#Rose is so cute but i hate everything about this ep
badwolfdances · 9 months
It literally makes me cry how good Rose looks in gitf because I can't stand to watch this trash episode.
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mikuni14 · 2 months
4 Minutes - Ep 1-2
I haven't had much free time to keep up with all the series lately, I was planning to catch up and influenced by @my-rose-tinted-glasses enthusiasm I decided to watch 4 Minutes first 😘
So, ok. I love it.
First of all, I'm writing this before diving into the 4 Minutes tag, so I have no idea about the most popular theories. I have a few of my own working theories, but I don't feel like writing about them right now hehe. I will write what I like tho!
very good execution, but it's BOC, so no surprises here
aesthetics, actors, everything is 💯💯
I really like the mystery, suspense, crime, ambiguity, confusion, slow discovery of new plots, a certain kind of darkness that already created the delicious vibe in DFF ✨ I also like the pleasure and satisfaction I feel as a viewer, when I see something that I suspect might happen, it happens and the series doesn't force the opposite, doing stupid, illogical or ooc things, just to shock and surprise me (looking at you GoT). For example, I knew that Title wasn't found dead in this field, and when it turned out that he was alive, it didn't take away my pleasure from guessing it in any way. I love it when a show lets viewers guess what's going to happen and respects their intelligence
no matter what universe, Jet plays a complete dick who is in conflict with Mio's character ✨
Mio, Mio, Mio, Mio!! 💖💖💖💖 I gasped when I saw him, I'm literally conditioned to love this guy. He's ruthless and uncompromising again, gosh, my heart 💖💖💖(fair warning: I'm going to be insufferable about him, so be prepared 🤡)
the sex scenes are as bold and high-quality as ever
traditionally for BOC we have a juxtaposition of rich and poor, corruption, tragic choices caused by poverty, exploitation, overworking, fulfilling the expectations of ruthless parents, wealth as well as poverty being the source of crime
Bible plays a poor rich boy, which I really like. I also like his pairing, which wasn't at all predictable and obvious, because I'm probably the only person in the world who can't stand his pairing in KP (please don't hate me)
luckily Bible is a Cat Person and it shows, because he uses a Special Voice to talk to the kitty. The cat is relaxed, which is an exception in BL series 😑 (isn't that his cat? they seemed close 🥺)
of course I must comment on the BL in the BL series. So… yes! It's good! Bible as Great is wonderful but then again I didn't expect anything else from him. Tbh I was worried about what his partner would be like, whom I didn't know. Jes turned out to be sensational, first of all you can see his experience, he's 32 years old (!), as Tyme he's an absolutely captivating mix of an intimidating professional at work and adorable baka when he's just some dude liking a guy 😄 I really liked how the series is serious for the whole 1st episode, most of the 2nd and then suddenly there's a scene of Tyme smoothing out his feathers in a peacock mode, emphasizing his figure and shapely butt to look nice for his crush, it was so funny and cute. Also when he awkwardly tried to flirt with Great, the faces he made when he realized how clumsy he was lmao. I love the kind of men in BL shows who are strong and masculine but who turn into fluffy, awkward teddy bears 🐻 in the presence of their loved ones. When I saw Tyme in ep1 I thought he was going to be a stereotypical seme and I'm so glad the show lets him be a normal person.
It's interesting that Great gets a second chance every time he does something wrong 🤔 And I wonder why he sees a future with Tyme? This kind of future? Hm.
Overall I love 4 Minutes, I'm officially hooked. It's very interesting, intriguing and spicy, there are a lot of plots that are starting to overlap and connect, the series has actors that I like (some I even like a lot! just seeing Mio and hearing Bible speak English accounts for like 74% of my enjoyment lol), it's not afraid of controversial topics, the series doesn't treat viewers like children, the execution is at a very high level, Jes and JJay show infatuation at first sight in a very convincing way, the romances started very interestingly and I've watched the Tyme/Great scenes a few times already.
That means 3 series to obsess over in a week! Lucky me! ✌
(I might edit this post by adding some gifs later)
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purlpeiris · 5 days
Rose's Day of Asks - the sequel
Hope you are recovering well from what we all just had to endure. And in the spirit of happier things. What have been your favourite qls this year? (it's my first time in your inbox so excuse the more bland question, I promise I'll do better next time)
Ah thank you Rose. I’m happy to join in with this.
Fave QLs from this year so far…
I feel like I’ve loved many many series this year. Some I’ve been a bit disappointed by something in them but not enough to stop me liking them a lot.
If you’d asked me half way through ep 11 of Last Twilight it would have made it into my favourites list. But I hated the end of that episode and i disliked the overall end of the show so it got kicked off the list.
But getting to the actual list,
Time of Fever - I adored it. Even though it made me sob to the point I had to pause for a break because I couldn’t see the subtitles. And even though I didn’t get the post ULS scenes I desperately wanted, I loved it so much. The chemistry was great, I liked the pacing, I liked the scenery and the lighting and pretty much everything about it. I’ve said this approximately one million times by now but I just want a sequel set after ULS, a whole series or even a one off episode will do. I need them to get a concrete happy ending. But even without a sequel if I take it as a standalone series that ends back at the sea the ending was hopeful enough that I’d happily rewatch.
Love for Love’s Sake - I don’t think I found a single fault. I loved that it was different. I found the leads interesting, the story made me want to watch as soon as new eps were released, the ending made me smile so much. Overall just brilliant.
Blue Boys - I just really enjoyed the chemistry and the kisses and how it wasn’t too thinky and it didn’t make me sad. Sometimes I just need something short, light and easy to watch and Blue Boys was that.
At 25:00 in Akasaka - I’ve not done a full rewatch yet, because every time I log into Gaga to start I end up just watching the last episode. I’ve lost count now how many times I’ve seen it. I can’t quite put my finger on why I’m so drawn to it either. It just makes me happy.
Perfect Propose - I found it perfect, well almost. It would have been slightly improved by one more episode but I always think that when I love something and don’t want it to end, even when the story is completed. I liked both mains. I liked how Hiro changed his life and didn’t just accept that he’d be stuck in a miserable work/life balance situation that he hated for the rest of his life. I also loved the playful ending from the cramp to the tomatoes to Kai teasing about the texting. It left me happy.
Happy of the End - It was hard to watch and I didn’t “enjoy” it but it compelled me to keep watching in the hope that these broken men would find love together. I’m glad the ending was the way it was. I see the arguments that the series could have ended without them meeting again and I think that would have worked, but I don’t tend to enjoy completely non happy endings especially in QL stories because real life can be shit enough and I find a fictional life with a little hope is more satisfying.
Dead Friend Forever - I’ve just realised that I’m adding a series with a non happy ending to my favourites list despite what I just said about endings. I clearly can’t be trusted with my opinions! It’s still there though. Mainly because it was a break from the norm, I was intrigued the whole way through and I liked that everyone was at least a little bit messed up. I don’t even know what would have constituted a happy ending for any of them.
City of Stars - it was sweet, I liked everyone in it. It’s on my favourite list as an easy enjoyable watch with decent chemistry and a not annoying ending, which seemed to be rare this year.
I Became the Lead in a BL Drama - I’ve checked and MDL said it ended Jan 1st so technically it’s on the favourites of 2024 list. It was a very fun, silly, cute way to spend a few hours. I adored it so much that I got my partner to rewatch it with me about a month ago and I was really pleased she also liked it.
The On1y One - I’m adding this one because I loved it. I thought the actors were really good. It was slow, but I think airing two eps a week helped it not feel quite as slow because instead of lasting three months we’ve seen it all in six weeks. I might be disappointed and change my mind if we never get a series two, and I would have liked it to end on a happier note but as I just discussed with @ellsieee the ending could have been sadder and overall it’s not stopped me liking the series as a whole. I do feel like I’m going to have to read the novel because my patience is not strong enough for the wait.
This last one wasn’t out this year, and it’s not a series, but I’ve got no GLs on the list and as a queer woman I feel like this is letting myself down, so I’m cheating and adding this to my favourites list because I (re)watched it this year:
Summerland (2020) - A film about a reclusive queer unmarried writer who takes in an evacuee boy during the Second World War. It was so good. The ending was a little contrived and I saw it coming a little while before it happened but it was still feel good and happy and hopeful and comforting. I loved it.
Ok, that got long so I’m not thinking about any more series that I loved from this year.
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Laws of Attraction กฏแห่งรักดึงดูด Ep 7
My keysmash count for notes this episode was at nine, which is impressive considering I only had about 30 lines of notes -- that's nearly one keysmash per 3 notes. Deserved.
Ooof of course it was Thatthep who killed Tongkhao, but making his kid take the fall??? Dude is even worse a person than I thought.
OH that escalated quickly? Good for them
Shshshsh oh no Thaen and Matee are SO death flagged, oh nooo
Chaan, upload that recording somewhere safe NOW, ffs
Ahshshs Tinn barrelling in no holds barred to hug his man right in front of the kid's salad
This Macmansion is an abomination
Aahahajaja this dude coming out with bloody brass knuckles
Dhdhdhhhd SPELLING ERROR I cannot (ญาน // Yaan instead of ฌาน // Chaan)
Communication? In this economy?? (also 👀 Tinn uses the same word, งี่เง่า /ŋîː ŋâw/, here that Pat keeps using in BBS when the subtitles say 'silly')
I love Rose so much
Suicide missions are never a good idea, FFS Chaan
These two is2g, do they have to be so cute???
