palatinewolfsblog · 1 month
"Being rude is easy. It does not take any effort and is a sign of weakness and insecurity. Kindness shows great self-discipline and strong self-esteem. Being kind is not always easy when dealing with rude people. Kindness is a sign of a person who has done a lot of personal work and has come to a great self-understanding and wisdom. Choose to be kind over being right, and you’ll be right every time because kindness is a sign of strength." U.N. Owen.
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yesterdaysprint · 7 months
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The Handbook of the Man of Fashion, 1847
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philosophybitmaps · 3 months
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jvgsjeff · 3 months
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ae-cha08 · 2 months
There’s a right way and a right time to address your differences. Do it calmly, express your concerns, and then leave it there. If it starts getting heated, walk away.
When you do it God’s way, He’ll fight your battles. He’ll change what needs to be changed. Do what you can to keep the atmosphere loving, kind, and peaceful. Be a person of honor and avoid the fight.
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gummygoatgalaxy · 1 year
What lovely messages i received today
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Seriously though, don't fucking do this
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ddlc3177 · 1 month
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iamcryingregretevator · 4 months
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spive angst
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What’s going on lately with people (often poc) making serious posts about personal or political issues and people (often white people) jumping in to tag in fandom stuff or ocs or aesthetics, inspirations or other inappropriate stuff?
Like have we sunken so deep into dehumanisation and self-obsession that we will take people’s harrowing posts and twist them to become #relatable tools for our own personal interests?
Like, do you not see humans behind the screen?
Why does something like to include/involve/engage you to be meaningful?
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“Whenever feasible, one should always try to eat the rude.” --Hannibal
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ladyprydian · 2 months
Twice today I interacted with/saw two people decide to be deliberately rude.
First, I was doing my normal lunchtime walk route that loops around a pond on campus. Pond to the right, to the left is the campus daycare with the road beyond and on the other side of the road are student residences. It's a wooded area with trees and low shrubs.
I come across an older woman throwing a ball for her off leash dog. She throwing it towards the daycare and the road. As I come up on her she's doing that blandly pleasant smile and I say: "it's not off leash on campus" I'm not snarky, it's a neutral tone statement of the campus rules.
I watch her face morph into rage and aggression as she realized I called her out on breaking 1) the city bylaw of leashed dogs, and 2) the campus rule of leashed dogs. It's amazing how quickly people default to anger when they're called out for rule breaking.
I keep walking and when she's behind me she says "hAvE a NiCe DaY" like she's trying to clap back. I swing back around and say "That won't make any of what you are doing okay. It's not off leash on campus."
She's probably telling all her family and FB friends of the bitch who was mean to her and her dog on her walk today. What she was doing was dangerous - throwing the ball towards the road and daycare. But also we've had issues this spring with deer attacking dogs because off leash dogs have been harassing the deer and their fawns. If I see her again I'm phoning campus security. She could be asked to leave campus and if they see her there again they can charge her for trespassing.
Second crazy rude thing I saw.
I'm driving by a park where people play disk golf all the time. I can see two guys playing, and one frisbee goes wide and flies onto the road. I've seen this happen before so I've always got my eyes peeled when I'm driving though this area.
Anyway, doesn't hit anything but lands on the road. The van in front of me sees it, neon green easy to spot, and moves over to the right (closer to the curb) so to not run it over. I do the same. Car behind me? I watched her (yes when we were stopped at a light I could see it was a woman) swing to the left so she could deliberately run the frisbee over.
I was in awe of how mean spirited that was. How could you not notice two vehicles in front of you moving out of the way of something? Rather, deliberately moving your vehicle so you drive over something that belongs to someone else (likely damaging if not breaking it) and was an honest mistake on their part.
Some people are wild.
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koreanaswego · 1 year
Korean Word of the Day
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meadow-lands-faerie · 2 months
Something I find hardest to understand about neurotypicals is the way they have decided how you are *supposed* to behave when someone offers you something.
You have to say 'no' twice because it is rude to accept right away, but 'yes' the third time, else you risk being rude by rejecting someone's offer of hospitality. Even then, you have to ask if they are sure about their offer.
What is that about??? If I offer to buy you something or offer do to something or offer you food, I am doing so because I think it might improve your life. If you accept that or not makes no difference to me.
The same goes for the question of reassurance. I would not ask/offer of I were not capable of helping and asking in a genuine capacity.
How can it be rude to accept right away, but also rude to reject that same offer too many times? I just don't get it.
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oasisr · 2 months
Why do people act like it's so hard to not be rude and vulgar?
I know I'm not too sensitive. This world is just so degenerate. I honestly look forward to death sometimes.
Don't get me wrong. I want to live a good life and succeed. But, being trapped in this environment is making me sick.
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vol-au-vents · 4 months
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gennsoup · 1 year
Turns out, I do have manners. I guess my rudeness has been a choice and not a product of a poor upbringing.
Gaby Dunn & Allison Raskin, I Hate Everyone But You
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