#gilbert blythe fanfiction
phantomstatistician · 5 months
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Fandom: Anne of Green Gables
Sample Size: 488 stories
Source: AO3
NOTE: This chart excludes stories from "Anne With An E", as requested.
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Pretty boy appreciation post. That is all.
Special thanks to my wonderful friend @a-usernamelol, without whose simping these would never have been created :3 And a huge shoutout to @girl-named-matty for her masterful screenshotting abilities! Thank you so much!
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myouiminn · 1 year
Beyond Words
Gilbert Blythe x Reader
Notes: don't repost without my permission!
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In the outskirts of the picturesque village of Avonlea, fate was weaving a story that would bring Gilbert Blythe and Y/n together in an unexpected way. He, a young medical student, was determined to become a renowned doctor. She, the daughter of a farmer, had a deep love for the land and a passion for literature.
Their lives collided during a community event where Y/n was reciting one of her inspiring poems to the crowd. Gilbert watched her, captivated not only by the beauty of her words but also by the intensity of her expression. After the event, he approached, praising her ability to create vivid images with her words.
The encounters became frequent, and they discovered a genuine connection between them. Gilbert shared stories of his medical studies and the funny situations he encountered, while Y/n shared her love for literature and the joy she found in life's little things.
As time passed, their feelings deepened. Gilbert admired Y/n's dedication to her family and the farm, while Y/n was enchanted by Gilbert's compassion and his unrelenting pursuit of knowledge. Their friendship blossomed into a subtle love, so profound that it didn't need to be explained in words.
On a sunny day, while exploring the fields, Gilbert picked a daisy and said with a smile, "You know, they say a daisy has the power to reveal true feelings." Y/n laughed, feeling a blush on her cheeks. "And what does it reveal, Dr. Blythe?"
He looked into her eyes seriously. "It reveals that I've fallen in love with you, Y/n, in a way words can't express." Her heart raced, and she smiled with emotion. "Gilbert, I feel the same."
The months that followed were a delicate dance between the joy of newfound love and the challenges life always brings. They supported each other through trials, strengthening their bond even more.
On a magical night, Gilbert took Y/n to a secret garden adorned with twinkling lanterns. He picked up a book and read a poem he had written himself, expressing his deep feelings for her. At the end, he knelt down and offered a ring. "Y/n, you're the story I want to tell for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"
The tears of joy in her eyes were the clearest and most beautiful answer. She said "yes," and they embraced, knowing they were starting a new chapter together, a story that went beyond words, beyond fields, beyond their deepest dreams. Together, they found something rare and everlasting.
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goldrushenthusiast · 1 year
lord help me my mother is reading Anne of Green Gables fanfiction on fanfic.net
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frost-queen · 1 year
Black rose in a sea of red (Reader x Jerry Baynard)
Requested by: @alicethewriterandfangirl , Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: TW! Selfharm! You are upset of how your friends have such amazing lives while yours is terrible. Coming from a bad home, your coping behavior is self harm. Struggling with the idea of wanting to end it all, is Jerry there to save you from doing so.
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The chattering died away when Miss Stacy settled everyone down. Specifically Anne who was proclaiming her opinion as loud as she could. Almost standing on the table to declare her words. Diana was tugging at her dress to pull her to sit. – “Miss Cuthbert if you please.” – Miss Stacy said giving her a stern glare. Anne chuckled settling down. Ruby was still whispering to Tillie. With one look of Miss Stacy pressed Ruby her lips together with force. Billy snorting across the classroom at how silly she looked.
Miss Stacy cleared her throat letting his chuckle die. When finally the peace had settled clasped Miss Stacy her hands together. – “I hope you all brought your assignments that I handed out last week.” – she started. Anne who was always eager already set her basket on the table, ready to show it to Miss Stacy. Miss Stacy smiled politely ushering her to wait. – “You may all set it on the table if you please.” – she continued giving the signal.
