#Ruby team challenge
ninalove616 · 5 months
Part 4 of the Ruby team challenge!
And we're once again at it! Basically, we find the contest gal scouting people and, coincidentally, we're the chosen ones! Would've never predicted that oh my God!!!!
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She briefly presents us to the contests and we begin our journey to get all the ribbons! I'll only be doing the normal rank right now cuz I'll try to focus on that once I have my full team but, overall it went quite well! I began with Zuzu and the Toughness contest, and won by a large margin thanks to the pokeblocks I received earlier, everyone else was pretty much the same with the exception of Nana who won by a hair cuz someone else pulled the special move instead of her, but she did a great job nonetheless!
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After this first try-out we find May doing Maystuff and she asks us to have a battle with her, we don't really have much of a choice but, thankfully, she fully heals the party before the battle
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Ruru goes against her Slugma and ends up defeating it thanks to Confusion, nice, Ruru! Then she comes up with Wailmer and I switch to Nana
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She does a good amount of damage but ends up getting defeated and I decide to use Coco who is able to defeat her Wailmer. Next up is Grovyle so I change into Zuzu
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Zuzu does a good amount of damage till it is defeated by Grovyle's absorb, which instantly heals it. I switch once again to Coco who puts Grovyle to sleep and ultimately defeats it (good job, Coco!)
As a bonus we had a surprise at the end of this battle:
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Nana grew up! Now she's even cooler!
Our next objective is, apparently, for us to go shopping, where we find Wally and have a battle with him
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Literally Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby... Not the most climatic battle... Anyways, we got a bike and it's already gym time (Couldn't add all the images of the battle but I'll try to explain what happened with his second Pokémon)
I put Zuzu in front of the part cuz ground type (prayed they didn't have levitate), it would've been 1 hit kill if not by Magnemite's sturdy, then it heals yada yada annoying potions only I can use them!!!!! Anyways, it faints.
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Next up (the battle I couldn't add) the leader uses a Magneton, I use Ruru but Fairy vs steel, you know where this is going, right? Ruru faints after trying her best *sniff*, I throw Zuzu once more and you know the drill, mud bomb bye bye little guy. Next opponent is Voltorb
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Again, same thing, Zuzu is just too OP and we win the badge.
That's all for now, I'll be posting later, see ya!
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helihi · 2 years
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You gotta do the cooking by the book You know you can't be lazy!
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luchicm04 · 4 months
My Pokémon Challenges - PT. 6
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Game: Pokémon Ruby
Challenge: Nuzlocke
Final team:
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Duration: 08/30/2023 - 09/20/2023
[I watched Jaiden making a nuzlocke of this game and I wanted to try it for myself. I had played the remake multiple times but never the original, so it was about time. This has been the 'oldest' pokemon game I've ever played, but despite the limitations and difficulties I actually enjoyed it a lot. What's more, I played it on my phone so it felt like actually playing on a gameboy advance.]
Nickname explanation:
-> Devito: Since I was copying Jaiden, I decided to name my Ralts just like she did when playing pokemon platinum.
-> Marta: After using my friend's name so many times, I changed it to her sister's name. I hope she doesn't get angry...
-> Fav: Flygon is my favorite pokemon of all time. No explanation required.
-> Billy: Yeak, remember when I said I was naming all my starters by my nickname regardless of gender? I kinda forgot about it. Also, remember that little angel from Young Sheldon? Well...
-> Fauna: Last year I adopted my third cat, who's also black and white (and has the temper and sense of humor of a hyena). Hence, fauna.
-> Sparky: Same with Devito. Jaide also had a Manetric with the same name, and it was so fitting I decided to use it.
[What is a nuzlocke? You can only catch the first pokemon of each route and you gotta give them a nickname so you get attached to them (and receive emotional damage when they die) If they faint, you can never use them again]
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hoshifighting · 3 months
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Producer!Woozi x Celebrity!Reader
— Synopsis: You and Woozi have admired each other's work for a long time. Now, he has the opportunity to produce an album with you. Working on an album for a worldwide artist like you brings him immense joy... and turn-ons. — WC: 4.8k — WARNINGS: Smut, studio sex (Universe Factory), oral (f.receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, fingering, clit stimulation, g'spot stimulation, aftercare, reader fangirling over Woozi shirtless in Ruby's M/V mentioned.
Your name is splashed across big screens from Times Square to the Grammy Awards. Music didn't just enter your life; it crashed in, loud and powerful, sweeping you off your feet. It became your everything. 
You went from singing in front of millions of people to strumming your guitar alone in a poorly illuminated room, lost in your own world. Music was your passion, your escape, and your purpose all rolled into one.
With that passion came endless opportunities. You were constantly on the move, traveling from one country to another, meeting people you once only dreamed of being in the same room with. You found yourself breathing the same air as your idols, sharing stages with legends. 
Friendships blossomed, some fast and fleeting, others deep and lasting. The world knew your name. Your songs played in every state, on every continent, bridging gaps between different cultures and bringing people together.
Those cultures left a mark on you too. 
You soaked in the richness of each place, each new experience shaping your music and your perspective. You remembered your early days, the hunger for inspiration, the late-night searches for new artists. 
One night, you stumbled upon a webcam live stream with a bunch of boys in a neon green melona room. You laughed and loved watching them, their energy infectious even through a screen. You became a fan, following their journey as you built your own.
But here's the thing about being a superstar: time is never on your side. Your schedule was always packed, and despite being in contact with some of the Seventeen members through DMs and mentioning your admiration for them in interviews, meeting them in person was a challenge. You were in Seoul for a tour once, and they appeared on your show, but there was never enough time to truly connect.
Now, after years of hectic schedules and fleeting encounters, you finally had a moment to breathe. You were working on a new album, and for the first time in a long time, you had the opportunity to switch things up. Your usual producers were fantastic, but this time, something different was calling you. An opportunity was waiting in South Korea, and it had your heart racing with excitement.
You, your manager, and the company representing the group had been in talks for months, working out the details. The goal was clear: to collaborate with Woozi, the musical genius from Seventeen, on your new album. 
When your team informed Woozi that you had just arrived at HYBE, his palms began to sweat. He never imagined he’d get to work with someone of your caliber. The fact that you specifically wanted to work with him made it all the more surreal.
As you walked through the HYBE building, your assistant and one of the staff members gave you a tour. You were almost giddy with excitement. The walls were lined with photos and awards, the air buzzing with creativity. When you finally approached the recreation area and spotted Woozi, his cheeks turned a shade of red. He was nervous, but seeing you smile so brightly at the sight of him sent a sense of relief through his system. 
You were genuinely happy to see him.
As you step into the recreation area and see Woozi standing there, your cheeks flush a deep red. You can’t contain your excitement. "Woozi, I'm so happy to see you," you say, extending a hand, unsure if a hug would be appropriate.
He senses your shyness, and, in a moment of genuine openness, he breaks through his own reserve and gives you an awkward hug. It's brief and a bit clumsy, but it’s sincere. As you pull away, you swear this is the happiest moment of your life.
"I’ve admired your work for so long," you say, your eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. "Your music is incredible."
Woozi shakes his hands in front of him, a shy smile spreading across his face. His long hair swings slightly as he responds, "Oh, no, really, it’s nothing compared to what you’ve done. I'm honestly just honored to be here with you."
You laugh softly, feeling a bit more at ease. "Are you kidding? I still remember hearing your solo for the first time and just being blown away."
Woozi's cheeks tint pink as he looks down, scratching the back of his head. "Thank you, that means a lot coming from you. I remember when we all watched your first big performance. We were in our green room, and we were all just in awe."
You grin, recalling that exact moment you first saw them. "I remember that! I was so inspired by you guys. It’s amazing how things come full circle, isn’t it?"
He nods, his eyes meeting yours with shyness "It really is. I never thought I’d get the chance to work with someone I looked up to so much." Woozi chuckles softly, breaking the silence. "By the way, I saw your post on Twitter about wanting to visit the Universe Factory—my studio."
Your eyes widen in surprise, and you cover your face with your hands. "Oh my God, you guys see my tweets? Oh nooo!"
He laughs, a sound that's both comforting and infectious. "Yeah, they're hard to miss," he admits. "And I may have received a few screenshots of your reaction from 'Ruby'." 
You gasp, mortified as memories of your tweets flood back. You remember typing frantically about needing a defibrillator when Woozi appeared shirtless in the music video. "Oh no, those tweets. I can't believe you saw those."
He’s grinning. "It's okay, really. It was kind of sweet to be honest. We all had a good laugh about it."
Peeking through your fingers, you sigh. "Well, now that my embarrassment is out in the open, I guess it’s only up from here, right?"
Woozi grins, a twinkle in his eye. "Absolutely. Besides, it’s nice to know we have mutual fans of each other’s work. It makes this collaboration even more special."
You nod, recalling how your fanbase and Seventeen’s had always gotten along so well. “Our fans really hit it off, didn’t they? It’s like they’ve been rooting for this collaboration all along.”
Woozi smiles and gestures for you to follow him. “Come on, let me show you the Universe Factory.”
Walking into his studio, you’re immediately struck by how incredible it looks. Purple lights cast a calming glow over the space, and the view from the windows is breathtaking. Everything, from the colors to the high-tech equipment, is perfectly arranged. You can tell he put a lot of effort into making this place special.
“Wow, Woozi, this is amazing,” you say, your eyes wide with admiration. “I always saw photos of your studio, but in person, it’s even better.”
“Thanks, but it’s just a studio.” Woozi’s shy smile returns, but there’s a sparkle in his eyes. “I wanted it to be just right for when you got here. I spent the whole week cleaning and moving things around. Even used some scented sprays.”
You laugh, feeling a snugness in your chest. “You didn’t have to go through all that trouble for me, but I appreciate it.”
He shrugs, his smile widening. “I wanted everything to be perfect.”
Woozi shows you some of the instrumentals he’s been working on, and they’re incredible. The beats blend seamlessly with the lyrics you sent him, and you can already hear the potential for something amazing. He’s practically buzzing with enthusiasm to hear how your voice will mesh with his music.
“Let’s get you in the recording room,” Woozi says, leading you to the booth.
You put on the headphones and glance through the glass at Woozi in the control room. As you start warming up your voice, he watches with a small smile. You can see him scoffing lightly, clearly amused by your funny warm-up techniques.
He presses the intercom button. “I’m definitely going to use that later.”
You sulk playfully, giving him a pout. “Come on, don’t make fun of me.”
He laughs, the sound filling the control room. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just cute the way you warm up.”
Rolling your eyes but smiling, you turn your focus to the paper in front of you. Woozi cues up the beat, and you start with a rough draft, feeling your way through the melody. Even in this initial take, Woozi can’t help but feel impressed. Your voice is powerful, yet it fits perfectly with the track.
You glance up occasionally, catching Woozi’s eyes. He gives you a thumbs-up, his appreciation evident even through the glass. As you continue, you find yourself getting lost in the music, and Woozi’s focus never wavers. When you finish, you look up to see him grinning widely.
“That was just the warm-up?” he says, pressing the button again. “I’m really excited to hear the final version.”
You laugh, feeling a rush of confidence. “Yeah, just the warm-up. Wait till you hear the real thing.”
Woozi nods, eyes gleaming with joy. “I can’t wait. Let’s do this.”
You start to sing for real now, fully immersed in the music. The lyrics flow smoothly, and your voice dances effortlessly over the instrumentals. When it comes to a tricky melisma, you frown slightly, pausing to ask Woozi through the intercom;
"Which tone should I use for this part?"
Woozi, equally focused, listens intently as you demonstrate two different versions. Both sound amazing to him, and he takes a moment to think. He taps his chin thoughtfully before pressing the button. "Try the second one, but start a half-step higher and then slide down smoothly."
You nod, absorbing his suggestion. You take a deep breath and try it his way. The moment you hit that melisma, sliding down effortlessly, the note hangs in the air. Woozi’s eyes light up, and he gives you an enthusiastic thumbs-up from the control room.
As you're in the middle of recording, Soonyoung suddenly appears in the studio, his presence bringing an unexpected burst of energy. You catch sight of him through the glass and wave enthusiastically, a big smile spreading across your face. Soonyoung returns the gesture, his excitement palpable even from a distance. He settles on the couch behind Woozi, watching the two of you work with keen interest.
Woozi presses the intercom button and gives you a nod. "Try going a bit higher for the adlibs."
You nod and sing the section, hitting the high notes while looking at Woozi for confirmation. He listens intently, his gaze dark in focus. “You did so good. That was perfect.”
You can hear Soonyoung’s voice from the back. “He never praises us like that.”
Woozi turns in his chair, giving Soonyoung a deadly glare. 
Soonyoung, unphased, grins and stretches as he stands up. “Alright, alright. I know when I’m not wanted,” he says dramatically, walking toward the door. Just as he’s about to leave, he pauses and turns back. “But after you’re done recording, we’re taking you to dinner Y/N. No excuses.”
You give him thumbs up. Feeling the warmth of their camaraderie. Woozi shakes his head but smiles, turning back to you. 
“Ignore him. Let’s finish this up. You’re doing great.”
After skipping through some tracks, you find yourself sitting in Woozi's incredibly comfortable chair, fiddling with his equipment. The buttons, dials, and sliders are all so intriguing, and you can’t help but feel like a kid in a candy store, discovering new settings and features.
Woozi watches you from a few feet away, arms crossed, a smile playing on his lipsㄧHe knows you’re no stranger to studios and equalizers, but he loves seeing the joy in your eyes as you explore his setup like it’s the coolest thing in the worldㄧHe wonders if your producers ever let you have this much hands-on control.
“Hey, Woozi, how do you tweak the master mix settings here?” you ask, looking up from the console.
He steps forward, moving behind you. His arms come to rest on either side of the chair, effectively caging you in as he leans over to type on the keyboard. 
“You just need to go into this menu,” he says, his voice low and calm. He types swiftly, his fingers dancing over the keys. “Then, adjust the settings here. See?”
You nod, trying to focus on his explanation, but the closeness is overwhelming. You can feel the warmth of his body, his head so close to yours. 
It’s hard to concentrate when you’re not even breathing.
His voice is soft and steady, his breath warm on your skin. You watch his hands move expertly, typing commands and making adjustments with practiced ease. Your heart is pounding so loudly, you’re sure he can hear it.
