#Robert Floyd fluff
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withahappyrefrain · 2 months ago
Unraveled- Bob Floyd
Summary: Bob Floyd likes to think he can keep it cool. Then along comes a sundress.
Warnings: friends to lovers, smut, so much pining, language,
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Bob Floyd didn't like to brag, but he considered himself pretty dang smart and sensible. 
He knew the ins and outs of every jet he has flown. Hell,  he could break it apart and put it back together again within a few hours, if that.  He was able to quickly assess a situation, weigh the pros and cons, and come to a sound decision. It’s why he was the top WSO for the mission in Miramar. 
So why has a piece of fabric thrown him for such a loop? 
All Bob was trying to do was be polite. You had mentioned taking an Uber to the Hard Deck tonight and Bob knew the polite thing to do was to offer a ride. After all, he wasn't going to drink. You would save money. It's what any good friend would do. It had absolutely nothing to do with the crush he had been harboring since your first debriefing. 
He was just trying to be courteous. The gentleman his Mama worked hard in raising. Getting to spend time with you, without the other members of your shared squadron around or loud music, wasn't even near the forefront of his mind when he made the offer. Bob was just trying to be a good friend. A good friend who just wanted to help. A good friend who was forcing himself to look at you through a platonic lens, not a romantic one. 
Bob liked to think he was doing pretty well at that. 
That is, until a dress came along and unraveled him. 
Perhaps you said hello when you opened the door.  You probably did, considering how polite you were. But all Bob could focus on was the way the fabric of your dress hugged your curves. 
And what little fabric there was. He had seen you in civilian clothes before. But never anything like this. His mind absolutely went blank when you hugged him and he could feel how much of your bare skin was exposed. Due to the halter style of the straps, nearly your whole upper back was now perfectly visible.
“Um you-you look um nice,” Bob barely got out. He was too busy trying to burn the feeling of your soft skin into his brain. You were warm, like a walking ray of sunshine. 
“Thanks! I got it yesterday and I figured with the weather being so nice, today was the perfect day to wear it!” you said, giving a little twirl. Bob tried to focus on the pattern of dress; how the green brought out your eyes. 
But all he could focus on was the curves of your body, now being highlighted. The way the halter style made your breasts swell and the lack of a bra very apparent. How the fabric stopped at the top of your thighs when you spun, giving Bob a peek of what he often thought about late at night. 
This was bad. 
“I take it you came early to watch an episode of Love Island before we leave?” You asked as he stumbled walked in.
The truth was, Bob wasn’t a fan of reality TV. But he watched because it gave the two of you a chance to talk to one another. Just as friends, nothing more. When watching the silly show, you two could make jokes, talk about things other than work. 
“Yeah! Ready to watch hot people make poor decisions again,” Bob said with a nervous laugh. The joke failed to put him at ease. If anything, it reminded him that he was about to spend at least forty minutes with you and that did not include the drive to the Hard Deck. 
“You’re using my tagline!” your smile lit up your whole face. Bob was certain it could light up the whole turmac. All he could do was nod, his heart fluttering when you grabbed his hand, leading him into the living room. 
"I have some kettle corn in the microwave for you! I also made cherry seltzer water!" Bob could feel heat rush to his face. You always remembered the little details that no one else seemed to pick up on; that he loved salt but had an even bigger sweet tooth. How in an attempt to cut back on soda, he switched to sparkling water. His favorite flavor was cherry because it reminded him of cherry coke. 
"Did you see the video I sent you?" You gently squeezed Bob's hand as you two sat down. 
"Y-yeah. You're absolutely right, having three otters would be my dream." Ever since learning about Bob's favorite animal, you had sent him every otter-related video you came across while scrolling the internet. You even got him a pair of Otter socks for his birthday.  It was the fact you paid attention to seemingly minor details that made Bob fall head over heels for you. 
But alas, you were a coworker. The problem at hand wasn't whether it was allowed, ‘incest’ (as Jake unfortunately called it) happened all the time in the Navy. After all, there were only so many things you could do on a ship before switching to people. No, it was the potential issues that came with dating. Rejection being the main one. Bob had no trouble believing you and he could be professional should you two date and it not work out. That happened all the time. What worried him was rejection. Having to go to work everyday and put on a facade, that things were fine. When deep down, he knew he'd be heartbroken. And even worse, he'd no longer have your friendship. 
So Bob settled, as he often did when it came to love. He took comfort knowing he'd still have you, albeit as a friend instead of a partner. That should be more than enough. For the last few months, he had convinced himself that it was enough. 
But God was it difficult when you bent over right to grab the remote. 
The hemline of your dress inched upwards, showing off the backs of your upper thighs and- 
he could see the swell of your ass. He could see the flash of red lace. Your skin looked so soft and supple and you were so close he could just reach out and- 
Oh God he was hard. Oh no. 
This was bad. Worse than that time he popped an erection during sex ed in middle school. There, he at least had a jacket and a desk to cover it. 
But here? He was a full grown adult and San Diego’s seventy degree weather didn't give him any additional layers. Bob looked around, desperate for something, anything, to hide his cock that was currently straining against his jeans. 
Thank fuck for your love of decorative pillows. 
He grabbed the closest one, shaped and designed like a pomegranate. You were so excited the day you picked it up from some Facebook Marketplace deal. He had driven you, partly out of wanting to spend time with you, partly because he wanted to ensure you were safe. It was adorable and definitely shouldn’t be used for nefarious purposes, such as hiding a boner. This was wrong, so fucking wrong.   
Bob was trying to think of anything and everything that would kill this boner. But his spot on the couch aligned perfectly with the entranceway of the kitchen, where you currently were, rummaging around to fix Bob a drink. 
What ever happened to doors? Why were people so opposed to doors? Doors were lovely. You could close doors. Every time he tried to think of something, you were right in his line of view, turning every thought into something more devious. 
His family? His family would love you. If you two got married you could make  your own family. 
Work? You worked with him, in that damn flight suit that clung to your every curve. No one else could make that god forsaken green fabric look good.  
School? God, you were so smart. The top of your class. And witty, always ready with a clever, underhanded comeback. It’s how you two originally bonded, both having muttered something about Jake under your breath. 
Bob Floyd was screwed. Thoroughly. 
He tried to comfort himself with the fact that soon you two would be watching people in their early twenties making the dumbest decisions over dating. If anything were to be a boner killer, that had to be it. He just needed to make it through then. 
“Bob?” Your lithe voice broke him out of his thoughts. Not that it was much of a reprieve, with the way you were standing at the kitchen entranceway with a glass of sparkling water in each hand, “You good?”
“Me? Oh yeah, I’m great!” He said with an all too eager nod, desperate to convince you this was truly the case. Fuck, you were so beautiful. And you were showing so much skin. He had seen you on the beach before, adorned in athletic shorts and a sports bra. But this was different. 
The dress was far too nice for the Hard Deck. No, you deserved to be taken to a nice restaurant, one with a lovely outdoor patio. The image of you sitting on a lovely chair with a glass of wine in your hand came easily to Bob. It was also the perfect dress for a picnic, particularly at the nearby park, specifically in that little secluded area. God, the idea of you laying down on a red and white checkered blanket, the hem of your dress pushed up your thighs as he leaned over you, ready to take you-
Bob leaned forward, clutching the pillow as he tried to will himself the strength to get it together. 
“Bob? Are-are you okay?” You quickly placed the drinks down on the coffee table, rushing over to kneel in front of him on the couch. 
Oh what a sight that was, you looking up at him with big eyes, full of concern. Your hands were on his biceps, and Bob knew if he looked down he would have the perfect view of your breasts. 
 It was so hot and also the very last thing Bob fucking needed. 
“I’m good. Stomach doesn’t agree with what we had for lunch, that’s all.” Lying was never good, his mother instilled that in him at an early age. But in this scenario, Bob was certain the truth was much worse. 
“I’ll go get you a ginger ale!” Bob opened his mouth to protest, though no words came out due to seeing not only the tops of your thighs, but a flash of your ass as you spun around to go back into the kitchen. 
For a few seconds, the  supple, plump flesh was so close to him. Practically within arm’s reach. 
Maybe he should just leave while you were in the kitchen. 
But that would be rude. Not only rude, but it would raise your suspicions if they weren’t high already. Plus, he had already promised you a ride to the Hard Deck. He couldn’t just leave you hanging, not after you brought a dress for the occasion. He may be in dire need of a cold shower, but the last thing Bob Floyd was going to do was hurt you. He squeezed the pillow, knuckles turning white as he tried to find strength. For once, he couldn’t wait to start an episode of Love Island. Hell, he would even take an episode of The Bachelor at this point. 
“Here ya go,” You sat down on the couch next to him, glass of ginger ale in hand. You even remembered how much ice he preferred in his cold beverages. You were perfect. 
“Thanks,” Bob slowly took one hand off the pillow, the other still holding onto it for dear life. 
“You uh, like that pillow?” You chuckled, though your nerves still shined through. 
“Huh? Oh yeah,” Bob looked down, ensuring his big problem was still covered, “It uh, helps my stomach!”
You raised an eyebrow, though you didn’t further question it. Instead, much to Bob’s delight, you reached for the remote, clicking through until you finally landed on the desired episode. With a shaking hand, Bob gulped down the ginger ale, promptly placing it on the coffee table so he could have both hands on the pillow. 
The room was silent, saved for the ridiculous conversations happening on the TV screen. Normally you and Bob would be shoulder to shoulder, laughing as you both narrated your opinions on the contestants. But today Bob was rigid, his fingers still clutching to the pillow on his lap. He hadn’t even touched the bowl of popcorn. 
"Do you like my dress?" It took everything in Bob not to groan at your question. The last thing he needed was a reason to look at you. But how could he deny himself such a chance? So he put on his best smile as he turned to face you.    
"Uh yeah it's lovely. I'm sure everyone will love it-" 
"I got it for you.” Your voice was soft as you hit the pause button on your remote, eyes remaining on the screen. 
The words hit Bob like a freight train. 
"What? Why would you-"
You shrugged, fingers toying with the short hem of your dress, "I thought maybe, if you saw me in something different, something that wasn't my flight suit or a tee shirt, that maybe you would finally notice me?” 
You finally looked him in the eyes, “Maybe you'd finally notice that I've been trying to flirt with you for the last few months?" 
Bob opened his mouth just to promptly close it. He thought back to the last few months, now analyzing every seemingly ordinary interaction he had with you. 
The way you insisted on sitting next to each other during lunch. As well as during briefings. And when you went to the Hard Deck. Whenever a guy tried to flirt with you there, you turned them down, focusing your attention back on him, continuing your conversation about his latest D&D campaign or a Lego set you had found that reminded you of him. The way you always touched his arm, your hand lingering on his skin as you bore your eyes into his. How you always texted him. How you baked a cake for his birthday. The little trinkets you’d bring him. 
Oh god, he was a fucking idiot. 
The tension in the room was thick. You, sitting restlessly as you waited for Bob to acknowledge what you had said. Bob, processing your words and what they meant. 
“How long?” Bob asked, his voice soft yet firm.
You chuckled as you shook your head, “Honestly? First day. We hadn’t even spoken yet. I saw you walk in and you just were….not only handsome but also looked so kind? Then you offered me a spare pencil, made that comment about Jake’s driving and I….was a goner.”
“I saw you talking to Halo before the briefing room was open,” He confessed, “She said something that made you laugh and it….it was the prettiest sight I had ever seen.”
“We’ve wasted a lot of time, huh?” You both stared ahead at the TV, still too fearful to face each other. 
Bob dryly chuckled, “Yeah….a lot of time. Months, if we’re being more exact.” 
The two of you remained in silence, your words sinking in. Neither sure what should be said, if anything should be said. Until finally, you spoke up. 
“Bob? What’s underneath the pillow?” 
His hips shifted, involuntary, “What?” For a moment, he forgot about the darn pillow and the erection he was covering with it. 
The cluelessness in his voice brought a giggle, “The pillow? Why are you using it to cover your lap?”
Bob sighed, “Can I at least kiss you first?” 
You nodded, moving to close the gap between you and Bob. Pillow be damned, his hands cupped your jawline, giving you a sweet smile before leaning in, closing the gap between your lips and his. 
Bob Floyd’s lips were soft, no doubt due to the sweet mint chapstick you'd watch him apply countless of times. You didn't want to admit how often you'd wondered about the taste, what his hands would feel like on your body. God, they were huge. His thumbs rested comfortably on your jawline, but you could feel his other fingers spanning your neck, down to your collarbone. 
The first kiss was gentle, practically modest. Your lips were only apart for several seconds, if that, before connecting again. 
You easily found his shoulders, grasping them for purchase. The gap between your bodies was too much, Bob wanted to be as close as possible. So his hands trailed down your body, skimming along until they found the back of your thighs. Using his strength, he moved your body, situating you onto his lap. 
A high pitched gasp fell from your lips upon feeling the bulge that was straining against his jeans. Good god, he was thick. You had heard whispers, chalking it up to typical locker room talk. 
Nope, those rumors were one hundred percent true. 
“I’m sorry,” Bob groaned, hands exploring your soft curves. Worst of all, he sounded earnest, only making you want to touch him more. 
“I-I wore this on purpose ah-after all,” you confessed, finding it difficult to speak as he pressed open mouthed kisses along your exposed chest. 
Right. You wore this on purpose. To entice him. To see if perhaps he felt the same burning desire. Once realization hit him again, Bob’s hands moved along your back, just stopping above your ass. 
Wait, he was about to touch your ass. 
“We-we shouldn’t,” Bob mumbled, retracting his hands from your body. You stilled, a crestfallen look painting your face. 
“We shouldn’t?” Repeating the words felt like driving a knife through your heart. Had regret finally emerged, beating the rush of adrenaline? Was he going to regret this, ask that you two never speak about it ever again, pretend it never happened?
“I…” Bob sighed, “I need to take you on a date first.”
Bless his heart. 
Sighing, you relaxed your body into his, resting your head in the crook of his neck, “You’re too sweet, y’know that?”
Bob chuckled, “That's supposed to be my line.” 
His hands gave your hips a loving squeeze, causing you to nestle further into him, until your bodies were nearly molded as one. Your lips searched for his, trailing up his neck, his jawline, along the side of his button nose until finally reaching his soft lips. Bob shifted in his seat, causing you to do the same. As a result, you could feel his erection, despite the layers of clothes. 
“Good lord Bobby, you've just been walking around with all that?” Bob groaned, but not due to your words. No, it was because you had started moving your hips in circles, his erection now pressed against your covered core. 
“I’m- I’m trying to be a gentleman.” Bob couldn't even look at you. He didn't want to stop. He should stop. Maybe you two could skip the Hard Deck and go out to dinner. Then he could take you home and not feel as guilty. 
“You can be a gentleman later,” by throwing your arms over his shoulder you finally had access to his neck. His skin was so soft, so delicate. How could you not sink your teeth into his neck? 
Normally you'd have better self control than this. But you were ovulating and had six months of sexual frustrations and wet dreams- 
“You had dreams about me?” Uh-oh. That wasn't meant to be said out loud. Granted, maybe it was for the best to get everything out in the open. 
Timidly nodding, you explained, “Yeah. The days I didn't sit next to you were because….I had a dream about ya the night before.” 
A band had snapped within Bob, no doubt due to the numerous times you didn't sit next to him during briefings. 
Within seconds, you found yourself on your back against the couch, the bespectacled WSO hovering over you. There was a fire flickering in his blue eyes as he remained laser focused on your face. 
“After this, you're putting this dress back on and I'm taking ya out to dinner, is that clear?” his voice was gruff and deep, similar to when he did a hundred pushes that one day (that you definitely didn't think about while masturbating). 
Chest heaving, dress pushed up to your upper thighs, lips kiss bitten, God, you looked like an angel to Bob. He remembered learning about angels in church growing up. How pious they were, that seeing them was a sign of comfort, that they would guide one to safety, to a holy life. 
There was nothing holy about what he wanted to do to you. 
His mouth was hot, searing kisses along your skin. Your back arched into him, desperate for me. But he always seemed to pull away before you could get enough. Would you? Ever get enough of Bob Floyd? 
Finding an answer would have to wait, for now you wanted to relish in the feeling of Bob’s hands kneading your breasts. It was obvious you weren't wearing a bra, a fact Bob ob had spent forty minutes trying not to think about. He still felt a smidge of guilt, as though the newly drawn line between friends and more hadn’t quite sunk in yet. Was he even supposed to be doing this?
“You can keep going. I want you to.” You sensed his hesitation. In all the time you knew Bob, he had never taken someone home for a one night stand. He wasn’t like that. He needed time to build a connection, to feel comfortable enough to be himself. That’s why he loved spending time with you. With you, there was no need to put up a front, no need to be fearful of judgement. 
“And then afterwards, we can order some Thai food and continue watching the episode, if you want. Or we can just do that now,” your hands cradled his jaw, gently forcing him to look at you. He found a sweet, reassuring smile, similar to the one that made him smitten six months ago. 
“I think I’m falling in love with you.” Bob could be blunt, and often was when it came to his colleague’s shenanigans. But with his own feelings? He always chose his words carefully. 
Hence why his admission took you some time to process. Bob could see it on your face; first your eyes widened, lips slightly parting as if driven by the need to respond immediately. But then your lips closed, your brain quickly gaining back self control. 
