#Aeshna cyanea
basslinegrave · 3 months
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Saw this cool critter outside
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unkn0wnvariable · 7 months
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Southern Hawker Side View
Side view of a southern hawker dragonfly, perched on a hawthorn branch at RSPB Fowlmere.
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thecryptandtheincubus · 5 months
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CURIOSITAS : Aile de Libellule (Aeshna Cyanea)
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faceless-dude · 25 days
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mutant-distraction · 11 days
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Aeshna cyanea
photo: Fabrizio Daminelli
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antiqueanimals · 7 months
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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: vol. 2 - Insects. Written by Dr. Bernhard Grzimek. 1984.
Internet Archive
1.) Southern hawker (Aeshna cyanea)
2.) Orthetrum sp.
3.) Broad-bodied chaser (Libellula depressa)
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no27-autonation-honda · 5 months
Every Current Formula 1 Driver But I Decided They Were All Bugs
No Thoughts, Head Empty, Only Insects I Enjoyed From My Single Entomology Class Several Years Ago. Sorry to folks from outside the states. Most of these are like. my local critters.
Max Verstappen - Appalachian Jewelwing, Calopteryx angustipennis I have no reasoning behind this one. He just gives me the vibes of a damselfly kinda man.
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Sergio Pérez - Synoeca Cyanea, a species of warrior wasp, or just the Synoeca genus again, literally no justification besides he's on the dark blue team and I just really like these wasps. Please read the Synoeca wikipedia page. they are SO cool.
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Lewis Hamilton - Violet Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa violacea fashionable! cool lookin bee!
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George Russell - Blue Hawker, Aeshna cyanea
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Charles Leclerc - Cattle Killer/Cow Killer, Dasymutilla occidentalis (letting my south midwestern hick jump OUT here. most folks call em velvet ants)
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Carlos Sainz - Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta
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Lando Norris - Walker's Cicada, Megatibicen pronotalis this is NOT meant to be a drag I actually love these freakishly loud animals but he just gives bright green cicada energy.
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Oscar Piastri - Green Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa aerata cop out? yeah. good bee and something that feels correct? yes.
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Fernando Alonso - Mourning Cloak, Nymphalis antiopa i love these fuckin bugs. absolute freaks of nature. they live for like a full year and they're always wandering around and getting up to something. plus they're very distinguished.
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Lance Stroll - Common Buckeye, Junonia coenia I'm not even gonna elaborate on this one.
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Valtteri Bottas - Eastern Cicada Hawk, Sphecius speciosus I just think they're neat!
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Zhou Guanyu - Ebony Jewelwing, Calopteryx maculata blatant favoritism here. The ebony jewelwing is perhaps my all time favorite bug from home :) (its also v stylish)
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Esteban Ocon - Chinese Mantis, Tenodera sinensis a noble creature that frequently scares the life out of me when i find one outside my window. Why the fuck are you so long. I appreciate u anyway.
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Pierre Gasly - European Field Cricket, Gryllus campestris he just *feels* a bit crickety. Idk what to tell u man.
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Kevin Magnussen - Halloween Beetle (or in America, the Japanese Lady Bug), Harmonia axyridis the most determined little bastard in the animal kingdom. They WILL get into your apartment through that microscopic sliver in the window.
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Nico Hulkenberg - Green June Beetle, Cotinis nitida idk dude he just serves local scarab
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Daniel Ricciardo - Black-And-Yellow Mud Dauber, Sceliphron caementarium im sure you are all noticing how much i love wasps by now. i was SO brave not making this a wasp only post. if ur american and a hick (hey girl(gn) hey) you'll know these guys From Constantly Being In Your Car's Inner Workings
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Yuki Tsunoda - Bullet Ant, Paraponera clavata tiny but mighty!!!!! (short king solidarity)
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Alex Albon - Great Black Wasp, Sphex pensylvanicus yet more blatant favoritism for my faves. Yes this post is so i can assign the williams boys and zg my fave types of local bugs. Anyway. this is one of the best wasps in the world. if u see her irl please stop for a moment to appreciate her. she's usually a docile species but she is very big and i love her. (good hunter too)
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Logan Sargeant - Blue Dasher, Pachydiplax longipennis the ultimate late spring and all of summer insect of america. voted america's sweetheart of every local body of water eight millionth year in a row!!!! one of the best dragonflies in the country and i am serious!!! if u live in north america this summer, find a LAKE, a POND, A RIVER, perhaps even a CREEK!!!!!! A POOL WILL EVEN GET YOU! you'll find these folks. at current you might catch mating flight season!!! anyway. these are crazy good hunters and they're a beautiful little baby blue shade. anyway. logan and the rest of williams should go huntin for these when he gets back to florida. think it would fix em.
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styusha-10 · 1 month
As requested by @uygfiug, I'm willing to share some mothes
The first one is the hawk moth (Laothoe populi) (if the translation is correct), and it was huuuuge!! We with my friend were hanging out outside, when this bird of a butterfly started bumping into our lantern. It was also really friendly and tried to sit with us, and my friend (very genlty!) touched its butt (no damage was done, promise)
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This one is probably called the Large Emerald (Geometra papilionaria) which is adorable. It was a real explorer at heart, look in its curious eyes!! It also came and sat on my friends hand willingly!!
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Note that I am in no way an entomologist and mostly use an app, which is sometimes mistaken.
And not an moth, but!! A dragonfly!
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I was walking out of the mall, when this beauty crashed into glass door!! (I guess she was alright at the end and flew away) I'm guessing she is called the blue rocker (Aeshna cyanea), which is even more hilarious in my native language.
And while we're at it, I present you two beautiful snails
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clavainov · 1 year
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southern hawker - aeshna cyanea
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scarce blue chaser - libellula fulva (m), small pincertail - onychogomphus forcipatus
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common darter - sympetrum striolatum (m with f below), same (f)
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beautiful demoiselle - calopteryx virgo (m), same (f)
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banded demoiselle - calopteryx splendens (m), vestalis amoena, blue-tailed damselfly - ischnura elegans (m)
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zspin · 2 years
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Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea) (by Simon Roy)
(via cosmicfarmer)
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skeeeterz · 2 years
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Aeshna Cyanea with petunia
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reanimateobjects · 3 years
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unkn0wnvariable · 7 months
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Southern Hawker
A southern hawker dragonfly perched on a hawthorn branch, at RSPB Fowlmere.
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ifelten · 3 years
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Blå Mosaikguldsmed (Aeshna cyanea)
Bemærk også den rødbrune tægenymfe ovenfor guldsmeden, som er sidste nymfestadie af skovbredtæge (Troilus luridus).
Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea)
Also notice the red bug nymph above the dragonfly. This is the final instar of Bronze Shieldbug (Troilus luridus).
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sitting-on-me-bum · 5 years
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Blue-green mosaic dragonfly (Aeshna cyanea)
By Rolf Kokkonen
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handwerkstatt · 6 years
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Hab sie! Nach vielen (erfolglosen) Versuchen, weil sie zu schnell und ich zu langsam, war sie heute gnädig gestimmt und flog extra langsam....Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer (Aeshna cyanea) an Mamas Gartenteich.
Have you! After many (unsuccessful) attempts, because she was too fast and I too slow, today she was graciously and flew extra slowly .... blue darner / blue hawker (Aeshna cyanea) on mum's garden pond.
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