“And here, you can add some reverb” he continues, “See how that changes the sound?”
No, not when he’s this near.
You nod, feeling a bit dazed. He tells you to try it yourself, and you reach for the adjustment, your hand hovering uncertainly over the controls. Woozi lets go of the mouse and places his hand over yours, guiding it to lower and raise the equalizer. His skin is soft and warm against yours, and the contact almost makes you melt on his chair.
“Like this,” he murmurs, gently moving your hand with his. “Just a little adjustment here and there.”
You can hardly concentrate on the settings, your mind fixated on the sensation of his hand over yours. 
You turn your face slightly toward his, and he looks at you, the proximity between you almost intolerable.
Your eyes lock, and for a moment, the world outside the studio fades away. His gaze is intense, filled with something that makes your breath catch in your throat. Woozi’s hand squeezes yours lightly.
You can feel your pulse quicken. His eyes flicker to your lips for a brief second before meeting your gaze again. The moment stretches, neither of you moves, both caught in the electric current that seems to have taken over the room.
Finally, Woozi clears his throat, breaking the spell but not the connection. "There," he says softly, his voice barely more than a whisper. "You’ve got it."
As you try to focus on adjusting the settings, Woozi leaves your hand on the side of yours, allowing you to make the changes yourself. You manage to make the adjustments, and as the sound fills the room, Woozi's voice breaks through the silence. "That's it. You're doing great." he praises.
You swear if he praises you again like that, you’re going to fucking wet his chair. You don’t even notice that you’re biting your bottom lip, too lost in the horniness.
Woozi’s words echo in your mind as you try to focus on the task at hand, but it's hard to concentrate with the way his body looks in the black shirt he's wearing. The fabric clings to him in all the right places, emphasizing his toned physique.
Every movement he makes with his hands, seems deliberate and calculated, and you can’t tear your eyes away.
You force yourself to push the distracting thoughts aside, but it's a losing battle.
Your gaze remains fixated on his hands as he places them on the border of the desk, supporting his body. His shoulders brush against the back of your head, and you can feel his presence looming over you. It’s as if he knows exactly what’s passing through your mind.
He brushes a hand over your shoulder, the sensation lingering even after he presses it between his hands in a gentle massage. You feel his lips tentatively brush against the corner of yours.
Caught off guard, you melt into his touch, your fingers intertwining with his as you lean into the kiss. His lips are soft against yours, a perfect match to the warmth of his touch. But when he catches you melting against his hand, he doesn't pull away. Instead, he turns the chair to face him, his hand sliding behind your neck to pull you closer.
His kiss deepens, and you respond eagerly, your hands sliding to each side of his face before tangling in his hair at the back of his neck. The kiss is desperate, as if you’ve both been holding back.
But when you finally break apart, gasping for breath, you realize that you can’t resist any longer. You get up from the chair, his hands desperately grab your waist, pulling your bodies together 
The way he holds your waist makes your tank top bunch up between his fingers, his palms feeling your belly's bare skin. You whimper against his lips, "Hmm, Woozi..."
He pulls back slightly, "Jihoon," he corrects gently, "Call me Jihoon."
Your stomach flutters at the intimacy of calling him by his real name. "Jihoon," you repeat softly, savoring the sound.
He smiles, a soft, almost shy smile that makes your heart skip a beat. Then he leans in again, kissing your cheek, your jaw, and your neck. Each touch of his lips sends you on cloud nine, making you arch against his chest, your hands gripping his bicep for support.
"Jihoon," you murmur again, the name feeling more natural on your lips each time.
His hands move up your sides, sliding under your tank top, his fingers warm against your skin. He pulls the fabric up, and you lift your arms, allowing him to remove it completely. The cool air of the studio contrasts with the heat of his touch, making your nipples harden.
He takes a moment to admire you, his eyes roaming over your body "You're beautiful," he whispers.
You blush, feeling a little shy under his gaze. "You too," you reply, reaching up to touch his face, your fingers tracing the lines of his jaw.
He smiles and pulls you closer, his lips finding yours once more. This kiss is deeper, more urgent, as if he's trying to pour all his feelings into it. You respond with equal fervor, your hands exploring the planes of his chest, and the muscles of his back.
Jihoon’s hands move to your waist again, his fingers brushing the waistband of your jeans. He pauses, looking at you for permission. You nod, your breath hitching in the process.
He unbuttons your jeans, sliding them down your hips and letting them pool at your feet. You step out of them, standing before him in just your underwear. He takes a moment to admire you again, his eyes dark with desire, a little hidden under his long bangs.
You reach for the hem of his shirt, lifting it up and over his head. He helps you, tossing it aside. Your hands explore his bare chest, feeling the warmth of his milky skin, the steady beat of his heart.
This time, his hands roam more freely, exploring every inch of your body. His touch is gentle, yet possessive, as if he's trying to memorize every curve, every contour. After all, he doesn't know when he'll be able to touch you like that again. That is, if there is a next time.
You respond in kind, your hands moving over his body, savoring the feel of his muscles flexing under your fingertips.
He guides you toward the couch, his lips never leaving yours. You lie down, pulling him with you, your bodies molding together perfectly. He kisses his way down your neck, your chest, his lips leaving a trail of saliva in their wake.
"Jihoon," you moan, your hands tangling in his hair as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking gently. The sensation numbs your mind, making you arch against him.
Jihoon makes you relax on his couch, but you suddenly become very aware when his fingers slide your panties to the side, moistening his fingers with your lubrication. He opens his eyes to watch you squirm as your pussy sucks his finger inside without effort. His cold finger fits perfectly inside you, and you can feel him teasing to put another one. You clap a hand over your mouth to stifle your moans.
He laughs softly, taking your hand off your mouth. "The studio is soundproof. You can moan as loud as you want."
You mentally thank him because with his fingers now perfectly entering and leaving you, a loud moan escapes your mouth, and the sound of your wet pussy isn't discreet. You're loving the intense gaze he has on you, like you're about to be devoured. He tries to kiss you, but you can only moan as he fingers you.
Jihoon curls his fingers on your g'spot, repeating the motion again and again. You let out a strangled moan, squirming under his touch. "Don't do that, or I'll mess up your sofa," you warn, your voice shaky with pleasure.
He looks at you from under his bangs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I don't care about the sofa," he murmurs, pressing a hand on your lower belly to intensify the curl of his fingers.
The added pressure makes you scream, "Please, please!"
Jihoon smirks, his fingers moving faster inside you. "Please what? Tell me what you need," he demands, his voice commanding.
"Please, Jihoon, I need more," you gasp, your body arching against his hand.
He leans in closer, his breath hot against your ear. "More of what? My fingers? My mouth?" he asks, his tone teasing.
"Both," you whimper, feeling desperate for more of his touch.
Jihoon chuckles, his lips brushing against your ear. "Greedy, aren't you? But I'll give you what you want," he promises, his fingers curling and pressing against your g'spot with relentless precision.
You cry out, your body trembling. "Jihoon, I'm going to—"
"Do it," he whispers, his calm raspy voice making you bite your bottom lip. "Come for me."
Your hands clutch at the couch as Jihoon's head moves from above you to between your legs. The moment his tongue touches your clit, you can't hold back, and you come almost immediately. 
He stops for a moment, just to admire the sight of you arching your back on his couch, his fingers deep inside you, all wet as you roll your hips on them, moaning in his studio, naked. He never thought it would happen, but he isn't complaining.
You discover he's stronger than you thought when he holds your hips down to keep you in place before he devours your pussy. You roll your eyes at the sensitivity and the sight of his fangs tickling your skin, making you giggle between moans. 
The scene is completely sinful. You prop yourself up on one elbow and hold his hair up to see his face, flushed but with closed eyes, all concentrated on giving you pleasure. You find it incredibly cute, and you can't help but praise him.
"Jihoon, you're doing so good," you murmur, your voice trembling. "You're so focused, it's amazing."
In response, he sucks your clit inside his mouth, making you pull his hair a little. He hisses softly, and you quickly apologize. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—"
He looks up at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "It's okay," he says, his voice slightly rough. "I like it."
You can't help but moan louder as he resumes his attention to your clit. His fingers continue their relentless rhythm inside you, and you feel the pressure building again.
"Jihoon, please," you gasp, your hips bucking against his hold.
You gasp, and Jihoon stops, making your head fall back as you whine, your orgasm interrupted. He kneels on the couch, lowering his sweatpants and underwear to his thighs. You shake your head, saying, "I want you to take it all off."
He smiles, obliged, then comes completely naked over you. You spread your legs for him, wide, and he slides his cock between your folds, eliciting a whine from you. Still supporting yourself on your elbow, you grab his hair, pulling it slightly, earning a moan from him.
As your tongues wrap around each other, his cock slides inside you, and you open your mouth in a silent moan, your back plopping on the couch. He moans at the sensation of your gummy walls wrapping his cock, sucking him in welcomely. He also smiles, finding your reaction endearing.
Jihoon rolls his hips slowly, letting you adjust to the fullness of his cock. The slow stimulation draws moans from your lips, and you gasp, "Not only do you make amazing music, but you fuck so damn good too."
Jihoon lets out a genuine laugh, his breath warm against your skin. He hides his face in the crook of your neck, so shy, and you pull him back, wanting to see his eyes. He glances at you, amusement shining in his gaze.
"You really know how to flatter a guy," he chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
You laugh with him, the sound mingling with the intimate atmosphere around you. "It's true," you say, your voice lighter. 
Jihoon shakes his head, still smiling, but the moment of levity shifts as he feels your walls tighten around him. His smile fades into a look of intense pleasure, his face contorts, and he starts to moan, the sound vibrating through you.
"Oh, God," he groans, his hips picking up a rhythm that makes your breath hitch. "You feel so good."
The sounds of skin slapping, your moans, and the low hum from the computer rendering the music become the backdrop to your intense session with Jihoon. Your breasts bounce with every thrust, and your hair spreads wildly across the couch. He can feel your wetness around his cock, spreading to his thighs and the couch. You brace yourself with one hand on the couch's arm, your lips plump and sensitive from the kisses and bites.
Jihoon closes his eyes, focusing solely on the sensation of your pussy. If he keeps looking at how much pleasure you're experiencing, he might come too soon. But you can already sense his cock throbbing inside you.
"Open your eyes," you urge him, catching on.
He opens them, sulking a bit, and you give him a devilish smile. You lick your fingers, sliding them down your body to circle your clit, doubling your pleasure and his. His mouth falls open at the sight.
"Fuck, nooo..." he mumbles, watching your every move.
You revel in the sight of his abs flexing, showing that his orgasm is near. Sensing his impending climax, Jihoon pulls out, giving himself a moment to regain control. When he's ready, he slides back in, making you arch your back and curl your toes, triggering your orgasm instead.
You smile at his audacity, and he grins, seeing that his tactic worked. "F-fuck you… I'm cumming, Jihoon," you warn, closing your eyes as the pleasure builds.
He speeds up his hips, making you stop breathing for a second before a deep moan escapes from your chest. You feel yourself clenching and unclenching around him, your body shuddering as you reach your peak. Panting hard, Jihoon pulls out just in time, spilling his cum on your belly as he strokes his cock. His body trembles, and his eyes lock with yours, his bangs falling over his forehead.
Jihoon takes a long look at your spent body, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "How about a nap before dinner?" he suggests softly.
You close your eyes and nod, feeling the exhaustion settling in. "Right..." he murmurs, getting up from the couch.
You miss the warmth of his body immediately and let out a small whine. He chuckles, "I'm coming back," he assures you as he grabs a box of Kleenex and brings some tissues to clean you up. Gently, he wipes your belly and between your legs, his touch tender.
"I'm glad we finished some songs," he teases, his eyes twinkling. "You don't look like you could continue... at least not today."
You scoff, too tired to come up with a witty response. Jihoon starts dressing you, carefully slipping your top back on, your panties, and leaving your jeans off so you can nap comfortably. Once you're settled, he dresses himself quickly.
From the corner of the studio, he fetches a thin blanket draped over a poltrone. He covers you with it and then lays down beside you, pulling you close.
"You really wore me out," you murmur, a hint of amusement in your voice.
He grins, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Likewise," he says. "But it was worth it."
You let out a contented sigh, feeling more relaxed than you had in a long time. "I can't wait to hear how the songs turn out," you confessed, your voice growing dreamier with each passing moment.
Jihoon hummed in agreement, his fingers resuming their soothing motions on your back. "Me too," he murmured. "But for now, let's just enjoy this."
And so you did. Wrapped in each other's arms, you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, you snuggle into him, the steady rhythm of his breathing lulling you towards sleep. 
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brain-rot-central · 10 months
Unholy Desire
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Pairing: spawn!Astarion x female!Tav (the reader is Tav)
Warnings: 18+, religious kink, breeding kink, innuendo, dry humping, mutual pining, reclaiming sexuality through kink, they talk out their feelings
Word count: 2.7k
Summary: Takes place in Act 3, pre-Cazador. You've finally made it to Baldur's Gate. You take time to offer prayers to your God after coming upon a small church on the outskirts of the city. You and your lover have grown closer over these long weeks, healing past wounds within your hearts, minds, and souls. Your desire has grown to become... sinful. You have a choice to consider: your Oath, or your lover?
This is the third camping spot you and your team find on the outskirts of Baldur's Gate. Rotating spots every few days was probably the best course of action, lest the Flaming Fists come to chase you away in the middle of the night.
You find an old abandoned church during your inspection of these latest campgrounds. It has been a while since you had a proper spot to sit and pray. Lathander has been kind in your journey, thus far. You hadn't offered thanks nearly enough for shining light in the darkest depths of the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Despite the challenges you faced, you and your companions arrived safely to Baldur's Gate. You kneel down behind a bench within the church and fold your hands in prayer. You hang your head and close your eyes. The sun begins to warm your skin as it shines through a crack in the church ceiling. A smile tugs at the corner of your mouth; Lathander is receptive to your prayer offering.
You don't recall how long you remain in that position, praying to the Morninglord. When your eyes lift up, you notice that night has fallen. You see a faint glow in the distance, surely that of the campfire. Faint bits of conversation travel along the night air. The conversation sounds jovial; it's probably fine for you to stay here a bit longer.