“I’m falling in love with you too Robby.” You were the only one who could call him that. It was that familiarity, that intimacy, that gave him the courage to move his hands to your hemline up to your hips, revealing the thin, lacy red fabric underneath. 
You were breathtaking. Always were. But this? This solidified things for Bob. You two had made a step forward in your relationship. Many things would still be the same. But there were now new things to experience. Simply another layer of intimacy had been added.
His long fingers skimmed over the fabric of your panties, every touch sending a spark of electricity along your spine. Every stroke caused a small gasp to fall from your lips, music to Bob’s ears. Lowering himself, Bob decorated your hips with opened mouth kisses. Finally, gaining enough courage, his fingers pushed your panties to the side. 
Fuck, you were wet. 
If there was any hesitation left in Bob, it died upon seeing how visibly aroused you were. He had done that. No one else. Lowering himself even more, he was now at eye level with your wet cunt. This wasn’t some vivid wet dream. 
When his touch licked a broad stripe up your slit, a broken moan fell from your lips, echoing off the walls. It was the prettiest sound Bob had heard. He wanted to hear it again. All the time. 
With more confidence, Bob begins lapping up your arousal, determined to taste every inch of you. His fingers dig into your thighs, pulling you closer. Looking down, you see his glasses are now crooked, though you highly doubt Bob cares, given how his eyes are half closed in pleasure. 
Wait, was he grinding against the couch? 
The discovery caused your thighs to clamp over Bob’s ears, your hips thrusting upwards to get more of his talented tongue. Bob wasn't reserved around you, never had been. But this was a new side to him that you had wondered if it ever existed. Animalistic. Devouring. Loud. 
His groans vibrate against your core, only heightening the pleasure. Slowly, his right hand goes from your hips to your core, mouth moving to your clit as the long digits trace your opening. 
��Oh my God, please,” you all but beg, not quite ready to admit how often you thought about his fingers and how they would feel inside of you.
Always thinking about your comfort, Bob started off with just one finger. You tried to fuck yourself with it, your own fingers gripping the soft strands of his hair for better leverage. The thought of making you beg crossed Bob’s mind. Would you like that? Would you be open to that? There were so many new topics to discuss, so many new boundaries to explore now. 
You happily welcomed the stretch of two, three fingers. Bob found the little moans you let out to be quite adorable. He could feel his cock throb against his jeans, but pleasing you took priority. 
“C’mon honey. Wanna feel you come on my fingers.” His voice was low, husky even. 
“C-can you be inside me? Like your…your cock?” A broken groan fell from Bob’s lips at the very thought of being inside of you. 
“I don't….I don't think I'll last long,” he admitted sheepishly. Hell, he could probably come just from eating you out. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. In fact, it sounded pretty good- bringing himself to the height of pleasure just from ravishing you. 
“I don't think I will either,” you giggled, “But we’ll….we have lots of other times to go slow.” 
Bob helped you sit up on the couch. “You wanna go to the bedroom?” He asked, thinking about how this could be more comfortable for you. 
Instead, you shook your head, hands moving to his jeans, hastily undoing the buttons. 
Now it was your turn to explore, to discover. There was a dark trail of hair that went past the waistband of his jeans. He wore boxer briefs. And Bob Floyd had the prettiest cock. 
His face turned bright red at the compliment, “Oh it's…I mean it's like fine, but it's not-” 
“Take the damn compliment Robert,” you all but scolded, eliciting a laugh from him, your favorite. The high pitch, near giggle one. The one that made your heart flutter. 
Feeling at ease, you moved so that you were hovering over Bob’s lap. Your fingers moved to the base of his cock, making you realize you would have to ease yourself into it. 
“I gotcha,” his hands found your hips, slowly easing you down. His sapphire eyes never left your face, searching for any sign of discomfort. He went slow, waiting until you made it vocally known you were ready for more. 
By the time you reached the base of Bob’s cock, you were a mess. You wanted him to move, to fuck you within an inch of your life. But he was also so big. The stretch was nothing you had experienced before. 
“Hey, we can take our time, okay? I know it's, that it's a lot,” he assured you, as though he could sense your internal conflict. His lips found yours, and in that kiss you found comfort. Bob grounded you, always had, whether it was up in the air or right here on your couch. 
How much time had passed, who was to say? You could recall both your phones vibrating a few times, no doubt messages from the rest of your squad. Those messages could wait. 
“I think I'm ready,” you whispered against Bob’s lips. He needed, digging his fingers into your hips to gain a better grip. With his help, you lifted yourself no more than a couple of inches off his cock, returning to the base. 
“Fuck, you feel incredible,” Bob moaned. You just made Bob Floyd curse. Something not even a bird strike could do. That four letter word gave you the confidence to lift your hips up on your own accord, returning swiftly. Slowly, just an inch or two, which became several inches. Up and down motions turned to swiveling your hips in a circular rhythm. What was once a quiet living room, saved for a few small gasps and the static from the TV, had now become a symphony of melodic pants and groans. 
Bob could tell you were close. Your pussy was tightening around his cock more and more, your fingers dug into his broad shoulders, as if trying to anchor yourself. You practically whined at the sight of Bob taking two fingers into his mouth, wetting them with his tongue. He lowered them to where your bodies connected. 
Upon first contact with your clit, your head dropped to the crook of his neck, unabashedly moaning his name, hips moving in a now frantic motion. 
“That's it, I gotcha.” Fuck, we he going to talk you through it? Was Bob Floyd a talker? Ironic, considering at work he was known as a man of few words. 
“Feels s’good, being inside ya.” Fuck, he was a talker. You were doomed, “Wanna, wanna make us cum. Bet ya gonna feel even better when ya soak- fuck- soak my cock.” 
Your brain was hazy. Was this real? If it was a vivid wet dream, you never wanted to wake up. Was it wrong to hope that you were in a medically induced coma, so that if this  was indeed a dream, you wouldn’t have to wake up so soon? Surely, your friends and family would understand upon meeting Bob. 
Then he pointedly thrusted his hips upwards, reminding you that no, this wasn’t a dream. No, you wouldn’t wake up feeling frustrated and unable to look him in the eye. After this, you two could go out to eat, on a real date. Not some hey let’s get dinner that feels like a date in everything except in name. You could also order delivery and cuddle up on the couch. Maybe you could even shower with him beforehand, and see his bare body, find out what was truly hiding underneath that flight suit. Oh, he was deceptively strong, you always knew that. But to see it, to feel the hard planes of his muscles? Oh, that would be quite the joy to experience. 
“Sweet girl,” you clenched at that nickname, you wanted him to continue calling you that for eternity, “Let go. Know ya want it.”
“I-I do,” you all but whined. Bob found the noise cute. What other sounds did you make? What would you sound like if he kept fucking you after you came? What about if he ate you out for hours? Or teased you until you were teetering on the edge?
There were so many questions, so many areas to explore. But for now, Bob was satisfied with experiencing how tightly you clenched his cock, how you practically sang his name as you came. Your release triggered his, pulling your hips down until they were flushed against his. His lips smashed against yours, swallowing your moans. 
Then there was silence. No words spoken. Only the sounds of panting, you both clearly trying to catch your breath, and kisses exchanged, ones that neither of you could resist giving. 
Realization hits you like a freight train. “I’m on birth control.”
Bob’s eyes widened, “Oh thank God.” He was usually so good about asking, about pulling out. But you….you made his brain feel like cotton. 
“You saying you don’t want to have kids with me?” You giggled, pressing a kiss to his warm cheek to let him know you were only saying it in jest. 
“Not yet.” You sat up to find he had an earnest smile on his face, cheeks rosy and eyes shining in adornment. 
Bob Floyd was going to be the death of you. 
So you brushed several strands of sandy brown hair off of his forehead, replacing them with a kiss, "Gotta get me a ring first."
Luckily, you were going to be the death of Bob Floyd.
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sebsxphia · 8 months ago
shopping lists.
robert ‘bob’ floyd x reader.
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→ summary: you rush to the shops after work to do a quick food shop, but bob floyd was not on your shopping list.
→ word count: 3.3K.
→ warnings: mentions of food, supermarkets, feeling hungry and fluff, fluff, fluff.
→ authors notes: my description of the supermarket is based off uk supermarkets, so i apologise if there’s inaccuracies to us supermarkets! this also hasn’t been proof read. my main masterlist can be found here! 💌
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Bob was starving.
He cursed himself under his breath as he drove back from base. He had the driver's window in his baby blue truck rolled down and his forearm resting on the side, his fingers pushing through the sticky summer air as he drove. Air conditioning alone wouldn’t keep him cool, as he still wore his flight suit from training earlier that day. He could feel how the ring of sweat around his neck was sticking to his collar, but he simply didn’t have the time or willpower to shower and change on base.
It had just gone five o’clock in the afternoon and he had gotten off later than he expected. He would’ve already had a small meal to keep him going until dinner by now, but low and behold, when he awoke this morning, as the sun was only a crack along the horizon, he realized he had no substantial food in his fridge.
Bob was a planner. He would do his fortnightly shop routinely, but something came up at work and it had simply slipped his mind. The only thing he could do now was drive as fast as he could to the supermarket, slip in, whisk around the aisles in record time and drive back home to cook something up in under an hour. He had another early start the next morning and as always, he had a routinely early bedtime.
Being a pilot made his reactions lightening fast. This would be easy for him.
As he pulled into the car park and zoned in on a space, he noticed another car also going for the same spot.
You were inches away from the space and although he was in a hunger-fueled rush, being the ever polite gentleman that he was, he let you go for it. Through the glare of the late afternoon sun reflecting off your windshield, he couldn’t quite make out the person driving, but he saw how you politely lifted your hand off the steering wheel to motion, “Thanks!”
Bob responded in turn with his wave and warm smile. He drove a little further forward past your car to find another space and the reflecting sun moved against your windshield to reveal you in a clearer light. You had the sweetest little smile as you thanked Bob. Your lips curled up to meet the creases in the corners of your eyes and your cheeks were a sweet rosy colour.
As he drove away and around the corner of the car park, Bob chewed at the inside of his cheek, still with a small smile twitching on his lips. He had a small hope that he would see you inside, only because he wanted to let you know that he was more than happy to give you the spot.
No other reason.
He was pulled out of his thoughts about your sweet smile as he felt his stomach grumble furiously. After doing a loop around, he managed to find a spot at the opposite end of the car park. He of course cursed himself again under his breath for going shopping at peak hours after everyone had finished work on a weekday, but he only blamed himself. He didn’t blame you. You were simply there first.
The almost freezing blast of air conditioner on his face as he entered the supermarket, was a welcomed change to the ever-growing humid air outside. The tiny, blonde baby hairs on the back of his sweat-coated neck stood up momentarily, as the icy air flowed down and through his flight suit. He felt himself cool down almost instantly. He pulled up with a shopping cart and started with fruits and vegetables at the front of the store. He was desperate to move fast, but his boots were heavy and searingly hot with every step he took around the aisles. That was the only spot on his body that the air conditioning could not reach.
As he came to the end of the fruits and vegetables section, he turned to reach for the tomatoes when suddenly a flurry swooped by him. It caught his attention instantly and he whipped his head around, with his torso moving inwards towards the tomatoes to avoid bumping into whoever had just swept by him.
It was you. The same person in the car park who he had given his space to. He observed as you descended the cheese and yoghurt aisle.
A small lump got caught in his throat and he swallowed thickly, as he watched how your sundress swished around your bare calves. He couldn’t help but let his cobalt blue eyes from behind his glasses, glance over you. Bob was raised right by his mom. He was respectful and well-mannered, but the simple and undeniable fact was, that you were the prettiest person he had ever laid eyes on. Even from the glow of the cool light down the food aisle, it could not diminish your luminescence.
He reached his slender index finger up to his glasses and pushed them up his nose ever so slightly. The prior sudden movement had caused them to jolt down the bridge of his nose by a centimetre.
As you walked straight down the aisle and turned to face the cheese selection, the delicate material of your sundress moved back into place to frame your body. It rippled over each curve of your figure and Bob’s heartbeat doubled in time when he caught sight of your soft belly in your sundress. He sucked in a harsh breath between his teeth as he wondered for a fleeting second, how soft your belly would feel to hold when his face was buried between your thighs.
He registered the smile creases in the corners of your eyes. The same ones that he noticed first in the parking lot and how they narrowed to read the label in front of you. Your eyelashes fluttered against one another as you blinked against the glaring light humming above you. As you raked over your options, he watched how your teeth grazed over your bottom lip and chewed nimbly at it. The same habit he had.
He needed some cheese and yoghurt himself, so perhaps he could catch you there.
Bob meandered some meters behind you and acted as if he was choosing his yoghurt option. He already knew what he needed. The same yoghurt he’d had for the past five years, but he was drawn to you. Like a moth to the radiating flame.
He cocked his head behind him to glance in your direction and you had already moved down the aisle to assess your next grocery choice. He took his multipack of yoghurts, placed it in his cart and wheeled it around to stand by you, again acting as if he was evaluating his cheese choice. From behind his glasses, he took another sideways glance. You were performing a balancing act of holding your shopping basket’s flimsy handles, holding the cheese in your other hand and somehow holding open a small notebook and crossing out the presumed item, with a pen.
At a glance, Bob saw how inside your notebook was filled with lots of little scribbles, and crossed-out parts and as you went to close it, the front cover was decorated with sweet little stickers.
“Jesus Christ. That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.” He thought to himself.
As you went to slide the pen back into the elasticated band, it slipped from your balancing act and slid along the dotted tiles of the supermarket, straight for Bob’s direction. It hit the sole of his boots and he heard your voice for the first time.
“Ah, shit.” It was muttered under your breath with annoyance, but he thought your voice sounded like sweet honey.
Before his thought process could catch up to him, he wondered if you tasted like sweet honey.
You spoke directly to Bob this time, as you scurried over and bent down to pick up the pen by his boots. He caught a fleeting glance at the swell of your breasts, resting in your sundress.
You laughed out faintly with your apology. “I’m sorry, my mistake—”
As you moved too quickly with embarrassment to pick up your pen, your flimsy shopping basket was swinging and the cheese you were holding also fell out of your grasp.
“Ah! Fuck.” You quietly cursed again to yourself, or so you thought.
Bob had caught your second string of curses to you accidentally dropping something and he thought it was rather cute.
“Here, let me.” He chuckled to himself as he squatted down to reach for your cheese and pen.
Both now standing upright, he handed your belongings back to you and felt how the palms of your hands were as soft as butter against his fingertips. You looked at each other directly and now without the glare of your windshield, he could finally see every delicate feature that made up your beautiful face. He thought that you were so pretty.
You went to open your mouth and speak, but your words got caught on your tongue. This kind stranger was incredibly handsome. He looked smart with his clean-shaven face and his dusty blonde hair parted neatly to one side, with a thick swoop. His rounded glasses didn’t have a single smudge on them and his cheeks were round as he smiled at you, although it still didn't take away from his strong cheekbones and firm jaw.
You blinked in a flurry as you took in his build. You were accustomed to seeing pilots around here with the air base being so close to town, but it was rare to see one in what you presumed was a flight suit of some kind. It was deep forest green in colour and harmoniously blended against his striking eyes from behind his glasses. It wasn’t tightly fitted, yet still, his broad shoulders and firm biceps were flexing against the coarse material. His thighs stood strong with his heavy boots planted firmly against the tiled floor. He was tall and practically towered over you, but he respectfully kept a distance between you both.
“I’m sorry again, thank you.” You smiled bashfully at him. Your eyelashes were still fluttering against one another and your rounded cheeks were dusted pink.
Bob couldn’t help himself. He grinned as he shook his head and politely rejected your apology.
“No need to apologise, Ma’am. It’s all good.”
Suddenly your eyes widened and your eyebrows raised with them.
The glimmer from the overhead light in the supermarket made your eyes sparkle with such an inviting glow.
“Oh! You were the nice guy in the parking lot! You let me take your space!” You pointed your finger towards him. His truck was significantly higher than your car and you were only able to get a glance at his face from behind your windshield.
Bob let out a chuckle and waved his large hand in front of him, diminishing the idea. He further wanted to wave off the ever-growing flush of heat that was creeping up from his chest. It flushed over his neck and cheeks and sat right under his glasses. The blasting air conditioning had once again failed him and his chest, neck and cheeks were now flushed warm.
“Oh, hey. Not at all, it wasn’t my space. You had it, fair and square.”
You giggled in response. His respectful and polite demeanour had your stomach feeling as though a million and one butterflies were fluttering through you, making their way up through your heart and coming out of your mouth with sweet giggles.
“Alright, thanks again though, I appreciate it. I was in such a rush after work. Always the way, isn’t it?”
You laughed again and the sound flowed to Bob’s ears, making his playful smile reach the tips of his ears.
“Tell me about it.” He agreed with a grin.
You flashed a last beaming smile at Bob as the conversation between two strangers in a supermarket came to its natural end and you turned around to continue following your shopping list.
That’s what he thought.
As you turned down the aisle, you once again cursed at yourself for not being more forward, flirtatious, or whatever it would be that would land you his number. He was gorgeous. Undeniably handsome. And he was so stupidly charming and polite.