Everyone ducked down to reach in their baskets to set their work of art on the table. You felt uneasy taking out your artwork. Glancing to the side you saw Charlie’s piece of art. Billy and Paul laughing loud. – “Is that an aardvark?” – Billy joked laughing his ass off. Charlie groaned. – “No! It’s a dog.” – he mumbled setting his hand under his chin, pushing his artwork closer to his chest. Gilbert turned around in his seat looking at Billy’s work.
“Is that a self-portrait?” – he said snarky. Billy mimicked a childish laugh, annoyed by his words. – “Well yeah yours…” – Billy got a bit up to look at Gilbert’s work. Gilbert moved aside on purpose for him to see. – “Well yours… yours…” – Billy said trying to find an insult. Gilbert was smiling beyond himself when Billy couldn’t find something bad to say about it. – “I thought so.” – he said turning back around silencing Billy.
Paul laughed loud at how Gilbert had left Billy speechless. Across back by the girls was Anne proudly showing her masterpiece to everyone. – “Did you do this stitching?” – Diana asked pointing at it. Anne shook her head. – “No, Marilla helped me.” – she then pointed at some paint work. – “This is Matthew’s work, and this weird thing was added by Jerry.” – she finished pointing at a wobbly thing at the top. Diana held her art up. – “My mother helped as well. She painted the flowers.” – she commented.
Ruby got up waving her hand in between them for attention. – “My mother helped too! She did this, this, and this.” – she said pointing at several things in different angles. – “What did you do?” – Tillie replied as it appeared Ruby’s mother did everything herself. – “I did this.” – Ruby answered annoyed pointing at her name written in the corner. Diana rolled her eyes at how silly she was.
Seeing their work you rather wanted to crush it or throw it out of the window. Compared to their, yours seemed like it was made by a child. Also hearing them speak so lovingly about how their parents helped out felt like a punch in your gut. It was something you could only dream off, having a loving mother. Your mother didn’t help in your project. You dared ask her one time. That didn’t end well.
You got yelled at for ruining her moment and annoying her with silliness. Looking at your art again of paper mâché you noticed the dent of where your father had stepped on it. On purpose or accident. It didn’t really much as it had ruined it much. Seeing your friends talk so godly about their parents made you want to cry, pull your hair out and scream your lungs out. Ruby and Tillie turned around to you.
“Let me see yours Y/n.” – Ruby spoke as Diana and Anne looked over them. You pulled it closer to your chest, shaking your head. – “It’s…it’s terrible.” – insisting on it. – “Come show us Y/n.” – Tillie said pulling at your hand. You really didn’t want to show her, finding it unworthy. Ruby helped her to pull your hand away. Tillie then snatched it from you. – “Hey!” – you called out catching the attention of some boys across and Miss Stacy who waited to see where this was going.
Tillie held it up before her looking at it with a questioning brow. – “Did your mother help out?” – Ruby asked probably not meaning anything with it. She was always this innocent and naïve, yet it struck a nerve with you. – “No!” – you called out snatching the art from Tillie back. You then it on the ground setting your foot hard on it. Everyone gasped loud at your little act. – “Y/n!” – Miss Stacy called out concerned. You let your fingers brush automatically over your inner arm, knowing of the scars lingering there.
“Brute.” – one of Billy’s friends called out. Miss Stacy shushing him immediately. Miss Stacy approached you, kneeling gently down to pick up your crushed work of art. – “We can still mend this.” – she said with a warm smile. You shook your head. – “It is broken!” – you answered. Just like yourself. Turning your face away from her, you felt ashamed.
Ashamed and unworthy. Truly wondering what the exact point of you was. Not one of them here knowing a darn thing about your family. They had no idea with their wonderous lives, living like princesses. While you crawled through the gutter with no way out. Consistently surrounded by darkness. The only way out of the sinking was the carving. The marks on your inner arms that helped you coped with it.
