#Rosemary Ketchum
zponds · 5 months
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(Credit goes to JWBtheUncanny on Deviantart)
PreCure Allstars Multi World Garrison Mantles 17-1
Hi guys, I'm back.... Luckily Mother is keeping Dave and Doris company, And for this.... I'm going forward with the designs of Delicious Party PreCure's Official Multi-World Garrison Mantles
I had also included the Meddles of honour from G.G.G. for saving the world from not just a Minus Energy Threat NOT of Alien origin, But from the Corrupted ambitions of the Separatists... including the Misguided Senator, I'll be sure to show the Meddle on the next one, While coming up with this, I was concerned really sine the Ribbons behind them where quite big considering what I was working with.
Much like Healin Good Precure, Not only for the Cures themselves Receive Zodiac Badges, But also there Mascot-Fairy handlers get Zodiac Badges
Now your wondering wondering, what's Black-Pepper doing here, Well, since he along with Rosemary have been a Massive Help to Cure Precious's team (Aside from Ash Ketchum being a great Mentor to them), He's ben given high amounts of Respect from the Pantheon like Cure Echo..... the Science, Magic & Technology Bureau have not only repaired his Delicious stones, but made some updates that removed the Mask feature considering he doesn't need to hide his Identity from his fellow P.G.S. buddies, and the All Stars Pantheon itself MLPFan053 will come up with some more cool stuff for him.
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kwebtv · 10 months
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Jackie Ethel Joan: The Women of Camelot - NBC - March 4-5, 2001
Biographical Drama (2 episodes)
Running Time: 163 Minutes Total
Jill Hennessy as Jackie Bouvier Kennedy
Lauren Holly as Ethel Skakel Kennedy
Leslie Stefanson as Joan Bennett Kennedy
Daniel Hugh Kelly as John F. Kennedy
Robert Knepper as Robert F. Kennedy
Matt Letscher as Ted Kennedy
Harve Presnell as Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.
Charmion King as Rose Kennedy
Wayne Best as George Smathers
Walker Boone as Steve Clark
Christopher Britton as Ted's Doctor
Catherine Bruce as Sister Mary Leo
Adam Cabral as John F. Kennedy Jr.
Thom Christopher as Aristotle Onassis
William Colgate as Richard Nixon
Beau Dunker as Ted Kennedy Jr.
David Eisner as Schiff
Greg Ellwand as Peter Wilson
Madison Fitzpatrick as Caroline Kennedy
Richard Fitzpatrick as Frank Peters
Linda Goranson as Lady Bird Johnson
Paul Thomas Gordon as Peter Lawford
Kate Hemblen as Joan's Nanny
Shannon Hile as Elaine Mitchell
Tom Howard as Lyndon B. Johnson
Jeno Huber as Prince Stanisław Albrecht Radziwiłł
Jamie Johnston as Young Patrick Kennedy
Geoff Kahnert as Sargent Shriver
Ray Kahnert Bobby's Priest
Tamsin Kelsey as Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Anne L'Espérance as Cathy
Sarah Lafleur as Marilyn Monroe
Shawn Lawrence as Alex Carter
Gene Mack as Rosey Grier
Louisa Martin as Maude Shaw
Kaya McGregor as Pat Kennedy
Nicole Michaux as Jean Ann Smith
Julia Pagel as Kathleen Kennedy
Rosemary Pate as Kara
Karl Pruner as Clinton Hill
Matt Sadowski as Joseph P. Kennedy II
Jeffrey Smith as Jim Ketchum
Joy Tanner as Lee Bouvier
Bruce Vavrina as Roger Mudd
Jonathan Whittaker as Lem Billings
Brad Wietersen as Stephen Edward Smith
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Politicians & Social Media Influencers: Lying Through Their Teeth For Profit?
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We live in an age of gossip, lies and fake news made misinformation by the allure of social media. Politicians and social media influencers: Lying through their teeth for profit? Hands up if you had heard of Laura Loomer prior to her hooking up with Donald Trump in his campaign for re-election to the US presidency? Perhaps, you consume conspiracy theories for breakfast, lunch, dinner and tea? Will all those manufactured untruths rot your teeth? Maybe, dentists have a bigger role to play in our political and societal lives than previously imagined.
