#Roofing Issues
upaboveroofing · 10 months
Flat roofs come with an aesthetic appeal and offer a myriad of benefits. However, there is also another side of the coin. There are lots of challenges associated with flat roofing, and property owners must know these loopholes before choosing them. However, you can enhance the functionality and longevity of a flat roofing system by taking appropriate measures. Experts offering roofing services in Redhill can give you suggestions regarding flat roof protection strategies.
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amber-laughs · 9 months
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the-ipre · 3 months
hello everyone i have begun to rotate a dead boy detectives restaurant au, mainly because im putting edwin on expediting and crystal as a waitress and i think they might kill each other
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gingersp1ce547 · 8 months
So when are we as a society gonna talk about when q!pac was with richarlyson in prison that one time and asked for a cellphone because thats where the power is? When are we gonna talk about how in purgatory 2 he told gauxnim he was gonna take out his organs and eat them like cell, not to long after making out with him? When are we gonna talk about how q!pac still calls q!cellbit queridinho sometimes? When are we gonna talk about how one of those times was laughing while leaving him stranded on that island, another was when reading the notes on him in the resistance base, and another was when q!cellbit confronted him during purg 2?
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kim-cat3120 · 5 months
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Hello baccano fandom. Is this anything
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creations-by-chaosfay · 2 months
Telling me to make and list larger quilts will improve my sales is rude. Especially after I explain why I currently can't do that (my wrists and hands are a wreck).
If you're so determined I make these, you need to purchase a machine for me to be able to do that.
Until probably next Spring, I won't be able to do any handquilting. It will need to be done by machine. Neither of my two machines is large enough enough to quilt more than 30x30 inches without injuring myself. I received a quilting frame that will allow me to use a regular machine for the machine quilting and no strain on my body. Except neither of my machines is large enough. I have three on that linked list, all large enough, and the biggest has a 19 inch workspace and was made for the frame I have. I could finish a dozen or more quilts from 40x40 inches up to queen size (I have zero desire to deal with a king size quilt). The prices would drop like rocks because it wouldn't take over 300 hours to finish these. Nope. Closer to 50 hours.
If you would like to teach me to fish, you need to give me a fishing rod for the lessons to be of any use.
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gomzdrawfr · 1 year
˖°🦇ִ ࣪𖤐⋆♱✮ ── Day 9
➳ Bat
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"who's my cute lil bat~?"
dad!Price dressing up as vampire with his cute lil batsie ~ /|㇏^•̀ᵥᵥ•́^ノ|\
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petrichorium · 22 days
Powerscaling is so annoying to me bc it’s just men actively covering their ears to ignore whatever story is being told in favor of screaming abt the dude whose dick they totally don’t wanna suck. Like, no, he doesn’t “no-diff the verse” he’s a c-tier antagonist w a cool design and his narrative role is to get his ass kicked. U can still get on ur knees and throat it that’s perfectly fine let’s just be more honest w ourselves now
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philocalistwrites · 1 year
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something about these photos make me weak in the knees
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
honestly shout out to “visibly queer” people. shout out to us because it’s really fucking scary. i think people think that if you’re visibly queer you’re automatically confident and unafraid and while I’m sure that’s true for some people, in my experience that’s not the case. I make a choice to be visibly queer because of the amount of times people have told me that it makes them feel safer to be themselves. That doesn’t mean I’m suddenly completely unaware of what could easily happen to me every time I leave my house. It’s more than nerve-wracking. I’ve even seen people say that the visible queers are privileged because clearly we’ve never faced discrimination otherwise we wouldn’t have the freedom to be so open but that’s really dismissive of the work so many of us have had to put in to be confident enough to be that way. i see the eyes on me as I walk down the street and they burn into my skin. It is scary. I see a lot of support for people who have to hide their queerness, which is not a moral failing in any way, but bravery isn’t just one thing. Visibly queer people are not silly stereotypes. Twinks who fit every gay guy stereotype proudly are not your enemy they are your fiercest allies, so are the genderfucky trans people who don’t make an effort to pass as cis and the butches and studs who are fucking proud. We’re brave and just because we appear so confident and impenetrable on the outside doesn’t mean we don’t have the same struggles or support needs. So just shout out to us. I’ve had a few… experiences… lately and it’s made me reevaluate my decision to always be so open, but I’m willing to risk my safety to make a change and make others feel safe and I and others are brave for that and deserve your love.
