fadednorth · 1 year
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My god I swear two fanfics got me to ship them-
And look at me now, I’ve made a few pieces to them. Help me
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kingdomblade · 1 month
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Fire Emblem's Alm readies the Royal Blade in this commission for Alejandro217!
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themagicmerci · 1 year
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A little art piece I had in mind from a threat over on one of the threads I’m doing, also just wanted to see what kind of line style I wanted. It’s soft and that’s what I wanted!
Romelle and Matt had been peacefully talking. Until Regris raced in for the untouched Paints near them.
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bladedalchemistreplica · 10 months
Hey, so...this probably isn't for here but what WOULD be the reality where alfor isn't with melendor? Do they have good terms? How exists? Also is alliura there or she get snapped?
It's a sneak peek I suppose. But that's what the Royalblade au is for.[@cyberghost-scout for the help with that name]An au where everyone is present, but things are adjusted and mostly focused on thace and alfor.
《《Main rundown/points for relations of melenor/alfor
In most realities, it was an arranged marriage after alfor was found to be of sarced blood. He also was one of the few to be considered a well enough candidate for marriage to the princess of Altean (Melenor)
During his young adult years the galra and alteans had built a bridge between one another, though it was more like a worn and torn bridge on the verge of snapping.
He and Melenor did we'd and eventually have a child, though no one exactly knew who the father was since when she was born, she held a resemblance to one of Melenors servants. However, that was a hush hush and Alfor loved her the same.
He tried to make it work even before they wedded, but Melenor made it clear she held no if any feeling towards him as he did for her. Eventually, his love was smothered out.
Coran is still his right-hand [best friend] man. Even if he serves under Melenors family. Coran is extremely supportive of the upcoming young king, they also had met a little before he was found to be viable candidate.
Melenor has a certain distaste for the falra, raised in the uppers of society, and raised with a silver spoon. Though she hides most of this to keep the populist under the false face of peace towards the supposed bloodlusted society.
Zarkon has better terms and building a relation with the alteans with Alfor being the major Diplomatic of the two.
Alfor does steal the limelight from melenor. Which just strengthens her resentment of him. But divorces are very much seen as shameful and a bad omen...so no easy way out. [[Her eye candy of a husband just stole it like nothing]]
Thace pops in [[skipping around but keeping major events ✨️
Zarkon vists with one of his top commanders, Kolivan, and a few of the galra's soldiers. One of which is a lieutenant, Thace, who immediately catches Alfor's attention.
Alfor doesn't use his power for leverage. He just approaches and speaks with Thace as with any other soldier. Though over time, it becomes apparent, he favors this one over the rest.
Thace begins to fall for the king as time passes. Resulting in a few private meetings of the two.
Later on, melenor discovers this little affair from one of the castles servants. Resulting in a pivate outlashing of her. This is where alfor points out her affair, which resulted in their daughter. ((Who was mostly raised by the said servant and forcing a rift between him and her as time grew)
《《Divorced melenor or eloping
Alfor just abandons the wedding to be with Thace, which results in a many rescue or hunt for the betrayal.
Melenor has a public freakout and alfor is seen as the villain, ruining any chance of him speaking his part. He flees with Thaces and a few of his forces aid before he can be properly punished for the affair.
Alfor tosses aside the stigma of divorce and goes through with it.
《《Daughter of purple or white
Allura is born to Melenor and Alfor. She is closest to her father, and when things begin to go down, she begins to seek out why. Resulting in a huge rift between her mother. Later on, she elopes to marry the prince of the galra Empire after having numerous encounters during diplomatic meetings.
Thace and Alfor wed and eventually have Allura. The princess of the second known Galra, Altean, marriage.
She is either the half-sister or sister of the altean princess, Faye, in most cases they have a rough or nonexistent relationship due to their parents cracking marriage.
《《Just us
Alfor is a noble who meets Thace during an annual meeting of the galra emperor, Zarkon, which is to continue a faltering alliance.
Thace and Alfor meet up when able to and eventually alfor disguises himself to visit Thace. Who is very much encouraging Alfor to visit more and more. As well helping him come to galra customs.
When they are found, ou4 Alfor is seen as a traitor and almost imprisoned for his reckless' behavior of trusting a Galra.
Thace helps Alfor escape and as well convince one of their top members he could be of great help in fixing and running the diplomatics between the two planets.
After some time and close calls, Thace takes alfor as his mate. Resulting in some tensions growing between both sides. Seeing how no one, besides Zarkon and Honerva, had done such before. And seeing how that was going..
Alfor and Thace have a daughter who they call, Allura, both of whom love her deeply.
Just notes here and there. A lot I didn't put because... lots of stuff and details. So... it may be incomplete, but I'll probably post more in the future.
