#Ruby Gillis Fluff
Different (Ruby x Fem OC) P.T. 1
Disclaimer: This is a LGBTQ+ Short Story, although the actual character may not be LGBTQ+ it is just a story and I know I'm not the only person that is open to this side of this character. We all write fanfictions that change characteristics of a character so I hope you all keep that in mind and do not attack me in the comments for the content that I have written.
Other Content Tags: Fluff, Cuteness, Heart Squeezing or Cringey Scenes, Slightly Out Of Character Dominance Ruby
Part Two
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Ruby sighed in a dreamlike state as she watched her neighbor tend to her laundry outside. A hand on her cheek as she leaned against the side of her home. Watching as the smaller girl in front of her was showing qualities of an ideal bride. Her eyes suddenly changing course and taking in the physique of the neighbor girl. Ruby had quite admired how fit the girl was. Although you couldn't see her frame much in the clothing she wore, her waistline being as small as it was told Ruby all she needed to know about how healthy her crush is.
Lily had been living near the Gillis Residence since she was a baby. Ruby and Lily had never had a true conversation that initiated any sort of relationship between the two. Only a few greetings and neighborly conversations. That didn't stop Ruby from fantasizing about being the girl's knight in shining armor. As sensitive as Ruby made herself out to be whenever someone had shown some interest in Gilbert Blythe, she had only done that to cover up the taboo truth of who she truly has feelings for.
Lily had noticed that Ruby was staring at her from afar and a blush rose to her cheeks. She had always found Ruby attractive but knew nothing would come of it. It was completely inappropriate to feel that way about the same gender and Ruby had already made it clear she had feelings for the Blythe boy. Lily shook her head to get rid of the thoughts that started to cycle through her mind and continued to do her chores.
Once she was finished with her laundry she looked up to see if Ruby was still there. To her heart's delight Ruby was still there in a daydream state as she looked at the girl. Lily had never really had friends in the years she's lived in Avonlea so she took a breath and walked over towards the young blonde girl.
"Ruby, I know we haven't truly met each other's acquaintance yet but, I was wondering since I have finished my chores if you would like to accompany me on a walk?" Lily asked slightly nervous. Ruby had snapped out of her thoughts when she realized Lily was in front of her. Once she registered what Lily had asked, a huge grin spread across her face.
"I'd love to darling" She answered. Lily blushed and started walking towards the route that the girls both took to school everyday. Ruby followed closely behind and smiled as she noticed how truly small the girl was compared to her. It made her feel confident if she ever needed to protect her for any reason.
"So, how old are you exactly?" Lily asked attempting to make some sort of small talk. Ruby just chuckled softly at how nervous the smaller girl was. "I'm sixteen now. How about yourself?" She asked in return. Lily looked up at Ruby for a second before turning her attention to what was in front of her so she wouldn't bump into a tree. "I had just turned sixteen myself the other day" She answered.
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Ruby looked at the girl and grabbed her hand so she would stop walking. Lily did indeed stop and looked at Ruby slightly confused. "Your birthday was on Friday and you didn't celebrate?" She asked. Lily shrugged slightly as she looked up at Ruby. "My parents work in Charlottetown and haven't been able to return home yet. So I hadn't really thought of how to celebrate by myself." Lily said.
Ruby pouted slightly and continued walking with Lily. "That's quite sad isn't it?" She asked. Lily shrugged and looked down at her feet as they crunched the leaves beneath her. "It doesn't bother me Ruby. It isn't the first year this has happened. Besides I don't even have any companions to spend my time with." She said.
Ruby noticed that Lily never let go of her hand and she intertwined their fingers together. "Well, from now on to forever. You'll have me to spend your time with while you're parents are away" She whispered very closely to Lily's ear.
Lily shivered from the sensation and blushed like crazy. "Thank you Ruby. That is very kind of you". Ruby smiled brightly and nodded. "Of course. I would hate to be alone for my birthday too" She said.
760 Word Count Originally Written and Published on Wattpad April 14th 2020
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mrsmikaelsxn · 2 years
New Girl
pairing: gilbert blythe x female reader
warnings: just fluff, somewhat love triangle with billy, some jealousy, kissing
summary: you had just moved to avonlea from london, you were a beauty with fancy clothes and a lovely accent, who just so happens to have two boys take interest in you
a/n: there is such a lack of gilbert fanfics on here, he is such a sweetheart and needs more attention
song: angeleyes - abba
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Walking up a hill from your new home, you follow a path you saw that helps lead you to school easily. You were dressed in a gorgeous light blue dress that somewhat stuck out around you. You had a ribbon in your hair and some jewelry with white gloves.
You truly didn't know what to wear, back at your old school this was the normal clothing.
You saw a pretty small white flower, you picked it and tucked it behind your ear. Smiling to yourself you continued down the path until you hear your name being called.