Conspiracy Claims Where Truth Is As Rare As Hen’s Teeth
Laura Loomer has been peddling 9/11 conspiracy theories of deep state involvement in this iconic American tragedy  for the longest time. That Trump has invited her aboard his campaign bus is indicative of the unhinged nature of his quest for re-instatement in the White House. “The White House rebuked former President Donald Trump on Thursday for his association with far-right conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer, who has been traveling this week with the Republican presidential candidate. Loomer says she does not work for Trump. However, she has mentioned speaking to him about political matters and frequents his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Her incendiary posts on X, where she has 1.2 million followers, at times seem to provide grist for Trump's next lines of attack.” https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-house-condemns-trump-ties-conspiracy-theorist-laura-loomer-2024-09-12 Since Loomer’s advent on the Trump bandwagon, the former President has claimed that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio have been eating pets taken from the homes of residents. The provenance of this fake news is a US Nazi website and is more misinformation that originates from the alternate right wing universe where lies proliferate and the truth is as rare as hen’s teeth. JD Vance the Trump candidate for Vice President continued to promote this baseless racist crap. Only in America can this BS stuff with no evidence be promulgated due to first amendment speech freedoms. The freedom to tell lies is a right, according to the American Constitution.
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Photo by Rosemary Ketchum on Pexels.com
Trump A Politician Mining The Social Media Swamp For Inspiration
Donald Trump has 3 gears, which are whining, bragging and lying. Some say this old, white guy is getting too long in the tooth. Trump is up against the younger, less white Kamala Harris. Oh and she has a vagina, I am reliably informed. Why does this matter? America has never had a female president over its 248 year history. The USA, in many southern states, is rescinding the rights of women over their own bodies. Reproductive rights are, perhaps, the most important rights a woman bears in terms of defining the difference between men and women. Denying a woman the right to have an abortion is tantamount to controlling their life like men used to for millennia. Trump and the Republican party are attempting to turn back time and take away the rights of women in the 21C. Many in the media, here and elsewhere, like to portray Donald Trump as a celebrity buffoon good for headlines - but what he represents is actually much more serious.
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Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com Social Media Influencer = Outrage Merchant More ordinary folk pay more attention to stuff they derive from their social media platforms than mainstream news these days. Thus, social media influencers now sway opinions to a much greater degree than ever before. What drives influence on X, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok is outrageous content. Enraging viewers engages viewers. This is why America is as polarised as it has ever been. The lunatic fringe appeals to middle America via social media in the 21C. Politicians and social media influencers: Lying through their teeth for profit? These influential voices make money from putting out batshit crazy stuff online. Trump has embraced this trend in a bid to get enough votes to get him over the line. He parrots their whining complaints and gives voice to their fringe beliefs. Trump brags that he will make it all better and only he can do this. Of course, this is just another lie, as Trump will say anything to garner attention. Outrage merchants derive their worth from telling big fat lies. “These threats were an entirely predictable byproduct of the forced outrage that MAGA movement influencers work overtime to generate. Conservative influencers have consistently found success in peddling moral panics to their audiences.” - (https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-vance-springfield-ohio-haiti-cats-rcna170934) Winning By The Skin Of Your Teeth The 2024 US Presidential election is going to be a close run thing according to the pundits. It may be a case of winning by the skin of your teeth. The swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina are recognised as likely to decide the 24’ race by a few thousand votes in each. Will a loud mouthed, fading celebrity TV star return to the White House or will this usually conservative nation embrace its future and current demographic reality? America is a multiracial democracy beleaguered for too long by old white men at the top of the tree. President Joe Biden has done some great things and is a good Democratic politician but he defines being too long in the tooth. Donald Trump now wears that too old mantle. Kamala Harris represents a reinvigoration of the political sphere. This election will be decided according to gender lines in large part, I suspect.
