#Romanrogers fanfic
natandwandaseries · 4 months
this is me begging for a 'what if' mini fic of the abandoned Lila plot
Beg no more, enjoy! (sorry I had to post in screenshots, it was too long for Tumblr and then I tried doing two separate posts but still too long...) Anywho! Pages are numbered, please let me know if it isn't readable and I will find another way to share!
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Wasn't quite sure how to end it, but we are a month away from the snap being undone of the timeline stayed the same. Thank you for the request!
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heartreactor · 2 years
Fanfiction Requests Open
Hi all!
I am hereby, and until further notice, opening fanfic request submissions! Send me prompts, ideas or plot bunnies and I will write you a short story/one-shot. Check out my fandoms and characters below:
General rules for all fandoms
WILL WRITE: fluff, hurt/comfort, angst or something in between
WON'T WRITE: character bashing, smut and reader inserts
all stories will be posted into my Ao3 account under the Penny for your thoughts? series; let me know if you would like the story gifted to your Ao3 before posting
Marvel - MCU, comic book verse, etc.
common main characters: Tony Stark/Iron Man and related characters, Peter Parker/Spider-man, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
pairings: mainly Pepperony, but I've also written for Romanrogers
gen: platonic relationships, found family for all of the above characters with most of the canon characters; irondad (Peter, Harley, Morgan, whoever else Tony adopts... lol)
I will be excluding Infinity War/Endgame/NWH compliant stories until further notice (please, I've been plenty hurt T.T) - if we can agree that Tony, Nat and Peter are good, I can write something after that in a canon divergent way
common main characters: Anna Marie/Rogue and Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
no specific pairings
gen: platonic relationships, found family, etc. (Rogue and Nightcrawler siblings dynamics)
crossovers or mixmatches with the Avengers is usually fun
Harry Potter
common main characters: Harry Potter and Sirius Black
no specific pairings; I would rather avoid Remus/Sirius, James/Sirius as well as old gen/new gen combinations for this one
gen: platonic relationships and found family
Once Upon a Time
common main characters: Regina Mills/Evil Queen and Henry Mills
no specific pairings
gen: family relationships
crossovers with other fandoms/fairy tales characters coming to Storybrooke are usually welcome
Disney (animated/live action movies) - leaving this unspecified because I haven't written much in there, but I love most of the movies and characters so if you have an idea ask away and maybe I can help!
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greekgeekable · 4 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanov, Jean Grey/Scott Summers Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Charles Xavier, Logan (X-Men), Rogue (X-Men), James Rogers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Bruce Banner, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Wanda Maximoff, Bobby Drake, Kurt Wagner, Johnny Storm, Thor (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), May Parker (Spider-Man), Happy Hogan, Stephen Strange, Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Rebecca Barnes Proctor, Carol Danvers, Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Peter Quill, Nebula (Marvel), Gamora (Marvel) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Avatar (TV) Fusion, POV Natasha Romanov, Natasha Romanov Feels, BAMF Natasha Romanov, Aunt Peggy Carter, Minor Jean Grey/Scott Summers, capwidow - Freeform, Captasha - Freeform, Time Travel Fix-It Summary:
‘ I feel — no , no, I’m sure I’ve known you... for a very long time. And I see the way you look at me, Nat,’ Steve said.
A frisson of anticipation erupted in her gut.
‘ I don’t look at you any differently from how a woman looks at a man,’ Natasha answered.
He shook his head slowly, almost mournful.
‘We both know that’s not true , you look at me like you’ve lost everything ... and I just want to know how I can make that up to you ?’
A soul for a soul, said Clint echoing the conditions made on Vormir. A soul for a soul, Steve thought as he made his trip through the Quantum Portal to return the stones. A wistful need to dare or hope she could just appear at his side again. While he went left: to get a life — with Peggy in 1945. Natasha went right : and got a life too — well, restarted the old one.
She shouldn’t be here. She should be dead and what’s more, who told her to fall into step with Steven. G . Rogers again. Hadn’t being on the run with Steve and Sam been enough?
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thecrimsonwitch · 3 years
Midnight in DC (Part 1/2)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: When Steve and Natasha are on the run from HYDRA, they both lay low at Sam's. Natasha convinces Steve to go on a date that ends disastrously, so they both take a midnight stroll around DC.
Warnings: fluff, light swearing, and just Romanogers being cute together
Word Count: 1.1k
Steve and Natasha are on the run from HYDRA that they just discovered has been infiltrating SHIELD, so they lay low at Sam's house. Natasha has been trying to convince Steve to go on a date, but he doesn't budge. While Sam is gaining intel on their mission, Natasha decides that it's finally time for Steve to start dating.
Natasha says, "Steve, are you ever going actually go on a date? You've been in the ice for 70 years. You need to get some action."
Steve says, "I will eventually, but I'm just not ready."
"How about Brianna from logistics?"
"The one who always wears a ponytail?"
"Yeah, she's sweet."
"I don't know about that. She probably won't go for an 100 year old man."
"I wouldn't say you're 100. More like 97."
"Well, still. I'm just not ready yet."
Natasha grabs his phone and sends a text to Brianna.