"Excuse me! Miss!" you stop walking and turn around to see a young boy, he seems to be around your age. Your eyes quickly scanned his features and you had to admit he was rather handsome.
"Hello, sir!"
"Gilbert- please, call me Gilbert," he smiles.
"Well then, it's a pleasure to meet you, Gilbert. I'm y/n," you smile at him.
"You're new here? You have a pretty accent"
"I am, and thank you. I just moved here from London," you blush.
"Wow, is it nice there? I've been wanting to travel."
"Well honestly I suppose it depends on where you are and what part you're talking about. But overall I like it," you explain looking at a squirrel you saw running in a tree.
Gilbert seemed to not be able to look away for you. He was in awe of you, he has never encountered a girl with such beauty as you.
"Perhaps you would join me in my walk to school? If that's where you're heading?" you suggest.
"I would love to"
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You both arrive at school and see everyone already there. You put your small bag on a hook in the cubby area. All the students turn and look at the two of you. It quickly goes quiet and they start to whisper.
You smile at them nervously and start to fidget with your gloves.
Gilbert leans over to your ear and whispers, "don't worry about them, they just don't get a new classmate that often." You nod and introduce yourself. The girls giggle at your accent and the boys ask you to say some words they think would sound funny with it.
Gilbert also took notice of Billy Andrews who was in the back watching the scene. Gilbert also noticed the way his eyes lingered on you, longer than he liked.
He then saw Billy start walking towards you as the boys started to walk outside and girls went to their little corner. They all told you to come sit with them but before you could follow, someone stepped in front of you.
"My, my, what a pretty girl you are. I'm Billy Andrews," he says holding his hand out. You put your hand in his with the intention to shake it, but to yours and Gilbert's he gently picks it put and places a kiss on your knuckles.
Perhaps you would find this sweet, if it were Gilbert doing it. But this boy seemed rather arrogant in your opinion.
"Oh- um- thank you and good to meet you... I must be going now, the girls are waiting for me," you nod your head over to the girls watching in the corner. You see Diana and Anne smiling at you waving their hands over for you to join them.
You slip away from Billy and go sit in between them. "I love all of your dresses," you say to them. They were different from what you grew up with but that's what made you like them.
"Ours? Look at yours! You are very beautiful and that outfit is miraculous!" Anne exclaims as the other girls nod their heads.
"Why thank you," you then lean over towards her when the other girls broke off into some converstations, "your red hair is lovely, did you know? It suits you perfectly," you whisper.
"Oh you don't know how much that means to me!" Anne smiles so happily you can't help but do the same.
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The day ended and Gilbert had a clenched jaw while he was thinking about Billy telling the other boys that you would be crawling to him in no time. Gilbert may or may not have accidentally stuck his foot out as Billy was passing by.
Gilbert saw you walking out of school and jogged over to you. "Hey! How was your first day?"
"It was magnificent, it was very different from what I am used to," you admit.
"Figured it would be, do you mind if I..." you look over at him as he continues, "walk you home?"
"Of course not!"
This then became a routine with the two of you, you both had grown very fond of each other and were very close.
Today, Billy was flirting with you again, and Gilbert mistook your actions for you flirting back. That day on the walk back, you got in a small argument.
"You were flirting back!"
"What? No I was not," you shook your head.
"Even if you weren't why wouldn't you?!" Gilbert didn't understand why you never went out with Billy, most of the girls had a crush on him.
"Because- because I fancy someone else!" you take a step closer to him, leaving only a few inches between you two.
Gilbert stops as his eyebrows raise, "who?"
"Oh Gilbert, you complete idiot," you sigh while shaking your head, but before he could respond you grabbed his collar and connected your lips to his. He quickly responds and puts one hand behind your head, and the other around your waste. You could have melted right there as you leaned into the boy. You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair, loving how soft it was.
Gilbert was about to faint, he had been dreaming of this happening since he met you. As you were pressed on him while your lips molded with each other, he prayed that you couldn't feel how fast his heart was beating. You slowly pull back and rest your forehead on his.
"You, Gilbert, I fancy you," you whisper to him, breathlessly.
"I like you as well, darling," he smiles connecting your lips again.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Anne Of Green Gables Masterlist
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Anne Shirley Cuthbert
fake dating anne shirley cuthbert - headcanons
Diana Barry
proposing to diana barry - headcanons
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Gilbert Blythe
gilbert blythe telling you "i love you" for the first time - headcanons
Jerry Baynard/Buote
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baby, it's cold outside - drabble
secretly dating jerry baynard - headcanons
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professionalfixator · 5 years
A Walk With Gilbert
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Ruby tries in vain to keep a secret from the other girls. (3x05)
Miss Stacy had dragged the class out to the woods for a grueling walk, and the boredom was starting to catch up with them. As Miss Stacy droned on and on about the different types of insects and birds, the kids had decided to shift their focus on other things.