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Biting Off More Than You Can Chew Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris, which will bring some of her 284 million Instagram followers to bear on the race. The youth vote is going to be way up, with lots more young Americans registering to vote for the first time. You have to remember that voting in the US is not compulsory, as is the case in Australia. This means that many voters must be inspired or provoked in to bothering to vote. This is why most campaign ads are negative. Trump would provoke many progressive voters to get out and vote to ensure that he is not returned to office. Trump’s dalliance with Laura Loomer and other far right crazies might be a case of biting off more than he can chew. This stuff is always a two edged sword and can cut both ways. Hearing Trump’s Lies are Like Pulling Teeth Listening to politicians can be akin to pulling teeth. In that, their lies and misinformation are painful for people who live in the real world to listen to. If Trump really has 40% support in America I worry about having these folk as allies. Xenophobes bang on about the dangers of China and its totalitarian regime but a Trump dictatorship will be equally awful for the rest of the world. Do we really want all those nuclear missiles in the hands of this unhinged, racist, very weird, old white guy who constantly lies through his teeth?
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President Joe Biden and Russian by The White House Baiden-Harris is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0 The Russians Funding Trump’s Moral Panic Influencers The US is still being manipulated by shady Putin run Russian black hats in the digital space. Democracy is much more vulnerable to this stuff than authoritarian run regimes. It is enough to set your teeth on edge! “They have millions of followers online. They have been major players in right-wing political discourse since Donald Trump was president. And they worked unknowingly for a company that was a front for a Russian influence operation, U.S. prosecutors say. An indictment filed Wednesday alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees to churn out English-language videos that were “often consistent” with the Kremlin’s “interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition” to Russian interests, like its war in Ukraine.” - (https://apnews.com/article/russian-interference-presidential-election-influencers-trump-999435273dd39edf7468c6aa34fad5dd)
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Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels.com A Kick In The Teeth For Truth Dentists drilling for corruption to root out the moral decay of our times have their electric drills ready and may soon have lasers. We need some clear lines in our political and social spheres. Imagine if your dentist had a similarly laisse fair attitude to scientific facts. Perhaps, your dentist believed in a conspiracy theory about fillings containing surveillance devices monitoring people and, therefore, stopped doing fillings. Or maybe, decided bleach was a good disinfectant to use for mouthwash gargle in their clinics. It is hard to understand how a population of people could elect a leader who lies and has no respect for facts or the truth. If the truth is good enough for dentistry it should be good enough for our political leaders too. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump. ©HouseTherapy
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Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com Read the full article
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ledenews · 4 months
Novotney: Will Wheeling's Unelected Remain Involved?
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The mayor-elect says he’s going to call the other candidates and ask them how they’d like to serve the city. And he will. Denny Magruder is a man of his word. And everyone will say yes and there’ll be an ad hoc committee of advisors created and it’ll be a Kumbaya moment for all to enjoy. And why shouldn’t it be? Think about it – J.T. Thomas on insurance, Rosemary Ketchum on human rights, Beth Hinebaugh on real estate and childcare, and Chad Thalman could guide the city’s sidewalk improvement program. Plus, the best part about Magruder’s invitation is each of the former candidates can serve as long as they wish. The new mayor’s idea is symbolic of the campaigns conducted by each of the candidates, and it will be interesting to see which candidates take him up on his offer to explain their ideas. Hinebaugh had thoughts on the homeless situation, Thomas said shared ideas on how to return some pride in Wheeling, and Thalman and Ketchum have experience with The Process. It will come down to, of course, each person’s level of dedication to their city and how serious they were when pledging to stay involved. They wanted to lead as the mayor, right? But was the fancy title part of the deal? Was defeat a dealbreaker? I’m sure the 4,127 citizens who did not cast ballots for the Mayor-Elect would appreciate it, so we shall see. Now is the time to get involved. https://ledenews.com/storch-this-former-lawmaker-just-wants-to-say-thank-you Read the full article
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bibleteacher-org · 1 year
Man Made Religion
Preached at Riverview during the Sunday Evening service
Photo by Rosemary Ketchum: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-dog-wearing-fur-decor-2306831/ What Happens When The Leadership Of The NationIs No Longer God Appointed? In Judges chapters 17-21 we see what happens to a nation when ALL of its Godly leaders are removed. Though Eli and Samuel are judges, they are not in the picture until 1 Samuel. Samson was the last God appointed judge in Israel in…
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todayworldnews-24 · 1 year
Celebrating the LGBTQ+ Community during Pride Month: Activities and Events for Campuses : News 1
Rosemary Ketchum/Pexels Pride Month is fast approaching, and it is an optimal time for higher education professionals to start thinking about ways to celebrate the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community and create inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ students on all college campuses. The month of June is an opportunity to honor the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement and continue the progress of…
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benandstevesposts · 1 year
"JUST THE FACTS" Is The Website Page Name Where The Cold Hard Truth On LGBTQI Rights and Transgender Fears Are Getting Exposed For What It Is!