Astarion stands in the doorway to the small church, eyes fixated on you as you kneel once again in prayer. He'd come searching for you after your companions failed to reveal your whereabouts. He scoffs softly upon entering the abandoned structure. He thanks the tadpole nestled in his skull for affording him the luxury of waltzing straight into a church. Were this a few months ago, he surely would have burst into cinders upon the first step.
You hear a small 'crunch' off to your left; your head shoots up and your eyes settle on Astarion, who is frozen in place. You will your features to soften at the realization it was only your partner, your lover, who came to check on you. "Are you certain you're a rogue?" you speak to him through the darkness.
Moonlight pours through the ceiling and bathes his face as he comes closer to you, now within full view. He looks ethereal in the pale light. The moonlight reflects off his silver hair in a halo. His eyes glint like newly-polished ruby gemstones, his skin glows like the finest cut ivory. You find it challenging at times to believe he is your mate on this journey. Difficult to accept that the two of you had shared a bed on multiple occasions. The thought makes your mouth dry and your head swim. You shake your head slightly, clearing your mind of such perverse thoughts.
"My dear," he begins, his signature posh tone dripping from each word, "if you've truly forgotten just how deft I am with my hands..." Astarion sits next to your knelt form. He drops a hand to cup your chin, gently tilting your face up to meet his, "...then perhaps you need reminding."
You swallow thickly as he holds your face, and watch his eyes begin to hood. A smile graces his lips and he releases your chin. He scans the church briefly, snickering. "What in the hells are you even doing here? It's rather... drab, darling."
You stand up and brush yourself off. You proceed to then sit next to him on the bench. "I'm praying, Astarion." You take a deep breath in and meet his eyes. "Lathander has been most kind on our journey. I haven't given him nearly enough of my thanks."
Astarion audibly scoffs. "Ugh, I can clearly see that. But why, is my question."
"We made it safely to Baldur's Gate," you explain. "That's more than enough to be thankful for."
Astarion suddenly stands up and over you. A scowl graces his visage, "And you didn't think to tell me you'd be here?" He places one hand upon his hip. "No one had any idea where you'd gone!" His face falls and he averts his gaze to the side. "I was... concerned that you were still out in the city."
You chuckle. Astarion has a softer side to him that sometimes slips out of his otherwise gruff facade. It makes your heart sing with delight each time you see it.
"I'm Baldurian, my love. Remember? I know the city streets quite well." You reach out to hold the hand at his side, and his palm wraps around yours. "I also happen to be a Paladin."
You follow his eyes as they fall upon the floor. The grip on your hand tightens. "And it's not exactly a daily occurrence to have a blood-thirsty vampiric master hunting you." He sighs, soft eyes regaining their focus on you, "Please, darling, just give me some warning next time."
Ah, he's worried you may have been snatched by Cazador. You stand to meet him and wrap your arms around his neck. "My apologies, Astarion. It was not my intention to make you worry." You bury your face in his neck and breathe in. Bergamot, rosemary, and brandy; his signature scent. You feel your body slowly mold against his as the smell floods your olfactory receptors. There have been many nights you've fallen asleep dreaming of this scent. It was oddly comforting to you. It makes you feel safe and secure.
Astarion rests his hands upon your hips and leans his cheek against your temple. You stand together in the small ruined church, holding one another, bathed in moonlight from the cracked ceiling above. "Do you have any idea how much you mean to me," a low rumble escapes his chest as he speaks. His hands begin to snake up your back, his palms resting on your shoulder blades, "Any clue what I think about when I'm alone in my tent at night?"
You slide a hand up into his hair, twirling the locks between your fingers. You litter featherlight kisses along his jawline, and he tilts his head back to give you better access. The hand in his hair tightens, holding him in place. A soft groan escapes his lips as you lick a stripe up the center of his neck. "I don't think you've ever told me," you say.
He shivers within your touch. You watch his eyes flit to the back of his head as you suckle at the scars upon his neck, "Hells, Tav, I've told you so many times..." his voice comes as a soft whisper into the night air. Astarion's hands slide down your back and to your waist, gripping your hips.
"Remind me," you insist as you watch a purple mark bloom on his neck. His hips stutter into yours, and you feel the hardening length of him ever so lightly brush across your mound. You tilt his head to gain access to the opposite side of his neck, and your mouth descends once more.
Another moan escapes his lips and he lowers his face to your ear. "I..." You feel his hands sink lower, coming to rest on your backside, "I think of you below me." Astarion’s breath is cool yet heavy in your ear as his hips begin to meet yours in a soft rhythm, "Or, bent over, with my cock splaying your darling little cunt."
Your hands drop to his biceps as a shutter passes over you. Your hips involuntarily grind against his, pleasured groans slipping free from both of your lips at the joint friction. His hands grip your ass and he holds you against him. You feel the outline of him press against your sex; your walls clench around the thought of him buried to the hilt inside you.
You lean back in his hold and he dips his face to your neck, nose tracing the outline of your pulse point. You shiver as Astarion begins placing chilled kisses against your carotid artery, and you once again lace your hands through his hair.
"I think about your greedy pussy milking my cock for as much of my spend as it can…" Astarion takes a hand off your behind and guides it to your clothed mound, pressing his fingers slightly upward as he swipes across the general vicinity of your clit, "...until you’re positively overflowing, and my seed weeps down your folds into a pool under us." You buck into his palm at the pressure of his fingers. Your hips grind down instinctively against his hand, and you mewl into his neck.
"Please," you beg, "what else do you think about?" Your voice is airy and ragged. You notice the door of the church is open, meaning anyone could see your current state, were they to come over. You feel a sensual twist in your abdomen, and your hands begin untying Astarion's trousers. You need this man stripped and bare before you, getting caught be damned.
His hands come to rest upon your own. "Oh dear, whatever could I have possibly said to put you in such a state?" he feigns coyness as he takes over for you, undoing the knots to his pants. “Are you certain you can handle knowing more?” You raise your head to meet his gaze and nod, slowly. Your eyes are hooded over in lust and you feel a warm blush begin to creep across your face. 
Astarion raises a hand to cup the side of your face in his palm. His lips come to grace the shell of your ear, nipping at it softly with his blunted front teeth. The hand on your cheek begins to slide down to your throat and his fingers wrap around the column of your neck. His grip tightens into light pressure against your throat. “Do you truly want to hear…” his tongue traces the curve of your ear down to the lobe, “how I bring myself to completion…” his teeth tug at your earlobe, “...at the thought of you, swollen, with the ultimate consequence of our couplings?” His voice is a whisper in your ear, and you feel your knees threatening to buckle. You groan and extend your neck, a silent offering to the hand on your throat to hold tighter. 
He guides one of your hands between the apex of his thighs and cups his swollen length in your palm. Even clothed, you could feel how hard he is. It sends electric shooting down your spine, resonating as a throb of your sex. He sucks in a breath at the pressure of your hand. A broken moan escapes his lips and he speaks into your ear again, “Have you any idea how terribly my body yearns to breed you?”
Your head swims, slowly losing all connection to this material plane of existence. To carry the child of an undead would be blasphemy; you would lose your Oath and fall out of favor with Lathander. Yet… you breathe heavily at the thought of being pumped so full of cum that your womb no longer has room for it. Your pussy throbs at the thought of falling pregnant from such a situation. You feel wetness gathering at the center of your thighs. 
“Wouldn't that be the epitome of a holy offering to your God of life?” Astarion moves to press his forehead against yours, and kisses the tip of your nose.
“He's…” you try to rasp out a reply, but your voice fails you. Your face is burning and your thoughts are a muddled mess.
“He's what, dear?” You can hear the amusement in Astarion's voice, knowing he has gotten you to the point where your mind can no longer form coherent thoughts.
“He's… also the God of birth,” you force out. You feel his cock twitch against your palm as the words leave your lips. A shiver passes through you at the thought of giving birth to an undead child, Astarion's undead child. Would it even be possible?
“My, my…” You manage to open your eyes and catch the devious smirk gracing his lips, “how entirely sinful that would be. Your holy womb, thoroughly disgraced by the planting of my seed.” Astarion's lips form into a pout, his voice taking on a soft mocking tone, “I wonder if your God would forsake you for such a thing?”
You often forget Astarion is an undead; he played the part of the living so well, would easily blend into any crowd. Yet, during times like these, he relished in his unholy attributes. He'd long teased you about your devotion to Lathander, went on long monologues about how the Gods were graceless and inevitably forsook everyone. He'd told you how he prayed to every God he knew of during the year he was sealed in a tomb by Cazador. None had answered him. He was bitter, you knew this. And yet… he was also enamored by your devotion. Jealous, even, that your attention was divided between him, and a God.
Your arms come to rest upon his shoulders once more, and you move your head slightly back from his. Your eyes find one another; you hadn't noticed before, but your chosen conversation is having an impact on him, as well. Astarion's pupils are blown wide, the reds of his irises becoming thin rings. “...Could we even do that?” you question, “Could we actually… could I… Now?”
A chuckle escapes his chest. The corner of his tips turns upward into a smile. “Now probably isn't the best time, my sweet. Unless you'd like an audience.” He nods his head in the direction of your companions sitting around the campfire.
Suddenly, your periphery vision returns to you. You recall you're in the small abandoned church within camp, with your companions mere feet away from you. You'd almost begged Astarion to take you within earshot of your companions… in a church, after having just finished your prayers. A scowl graces your lips at the thought.
“Oh, don't be so sour,” Astarion says, tucking strands of hair behind your ear, “We can always try to make this a reality later tonight?” 
“Astarion, is it even possible for you to sire a child?” You watch his lips purse into a flat line with your questioning, obviously offended, “I mean, with your… condition.”
Silence stretches long between you. You watch his gaze fall to the laces of his trousers and he begins to retie the knots. The silence is uncomfortable, and you begin to fear you'd said the wrong thing. Yet, you genuinely did not know. Could it happen? You'd not taken precautions during your past encounters. Could it have possibly… already happened? You shift uneasily and remove your arms from his neck.
“...I read a book while out with Gale one afternoon,” he finally says, grasping your wrists before your arms return to your sides. His fingers weave between your own, joining your hands. “He'd been raving about visiting ‘Sorcerous Sundries’ again. Something about an old, dusty tome of some sort,” he scoffs. “I haven't a damned clue what he was talking about.”
Your eyes widen. “You went out shopping, willingly, with Gale?”
“I know,” he sighs, “rather unbecoming of me. Though, I often have reasons for my madness.” He raises one of your joined hands to his lips, kissing the back of your hand, “One being… us. And what our future could be.”
“Astarion…” It dawns on you: he took the afternoon with Gale to research this very topic. To find out if this could ever be a reality for you both.
He unlaces one of your joined hands and brings his palm up to hold the side of your face. “As it turns out, so long as you keep me well-fed, that of which you already do…” a genuine smile graces his lips, “this could very much be a thing between us.”
You smile and raise your hand to cover the one on your cheek, turning your face into his palm. You kiss the inside of his palm, “I think it's best we return to everyone else, lest we get tempted again to start.”
“Of course, dear. I would have to agree,” Astarion turns toward the doorway of the abandoned church, holding out a hand toward you. “Our chosen company of weirdos may turn up with pitchforks should I not return with you in tow rather soon.” 
You place your hand in his and follow his lead toward the doorway. “Another night, then?” you suggest.
“No, my sweet,” he says, kissing the back of your hand once more, “tonight would make a lovely opportunity to start.”
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iheartambss · 9 months
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!ApolloCabin!Reader
summary; an Ares cabin member breaks the rules and ties reader up and Clarisse saves them
warnings; swearing, violence, blood, fluff
an; I hope this was what you expected. We 🫶 protective Clarisse. Gender neutral pronouns are used btw! I stole the “angel” nickname from symp4nat cause i like it and i think it’s so cute and she probably would call reader that. Also if you’d like to listen to the song while reading there’s a link below :)
Rescue by Lauren Daigle
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Ever since the day you arrived to camp, Clarisse bullied you and you two never got along. Today is yet another game of capture the flag and you’re on the blue team and Clarisse is on the red team which is obviously the opposing team. You watched as Clarisse was talking to the rest of her team to strategize and tell them the plan and just hoped you’d get out of this alive, as you always did. “Let the games begin!” Chiron yelled and you immediately followed Annabeth and Percy into the woods.
After a while of walking, you’re the first to speak up. “You guys think we'll run into Clarisse?" You ask as you continue following behind Annabeth. "I hope not," Percy says immediately, looking around nervously. Annabeth nods saying, "Knowing her we might.” "Where are we even going Annabeth?" You ask, looking around. "Wherever fate takes us," Annabeth says simply. Percy stops walking for a moment, shocked by Annabeth's answer. He continues to follow you and Annabeth mumbling, "This girl's going to get us killed."
Annabeth rolled her eyes at Percy's comment. "I'm going to get us killed? At least I can fight," she muttered under her breath, not looking back at him. You continued to walk forward, your senses on high alert for any signs of danger. Suddenly 3 Ares kids surrounded the three of you. You got in a defensive position, sword in hand as you glared at the Ares kids, "Where's your princess?" You said, referring to Clarisse. Percy followed your lead, getting into a defensive position as well, looking at you confused, "Wait who?"
"Y/N's talking about Clarisse," Annabeth says as she points her sword at one of the Ares kids. Percy mumbles a soft, “Oh.” Leo smirks as he pointed his sword at you, "Clarisse isn't here so don't worry your pretty little head," He said in a slight mocking tone before looking at Ruby and Cole, his half siblings, "You two take care of Newbie and Nerdbrain." Ruby and Cole nod before Ruby lunges at Percy with her sword while Cole does the same to Annabeth. You pout at Leo, "Bummer, I was hoping l'd get to finally beat her ass. I guess I'll just beat yours instead," You said as you waited for Leo's move.
Leo chuckled as he watched Ruby and Cole engage with Percy and Annabeth, "Well aren't you feisty?" He said before lunging at you with his sword. You dodge the attack before swinging your sword at the Ares boy. Leo quickly dodged the swing of your sword before lunging at you again. He knew you were good, but he was confident in his fighting skills as well. "You fight well, but not well enough,” He grins as he continued to attack you. You narrowly missed another one of Leo's attacks, your heart racing from the adrenaline. You countered his next strike, your swords clashing loudly.