"Doesn't Gilbert look handsome today?" Diana whispered to Ruby, who simply nodded.
The other girls caught up to them and linked their arms in theirs. "Guess who's right behind us!" whispered Jane, nodding her head toward Gilbert, who was walking a little ways behind, admiring the foliege.
"You should talk to him," added Josie.
Ruby glanced back and forth between the girls. "Ah - I don't think I could - " she scrambled.
"Nonsense!" cried Diana. "Of course you can."
Runy continued to protest, until she got a genius idea. She straightened and smoothed out her skirt. "You know what?" She announced, confidently. "I think I will." She spun around and stalked over to Gilbert. "I need to talk to you." She said to him.
Gilbert glanced around awkwardly. "Me?"
"Walk with me." Ruby grabbed his arm and dragged him to the back of the group, while the girls squealed excitedly from their vantage point.
"What's going on?" asked Gilbert, once they were out of earshot.
"I don't like you," Ruby blurted out. Gilbert's eyebrows furrowed and she clarified. "I mean, I like you, but I don't like you."
"Yes, finally!" Gilbert cried, first bumping the air before resuming a sympathetic expression. "I mean how heartbreaking. I am truly devastated."
As they talked, the girls up ahead were losing their minds over this inaudible conversation. “What are they saying!?” cried Tillie. 
“Yeah, right,” Ruby glanced absentmindedly over Gilbert’s shoulder at Moody, who was up ahead chatting with Charlie. Gilbert followed her gaze and quietly added, “You should tell him.” 
Ruby whipped around and glared at him. “Absolutely not!” she cried, blushing. She looked longingly over at Moody once more. “I couldn’t.” 
Gilbert shrugged. “Your call.” He spotted the girls screaming. “But...are you going to tell them?” 
The girls grinned wildly at Ruby and shot her thumbs-ups. Ruby smiled sweetly at them. “Maybe one day.” She turned back to Gilbert. “Now, reject me.” 
“What, no - ”
“Just do it!” 
Gilbert sighed wearily and said just loud enough for the girls to hear, “I’m SORRY RUBY. I NEVER WANTED TO HURT YOU.” 
Ruby’s face morphed into the best fake crying Avonlea had ever seen. “HOW COULD YOU?! MEAN, HATEFUL BOY!” She whacked him with her hat and ran back to the girls, crying. They swarmed her with hugs and Miss Stacy looked on with disapproval before continuing her lesson. 
“Oh no, Ruby!” Josie cried, as she “wept” into her shoulder. “What happened?” 
“He- he...” Ruby choked out. “He rejected me!” 
“I’m so sorry!” said Tillie. 
“We should have never made you go over there in the first place,” added Diana. 
Ruby pulled herself together. “It’s fine,” she sighed, wiping her eyes. “At least now I know the truth. It’s over now.” The girls nodded sympathetically as Moody bounded over. 
“Is everything okay?” he asked them. 
Ruby looked up at him with wide (and dry) eyes. “Y-yes, everything is perfectly fine -” she stammered.
“You were crying.” 
“Oh, yeah, it was nothi -” 
“Gilbert rejected her,” Jane explained, solemnly. 
Moody’s face grew sympathetic. “I’m sorry, Ruby,” he said kindly. “I know how much you liked him.” 
“Yeah, well, I’ll survive,” Ruby said, with a nervous laugh. He nodded and turned to Diana. "May I speak with you?" Ruby's heart sunk as Diana agreed and they walked away. Little did Ruby know that they were about to have the same type of conversation.
A few moments later, Moody sadly walked back. "Now I know how it feels," he said to her with a brief wink, before rejoining the boys.
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awae-library · 5 years
warmth in january by thoughtslockedupincages
Gilbert goes to help Anne after a sledding accident and, as always, learns something from the fire-haired girl.
Relationships: Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley-Cuthbert
Characters: Gilbert Blythe, Diana Barry, Sebastian "Bash" Lacroix (Anne with an E), Ruby Gillis, Marilla Cuthbert, Matthew Cuthbert, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert
I would kill for something like this to happen in the show, Gilbert rushing out to help an injured Anne.  Fluffy goodness.
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Anne With an E (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley
Characters: Anne Shirley, Gilbert Blythe, Diana Barry, Josie Pye, Ruby Gillis, Moody Spurgeon MacPherson, Jane Andrews (Anne of Green Gables), Ka'kwet (Anne with an E), Mary Lacroix, Marilla Cuthbert, Matthew Cuthbert
Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, good lord this took one million years to write, Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Love Confessions, Established Relationship
Summary: “I’m just a better student,” Gilbert says, shrugging, and draping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into him, snug, and kissing her forehead. “Though, how you managed to end with a higher GPA than me, I’ll never know.”