Omg confession? Also does he though. Does he. Is he capable? Tinn, I believe, but Chaan … Jury is out
This is a pattern of behaviour that I find deeply concerning, Chaan. Just so you know.
FFS Thaen you are on the run WHY WOULD YOU STREAM THAT, make it make sense. Thee, at least you I thought were smarter than that.
OOOF I hope they at least realise they need Thee alive if they want to use him to make Thaen listen
Oh like I didn't hate Thatthep enough already.
Tinn, I wanted you to be smarter than that
Chaan having a change of heart?
Chaan … "Money and power isn't everything" is very easy to say when you have both of those things. Just saying.
Aahahshs of course Tinn broke the bed to get free. Of course he did.
Pretty sure that's not the while truth but Chaan
Damnit Chaan can you not be cruel for once??
Oh man what an ep 11
Oh this is going to go so badly
Oh, did he just marry him?
I'm torn between "I can't wait for the next episode" and "no no no it'll be over after next episode!" I hope One31 keeps blessing us with shows like this one, it has been a WILD ride and addictive as all get out. The DRAMA!
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pilotheather · 4 months
we're back
youre trying so fucking hard to set up this unit spin off. im going to be horribly honest with you: i dont really care, and i think this is such a corny way to do it. i think torchwood (the show) is something people see with rose-tinted glasses a lot of the time, but i do think its slower introduction to the characters, completely isolated to its own tv show, made more sense. i feel like this weird vibe of just setting up these big personalities who all neatly fit into the exact archetypes you'd Expect... i dont know. i dont care for any of them. i love big weird non human robot-adjacent entities and i dont even care. and that fucker has cable-like tentacles too. i should be sold.
i think its also cuz they are like so obviously these Scifi archetypes for shows like this which is fine but leading first with a quickfire round of rather than getting a softer introduction to them just sort ofmakes them feel like fake cartoons. i think thats sorta why ive never truly warmed to paternoster gang too.
like i think my issue - and im welcome to be proved wrong, whenever we do get this unit spinoff - is i feel like its leading with the idea of "i want a spinoff" first rather than an attempt to fill a specific niche or hole for stories. i feel like sja and torchwood were both very specifically shows that would be in the universe, but would cater to things that would not suit the proper show, and had their own cast driving it.
like i'll be honest i like kate but ummmm im not sure i like her enough to follow her into a spin off. LOL.
sorry thats my hater era over im 2 seconds in
oh no nevermind i also hate big budget takes itself too seriously bullshit wheres the losers
is rose still meant to be like 15. her in business casual for the day job at unit.
okay The Vlinx.
WHYS THERE A LITTLE BEEFCAKE SECURITY GUARD. IS HE LIKE YOUR LITTLE BOYTOY, UNIT? sorry hes not even my typ. harriets really cute though
sorery i still dgaf
rtd and his anagrams. christ.
ive been laughing all day about a reddit comment that said "rtd is a" and i cant stop laughing at it and i dont know anyone who will find that funny in my life so i cant even
i really fucking hope it isnt susan. people have said it before but i just feel like ive always liked the idea of jsut leaving her be. dont revisit it. its fine.
sorry help me why are they just pulling everything out help me
i feel like theyre trying to be too meta about it and not in like a clever way its just like a lets state the obvious to everyoneits that vclassic TELLING NO SHOWING that i feel like christ it keeps ... feeling like the writing is doing that so much
soery its like not even 10 minutes in and im like already feeling like a hater i just i dont know i feel like so im fine with them cashing in on nostalgia and being a bit self aware in finales sometimes but i feel like this and then the trilogy last year... LOOK most dw finales and special eps of the nu era are kind of rooted in some sort of classic right its like dalek dalek cyberman master dalek lets go to gallifrey for this one but its like still at least one thing sorry im sick of it i dont wanna see mel any more i dont wanna be in unit CAN WE FOLLOW THE DOCTOR AND RUBY see them figuring it out PLEAAASEEE they can point out its obvious its fine but the fucking round table discussion
nevermind i love mel on the moped
ugh ive been wanting a bike for so long but i keep hjearing about so many accidents i wanna kms in a controlled environment
my second thought btw: i think one of my favourite season finales will always be s4's. and yes that does also bank on this big, lets have ALL OF THESE PEOPLE COME TOGETHER!!! and have one huge crossover event even if the story isnt as good. but as ivealways said: that works because its earned through four seasons of building up all of those individual characters. it can stand on that legwork thats already been done. i just dgaf otherwise. its why, and maybe this is controversial, i can never give a shit about a good man goes to war. (although i also loathe that because that storyline does my fucking HEAD IN)
im also hating this so hard im not even far enough in sorry i just love to hateeeeeeeeeee
help e christ if it wasnt for reddit i would not fucking recognise anyones fucking face is hat the same woman i mean rby also isnt clocking her does she have some fucking perception filter on . missus flood what is up with you
missus flood what even is wrong with you
"why did you never go back to see her?"
because susan was lowkey annoying af
i also do wanna know: if hes mentioned her face popping up a lot, are they not scanning their fucking databases for matches. like thats definitely technology they have. lets be so for real
(again with the way s4 finale was handled: i think it was really good the way they had everyone sort of... separated out? they had them all cleanly following their own plots. so it didnt make shit a fucking mess.)
caralas literally chill w can bring carla
Do you have a time window. Ten floors down. classic shit.
i think i also ironically did i say this bit already i fucking hate trying to do big... sci-fi organisations like this trying to fight the aliens or villains or whatever. sorry just a taste thing. like compare this to how torchwood was presented in s2. it just feels like we're thriving in it and im not a fan of them being our unapologeticbesties we swing around and giggle with. can we get some nasty fucking vibes in here please. i loved when capaldi was a cunt with them.
this is also why i refuse to ever engage with the avengers content
christmas eve 2004. god shesso young. (im 4 years older literally).
sorry i also hate mystery box companion bullshit fuck off can we not just get some cunt from the local
i keep thinking about how she looks like jodie i think its the boots with the ankles sort of poking out
thats my bad aura sorry i was hating too hard
theres that irony again of like they'll sit there and do a whle bit like haha duh ofc we know its an anagram DUHHH but then half the dialogue is just fucking . SAYING SHIT STRAIGHTFORWARD AND OUTRIGHT SHUT UP
hes in hell. god damn it. i hate it when i lose my boytoys and he ends up in hell
imagine if this was the beast from the satans pit
what a hilarious hater moment that would be
colonel winston is making me giggle. lke the monkey. guys i dont know anything abou overwatch but that monkey makes me laugh
guys we're on susan watch
shes going to be the dumbest red herring ever isnt she amen shes just nothing please rtd you fuckerr- DOCTOR CALM DOWN
so cool we brought an image of this thing up before and it wrecked our shit lets do it again hell yeah come on
harriet i need you
can we get the tardis a ginger ale
the king innit
her children doubt and dreaddddd so silly
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night-faye · 3 months
Every once in awhile, I'll remember something I forgot. Not sure if you caught this because it was awhile ago, but in S1 ep 9 when Wukong says "it's time to give back what you stole." Macky's eye twitches. in JTTW, the 6EM stole supplies and created copies of the companions (using monkeys disguised from FFM) and one of them was killed by Sha Wujing so Macky cooked and ate him :D so did some of the other monkeys I think. Anyways, could be a reference of Macky stealing things this time around too. I associate hot pink/purple/magenta colors with him so whenever I see a purple circle with an x over I'm like...hm (like this episode with Pigsy holding that bowl of noodles) at 7:49 it might just be the art style but after S5 I'm SO suspicious, I'll let you know when you finish S5 you'll be kicking down the doors and shaking down that monkey with a Mac-query for him. We really can't solve one thing before he dumps another mystery on us. His powers are just soooo curious y'know, remember the TV in the kidnapping van? How the lights flickers, and you could see horror movie glitch pictures on the screen? Lol, he walked out of the spooky genre and I need more of it. When you wade into the fic pond (I have my links ready) you'll find a HC about Princess Iron Fan and Macky being sworn siblings, a heads up in case you end up like me and utterly confused where in the show that was mentioned. You will also find the illusions widely referred to as "Glamour." Red Son's name is also hóng hái ér which YES should remind you of our dear liu'er mihou because I found out the "er" ending to the names is the pinyin for "child" (probably not in Macky's name depending on how it's written but I dunno) regardless, it's referred to as the english equivalent of calling someone named Rose = Rosie. So in my heart, Macky has a really cute name <3 realistically, it literally just means macaque monkey = mihou. Now WUKONG. He's had a couple names, most commonly Shihou = stone monkey, and Sun Wukong = monkey awakened to emptiness. "Sun" = grandson, and all the little monkeys on FFM are called "little suns" and Wukong calls himself the grandfather of monkeys in JTTW :D
"You're characteristically quiet, Macaque." Ah yes, quiet. A monkey who has NEVER seen a theatre a day in his life. And would never cackle evilly or raise his voice ever. At what point does a monkey become ship of theseus-ed and come back wrong 🤔 Y'know, iirc Peng's voice actor suggested they might have a hate-crush on Macky-boi here which is HYSTERICAL. Imagine Wukong's face to learning that. And you calling Ao Lie that is 😭 he's too dorky to be giant f-you dragon senior XD like you're NOT WRONG. but its super funny. Oh, btw :D So MK and Mei are hero/warrior coded ;D Mei was all "if you're not giving everything you have to protect the people you care about - you are nothing." the hero and the warrior- were like...the sea and sky...? Mei's "ugh this guy" facepalm is also very Macky of her <- he does that later this season, but MK shares deeeeeep connections to the warrior, sometimes we think he might even lose an eye ;) Also in JTTW, Wukong sinks like a rock bc he's a stone monkey, and show!Macky is all chill in the water. Wukong is all things solid or harsh, earth and fire and lightning (iirc it follows and crashes with him in one of the episodes. Fluffy would LOVE that for her Thunder Bringer AU) and Macky is all wind and shadow and water, all things fluid. S1 ep 9 = "Are you ever going to get tired of living in my shadow?" <--- insane line with Shadow Play context of "The Warrior was cast in that shadow." it implies Wukong DOESNT want him living in his shadow but also take the funny Fluffy and I discussed: Macky had SUCH bad brainrot over this line he incorporated it into his play. "I hate you but ugh, you're onto something." type of deal. his little poetic angst heart was soaring. Iirc also, S4 is one of those openings where it ends up changing by the episode ;) they like being sneaky with it.