The stats you will find on the website in this news report resulted from a study carried out and published by the Office for Victims Of Crime in Washington, D.C. The publication date is June 2014, and the numbers counted on subjects fall before that time. While the report is dated, it is not negligent to suggest that the findings listed are better than if there was an attempt at the same study today. 
Since there has been an open hunting season of sorts enlisted by far-right politics and governing, at the end of this report is a list of links to reports listing those involving arrests of individuals responsible for sexual assaults and related offenses against juveniles and young females. At first, the emphasis was on those inside the United States. After collecting information on news reports for nearly a month, no arrests involving transgender individuals had been among them. So the scope of the query increased to include international stories.
The to fighting for every American's Rights has to be our priority, and we must each do everything possible to stand up and testify. However, we are able. Everyone needs to be heard.
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gwydionmisha · 4 years
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tantalized · 4 years
My friend Rosemary Ketchum ran for city council in Wheeling, WV and has made history as the first transgender woman ever elected in West Virginia! This is huge for our small area. The Ohio Valley has very little resources and representation for trans people and Rosemary is so compassionate and driven. I can't think of a single person more deserving.
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hungryfictions · 3 years
Hi! Do you have any horror film or book recommendations? I'm trying to get to know horror better beyond just what I see on Tumblr lmao:) thanks so much! Also I love your blog!
omg thank u! my (long) list of recommendations:
movie franchises:
scream. chef's kiss
a nightmare on elm street. i particularly like the first 3 but all of it is great
saw, especially 1-4. after that it's still fun, i just think the quality of the first 4 is superior
the conjuring. i found the first two to be some of the most actually frightening movies I've seen. i haven't seen the most recent
halloween. the progression of films is weird but the first two are great and so is the most recent.
paranormal activity
movie standalones:
(some are technically part of a series but stand alone to me)
rosemary's baby (1968)
the exorcist (1973)
carrie (1976); i don't like any other adaptations
alien (1979)
sleepaway camp (1983)
pet sematary (1989)
misery (1990)
silence of the lambs (1991)
candyman (1992)
se7en (1995) arguably horror or thriller
funny games (1997)
battle royale (2000)
a tale of two sisters (2003)
funny games (2007) yes.... a remake.... i love both
jennifer's body (2009)
the house of the devil (2009)
sinister (2012) imo this is UNDErrATED for how horrifying i personally found it
the babadook (2014)
train to busan (2016). i heard hollywood is making an adaptation and I'm pissed
the witch (2016)
hush (2016)
it (2017)
get out (2017)
CAM (2018)
hereditary (2018). this is one of the scariest imo. i hated midsommar but to each their own
us (2019)
ready or not (2019)
(i know some of these are arguable in terms of genre)
a head full of ghosts by paul tremblay
my best friend's exorcism and horrorstor and the southern book club's guide to slaying vampires by grady hendrix
burnt offerings by robert marasco
the girl next door by jack ketchum
little star by john ajvide lindqvist
broken monsters by lauren beukes
hell house by richard matheson
swan song by robert mccannon
coraline by neil gaiman
lord of the flies by william goulding
i have no mouth and i must scream by harlan ellison (short story)
rage, carrie, misery, gerald's game, the long walk and the dark half by stephen king
haunted by chuck palahniuk
the road by cormac mccarthy
the house next door by anne rivers siddons
dark places by gillian flynn
blindness by josé saramago
a certain hunger by chelsea summers
leave the world behind by rumaan alam
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my-fankid-daycare · 3 years
This didn’t stay consistent T-T  Here is another update for some kids whose like names and parents I updated. Not as many ships changes this time I promise!
I put a + in front of the fankids that have one or both parents that are game only characters. My fankid universe is more anime centric but mingled with gameverse stuff. I left the + next to Hop and Victor even tho they were just in evolutions and are the whole reason I made most of these Galar ship changes, but it’s not the main anime so that doesn’t count.