"You're not so bad yourself," you said, trying to keep up with his relentless assault, "I'm better though." Leo smirked, his eyes never leaving yours before he lunged again, aiming for your side this time. You quickly stepped back, avoiding the blow but losing your balance in the process. You yelp as you fell back, accidentally dropping your sword, "Fuck." Leo took advantage of your momentary loss of balance and kicked your sword away from your reach. He grinned wickedly, his sword pointed at your throat. "Now, who's the better fighter?" He challenged with a sneer. You roll your eyes, "Oh fuck off Leo."
"Y/N!" Percy yelled from the distance, sounding worried. Leo turned toward Percy's voice, "Ruby, Cole, keep those two away!" He ordered before turning back to you. He then grabbed some rope and started tying your hands together. "What the- Leo you know this against the rules," You hiss as you struggled against the boy's hold. Leo ignored your protests and quickly finished tying your hands together, pulling it a little too tight for comfort. He smirked at your struggles. You glared at the boy, struggling to get your hands out, "If you need to tie me up to handle me then you obviously suck ass as a warrior,” You spat.
Leo chuckled darkly, "Oh, I don't suck sweetheart, I just like playing dirty." He grabbed your bound wrists and pulled you closer, his sword still at your throat. Suddenly someone roughly pulled him away from you, pushing his shoulder, "Get the fuck away from them," Clarisse hissed. You looked at Clarisse in shock, you didn't expect the Ares girl to help you at all. "You alright angel?" Clarisse asked, glancing over you to make sure you were uninjured, frowning when she saw a gash on your arm. "U-Uh... yeah, I'm ok." You said softly, clearly confused by Clarisse's sudden protectiveness over you.
"Good," Clarisse replied then she turned back to Leo, glaring at him, "What the fuck do you think you're doing? You think you can just tie someone up like that?" She stepped closer to you, her body language subtly protective as well. Leo looked at her confused, "Why the hell are you protecting this Apollo kid Clarisse?" Clarisse scoffs like it’s obvious, "Because you fucking tied them up and it’s against the rules," She said harshly, her eyes hard as she glared at Leo. "Let's get you untied," Clarisse said, turning her attention back to you. She knelt down, carefully cutting the ropes with her spear, making sure not to hurt you further.
As she worked, she glanced at Leo, her expression cold and unyielding. Once your hands were untied, you rubbed your wrists as an attempt to sooth them. You looked up at Clarisse to see her holding out her hand to help you up and give her a confused look before taking the girl’s hand. “Thanks," You mumble. “No problem," Clarisse replied, still holding onto your hand until you were standing. She looked at Leo once more, sighing softly before letting go of your hand then sound of the conch shell rang out signaling the end of the game.
Percy ran over to you, "You ok?" You look at Clarisse with a raised eyebrow before looking at Percy and Annabeth, "Yeah I'm good." Annabeth walked over to you, "That's a pretty nasty cut on your arm." You look at your arm, "Oh shit... I didn't even realize." Clarisse grabbed your arm and took a quick look at it, a concerned expression on her face. "Let me take a look at it, it might need some medical attention," She said, glancing at the others as if to say that it wasn't too serious. Percy and Annabeth looked at each other, clearly confused as to why Clarisse was being nice to you.
You looked at Clarisse, a bit skeptical but you nod nonetheless, “Uh... sure." Clarisse stepped closer to examine the cut more closely. "It's not deep, but it's bleeding a lot. We should clean it properly and maybe wrap it up to prevent infection," She explained, her voice surprisingly gentle. Percy and Annabeth looked between you and Clarisse, trying to figure out what was happening. You nodded, butterflies erupting in your stomach as you heard how soft her voice was. "Alright, let's head back to camp," Clarisse suggested, gesturing for you to follow her.
She turned to Percy and Annabeth, "I can clean it up there and maybe get something to stop the bleeding," she added, her voice still calm and collected. Percy and Annabeth looked at each other confused once again then looked at you. You shrugged then followed Clarisse as she started walking, Percy and Annabeth right behind you. When the four of you got to camp, Percy and Annabeth parted ways with you and Clarisse saying they had to meet with Grover. Clarisse grabbed your wrist gently, making you blush and led you to the infirmary. "Sit," Clarisse said, guiding you to a stool near some medical supplies.
She retrieved a clean cloth and some disinfectant, carefully cleaning the wound on your arm. Despite the pain, you couldn't help but notice how gentle her touch was. You silently observed Clarisse, taking in her appearance. You noted how the girl's eyebrows furrowed when she was concentrated and how the girl's hair framed her face perfectly. As Clarisse finished cleaning the wound, she applied a thin layer of antiseptic ointment, ensuring it covered the injured area completely, making you wince and Clarisse mumble an apology.
Her gaze met yours, holding it for a moment longer than necessary. "It's not that deep but it'll probably scar," she said, her voice lowering slightly. You nod as you blush softly before clearing your throat and looking away from the Ares girl, "That's great...I guess." Clarisse nodded, her fingers lightly grazing your arm as she applied a clean bandage over the wound, making you inhale sharply. "There. It should be alright for now," Clarisse said softly, her eyes still on your face. You nod once again, blushing more as you felt the girl's eyes still on you.
You hoped Clarisse couldn't notice your blush, "Thanks. You didn't have to do this." "I know, but I wanted to," Clarisse replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She glanced at the door, as if making sure you both were alone, before leaning in closer, not noticing the way you sucked in a breath, "Look, I know we don't exactly... get along, but I just wanted to help.” You could feel how fast your heart was hammering in your chest due to how close she was, "Y-Yeah... thanks," You said, cursing yourself as you stuttered.
"You're welcome," Clarisse responded, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned back slightly. Despite your rough past, Clarisse felt herself blushing as well, hoping you wouldn't notice. You look up at the Ares girl, taking in her appearance once more and you can’t help think about how beautiful she is. Your eyes flickered between the girl's eyes and her lips. As Clarisse noticed you staring at her, she couldn't help but blush even more, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering madly. Despite the constant arguments between the two of you, she felt pulled towards you in an undeniable way.
Without thinking, Clarisse leaned in closer, her lips brushing against yours, making you let out a muffled noise of shock. It felt like electricity at first-a spark igniting between the two of you. You returned the kiss, bringing a hand up to cup the Ares girl's cheek softly. Feeling your soft touch against her cheek, Clarisse's heart raced even faster. She deepened the kiss, her hands finding their way on your waist, pulling you closer. Suddenly breaking the kiss, Clarisse looked into your eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. "I- sorry," she said softly with a shaky voice.
You looked at Clarisse, silently for a moment before pulling her in for another kiss. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise but soon closed as she felt your lips pressing against hers once more. This time, she returned the kiss, her hands gripping your waist tighter. You broke the kiss and rested your forehead against Clarisse's with a smile. Blinking back the surprise, Clarisse felt her heart skip a beat as she looked into your eyes. She couldn't help but return the smile, feeling a warmth spread through her chest, "I like you." You laughed softly, "Yeah I figured since you kissed me."
"Right..." Clarisse replied, her cheeks flushing slightly, “Will you be my girlfriend?” You smile saying, "Yes” before pulling the Ares girl into another kiss. As your lips met hers once more, she brought her hands up and gently cupped your face, deepening the kiss. Percy walks in, "Hey Y/N, how's it goi-" You both quickly pull away and he looks between you and Clarisse with wide eyes, "I'm not even going to ask...”
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danurso · 11 months
NWN Challenge
*At a nice bar in Atlas*
Ruby: You’re still dealing with the fallout of that mess?
Blake: Of course. As the head of the white fang I can't just clean up a mess and ignore what caused it and who was affected by it…..*sigh* The last thing I want is people thinking we’re slipping back into what we used to be years back.
Yang: Good thing your pops is really good at de-escalating, well that and Weiss’ PR team.
Blake: Yeah. Where is her by the way? I wanted to thank her personally for all the help.
Ruby: She said she was coming, something came up during work.
Yang: Or someone. If Jaune went to visit she might be an hour or so late.
Blake: That. . . . . . probably isn't the case.
Yang: Why?
Blake: *nods* Because she doesn't look like she just had a good time.
The trio then turned to see a familiar heiress coming in, looking like she was about to murder someone.
Weiss: *sits down on the table*
Bartender: What will it be mi-
Weiss: Vodka. Pure. And make it a triple.
Yang: Yeesh. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today.
Ruby: What happened?
Blake: Who did you kill?
Weiss: He's not dead, the doctors said just broke a few bones.
R_BY: . . . . . . . .
Weiss: . . . .what?
Blake: . . . . .i was joking.
Weiss: Oh. . . .right. . . . .
Ruby: Wait, wait, you tried to kill someone!?
Weiss: I didn't! I just exaggerated a bit while dealing with a jerk.
Yang: What happened?
Weiss: . . . . .*sigh* I was venting to Winter about some private things about Jaune, as soon as she left an associate came in, he must've heard something about what we're talking, because as soon as we were done talking business he tried asking me out.
Yang: Doesn't everyone at the company know you just married?
Weiss: They do and he knew about it. But he insisted saying we could do something “fun” and that he could “Give me what i needed” since my husband wasn't doing so.
Ruby: Oh gods. . . . . .
Yang: Hah!
Blake: Like, I understand why that made you angry, but did you have to send the guy to the hospital?
Weiss: Not really, but i’ve been having a really stressful week and even after i said no multiple times, he kept pushing, and the moment he got too close i catapulted him out of the room with a glyph, though because of everything i miscalculated and sent him through a wall instead of the door.
Yang: *laughs* Please send me the video whenever you can! I wanna see that.
Ruby: Well, jerk aside, is everything okay? You sound like there's been stress even before that.
Bartender: Here miss. *Puts down her drink*
Weiss: Thanks.
Blake: Is everything okay at home? You said you were venting about Jaune, is everything okay between you two?
Weiss: No! The last three weeks been awful! HE has been awful!
Blake: Wait what?
Yang: Wow, That's a surprise.
Ruby: But why? What's wrong with Jaune?
Weiss: He’s been the worst! I keep having to deal with issues at the company! Cleaning the mess my father made! And then, after an awful day of work, what am I greeted with!?
Yang: A blown up house?
Blake: Another woman?
Ruby: Jaune wouldn't do that blake! Geez. . . . .Oh! Was it maybe a dead body?
Weiss: No! As soon as I come in he greets me with that stupid! Bright! And warm smile! He hugs me tight goes on about missing me soooo much! He covers me in kisses! Takes me in to show the warm bath he prepared for me! The house which is basically spotless and the dinner which was my favorite! Aaaarggh! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil! *Chugs the drink*
Ruby: . . . . . . . .
Yang: . . . . . . . .
Blake: . . . . . . . . . .that's it?
Weiss: Oh no. No no no, it gets worse. After dinner he brings me a whole cheesecake! Freshly made! And after we ate he took me to the living room and massaged every corner of my stressed body! I felt like I was melting! Oh gods the nerve of that man!!!
Yang: Wow, sounds like a nightmare.
Weiss: I know! Because it is!
Blake: *deadpan* Is it though?
Ruby: Err, Weiss? Are you sure there's a problem there? Because you make it sound like he's doing something bad but apparently he's been really sweet to you.
Weiss: I know! And it's unbearable!
Ruby: But why?
R_BY: Ohhhh. . . . .
Blake: He’s doing that dumb challenge too? I thought it was just Sun.
Ruby: *sigh* Nah, Oscar was doing it too.
Yang: Sounds like a headache. Lucky me and Arslan don't struggle with that stuff.
Blake: Yes, because she's not a guy, they tend to be incredibly stubborn about the stupidest things. Well, as stubborn as you can be with someone who knows all your weaknesses.
Ruby: Got him to give up?
Blake: Around a week in, would’ve been sooner if i wasn't busy with the fang. Oscar giving you trouble?
Ruby: Nope. He went for ten days straight, then he walked in on me coming out of the shower and he snapped. *Chuckles* I wasn't even trying to make him lose.
Weiss: *eyebrow twitching* Good to know I'm the only one suffering here.
Yang: Come on ice cream. You know that guy is basically addicted to you, if you give him a push in the right direction I'm pretty sure he’ll just crumble.
Weiss: And you think I haven't tried!? Skimpy swimsuits, Lingeries, Nudes throughout the day, dirty comments, cosplaying his favorite characters, offering to do the most questionable things! I used every last trick in the book and he STILL didn't cave in!
Yang: Oh, wow.
Blake: I knew he had a strong will but this is still surprising to hear.
Weiss: It's so frustrating! I get to come back home every day to the most wonderful husband in the world, who pampers and looks after me, doing everything I wish and making me the happiest woman in Remnant! And you tell me I can't ride him to oblivion after all that!? It's unfair!!! Utter Injustice!!! I wished I knew who came up with this challenge so I could strangle them until they're blue!!!
Yang: *chuckles* I can't tell if you're angrier at not getting laid for three weeks now or at him for not falling for your charms.
Weiss: BOTH!!!
Ruby: I mean, you said you tried everything but it doesn't sound like it.
Weiss: I did Ruby. I most certainly did! And wore basically anything you could imagine, I went as far as to wear things that, if images were leaked online, my life would be ruined and Blake would never talk to me again.
Yang: . . . . . . .you wore a-
Blake: *covers her mouth* Please don't, I’d rather our friendship still exist by the end of the night. For once in my life i do NOT wanna know.
Yang: *pushes her out* Wow. You really pulled all the stops.
Weiss: And it did nothing to him!!! *Depressed sigh*
Ruby: I mean, so far it sounds like all you did was dress up and act sexy to try and make him cave in.
Weiss: What else was I supposed to do!?
Ruby: Did you forget who you're married to? It's pretty easy to get him to bend and do what you want once you pin his weakness down.
Weiss: . . . . . .that sounded very wrong, especially being about my husband.
Ruby: What? I never abused that weakness mind you! He's my best friend, I could never!
Yang: Unless he has your favorite cookies.
Ruby: *pink* That's different!
Weiss: Spit it out already!
Ruby: *sigh* . . . . .fine. but he ever asks, you didn't learn this from me.
Weiss: *walks in* I’m home.
Jaune: *wearing pajamas* Hey, how was your night? *Hugs her* Everyone doing well?
Weiss: Yeah. *Kisses him* Everyone is doing well.
Jaune: I left some food for you in the microwave, wasn’t sure if you would eat out so i made something.
Weiss: It's fine, we got something to eat on the way back.