Every once in awhile, I'll remember something I forgot. Not sure if you caught this because it was awhile ago, but in S1 ep 9 when Wukong says "it's time to give back what you stole." Macky's eye twitches. in JTTW, the 6EM stole supplies and created copies of the companions (using monkeys disguised from FFM) and one of them was killed by Sha Wujing so Macky cooked and ate him :D so did some of the other monkeys I think. Anyways, could be a reference of Macky stealing things this time around too.
I associate hot pink/purple/magenta colors with him so whenever I see a purple circle with an x over I'm like...hm (like this episode with Pigsy holding that bowl of noodles) at 7:49 it might just be the art style but after S5 I'm SO suspicious, I'll let you know when you finish S5 you'll be kicking down the doors and shaking down that monkey with a Mac-query for him. We really can't solve one thing before he dumps another mystery on us. His powers are just soooo curious y'know, remember the TV in the kidnapping van? How the lights flickers, and you could see horror movie glitch pictures on the screen? Lol, he walked out of the spooky genre and I need more of it.
I sure do love it when characters have a set block of aesthetics/colors associated with them!! so fun!!!
When you wade into the fic pond (I have my links ready) you'll find a HC about Princess Iron Fan and Macky being sworn siblings, a heads up in case you end up like me and utterly confused where in the show that was mentioned
That actually makes me so happy and fits so perfectly into a fic I'm planning out (if you uhhh...wanna see the bullet points hit me up?)
You will also find the illusions widely referred to as "Glamour.
Wonderful >*taps my fingers together as I giggle*<
Red Son's name is also hóng hái ér which YES should remind you of our dear liu'er mihou because I found out the "er" ending to the names is the pinyin for "child" (probably not in Macky's name depending on how it's written but I dunno) regardless, it's referred to as the english equivalent of calling someone named Rose = Rosie. So in my heart, Macky has a really cute name <3 realistically, it literally just means macaque monkey = mihou. Now WUKONG. He's had a couple names, most commonly Shihou = stone monkey, and Sun Wukong = monkey awakened to emptiness. "Sun" = grandson, and all the little monkeys on FFM are called "little suns" and Wukong calls himself the grandfather of monkeys in JTTW :D
Amazing incredible showstopping
"You're characteristically quiet, Macaque." Ah yes, quiet. A monkey who has NEVER seen a theatre a day in his life. And would never cackle evilly or raise his voice ever. At what point does a monkey become ship of theseus-ed and come back wrong 🤔 Y'know, iirc Peng's voice actor suggested they might have a hate-crush on Macky-boi here which is HYSTERICAL. Imagine Wukong's face to learning that.
oh my gooodddddddddd khfgbdhsfbdsbhwd. It really is like that phenomona where the shy quiet kid discovers theatre and just. poof. that's gone. this is their new whole personality
And you calling Ao Lie that is 😭 he's too dorky to be giant f-you dragon senior XD like you're NOT WRONG. but its super funny.
His personality may be that of an overripe honeydew melon(affectionate) (very watered down but still sweet) but he is, physically when he transforms, a giant fuck you dragon. and he is. indeeed. Mei's senior
Oh, btw :D So MK and Mei are hero/warrior coded ;D Mei was all "if you're not giving everything you have to protect the people you care about - you are nothing." thehero and the warrior- were like...the sea and sky...? Mei's "ugh this guy" facepalm is also very Macky of her <- he does that later this season,
>*points frantically at me noting the parralels between Mei and Macky and Mei&MK and Macky&Wukong!!!!<*
but MK shares deeeeeep connections to the warrior, sometimes we think he might even lose an eye ;)
>*bonks you with a paper towel tube*< You stop that!! (don't actually stop)
Also in JTTW, Wukong sinks like a rock bc he's a stone monkey, and show!Macky is all chill in the water. Wukong is all things solid or harsh, earth and fire and lightning (iirc it follows and crashes with him in one of the episodes. Fluffy would LOVE that for her Thunder Bringer AU) and Macky is all wind and shadow and water, all things fluid. S1 ep 9 =
"Are you ever going to get tired of living in my shadow?" <--- insane line with Shadow Play context of "The Warrior was cast in that shadow." it implies Wukong DOESNT want him living in his shadow but also take the funny Fluffy and I discussed: Macky had SUCH bad brainrot over this line he incorporated it into his play. "I hate you but ugh, you're onto something." type of deal. his little poetic angst heart was soaring.
Iirc also, S4 is one of those openings where it ends up changing by the episode ;) they like being sneaky with it.
Ooooh!!! Okay! That's probably something I'll look at closely on the second go around!
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Warp Effect Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last time on the queer show with so many plot threads:
Jedi proposed to Rose! The proposal was lovely, and unfortunately dampened by gross homophobes who deserved a brick to the teeth. Joe and Army are having problems, because Army is not handling Joe's need to be professionally closeted with any amount of grace. We sped through Liu's workplace harassment plotline, and also revealed her foot massage kink. Nim totally pissed off Mollie by saying she wants to be a single mom and not get close IMMEDIATELY AFTER HAVING SEX. Jean attempted to have sex with Tony, but her trauma came back; thankfully, Tony stopped, listened to Jean, and left when she asked. Also Alex learned that his mom may have had romantic entanglements with the sex ed teacher from Episode 1.
Yeah, all that happened last week.
And now we have a secret baby plot. Saran was the father the whole time!! Interesting that he's become an enthusiastic sex ed teacher after baking on Alex's mom.
I've never exactly been a fan of Newwie, but he's really growing on me with this role. This suits him better.
Sarran bailed because he wasn't ready, and thought annual presents would make up for it? I totally get Alex rejecting these apologies and storming off.
I was wondering if Tony and Kat would start hooking up. I don't mind this; I just hope Jean doesn't get jealous later.
Jan and Silvy was a great pairing choice. Jan continues to build believable chemistry with anyone at GMMTV. I am so rooting for Nim and Mollie to work out.
Hate that Joe has to give this speech to his players, but I do like that we introduced a gay player before we knew about Joe. Soft reminder that these boys are gonna grow up however they are, but how they feel about it will be influenced by their families. Now let's spin this off into a Thai take on Shaolin Soccer.
Love them letting Fluke have some of his facial hair for this soccer scene.
This soccer team just experienced the ending of Love of Siam. They were rooting for the romance, and are sad that Army missed. Have a little patience, babies! This is second chance romance!
Look at that, the homo jocks are back together.
Jean may be a director, but she is not susceptible to grand gestures. Love that for her. Alex told his bio dad that he has to live with his guilt. Let's see how he copes.
Two proms this week. Jedi's wedding and MSP finale.
Okay, but Nim looks so good in this suit.
Whoever said romance is dead has not listened to Jedi talk about Rose.
Look at all this glitter. Please do not spray me in glitter at my wedding, y'all.
Let's go, Joe. We're at a queer wedding. Dance with him.
Okay, I don't care how good Sing looks, I do NOT like proposals at weddings. I'm with Liu. Don't distract from the married couple on their day. Yes this was cute, but please don't do this for real.
Love these shoulder pads on Mollie.
Mollie and Nim made up!
Lot of partner dancing in Thai shows lately.
I'm glad they didn't have that kiss "fix" everything. Doesn't mean Alex wasn't earnest about making things right.
Holy shit y'all Fah is so good.
So sad that we were right about Jean getting an abortion alone after being expelled.
I know the MSP prom better not be this dramatic.
Cher can't help you now, Alex.
These two failed the women in their lives in ways they can't really fix. Curious to see where the magic camera takes us in the finale.
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about my album "my baby loves me"
- an album started during my first relationship and contnued being worked on during my second relationship. now sharing to the world single.
this album was started after I created the original version of "my baby loves me" on new years eve and then made "christmas lights" that same night There's many tracks that were made for the album that didn't make it in.
this final version of the album was crafted after I resung 2 old songs of mine from 2020 n' 2021 "who made you feel like that?" a song for my old friend stephaine and "kissed me in the bathroom" a sad gay song haha 'bout a boy who i've been singing about for years a song reworked as "seashell necklace 2002" from my 2021 project "whitenoise1" which is now "marry you"
(you can find the first version of this album on my band camp page!)