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super-metroid · 6 years
Halfcoordinated is very cool dude. I bet he would be willing to make recommendations for single-handed games if you asked him
oh yeah he was that nier automata runner, i’ll try and remember to hit him up sometime
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citrusapples · 6 years
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Hahahaha I just wanted to start it up as soon as possible cos most of the people I know are in timezones ahead of me, but that’s perfect 👌 
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heartbladed-blog · 5 years
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yougotmailkupo · 5 years
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        💌 It was at this moment Alex tried not to freak out.” Oh god, he knows....” 💌  
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Starts rubbing the small King's ears.
royalbladed answered: Here
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He’s surprised and baffled by the interaction it take a moment for him to speak. “Can I help ya with something pal?” 
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Realizing what he was doing, Ansem quickly stops and straightens up before stepping back. “Sorry, I guess my thoughts got the better of me. It’s just...” He shakes his head. “Never mind, forgive me, I won’t do that again... Excuse me.” Out of embarrassment and shame, Ansem turns to go back to his office.
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tirix887 · 7 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy IX Where the Heart Lies | Zidane Royal Blades (Ultimate +) Cid Mission
Like and share this video! :-)
Difficulty : 160
Boss  1: Steiner (Ultimate +) - HP : 170000 Boss  2: Beatrix (Ultimate +) - HP : 170000
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thewindywielder · 5 years
royalbladed started following you
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“It’s good to see you, Mickey! Oh, sorry. Your Majesty. Why didn’t you tell me you were a King before?”
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savethequccn · 5 years
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   ❝ aww, are you sure we have to do this ? it seems like an impossible task... ❞
                 * ( @royalbladed / STARTER.
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themagicmerci · 1 year
The escape: RoyalBlades side plot/AU- (ThePillarsOfVoltron AU)
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I made an AU (as a few posts have shown) and this is part of Alfor’s little Background of things occurring. Alfor making his escape from the Experiments and treatment of the Galra empire. With some extra aid.
I like how it turned out, and yeah…it’s a fun little still I wanted to make look from the show, I have other drawings in tow for both the AU, my own story (I’ve been busy busy with that guy) and Mermay (ta-morrooooowww!)
(Text and ref shot)
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pogokitten · 4 years
Pogo’s Chrobin Fic Recs
I’ve had this blog for a while, all started from my love of Chrobin fanfiction, so I think it’s high time I recommended some of my favorite ones. So in no particular order, here are some of the ones I go back to over and over. I may make a second list sometime too, as to include all in one would be a lot. All works are on ao3 because that’s the only site I use. Also obviously not objective in anyway, just some of my personal favs.   
Crown of Shadows by Iturbide
One of the very first Chrobin fics I read and one that really inspired me to start my own fics. It is written within the constraints of Chrobin Week prompts while having an overarching plot, which is a feat in and of itself. Robin retains his memories and seeks aid for his homeland against both Grangel and Validar. A lot of great h/c and smut along with appreciated doses of humor. Iturbide’s interpretation of Robin’s character here is one of my favorites. 
The Heart of the Moon by Iturbide
An adaptation of the Norwegian fairy tale East of the Sun and West of the Moon staring FChrobin with Henry as a very fun wingman. A very soft fic of bed sharing and growing closer with a mystery to start. Iturbide also gives us a very interesting take on Grima and the Grimleal. It does deal with some heavier themes at times, be mindful of the tags. 
(breath easy) by royalblade 
A Hanahaki fic where Robin struggles with his feelings for Chrom and accepting love and friendship from others. A lot of sickfic vibes, h/c, and bed sharing where Chrom and Robin help each other deal with their emotional issues and Robin’s worsening condition throughout the fic.  
Radiant and Brimming by  skelli
A loose collection of not quite one-shots centered of Chrom and Robin’s relationship. A lot of h/c, sickfic, and smut with many of the Shepherds adding humor to the stories. skelli’s writing style is very flowery, almost like that of a poem, and full of great descriptions. 
The Truth of the Matter by ozsia
One of my all time favorite fics in any fandom. Robin is injured in battle and gets hit by a curse forcing him to tell the truth. Chrom and Robin are very soft with one another in the fic and both struggle with their feelings for one another. A lot of h/c and sickfic themes, as well as great supporting rolls from both Nowi and Tharja. 
Sweet as Rain by Exalted_Dawn 
Chrom and Robin hide out in one of the empty tents in camp to escape the rain. Honestly just some really good and tender FChrobin smut. It’s very fluffy and spicy in all the best ways. 
and you know for me it’s always you (and i know for you it’s always me) by electrum 
Chrom misunderstands a conversation and soon all the Shepherds think he and Robin are dating. A fake dating fic with lots of fluff, humor, and bed sharing. Probably the fluffiest and easy going fic on this list, and it always makes me smile. I love the easy relationship between Chrom and Robin here it’s very soft with believable chemistry.  
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tlblitz · 5 years
Moving from royalblades to scourgediva
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heartbladed-blog · 5 years
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    ❝ a house of... mouse ? what is this place ? ❞ he walks inside the building, hoping to find answers, but instead found more questions. ❝ what’s going on here ? ❞
                 * ( @royalbladed / YOU BROUGHT THIS ON URSELF....
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