wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
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Rogue Gemmaline Callahan
Age Seventeen and One Quarter
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
List 5 facts about your most favorite Sim of yours and send this to 10 Simblrs whose Sims you adore ♥♥♥
I’m gonna go for Rogue on this one
💥 She came from a very rough background with an abusive stepfather.
💥 She has two older sisters (Riot and Rebel) and will have one younger sister. (Redemption, A.k.a Demi)
💥 She started saving for college with money from her part time jobs in high school. The summer before senior year, her mom found her cash stash and stole it all ($3k!). So she started back over in Senior year and opened a bank account.
💥 She is bisexual and she truggles with commitment. Though she generally wants love and affection truthfully she has a very hard time accepting it.
💥 She is very independent because she grew up having to be. This has also made it hard for her to accept help and ‘charity’ often her pride gets in the way.
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
Hello!! Here’s a RQOTD for you; What advice would your OC give their younger self?
Hi! thank you for this!
Colbie - “Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Don’t fold.” 
Kingston - “It’s not you he hates, it’s everything you represent. Stay strong.” 
Rogue - “Life is hard for a long long time.. and it never really is easy but it does become easier to deal with.” 
Christian - “You spend so much time and energy being what others expect you to be..don’t do that.” 
Dylan- “It’s okay to be  the black sheep.”
Nixon- “You’re gonna fuck up but it’ll be okay.”
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
Pop question!; Whats the worse possible situation your character has ended up in and why?
👑 Colbie was in a controlling/abusive relationship as a teenager. Luckily for her she has a big sister who doesn’t play about her family. She thoroughly showed that guy that if he valued his life he’d leave her little sister alone.
🔥 Kingston once backpacked too deep in the woods of a forest in Indonesia and he was lost for eight days. Luckily he eventually stumbled upon some other hikers and they helped him get back to civilization.
💥 Rogue’s entire childhood was a hot ass mess.
🐺 Nixon thought he was going to die when he was away at war. He was held hostage for eleven days. A tactical unit was able to orchestrate his rescue but not without loss. His best friend died getting him out.
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
random questions for your sims!; Who's more hot headed? who is more quiet? Would any of them be willing to take a briefcase across country with no questions asked?
Thank you so much for the question! So nice!
Nixon (AU) and Rogue are most hot headed. Colbie is more quiet!AU Nixon would be willing to take the briefcase if enough money was offered..and Rogue probably too lol
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
what sound does your oc love?
Thank you for this one!
Colbie loves the sound of the rain and thunderstorms and Rorey’s Moans!
Rogue loves the sound of a clock ticking on the wall. 
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
Hola! Here's a RQOTD for you: Which OC swallows their chewing gum?
Rogue swallows her gum even if she tries to remember not to! Nixon also swallows his gum!
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
Random question for your sims, who can run in heels? and who would wear heels and break a bone falling for wearing heels?
AHH ! thank you! creative!
Colbie and Ava can run marathons in heels. 
Rogue would break her neck in a single step. 
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
Greeeetings- Here is a RQOTD for you ^.^ Which OC prone to drinking and/or getting drunk? And if they are, what kind of drunk person are they? (i.e. silly, emotional, tired, angry, etc)
oooh I love this!! thank you!
Rogue definitely. 
She struggles with drinking and substance abuse stemming from her childhood traumas. What type of drunk she is generally depends on her mood leading up to drinking. She has been most types of drunk at least once or twice
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wanderlust-pixels · 6 years
“I’ve moved on, I think you should too”
Rogue opened her front door to leave. The metal door of her warehouse apartment was a little creaky but she liked it. That small noise could wake her from a dead sleep, warn her if someone was in her home that she didn’t invite. 
She gasped as she saw the hooded figure leaning against the wall. He stuck his hands out, palms up, to calm her. He knew she was packing. She always was. Her gun gave her a sense of security. It was silly she knew but it worked. 
“What the hell are you doing here Wayne?” Her eyebrows were pulled together as he face twisted in a scowl. 
“Hear me out babe.” She scoffed in an attempt to cut him off but to her dismay he kept fucking talking. “I miss you. I know some part of you misses me too. Or at the very least misses the highs I gave you.” 
She growled  “Fuck all the way off Wayne. You’re a piece of shit and you know it. You thought that you could do whatever the fuck you wanted to me and I’d never stand up for myself. You thought you could do better. Now here you are at my door step begging like the godamn gutter rat you are.” She hissed. She always felt like she was flying when she put him in his place. “I’ve moved on, I am better off without you, I think you should move on too.” 
He stepped nearer and she reached behind her back, causing him to halt. “Go. Get the hell out of here or so help me Satan I will be catching a charge today.” 
He frowned, knowing he couldn’t get close enough before she pulled out her gun “And if I see your face again I will plant a bullet between your eyebrows before you can speak.” 
She only exhaled once he was gone and she was back in her home. The errand she had been about to run was completely forgotten now as she lit her joint, trying to get high enough to forget what she really wanted.  
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
Question for your oc's Are they really close to their family? If so who are they closer to?
Thank you for the question!
Colbie is most close to Dylan and now Ava. She’s working on things with her dad day by day. And she’s definitely growing attached to Jasmine (soon to be step mom)
Kingston is really close to his mom he butts heads a lot with his dad.
Rogue avoids her parents at all cost. She tries her best with her siblings Rebel and Riot.
Nixon is a total mamas boy! And his brother Kennedy is his closest friend. He’s over protective of his little sister Hayes.
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wanderlust-pixels · 5 years
Here's a question for one of your OCs: do they collect something? Why do they collect it - does it hold a special meaning at all?
Colbie Collects throw blankets and mugs! 
NixonAU collects bongs
Rogue collects old victorian keys
none of it really means anything particularly
Kingston Collect patches
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