I put a * next to kids whose names I recently changed, there is a ** next to kids that are new to this particular version of the list. The kids who changed ships but not names have ^ in front of them. ? aspect of the characters up in the air.
Kanto (13) :
AmourShipping: Lyn and Taylor Ketchum
CavalierShipping: Azure and Ryder Oak
RocketShipping: Jamie and Josie Morgan ?(reworking the twins)
HandymanShipping: Samantha Sketchit
Jessebelle and Pierce: **Leo and *Octavia Hyde
NeoShipping: Eliza, Clay and Doe Parker (Doe is adopted)
VermillionShipping: Paige Cerise (last name might change)
Johto (6):
Violet Waterflower (Single Mother): Rio Waterflower
QuestShipping: Una Kim
JohtoFestaShipping (divorced): Sterling Swivet
+SoulSilverShipping: Vega Castillo
FastFoodShipping: Dominic Blakely
MusculatureShipping: **Dionne Sutton
Hoenn (3):
ContestShipping: Fiore Rosales
KantoContestShipping: Marisol Meadows
OriginShipping: *Niobe Rivera-Stone
Sinnoh (4) :
SnowPointShipping: Baron Donohue (Zoey’s biological nephew)
ColdCoffeeShipping: Hazel and Dulce Fyne
CurtainShipping: Orion Wayland
Unova (11):
SnarkyShipping: Cordelia Shutter
WishfulShipping: Ione and Chloe Primarie
SpokeShipping: Barrett Dunstan
SourGrapeShipping: Rosemary, Lavender and *Poppy Bordeaux (triplets born from Burgundy with Chili when they had a fling)
AirplaneShipping: **Sophia Avion
+ElectricBlackShipping: Nike Blackwood
+FerrisWheelShipping: Talulla Harmonia
+ RoyalLectureShipping: Chesil Brook
Kalos (7):
RoyalStalkerShipping: Araminta Regan
LaserBladeShipping: Camille and Lisette Ferrand
MarissonShipping: André Tremblay
BunnyPuffShipping: Cella Doux
FleurDeGrenadeShipping: Cybele Harlow
PhaesporiaShipping: Chrysanta Gardner
Alola (5):
JellowShipping: Felix Kapua-Himmel
MonolithShipping: Lucious and Kekoa Harrison
SteamShipping (separated): Leilani “Lani” Mahi’ai (Gladion is Lani’s stepdad w/Kiawe, Misty is Lani’s stepmom w/Lana)
SkullFlowerShipping: Keomi Maltby
Galar (7):
+Trainshipping: Skipper “Skip” Viorel
+PastelGothShipping: Sini Brine
+SuperSedeShipping: Peter Tate (Adopted by Gloria/Marnie/Bede)
+CuteDarknessShipping: Eirwen “Eira” and *Rhosyn “Ro” Magnolia
DeadlyRoseShipping: Gilbert Fang (estranged from parents and adopted by Raihan/Leon)
Rei (aka Lucas) x Wanda (yes the NPC you have to keep hunting down in those side quests) their descendant eventually lead to Joanna and her daughter Dawn.
Irida x Adaman descendants eventually lead to Palmer, then Barry.
Calaba’s descendants stay in Sinnoh, and lead to Paul and Reggie. I am kinda subscribed to Brandon being their dad tho but he only goes to Hoenn for work. She is also an old holy woman with no kids to speak of in the games so maybe her line continues with a sibling or something.
Melli somehow leads to Harley. I know this man would never marry a woman but Harley comes from his loins somehow they are too fucking similar-
Akari is the ancestor to Lucas who eventually get’s thrown back in time. Thankfully they immediately pick up on the family vibes and just treat each other like brother and sister. Maybe she get’s with Wanda’s brother, Zeke, so that’s why Dawn and Lucas end up having similar appearances.
Cyllene x Prof. Laventon. Okay so this would make Cyrus, Leon and Hop related somehow but to add some degree to separation to that let’s just say Cyrus’s part of the family comes from a sibling of Cyllene. Also since Cyllene is someone who seems to care for others unlike Cyrus I want her to have the fun descendants. But Cyrus got the no eyebrows and bad at feelings part of that bloodline.
