#Ruby X Yang
arc-misadventures · 2 years
FMK- Yang has to choose between Jaune and Ruby and Weiss.
Yang: FMK
Yang: Okay… It has come to this… I will do what I must…
Weiss: …
Ruby: …
Jaune: …
Jaune: Quit making it sound like you’re going on a suicide mission.
Weiss: I don’t want to be here, so get it over with, Yang.
Ruby: You’re just going to kill me anyway…
Yang: Finnnnne… Bunch of killjoys… Okay, okay… Out of the three of you… I would fuck… Ruby!
Weiss: WHAT?!!
Ruby: Y-Y-You want to do what with me…?!
Jaune: Oh thank god, Blake isn’t near by…
Yang: Hey, relax, were just playing a game, we’re not going to do it. Unless…?
Ruby: FILTH!!!
Yang: Hehehehe~!
Jaune: okay, this is going to bug me, but I have to ask… Why… Why do you want to sleep with your sister?
Yang: Come on, Jaune, you have seven sisters, haven’t you ever wonder what it would be like if you were with one of them~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: I knew I would regret asking…
Weiss: Wait?! You’ve had thoughts like that too!
Jaune: Do you really want an answer to that?
Weiss: …
Weiss: S-So who are you going to marry, or kill?
Yang: I’m going to have to kill, Vomit Boy.
Jaune: Oh! You wound me so, not only do you kill me, but you insult me too by calling me by that horrid name? Why mist you hurt me so?
Yang: Pfft! Hahaha!
Jaune: Okay, in all seriousness; why am I getting the ax?
Yang: You remind me of dad; Visually that is. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind dating you, hell even marrying you, but you just look to much like him right now.
Ruby: Maybe if he got a new hair cut?
Weiss: Hold on! You want to sleep with your sister for the hell of it! But, you want to ‘kill,’ Jaune because he looks like your dad?! What is your reasoning in all of this?!
Yang: I know it sounds crazy…
Weiss: …
Weiss: And?!
Yang: Nothing, it just sounds crazy.
Weiss: AHHHHHHH?!!
Jaune: Listen, Weiss. Just think about this; Would you rather sleep with your older sister, Winter, or your father?
Weiss: …
Weiss: (HRK?!)
Weiss: Excuse me?!
JRY: …
Jaune: I just emotionally traumatized, Weiss didn’t I…
Ruby: I don’t think she’s going to recover from that…
Weiss: So… Ahem… Uhh… Marry… Who are you going to marry, Yang: Jaune?
Ruby: She’s actually like the past conversation never happened.
Jaune: Best let it be that way.
Yang: Uhh… Yeah so uhh… I would marry, Weiss~!
Weiss: Really?!
Yang: Yep! Anyone would be really lucky to marry a lady like you, Weiss~!
Weiss: Oh, great! That’s so fair!
Yang: Eh?
Weiss: My wife wants to fuck her sister without inviting me for a threesome, and she wants to kill my future baby daddy! This is almost as bad of a marriage as my parents!
Jaune: …
Ruby: …
Yang: …
Weiss: …
Weiss: What?
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lavenderfires-moved · 2 years
put the incest back in pollination where it belongs
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doomalade · 1 year
Fuck it, I’m gonna say it.
Ruby x Yang.
That is my RWBY proship/comship/idk man look
I also ship Elsanna so this isn’t my first rodeo shipping sisters.
Like I even have some smut fic ideas for them and it’s very much leaning on the romance side of things.
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ninjasofl0v3 · 1 year
Yang introduced Trans Ruby to the concept of edging, but she didn’t think Ruby would cum *that* much.
🦋 content! : incest. edging. overstimulation. filming during sex. begging / pleading.
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"y— ang, c'mon, please."
"nu uh." the hand around ruby's cock doesn't still in how it strokes the entire flushed length, the pink tip leaking pre-cum as easily as silver eyes overflowed with tears. i can't take it anymore, ruby wants to gasp out but yang would only just ignore it by shoving two fingers into her sister's needy, drooling mouth if she dared. "i told you, only when i said so. understood?"
the prompt is echoed with the lightest squeeze of her cock & ruby swears she could see stars behind her eyes. i'm going to die like this. spread out on her older sister's bed, yang's lipstick marks on her hips & her cock & her thighs & her balls. her cock trembling with need, pure, desperate, ravenous need. the pathetic whine torn from her throat only draws a giggle from the blonde.