You turned on a quick heel to see if he was still there, but he had disappeared and you were left alone in the chilled aisle, with nothing to comfort you but your notebook and the static overhead lights.
Bob too mentally scolded himself for not asking such a pretty sweetheart like yourself for your number. As he watched you turn away, he chewed on his bottom lip, curled his fists tightly, released them and then walked away.
He was a gentleman. He would not harass someone if they didn’t show a sign of being interested in him. But he was sure you were. He had a sharp and watchful eye, and he saw how rosy your cheeks turned and how your chest stuttered slightly as your breath got caught in your throat. But he was pulled out of his battling thoughts but his stomach grumbly furiously at him again.
He whisked down the remaining aisles to finish his shop, still with the hope of a fleeting chance to see you again, but he couldn’t ignore what his body was telling him. As he checked out, tapped his card on the machine and wheeled his shopping cart out of the store, he still had both his trained eyes on his surroundings. Just in case there was a single chance, a perfect moment, where he could catch you. Bob had been extremely methodical about his choices in life and he only ever perused something if he was certain. He had never been so utterly and completely sure that you were the one for him.
He fished his truck keys out of his flight suit pocket and just as he was about to turn the key in the door, he remembered.
“Fuck. Tomatoes.”
Bob didn’t need a list. It was all written down mentally and he rarely forgot things, but he remembered that as he was about to reach for the tomatoes, you came by earlier in a flurry. He would’ve called it fate if he ever had a chance of seeing you again.
“Fuck! Tomatoes.”
You groaned and threw your head back in annoyance. It was on your list, sitting on the next line down under cheese and then you remembered why you forgot it in such a fluster. You slammed the boot door of your car back down, locked it shut and headed back inside to grab the final item. Your feet moved quickly along the tile floor and you turned on your heel to find the stack of plump, rosy red tomatoes in front of you.
“Hello again.”
The familiar voice made the tiny baby hairs on your neck stand up and a row of goosebumps rise on your forearms in tow. His smile radiated warmth as it crinkled up in the corners of his eyes. He stood tall over you, still in his flight suit, but again you didn’t feel intimidated in the slightest. You felt a true sense of calm and safety wash over you.
Your lips parted to gasp with happy surprise at seeing him again, before they curled up into a relieved smile, mirroring his own.
“Hello again.” You repeated back to him. “I forgot tom—”
“I forgot some tom—”
You both spoke in unison, before snorting out a quiet laugh between yourselves.
“Apologies. You go.” Bob gestured towards you and the vegetable stand.
“I’m going to make a sauce when I get back home, but I completely forgot the main ingredient.” You waved it off with another giggle, yet still, you did not attempt to reach for said important ingredient. You simply stayed facing him with a gleaming smile.
Bob’s mouth watered at the sound of your homemade tomato sauce. His stomach still growled at him from inside, but he also felt how it twisted and turned on itself with exhilaration. He pictured coming home to you after work, sitting down together at your dining table and sharing the homemade sauce. You were, without a fault, the only person he had ever truly envisioned a future with and he couldn’t repeat the same mistake as before.
He nimbly chewed at his bottom lip, failing to notice how you were also doing the same, as he mentally prepared his next statement.
“That sounds, delicious. I hope I’m not oversteppin’ here, and please tell me if I am, but I’d love to have y’ number, Ma’am. I’d love to try some of y’ homemade sauce, if that’s okay with you?”
Bob was not an overly religious man, but he swallowed thickly and prayed with every hope that the last part of his sentence didn’t come across in the wrong way. It felt longer than mere seconds to receive your response, but he breathed out a short sigh of relief when he saw how your eyes crinkled up into an animated smile to match his.
“Yes, yes! I’d love that. Please, let me get my book…” Your fingers were trembling with giddy anticipation as you worked to open your bag and reached for your notebook. “Uh…” You flipped through to find a clean page and when you landed on one, you gestured it towards him. “Here you go.” You gushed.
“Thank you.” He began. “I’m Bob, by the way. Bob Floyd.”
You mentioned your name and he felt his heart flutter at how pretty it was. By how eagerly you had accepted his proposal to exchange numbers, he could see that you were just as into him, as he was with you. And so, he let his true feelings become known.
“That’s a real pretty name, sweetheart.”
You sucked in a harsh breath between your teeth and let out a bashful, “Oh…”
The sweet name that he had just called you, made your legs nearly twitch and tremble on the supermarket floor.
His long, slender fingers curled around the pen as he scribbled down his number. Your notebook and pen looked so small in his hands.
When he offered it back to you, you wrote down your number in a flurry and tore the piece of paper out from the binder. You handed it over and he tucked it into the top pocket of his flight suit. You thought that that was the hottest thing you have ever witnessed a man doing.
Bob Floyd, as you now knew him, had seriously gotten into your head and clouded any reasonable senses.
You both exchanged some further light conversation, still with Bob shamelessly and sweetly flirting with you, before you both picked up your tomatoes, paid and left for the car park together. He insisted on walking you to the car to ensure that you got there safely, even though it was still broad daylight and when he left, he placed a soft kiss on your cheek.
You both went back to your separate homes and cooked your separate meals. As you were about to get into bed you sent Bob a text, the taste of your homemade sauce still dancing on your taste buds.
“this weekend, would you like me to show you how i make the sauce? would you like to come to mine? x”
You were caught by surprise when your phone dinged with a message notification moments after.
“I would love that, thank you for the invite, sweetheart. Can’t wait :-) x”
Bob lay in bed that night thinking about how to tell the story of how you both met at your wedding.
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taglist: @beachbabey @tallrock35 @luckyladycreator2 @unmistakablyunknown @flames-thebitch @birdy-bat-writes @thedroneranger @randomfandomgirl97 @kmc1989 @swiftsgirlfriend
tagging those who may be interested: @sunblchdfly @floydsglasses @fridamoss @floydsmuse @bobfloydsbabe @laracrofted @hangmanapologist @rhettabbotts @lewmagoo @peachystenbrough @auroralightsthesky @cherrycola27 @withahappyrefrain @sugarcoated-lame @senawashere
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peachesandcreames · 3 months ago
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He Just Flipped the Switch 🥵🔥
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missmarveledsblog · 5 months ago
bob floyd fic plz loving your fics anything really with some spice 🥺💞
Risky business ( Robert " bob" Floyd x Reader) 18+
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summary : home doesn't feel like home so y/n takes a risk moving to san diego to the man she always felt was her home her best friend robert floyd , she thinks he friend zoned her , he thinks if he tell her about his feeling for her he'll lose it til one night he takes a risk and hope its a good one .
warnings : swearing , very fluffy like super fluffy , mutual pinning , idiot in love , bestfriends to lovers , dagger squad being the best smutty fun , oral ( female r), fingering , p in v ( unprotected don't be silly wrap that willy ) .
Risks are scary, big or small, and can be terrifying when you don’t know the outcome. It's scary when you do but most risks are usually the best decisions in a person's life. Coming from Montana to San Diego because your best friend is permanently stationed is a big risk , not telling said friend and making sure no else did, big risk. Yet standing in some bar called hard deck hoping they would show up like they most nights. what maybe helped already knowing with the help of a certain female pilot promised they would be .  talking away with the pretty kind eyed bartender as patron began to fill the space with a blink of an eye it was sea of people , each time she would hear the door open her eyes would dart in the direction in hopes to see the WSO  she hadn’t seen in a year or more . texting and calls were main communications and social media which is how she began sort of friends with natasha trace bantering or in bobs word torturing him on a post or meme which became a regular and a mutual online friendship was formed .  bob always gonna be her best friend two growing up together playing on her ranch , he even worked there summers with her so they could spend time together.  Montana suddenly didn’t feel like home anymore it missed one major thing and that was robert floyd so she packed her things and now here she stood in a bar trying to see through the sea of people . a polite smile and shake of her head at the men coming her way offering one liner and drinks . she sipped her beer and continue as nat promised she would get the weapons systems operator to the hard deck even if she had to drag him herself . 
“ well well i didn’t know it was my lucky night” a voice called as she turned to see a blonde and along with a few others eyes locked on her and her glance short because she saw him standing there  almost flying off the stood and running past the cocky blonde. 
“ BOBBY” She yelled almost knocking the poor man to the ground as his mind was catching up and making sense to what was happening. 
“ guess it’s not a lucky as you thought bagman” . 
“ y/n shit what you doing here” he lifted her up and spun her around . 
“ to see ya stupid why else “ she giggled as he put her down . 
“ told you i’d get him here also nice to finally meet you” a voice called as she turned seeing the brunette that help and share memes to torment bob. 
“ nat wow nice to meet ya too “ she turned hugging the woman . 
“ could we meet you too… hi names bradley “  he smiled holding his hand out and they began pushing each other out of the way telling her their names and call sign. 
“ erm let sit over here” bob pulled her to his side and guiding her to the usual space as hangman and rooste more or less yelling about their skills in pool and darts .  he didn’t know what was going on or it was some hallucination , did they crash and this was some coma dream or his own form of heaven . 
“ y/n let me get you a drink to welcome to the hard deck “ of course jake was already putting the charm on . 
“ oh thank you “ she smiled softly as she told him her order before her attention was back on bob .  “ i was so scared you weren’t gonna show up but then again i knew nat wouldn’t have let the surprise go to waste” she giggled as they guy simultaneously sighed dreamily. 
“ That's why you kept trying to get me to leave earlier. I should have known” he chuckled . 
“I didn’t wanna leave this hotty at the bar too long on her own “ nat winked . 
“ you flatter me really , hell i’d say the guys have a hard time flying with you around huh?”. 
“ more her mouth than anything…. So what brings you to fighter town pretty girl ?” rooster asked, hand on his chin  and big eyes in her direction . 
“ well home was boring  without bobby around ain’t felt much like home so I kinda packed up my car and decided  hell why not” she shrugged. 
“ wait your staying like staying staying”bobs eyes widening and excited smile on his face shit why was so cute , handsome and fuck why couldn’t she stop feeling like this for her best friend.  
“ well she’s been planning the last few months and honestly i’m proud of myself for keeping it a secret so long” nat smirked. 
“ and nat helped a lot she viewing places for me which  i will make sure to send  something …food wise since you won’t let me pay you anyway “ she rolled her eyes . 
“Honestly better than money or whatever sweetpea’s cooking is to die for “ bob almost moaned  at the thought of tasting her food again one of the things he missed being home. 
“ sweetpea?” 
“ nickname from when i was kid  my mama was really into flowers and well one of it meanings is loyal  when i got into trouble a lot for picking up for bobby  she called me sweet pea also because they were grown for beauty too but i think more the loyal part “ she rolled her eyes.
“ your beer darling” jake returned flashing  a million dollar smile her way . 
“ thanks cowboy , so this is famous hard deck i’ve been hearing all about hell  penny is a peach  , where else is fun around here?” she asked looking around mainly her eyes where on bob , they always were even as kids she thought he was the prettiest boy  , cutest smile and innocent eyes but she say other side when they got dark when he would get pissed off or when he got drunk how it would be a goofy grin . She was one who saw most sides of robert floyd , reading him like a book or so she thought. 
Ever since he was little boy the only girl to fully make robert floyd heart beat fast and his stomach to flutter and a warmth fill through his body was y/n , his sweet pea who go out of her way to take care of those she loved and put a person in their place of needed to be  .  since they were kids she didn’t take to kindly to other kids teasing him or even adults as they got older .  Her mother was right she was loyal to a fault often trying to see the best in people and never returning it back .  Hated the guys she dated ones that didn’t appreciate the best woman on gods green earth .  then he would pick up the pieces of what was left behind unknowingly making things worse because they got that chance because she thought he saw her as sister , constantly made sure to let slip in the fact they were best friends so she dated idiots she thought would distract her from her decent  in the depths of the of friend zone. Now she was happy being single maybe she needed time to get over those feelings  first before jumping into a mistake.  She was happy now being with the one man she couldn’t have it should of stung but a life with him in it even as her best friend was what she was willing to settle on. She got along with the dagger squad they were good people , fun and very welcoming . rooster and hangman to offering to teach her to play darts which made bobs face light up , the coy act as she stood unsurely throw the first one missing reeling them in til she turned to bob not even paying attention to the way their jaws drop when she hit the bullseye while taking about her day of unpacking. 
“ would ya look at that “ she winked before heading to get another drink . 
“ look like  your game isn’t working tonight boys “ nat snorted 
“ i’ve a better shot then hangman “ 
“ you wish chicken boy “ 
“I don’t think either of you two  have a chance” payback announced as he shot the WSO  a quick glance . being the married man and obsessed with one woman in his life he could spot something the others didn’t. Her eyes didn’t devour them  any of them  , she only looked to answer or tell them a story but other than that her full attention was on bob and bob alone . heart in those eyes   and it was returned what he didn’t know was there wasn’t more to it , how two people undeniably in love and yet just friends maybe he would find out but for now he observed see how long it took the other  but only  the knowing look on phoenix face  he wasn’t the only one that spotted it , the rest would need to get  over the egos first . 
After week one fanboy spotted it followed by javy at week three   but rooster and hangman were two busy in a silent competition it didn't hit them til six months of y/n being around.  The two men saying they totally spotted it way be for then but they couldn’t hide when it clicked now they were waiting for those two to see it , would their be harm in helping  a gentle nudge in the right direction so to speak. Another new favorite in the shift of the routine was eating dinner in y/n which the name was a distant memory as sweetpea continued  to live on in san diego , even pete mitchell addressed her as such .   they decided maybe it was best to skip one  dinner night even though the idea of it had some of them pouting like spoiled children . 
“ you better not mess it up “ was all the message from hangman and rooster read  as he stood on the porch ready to knock not knowing what his friends where on about .  then when the door opened  the thought went straight out of his head as she standing head tilt in pair of cotton shorts and tank , brows furrow. 
“ i thought the squad was busy?” god her voice something as simple as her voice had him in a puddle . sometimes he would get her to talk about her hobbies , things she loved just to hear her ramble excitedly . 
“I .. not all the squad i guess , i’ll call for pizza and you pick out the movie” he chuckled letting himself in . 
“ beers in the fridge or ginger ale” she called and yet he couldn’t help it watching her walking away how it made the blood rush sound and his mouth run dry .  he felt the buzz of his phone to see the text in the group chat.  
Phoenix : please make a move or i’ve suffered the whining of bradshaw and seresin for nothing.
Baby on board : what you mean ?
Bagman : either get the girl or i will 
Rooster: i’ll get her before bagman  
“ bobby? “ she called as he pocketed the phone a gulp as he looked up  nervous was it that obvious , it was clearly it was plain as day for his friends to spot it and  now he was scared on her catching on what if he scared her away .. what if he lost his best friend because he couldn’t contain the feelings . maybe it was better tell her , face the rejection and get over it so he could get on with his life . 
“ yeah .. yep coming sweetpea “ he walked probably slowest he’s ever walk in hope of the short distance he could sort himself out . that would of been blown away as she sat looking up his eyes straining to stay on her face and not the plush of her thigh as she sat on the sofa feet tucked underneath her legs and big bright smile on her face. 
“ ya coming or what” she snorted looking to the tv eyes scanning through the potential choices . when he finally took his seat as far away as he could get without being in a different room . 
“  Do I smell?” she arched her brows to which he shook his head so fast she thought his glasses would fall off . “  well come over here” she patted the seat beside her .  
“ you wanna drink like i said beer if you wanna stay over or ginger ale” she asked getting up . 
“ you hate ginger ale why you always get it  “ 
“Cause  you don’t” she easily said . “ same way i get those nuts ya like or the chips which honestly  i’m starting to think something wrong with ya taste buds” she snorted heading off to the kitchen .  
“ given the chance i’d taste you “ he mumbled .
“What was that “ she carried in the beers  .
“ i said nothing wrong with my taste thank you” he coughed bringing the bottle to his lips least he couldn’t have slip ups if it was occupied right. 
“ you ok “ she asked concern on his face as he nodded.  “ ya sure like a bag of cats since you got in here “ . 
“ just thinking of something that well is a big risk and  i don’t know what to do , it’s classified” he sighed. 
“ take it i mean  risks are scary sure but if it something you love or something in your life that needs changing  , i’d say go for it once it not life on the line that that risk , i moved out her away from everything i knew and i think it was best decision i made ” she smiled  softly and yet it did comfort him but same time the fear was winning . “ think on what i said decided then but for now lets watch this movie” she giggled hitting play and the lights . of course she would pick the movie he said he loved , she always done little or big things like this having his favorites for when he was over , packing extra things when they were out like sun cream and aloe vera when he did burn .  wipes for his glasses .  little things that didn’t feel that little they meant a lot to him. He kept thinking it over the movie long forgotten as she cuddle into his side nothing new but still he was trying to think , trying to decide  take the risk or not. 
“ fuck this “ he finally said only he didn’t mean to say it so loud making her startle and sit up right . 
“ What's going on? What's got all worked up “ she ask pausing the moving .  “ I know you said classified what is it” . 
“   it’s you “ his head fell back eyes closed fuck it may aswell do it cause if he didn’t he was going to be in a padded room . 
“ me? What i do?” he could hear it the hurt in her voice , he knew her too well knew how her mind worked and he knew she was worried she done something wrong. 
