#Royal papaya soap
kreabeauty · 2 years
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flyingkiki · 3 years
We Played Dangerously (3/?)
May our hearts and nerves be ready for the rollercoaster of emotions these stupid birds will take us on. Gaaaaaah.
Enjoy my loves. Adult nonsense will be ready for you in the next chapter to fuel the this storm of emotions.
Present, downtown Gotham
Red Robin slipped through Raven’s balcony relatively easily, something that he found deeply concerning. He frowned as he carefully closed the balcony door and locked the flimsy lock. He'd have to remind her that she lived in Gotham and practically anyone could climb through her doors.
Turning around, he looked at the sparsely decorated living room, taking in the old brick walls of the building and the large fireplace that stood in the center of the room. Raven always did like the appeal of a fireplace.
Not bothering to turn on the lights, Tim silently walked through her apartment, mildly surprised that she still wasn’t home. It was close to 10, would her job at the library really take that much of her time?
Tim had returned from his business trip in Japan a little while ago, his itinerary stretched out way too much for his liking. The moment his plane landed, he had thanked Tam for her help and brushed past her in a heartbeat, rushing down the tarmac of their private hanger and disappeared into his car. Within an hour he had gone home, showered, downed two cups of cold brew, and changed into his uniform.
And found himself slipping into Raven’s apartment uninvited.
As he absently stared at the sole decoration that stood on top of fireplace mantel -- an old group photo of the Titans in civvies. His nerves were buzzing under his skin as he stared at the familiar scene. He chalked it up to his coffee and lack of sleep.
Her apartment was small, decently sized for a single occupant -- was she a single occupant? His night vision-enhanced gaze briefly swept through the apartment, trying to find any signs of a roommate. The thought unsettled him.
The living room was filled with a few cardboard boxes, several neatly stacked piles of documents and books, tons of books piled on a rather large coffee table and scattered across the floor, a bookshelf that seemed halfway built, and a handful of potted plants and decorations. His gaze settled on a ugly beige throw blanket strewn over the backrest of Raven’s large couch, the intricate woven pattern looked worn. The sight of the familiar blanket made his chest jump at a distant memory.
Tim stilled as the lock of Raven’s front door jiggled and turned, breaking the silence. He paused and watched from the shadows as the hallway lights switched on and Raven walked into the apartment, busy talking to whoever was on the other end of her phone call. He ignored the relief that washed over him when she entered her apartment alone.
“Yeah, Toni, just a small papaya salad on the side,” Raven said while she absently tossed her keys and her phone on the hallway table, leaving her phone on speakerphone. Her keys clattered into a ceramic bowl and Tim blinked at the noise, intently watching her. He watched as she struggled to deposit her laptop bag on her floor before proceeding to pull off her heels.
“So, pad thai and a side order of green papaya salad. Do you want that spicy or not so spicy, but probably spicy still?” Tim could hear the garbled voice of the store owner through the rustle of clothes. He watched Raven pull off her trench coat, revealing a grey a-line office dress. Raven paused, her hands lingering on her coat as she stood by the coat rack and Tim could see the familiar rise of her shoulders, tensing just a fraction of an inch.
“Sorry, could you change that?” she said suddenly, her tone changing ever so lightly. “Could you make that into a large order of Pad Thai? To share. And add an order of Khao Pad fried rice, large. And some Thai fried chicken? Throw in an order of mango and sticky rice, please,”
Raven pulled the hair tie out of her hair and ran a hand through her hair, trying to get most of the tangles out as she listened to the restaurant owner prattle through her order. Tim watched her blink and nod, before continuing. “And two large Thai Iced Teas,” she paused as she picked up her phone from the small hallway table and easily caught Tim’s eye from where he stood in the dark corner of her living room. Tim watched a familiar smile form on her lips before turning back to her phone. “Thanks, Toni. That should be all.”
Raven quickly ended the call after the promise of having her food delivered within 20 minutes. Turning on her bare feet, Raven stared into her dark living room, easily spotting Tim next to her potted fern that was close to dying. “I’m going to change clothes. Our intern spilled some chai tea latte on my skirt and I smell like cardamom,” she said simply, speaking to his silhouette. Tim watched her blink, as if him lurking in her living room corner was nothing out of the ordinary. “If Sam the delivery guy comes and I’m not yet back just tell him to leave it at the door, I’ll pay for the food later via Venmo or something. Just make sure my neighbors don’t see you, it’ll be weird to explain you to them,”
And without another word, Tim watched Raven gracefully turn and disappear around the corner. He blinked, staring at the old red bricks of the wall she just walked behind as if they just picked up their conversation from six years ago. Unable to move, he heard her shower turn on and he felt his insides leap at the sound. What was he here for again?
After a few moments of listening to the distant noise of her shower and trying desperately to fight the tension that seemed to stretch across his shoulders, Tim finally came to his senses and stepped out of the corner. Tentatively walking into her sparsely decorated living room, Tim continued his venture through her apartment staring at bare walls and large framed pictures of landscapes propped against the wall waiting to be mounted.
Beyond the living room there was a small kitchen and black kitchen island, he could see that it was already set up. In the corner of the kitchen counter he found a red KitchenAid stand mixer and Tim smiled at the sight, wondering if she actually did end up learning to bake (“I’d like to be able to bake some passable shortbread cookies,” she told him one Christmas). He didn’t bother walking into the kitchen or anywhere else in her apartment, since it seemed too much invasion of her privacy - as if breaking and entering into her apartment wasn’t enough.
He lingered in the darkness of her living room, cataloguing trinkets and the general mess to memory. Tim stared at the myriad of little trinkets that littered one of the selves next to her television -- Raven had always liked picking up quirky trinkets from her travels. He spotted a few he had known she had kept from her days at the Tower. An assortment of rocks from Tamaran, a necklace from Zambia, a little carved box from Peru. A familiar little elf with a lettuce hat stood out from the group or ceramics and stoneware; it was a little elf souvenir she picked up in Iceland.
Tim blinked as her door buzzed loudly, pulling him out of his thoughts. The door buzzed again, longer this time and he stared at her front door unsure what to do.
“Could you get that?”
Raven’s voice carried through her apartment. Tim blinked and stared at the direction from where her voice came from before carefully walking up to the phone in the hallway and picking up the receiver just as it buzzed again. “Hello?” he asked tentatively, feeling just a little out of place.
“Err, Royal Thai’s. Uh, Rachel?” the voice on the other end of the line sounding terribly confused over the noise of outside traffic. “Did I get the right apartment number?”
Tim cleared his throat. “Yeah, 7 oh 4,” he said and blinked at the old telephone mounted on the wall. It was one of the older models that came with the building. “I’ll buzz you in. Just leave the food by the door, we’ll get it in a bit. We’ll pay via Venmo. We’re a bit, uh,” he stumbled and tried to find the right words as he looked at his combat boots. “Busy,”
Tim immediately regretted his choice of words, wincing at the snort of amusement from the other end. It sounded like they were busy with certain activities. Tim sighed, absently tapping the receiver with his gloved finger and pressing the buzzer and allowing access to the delivery guy.
He waited by the door and listened as the elevator finally dinged in the distance. There was a knock on the door followed by rustle of paper bags being deposited on the doormat. “Royal Thai’s!” came the muffled announcement through the old wooden door.
“Thanks, man. We got this,” Tim called back. He leaned into the door, waiting and listening as footsteps slowly disappeared with the sound of an elevator opening and closing. Waiting briefly to ensure the coast was clear, Tim finally opened the door slightly and carefully pulled in the paper bags to avoid being seen by her neighbors. It would be terrible to start rumors of a Red Robin sighting visiting a library researcher.
Enjoying the familiar smell of thai food, Tim silently went back into her living room and carefully deposited the bag on her coffee table, careful not to disturb any of her documents. Engulfed in the familiar smell of Thai fried chicken, Tim felt nervousness slowly creep under his skin as the familiarity of the smell and scene stirred distant memories. His chest tightened at the thought.
“Why didn’t you turn on the lights?” Raven asked as she stepped into the living room, the familiar scent of fresh lavender soap announcing her entrance. Tim watched, her silhouette cast from the hallway’s light, a sight he had committed to memory as she stood in the doorway of the living room. With the flick of her wrist, her lights turned on.
Tim wasn’t sure why his throat tightened at the sight of her, but he spent a moment staring at her. Last night’s image of Raven was familiar, but tonight seeing her in an frayed, oversized Gotham Knights shirt and blue sweatpants, was an achingly intimate image that he had burned into memory. He watched Raven blink, her lips curling into a smile.
“Your uniform has changed,” Tim watched dark blue eyes sweep over this uniform, lingering on some of the upgrades he added in recent years. She approached him slowly, keeping her gaze steady with his.
