always gets yelled at too smile more(not self projecting istg)
finnick takes every dance style, star pupil of snow, always gets the leads in shows
Johanna takes her anger out on her shoes
Effie is a teacher, specifically ballet, lyrical, and contemporary
Haymitch teaches jazz and tap and hip hop🤭
Cinna and the prep team help with costumes
President snow runs the school
The career pack are students who train SO MUCH, sleep, eat, and breathe dance
katniss is a scholarship student, so is peeta and gale ig
Madge is another one of the star pupils
prim and rue are baby ballerinas, twinkle toes🤭🤭
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loversgothic · 1 year
What's princess tutu??
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I think it’s a bit funny this is one of my OTHER obsessions other than Ultrakill considering how different they are, but eh. I can’t guarantee this will be everyone’s cup of tea. 
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Princess Tutu is an anime released in 2002 (it had its 20 year anniversary recently :D) and is somewhat well-known (but also kinda not..) among fans of mahou shoujo. It has only two seasons and is one of my favorite animes ever. It also has a manga series that was released I think alongside it however its story is different from the anime and I hear it isn’t as good as the anime. While it is not action-packed or full of bright colors it tells a story that resonates with me so deeply and made me rethink what makes a good story. It has a very soft and delicate look to it, and while it can get very fucking dark it can be very sweet and cute. It also inspired my love of ballet and returned a love of classical music to me that I had lost, and is what inspired my Ultradanse AU in MANY fucking ways. My partner Valentine is the one who showed it to me and it changed me fundamentally, and I showed it to Dex and it ruined his life (positively). So now I hope by dumping about this, it interests you in watching it!
The story follows the heroine Duck, and three other characters named Fakir, Rue and Mytho. It takes place in Gold Crown Town, a place where fairytales become reality. However, Gold Crown Town is only like this because it is under the influence of Drosselmeyer, an author of immense power who died before he could finish writing his story The Prince and the Raven and is now using the town and its residents to orchestrate his story to give it a conclusion.The Prince and the Raven from the book escape their story and come into reality, and to seal the Raven away he shatters his heart into shards that scatter themselves across the town. He succeeds, but the Prince is now without emotion or feeling, barely able to think for himself. He now studies dance at Gold Crown Academy, where the other three main characters study as well.
Drosselmeyer has given the main four different character roles, each one meant to end in their demise or a tragic end. They’re meant to play the roles, submit to the fate of the character, and fully believe that they were that character from the beginning even if that wasn’t true. Drosselmeyer may or may not have influenced and altered their histories and memories, and probably altered their feelings as well so it can be brought into question how much is under Drosselmeyer’s influences.
Drosselmeyer wants this story to end in tragedy, to end in sadness, as to him that would be the best ending. The characters within it though are very complex people, and rather than to succumb to their fates, everyone is trying to escape it. Princess Tutu plays a lot with defying destiny.
Duck plays the role of Princess Tutu. While the title of the role she plays is the title of the series, in Drosselmeyer’s story and in his plans, Princess Tutu is a minor character who is only meant to return the Prince’s heart shards to him, confess her love and then immediately die. It’s a cruel fate, as Duck wants nothing more than to do the right thing and help the prince and others by returning his shards to him where they belong so he may feel and think for himself again. Being Princess Tutu is conflicting for her, because it doesn’t just affect her fate and others but if she wasn’t Princess Tutu she would no longer be able to dance so exquisitely as she wants. Not being Princess Tutu means a lot of things for her, it also means she could forfeit her ability to be a girl. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention? Duck is not even a human girl. She was born a duck and ends the story as a duck. She’s not particularly skilled in much and isn’t very special at all. And yet, what makes her so great is her kindness and resilience. You don’t have to be particularly skilled or perfect at anything to change things or be loved, it’s okay to be average or “just a duck.” It’s fine to be flawed, you can still move someone's heart and change your fate.