“ nothing wrong i mean it’s more me than anything  before i could do i think being deployed and stationed places helped  i was able to hide it better  , now others see it too and then your gonna see it  , but i’m taking your advice and it feel life risking but shit i need to tell you i’ve been in love with you since we met shit i don’t think theres a time i haven’t been  and i understand if this changes things between us i mean if you want me to walk out that door  i will as much as it kills me but i can’t pretend i’m not anymore and no i’m gonna loose my best friend and  jake and bradley are gonna hate they miss the food for me fucking everything up but i love you  , in love with you “ he could lie and say that the beating of his heart help since he couldn’t hear anything  yet her mouth fell open and her eyes wide , she was frozen to the spot and now he wanted to run literally run his ass out that door and keep running maybe start a life somewhere new .. like the moon . “ please say something… anything” he was more quiet   , vulnerable and small in his voice. 
“ you fucker …. Asshole ..” that was not the words he was expecting to hear. “ your telling me you felt the same all this fucking time… .asshole what was the whole thing of constantly added  the fact we’re bestfriends in any conversation you shit i thought  i was so deep in the friendzone the titanic would of been found before anyone found me down there” she quipped . 
“ i more said that to myself than you “ he winced 
“ why didn’t you tell me sooner “ she asked . 
“ i was afraid i’d lose you why didn’t you tell me”. 
“ because you dick i thought you friendzoned me “ she huffed and yet the smile she was fighting it was , winning  as her lips twitched up . 
“ so we both love like in love with each other “ he asked shyly . 
“ i guess we are” she nodded. 
“ so i can kiss you”. 
“ i’d be pissed if you didn’t” she turned only for his hands on her cheeks and lips crashing against her. It was soft at first , almost  testing the waters   , crossing new bound and borders and yet it felt like it was most right thing to do , it was like the whole cliche puzzles pieces souls connecting goodness wrapped in a bow that would make the hallmark channel proud . til the kiss got hungry , heat , sensual .  nip to her bottom lip granting the entrance , tongues dancing along side each. Pulling her closer , needing her closer lifting her to his lap , where she always should of been his hand on her hip  , the other tangled in her hair . her own at the nape of his neck the soft tug pulling him for her lips as she kissed  down his jaw .  wet open mouth kissing along his neck setting his skin a blaze  the room suddenly feeling like a sauna as she nips and lick the skin .  his now free hand  , fingers under her chin pulling her face to his , his eyes darkened  that made her gulp and her thighs willing to clench under the almost burning gaze . 
“ baby girl i need  know you want this “ he voice few octaves lower  if he wasn’t holding her by her chin her mouth would of fell open . 
“ i want this i want you please” she whine her eyes full of needed , lust blown pupils  and kiss bitten lips made his cock throb straining against his pants  . the gasp from her lips when she felt it pressed again her , her panties soaking , clothes feeling tight  as she ground her hips  down showing him how much she wanted him , needing him .  the delicious friction his hand falling down to her ass squeezing as the moan spilled from from her lips like a flip of a switch , the resolved that was holding on  by thread snapping  . Instant he stood lips crashing against her harder , hungrier , her legs wrapped around him as he carried her to her bedroom. Her top thrown to one corner and her short to another like the clothing personal offended him . the groan when he seen it she been sitting beside him all night nothing underneath  , laying bare beneath him as he pull his own clothes off in record speed. His grip under her legs pulling her close  her chest rising and falling, her eyes pleading him to continue shit he had to of died to get this piece of heaven .  kissing down her legs not once did his eyes moved , her mouth open as he place sloppy kisses slow , tortuous she needed him to do something before she was driven crazy . closer and closer til she felt it  , felt his tongue broad stroke from her entrance to her clit . head falling back as sound that came from her lips almost had him blowing his lips .  paradise if it had a taste it would be her sweet pussy if he could he’d spend the rest of his life between her plush thighs. A grip on his hair as she cried out his name a sound he imagine and yet it didn’t do it justice , none of this was even close to what his mind tried to conjure.
“ fuck bobby don’t stop “  her hips following his movement as  his tongue swirling around her clit as his finger pumping in and out hitting spots she never knew existed , the fact he ate her pussy like it was first and last meal , like it was his first taste of wandering the desert . robert floyd ate pussy like it was an olympic sport and he was going for gold  . he had her ruined  knowing nothing , not even her own fingers could ever feel as good. Build and building  , winding so tight she could feel it coming to the point she was already trembling crying not to stop it was coming and coming til stopped . 
“ the fuck” she panted as he rose cocky smirk on his face she felt like sobbing and slapping him all at one . 
“ when you cum  for me for first  baby it gonna be on my cock “ he kissed her nose . she went to argue but what ever argument she had turned to a moan inch by inch he filling her. 
“ fuck so tight .. she made for me huh.. All mine” he groan his forehead on her  kissing her lips til  she bucked her hips a sign for him to move his hand on her cheek kissing  almost swallowing the moans , trust slow at first feeling  his cock stretching her velvet walls . soft sensual movement til his pace got faster and fast hold her face in place as he looked down . his other hand coming between her bodie , teasing her puffy clit he could feel it feel her getting closer and closer the way she was sucking him in , how being buried in her sweat cunt was addictive. 
“ i’m gonna fuckk … like that gonna “ she couldn’t get it out everytime  she tried to get the sentence out of her mouth he would hit the spot so deep in side she was going brainless .  pressure building crying his name like it was only word she knew in that moment was . like a explosion her eyes rolling back as her legs clenched around him walls tight on his cock . 
“ good fucking girl “ he growled his own movement sloppy til he was shooting his own release painting her cervix with thick ropes of cum .  body cover in sheen of sweat his lips peppering her face with delicate kisses before he got her lips . a collective wince as he pulled out collapsing beside her pulling her to his chest.
“ that…” 
“Is happening all the time agreed .. your a dick” she sigh happily.
“ why’s that baby girl “ he chucking looking down at blissed out grin on her face. 
“ we could of been doing that all this time .. but hey least i was right risk are worth taking “ she giggled as he pounced on her kissing her once more , kiss his best friend and his girl .
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nurse-floyd · 8 months ago
Stitched With Love
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Reader
Prompt: by the amazing @vivwritesfics “Bob floyd receiving a homemade jumper or something. That's it, that's aaaaaall I want you to think about.”
Warnings: None.
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You stood in the doorway of your and Bob’s small bungalow, waiting for Bob to come home. It was a ritual you had every day when he came home from work. Smaug, your trusty German Shepherd you both had adopted to keep you company when he was on long deployments, stood at attention at your side, his tail wagging as he waited for his dad. The soft hum of distant jets taking off and landing sounded in the distance.
That day, you were particularly excited for Bob to come home. You had spent weeks working on a gift for him after he told you a story about his favorite sweater his gran had knitted for him when he was younger and how he hadn’t taken it off for days when he first got it. The story had sparked an idea, and you had spent the last few weeks secretly running back and forth to the craft store for yarn and secretly crocheting while he was at work or sleeping.
You heard the familiar sound of his truck coming up the street. Smaug was practically buzzing at your side, waiting for your cue to run out to see his dad. Your heart skipped a beat as you watched him step out. You never got tired of seeing him come home to you. Despite the exhaustion etched on his face, his expression lit up as the German Shepherd practically launched himself, paws on his chest, as he licked Bob’s face.
“Alright, bud, alright,” he laughed, “get down now,” he commanded.
Smaug came running back to you, his tail wagging so hard you thought it’d break as Bob followed behind him. He pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, placing a kiss on the side of your head. “Hey, sweetheart,” he murmured, “missed you.”
You smiled back at him, pulling him inside. “I missed you too, baby. I have something for you.”
His eyes squinted with curiosity as you grabbed his hand and led him into the living room where a neatly wrapped package sat on the coffee table. You handed it to him, practically bouncing with excitement.
He sat down with the package, Smaug at his feet curiously sniffing it. His eyes widened as he uncovered the jumper. It was a deep navy blue, his favorite color. The stitches were even and precise, showing just how much love and time you had put into it.
Bob looked at you, his eyes filled with love and gratitude; you could have sworn you saw tears begin to form too. “You made this for me?”
You nodded, suddenly feeling a bit shy at the idea. “I did… Do you like it?”
“Like it?” he repeated, “Sweetheart, I love it.”
He immediately pulled it up and over his head. It fit him perfectly; the jumper hugged his broad shoulders just right, not too tight and not too loose. He ran his hands over the soft wool, a wide smile spreading across his face.
“It’s perfect!” he said as he pulled you into another hug. “This is the best gift.”
You melted into his embrace, his hold tight as he held you for a moment. “I’m glad you like it. I know it’s getting colder in the mornings, and I wanted something to keep you warm on your way to work.”
The two of you settled onto the couch, Bob’s arm wrapped around you as he pulled you close. That jumper definitely wasn’t coming off for the evening and possibly the foreseeable future. You’d have to pry it off him eventually to wash it, but seeing his face made all the effort worth it.
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ailoda · 3 months ago
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updated: 05.01.25
ᯓ ✈︎ fluff
A Waiting Game (❤❅): coming from a broken family, you often had to wait for next time you would be loved. meeting your new neighbour changed that. (@dearsnow) (warning: alcoholism, some instances of harassment from a bully)
Your Bar Boyfriend (❤❅): after being harassed by a drunken stranger, your bar boyfriend swoops in to save the day. (@dearsnow) (warning: verbal sexual harassment)
↪︎ Your Real Boyfriend (❤): you go on your first date with your “bar boyfriend”, who seems a whole lot nicer than the guy that tried to pick you up earlier. (part two)
Birds of a Feather (❤): phoenix and her girlfriend set you up with a wso they insist will be right up your alley. (@dearsnow)
12:29am (❤): your normally sober husband comes home drunk out of his mind after a party, and you can’t say that he’s any less sweet. (@dearsnow)
Shopping Lists (❤): you rush to the shops after work to do a quick food shop, but bob floyd was not on your shopping list. (@sebsxphia)
Baby on Board (❤): there seems to be a misunderstanding between you and the Dagger Squad about your husband's callsign. (@callsign-bobsgirl)
Request (❤): bob's been hooking up with the admiral's daughter and no one is any the wiser...until it all comes out. (@ddejavvu)
Some Things Take Time (❤❅): Bob is a man well known for his patience. He never rushes things in the air, and he tries to live by a similar philosophy on the ground. You and he are both on the same page about welcoming a child into your home through foster care, but it's hard for him to watch you try to bond with her unsuccessfully. He soon realises that Avery is a lot like him, and that some things are worth the extra time. (@roosterforme) (warning: mentions of infertility)
I've Got Chills, They're Multiplying (❤): despite being stubbornly independent, Bob won’t let you push him away in your time of need. (@deakyjoe)
The Perfect Pink (❤): while bartending for Rolling Acres Retirement's Valentine's Party, you encounter a pink-cheeked man and his cherry-loving cousins. (@attapullman)
A Waiting Game (❤❅): coming from a broken family, you often had to wait for next time you would be loved. meeting your new neighbour changed that.
new! Like Peas In A Pod (❤❅): what happens when two wallflowers find each other? (@bradshawsbaby)
new! The Perfect Pink (❤): while bartending for Rolling Acres Retirement's Valentine's Party, you encounter a pink-cheeked man and his cherry-loving cousins. (@attapullman)
new! Stamp (❤): the Daggers discover yours and Bob's matching tattoos. (@roosterbruiser)
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pinkdaisies9285 · 9 months ago
Shiny Rings and Forgotten Means
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Bob x Reader
Summary: Waking up next to your handsome boss wasn't on your list of things to do on a Las Vegas business trip. Waking up with a shiny, new ring wasn't either.
Warnings: Fluff, Vegas Wedding trope, CEO!au, kinda of Implied Smut
Word Count: 983
Author's Note: Here's my story for @bobgasm 's Au Writing Challenge! I almost forgot to post it so, I hope you enjoy it!
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Waking up next to your boss wasn’t on your bucket list, especially when you don’t remember the night before. Everything was very blurry and only spurts of memories came back. Trying to remember more, made your headache even worse. The pulse behind your eyes was making itself very present. Reaching the nightstand quietly, you see a little glimmer reflecting off your hand. Looking closer, you see a stunning ring nestled on your ring finger. Forgetting about trying to find your phone, you completely focus on the piece of metal encompassing your finger. How did you get there? Why is it there? More importantly, who did you marry? The groan behind you gave you a queue of who this mystery husband was. Turning around, all thoughts flew out of your mind. The man who married you was none other than Robert Floyd, your boss.
The man in question had rolled over to lay on his back which allowed the sunlight from the windows of the room to wake him up. Squinting his eyes open, his vision focused on you. His eyes widened along with yours. Both of you seemed stunned by the situation at hand.
“May I ask why you’re in my bed, Dove?” he asked with a raspy voice.
Dove, the nickname he gave after working for him for a year. It came from you one morning humming a random melody while getting work done. When he heard your little melody, he jokingly called you a morning dove. So it spurred the nickname Dove, which is what he only calls you now.
“That I do not know Mr. Floyd, but could you explain this?” you replied holding up your left hand to show the glittering ring. You wanted answers to why you had what looked like a wedding band on your hand.
Robert grabbed your hand looking down at the pretty diamond ring with surprise and confusion. What made you more anxious was when you spotted a ring sitting on his left ring finger. He seemed to realize that as well when he had cradled your left hand in both of his.
“Dove, did we do something last night?” he questioned slowly. Looking up at you, he realized that you were trying not to throw up. You looked nauseous and panicked. This was true for the most part.
While you had always had a small crush on the handsome young CEO, you knew the boundaries of a personal assistant. Don’t flirt with him and don’t try to date him. These two mental rules you had been set in place very early in your career with Robert. Yet, by the time you had been working for him, you were completely enamored. He was kind, willing to work with you, and gave you a nickname that made you flustered still to this day. Now if you were connecting the dots correctly, you were married to him? Married to the man who haunted your dreams with fleeting touches and soft words. Married to the man who has been your boss for almost six years.
“I have zero idea, Mr. Floyd. All I know is that we had secured the deal with Mr. Robinson and decided to celebrate. After that, I can’t remember anything else,” you replied. Quickly getting up, you decided to see if anything in the room would give you more hints.
Scanning the area, you see a piece of paper sitting at the desk. It was hidden under a quickly thrown notebook. You inch closer to it, hoping it would be the key to your and your boss’s answers. The document had an official-looking seal on the bottom right corner and in the middle had both your signatures. In a pretty cursive said Certificate of Marriage with the officiant’s signature underneath it. You truly had done it somehow, you married your boss without any memory of how you did it.
Robert had made his way over to where you had been standing frozen looking at the pretty piece of paper. Looking over at what you were staring at, he found the answer to all the questions running around his head. He was married to you. He married you, his gorgeous assistant. The one that haunts his dreams all the time. His assistant whom he told himself he would never fall for. He didn’t know if this was a divine stroke of luck or a sick cruel joke. How would things go now made him feel unsure.
Should he immediately call his lawyer to file divorce papers? Or does he continue to float in this hoax of a marriage? His heart is yearning for the latter but his mind wants to immediately make sure you’re comfortable with what’s happening first before his feelings. So, he decides to break the tension stewing in the air for ten minutes.
“What would you like to do, Dove?” he softly asked. He didn’t want to scare you away with the prospect that he liked this.
You turned and looked at him for the first time since waking up. What do you do? Tell him that you’re okay with how things have panned out? Tell him you would divorce him as soon as he said he didn’t want this because you wanted him to be happy? You felt sick to your stomach like you just got off a roller coaster after eating a whole funnel cake. God, what do you do? Your brain and heart were at war with this decision. Live in this fantasy or break your heart by doing the right thing.
“I don’t know, Bobby,” you mumbled. Widening your eyes, you realized what you called him, Bobby. Looking over at him, you saw that he was smirking.
“Well, I do Dove,” he replied.
“What’s that?” you asked tilting your head to the side.
“Start our Honeymoon,” Bobby said still smirking.
You definitely were in for a ride.
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Divider Credit: @cafekitsune
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averagewriter-inthedark · 6 months ago
You Got It Bad 🏸 | Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd Headcanon
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Edit posted on 2 Sep 24: omg when I posted this a few days ago America had yet to win a medal in badminton (Olympic & Paralympic) and today Team USA’s mixed doubles in badminton won the silver medal!! Congrats to Jayci Simon & Miles Krajewski for their win and making history!! The first ever medal in badminton for USA!!
Being married to Bob & becoming Olympians for the sport of Badminton would look like:
You and Bob met in flight school following your respected commissions into the Navy in 2011, became friends and colleagues, which them bloomed into lovers about a year later. You were the pilot, and he was your back seater---so it is no surprise your relationship worked so well considering you two were partners in the sky. After about two years of dating, Bob popped the famous question and you guys were wed within the year--the Navy sending you guys to bases as a package deal.
As most military instillations, there's a community gym and recreation center where active, reserve, and their families go to participate in intermural sports and activities. Many go for the typical bowling league and softball team or try a hand at flag football and ultimate. For you and Bob, badminton called yall's name.
Originating in British India and popular among countries in Europe and Asia, badminton made its Olympic debut in 1992 in Barcelona, Spain. Now while at first glance badminton may look easy in comparison to other court sports with a net like tennis and volleyball, but badminton requires just as much speed, agility, and precision. Especially when the shuttlecock is flying at record speed from one opponent to the other. The better the motor skills, the better you are.