Jaune: I’ll pack it up for tomorrow then. *Walking to the kitchen* By the way, Whitley called. He said something about a guy you sent to the hospital. Is everything okay at work?
Weiss: Yeah, someone tried hitting on me earlier, and I accidentally used too much force to push him off when he tried to get too close.
Jaune: *storing the food* Ouch. Almost makes me feel bad for him. . . . .almost. *feels a pair of arms wrapping around his torso from behind.* . . . . . .Weiss?
Weiss: *inhale* . . . . . .*deep exhale*
Jaune: *serious* Weiss. . . . .that guy didn't hurt you, did he?
Weiss: *chuckles* Good to know my knight is still there to protect me if I ever need, I thought he ended up buried under my cute husband.
Jaune: Weiss-
Weiss: He did nothing, just a few sweet words which I already forgot. I just wanted to hug you.
Jaune: If you say so, then I believe you. What do you wanna do now?
Weiss: Bed. I’m tired, could you come with me though?
Jaune didn't answer, he only turned around and picked her up in his arms, making her chuckle in response, he took her to the bedroom and helped her out of her clothes and into her nightgown, and soon enough, they were both in bed cuddling.
Weiss: *Chuckling*
Jaune: What’s so funny?
Weiss: Nothing. I’m just happy.
Jaune: That's good to hear. You seemed a little stressed these last few days.
Weiss: Yeah. . . .but I'm fine now. In fact, I couldn't be happier.
Jaune: Really?
Weiss: Of course. *Hugs him closer* I’ve got a nice house, a good job, great friends and above all else *Looks up to him* the most wonderful husband in the world.
Jaune: *pink, scratching his cheek* Hehehe, I’m just doing what I can. It's not a big deal.
Weiss: It is for me. . . .for someone who grew up in a cold house, surrounded by people I couldn't trust, having someone that I can trust and love this much is everything.
Jaune: Weiss. . . . .
Weiss: You never ignore me, you always know when I'm not okay, you look after my every need, you go above and beyond to make me happy, and you know me even better than I do myself. I must've been a saint in a past life to be blessed with someone so wonderful as you are. I wanna stay like this and hold on to you for the rest of my life. *Angelic smile* Thank you for marrying me, my love.
Jaune: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jaune: *naked on the bed and spooning her* God damnit. . . . .
Weiss: *sweaty and giggling*
Jaune: I can't believe I fell for that.
Weiss: Fell for what~? I was being honest, you know?
Jaune: I know! And that makes it even more of a dirty move!
Weiss: My heart bleeds for you.
Jaune: *groan* I was just a week away. I resisted everything you threw at me and this is how I lost?
Weiss: Yep. I thought there was no way out until a certain someone reminded me how weak you are to someone being genuinely emotional with you.
Jaune: It was Ruby wasn't it? Every time i have her favorite cookies she'll go on this emotional speech about how much it matters to her that i’m her best friend and all we went through, and when i realize i already gave her the cookies.
Weiss: I won't confirm nor deny anything.
Jaune: Ugh, figures.
Weiss: *turns to him* Oh please, you say it as if you didn't like it.
Jaune: Of course I did, I've been craving you for weeks.
Weiss: Good to hear, I felt the same.
Jaune: Just don't do that next year or I'm telling Blake about your secret costumes.
Weiss: You’re doing that again next year!?
Jaune: *chuckles* That's your main concern?
Weiss: Of course I am! These last three weeks have been hell!
Jaune: If that's the case. . . .*on top of her* Then let me take you to paradise.
Weiss: *pink* That wasn't enough for you?
Jaune: Nowhere near enough to make up for these three weeks. You gotta work Tomorrow?
Weiss: Not really, they have to fix the wall in my office so. . . . .
Jaune: Good. You won't have to make up an excuse then. Might need one for after tomorrow though.
Weiss: *red* . . . . . . .I’m in danger aren't i?
Jaune: The plan was to win the challenge and slowly ease back into routine. You tricked me into losing so now I’m giving you what you want, all of it.
Weiss: *redder* C-can we talk about this for a mome-AAHHHH~!?!?
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ficretus · 7 months
I am getting kind of annoyed both at takes I see at rwde as well as anon who spammed my posts few weeks ago. Basically, they argue that on top of being awful character, Jaune also completely ruins his literary allusion, Joan of Arc.
Of course, you are free to like or dislike Jaune, however, when people claim they hate Jaune because he is a coward, I get really confused. Jaune is not a coward, he is pretty brave, to the point of it being kind of flaw since he has low regard for his own safety. If he was a coward, he wouldn't have went with Ruby, Nora and Ren to Haven, he wouldn't have challenged Cinder to the fight, he wouldn't have tried to infiltrate Salem's base to save Oscar, etc. They are pretty on the nose with it in Volume 8 when Ren states Jaune feels no fear.
However, meat of my gripes is with people not understanding Joan of Arc and how to translate her character to the story.
No, Jaune not being giga chad isekai self insert protagonist level of strong is not an issue or insult to his primary literary allusion, it's the opposite. I don't know do people get their Joan of Arc knowledge from Fate Grand Order, but Joan herself wasn't skilled fighter. She was never properly trained and never directly fought someone. In pretty much every major battle she fought she was wounded or knocked out (hit by an arrow at Orleans, knocked out by a rock at Jargeau, hit by an arrow at Paris, knocked off from her horse at Compiegne). In fact her knowledge of sword fighting was so lacking she accidentally broke her treasured sword when she struck a prostitute with its side. There is no good reason for Jaune to be some kind of prodigy when he is based on a character that never properly fought anyone.
No, Jaune relying on his team to solve problems doesn't make him pussy and isn't unlike Joan. Once again, Joan of Arc wasn't front line fighter, she was moral support to the army. Her greatest triumph, siege of Orleans, was just her directing armies where to go whenever she got a vision. And Jaune's Semblance makes sense for someone based on Joan of Arc. It is essentially morale boost Semblance considering boosting an Aura buffs both your health, defense and offensive abilities. It matches what Joan did for her comrades. Jaune relying on his team to accomplish things is not a bug, it's a feature.
No, Jaune failing doesn't make him an insult to Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc herself wasn't perfect and suffered handful of failures herself. After her victory at Orleans, she won at Jargeau, but then lost the siege at Paris. After that she was stalemated in Perrinet Gressart campaign, won a battle at Lagny and was then captured at Compiegne. After failed siege of Paris, and especially after stalemate against Perrinet Gressart, Court started doubting her abilities. It is simply different order of wins and losses with Joan peaking in her first battle while Jaune was completely useless during the Fall of Beacon but has upward trajectory after that.
Jaune's Joan of Arc is the one without any special abilities but with the same aspirations. He wants to be the hero and save the world, but he wasn't blessed with divine power that gives him unnatural charisma and allows him to see future events. People's gripes and suggestions how to "fix him" usually boil down to turning Jaune into generic power fantasy protagonist. Which is not only boring and misses the point of the character, it also misses the point of Joan of Arc. If Jaune was some kind of prodigy kicking ass since Volume 1, he wouldn't have been Joan, he would have been Roland, Arthur, Lancelot or whatever famous legendary knight you can find.
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Price/FReader for @glitterypirateduck's Oh, Captain! challenge 🩷
Challenge #2 (First time being intimate) and #91 (Snuggling under the stars)
TW: female reader, come play, a bit of casual exhibitionism
After a long mission, you’re slowly making your way back to England, hitching rides with local extraction teams to avoid Russian detection. Somewhere in the Mediterranean, you and the 141 make camp on an island beach and discover an old bottle of rum. Once the sun sets, the rum goes straight to your head, and you and your captain get tangled up in a hammock. 
The captain was dressed in his boonie hat, a pair of running shorts, and nothing else, swaying back and forth gently in an old rope hammock. The sunset glowed ruby red, just like the tip of his cigar, and the heat of the day slowly surrendered to a cool, island night. 
You’d never seen a pure purple sky before, and you watched it fade until the stars came out, twinkling on the horizon line just above the crashing waves. Your toes were being lapped at by the bright white foam, and every time the tide came toward you, it licked at your skin deeper and deeper, threatening to pull you into its riptide, taking you along with it, claiming you for the sea. 
Gaz, Soap, and Ghost were chatting by the fire, nursing one of the bottles of rum they’d discovered amongst the old shipping crates. You’d been skeptical at first, but when Price took a big long swig right in front of you, proving it wasn’t poison, you followed him into the drink. The two of you had made half a bottle disappear before he grew oddly quiet, giving you a strange look and retreating to his hammock bed. 
You peered over at him again. A steady flow of blue, milky smoke floated up from his full lips, tangling itself in his beard before blowing away with the night wind. You wanted to taste it. You wanted to feel that fire of his on your tongue. You wanted to be burnt by it, to smolder into glowing embers and ash right along with him. 
You looked over your shoulder to make sure the men were distracted before changing out of your wet sports bra. You were wearing a white button down over your black bra and panties, every bit as utilitarian as you had been trained to be, but the damp fabric was making you cold. And perhaps, if he chose to take a look, now that your breasts were unbound, a certain captain might be able to peer into the gaping neckline to see your nipples. You wanted him to see them. 
Trying to be very casual about it, you marched over to the roaring bonfire where the boys were sitting and hung your bra with the other drying clothes. You were all in some state of undress, but as you approached, their boisterous conversation lulled, and they watched you fidget once more with your top, choosing to unbutton it just one button further. 
“Tsk… You got it bad, sergeant,” Gaz whispered, nodding over to Price, judging you shamelessly. 
“Yeah,” you shrugged, “So?”
“Both of you,” Ghost shook his head, taking another swig from the bottle. 
Before you could ask what he meant, Soap slung his arm around your shoulder and whispered in your ear, 
“Just watch.”
Then, he let out a loud wolf-whistle and stood up with you, spinning you around the fire. The other boys laughed, understanding his game. 
“Bonnie lass! You’ve got moves, hen, I’ll give you that.”
“Aye, she does. Been hitting the gym, haven’t you, babes. Quads are lookin’ tight,” Gaz commented loudly. 
You realized they were trying to goad the captain, making him jealous. Sure enough, he was staring right at you, his bright eyes shining in the orange blaze of the fire, even though he was too far to do anything about it. He took another drag from his cigar, but he didn’t take his eyes off of you. 
Ghost shook his head again and muttered under his breath, 
“Gonna wake the dragon if you’re not careful, you muppets.”
You smiled, taking the bottle of rum from his hands and tipping it back, letting the sweet liquor flow down your throat. You wiped your lips with the back of your hand and returned it to Ghost, making your way over to the hammock. 
Price watched your approach the whole time, and maybe you added a little extra sway to your hips as you tread through the sand, and maybe… maybe you let the wind billow under your button down, making the gap wider, showing more and more of your breasts until it was almost indecent. 
“Got room for one more?”
He watched you from his swinging bed, making you wait for his response, puffing his smoke toward your bare belly where your shirt was knotted up. Then, in that deep voice of his, he nodded and said, 
“Aye, if you’re willing to be the little spoon, Sergeant.”
“Sure,” you shrugged, sitting on the edge of the ropes carefully, putting your weight in the middle and lowering yourself until you were laying with your back against his hairy chest, feeling the stickiness of his skin, coated in salt and sand and sweat. Your feet tangled together. He did not move to untangle them, so neither did you. 
He was quiet behind you, but you could feel his breathing. Every now and then, creamy bands of smoke would tumble across your cheek. You followed it with your nose, looking back at him, scooting down a bit so you could see his face.
“Can I try?” You eyed the cigar. 
“You know how?” He asked gently.
You shook your head. It was a lie. You knew how to smoke cigars; who didn’t? But, you wanted him to feel like he was showing you something for the first time. More than that, you wanted to see how he would teach you. The butterflies in your belly railed against your nerves, fluttering like mad to see him make you into his student. 
He handed you the stick, giving you his commands, 
“Pull it into your mouth, but not your throat. Keep it on your tongue. Taste it. When you’ve had enough, let it all out.”
You stared into his bright blue eyes as you followed his instructions. You sucked in the smoke, feeling the heat and tasting the sweetness of the tobacco. You let it linger on your tongue, and then you blew it out, letting it coat his chin and flow around his neck like a smoky collar. 
“Mm,” he murmured, disapproving, “Too fast, love. Like this.”
He took the cigar and put it to his lips, taking in a huge puff. Then, to your surprise, he leaned over you, putting his mouth in front of yours close enough to kiss you, but he didn’t. He let the smoke fall out of his mouth and into yours, watching it pool into your lips and beyond your teeth. It filled your senses, making you reel from its intensity. Price had a gleam in his eye, and you knew he was trying his best to get under your skin. 
You smiled back. Two could play at this game. 
After the smoke cleared, he pulled back, leaning away from you but still looking at your face, waiting for your reaction. 
“It got cold quick, didn’t it?” You let out a little shiver. 
“Sure did,” he nodded, smirking, “Maybe if you had more clothes on, you’d be warm.”
“Do you want me to put more clothes on?” Your voice dripped with lust, your desire for him wholly unmistakable. 
When he looked down at you now, his pupils were blown wide, inky black, taking all of you in, memorizing you like there’d be a test. His gaze fondled you, making you feel like he was peeling you apart even though he hadn’t laid a single finger on you yet. His eyes traced down your neck and into your top, stopping to stare with wonder at your bare tits in the open fold of the shirt.
With the cigar still balanced between his fingers, he used his thumb to delicately lift the fabric away from your neck, peering inside like a newly opened gift, his eyes wide with excitement. You wanted his fingers to touch you, but he played with the buttonline of the shirt instead, making it gap more and more until your breasts were almost fully exposed to the cool night air. 
You made a show of glancing over to the boys by the fire, whispering to him,
“They’re gonna see us.”
“Aye,” he said matter-of-factly, moving to untie the bow of the tail of your shirt, trying to peel it off of you like you were a ripe fruit. 
Suddenly, he took a final drag of the cigar and tossed it forward into the sand. It smoldered there, half-buried. Your body prepared for him to squeeze your tits, to pinch your nipples cruelly, to satisfy his obvious hunger… but, it never happened. Instead, he lay his hand on your belly, using his fingertips to pet you, lazily caressing you in small circles. 
It was making you squirm. You wanted him to go further. He seemed so hungry for your body and yet here he was, holding himself back. You rolled your ass into his crotch, hunting for the hard prod of his cock. You felt it, and he let out a gravelly sigh. Success. 