Miss Stacy reached up to take your hand. The second she had your hand, you pulled it away. Needing to escape you took a run for it. – “Y/n.” – Miss Stacy called out as some jumped up. Gilbert being one of them. He wanted to run after you as Miss Stacy held him back by his shoulder. – “Let us give her a moment in solitude.” – Miss Stacy said sensing you didn’t want any company at this moment. – “But…” – Gilbert started seeing Miss Stacy shake her head.
He sighed deep, slouching his shoulders. He returned to his seat. Miss Stacy set your artwork on her desk, seeing how sloppy it was once your foot had tackled it. You ran frantically into the woods away from the school. Unable to cope with it. The sugary of your friends biting like sour in your flesh. Their life was something you could never achieve. Not with the home situation you have now.
A mother and father who barely looked at you. A brother who tackled you whenever he pleased. All the workload put on you. Treated like dirt by your own family. Never once said an ‘I love you’ or ‘thank you.’ Maybe this was just how things were meant to be. Unloved. Panting loud you kept running coming into different parts of the woods.
Jerry was whistling loud, carrying a sack over his shoulder. He had come back from the market, making his way back to Green Gables. Something caught his sudden attention as he noticed it was you. – “Y/n!” – Jerry shouted happily waving your way. He frowned when you didn’t seem to see him. Simply running past. Jerry lowered his sack questionable. Why weren’t you at school? Why were you running away? Was everything alright?
Feeling a bit worried he picked up his sack again, going after you. Near a shack crashed you down; out of breath. Leaning against the wood you let your head fall back. Still panting till your breathing steadied. Then the thoughts came. Those dark thoughts that always pushed you to the edge. You already know what to do. Reaching in your pocket, you pulled out a sharp object. Then slowly pulling your sleeves up. Scars of old on your flesh.
Those dark thoughts became louder as it made you bring the tip of the sharpness to your wrist. Tears rolled down your cheek as your hand trembled. It would take one impulsive thought for you to bleed. Bleed till your life would slip away. Why shouldn’t you do it? What good was there in this life? There was no one to pull you out so it was easier to just accept it and be rid of this hell.
Gently setting the tip deeper onto your skin, your sight got blurrier from your tears. – “No!” – you suddenly heard startling you so hard, the tip had pressed deeper into your skin. A single drop of blood forming. Jerry rushed over to you, grabbing the sharp thing from your grip, and throwing it as far away from him. – “Don’t you dare!” – he breathed out.
“Don’t you even think about it!” – he said a bit firmer kneeling down in front of you. Grabbing your shoulders, he pulled you close to his chest for a hug. – “Find hope in the hopeless.” – he told you. – “I don’t know what made you do it, but please don’t. I don’t want to lose you… I don’t.” – he embraced you tighter fighting the urge to cry himself. – “Please Y/n…” – he whispered out as you started crying louder.
In the brink of almost doing it was Jerry there to pull you out. – “We’ll figure it out together. I am fighting for you, and I don’t want you to give up.” – wrapping your arms around him, you hugged back. – “Jerry…” – you cried out. Jerry simply held you, no needing an explanation. Just holding you. In that moment where he knew you needed to be seen, heard and loved.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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atriza · 13 days
Fandoms I write for:
The Umbrella Academy
Harry Potter
Anne with an e
My hero Academia
Heartbreak High
Once upon a Time
Many more
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shannyh25 · 3 months
Author's Note: I want to thank my friend alwayschassingrainbows from Tumblr for helping me figure out the time line and giving me ideas on this story. If you guys love Anne Of Green Gables and Emily Of New Moon series, you guys should check out her Tumblr page. Thank you again alwayschassingrainbows again for your help.
I have had this story in my head for awhile. I thought since people love Anne Of Green Gables and Titanic, why not do a crossover? I haven't seen a story like this one yet and I hope you guys will like it. Please leave reviews if you do!