Steve says, "What did you just do?"
Natasha says, "Something you didn't have the balls to do."
Steve takes his phone back and reads the message.
He says, "Why did you ask her out on my behalf? I told you I wasn't ready."
Natasha says, "Somebody had to make the first move."
Brianna responds saying that she would love to go.
Steve says, "Great. Now, I have a date tonight. How are we going to complete the mission if I'm eating spaghetti?"
Natasha says, "Don't worry. Sam and I got it under control and if we need back up, we'll call you."
"I can't believe you're making me do this."
"You'll thank me later."
Later that night, Steve puts on a white, long sleeved button up shirt and black dress pants. He laces up his dress shoes.
Steve says, "Thanks for letting me borrow these, man. Do you want me to get them dry cleaned for you?"
Sam says, "Nah, you can just keep it."
"Thanks, buddy. I really owe you one."
"Yeah, you do."
Steve arrives at the fancy Italian restaurant with a bouquet of yellow tulips and sees Brianna waiting for him outside the entrance. She lights up when she sees him and waves at him. Steve smiles back and hands her the bouquet.
Steve says, "Hey Brianna. How are you? I wasn't sure what to get you, so I thought you might like some tulips."
Brianna says, "Thank you, Steve. I'm doing as well as I can be. Thank you for the flowers. That's very thoughtful of you."
"No problem. It was my pleasure. Shall we go to our table?"
Steve escorts her to the restaurant where a hostess leads them to their table that's in a private room. Steve holds out her chair for her and she sits down. Then Steve goes to his seat and they both look at the menu.
Brianna says, "Wow, I didn't expect a private room."
Steve says, "One of the perks of being the owner's favorite superhero."
"That must be nice."
There is an awkward silence. Steve tries to break the ice.
He says, "So, how do you like working at SHIELD?"
She says, "It's okay. I mean it's a job, so I'm not complaining."
Her answer was not what Steve expected. There's another lull in the conversation.
Finally, Brianna says, "So, how's it like working with Iron Man?"
He says, "He's a little cocky, but he does provide funding for the Avengers."
"Cocky? He's a genius! Tony Stark is the most intelligent, charismatic, charming, funny, and kind person on this planet."
Steve is fighting off the urge to roll his eyes.
He says, "Sure, Tony can build stuff. But, can he defeat a Nazi?"
Brianna says, "Yes, if he was alive then."
Steve just gives her a look and he thinks to himself what the hell am I doing here?
Steve texts Natasha for back up. He begs her to save him from this horrendous date. Natasha tells him that she's on her way.
Natasha arrives in what seems like decades later to Steve and she interrupts their date.
Natasha says, "Steve, we have an urgent mission to go on right now. I'm sorry you're going to have to reschedule your date."
Brianna says, "Wait. Can you introduce me to Iron Man?"
Steve ignores her and leaves with Natasha.
As they're walking out of the restaurant, she says, "You guys didn't even order your drinks yet?"
Steve says, "It was that bad. Thanks for saving me back there."
"No problem. How about we go out for drinks? The night is still young."
"You know alcohol doesn't affect me."
"But, it still affects me. Come on."
Natasha drags Steve to the nearest restaurant that serves alcohol, which is a sushi place. Steve is hesitant since he has never eaten raw fish.
Steve says, "No way, Romanoff. I don't eat meat uncooked."
She says, "It's not meat. It's sushi. You'll like it just give it a chance."
"If you insist."
They find a seat at the bar and Natasha orders for the both of them. They are first served hot green tea. Steve accidentally burns his tongue and Natasha bursts out laughing.
She says, "I'm sorry, but that is hilarious."
He says, "What's so funny about me burning my tongue?"
"Your face."
Steve puts down the drink and their first dish arrives.
Steve asks, "What is this pink, squishy thing?"
Natasha says, "It's raw salmon on sushi rice."
"And, you expect me to eat this thing?"
"It's good. Trust me."
Steve reluctantly takes a bite, loves it, then devours it.
He tells the chef, "Can I get another order of this?"
After many rounds of sushi and sake, Steve and Natasha are both stuffed.
Steve says, "That was amazing."
Natasha says, "I told you so."
"How come I never tried this before?"
"Because you lived in 1940s America."
They laugh.
Steve asks, "Wanna go for a walk?"
Natasha says, "You mean, a romantic evening stroll?"
"Something like that."
They leave the restaurant and Steve extends his arm out to her. She jokingly takes it, but Steve is not joking around.
As they're walking, Steve says, "I wonder how Sam's doing with gathering intel."
Natasha says, "He's a big boy. He can handle himself. I'm more worried about that look on your face."
"What's wrong with my face?"
"Nothing. It just looks like you wanna kiss me."
"Well, do you?"
They hear a clock strike at midnight. Steve turns to look at it while Natasha is looking at him. She gently grabs his face and kisses him. When they pull apart, both of them are shocked.
"What the hell."
They both turn around to see Sam standing behind them.
Here’s our first fanfic involving Steve and Natasha! Stay tuned and let us know what you think. Requests are open too. :)
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captain-romanoff18 · 3 years
Can someone recommend a NatashaxSteve fanfics were both of them are complex?
