#Room Supplies
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hygienix123 · 6 months ago
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Why Hygienix Hospitality is the Leading Supplier for Housekeeping Materials
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is a top priority for businesses across various sectors, especially in hospitality, healthcare, and corporate environments. For such establishments, having reliable and high-quality housekeeping materials is essential. One company that stands out in providing these critical supplies is Hygienix Hospitality.
With a strong reputation for delivering premium quality housekeeping products and excellent customer service, Hygienix Hospitality has become a leading supplier for housekeeping materials in India. This blog will explore the reasons why Hygienix Hospitality is the top choice for housekeeping supplies, how they meet industry needs, and what sets them apart from the competition.
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hinamie · 8 months ago
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domain expansion
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 6 months ago
Don't give up. Don't be a quitter, a spitter.
Follow through on what you started.
Audio source
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mountainsoftreatos · 3 months ago
Niko gets Edwin glitter pens, washi tape and sticker sheets for Christmas to use in his notebook. At first he is unsure - isn't this all a bit unprofessional? But later he is hunched over his desk, thick brows furrowed in concentration, designing, drawing and embellishing to his hearts delight. And from then on, every time he opens his book to take notes on a case, it gives him a little spark of joy to see all the colors and shimmer. Niko is a wonderful friend.
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bee-sidebranch · 8 months ago
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The Beasts' Den, @skybristle @druidshollow i stole your women
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yupthisisshe · 1 month ago
Rose for the Lady - George Weasley x fem! Reader
(Rose for the Lady - George Weasley x fem! Reader)
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Muggle-born students have really made Valentines Day take off at Hogwarts
Sixth-years were selling roses as a fundraiser and coming around to people during meals in the Great Hall to promote the fundraiser and take sales.
Susan Bones came over to where you and your friends were sitting.
“Roses for the lady?” they gestured to the twins (likely because you were sitting in between the both of them, something that always happened unless the twins were trying to be mischievous towards someone. But what could you say? The three of you were really close. You were close with Lee, too, of course. But the twins understood you.
Lately, Hermione and Ginny have been insisting that George is into you. You keep telling them that it’s hogwash and you’re just friends.
“For now. ~” is all they keep saying in response.
But this should prove your point. If he liked you, he'd buy roses for you from him. Not roses from the both of them, joking around with you like they always do. Roses from George specifically. And he won’t do that. He’ll either say no thanks or they'll both make of small show of presenting you with flowers as their mysterious and wonderful rendezvous lover. Or something like that. They get really creative with these impromptu stories.
What happened next, however, only proved Ginny and Hermione to be more credible.
“Yeah, I'll take a rose, thanks,” said George to [the sixth year]. Your eyes widened. You could feel Hermione and Ginny share a glance and a smirk. You looked at George like he’d become the next Nearly Headless Nick. “Here you go, for you.”
“You're joking.” you insisted, staring at the rose, your eyes wider still.
“No, really. For you, Beautiful.” Maybe all those times he called you “Beautiful” weren't just him messing around. I mean he made it clear that he really did think you were beautiful and not just kidding, but you still thought he was just teasing or playing around when he called you “Beautiful” as though it were your name. Of course you teasingly called him “Handsome” back. He was handsome, of course -really handsome when you think about it- but you didn't mean it like that. You just meant it like friends do. Unless… were you more than friends? Maybe he did mean it like that. And if he did, is that so bad?
You didn't think so, but you still needed to sort out how you felt. While it felt like ages had passed in your head, it had only been a few seconds in real life. A few seconds of you flat out staring at George while he smiled patiently —maybe admiringly too, when you thought about it— and everyone else stared at the two of you. Seamus looked like he was going to say something, but Dean nudged him and he stopped before he even started.
“I…” you didn't know how to react “I need to go! See you guys!” And with that, you exited the Great Hall as quick as you ever had.
In the hall, you thought to yourself. Confused, but also… in disbelief to be quite honest.
“‘I need to go?!’ ‘See you guys?!’ Seriously?!” You thought aloud to yourself. Sure, you weren’t sure how you should’ve responded. But you had a feeling it certainly wasn’t… whatever that was!