Yet, it didn’t change his tempo. He kept caressing you, petting your ribs, never quite reaching the swell of your breast, but stopping short over and over. 
You reached back and put your hand on his furry belly, full of rum and relaxed from his odd position in the hammock. Beneath your hand, his skin shuddered, feeling every movement that you made and responding to it eagerly. Inch by inch, you made your way to the elastic band of his trunks, reaching inside, searching for his hard rod. 
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Sergeant,” he whispered. His voice was soft and deep, almost too low to hear. 
You needed him, and you were about to show him exactly how much. When you found his cock, you pulled it out of his trunks and shoved down your panties with your fingers, fumbling around with the fabric, trying your best to stay quiet. You rocked your hips back, allowing his head to slide between your legs and press up against your wet folds. Without his help, you couldn’t fit him inside of you, but you rocked against him anyway, smearing your stickiness all over his shaft. 
Back and forth you rubbed him, working yourself up into a fever. Still, he did not help you. He didn’t even move to fondle you. His hand never plucked at your nipples, and he did not explore your swollen lips hidden behind your panties, the same lips his drooling dick was rutting through. 
The elastic of your panties trapped him inside with you, keeping him close. Otherwise, he just went on with his sensual touching, brushing your hair from your face, running a finger along the curve of your rib cage. 
“So wet. All for me, soldier?” He hissed into your ear. 
“Yes, sir,” you panted. 
“Shh. Slow down. Breathe with me.”
You were tucked in closer to his chest, and you matched his inhales and exhales, your own body rising and falling with him as the hammock swayed you back and forth. You watched the boys laughing and joking. If they had noticed you, they were giving you your privacy. 
“That’s it. We’ve got all the bloody time in the world. What’s your rush?”
You looked back at him, pushing your nose against his scruffy jaw,
“Want you to touch me, Captain… please.”
“How do you want me to touch you, soldier?” He moved his hand beneath your shirt collar for the first time and you held your breath, “With my hands?” Before you could answer, his mouth closed over your earlobe, suckling at it, lightly kissing your neck, “Or with my mouth?”
“Yes, sir…” You let out a small mewl, trembling under his touch. 
He chuckled darkly, 
“Greedy little girl…”
When he finally ran his palm over your pert nipples, you jerked from the pleasure. It shocked you, and you felt yourself melt between your legs. His calloused hand was all you could think about. When he used his thumb and forefinger to lightly pull at your peaks, you had to stop yourself from moaning aloud. Instinctively, your body bucked into him, painting his cock with layer after layer of your slick joy. 
You watched as he snaked his hand out of your shirt and licked his fingertips. Then, he returned them to your breast, slipping his spit over your sensitive flesh, heightening your sensations. 
He shifted his weight and your shoulder fell back, twisting your torso until your breasts were freed from your shirt. You were fully on display, the light of the fire dancing across your skin. If the boys looked over at you, they’d see everything. They could watch how their sunkissed captain was craning his neck, knocking his hat back to lick and suck gently on your nipple, playfully plucking at the other one absentmindedly. 
You had to bite your cheek so you couldn’t scream, but Price saw the panicked look in your eyes. He paused, reminding you,
“C’mon, love. Breathe for me. Relax. You’re alright.”
The only problem was when you did finally relax, you felt the bright, crackling sense that you were about to come. 
“I can’t,” you hissed through your teeth, “You’re going to make me come. I’m gonna come. I’m… I can’t…”
“You can,” he suckled your breast deeper into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks, “Deep breath in, let it all out. Let it come. That’s it. Good girl.”
You knew he had felt you come. You didn’t even have a chance to hide it. You were bucking against him hard enough to make wet little noises from your grinding. Your panties were wet. You’d come so hard it had felt like you had a bruise deep inside of your belly, and your legs shivered, quaking from his barely-there touch. 
“Beautiful…” He commented, returning to his delicate sucking, “So eager.” 
You were beyond consciousness. Everything was gleaming and glittering in your vision, and you could feel the flush of blood moving up your chest and onto your cheeks, hot and full of sexual energy. 
“You want me to touch you?” He asked quietly, hard as a stone but seemingly unbothered by your ecstasy. 
You nodded, whispering your desperate yeses to him. 
“In front of my men?” There was a darkness in his voice that felt like a hand gripping you around your throat. 
Shame and erotic desire warred in your belly. You nodded anyway, too cock-starved to care. You’d never wanted anyone so badly in your whole life. 
Price’s hand moved lower, flat against your skin, and his pinky finger dipped into the waistband of your underwear. His hand cupped your mons, finding his cockhead nuzzled beneath your clit, nudging the tight bundle. He used his hand not to touch you, but to instead hold his dick and draw little circles in your flesh with it, moving it against you rhythmically. The soft head swiped below your clit over and over, enough to tease and not nearly enough to soothe. 
“Soaked, love. So wet that I can smell you. So sweet.”
You turned your head to look at him. You wanted to see his face, wanted to see desire painted there, and it was. His eyes were watching you like a wolf, witnessing you fall limp like easy, pliant prey. 
“When you come,” he smiled, knowing you were getting close again, “I want you to look at me. Don’t look away. Show it to me.”
“Yes, sir…”
You struggled to hold his gaze. Your body was doing everything it could to fight you, to force you to close your eyes in the face of your pleasure. As you felt yourself approach that glaring point of no return, you locked eyes with him, pleading with him, begging him for help he couldn’t give you. 
“Captain!” You gasped breathlessly. 
“Don’t… don’t look away,” he growled from his throat with a half-moan that revealed his desire. 
You were bursting from the inside out, and it felt like you had caught fire. Your skin was hot, and you broke out in a sweat, the salty sheen making your sunburnt skin glow. 
“Good,” Price purred, “So good, love. So pretty.”
You rested your forehead against his neck. He hadn’t even put his cock in you, and you felt like you’d been through hell — or heaven. One or the other. Maybe both. You were dizzy. 
You felt his heart slamming into his chest, and you could smell the tobacco lingering on his breath. He was still pushing his cock against you, and your body continued to make loud, sticky come for him, enough to drip and smear onto your thighs. 
You looked out at the dying bonfire. The boys were quiet now, laying around, aiming for bed. As the fire lost its height, Price became emboldened. 
He fisted his cock more vigorously, jerking himself against you, his huge hand bulging inside of the fabric of your panties.
“So fuckin’ messy, love. So wet for me. Gorgeous,” Price snarled, talking into your neck in a hoarse whisper. You could tell he was approaching his own charged bliss.
You kissed his neck, sucking on his skin, enjoying each and every sigh. Your body was begging for him, contracting over and over, wishing for something to squeeze. As if he could read your mind, Price sank a thick finger into your pussy as he jerked himself off onto your folds, finding some sort of punishing pattern, ripping another round of joy from you. 
He moved his mouth over yours, letting it hang slack, sharing your breath and resting his forehead against yours. His eyes were watching yours, showing you his orgasm just as you had been made to show him yours. He was right. It was beautiful. You could see the sparking desire in his eyes, built up with a sort of intensity that was almost frightening. Price cried out under his breath, right into your open lips, his face full of serene relief. 
Then, you felt something warm and slick coating his hand and your lips. You realized he was coming on your folds, painting your soft skin with his white, thick cream. It was everywhere; you were so sensitive, you could feel it. It dripped onto your swollen clit, and you could feel it slide down into your stretched hole where his fingers were making you tremble. Your panties were soaked through, and you realized he was using his hand to pull out more and more of your juices, letting them run down your legs and into the cleft of your ass. 
He stilled himself, breathing heavy, still gazing into your face, his eyes full of longing. Then, he pulled his cock away, letting the wet tip loll against your ass cheek. His fingers slid out of you, one by one, ever so gentle, and he used them to rub his orgasm into your flesh like lotion, mixing you together in a lurid ritual. Carefully, he removed his hand from your panties entirely, replaced the elastic where it belonged, and began to massage your pussy through the fabric, making sure his sticky come was there to stay. 
“That was…” Price sighed. 
“So fucking good, Captain,” you smiled, petting his cheek, letting the sway of the hammock rock you as you came down from your high.
You looked down at your legs, gleaming in the low firelight,
“I better go wash off.”
“Don’t you dare,” Price snarled, hugging you closer to him, trapping you with his heavy arms. He grinned slyly down at you, taking an obvious glance down at your panties, teasing you, “You’re gonna keep me right here, love,” he shoved his huge hand between your legs, resting his palm over your clit, “At least until they start their snoring. Then…” You felt him teasing your pulsing hole through the wet fabric, “I’ll give you some more. Let you keep it nice and warm inside this time.”
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If you liked this story, please consider reblogging! ✌️🩷
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arc-misadventures · 6 months
Vtuber au ask. So we know that Weiss, Ruby and Cinder so far all have feeling for Jaune. Will be be seeing other members of team rwby, jnpr and cmen?
The VTuber: The Dragoness
A blank screen was all that was scene, an empty void of nothingness. Until a single spark flared to life in the centre of the screen before all was engulfed in flame, as the shadow of a burning heart stood alone before all faded to ash, and dust. Revealing a woman with vibrant violet eyes, and a dazzling smile. Wings stretched out, behind her, as a crown of horns rest upon her golden locks of hair.
For this was the dragon girl VTuber, DraGunShow.
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And, the show was just beginning.
DraGunShow: Hello, chat~! How’s everyone doing this fine day?
DraGunShow show gave her chat a dazzling smile showing off her sharp canines as she watched chats replies come trickling in.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
ViciousDoggo: It begins!
Helios6291: Hello Dragon!
KnightsBannana: Our queen is here!
IdentifiableMistake: Hello girls~!
Quintix: Hello!
DraGunShow: Hi everyone, it’s nice to see you too. Okay chat, for today’s show I have a special treat for you~! Well… more of a treat for me, but all of you will get a kick out of it!
Her radiant smile was infectious as her body moved about, letting her wings flap as her ‘girls’ jiggled to, and fro as she went in with her little plan for today.
DraGunShow: Okay, my dear friend, SushiandShibari gave me a challenge the other day, and it’s one that I must say I’m all fired up to do! My challenge is to flirt with everyone’s loveable knight, ErrantryPaladin. And, see if we can get him to blush! The nina cat bet I couldn’t do it, but I’m sure as hell bet I could! So, who’s ready to see their favourite knight blush up a storm?!
FshOnLand: Oh hell yeah!
RubberDucky98: Let’s do this!
Venger: 5000 bits says she can’t do it.
Rightotheleft: I’ll take that bet.
Yenta: Another 5000 says she blushes first.
Tallai37: Gonna pass that to Errant’s stream then?
Venger: Sure, why not.
DraGunShow: Ohh~! Do you have no faith in me chat? Please, this is going to be a cake walk~!
DraGun opened up the stream to show she already had, ErrantryPaladin’s stream playing in the background, he was playing another round of, Deep Rock Galactic, and had just finished a mission when, DraGun decided to call, VTubings most infamous heartbreaker.
Errant’s model look to the side as his eye brow shot upwards in an inquisitive, yet cautious manner.
Errant: Hello, DraGun. To what do I owe the unexpected pleasure?
DraGunShow: Okay chat here we go!
DraGunShow: Hey, Errant~! How’s to going?
Errant: It was going well, but now I have a sense of foreboding. Do you need something, DarGun?
DraGunShow: Hey, my name is, DraGunShow, but you can call me tonight~!
Errant: Eh?
DraGun was met with the lovely sight of, Errant looking at her with an utterly bewildered expression across his face. It was cute, but not what she wanted.
DraGunShow: Do you know what’s on this years Valentine’s menu?
Errant: What?
DraGunShow: Me-N-U~!
Errant face contorted into an array of wild facial expressions, varying from the confused, the pondering, to the clarification, and then back to the confused.
DraGunShow: Uhhh… I-I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together~!
Errant: W-What are you doing?
DraGunShow: Uhhh… shit… O-One moment.
Errant: Okay?
DraGun quickly muted herself as she turned to face her screen as he face fell as panic, and embarrassment set in.
DraGunShow: I fucked up!
RohanasStalion: That was horrible
AledenTheon: crash, and burn baby
VicuousDoggo: abort abort abort!
Venger: So, do I pay Errant the 5000 bits then or what?
DraGunShow: No! I can still do this! It’s just a little mess up! The bets not over yet! I CAN DO THIS!!!
Fire erupted from, DraGun’s model as she pumped herself up, she roared at her chat as her chat started to hype her up, and she quickly unmuted herself, and…
Errant: So what’s this bet of yours all about?
Stopped dead in her tracks as, Errant’s simple comment blindsided her.
DraGunShow: H-How did you know about that?!
Errant: Someone on my chat decided to make the same bet; ‘5000 bits says, Errant can’t make, DragonDeezBoobs blush.’ Is that why you were flirting with me earlier? To get me to blush?
DraGunShow: Ah-hahaha haaa… SushiandShibari made bet with me that I couldn’t get you to blush, and I bet I could. So…
Errant: And, what is the prize of you winning this bet; bragging rights?
DraGunShow: Uhh… Yeah pretty much. Bragging rights, and gloating that I could get you to blush.
Errant: Hmmm… Would you care to make this more… interesting~?
The way, Errant purred that last word sent a chill down, DraGun’s spine. On that filled her with excitement, and desire as he stared her down.
DraGunShow: Interesting how~?
Errant: Simple: We both tell pickup lines until the other pleads uncle, and the winner wins both the smug satisfaction of making the other blush, and admit defeat. And, the promised 5000 bits their chat offered. You game, or is the dragon afraid to be burned?
DraGun let loose a growl deep within her throat as she took the Paladins challenge with earnest gusto.
DraGunShow: I’m game! Ready to become a blushing mess when I break you down!
Errant: we shall see. Alright! Chat we are about to have our little duel. You shall be the ultimate decided on who the winner is. And, you also allowed to tell us any of your clever pickup lines in the chat. Unless that is a problem, Dragun?
DraGunShow: My chat vs yours? Sounds like fun, what do you say chat, up for a challenge?
RubberDucky98: Yeah let’s do this!
Tallai37: We’re gonna wreck them!
Yenta: Anyone want to add to the betting pool?
Penguinwithagun: I’m down for 500!
Kachina: I can do a 100.
Venger: Let’s take them for every bit they have!
