#Rocket Cider
sullina · 11 months
man, how cool would it have been for mlp:fim to use Flutterbat again, I love that episode so much and the whole "hero turns into a villain" thing is SO right up my alley, I LOVE that kind of plot SO MUCH
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hedgehog-moss · 2 months
what do you usually make for dinner? i’m looking for new things to try and the food you show in your photos always looks so tasty
Hi :) I have very seasonal menus, here are some of my go-to summer dishes:
Rice salad with lentils, maize, tomatoes, hard-boiled egg, rocket. My salad dressing is olive oil + sunflower oil + cider vinegar + Dijon mustard + whatever herbs I have at hand (usually thyme, basil, sage, rosemary)
I also make a salad-salad with the same dressing but with just lettuce and some rocket + walnuts + goat cheese + my homemade spicy plum-raisin chutney, or a fig chutney. Classic but delicious.
My laziest salads are potato-herring-red onions salad, or just grated carrots & black radish (and dressing obvs)
I love cold tomato soup in summer—I don't think I'm allowed to call it gazpacho because I don't like cucumber and have banished it from this recipe. It's just normal tomato soup with some olive oil, onion, garlic, Espelette pepper, and herbs, and I keep it in the fridge. I'm proud to say all the ingredients save the olive oil are from my greenhouse! Cold beetroot soup is also great, I often have cold soup with croûtons + a hard-boiled egg for supper (and then cheese + bread, and often dark chocolate + bread for dessert if I haven't made any dessert. Plus a fruit)
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The chocolate tart I described here is to be eaten cold so it's a nice summer dessert (and breakfast). I keep carrot cake in the fridge too and since my recipe makes for a very moist cake it's very refreshing (I am positive I shared this recipe on here before but tumblr's blog search is useless :( It's my abuela's pastel de zanahoria esponjoso made with biscuit crumbs instead of flour, it's somewhere on this blog I swear, I remember illustrating it with a little carrot drawing 😭)
Another refreshing summer dessert is compote (or do you call it fruit purée?) Right now my favourite flavour is apple-plum (mostly because that's what I currently have and your own fruits always taste better<3) I just put a few (three?) apples to cook in a pan with a bit of water, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a dash of lemon and a bunch of red plums, let it cook then blend it and put it in the fridge. Three weeks from now I will be drowning in blackberries and apple-blackberry will be my favourite flavour.
Quiche!! Endless possibilities with quiche. I like to make a quiche-ratatouille combo—I start with sautéing whatever vegetables I have (often courgettes, tomatoes, a couple of potatoes, maybe an aubergine & bell pepper, + Espelette pepper, onions, basil) in a pan with some olive oil; while it's cooking I prepare the body of the quiche in a bowl (20cL of milk, 2 or 3 tablespoons of flour, 2 eggs, some herbs and a tiny bit of olive oil for luck). I make a pie crust with flour, water, salt, oregano and olive oil (sorry I'm from the Mediterranean, I put herbs and olive oil everywhere). I spread the ratatouille on the pie crust then add the milk/egg mixture on top of it, then add little bits of cheese on top (gruyère or bleu or St Nectaire personally). I eat it with a side of rocket, it's perfect. And very colourful:
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When I'm too lazy to do the ratatouille (and quiche) steps I just make a tomato tart—the same pie crust as above, then I spread Dijon mustard over it then cover it with sliced tomatoes, and add some (obligatory) herbs and olive oil. It's less effort and also looks very summery:
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Some favourite autumn-spring dishes: vegetable lasagna, chilaquiles, hachis parmentier with mashed pumpkin, fish brandade, potato-courgette gratin (with blue cheese)... Then winter is for comfort foods like camembert fondue, risotto, calzones, pumpkin-chestnut soup, and crêpes—the savoury kind with sarrasin flour, what we call galettes. I grew up eating a ton of fish and seafood but I've curbed this habit due to environmental worries—hence why I'd like to raise edible fish in my greenhouse tanks! I get to eat a lot of eggs thanks to my hens, but I don't eat meat very often—hardly ever in summer except if I'm invited for dinner at someone's house. Sometimes I buy a homemade duck terrine from my neighbour and have a tartine for apéritif. My cold-season dishes call for ham in galettes and chicken in chilaquiles / risotto / quesadillas, and I make my hachis parmentier with duck. But yeah soup / salad / 'ratatouille quiche' and pasta with veggie sauce are my staples.
This list lacks pasta, I eat a lot of pasta. But mostly in autumn and spring; I just prepare my sauce in summer and store it for later. I also prepare & freeze a lot of soup and vegetable mash in summer with my greenhouse harvests. I often eat green beans as a side with my crêpes or other winter dishes because they grow so fast and incessantly in summer, my freezer ends up stuffed with bags of green beans. My usual pasta sauce is pretty much the same ratatouille combo as above (minus the potatoes so it's less thick), sauté'ed in a pan with olive oil, I also add an egg, parmesan (sometimes extra blue cheese or emmental) and liquid cream, then blend everything. I have a lot of courgettes and tomatoes right now, industrial quantities of basil and rocket, and beautiful Ecuador purple chili, so I've been making lots of jars of this sauce and also my new basil-rocket-cashew pesto! October-me will be thankful.
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
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(cw: alcohol, kitsune, east blue crew, yes i was imagining the opla cast but so were you, kissing, sitting in someone’s lap)
(a/n: this was so fun. smut maybe coming soon? we’ll see)
Songs: “Hotel” by Claire Rosinkranz
words: 1.2k
Luffy is staring at you.
He’s sitting across the campfire from you, sipping a glass of milk through a straw. You have your own moscow mule in hand, the copper mug sweating with cold condensation.
The air smells like smoke.
“So!” Luffy speaks, twirling his straw around in his drink. He slurps it loudly before continuing, “Let’s play a game!”
He smiles around at the rest of the crew, who are all in their own various states of intoxication. It’s been a long night, after several days at sea with no islands in sight. Everyone is a little bored, a little stressed, and more than a little in need of blowing off some steam. Nami shrugs.
“Sure, captain. What’s up?”
Luffy leans forward, wicked smirk painting his charming features. You stare down into your melted ice and muddled mint leaves.
“Let’s play truth or dare!”
Zoro sighs, but leans forward too. Sanji and Usopp also perk up. The Merry creaks in the waves as she sails. The ocean laps at her sides, soothing and peaceful in the summer night air. The campfire sparks up with a flare.