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lesbianspeedy · 11 months
u don’t get it…u don’t get it…smith’s mia was so interesting. telling her abuser she’ll flat out kill him if he comes looking for her, immediately recognising ollie out of his mask (easy but yknow.), somehow not knowing superman is an alien, great at making pancakes
fuck i would’ve loved to see how he would’ve fleshed out her background, he has her mention she moved to the city, where was she born? she used to work in a different youth centre, where?? was that a lie for credibility with ollie? he wrote the only mention of her mother ever, come back kevin, tell me more NOW.
he did so much for her character in like 15 issues, only for winick to almost entirely use her as a punching bag and for trauma porn, never adding a single thing to her past unless it was to make her more traumatised or hurt or tragic. god fucking damn it
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yourlocalgrass · 8 months
I just had a depressing thought about Nightbringer lesson 38 (spoilers). Remember how poor Raphael was in tears because he was in distress for Lucifer however, he isn’t allowed to judge the Celestial Realm, which he did.
And because of the entire “fathers love” thing, proved that their father is right, does love them, and is not to to be judged since he does everything for a reason.
In the end, what if Raphael feels guilty because he not only judged their father but accused their father outloud of doing awful or horrible things. I mean, you can’t tell me there hasn’t been some form of guilt ever since it happened.
Even worse, he may feel indebted to their father now, because he believes even though their father loves them, he went against him and everything they were taught.
I mean the writers probably forgot about Raphael by now but its logical in a way if you think about it-
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lukasdoodles · 2 months
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So life has been kinda hectic! My job is only able to give me hours starting August and my savings r drained on account of me moving soon and having to deal with some personal issues, so until I'm no longer in the red, my commissions will be 20% off! On top of that, the first three commission slots i receive will also get a little doodle of their choice as a thank you!
My commission prices can be found here ! You can also reach out to me via dms, my insta is lukasdoodles24, and my email is [email protected]
Thank you all so much!
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jackdaniel69nice · 2 months
hi thoughts on tokoyami & aoyama? both as a ship and a platonic duo.
Ahhhh tokoyami and aoyama our classic sun and moon duo, i'll be happy to oblige anon ;)
There is a very obvious and glaring issue of Aoyama's quirk weakening and hurting dark shadow. Normally they would be very defensive and on guard around someone with a light based quirk but quite frankly aoyama is a bit pathetic (lovingly). Aoyama has a very weak and cowardly aura, and while he is certainly shown to have brave moments, he is just like koji and mineta in that there isnt an intimidating bone in his body. Dark Shadow could probably just look at him and he would faint with fear (very lovingly, i adore a pathetic crybaby man). Regardless Yuga does constantly give off light unintentionally due to his lazer leaking and his shining atire so Shadow keeps their distance out of annoyance of accidental burns. There is really only so much you can do when you are neighbors though.
Tokoyami's early avoidance was very superficial, he thought aoyama was loud, pompous, and annoying. tokoyami has a distain for bright things to the point he would claim he's "allergic to color" and decided Yuga's wardrobe was more than enough reason to avoid the blond. For as much as every one seems to think tokoyami is afraid of the dark that seems like a truly ridiculous idea. He purposefully makes his room as dark as possible and his character sheet says one of his favorite things is “dimly lit places”. Tokoyami feels at home in the dark (one could say he revels in it) and aoyama is one with the light, they couldn't possibly get along...right?
Aizawa obviously chose aoyama to be tokoyami's neighbor on purpose. As such they naturally have to spend more time together mostly due to aoyama's medaling. He has always found something alluring about our mysterious bird friends as such is the nature of light always chasing after the darkness. Although he is a bit frightened of the demonic shadow they do seem kind enough around the girls. Once Yuga decided to talk to him their conversations come naturally as they have a surprising lot in common (what a twist!). As someone (supposedly) from France he has a lot of knowledge on Europe and its culture and history which is a fascination of tokoyami's. And while their wardrobes are in opposing color schemes they have a surprisingly similar style in the mildly effeminate and victorian fashion. Aoyama admits to having taken fencing classes and dabeling in sewing but seems to have failed spectacularly at both although he plays oblivious to this and boasts his false talents. (If bakugo is a wonder boy who is good at everything he does, aoyama is the opposite who is spectacularly bad at everything) Tokoyami is good at both sword fighting and sewing and offers to help him try his hand at these hobbies again which obviously reveals yugas failings but tokoyami is willing to teach him until he succeeds. He still remembers to keep his distance though for shadow.