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Rue plays the role of Princess Kraehe, I don’t think I can really call her an antagonist as she isn’t really one to me. Princess Kraehe is the daughter of the Raven, and she desires the prince and actively works against Princess Tutu to stop him from regaining his heart shards, or just to mess with the process and use it to further her goals. However, Rue makes me SO FUCKING SAD. The Raven leads Rue to believe Mytho is the only one who’d be able to love someone as ugly as her, and only believes she is ugly because she is human in appearance instead of a bird. He gives her this insecurity and desperation that makes her easy to manipulate as he plans to “help” her secure the prince for herself. But she really does love Mytho, and has loved him for all her life. I wish I could go on and on about her, she’s one of my favorite characters ever and she makes me CRY. SHEEE ONLY WANTED TO BE LOVED THATS ALL SHE WANTED AAGGHGHHH
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Fakir plays the role of the Prince’s knight, and while I thought he was the antagonist when I first watched the way he develops over the course of the story really makes that idea fade fast. Hell, I even forgot I hated him when I first watched, and now he’s on my top 10 favorite emo boys. He seems like a total dickweed at first and has some.. Kinda vaguely gay scenes with Mytho at the beginning, but he’s far more than that. He admires Mytho and when he was younger, swore he wanted to be Mytho’s knight to protect him, and doesn’t want Mytho to get hurt. Having emotions means he’s susceptible to getting hurt, but there’s more to that. Fakir, playing the role of the knight and believing in his fate, he fears that fate and what is to befall him. Similar to Princess Tutu, he is also destined to die, to be sliced through the chest in battle. He was even born with a birthmark that resembles a scar across his chest. If Mytho has his heart shards returned to him, the story goes into motion, and the closer he gets to his fate. He wants to protect Mytho and keep him safe, but he also doesn’t want to die.While everyone plays a very important role in the story’s finale, he plays a very big one howweeever I don’t wanna spoil what that is or some abilities he has. :]
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Mytho, my dear sweet boy and his fucked up haircut, is the prince. He doesn’t play a role, he IS the prince from the story. He exists as this heroic figure that is meant to be perfect, and he has a desire to protect and save others. For most of the story though he lacks his emotions and gains them back slowly, but kinda just gets get pushed and dragged around by Rue and Fakir who are both, for different selfish kinds of love and in different ways, keep him from regaining feelings and dictating what he does. Maybe I’m silly for this interpretation, but he is kind of used like a tool or a doll sometimes rather than a person. Regaining his emotions can hurt him in more ways than one and yet he still wants all of his emotions back. He kind of goes from holding no opinions or thoughts of his own at all to forming ones can be conflicting in the moment. He also gets hurt when Kraehe taints a heart shard with raven’s blood which gives him a touch of evil and flaws he did not begin with. I don’t think he gets the same amount of a transformation of character as the other three, but in the end when his emotions are regained he becomes a bit of an imperfect prince.
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I love the characters, a lot. A totally normal amount. BUT. I gotta say, Princess Tutu has some of the prettiest but also the coolest scenes, and they’re good art inspiration for me. I really gotta go out of my way to clip my favorite things, because some of my favorite things haven’t been clipped and put on Youtube somewhere. Here’s some gifs from the series that I like
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okay thanks for hearing me ramble have a nice day
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quixoticrobotic · 11 months
amazing digital ballet au where rue, fakir, mytho, and duck are forced to play rolls in the stories drosselmeyer creates for his own amusement
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raphraconte · 1 year
2023年08月26日 Un Monopoly pour les enfants
Hier soir, nous avons joué en famille au Monopoly. Cela parait anodin, mais je pense que c'est la première fois que j'ai joué au véritable Monopoly...
En effet, quand j'étais petit je jouais chez mes grand-parents à une version simplifiée du jeu qui s'appelait le Monopoly Junior. Des années après avoir joué à celui-ci, je vous propose d'observer les différences entre les deux ! Il semble il y avoir plusieurs versions du Monopoly Junior, celle sur laquelle je jouais se passait dans une fête foraine.
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Avant de commencer, voyons voir si vous avez lu les posts précédents !
Le sondage reste ouvert pendant une semaine, on verra ce qui se passe quand il sera fini !
La première chose que l'on remarque, c'est le changement d'esthétique. Les pions ne sont plus des objets en miniature, mais des voitures en plastique chacune d'une couleur différente, ce qui est plus facile à identifier (même si on pourrait confondre la couleur des pions avec la couleur des cases). Les billets sont aussi plus colorés, tandis que le plateau possède beaucoup plus d'illustrations, notamment en utilisant la mascotte du jeu. Il est assez rectangulaire comparé à la plupart des Monopoly et se plie en deux. Enfin, comme le jeu se déroule dans une fête foraine, les rues sont devenues des attractions ! La case garage est devenue une case café et la prison a bien évidemment disparu pour laisser place à une case fortune qui permet de ramasser les billets placés sur celle-ci par les joueurs ayant payés pour voir un feu d'artifice ou un ballet de dauphins.
