#Rohan Corporation
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wysheful · 2 years ago
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Cleaning out some folders + decided to post some old stuff I still enjoy <3
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rightnewshindi · 6 months ago
इस महीने खाली रहेगी HRTC पेंशनरों की जेब, निगम के पास नहीं है पैसा; जानें क्या बोले एमडी रोहन चंद ठाकुर
Himachal News: हिमाचल प्रदेश पथ परिवहन निगम के पेंशनरों की जेब इस महीने खाली ही रही है। बुधवार को प्रदेश सरकार के सभी पेंशनरों के खाते में पेंशन आ गई, लेकिन एचआरटीसी के पेंशनरों को नहीं मिली है। ऐसा इसलिए हुआ, क्योंकि निगम के पास पैसा ही नहीं है। इस महीने एचआरटीसी को सरकार से जो पैसा मिलना चाहिए था, वह पूरा नहीं मिला। अब कम राशि मिलने से सिर्फ व���तन का खर्च ही निकल पाया और निगम ने अपने कर्मचारियों…
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fatehbaz · 2 years ago
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imperialism and science reading list
edited: by popular demand, now with much longer list of books
Of course Katherine McKittrick and Kathryn Yusoff.
People like Achille Mbembe, Pratik Chakrabarti, Rohan Deb Roy, Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert, and Elizabeth Povinelli have written some “classics” and they track the history/historiography of US/European scientific institutions and their origins in extraction, plantations, race/slavery, etc.
Two articles I’d recommend as a summary/primer:
Zaheer Baber. “The Plants of Empire: Botanic Gardens, Colonial Power and Botanical Knowledge.” Journal of Contemporary Asia. May 2016.
Kathryn Yusoff. “The Inhumanities.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 2020.
Then probably:
Irene Peano, Marta Macedo, and Colette Le Petitcorps. “Introduction: Viewing Plantations at the Intersection of Political Ecologies and Multiple Space-Times.” Global Plantations in the Modern World: Sovereignties, Ecologies, Afterlives. 2023.
Sharae Deckard. “Paradise Discourse, Imperialism, and Globalization: Exploiting Eden.” 2010. (Chornological overview of development of knowledge/institutions in relationship with race, slavery, profit as European empires encountered new lands and peoples.)
Gregg Mitman. “Forgotten Paths of Empire: Ecology, Disease, and Commerce in the Making of Liberia’s Plantation Economy.” Environmental History. 2017, (Interesting case study. US corporations were building fruit plantations in Latin America and rubber plantations in West Africa during the 1920s. Medical doctors, researchers, and academics made a strong alliance these corporations to advance their careers and solidify their institutions. By 1914, the director of Harvard’s Department of Tropical Medicine was also simultaneously the director of the Laboratories of the Hospitals of the United Fruit Company, which infamously and brutally occupied Central America. This same Harvard doctor was also a shareholder in rubber plantations, and had a close personal relationship with the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, which occupied West Africa.)
Elizabeth DeLoughrey. “Globalizing the Routes of Breadfruit and Other Bounties.”  2008. (Case study of how British wealth and industrial development built on botany. Examines Joseph Banks; Kew Gardens; breadfruit; British fear of labor revolts; and the simultaneous colonizing of the Caribbean and the South Pacific.)
Elizabeth DeLoughrey. “Satellite Planetarity and the Ends of the Earth.” 2014. (Indigenous knowledge systems; “nuclear colonialism”; US empire in the Pacific; space/satellites; the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.)
Fahim Amir. “Cloudy Swords.” e-flux Journal #115, February 2021. (”Pest control”; termites; mosquitoes; fear of malaria and other diseases during German colonization of Africa and US occupations of Panama and the wider Caribbean; origins of some US institutions and the evolution of these institutions into colonial, nationalist, and then NGO forms over twentieth century.)
Some of the earlier generalist classic books that explicitly looked at science as a weapon of empires:
Schiebinger’s Plants and Empire: Colonial Bioprospecting in the Atlantic World; Delbourgo’s and Dew’s Science and Empire in the Atlantic World; the anthology Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World; Canzares-Esquerra’s Nature, Empire, and Nation: Explorations of the History of Science in the Iberian World.
One of the quintessential case studies of science in the service of empire is the British pursuit of quinine and the inoculation of their soldiers and colonial administrators to safeguard against malaria in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia at the height of their power. But there are so many other exemplary cases: Britain trying to domesticate and transplant breadfruit from the South Pacific to the Caribbean to feed laborers to prevent slave uprisings during the age of the Haitian Revolution. British colonial administrators smuggling knowledge of tea cultivation out of China in order to set up tea plantations in Assam. Eugenics, race science, biological essentialism, etc. in the early twentieth century. With my interests, my little corner of exposure/experience has to do mostly with conceptions of space/place; interspecies/multispecies relationships; borderlands and frontiers; Caribbean; Latin America; islands. So, a lot of these recs are focused there. But someone else would have better recs, especially depending on your interests. For example, Chakrabarti writes about history of medicine/healthcare. Paravisini-Gebert about extinction and Caribbean relationship to animals/landscape. Deb Roy focuses on insects and colonial administration in South Asia. Some scholars focus on the historiography and chronological trajectory of “modernity” or “botany” or “universities/academia,”, while some focus on Early Modern Spain or Victorian Britain or twentieth-century United States by region. With so much to cover, that’s why I’d recommend the articles above, since they’re kinda like overviews.Generally I read more from articles, essays, and anthologies, rather than full-length books.
Some other nice articles:
(On my blog, I’ve got excerpts from all of these articles/essays, if you want to search for or read them.)
Katherine McKittrick. “Dear April: The Aesthetics of Black Miscellanea.” Antipode. First published September 2021.
Katherine McKittrick. “Plantation Futures.” Small Axe. 2013.
Antonio Lafuente and Nuria Valverde. “Linnaean Botany and Spanish Imperial Biopolitics.” A chapter in: Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World. 2004.
Kathleen Susan Murphy. “A Slaving Surgeon’s Collection: The Pursuit of Natural History through the British Slave Trade to Spanish America.” 2019. And also: “The Slave Trade and Natural Science.” In: Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History. 2016.
Timothy J. Yamamura. “Fictions of Science, American Orientalism, and the Alien/Asian of Percival Lowell.” 2017.
Elizabeth Bentley. “Between Extinction and Dispossession: A Rhetorical Historiography of the Last Palestinian Crocodile (1870-1935).” 2021.
Pratik Chakrabarti. “Gondwana and the Politics of Deep Past.” Past & Present 242:1. 2019.
Jonathan Saha. “Colonizing elephants: animal agency, undead capital and imperial science in British Burma.” BJHS Themes. British Society for the History of Science. 2017.
Zoe Chadwick. “Perilous plants, botanical monsters, and (reverse) imperialism in fin-de-siecle literature.” The Victorianist: BAVS Postgraduates. 2017.
Dante Furioso: “Sanitary Imperialism.” Jeremy Lee Wolin: “The Finest Immigration Station in the World.” Serubiri Moses. “A Useful Landscape.” Andrew Herscher and Ana Maria Leon. “At the Border of Decolonization.” All from e-flux.
William Voinot-Baron. “Inescapable Temporalities: Chinook Salmon and the Non-Sovereignty of Co-Management in Southwest Alaska.” 2019.
Rohan Deb Roy. “White ants, empire, and entomo-politics in South Asia.” The Historical Journal. 2 October 2019.  
Rohan Deb Roy. “Introduction: Nonhuman Empires.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 35 (1). May 2015.
Lawrence H. Kessler. “Entomology and Empire: Settler Colonial Science  and the Campaign for Hawaiian Annexation.” Arcadia (Spring 2017).