(Like not just a golden retriever/Boy Scout who’s very oblivious and a sexy aloof assassin)
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botanicalbarnes · 5 years
My Favorite Person
Prompt/box filled: “You are quite possibly my favorite person.” for @starksparker, “my dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.” for @neverlandparker and @fairytaleparker
“You are so cute” for @goodthingshappenbingo, Proposal for @star-spangled-bingo, Halves of a Whole for @buckybarnesbingo
Fandom: Marvel
pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Doubt, so much fluff, passing references to sex
word count:3.2k
Summary: You start worrying over your wedding and your friends remind you of why you’re being dumb and of how far you and Bucky have come.
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“Will you please quit pacing!? It’s your wedding day for christ’s sake! What are you so nervous about?” Wanda exclaimed sharply at you.
You turned to stare at her, “Everything! What if Steve loses the rings? What if I trip? What if Bucky bails? What if I forget my vows? What if-”
“STOP!” This time Nat interrupted with an incredulous look. “Y/N, first of all, everything will be fine, everything is already taken care of. Second, Bucky would never bail. He’s been in love with you and ready for this since the moment he saw you for the first time.”
The team and a few agents filed into the meeting room. Natasha, Tony, and Clint walked over to you talking about how good you looked and how long it had been since you’d last seen each other. You had been assigned to the London branch two years ago and had just been transferred back to New York to work with the Avengers.
A lot had changed since you left.
Everyone looked at the hologram showing the base you’d be infiltrating. On the opposite side of the room however, stood Bucky Barnes, who’d joined the team a little after you’d left. He stared wide eyed, mouth gaping at you from across the room. You saw his eyes wander up and down your body and you felt yourself bite your lip and do the same.
Even though the only light was coming from the hologram in front of you, you could see him blush when your eyes met. You held back a giggle, smirked, and winked. 
You felt his eyes on you through the whole meeting. To say the least, it was very distracting.
The corners of your mouth twitched upward at the memory. “Hell, he even got shot for you that day! You hadn’t even officially met until then!” 
You struggled with the Hydra agent. She evaded every kick, punch, and attempt to take her down. 
Through the fight, you failed to notice the other agent aiming his gun at you, waiting for a clear shot. Until, you heard the two gunshots followed by a loud groan of pain. It was so sudden that the woman you were fighting looked away just long enough for you to knock her out. “That should keep her down for a while.” You muttered to yourself before turning towards the groans. You gasped when you say Bucky on the ground. You cursed and ran to where he had collapsed. “Shit shit shit fuck. Woah, hey, stay with me, I’m gonna get us out of here.”
His eyes were fluttering open to look up at you. When he tried moving he hissed and clutched his side. 
You looked down towards his hand and saw his red with blood. “Wow, you’re beautiful. Hi, I’m Bucky.” You gave him a ‘are you serious?’ look.
“You are literally bleeding out right now. It’s really not the time.”
“Eh, I’ll be fine.” He opened his mouth to continue but you got up and tried to get him up too. 
“Not if i leave you here. God, you’re heavy. C’mon you need to help me out here.” Finally, you were able to get him up and have him lean against you. “Guys, Bucky’s shot, I’m taking him back to the jet.”
You felt his eyes looking up at you as you made your way to the jet.
Laying him down as gently as possible, you pulled his gear and clothes off to see the damage, leaving him in his pants. “How did you manage to get shot anyway?” You gave him the strongest pain meds you had at hand and tried to patch him up best you could.
“He was going to shoot you. I tried to stop him. I went in front of him right when he took the shot. I had fired my gun already but I wasn’t quick enough. I couldn’t let them hurt you.” You stopped everything and stared into his eyes. He had gotten shot… for you. You didn’t know what to say. Without thinking, you leaned down to give him a lingering kiss. 
“You haven’t told me your name.” He said softly when you’d parted. 
“It’s Y/N.” You replied in a whisper.
“Remember how nervous he was when he finally asked you out? He wouldn’t stop asking us for advice on how to do it and then followed none of it.” Wanda added.
It was another Sunday morning at the compound. Nothing weird or off about it. You sat comfortably on a stool by the kitchen island in your PJ’s, eating cereal and scrolling through your phone. 
Bucky walked in, rubbing his eyes and yawning, not noticing you watching him move about. He filled his favorite mug with coffee and took a muffin from a tray set out. With a sigh, he sipped his coffee and pulled out a chair across from you. He put his mug down and looked up. A tiny scream escaped his lips when he saw you and you couldn’t contain your laughs. “Y/N. Hey, um, good morning. I, uh, didn’t see you there.” 
All through breakfast, you watched him silently twitch and shift uncomfortably. You finished your cereal, washed your plate, then left the kitchen. Maybe you’d go out and get a dress for that gala thing Tony was making everyone go to. ‘A red one’, you thought, ‘maybe Bucky will pick up on the hints and-’
Bucky’s voice called out your name behind you, bringing you out of your thoughts.
When you turned, Bucky caught up to you looking like he regretted it. His flesh hand came up to scratch his neck nervously. He opened and closed his mouth, searching his mouth for what to say. “Um, so, uh, You know th-that gala thing Tony w-want us to go to?” You nodded and he swallowed, taking a deep breath. 