“Just a few upgrades,” he supplied, intently watching her face as she studied him. Tim felt his breath catch as she stood in front of him, her eyes sweeping over his form. He wondered what she saw as she stared at him, her lips curling as his voice carried through her living room. She looked the same to him, the sight of her in oversized shirts and damp hair a familiar sight he remembered well.
Raven stared up at him, she had to crane her head just a little bit to stare up at him. A small playful smile played on her lips as she studied his face. “Are you going to stay masked the whole time?” she asked, a teasing lilt in her voice.
Tim chuckled as whatever moment broke and he shook his head, “No.”
Raven’s eyes brightened and she smiled. Not giving him the time to pull off his cowl, she leaned forward and stood on her toes, reaching out to carefully push his cowl off his head. The press of her fingers against his hairline were familiar and her movements well practiced as she knew exactly what to tug and unclasp.
“You’re taller,” she noted, her fingers curling into his cowl as she stood back and stared up at him. There was an amused sparkle and wonder in her eyes as she studied his unmasked face, and Tim found himself eagerly drinking in her curiosity and wonder.
“Might have grown a bit while you were gone,” Tim teased, his voice light and he smiled as Raven released a soft laugh.
Raven hummed, eyes bright and a small smile every present on her lips. She studied him for a moment longer before turning to her coffee table and eyeing the large paper bags. Dropping his cowl on her couch, she walked up to the table and picked up the bags. “Let’s eat. I’m starving and I’m sure you did not eat anything yet,” she said with an air of finality.
Tim silently followed her into her kitchen and watched Raven deposit the bags in her own kitchen. He stopped short in her kitchen doorway and found himself watching an intimate scene from years ago in his own apartment: of a much younger Raven plating a large order of Pad Thai onto the cheap plates Jason gave him as a housewarming gift.
“Are you going to stand around and watch or are you going to eat something?” asked Raven, pulling him out of his thoughts. Tim blinked and approached her kitchen island, staring in amazement at an all too familiar sight of thai dishes.
“You remembered,” he asked, an amused smile playing on his lips as he sat down opposite of her and pulled off his gloves. The familiar smell of Thai fried chicken and pad thai filled his nose.
Raven rolled her eyes and sat down, pushing a spare plate his way and nudging the pad thai closer to him. Her eyes were bright and playful as they shared an amused smile. “Difficult not to, when this is practically the only food you willingly eat every time we’re here without having to remind you it’s mealtime,” she teased.
Tim hummed through a mouthful of Royal Thai’s pad thai, his favorite. The first time they came up to Gotham together he had quickly introduced her to his favorite restaurant and ordering in had quickly become a routine for them.
Back then.
“I was kind of expecting you to sneak in here last night,” commented Raven absently as they went through their food. Tim caught her mild amusement as she took a small sip from her iced tea.
Tim shrugged and got himself a large helping of fried rice. “I had an early flight to Japan and I couldn’t risk missing the flight. Tam would kill me,”
Raven released a soft laugh. “I’m sure she would,”
"The last time I arrived late to a board meeting she gave me so much paperwork the next day to spite me," commented Tim wryly. "One should never mess with Tam's schedule,"
Raven made an amused face and snorted. “Oh, I know,” her small smile was playful and there was an amused lilt in her voice.
Tim chuckled softly and a distant thought crossed his mind, this moment seeming so normal to them. Like years had not passed. He swallowed the small lump that formed in his throat. He sobered up slightly.
As if catching the shift of his emotion, Raven blinked, her gaze sweeping over Tim’s face. Carefully placing her fork on the edge of her plate, she stared at Tim curiously and tilted her head. “How have you been?” she asked, her voice softer.
Tim gave her a wry smile.
“Busy,” Tim breathed. He winced at how lame the answer sounded. He stared at her, familiar blue eyes boring into his, and he suddenly was unsure where to begin and pick-up from six years ago. The easy moment minutes earlier slowly melted away and an uneasy feeling settled low in his stomach. “Mid-year reporting season is coming up, things are crazy at the office. There’s a new business acquisition we’re working on, too.”
“You’re acquiring that tech company in Tokyo, right?”
Tim blinked, surprised that she knew. “You know?”
Raven smiled, tilting her head and studying his reaction. “I read about you in the papers. You’re hard to miss,”
Tim released a bark of laughter, grinning teasingly. “I hope you only saw the good stuff,”
“I keep away from TMZ and other tabloids,” she sent him a teasing smile.
Tim paused and stared at her, drinking in the familiar sight of her. A wave of nostalgia washed over him. His stomach churned and he knew she caught his emotions as she tilted her head curiously. “You’ve been difficult to keep track of,”
Raven inhaled, breaking eye contact briefly. She stared out her window, thoughtful, before turning back to Tim and offering him a muted smile. “Reception was bad in Iceland,”
A distant memory of hot springs, breathtaking mountainscapes, and the aurora borealis crossed Tim’s mind and he immediately squashed those memories as his stomach churned and his chest tightened. He watched Raven’s gaze darken briefly. “Yeah, I guess it was,”
Raven picked at her food thoughtfully before continuing. She shrugged absently and glanced at Tim. “After I finished at NYU, I moved to Boston for the conservation and restoration program. And then I went around for a few research projects --”
“Indonesia, Africa, Bulgaria,” Tim looked at her, watching Raven’s reaction. He smiled at her. “Iceland once in a while,”
Raven looked thoughtful for a moment as she stared at Tim, a small smile playing on her lips. She swallowed and averted her gaze briefly, before turning back to him. “Yeah,” she breathed, a soft laugh followed.
Tim exhaled, releasing a breath he was unconsciously holding. “I guess we’ve been both pretty busy,”
Raven blinked and smiled pensively. “I guess so,”
Tim swallowed, conscious of how his nerves seemingly crawled under his skin.”Have you been in touch with the others?”
Raven shook her head. “Not in recent years. Rose once in a while, but not really the rest.”
He looked surprised. Rose had never mentioned that she and Raven had been in touch. “You should swing by,” he suggested, an encouraging smile playing on his lips. “The team misses you,”
Raven tapped her iced tea thoughtfully. Tim saw the brief flicker of emotions in her eyes, catching her microexpression easily and he felt his nerves jump. Raven nodded. “Yeah, I miss everyone too,”
“Do you like what you’re doing now?” Tim asked curiously, as they continued to navigate through their meal and finish their shared pad thai and fried rice. The fried chicken had been long gone, most of it polished off by Tim.
Raven shrugged and made a dismissive sound in the back of her throat. “I like it,” she said while shoveling a few spoonfuls of fried rice onto her plate. She fiddled with a peanut thoughtfully before spooning it. “I like the research and working on old books. It’s fun,”
Tim smiled in amusement. “Only you will say that gluing old pages together is fun,”
Raven rolled her eyes and lobbed the fried peanut at Tim, who easily dodged the projectile legume with a bark of laughter. “It’s more than just gluing pages together, jerk.”
Tim laughed and nodded. “I know. We’re funding your research project, I know the details. I’m sorry, I’m just teasing you,” he grinned, leaning over just a little bit and into their shared space, blue eyes dancing in amusement.
“It’s a lot less exciting than what we do with the Titans,” she mused. “But I get to travel for projects. I like that. It’s fun to go around Asia or Europe and get to experience food and culture without having to worry about being shot or killed at every corner,”
Tim chuckled. “I see where the appeal is coming from,”
“It’s nice when people don’t know you,” said Raven, absently stabbing the last of her chicken. She cast Tim a wry smile. “They don’t hold that expectation or fear that you can bring down an entire building or destroy the planet at will,”
Tim frowned, catching how she sobered up and looked away. He swallowed, knowing how deep some wounds ran. “Civilian life looks great on you,” he said, grappling to shift the somber mood, staring at her in the all too familiar Gotham Knights shirt she was wearing. “Even if you’re in a very ratty Gotham Knights shirt. I was wondering where that went,”
Raven released a soft laugh, blue eyes a little brighter and he watched her run a free hand over the terribly frayed and stretched collar of the shirt. “You leave it, I keep it,” she said simply.
“In fact, I lost quite a few pieces of clothing,” Tim commented, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
“You leave it, I keep it, your honor,” Raven raised her hands in mock innocence as she stood up and threw an amused smile at him. She went to grab another plate for their mango and sticky rice.
“From what I hear you’ve not only been working on sticking old pages together,” said Tim as Raven slid their dessert in between them. He sent her a small grin as she snorted. “Intercepted a human trafficking ring in Africa, busted drug cartel in Indonesia,”
Raven shrugged and helped herself to the sweet desert, taking a large helping of sweet rice and mango. She always had a sweet, something she never would openly admit. But Tim knew better. “The police was not help, they barely did anything for those kids. Those were easy enough jobs. In other countries it's easier to slip on the uniform occasionally and no one recognizes you. Easy in and out jobs,” she explained.