Summary: Titanic story line with a twist. What if Gilbert finds out he has a niece while he and Anne are in England? Gilbert and Anne are in England for Gilbert because he is part of a research study for Tuberculosis, which his parents died of. While in England, Anne and Gilbert befriend Rose and Jack. When its time to board Titanic, all of them, including Gilbert's niece board Titanic. After Gilbert's niece's mom dies, Gilbert and Anne board the Titanic along with Gilbert's niece. Their goal is to travel Titanic and get Gilbert's niece to a Uncle that his niece's mom wanted. But what happens when the Uncle doesn't want Gilbert's niece? After all they had been through on Titanic, did they just come to New York for nothing?
Please let me know what you guys think!
Chapter 1
"I love the smell of the salty sea air." Anne Blythe said.
Anne and her now husband Gilbert were walking along the shoreline waiting to travel on the ship that will take them to England.
"I like it too Anne-girl. It reminds me of home." Gilbert said in agreement.
"Do you think you'll like England?" Anne asked as they were walking along the shore.
Gilbert thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. I know it's going to be busy and fast paced compared to Avonlea. I'm not going to like the politics especially when it comes to working in the hospital. I believe Rachel would have a hard time trying to keep up with all the latest gossip. England will certainly be an interesting experience though."
Anne giggled. "I believe you're right. Rachel was telling me before we left that she was having a harder time trying to keep up with the gossip these days in Avonlea. Especially since a new generation of families are slowly moving in."
"I'm glad Dora and Davey are still living at Green Gables. Marilla would be terribly lonesome without the twins and even Rachel. Davey has certainly matured the last few years and taken interest in farming. He told Marilla he wants to run the farm now that he has a better idea on how farming works. Dora is Marilla and Rachel's shadow. She makes it her duty to help with the indoor chores and makes sure Marilla and Rachel aren't working too hard. She helps Davey outside with the farm chores occasionally. I'm proud of both of them. It makes me feel better about leaving them behind for a year." Anne said.
Gilbert was half listening to Anne's small talk. He was thinking about England, hoping he will find his sister, and the new job at the hospital.
Gilbert had written to Mary about a year ago when some gossip in town said that some people had heard Mary was in England. When Gilbert heard that, he quickly went home and wrote a very long letter. It wasn't returned to him thankfully. That's why he has some hope about finding his long, lost, sister.
"Gil? Are you alright? We should probably be heading back to the shipyard pretty soon. I think I see people starting to gather up near the ship." Anne said.
"I'm alright Anne-girl. Let's head to the ship." Gilbert said.
Do you think you'll find your sister Mary?" Anne asked breaking Gilbert's thoughts.
Gilbert had told Anne briefly of Mary's past. Anne was at first surprised that he even had a sister. He never spoke of her until he got the news about going to England. All because of an essay paper he had written for his graduation.
"Honestly Anne-girl, I do. I want to know if she is happy and safe and enjoying life. I often wonder if she had or has children. She would have been a great mother. She was always looking after me and the other children at school. I would love to be an uncle." Gilbert said.
"I can see you being a great Uncle Gil. You were always good with children. If you have a niece or a nephew, they will love you." Anne said.
Gilbert grinned. " I can see you easily being a fun aunt. Telling them stories about fairy tales and princesses looking for their prince. Telling them ghost stories. Talking to them about Avonlea and Green Gables and telling them stories about your childhood in Avonlea."
Anne grinned. "I just hope you if you do have a niece or nephew, they aren't twins. I can't seem to get away from them if they are. I would love them certainly, but I'll be sad too."
Gilbert chuckled. "Have you been on a ship?"
"I was on a ship years ago when I was coming to Avonlea. I went with a lady that had come to adopt a little girl younger than me and they brought me back up to Avonlea. I remember being so curious and excited about being on a ship. I loved exploring when I wasn't taking care of Lilly. Lilly was in bed most of the time because she got seasick. When I wasn't taking care of her or Mrs. Spencer, I would take advantage and explore. I loved looking over the railings and watching the waves crash up onto the ship. Sometimes you could see dolphins too. Mrs. Spencer was always worried about me falling over the railing, but I never did. The cabins are rather small and cramped . I had to share a bed with Lilly. I didn't mind though. I told her stories about fairies and princesses." Anne said.