Of course in the beginning you guys were a little rusty. Figuring out the rules and the best way for you and Bob to coordinate moves. You were the better server, but Bob was better handling the back while you stayed close to the net.
What started as a fun, leisure activity became more serious as you continued to play. Like we're talking you put up a net in your backyard. Whenever you hosted gatherings, you can expect that at some point in the night people migrated to the backyard to play a game or two. And boy would it get intense whenever you and Bob were on opposite sides of the court. "I hope you enjoy losing, pretty boy." "Darling, I know you're always right....but tonight you are wrong."
Not only did you build a sweat when a game got intense, but you looked forward to spending time with your husband outside of work. Not having to deal with the stress of flying or anxiety of running missions. Badminton was a great way to relive the tension and stay active. After every game you shared a sweet kiss with your husband, exchanging praises of 'Great job,' and 'We'll get 'em next time."
You both were competitive and roughly a year after playing you drew attention when you decided to join a local circuit outside of intermural on base. Winning match after match, you guys came in second in your first tournament. A great introduction to the start of your athletic career in mixed doubles badminton---which by the way, shoutout to RedBull and Dunkin Doughnuts for the caffeine supply when balancing a military and sports career.
Now the Olympic Games....the greatest sporting stage the world has ever scene...was never something you envisioned when you and Bob picked up your rackets for the first time. You'd only been playing badminton for a few years, having started in 2014. By the time the Rio Games came around, you guys were no way in Olympic level standings. Sure you'd been in a handful of local tournaments, making the podium in all, but you'd only recently won your regional title for mixed doubles, set to compete in nationals. You had yet to play an international tournament.
That time would come in 2017, and while you came home with third place at you guys were motivated to do better. You wanted to win a World title. Especially to prove to people who thought badminton was not a sport of high popularity like tennis or volleyball--and something you only play as a unit in high school P.E. You and Bob were motivated to bring more eyes to badminton in America. And what better way than to dominate a world tour.
So, when you guys weren't in the sky you were on the court. In the gym. Coaching each other, studying competition, working on technique, rewatching matches from previous Olympics. The Tokyo Games became a goal. And you were determined to make them. The pressure was on considering the United States has never won a medal in any event in badminton. "So, the Olympics...pretty darn big if you ask me." "Baby, you should know that when we put our mind to something, we make it happen."
It got to the point where your family members and friends were asking y'all about progress and even buying you equipment as birthday presents. And with the amount of shuttlecocks you go through monthly it was a blessing to a whole bucket of them in your garage. Your rackets had y'alls callsign's on them and of course you had matching outfits. And soon you guys had to invest in a nice cabinet to display your medals, plaques, and trophies from your competitions. Having the 2018 BWF World Championship right in the center.
You and Bob became a household name in the sport in the American circuit. Not only because you two were dominated the competition, but also the fact you guys were married and Naval officers brought a lot of attention. People who followed the sport became fans and viewed you guys as a love story out of romance books. Friends/coworkers-to-lovers who become teammates and an unstoppable duo in their sport. Yeah, it wrote itself.
When the 2019 detachment came though that became the priority. As much as it pained you to put training for the Sudirman Cup on hold, you had an obligation to the Navy. Nonetheless, you packed up your equipment and made the drive down from Lemoore to San Diego. Once settled, you both were spending any free time at the base rec center, practicing even for 30 minutes if you had it.
Soon the rest of the team picked up your love for the sport and became intrigued. Natasha especially, who became invested in watching you two play against each other. Shocked to see how heated it got and the fact you were able to move so fast to save a rally. "You guys are really into this, huh?" "Yeah. We just started for fun years ago and well..it took off."
After the whole shit between Jake and Bradley where Mav did damage control by taking y'all to the beach for dogfight football, you and Bob whipped out the equipment and soon all 12 of ya paired up to play games. It pretty much turned into a bracket situation where duos were eliminated until two remained for the final round.
And who's suprised....you and Bob won. And because you guys were so good, the team practically interrogated you two to which the reveal of your side career surfaced.
"You mean to tell me," Jake squinted against the sun, "You two are pretty much famous badminton players and are on the road to making the Olympics next year?" "Yep, that's about right. We want to be the first Americans to win a medal in the sport."
Fast forward to the success of the Uranium mission and unexpected world pandemic that followed, you and Bob are homebound due to the Navy restricting all work to remote settings, leaving you all the time in the world to perfect your craft. You won the Sudirman Cup, putting your names once more as contenders for the Tokyo Games and had one more year to train due to the postponement. In that time you and the rest of the Top Gun detachment transferred to Fightertown permanently, further bonding the friendships formed and the team became y'alls biggest supporters.
Qualifying for the Olympics had to have ranked in your top three moments in life. Right in the middle between marrying Bob and the Uranium mission. You jumped in his arms, screaming in joy while he spun you around and let the tears flow, bringing his lips for a passionate kiss not caring who watched. Never had you thought picking up a random badminton racket to pass time and relieve stress after a long work day would lead you to competing in the greatest sporting event alongside the love of your life. Experiencing it with Bob made it all the better. "We're going to the Olympics, baby!!'
Stepping onto the court in Tokyo officially titled you and Bob as Olympians, and while you competed for the gold across the pacific, back home your friends and family gathered to watch it unfold decked in red, white, and blue. The Hard Deck, your hometown, Bob's hometown, the rec center back in Lemoore where you first began playing badminton, the entire damn Navy was cheering you on.
Goal #1: Become Olympians - Achieved. Goal #2: Become the 1st Americans to win a medal in badminton - Achieved. Goal #3: Become the 1st Americans to win a gold medal in badminton - Achieved.
Yeah, you read that right. Not only did you and Bob accomplish everything you set your eyes on, but you cemented yourself in history as the first Americans to win a medal in any event in the sport of badminton and it was the gold. You guys became Olympic champions. And you can best believe the whole world was shocked to their core during the intense, heart pounding, sweat inducing, on the edge of your seat gold medal match against the #1 team in the world. You had already proven yourself to be the team to watch out for after knocking out the other leading pairs in the quarter and semi-finals, but to walk away with the gold after losing the first match, winning the second and tying the score each time until it ended with you scoring the golden point of 30.
Put it in the history books.
And three years later in a sold out crowd with your friend and family in the city of love, you and Bob continued your romantic journey of love, dedication and partnership when you defended your gold medal, adding a second to your cabinet with the promise of a third when the Games return to the Los Angeles 😉
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roosterforme · 2 years ago
The Curveball Part 4 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Bob ends up on thin ice with Molly after Bradley ends up on thin ice with her sister. But all he can think about is the perfect night he spent with her and how he'd be crushed if he didn't get a chance to do it all again. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, 18+
Length: 5300 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story accompanies Batting Practice!)
Check my masterlist for more! The Curveball masterlist
Thank you to @mak-32 and @teacupsandtopgun for the beautiful banners!
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Bob was trying his best to be in the moment at the Hard Deck, since he was the one who invited Molly's sister out for a drink. He wanted to say thank you for all the hard work she put in while Bradley was away. But he was so distracted. 
Molly had spent the entire day sending him selfies while she was at work, and some of them were definitely rated mature. Bob had almost broken his phone earlier trying to minimize a photo of Molly's pierced nipples when Coyote walked over to him. She had snapped the photo of herself in the bathroom at the hospital when she was on break along with the caption I miss you, Bobby <3
The little heart at the end reminded him that he had already said he loved her. He assumed she hadn't heard him, but it made him blush just the same. And now he was at the bar with her sister and Bradley, which should have been fun, but he just wanted to get home and see Molly. 
Bob watched Nat and Jake both relentlessly flirt with Team Mom, but there was no way she had eyes for anyone except Bradley. And then he wondered what it would be like if he brought Molly here. He wanted to, because he already wanted to be with her all the time. But...Bob looked around at all the guys, and that feeling of self doubt was back. Jake was handsome and charming, and probably the kind of guy Molly was used to being with. 
When Nat offered to buy a drink for Team Mom, Bob cut her off, glad for the distraction. "No, it's on me! It's the least I can do since you gave up so much of your time this week to fill in for Bradley. What do you like?" And while he was up at the bar, waiting patiently for Penny to fill his order, Molly's sister ran out of the bar, followed closely by Bradley. 
"What happened?" Bob asked, holding two beers while Jake rubbed his forehead with his fingers. He mumbled a response and walked away, but when Bradley finally came back inside, he looked like he was ready to kill Jake. 
And then the barrage of text messages from Molly came through. Bob's eyes went wide as he read them.
Are you aware that your buddy Bradley is actually a fucking dickhead? I can't BELIEVE what he did to my sister! 
Seriously, Bob. Why didn't you warn my sister about him?! What the fuck! He called Everett baggage!
Please tell me you're not like him!
You know what? Maybe I don't want to find out. 
Bob called her immediately, but she didn't answer. When he got her voicemail, he said, "Mo, please call me back so we can talk, okay? I don't think Bradley meant any of what he said. He's not a bad guy. And I... don't think I could ever do anything to hurt you." He contemplated telling her he loved her again, but he ended the call before he could. 
He was already home for the night when he got one last text from her.
I'm not coming over. 
Bob collapsed in his bed, raking his fingers through his hair, wondering if this, of all things, was what would cost him his chance with her.
Molly was having a wonderful evening with Everett. They painted huge masterpieces on poster boards and left all the messy brushes in the kitchen sink. Molly secretly loved leaving an innocuous mess for her sister to clean up in her otherwise spotless house. It kept her on her toes. 
"Movie time? With ice cream?" she asked Everett, checking the time. Of course she'd let him stay up late. That's just what aunts did. 
"There's ice cream?!" he shouted, sprinting back into the kitchen.
"Of course there's ice cream," she replied, kneeling in front of the freezer. "I know all of your mom's secrets. She thinks she's so sneaky, but you can't get anything past me." After removing all the healthy, pre portioned frozen dinners, Molly hit the jackpot. There was a gallon of fudge ripple and a gallon of vanilla raspberry. "See?" she asked Everett, holding them both up.
"Fudge ripple! Fudge ripple! Fudge ripple!" he chanted, and soon they were watching a PG-13 movie with two spoons stuck in the ice cream carton. 
"Want some more?" she asked, passing the carton to him.
He took a bite and said, "I don't think my mom wanted me to watch this movie."
Molly sighed and shook her head. "I'll cover your eyes for the scary parts, okay?"
"Okay!" he agreed.
Molly took a few more bites before she asked him, "You like Coach Bob, right?"
"Oh yeah, like a whole lot," he replied. "Almost as much as I like Coach Bradley."
"That's a lot," Molly muttered. "I like him, too." She was smiling as Everett looked at her. 
"You should probably marry him," he said seriously. "I heard my mom say that Coach Bob is smart and nice and that she never thought you could do so well."
Molly scoffed and rolled her eyes. "That sounds exactly like something your mom would say, and that's exactly why we are eating her overpriced ice cream without her. Now close your eyes for the scary part."
About twenty minutes later, Everett was sound asleep on her lap while she finished the ice cream. Then she carried him up to bed, starting to get a little nervous that her sister would be back soon. She tucked him in, turned on his nightlight, and then hightailed it back to the kitchen to hide the evidence of the empty ice cream carton. 
But when she got home, Molly could tell something was wrong and went right into protective jungle cat mode. "What happened?" she asked softly as soon as she saw her sister's tear streaked cheeks and quivering lips.
After a few minutes of being held in Molly's arms, she was able to whisper, "Bradley told all of his friends that he'd never date me, because I have baggage."
"That fucking prick. Does Bob know about this?"
"Probably," she said softly against Molly's shoulder. "He must."
"I'll call him right now," Molly said vehemently. 
"No, please don't. You had an immaculate first solo date with him last night which ended in a hot makeout session. I don't want the three ring circus that is my life to start messing up yours."
It had been more than a makeout session, but Molly wasn't going to correct her. She was so into Bob after being intimate with him, that she was devastated now. Because Molly knew she would ditch him in an instant, even if it would hurt, in order to support her family. 
Molly kissed her sister's cheek and promised, "Your life is not a three ring circus. And Everett is not baggage. And Bradley isn't worth your time if that's what he thinks. Now let me help you get changed for bed."
Bob barely slept, and he was wide awake before his alarm went off on Saturday morning for the tee ball game. He hadn't heard another word from Molly. Even if she wanted to yell over the phone, he would have loved to hear her voice. 
When he arrived at the ballfield, Bradley was already there. "You look like shit," Bob told him, and he could hear the disappointment in his own voice. 
Bradley closed his eyes briefly. "I feel worse. Promise."
"Did you talk to her?" Bob asked. Bradley didn't hang around at the bar last night after things blew up, so Bob really wasn't sure exactly how bad it was.
"She doesn't want to talk to me. I'm such an idiot."
Bob just kind of shrugged as he set things up for their game against the Tiny Blue Jays. "Molly is angry, too," Bob informed him. "She's barely texted me back since yesterday."
Now Bradley looked sincerely upset on Bob's behalf. "I'm so sorry."
"I'll figure it out," Bob mumbled. "And you need to apologize to Team Mom until she forgives you. Did you tell her that you said all of that stuff a long time ago? You barely even knew her then."
"Yeah, but I still said it," Bradley replied, rubbing his eyes with his fingertips. "And between the slap to my face and the valid points she was yelling at me, I didn't get a chance to try to explain myself. But she's not going to want to hear it anyway."
Then Bob felt his heart lurch as he looked up toward the parking lot and saw Molly and Everett headed his way. "I'll be right back," he mumbled and headed for her immediately. 
Everett ran past him, calling out, "Hi, Coach Bob!" before continuing on to Bradley. But Bob had his sights set on Molly and her beautiful face filled with indignant anger.
"Molly," he gasped, wanting to reach for her as she came stomping to a halt in front of him. She was glorious. God, he was in love with her.
"Tell me you knew," she demanded. "Tell me you knew Bradley was trying to play my sister." She was practically vibrating with concealed rage now. "Tell me you fucking knew he doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as them."
Bob swallowed hard, and her eyes flashed. "Molly, he loves them. I don't think he would do or say anything to intentionally hurt either of them." 
"He has a sick way of showing it," she spat. "He called Everett baggage."
Bob held his forehead in his hands. "I think Bradley just needs to talk to her. He's so crazy about them, he's really beating himself up."
Bob watched Molly glance past him to glare at Bradley while he helped Everett get ready for the game. "He can rot," she said, but her voice was softer now. "And so can you if you agree with what he said." 
"I don't," he promised. "Please, Molly. I...I missed you yesterday as soon as I dropped you off at your car. I missed you all night. I missed texting with you until one of us fell asleep."
She looked up at him, eyes searching his face. She muttered, "I missed you, too," and then she was heading toward the bleachers. 
Molly was finding it hard to keep giving Bob the cold shoulder after another day. She was spending a lot of her time with her sister and nephew, sleeping over there and taking Everett out to keep him entertained.
She didn't feel any better after she blew up at Bradley. In fact Molly felt worse, because she sensed that Bradley really was sincere in the way he just wanted to apologize. And he clearly doted on Everett. Maybe he really did just want a chance to apologize, but Molly knew her sister wasn't ready to listen yet.
Her phone went off, and she reached for it while she was making coffee at her place late on Sunday morning. 
Coach Cute Glasses: I miss you, Molly. 
She groaned; the gas station flowers were in the vase right next to her, and she was trying not to look at them. Casey never did anything like give Molly flowers. He'd given her some hickeys and exactly two orgasms. But he also hadn't been friends with anyone who hurt her sister. 
She moaned helplessly. Her body was betraying her. She wanted to spend another night curled up with Bob, all warm and protected. She wanted to feel his even breathing and listen to his soft voice as she fell asleep. "Damn it," she whined, typing out a message to him.
Miss you, too. Any chance I'm still invited to your place? 
Molly was weak for Bob. She knew that already. Just one night with him, and she was constantly daydreaming about him at work. His rough hands. And how sweet he was. And how he wanted to be exclusive with her already. And his big cock. 
Coach Cute Glasses: You are always invited. Please, Molly, anytime. Do you want to spend the night with me? 
Molly snorted as she read the text, but another one was already coming through.  
Coach Cute Glasses: I didn't mean that the way it probably sounded! I'd just love to see you. I would be so happy if you wanted to come by, and even happier if you wanted to stay with me all night. I liked how it felt to wake up in bed with you. 
Molly tucked her phone into the pocket of her scrubs. He could wait it out for a bit. That sort of thing was good for a man. Especially one who was that eager to see you. But by the time she parked at the hospital, she texted him back. 
Bob was in such a panic. Molly was coming over. And he wasn't sure if she was upset with him or just Bradley. He wasn't sure if she was planning on staying over. 
"I'm sorry," Bradley told him for the hundredth time when he called him. "I'm sorry if I blew it for you."
"I'm going to talk to Molly in a few hours," Bob said, rushing through the parking lot to his truck. He was running around, grocery shopping, trying to distract himself. 
"Can you tell her I miss her sister and Ev?" Bradley asked.
"I'll try," Bob promised as he got into his truck and ended the call.
Molly worked until 8 o'clock. He had a few hours to kill before he'd see her, so he wasn't quite sure why he was rushing. Then he stopped for more gas station flowers and cleaned his already spotless condo. He tried to eat dinner, but he couldn't stomach anything except toast. And when he finally heard her ringing the intercom button, he ran to answer it.