“Do you miss it?”
Raven looked at him, blue meeting stormy blue. Tim watched her look thoughtful. “Sometimes,” she finally said.
He swallowed and tried to bite the bullet, nerves thumping under his skin as she stared back at him, anticipating his next question with bated breath. “Will you come back to us?” he asked, the pit of his stomach gnawing as he anticipated her answer. He wondered how he would react if she did not say the words he wanted her to say -- his stomach flipped.
“I don’t know,” Raven said finally, breaking contact and looking out the window. There was an air of melancholy that draped around her and she looked significantly smaller in his old Gotham Knights shirt, for the first time looking so vastly different from the woman he remembered. “I like what I do, Tim. I like the life I have and the opportunity of walking through this world without biases and fear directed towards me,”
He distinctly felt a cold jolt run down his back and Tim straightened in his uniform. Tim knew he had no place to ask for her to come back. He remembered their conversation years ago -- this was her life and this was what she wanted, needed. Tim felt his nerves take a tumble and his chest tighten as his first concerns from years ago were confirmed.
“Well, you did say you’d take a sabbatical. I did not hear a no,” he tried feebly, sending her a wry smile.
Raven exhaled and looked at him, her gaze soft. “Yeah. It’s not a no,” she repeated. Looking like she had enough of her food, Raven stood up and picked up her empty plates and started to carefully place them into her sink. Tim watched her movements silently, he tried to ignore how this looked exactly like an old scene from his apartment’s kitchen.
Sensing that tonight’s conversation was over, Tim slowly stood up and helped her with the dishes. They worked silently, putting away leftovers and placing all dishes into the sink. He stood to the side, watching as Raven used her powers to clean all dishes with a sweep of her hands and they were washed and neatly stacked on the drying rack.
“It’s getting late,” Raven breathed, pushing herself away from the sink and looking at him over her shoulder. A signal that tonight’s conversation was done. Tim swallowed. “I have an early meeting with the museum’s director tomorrow and I have to go through my notes,”
“Right,” echoed Tim. As he returned into her living room to pull on his gloves and pick up his cowl, he found himself in an internal battle, trying to figure out what to do next. His throat tightened at the thought of how he drew a blank and the panic of tonight ending with so many things still unresolved settled heavily on his chest. He drew in a rattled breath and pulled on his cowl. Perhaps tonight truly was enough.
“It’s good to see you again, Tim,” Raven said behind him, her voice carrying through her apartment. It was a tone he was deeply familiar with. He fiddled with his belt to keep his hands busy as he was unsure what to do next.
Turning around, Tim offered Raven a bright smile, quickly sweeping aside his unsettled feelings. He’d take what he could from her, from this moment. He ignored how different it felt, to be Red Robin in front of Raven, a civilian, in his old t-shirt, an image that he had burned into memory. “It’s good to see you again, Raven,” he told her.
Tim had his arms around her even before she was pressed into him. Raven stepped closer and offered him a long hug, arms wrapping tightly around his torso and fingers pressing into the kevlar of his back. The press of her was exactly how he remembered, warm and soft, perfectly tucked into his side and under his arms. He catalogued this to memory, inhaling the familiar scent of her and memorizing her softness. How could he have missed this?
Tim swallowed uneasily as she stepped away and slipped out of reach. “Good night, Tim,”
“Good night, Raven,” he smiled at her. He slowly made his way to her balcony and paused as he opened it. Looking over his shoulder, he caught her watching him leave. He licked his lips and continued. “I--” he paused and breathed. Fuck it. He felt his heart leap. “I wish we kept in touch,”
Raven tilted her head and Tim watched an expression he could not quite place cross her face. “Why didn’t we?”
His fingers tightened around the cold handle of her balcony. Tim blinked as a million reasons raced through his mind, stabbing him accusingly. Guilt and regret grabbed him by the throat. He inhaled shakily. “I don’t know,”
Raven smiled sadly at him. “I think we both know why,”
Tim dropped his head and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right.” He looked at her, drinking in the sight of her basked in the dim lights of her living room. “I’m sorry,”
He watched the rise of her chest as she inhaled and emotions flicker through her somber face. She offered him one last somber smile. “Good night, Red Robin,” she said softly, a signal that tonight had truly ended.
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martinidegarci-blog · 5 years
Aloha Organics Ph
Lately, I have gone cray over the “organic” essentials hype advertised on social media sites – most especially Instagram (since I don’t use Facebook). Many have fallen to the #EcoWaste movement to extend their helping hands eradicate climate change. Several people turned into soap making business where they can not only profit but help ease the more damaging effect of climate change through sustainable living. And many are now making the shampoo and conditioner bars; where you don’t waste a single sachet of commercially bought shampoos and conditioners every single day since it’s in a bar form.  It’s a very clever idea to give my two cents in since it is very innovative to make a shampoo (or conditioner) bar – not to mention that it is very good for your hair as well since it is made of essential oils which I must say, are very very much effective. I love bathing my skin in essential oils, to be honest!
Upon seeing a myriad of posts about handmade soaps and shampoo bars, I have been scouring feeds after feeds about its humungous variants (from charcoal soap, adlai, turmeric, green clay, obagi amongst the other) since. I have fallen prey to the sustainable living hype merely because I believe that nature has the most potent ingredients for effective cleaning and healing.
I have tried two products before I switched to Aloha Organics Ph…and I think I’m sticking with it. I bought many from the first time I ordered, and I eagerly wanted to try them all at once. No kidding! And obviously, that is where this post will lead to… a review of the products.
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Stating the obvious, this variant is for cleaning and remedying body odor (oops, I don’t have one!). I like this soap because it can clean every nook and cranny of my body; after washing, I can feel my skin is squeaky clean. The three main ingredients are also known for skin whitening yet I’m not into it, so I don’t take heed if my skin is getting fair or stays the way it was – which I think is the latter – my tone is still medium brown (or caramel, or whatever! I dunno my skin tone. Just that I am not fair-skinned.) due to intense sun rays during commute.
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Cocoa is known for its antioxidant properties and healing dry skin, and it is true to its promise. What I also like about this soap is the chocolatey smell which is heaven (hello chocoholics!). It does smoothen your skin.
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I like this soap at first but since this is a scrub, it is not good for everyday use especially for those with sensitive skin. In my case, I think I overused the soap since I lather it up every single day plus I have sensitive skin – which I kinda brushed off thinking since it is an organic soap but boy, was I wrong! It gave me rashes – it was my fault though, to be honest. But this artisan soap is good and effective. It also has some coffee grounds toppled on top; it is not rough as most scrubs are, it was as plain feeling as a bar of soap can give yet, coffee is still coffee and it has a benefit of scrubbing your skin. Just be cautious and don’t overdo it as I did. 😊
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Aaah Turmeric! and its many benefits. To be honest, I was excited to try this variant hoping it could cure my dry, heavy-large-pore skin. The soap is fine all that, just maybe not meant for me. It was good all right, but perhaps not the one I’m looking for and not the one I would be loyal to. Don’t get me wrong, I love the soap as much as I love the other variants under this shop but maybe not the “variant” that is right for me.
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Now, this one aside from the Calamansi soap is what I like best. It’s plain simple. Like a mild baby soap; perfectly suit sensitive skin. It is as pure as Goat’s Milk could be.
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Goat’s Milk with a twist of one of my favorite EOs, Lavender. Albeit many have been listed as Lavender’s benefits, I guess this soap should not be for everyday use as well. It was okay at first, but I did not like the scent that lingers after a while; also, I itch (minus the rashes) after a long time of using this soap. I like it but I reckon it should be used on those days when you’re feeling royal and want some pampering.
My final verdict? Aloha Organics Ph is a really good and effective brand, some I love, some I have loved but stating what other writers have already stated, my skin is not your skin (thankfully? or yours might be worse!) and what works for me…I’ll just say, I hope it would work for you too and those that don’t? Well, I hope it would still work for you. Hey, I only have love to share here.
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L’Opulent Blanc Parfait Lightening Lotion SPF40 120ml
Blanc Parfait Lightening Lotion with SPF40
The perfect whitening lotion should be able to do 4 things: keep the skin healthy, moisturized, protected and of course, whiten the skin effectively. When it comes to that, Royale’s new and improved skin lightening lotion is one that will not disappoint.
Blanc Parfait is not just your average lightening lotion. Aside from proven-effective lightening ingredients such as Carica Papaya and Glutathione, it also contains powerful antioxidants with strong anti-aging properties to ensure that your skin will be healthy, nourished and younger-looking.
Not only that. with the Sun Protection Factor (SPF 40), it will prevent the darkening and aging of the skin by blocking most of the sun’s harmful radiation.
Wait, there’s more! If you are the impatient type who couldn’t wait for weeks or months to see significant changes in your skin, you will surely love this lotion even more. Why? Because it covers the skin with a whitening effect that will instantly make it lighter and glowing within seconds after application.