"I was on a ship years ago with dad. We went shortly after Mary left. Dad wanted to get away for a while and honestly, I did too. I was upset and hurt that my sister left me for a boy she hardly knew. Dad wanted to get away and clear his head. We went and saw his side of the family and stayed with them for a few weeks. Ma didn't want to go. She said somebody had to take care of the house and farm. She was definitely hurting from Mary's departure. I think she wanted to grieve for the loss of Mary leaving. Same with dad. I wanted to grieve too and I did. But not in front of Ma and dad. It would hurt them even more seeing me hurt. The ship was a good distraction for both dad and I. We met new people. I explored the ship a lot and talked to some boys my age. Seeing dad's family was a good distraction to for both of us. Coming back home and pretending like everything is normal is another story." Gilbert said.
Anne squeezed Gilbert's hand with sympathy. "I'm so sorry Gilbert you had to go through that. I can't imagine losing a sibling like that. She was blinded by love and she was so young. It's a shame your father has cut ties with her completely. Your poor sister and mother."
Gilbert looked at his hands. "It really hurt Ma when Dad told us that. He had Ma take down all her pictures of her and of the two of us together. Dad had Ma pack away her clothes that was left that she didn't take. I helped Ma do all of it because I had to be strong for her. She packed away all her books, school books and papers. Her journals she had kept. She even packed her hair brush and her mirror. Everything you could think of, we packed away. Dad was out in barn dealing with it his own way. I know he was huffing too and angry but mostly hurt. He thought he and Ma raised her better."
Anne blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall. She sniffed and rubbed Gilbert's hand with her thumb. She was hurting because after all these years, Gilbert was still hurting. It isn't often he shows his feelings. The only time Anne has seen Gilbert this upset was at his parent's funeral and now talking about his beloved older sister.
"I'm glad we got married though before Ma and Dad took sick. At least they were able to see one of their children married to a wonderful human. You didn't have to come with me Anne-girl. You could have stayed home." Gilbert said softly.
Anne sucked in her breath taken by surprise at his words. He wasn't being mean at all. In fact, he has told her several times this morning that it isn't too late to back out. But Anne stood her ground. Gilbert had already sacrificed so much for her. For starters, giving her the old Avonlea School to her so she could teach and be at home to help Marilla with the house chores and farm chores. He was going to teach at Avonlea so he can stay at home and save money. But he went to White Sands so she could be home. That was probably the biggest sacrifice he has made for her. Traveling with him is the least she could do. It's only for a year and it will hopefully go by fast.
"I chose to come with you Gil. We spent so much time apart while you were in medical school. I didn't see you as much as I would have liked. I was teaching at Summerside so I was busy too but I want to be with you. We may not see each other much during the day because you'll be at work, but I'll have you in the evenings and nights. That's all I want Gil. I just want to be with you." Anne said softly.
Gilbert gave her a lopsided grin to her. "Thank you, Anne-girl. That means so much to me. I'm glad you're with me. It would be awfully lonely without you."
All aboard! Come line up so we can get moving! All aboard!" Someone had shouted.
Gilbert gave Anne another grin. "You ready Anne-girl?"
"Of course, I am. Let's go." Anne said.
Walking back to the shore, Anne took one last glance at the ocean and sighed.
"You'll be on the ocean soon enough Anne-girl. Then when we get back on solid ground again, and you won't even want to look at the ocean until we come back home." Gilbert said gently.
"I'll never get tired at looking at the ocean Gil. I might for a while after we get back on land again but right now, I'm just soaking it all in." Anne said.
"All aboard. Let's go. All aboard!" One of the crew members shouted.
"Let's get going Anne-girl. Let's grab our bags and head to the ship." Gilbert said.
Grabbing their bags they were carrying with them, Anne and Gilbert headed towards the crowd of people waiting to board the ship to England.