“Iwaswonderingifyou’dwanttogowithme.” He said all in one breath. You laughed lightly.
“What? Can you say that again please Bucky? A little slower this time?” 
He took a deep breath, “I was wondering. I-if you would l-like to go to that gala. W-with me. Like a date. Y-ya know, t-together.” His eyes met yours and a broad smile spread over your lips. 
You stepped forward to him and pulled him in for a deep kiss. After a moment he kissed you back and pulled you against him. “So is that a yes…?” He said against your lips. You pulled back and giggled.
“Yeah, Buck. It’s a yes.” He beamed (to put it lightly) and leaned in to kiss you again.
“Don’t forget when he told you he loved you. On your fourth date.”
You and Bucky walked down the street from the ice cream place. Your dress shone under the street lights. You licked and bit your ice cream cone until there was nothing left. You turned to Bucky, laughing at what what he was saying. “Hold on, you got ice cream on your chin.” He said. Instead of wiping it off with his thumb or a napkin, he opted for kissing you clean. You giggled as he kissed and licked your chin, then trailing along your jaw. Your face was scrunched up happily when he came up again. 
“You are so cute. Ugh, I love you.” His voice was barely above a whisper but he knew you had heard it. His eyes widened and he winced slightly. “You, um, you don’t need to say it back. Uh, I know it hasn’t been long but, I meant it. I love you Y/N.” 
You stood pleasantly shocked. You kissed him softly before saying, “I know. I love you too.” Of all the things he could have expected you to say, ‘I love you too’ was not one of them. Not that he had any objections.
“And his proposal.” Wanda laughed, “He planned that for weeks!”
“Where are we going? Bucky come on!” You whined.
“You’ll see. We’re almost there. Stop pouting.” He pecked your lips quickly, making you smile. “That’s my girl.”
“You better not be taking me out to the middle of fucking nowhere to kill me, James Barnes.” He rolled his eyes with a chuckle.
“Whoops, you caught me! I’m taking you, my girlfriend who I love more than anything, into the woods to kill you. When I know we both have trackers and everyone knows we left the compound together.” The sarcasm was practically dripping from his words. A moment of silence was followed by a fit of laughter from both of you. “Ok, we’re here.” He took your blindfold (that has more than one use when it comes to you two) off and you gasped at the sight in front of you. You were literally in the middle of nowhere. Trees were in every direction, but just ahead was a clearing, the sun lit up the small circle. A plaid blanket was spread out in the center, with a cute picnic basket on it and some pillows. 
“Bucky! This is incredible! When did you have time to set this up? Or find this place?” 
“Nat and Steve just left, they texted me that everything was ready like two minutes ago. And remember when Tony gave Sams wings an upgrade and Sam went flying for like two hours? Yeah he stopped to rest or something and he found this. Hey, lets eat, i know you’re starving.” As if on queue, your stomach growled loudly. 
“Yeah that’s probably a good idea. So what’d you bring?” You said as you sat down and fixed your sundress.
“Well,” Bucky started, “Two days ago you said you would kill for a burger and fries. Sooo…” He opened the basket to reveal bags of Mcdonalds, “I had Steve and Nat pick some up for us.” You practically lunged at him. He landed on his back and you laughed gleefully. Ugh, you loved him so much. You peppered him with little kisses and thanked him repeatedly. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you, I love you, I love you!!! You. Are. The. Greatest.” He chuckled at your excitement. You got off of him and started stuffing your face, moaning at the first bite. 
By the time you were full, you found yourself laying down on the blanket, your head in Buckys lap as he read softly to you. He stopped at the end of a chapter. “Doll, would you mind getting my phone for me? I think it’s somewhere over there.”
“Mhm. Gimme a kiss first.” You demanded. He let out an exaggerated sigh as if it was a chore. With a grin on his face, he leaned down to give you a chaste kiss on the lips. You hummed contently and jumped up. You took a few steps over to his phone, picking it up. “Why’d it end up over here.” Little did you know he’d done that on purpose. 
When you turned and stepped towards him, you raised your head to look at him. Your jaw dropped to the floor and a loud gasp escaped you. You dropped Bucky’s phone and threw your hands over your mouth when you saw him on one knee in front of you. 
“Y/N. The moment is saw you, I swear I was a goner. I’ve loved you since the beginning. Before you, if someone had asked me if love at first sight was real, I would have said ‘hell no’. But here we are. But I never thought that you’d love me too. When you told me you loved me, I think my heart stopped and started up again. And everytime you say it or kiss me, I feel like the luckiest bastard alive. There’s only one thing that would make that 100% true though. So, will you make me the happiest, luckiest, man in the universe, and marry me?”
He opened the small box in his hands and you nodded hysterically, tears streaming down your face. “Yes, yes, yes! Of course!” Your hand shook uncontrollably as he took it and slid the ring onto your finger. A perfect fit. Nothing could possibly ruin your happiness or wipe the smile off your face. Bucky wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in tight for a hug. Your arms snaked around his neck, and you admired the beautiful ring on your finger. 