Moisturized skin, younger-looking skin, instant whitening and long-term whitening—this is what Blanc Parfait Lightening Lotion is all about. If this sounds like what you’re looking for, add it now to your skin whitening regimen. Try it, and be amazed by your skin’s glow.
PERFECT FOR: All skin types; covering dark areas in the legs, elbows, etc; daytime moisturizing lotion;
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Sweet scent almost similar to Victoria’s Secret love spell; Easy to use tube packaging; this is the new and improved version of its predecessor L-Gluta Power Lotion; FDA; Halal certified
Gently apply an ample amount all over your skin and spread evenly to get that whiter and even skin tone. Use regularly for long term whitening. For better and faster lightening effects, use with SKN Optimum White Soap or L-Gluta Power Soap on a daily basis.
0 notes
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ROYALE BEAUTY Kojic Papaya Soap
Two of the most powerful whitening agents combined. Formulated to easily lighten and rejuvenate the skin. This soap also has the power of orange extract which can boost the skin’s BRIGHTNESS AND GLOW.
KOJIC PAPAYA SOAP lightens the skin by inhibiting melanin formation. With its complete combination of active ingredients, kojic papaya soap helps remove pimples, mildly exfoliates, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin & lightens overall skin tone.
Diminishes dark areas resulting from excessive pigmentation in the skin and may help eliminate freckles, melasma or other pigmentation. It lightens the skin, helps remove pimples, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin by inhibiting melanin formation.
Message me for orders ( https://www.facebook.com/audreygaaofficial )
Or click here ( http://royalewecare.com/Gaasamantha/6207 )
0 notes
bigyack-com · 5 years
Just Back: Virtuoso Chairman’s Event in Bangkok
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She smiled and waved, then continued watching TV in the living room of her simple home, three fans to keep her cool and clothes draped over bars that served as a wardrobe. As our guide predicted, the elderly lady didn’t mind us peeking into her daily life through the window. Instead, she tried to avoid a draft by draping a towel over her shoulders and ignored us, absorbed in her soap opera.  Our look into the house and life of this Bangkok resident was part of a “Design Your Day” tour that we enjoyed during our recent trip to Bangkok for the Virtuoso Chairman’s Event. Every year, Virtuoso rewards the owners and managers of the network’s highest producing and most engaged agencies with a trip to a different world-class destination. This year, Bangkok hosted more than 120 agency leaders and their guests, representing more than 80 luxury agencies from around the world.  Participants were hosted by two of the Thai capital’s top hotels, both with prime locations on opposite sides of the Chao Phraya River, arguably Bangkok’s lifeblood. The activity on the river is fascinating, with hundreds of longboats, tour boats, cargo barges, dinner cruises and the hotels’ complimentary shuttles all avoiding the city’s notorious traffic jams. We were amongst the first to see and dine at the recently renovated Mandarin Oriental (a true stunner) while most of us stayed at The Peninsula Bangkok. 
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Tourism Authority of Thailand sponsored the closing reception and dinner of the Virtuoso Chairman’s Event, and entertained attendees with a choir, singers and dancers. The Chairman’s Event began with a warm welcome by The Peninsula Bangkok on the terrace overlooking that lively river. We were feted with music, entertainment, food and the opportunity to create a krathong, a flower arrangement that is set afloat on the river while making a wish.  Fewer than half of this year’s attendees had visited Bangkok before. This made the background shared during the event’s business meeting by the Tourism Authority of Thailand and Virtuoso even more relevant. In addition, the host hotels along with event sponsors and destination management companies Abercrombie & Kent and Luxe by EXO provided expert insights. The Mandarin Oriental welcomed us to its historic Authors Wing for a champagne reception, followed by a magnificent dinner on its terrace, with entertainment, dancing and fireworks in Virtuoso’s honor over the River of Kings. 
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Rob Clabbers and David Lauwers of Q Cruise + Travel, together with other Virtuoso Chairman’s Event attendees, getting ready to enter the Member Session at the newly renovated Mandarin Oriental Bangkok. The “Design Your Day” activities, a feature at Virtuoso events, were a popular opportunity to get to know Bangkok better. One goal of the Chairman’s Event is to familiarize top agency executives with the destination so they can sell the experience more effectively to their luxury clientele. Participants could choose from a wide range of experiences by Abercrombie & Kent and Luxe by EXO.   Every visitor to Bangkok should ride along the Chao Phraya River. During our “Life on Bangkok’s Waterways” tour, we learned about the sights along the river, such as the Temple of Dawn and the Royal Palace. In the Kudeejeen neighborhood, we discovered more about the Chinese and Portuguese immigrants who settled there centuries ago. We tasted a Portuguese-influenced pastry in the old Thanusingha Bakery House, while at the Baan Kudichin Museum, we learned how the Portuguese shaped the country’s history, language, cuisine and culture. We trod on narrow walkways between old residences with open doors and windows to encourage a breeze, peering inside after our guide stressed that the residents would be happy for us to do so. They are proud of their homes and, like most Thai people, welcoming to visitors. 
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A highlight of any boat ride on Bangkok’s Chao Praya River is the stunning Wat Arun or Temple of Dawn. For lunch, we docked at The Siam Hotel, another Virtuoso partner, on a quieter location along the river. The hotel is filled with artwork and antiques; its lobby and public areas are akin to a museum. A lap pool overlooks the river, the suites and pool villas are spacious, and the property feels like a sanctuary.  While our first tour showed us the everyday life of people of more modest means, A&K’s “The Society of Siam” took us behind the scenes of high society. The highlight was a private tour and lunch at the former residence of a member of the Thai Royal family. Built by Prince Chakrabongse in 1908, Chakrabongse Villa is now in the hands of his granddaughter Narisa, an author and publisher. Guests can stay in this unique seven-room boutique hotel in the royal district or visit for dinner. The riverside restaurant serves Royal Thai cuisine using family recipes from the palace kitchen.  Bangkok is a foodie destination, with great restaurants and street food. For clients who are intrigued but not comfortable with street food, Iconsiam is a wonderful new luxury destination mall on the river, where guests can find well-known luxury brands alongside quality silks, pottery and handicrafts. Less adventurous guests will enjoy the extensive air-conditioned food market with street food stalls and shops on the lower level. 
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Just a few of the food stalls and restaurants in SOOKSIAM, the food court area in the ICONSIAM mall, presenting food from across Thailand’s 77 provinces. This particular stall makes papaya salad and roasted chicken. To top off the Chairman’s Event, the Tourism Authority of Thailand had arranged for the National Museum to be opened after hours exclusively for us, providing a private tour of its treasures followed by an exquisite meal by two Thai celebrity chefs. The entertainment and the setting were breathtaking: Dance, music, a choir and more.   After the event, we, and about 85 percent of other attendees, did what most Americans visiting Bangkok do: Explored other parts of Thailand, including Phuket, Samui, Chiang Mai and less familiar destinations. With such an enormous variety of scenery and activities throughout Thailand, we look forward to returning soon and discovering more of this intriguing country.
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royalebusiness-blog · 7 years
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Buy the best skin whitening soap form the online store of Royale Business Club which is the best provider of the top skin care products. Shop these skin care products from a large variety of products. All the products are 100 percent authentic and genuine. For more information you can contact us at www.royalebusinessclub.com.  
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highschoolvevo · 8 years
Aaal L Ssks
REDCrimson - What was an event that’s shaped you to be who you are today?
dealing with mental illness
Light Pink - Do you have stuffed animals?
Blush - Are you single?
Amaranth - What’s your favorite emotion?
that happiness that you feel in your tummy, like youre excited for life in general
Cherry Blossom - How are you feeling right now?
alright. not as bad as it has been
Hollywood Cerise - What are your ambitions?
I wanna do neuroscience!
Razzmatazz - Favorite TV Show?
How the Universe Works
Rose - Where do you feel most comfortable?
In my bed with my favorite blankets
French Rose - What is your favorite flavor?
no fucking clue. maybe coffee? or vanilla? or green tea
Cameo Pink - Favorite movie?
all of LOTR
Buff Orange - Would you consider yourself athletic?
variably. i do sports and stuff but i really struggle with my asthma 
Burnt Sienna - Favorite smell?
miracle forever by lancome. they dont make it anymore. it smells like my childhood when things were happy
Melon - Do you like to dance?
LOVE TO DANCE. dance like a SLUT
Carrot - Do you bake?
Copper - What is your favorite kind of day?
one where i have energy to do things and dont have any set responsibilities and just have the opportunity for spontaneity
Orangeade - When do you feel alive?
When its warm and i can open my windows and the breeze smells wonderful and im laughing and everyone happy
Gamboge - Where do you want to travel?
everywhere omg
Peach - Favorite texture/s?
silk ribbon and cool, soft cotton
Vermillion - How brave are you?
it depends on what the situation is. If a friend is scared, I got this. 