"It's Molly," she said softly, and he quickly let her into the building. He stood with his front door open, and a minute later, there she was. She had changed after work, and she looked stunning. No make-up at all and just some jeans and a crop top, but Bob felt suddenly short of breath. He wanted to run his hand along the flower tattoos on her side, and kiss her there too. 
"Molly," he whispered, fighting the urge to blurt out another I love you. He needed to keep it together right now. "Come in."
She walked past him and looked slowly around his living room and dining room while he closed and locked his door. He didn't have a lot of stuff, and suddenly he felt a little ridiculous that his place was so sparse. 
"Very clean," she muttered, her voice and clothing filling the space with so much color and warmth as she examined the gas station flowers. "I wouldn't know how to keep up with it," she said, turning and smiling softly at him. 
"I missed you," he blurted out, and her smile grew.
"Tell me more," she demanded, turning to fully face him. 
Bob swallowed and took a few seconds to gather his thoughts. He was afraid he was going to stutter or say something stupid, but Molly just smiled at him, her all-knowing eyes gentle on his face as she waited.
"I...can't get you out of my mind. I called the runway attendant Molly by accident earlier, because I was thinking about you. Phoenix, my pilot, will never let me live it down."
Molly's laughter had him taking a step closer. "Tell me more," she said, also taking a step toward him. 
"I can't stand the thought of you being upset with me," he said sincerely. He ducked his head and added, "Thursday evening was one of the best nights of my life. Because I spent it with you." He paused, finally daring to meet her eyes.
"Oh, keep going," she said with a nod. "You're doing great."
"I want you to believe I'd never be friends with Bradley if I didn't think he was a good person. And I think he just got a little mixed up. Your sister and nephew really threw him for a loop, you know? But he really loves them."
Molly hummed and shrugged. "I guess I could relay that message to my sister. But I also have a message from me to you."
Bob took a deep breath. "What is it?"
"I missed you, too. I can't stop thinking about you either. And Thursday night and Friday morning, you were so sweet to me, I just want more." Then she kissed his chin and took his hands in hers. "I want you to touch me."
Bob pulled her close as she placed his hands at her waist. He would never get used to being around her, not as easily as she seemed to already know how he operated. She looked up at him, gaze open and earnest. Soft fingers gliding up his arms, tucking into the short sleeves of his tee shirt and gently squeezing his biceps. She placed three soft kisses to the corner of his lips, and he was done. He had to fight the invading thoughts of her nipple piercings and the way her body feels and looks when she's whining for him in her bed beneath him.
"Molly," he begged, but he wasn't sure what he was begging for. 
"Bobby?" she asked softly, pushing one hand through his hair and keeping his gaze focused on her. "I think I need you to fuck me."
"Oh," he groaned, turning her and pushing her back against the wall. He caged her in, and she looked absolutely delighted. 
"If you want to." Her voice was soft and sweet, and her gaze was anything but.
"Honey," Bob managed between ragged breaths as she let her hands come to rest on his abs. She was messing with him. Messing him up completely. She knew exactly what she was doing, but meanwhile, Bob was new to this game. But he was a quick study. A fast learner. 
So when Molly licked her lips and pouted, saying, "You don't want me Bobby? I thought you wanted to be the only one," he was ready for her. 
He wedged one thigh up between her legs, and she gasped. Then his mouth was on hers, rough and demanding. She was grabbing for his shoulders, rubbing herself all over him. He could feel her teeth, digging into his bottom lip, not hard, but definitely not soft. When she released him, she licked his lips until her tongue was in his mouth. 
Bob was rock hard, and try as he may to keep control in this moment, he couldn't. Because Molly was stroking him through his pants and tasting his mouth. Her nose was rubbing along his as she whispered, "Do you want me, Bobby?"
He reached down, wrapping both of his hands around the backs of her thighs and hoisted her up into his arms. Then her lips were on his neck and her arms were wrapped around him as he took her to his bedroom. She was on her back on his bed, kicking her shoes off while her little top rode up so Bob could see the soft undersides of her breasts. There was too much to admire here, and he froze up. 
When Molly's hands found the zipper of her jeans, she whispered. "I want you to say it, Bobby. I want you to tell me everything you plan to do to me." And then her hand was slipping inside her underwear, and she was stroking herself as he watched. 
"Mo," his voice was hoarse. He pushed her knees apart and settled between her legs, bending to kiss her wrist before pulling her hand free of her jeans. "I want to put my mouth on you."
The smile that curled along her lips as she started to shimmy out of her jeans and underwear should have made him a little nervous, but he was beyond help. Her bare pussy was right there, and she smelled so good. As soon as her jeans hit his floor, Bob's face was buried in her. 
"Alright, Lieutenant Floyd," she moaned softly. "Okay." And to Bob's delight and dismay, Molly's hands were on her own breasts, pushing her shirt up and playing with her piercings. She tasted so good as he ran his tongue through her wetness and sucked on her clit. But soon he was rutting into the bed, the sight of her fingers on those little barbells spurring him on. 
When Bob slipped his tongue inside her, Molly's back arched off the bed as she started whining for him. "Bobby, I want your big cock." He grunted in response, willing to give her anything in this moment, and shocked by how much he liked her dirty talk. 
He worked the zipper over his painfully hard erection and scrambled to get himself free. And then he was rocking into her at the same time he got his mouth on her nipples. 
"Yes," she hissed softly, head tipped back with a soft giggle on her lips. He was fucking her, and it felt just as perfect as it had a few days previously. Like her whole body was made for him. Like every response from her perfect lips was just what he needed to hear. "So fucking big."
He pushed those little, silver barbells around with his teeth and tongue, tugging a little bit until Molly was gasping his name. When he sucked harder on her nipples, she was screaming for him. And when she came on his cock, holding his face against her breasts and shaking beneath him, Bob could hardly believe he'd been able to make her orgasm again. 
"Molly," he gasped. "I love the way you shake."
"Oh my god," she moaned as he fucked her through her little tremors. But then she was sitting up, kissing his face, and Bob slipped out of her perfect warmth as she moved to kneel on his floor.
"What are you doing?" he whispered as she guided him to sit on the edge of the bed. She pulled her shirt over her head, and ran her hands up over his thighs. Bob's pants were pulled down to his knees, and Molly pushed them to his ankles before wrapping her pretty lips around his cock. She settled in between his legs, and Bob could only stare at her and try to memorize the obscene sounds they made together. 
Molly was good at this. She was good at everything. Bob tried to keep up, but her mouth felt too perfect. And then she popped up onto her knees and started running the tip of his cock along those pretty piercings. "Molly!"
"You like that?" she asked coyly, but Bob was hypnotized by the look and feel of the barbells on his erection. With a soft groan, Molly squeezed her perfect breasts together, sandwiching Bob between them. He thrust himself up closer to her mouth, and sure enough, she parted her pretty lips and licked him. Bob continued to do this until he was grunting and Molly's saliva was dripping down her chest, making the sensations even more spectacular for him. 
Slick saliva, wet breasts and Molly's mouth. "Oh!" he grunted, stroking her cheek with his knuckles as she sucked on him. But when she took his tightening balls in her soft hand and gave him a little squeeze, Bob came hard, without any warning. He watched in alarm as his cum spurted all over her lips and cheeks while she giggled. Molly jerked him off until he was gasping for air and wishing he had enough in him to coat her whole body, because it looked that pretty.
She licked her lips and opened her eyes, and Bob watched as his cum dripped down from her eyelashes, along her cheek and landed on her nipple piercing. Molly took his hand in hers and ran his fingers through the mess before guiding his hand up to her lips. She tasted him there and ran her tongue between his long fingers and across his palm. 
"You made the mess," she whispered before sucking on his thumb for a beat. "Now you have to help me clean up."
"Gladly," he promised, nearly rocketing off the bed as she set his hand on her breast. Bob used his wet thumb to collect his cum from her piercing and then he let her take his hand between her lips again. But then he was on the floor with her, pushing her gently onto her back as she laughed. 
"What are you doing?" she asked, but the words died on her lips when Bob licked his own cum off of her chest before kissing her and letting her taste it. He held both of her wrists in his hands above her head, and he was treated to the sights and sounds of Molly. She was rubbing her pussy along his soft length as she licked his cum from his mouth, and Bob just enjoyed making out with her on the floor. Everything tasted like him and smelled like Molly, and he listened to her soft laughter. 
His hands and shirt were a mess of cum, and Molly's pretty face absolutely lit up for him when he whispered, "I like the way I taste on your skin."
"Bobby. You fucking deviant," she moaned, taking his face between her slightly sticky palms and leaning up to kiss his lips. She wrapped one leg around his waist to keep his body against hers, and Bob let his cheek come to rest on her chest. He'd never been called anything close to that before, but he could tell he'd lose himself in the moment with Molly over and over again like this if she'd keep letting him. 
And then he blurted out, "You're not mad at me then?" while she combed her fingers through his hair. 
She hummed in contemplation. "No, I'm not mad at you, Coach Bob. I'm pissed off at Bradley, and I'm trying to protect my family. But I'm not mad at you."
Bob sighed in relief and ran his fingers along her pretty tattoo. He had found it actually painful the way she'd been avoiding talking to him, but he could see where she was coming from. 
"That makes me happy. And I can understand you wanting to protect them. They are where your loyalty lies."
"Don't fuck with my family," she whispered softly as she turned her head, and Bob glanced up at her as she swiped at her eyes. "I hardly have any left."
Bob could sense that she wanted him to change the subject, so he kissed her soft skin and said, "I like your tattoos."
She laughed sardonically and said, "Thanks."
"Did you get the carnation tattoos because it's your favorite flower?" he asked, running his index finger along the colorful ink.
"No," she told him. She was quiet for a moment, and Bob started sweating before she asked, "Did you know that there are different flowers that coordinate with your birth month?" 
Bob had heard of this before. "Sure," he told her, wondering where she was going with this. 
Her voice sounded a little rough, but her fingers were still soft in his hair as she said, "My parents were both born in January. Carnations were their birth flowers. That's why I have the tattoo. And kind of why I love the gas station flowers."
"Oh," Bob said, about to add that she didn't need to talk about it if she didn't want to. But then she rolled a little closer to him as he sat up, and she pointed to the other three flowers mixed in.
"The morning glory is for my sister's birthday. The chrysanthemum is mine. And the pretty red rose is for Everett's birthday in June. I got that one the day after he was born. It's actually my favorite one."
"It's beautiful," Bob told her, running his thumb along the chrysanthemum and meeting her eyes. 
"Listen," she told him, kissing the tip of his nose. "I'm protective of my sister. She took care of me when our parents both died. I moved in with her while she finished college. She shared her bed with me and made sure I ate. She sold my parent's house and gave me most of the money to pay for nursing school and a new, reliable car. And the fact that I can occasionally help her out a little bit now is really important to me. So if you think I need to castrate Bradley, you should probably just tell me now, okay?"
Bob laughed in spite of himself. "Maybe a kick to the nuts, but castration is probably not necessary, Honey. He's beating himself up enough, I can tell you that much. And I honestly think Bradley would jump in front of a moving car for Everett." 
"See, now that's what I like to hear," she told him, sitting up and draping her arms around him. Her skin was a little sticky from his cum, and Bob let her push him back until he was laying on the floor underneath her this time. She settled her chin in his chest and looked up at him. "Now tell me when your birthday is, Lieutenant Cute Glasses. I want to know how your flower would look in my tattoo bouquet."
Bob could feel his cheeks warming up. She wanted to know what a tattoo in his honor would look like on her perfect skin. And now she was just lounging right there on him, naked as the day she was born and just completely flawless. And she was waiting, just like she always did. Waiting until he was ready to say what he was thinking, but never rushing him.
He laughed softly and shook his head. "I have the most embarrassing birthday," he told her, and she cocked her head to the side. 
"Oh," she sighed. "April twentieth?" 
"No," he told her. "Worse. Leap day. February 29th."
"Oh! No, that's such a good one, Bob!" she insisted. "And your flower would be a violet. So pretty!"
But he just kept shaking his head. "Mo, you don't understand, Honey."
"Then explain it to me," she whispered, kissing his chest and stroking his skin. 
"My name is Bob. B O B. Bob. I got the nickname Baby On Board during flight training a decade ago, because I was technically five years old...."
She blinked at him a few times before she burst into laughter. Bob waited while Molly rolled around on the floor, gripping her sides and gasping for air. "And technically how old are you now?" she managed to ask through her laughter.
Bob waited until she calmed down a bit more. "Eight."
"Eight!" she screeched. "Don't say that to me! We've had sex!" Her laughter had Bob chuckling too now. "How old would you be if you had a birthday every year?" she asked, eyes wide as she giggled.
"Thirty two."
"Thirty two! Perfect," she sighed, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. "I'm not going to get arrested then."
Bob rolled his eyes and whispered, "I think a new flower would look pretty good in your bouquet."
And now Bob was thinking about a violet tattoo on her skin next to the other pretty flowers as Molly curled up on his bedroom floor with her arm wrapped around him. 
Bob without Molly....it just doesn't make sense. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls and everyone who bugged me to make Molly and Bob a thing!
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writingdumpster · 1 year ago
not afraid
pairing: Bob Floyd x gn!reader (no pronouns)
warnings: none
summary: kinda the opposite of the 1D song 'She's Not Afraid." reader is afraid of a horror movie. Just fluffy little fluff tbh.
word count: 1.2k
A/N: Sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I don't know how much more frequent it's going to be but for now I have some time off, so it might be a little more. Thanks to everyone who's been reading my work even without me making new content. Love y'all.
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Bob remembered the day you asked him out as clear as day. You worked in his favorite second hand bookstore. He had developed quite the crush on you and had acquired stacks of unread books all over his apartment. Some of them he had picked up without giving them a second look and spent the rest of his visit making small talk with you. One pile was dedicated to the books you had recommended him. That stack didn’t have the dust that the others did sitting atop the books. It had been about a month of him visiting the bookstore a couple times a week. 
The day you asked him out he had lingered in the mystery section of the store. He knew it was your favorite. He was waiting, hoping you would come and suggest another book that he could read while thinking of you. You always did. Today you didn’t though, you stayed at the counter. He thought maybe you were upset with him or that he had waited too long to make a move. He finally picked a book, one by an author he thought you had picked for him before.
“Hi, Bob,” you greeted when he got to the counter. 
“Hi,” he replied. You smiled at the anxiety present in his voice. He was trying to come up with the words to ask you out as you scanned the book. He handed you his card in silence and you wrapped the book up in paper and handed him back his card. You smiled at him. He looked back at you, his mouth slightly open. 
“Do you–um–I mean…” Bob blushed brightly. He looked down at his feet. 
“Do you want to go out with me?” You asked him. Bob turned his head up to look at you. 
“Go out with you?” He asked in disbelief. 
“Yeah, on a date. There’s a movie based on one of the books you bought here coming out this weekend. I thought we could go and then get dessert at that place you told me about last week,” you said. Bob blushed bright red. You listened to the things he said. You remembered them. You’d clearly been thinking about him too. He was thinking all of this while he stared at you blankly. You tilted your head slightly at him and Bob shook off the shock. 
“Yes. Definitely yes,” he spit out. 
“Great,” you said, holding in a chuckle. “Give me your phone number. I’ll call you tomorrow and we can figure out the details.” Bob walked out of the bookstore that night with bright red cheeks and a wide grin. He was thoroughly smitten by you and you adored his nervous energy. You didn’t mind making the first move if it meant that you got to keep making the nerdy WSO blush the way that he had the first time you helped him check out. 
The next three months of dating him had granted you just that. You kissed him first on your third date. You were the one who dragged him into your apartment when you spent your first night together. You were the one who asked him to be exclusive with you. You were the one who said ‘I love you’ first. You were also the one who proposed going to the horror movie you were seeing that night. Nevertheless, you had been curling into Bob’s shoulder the whole way through the movie. When you walked out you were still clinging to him. 
“Bob, you have to sleep over. I can’t sleep alone after that,” you told him firmly.  
“‘Bob’ huh? No nickname, you must really be scared,” he teased.
“You didn’t think it was scary?” You asked. 
“A little,” he shrugged. “I don’t believe in ghosts though.” He was clearly holding back a chuckle. You were constantly telling him the bookstore you worked in was haunted. You scowled at him.
“The bookstore is haunted. If you come help me on one of the night shifts you’ll see,” you told him. He smiled at you. 
“I’ll come help you whenever you want,” Bob said. He was happy to go home with you. He had gotten slightly used to the way it felt to have you in his arms. He was considering taking up an interest in horror movies purely to land himself in more situations like this. He was enjoying the feeling of being the brave one for once. He had always been protective of you, but he had never seen you needing his protection either. You were the most confident and capable person he’d ever met. If you hadn’t been you never even would have gone on a date. 
Bob noticed the way you were lingering around him as you got ready for bed. You kept the bathroom door open while you brushed your teeth so you could have your eyes on Bob. You followed him to the kitchen when he went to get a glass of water. Bob had climbed into bed while you were taking off your jewelry. You took a deep breath as you approached the light switch. You flicked the lights off and then sprinted the short distance to your bed. You quickly tucked yourself under the covers and curled into Bob’s arms. He let out a small giggle, his chest shaking against your head. 