Dragun smiled deviously as she stared at the wandering paladon as they prepared for the games to begin.
DraGunShow: Seems my chat is upping the wager.
Errant: So are my; hopefully they can forck over the bits when you lose.
DraGunShow: In your dreams pretty boy~!
Errant: Ladies first.
DraGunShow: Alright, I’m not feeling myself today, can I feel you up instead~?
Errant: Weak. Treat me like I am a pirate, and give me that booty.
DraGunShow: Arrgh me captain, der be dog shite over the starboard bow!
Errant: Oh, tough croud.
DraGunShow: If you were a flower you’d be a damn-delion~!
Errant: What are you some sort of cocky sixth grader? Hit me with something good!
Errant: Ahem, my turn. Do you know how to play, Titanic?
DraGunShow: There’s a game associated with the, Titanic?!
Errant: Yeah, it’s a simple enough game to play too; You be the iceberg, and I’ll be the, Titanic going down you~!
DraGun’s eyes flared for the briefest of moments. She cooed softly to herself as she watched how he could play with fire. No things we’re getting exciting!
DraGunShow: Tell me, do you have extra room in your mouth for an extra tongue?
Errant: Do you like bacon, DraGun?
DraGunShow: I love me a slice of bacon.
Errant: Wanna strip then?
DraGunShow: Eh? Ohhh… That’s bad. That’s really bad.
Errant: Yeah, it took you too long for you to realize it.
DraGunShow: My turn! That shirt looks good on you, as a matter of fact, so would I~!
Errant: Speaking of clothes, while you look absolutely gorgeous in yours, I bet you’d look divine without them~!
Dragun’s cupped her face with her hands as she reeled back, even if she tried to hide it, errant could see the red of her blush blooming across her face.
DraGunShow: You threw that back on me! That’s not fair!
Errant: Alls fair in love, and war my dear dragon.
DraGunShow: EEEEEIIII?!?!!
Venger: I think we’re gonna lose this one pals.
Zathrian: the pool is at, 6380 bits.
TraiqKanti: He’s breaking her down.
AledenTheon: I expected her to be better at flirting.
IdentifiableMistake: Always the flitter, never the flirted.
Quintix: She is absolutely adorable though.
Rightotheleft: The clips that have been made will be fantastic!
Asrid: Here’s a flirt you can use, DraGun!
DraGunShow: I recommendation?
DraGunShow: Hmm…
DraGunShow: Oh~! Fufufufu~!
Errant: Should I be nervous chat? I feel like I should be a little nervous.
DraGunShow: Hey, Errant~?
Errant: Yes?
DraGunShow: I’m no watermelon, but I have something pink, sweet, and juicy that I’ll know you’ll like. Oh, and it’s seedless, would you care to change that~?
Errant gave a low whistle as he looked away, a faint blush, but a noticeable blush spread across his face. She may be losing their little challenge, but that little blush was a win, and all wins in her book.
Errant: Now that’s quite the spicy pickup line. Better step up my game then.
DraGunShow: Bring it on, Loverboy~!
Errant: I will, but can you remind me later to hang up a photo that I have of you first?
DraGunShow: Y-You have a photo of me?
Errant: I do, but I keep forgetting to put it up; Can you make sure I remember so I can nail you against the wall~?
DraGunShow: Eh…?
The cold unwavering confidence he carried as he said that to her face broke her. She thought she was a strong girl who could make any man fall to their knees before her. But, he wasn’t any ordinary man now was he?
DraGunShow: O-Okay! A-Are you…?!
Errant: Hey question: You ride a motorcycle right?
DraGunShow: Y-Yeah…?
Errant: And, you of course grab the handle bar to ride it.
DraGunShow: Yeah, that’s how you drive any bike.
Errant: So, should I grab you by the horns to ride you then~?
DraGunShow: EH?!?!
And, with those few words. DraGun’s face erupted into a display of red as her hands swiftly covered her face as she become flush with embarrassment. The bastard was smooth, smoother than she exercised expected him to possibly be. And, as much as she enjoyed flirting with him, it was embarrassing as all hell.
DraGunShow: I give! I give! I-I-I can’t do this anymore! You win!
Errant: And, victory is mine! Pay up chat.
Errant hummed to himself as he say the donations from the looser flood in. This had been a fun little diversion in his opinion. However, he thinks he did more harm than good.
Errant: Uhh… DraGun…? Are you okay? Did I take it too far with the flirting? If so I’m…?!
DraGunShow: I’m fine?!! Great even! Congrats on winning! Goodbye!
Errant: Uhh… Okay, good…
A soft chime sounded as the call disconnected as, Errrant’s hand that was about to wave goodbye slowly fell, as DraGun’s swift, and sudden departure.
Errant: …
Errant: I think I have done irrevocable harm to her…
Errant: …
Errant: Okay… back to rock, and stone then.
DraGunShow had swiftly cut the call as she now hid with her face in her hands, and she screamed in embarrassment at what, Errant had done.
DraGunShow: If you were going to make a girl blush you could have least be a gentleman about that.
Penguinwithagun: Isn’t that why everyone likes him though?
DraGunShow: S-Shut up chat!
Venger: Best 5000 bits I’ve ever lost.
TraiqKanti: Did she really lose the bet?
AledenTheon: Considering, Errant flirted with her, it’s a win.
Asrid: SushiandShibari’s bet was a fantastic idea.
DraGunShow: NyanNinja?!!
DraGun’s model shot straight up, while her face was still flushed red with embarrassment, her eyes held a blazing bloody red. A setting for her model where she can make her models eyes change from their usual violet hue, to deep crimson to show that she was angry. And, right now, she was pissed.
Meanwhile on another, VTuber’s stream, SushiandShibari was playing a horror game when she got a sudden call from her friend.
SushiandShibari: Hmm? Oh, DragonDeezBoobs is calling me~! But, why?
SushiandShibari: Hey, DraGun, what’s up, do you need something?
DraGunShow: You’re a bitch!
SushiandShibari: Eh…?
And, as suddenly, and unexpectedly as she called she left, leaving a bewildered, and confused cat behind, leaving her with, but one question.
SushiandShibari: W-What… What the fuck was that about?!
Haaa… I lnew what, and how I wanted this done for days… but, it took me days to write it?!
Haa… enjoy everyone.
Oh! It’s AI art if you’re curious. I would have found a photo, but I couldn’t find one that fit. As sad as that is, I did get the, Dragon Slayer prompt out of it.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 months
~After the first Fight with Roman~
Glynda: Well I hope you've learned a lesson here today.
Ruby: Taht shooting things is fun AND useful!
Glynda: *Just so tired* No.
Ruby: Is this where I get speech and learn another lesson?
Ozpin: No. Here's your schedule for Beacon. Let us Never speak of this again.
Ruby: No, It's Ruby!
Port: If you Don't hurry up, I'm gonna call you Slowy Joey!
Ruby: But that's not my name?
Neptune: I thought it was about the whole thing with the brain-eating Grimm that walks out of the lake at night to hunt for victims!
Ruby: ...
Neptune: *walking away* Well, See yah!
After Beating Yang in a sparring match
Ruby: *Doing a victory dance* Eh! Eh-eh! Eh-eh eh eh!
Ruby: Soon they'll be "Dragon" your ass outta here! Ha ha!
Ruby: Hey you awake? Did you hear that?
Ruby: ... Yang?
Ruby: Okay. Mid-Mission status report!
Ruby: Fell through a road. Team Separated. I'm tied to a chair.
Ruby: I'm gonna put those in the "challenges" column.
Qrow: You'll need one of these *Hands Ruby a Rifle*
Ruby: Now We're talking!
Penny: *Currently hovering behind Ruby*
Ruby: I need to get even higher.
Ruby: Like way higher.
Ruby: As if I were flying.
Ruby: ...
Ruby: I know! Maybe I could find some stilts!
Ruby: Hi ... I don't wanna make things awkward, but you kinda murdered my Mom.
Salem: I have murdered a *Lot* of People.
Ruby: ...
Ruby: IN a life-or-death battle between General Ironwood and a Great White Shark, But the Shark could see the future and Ironwood was blindfolded-
Oscar: Two Words; Caw caw.
Ozpin: Well I mean, that's really one word, Isn't it?
Oscar: How are you spelling it?
Ozpin: C, A, Hyphen, C, A, W.
Oscar: Oh, well if your' gonna use a Hyphen, I mean-
Ozpin: Are you ready?
Oscar: No, Not now.
Ozpin: *Mental Smack* How about now?
Jaune: Who's your favorite grandchild? It's me, right?
(Totally Not) Salem: Ooh, of course! YOu are my favorite!
Jaune: *Happy*
Salem: My precious little Saphron~
Jaune: *Sad*
Jaune: Alright ... I'll pack up my stuff and go ...
Glynda: You ... Don't need to do that ...
Jaune: You're right ...
Jaune: I don't have anything to pack. I'll just go ...
Jaune: Why do I feel like I'm going to end up naked in a closet again?
Glynda: Who are all these people?
Mama Arc: We Are! THE ARCATOS!
Weiss: It's like that time in X-ray and Vav issue #314-
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Weiss: Shut up!
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ninalove616 · 5 months
Part 3 of the Ruby team challenge!
•Last part ended with us getting in charge of recovering something cuz the police in this world are basically useless, we beat a random team Aqua grunt's ass and save a conveniently placed seagull that won't totally come in handy 5 minutes later (obviously).
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The old guy is the owner of the conveniently placed seagull and a sailor so he takes us to Dewford town, totally just a coincidence of course of course. We get to Dewford time, train a bit and Gym battle yay. But before that, did y'know that the shoes of your character changes depending on where you stand inside a house? Neat little fact!
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Battle time yay!
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I lead with Ruru (yeah, not Rara anymore and I'll explain why in a minute), she lands a critical hit confusion in the first turn but Machop survives by a hair, Ruru just keeps hitting him until he's down.
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I now switch to Coco, Makuhita keeps spamming sand attack but little does it know that disarming voice always hits, aha! So it was just a matter of time till it was down cuz he never actually attacked, and that's how we get our second badge! This was a quick fight to say the least.
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Next step is to go meet Steven cuz we're also Hoenn's mailman or something, and here he is, the dream of every 14 year old girl in 2014! (That's when the game came out, right?)
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After this guy's done talking about rocks and stones we have a new place to go: Slateport City, a place where I have some stuff to do regarding the name of my team and all, so here we go!
We arrive at the name rater and...
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Yeah, Kiki ain't nameable.... And that's why I made a decision here, I wouldn't simply give up on my perfect run challenge so I decided to use the Japanese names instead of the translated names!
Rara is now Ruru, Kiki is now Coco, Mumu is now Zuzu and Nana is.... well, Nana! Feefee will become Mimi and Fofo Popo once we get'em.
Next up we need to go to the sea museum or something I don't recall its name, but
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We arrive to tell something to some random guy regarding the parts that were stolen or something and then two Aqua grunts decide that it's a perfectly good time to beat a random 10 y.o.
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Oh and Archie also arrives but I'm done with the pictures sooooo see you in part 4!
Other parts:
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le-pokerus · 2 years
That means all digital only games as well as DLC cannot be purchased (they can be downloaded after the shut down but we don’t know how long for). Also all games that have both physical and digital releases, will become physical only if not downloaded before.
All virtual console games also suffer the same fate so get to it!
(Pokémon games to download below)
Gen I and II Virtual Console
(Only repeatable method to get Celebi as well as Shiny Celebi in Gen VII onwards)
Pokémon Bank
(Only way to transfer Gen III-VII Pokémon to Gen VI onwards. Will become free after the eshop shutdown but NEEDS TO BE DOWNLOADED BEFORE)
Poké Transporter
Pokémon Dream Radar
(Only way to get Therian Forme Tornadus, Thunderus, and Landorus in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. Also bags you hidden-abilty Gen IV mascot Legendaries and other random hidden-ability Pokémon for Gen V)
Pokémon Sun and Moon Demo
(Only way to get Ash-Greninja in Gen VII)
Other 3DS Games
3DS: Pokémon Picross, Pokémon Shuffle, Pokémon Battle Trozei, Pokédex 3D and 3D Pro, as well as demos for Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire and Detective Pikachu)
3DS Virtual Console: Pokémon Trading Card Game, Pokémon Puzzle Challenge.
Other WiiU Games
WiiU: Pokémon Rumble U
WiiU Virtual Console: PokéPark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure, Pokémon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team & Blue Rescue Team, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, Pokémon Snap
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luchicm04 · 4 months
My Pokémon Challenges - PT. 3
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Game: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Challenge: Randomlocke
Final team:
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Duration: 04/03/2023 - 04/30/2023
[Alpha Sapphire was my first pokemon game ever. I know, I started playing a little late, but I had always been a huge nerd on the inside. I just didn't like showing it that much because you know... bullying. But I remember spending countless hours playing this game in my sister's 3ds, restarting the game and having plenty of adventures with different teams. I had already made many nuzlockes for fun, so I decided to download a random version of the game and it was so fun. A bit exasperating too.]
Nickname explanation:
-> Jack: No reason. Why? Why not? From a humble name to becoming the locke's MVP.
-> Astrid: Just like my Gogoat 'Asunción', I gave Astrid a female name despite being male. To this day, not even I know the reason. I guess I really liked that girl in HTTYD.
-> Antón: Again, absolutely no reason.
-> Riftan: The name came from a manhwa I had been reading at the time. The ml had that name, and it was the first thing that came to my mind at that moment.
-> Richard: A lazy name from a lazy character to a lazy character. Just like his counterpart in TAWOG, we all like them but they can be a real pain, be it because of the personality or the ability.
-> Luke: Once again, absolutely. No. F*cking. Reason. Unless having just watched a chapter of Modern Family counts.
[What is a randomlocke? Like in every nuzlocke, you can only catch the first pokemon of each route and you gotta give them a nickname so you get attached to them (and receive emotional damage when they die) If they faint, you can never use them again. However, as the same indicates, everything is randomized in a randomlocke. An Arceus could appear on route 1 or the league champion could go with a sunkern as their top pokemon. All objects, moves, abilities... are randomized as well]
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btsbabe7 · 5 months
A/N: a spontaneous semi-spicy drop of a draft that’s been sitting since April 1st, and now that I just watched Challengers and it’s pretty much on brand with this, that’s the mood I’m in. I also didn’t edit this, but I will post it anyways. 🙃
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Words: ~2k, (Mature, 18+)
Pairing: Sebastian x Ominis x reader
Natty and Poppy teamed up to put together a small get-together with certain members of your class; however, words and owls got around, and a party of ten had turned into fifty. Overwhelmed, but determined to make the best of the situation, Natty and Poppy were able to get things under control, from snacks to Butterbeer and entertainment, it turned into a literal house party.