Bittersweet Shimmer - What is your favorite memory?
spring cleaning with my mom when i was very small, maybe three years old. it’s my earliest memory. the windows were open and it was warm but breezy and mom was watching a soap opera and her shirt was soft and it smelled like fabric softener
Flax - Do you like going to the beach?
i didnt used to, but i do now. i value anywhere i can go away from where i live
Wheat - Who can you trust the most?
my best friend
Laser Lemon - What kind of phone do you have?
iphone 6
Gold - Are you high maintenance?
can be lmao
Mellow Yellow - How calm are you?
i have anxiety lmao
Unmellow Yellow - How high energy are you?
i have depression lMAO i am never calm or awake. i am always jittery and tired
Papaya Whip - How honest are you?
i try my best to never lie if i can help it
Transparent Yellow - Would you consider yourself to be special?
Canary - Favorite song?
people pleaser by korn
Reed Yellow - Do you play an instrument?
i wish i did
Pear - Where do you feel rested?
in my bedroom in the summer after an afternoon nap
Olive - What is your favorite food?
i dont know, ive never been much of a foodie honestly
Fern - Favorite plant?
all of them. ALL OF THEM
Moss - Are you quiet or loud?
depends on the crowd
Tea green - How do you relax?
i dont lmao
Celadon - Dream job?
Harlequin - Can you act?
no lmao
Malachite - Do you speak more than one language?
i wish i did. I can read latin kinda okay but im nowhere near fluent
Mantis - Favorite animal?
Seafoam Green - Do you like water?
not to drink, but i love the rain and i love rivers and i love hot showers and i love the smell of the ocean
Sky Blue - Would you ever want to fly?
it would be cool but i dont see the need personally. like someone with a disability that limited their mobility might love to fly but i like walking too much
Periwinkle - Would you want to breathe underwater?
Powder Blue - Or control the weather?
Liberty - Become the president/prime minister?
no ew
Space Cadet - Become an astronaut?
Celeste - Have perfect pitch?
Eton Blue - Become invisible?
Indigo - Become immortal?
Iris - Grow plants at will?
Whispering Blue - Or teleport?
ooooh yes
Lilac - Would you want kids?
nah. i might adopt but the thought of being pregnant is repulsive to me 
Lavender - What is your favorite time of day?
about an hour before sunrise
Mulberry - Could you betray someone?
i would hate to
Eminence - Favorite sounds?
guitar distortion, waves, the rain, beautiful voices, how brushing hair sounds
Palatinate - Do you think you’ll make it to 100 years old?
i doubt it
Prune - Do you ever think about dying?
Fandango - Do you spontaneously start singing sometimes?
all the time lmao
Thistle - If you could become wise, rich, or intelligent, which would you rather?
wise. with wisdom comes the capacity for intelligence, and with intelligence comes the capacity for wealth
Mauve - What would you name your kids/pets?
i have to look at em first, see what feels right
Royal Purple - What’s your favorite emotion?
answered above
Cream - If you had 1 day left to live, what would you do?
fuck someone, tell everyone how i felt about them, good, bad, or otherwise, write a quick will, listen to my favorite music, and relax with the ones i love
Silver - Are you a good person?
i think so
Ecru - How do you feel about the world today?
im afraid for it but im also hopeful at the potential for our growth as a nation, either under a leader who’s not as bad as we thought he was, or our unity against a possible tyrant
Auburn - Favorite color?
so many. just not muddy yellows and oranges
White - Do you own lots of makeup? not really
Black - What is the greatest success of your life so far?
ive never really thought about it. maybe overcoming the period in my life when i was suicidal
Bronze - Would you follow my blog?
i feel like i already do lmao
Pink Nectar - What’s your aesthetic?
a fuckin mess, thats what it is
Sepia - Do you like photography?
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actutrends · 5 years
Just Back: Virtuoso Chairman’s Event in Bangkok
She smiled and waved, then continued watching TV in the living room of her simple home, three fans to keep her cool and clothes draped over bars that served as a wardrobe. As our guide predicted, the elderly lady didn’t mind us peeking into her daily life through the window. Instead, she tried to avoid a draft by draping a towel over her shoulders and ignored us, absorbed in her soap opera. 
Our look into the house and life of this Bangkok resident was part of a “Design Your Day” tour that we enjoyed during our recent trip to Bangkok for the Virtuoso Chairman’s Event. Every year, Virtuoso rewards the owners and managers of the network’s highest producing and most engaged agencies with a trip to a different world-class destination. This year, Bangkok hosted more than 120 agency leaders and their guests, representing more than 80 luxury agencies from around the world. 
Participants were hosted by two of the Thai capital’s top hotels, both with prime locations on opposite sides of the Chao Phraya River, arguably Bangkok’s lifeblood. The activity on the river is fascinating, with hundreds of longboats, tour boats, cargo barges, dinner cruises and the hotels’ complimentary shuttles all avoiding the city’s notorious traffic jams. We were amongst the first to see and dine at the recently renovated Mandarin Oriental (a true stunner) while most of us stayed at The Peninsula Bangkok. 
Tourism Authority of Thailand sponsored the closing reception and dinner of the Virtuoso Chairman’s Event, and entertained attendees with a choir, singers and dancers.
The Chairman’s Event began with a warm welcome by The Peninsula Bangkok on the terrace overlooking that lively river. We were feted with music, entertainment, food and the opportunity to create a krathong, a flower arrangement that is set afloat on the river while making a wish. 
Fewer than half of this year’s attendees had visited Bangkok before. This made the background shared during the event’s business meeting by the Tourism Authority of Thailand and Virtuoso even more relevant. In addition, the host hotels along with event sponsors and destination management companies Abercrombie & Kent and Luxe by EXO provided expert insights.
The Mandarin Oriental welcomed us to its historic Authors Wing for a champagne reception, followed by a magnificent dinner on its terrace, with entertainment, dancing and fireworks in Virtuoso’s honor over the River of Kings. 
Rob Clabbers and David Lauwers of Q Cruise Travel, together with other Virtuoso Chairman’s Event attendees, getting ready to enter the Member Session at the newly renovated Mandarin Oriental Bangkok.
The “Design Your Day” activities, a feature at Virtuoso events, were a popular opportunity to get to know Bangkok better. One goal of the Chairman’s Event is to familiarize top agency executives with the destination so they can sell the experience more effectively to their luxury clientele. Participants could choose from a wide range of experiences by Abercrombie & Kent and Luxe by EXO.  
Every visitor to Bangkok should ride along the Chao Phraya River. During our “Life on Bangkok’s Waterways” tour, we learned about the sights along the river, such as the Temple of Dawn and the Royal Palace. In the Kudeejeen neighborhood, we discovered more about the Chinese and Portuguese immigrants who settled there centuries ago. We tasted a Portuguese-influenced pastry in the old Thanusingha Bakery House, while at the Baan Kudichin Museum, we learned how the Portuguese shaped the country’s history, language, cuisine and culture. We trod on narrow walkways between old residences with open doors and windows to encourage a breeze, peering inside after our guide stressed that the residents would be happy for us to do so. They are proud of their homes and, like most Thai people, welcoming to visitors. 
A highlight of any boat ride on Bangkok’s Chao Praya River is the stunning Wat Arun or Temple of Dawn.
For lunch, we docked at The Siam Hotel, another Virtuoso partner, on a quieter location along the river. The hotel is filled with artwork and antiques; its lobby and public areas are akin to a museum. A lap pool overlooks the river, the suites and pool villas are spacious, and the property feels like a sanctuary. 
While our first tour showed us the everyday life of people of more modest means, A&K’s “The Society of Siam” took us behind the scenes of high society. The highlight was a private tour and lunch at the former residence of a member of the Thai Royal family. Built by Prince Chakrabongse in 1908, Chakrabongse Villa is now in the hands of his granddaughter Narisa, an author and publisher. Guests can stay in this unique seven-room boutique hotel in the royal district or visit for dinner. The riverside restaurant serves Royal Thai cuisine using family recipes from the palace kitchen. 
Bangkok is a foodie destination, with great restaurants and street food. For clients who are intrigued but not comfortable with street food, Iconsiam is a wonderful new luxury destination mall on the river, where guests can find well-known luxury brands alongside quality silks, pottery and handicrafts. Less adventurous guests will enjoy the extensive air-conditioned food market with street food stalls and shops on the lower level. 
Just a few of the food stalls and restaurants in SOOKSIAM, the food court area in the ICONSIAM mall, presenting food from across Thailand’s 77 provinces. This particular stall makes papaya salad and roasted chicken.