Luffy slurps his milk.
“What are the stakes?” Nami asks, adjusting in her seat, her boots slung over one another as she leans back. Usopp is fiddling with his slingshot.
Zoro shrugs, “Drink if you won’t take a dare, drink twice if you won’t take a truth.”
“So, we’re trying to outmatch each other? Get stuff we won’t wanna do?”
“Sorta,” Zoro says, “S’alright with everyone?”
“Sounds fun,” you admit, downing your glass before handing it off to Sanji. He’s a sucker for your sparkly eyes and fluffy tails. Your ears flick back and forth, excited. Nervous.
Sanji hurries back with a refill.
He straightens his suit jacket before sitting back down. The indigo night washes over him with a flattering, velvet softness. You wonder what shade of blue his eyes are, up close.
Luffy clears his throat.
“Sooo, who wants to go first?” His shining eyes scan the crew, and you flick up a tail (or two). He smiles, and takes a sip of his kid’s drink.
You sigh. “Truth,” you say, staring at Nami. You figure she’s gonna strike the worst, so might as well get it over with first. She stares at you, flicking her eyes up and down your scrappy frame. She arches an auburn brow.
“So, Kitty,” she sips her cider, and Sanji shifts in his seat. “Have you ever had sex before?”
She’s smiling, devilish, as you snort through your drink. She laughs as you cough, orange hair swaying in the soft breeze. Everyone else stutters and laughs, and Zoro mutters something about “starting off strong.” You swallow, sucking your teeth as you swirl melted ice around your drink.
Everyone sighs out in relief, tension removed for a second of release.
Your eyes flick up to hers.
“Your turn.”
She stares back at you: a challenge.
You shrug, mouth turned down, “I dare you to say when the last time you had sex was.” You stare at her glare, as she clocks you basically just gave her a truth anyway. She sniffs.
“Last week.”
“Liar!” You say, and she giggles. You shove the bottle of tequila closer to her, and she swallows what is certainly more than just one shot.
“Your turn,” she says to Zoro, who glances at Luffy for his prompt.
Luffy stares at the floor, now-empty glass held loosely in slender fingers. “What…is your favorite color?”
“I didn’t say truth, captain,” Zoro snorts, “Truth or dare, Luffy.”
Sanji sighs, and Usopp says “we might as well go with it,” so Zoro sighs and starts to think of something to dare his already-reckless captain with. He settles on something silly, and tame.
“I dare you to slingshot back and forth across the ship five times.”
Happy to be moving, your hyperactive friend shoots up and starts gum-gum rocketing across the ship with no small amount of shouting. You swirl the mint leaves in your drink. “Your turn,” you murmur to Usopp, who gives Sanji a glance.
“Truth or dare?” The chef asks, his own glass of wine clutched in his delicate fist. It’s as dark as the sea.
“What do Kaya’s lips taste like?”
The group ooo’s in scandalous delight, all eyes on the sniper as he stares down into his drink. “Pass,” he says, and takes a huge slurp. It dribbles down his chin. “Who’s turn is next?”
“Sanji,” you say, turning to him with a smile, “Truth or dare, handsome?”
He blushes at your pet name, and someone coughs. The blond boy licks his lips. His eyes meet yours, reflecting the fire’s red heat.
“Kiss my cheek,” you preen, tails flicking around you. You bare the side of your face to him, sitting pretty by the campfire. Your scrappy jeans have stitched-on patches, and your crop top hangs loose around your frame. A single pendant hangs around your neck, and your hair is twisted into messy braids. You knock your steel-toed boots together.
Sanji hums, peaceful, as he delicately scoots toward you. He’s already sitting next to you, tall legs and broad shoulders bumping into yours as he settles closer in. His hand is slightly cool as it graces the side of your neck. “Be still, pretty,” he whispers, just for you, as he presses a slow smooch against your cheek. He bites it, playfully, and you swat him away with a fearsome blush.
Usopp giggles, and Nami snorts into her cider again. Zoro and Luffy are both silent. You swallow, and cast about the crew for someone else’s turn. “Is it me again?” You ask, and Zoro nods.
“Truth or dare?” He says, sake almost drained from his bottle. The air stills, sudden breeze gone quiet as you sit together. You curl two tails around yourself, petting the soft, arctic fur in your lap. It scratches against the striped patch on the side of your left hip.
“Nope,” Zoro says, swigging his sake, “Truth is boring. You’re doing a dare. Sit in the lap of the person you’d most like to have sex with.”
Everyone gasps, except for you.
Your eyes burn with smoke, staring down the swordsman across the crackling flames. Sparks shoot up between you, orange and hazy in the moonlight. Something thumps against the ship; a fish or a shark that swims away silently.
You stand.
Sanji shifts, still close to you from his kiss. He scratches the fabric of his slacks above his left knee. His shoes are shiny and black beneath the stars. You step over them, carefully.
And you make your way across the circle, slowly as a shark circling prey.
“Sorry,” you whisper, standing in front of the captain who saved you, “Is this seat taken?”
He stares at you.
His breath comes ragged and hazy, as he sets his glass down to make room. His hands are sweaty, so he wipes them off on his shorts as you stand beside his hip. He leans back, slightly, to let you sit side-saddle across his legs. He shifts on the deck so he’s cross-legged, and you take your seat with a searing blush. Your ass fits neatly into the space between his crisscrossed legs, his heat spilling into your body as he wraps his arms around your waist.
He nuzzles into your cheek, his soft hair tickling your jaw. “Sleeping in my hammock tonight,” he whispers, his lips in your hair, “Captain’s orders.”
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angelpassing-by · 3 months
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Characters: Kaeya, Neuvillette, Ayato [blu bois] x [fat!/size neutral!fem!reader] Cw: discussion of weight and body, self image issues, suggestive (?) [maybe if you squint your eyes in Kaeya's part], descriptions of food (i'm so sorry, i just love ice-cream and as a lactose intolerant i just spend all summer daydreaming about it, I literally can't shut up about ice-cream for three months straight), vage mention of dieting. I hinted at this like two months ago, but the Neuvi part just didn't come through as I wanted it, after redoing it several times [and experiencing that first hand] I think I'm now satisfied. So basically you are feeling bad about your body due to different things and the bois comfort you A/N: bad English be aware. 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝓈𝓊𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁. 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒷𝑜𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒿𝓊𝒹𝑔𝑒𝒹 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎𝑒𝒹. 𝒻𝒶𝓉𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝒾𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝒸𝓇𝒾𝓅𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒶𝓈𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓅𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒷𝒶𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝓉.