Dark Shadow and Aoyama end up having a lot in common too. They are both ridiculously dramatic and flamboyant in their actions and attention seekers. Even more important they are both chronically ill from their quirk side effects. Most people don’t understand the constant level of pain from lights darks shadow has to deal with but Yuga listens to them and shares his own struggles with his incontinence and stomach pain. Obviously Aoyama’s laser itself is a literal pain to deal with but after that conversation he tries hard to keep it covered when around them (he so thoughtfully what a gentleman). They can end up being very silly with each other due to their eccentric and emotional personalities. Which is good because Aoyama needs all the love he can get.
From here on out is season 7 Spoilers for the anime ->
Dark Shadow always knew there was something off about Aoyama. They have the ability to read the auras or emotions of people and they could tell he was hiding something very dark inside him. When they told fumikage he brushed it off as them being vehement towards his quirk. This assumption strengthened once they moved into the dorms and shadow could hear him crying late and night, pacing, sneaking around, and even getting an odd phone call or two. They tried to tell fumikage and even others but was once again was brushed off, most people don’t take shadow seriously. They did try to visit Aoyama when he was crying but he only let them in very rarely and never talked about what was bothering him, his perfect mask back in place by the time he opened the door. Shadow did their best to cheer him up. When he was revealed to be the traitor shadow wasn’t surprised but still felt betrayed (Tokoyami learned a very important lesson to listen to his shadow’s instincts from now on). Shadow usually holds grudges against people who have wronged them especially since they had almost gotten kidnapped because of him. But Yuga also saved them from being kidnapped too, and he was being forced into the situation to protect his parents. Tokoyami and Shadow felt the same about this for once. All they felt was pity and understood why he did what he had to, it was easy to forgive.
Aoyama was reluctant to get too close to any of his classmates but if anyone could understand him it was the prince of darkness himself. Although tokoyami never recognized the mask Aoyama wore Aoyama could recognize his. He could see fumikage carries a terrible weight of guilt on his shoulders and felt empathetic. Tokoyami and Aoyama were both trying to cheer each other up just as hero’s do.
For tokoyami and Shadow their relationship went from dislike to “reluctant” friendship after getting to know him. Aoyama is forever grateful to have gotten so close to them.
Manga spoilers past here ->
Aoyama’s decision to leave was a devastating one and was the worst betrayal of all to shadow. They took it personally as him saying they aren’t friends anymore and that he doesn’t care about 1-a anymore. This is an illogical and emotional conclusion to cover up their hurting because they would rather feel anger and resentment than heartbreak. Tokoyami was much more rational about his decision and realizes his feelings about being abandoned and hurt as an untrustworthy emotional response. He deals with this the same way he deals with all his unwanted emotions, intense suppression. (You guys thought he was going to work through his feelings normally? HA! WRONG!)
Yuga’s decision to leave is admittedly not one I understand well. All I can see is that his quirk hurts him far too much for a long career of hero work with it. I would like to think all he did was change to general studies like trading places with shinso. He could have had his license revoked for a year, had private training, then went back to the hero course with support gear to fight with instead. The in universe explanation that he never even wanted to come to UA doesn’t make any sense. He obviously said he wanted to be a hero and likewise had many heroic moments (6 off the top of my head) that prove he could back up his motives. UA is the best place to become a hero, so there is no reason for him to leave. The only real reason he could have wanted to leave was his guilt and fear pushing himself away from his friends. Which is very similar to when Midoriya pushed everyone away during his dark deku phase, but everyone came after him and forced him to come home then. Will they go after Aoyama too? My hc says yes they do because they are a family and I said so. Mido was on his own for a few months so I think it will be a few months of them trying to contact Yuga and him trying to run away before they hunt him down >:)
In the mean time Dark Shadow takes out their anger about Yuga leaving on Shinso unfortunately. Since he’s an insomniac they have far too many times to interact without tokoyami to mitigate…but that’s another can of worms to deal with. Eventually tokoyami’s suppressed feelings blow up in his face (like always) and he has a breakdown saying how much he misses him and doesn’t want anyone to leave their class ever. Things get better after that with toko not denying his emotions anymore and Yuga soon to return. They will make up and become proper friends again (although tokoyami will still act tsundere towards him). Dark shadow cries and hugs him which they have never done before because of the burning; they are to happy to see him to care though!
I know this was sort of all over the place but I needed to talk about Aoyama’s decisions somewhere. Thanks again for the ask anon!
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If daddy issues make you a people pleaser and mommy issues make you, like, a sociopath
What the hell does that make him?
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suppenzeit · 7 months
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guy discovers a fun game and immediately makes fanart (wip)
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