I'll talk about the songs 'cause why not
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
my baby loves me - it originally had an instrumental that was cute and rock, I took it off the track-list after I finished "teenage love" since I felt it shared the same message. After a dramatic night with an anxiety attack going on, I sung this song in the bathroom, hyperventilating, trying to calm myself down (dont u just love romance and anxiety) I decided this song would be perfect without an insturmental to recreate that AMAZINGGGGGG moment.
teenage love - a satirical song I made during my 2nd relationship. I was happy during the start of that love and so I made this. I'm not sure what else to say about this song... it's not really personal. It's just a poppier version of title track. Me mentioning chasing cars is an ode to my song "chasing cars" from my ugly ass album "Blackcat"
christmas lights - I made this song on new years eve and was supposed to give offf like TEENAGE GIRLLLL vibes! I hate talking to stoners btw. I feel like im not emotionally connected to the more FUN BRIGHT songs on here but I LOVE THIS SONG!!!
crying to you... (after touching you) - well, um, so... kinda personal shit but like I felt like I wasn't seen for who I was and that my past two loves didn't really know me or care too or even care for what I had to say (could just be projection but also im not sure). I cried to my ex after touching him and it was about him but I didn't tell him that... I just didn't feel seen. whenever I talked I always felt boring and stuff. maybe I'm just annoying I just so badly wanted a real conversation
my boy - partially auto-biographical, I also just wanted some lana vibes in that song THINK ULTRAVIOLENCE. this song was about my first love who went hours of not talking to me and not even acknowledging it or being hella dry after HOURS and then DRY AGAIN. I felt so boring and not good enough. almost everything I said was ignored and I BARELY talked about myself. I dont miss him, that part was supposed to be silly. the "touch" and "fucks" aren't genuine since he was like in LA lol. this guy would genuinely tell me that others would confess his love to him and would DROP POUNDS of his EX lore and I comforted him about his exes. i felt so boring and empty. I left him on January 11th
who made you feel like that? - a song for my friend Stephanie. I made it in like 8th grade after she was sad over something. the world wasn't easy to her and I love her so much. the demo version is so scary and I'm so happy I finally got to give it justice and I hope she likes it. but it's not just for her, it's for anyone who listens. you're all special and beautiful and the world is beautiful cause of you. don't listen to what others say cause you're a star.
marry you - instrumental is from my 2021 ep "whitenoise1" the demo is also scary... (bandlab what a time). I played the uke on this song and the lyrics are supposed to give off like ladybird vibes. I was ready for marriage during my 2nd relationship. I guess I fall in love deeply. the rose garden I imagine is in San Jose but I say Sacramento cause like... THE VIBES!!! I want to walk down the aisle to like "for you I hold my breath" but also I dont want bad energy...
kissed me in the bathroom - old song from 2020 about my 5th grade love that I resung cause I truly love this song. the boy im talking about changed me so much (in 5th grade). I was truly in love at like 11 but I believed he was the one. he ignored me the next day after "getting together" and then tried coming back multiple times. I still see him around and I wonder if he remembers what we had (in 5th grade haha)
neck - this song gets me. it's the "who made you feel like that?" instrumental reversed. this song was for my 2nd love and I was genuinely in love even after the fights and hard times. I felt young and in love. I loved him
chased cars - a little instrumental track, it's a continuation of my song "chasing cars" from my "Blackcat" album (EW). it's supposed to symbolize how I got the love I wanted since "BC" was just about a crush. the cars have been chased
daydream - it was an outtake from "Blackcat" but I feel like it just shares how I feel about love. it's the last song and yeah
I normally have more in mind to say but my laundry needs to be done.
I love you
i'm sorry if you cry to this album.
- junior <3
- credits saint mike mila moon
ty 4 the instrumentals
it'll be out soon just check Spotify or anything else u use to see!!!
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whenimgoodandready · 2 years
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🎶I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, Down in my heart (where?), Down in my heart (where?), Down in my heart, I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, Down in my heart (where?), Down in my heart to stay🎶 ✨Joy! Joy! Happiness!✨It’s the best feeling ever! It’s what made Rose immune to Guiltrips powers and be chosen as the holder of Daizzi, The Kwami of the Pig Miraculous, to be Pigella and spread the love of positivity to save her girlfriend Juleka! It’s such a cute power, how could a good power like that be used for evil? Is it possible? Let’s see:
*Jubilation-Marinette was jogging (good for her, it’s nice to see her doing something to stay in shape what with being Ladybug and all and also outside of fashion) when she sees Principal Damocles The Owl, wait, this guy is still doing cosplay!? Sh*t! Didn’t he learn nothing from last time!? (“The Dark Owl”) Guess not!😒 How disappointing. So then Ladybug comes in to-WAIT! (record scratch) That is not Ladybug!
Is that-Is that who I think it is!? (GASP!) OMG! IT’S BRIDGETTE! (Squee) I DON’T BELIEVE IT! IT’S ACTUALLY HER! I KNEW WE’D BE SEEING HER-SOQUELINE!? (record scratch). Huh, well how ‘bout that!? This little Marinette doppelgänger was a former classmate of hers and now she’s LARPing too! Marinette doesn’t take kindly to this (even if Soqueline means well) so she harshly tells both Damocles and Soqueline to quit playing “make believe” and just be normal!
This of course saddens Damocles and he’s akumatized as Dark(er) Owl again, but with the power of The Pig Miraculous that brings happiness to its target. Hmmmm, a frightening Batman-esque villain with a power that brings joy…….how’s that gonna be effective? You’d be surprised! Cuz I think this ep gave us a foreshadowing on the series finale😉. It’s a common tactic villains use to mess with the heroes, magically putting them in a dream like world where everything’s perfect and they’re happy and it all goes according to plan to distract them from a bigger scheme they’re doing and then eventually the heroes realize its all fake, wake up and kick some a**. THAT’S how effective the power of happiness can be used for evil!
I’m impressed with Marinette here. She’s serious about quitting cold turkey on love and has really shelved Adrien and dating all together to focus on more important things in life. She’s still gushing about him, yes, but at least it’s subtle and I’m very proud of her for that. What I’m not so proud of is Damocles being a bird brain over here! The heroes told him not to go “dress up” and save the day cuz he doesn’t have powers like them and could seriously get hurt or worse, but Noooooo! He didn’t listen! :P. Btw, I’m not hating on cosplayers here, I’m just saying he should’ve called the authorities to help instead of doing dangerous things himself like saving cats from high structures. Marinette didn’t mean to be harsh to tell both her principal and friend about playing pretend, but she (secretly) knows first hand what it’s like to take big risks and have a horrible outcome from it (Shadow Moth’s Final Attack Part 1:”Risk”/Part 2:”Strike Back”). False alarm, it’s not Bridgette, it’s just some other girl who vaguely looks like Marinette and runs an arts and crafts shop. For those who don’t know, “Bridgette” was the fan nickname we gave PV Ladybug Marinette cuz since Felix from the PV was retooled as Adrien to be Cat Noir and then later brought back cuz of popular demand (in a disappointing manner), we didn’t want people confusing the two Marinettes cuz her name stayed the same, so PV Ladybug Marinette was fanly nicknamed “Bridgette”. Should’ve known, Bridgette wore shorts and had an ahoge that looked like it was alive and would form into a heart and Soqueline wears glasses and pants. Whether this was their way of bringing “Bridgette” into the show or not, Soqueline seems nice and was only impersonating Ladybug in the hopes of being recruited as a super. We were lucky she knew gymnastics and Taekwondo, otherwise, this would’ve been a disaster for both her and Damocles. I’ve heard people saying they don’t like Gabe/Monarchs new look, and yeah, it’s stupid. His new civilian outfit makes him look like a giant Q-tip and his new villain outfit makes him look like a “giant purple condom”! Bleh! And this guys supposed to be a fashion designer!? We got a more look into the alliance rings and they’re basically a Siri-like gizmo that also works like an smart phone using a digital version of either Adrien or Lila (and specialized for Gabe, Emilie) as a guide. Marinette was almost exposed as Ladybug when she borrowed Soquelines cuz the ring tracked her every route during her crime fighting and that’s why Gabe made those things! Don! Don! Don! Luckily, he thought it was Soqueline, so Marinette stays clear of those rings and Adrien doesn’t give a sh*t about them too cuz since he’s quit modeling, he’s now an everyday Joe playing video games in his jammie’s and leaving junk food everywhere (are they making fun of us Americans!?). Adrien, sweetie, it’s great you gave up modeling at long last, but please, GET A HOBBY! It kinda sucks that even though he quit, there’s a digital version of him still representing the Agreste brand so it’s not like Adrien “quit quit”, cuz it’s still his face modeling! Gabe needs to hire a new teen male model (when he’s not busy being a villain) Seriously! The Kwamies imprisonment is worse than we thought, Monarch’s using the newly redesigned miraculous rings as a fuse source by attaching his rings to their inescapable glass containers, transferring the powers onto anyone who bought an alliance ring to be akumatized with so the hero’s won’t be able to figure out where the miraculous is and dispensing food for the Kwamies to regain energy like they were hamsters! Poor things. What was the “happy” moment Darker Owl made them see? Weeeeeeell, they defeated Monarch by finding A BUSINESS CARD! XD, locating him through the address on it, doing a double single punch on him, saving Paris, falling in love, getting married with every superhero and celebrity in the show and having not 3, but 4 kids and becoming the new Incredibles! Cute. At least, it would’ve if it didn’t happen in a cheesy way.