“It’s because I seduced you into idiocy,” Anne says, “my ulterior motive in dating you has worked perfectly.”
“I always knew you only valued me for the positive effect I could have in your class standing,” Gilbert says, shaking his head and clicking his tongue.
“Not the only thing I value you for,” she tells him, bumping his shoulder, “you’re also useful in reaching high cabinets.”
OR; five times Anne sneaks out to see Gilbert, and one time she doesn't have to
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beckybubbles · 3 years
Chapters: 9/14 Fandom: Anne with an E (TV), Anne of Green Gables (TV 1985) & Related Fandoms, Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley, Mary Lacroix & Sebastian “Bash” Lacroix, Ruby Gillis & Moody Spurgeon MacPherson, Diana Barry/Jerry Baynard Characters: Anne Shirley, Gilbert Blythe, Diana Barry, Ruby Gillis, Moody Spurgeon MacPherson, Sebastian “Bash” Lacroix (Anne with an E), Jerry Baynard, Winifred Rose Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Reluctant friends, Adventuring Together, Roody wedding, Mary Lives, Gilbert Blythe is confused about his future, time capsule, Anne feels lost, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, kids are in their 20s, anne and gilbert hate each other for no good reason, Fluff and Angst, Friendship/Love, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Getting to Know Each Other, Love Letters
This little story updated for another chapter
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Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Anne with an E (TV), Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley, Ruby Gillis/Moody Spurgeon MacPherson, Mary Lacroix/Sebastian ''Bash'' Lacroix Characters: Gilbert Blythe, Anne Shirley, Diana Barry, Sebastian "Bash" Lacroix (Anne with an E), Mary Lacroix, Delphine Lacroix, Cole MacKenzie, Royal "Roy" Gardner, Moody Spurgeon MacPherson, Ruby Gillis, Charles "Charlie" Sloane, Josie Pye, Jane Andrews, Tillie Boulter Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Gilbert Blythe in Love, He is so in love with Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, Anne needs a hug, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, what even are these tags, Discusses mature themes, Mention of Rape/Non-con, But not explicit, Smut, Fluff and Smut Summary:
It is known that Gilbert Blythe is head over ass in love with Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. What isn't known is what he would have said or done had he found Anne sneakily writing her article during 3x06, and where their friendship would have gone from there.
AKA a post-3x06 fic set in modern times, but in college and with Winifred long gone.
Chapter 9 is up! Anne and Gilbert go on a date and have a VERY nice night 😏
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frost-queen · 3 years
Hey amazing writer! If you still write for Gilbert Blythe, could you make one where reader is a Gillis, Ruby’s sister, and when their house burns down she get caught in a way and, thankfully, escapes (by herself) but everyone was super worried, especially Gilbert. Also, the reader got burned a little, but it wasn’t to terrible. Kinda angsty but also fluff at the end. Can you add the part Weber she tries to escape, like ,,, we will be able to read it? Sorry if this is too detailed. Only write it if you want too. Local ya!<3
Hi, i like your idea, but I have written already two fics with the fire incident. In none of them are they related to Ruby. (Well, one with Billy where she is family) but in the first one she is the neighbour who's house also catches fire, the second one her house just catches fire. What i'm trying to say is I like your idea, but I have written in my eyes a fair amount of fire incident fics. I mean not much to make it stand out with. If you have another lovely idea, I would love to, I'm sadly going to pass this one down. (Note: of course I still write for Gilbert 😊)
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Different (Ruby x Fem OC) P.T.2
Disclaimer: This is a LGBTQ+ Short Story, although the actual character may not be LGBTQ+ it is just a story and I know I'm not the only person that is open to this side of this character. We all write fanfictions that change characteristics of a character so I hope you all keep that in mind and do not attack me in the comments for the content that I have written.
Other Content Tags: Fluff, Cuteness, Heart Squeezing or Cringey Scenes, Slightly Out Of Character Dominance Ruby
Part One
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Lily smiled to herself as she laid on her bed reading a romance novel. The way the characters interacted with each other. Strangers that seemed like lovers, it made her think of the scenario that had happened between Ruby and herself. Ruby had taken her to the river and picked flowers for her. The mere thought of it made her heart flutter. She looked over at her nightstand and bit her lip as her eyes roamed over the sight of the beautiful flowers Ruby had picked out for her.
"Lily darling!" Rosetta called from downstairs. Lily snapped out of her thoughts and sat up from her bed quickly. "Yes mother!" She called back. "Your little blonde friend is here to walk with you to school!"
Lily bit her lip again and smiled. She quickly grabbed her school bag and put on her coat as she rushed downstairs. Being the clumsy bucket she is, she missed the last step and yelped as she felt herself getting sucked down by gravity.
Her eyes snapped shut waiting for the impact that never came. After a few moments of confusion her eyes fluttered open, only to meet the wondrous ocean blue eyes of a certain blonde girl. "Are you alright Lily?" She asked. Lily was blushing like crazy. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. Thank you for catching me although I must be quite heavy" She said quickly as she stood up in a slight panic.