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It had been years since you last enjoyed a bathing afternoon in Cider Lake followed by a relaxing nap in the Sun. That's how you would spend your childhood summers, splashing and running around in the rocky shore. That was until your teens where you started to become self-conscious about your looks, you didn't look like you "were supposed to", although you weren't too sure how you were even supposed to look.
When you managed to start dating Kaeya the self-loathing began to disappear because, if someone as him, the famous Calvary Captain no less, could love you so deeply, how could you be unlovable? Nevertheless, you tried to hide your body as much as possible and limit the intimacy with each other.
"Maybe if my thighs were smaller, and if I had a slim waist. If, if, if..." As every summer you stand in front of the bathroom mirror, inspecting your body from all angles, comparing with those pretty girls you saw in books and movies. Maybe there's something wrong with me, you had tried it all, exercise, diet, but nothing worked and just made your anxiety sky rocket which in turn made you gain the weight all back again.
"Hey, pretty" your boyfriend suddenly pops behind you snaking his arms around you and plants a kiss in your exposed shoulder.
"Don't say that" you grumble suddenly mortified by the image you two make, him, lean and tall, and you, a tiny and chubby.
"Why?" He kisses your other shoulder and stares into your reflection. "You are the prettiest girl I've ever seen."
"I can't believe you, I'm so fat and ugly and- " Kaeya cuts you off.
"You are adorable and you are so fucking soft" His eyes lock with yours through the mirror and he continues softening his serious tone. "You were literally made for me to hug, your thighs are the best pillow when I come home tired, not to mention how hot you look whenever you wear something short" He playfully pats your butt and you can't help but giggle.
"I do have a great ass" You say and he laughs kissing the side of your neck. "So you don't think I'm ugly, even though I don't look like those thin models and actresses?"
"Don't be silly you are much hotter with your soft curves and those legs, damn, I'd be the happiest man if I got to die of asphyxiation between them." He responds, dramatically placing a hand on his chest as if your words had mortally hurt him.
He hugs you again, tighter. "Now seriously, you are pretty, and hot and beautiful and I don't think any other woman in the world could compare to your beauty. And even if you don't believe me, let me tell you that there's no more perfect body for you than your own. And I love you, and I love every inch of you, it doesn't matter how it looks because it's you, and the people who really love you will see how gorgeous you are. And of course, what a great ass you have."
That is the little push you need, seeing the feral look in your boyfriend's eyes as he ogles you, the way his hands hold you with such care and his lips place ghost kisses along the curve of your neck.
"Do you fancy spending the evening in Cider Lake?" You ask softly.
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"Dearest, is something wrong?" Your boyfriend's voice wakes you up from your thoughts.
"Um, yeah, just thinking, that's all" You answer trying to act normally as if thousands of horrible insults to yourself weren't running through your mind in that same moment.
"So, do you want some ice-cream?"He inquires pointing towards the parlor’s poster displaying some of the most delicious sweets you've ever seen, ranging from mint and berries to an elaborate chocolate dessert with sugar sprinkles and cookies toppings.
Your right foot starts bouncing nervously as you shift your gaze around, avoiding Neuvillette's piercing gaze.
"No, I'll pass" You respond. That's probably one of the hardest things you've ever done. There's truly nothing like having a cold ice-cream under the scorching heat of Fontaine's summer strolling along the crowded streets of the capital. But you saw that woman's look, the woman next to the pharmacy, just in front of both of you, that look you knew all too well: "she shouldn't be out here eating more, that's the reason she looks like that". Sadly, one too many passing comments and dismissive looks from your family had made you recognize it from a young age.
Neuvillette gives you a quizzical look but doesn't push any further. He orders himself something you don't have the courage to look at and meanwhile you focus on his pretty hair, the way it reflects the sun in his high ponytail. Of course he had let you tie a ribbon for him before going out and you smile inwardly reliving the sweet moment.
Which is, of course, spoiled by that woman, staring intently from across the street. When you try to return her stare she just looks you up and down with a peculiar face, one you sadly also know. The look that says, "maybe if you were better, you would look better, like me."
The burning shame sets across your face, painting your features reddish. You feel so, so stupid, after all this time, you think, it shouldn't affect me like this.
"Neuvi, can we go home already? I think I'm getting a bit tired" You urge your boyfriend as soon as he gets his treat, starting to walk a few steps ahead him so he can't see your watery eyes.
"Of course, darling, do you want me to call a doctor? I happen to know..." His voice is usually reassuring and warm, but now the world is just too hot and your head spins with anger and sadness. You stop focusing on his words as you both walk home, him, still a step behind you and you, still containing your tears.
At home, your boyfriend grabs your hands before you get the chance to get away, leading you to the velvety blue couch in the living room.
"Hey, are you fine? You've been kind of distracted this afternoon." His tone is laced with concern.
"Yes Neuvi" But your answer does not convince him.
"Are you forgetting love that you talking to the Iudex of Fontaine? Not even the most expert criminals can lie to me, and you, love, aren't really good at lying."
"'M sorry Neuvi-"
"I don't want to press you to tell me something you don't want to tell me, but I just want to know if there is something I can do about it."
Those words just break the little self-control that maintains your tears at bay. They start rolling around your puffy cheeks as heavy droplets of rain. With a concerned look, Neuvi hugs you closer, reassuringly tracing circles in your back with his hand. I'm between sobs and hiccups you manage to explain the situation as best as you can.
"- it's just, I know it must sound stupid, but -"He shushes you cupping your face in his hands.
"Nothing my pretty lady sais is stupid, do you want me to get that rude woman in jail?"
"What? No!" You exclaim with a horrified look, "It's not that important."
"Well, it is, staring disrespectfully at others is an offense and you have feelings, feeling that have been hurt, feelings that very much matter to me. Nobody should look down others and that woman had no business judging whatever you were or weren't doing."
You huff "What are you going to do then, send everyone that looks at me like I'm thrash to jail?"
"Of course, nobody has the right to determine how you feel towards your body" He gets up more determined than before, "Now, does my pretty lady want an ice-cream" His look is so serious that you can't help but feel like you are in one of his trials, but nonetheless, you respond with an equally composed voice, albeit broken at the end by a little chuckle.