To top off the Chairman’s Event, the Tourism Authority of Thailand had arranged for the National Museum to be opened after hours exclusively for us, providing a private tour of its treasures followed by an exquisite meal by two Thai celebrity chefs. The entertainment and the setting were breathtaking: Dance, music, a choir and more.  
After the event, we, and about 85 percent of other attendees, did what most Americans visiting Bangkok do: Explored other parts of Thailand, including Phuket, Samui, Chiang Mai and less familiar destinations. With such an enormous variety of scenery and activities throughout Thailand, we look forward to returning soon and discovering more of this intriguing country.
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Virtuoso Names Top Cruise Trends for 2020
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Virtuoso: Female Gen Xers Are Driving Wellness Travel
The post Just Back: Virtuoso Chairman’s Event in Bangkok appeared first on Actu Trends.
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hokalohnews · 6 years
Senarai Terkini 122 Produk Kosmetik Beracun- KKM 2018 - Berita Terkini
Para netizen dinasihatkan untuk menyemak semula status produk-produk kosmetik yang dibeli kerana Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia telah pun mengeluarkan senarai sebanyak 117 produk kosmetik di tiga buah pasaran negara yang mengandungi bahan beracun yang akan membahayakan kesihatan penggunanya.
Seorang ahli farmasi, En Rahman Baco dalam Facebooknya ada menyenaraikan 122 produk kosmetik Malaysia yang diharamkan oleh KKM dan berikut merupakan nama produk.
Senarai ini adalah produk-produk kosmetik yang diharamkan oleh KKM (dibatalkan Notifikasi) kerana mengandungi bahan beracun dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara, KKM dari tahun 2008 – 2018
1. Khazanah White Pembersih Wajah 2. Gloskin Krim Malam & Siang 3. Reena’s Astringen Lanjutan 4. Skin Desires Deep Whitening Cleansing Milk 5. EETYE Whitening Cream  6. O’Lynn Skin Lightening Cream  7. Hans Beauty Flawless Day Cream  8. Hans Beauty Flawless Night Cream  9. Hans Beauty Treatment Toner  10. AS Beauty Night Cream  11. AS Beauty Day Cream  12. Golden Horse Herbal Milk Lotion 13. Golden Horse Bio C omplex Cream  14. Dermaceutic Spot Cream  15. Dermaceutic Spot Peel Cream  16. Yellow Cream (Krim Ku-Neng)  17. Dnars Magic Gold Foundation  18. SF PROTECT & PERFECT DAY CREAM  19. Sensual Meiji Skin Renewar Cream  20. Acrena Pure Herbal Papaya Soap  21. White Complex  22. SS Pearl Cream  23. SS Vita C Night Repair  24. Cellnex Anti-Sensitive Essence Treatment  25. Natural 99 Night Cream  26. Natural 99 Day Cream  27. SF Beauty Night Cream (Facial) 28. SF Beauty Day Cream (Facial) 29. Aveana Night Revival Cream  30. Blemished Skin Ampoules 31. Golden Horse B&W Cream  32. Felisa Gentle Peeling Solution 33. Krim Malam Rahsia Rimba  34. Biocosmeti Whitening Essence Cream 35. H2O Waterwhite Brightening Night Cream 36. Magiexpress Lightening Plus 37. A.Vant Cream 38. Eriesya Spa Beauty Cream  39. Natasya Krim Herba  40. Temulawak Whitening Pearl Cream Papaya  41. Ratna Sari Whitening Night Cream  42. ATIKA BEAUTY Renewal Night Cream  43. Chantique – Whitening Night Cream  44. NV Toner Treatment No 1  45. NV Toner Treatment No 2 46. Zara Rejuvenation Cream 47. Beauty Line Beautitude Multi-purpose Cream 48. Pigmentation Recovery Complex  49. Natasya Gold Krim Herba  50. De Putih Night Cream 51. Krim Malam Shana 52. Biotox Whitening Hydro Cream  53. BML HB LOTION  54. Yoko Whitening Cream  55. Sue Beauty Night Treatment Cream 56. Sensual Whitening Cream  57. Derma-Rx Arbutin-R Cream 58. DS.1 Blemish Control Cream  59. Ezee Sunblock Cream 60. MONTAGNE JEUNESSE CHOCOLATE MASQUE  61. Daily Protecting Cream – Joie et Beaute 62. La Bliss Skin Brightening Cream 63. Sans Dynamic Intensive Light Cream 64. Putih Gebu Sun-Block Collagen Lotion 65. Bio-Clear Intensive Renewal Complex 66. MS Wellmood Enhancing Cream 67. Renewing Cream 68. E Beaute Total Revitalizer Night Cream 69. MS Wellmod Lightening Complex 70. Qu Puteh Whitening Pro 9 71. Melan: Off Intensive Masl 72. Melan: Off Maintenance Cream 73. Afrina Daily Cream 74. Afrina Night Cream 75. Krim Herba Kemboja 76. Day Pinky Cream 77. Night Glow Cream 78. Debella Nadien Glow Night Cream 79. Mekar Semilu Scrub Muka Mutiara Beauty 80. Mekar Semilu Cream Mekarsutra 81. Moleek Day Cream 82. Adel Miracle Flawless Serum 83. Ah Beauty Night Cream 84. NDZ UV Whitening 85. Snow Cream Normal 86. Snow Cream Sensitif 87. Dnars Nar Cream – Sensitif 88. Ellfie Night Cream 89. Tati Skincare Night Cream 90. Tati Skincare Treatment Cream 91. Moleek Anti Pigment Cream 92. Night Glowing 93. Night Glow 94. Glowing Speed Gold Day Cream 95. Glowing Speed Gold Night Cream 96. Qu Gebu AP Krim 97. Nour Ain Night Cream 98. Royal Expert Whitening Cream 99. Nuriz Kosmetik – D’solve Plus 100. Nuriz Shoppe – Beau One Whitening Cream 3in1 101. Cantiqa Face Toner 102. Rzac Platinum Toner 103. Magic Cream 104. Dnars Sunny Cream 105. Night Cream Dollys Pinky 106. Nuriz Shoppe – Uv Pearl Cream 107. Nuriz – D’solve 108. Aura Gorgeous Night Cream 109. NV Anti Blemish Toner 1 110. Dnars Honey Cream 111. Moleek Skincare Anti Pigmentation Cream Plus 112. Dnars Yellow Gold Collagen 113. Luffiya Night Cream 1 114. Luffiya Night Cream 2 115. GG Pinky Day Cream for Skin 116. Tati Therapy Cream 1 117. Tati Therapy Cream 2 118. Deeja Cosmetic Star Cream 119. Deeja Cosmetic Vogue Cream 120. Deeja Krim Nano (Night) 121. Miracle White – Brightening Cream 122. Deluxe Beauty – Ultra Lightening Cream
Selain Malaysia, Bahagian Penguatkuasaan Farmasi Brunei juga mengeluarkan 40 senarai produk kosmetik yang mengandungi bahan beracun.
Senarai 40 Kosmetik Beracun di bawah dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Penguatkuasaan Farmasi Brunei:
1. AZ Cosmetic-Day Cream 2. AZ Cosmetic-Night Cream 3. AZ Cosmetic-Treatment Cream 4. AZ Cosmetic-Sunblock 5. Atika Beauty Cream Jeragat 6. POND’S-age miracle BB anti-ageing Expert BB Cream Light-night cream 7. DOKTER cream 8. Pati IbuPutih by JannaLawaa-Gluta Kojic Super Whitening Serum 9. Pati IbuPutih by JannaLawaa-Day Creamy Face n Body White 10. Pati IbuPutih by JannaLawaa-Night Creamy Face n Body White 11. Gijes Beauty-Night Cream 12. RACIKAN LING ZHI-Night Cream with Vit E 13. LIEN-HUA (BUNGA TERATAI)-Day Cream 14. Professional Skin Care Formula Rejuvenating Cream 15. Professional SKin Care Formula Rejuvenating Toner 16. Wonder Glow Day Cream 17. Wonder Glow Night Cream 18. Ana Marissa Beauty Night Cream HD 19. Lyanaz Beauty Care-Magic Night Cream 20. Atika Beauty Sunblock 21. Dnars Yellow Cream 22. SP Super UV WHitening 23. SP UV Special Ginseng – Whitening & Anti-Acne 24. Collagen Plus Vitamin E – Night Cream 25. AS Beauty Night Cream 26. AS Beauty Day Cream 27. Golden Horse Herbal Milk Lotion 28. Golden Horse Bio Complex Cream 29. Collagen Gold-Day and Night Cream 30. Super Cream Mutiara 31. Natural 99 King Bleaching Whitening Cream 32. New Original Dr-Doktor Pemutih Day Cream 33. New Original Dr-Doktor Pemutih Night Cream 34. Lyanaz Beauty Care Babies Blink 100% Original (White colored cream) 35.Clariderm-Astringent 36. Dara Anggun-Glow Glowing Beauty Skin, Night Glowing 37. Dara Anggun-Glow Glowing Beauty Skin, Night Glow 38. Wonder Glow Super Ultra Glowing Cream Version SPF45++ Day Cream 39. Wonder Glow Super Ultra Glowing Cream Version SPF45++ Night Cream 40. SALOMA ZARA-Ultimate Skin Perfection-PEARL DAY CREAM SPF 30
Manakala di Singapura juga mengeluarkan senarai 15 produk kosmetik yang diharamkan oleh Health Science Authority (HSA) Singapura.