Ruby noticed her nervousness and smirked. "You're actually as light as a feather my darling. Now we must make our way to school" She said as she offered Lily her arm. Lily gladly linked her arm with Ruby's and bit her lip as they made their way to the path that lead them to their school.
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During the walk Ruby kept finding more and more ways to tease Lily. Which only confused the poor girl and flustered her completely. Once they arrived to school no one had questioned their behavior. The boys just assumed it was what females did and the girls had no idea about Ruby so they just assumed she grew close to Lily.
Ruby lead Lily inside and helped her with her coat which Lily thanked her for. Ruby grabbed Lily's hand and pulled her to their seats while the other kids just waited outside for their teacher. Lily took this time to continue her novel and Ruby just admired how the light caressed Lily's silhouette. "You're so beautiful" She whispered aloud.
Lily had overheard Ruby and gasped softly. Ruby wasn't aware that she had said that aloud and assumed Lily was reacting to a scene in the novel she was reading. Since no one was in class she moved a strand of hair gently behind Lily's ear. "Beautiful" She whispered again.
Lily gulped and tried to ignore the comments so she wouldn't startle Ruby who was obviously in a dreamlike state. All of a sudden the class had filed into the schoolhouse like a herd of horses. The sudden action had made both girls jump and Ruby went back into pretending that she was so into Gilbert Blythe. Meanwhile Lily had a hard time wrapping her mind around what had just happened. Like Ruby was just losing control of herself and her emotions the more they spent time together. Lily couldn't fathom the idea of Ruby having feelings for her in return. They're both women for crying out loud. It is forbidden.
Miss Stacy walked inside to begin class and Ruby was completely over trying to keep up her facade of being overly in love with Gilbert. At first she truly felt that way. Then she laid eyes on Lily and her heart had never loosened it's grip on the gorgeous exotic girl.
During class Lily could not concentrate one bit. Luckily today was the day that the whole class was working on a newsletter. Miss Stacy knew that Lily did better work alone so she was allowed to do whatever she please as long as it was productive and stimulated her mind. Ruby was sad as she sat with Josie Pye. Josie was concerned since the only time she had ever seen Ruby like this was when Anne came in with Gilbert.
Ruby was staring off at someone and Josie knew it wasn't at Gilbert since he was on the other side of the room. She followed Ruby's gaze and silently gasped as she noticed that Ruby was staring in a wanting manner over at Lily Adams. Ruby placed a hand on her cheek as she watched the girl flip through the pages of her novel. "Ruby are you alright?" Josie asked.
Ruby sighed and shook her head then laid her head down. "I'll be fine Josie, just a bit tired is all" She responded. Josie was in utter shock of what she had just put together. She did notice that recently Ruby's attempts to fan over Gilbert seemed more forced nowadays but she would've never thought that it was because that Ruby wasn't attracted to him anymore.
She clicked her tongue and planned in her mind on how to confirm her suspicions. Once everything had been slightly thought out Josie Pye got up from her seat and walked over towards Lily. "Oh wow Lillian, you're reading a novel for the time we're supposed to be working on the newsletter as a class. Are you some sort of teachers pet to be able to gain this sort of privilege?" She asked.
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Lily had flinched at the sound of her full first name. "Now now Ms.Pye that is enough" Miss Stacy started. Josie glanced over at Ruby who had clenched fists by her side then turned her attention back to Lily. "Well bookworm, I hope you don't intend to sabotage this class by not participating in any class activity. Oh, who knows if you ever brought any value to this class anyways. Carry on." Josie snickered as she returned to her seat.
Miss Stacy was not too happy about the events that unfolded and looked over at Lily who only smiled sadly in attempt to reassure her that she was okay. "Josie, we will have a talk when class is dismissed. Now get back to work." Miss Stacy said. Lily returned to her individual activity as the class silently gossiped about what had just happened once Miss Stacy turned her attention back to her previous task grading their assignments from earlier.
Word Count: 1121 Originally Written and Published on Wattpad April 14th 2020
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Promise Forever
masterlist 1k celebration
pairing: gilbert blythe x female reader
warnings: kissing, fluff
summary: after his father's death, gilbert travels the world and when he comes back home, he goes straight to your house to give you a gift - requested by anon
a/n: ugh i agree! the lack of gilbert fics makes me so sad because i love him and want to read more of him )): but thanks for requesting !
song: runaway - aurora
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Dating Gilbert was amazing. He was such a lovely guy. Even your parents adored the boy.
He was so sweet, and you two had so much in common it was like you were made for one another.
Unfortunately, his father had gotten sick and later on passed away.
You, of course, were there to comfort him with open arms. When you were at his house one day, he told you that he wanted to explore the world for some time.