"I'd like that very much Sir Iudex of Fontaine."
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You can't do it, you can't, well, that annoying little voice in the back of your head keeps you saying that you can't, all because of that stupid summer gala your boyfriend Ayato had convinced you to attend.
It had all started last week, with a scented letter from one of the many upstanding noble women in Inazuma. Ayato had come into your shared bedroom at night, just as you were going to sleep, waving it around. He was so excited you just casually agreed to be his companion, after all, as he had said, you had been a couple for a long time now and you always had refused to attend to such events with him.
He got you a delicately embroidered kimono made with the finest of silks just to match his attire, an ornate fan imported from Liyue, even sparkling blue glass hair pins. All you could do was cry for days. And now, again, you walk around the empty tea room adjacent to your bedroom feeling like an stranger.
You look like an ugly thing pretending to be a pretty girl. That's what that little voice reminds you each time you catch a glimpse from your reflection on the vases.
You will ruin his reputation, what will people think when they see him with something like you?
"Is everything all right Lady?"Thoma's voice startles you and you stop your pacing to look at the man's concerned face.
You nod absentmindedly and offer a weak smile. Thoma seems skeptical, however, he bows and leaves you alone again with your thoughts until your inner monologue is disturbed again not too long after.
"Dear, may I come in?" Ayato's voice is heard following two soft knocks on the door.
"Yes, it was Thoma, wasn't it?" You ask a bit too dryly as the door peeks open.
"Yes, but-" Ayato stops dead in his tracks when his gaze falls upon you. "Oh Heavens, you look truly incredible. Why didn't you tell me you were trying your outfit on? I would've worn mine too. Though I'm afraid nobody will look at me with such beauty by my side."
"Don't laugh at me." You huff with a scornful look.
"I'm not." He looks positively puzzled at your words. "You are stunning."
You cross your arms and narrow your eyes at your boyfriend, "Well, I'm not sure I should go with you."
"Did I do something wrong? Is it the dress? I should have ordered something more luxurious, I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe if-"
"No, no" You cut your boyfriend's panicked diatribe. "It's me." To that he truly looks dumbfounded. "Can't you see it? I look... not like you."
"What?" He tilts his head like some sort of confused puppy waiting for further instructions.
"I don't look thin and tall and imposing like you, I don't want others to judge you because of me" That wasn't entirely the truth, even if some high society folk spoke poorly about you, no one would dare to disrespect the Yashiro Commissioner. No, you just didn't measure up.
"That's not going to happen. Besides, it shouldn't matter what anyone thinks of you. Not even me." he gestures to himself "Although if you don't mind me saying, your curves look positively breath taking in this thin silk."
"I don't know if I believe you"
"Don't believe me, you don't have to like your body, but rather, see the value in what it offers."
He spins you around, the blue kimono shifting with your motions, one, two, three times, until you take his hand and begin dancing around the tea table. Now, the reflection of the vases depicts a lovely woman with a regal attire. Yes, she's chubby and soft, but that only makes her look more ethereal. And you realize a split second after that you are that woman.
Maybe you are just as beautiful as you boyfriend thinks, but even if you aren't, you are grateful to have a body that allows you to dance clumsily and with no music whatsoever in a tea room just before sunset.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
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∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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fluff - 🪶 
smut - 🗝️
angst - 🐑
dark - 🕰
au - 🧦
blurb (under 500 words) - 🦔
series - 🧺
lea’s favs - ☕️
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daisy 🧺☕️
close your eyes and hold out your hand 🪶 
what happened between us? 🪶
wool 🪶 🐑 
ophiocordyceps unilateralis 🗝️🧦☕️
you said I was your friend 🪶 🐑 🦔
you did not just die again, did you? 🗝️🦔🧦☕️
paint it, yellow 🪶🧦
a bucket of apples 🪶🧦
apple cider 🪶🧦🦔
pumpkin, you need to stop for tonight 🪶
that was… scary 🪶🐑🦔
um, I was on a walk 🪶🧦
my feet feel like cement 🪶🦔
nsfw massage therapist!steve hcs 🗝️🧦
dreamboat 🪶🦔
hot chocolate 🪶🦔
you wanted to play with me 🗝️🦔🧦
snowed in 🗝️☕️
buddy 🪶🦔
stick to the script 🗝️🦔
okay 🪶🦔☕️
the whole shebang 🗝️🦔
tomato faced 🗝️🦔 ☕️
you’re not the one accidentally asking your friend sex questions! 🗝️☕️
get back down here, we're not done yet 🗝️🦔
the wall between us 🗝️🧦
let me take you home 🪶🦔
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rose 🗝️🧦☕️
every npc wants to bone her 🪶🦔
arcane adoration 🪶🧦☕️
infatuating incantation 🪶🧦
garlic 🪶🦔🧦
you make it sound pretty metal 🪶🦔
try and get some rest 🪶🦔🧦
headache 🪶🦔🧦
who knew someone could be crazier than eddie munson? 🐑🧦
heather 🦔🧦
she’s okay 🐑🦔🧦
turn into a popsicle🪶🦔🧦☕️
pink tulle 🪶🧦🦔
stick and poke 🪶🦔 ☕️
why do you never have enough sugar? 🪶🦔
I thought you were taking me home 🗝️🦔
not like it’s rocket science 🪶☕️
you’re gonna owe me like you never have before 🪶🧦🦔
I just really like you 🗝️🦔
magical mimic 🗝️🧦🦔☕️
you want me to be your boyfriend, huh? 🪶🦔
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tulip 🗝️☕️
nettle 🪶🐑☕️
boo! 🪶☕️
streamers fight 🪶🦔 
angel & devil!steddie au 🧺🕰🧦☕️
virgin sacrifice 🗝️🕰🧦
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble
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themeatpit37 · 2 months
Descriptors, info, heights, and even photos for each below to help with choices.
Patchwork! Jack - A spirit possessing a plush doll of an obscure children’s show character. He is made entirely of fabric and stuffing, smelling of sweet birthday cake from the scent packet inside of him. Normally he takes on a 16 in form as his vessel (like the tape) but he has grown in size! He claims it’s all the love given to him from the person who recused him from that thrift store he was stuck in for so long. Very big and soft! Has a zipper running down his chest and stomach that can be unzipped to reveal that he’s just stuffed with stuffing! He is sweet and comforting, even serving stuffed French Toast in the morning and asking you to stay in that day for cuddles. He has a very big heart and lots of love to give, but he isn’t only sweet. He can almost be smothering in more way than one.