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L'objectif du jeu est toujours le même (le capitalisme s'apprend aussi aux enfants...) cependant la valeur des billets a été revue à la baisse afin que les enfants fassent des additions plus simples: au lieu des billets de 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 et 500 Mono, ici les billets vont de 1 à 5 et sont en euros afin de faire le lien avec l'argent dans la vraie vie pour la partie apprentissage (et puis ça fait argent de poche). Après tout, le Monopoly a été créé à l'origine par Elizabeth Magie pour représenter la nature antisociale du monopole sur le sol, il y a donc toujours quelque chose à apprendre...
De nombreux ajustements sont faits pour raccourcir les parties: on note désormais que toutes les couleurs ne possèdent que deux terrains contrairement aux trois terrains (sauf pour les cases bleues foncées et violettes) du jeu original. Cependant, il est impossible de faire payer plus cher en mettant plusieurs stands sur une même attraction ! Ainsi, le seul avantage à avoir deux attractions de la même couleur est de faire payer le double si un joueur passe sur une des deux cases. Il y a bien évidemment moins de cases que sur le plateau original, cependant le jeu n'utilise qu'un seul dé au lieu de deux. Le plateau prendrait donc plus de temps à parcourir que l'original, sauf si nous prenons en compte le changement fait aux gares !
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En effet, celles-ci agissent normalement comme les terrains de couleur à la différence que les cases sont éparpillées aux quatre coins du plateau et que leur somme pour plusieurs gares cumulées n'est pas énorme. Mais dans ce Monopoly Junior, on n'achète pas la gare, on prend le train ! Ce qui signifie qu'on ne fait que relancer le dé.
Les cartes chances sont toujours de la partie, et certaines permettent carrément d'obtenir des stands gratuitement. Pour finir, il ne faut pas attendre qu'il n'y ait qu'un seul joueur avec de l'argent mais plutôt qu'un des joueurs n'ait plus d'argent pour terminer la partie. Les mécaniques d'enchères et d'échange à l'origine de stratégie et de parties de durée infinie ont tout simplement été supprimées, créant un jeu plus rapide mais également davantage soumis à l'aléatoire.
Après avoir joué (et gagné) hier soir au Monopoly, la simplification du jeu sur cette version junior devient plus qu'apparente !
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a-whispering-echo · 4 months
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oi, his eyes are up there! hehe ;)
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zerozeroren · 2 years
Ren! My brain's been on this since the tap dancing post XD Do you know of Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance? My mum described the story as a bit of a Swan Lake ordeal (it's actually a bit more out there than just that-but! XD) it would def make a fun PT crossover/AU (also the music and dancing is super pretty and cool so it just makes a fun viewing experience in general)
Lord of the Dance has a plot i was sure they were just showcasing their fantastic leg work
I really need to look into it, this sounds like a really fun prompt honestly XD like remember that dream Ahiru had in season 2, where Rue, Fakir and Mytho danced a pas-de-trois on the lake? What if that but tapdancing or a riverdance XD
Also immense respect to your mum, dancing both tap and ballet is so impressive, holy damn!
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forgetthetimetravel · 2 years
AGE UP Burlesque AU has me frothing please tell me more
Muahahahahaa >D
I haven't touched it in a hot minute, BUT:
Ahiru is 18/19 and HAD HER EYES ON GETTING INTO A BALLET COMPANY. She took dance for years. Unfortunately, she is Very Short. And even the corps often have height requirements. And though she is young and starry-eyed, she also had an Injury (or autoimmune disease suddenly trigger to flare, undecided) and can't compete on that level anymore.
But she still loves dance, and her bff's Pique and Lillie take her to a burlesque show to celebrate high school graduation. And Ahiru is TRANSFIXED. The music. The costumes. The dancing. She wants IN.
The place is called The Raven's Crown, owned by Drosselmeyer. The manager who actually runs the place is Edel, whose 4 year old daughter Uzura runs around the club on occasion. (she isn't supposed to but locked doors are seen as a challenge and her mother's babysitters are not super reliable)
Ahiru grew up on magical girl anime and is lost in visions of her in a magical girl outfit doing dance routines when she applies to work. But of course it's not that simple.