As much as it made you upset for him to leave, you supported him, as you always would. You assured him that you would be find, and that it would be a wonderful experience for him.
You spent the night with him, enjoying each other's presence before he left the next day. He promised to write to you about everything and you promised to write anything interesting that happens.
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"Ughh," you groan dropping back onto Anne's bed.
You, Anne, Diana, and Cole were hanging out at the redheads house.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" Diana asks.
"I miss Gilbert, it feels like it's been forever," you sigh.
Cole frowns, "Well, he can't be gone for much longer, it's already been months."
Anne nods excitedly, "Exactly!"
You sit up and your mood brightens a bit, "I suppose you're right. Now shall we bake something?"
They nod and giggle as they go downstairs.
"Hi, Marilla!" you smile happily at the elder woman you've grown close with.
"Oh! Hello, dear," she smiles back.
"Hi, Ms. Cuthbert," Diana and Cole wave.
"Hello. What brings you all down here?"
"We were wondering if we can bake your famous apple pie," you clap your hands.
"Oh, how can I say no to apple pie?"
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Gilbert runs a hand over his face as he sits on his bed next to Sebastian.
"What is the matter, my friend?"
Gilbert looks over to the man, "I miss my girlfriend," he sighs.
"Girlfriend?" He raises his eyebrows, "Is this the person you are always writing to? The one who send the letters that have you all red in the face."
Gilbert laughs, "Yeah, that would be her."
"Hm," Sebastian taps his knee. "You love this girl?"
Gilbert nods, "Very much so."
"So what are you doing here? Go back to her!"
"Gilbert, you are a great boy. You love her and I see how upset you are without her. So go," Sebastian smiles at him.
"You're right," Gilbert falls back onto his bed.
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You were reading your book when you heard a knock on your door. "Mom! Who's at the door?!"
She didn't hear you, apparently, because you got no response. You huff and mark your page, putting the book aside.
You get up and run your hands over your dress. You walk downstairs and to the door. You open it and you are crushed by a hug.
"Gilbert!" You squeeze him tightly in a hug. Both of your eyes water and you pull him inside, closing the door behind you. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, darling," he grabs your hands.
"How are you? How was traveling? How come you're back early? How-"
He cuts you off by kissing you softly. You melt into his hold and kiss him back.
You pull away and he grins. "I'm great, now. Traveling was eye opening. And I'm back early because I came home for you. I just got back and I came straight here, I haven't even gone to my own house yet."
"I love you so much," your lips curve into a bright smile.
"I love you so much more," he kisses your head. "I have something for you," he takes something out of his pocket.
You gasp as you look at the beautiful ring in his hand. "Don't worry," he laughs, "it's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring. To remind you that no matter where I am, we are always forever."
"Oh, Gilbert, it's wonderful. Thank you," you blow out a breath.
He takes your hand and slides it onto your ring finger. He brings your hand up to his face and kisses your palm.
He looks up into your eyes with love, "One day, I'll replace that with a real ring."
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obsessionsposts · 5 years
🐥 Yan! Prussia hc's 🐥 :
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T.W : Implication of Sexaul assault/ Brainwashing / Mental torture / Sensory deprivation / angst mixed with fluff / Subtle gaslighting/ Mentions of Murder / Toxic relationships.
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+ First sighting: In a bar pub, where he can get his favourite things his well-made beer that is made by the current bartender,you. But, Gil is wondering how such a prepossessing lady work in such condition? (when you can come with him into a better place!). Thus begun the endless shower of flirting and flexing ; till you've accepted his proposal making him the happiest man of the century.
+ Infautation: Months has bypassed, and Gilbert has fallen in a pit of mania for you. As all his thoughts were directed at you,from: angelic physical features to your daredevil character.
You're the most fierce lady his eyes layed upon for you don't take any shit from anyone,yet you have a motherly heart to fit his criteria of a perfect wife!(where as,you understand his pain and loneliness after his younger bruder left him). That's when he started to execute his plan to make you his little wife!
Yandere type: Obsessive, Overprotective,Manipulative.
One of the important aspects that Prussia loves, is to provide for you in any way possible with things that you've always wanted(you aren't aware how he knows what exactly you want. Usually, he says I am so awesome that I know you like the back of my hand,heh.). That used to be his little bruder privilege before he crushed little Gil's heart and left him alone in purse of independence. However, he won't let history repeat itself !
Instead, He will install private cameras to insure your that you don't escape safety and comfort ; if anything happened to you he will never forgive himself for such a failure.
Finally, He is such a two-face. He puts a show just for you (psst-he started the fight with the other person; to prove how scrupulous other people are.) ; by whining and complaining about how you don't pay enough attention for an orphan - (His father died when he was young,the only thing left for him was his younger brother,but he left. Leaving him feeling insecure and alone.) - such as him. Gilbert craves your attention as much-maybe even more than- beer.