Flavor: A hot vanilla (Milk with sugar and vanilla)
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The Sunny Day Killer - A cannibalistic sadist and murderer who was executed to bring justice to the women and children he ruthlessly slaughtered. He used to voice the character of Sunny Day Jack, a blue lion who was curious and had a sense of adventure like no other. Now though in his state, the character and the killer have been mangled and twisted into one form…
Flavor: Fruity Cereal for Jack / Toffee Flavored Whiskey for [REDACTED]
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Cybernaut Jack - An Android from the year 8400, made to serve and entertain both children and adults. He ended up in the present to escape being terminated for spreading the Haber Virus and ended up in the care of Y/N. Now, his objective is to take care of them and exterminate any threats! Any. Threats. He has these kind of earmuffs where his ears would be and an antenna sticking out of each and boots that help him hover!
Flavor: Rocket Pop
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CloudyCult Jack - The leader of a cult hidden deep within the lands of the old faith and the one to slaughter the four bishops that previously ruled the land. CloudyCult is the name, a place where followers rescued and converted worship their god and praise his name. He wears a fleece in colors of red, yellow, and blue over him and has a bell around his neck shaped like the sun along with The Red (Now Orange) Crown atop his head!
Flavor: Spiced Apple Cider
Sunny Time Fair Jack - A classic Auguste Clown who used to entertain children at the Sunny Time Fair! He was a funny, silly guy who would make balloon animals, tell jokes, give out candy to fair attendees, and worked at the fair with the other staff there. He’s more of a classic clown than most, as he is always the butt of his own jokes! He did die in a terrible rollercoaster accident… But his spirit lurks around the park still… He wears straight up clown shoes.
Flavor: Frosted Animal Cookies
Party Time Jack (MP) - A retro animatronic from the 80’s with a rubber face, styled like animatronics from Rock-afire Explosion. Now, he has been worn down from age and his rubber face has melted… You can even see the inner workings from how saggy the eye holes of the face are and his clothes are dirtied up. He’s not usually so friendly and neither are his gang when night comes, but a new employee in charge of fixing this rundown pizza joint has caught his eye!
Flavor: Cherry Coke Cream Soda
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raccoonfallsharder · 3 months
rocket smells nice. (headcanon whatever)
in my head, all the rockets i write for (and the ones i don't) have a scent. if you wanna make me real happy lmk your own rocket-smells-like headcanons or give me another rocket to dream up fragrances for. i'm happy to give any rocket (canonical or not) a bouquet
headcanons & imagines masterlist | main masterlist
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"canon" rockets ~
eidos-rocket ~ i'm not technically writing for this guy (yet??) but i headcanon he smells like cedar & black pepper (he stole beard oil from some spartoi douche one time but it made his fur so healthy and glossy that he hasn't stopped using it), spiced caramel rum from mantlo's, iron, engine fuel, and gunpowder. burnt everbloom 'cause you know this guy smokes (i imagine it smells gingery).
universe-killer rocket ~ i don't write for this guy yet either, but i think about him way too often. burnt metal and high-iron-content meteorites. something like menthol ~ it activates your cold receptors, like you're breathing in the breeze right off a glacier. star anise & fennel. you'll be tempted to take a deep whiff of his fur but even if he decides not to kill you, you're probably still risking a lungful of toxic vibranium laser dust.
general mcu rocket ~ some kind of evergreen and foresty smell, petrichor maybe; something metallic like iron or copper, and something burnt and smoky. in the earlier years, he always smelled like some kind of cheap alcohol; in later years, a leatherlike smell from his armored-fiber uniform. i don't think this guy reads a lot of paper-books, but he definitely smells like 'em. (i use this as a template for a lot of "my" rockets)
general comics rocket (especially ewing) ~ angargal's limited batch of course (i suspect it smells like a combo of spiced bourbon and rich dark-caramel rum, once the overpowering scent of pure fuckin' alcohol has evaporated out). black-black-black coffee. dark chocolate. amber. vetiver. that burnt, gingery everbloom again.
skottie young's rocket ~ sweet almonds (see cicatrix-rocket's marzipan smell) and banana (from some kind of cousin to nitroglycerin). whatever he's using for jet fuel these days, which doubtless has a hefty dose of benzenes (sweet-smelling and actually intoxicating ~ though since we're talking about a sentient anthropomorphic raccoon i'm gonna go ahead and say the intergalactic space-faring community has figured out how to make 'em non-carcinogenic). you will get some sort of low-grade contact high if you huff his fur like you know you want to. probably also smells like some kind of alien hops, too (maybe acanti blubber ale if he's gotten any good contraband lately, though i imagine that smells like burnt tire).
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"my" rockets ~
space pilot & sweatshirt girl ✩°。⋆ rocket - campfires, strong coffee, and evergreen. amber and smoke. rich dark hot chocolate and yummy bourbon, when he's with you.
blackmail material ✩˚₊‧ ♡ rocket ~ sandalwood, oak, gunpowder. the undertones of some sort of alien citrus-fruit you've seen him eating (something between a plum and an orange), and what you think at first are mulling spices but later you realize it's just where your own Xandaran body oil has rubbed off onto his fur.
window across the galaxy *:・゚✧ rocket ~ blue spruce, fallen leaves, oakmoss, ozone (or maybe that's just electricity). iron and copper, engine fuel.
florescence❀ rocket ~ campfires, wet stone, the peppery-resinous scent of the kind of machine grease he prefers (his own concoction). a faint hit of vanilla-mint-honeysuckle from groot's flowers, and the clove-like spices from your cider.
⭑˚.⚘𖡼𖥧𖤣 windfall 𖤣𖥧𖡼⚘.˚⭑ rocket ~ juniper, blackberry, and something like leather. a sharp and smoky scent, like laser-carved wood. on some occasions, a hint of yaro-root wine (which is basically a peachy hard cider, with a dangerously subtle alcohol flavor).
cicatrix .⋆☁︎ :・꧂ rocket ~ blue spruce, burnt wood, and a strong, rich, buttery-sweet marzipan from the broken-down components of his C4-adjacent explosives. petrichor, labdanum and camphor, and faint whiffs of engine fuel.