"gods, i didn't think you'd put on this much of a show. c'mon puppy, bark for the camera."
ruby swallows dryly, the moment of hesitant only drawing a light tap to her cock & a stern look from yang. when the blonde's hand rises again, a pathetic, high yelp pulls from her lips & yang smiles once more. her hand comes to curl fully around ruby's cock & another bark follows. "good girl!"
once more ruby is brought to the brink, the preciplce where every muscle in her abdomen tightens & she can't think through the suffocating haze of pleasure, of how the slick sounds of yang jerking her cock echo the room or how she's drooling so much she's left a wet spot on the comforter. when yang doesn't stop like she expects, another torturous round of feeling that haze to ebb in a way that leaves her delerious, ruby blinks up at her sister through the tears. sees that wide smirk & the lense of the camera documenting every moment of her desperation.
"cum for me, baby."
there's no thoughts in her mind, only the feeling of stars exploding behind her eyes, pleasure trailing through every vein, every inch of her body. the pleasured cry seems faraway to her ears, all ruby can feel is the pleasure growing, growing, never seeming to stop while she cums all over yang's hand, her face, the comforter, the camera.
when the edges of black faded from her vision, the camera was gone & there was only yang, happily licking up her little sister's cum from her fingers. a devious giggle & yang crawled over to her sister, tongue slipping into her mouth with all the familiarity they knew. the taste of her own cum on her sister's tongue had easily become ruby's near favourite addiction, second only to the breathy neediness of yang's voice in her ear.
"time for round two."
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RWBY Shipping: Ruby Rose x Yang Xiao Long | Enabler!
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leaftheclonetrooper · 2 years
RWBY Shipping: Ruby Rose x Yang Xiao Long | Enabler
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archfiendoyt · 2 years
Weiss: WTF is this with girl, she such a fucking werido, like, where we supposed to learn something from that?
Blake: Yeah. Don't mess with fucking family! Unless if you want a fucking-family
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y0urnewhyperfixation · 3 months
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i too must join the renaissance
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bumblebybelladonna · 1 year
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Thanks V9
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yang-png · 1 year
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i'm not going anywhere, yang
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lavenderfires-moved · 2 years
HELLO AGAIN. well while I’m on this train of thought, how about any Yang/Ruby hcs?
cw: incest (half-sister/half-sister). if you don't like ships of that nature, keep scrolling
stay safe and don't engage with content that squicks you or could trigger you.
ruby always had gay feelings for her sister, she just never understood that they were of that nature. she thought everyone found their sister beautiful and wanted kiss them.
yang always knew she liked her, her feelings forming around twelve-years-old.
yang loves to bridal carry ruby and spin her around.
ruby can hang off of yang's biceps.
yang wear's low cut tops for ruby, but everyone assumes its for the attention of others.
ruby likes to be the little spoon, and yang the big spoon.
ruby stays awake until she knows yang has fallen asleep. which doesn't take long, but still.
they have a corny spotify playlist for each other. it's formatted like an 8tracks, but sometimes yang will add another song, usually of meme-y nature, to surprise ruby when she puts it on shuffle.
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lavendermeghan · 3 months
i love you rwby, i love you ruby rose, i love you weiss schnee, i love you blake belladonna, i love you yang xiao long, i love you crwby, i love you over dramatic weapons with even more over dramatic names, i love being BACKKKKKKK
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arc-misadventures · 1 month
Team RWBY, Vampire Hunters
Ruby: Wait... You're not a vampire?
Jaune: Nope! I'm a hundred percent human!
Blake: But, people call you a vampire?
Jaune: Anyone who isn't a local calls me that.
Yang: Then, why do they call you a vampire?
Jaune: Hmmm...? Probably because I'm a doctor.