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Kitsune Kodomo no Boruto to Himawari by saku015
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Family & Friendship, [Hinata H., Naruto U.] Boruto U., Himawari U., Words: 764, Favs: 11, Follows: 12, Published: Mar 29, 2017 Updated: Apr 22, 2017
5Chapter 1: Knights
A/N: I watched Wolf Children yesterday and it is inspired me to write an oneshot collection about Boruto and Himawari – they are fox children after all, thanks to Kurama.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
"Then the knight in shining armour saved the princess and they lived happily ever after," the sensei said, closing the book. One of the 5 years olds rose his hand up. "What is it, Ryo-kun?"
"Sensei, this book is stupid! Knights don't even exists in our world. There are ninjas!"
Uzumaki Himawari looked up to the sky. She was aware of the existence of the ninjas. Her father was the Hokage after all, but what about those who weren't ninjas? Could they become knights if they want to?
"Ne, Tou-chan! Can I put your headbelt on for a minute?" She heared her big brothers' voice when she arrived home with her aunt Hanabi by her side.
"Not yet, son. You need to wait for a year," Naruto said.
"But why?!"
"Because just gradueted ninjas are allowed to wear it and you are not one of them right now." Naruto felt guilt when he saw the disappointed look on his sons' face. It reminded him of his own face from that faithful night when his ninja life had started.
Himawari let go of Hanabi's hand and ran to his brother's side.
"So, are you not a ninja yet, onii-chan?" she asked. Boruto scowled as an answer. Himawari looked down to the ground, playing with her index fingers. Naruto couldn't help, but chuckled.
"What?" he asked his little sister, trying not to sound too pissed off.
"W-will you be my knight, please?" She asked so quit that Boruto almost did not understand it. "In my opinion, they are much more cooler than ninjas!"
He blinked twice, then ruffled her hair.
"'Kay, but just for a year."
Himawari smiled up at him and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you, onii-chan. I love you!"
2: Warmth
A/N: Now that the Boruto shows' first ep came out yesterday, I decided that I would use characters from that universe too.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Boruto hated winter. It was cold and everything was slushy which made every single person slipping. It gave a lot of work to the Konoha Hospital and – for that reason - for his aunt Sakura winter was pretty rough. Sarada often complained about her mother working overhours which wasn't unknown for Boruto.
On top of that, he lost one of his gloves… again. He sighed, waiting for his little sister in front of her nursery school. When he spotted her out from the group of children who ran out of the doors, he waved to her. As soon as she reached him, she simled up at him. Then she frowned when she saw one of his hands bare.
"Lost your glove again?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. Boruto pouted. Himawari shook her head, then took off one of her own gloves and reach it towards her brother.
Boruto's eyes softened.
"It's too little for me," he said, then grabbed his sister's hand, putting it into his coats' pocket. "Done! It is perfect!"
They simled at each other, starting to walk home. The warmth of the others' hand was much more comfortable than any gloves ever could be.
3: Women
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Boruto had to admit that one of his best friends was right. Women were a drag. Their mood swings were unpredictable and caused really hurtful events, like being beaten up by Sarada or getting punishments from his beloved mother.
But not his sister. She was cute and looked at him like he was the greatest person alive which made him a little bit narcissistic. Her smile always brighten up his days when it was gloomy because of the absence of his father.
"Hey," he heared a low voice behind himself. He jumped up because of his shock.
"You scared me, sensei!" He said with a little anger in his voice, but when the man frowned the little boy wanted the grass to swallow him.
"This is sent by your sister," Sasuke said, tossing a bento into Borutos' hand, " she begged me to forgive you because of your scattered brain."
As an answer, his stomach growled which made him blush. A little grin appeared on the corner of Sasuke's lips.
'As soon as I get home, I'll thank her!' He decided with the gentlest smile on his face that Sasuke had ever seen.
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whoisbriansella · 2 years
Reflecting on the Ann EP
Continuing with reviewing TFB songs/EPs/Albums you all requested, I’m going to be talking about the Ann EP (2018) today! If you’d like me to talk about any particular song, album, or EP, let me know; asks and comments are always open.
Note: I ended up comparing Ann to a few things; namely, the Rose EP, their original versions only on YouTube, and a lot of Car Seat Headrest deep cuts for some reason. So uh, if you haven’t listened to CSH, they have a lot of deep cuts that have been re-recorded. And I also have opinions on them.
To no one’s surprise, I lived and breathed the unreleased albums/EPs back when I was ~really~ in the TFB hole. Eh, what can you do haha...listening to TFB while living in the Philly/NJ tristate area in your teens can do that to you. I Hate My Friends is my favorite TFB album for many reasons (”You Wouldn’t Be Laughing” and “Taking My Uzi to the Gym” I’m looking at you, specifically...) and My Grandma vs Pneumonia also has some standout pieces that none of the officially recorded songs can ever really capture (”The Bass is Too Loud,” “The Distance That I Fell,” and “The Wrong Way”...oh my God). 
The reason why I like them so much is that they have such a charm to them in all their raw, not produced, garbage quality of sound. They’re like Car Seat Headrest’s discography pre-Teens of Style: while everything kind of sounds like it was recorded on a Hannah Montana-themed toy microphone you get in a happy meal, it’s still so real to you as the listener. It’s like they didn’t even have time to edit the song—the band jut recorded it in one take, as loud as they could, and delivered the CD to your house the next day. The deep cuts are charming in their rawness, and no amount of production could capture the intense, surprisingly beautiful feeling conveyed in each song.
So, when Ann re-recorded some of the deep cuts in 2018, I had conflicting feelings. First, I remember being ecstatic that they chose some of my personal favorites to officially release (except for “Today Is Not Real; I liked having that one as a hard-to-find deep cut). “I Think Your Nose Is Bleeding,” “Pale Beneath the Tan (Squeeze),” and “Lonely Eyes” are signature TFB songs. The original ones were, to me, everything that TFB stood for: the aggressive band blasting, Brian trying to sing over them in that weird yodelly voice, and the semi-literal semi-metaphorical lyrics about whatever angsty feeling TFB gets so right. Another thing about these songs is their attention to violence: one aspect of Brian’s writing I really, really like is the idea of drastic measures to find peace. Obviously the “I’m gonna get on my knees would you punch me in the face please?” from “Lipstick Covered Magnet” is one of the most famous examples, but the whole of “Pale Beneath the Tan” also carries this idea of intensity of emotion linked to violence that has become a really interesting theme.
“Lonely Eyes” is the “Peach” before “Peach.” It’s the cute love song with anxious and ultimately sad undertones about someone you love, and that’s pretty much any TFB song about love. “I Think Your Nose Is Bleeding” is the mandatory anthem TFB puts in most of their albums that has the one chorus that feels really good to scream out loud—again, “JUST WANNA FEEL IT WITH SOMEONE ELSE” is undeniably cathartic, even when there is no “someone else.” “Somebody Else” is the same way: the “‘CAUSE I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU’RE GOING THROUGH” is the signature miscommunication scenario in a TFB song about a relationship that Just Isn’t WorkingTM, and there’s nothing to do to fix it.
HOWEVER, on the other hand, I realized that I had grown really attached to the sounds of their original counterparts. More specifically, the emotion that was carried through their versions on the unreleased albums fit the way the instruments played, how they were recorded, and more. They were perfect how I listened to them first, and it’s going to be really hard getting used to the new vision and direction they’re going in. 
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Comparison to Rose EP: 
I think the main difference between Ann and Rose is that the former wanted to add onto the old songs, not just re-record them with a bit more production. Rose is simpler in many ways: from minimalist artwork keeping the watercolor and scratch-ink portrait art, to heavy use of the acoustic guitar and single voice, the first EP brought the band back to their roots in a smart way. Rose is kind of like the re-release of Twin Fantasy by Car Seat Headrest: the content is the same (although bestie Will Toledo changed some parts here and there, and you can actually compare both versions on Spotify) but the sound is a lot cleaner and easier to listen to. It’s not changing the original songs but updating them—they still keep the emotions and the overall tone intact. It helps that TFB selected the quieter, more intimate songs for this album; songs like “Awkward Conversations,” “12 Feet Deep,” and “Jim Bogart” really only needed the guitar, Brian, and a better microphone to give the original sound a small makeover. Even “Flying Model Rockets” keeps the original feeling and emotion, even if it does have a better microphone system.
Ann, however, decided to add to the songs, not just update. On one hand, you can tell by the artwork alone: the portrait is more of a photograph, and she’s adorned by bright flowers, birds, and colors. This EP picks louder, more intense songs to “update,” and...well it sounds weird. I can’t say I hate the EP because the lyrics haven’t changed, and they’re still the same songs, but I can’t tell if these songs are better with the nice, refined productions. Rose also picks upbeat unreleased songs to re-record (”Be Nice to Me” and “Lipstick Covered Magnet”), but they manage to keep them pretty close to the original with the mismatched harmonies and uncontrolled voice. They actually speed “Be Nice to Me” up a little, but I actually liked that correction; it adds to the drama of the lyrics.
Like I said, I liked the wildness of the original songs: they were garbage, sounded all-over-the-place, and just devolved into Brian Sella going crazy over a microphone. The new songs are fine, but they’re not the same. And maybe expecting them to be the same isn’t the proper way to go about the EP, but the feeling I got with the unreleased albums was just kind of lost with the new version. That didn’t happen with Rose.