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headcanons & imagines masterlist | main masterlist banners & dividers by @thecutestgrotto & @saradika-graphics ♡
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Mushy May Day 13
Prompt: Comfort After a Nightmare
Rating: Teen Pairing: Swiss & Rain & Dew Featuring: Everyone' s having nightmares. You don't always need words for comfort. Sometimes just knowing you're not alone is enough. Word Count: 1k+ Read it under the cut, or on AO3.
Swiss dreams of the pit.
Dreams of an impossible ache in his chest. Of ground opening up, tipping out from under him. Of falling. He dreams of the scent of sulfur. Of the feeling of eyes on his back as he runs. Of pain. Slicing up discorporate limbs. Shadow not a defense anymore. Claws flaying through his skin. The memory of searing pain rocketing up his spine, dragging him awake. He’s cold, sweating. Breath coming in harsh pants. It takes a few minutes for him to realize where he is. In a soft warm bed. In a dark room that smells of spiced cider and weed. He sags back into his pillow. Eyes adjusting to the dark. The moonlight illuminating sections of the room. Bathing the tin ceiling above him in silver light. He traces the patterns with his eyes. Stares up until his heart doesn’t feel like it’s going to break through his ribs anymore. He can still feel the memory of the pain—like he’d been there again. Sparking along his spine.
When he raises his fingers, they’re fading in and out of view. Shadow and solid. He clenches his fist and half expects to reach right through himself. Instead his nails bite crescents into his palms.
When he closes his eyes he sees fire.
He swallows, counts to ten over and over again. Tries to slow the churning in his gut. It doesn’t work. He shoves himself out of bed. Wrapping his quilt around his shoulders and grabbing his vape, he heads for the common room.  It’s empty this late, and dark. He hits the light and bathes it in a warm glow that chases some of the dregs of fear out of his chest.  It still smells like the popcorn Sunshine burnt earlier. He sits on the couch and curls his legs under him. He sticks his vape in his mouth and hopes strawberry flavored nicotine will chase the rest of anxiety away.
He turns the TV on, and picks the first thing that looks boring enough to relax him. Some cooking show. Something he recognizes because someone else likes it, Aether maybe, or Cirrus. He watches without watching. Seeing the flash of metal as knives chop through vegetables but not registering any of it.
He’s halfway through the episode, the drone of voices, and too much nicotine keeping him in the middle distance between asleep and panicked. There’s a short shout down the hall. It echoes. Cuts off sharply. Swiss winces. He’s pretty sure it was Rain, but it’s hard to tell.
It’s not an uncommon occurrence.
They all have nightmares. Every single one of them. Memories from the pit, or from the surface. Rain dreams of an empty word, a void he cannot reach the end of. Cirrus won’t tell him what she dreams of—but Swiss suspects it’s something similar to his. Judging by how jumpy she is after a nightmare, eyes darting to every corner, waiting for a threat that never comes. Aether, Dew, and Mountain dream in memory, ghost haunting the halls of their sleep. Cumulus relives the same horrible moment in the pit, over and over. Death and ruin.
Swiss should get up. Should push himself into action and go and check on his packmate, but he stays rooted to the couch. To his cooking show he couldn’t care less about. He doesn’t have it in him to curl Rain into his arms and tell him it will be ok. Not when he feels like he is one wrong thought from a spiral.
The Ghoul wing falls into silence. Swiss eases back into his semi-tolerable state. Wedged between reality and altered memory.
The smell of sulfur seeps through the room. Fear.  A smell Swiss associates with Dew and his endless nights filled with dreams of blood, dreams of drowning.
Before he can react to that, he’s not alone. Rain and Dew appear in the doorway. Both of them looking equally shaken—eyes darting between each other and Swiss like they’re shocked to find they’re not alone.
Swiss opens his quilt, indicates a space for them. “Looks like it’s going around.”
Skinny as they both are they fold in against him, curled around each other, tucked in the space behind Swiss’ leg. Dew’s head pillows on his thigh. Rain’s tucked into Dew’s hair. Dew curls his tail around Swiss ankle. Rain’s finds his wrist.
“Are we talking about it?”
Swiss asks, offering the vape, rolling his eyes when Dew snatches it and shoves it between his lips like he’d die without it.
Rain shakes his head. “No, please.”
Dew looks at him, copper eyes meeting his mismatched one. He shakes his head. Swiss can feel the tremble in his fingers as he rests them on Swiss’ leg.
Swiss reaches down, pets both of them on the head, tangling his fingers in their hair in turn. He doesn’t tell them it will be OK. Those words won’t come. They don’t feel true or helpful. Swiss knows by the look on both of their faces that OK will only come with dawn. With too much coffee and the reminder that they are here. With a pack that loves them.
 They fall into silence. Rain and Dew curled so tightly together Swiss can hardly tell whose limbs are whose. He shifts his quilt, covers them with it as best he can. They curl into each other’s warmth.
They could talk about it. Gift their fears to each other so they don’t have to think about them anymore.
Swiss could tell them about being chased. About being hunted, and not in the fun way they do every once in a while—for real. Dew could tell them about drowning, or watching Ifrit die again and again, whichever one it was this time.
Rain could tell them about emptiness.
But how would it help. They already know what haunts each other.
Swiss reaches down, fingers searching for contact. He’s met with Rain and Dew’s already entwined hands, pulling his over the top of theirs, locking his fingers in against theirs. It shouldn’t work, doesn’t really. Swiss doesn’t let go.
He closes his eyes. Listens to the way Rain’s breathing goes back to even first—then, several minutes later, Dew’s follows. The trembling stops.
Swiss feels like he can breathe again.
He’d open his eyes to look at them, but they’re heavy now, dragged closed by sleep he thought was impossible.
The last thing he’s aware of before he sleeps back under is the rasp of Rain’s purr, rumbling through all of them.
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atonalginger · 4 months
OC Question game✨🎶
I was tagged by @a-cosmic-elf, @staticpallour, @lisa-and-shadow, and @therealgchu for this fun game. I haven't been ignoring y'all I've just been caught up with lingering issues 💕💕
Being tagged by y'all means I have many questions so Let's Get Cracking! I will be answering these questions with Dawn Falkner, my Fallout 4 General. I'm going to answer them in her voice as well, like an interview.