Sasha Litvintseva and Beny Wagner. “Monster as Medium: Experiments in Perception in Early Modern Science and Film.” e-flux. March 2021.
Lesley Green. “The Changing of the Gods of Reason: Cecil John Rhodes, Karoo Fracking, and the Decolonizing of the Anthropocene.” e-flux Journal Issue #65. May 2015.
Martin Mahony. “The Enemy is Nature: Military Machines and Technological Bricolage in Britain’s ‘Great Agricultural Experiment.’“ Environment and Society Portal, Arcadia. Spring 2021. 
Anna Boswell. “Anamorphic Ecology, or the Return of the Possum.” 2018. And; “Climates of Change: A Tuatara’s-Eye View.”2020. And: “Settler Sanctuaries and the Stoat-Free State." 2017.
Katherine Arnold. “Hydnora Africana: The ‘Hieroglyphic Key’ to Plant Parasitism.” Journal of the History of Ideas - JHI Blog - Dispatches from the Archives. 21 July 2021.
Helen F. Wilson. “Contact zones: Multispecies scholarship through Imperial Eyes.” Environment and Planning. July 2019.
Tom Brooking and Eric Pawson. “Silences of Grass: Retrieving the Role of Pasture Plants in the Development of New Zealand and the British Empire.” The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. August 2007.
Kirsten Greer. “Zoogeography and imperial defence: Tracing the contours of the Neactic region in  the temperate North Atlantic, 1838-1880s.” Geoforum Volume 65. October 2015. And: “Geopolitics and the Avian Imperial Archive: The Zoogeography of Region-Making in the Nineteenth-Century British Mediterranean.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 2013,
Marco Chivalan Carrillo and Silvia Posocco. “Against Extraction in Guatemala: Multispecies Strategies in Vampiric Times.” International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. April 2020.
Laura Rademaker. “60,000 years is not forever: ‘time revolutions’ and Indigenous pasts.” Postcolonial Studies. September 2021.
Paulo Tavares. “The Geological Imperative: On the Political Ecology of the Amazon’s Deep History.” Architecture in the Anthropocene. Edited by Etienne Turpin. 2013.
Kathryn Yusoff. “Geologic Realism: On the Beach of Geologic Time.” Social Text. 2019. And: “The Anthropocene and Geographies of Geopower.” Handbook on the Geographies of Power. 2018. And: “Climates of sight: Mistaken visbilities, mirages and ‘seeing beyond’ in Antarctica.” In: High Places: Cultural Geographies of Mountains, Ice and Science. 2008. And:“Geosocial Formations and the Anthropocene.” 2017. And: “An Interview with Elizabeth Grosz: Geopower, Inhumanism and the Biopolitical.” 2017.
Mara Dicenta. “The Beavercene: Eradication and Settler-Colonialism in Tierra del Fuego.” Arcadia. Spring 2020.
And then here are some books:
Frontiers of Science: Imperialism and Natural Knowledge in the Gulf South Borderlands, 1500-1850 (Cameron B. Strang); Plants and Empire: Colonial Bioprospecting in the Atlantic World (Londa Schiebinger, 2004);
Africa as a Living Laboratory: Empire, Development, and the Problem of Scientific Knowledge, 1870-1950 (Helen Tilley, 2011); Colonizing Animals: Interspecies Empire in Myanmar (Jonathan Saha); Fluid Geographies: Water, Science and Settler Colonialism in New Mexico (K. Maria D. Lane, 2024);  Geopolitics, Culture, and the Scientific Imaginary in Latin America (Edited by del Pilar Blanco and Page, 2020)
Red Coats and Wild Birds: How Military Ornithologists and Migrant Birds Shaped Empire (Kirsten A. Greer); The Black Geographic: Praxis, Resistance, Futurity (Hawthorne and Lewis, 2022); Fugitive Science: Empiricism and Freedom in Early African American Culture (Britt Rusert, 2017)
The Empirical Empire: Spanish Colonial Rule and the Politics of Knowledge (Arndt Brendecke, 2016); In the Museum of Man: Race, Anthropology, and Empire in France, 1850-1960 (Alice Conklin, 2013); Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands (Andrew Stuhl)
Anglo-European Science and the Rhetoric of Empire: Malaria, Opium, and British Rule in India, 1756-1895 (Paul Winther); Peoples on Parade: Exhibitions, Empire, and Anthropology in Nineteenth-Century Britain (Sadiah Qureshi, 2011); Practical Matter: Newton’s Science in the Service of Industry and Empire, 1687-1851 (Margaret Jacob and Larry Stewart)
Pasteur’s Empire: Bacteriology and Politics in France, Its Colonies, and the World (Aro Velmet, 2022); Medicine and Empire, 1600-1960 (Pratik Chakrabarti, 2014); Colonial Geography: Race and Space in German East Africa, 1884-1905 (Matthew Unangst, 2022);
The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa (Bernhard Gissibl, 2019); Curious Encounters: Voyaging, Collecting, and Making Knowledge in the Long Eighteenth Century (Edited by Adriana Craciun and Mary Terrall, 2019)
The Ends of Paradise: Race, Extraction, and the Struggle for Black Life in Honduras (Chirstopher A. Loperena, 2022); Mining Language: Racial Thinking, Indigenous Knowledge, and Colonial Metallurgy in the Early Modern Iberian World (Allison Bigelow, 2020); The Herds Shot Round the World: Native Breeds and the British Empire, 1800-1900 (Rebecca J.H. Woods); American Tropics: The Caribbean Roots of Biodiversity Science (Megan Raby, 2017); Producing Mayaland: Colonial Legacies, Urbanization, and the Unfolding of Global Capitalism (Claudia Fonseca Alfaro, 2023); Unnsettling Utopia: The Making and Unmaking of French India (Jessica Namakkal, 2021)
Domingos Alvares, African Healing, and the Intellectual History of the Atlantic World (James Sweet, 2011); A Temperate Empire: Making Climate Change in Early America (Anya Zilberstein, 2016); Educating the Empire: American Teachers and Contested Colonization in the Philippines (Sarah Steinbock-Pratt, 2019); Soundings and Crossings: Doing Science at Sea, 1800-1970 (Edited by Anderson, Rozwadowski, et al, 2016)
Possessing Polynesians: The Science of Settler Colonial Whiteness in Hawai’i and Oceania (Maile Arvin); Overcoming Niagara: Canals, Commerce, and Tourism in the Niagara-Great Lakes Borderland Region, 1792-1837 (Janet Dorothy Larkin, 2018); A Great and Rising Nation: Naval Exploration and Global Empire in the Early US Republic (Michael A. Verney, 2022)
Visible Empire: Botanical Expeditions and Visual Culture in the Hispanic Enlightenment (Daniela Cleichmar, 2012); Tea Environments and Plantation Culture: Imperial Disarray in Eastern India (Arnab Dey, 2022); Drugs on the Page: Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early Modern Atlantic World (Edited by Crawford and Gabriel, 2019)
Cooling the Tropics: Ice, Indigeneity, and Hawaiian Refreshment (Hi’ilei Kawehipuaakahaopulani Hobart, 2022); In Asian Waters: Oceanic Worlds from Yemen to Yokkohama (Eric Tagliacozzo); Yellow Fever, Race, and Ecology in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans (Urmi Engineer Willoughby, 2017); Turning Land into Capital: Development and Dispossession in the Mekong Region (Edited by Hirsch, et al, 2022); Mining the Borderlands: Industry, Capital, and the Emergence of Engineers in the Southwest Territories, 1855-1910 (Sarah E.M. Grossman, 2018)
Knowing Manchuria: Environments, the Senses, and Natural Knowledge on an Asian Borderland (Ruth Rogaski); Colonial Fantasies, Imperial Realities: Race Science and the Making of Polishness on the Fringes of the German Empire, 1840-1920 (Lenny A. Urena Valerio); Against the Map: The Politics of Geography in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Adam Sills, 2021)