The young doctor and Mrs. Blythe were standing in the ship yard. Anne was staring with wide, open, curious eyes as if she was a child again. The ship was huge and the last one that she was on years ago wasn't even close to this size. She could easily get lost here, especially if she uses that imagination of hers. Anne never thought she would be going on another ship but here she was standing next to her husband supporting him on his career. They were going to England. Gilbert was asked to volunteered there to help do some special medical research for a year at one of the biggest hospitals in England.
Anne and Gilbert stared at the big ship that was standing in front them. They were really here getting ready to go on an adventure of a lifetime. Anne was excited now that she had gotten over being angry at Gilbert for wanting to go on this trip and Gilbert was just excited and nervous.
The shipyard was a busy place. People were shouting directions to each other. Carriages were dropping people and families off at last minute. Kids screaming joyfully and chasing each other. The seagulls were flying overhead making their sounds. The sails on the ship were flapping in the wind Gilbert and Anne hadn't been to a shipyard in years and now they were getting ready to travel on a ship. They were going to England, a place neither of them had ever been too before. Anne stared at the ship with her eyes wide and filled with of thoughts on people and what they were doing here and why they were going to England like them. Gilbert had the same reaction as Anne. He hasn't been on a ship since his sister left the family 10 years ago when Gilbert and his dad went on a ship to see family.
Gilbert had to pick a topic on what he had learned and speak about it on his graduation day. He had many topics in mind but one stood out. It was Tuberculosis. People are just now starting to find cures for it. Unfortunately, his parents didn't survive it and that's why Gilbert chose Tuberculosis to talk for his topic. It was brutal to watch them suffer so much. Gilbert was lucky enough to be able to spend the last month at home with his family while his parents were dying. He was ahead in his studies so the school board allowed Gilbert to come home to say his goodbyes.
Later he found out that Uncle Dave had kept Gilbert's paper that he had written and submitted it to Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest' The head director of the hospital was so impressed with Gilbert's speech and his background, he quickly responded to Uncle Dave saying they wanted Gilbert as part of their research team. They even paid for their two tickets to get them there.
Gilbert had received a letter from the hospital asking if he wanted to be part of the research team studying Tuberculosis, offering a one-year internship at 'Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest' in London. He as was shocked and honored at having been offered the opportunity to help do research there. That's the reason why the two of them are standing on the dock about to board on the ship.
Gilbert broke out of his thoughts as they were asked some questions. Gilbert showed the crew member their tickets and they started to walk on the ramp to get onto the ship. Gilbert felt Anne's hand tense up as they were slowly making their way forward towards the ships entrance.
"What's wrong Anne-girl?" Gilbert asked gently.
Anne bit her lip. Afraid he might laugh at her.
They were slowly making their way up to the ship's entrance. "What if the ship sinks?"
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a-aexotic · 2 years
hh sorry to bother you!! if requests are closed or you don't wanna write this you can delete the request but
i don’t know if you watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, but it’s a really great anime and i wanted to send this character, the anime looks cute but it really isn’t 😭.
can i request josie pye, Gilbert Blythe or Prissy Andrews with a S/O who has a Homura Akemi Personality? (She’s stoic, distant, independent, Homura also appears with her personality being that of a shy, timid, magical girl rather than her cold and strong personality, she also knows self defense since she was in a lot of battles you can watch it here)
Thank you a ton!! I wish you well<33
hey i’m so sorry for the late reply, but here’s a headcanons for both :) i hope you enjoyed
—cw’s: just fluff!!! i think gen!neutral but lmk!
