#Rot and Decay (Nurgle Aesthetic);
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thefouraboveall · 10 months ago
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yodomi-nikki · 4 months ago
ENDTIME:Glottkin I read it……
Today was my birthday, so I bought and read a book about the hottest genre of warhammer, and its theories. It was really good, so I'll introduce it lightly. "The Glottkin"? What kind of organization is it? Are they good looking? please search for "The Glottkin" at .......
Warhammer is, roughly speaking
1. a predestined world where humans, elves, orks, and dwarves are all fighting each other.
2. the gods of chaos reign in another dimension and lead demons to mess with them.
3. A holy war that transcends right and wrong unfolds!
This is the story.
This book is the final chapter of the original Warhammer fantasy series and the second volume of the End Time series. Starring the three heroic Grott brothers, who serve one of the gods of chaos, the god Nugle, who controls disease and corruption, an unholy apostle with guts in his veins wreaks havoc on the predestined world.
What is depicted is the horrifying and repulsive invasion of the Nurgle cultists... When bloodthirsty beasts swing their rusty axes, flesh rots, plants go mad, and evil clouds rain down a milky, poisonous rain. Corpses filling the roads feed demon maggots, and flies gather like mist, creating a trail to another dimension.
"The demons! The demons of Nurgle are coming, eroding reality!"
Laughing cheerfully, the Father of Decay sings, telling us to give in to despair. The Holy Grail is full. A rotten hero and a human emperor, whose hand will our (their) god lead?
The story is 90% of the evil deeds of Nurgle followers will make you scream, "Oh God!"
The rest of the story is 10% made up of "Oh God!??"
It's a god who can suddenly smack gods in the back of the head... Deus Ex or something.
It is up to the reader to decide whether this is the "true and righteous God who defeats false gods."
The people who will be happy to pick up this are those who "want to see Nurgle's hideous minions in action!"
and especially those who "want to see The Glottkin, aka the Glott 3 brothers, in action!!" I'm both, so I enjoyed it a lot, and those three guys are just too cunning!??
I've written about the charms of the eldest brother Otto, the second son Ethrac, and the third son Ghurek, but this post is getting unreasonably long, so I'll save it for next time.
If I were to evaluate "ENDTIME: Glottkin" as a work, it would be the best entertainment for those who sympathize with the aesthetics of Nurgle and want to enjoy their festival without a bitter aftertaste.
If you want to read a documentary about a harsh world war, as you would expect from the Warhammer series, it may be a little light. The followers of Nurgle are too cheerful to be called grim or hopeless.
I first picked up this book from Age of Sigmar, a fantasy world that was a fresh start for me, and I was quite rotted by Otto, who got serious about his soul, because he was a "glottkin who did a lot of things wrong and still couldn't get over being an idiot. I hope that anyone who thinks, "Hey, I'm kind of curious about what they look like," or "I like how easy it is to believe in the nurgle god," can pick up this book.
Or you can read the e-book "The Fall of Altdorf". I read it after looking up the settings around Nurgle on wiki etc, so I don't know if I'll enjoy it if I just jump right in. Anyway, I can only speak from the perspective of a Nurgle fan. Please forgive me.
The Glottkin's exploits are spreading throughout the world of AoS! I'm currently working on a novel, hoping to capture the aesthetic of not only our beloved brother, but also Nurgle himself.
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blightsire · 2 years ago
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surrogate-gaia · 5 years ago
Looking back: Part 2 - Death Guard - Infantry
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8th edition needed a big baddie for the new Primaris Marines to combat, and Mortarion was very eager to oblige in this front. The Death Guard are by far my favourite Heretic Astartes faction just by aesthetic alone. Nurgle is my #1 Chaos God. I like his focus on pestilence and decay and the fact he is technically a rather benign god. 
I love the Death Guard because of their doctrines and their design. They make use of chemical warfare and just slowly advance like a poisonous cloud towards their foes.
So it was very exciting to see a full army being made out of them.
This army is very difficult to rate and review, because unlike the Space Marine line, every little model in their range is unique in some way. Every little miniature you get for this army has different weapons, helmets, and different armour patterns. This means that one unit will both have ace looking models and models that look like hot filthy garbage (in a bad way).
Let’s begin...
Plague Marines:
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The main boys of the Death Guard army are definitely the much-loved Plague Marines. These are your mainline infantry boys and make up the majority of the Death Guard Army. They are a result of what happens when a Chaos Space Marine starts worshiping Nurgle a little too much. They begin transforming into these bloated and disease ridden humps of rotten flesh and rusted armour. The Plague Marines themselves love this. They feel no pain and see every little malady as another gift from their god. 
The first Plague Marines came into existence during the Horus Heresy. When the Death Guard attempted to join the Siege of Terra, their fleet got lost in the Warp and the legion became infected with Nurgle’s Rot and the Destroyer Plague. Their Primarch Mortarion, in an attempt to save his legion from the torture and suffering, sold his soul and his legion to Nurgle. 