Under Osman’s Tree: The Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Environmental History (Alan Mikhail, 2017); Imperial Nature: Joseph Hooker and the Practices of Victorian Science (Jim Endersby); Proving Grounds: Militarized Landscapes, Weapons Testing, and the Environmental Impact of U.S. Bases (Edited by Edwin Martini, 2015)
Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World (Multiple authors, 2007); Space in the Tropics: From Convicts to Rockets in French Guiana (Peter Redfield); Seeds of Empire: Cotton, Slavery, and the Transformation of the Texas Borderlands, 1800-1850 (Andrew Togert, 2015); Dust Bowls of Empire: Imperialism, Environmental Politics, and the Injustice of ‘Green’ Capitalism (Hannah Holleman, 2016); Postnormal Conservation: Botanic Gardens and the Reordering of Biodiversity Governance (Katja Grotzner Neves, 2019)
Botanical Entanglements: Women, Natural Science, and the Arts in Eighteenth-Century England (Anna K. Sagal, 2022); The Platypus and the Mermaid and Other Figments of the Classifying Imagination (Harriet Ritvo); Rubber and the Making of Vietnam: An Ecological History, 1897-1975 (Michitake Aso); A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None (Kathryn Yusoff, 2018); Staple Security: Bread and Wheat in Egypt (Jessica Barnes, 2023); No Wood, No Kingdom: Political Ecology in the English Atlantic (Keith Pluymers); Planting Empire, Cultivating Subjects: British Malaya, 1768-1941 (Lynn Hollen Lees, 2017); Fish, Law, and Colonialism: The Legal Capture of Salmon in British Columbia (Douglas C. Harris, 2001); Everywhen: Australia and the Language of Deep Time (Edited by Ann McGrath, Laura Rademaker, and Jakelin Troy)
Subject Matter: Technology, the Body, and Science on the Anglo-American Frontier, 1500-1676 (Joyce Chaplin, 2001); Mapping the Amazon: The Making and Unmaking of French India (Jessica Namakkal, 2021)
American Lucifers: The Dark History of Artificial Light, 1750-1865 (Jeremy Zallen); Ruling Minds: Psychology in the British Empire (Erik Linstrum, 2016); Lakes and Empires in Macedonian History: Contesting the Water (James Pettifer and Mirancda Vickers, 2021); Inscriptions of Nature: Geology and the Naturalization of Antiquity (Pratik Chakrabarti); Seeds of Control: Japan’s Empire of Forestry in Colonial Korea (David Fedman)
Do Glaciers Listen?: Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, and Social Imagination (Julie Cruikshank); The Fishmeal Revolution: The Industrialization of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem (Kristin A. Wintersteen, 2021); The Earth on Show: Fossils and the Poetics of Popular Science, 1802-1856 (Ralph O’Connor); An Imperial Disaster: The Bengal Cyclone of 1876 (Benjamin Kingsbury, 2018); Geographies of City Science: Urban Life and Origin Debates in Late Victorian Dublin (Tanya O’Sullivan, 2019)
American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe (John Krige, 2006); Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power: Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule (Ann Laura Stoler, 2002); Rivers of the Sultan: The Tigris and Euphrates in the Ottoman Empire (Faisal H. Husain, 2021)
The Sanitation of Brazil: Nation, State, and Public Health, 1889-1930 (Gilberto Hochman, 2016); The Imperial Security State: British Colonial Knowledge and Empire-Building in Asia (James Hevia); Japan’s Empire of Birds: Aristocrats, Anglo-Americans, and Transwar Ornithology (Annika A. Culver, 2022)
Moral Ecology of a Forest: The Nature Industry and Maya Post-Conservation (Jose E. Martinez, 2021); Sound Relations: Native Ways of Doing Music History in Alaska (Jessica Bissette Perea, 2021); Citizens and Rulers of the World: The American Child and the Cartographic Pedagogies of Empire (Mashid Mayar); Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany (Andrew Zimmerman, 2001)
The Botany of Empire in the Long Eighteenth Century (Multiple authors, 2016); The Nature of Slavery: Environment and Plantation Labor in the Anglo-Atlantic World (Katherine Johnston, 2022); Seeking the American Tropics: South Florida’s Early Naturalists (James A. Kushlan, 2020)
The Colonial Life of Pharmaceuticals: Medicines and Modernity in Vietnam (Laurence Monnais); Quinoa: Food Politics and Agrarian Life in the Andean Highlands (Linda J. Seligmann, 2023) ; Critical Animal Geographies: Politics, intersections and hierarchies in a multispecies world (Edited by Kathryn Gillespie and Rosemary-Claire Collard, 2017); Spawning Modern Fish: Transnational Comparison in the Making of Japanese Salmon (Heather Ann Swanson, 2022); Imperial Visions: Nationalist Imagination and Geographical Expansion in the Russian Far East, 1840-1865 (Mark Bassin, 2000); The Usufructuary Ethos: Power, Politics, and Environment in the Long Eighteenth Century (Erin Drew, 2022)
Intimate Eating: Racialized Spaces and Radical Futures (Anita Mannur, 2022); On the Frontiers of the Indian Ocean World: A History of Lake Tanganyika, 1830-1890 (Philip Gooding, 2022); All Things Harmless, Useful, and Ornamental: Environmental Transformation Through Species Acclimitization, from Colonial Australia to the World (Pete Minard, 2019)
Visions of Nature: How Landscape Photography Shaped Setller Colonialism (Jarrod Hore, 2022); Timber and Forestry in Qing China: Sustaining the Market (Meng Zhang, 2021); The World and All the Things upon It: Native Hawaiian Geographies of Exploration (David A. Chang);
Deep Cut: Science, Power, and the Unbuilt Interoceanic Canal (Christine Keiner); Writing the New World: The Politics of Natural History in the Early Spanish Empire (Mauro Jose Caraccioli); Two Years below the Horn: Operation Tabarin, Field Science, and Antarctic Sovereignty, 1944-1946 (Andrew Taylor, 2017); Mapping Water in Dominica: Enslavement and Environment under Colonialism (Mark W. Hauser, 2021)
To Master the Boundless Sea: The US Navy, the Marine Environment, and the Cartography of Empire (Jason Smith, 2018); Fir and Empire: The Transformation of Forests in Early Modern China (Ian Matthew Miller, 2020); Breeds of Empire: The ‘Invention’ of the Horse in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa 1500-1950 (Sandra Swart and Greg Bankoff, 2007)
Science on the Roof of the World: Empire and the Remaking of the Himalaya (Lachlan Fleetwood, 2022); Cattle Colonialism: An Environmental History of the Conquest of California and Hawai’i (John Ryan Fisher, 2017); Imperial Creatures: Humans and Other Animals in Colonial Singapore, 1819-1942 (Timothy P. Barnard, 2019)
An Ecology of Knowledges: Fear, Love, and Technoscience in Guatemalan Forest Conservation (Micha Rahder, 2020); Empire and Ecology in the Bengal Delta: The Making of Calcutta (Debjani Bhattacharyya, 2018);  Imperial Bodies in London: Empire, Mobility, and the Making of British Medicine, 1880-1914 (Kristen Hussey, 2021)
Biotic Borders: Transpacific Plant and Insect Migration and the Rise of Anti-Asian Racism in America, 1890-1950 (Jeannie N. Shinozuka); Coral Empire: Underwater Oceans, Colonial Tropics, Visual Modernity (Ann Elias, 2019); Hunting Africa: British Sport, African Knowledge and the Nature of Empire (Angela Thompsell, 2015)
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geoffreytoday · 4 months ago
Hey Disney,
You've owned the muppets now for 20 years, and you've never really figured out what to do with them or how to use them. I get it, the muppets are a unique property, and finding the right way to present them is a challenge for the corporate mindset.