You find yourself sandwiched between the two boys you’d managed to get close to over the past few years, Sebastian and Ominis, both surprisingly enjoying themselves, thanks to your presence.
“Wanna try this jelly bean I made?” Garreth exclaims, scaring you from behind while nudging your arm. He stretches his arm between you and Ominis, out towards the light, where a single jelly bean is hoisted between his fingertips.
“Not tonight, Weasley,” you giggle and shrug his arm away. “I’m not in the mood to have smoke coming from my nostrils or other extremities again.”
“Suite yourself,” he replies with a shrug before trailing off to find another potential victim.
You watch Garreth walk over to another girl, one you know to be from Gryffindor, whose name is completely unknown to you. You watch her giggle as he holds his hand out and offers her a tiny red bean. The one he’d offered you had been yellow, for Hufflepuff. Her polish red nails pinch into his palm as she grabs the bean and pulls it between her lips with a teasing smile.
You see Garreth grin softly, but he turns his attention away quickly, right back to you in fact.
“He fancies you,” Sebastian states as if he’s already right and knows it all. “You have him wrapped around your finger.”
“As if you’d know, Seb. It’s not like you’re consulting with a Gryffindor.”
You hear Ominis’ snort, clearing getting a kick out of it too. You watch Sebastian’s cheeks grow ruby red in annoyance.
“I’m just saying, it’s pretty obvious. Offering you yellow jellybeans as if the rest of us don’t realize what he’s doing. As if we don’t see how he acts around you in The Great Hall, in class... Always showering you with gifts…”
“Well… I do love Garreth’s gifts,” you hum in amusement now that you’re on the subject. “Jellybeans aside, he did have his owl deliver a beautiful bouquet of daises and roses about a week ago.”
“H-he sent you flowers?”
You can hear the disappointment in Seb’s voice. Because why hadn’t he thought to send you flowers? Is the tone that laces his voice and gains a pat on the shoulder from Ominis.
“Even as a Slytherin, this conversation is becoming awfully dreadful. Care for a dance, Y/n?”
“Yeah, let’s dance!”
Ominis smiles deeply and stands to his feet to reach out for your hand. Sebastian tries to slap it away, but you take it before he can.
“Sorry, Seb,” you whisper mockingly.
You and Ominis find a spot in the corner of the room, away from the prying eyes of Sebastian or Garreth, a spot where they’d have to look if they wanted to find you.
“Sebastian‘s right, you know?”
“Oh, not you too, Omi… Garreth and I, were friends.”
“Friends fall in love. We all know that’s not quite uncommon here,” Ominis states, knowing he’s right and that any protest is just an excuse from you at this point. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly, which makes you smile into his shoulder.
“Friends can fall in love, but that doesn’t mean I’ll fall for Garreth. No matter how cute and sweet he is.”
“You find him ‘cute?’”
“Omi!” You giggle loudly and smack his shoulder playfully before falling silent and twirling around with him. It had to be Poppy’s idea to throw a slow song into the mix. “I think Garreth is adorable, admirable even, but he’s not Seb… He’s not you. And I see how miserable Seb is when Garreth is around.”
Ominis smiles, a very telling smile, and you nuzzle against the crook of his neck.
“We can’t invite him. He wouldn’t understand.”
“He may be a Gryffindor; however, that doesn’t make him stupid… or less understanding. The point is freedom from understanding. It’s for fun.”
You know this, but you don’t press further. Omi always wins in the end anyways and if you press it, you’ll find yourself more than sandwiched between your three favorite boys.
He sways you around the livingroom, one hand at the small of your back and the other placed firmly against your mid-back, and your fingers find comfort in the thickness of the sandy blonde hair that sits at the nape of his neck.
“Do you still think about it?”
Your whisper is so low, you almost hoped he hadn’t heard it. You wish you didn’t still feel the electricity coursing through your chest when he touches you, when he’s near. You try to cool it when Sebastian is around, but most of the time it feels as if you’re fighting your own being to keep the peace between friends.
“Well, you certainly made it memorable,” he replies softly and leans his head on your hair like he had the very first time the two of you danced together.
You find yourself pulling back ever so slightly until his gaze meets yours. You find yourself fluttering again, lost in the beauty of his pearlescent eyes, his tiny sprinkled moles, and the soft look of his pink lips.
His hand pulls your chin upward and he stops mid-turn, your back against the wall and his to the party, concealing you as his your lips find each other’s. You can’t remember the last time you had Ominis’ lips, and his alone, without Sebastian needing you at the same time. It takes your breath away just as it did years ago.
A soft cough breaks your kiss and you and Ominis pull away with reddened cheeks.
“Am I interrupting something?” Poppy laughs sarcastically. “I mean of course I’m not, my best friend would’ve told me if she were dating a Slytherin, or you know, dating in general?”
“Poppy, it’s…”
“Exactly what it looks like,” Ominis breathes. “I asked Y/n to keep it between us. After all, Sebastian has feelings for her too.”
“Sebastian has feelings for you? And you’re okay with kissing his best friend in the same room?”
You sigh, rubbing your temples as if everything will soon come apart at the seams. You’d expect this reaction, this level of immaturity from Sebastian, not Ominis. Why would he admit that after you’ve all been hiding it so well?
“He may have feelings, but I’m… I’m in love.”
You choke, dropping your arms from Ominis’ neck in disbelief. If he were in love with you, there would be signs. There were signs, but why would he admit it here?
Poppy notices your distress and pulls you by the hand.
“Gonna borrow her for a moment,” she calls, pulling you further away from the sad looking boy. She pulls you into a room, banishing everyone out before slamming the door behind you both. “Y/n, are you… insane? I mean of course you aren’t, you’re the smartest person I’ve ever known, yet you deliberately got involved with not one, but two Slytherin boys. Nat and I told you to be careful since day one!”
“I know,” you breathe and kick your shoes off before bringing your knees up to your chest on the bottom of her bed. “But it’s Seb and Omi, they’re harmless.”
“Harmless?” She scoffs. “That man just said he betrayed his friend, who has a crush on you. I mean you two were snogging! As if it’s completely normal. The way he said he loved you as if he meant it, as if he’s been completely enraptured by you. How did this even happen?”
“We… spent time together. We’ve been friends for years now.”
Poppy places a hand on her hips, believing only a small portion of what you’re admitting. She takes a deep breath and settles on the bed next to you.
“What’s really going on between you and Ominis, Y/n?”
You deflect from her prying eyes, all your steady thoughts and chaotic ones overlapping and tangling with each other in your mind as you do. You can’t tell a lie without part of the truth. And if you tell the truth, you can’t lie. Not to her.
“Poppy… Ominis and I have been seeing each other.”
“Seeing each other?”
“S-sleeping together,” you mutter softly. Your hands go cold and the coldness travels up your shoulders and washes down your body, all the way to your toes under your striped lime and cherry blossom knitted socks Ominis gifted you with last Christmas.
“Sleeping together? Like in his dorm?”
“No,” you sigh. “Like sleeping together… sex.”
All color in her cheeks flush and she shoots off the bed like a rocket.
“You’re sleeping with Ominis!?”
You can’t bring yourself to repeat it. It’s not like you’re embarrassed, you just knew your girl best friends would react this way. Garreth would react this way or say he somehow already knew. But Sebastian’s always the one you’ve been scared of hurting.
You nod.
“And Sebastian?” She dares to ask with widened eyes.
“I… we... I don’t know Poppy. He and I, we’ve done it once. Two Christmas’ ago when he took me to meet his family in Feldcroft. I told Ominis about Sebastian, but I can’t tell Sebastian about Ominis. It’s happened too many times with him, Sebastian would never forgive us,” you cry.
“Y/n… I, for once don’t know what to say.”
“There’s not much you can say,” Sebastian groans, coming from the connected bathroom with a scowl.
“Why’re you in here!?” Poppy yelps.
“Other restrooms were taken. But that’s beside the point, Y/n, you betrayed me? You and Ominis went behind my back? Didn’t think to tell me, to just let me know? I had my suspicions, but I… I didn’t want to believe that my two best friends would go behind my back.”
“Seb, it’s not like that. It’s—“
“It’s what? You’re in love with him, aren’t you? That’s the only reason you wouldn’t tell me? You couldn’t bear hurting my feelings, so you just hid your own?”
You climb off the bed and walk over to him, tears still in your eyes as Poppy steps out the room to give you two privacy.
“Sebastian, I love you both, truly. But what I feel with Ominis…”
“You don’t feel with me?”
“Seb, what I feel for Ominis, I can’t keep hiding. But I love you too. Since our first night together, I’ve always felt something.”
Sebastian’s features fall as if everything in his life has come to a halt and has never been in his favor. You know this was never fair to him since the beginning, since his interest had been you, but yours had been in his best friend.
“I should’ve known, I tried to ignore the signs,” he sighs and falters a bit.
You reach out for him, wrapping your arms around him as he sobs into the crook of your neck. You want to say words, but they would change nothing. If anything, it’d probably make matters worse for the three of you. You don’t know what admitting your feelings will do to your friendship, but you can’t afford to lose either of them, not after having them this long.
Sebastian trembles softly in your arms as you rub his back.
“I don’t want things to end this way,” he mutters against your wet skin.
“Nothing has to end,” you reply and pull back to look at him through tear blurred eyes. “We don’t have to end anything.”
“But if you’re in love with him, it won’t ever be the same.”
“Sebastian… please.”
He shakes his head as it begins to settle in. As it does, Ominis steps into the room. You hear the lock snap shut and a soft sigh from Sebastian’s lips.
When you glance down at Sebastian, the smirk of his lips is what makes you uneasy. You’ve seen this smirk before, back in the living room of his uncle’s house in Feldcroft.
You’re cut off by his lips pressing hungrily into yours. His palm massages into your curls and the other into the flesh of your ass under your short dress.
You moan softly, almost forgetting about Ominis who stands sheepishly near the door.
“Care to join?” Sebastian mutters into your neck before licking a stripe up the length.
“Perhaps somewhere more private.”
Sebastian chuckles, ready to take you anywhere as long as he can have you right now in this moment. He kisses you deeply, his own moaning sending vibrations throughout your lips and straight to your core. He’s inching closer to Ominis with each twist of his tongue, and once you’re close enough, you grip his shirt at the shoulder and apparate to the one place where you know you’ll have all the privacy in the world.
Your Room of Requirement.
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Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction, but please don’t copy! Written purely for fun :) Please only repost to other socials w/my permission and credit! Reblogging w/credit is fine. Thank you! ♡
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virtueking233 · 1 month
Ya know (basic analysis time!)
There are a lot of things I find interesting about Ruby and Weiss and how they have some mirroring/are opposites of each other, Like with how:
Ruby and Weiss both wearing masks to hide their pain/sorrow
But their Masks are opposite of each other. Ruby’s mask is one of Joy and Warmth, Meant to bring people to her and make them rely on her, need her.
As a mean to make Ruby no longer feel alone and instead feel needed. Meant to keep her from feeling… isolated, alone, and no longer seen
Weiss’s mask on the other hand is one of, let’s say, anger and coldness. Meant to push people away and keep people away from her true self
Meant to protect herself from being used or hurt once again (hurt on the same way her grandfather death did). Meant to isolate and “Protect” herself
And when both characters mask break… it’s due to a opposite thing their mask is meant to protect them from
Ruby’s mask starts to crack in V7-8 when she feels like her friends/family is not relying on her. Don’t believe in her anymore. Then it breaks in Because she feels isolated and alone
Feels like she isn’t seen or is no longer needed by her friends/family, That she is… left behind.
Weiss mask breaks around… maybe around V3 or V5 Because she feels wanted… needed by her team… friends… family
She feels warmth and Feels loved and supported
Wanted for who she is… not being used because she is a heiress or doesn’t feel she will be hurt again. Has people who understand her… see her and believe in her
Which is very interesting
Now moving onto… the part where Ruby and Weiss both Mirror having a hereditary ability that is tied to a legacy that falls onto her shoulders
Because both do
Ruby has silver eyes and with it comes the burden of silver eyed warriors legacy and burden of protecting life and Weiss has her family’s summoning semblance and with it Comes the burden of the Schnee family’s legacy and burden of upholding the family name/the burden of redeeming it
Both abilities also draw upon memory… thinking about something specific But both are channeled differently and have a different outcome
Ruby’s silver eyes Have her focused on the memory of that she wishes to protect… to think of that which makes her think life is beautiful and something that must be protected
And in doing… in channeling that strength, She destroys that threatens to harm those she care about
Weiss summoning Semblance on the other hand Has her focus on the memory of a Grimm or challenge that pushed Weiss to become stronger. Focus on the memory of something that pushed her to her limits and made her break them and become stronger
Taking that memory… taking that strength And That challenge… that one thing that once pushed her
And bringing it to life with a new purpose, Turning it into her own strength
Which again… is also very interesting
Now the next thing is just the basic mirrored/opposite personality thing And I’m pretty sure we all know This by now
The only thing I will add is: it’s kind of neat that Ruby and Weiss sort of swap roles in V9. Ruby is the one being cold and distant… the one that is not being as hopeful or Happy or that much understanding. Whereas Weiss is the one being more… kind of happy
And doltish as well as being a bit more hopeful and understanding at the end of V9
There is some more stuff I would like to cover Such as Both Ruby and Weiss mirroring in the way that they both live in the shadows of a parent But Weiss lives in the shadow of a “villain”And Ruby lives in the shadow of a “hero”
Or how their arc’s mirror but are opposites of each other
Both lose a part of themselves but in a opposite way
Etc. etc.
I might cover it more in a second analysis or what not… or continue it here later
But I just decided to do This analysis because this stuff has just been bouncing around in my head and just wanted to talk about it
Might’ve just repeated some stuff I’ve already said or just reworded some things from old posts
But eh… hope you all enjoyed this analysis and hope you all have a Wonderful day/afternoon/night!
Hope to see y’all again later!
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