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A-cosmic-elf asked:
If money, time, and space were no object, what would be your dream pet?
before the bombs I'd have said a German Shepherd. Smart, powerful, loyal and beautiful too. Then I found that ornery shit at the Red Rocket that everyone keeps calling Dogmeat and so that feels like it don't count no more. SOOoo if we're taking the limiters off and saying dream pet? Deathclaw. I've seen them in action they are wicked smart. I bet if you could find one as a hatching and not get hunted down by the Mama or Papa you could have a loyal creature to defend a homestead...don't look at me like that you know I'm right.
Are there seasons where you are from? What’s your favourite and why?
Before the bombs? Yes. Nora and I grew up in Ohio and there were 4 distinct seasons there. Then I served in the army for a while and most places I went to had seasons, some briefer than others. Then I was in Boston till...well...and now there aren't really seasons. It does get colder in winter months and hotter in summer months but not like it used to. Leaves don't change...
and my favorite season? Autumn. A welcome reprieve from the summer heat, beautiful tree tops, brisk walks in jackets or cardigans, warm mugs of cider and the sound of leaves crunching underfoot. *sigh*
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
HAHAHA, haha, ha....oh the age old question. My dream was to be a singer. I wanted to be on stage, an audience enraptured as I performed radio hits and classics alike.
Staticpallour's questions:
What do you believe to be your greatest Strength? And on the other side, your greatest Weakness?
I'd say my biggest strength is my iron will. Preston would tell you that just means I'm stubborn as a brahmin. Maybe he's right, I still think it's a strength.
Greatest weakness? I don't think I work well with others out in the field. I have a particular way I like to handle matters and I've never found someone willing to go with it. So whenever I work with people shit gets messy.
Who's your best friend? How'd you meet them?
God, don't let him hear this it'll go to his head...Vadim is my best friend. More than best friend if I'm honest but you aren't asking about that. We met at the Dugout Inn a few months back. I needed a drink and someplace to sleep and we started chatting and then he asked me to dance and helped me forget all my worries. He listens without judgement, makes me laugh harder than anyone I've known, and while he can be a block-headed fool at times...he's one of the kinder hearts I've met in the wasteland.
What Motivates you?
Spite? A better answer would be the desire to help others and make this place more livable for everyone but that's not true. I mean it is but not the real motivator in my head. That's my 'politician's answer'.
No, spite is what drives me. Don't know what force or forces led me to be where I am now but like hell am I going to let them have the final say. I'm going to keep going, keep fighting, keep living my way.
Lisa-and-shadow's questions:
What was your first kiss like?
*squints off in the distance as she thinks* God that feels like ages ago. It was Homecoming my sophomore year and Timmy Beltz came to sit with me out in the courtyard off the gymnasium and I'd been having a crummy night: my date ran off to go dance with the girl his parents wouldn't let him take and I didn't know it at the time but Timmy had apparently wanted to take me and...he sat with me and held my hand and offered to take me home and when we got to the house he walked me up to the front porch and gave me this tender kiss. Took my breath away, a real knock your socks off moment. We ended up going steady for a while. Till he graduated and joined the army.
Do you have a signature style of dress/favorite outfit?
I'm a function over fashion sort of gal. I love anything that has deep pockets and can be worn comfortably all day. Since waking up I'd been liking in a vault tech utility jumpsuit I found in vault 111...until it was destroyed by fire...then I found this fatigues/leather duster combo at the Enclave forward base and I've been wearing it. Lots of pockets, fits like a dream, I can layer with it, and it gives off an air of authority. Something I need if I'm to keep Preston and the others in line. *whispers quickly* I'm kidding.
Are you quick tempered? Or even-keeled?
heh, I'd like to say I'm even-tempered but I'll get shouted out of the room. I'm quick tempered. Some might say I have the fuse of a firecracker.
Therealgchu's questions:
if you could be a fruit, what would you be?
I'm the fruit? hmmm... I'd want to be a tarberry. Which is just postbomb cranberries. Tarberries are not easy to cultivate, like me, and are very tart, like me, and love floating in pools, very me.
did you have an imaginary friend when you were young?
I did. He played piano and would accompany me when I played pretend that I was on stage while singing along to the radio.
how old were you when you killed your first person?
19 years old. Caught a spy trying to break into my Coronel's office and reacted without thinking. Got sent off for special training after that, real hush hush.
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w3ath3r-0f-sw34t3rz · 17 days
remember that time i chose a top ten for all of my favorite artists? no you don't but i'm gonna re-do it. and so
forcing myself to pick a top ten (in no particular order except for the top 3) for my favorite artists. why? because!
this is home
boys will be bugs
it's u
devil town
pyjama pants
snake & the prairie dogs
smoke signals
a kind thing to do
let them know they're on your mind
cavetown offline edition
rocket ships
alien waves
winter coat
thank you
ghost boys
vacation with the ghosts
conan gray
alley rose
fight or flight
the exit
comfort crowd
best friend
lonely dancers
chloe moriondo
take your time
hotel for clowns
plastic purse
taylor swift
you're on your own, kid
who's afraid of little old me?
don't blame me
you're losing me
new year's day
champagne problems
cowboy like me
out of tune
bad things
zoning out
so cold
falling for you
kind of sick of life
bad luck
heart of ice
penelope scott
cigarette ahegao
lotta true crime
sin eater
take a bite
the way things go
the way i spoke
coming home
apple cider
this is how it went
melanie martinez
field trip
pacify her
drama club
teacher's pet
brain & heart
cry baby
mother mother
the matrix
arms tonite
bit by bit
legs away
forgotten souls
oh ana
love and truth
until it doesn't hurt
olivia rodrigo
deja vu
all-american bitch
ballad of a homeschooled girl
teenage dream
good 4 u
can't catch me now
phoebe bridgers
graceland too
the gold
i know the end
scott street
would you rather
chinese satellite
motion sickness
demi moore
first love/late spring
texas reznikoff
my body's made of crushed little stars
bag of bones
francis forever
crack baby
a pearl
strawberry blond
washing machine heart
tv girl
the blonde
blue hair
better in the dark
taking what's not yours
loving machine
pretty boy
not allowed
it almost worked
summer's over
alex g
i wait for you
16 mirrors
early morning waiting
know now
the neighbourhood
sweater weather
you get me so high
the shining
greetings from califournia
lost in translation
lana del rey
happiness is a butterfly
the greatest
music to watch boys to
chemtrails over the country club
not all who wander are lost
born to die
let the light in
say yes to heaven
west coast
beach bunny
good girls (don't get used)
deja vu
prom queen
blame game
arctic monkeys
r u mine?
why'd you only call me when you're high?
fluorescent adolescent
mardy bum
the jeweller's hands
i wanna be yours
who is this for? me. thank you
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vsynthbday · 2 months
happy anniversary to "Rocket Cider" (ロケットサイダー) by NayutalieN / Nayutan Seijin (ナユタン星人)! this song came out 9 years ago today.