I've got the solution for you. You're going to have to be brave though. This is going to require your full commitment to the bit. The muppets have always had great success with adaptations of existing works. The Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Treasure Island are both beloved classics. With that in mind, here's what I propose:
The Muppet Lord of the Rings
Now personally, I would lean hard into this and go fully bespoke muppets for each role. I love Kermit and the gang as much as anyone, but for this project I think I would prefer a pure approach as opposed to the novelty of casting known muppets in each role. That said, if we must cast the existing muppet pantheon, that's fine too.
I'm also going to suggest no humans whatsoever. If there must be humans, then I think only one is the way to go. For economy and as a nod to the original, I propose Andy Serkis.
Since i would want all of the main characters to be muppets, any human characters would be the ancillary characters, like Barliman Butterbur or Hama the door ward of Rohan. I propose that every such human in the film be played by Andy Serkis.
Don't cheap out on this either. We need three films, lavishly produced.
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maxinepixels · 3 months ago
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*sprinkle sprinkle* 😌💦
Monica Woods and Rohan Basu have been together for two years. They met at a corporate Christmas party, as they both work in the corporate world. Monica is a business lawyer at Coleman and Howard Law and Rohan is a financial analyst for Goldbloom Financial Group (both located in downtown Lenox, NY). Rohan was taken with Monica at first site; he thought that she was the prettiest woman in the world. They recently got engaged two months ago and Monica couldn't be happier. I mean who wouldn't? She is spoiled by Rohan.
Rohan comes from money, as his family is well-known for their incredibly lucrative tea company. However, Rohan has made a way for himself here in Lenox. He has a reputation for being a shark in the financial world and always gets the job done, no matter what. Monica admires that in them, as she is the same way. Making partner at her firm was very important to her, and she was one of the youngest people to do so (she's now in her early 30s and is a very experienced lawyer for reference).
Monica definitely took Shera's advice and is living the life she has been wanting. However, even still marriage is very nerve-wracking for her, as she is used to being able to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants to. She is going to need to learn to balance her fast paced lifestyle with the "family" life.
To see more of Monica's life, please watch The Exchange Rate series on my YouTube channel!
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novaae · 1 year ago
Bumi II after the show ends ideas?
Multiple! I'll try not to go into my Bumi/OC ship or Bumizumi for this one:
He is in charge of all the peacekeeping missions, like he delegates the tasks and looks after all that situation, as the only person in the show with experience at handling such large operations.
He teaches the airbending kiddos! A couple of months after canon when he's achieved mastery, he takes on the duty to teach all the new airbender kids below the age 10.
Rohan, Ikki and Bumi have a special bond that isn't replicated by anyone else. He also sneaks Ikki meat when she's 16.
Not purely post canon, but he has an anonymous column in some semi-shady magazine which Korra brings over one day to make fun of. It was very hurtful to hear people call "him" bitchless, even if they're right.
He never gets his tattoos, which is a matter of tension between him and Tenzin for an year or so before Tenzin eventually realises that it is Bumi's decision to make, and he has no say in the matter.
He does not support Zhu-Li's presidency and is a fierce critique of her policies, especially with Varrick being her husband. He just doesn't like them.
Adding onto it, as much as he feels sorry for Asami sometimes, even post canon he tries to avoid anything she makes because of the weapon manufacturing. He knows conflict is a reality, but to see corporate interests mixed with military leaves a sour taste in his mouth.
People often mistake that Bum-Ju is Bumi's especially post canon, so when he turns out to be a bunny it's usually an awkward situation, but Bumi finds it funny.
He holds the record for the longest unassisted flight, at a total of 23 minutes. It is not beaten for a very long time.
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passionesolja · 2 years ago
I will throw Star Wars in the damn volcano for putting Lizzo and Jack Black in it and having Ahsoka Tano in shoehorned every damn show, but I will praise JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure as innovative and groundbreaking for putting Rohan Kibishe somehow in everything and having covid and Lana Del Ray be canon in-universe.
Star Wars is corporation so I scrutinize it ruthlessly, but JJBA is Hirohiko Araki’s story so he can do whatever he want.
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ipasantosh · 20 hours ago
Online Basic Computer Course for Beginners
Career Options After B.Com - बी.कॉम के बाद करियर विकल्प
Have you finished your B.Com
aur सोच रहे हो "ab kya?" You’re not alone. Many
graduates feel confused about their next step. This article will explore career
options after B.Com, mixing English और
Hindi, to guide you.
Job Opportunities After B.Com - बी.कॉम के बाद नौकरी के अवसर
Career options After B.Com, you can jump into many jobs. Let’s dive into some
popular ones.
Accounting aur Finance Jobs
You can become an accountant
ya financial analyst. Yeh jobs need number-crunching skills aur attention to
detail. Managing records और
analyzing data are key tasks here.
For example, mera friend
Rohan chose accounting after B.Com. He now works in a big firm aur enjoys it.
Starting salary can be around ₹3-5 lakhs per year (source: Payscale).
Banking mein Opportunities
Banks love hiring B.Com
graduates for clerk ya PO roles. Exams jaise IBPS can get you government jobs.
Yeh offer stability aur decent pay.
Marketing aur Sales Roles
Agar communication strong
hai, try marketing ya sales. You could start as a marketing executive. Yeh
field needs creativity aur confidence.
HR ke Liye Jobs
Human Resources mein, you
manage people aur hiring. B.Com graduates with people skills can shine here.
It’s rewarding if you like teamwork.
Government Jobs ka Option
Competitive exams jaise SSC
CGL ya UPSC bhi try kar sakte ho. These jobs offer security aur benefits.
Preparation is tough, but worth it.
Further Studies After B.Com - बी.कॉम के बाद आगे की पढ़ाई
Not ready for a job? Further studies
bhi ek great option hai.
M.Com - Master of Commerce
M.Com deepens your commerce
knowledge. It’s perfect agar teaching ya research pasand hai. Course duration
is 2 years.
MBA - Management ka Rasta
An MBA opens doors to
managerial roles. Specializations jaise finance ya marketing are popular. Many
B.Com students choose yeh path for growth.
For instance, meri cousin
Priya did MBA after B.Com. She’s now a marketing manager aur loves her job. Top
institutes jaise IIMs are highly valued.
Chartered Accountancy (CA)
CA is tough but prestigious.
Yeh accounting aur finance mein expert banata hai. Average salary post-CA can
hit ₹7-10 lakhs (source: ICAI).
Company Secretary (CS)
CS focuses on corporate law
aur compliance. It’s ideal agar legal aspects interest you. Yeh course bhi
well-respected hai.
Other Professional Courses
Courses jaise CFA ya data
analytics bhi consider karo. They boost your skills aur job prospects. Pick one
jo matches your interest.
Skills to Boost Your Career - करियर को बेहतर करने के लिए कौशल
Skills matter a lot after
B.Com. Let’s see some must-haves.
Communication Skills
Good communication helps in
every job. Yeh clear ideas share karne mein madad karti hai. Practice speaking
aur writing daily.
Computer Proficiency
Aaj kal, computer skills
zaroori hain. Learn MS Office ya accounting software jaise Tally. Yeh jobs mein
edge deta hai.
Analytical Thinking
Analyzing data aur decisions
lena important hai. Yeh skill finance aur marketing mein kaam aati hai.
Practice problem-solving to improve.