Luckily for her, there's a whole cast to help her through it! (I'm just gonna list cause why not)
Ahiru, stage name is Tutu. Magical girl aesthetic, sometimes comedy routines as a duck. 19
Rue, stage name Kraehe. Pole routines, mostly, dark aesthetic. 21
Siegfried, stage name Mytho/The Prince. Signature outfit as Mytho is just The White Shirt. The Prince is known for his sword, in his dark or light outfit. 24
Fakir, stage name The Knight. If asked for his actual name he only gives Lohengrin, Siegfried is the only one who knows his actual name. Dark angsty aesthetic. 21
Femio, stage name The Matador. Theme is Drama, preferably with roses. 23
Autor, he is the DJ for the place. 25
Freya, stage name Miss Magnolia. Cottagecore aesthetic. 22
Malen, a regular who uses the dancers as inspiration for her art. 23
Hermia, the kitten of the shows who helps out backstage. (Ahiru and her bond for a while as Ahiru has to work her way in as well) 21
Lysander, Hermia's supportive boyfriend who helps with props for the shows. 22
Mr. Katze, the local dance instructor who many of the dancers get a variety of training from. 46
Lamp Spirit is here too! She does the lighting. Goes by Lux. No one is sure if she chose it for the club or it's her actual name. She is hard to pin down, but very good at her job.
This maaayy be more of a strip club than a burlesque theater but I haven't gotten far enough to decide.
(yes I have songs too but this post is long already)
Thanks for asking! :D
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lesbianfakir · 7 months
Princess Tutu/Ever After High Au: Fakir
Duck • Rue • Mytho
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The knight of The Prince and the Raven has a simple role: he is unable to protect the Prince and is then torn in two by the Raven's claws. Fakir lost his father at a young age to this fate and knows firsthand how utterly devastating it is.
Royal or Rebel?
Rebel. Fakir is determined not to follow in his father's footsteps and he does not care about the backlash he will face for it. As a third year, he has already signed his page in the Storybook of Legends, sealing his fate. Now regretting that decision, Fakir searches for a way to strike his name from the book and rewrite his destiny. Going forward with the story means his own death, the death of his best friend, and his closest childhood friend being locked into a fate worse than death. While, on the surface, his drive to rewrite destiny appears to be motivated by a selfish desire to survive, he's most driven by the desire to save his friends from their tragic endings.
School Life:
Fakir is aloof, preferring to stay apart from his classmates. He joined the ballet track at a young age to be closer to Mytho. As he becomes more disillusioned with the destiny system, however, he attempts to switch into writing classes.
Magic Abilities:
Though being descended from the Knight doesn't give Fakir any innate magical abilities, his connection to Drosselmeyer allows him to hear the narrators. He has a tenuous and immature control over the direction of active stories.
Friends: Duck, Mytho, Maddie, Brooke
Despite an initial distaste for Duck, the two grew close, bonding over their deaths in the Prince and the Raven. Fakir urges Duck not to sign her page and seal her fate. Together, they search for a way to break Duck's curse and remove Fakir's name from the book. Fakir trusts Duck and feels safe around her in a way he's never felt with anyone else, and the feeling is mutual. They inspire each other to keep fighting for a better ending.
Mytho and Fakir are childhood best friends, though their relationship begins to disintegrate as the divide between Royals and Rebels grows. Mytho believes it is their duty to protect the people of their story, even if that means they are doomed to tragic endings. He sees Fakir's refusal of destiny as selfish, putting their subjects at unnecessary risk. Fakir, on the other hand, is angered by how Mytho is willing to sacrifice Fakir, Duck, and especially himself without trying to fight for a better future. Fakir cares about Mytho deeply and does not want him to lose his heart. However, he takes Mytho's commitment to destiny as a personal attack, feeling as if Mytho does not care if he dies in the story--which could not be farther from the truth. Their falling out is exacerbated by the fact they are roommates and share nearly every class.
Though Fakir and Maddie seem to have opposite personalities at a glance, her silly demeanor and earnest devotion to her friends endear her to him. Fakir believes Maddie when other people think she's crazy. She is the only person he can talk to about the narrators, and he has no reason not to trust her on other matters.
Fakir is, according to Brooke's parents, a bad influence. He urges the young narrator to change the course of events of the story to avoid tragedy. Brooke admires his determination to overcome his tragic fate and in turn, he admires how Brooke fights for what she believes in, no matter what consequences she faces.