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art by NayutalieN | youtube upload | august 4th, 2024.
[Image description: A screenshot from the official music video for "Rocket Cider". It depicts an unnamed humanoid alien character with short hair and two antennas, and is wearing a short-sleeved button-up shirt with a tie, and pants. They're lying on the background, which is blue. Overlayed is large dark gray text that reads the japanese title of the song. End image description.]
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bloopychips · 10 months
Chipspeech Headcanons
Otto and Cider were friends in their college days, collaborating on a lot of projects together despite Otto being the brains of the operation. As time went on Otto began getting more attention, and eventually he wanted to split into his own research from Cider.
Cider's jealousy eventually came to a boiling point when the grant he was going for would possibly go to Otto instead. Panicked, obsessed, and spiteful, Cider sabotaged Otto's project, causing an explosion. The blast burned a little over half of Otto's face and ended up getting him expelled due to the blame of damage being put on him.
Cider ended up not only getting the grant, but securing additional funds from lottery numbers given to him via a fortune from a certain machine in an abandoned arcade he'd visit as a child. (Sam, it's Sam.) This rockets his success as he uses stolen ideas from Otto to build the CiTech empire.
Otto becomes obsessed with revenge, unable to get far in life after the college incident and Cider slandering his name to discredit his claims. Otto lives underground, in a lab far away from CiTech security and is also the only one who knows how to resist the mind controlling nanobots Cider has. (Since he was the one who made them in the first place.) The whole lab is powered by energy redirected from other places thanks to Rotten's help. Rotten supplies parts as needed for Otto and Otto repairs broken down bots for money to further fund his own research.
Otto's lab is COVERED in newpaper clippings, photos, hand written notes, and any kind of evidence he can manage against Cider and is convinced one day he'll finally have enough to take him down.
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sweetlyfez · 7 months
Tag people you want to know better
tagged by @starrypawz - Tagging @cheapsweets, @lunellum, @makesometime
last song: I hate to think, probably a nursery rhyme on behalf of the Nugget
currently watching: Crufts, as we speak, OFMD on days the child goes to bed on time
three ships: Trephacard, Cablepool, Pearlina
favorite color: piiiink
currently consuming: Friday night cider
first ship: I don't really remember? It might have been Sterek, I wouldn't have said I was *shipping* until after joining tumblr so.
place of birth: Gloucestershire
current location: approx. half an hour's walk from the above
relationship status: Married
last movie: Ponyo (the nugget reeeally likes Ponyo)
currently working on: toooo many things. Things worked on today have been a sock and the rocket embroidery
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mumintroll · 1 year
2 cans of cider deep and rocket man comes on
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mosswolf · 1 year
Lantern, maple and cider? Mwah
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
we were both 4 years old and our parents had arranged a park meetup through facebook and neither of us remember it AHFJSHD. after that one tho, i went to her house and we played with a plastic red rocket which was the coolest thing id EVER encountered at the time
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
we were both 4 years old and our parents had arranged a park meetup through facebook and neither of us remember it AHFJSHD. after that one tho, i went to her house and we played with a plastic red rocket which was the coolest thing id EVER encountered at the time
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
hmmm a lot of things i have tried even if i didnt carry on with them, but maybe photography? or ice skating!! or badge making!! or-
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
most of them to be honest but cheese especially i hated cheese for a while as a kid!!
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raccoonfallsharder · 5 months
year three: flowering ⋆˚✿˖°
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18+ only MDNI | no use of y/n | f!reader | 3/6 years | word count: pending.
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“I gotta go back up.”
You close your own eyes, then rise. Spiders Georg watches you cautiously, but you’re not making any quick movements — you just open the door, only a few orloni-lengths away, and then ease yourself carefully over to the hearth. 
“How long?” the orloni hears you ask.
Claws hesitates. “Few cycles, at least. Wanna pick some stuff up. See if I can find out anymore about what happened.”
Spiders Georg can hear it in your voice: the pained smile, soft and lingering. He shifts to the side of the plate, so he can see both you and the open door. 
“Big Bad Rocket, scared off by a kiss from a couple kids.”
Claws snorts. “Not scared off.”
“No?” You shoot him a teasing glance. “So you’ll come home quickly?”
Courtship  behaviors, Spiders Georg thinks again.
Claws’ eyes flick away from yours before you can hold his stare. “Got something I wanna do before I go,” he says instead. 
“You’re the king of evasions tonight.”
The shorter mammal shrugs. “Gotta set up the rig I been working on.”
You tilt your head, intrigued. “The big table-thing?”
He offers a brisk nod. “Tomorrow. We’ll need your help.”
“Okay,” you agree easily, sipping a mouthful of cider. “Where and when?”
“Just outside. Early,” he tells you. His voice is wry, and there’s something in it that Spiders Georg doesn’t recognize. It’s almost playful, but not quite. “You can get your ass outta the house first thing instead of just watchin’ me work all morning.”
Spiders Georg cocks his head when you choke on your cider and have to force yourself not to spit it back into your cup, sputtering dangerously. 
“You used to watch me work!” you protest. Your cheeks are suddenly scalding-hot, glowing in the reflected light of the flames. “You’d sit there and spectate while I tried to fight the fucking water tank—“
Claws’ eyes — flat copper stones in the darkness and firelight — suddenly become slits of burning lava-red as his eyelids drop to halfmast. “That was a little different, princess.”
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florescence❀ chapter four year three preview ✩ anticipated posting date: april 27
did i write this whole chapter from an orloni's perspective? yes i did. is it going to be another four months before the next chapter? possibly also yes
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“The only chance we got is to get to the other side of the universe as fast as we can and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to live full lives before that whack-job ever gets there.”
rocket & groot leave their friends behind on knowhere, despite the latter’s protests, and end up hiding out on a nothing-planet (with a non-extradition policy) at the edge of the shi’ar galaxy.
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