Time Management
Deadlines meet karna seekho.
Yeh efficiency badhata hai aur stress kam karta hai. I learned this during my
college projects.
Teamwork ka Magic
Most jobs need collaboration.
Team mein kaam karna success ke liye key hai. Be a good team player.
Tips to Pick the Right Path - सही राह चुनने के टिप्स
Choosing a career can be
confusing. Here’s some practical advice.
Apne Interests Check Karo
Think about what you enjoy.
Agar numbers pasand hain, finance try karo. Passion drives success.
Strengths ko Pehchano
Know your strong points.
Communication strong hai to marketing fits you. Play to your strengths.
Market Demand Dekho
Research which fields are
growing. Banking aur IT currently have high demand. Yeh practical decisions
mein help karta hai.
Guidance Lelo
Talk to teachers ya
professionals. Unke insights clarity dete hain. I once spoke to a counselor jo
really helped.
Experience Gain Karo
Internships ya part-time jobs
try karo. Yeh real-world exposure dete hain. Experience ne mujhe direction
Conclusion - अंतिम विचार
So, B.Com ke baad many career
options hain. You can work ya study further, depending on your goals. Main tip?
Apne interests aur skills pe focus karo.
For example, jab main
confused tha after B.Com, I researched a lot. Finally, finance mein career
banaya aur satisfied hoon. You too can find your path!
Start exploring aaj hi aur
apne dream career ki taraf badho. The key is action lena aur patience rakhna.
Best of luck!
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dimakh-consultants · 21 hours ago
How Clinics and Doctors in Pune Can Stand Out Online: A Practical Look at Digital Visibility Challenges
In today’s digital-first world, patients no longer rely solely on word-of-mouth to find healthcare providers—they turn to online searches. For clinics and independent doctors in Pune, this shift means that having a strong digital presence is no longer optional; it’s essential. However, with increasing competition from large hospitals and corporate healthcare chains, many struggle to attract the right patients online. This is where Pune SEO companies for doctors play a crucial role. From improving local search rankings to ensuring a steady flow of patient inquiries, the right digital strategy can help healthcare professionals stay visible and competitive. But what specific challenges do clinics and doctors face in Pune’s online landscape, and how can they overcome them? Let’s explore.
Dr. Rohan Mehta, Age - 33
(Clinic Owner – General Physician, Pune)
I know my clinic provides excellent patient care, but how do I compete with larger hospitals in Pune when it comes to online presence?
Many patients now search for healthcare providers online before booking an appointment. If your clinic isn’t visible where they’re searching, you might be losing potential patients to competitors. SEO companies for clinics specialize in optimizing digital presence, ensuring that your practice appears in front of the right audience—people looking for a trusted physician in Pune.
How can I ensure that people searching for a ‘general physician near me’ find my clinic instead of corporate chains?
Search engines prioritize local, relevant, and well-structured information. By optimizing your clinic’s website with location-specific keywords, listing it on Google My Business with updated information, and ensuring positive patient reviews, you can increase your chances of ranking higher when someone searches for a doctor in your area.
Dr. Ananya Kulkarni, Age - 43
(Specialist Doctor – Dermatologist, Pune)
I’m a dermatologist, not an influencer. Do I really need an online presence to attract patients?
While social media isn’t a necessity, being discoverable online is. Many patients search for dermatologists in Pune before booking an appointment. If your name doesn’t appear in these searches, they might choose someone else. A professional online presence can help establish credibility without requiring you to constantly promote yourself.
How can I educate potential patients about my expertise without sounding too promotional?
The best way to position yourself as an expert is by sharing valuable insights. Patients appreciate doctors who provide helpful information. By having an informative website, publishing patient-friendly content, and addressing common skin concerns, you can build trust and attract those who are genuinely looking for a skilled dermatologist.
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ipatally · 21 hours ago
बी.कॉम के बाद Career Paths - जानें
Career Options After B.Com - बी.कॉम के बाद करियर विकल्प
Have you finished your B.Com
aur सोच रहे हो "ab kya?" You’re not alone. Many
graduates feel confused about their next step. This article will explore career
options after B.Com, mixing English और
Hindi, to guide you.
Job Opportunities After B.Com - बी.कॉम के बाद नौकरी के अवसर
Career options After B.Com, you can jump into many jobs. Let’s dive into some
popular ones.
Accounting aur Finance Jobs
You can become an accountant
ya financial analyst. Yeh jobs need number-crunching skills aur attention to
detail. Managing records और
analyzing data are key tasks here.
For example, mera friend
Rohan chose accounting after B.Com. He now works in a big firm aur enjoys it.
Starting salary can be around ₹3-5 lakhs per year (source: Payscale).
Banking mein Opportunities
Banks love hiring B.Com
graduates for clerk ya PO roles. Exams jaise IBPS can get you government jobs.
Yeh offer stability aur decent pay.
Marketing aur Sales Roles
Agar communication strong
hai, try marketing ya sales. You could start as a marketing executive. Yeh
field needs creativity aur confidence.
HR ke Liye Jobs
Human Resources mein, you
manage people aur hiring. B.Com graduates with people skills can shine here.
It’s rewarding if you like teamwork.
Government Jobs ka Option
Competitive exams jaise SSC
CGL ya UPSC bhi try kar sakte ho. These jobs offer security aur benefits.
Preparation is tough, but worth it.
Further Studies After B.Com - बी.कॉम के बाद आगे की पढ़ाई
Not ready for a job? Further studies
bhi ek great option hai.
M.Com - Master of Commerce
M.Com deepens your commerce
knowledge. It’s perfect agar teaching ya research pasand hai. Course duration
is 2 years.
MBA - Management ka Rasta
An MBA opens doors to
managerial roles. Specializations jaise finance ya marketing are popular. Many
B.Com students choose yeh path for growth.
For instance, meri cousin
Priya did MBA after B.Com. She’s now a marketing manager aur loves her job. Top
institutes jaise IIMs are highly valued.
Chartered Accountancy (CA)
CA is tough but prestigious.
Yeh accounting aur finance mein expert banata hai. Average salary post-CA can
hit ₹7-10 lakhs (source: ICAI).
Company Secretary (CS)
CS focuses on corporate law
aur compliance. It’s ideal agar legal aspects interest you. Yeh course bhi
well-respected hai.
Other Professional Courses
Courses jaise CFA ya data
analytics bhi consider karo. They boost your skills aur job prospects. Pick one
jo matches your interest.
Skills to Boost Your Career - करियर को बेहतर करने के लिए कौशल
Skills matter a lot after
B.Com. Let’s see some must-haves.
Communication Skills
Good communication helps in
every job. Yeh clear ideas share karne mein madad karti hai. Practice speaking
aur writing daily.
Computer Proficiency
Aaj kal, computer skills
zaroori hain. Learn MS Office ya accounting software jaise Tally. Yeh jobs mein
edge deta hai.
Analytical Thinking
Analyzing data aur decisions
lena important hai. Yeh skill finance aur marketing mein kaam aati hai.
Practice problem-solving to improve.
Time Management
Deadlines meet karna seekho.
Yeh efficiency badhata hai aur stress kam karta hai. I learned this during my
college projects.
Teamwork ka Magic
Most jobs need collaboration.
Team mein kaam karna success ke liye key hai. Be a good team player.
Tips to Pick the Right Path - सही राह चुनने के टिप्स
Choosing a career can be
confusing. Here’s some practical advice.
Apne Interests Check Karo
Think about what you enjoy.
Agar numbers pasand hain, finance try karo. Passion drives success.
Strengths ko Pehchano
Know your strong points.
Communication strong hai to marketing fits you. Play to your strengths.