Back in the Great Hall, things were at a standstill.
Everyone sat there, confounded. What just happened? George himself not only looked confused, but also worried. Had he done something wrong? Did he upset you? And, whether or not he did, are you ok? He had to find out. He had to find you. Unscrunching his eyebrows, and with a decisive nod of his head, he decided what he needed to do. He left the table and set out to find you. Everyone else at the table sat there and waited for the drama to unfold. Not in a toxic way, of course, but their friends were oblivious idiots sometimes and they could appreciate that. Either Ron and Hermione or Ginny and Harry were sure to be next. Dean and Seamus had already gotten together. Somehow the two boys were the least oblivious of the group.
Back in the corridors, George found you.
You didn’t see George but you heard someone turning the corridor behind you and you knew it was him as he came further up the hall to you. You could feel it. And he was walking fast to find you quickly, but not running so he wouldn’t miss you.
“Hey! Wait up!” George called out to you. He had finally found you, wandering the halls. Something you always did when you couldn’t figured something out. The last thing you could do when you were like that —feeling stuck and restless in body and mind— was sit still. You once did two full laps around Hogwarts. Which doesn’t sound like a lot but becomes a bit of a massive venture when you consider the sheer size of the place, let alone the moving staircases and other magical features.
George had caught you. But you hadn’t figured everything out yet! You needed to figure things out before you talked to him! Or was it… vise versa? Did you need to talk to him in order to figure things out? But still, you didn’t feel ready. Despite your fight-or-flight feeling, you stopped in your tracks when you heard him call out to you. With his insanely long legs, it didn’t take him long to catch up to you where you stood. You didn’t turn around though, you just stood there.
“Hey,” he said sensitively but insensitively, placing a hand on your shoulder as he walked around to talk to you face-to-face. “Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?” You wouldn’t take your eyes off the floor.
“No. I just-“ You were fidgeting with your hands.
“Hey,” he said softly, placing his other hand on your empty shoulder and squeezing softly. “It’s ok. You don’t have to worry around me. Now, tell me what’s up. If you’re ready, that is.” He released your shoulders and then he waited patiently. Like he always does. God, he’s perfect. He always has been and thinking that he likes you like that, it makes your head spin and your heart light.
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself, and then you asked him.
“Do you like me?”
He smiled softly and gave a bit of a breathy laugh. But before you could stress about whether that was a good or a bad thing he responded.
“Of course I like you. Wouldn’t hang around so much if I didn’t, now would I?” This prompted a smile out of you “Now, if you’re asking me whether or not I’m in love with you…” he paused and your heart stuttered, “I’ve been in love with you for two years.” His eyes poured beautifully into yours.
“You… really?” You couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah, really!” He said in a loving, mocking tone. “So what do you think of that, Beautiful?” he asked, reaching his hand out to you to give you the option of taking it.
“I think, I like it,” you said taking his hand with a goofy, adorable smile.
“To feed your ego or your heart?” he teased.
“What ego?” You questioned with feigned ignorance. He laughed. “My heart, of course. I think I love you.”
“You think?!” he asked, smiling with his semi-feigned incredulousity.
“I’ve only just found out, George! Give me some time to settle into it!” You both laughed.
“I’ll give you all the time in the world and then some for whatever you need.” He said with love dripping from his voice. You could tell he was genuine and it made you smile. You leaned into him and he wrapped his unoccupied arm around you.
“That sounds good to me.”
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tonythmfb · 2 months ago
I used to think how insane it was that Salem called an entire staff meeting about Sydney, who is doing his job fine and just could maybe use some emotional support, while there is an entire counselor, by the name of Soren Baltimore, that is actively trying to kill all the campers and staff.
Then I remembered all the times I’ve worked jobs where my coworkers have all turned a blind eye to someone who poses a legitimate safety concern in favor of ceaselessly complaining about someone who does their job fine but is maybe mildly annoying.