You were both laughing softly as you moved to kiss. Out from behind the trees came everyone. The whole team was there congratulating you. Peter and MJ stood a bit behind, cameras in hand capturing every perfect moment. 
That same happy smile was back on your face from just thinking about that day. Tears of joy pooled in your eyes knowing that in less than an hour, you’d at long last be Mrs. Y/N Barnes. You blinked them away quickly so as to not mess up your makeup. 
“There’s that smile.” Said Nat softly. A knock from the door made the six heads in the room turn. 
“I’ll see who it is.” Hope said. You watched as she opened the door slightly and immediately said, ‘NOPE. Bad luck.” before closing it again. 
“C’mon! Please Hope! I have a blindfold and I can walk in backwards! I just really gotta talk to her. Just five minutes, I promise!” Came Bucky’s voice. She looked at you with a question in her eyes. You grabbed a piece of scarf and wrapped it around your head. 
“Let him in. Wait outside, all of you. And no eavesdropping!” You listened as Nat, Wanda, Hope, Valkyrie, and Morgan left the room. Your back faced the door just in case of anything. Someone guided him to you and you laced your fingers with his as you stood back to back.
“Hey. What are you doing here, you know it’s bad luck.” 
“I know, I know. I just had to talk to you before the ceremony. Can you believe it’s finally time?!” His voice was electric with excitement, then turned calm and soft again, “I wanted to make sure you weren’t freaking out or worrying about everything.” He knew you so well.
“I was.” You laughed. “Then the girls made me think about how far we’ve come. Our good moments together.”
“Yeah. Can you believe it’s been two years already?”
“To be honest, no. Ya know what they say: ‘Time flies when you’re having fun’. So is everything ready? Nothing’s gone wrong or anything right?” Your voice went higher towards the end of your sentence. 
“No. Nothing’s wrong. Please stop worrying. I just went to check on everything and it all looks wonderful. The flowers are all where they need to be, decorations are in place, the cake is great, everything is great. Just half and hour and you’ll be my wife.”
You squealed happily. “I know! If only time could go by faster! I can’t wait another second to officially be Mrs.Barnes!”
“Me neither. I can’t wait to see you. In your dress… And without it t-” The doors burst open before Bucky could get another word in.
“Ok. That’s it. Let’s go. Get outta here.” You gave Bucky’s hand one last squeeze before the girls dragged him out.
You adjusted your dress, took a deep breath, and took your father’s arm. The doors in front of you opened one more time and you walked through them slowly. You lifted your head and as soon as your eyes settled on Bucky, whose back was facing you, everything stopped. You saw as his shoulders rose and fell before he turned and saw you. 
You tuned out the gasps, the music, the whispers, and all the people. All you could see, was him. You saw him take a sharp breath when he saw you. Even from where you were, you saw the tears welling in his eyes. He didn’t even try hiding them or blinking them away.  This only spurred on yours and made them stream freely down your cheeks. Thank god your makeup was waterproof.
Then, you were standing in front of Bucky, both of you beaming. You scarcely heard what the officiant was saying, and only registered when Bucky was asked to recite his vows. 
“Wow. What to say? Growing up in the 40’s, I had an idea of what my life would be like. Before the war, my dream was to eventually settle down with a nice, calm girl and maybe have some kids. When the war broke out, I was sure that I’d die out there. For so long, I’d hoped that I would. Then, after everything that happened to me, I never thought I could have that. At best, my dream became to live out my days making up for everything I’ve done and all the time I’ve lost. But then I met you. You: the most beautiful, sassy, adventurous, insanely smart, fiery, spontaneous, strong, fun, cheeky, and confident woman who I’ve ever met. The one I fell in love with. Since then, I know that my dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it. I’m so happy that you chose me, and that my dream is becoming a reality. So I promise to be the best man I can be, to love you forever, and to be your partner in everything. I love you. Let’s do this.” 
His words were almost whispers as he finished. Your hand reached up to wipe away the tears that had fallen. 
“Bucky. I can’t possibly top that.” Laughter filled the space around you in a reminder that it wasn’t just you and him. 
“All i can say, is that you have changed my life. Without you, I don’t know where I would be right now. You have saved me; literally and figuratively. I feel at home when I’m with you, because I am. I’ve been happier these past two years with you that I ever had been. You complete me. You’re my other half I never thought I’d find. You are quite possibly my favorite person. Actually, you totally are, without question. I’m so glad I met you. And so excited to start this new chapter by your side. I vow to take care of you, and be there for you even if, and most especially when that means getting into trouble together. I can’t wait to love you for the rest of my life. So yeah… Let’s do this.”
The rest of the ceremony blurs together with the stormy blue of Bucky’s eyes. You snapped back to reality when you heard: “I now pronounce you husband and wife… You may now kiss the bride.” And oh he definitely did. Very, very thoroughly. 
You broke apart grinning ear-to-ear as the cheers and whoops electrified the air around you. Your forehead was on his and you looked into each others eyes. “Hello Mrs. Barnes. Have I ever mentioned I love you?”