“What are you laughing about?” You questioned, turning to look up at him.
“It’s nothing, baby,” Bob said. You prodded him in the side. “You’re just so much braver than me about everything else,” Bob explained. “It’s funny that some CGI ghosts are what gets you.”
“It said it was based on a true story!” You defended as you snuggled closer into Bob’s chest. 
“I think they just meant that house was real,” Bob replied. You huffed in his arms. Bob let out another light chuckle. He kissed the top of your head. 
“You have to stay over tomorrow too, Bobby,” you whispered shyly. Bob smiled above you. He wasn’t sure he had ever heard you being shy about asking him for something. 
“I can do that, sweetheart,” he assured you. You tightened your hold on him and nuzzled your nose against his chest. 
“And you can’t let go of me tonight,” you requested. 
“Of course not,” he said. “The ghosts can’t get you if I’m here right?” He joked. 
“Nothing can get me if you’re here.” Bob’s heart skipped a beat. There was an honesty in your words that made him feel so warm. You trusted him to protect you. This whole time he had seen you as the brave one–the one who was leading the two of you. But there you were in his arms telling him that he was what you wanted to chase away your fears. You didn’t seem to realize what your words meant to Bob though. You let out a soft snore. He smiled to himself at the sound. 
“I love you,” Bob whispered into your hair, despite the fact that you were asleep. To his surprise you shifted in his arms. You leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his chest. When you spoke it was only a mumble but Bob knew what you were saying. 
“Love you too.”
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fishfooddude · 23 days ago
Valentine's Fluff Fest
Day 6: Sky
Robert "Bob" Floyd
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“That cloud looks like a dog.” Bob smiled as he watched his son point at the sky before climbing onto the empty swing at the park. “Does it have a name?” Bob asked as he pushed the boy on the swing. He shook his head, “I’d have to ask him.” Bob chuckled as he listened to his son explain why you must ask people and animals their names before you can be friends with them. “That’s right, buddy. How’d you get so smart?” Bob gleamed as he pushed him higher. 
“That’s what you always say, Dad!” 
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ultralightpoe · 1 year ago
Sweet Nothing - Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Authors Note : I cannot believe this is only the second piece I had ever written for him because I loved him! This sat in the drafts a litte too long if you know what I mean.
Word Count: 3519
Warnings: - none I believe -
Requests: OPEN
Main Master list - - Midnights Event List
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(Thank you for the gif @topgundaily )
x Enjoy! x
I spy with my little tired eye
Tiny as a firefly
A pebble that we picked up last July
Down deep inside your pocket
We almost forgot it
Does it ever miss Wicklow sometimes?
It’s a weird feeling, knowing that you were so close to the end and not being ready for it. You wanted to dig your heels in the mud and fight away from the finish line, drag yourself back to the start. What you would give to go back to the beginning when it was still so sweet and happy. 
But you weren’t in a race, and you couldn’t fight your way away from the finish line this time. No, right now you are laid out across the bed of your guest room with the love of your life avoiding you downstairs. The end is coming. You both knew it, you just weren’t ready. 
You had been warned over and over, from your friends to your parents and you knew his own group had warned him as well. You should have listened. But you both thought you could beat the odds. 
He took you to the lake for a date, a fact that made your friends giggle amongst each other as you rushed around to get ready. Braiding your hair at first before panicking and not liking it so you rushed to brush through as your best friend chose the best bathing suit for you to wear and they all talked about your date. 
“-He is so cute. And he blushes whenever you are close, which is so cute.” Veronica smiles, playing with your waterproof mascara as your brush snags on a nasty knot in your hair and makes you gasp in pain. 
“Are you sure about this? He is a military man. We have the no dating military rule for a reason.” Samantha snaps, her eyes laid with mistrust and her body rigid as she leans against your wall. “I don’t want to get a call in the middle of the night of you crying to escape.”
That made you panic slightly, you knew Bob and he was always so sweet but how many females had fallen for the sweet act before. He was military and Samantha herself had gone through a military marriage that led to a broken cheek and nose, you had been the one to give her a place to stay. 
“It will be fine.” You shrug. “I have a good feeling.”
And you had been right, he took you to the lake and you both swam around for hours. He braided your hair when you got out so it didn’t get knotted and tangled from the lake water. You stayed huddled together in his car for warmth as you ate the greasiest burgers you could and laughed about the day you had. 
“I had a lot of fun today.” Bob blushes, fixing his glasses from where they were sliding down his nose as you smile at him. His cheeks were a little rosy from the sun and his knee was pressed to yours, his hair swept awkwardly. “Thank you for spending the day with me.”
“Thank you for inviting me.” You answer, both your voices low as you stare at each other. “I loved it.”
“You ready to go home, then?” He asks, his cheeks reddening even more past the burn which makes you smile a little wider.
“Or we could…. Well we could go to your place.” You offer to be near him a little longer. 
“I’d love that.” He smiles, moving to pull something out of the pocket of his swim trunks, placing it on the dashboard so he could start the car, and you blink at it. 
“Did you have a rock in your pocket?”
“Yeah. I thought it was pretty and I wanted to keep a memory of today.” He says lowly, looking at you nervously. “Is that weird?”
“No. Not at all.” You laugh, leaning to kiss his cheek. 
They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside, they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
That little pebble from the lake still sat on his dashboard, the day he crashed his truck he made sure to grab it and keep it in his pocket. When he got his flier from the military he kept it on that dashboard now. He always carted it around in the air, saying it was his good luck charm. 
The thought makes tears well up in your eyes as you drag yourself from the bed and shuffle around the room to get dressed for the day. It had been the very first time you slept without Bob, which meant you didn’t actually get any sleep and you were more than a little cranky. Tired, cranky and upset. 
Not a good mix. 
But you tried to keep it together while you got ready for the day, fixing your hair and slipping on shoes before heading downstairs to grab your bag and keys. 
When your love sees you he casts his eyes away, rubbing at his chest as he makes himself look busy. “I made coffee if you need-”
It hurt to hear his voice, tearing at your chest as you snatch your work bag and keys before storming out of the house without any coffee. Just like that the feeling of betrayal is back, slashing at your heart and making you angry once more. 
Even the sound of his voice upset you now. 
Bob knew the news was not going to be delivered easily, waiting for you to get home from work with his leg bouncing wildly out of anxiety. You would leave, he knew it. Not that he would blame you, it would just tear him up through and through. 
The front door stands and he rushes up, fixing his glasses and turning the corner to where you would still be taking off your shoes. “Hey.”
Your head snaps up at his greeting, smiling softly as you shuffle closer and lean up on your toes to kiss his cheek before you move to kiss his lips. You seem to read his body language then, the tight stance and the guilty way he doesn’t kiss back before you lean back and blink at him. “Everything okay?”
“I….. They are changing my… okay so you know how we always talk about how I might be restationed?” He mumbles, reaching a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. “Well I… they are restationing me.”
“What? How long do you have?” You blink, fully pulling back from him. His hands catch on the bottom of your jacket, trying to keep you close and failing when you take another step back. 
His face pulls in a grimace as he realizes that this is where the annoyance will kick in, where you will actually get mad at him. “I have about 2 weeks.”
“2 weeks! I’m sorry, repeat that because it sounds like you just said 2 weeks.” You snap, blinking at him as your face begins setting into anger. “Aren’t they supposed to give you more time? Why would they make this so short?”
“Well I found out… a month ago. I just didn’t know how to explain and I wanted to find an apartment that might work before I told you.” 
“What do you mean, might work?!” 
“For us. An apartment that would be big enough for us-”
“You expect me to drop my entire life in 2 weeks?!” And before either of you knew it there was a fight brewing. 
On the way home
I wrote a poem
You say, "What a mind"
This happens all the time
You can’t really concentrate at work, your pen tapping on your desk a little too quickly, your coworkers beginning to look at you with odd glances. 
The more you thought the more you began changing your mind. It’s not like you loved this job, you would be more than happy to give your two weeks. Hell, you would love to give your days notice.  You would not miss this job nor would you miss any of your coworkers. You would however miss your friends and family. 
But it’s not like phones didn’t exist, and it’s not like you couldn’t take vacations to come see them. But it still wouldn’t be the same, you would be tearing yourself away from your family and friends. Alienating yourself. 
At the end of the day your options are narrowed down to leaving Bobby behind or leaving your life behind. 
Would you be able to make that choice. 
“Are you okay?” Your boss asks, coming to stand at your cubicle with a stern look. “I haven’t received any of the reports I needed from you in the past hour.”
“I…..” You blink, sitting up straighter, the photo of Bobby you have on your desk catching your eyes. 
“Let’s talk in my office.” She snaps, nodding her head as you try to come up with a proper excuse to your behavior. 
A month into the relationship and your friends still were a little skeptical of your boyfriend, but things were easy and you were in love. 
Tonight you would be taking Bobby to your friends birthday party, which was a very important thing and your boyfriend was panicking. You were laying on his bed, watching him pace back and forth in his room as he tried to find something to wear. 
“Does it look kiss assy if I match you? Because you look great but I don’t want your friends thinking I’m…. or maybe these jeans won’t work. How dressy is this party?” He panics, finally looking at you and fixing his glasses. 
“I think you are stressing yourself out.” You mumble, patting the bed in front of you to call him over. He sighs, moving to sit by you with a grunt which has you crawling closer and laying your head in his lap. His fingers immediately comb through your hair as he smiles down at you. 
“I know your friends don’t like me, I just want to impress them.” He blushes, shrugging his shoulders. 
“They like you… they all just have thoughts on the military life.”
“Yeah. They are scared you’re going to try and marry me and drag me across the country away from them and everyone. It’s a valid fear.”
“So…. you…. Well….. “ He blanches, nodding his head before moving to stand up. “I’ll stick with the shirt that matches you and the jeans.”
'Cause they said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside, they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was nothing
The drive home was filled with shaky hands and tears, you had to pull over once and swipe at your cheeks, taking a second to catch your breath before you continued your drive home. 
The house was dark, Bobby’s shoes gone and his key slot empty which meant he probably went to work or had some other stuff to take care of. You sighed in relief, thankful for at least a couple more hours before you would have to have this conversation with him. 
Instead you went upstairs, grabbing the stuff you had angrily dragged to the guest room last night and putting it back where it belonged before you hid and called your mom. 
Cowardly, you might add. 
You were in tears by the time you slammed the door to the guest room, hands shaking as you screamed at him to leave you alone, your breathing ragged and torn. 
How dare he? How dare he hide this from you and assume you would just up and leave? How dare he not tell you. 
A little forewarning, a little more understanding. Anything more than this. 
“Baby, can we please talk about this?” He asks through the door, a small thump telling you he laid his head on the door. “I…. we both knew this would happen. This doesn’t need to be this big of a deal.” “Go away. Just leave me alone.” You hated that he was right, that you had always known and had always been warned and yet still couldn’t imagine it. 
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors
And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other
And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more"
To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it
It had been a long day that had followed a long night, and he was tired. 
All he wanted to do was crawl under your shared sheets and pull you into him, snoring in your neck the way you always complain about while laughing, tickling your sides and snoring loudly just to bother you a little more. 
But after the fight he was sure you would still have a couple more issues to comb through. He understood, he did. The way he threw  it at you was a bit much, and he should have told you sooner but he wanted to make sure everything was sorted before he brought it up. He wanted all his ducks to be in a row. 
He was used to this life, you weren’t. 
The house smelled like it normally does when he gets home, your key in it’s preferred spot and your shoes left by the door, but no you in sight which bothered him. He loved when you came to greet him and now the house just felt empty when he entered. 
Calling your name once, another try, one last time before he sighs and moves to find you without taking his shoes off. He heads upstairs, moving through the halls easily in search of you. Something melting in his chest when he sees you curled upon his side of the bed with your face pressed into his pillow. 
Shuffling closer and placing a kiss on the back of your head before closing the blinds to your shared room and making sure you are comfortable before heading downstairs and getting started on dinner. Concentrating on that rather than remembering your tear stained face from the night before. 
There were hundreds of ways he could have handled the situation better, and he tried to do the right thing and ease you into it. But he still did the wrong thing. 
He just wanted you, he just needed you. 
Nothing else mattered to him. 
“I can’t believe it.” You smile, from ear to ear, as you help him carry in the last of the boxes into your new shared townhouse. 
He had gotten news that his leave would be extended another 2 years, which meant he didn’t have to leave you yet. You both chose to find a new place together after 7 months of dating and build a home together. He couldn’t be happier. 
You were quick to set the box onto the kitchen table before dashing to jump into his arms which made him laugh loudly, nearly dropping you as he tripped up and ran into a wall. “What’s the first thing we do in our new place?”
“Oh there are so many options,handsome. We can cook dinner…. Or maybe set up our kitchen table properly…” You list off ideas, a mischievous glint in your tone. “Or we can fuck.”
He chokes on air, his cheeks tinting red as he blinks at you. “The last one. Definitely the last one.”
They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside, they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
By the time you wake up you have no clue how long you slept. More than a little disoriented as you crawl from the bed and shuffle down the steps of your home, still wiping the sleep from your eyes as you keep tripping on your way to the kitchen. 
He’s got his back to you as he hums, cooking over the stove, and the sight alone makes your eyes well up in tears. It had been almost 3 years with him, living together and building a life together. 
He doesn’t have time to turn as you dash to him, tears falling freely as you wrap your arms around him and cry into the shirt on his back, clutching the fabric between your fingers as he tries his best to hug back. “Hey hey. Take it easy.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said.” You sob, keeping him held tight. 
“It’s fine. We’ll figure it out.” He whispers, finally getting the perfect spot to turn and hug you back. “I can make trips down here, any time I get days off I can try to get back here. You don’t have to give up your life for me.”
“Come on baby. We can’t just drop this.” He pleads, trying to move you both to the table so you can sit and have conversation. “I can’t lose you. I know we were both aware of this coming but it’s different now that it is here.”
“I quit my job.” You blurt, making him blink at you. “I quit and already called my mom to tell her. I’ll be going with you.” 
He can’t stop blinking at you, his heart stopping in his chest. “You didn’t have to…. You didn’t have to do that. I could have made the trips-”
“I don’t want to. I want you near all the time. I can’t live without you so if you’re being shipped to some stupid ocean side town then I will come with you and learn to swim.” You mumble out. 
“You can swim.” 
“Yeah…. In stillwater.” You laugh, the tears still falling. “I’ve given you 3 years. I’m not giving up now.”
“I know you don’t want this life ,marriage and being carted around.” He sighs. “But I was too selfish to let you go. And I can’t do that. I can’t let you go.”
“Is that what you think? That I don’t want to marry you?”
“Well your friends always sai-”
“I would love to marry you….. Okay you will actually have to ask me, this is not a proposal.”
“Okay, just take a breath.” Bobby laughs, watching you shake in the seat of his cockpit. “It’s just flying.”
“I’m not going in the air.” You snap a little too aggressively, the panic of being in the seat beginning to get to you. It was too high already, and you did not know how he did this on a day to day basis. “Let me out.”
“Okay, hold on. Take a deep breath with me now baby and just relax.” He orders, rubbing your arm comfortably. “Take a breath. You’re okay. Just take a look.” 
You do what he says and take a deep breath in, looking around his cockpit before you spot the small rock from your first date sitting under the sun on the dashboard. “You still have that?”
“Of course.” He laughs, reaching past you to grab it before beginning to point and show you all the cool things in the cockpit. 
They said the end is coming (they said the end is coming)
Everyone's up to something (everyone's up to something)
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside, they're push and shoving (outside, they're push and shoving)
You're in the kitchen humming (you're in the kitchen humming)
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
The new place had a weird energy. 
You were still getting used to not being so close to your family and days at the beach were not as amazing as you dreamed them to be. Bobby was a part of a ‘secret team’ and his days were pretty packed with a high paced training schedule at first so there were many days you were left alone to figure out what to do. 
You ended up getting another job, this one you liked a little more than the last but it was still so new to you. 
It would take you a while to get used to everything which was fine, you had never had to move like that before but it would all be fine. 
But today Bobby got time off, which you made sure would be spent well. Dressing up in a great outfit and driving out to the stadium to scream Taylor Swift at the top of your lungs. 
By the time he drags you home you have drunkenly decided that the poster you got from the Eras tour might help you liven your new house with.  Bobby agrees, smiling from ear to ear as you hang it up lopsided, knowing that if it makes you happy then he will 100 percent get more for every room of the house. 
You fall asleep in his arms, letting him whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
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sebsxphia · 8 days ago
Hiii babyy!! I love your content amd i really really wanted to ask you a lil freaky story if you'd like to (english is not my first language sorry:() but i was just asking if you could write a smutty where y/n and Bob have some shower sex??!?
Pls i really love your stories, i hope you notice me
Byeee 🤙
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sweet and slow sunday morning.
robert ‘bob’ floyd x reader.
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→ summary: you and bob share a steamy shower together.
→ word count: 986.
→ warnings: sex, shower sex, nipple pinching, praise, creampie and fluff.
→ authors notes: i hope you both enjoy, my dear anons! we love smutty shower sex with bob 🤭 my main masterlist can be found here! 💌
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The warm droplets of water from the shower head above, dripped down the curve of your neck, down your spine and merged with the ones dripping down from Bob’s toned torso. The constant flow of warm water soothed both of your angled bodies in the shower.