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dragonmons · 23 days ago
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yesterday i got jumpscared at work by sudden bunny rescue operation, if anyone has bunny tips beyond the reddit intro threads thatd be deeply appreciated?
we're planning to bring the little guy to a rescue i trust if we end up being unable to provide for him, since finances are tight rnow. but we're gonna be holding onto him for a while either way since the rescue is far away and i want him to be comfortable in the meantime.
or yknow. if we foster fail id like to know some tips directly from people and not just via researching guides and forums, ik some things you only learn from experience
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old picture of bnnuy in question ^^^
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hygienix123 · 6 months ago
Why Hygienix Hospitality is the Leading Supplier for Housekeeping Materials
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is a top priority for businesses across various sectors, especially in hospitality, healthcare, and corporate environments. For such establishments, having reliable and high-quality housekeeping materials is essential. One company that stands out in providing these critical supplies is Hygienix Hospitality.
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no-nic · 3 months ago
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All or nothing, so let's get to it This time's stalemate, but just you wait Clock is ticking, so let's just do it No taboos, light the fuse, win or lose This is it -- Stalemate (Death Note: The Musical)
fem!lawlight for @kiyomitakada
death note secret santa 2024 -- @dnsecretsanta
(both: eye contact that says "i know what you are") (light: a fellow trans girl) (l: kira)
outfits are inspired by the musical! i love l's jacket okay? plus i needed something to slap the darker blue color on light is still a suit person.
no idea what haircuts were popular in japan in the early 2000s
the plan was to give l freckles but at this point they have been working on the kira case for some time... in a dark room... no wildly unrealistic things in my supernatural thriller!
first concept sketches:
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i'm trying out this manga starter case gift. it seemed appropriate to use it for this ^^
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shaunashipmn · 11 months ago
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bardengarde · 6 months ago
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littlealienproducts · 10 months ago
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Antique Letterpress Printers Cabinet from Zebrazoet
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poug1y · 5 months ago
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idk if anyone here gaf. but here's a portrait i drew of my cat cause i love her lots 😽 🌟
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+ my lovely model ❤️❤️❤️
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emlvi56 · 1 year ago
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IDIOT DOOM SPIRAL - "When I lost my keys, I lost more than access to my apartment -- I also lost my leverage over humanity. I wasn't a high-concept creative director anymore, I was just some homeless asshole with a premium Sansarique Lickra(TM) tracksuit."
George is probably my third favorite character in the game (and I haven't even completed the ultra-liberal quest yet!), so I had to draw him.
I think if he saw this he'd say, "That shit is so medium-concept I wouldn't touch it with a stick."
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syn4k · 1 year ago
hello pixlriffs fandom i made a cool thing
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(alternative title: well that's maybe three months of on and off embroidering that i'm never getting back!)
seriously though hi. So a few months back I decided to go looking to see if Pixlriffs' iconic jacket was on sale anywhere and the answer was no, they stopped selling it years ago. there were no lookalikes anywhere either so i did the very reasonable thing of sulk about this for about a day, go out and buy a shit ton of thread, and make the damn thing myself.
"wait," you say. "hold on. Those stripes aren't made out of fabric, are they?"
No, Dear Reader, They Are Not.
Those are
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by hand to boot because i don't own a sewing machine.
"What the fuck," you may ask. "Why."
im really stupidly determined to pull through on projects especially when it comes to stupid shit like this
i needed a big time consuming creative project to get me through the Seasonal Big Sads
THE SHEER POWER AND SWAG THAT I HAVE NOW THAT THIS JACKET IS COMPLETE IS IMMEASURABLE. Nobody else I know is going to be rocking up to school wearing something that they embroidered themself over the span of three months. Textile work is cool. This looks fucking awesome. I am unstoppable.
did i mention the autism yet?
anyways i may be currently focusing on other fandoms but pixl's videos (especially his empires smp series) have been getting me through some really tough times consistently for over a year now and i figured i may as well show that in some way. i'm pretty sure this is the coolest thing i've ever made to date.
AND i completed my goal of finishing it before 2024 (in my timezone)! at the time of writing this it is 10:16 P.M on December 31st, 2023 :] i did it i did the thing
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and an extra lil bonus thing on the back that i added because i had the time (yes that is latin also please ignore the pet hair i have two dogs and a cat):
vigilate, amici mei.
(stay vigilant, my friends!)
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