josie pye
i feel like josie would like an s/o who’s generally stoic and is independent
she wouldn’t necessarily mind having a stoic s/o because i feel like josie is reactive and it would be nice to have a neutral energy to the chaos 😭
she likes that you’re calm and that you can solve issues with logic instead of emotions and she can depend on you in that sense
she likes the fact that you are independent because she doesn’t like the feeling of letting people down
so if she knows that you wouldn’t be let down by her, it feels like a weight would be lifted off her shoulders
she is kind of the opposite of you
she would intrigued with your persona and kind of feels like it’s fake at first 😭
she didn’t like how shy you were because she wanted to get to you, but you were hard to break and that pissed her off
most people open up to her very quickly (surprisingly) so she would find this weird
but she ended up cracking you!! AND she fell in love <3
gilbert blythe
he finds you VERY interesting
he loves that you’re not an open book, he wants to earn getting to know you if that makes sense
gilbert loves a good challenge 😭😭
he’s used to people depending on him, so he doesn’t know how to feel when he realizes you’re pretty independent & would rather do it on your own
he loves that you’re shy & that you’re not like this with everyone
he feels special knowing that you’re not just talking to him to talk to him, but rather because you genuinely want to
he just loves your personality and it goes with his perfectly
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froginthestars · 1 year
I’m back into my reading shirbert fics for comfort era because no matter the angst there is (almost) always comfort and a good ending
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dyk3nukem · 3 months
all I do now is write anne of green gables fanfiction
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Broken-Hearted Girl (Gilbert Blythe) One-Shot
↠ Gilbert x OC One-Shot ↞
⚠️This one-shot does not follow the storyline of the books or the show.⚠️
⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: this one shot includes depression, death of a family member, mourning, and some other dark themes that I don't know how to really describe. It may be a heavy thing to read. Viewer discretion is advised ⚠️
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Violetta sat inside her dark bedroom, away from the outside and other people. She was silent with her hands firmly pressed against the mattress as she stared down at the floor with no emotion on her face. She was drained mentally and emotionally. She had just gotten home after the funeral of her parents.
Usually her home would be swarming with everyone from Avonlea like they had done a year ago with the Blythe residence. Although to the town's dismay, Violetta begged for respect and privacy to keep her home closed off from the town. She knew how curious people could get and she didn't want to worry about any missing items or out of place items when she needed the time to mourn.
Sighing softly to herself she just rubbed her eyes then lay back in bed. She lost both her parents when they were visiting some friends in The Bog. Some hoodlum thought they were wealthy enough to steal from when they had nothing of value with them. He took their lives and left the country. Violetta just couldn't fathom how anyone could be so cruel.
That person had taken her whole life away from her. At this point she was grateful her parents accelerated her education. She had finished high school two years prior to her peers in Avonlea. Which opened up her time to work. Although with the news, the shop where she worked in Charlottetown understood why she would not be present for the time being.
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A knock at her front door took her out of her thoughts. Slowly she looked at her bedroom door and forced herself to get up. Shuffling her feet as she exited her room and made her way down to the first floor. It was as if she was a hollowed out walking corpse. She was so pale and skinny from not eating for a few days. Very unusual from her usual bubbly self. Her appetite easily competed with a man's appetite. To her dismay there was someone still waiting for her to answer the door. She could see their shadow through her window on the front porch.
Shuffling her feet again, she made it to the door and opened it only to be greeted by her neighbor Gilbert Blythe. He looked at her concerned. They had never spoken a word to each other before. Although she was too depressed to even care why he was here. "What do you want Blythe?"She asked. He was slightly shocked by her forwardness although understood this may be her way of mourning.
"I just wanted to come by and make sure that you're okay."he started saying. She rolled her eyes uninterested in what he had to say and just stood to the side as if she was inviting him inside. He cautiously took a step forward inside and she walked away from the door slightly. "Close the door behind you Blythe, I don't want to catch a cold from the winter breeze"She said as she shuffled slowly to the kitchen. He sighed in defeat as he entered her home and closed the door behind him. Locking it to ensure their safety in case anyone else decided to show up.
He was still pondering why she was so unladylike. Yes she lost her parents. Although some people would try to stay strong and cordial with others when they check in on the person mourning. Sighing softly he followed her into the kitchen and gave her a look of sympathy as he saw her just sitting at the small dining table by the window. "Look, I know what it's like to lose your parents. I know how hard it is to be on your own" He said.