+ Method of stalking and frequency of it ?
It doesn't matter whether it is pre or in-relationship; for he'll always have an eyes for you everywhere. As stated before, his duty is to protect you from the viles around you. If he can't come with for what insignificant reason like preparing a place to kidnap you then he'll send lil'Gilbird to report your actions to him.
+ How do they treat their s/o ?
Like the Queen she is, Showering her from rubies to jades to sapphires and most importantly his awesomely kisses that is only reserved for her. Plus, he needs to get rid of that pesky independence (the same one who forced his brother to leave him and rot in his misery). Adding to that, Gilly will never let his darling lift a finger in anything. Hungry? A fresh made Bratwurst in the table. Time of the month? Tampons and shitload of chocolates lays on couch. Hurt? Does he need to relive his dark side to make the person who hurt you beg for the end Be prepared for a night of rom-coms and cuddling to cheer your psyche up !
+ Nickname for their s/o?
Mein other awesome half/ Mein Awsome frau/ my own little prisoner / Daredevil/ etc.... .
As much as he loves his darling's feisty spirit Gilbert won't tolerate it if it pushed him away or tried to distant herself from him. So, he came up with a way to tolerate his pet naughty wife.
First comes the sensory deprivation in which he isolates her from every activity that requires the five senses. In long term cases, the darling might start to crack under pressure and induce hallucination (in which Gilbert will take advantage of it).
Brainwashing as simple as that, in which after the sensory deprivation has occurred; he starts to mend and rewire his darling mind into his ideal vision.
If Gil's dark side resurfaced he may go as far as forcing himself on the darling and degrade along with humiliating her for it. (That only apply for 'his' dark side not his general self as he loathes forcing her sexually wise and will hate himself more then now ; if that would occur. )
Th farthest he'll go with both physical and sexual punishment is a good ol' spanking. (With the exception of his dark side).
In Conclusion:
Gilbert darkness and need for love stemmed from his loneliness and father's death (Germania - Lucius Beilschmidt) and abandonment issues such as Ludwig departure leaving a scar that never healed until he met and got to know you!
One of the ways to push his depression and anxiety away is to write in his journal; namely about you. Pretty much, every information about you is within his journal , to give a few : Your birthday / what you like? /what do you dislike?/ whom did you love in the past? / and etc... . In a journal number 1918.
He might be arrogant and selfish,but those traits masks the cold lonely boy who seeks for what he had lost. So,could care to be the light that guides him from the abyss and restore him from being a mindless monster that was contorted by fate? or Will you let him decay in decadence (not that he will let you) ?
"Oh please, don't you take my sunshine away"
~ Don't take my sunshine away by The Soul Children.
A/n: Prussia isn't even my favourite character,yet when I wrote about him it hit me deep. Other than that enjoy this hc's as much I did writing this. Tell me, would you like a sideblog for hetalia?
Ps : There is a lot of references with this one, if you find one comment it.
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professionalfixator · 5 years
A Little Too Much Moonshine
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A/N: This is a fun Mooby one-off about the graduation party at the ruins. I hated how that sequence was so glossed over! It could have made for so many hilarious moments- this is just one of them.
Warnings: Surprisingly none. Most of my fics don't have questionable stuff, unless you're squeamish about alcohol use 😂
Also, @silverlight85 who was asking me for more one-off fics, hehe.
The party went on late into the night. Dancing, hugging, painting the walls, celebrating this stage of their young lives finally being over. Some of the boys even pulled out instruments and began playing an upbeat tune, causing the others to start dancing even more, made all the more crazy by the presence of a tune. By midnight, the Class of 99 were having the time of their lives and had downed way too many bottles of moonshine, especially Ruby!
She jumped up onto the canoe, singing loudly alongside the boys when she suddenly interrupted herself and turned to Moody. "Hey!" She yelled to him over the loud music. "You want to hear something hilarious?!" She grabbed his arm. "I'm in love with you!" They both started rolling from laughter.
"I love you too!" Moody yelled back, inbetween bouts of laughter. "I've loved you since I gave you that dumb handkerchief!"
Ruby started laughing harder, throwing her arms around him in a wild hug. Moody hugged her back, swaying to the music. Suddenly Ruby pulled away and grabbed his face, kissing him. The girls in the vicinity hooted at the sight. Moody broke the kiss and stared at her, the confusion surfacing despite the alcohol. "But, what about Gilbert?" he started ask, but decided against it. He'll ask her about it in the morning.
Early morning came, and so did the hangovers. The half-drunk, exhausted students were strewn across the ruins, sleeping on against anything that was even vaguely solid; the ground was the go-to for the most of them. For Ruby, it was Moody. She was snuggled up against him, curled up into a ball, her head on his shoulder.