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latribune · 1 day
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jogallice · 1 month
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Aujourd’hui, mercredi 14/08/24, une journée sans Journée qui va ravir celles et ceux qui ne les aiment pas, qu’elles soient locales, territoriales, nationales, européennes, internationales ou mondiales 👌⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Trois marchés le mercredi à Annecy : marché (alimentaire) de Meythet (rue François Vernex), marché (alimentaire et produits divers) du quartier des Pommaries et marché (alimentaire et produits divers) de Seynod (avenue de Champ Fleuri, place du Marché) ➡️ De 8h à midi 🧺
Troisième et dernière animation vélo - Mobilité : parcours vélo, maniabilité, circuit de vélos rigolos à tester, ateliers créatifs sur le thème de la mobilité ℹ️ Évènement proposé par l’agglomération du Grand Annecy ➡️ Ce mercredi 14/08/24 de 11h à 16h dans les Jardins de l’Europe 🚲
6e Mercredi animé de l’été (sur huit programmés) : blind test pour tous (les enfants doivent être accompagnés d’un adulte) ℹ️ Partagez un moment convivial en famille ou entre amis 🎫 Activité gratuite proposée par la MJC Centre Social Victor Hugo ➡️ Ce 14/08/24 à 18h30 au square Jean Chamey 👈
Show clownesque : Goupil ou Face (adapté du roman de Renart) ℹ️ Dans le cadre du festival Ancimômes 2024 (11e édition, 6e date sur 6, la dernière donc) 🎫 Gratuit ➡️ Ce mercredi 14 août  de 20h à 21h sur le podium de la plage d’Albigny 🤡
Impérial Classic'All : Noëmi Waysfeld Trio (la voix de Noëmi Waysfeld danse sur les plus belles chansons de Barbara à Vivaldi) ℹ️ Dans le cadre du 9e Impérial Annecy Festival qui a lieu du 13 au vendredi 23/08/24 🎫 22, 15 et 8 € ➡️ Ce mercredi 14/08/24 à 21h à l’Impérial Palace 🎶
Ciné gratuit : ballet en hommage à Maurice Béjart, en partenariat avec l’Opéra national de Paris (L’Oiseau de feu, Le Chant du compagnon errant et Bolero 🎬 Profitez d'une soirée en plein air en famille ou entre amis ℹ️ Pour votre confort, pensez à apporter vos chaises, plaids et pique nique, site accessible 30 mn avant la projection ➡️ Ce mercredi 14/08/24 de 21h30 à 22h30 place Chorus 📽️
L’opération Vital’été a repris du service dans la cité lacustre le lundi 8 juillet (jusqu’au samedi 24/08/24) : aujourd’hui (mercredi 14 août), gymnastique douce, karaté, tennis de table, Touch Tennis et “Savoir rouler à vélo en sécurité” 👌 Activités gratuites et ouvertes aux adultes, profitez-en 👍
Qualité de l’air à Annecy (indices ATMO) : dans une ambiance moins chaude et plus nuageuse suite aux orages de la veille, la formation d'ozone sera nettement plus faible 📉 Les indices de qualité de l'air devraient être majoritairement dégradés, peut-être mauvais en vallée du Rhône 💨
Dans la cité lacustre et ailleurs, au niveau de vos déplacements, privilégiez vélo, trottinette, marche à pied, etc. et au niveau de vos activités physiques, privilégiez les parcs, les zones piétonnes et les rues peu circulantes pour vos activités de plein air 🌬️
L’indice de risque pollinique à Annecy est moyen : niveau 2. Armoise, graminées, plantain et urticacées : niveau 1. Peuplier et platane : niveau 0 ➡️ Indice communal valable du 10/08/24 au vendredi 16/08/2024 inclus 🤧 Personnes allergiques : évitez de tondre la pelouse, pour ne pas aggraver les symptômes 😷
Les trois dictons du jour : « À la saint Évrard, au plus tard, fait battre la gerbe. » 🌾 « Qui bat avant Notre-Dame bat quand il veut, qui bat après bat quand il peut. » 🤔 « Si les crapauds font musique avant le quinze août, on les verra sauter avant fin septembre. » 🐸
Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée annécienne et un très bel été à Annecy, dans les 33 autres communes du Grand Annecy, en Savoie ou ailleurs 🏖️
Bon troisième jour de la semaine à tous et à toutes 🦚
Bonne fête aux Évrard et demain aux Marie 😘
📷 JamesO PhotO à Annecy le mardi 13/08/24 📸
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