#Liber Shornaal (Slaanesh Dossier);
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thefouraboveall · 6 months ago
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He's really quite lovely when he's angry...
A 2024 rendition of my design for Slaanesh. Largely the same as the one I drew three-ish years ago. There are some differences, namely with his hair. Slaanesh is described as having a "mane" and while that could easily be interpreted as just hair normally, we also have to remember Slaanesh is horse coded. Thusly, instead of having the human-like hair of his previous iterations stopping at the back of the head, he has a ridge of hair that runs down his entire neck and ends between his scapulae. I made his eyes a bit bigger in order to invoke neoteny and really drive home the fact he is the most youthful of the gods...
His lips were inspired by that one Griffith post (👀💦), and despite being broadly feminine, there are some subtle masculine traits here to. He has a thick, cresty neck, like a stallion or a bull. On the more human side of things, he has a fairly prominent Adam's apple (which is anatomically responsible for the depth of voice). Finally, he has the semi-translucent skin around his cheeks, which allows a glimpse of those gnashers; Slaanesh can probably alter how opaque they appear. This was inspired by Ginger's Xenomorph (another androgynous monster) and MK's Mileena.
All in all, Slaanesh is supposed to be a mixture of masculine, feminine (more femme than masc), bestial and humanoid as well as being a foil to Khorne. All while staying reasonably true to the canon, and also being my own unique interpretation of the head honcho goat man horse girl :3c
Slaanesh verily strikes me as the type of guy who gets prettier the angrier he gets.
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thefouraboveall · 7 months ago
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Because it's not a real Jax blog without a height comparison in there somewhere. The God Theopanies are larger than men and most mortals, but smaller than their Greater Daemons. However, their size belies their ability: they FAR outstrip any Greater Daemon for power and influence.
Tzeentch isn't here because he's MIA and so his stature is unknown. The man in the corner is 5'10" or average height, to give you an idea of how big everyone else is.
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thefouraboveall · 7 months ago
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Slaanesh is the most melodramatic of the bunch. He is immature and hedonistic, but this is hidden beneath a thick pall of charisma.
He giggles. But he also does the noblewoman laugh. Both of them annoy Khorne and that's part of the reason why he does it.
Slaanesh rolls his Rs-- this is something his daemons also do and a trait he might've picked up from Tilea.
As the Chaos God who directly interfaces with mortals the most, Slaanesh is blends in with and sponges up culture quicker than the other gods.
Mouth and throat noises. Tutting, sucking his teeth or lips, humming randoms songs, ect ect. Slaanesh is very vocal when not around his siblings, namely Khorne.
His body signals are subtle and most comparable to that of a human when it comes to his face. Slaanesh's ears and tail are a big clue to his emotional state.
Yet another boundary disrespecter, but the Dark Prince's encroachment is very purposeful and calculated, unlike say...Nurgle who will grab and touch without much thought.
Slaanesh will wrap his tail around a person who he favours if he is clone to them, either a complete wrap (like a snake) or more of a drape (like a cat). If they're big enough he will also drape or lean himself against them if he likes them (or, is trying to seduce them).
Androgynous, leaning masculine (albeit a more a more refined and cultured masculinity that may read a feminine in western spaces.) but will up-play and downplay his femininity or masculinity depending on whose around and what his intentions are.
Can shapeshift-- usually has his four pincers put away and appears as a four-limbed being.
Slaanesh's eyes are usually purple, but when he is interested in something, his pupils will darken and then consume the rest of his eyeball until almost no color can be seen.
Though it's not readily apparent, Slaanesh can be just as bestial as his siblings. He can snarl, roar, and will even drool if he sees something he's very interested in. The drooling in particular is paired with a droopy lip-- this is also how horses show they're happy.
Prettier when he's mad. Might bite you though.
Will fiddle with his jewelry when uncomfortable. Will rip them out of his flesh and move them elsewhere-- very unnerving to witness.
Hair flipping and general fussing with (tfw no attendants) . Arm crossing. Eye rolling. His forearms have spines which may angle out and can be used as weapons should Slaanesh be expect combat.
He tends to stretch before anything that demands physical exertion. May also tie up his hair. May extend this stretching session if he has an audience.
Tongue flicking, like a snake.
Most likely to break out into a Disney style musical and sweep up others into his play, even those who had no previous ability to sing.
Sometimes uses the royal 'we' when speaking.
Has zero issues using his horns and will clash them against another person in an argument if things get too heated.
Prone to starting several new projects at once; its uncommon that any of them are finished in a timely manner.
Can be quiet and aloof or loud and melodramatic, refined or bestial, masculine or feminine or neither/both; Slaanesh has range.
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thefouraboveall · 5 months ago
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Slaanesh's blood resembles an oil slick-- iridescent and colorful when it catches the light. It is sweet and addictive if ingested, driving those who drink to the brink of sanity and ecstasy, often outright killing them. Slaanesh himself isn't totally immune to it's effects and is only inured against them somewhat because of regular indulgence.
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thefouraboveall · 6 months ago
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Being bit by Slaanesh must hurt like a MOTHERFUCKER
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thefouraboveall · 6 months ago
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There is a singular blemish on Slaanesh's face, put there by a god from his home-verse called Khaine. It remains, despite the God's efforts to remove it, and stays with him regardless of what form he takes. He uses glamours and magics to disguise it and will brutally torture anyone who makes mention of it , save his siblings.
But that's because sibling because he cannot outmuscle them and he can show his disapproval in other ways. When he needs to be, Slaanesh is patient.
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thefouraboveall · 7 months ago
A ship fact about the gods?
Ⅵ - Prone to jealousy. You can sleep around but the moment Slaanesh feels like any of your paramours are in competition with him, they're getting killed and you're getting tortured. Slaanesh will probably make you do it and ensure you love every minute of it too. If he develops a greater fondness for someone else, though, well that's your fault for not being stimulating enough to keep his attention. 💅
This is potentially fatal. Slaanesh's embrace is addictive and the lack of it can result in death from withdrawal.
Ⅶ - His love language is gifts and physical touch. Nurgle is a cuddly boi and everyone will know you're together because you will smell like him constantly. If the way he treats Isha in the End Times is any indication though, once he has you he will be...less than keen to let you go.
Ⅷ - Doesn't believe in PDA, at least not overt PDA. However private Khorne is a different matter and will accept affection without complaint. He may even attempt to reciprocate, in his own way, such as offering you the skulls of your rivals, making personal small weapons like daggers, giving you a dog, and maybe even holding your hand.
Ⅸ - Aromantic; cannot feel love, but may develop a intellectual interest in one person over all other interest. Sharing Tzeentch's presence will result in arcane ability and intelligence (particularly from lying), but you will eventually turn into a Chaos Spawn or other kind of horrific mutant.
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thefouraboveall · 7 months ago
Slaanesh finds the desperation of mortals exhilarating, especially in those wretches who struggle in vain to achieve greatness when they possess neither the strength nor cunning to succeed. To these weak-willed men, Slaanesh whispers a dark bargain -- power, but at a price.
Hellstriders of Slaanesh (Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition)
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thefouraboveall · 7 months ago
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thefouraboveall · 10 months ago
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