Market Demand Dekho
Research which fields are
growing. Banking aur IT currently have high demand. Yeh practical decisions
mein help karta hai.
Guidance Lelo
Talk to teachers ya
professionals. Unke insights clarity dete hain. I once spoke to a counselor jo
really helped.
Experience Gain Karo
Internships ya part-time jobs
try karo. Yeh real-world exposure dete hain. Experience ne mujhe direction
Conclusion - अंतिम विचार
So, B.Com ke baad many career
options hain. You can work ya study further, depending on your goals. Main tip?
Apne interests aur skills pe focus karo.
For example, jab main
confused tha after B.Com, I researched a lot. Finally, finance mein career
banaya aur satisfied hoon. You too can find your path!
Start exploring aaj hi aur
apne dream career ki taraf badho. The key is action lena aur patience rakhna.
Best of luck!
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rebornclinic · 6 days ago
Botox for Professionals & Outdoor Enthusiasts in Pune: How Lifestyle & Climate Impact Skin Aging
In Pune’s fast-paced urban life, where corporate professionals juggle demanding schedules and entrepreneurs spend hours under the sun, skin concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, and premature aging are becoming more common. Factors like prolonged screen exposure, air-conditioned offices, pollution, and the city’s fluctuating climate all contribute to visible signs of aging. If you’ve been noticing forehead lines, crow’s feet, or dull skin, Botox treatment in Pune offers a proven way to restore a refreshed, youthful look. But how does your lifestyle impact your skin’s aging process, and is Botox the right solution for you? Let’s explore how different work environments and daily routines influence skin health—and how the right treatment can help you maintain a naturally smooth and confident appearance.
Anjali Mehta, Age - 32
Corporate Professional
My work environment is constantly air-conditioned, making my skin dry and lifeless. Will Botox help restore hydration and a youthful glow?
Long hours in air-conditioned environments can strip moisture from your skin, leading to fine lines and dullness. Botox can help smooth wrinkles and improve skin texture by relaxing facial muscles, giving your skin a more refreshed and youthful look. Complementing Botox with a good skincare routine, including deep hydration treatments, can help combat the effects of artificial cooling.
Frequent stress and long work hours make my forehead lines and crow’s feet more prominent. Can Botox effectively soften them?
Stress and fatigue can accelerate wrinkle formation, especially around the forehead and eyes. Botox is designed to target these areas by relaxing the underlying muscles, reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles. If your lifestyle involves constant stress, regular Botox sessions combined with stress-management techniques can help maintain a refreshed appearance.
Rohan Patil, Age - 42
Entrepreneur & Outdoor Enthusiast
I spend a lot of time outdoors, and the harsh Pune sun has given me noticeable forehead lines. Can Botox help, or should I look at other options?
Continuous sun exposure accelerates skin aging, leading to fine lines and deeper wrinkles. Botox can effectively reduce these forehead lines by relaxing the facial muscles responsible for their formation. For best results, combining Botox with sun protection and antioxidant-rich skincare will help combat UV-induced damage.
Exposure to pollution and dust from construction sites is making my skin age faster. Will Botox work for deep wrinkles?
Pollution and dust contribute to oxidative stress, breaking down collagen and causing premature aging. While Botox works well for expression lines, deeper wrinkles may benefit from a combination of Botox and collagen-boosting treatments. A personalized skincare approach can further help counteract the effects of environmental damage.
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nickgerlich · 7 days ago
Things Are Popping In Austin
Business is a game of chess, one that doesn’t end until…well…you checkmate the other guy. Not too long ago we saw how Coca-Cola was doubling down on the rapidly expanding prebiotic segment by extending its Simply brand to now include Simply Pop in a variety of flavors.
It didn’t take long for Pepsi to see the crack in this strategy. Sure, Coca-Cola has guaranteed distribution, shelf space, and name recognition, but it has to actually develop those prebiotic sodas. Why not just buy a company that already has everything in place?
That’s exactly what Pepsi was thinking when they bought Austin-based Poppi for $1.95 billion this week, including about $300M in cash tax benefits. It’s a turnkey operation at this point. The company had been valued at $1.85 billion in February, and as recently as a couple of years ago, both Pepsi and Coca-Cola had expressed interest in acquiring them. Maybe Poppi rebuffed its suitors knowing they could hold out for more? It looks like Pepsi was the one who wanted courtship the most, though.
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Poppi will go down as one of the greatest American entrepreneurial success stories. Allison and Stephen Ellsworth started making sodas in 2015 when Allison, unhappy with the state of soft drinks in general, sought to develop a “healthier” beverage. Their product contains apple cider vinegar, prebiotics, and only five grams of sugar. It comes in a variety of flavors. By comparison, a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola contains 39 grams of sugar.
In case you are wondering about all this prebiotic talk, Poppi contains agave insulin, which is a soluble fiber extracted from the agave plant, and cassava root fiber, which is also a soluble fiber. According to Google AI, “Prebiotics are non-digestible food components that act as a food source for beneficial gut bacteria, promoting their growth and activity.”
Originally, the Ellsworths marketed their soda as Mother Beverage, a very New Age-ish name if there ever were one. But they went on a Shark Tank episode that was filmed in 2017, and got a $400,000 investment from Guest Shark Rohan Oza, whom I bet right about now is patting himself on the back. He got a 25% stake in the then-small company, one that sold primarily at farmers’ markets.
It was in 2018, bankrolled by Oza, that they wisely changed the name to Poppi, about the same time that rival Olipop was also launching. The two brands quickly captured the imagination of younger consumers.
This marks the second time that Pepsi has ventured into Austin to scoop up a successful family-owned business. This last January Pepsi acquired Siete Foods for $1.2 billion, meaning they have pumped about $3 billion into the Austin start-up scene in just three months. And here you thought that Austin was a tech hub. Turns out that foods are pretty lucrative too.
Maybe there’s something in the water there?
All of this makes perfect sense as Pepsi continues to expand its beverage and snack food portfolio, the latter category of which Coca-Cola is terribly remiss. Personally, I love the items I have purchased under the Siete brand. They’re good, and a nice departure from the mass produced items we find under Pepsi’s Frito Lay lines.
I know. This sounds so much like a fairy tale, and I bet the Ellsworths have to pinch each other frequently to remind themselves this is not just a dream, but a dream come true. The formula is simple, if you can get this to work for you:
(1) Start a home-based business making something near and dear to your heart that is not currently available. (2) Go on Shark Tank and wow the sharks. (3) Sell to a global conglomerate. (4) Buy island in the Caribbean.
It’s an interesting game we see being played before our eyes. Neither Coca-Cola nor Pepsi are going to make foolish moves; every step is calculated. And unlike a real chess game that can take hours to complete—the world record is 20 hours—this one is likely to go on for many more years.
There may be small ups and downs in corporate market share, revenue, and profits, such as Pepsi’s own flagship brand slipping into third place behind Dr Pepper in 2023. The two titans of the industry, though, will continue duking it out. By comparison, Dr Pepper, which was purchased by Keurig in 2018, is a distant third, a perennial wannabe in what is truly a duopoly.
As for me, I have yet to try one of these beverage products. I have been fond of zero-calorie flavored seltzer waters, but with Poppi clocking in at only 25 calories, I may find myself picking up a pack the next time I go shopping. Besides, I want to find out why Pepsi thinks this is worth nearly $2 billion.
There must be liquid gold in those cans.
Dr ��Just A Pawn In This Game” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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Revit Course in Pune for Civil Engineers & Architects – Master BIM
Building Information Modeling (BIM) has revolutionized the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, and Autodesk Revit is at the forefront of this transformation. If you're looking to enhance your career in design and construction, enrolling in a Revit course in Pune is a smart move. Pune, a hub for education and IT, offers excellent training institutes with expert guidance, real-world applications, and placement opportunities.