He had his arm wrapped around her shoulders and all was peaceful, until Moody's eyes popped open and he realized where was and who he was with. He tried to sneak away without waking her up, but that proved difficult, considering how she clung to him, even in sleep.
Josie walked by, rubbing her forehead because of the growing hangover headache.
"Josie!" Moody hissed to her. "Hellllppp!" Josie noticed their predicament and stifled a laugh. She came over and tried to nudge Ruby awake, but she wouldn't budge. Moody looked at her with a pained expression, and Josie tried again, but like the last time, Ruby did not move.
Josie cried out in frustration and was just about to go get a bucket of water from the creek, when Ruby stirred in Moody's arms, opening her eyes and looking up at him. The moment she met his eyes, she leapt back screaming. "WHERE AM I? WHAT'S GOING ON? WHY WAS I -?!?!"
Josie tried in vain to comfort her. "Just calm down," she said, grabbing her arms. "You were very drunk."
"DRUNK?!" Ruby shrieked, horrified. "But -" She paused, turning to Josie with wide eyes. "My mother said that when people are drunk they do strange things. WHAT DID I DO?!"
Josie and Moody looked at each other, warily. "You see, the thing is," Moody said, cautiously. "I don't quite remember, either."
Ruby cried out in horror, about to have a whole panic attack, when a tired Anne sitting under a tree interrupted. "Nothing happened," she said, glumly, hugging her knees. "As far as I saw."
"Oh, thank Providence!" cried Ruby.
"You remember everything?" Josie asked Anne.
"Uh-huh." Her friend replied, distantly. Anne stood up, dusting off her dress. "I should get home before Marilla worries."
"I most certainly should," Ruby said, in a huff, now less anxious and more embarrassed, glancing sideways at Moody.
"I should too," he said. He smiled at her. "See you around." She smiled weakly as the class parted ways, ready to go home and catch what few hours of sleep remained.
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awae-library · 5 years
she's leaving home after living alone for so many years by confusingtimelessnessandtime
Life is short and the world is wide had been difficult at first.
Diana is coming to understand it now, though. There isn't time to worry about insignificant threads in her skirt coming loose when they're the same colour as the rest of her dress and she could be dancing, letting her skirt swirl around her calves. There's no reason to believe the worst is coming when she has no evidence and could be laughing her worries away with a friend. The world is bigger than Avonlea church picnics and exports to England, and Mrs. Rachel Lynde's gossiping won't be the death of her when there's so much more to see.
relationships: Diana Barry/Jerry Baynard (main), Anne-Shirley Cuthbert/Gilbert Blythe (background)
characters: Diana Barry, Jerry Baynard, Anne-Shirley Cuthbert, Ruby Gillis, Muriel Stacy, Gilbert Blythe, Minnie May Barry (mentioned), Josephine Barry (mentioned), Rachel Lynde (mentioned)
This fic is very recent but already I think it might be one of my favorites! Top 5 at the very least. Everything is on point—the dialogue, the relationships, Diana’s thoughts and narration. It’s simple and short yet so beautiful and happy. I’m a sucker for Diana/Jerry in any form and this fic blew me away! 
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runaway-timeout · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Anne with an E Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gilbert Blythe & Ruby Gillis, Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley, Ruby Gillis/Moody Spurgeon MacPherson Characters: Gilbert Blythe, Ruby Gillis, anne shirely - Character, Moody Spurgeon MacPherson Additional Tags: just some friendly fluff between Gilbert and Ruby, quick appearances from the lacroix fam and miss stacy Summary:
Gilbert didn't know how much he needed to get off his chest until Ruby asked.
AKA I have feelings about Gilbert and Ruby's friendship as they grow up.
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beckybubbles · 4 years
Chapters: 1/12 Fandom: Anne with an E (TV), Anne of Green Gables (TV 1985) & Related Fandoms, Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley, Mary Lacroix & Sebastian “Bash” Lacroix, Ruby Gillis & Moody Spurgeon MacPherson, Diana Barry/Jerry Baynard Characters: Anne Shirley, Gilbert Blythe, Diana Barry, Ruby Gillis, Moody Spurgeon MacPherson, Sebastian “Bash” Lacroix (Anne with an E), Jerry Baynard, Winifred Rose Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Reluctant friends, Adventuring Together, Roody wedding, Mary Lives, Gilbert Blythe is confused about his future, old love letters, time capsule, Anne feels lost, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, kids are in their 20s, anne and gilbert hate each other for no good reason, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Friendship/Love Summary:
When an old time capsule is opened, Anne discovers a love letter addressed to her among the mementos. Feeling unfulfilled, like life is passing her by, she decides to look for the boy who wrote the letter hoping he’ll bring her adventure, assisted by Gilbert Blythe, her old classmate and sworn enemy.
But the search for true love never runs smoothly.
Will Anne find the rightful author before it’s too late?
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