Iscan x Palina’s descendants lead to Marlon. It still works weather you acknowledge the weird tan or just pretend he’s that shade all the time. 
Tuli is the ancestor of Bianca, this was something I thought the moment I saw her in game but I am going to take something else from this video on ancestor speculation and say that she is also Ginter’s wife which would make Bianca and Volkner like cousins or something. (that video I linked is very good and it’s also where I got the Marlon idea from so go watch it 😊)
Total number of fankids: 55
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ledenews · 6 months
An OPEN LETTER to … The Next Mayor of Wheeling, W.Va. …
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Dear Carl Carpenter, Beth Hinebaugh, Rosemary Ketchum, Denny Magruder, Chad Thalman, and J.T. Thomas: First, we would like to encourage you to offer much gratitude on behalf of the residents of Wheeling to the members of the police, fire, and operations departments, and to Ohio County’s sheriff’s office, health and emergency management agencies, and the 911 Center for their dedication to serving the citizens during this flood recovery process. Second, please address these questions during your respective campaigns: What now happens with the vacant houses on Wheeling Island and South Wheeling once the Ohio River recedes back to her banks? Who cleans THOSE  basements? Since the obvious answer is, “No one,” does that immediately deem those structures public safety hazards and therefore classify them all in need of immediate demolition? On the vacant house owners’ dime? If not, why not? Those structures now could be unstable from the flood’s force, and the environment on THE bottom levels must be disgusting and dangerous, right? And if it’s about the money – because it’s always about the money – then please figure out a way to hold those house owners accountable because, right now, it does not harm them AT ALL to allow a house to rot and crumble to the ground in Wheeling, W.Va., no matter where it is. Yes, there are liens placed on those properties, and sure, the property proprietors would have to pay off the liens IF they even attempted to sell the land, but that NEVER happens and we both know it. So, can those unpaid bills to the City of Wheeling and the State of West Virginia be placed on a list for collection? Can the unpaid debts then have an impact on credit ratings? Could those delinquent owners of grossly dilapidated dwellings face other real-life realities that might provoke payments? If current state laws prohibit such action, could the City of Wheeling, as a “Home Rule Municipality,” establish one with state approval? You all know as well as we do these properties are holding us back, and “We The People” of Wheeling are faced with property taxes, maintenance ordinances, and even a “311GovAlert” system that promotes one resident tattle-telling on a neighbor. That’s one of many, many reasons why NOW is the time to investigate this idea or any other legal method that would assist with holding accountable these out-of-town property owners who could care less about the present or future of the Friendly City. Sincerely, Your Potential Constituents Read the full article
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crossdreamers · 4 years
West Virginia and Louisiana elect the first openly transgender American women to political positions
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The Hill reports that there are a historical number of LGBTQ+ candidates running for US office in  2020.
In June, West Virginia elected the state’s first openly transgender official, Rosemary Ketchum, to local office. (Photo above).
Louisiana has elected its first openly transgender woman, Peyton Rose Michelle,  to a political position with the state’s Democratic party.
There are currently 26 openly transgender elected officials in the United States, according to the LGBTQ Victory Fund, but more are on their way.
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romansroys · 4 years
lovett's interview with Rosemary Ketchum just really made me grin. She really seemed like such a very lovely and kind lady, and man lovett is the only white cis dude i know that radiates GOOD like that (basically this is a thankyou for introducing me to loli)
she's great!!! and i know i love him 🥺🥺🥺 always happy 2 spread the good word of jon lovett
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yesstrongwomen · 4 years
Finally my home state has done something right. 
Congratulations to Rosemary Ketchum; you’re going to do great!
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partisan-by-default · 4 years
Ketchum works at the National Alliance for Mental Illness and is an active community organizer.
“I believe that we must work WITH our community members to solve problems rather than without them or worse – against them,” she wrote on her campaign site. “But all too often, what we have seen is a lack of focus, a lack of drive, and most notably, a lack of presence regarding our elected community leaders.”
The LGBTQ Victory Fund, which backed Ketchum’s bid, noted her win is a landmark moment in the fight for representation. There are just 26 out transgender officials in the United States, and the group said Ketchum’s victory “will resonate well beyond her state.”
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