There was also a brand new song being introduced to the mix (”Tye Dye Dragon”), and since it was the only single released from the EP, it was going to set the tone for how the rest of it was going to sound. I’m not sure if I liked that introduction personally; I liked the song a lot, but trying to think of the purpose of including it instead of just releasing it as a standalone always stumps me. After all, Rose was all re-recordings of unreleased songs, so it’s weird to not commit to that pattern.
Song Choices
I’ll keep it simple with a list!
- “Today Is Not Real”: I didn’t like the new version. There’s something quite special about the unreleased original version: whether it’s the nonexistent production, emphasis on the acoustic guitar, or the overall quietness Brian adopts in his voice, the first version just keeps the seriousness of the subject matter in line with its tone. The new version is louder and more involved, and the presence of the band keeping in time with the singer just gets rid of the individual experience of that specific visualization of depression.
- “Somebody Else”: I like the new version, but it is different from the original (obviously). I think the guitar part in the new version sounds a lot like the Self-Titled work, so it’s nice to see them revisiting more than just the vault. I don’t have an opinion as to which version is better.
- “I Think Your Nose Is Bleeding”: They kept pretty close to the original, but they added the stupid telephone dial sound effect...For that reason, the original is better.
- “Pale Beneath the Tan (Squeeze)”: I just love this song no matter what version I’m listening to; both versions are very good in their own ways! The sound effects added in the new version show a sillier side of the song, adding a different kind of charm to it that somehow emphasizes the drama of the lyrics. The addition of humor was a choice, but I actually liked it! This song’s just timeless. There is cleansing in the flame!!!!!!!
- Lonely Eyes: Actually does a good job in updating the original! I like this one a lot, and I think it’s refreshing! If I really wanted to go rogue on the re-recording and change it completely, I would have gone full “Awkward Conversations” and just have the single guitar as the instrumental part.
If I didn’t know about the unreleased songs, I would have loved the Ann EP. I think, in the official discography, it was a good recall to the past sound of TFB before Going Grey, while also keeping the mellow moodiness and new lyrical style with “Tye Dye Dragon.”
I’m happy these songs got more attention from both the band and listeners, and I do like that they have more than one version. As someone who likes to see how the same song feels under different style choices and levels of production (insert more CSH opinions), I appreciated what TFB was trying to do. However, I just think Rose did it better...
That being said, I am excited for Theresa!! From the re-released version of “More Than It Hurts You,” a song that gave me a raging case of brain worms back in the day, I’m hopeful that it’s going to do a great job with recapturing those feelings we got back when we listened to it for the first time while also keeping the new identity and sound of the band.
If you want to read more TFB reviews, just request something, and I’ll write about it! Or if you want to know about my thoughts on any specific thing about TFB, that works too. 
Oh, and the best example of two songs that sound great in both the original and re-recorded versions of it, listen to “Maude Gone” by CSH in both the Monomania and the Teens of Style versions. Brain worms.
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panncakes · 3 years
blih ep 11 thoughts; (im actually more positive than i thought lmao i was just cranky)
yu zhens logic being ‘you have been avoiding me for days so i must throw you on the bed so you’ll look at me.’ very on brand with his type of insanity and ineptitude
also him being a Full Child when shi lei says he’s not going to the picnic and demanding he must go or else he himself won’t. if this man ever learns how to speak his mind he’ll be unstoppable probably and never stop claiming leilei as his lmao
amazing that shi lei now throws back yu zhen’s ‘you’re the boss i must be polite to you’ in his dumbass face; pure clown to clown communication
yu zhen should’ve grown a fucking spine and still gone after shi lei like he wanted to but i appreciate that that was his immediate reaction before the ex used professionalism as an excuse to make him stay. i have my frustrations but it does make sense for his character to be manipulated by the demand for professionalism (he truly does care about his and the shop’s image and prospects after all). this also ties in him being dumbfounded when shi lei tells him the ex is good for their workshop; because now he’s put in a position where his needs don’t line up with everybody else and their jobs and he just can’t put himself above that (this man did full on research to make sure it was beneficial enough to make the workshop nickel free because he didn’t want to do that just in his self interest… even though he’s the boss with a severe allergy… fucking dumbass)
there is an alternate universe where the little prince ends up with both the rose and the fox and we get good soft poly rep; it’s not this universe because the ex is a villain and i hate him so i’m glad i don’t have to go through that; but there’s an universe out there where these three dudes get to use their great chemistry for the greater good and it still has the scene of shi lei dreaming about the other two having s*x but in a very different context 😌
i might not like him but it does make sense the ex is likeable and charming when he wants to be; there is a reason yu zhen was so madly in love with him and i’m glad the show takes the time to show us that part of him; even if it is frustrating because all i want is fluff, it is good character work
also the scene between the ex and shi lei is good; it’s important. we have a very big contrast of two men who love yu zhen in their own ways and where the ex is very selfish and focused on himself (yu zhen did everything he has done to get back to me) shi lei is much more focused on yu zhen. it’s also why he so easily dismisses himself because listening to what the ex is saying it could very well appear like he’s right and shi lei is not confident enough to dispute any of it and yet still the ex can’t help but notice how much shi lei cares for yu zhen and it’s again good character work!! it’s just frustrating because there’s only one episode left!! this should’ve happened last episode!!
i like how they both acknowledge and accept each other’s feelings for yu zhen and on rewatch looking at the ex’s face i will not be surprised if this is the moment that will eventually cause him to accept yu zhen has moved on; unless they go full villain route of course and he’s gonna use it as ammo; it’s just interesting to me that the conversation didn’t end with him pushing the idea that yu zhen has feelings with him but ended with him realising the depth of shi leis feelings idk idk what it all means
i like what they are doing; i do; they are a slow paced show focused very much on character over plot; but half of it will be wasted if the final episode needs to be rushed because of it and that’s my main frustration truly (especially because although the side couple is cute, we have had a lot of filler/ad time with them)
gang, my beloved, i hope you get to go apeshit one day ❤️
yu zhen using shi leis name as a mantra to fall asleep??? because he sleeps terribly without him???? pain
see the way shi lei and the ex are makes me wonder if there’s more to the conversation we haven’t seen? did they just decide fine it’s up to yu zhen now? is it fully because shi lei is backing down and the ex is taking advantage of this? if someone would just communicate!!
what if next episode just opens with yu zhen full on decking the ex in the face lmao?
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS 2x07 Review
The Field Trip was a campy ep that recaptured some of the charm of S1. Let’s dig in!
S2 has often struggled with taking itself too seriously but finally we got some good campy fun that reminded me of why S1 was so great. North High finally come into their own as villains. The Howie reveal was very well done, poor Kourtney inadvertently being the source of the leaks. I can’t tell if Antoine’s accent is bad on purpose or not but he was funny tonight when he dragged Big Red and I loved how forward he was with Ashlyn. It’s good that the trio of new characters finally feel like they’re part of a larger plot rather than being somewhat random additions to the cast.
Lily continues to act like she’s on Glee which is exactly the right energy for the role. The stick to the stuff you know line was great as was Seb’s bop to the top retort. North High clearly won the dance off though Gina being in a skirt limited her. Lily was doing it with bad intentions but she was absolutely right that the rose song was a dig at Ricky and didn’t fit the musical and that they’d be disqualified for performing it. Miss Jenn should have already known they’d be disqualified for adding it and Ricky should have already been able to tell that the song was about him. I think it’s more and more likely that Lily is the party crasher who Ricky re-evaluates in 2x12 and she could well be the unexpected face time call he gets in 2x10.  
It took 7 eps but we finally got an ep where Gina wasn’t upset over Ricky and thank god for that; the constant angst was sucking the life out of her plot. Of course, the reason she wasn’t going through it is because she was spending her time with EJ. I think this ep should put to rest any notion of Portwell just being platonic. Some people are still clinging to Matt’s interview where he refers to EJ and Gina as friends but he was clearly being misleading, even if nothing else happens it’s clear that Gina is not just a friend to EJ. I’ve seen people try and claim that Gina and EJ are like siblings with each other or that they’re practically related because Gina is roommates with EJ’s cousin as if there’s some sort of Westermarck effect by proxy but family members don’t pretend to be dating. 
The morning show was a lot of fun and the fake dating was cute. In contrast to the last time they fake dated back in 1x05 we can see how much happier and more comfortable they are with each other now. Notably they had EJ circle back to it well after it happened which led to Gina’s line about everything going back to normal which is a tell that everything has not gone back to normal for them. We can see EJ’s inherent goofiness shining through with the Risotto inside joke they now have. Much like Joshaya on GMW there are valid reasons to not go ahead with the ship, although Portwell doesn’t have the creepiness or borderline illegality of Joshaya, but the chemistry between the characters is real and can’t be ignored. 
Rini hurtles towards a breakup which could come as soon as next ep. Hard to tell if Ricky was in denial or just too stupid to understand the songs meaning. I'd prefer the former since a 17 year old would have to lack basic comprehension skills to not understand that the lyrics were a thinly veiled attack on him.
Nini trying to claim it was just a song at the end was disingenuous, she didn’t want Ricky to hear it for a reason. Her deciding to use her given name Nina for her music account is obviously meant to symbolize her independence from Ricky since he first gave her that nickname back in the first grade. However, it makes Ricky seem like some malign influence on her basically her entire life when it’s not like he forced her to go by Nini or prevented her from going back to Nina during the 10 odd years of their friendship/relationship together.