Senarai 15 Kosmetik Beracun di bawah dikeluarkan oleh Health Sciences Authority (HSA), Singapura:
1. SB Facial Fuel Toner Mezzo 2. SB UV Pro Day Cream Mezzo 3. SB Rejuvenating Night Cream Mezzo 4. Tabita Skincare Smooth Lotion 5. Tabita Skincare Daily Cream 6. Tabita Skincare Nightly Cream 7. Meiyong Super Whitening Extra Whitening & Face Lift Advanced Super Revitalizer (Cream) Whitening Formula and Face Lift 8. Han’s Skin.Care Flawless Day Cream 9. Han’s Skin.Care Flawless Night Cream 10. Han’s Skin.Care Treatment Toner 11. Han’s Skin.Care TRIAL Flawless Day Cream 12. Han’s Skin.Care TRIAL Flawless Night Cream 13. Han’s Skin.Care TRIAL Treatment Toner 14. Melati UV-Whitening Vit.E Cream 15. ESTHER Bleaching Cream (A) and (B)
Kosmetik-kosmetik beracun yang telah disenaraikan ini telah diuji oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, Brunei ataupun Singapura dan disahkan mengandungi bahan beracun yang berbahaya seperti Merkuri, Hydroquinone, Tretinoin, Azaleik Asid dan steroid.
Jadi, bagaimanakah untuk memilih produk kosmetik yang selamat untuk digunakan? Rujuk pakar farmasi dan doktor yang bertauliah serta jangan terlalu mengikut trend dan produk-produk viral di media sosial tanpa mengetahui isi kandungan bahan tersebut. Buatlah pilihan yang bijak sebagai pengguna.
Sumber : fb Rahman Baco,Pharmacist
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sawthegap42-blog · 8 years
Everything You Need To Know For Healthy Clear Skin
Having healthy skin is not just about the way it looks. Caring for your skin properly will help to keep your entire body healthy. There is no need to spend lots of money in order to care for your skin properly. Check out the below article for excellent ideas on improving your skin. Don't shave dry skin. You don't want to shave without having any shaving cream. When you dry-shave, you will suffer razor burn, irritation and ingrown hairs. After shaving, apply lotion to your skin. This soothes irritation and provides essential moisture for your skin. One fantastic skin care trick is to get plenty of sleep. You can get eye wrinkles by not getting enough sleep. Eight hours is the number that you should aim for during the night. If many regular products irritate your skin, opt for a sensitive skin line instead. You need to find products that are free of perfumes, dyes and also free of chemicals, so they don't irritate the skin or make you break out in a rash. Sun damaged skin isn't easy to cure, but there are some ways that one can alleviate signs of aging. You can try dermabrasion, chemical peels or laser abrasion. You can try each of these treatments by themselves, or you can combine them. There are also facials which can help. One thing you should keep in mind is that you should always be gentle when it comes to your skin. Hot water will dry out your skin, and reduce the necessary oil on the surface. When drying yourself off from a shower or bath, you shouldn't rub yourself vigorously. Use the towel to pat the skin and remove only excess moisture. If your skin is dry, don't use plain soap. Soaps dry out skin, so showering with a moisturizing body wash is a better choice. Bubble baths are also important to avoid, since they have ingredients that are very hard on your skin. Rather use an oatmeal-based body wash or bath oil to sooth your dry, itchy skin. After getting out of the bath and drying off you should always apply lotion. You can provide the absolute royal treatment for your hand for less wrinkles, soft skin, and much brighter nails as well. Use a sugar scrub for a few minutes to exfoliate. Then, use warm water to rinse it off, and follow it with a luxurious moisturizing cream. Allow the cream to soak in, then use an orange stick http://www.private-dermatologist.co.uk/skin-tag-removal/ to push your cuticles back. File your nails, and you will see that your hands look great.
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Eat foods with a lot of Vitamin E. Free radicals can cause damage to your hair or skin, and Vitamin E will help to protect you from them! Papaya and almonds are great foods that contain high levels of vitamin E. You may also wish to consider greens which are dark and leafy as an additional source. Soaking your hands in dishwater or cleaning products can cause your skin to become cracked, dry and painful. Avoid this discomfort by wearing rubber gloves. Hand skin tends to be abused and must be moisturized. For extra protection, use a night cream on your hands weekly. Regularly loofah the skin of your body to get rid of dead cells and encourage rejuvenation. Removing this dead skin lightens up blemishes and other spots and gives your skin and complexion a healthy glow. Remove dead skin so that you look younger. Dead skins cells can make your face look dull, so remove them and your face will be revitalized. Reducing your intake of sugar can slow down premature aging of your skin. Most of us never realize that too much sugar elevates your glucose levels which adhere to protein cells. That interferes with the protein's ability to control such things as skin elasticity and the amount of collagen produced. Consuming an excess of sugar may increase the number of wrinkles you have and cause your skin to look older than your years. About 14 million people that live in the United States have rosacea. This is a skin disease known to cause red skin irritation. Brushing with a sonic product can help to clear up the affected areas. This can really help those that have the disease. You need to be so careful when shaving. Because a razor's blades are extremely sharp, your skin can be irritated or damaged if the razor is not used in the correct manner. Always lubricate your skin with gels or creams meant for shaving, or in a pinch, use lotion or hair conditioner. Use a clean razor for a good shave. To make it a little easier on you, don't shave against the hair. Look on the back of the sunscreen bottle to find out how often it should be applied. Get a powder sunscreen and use a brush to apply it to make things easier. This sunscreen is light and compact, so it's easy to always have it with you. Keep in mind that allergies to skincare products did not necessarily exist when you were younger, and they won't necessarily exist as you get older. Be patient; if nothing else works, you may consider testing a small amount of a previously offensive product on a very small patch of skin on your inner arm or collarbone. When exfoliating, press lightly. It is harmful and irritating to your skin. For a deeper cleaning, simply spend more time exfoliating the skin. This ensures deep pore penetration while avoiding harmful side effects. When you find yourself in the sun, use lip balm to help protect your lips. This will protect your lips from the harmful rays of the sun. A sharp razor is always necessary when you're shaving sensitive skin. You'll only irritate the skin on your face by using one that is old or of inferior quality. This can cause razor burn, chafing and even a rash. Ideally, a razor should be gentle as it is pulled across the surface of your skin. Great skin care starts with this article. Lots of additional information can also be found. There are many cost effective ways that can improve the way your skin looks, as these methods hone in on them.
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Shine a light on your darkened areas. Try Royale Kojic Papaya Soap and see for yourself. 09158735663 for orders
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hokalohnews · 6 years
Hokaloh News Updated: Senarai Terkini 122 Produk Kosmetik Beracun- KKM 2018 - Berita Terkini
Para netizen dinasihatkan untuk menyemak semula status produk-produk kosmetik yang dibeli kerana Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia telah pun mengeluarkan senarai sebanyak 117 produk kosmetik di tiga buah pasaran negara yang mengandungi bahan beracun yang akan membahayakan kesihatan penggunanya.
Seorang ahli farmasi, En Rahman Baco dalam Facebooknya ada menyenaraikan 122 produk kosmetik Malaysia yang diharamkan oleh KKM dan berikut merupakan nama produk.