“I think you might have once or twice, Mr. Barnes. You should probably spend the rest of your life reminding me though. Just to make sure.”
Thanks for reading! Like/Reblog if you liked it! Feedback is always welcome!
Tags:  @tessasangeltom
(let me know if you want to be tagged)
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thephildanthropist · 5 years
Can you guys recommend some good fics on ao3?
I'm mainly looking for klance, but I have many other ships so if you know any good fics please let me know!
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momentofmemory · 5 years
fictober - day twenty-two
Prompt #22: “We could have a chance.”
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Captain America Films & Avengers Films)
Rating: T
Characters: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff
Words: 1100
Author’s Note: a series of nine interconnected drabbles spanning avengers (2012) - avengers: endgame (2019), +1 double drabble to round it out. was intended platonically but can be very easily be read as romanrogers if you so desire.
>>One More Chance (and another, and another)
1. Steve’s barely two weeks out of 1945 the first time he sees it.
They don’t know each other: he only knew she existed as of this morning, and she seems like the kind of person that doesn’t really care either way.
But she’s the only person he’s spent time with in the twenty-first century that doesn’t look at him like he belongs in a museum, so he barges into her room and says, “Time to go.”
She turns and says go where, but her eyes say we could have a chance.
For the first time, Steve thinks he might, too.
“You know Maria’s single these days.”
Steve sighs and pushes his uniform deeper into his locker. “Natasha…”
"I’m just saying, she’d probably appreciate your whole strong, silent type schtick.”
“I’m not interested in dating,” he says, slamming the door shut. “We’ve been over this.”
There’s no universe in which Steve thought he’d hear Black Widow whining.
“Come on. You could still have a chance.”
“Maybe I wish I didn’t.”
Before he can walk away, Nat’s hand darts out and grabs his arm. “I’m glad you do.”
He blinks, genuinely shocked by her concern.
She’s gone before he can reply.
“Move, Natasha.”
She doesn’t budge from her position in front of him, determined even as gunfire ricochets around them. “Don’t be stupid, Rogers. No one has a chance in hell of getting through there.”
Steve cinches his shield tighter around his still-bleeding arm. “If I take out the guard on the turret, you should be able to manage the rest.”
“Nat.” He searches out her gaze and holds it until he’s sure he has her attention. “I could have a chance. Trust me.”
Natasha hesitates a second longer, then steps aside.
“Guess you’re called the Cap for a reason.”
Steve finds her, after.
After training the new recruits, after handling the PR nightmare, after a week has passed, after she bores a hole into the wall from staring at it for hours.
(Bruce doesn’t come back.)
Steve sits down beside her and says nothing, and she leans against his shoulder with a sigh.
“So this is why you turned down that girl from accounting—Lidia?”
“Lillian,” he says. “And she turned out to be a HYRDA agent, actually.”
Steve snorts. Then he shrugs. “You’ll have another chance.”
“That your professional opinion?”
She hums, thoughtfully. “Shared life experience.”
Steve’s latest lead is another dead end.
There’s one less HYDRA base in the world, true, but its wreckage bears the marks of the Winter Soldier—not Bucky Barnes.
He doesn’t turn when Natasha joins him on the balcony.
“Long day?”
He huffs. “Long life.”
“Oh good, I caught you in your optimistic mood.” A pause. “No one would blame you if you stopped, you know.”
“If there’s even the smallest chance…” He shrugs. “I’ve got to at least try.”
“I figured.” Her fingers drum rhythmically on the bannister. “I’ll let you know if I hear anything else.”
“…Thank you.”
It’s almost six months on the run before Natasha strolls into their hotel room, right in the middle of a planning session to take out a terror cell that’s been harassing the locals. She doesn’t offer an explanation or even a smile, just her opinion without preamble.
“You don’t stand a chance at taking out the entire group on your own, Rogers.”
Steve stares at her in surprise, a flash of something flickering across his face. “Agreed. …We do, though.”
Natasha tilts her head and walks forward, stopping in front of Steve.
She unholsters her Escrima rods, and Steve smiles.
“I’m thinking about starting a group for people that need help moving on.”
Natasha glances up from her datapad. “You. The inventor of ‘not moving on’ himself.”
“I do have experience with something that’s at least kind of similar. Helping people find a way past that…” Steve shrugs. “I don’t know. It’s what Sam would’ve done.”
Natasha hums in agreement. “So moving on. Seems like good advice—you gonna take it yourself?”
“Nah. It’s too late for a fossil like me.” Steve steals one of Nat’s sandwiches. “But them… I don’t know. Maybe we could give them a chance.”
Natasha’s already suited up when Steve walks into the conference room. “We could have a chance, Steve,” she whispers, staring at the holographic stones with an almost reverence. “A chance.”
“I know.” Steve leans on one of the chairs around the table. “Never thought I’d be going back in time to do it, but I guess I’ve already gone forward. Might as well round out my social card.”
Natasha laughs. “Promise me one thing?”
“If something happens—if it doesn’t work—we don’t stop. I don’t care what it takes. We get them back.”
Steve agrees. “Whatever it takes.”
Steve flies forty feet through the air and when he crashes to the ground, for the first time in a while he thinks he definitely can’t do this all day.