Why Choose a Revit Course in Pune?
Revit is powerful BIM software that enables architects, engineers, and construction professionals to design, visualize, and coordinate building projects in a 3D environment. With features like parametric modeling, cloud collaboration, and automation tools, Revit enhances workflow efficiency and project accuracy.
Key Benefits of Learning Revit
Enhanced Career Opportunities – A strong grasp of Revit can open doors to high-paying jobs in architecture, interior design, and construction.
Improved Design Accuracy – BIM workflows reduce errors and enhance project visualization.
Increased Collaboration – Cloud-based tools allow seamless coordination among professionals.
Efficient Project Management – Automation tools optimize design workflows and documentation.
Sustainable Design Practices – Revit supports energy-efficient modeling and analysis.
Industry Demand – BIM professionals are highly sought after, making Revit an essential skill.
Best Revit Courses in Pune:
Several training institutes offer Revit courses in Pune tailored for beginners and advanced learners. Look for programs that include:
Hands-on projects and live training
Autodesk certification
Industry-based case studies
Placement assistance
Advanced modules like Revit MEP and Revit Structure
Case Studies:
Case Study 1: Architecture Student Transitions to BIM Specialist
Background: Rohan, an architecture student, struggled with traditional CAD software and lacked BIM experience.
Solution: He enrolled in a Revit training course in Pune with a focus on parametric modeling and 3D visualization.
Result: After completing the course, Rohan secured a job as a BIM specialist in a reputed architectural firm, increasing his salary potential by 40%.
Case Study 2: Civil Engineer Upskills for Career Growth
Background: Pooja, a civil engineer, found it challenging to keep up with modern construction technologies.
Solution: She took an advanced Revit MEP and structural modeling course in Pune.
Result: With her newfound skills, she transitioned into a BIM coordinator role, leading multiple projects with enhanced efficiency.
Case Study 3: Small Firm Adopts BIM with Revit Training
Background: A small architectural firm in Pune relied on outdated 2D drawings, leading to frequent project delays.
Solution: The firm enrolled its team in a corporate Revit training program.
Result: By implementing Revit, the firm reduced project errors by 50% and improved client satisfaction.
How to Choose the Right Revit Course in Pune:
Consider the following factors when selecting a Revit training institute:
Accreditation – Ensure the institute is Autodesk-certified.
Course Content – Look for a syllabus covering all essential Revit tools.
Trainer Experience – Choose courses taught by industry professionals.
Student Reviews & Placement Support – Opt for an institute with positive feedback and job placement services.
Flexible Learning Options – Some institutes offer online and weekend batches for working professionals.
Internship & Live Project Exposure – Practical training enhances real-world skills.
Career Opportunities After Completing a Revit Course
A Revit certification can open doors to various job roles, such as:
BIM Modeler – Specializing in digital construction modeling.
Architectural Designer – Creating detailed 3D architectural plans.
MEP Engineer – Handling mechanical, electrical, and plumbing designs using Revit MEP.
Structural Engineer – Designing and analyzing building structures.
BIM Coordinator – Managing BIM projects and collaborating with teams.
Construction Project Manager – Overseeing project workflows using BIM tools.
Investing in a Revit course in Pune can significantly enhance your career in the AEC industry. Whether you're a student, professional, or business, mastering Revit will streamline your design workflows and improve project outcomes. Choose a course that aligns with your career goals and start your journey toward becoming a BIM expert today!
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arozausa · 14 days ago
Authentic Indian Catering Near Me—Aroza Event Center’s Exquisite Menu
When looking for Indian food catering, it is necessary to find a company that not only provides good food but also gives an authentic encounter that rises in guests. We are proud to have exceptional catering service at Aroza Event Center; the service is traditional and modern Indian. Whether it is for a wedding, corporate event, birthday or just a special occasion, our specially designed menu will definitely take your taste buds on an unforgettable culinary journey that truly defines the taste of India.
Why Choose Aroza Event Center for Indian Food Catering?
We know at Aroza Event Center that to have the event that is going to be memorable, food comes first. Our catering services, in short, are adjusted to bring authenticity, atmosphere and the best to your events. We are some of the finest contenders for the Indian food catering due to our reasons:
1. Authentic Indian Flavors
Our menu is well designed by experienced chefs as per traditional Indian cooking technique. We are proud to use only the best ingredients and authentic spices to deliver to you authentic, rich, aromatic flavor true to India’s culinary roots.
2. Diverse & Customizable Menu Options
We have a large variety of Indian dishes to cater to any taste. No matter which type you prefer—vegetarian, vegan, or non-vegetarian—our menu was put in place to accommodate all tastes. Our menu to cater to Indian food consists of:
Appetizers: Samosas, Pakoras, Tandoori Paneer, Chicken Tikka, and more.
Main Courses: Butter Chicken, Paneer Tikka Masala, Rogan Josh, Dal Makhani, and Vegetable Biryani.
Breads & Rice: Garlic Naan, Roti, Jeera Rice, and Hyderabadi Biryani.
Desserts: Gulab Jamun, Rasmalai, Kheer, and Gajar Halwa.
Beverages: Masala Chai, Mango Lassi, and Fresh Lemonade.
3. Perfect for All Occasions
Our Indian food catering services are perfect for a multitude of events to include:
Weddings & Receptions: We are the experts in Grand Indian wedding catering services; our luxurious menu is a specialty of traditional ones.
Corporate Events: Spite a world-class Indian fine dining experience to impress colleagues and business associates.
Birthday Parties & Anniversaries: Enjoy delicious servings that deviate your day in a special way.
Religious & cultural occasions: We cater to dietary preferences & religious constraints to know what we may do.
4. Exceptional Presentation & Service
We believe presentation is as important as taste. Our catering service includes:
Beautifully arranged food displays
Elegant buffet setups
Employment of professional personnel for uninterrupted service
Whether you choose the plated dinner, buffet-style catering, or live cooking stations, Aroza Event Center ensures your guests are presented with a photo-perfect & appetizing meal.
The Aroza Event Center Difference
Fresh, High-Quality Ingredients
We utilize just the foremost fresh ingredients to organize our dishes to guarantee each mouthful boasts taste and authenticity.
Experienced Culinary Team
The high-sized chefs have a teaching in Indian dish preparation and the ability to stock together first-rate qualified catering.
Customizable Catering Packages
We comprehend that every event is individual. Our staff is in close association with you to present a customized menu according to your taste and budget.
Customer Testimonials
Here’s what our clients have to say about Aroza Event Center’s catering Indian foods:
The best Indian catering we have ever had. Each dish arrived delicious, ripe and nicely plated. Highly recommended!" Neha R.
"Aroza Event Center has made our wedding grand successful. The food was absolutely delicious, and everyone raved and raved at it toward it." Rohan S.
How to Book Aroza Event Center for Indian Food Catering
If you are searching for Indian food catering services, search no more at Aroza Event Center. We promise to deliver an event to make an unforgettable dining experience.
Contact Information
For any inquiries and bookings, get in touch with us:
Name: Aroza Event Center
📍  Address: 458 W Shaw Avenue, Clovis, CA 93612
📞  Contact No: 559 862 5578
📧 Email: [email protected]
🌐 Website: https://www.arozausa.com/
When you are in search of Indian catering, it is essential to find a service that does not just serve you good food; it also has something special about it. Aroza Event Center is dedicated to serving the highest quality of Indian food so that every event is a success. From weddings to corporate meetings, we bring genuine flavors and exceptional service to every event. Call us now and let us make your event a savory success!