Senarai ini adalah produk-produk kosmetik yang diharamkan oleh KKM (dibatalkan Notifikasi) kerana mengandungi bahan beracun dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara, KKM dari tahun 2008 – 2018
1. Khazanah White Pembersih Wajah 2. Gloskin Krim Malam & Siang 3. Reena’s Astringen Lanjutan 4. Skin Desires Deep Whitening Cleansing Milk 5. EETYE Whitening Cream  6. O’Lynn Skin Lightening Cream  7. Hans Beauty Flawless Day Cream  8. Hans Beauty Flawless Night Cream  9. Hans Beauty Treatment Toner  10. AS Beauty Night Cream  11. AS Beauty Day Cream  12. Golden Horse Herbal Milk Lotion 13. Golden Horse Bio C omplex Cream  14. Dermaceutic Spot Cream  15. Dermaceutic Spot Peel Cream  16. Yellow Cream (Krim Ku-Neng)  17. Dnars Magic Gold Foundation  18. SF PROTECT & PERFECT DAY CREAM  19. Sensual Meiji Skin Renewar Cream  20. Acrena Pure Herbal Papaya Soap  21. White Complex  22. SS Pearl Cream  23. SS Vita C Night Repair  24. Cellnex Anti-Sensitive Essence Treatment  25. Natural 99 Night Cream  26. Natural 99 Day Cream  27. SF Beauty Night Cream (Facial) 28. SF Beauty Day Cream (Facial) 29. Aveana Night Revival Cream  30. Blemished Skin Ampoules 31. Golden Horse B&W Cream  32. Felisa Gentle Peeling Solution 33. Krim Malam Rahsia Rimba  34. Biocosmeti Whitening Essence Cream 35. H2O Waterwhite Brightening Night Cream 36. Magiexpress Lightening Plus 37. A.Vant Cream 38. Eriesya Spa Beauty Cream  39. Natasya Krim Herba  40. Temulawak Whitening Pearl Cream Papaya  41. Ratna Sari Whitening Night Cream  42. ATIKA BEAUTY Renewal Night Cream  43. Chantique – Whitening Night Cream  44. NV Toner Treatment No 1  45. NV Toner Treatment No 2 46. Zara Rejuvenation Cream 47. Beauty Line Beautitude Multi-purpose Cream 48. Pigmentation Recovery Complex  49. Natasya Gold Krim Herba  50. De Putih Night Cream 51. Krim Malam Shana 52. Biotox Whitening Hydro Cream  53. BML HB LOTION  54. Yoko Whitening Cream  55. Sue Beauty Night Treatment Cream 56. Sensual Whitening Cream  57. Derma-Rx Arbutin-R Cream 58. DS.1 Blemish Control Cream  59. Ezee Sunblock Cream 60. MONTAGNE JEUNESSE CHOCOLATE MASQUE  61. Daily Protecting Cream – Joie et Beaute 62. La Bliss Skin Brightening Cream 63. Sans Dynamic Intensive Light Cream 64. Putih Gebu Sun-Block Collagen Lotion 65. Bio-Clear Intensive Renewal Complex 66. MS Wellmood Enhancing Cream 67. Renewing Cream 68. E Beaute Total Revitalizer Night Cream 69. MS Wellmod Lightening Complex 70. Qu Puteh Whitening Pro 9 71. Melan: Off Intensive Masl 72. Melan: Off Maintenance Cream 73. Afrina Daily Cream 74. Afrina Night Cream 75. Krim Herba Kemboja 76. Day Pinky Cream 77. Night Glow Cream 78. Debella Nadien Glow Night Cream 79. Mekar Semilu Scrub Muka Mutiara Beauty 80. Mekar Semilu Cream Mekarsutra 81. Moleek Day Cream 82. Adel Miracle Flawless Serum 83. Ah Beauty Night Cream 84. NDZ UV Whitening 85. Snow Cream Normal 86. Snow Cream Sensitif 87. Dnars Nar Cream – Sensitif 88. Ellfie Night Cream 89. Tati Skincare Night Cream 90. Tati Skincare Treatment Cream 91. Moleek Anti Pigment Cream 92. Night Glowing 93. Night Glow 94. Glowing Speed Gold Day Cream 95. Glowing Speed Gold Night Cream 96. Qu Gebu AP Krim 97. Nour Ain Night Cream 98. Royal Expert Whitening Cream 99. Nuriz Kosmetik – D’solve Plus 100. Nuriz Shoppe – Beau One Whitening Cream 3in1 101. Cantiqa Face Toner 102. Rzac Platinum Toner 103. Magic Cream 104. Dnars Sunny Cream 105. Night Cream Dollys Pinky 106. Nuriz Shoppe – Uv Pearl Cream 107. Nuriz – D’solve 108. Aura Gorgeous Night Cream 109. NV Anti Blemish Toner 1 110. Dnars Honey Cream 111. Moleek Skincare Anti Pigmentation Cream Plus 112. Dnars Yellow Gold Collagen 113. Luffiya Night Cream 1 114. Luffiya Night Cream 2 115. GG Pinky Day Cream for Skin 116. Tati Therapy Cream 1 117. Tati Therapy Cream 2 118. Deeja Cosmetic Star Cream 119. Deeja Cosmetic Vogue Cream 120. Deeja Krim Nano (Night) 121. Miracle White – Brightening Cream 122. Deluxe Beauty – Ultra Lightening Cream
Selain Malaysia, Bahagian Penguatkuasaan Farmasi Brunei juga mengeluarkan 40 senarai produk kosmetik yang mengandungi bahan beracun.
Senarai 40 Kosmetik Beracun di bawah dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Penguatkuasaan Farmasi Brunei:
1. AZ Cosmetic-Day Cream 2. AZ Cosmetic-Night Cream 3. AZ Cosmetic-Treatment Cream 4. AZ Cosmetic-Sunblock 5. Atika Beauty Cream Jeragat 6. POND’S-age miracle BB anti-ageing Expert BB Cream Light-night cream 7. DOKTER cream 8. Pati IbuPutih by JannaLawaa-Gluta Kojic Super Whitening Serum 9. Pati IbuPutih by JannaLawaa-Day Creamy Face n Body White 10. Pati IbuPutih by JannaLawaa-Night Creamy Face n Body White 11. Gijes Beauty-Night Cream 12. RACIKAN LING ZHI-Night Cream with Vit E 13. LIEN-HUA (BUNGA TERATAI)-Day Cream 14. Professional Skin Care Formula Rejuvenating Cream 15. Professional SKin Care Formula Rejuvenating Toner 16. Wonder Glow Day Cream 17. Wonder Glow Night Cream 18. Ana Marissa Beauty Night Cream HD 19. Lyanaz Beauty Care-Magic Night Cream 20. Atika Beauty Sunblock 21. Dnars Yellow Cream 22. SP Super UV WHitening 23. SP UV Special Ginseng – Whitening & Anti-Acne 24. Collagen Plus Vitamin E – Night Cream 25. AS Beauty Night Cream 26. AS Beauty Day Cream 27. Golden Horse Herbal Milk Lotion 28. Golden Horse Bio Complex Cream 29. Collagen Gold-Day and Night Cream 30. Super Cream Mutiara 31. Natural 99 King Bleaching Whitening Cream 32. New Original Dr-Doktor Pemutih Day Cream 33. New Original Dr-Doktor Pemutih Night Cream 34. Lyanaz Beauty Care Babies Blink 100% Original (White colored cream) 35.Clariderm-Astringent 36. Dara Anggun-Glow Glowing Beauty Skin, Night Glowing 37. Dara Anggun-Glow Glowing Beauty Skin, Night Glow 38. Wonder Glow Super Ultra Glowing Cream Version SPF45++ Day Cream 39. Wonder Glow Super Ultra Glowing Cream Version SPF45++ Night Cream 40. SALOMA ZARA-Ultimate Skin Perfection-PEARL DAY CREAM SPF 30
Manakala di Singapura juga mengeluarkan senarai 15 produk kosmetik yang diharamkan oleh Health Science Authority (HSA) Singapura.
Senarai 15 Kosmetik Beracun di bawah dikeluarkan oleh Health Sciences Authority (HSA), Singapura:
1. SB Facial Fuel Toner Mezzo 2. SB UV Pro Day Cream Mezzo 3. SB Rejuvenating Night Cream Mezzo 4. Tabita Skincare Smooth Lotion 5. Tabita Skincare Daily Cream 6. Tabita Skincare Nightly Cream 7. Meiyong Super Whitening Extra Whitening & Face Lift Advanced Super Revitalizer (Cream) Whitening Formula and Face Lift 8. Han’s Skin.Care Flawless Day Cream 9. Han’s Skin.Care Flawless Night Cream 10. Han’s Skin.Care Treatment Toner 11. Han’s Skin.Care TRIAL Flawless Day Cream 12. Han’s Skin.Care TRIAL Flawless Night Cream 13. Han’s Skin.Care TRIAL Treatment Toner 14. Melati UV-Whitening Vit.E Cream 15. ESTHER Bleaching Cream (A) and (B)
Kosmetik-kosmetik beracun yang telah disenaraikan ini telah diuji oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, Brunei ataupun Singapura dan disahkan mengandungi bahan beracun yang berbahaya seperti Merkuri, Hydroquinone, Tretinoin, Azaleik Asid dan steroid.
Jadi, bagaimanakah untuk memilih produk kosmetik yang selamat untuk digunakan? Rujuk pakar farmasi dan doktor yang bertauliah serta jangan terlalu mengikut trend dan produk-produk viral di media sosial tanpa mengetahui isi kandungan bahan tersebut. Buatlah pilihan yang bijak sebagai pengguna.
Sumber : fb Rahman Baco,Pharmacist
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#BeritaSemasa #Kkm2018 #Kosmetic #Racun
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