Jaune: And, that I know so much about blood, and the fact I invented blood transfusions.
Weiss: Blood transfusions...? What exactly is that?
Jaune: Oh, human's, and faunas have different types of blood running through their veins. It is possible to transfer the blood of one person with a similar blood type to another person with the same blood type to supplement the blood they possible lost. A process I call: A blood transfusion.
Ruby: And, because of that people call you a vampire?
Jaune: More, or less.
Yang: That... makes sense.
Blake: It makes too much sense why people would refer a doctor that specializes in blood as a vampire.
Weiss: But, what about all the reports of vampires coming here?
Yang: That's right! People have made various reports of vampires coming to this town! Some have reported that they've visited the local taverns, and enjoyed a meal there!
Ruby: What are they talking about, is that true?
Jaune: I would advise you that you remove that knife from my neck missy.
Ruby: Answer my questions!
Jaune: Okay, okay, okay! I keep the blood on ice, and every other day a vampire, or two stops by my clinic, and buys a pint of blood, and drinks it.
Weiss: You're selling peoples blood?!
Jaune: It's a mutual business agreement! People sell their blood to me for a few coins, and I sell the blood to the vampires for a few more coins! It's a good, and honest business! Besides, it keeps the vampires fed so they don't go out to eat people!
Blake: People can't honestly think that's a good deal now can they?!
Jaune: You'd be surprised, most people are totally fine with it! I mean as the saying goes: 'A pint of blood a day, keeps the vampire away.'
Blake: People aren't actually saying that... are they?
Jaune: I wish they weren't, it sounds cheesy.
Yang: So what is this place? The perfect vampire society, where they live in harmony with humans so long as the are freely given a pint of their blood to drink?!
Jaune: Well, it isn't for free. But yeah, that's pretty much it.
Ruby: What the hell is this place...?
Weiss: Why? Why would you do all of this; Just to live in harmony with the vampires?!
Jaune: Well, that wasn't my main reason why, that just happened to be a positive sideeffect of my research.
Ruby: And, what was the main reason?
Jaune: To feed my girlfriend.
Yang: Wait, does that mean you're dating a vampire?!
Jaune: Yep! Her name is, Salem the Vampire Queen!
RWBY: She's the what?!
Jaune: The Vampire Queen! Say hi, babe!
RWBY: What?!
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bugsbiann · 1 year
I never posted this apparently??? gotta change that
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Rwby
Is this dynamic
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Ruby Weiss and Blake all have world altering importance
And yangs just like a very determined older sister
Yang just wants her family all safe and happy and would happily die to ensure this
Yangs just like “this is my found family” and it’s like the most important people in the world
Not that this is at all new she’s just like surrounded by them her uncle is one of the best huntsmen alive despite being falling over drunk all the time considering he does all of ozpins missions personally and always by himself Ravens so good of a criminal she was on salems radar plus she’s MAGIC and can turn into a damn bird AND so yangs gif that in her I guess + the whole maiden thing summers super important somehow connected to salem as well ironwood who was the general for a WHILE was so close to qrow he might be her or rubys god father ozpin liked strq so much he gave two members magic so he might be a godfather too cause he seems to be really close to the family too
She’s like a magnet
And Yangs still just kinda there and she doesn’t consider any of these people like high and mighty or anything for being so important
She talks to ironwood super casually for the highest ranking military commander ever when he visits her after she becomes a criminal in v3 Qrows just her uncle when she speaks to Raven she’s totally ok with the idea of beating up her entire clan of criminals to get what she wants and then doesn’t respect a THING she says even after the reveal that MAGIC IS REAL and then when they Talk again after Raven joins salem, the bad guy and reveals she’s the MAIDEN which is super powerful yang insults her over and over with only one of her arms like she’s in no danger and then when she confronted ozpin/ Oscar about what Raven told her she gives him no special treatment for being a magical wizard that her entire family (minus Raven) trusts to make any decisions
Yang makes no exceptions no one is special yang would look the gods in the eyes and go “fuck off” and see nothing wrong with that
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lyddieowl · 3 months
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so the news abt rwby being saved is incredible and all i've been thinking about
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