Miss Jenn and Zachie were fun but such a risk on his part to steal the mask, that’s trespassing and theft and a sure disqualification not to mention the very real risk of being criminally charged. The door is now closed on Jike and Jachie and the path for Jazarra is open.
Rouge Grand was funny but I hope this Redlyn angst isn’t dragged out too long. 
Mob song wasn’t good, the skrillex beat drop was not needed. Around You was good though. I just noticed that Tim abandoned, or was forced to by covid, his plan to have 3 songs per ep instead of 2 which is for the best I think. 
Looking Ahead:
Looks like next week will be a big one for Portwell and EJ in general. We get Gaston, career day with EJ’s dad, and then EJ hanging with Gina and helping her knit which is very domestic. I’d bet if you showed that clip of them knitting to someone who had never seen the show  they’d assume the character were dating. So it looks like Mr. Caswell has bought EJ’s way into Duke which is no longer EJ’s dream, if it ever was.
As I said last week, there’s a clear path forward for Portwell to get together in the season finale and next ep will probably take a big step towards making it happen. We have the chemistry, we’ve gotten moments between them, and we know EJ’s feelings, we just need Gina to recognize her budding feelings for EJ. I think Gina running into Jack at the airport in 2x09 will help her clear her head on what she wants and a part of that will be whether she still wants to try and be with Ricky or does she want to take a chance with EJ.
Obviously S3 will almost certainly leave Portwell in the dust in order to do Rina for a bit which will piss off a lot of fans but Tim’s screwed himself over here; there’s really no way that this series ends without a large chunk of the audience being bitterly disappointed over who’s endgame. Love triangles are a done to death trope but they typically involve some minor characters who can written off once the triangle is over, not main characters who have to be in every ep no matter what. 
More Redlyn angst next week as well as the wildcats being benched for a week due to trespassing at North High. 
A lot of people think that the show is having Nini get into songwriting because of Olivia’s success but the scripts would have been written before she released Driver’s License and shot to stardom. She’s also still contracted for two more seasons though she’d clearly leave before that if Disney would let her. 
The Rini treehouse scene could well be the breakup, gotta go my own way would fit well if that’s the case. This is another area where Tim needs to tread carefully. He can’t have Rini hate each other or avoid each other for the remaining 20 odd eps of the series but also can’t fully close the door on them since he’ll almost certainly have Rini be endgame as they graduate from East High at the end of S4. 
At this point it seems pretty unrealistic that East High would win the Menkies but this is a tv show so who knows. There’s one big song left that would work for some of the couples they, Something There, which could work for Portwell, Howell, or Rina so we’ll see if we get it.
2x07 marks the last of the clips we saw in the original S2 trailer so we’re largely flying blind now.
Until next week wildcats. 
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angelhummel · 4 years
So I saw a post about the eras of the Glee fandom and I am in the Resurgence Era. I began watching the show back in May 2020. I know people like to make fun of the show a lot, and I totally understand, but I unironically enjoy this show. Well maybe not a majority of S4-S6, but I like the music, the comedy, the heartfelt moments, the zany characters. But I can also see how even in the early seasons, which people hail as Glee's Peak, how it could have been better. (1/?)
With the exception of a few song changes and polishing clunky dialogue, there isn't much I would change in S1 or S2 (although I would cut down on the cheating plotlines in S2). S3 should have been about the club finally being unified with almost no infighting, and they shouldn't have tried to cram so many PSAs into one season AND Santana's coming out story should have had more focus than it got (and it should have been handled more sensitively period) But the music in S3 still rocked.
In S4-S6 I can see almost exactly when people began dropping from the fandom and I understand why. S4 through S5 (especially S5) seemed to be flailing for some sense of direction with the characters and juggled too many nonsensical (and often tone deaf) storylines for it to be coherent. S6 saved it from ending disastrously, but by then it was too late to truly save the show. Not to mention Ryan Murphy's unprofessionalism leading to actor drama and just butchered story lines.
But I can see how the show could progressed coherently and satisfyingly. In S3-S4 the New Directions should have become the champions for the underdogs. In S4 with most of them graduating, they should have had the theme of branching out into the big world beyond their small, closeminded town in Ohio. S5 could have been them getting too big for their britches and then failing because of arrogance. Then S6, they go back to Lima as a humbling reminder of where they started.
In S6, with the allotted 22 episodes they should have had, they could have started up the Glee club again, and be reminded why they joined in the first place. It makes me sad that bad writing and Ryan Murphy's unprofessionalism tanked a show that had all the groundwork for being absolutely amazing. Glee is many things: wacky, musical, bizarre, heartfelt, frustrating, insensitive, sometimes all those things in the same episode, but when it was good, there was nothing else like it.
I mean that last plot is basically what they tried to do but just with Rachel while everyone puttered around for ten episodes before they wrapped all the pointless crap up. I mean I was never a fan of them having to go back to Ohio in the final season just bc they’d already done it multiple times by then and it’s like can we please see something new?? All I wanted for the last two seasons was all my faves and a few guest stars in NY lmao. It’s still an ensemble show with like 7-10 characters and some good guest stars, right?? 
Also like I’ve sort of said this before lately but. S2 is a hot damn mess. If you didn’t have Kurt or Klaine and you didn’t have Santana or Brittana?? That season would be nothing lol. Maybe it’s just me but idk all the het nonsense that season really drags it down for me. And s3 is fucking awful but that’s what so many people cite as their favorite. Which to me it just proves that people talking about “it was really good at first then sharply declined when everyone graduated” is complete bullshit and it’s just people looking at the seasons they actually watched through rose colored glasses and just saying it got 100% when they stopped being interested in it. 
And I swear I’m not trying to just shit on everything you’re saying lmao but again people saying s3 had the best music of all but like. I dunno I think DWS had the best music and was the best actual tribute ep. Michael also had really good performances. Then there’s maybe five other performances I’d put in the iconic tier lol. Idk I think it’s overrated all around and I just hate s3 so damn much (: But yes it does have some good music
But anyway your last paragraph. If I could rewrite Glee with 20/20 hindsight I would have the s4 and s6 newbies switch. So the new and interesting characters for s6 are introduced earlier and actually bring something new to the table. And then in s6 we get the wannabe copies of the oldies so that when all the alums are there, they pick out the person that reminds them most of their high school selves to mentor them. So like Thanksgiving but for like half the season or whatever lol. And it’s like sweet and nostalgic for them to sort of see themselves at the start of their friendship again and to give everyone the advice they wished they knew back in the day. Stuff like that. Could’ve been cute
And idk I don’t agree with everyone else saying s5 sucked lol. I mean obviously one of the contributing factors to the strangeness and sloppiness was one of their main characters dying and having to write around that. And poor Sam having to fill Finn’s crap shoes and become Finn 2.0 and I think you can see that best with the nurse Penny stuff. But idk I mean there’s twerking and puppets which are nonsensical and only one of those things comes off as tone deaf to me. I don’t think it’s as bad as people wanna say. But after the boringness of them coming back to Ohio for the glee club in the middle of the season?? And then my favorite characters are in NY after that?? Those are some of my absolute favorite episodes. I mean I’m in my top 40 glee ranking episodes and I’ve got 5 eps just from the back half of season five to go. I love it. It’s some of my favorite Glee
Although I still agree that s1 is the best. And that’s with the show focusing mainly on Mr. Schue, Finchel, and Quick. And I still adore it as much as I do. Season one really is something special. I mean just about every season is like watching a different show. And no one is going to agree on what they like best or why. But idk I’m just glad everyone in the fandom has something to hold onto. 
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Laws of Attraction กฎแห่งรักดึงดูด Ep 8
I really, really enjoyed this finale. I'll have to rewatch with subs at some point, at least in parts, because some of the details were lost on me (what was that new case of Chaan's about?), but I'm looking forward to it. I hope we get more queer shows out of One31 going forward -- can Organ and Sylvie get a spinoff, maybe? aaah I'll keep dreaming. Anyway! The live blog.
Six days late, but I'm watching this! I'm very sad that this is going to be over. Excited, too, though. Alright, going in.
WHAT THE FUCK is this cold open with the flashback in the moment of death type scene
Oh no, going to pay respect to his mum before he goes join her, huh.
ooooh is Maayaa going to broadcast whatever confession Rose catches at that warehouse live during her announced live? I BET she is and that's such a smart move, can't make something tens of thousands of followers saw unseen
this house remains an abomination
oh god Nawin please shut up
asdfasdf of course they're gonna punch each other about it
pick up the gd necklace, that's a tripping hazard or something
oh baby, crying in business class, huh
well that knot came apart easily
rescuing our lovers solidarity, huh
YIKES those boinks to the head with that thing would've had a pretty decent chance of killing the dudes if this were real
hahaha of course Chaan planted stuff. Let's hope this plays out as he hoped. can hardly believe Thatthep is this dumb, though on the other hand …
… oh god is Tinn going to ruin this take. He IS, isn't he.