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leathernoleather · 18 days ago
Best Laptop Case Portfolio & Must-Have Fashion Accessories
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In today’s fast-paced world, fashion is no longer just about looking good; it’s about combining style with practicality. Fashion accessories like the Laptop Case Portfolio and travel kits are becoming essentials for professionals and travelers who value functionality and elegance. These accessories not only enhance your style but also make life simpler by keeping your essentials organized and accessible. Laptop Sleeves Let’s explore why investing in high-quality fashion accessories is a game-changer.
The Role of Accessories in Modern Fashion
Accessories are the finishing touches that define your style. Whether you’re heading to work, attending a meeting, or embarking on a trip, the right accessories ensure you’re prepared and polished. Among these, the Laptop Case Portfolio stands out as an essential item for professionals, while travel kits are ideal for those constantly on the go.
Investing in such functional yet stylish items elevates your overall look and simplifies your daily routine. With features like premium leather quality, easy returns, and the convenience of COD availability, these accessories cater to the needs of modern users.
Why a Laptop Case Portfolio is a Must-Have
For professionals, a Laptop Case Portfolio is more than just an accessory; it’s a tool that combines practicality with sophistication. Carrying your laptop in a sleek, Laptop Sleeves  well-crafted case not only protects your device but also leaves a lasting impression.
Features That Set It Apart:
Premium Leather Quality: Crafted with durable and genuine leather, a Laptop Case Portfolio adds a touch of elegance to your professional attire.
Organizational Compartments: With sections for your laptop, documents, chargers, and pens, it ensures everything is in its place.
100% Genuine Materials: Authenticity guarantees durability and style.
Lightweight and Portable: Easy to carry, making it perfect for work, meetings, or travel.
Real-Life Scenario:
Imagine Priya, a corporate executive preparing for a client presentation. With her laptop, notes, and business cards neatly arranged in her leather Laptop Case Portfolio, she walks into the room exuding confidence. Her organized and polished look not only impresses her clients but also boosts her own self-assurance.
Simplify Travel with Men’s Travel Kits
Traveling can be stressful, especially if you’re not organized. That’s where travel kits come in. If you’re looking to Laptop Sleeves, you’ll find a variety of options designed to make packing and travel hassle-free.
Features of Travel Kits:
Compact Design: Small enough to fit in your luggage yet spacious enough to hold all your essentials.
Pre-Organized Essentials: Includes grooming items, toiletries, and other travel necessities.
Durable Materials: Built to withstand the rigors of travel.
Stylish Appeal: Designed for the modern man who values practicality and aesthetics.
Real-Life Scenario:
Rohan, a frequent traveler,Laptop Sleeves  used to forget small but essential items like his razor or toothbrush while packing. After investing in a travel kit, he now has everything he needs in one place. His trips are smoother, and he spends less time worrying about packing.
When you Laptop Sleeves, you’re not just purchasing a product; you’re investing in convenience and peace of mind. With features like COD available and easy returns, it’s easier than ever to find the perfect kit for your needs.
The Benefits of Investing in Quality Accessories
High-quality fashion accessories, such as a Laptop Case Portfolio and travel kits, offer numerous benefits beyond style. Here are some reasons why they’re worth the investment:
1. Durability and Longevity
Accessories made from premium materials, like genuine leather, are built to last. They withstand daily wear and tear, ensuring you get value for your money.
2. Enhanced Style
A sleek Laptop Case Portfolio or a stylish travel kit adds a touch of sophistication to your overall look. These accessories help you make a statement wherever you go.
3. Practicality and Organization
With multiple compartments and thoughtful designs, these accessories keep your essentials organized and easily accessible.
4. Convenience of Online Shopping
When you shop online, you benefit from features like COD availability, easy returns, and exclusive discounts. For instance, you can get 10% OFF your order by using the code "LNL10".
How to Choose the Right Accessories
When selecting accessories like a Laptop Case Portfolio or a travel kit, keep the following tips in mind:
1. Consider Your Needs
Think about how you’ll use the accessory. For professionals, a laptop case with compartments for documents and gadgets is essential. For frequent travelers, a well-equipped travel kit is a must.
2. Focus on Quality
Invest in items made from high-quality materials, such as genuine leather. They’re not only stylish but also durable.
3. Look for Features That Add Value
Choose accessories with practical features like organizational compartments, compact designs, and durable construction.
4. Shop Online for Convenience
Take advantage of online shopping perks like COD, easy returns, and discounts. Don’t forget to use codes like "LNL10" to save on your purchase.
Elevate Your Lifestyle Today
Whether it’s a Laptop Case Portfolio to keep your work essentials organized or a travel kit to simplify your trips, these accessories are designed to enhance your lifestyle. Laptop Sleeves  They blend functionality with style, ensuring you’re always prepared and polished.
So why wait? Laptop Sleeves or invest in a premium Laptop Case Portfolio today. With COD availability, easy returns, and an exclusive 10% discount using the code "LNL10", upgrading your fashion and functionality has never been easier.
Shop now and experience the perfect combination of elegance, durability, and practicality!
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knowhome · 28 days ago
Rohan Harita: Strategic Location, Seamless Connectivity
Looking for a home that offers both connectivity and convenience? Find it at Rohan Harita in Tathawade, Pune. Nestled strategically close to Pune’s IT sector, this residential development is located such that it will ensure seamless commuting and easy access to the city’s business pulse. Whether it’s the bustling Talawade MIDC or the thriving Chakan industrial area, this location keeps individuals effortlessly connected to major employment hubs in the IT, manufacturing, and automotive sectors.
Here’s why Rohan Harita stands out as the top address choice for businessmen, entrepreneurs, as well as working professionals 
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Prime Hub for Professionals
Tathawade is strategically located amidst bustling business districts and thriving commercial zones. Thus, Rohan Harita offers unmatched connectivity to major IT parks and corporate hubs. The areas in and around Tathawade are also well-developed for supporting business and professional activities. Along with proximity to workplaces, the residential development also invites individuals to explore after-work party venues and spaces ideal for celebrating promotions and team milestones, just minutes away. This not only fosters team engagement but also builds a vibrant community where professionals can build lasting connections beyond office walls.
Seamless Connectivity
Rohan Harita makes it effortless for professionals to thrive in the city’s business scene. With excellent connectivity to major highways, good roads, and well-developed transport hubs, Rohan Harita at Tathawade provides easy access to corporate offices, business districts, and key commercial areas. This not only helps residents reduce travel time but also maximizes their productivity. So, whether it’s attending crucial meetings or major events, Rohan Harita seamlessly integrates work commitments into daily routines to optimize efficiency and ensure success in every aspect – be it work, life, or self-growth.
Diverse Career Options
In addition to being close to the IT hubs, Tathawade benefits greatly from its proximity to industrial zones like Talawade MIDC. MIDC houses diverse manufacturing units in engineering, pharmaceuticals, and electronics, offering abundant job opportunities in production, logistics, and specialized technical roles. Not to forget the nearby Chakan industrial area; this provides further career opportunities in automotive production, research, development, and technical fields with companies like Tech Mahindra, Larsen & Toubro, Bajaj, and Hyundai.
Opportunities for Professional Development
Rohan Harita not only positions its residents close to their workplaces but also provides numerous opportunities for professional development and networking. The nearby business hubs frequently host seminars, workshops, and industry conferences, allowing everyone to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in their fields. Regular community events and professional meet-ups within the residential complex encourage residents to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and build connections to boost their careers.
In short, Rohan Harita isn’t just a residential development; it’s an ecosystem designed to build a thriving community of ambitious, career-driven individuals. Whether you’re a working professional looking to minimize commute time or an entrepreneur seeking a supportive business environment, Rohan Harita offers everything you need to advance in your careers and succeed in your professional journey.
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