#Rosborg Sø
ifelten · 2 years
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Almindelig Bladmåler (Epirrhoe alternata)
På gyvel (Cytisus scoparius).
Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata)
On Common Broom (Cytisus scoparius)
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ifelten · 3 years
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Nye bregneblade
New fern leaves
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ifelten · 3 years
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Blå Mosaikguldsmed (Aeshna cyanea)
Bemærk også den rødbrune tægenymfe ovenfor guldsmeden, som er sidste nymfestadie af skovbredtæge (Troilus luridus).
Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea)
Also notice the red bug nymph above the dragonfly. This is the final instar of Bronze Shieldbug (Troilus luridus).
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ifelten · 3 years
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Citronsommerfugl (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
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ifelten · 4 years
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Almindelig blåfugl (Polyommatus icarus)
Han siddende på Blæresmælde (Silene vulgaris).
  Common blue (Polyommatus icarus)
Male on a Bladder Campion (aka Maidenstears) (Silene vulgaris) .
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ifelten · 4 years
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Skovbredtæge (Troilus luridus)
Sidste nymfestadie. på Rejnfan (Tanacetum vulgare).
Bronze Shieldbug (Troilus luridus)
Final instar. On Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare).
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ifelten · 4 years
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Dukatsommerfugl (Lycaena virgaureae)
På trods af sin ringe størrelse med et vingefang på blot omkring 30 mm., dukatsommerfuglen ofte opdages på mange meters afstand, når den lyser op i vegetationen på varme, solrige dage.
Scarce copper (Lycaena virgaureae)
Despite its modest size with a wingspan of about 30 mm., the Scarce copper can be often be spotted several yards away when it sits as a bright orange spot in the vegetation on warm, sunny days.
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ifelten · 4 years
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Blåhat (Knautia arvensis)
Field scabious (Knautia arvensis)
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ifelten · 4 years
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Mørkegrå Lavspinder (Eilema complana)
Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)
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ifelten · 4 years
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Kortvinget nymfetæge (Nabis flavomarginatus)
  Broad damsel bug (Nabis flavomarginatus)
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ifelten · 4 years
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Almindelig hedelibel (Sympetrum vulgatum)
Vagrant darter (Sympetrum vulgatum)
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ifelten · 4 years
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Femplettet mariehøne (Coccinella quinquepunctata)
Five-spot Ladybird (Coccinella quinquepunctata)
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ifelten · 4 years
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Lille kålsommerfugl (Pieris rapae)
Suger nektar på brombær (Rubus sp.).
Small white (Pieris rapae)
Sucking nectar from the flowers of Blackberries (Rubus sp.)
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ifelten · 4 years
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Firebåndet blomsterbuk (Leptura quadrifasciata)
Fouragerer på blomster af På brombær (Rubus sp.).
Four-banded Longhorn Beetle (Leptura quadrifasciata)
Foraging on the flowers of Blackberries (Rubus sp.)
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ifelten · 4 years
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Engrandøje (Aphantopus hyperantus)
Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus)
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ifelten · 2 years
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Gyvelbredtæge (Piezodorus lituratus)
Imago i den karakteristiske grønne forårsfarve. Samme art i overvintringsfarver kan ses i denne tidligere post.
Gorse Shieldbug (Piezodorus lituratus)
Imago in the characteristic green spring colouration. The same species in its wintering colours can be seen in this previous post
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