Everything hurts. The cuts on his leg and forearm are bleeding badly; he knows he’s broken several ribs. His helmet’s cracked and maybe his skull, too, and there’s an uncomfortable spike of pain lancing up his spine.
But she gave us a chance.
Steve rolls over onto his stomach, arms and legs shaking as his forces himself to his feet. He stares Thanos down.
He’s not going to waste it.
“This is the eternal exchange: a soul for a soul.”
The visage of one of the many ghosts from Steve’s past stares down at him, but Steve can’t bring himself to be impressed.
He’s gotten used to graves being emptied, friend or foe.
“And this counts as a soul?” He looks down at the rock in his hand, glowing orange despite the crimson blood that stains its essence.
We could have a chance.
The Red Skull regards him carefully, then hovers towards the edge of the cliff. Steve follows but doesn’t look down. He knows what lies at the bottom.
“I have seen many things during my unending vigil over this place, Steven Rogers,” Johann says. “But that is a question that has never been asked.”
Steve nods once, sharply. He’s had worse odds.
“Good enough.”
He slings the rock over the ledge, as fast and as far as he can, and it sails for miles under the combination of his superhuman strength and the planet’s lower gravity.
The stone hits the ground.
The world goes dark, and when he awakens, he finds himself in a lake of purple-tinged water, waves lapping at his shins.
Steve looks up, and smiles.
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thefudge · 5 years
He thought, I wouldn’t change anything about you, not even the bloodshed.
And that scared him. That he was willing to forego the bad, that he wanted all of her, even the part where, sometimes, innocent people died
Steve goes back in time for his spy. Steve/Natasha (Endgame AU)
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justahermitcrab · 5 years
I love fanfiction recs because you’ll get your suggestions from the standard sites like archive of our own, livejournal, tumblr, etc. but sometimes it’ll be something totally bizarre like www.jessicas-hot-smut.weebly.com or someone’s word doc downloaded from dropbox
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natandwandaseries · 7 months
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thelifeofannabanana · 3 years
Catch Up Game
Tagged by the lovely @infinitestarsintheskye thanks so much :)
Rules: answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
Three ships: Fitzsimmons, Captain Swan, Romanrogers
Last song: Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe, FINNEAS
Last movie: My best friend and I watched Captain Marvel the other night because she had never finished the movie haha
Currently watching: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D! (for the first time!) I'm on Spring Break (I'm a teacher) so I am taking full advantage. Currently halfway through season 4
Currently craving: Iced Coffee, because what else is new? lol
I will tag (if they would like to!) @kevdog22 , @eowima , and @besidemethewholedamntime because along with @infinitestarsintheskye I am obsessed with yall's blogs/fanfics since I entered the AoS fandom
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greekgeekable · 4 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanov, Jean Grey/Scott Summers Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Charles Xavier, Logan (X-Men), Rogue (X-Men), James Rogers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Bruce Banner, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Wanda Maximoff, Bobby Drake, Kurt Wagner, Johnny Storm, Thor (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), May Parker (Spider-Man), Happy Hogan, Stephen Strange, Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Rebecca Barnes Proctor, Carol Danvers, Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Peter Quill, Nebula (Marvel), Gamora (Marvel) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Avatar (TV) Fusion, POV Natasha Romanov, Natasha Romanov Feels, BAMF Natasha Romanov, Aunt Peggy Carter, Minor Jean Grey/Scott Summers, capwidow - Freeform, Captasha - Freeform, Time Travel Fix-It Summary:
‘ I feel — no , no, I’m sure I’ve known you... for a very long time. And I see the way you look at me, Nat,’ Steve said.
A frisson of anticipation erupted in her gut.
‘ I don’t look at you any differently from how a woman looks at a man,’ Natasha answered.
He shook his head slowly, almost mournful.
‘We both know that’s not true , you look at me like you’ve lost everything ... and I just want to know how I can make that up to you ?’
A soul for a soul, said Clint echoing the conditions made on Vormir. A soul for a soul, Steve thought as he made his trip through the Quantum Portal to return the stones. A wistful need to dare or hope she could just appear at his side again. While he went left: to get a life — with Peggy in 1945. Natasha went right : and got a life too — well, restarted the old one.
She shouldn’t be here. She should be dead and what’s more, who told her to fall into step with Steven. G . Rogers again. Hadn’t being on the run with Steve and Sam been enough?
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thecrimsonwitch · 3 years
Midnight in DC (Part 2/2)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: When Steve and Natasha are on the run from HYDRA, they both lay low at Sam's. Natasha convinces Steve to go on a date that ends disastrously, so they both take a midnight stroll around DC.
Warnings: fluff, light swearing, and just Romanogers being cute together
Word Count: 850 words
Read part one here!
Steve, Natasha, and Sam have been staring at each other in silence for the past five minutes.
Sam breaks the silence and says, "Okay, what the hell is going on? You guys are freaking me out."
Natasha says, "It was an accident."
Steve gives her a weird look.
Sam says, "It didn't look like an accident."
Natasha says, "Look, can we just forget about it? We have more pressing matters to discuss. Sam, did you get any intel?"