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She glanced at him then laid her head down on the table. "Blythe, why is this about you?"She asked curiously. He suddenly was thrown into a flashback when he said similar words to Anne during the time he lost his father. "I- just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you if you ever needed anyone. It's hard to be on your own. Now that I have Bash and Mary it's been easier. But I've noticed you never really have had anyone else around besides your parents. And you work so far in Charlottetown."He answered sadly.
Sitting up properly for once since the loss of her parents she looked at him and folded her arms across her chest. "Blythe, you barely know me. And frankly speaking I barely know you. We are strangers. I appreciate your concern for me and I appreciate the offer you are making here. Offering me companionship and a shoulder to lean on. But I just prefer to be alone." She spat, her words soft and light but filled with venom at the same time. With that, she stood up from her seat and made her way to the stairs. "When you exit there's a spare key under the door mat. Lock the door on your way out" She said as she descended to her bedroom.
Gilbert closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his emotions he was feeling. Never in his day did he think he would be faced with another challenging girl in Avonlea. Violetta was mourning it's understandable that she would want to be alone and push people away. That wasn't enough for Gilbert to give up on her. He would do whatever it takes to make sure she would never be alone. With that thought fresh in his mind, his eyes fluttered open and he started to look in her food supply to see what he could prepare for her. She didn't think he didn't notice how unwell she looked did she? Well, it doesn't matter now. Mr. Gilbert Blythe was about to make a feast for his young neighbor and take care of her even when she pushes him away.
💞Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to read this One-Shot if you did. Sorry for the dark themes and that it's not as happy as the other things I've written. I was wondering if you guys would want a part two to this. If so comment down below and maybe we'll be able to turn this sadness into happiness. Haha comment down below your thoughts and what you thought of their interaction.💞
✍🏻 P.S, I've thought of this story for a long time and have been waiting to write it for a while.
Word Count: 1144
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MCVerse Trixie and Katya.
Specially made for @a-usernamelol, @heyitszev @theladyofshalott1989 @scilla-aster
(Most of these clips were made pre @scilla-aster joining the squad so expect more in the future)
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cygninae · 6 months
Hello! I have posted a new work on AO3. It's my first non-ASOUE one so I understand if there is little interest, but perhaps if you like Anne with an E or maybe just have some time on your hands to read a cute little story, you could check it out.
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lovelykikill · 2 months
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Anne meeting my Oc!
Anne had to go back the way to GreenGables by herself, not that she'd mind, her imagination was enough to keep her entertained.
Today, she found herself thinking of Princess Cordelia, a tragic figure she had conjured up in her mind.
Anne paused for a moment, her eyes scanning the forest as if expecting to see Cordelia's ghostly figure appear among the trees.
Anne thought it was just another figment of her imagination, but the figure remained steadfast, as if conjured from her very thoughts. It was Princess Cordelia-or at least, it seemed to be.
Anne's face lit up with a brilliant smile. "Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful! Imagine, Princess Cordelia finally stepping out of the pages of my imagination and into the real world?"
"Now, we are oficially kindred spirits," Anne declared, her eyes shining.
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beckybubbles · 2 years
A little something to pass an hour.
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elinor-brown · 11 months
The two men remained in each other's embrace for a few more seconds, and after they pulled away, Dr. Blythe looked with a touch of melancholy around the office, fondly recalling the many years of learning and dedication that had taken place there. When his gaze landed on the shelves filled with books, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in his heart. Despite his firm resolution, the idea of trading the stethoscope for a hoe still felt strange to him. However, he knew that reconnecting with his roots would be good; after all, he had been raised as a farm boy, and it was a part of his being. "I sincerely hope you find the happiness you deserve in Avonlea." Dr. Ward said as he walked Gilbert to the door. Gilbert smiled and simply replied, "My father used to say that a prodigal son always returns home."
"A world Not So Pink" - chapter 4
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