I am SO nervous, goodness
he's pretttty convincing
250k viewers is pretty incredible
WOW this dude is cold as ice
ahahaha of COURSE someone was going to tell them this was getting streamed and they REALLY should've seen that coming
just put the freaking doll away and HIDE ffs Chaan
Tinn to the rescue
you fuckers, RUN
what are you doing
oh ffs Tinn don't RUSH the guy with the gun, and you, Chaan, don't just STAND there ffs
yeah that … was going to happen and I sure hope he's wearing body armour of some sort
how many shots does this thing HAVE??
hey. hate to interrupt but thatthep is still RIGHT THERE and ARMED
ROSE <3 <3 <3 I love her so much oh my GOD
okay everyone here is useless, why hasn't anyone called an ambulance
also I feel like Tinn should've been able to FEEL the body armour but w/e
so did they pull Thaenthai off the plane or what
adsfasdfasdasdf oh no he was being that passenger but I guess it's all for the best, huh
over the top and overdramatic, 10/10 no notes
asdfasdfasf Chaan being a BRAT because he can
asdfasdfasd of COURSE she'd be like "this is a HOSPITAL"
oh poor baby, your dad doesn't even want to see you in this situation, huh
and he said it himself
man I feel bad for Thaenthai.
offering Chaan "everything/anything" is a dangerous thing, Tinn
Tinn is so cute in his slow realisations. yes it's sorta overacted. no I don't care.
oh no this is so cheesy (I love it) 😂
(it's a northern song!)
a proposal! wow. you've not even lived together yet! you only know his regular bad habits, not the living together ones! AND THEY'RE SHADING THE LEGAL SITUATION I love them
god they are ADORABLE
oh no, shovel talk!!!
asdfsdfasd TINN 😂😂😂
aaah the wlw mlm solidarity we love to see
I really dislike proposal and marriage plots but I'll give it to them, this admit this is cute
Nawin 😂
MORE shovel talk, oh no
oh, perfect drowning opportunity!
… is Thatthep trying to be a big man even in prison? I was so sure they'd ostracise him for killing a kid
ffs someone shut this dude up already (let it be Thee)
… oh WOW yikes ouch
I kinda hate that it was this was something Chaan probably set up. Not a fan of people making third parties get their hands dirty for revenge
awwww Thaen
whatcha gonna do with all this, hm? sell the house, get an apartment somewhere, be happy with Thee?
I really wanted for them to get to kiss, but you know what? these hugs are so heartfelt, I'll take them
oh Tinn, don't do that to yourself
look at grandma! look at Tinn with that ridiculous oversized bow tie!
Chaan subscribing to the "sun's out guns out" philosophy of fashion even on his wedding day, I see
ah, so he does have a jacket
oh they look good. hair and make-up on POINT
I have opinions on the set-up of this but there's a time and place for salt and this is probably not it
I like the "noise fades away and they're in their own world" of this love Sylvie's singing voice, godDANG
oh, Rose, looking at her all in love <3
Win 😅
of course they watch wuxia. probably domestically produced ones, too. incredible.
oh god I love them
aaaaaah can Rose and Maya kiss, too? for me?
god Chaan's "I'm so lucky" in love eyes. Film's expression here is so different from Thian's in-love-face and I love both of them.
PRODUCT PLACEMENT hello. I want twenty of those but also this REALLY shows the age of the intended target audience
ahaha Chaan back on the job, stirring shit. I love him.
oh my goodness, Chaan actually said it
this is reaching PatPran levels of interruption
I love them
I guess that was supposed to be cute but I couldn't see it as anything but overstepping, sorry, Tinn
oh, I love these long shots
… and that finaly second of that shot was 100% Film turning to the camera like "are we done yet" 😂
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
My 2020 in Dramaland pt 4/4
Or what if could have been.... these are ALL (korean, chinese, taiwanese and japanese) dramas I dropped. I’m including even the ones I watched one ep of:
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Korean dramas
When my love Blooms: JinYoung-ah! I failed you as a fan. I’m sorry. But no, for real, the drama might have been good but it was too melo for me at the time. The present time was too depressing, not what I needed at the start of the spring! And there was also not enough Jinyoung lol
The K2: I gave it a try when quarantine started. Made it to ep 8. This was actually the second time I’ve attempted to watch it. Maybe someday there will be a third and final one. I’m not sure...
Hyena: JuJiHoon is delicious, and I wanted to see him not killing zombies or all bloody. Good chemistry actually, but the law part bored me to sleep. Made it to ep 3. He looked hot af in a suit, btw.
When I was the prettiest: Only watched ONE ep to decide if I wanted to see it. I kinda liked it but decided to wait. I waited and saw the ending. A total NO. For real, Jisoo, I want to see you get the girl.
Flower of Evil: I can almost hear the collective gasp and the sounds of disgust from all the fans who loved it. Please read my explanation!!! I know how popular and well loved this drama was but... I just, well, wasn’t in the mood for it and didn’t fall madly in love like so many did. I tried. I really did. I follow a lot of people who watched it, so they kept me updated about it, it looked great, but it was not meant to be. Maybe, just maybe, someday I will comeback and give it a second try. Made it to ep 3. *Runs and Hides*
Dodosolsollalasolla or whatever. Ugh. I wanted to like it, so I gave it a chance, even though I wasn’t feeling it from the teasers. I’m sorry JaeWook. Choose better next time. They did him so dirty. Only watched one ep but I laughed about it here.
Chinese dramas
A little thing called first love The edits and fmvs are adorable! But I made the mistake of watching one that had their whole story and I said “Awww that’s so cute!” but the actual drama moved way too slow for me, I already knew what was going to happen and I struggled to connect with Kuanlin’s acting. He’s pretty to look at, but either your story falters or your male lead’s acting. You cannot have it both be bad. Ooops. So I lost motivation. Still, maybe I gave up too soon... Or not? lol I made it to ep 12 I think.
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Hear to Heart: WOW the chemistry was on another level. I think I even heard some dating rumors about the leads. One of those stories where they used to date but some big misunderstandind happens, they break up and there’s a LOT of angst when they meet again but now he’s hot and rich. I honestly only watched it because of one clip it showed up on my recommended lol but FL got on my nerves because I didn’t know what she was thinking or feeling half the time speak, woman! and the dude couldn’t decide on whether to treat her nicely or badly, so he was hot and cold and it was exhausting. LOL He also had a girlfriend but that didn’t seem to be important when he was trying to make out with his assistant (i.e. the female lead.) Gave up on ep 10 but I read she had amnesia and didn’t know what had happened in the past which explains why she looked confused all the time. Male lead found out, they cleared the misunderstanding and happy ending!
My strange friend: What I saw made me laugh super hard and it looked kinda interesting. I guess there just wasn’t enough Yibo to keep me glued to the screen (btw the guy has great comedic timing, THE RANGE!). I heard the drama had some budget issues and they stopped production for a while and when they returned, Yibo was apparently busy filming The Untamed, so they had to do some CGI tricks to make it seem like he was there lol that doesn’t motivate me a lot to keep watching. Still... it’s Yibo. Has anyone seen it? Is it worth finishing it?
The ones I’m really willing to give a second chance to:
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Romance of Tiger and Rose: Yeah, this one hurts. I’m gonna watch it, I promise. It’s just that the first ep, however crazy and funny, didn’t make me fall in love with the drama. I know spoilers lol and I want to try it again. I will watch it, it seems like my kind of thing lol
Dating in the Kitchen: Okay, big age gap between the leads my sister literally made a disgusted face when I showed her the trailer but if they have good chemistry, it doesn’t bother me, plus, I was liking the drama a lot. Another drama, however, intervened and became my obsession, but can’t remember which one. It was one that I did finish, for sure. 
Sweet Dreams: Made it to ep 12 but OMG Deng Lun and Dilraba have the slowest slow burn. I mean, there’s 48 (49?)eps here! Why on earth do you need so much in a modern drama? It’s just business/company talk! A company that sells flowers btw I liked the dreams bit, and I LOVED watching Dilraba character shamelessly flirt with DengLun’s character in those sequences, but once they’re awake everything is not so great lol. Anyway, the dreams were gold and so was the chemistry, that’s why this is not completely dropped. I do want to see the whole thing.
General’s lady: Made it to ep 4 in one sitting but I paused on it and then I found Guardian and lol, I have priorities. But I liked the chemistry of the leads and it was cute. However, this might be more on the dropped than the maybe side of things...
Taiwanese  dramas
Lost Romance: I mean, I saw some spoilers O_o you know which ones. It seemed hot but wow so many eps for a taiwanese drama, or is this the norm? And the eps were long too. Or maybe it weren’t that long and I was just bored lol. A real pity, because one of my fave dramas, overall, last year was the magnificent Before we get married. Damn, I want to rewatch it so bad.  But this year, I didn’t watch any taiwanese dramas. I do need to work on watching more. Please tell me some good recs!
Japanese dramas
Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko made mo I actually kinda saw it with my sister. I mean, I was there when she was watching it, for the most part lol I know how it started, how the romance and the story developed (I know about the doctor’s ex) and how it all ended, I SAW the last ep. But I still feel like I fully didn’t watch it and I have no intention of doing so, so I put it on the dropped list.
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Aaaaaaand that's it! I hope no one takes this as bashing, most of these dramas ended up here because of lack of time/motivation. I'm sure that these dramas were great for a lot of people and someone's favorites. I mean, I have shows on my list of finished dramas I wish I hadn't seen and dramas that made it to my list of favorites barely anyone saw or people hated. You never know with dramaland 🤭
Anyway, happy new year! I hope 2021 is a great, better year for everyone! Also, not a priority at all, but since we're in the topic of dramas, let's hope next year's are better and more exciting lol
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