"Of course. I was actually working on the mission the whole night while you guys are making out."
Steve says, "We were not making out."
Sam says, "You kind of were."
Natasha says, "Okay, what's the intel?"
Sam says, "I found out that a top SHIELD agent is actually a HYDRA pawn."
Steve says, "Okay, so let's make a plan."
They all walk to Sam's house and he says, "Don't you think I'm forgetting about this. We'll talk about this later."
They all interrogate the HYDRA agent and got the information they needed. They go back to Sam's place to regroup. Sam is busy fixing his wings, so that leaves Natasha and Steve alone.
Steve says, "So, are we gonna talk about it?"
Natasha says, "There's nothing to talk about it."
"Don't you think it's a little weird?"
"It's only weird if we make it weird."
"Hey, you kissed me."
"You were basically begging me for it."
"No, I wasn't!"
Sam interrupts by saying, "Can you guys stop arguing like an old married couple? We have a new lead. Let's go."
They all head out and interrogate Jasper Sitwell, a HYDRA infiltrator posing as a high ranking SHIELD agent. They get the information they need and they all leave to drive to their next location, but the Winter Soldier had other plans in mind.
The Winter Soldier kills Jasper and he fights the rest of Cap's team. Steve finds out that the Winter Soldier is Bucky and he is shook to his core. Steve, Natasha, and Sam are taken by HYDRA, but Maria Hill saves them and brings them to Nick Fury. He's revealed to be secretly alive and they formulate a plan to stop the helicarriers from executed HYDRA's potential threats. Before they move on to their mission, Steve is sitting down with his face in his hands. He can't believe what he just saw. His best friend now his enemy. Natasha sits next to him and tries to comfort him.
Steve says, "I can't believe he's been alive this whole time. And, a HYDRA assassin no less. It's all my fault. I could've saved him."
Natasha says, "Don't blame yourself for these. You had no idea he was alive and being brainwashed to work for HYDRA. Nobody knew."
"But, still. I could've done something about it. I know he's still in there. I just gotta help him."
"There's nothing you can do. He's too far gone."
"What do you know about it? You know nothing about losing a best friend."
Natasha is hurt and Steve immediately regrets saying that. As she walks away, Steve interjects.
He says, "I'm sorry, Romanoff. I didn't mean to snap at you like that."
She says, "No, you're right. I'm a monster."
She leaves and Steve is saddened.
They all carry out their mission and successfully destroy HYDRA's helicarriers. Bucky saves Steve's life and leaves. Nick Fury invites Steve to work with him in Europe, but he politely declines. Natasha brings him files on Bucky and Sam knows that Steve wants to go after him. Sam agrees to help him out. Sam leaves, so Steve and Natasha are left alone.
Natasha says, "So, you're really going to go after him?"
Steve says, "I have no choice. It's the right thing to do. If the roles were reversed, he would do the same for me. Plus, he saved my life, so I know he's still the Bucky I grew up with."
"Where do we start?"
"You want to help?"
"Why not? It's not like I have anything better to do."
"So, we're not going to talk about it?"
"There's nothing to talk about."
Steve looks at Natasha longingly and says, "There is. This is something I should've said a long time ago. I like you. More than a coworker and more than a friend. I thought I couldn't trust you, but I realized that you keep these walls up to guard your heart. You had to in order to survive, but you always remained true to yourself a good person deep down. We couldn't have successfully completed this mission without you. I couldn't do it without you. I know this is sudden and out of nowhere, but I'm willing to give it a shot if you are."
Natasha is stunned. Steve thinks she rebuffs his advances, so he turns around to leave. But, Natasha grabs his hand and pulls him around to give him a passionate kiss. They break apart.
Natasha says, "Let's go take a romantic evening stroll."
Steve says, "At midnight?"
They walk together hand in hand. They begin their midnight in DC.
I hope you guys enjoy the final part of Midnight in DC! Requests are always welcome. What should we write next? Let us know Xx
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bad girl
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WuCAFX
by peachgalaxy
Vampires are a fantasy. At least that's what Carol Danvers tells herself on a cold night in Transylvania.
Words: 1982, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Shockingly Awesome Fanfics
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Captain Marvel (2019)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Carol Danvers, Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Nick Fury
Relationships: Shock and Awe - Relationship, Darcy Lewis/Carol Danvers, RomanRogers, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - World War II, explicit hand holding, Lesbian Vampires, the lesbian vampire au no one asked for but are getting, won't someone help nick fury, I cannot stress this enough, vampire lesbians
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WuCAFX
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 5 years
bad girl
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WuCAFX
by peachgalaxy
Vampires are a fantasy. At least that's what Carol Danvers tells herself on a cold night in Transylvania.
Words: 1982, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Shockingly Awesome Fanfics
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Captain Marvel (2019)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Carol Danvers, Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Nick Fury
Relationships: Shock and Awe - Relationship, Darcy Lewis/Carol Danvers, RomanRogers, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - World War II, explicit hand holding, Lesbian Vampires, the lesbian vampire au no one asked for but are getting, won't someone help nick fury, I cannot stress this enough, vampire lesbians
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WuCAFX
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