Plague Marines slowly advance on their enemies, bolters firing without mercy. Some carry rusted weapons that are infused with Nurgle’s Rot. One small cut and your infected.  When injured, they won’t even flinch, since they absolutely feel no pain whatsoever.  
Plague Marines are a truly decisive bunch of miniatures. You have four different kits to choose from (three, since Dark Imperium has been discontinued) and each of them has some very good models and some very bad ones. 
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I do think that they are very busy and in some parts overdesigned. Some models have like three different Plaguebearers fused to their armour for example. I do like their armour though and the ones wearing the Mark 2 helmet are by far the best looking of the bunch. 
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I would say that the best box out of the four would be the basic Multi-kit, since they are the most consistent in quality. However, all of my favourites strangely come from the discontinued Dark Imperium Box Set. 
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The Walking Pox is a very infectious disease that is just awful to have. Your organs start failing one by one and you eventually turn into a zombie, fully conscious of your actions yet without any control over your body.
Poxwalkers shamble like undead in search of flesh to consume. They have these long horns sprouting out of their heads and all of them constantly smile like they’ve been injected with Joker laughing gas. The worst part about them is that their groans and roars can infect those who hear it with the Walking Pox disease. 
The walking Pox spreads auditory. It can spread through the vibrations of sound. 
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I love these models. There is nothing really bad to say about them. They completely succeed at what they are supposed to convey and resemble. Some of them hint at their former professions, like the one dressed as a doctor. Some of them also wear clothing similar to that the Genestealer Hybrids, so they stay very consistent. They look creepy and disgusting and I love it.
Blightlord Terminators:
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These fellas are even more diseased than their normal Plague Marine counterparts. Their steps corrode and rust the ground beneath them and even being touched by them could spell your very painful death.
Blightlord Terminators excel at ship-to-ship-combat and boarding actions against enemy spaceships. Since they are Terminators, they can teleport aboard enemy vessels, and they use this tactic to cause mayhem and to spread the gift of Nurgle. 
The Blightlords are surprisingly less busy than I would’ve expected and it makes them a better looking unit for it. These models found a way better balance between clean and diseased. I think that some of their weapons do look a bit oversized. Overall though, the designers aced this unit.
My favourite one out of the bunch is the Insectoid Blightlord with the extra limbs. That is just clever design and a fun way to visualize Nurgle’s corruption.
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In the olden days of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, the Deathshroud were the personal bodyguards of Mortarion. They were his version of an Honour Guard and were chosen out of the sole survivors from destroyed Space Marine squads. They completely forsook their identity, never taking of their masks and conducting a vow of silence. They are considered at that point killed in action. 
They still largely form Mortarion’s personal guard even after his ascension to Daemon Prince. However, Mortarion also sends them to check up on those he favours. They fight alongside Chaos Lords and the like and act like judges. If a Chaos Lord does well, the Deathshroud leave in peace, but if the Chaos Lord failed in the eyes of Mortarion, then he gets executed by these bodyguards. 
Deathshroud carry Power-scythes called Manreapers, which are rumoured to be dipped in the filth of Nurgle’s Throne itself. They also come equipped with custom Hand Flamers that shoot chemical ammunition. 
The Deathshroud have a very good design that is very similar to the Blightlords. There is however some waste in potential. These are Mortarion’s most trusted warriors and they just look like a hooded version of the Blightlords. I kind of wished the designers took some inspiration from this artwork and made them have more ornate features.
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It would certainly distinguish them more from their brethren better. 
I also take some offence that in the images, one of them has no helmet on, which kind of ruins the point of a voiceless and faceless warrior. You do have the option of giving the squad leader a helmeted head, so this is kind of a none-issue. 
Plague Marine Icon Bearer
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The Icon bearers of Nurgle carry an Icon of Despair. This banner creates an aura of hopelessness around the area, and the thoughts of surrounding foes become filled with the idea of inevitable death. It basically turns enemies into nihilists who’ve become depressed.
What makes me sad about this unit is that there is no mention of these guys anywhere on the different wiki’s, which is kind of a bummer since he looks like a solid Plague Marine. Yes, it is just a Plague Marine with a Chaos Icon, but he should at least be mentioned somewhere. Don’t be mean to him. He is a good looking Plague Marine. 
I do wish that the Icon he carried didn’t have the weird helmet pressed in it. The fly motive is nice though.
So all in all, outside of some outliers, the Death Guard infantry is a very solid line of miniatures that is very varied in appearance. You could apply the “Goldilocks Effect” to it; some are too busy, some are not busy enough, and some are just just right.
Next up, I’m going to tackle the Craftworld Aeldari Faction, which will be a short one and will probably come a little sooner than normal. After that, I’ll be looking at the Vanguard Primaris infantry units. I want to spread them out somewhat so that everything stays interesting, but I also want to get the Primaris overviewed as quickly as possible. 
Thank you for reading my stuff so far. It is fun to overview the design and lore of these different factions. It also is a learning experience for me. For example; Tumblr has a Max-10 image cap per post and this means that this series will probably list a lot longer than I’d imagine. Still, it will be a fun ride for me.
‘Till next time.
previous posts: Primaris Mainline Infantry
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