You were pushed against the cool tiling, which came as a sweet relief to the heat of your body. Your hands braced against the tiles and as your breasts were pushing against it too, your nipples pebbled with each thrust from behind.
Bob held your hips with both of his firm hands as he angled his thrusts, deep in from behind you. One of his hands left your hip and snaked up your damp, soft belly. His nimble fingertips pinched against your hardened and sensitive nipple. As he rolled it between his fingers, you let out a whine.
“Bobby!” You squeaked and then gasped for air, as his swollen tip bumped against the sweet spot inside of you.
“I know, I know, sweet thing…” Bob groaned from behind you, equally getting lost in the pleasure you shared.
Your clit was throbbing hot between your thighs. It hadn’t been long since Bob had gotten into the shower with you, ran his hands over your body as he gently washed you and angled you against the tiles, but he had a devoted touch that caused you to melt against him.
As he continued to tweak your nipples, it only added to your heightened sensitivity. It was enough to push you closer towards your high, but you desperately needed him to touch your clit.
“Bobby! Please… I— I need y’ t— to…”
“Words, darlin’. Words.” Bob gasped between his continuous thrusts. Even though this was a sweet and slow Sunday morning, Bob still demanded his dominance be recognised by you.
“Please, t— touch me! ‘m so close!” You squeaked out.
Your back arched further and his pelvis was met with the swell of your ass. You were desperately pushing against his thick cock, trying to obtain further pleasure.
Bob choked out a groan at your desperate movement and his hand on your hip squeezed you tighter, his hand on your breast palming mercilessly at the soft flesh.
His hand came down and gripped the other side of your hip to gain himself full leverage. He picked up his pace momentarily, delivering harsh and heavy thrusts. You let out a moan in pleasure and a cry of desperation.
“My beautiful, darlin’. Takin’ me so well. I’m here now, I’m here.” His voice was hot in your ear, hotter than the heat of the water, as it continually flowed over you both. Bob had arched over your back and was peppering kisses along the curve of your neck, along your shoulders and down your back.
His hand left your hip and moved between your thighs. As his fingertips came to apply a sweet pleasure to your throbbing clit, you let out a cry of relief, followed by a moan. Bob could feel how your body melted into his touch. You were still pushing against him as deep as you could get, yet somehow, you were relaxed against him. He savoured how softly and deeply you would fall when you were with him.
His cock twitched inside, as you squeezed him with every pin-point thrust. Steam was billowing out from the top of the shower screen door. The warm water was heating the temperature inside of this small, cubic space, and you and Bob were heating up with it.
He continued to run precise circles over your clit, as he matched his thrusts with the same rhythm. The hot and heavy steam made you gasp out breathy moans, with Bob groaning low in your ear and hushing words of sweet praise.
“You’re doin’ so well for me, my pretty baby. Keep goin’, I’ve got you… I’ve got you… Y’ close aren’t you? I can feel you, sweetheart.”
You nodded meekly against the cold tile, water pooling against your cheek. He pressed a sloppy kiss to your damp lips, a harsh comparison to the pin-point movement he was currently providing you. He bit down tenderly on your bottom lip and grunted out, “Come. Come for me, darlin’.”
That’s all you need to hear.
As he swiped over your clit and the tip of his bulging cock hit deep inside of you, you fell apart on him. You gasped out incoherent whines and fumbled over words of how good it felt. Your whole body began to tremble as wave after wave of pleasure rippled through you, but slowly it began to melt against Bob’s. His hips stuttered against your ass, but he maintained accuracy with his thrusts, as you felt his warm spend leak into you.
“Feel s’ good for me, darlin’. Fuck!” He cursed against your cheek, as he planted sloppy kisses there, down along your jaw and back up to your cheek.
Even though you were melting against him, your legs were now fully trembling. You were unable to keep yourself up through your post-orgasm high and the all-consuming heat from the shower. The front of your body gave in and you slumped against the tiles, but not before Bob caught you with his muscular forearm.
“It’s alright, sweetheart. I’ve got you. ‘m here. I’m not letting you fall.” His reassuring voice was calm in your ear, as he guided you to stand upright. He would never let you go.
Further kisses and praises were shared, as you both beamed at each other with a lovesick haze. You adored how his damp hair fell out of its normal perfect placement. You adored how the droplets of water ran over his nose. You adored how he let you rest up against him, as he removed the shower head and gently washed away his sticky spend that was leaking out of you.
He would never let you go.
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taglist: @beachbabey @tallrock35 @luckyladycreator2 @unmistakablyunknown @flames-thebitch @birdy-bat-writes @thedroneranger @randomfandomfirl97 @kmc1989 @swiftsgirlfriend
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105 notes · View notes
peachesandcreames · 6 months ago
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My Big Three 😍🔥🥵
177 notes · View notes
missmarveledsblog · 2 months ago
Let it snow ( Robert Floyd x Reader )
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summary : When Y/N seems to be drawing or avoiding any holiday that centres around family bob is ready to make history stay in the past as he makes it one to remember
warnings : mentions of toxic childhood , fluff , friends to lovers , bob being the best 😎❤️
The festive season was in full swing , everywhere was decorated in some form of festive colours , tinsel and baubles filled trees . It was most joyous time of the year for some and yet a nightmare for those who grew up like she did . Y/n was a medic that seemly been one to take care of the aviators and fast friend of the dagger squad . It was never bad thing she loved them all , friend and in a way. yet she could feel anxious and uneasy as each talked about their traditions , family ritual for the festive seasons. It was one part of her life she wasn't comfortable or ready to share and yet she dreaded the idea of when it came to her , knowing she couldn’t really lie to her friends so she done a tried and true trick of getting up and going to the bar for a drink and coming back to a different conversation . Maybe one day she would tell them when she was ready , she'd only started working through the dark ghost of her past so she was taking it day by day .
although she thought it was working well her friends where more intune that she'd given then credit as they turned to see her standing shoulders slumped and smile on her face that was more of a mask than a genuine feeling as chatted along to penny .
“ she's doing it again” nat sighed while bob eyes were locked on her form , concern written on his features more so for fact he's been undoubtedly in love with y/n since they first met .
“ its always holidays “roosters brow furrowed then softened like he could tell it was something he was the same when his mom passed but now with mav back in his life and his girl well it wasn't too bad . maybe it wasn’t the same circumstance , maybe it was but he knew a person that spending holidays alone looked like, it was like looking into a mirror . but what they didn't notice in their curiosities was a drunk patron knocking over a tray of glass . They didn't notice how tense y/n was or the weak smile and goodbye she gave before rushing out of the hard deck but bob did , bob noticed everything and it was no shock or surprise to the other as he excused himself and left.
the cold air help sooth her hot skin , the sound of the ocean helped with grounding herself from the past flashing before her eyes . yet her stomach still tossed and turned and the tears stung her waterline. the thing of trauma was it could strike anytime , some weekends she didn't even flinch or notice thing like that and other times well she would be almost paralysed . like she was that child once more hearing their yelling and fighting all over again . it wasn't til she felt a hand on her shoulder that brought her fully back to reality looking into the concerned eyes of robert floyd .
“ i'll bring you home” a sweet smile in her direction as he lead her to her car , handing him the keys knowing she couldn't fight it . keeping her eyes looking out the window wondering what she could say knowing she couldn’t say it was nothing , this was robert ‘Bob’ Floyd he had a sixth sense when it came to her emotions .
“its ok you don't have to tell me but i will watch those god awful things you call movies “ he smiled making a small one appear on her face .
“ they're works of art , maybe even Oscar worthy “ .
“ sweetheart we both know that definitely ain't through” he chuckled and yet she felt safe , secure. everything about robert floyd made her sense come back to earth maybe it was fact she felt so strongly about the man , even love but yet scared of pushing the bound of the friendship to something more incase it was one sided . she couldn't bare to lose such a friend , such a presence in her life . so she kept it deep inside , let it lay just beneath the surface and admire from afar. not that was working so well since the man basically could tell her home like back of his hand or slept in her guest room so many times that he had a change or two of clothes . it came in handy for night especially like this one.
Didn’t take long to get to her given she bought the small one story bungalow knowing it was close to the hard deck and the base . it was minimal and yet cosy not too much and yet bordering on too little . stepping it the space was like stepping into another time of the year , not a spot of christmas in the space while she headed down to her room telling him she was going to get change and his clothes where he left them if he wanted to. It didn’t take long for the wso to piece some of what was wrong . she bever talked about family and the place was bare of anything festive and it broke his heart all in one . did she always spend the holiday alone , should he invite her home with him back in montana ? . shaking his head as he was brainstorming some sort of solution as he threw on a plain grey T-shirt and grey sweatpants before heading out to see her placing snacks and drinks on the coffee table. a soft almost nervous smile as she looked up at the man .
“ ready? “
“ never but let get it over with “ he tease making her let out little life andaa playful eye roll.
she could see his eyes looking around , almost see what he wanted to ask on the tippy top of his tongue . he wanted to know why her home was normal , why it was void of holiday cheer or well anything else. she thought of it all , everything so cheerful smash and broken on the floor from her parents . then the glass smashing in the scene of the movie that made her visibly flinch. she could see the concern on his face and off of all her friends he was different , this was bob , sweet bob that made her heart flutter and her smile appear constantly . she realised every time he made her comfortable , went out his way to comfort her , look after her . so she was ready to tell him , to open a part of her that she never felt ready to before.
“ You're probably wondering why all this is over , why i'm well , you know, “ she sighed . “ this is hard to talk about but with you it's not so bad “ she took a shaky breath in .
“ you don't have to tell me if you're not ready but if you are ready I'm here “ he took hold of her hand wishing he wiped it first but then he couldn’t tell who hand was more clammy hers or his .
“ i can't say i hate holidays because i never really well celebrated them properly , i grew up before i had to my parent were so long in their own problems i was kinda an background character in their life. i mean sometimes they would acknowledge me but mainly it was there next drink , for life of me i could never understand why, why they did all of what they did , why the drank , why they stuck together when it lead to the most toxic fight” her voice wavered and yet she couldn't look at him , it was hard enough to say it all out loud but it was even harder to voice it . “ Christmas was never Christmas , at first it wod be joyful , decorating the house and the tree, every kid's favourite thing to do . but then it would come , they would shout yell , fight over everything and anything they could . glass would be throw and maybe physical fight and christmas decorations trashed and broken all the way til after it all , sometimes they would get so wasted they would forget gift or even food , it got to the stage i was taken off of them put into the care of state and well not all the families were so nice but in all the bad one thing i did enjoy was the snow it was probably one thing that was constant , it bever let me down and covered all the shitty things with it blanket even most run down places looked beautiful it looked like it belong with the rest of the places , it oddly only thing i liked about it which i mean here not gonna happen so i think i completely gave up on the whole christmas thing plus spending it alone isn't well …you know “ she weakly smiled as she went to wipe her eyes not thinking she would feel so emotional talking about . when she finally did look up their was no pity in his eyes , their was empathy and sympathy but not pity like she was a one eyed and three legged abused shelter animal .
“i'm proud of you sweetheart , im honored to “ he wiped the tears from her cheeks .
“ why” it was a genuine question and a genuine confusing on her face was both adorable and heartbreaking. it like first time she was being listened to , like all her past concerns and wishes were pushed to a side and now she was being heard .
“ because you overcame it all , because you shared something so hard and tough with me is why “ he pulled her to his side and she done something new she let herself break fully like the dam of decades of holding it in and pretending it was nothing . she never felt so out in the open , so vulnerable. not once did bob let her go , in a sense he felt closer to the woman before her . Nothing other than “ i got you “ was spoken til her sobs lessened , she finally pulled away wiping her eyes.
“ want to watch another movie ? “ he asked softly as she nodded shyly before resting her head back on his chest . it didn’t take long before her soft snores filled the air . bob brain got working on something else. something that maybe it was a gamble that was but it was worth a shot .
The following weeks were like nothing happened ok not like nothing happened bob did check on her a little more and she did tell the rest of dagger squad christmas was never good time to which of course they understood and were comforting what she didn't know was what was happening behind the scenes of when bob was seenly more busy under guise of christmas shopping that wasn’t a complete lie . the back of his car was filled with tinsel and fun . as she had a few goodbye drinks with her friends before they went home . then when she got home the wso was currently wrapping lights at front of her home . her furrowed brows and slight concern to the fact the man should of been getting ready to go home .
“ bobby what are you doing “ she pulled her stuff from her car hand on hip and smirk on her lip .
“ making the christmas cheer , i may of let myself in “ he smiled shyly as she shook her head when she walked in it was walking into santa's workshop , tree decorated filled with ornaments and colourful light that sparkled in the corner of her living room , the fireplace had stocking hung with care . It was like a set from every Christmas hallmark movie right in her living room . Word failed to come when she turned to see the christmas cookies and steaming mug on the table the hot coco smell that hit her nostrils.
she sat taking it in , letting it all soak in or maybe she was waiting for the bad and yet it didn't . that sickening feeling that usually followed at the sight of a home of hers or a space she occupied it was the first time that she could actually enjoy it and yet the feeling knowing that it wasn’t going to last , that soon she would be alone like always maybe sleep the time away or occupy her time with something, anything . Yet Bob just walked past with suitcase in hand only to her guest room and not the front door to say she was confused as she followed after almost like a lost puppy as she watched him unpack . her head tilted a version of cute curiosity and confusion.
“ I'll go home for new year oh and your coming” was all he said a smirk on his lips as her eyes widened.
“ You should be with you family” a guilt and sadness to the tone of her voice .
“ I already am … i'm picking the movie this time though so sweetheart “ he winked a new confidence that left her almost open mouth before she scurried after.
“ this man is gonna kill me “ she smiled to herself almost lost in the admiration and the feeling of how well he fit in her life. of course bob would do all this , it was like the man was a sexy nerdy angel walking on earth . it was easy to feel comfortable , to try new and old thing and not feel rushed or frightened . if this was what christmas was like with robert floyd well she never wanted it to end.
after a marathon of great christmas movies ( not that she would admit it ) . she even felt herself melting into the man she knew a long time ago she loved more than a platonic way . more food that her stomach was possibly able to make room for . It was like that first few days like he was getting her used to Christmas like some weird exposure therapy , now it was christmas eve and now fast asleep unaware of the man sneaking out of her house ready to put his final plan to action . Looking over the machine's instructions like it was the most important mission of his life , it was detrimental to Bob that this part went well perfectly as meticulously read the booklet over before getting started waiting for it all to come together before heading into the house . running into her room and shaking her lightly.
“ Come on sweetheart, you need to see this, “ he smiled, pulling her sleepy form as she whined rubbing her eyes , still in a sleep filled daze til she saw the white floating to the ground disappearing to the light blanket of white that was her lawn . she could have sworn this was all a dream it had to be . like she was going to wake up and be alone and it was all gone. yet she could feel it on the tips of her finger as she walked out . This was her version of Christmas , a part of the time that was consistent in its beauty . it was surreal to see her own personal flurry of snow falling down around her. she looked over this was real and yet it felt like a dream .
“ why” was all she could get out of her mouth as she felt tears falling down her cheek .
“ because everyone deserves to feel the magic of christmas especially a woman who is beautiful inside and out “ almost bashful and shy not even the night sky could hide the blush on his cheeks or her own . with out a second thought or hesitation she threw herself into his arms almost knocking him over in the movement . holding on like he would somehow float away if she let go and when she pulled back ever so slightly looking into his eyes . it was like she could feel the same fellings she hid so deep pouring from the man . like a magnetic pull til their face were mere inches away enough for him to soft nudge her nose with his own before their lips connected. that fear she held on so long now a fleeting thought at how perfect the whole thing was. how natural and soft his lip felt against her , how they belong like two pieces of a puzzle coming together. the missing parts of them both being found in each other , in that moment . a picture perfect start of a new shift in the dynamic and for once a welcome change to what would cone. a soft peck as they pulled apart .
“ i thought i was gonna have to pull the mistletoe out for that “ she tease her head resting against his, that smile on his kiss bitten lips.
“ seem like i really got you in the christmas spirit huh ? “ his nose tenderly bumping her as felt himself addicted now he had a taste of her lips .
“ i mean what else is a girl gotta do when a guy she loves literally makes it snow and makes it a christmas to remember “.
“ well when you in love with most amazing woman snow , you give her everything she deserves and more and probably will for along as she'll have him “ he peppered her face in kisses making a soft giggle fall from her lips . each peck a silent promised to make sure the darkness of her past stay there , because he was gonna light her future but now in the present he was gonna enjoy the woman he loved and let it snow .
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nurse-floyd · 9 months ago
Build a Bear
A shopping trip turns into an impromptu visit to Build a Bear for Bob and Bun.
Bob and Bun
Massive thank you to @vivwritesfics for letting me borrow Bob and Bun! 🥰
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She had never been to Build-A-Bear. It was silly; she was a grown woman, but growing up, she had no one to take her. She saw the adverts on TV, and she had friends who had them, with all the outfits and accessories, but her father never took her. He never had the time.
So one day, when she was passing the store with Bob in tow, she couldn’t help but drag him inside. She only intended to get a new outfit and maybe some new lingerie, but the brightly colored store was just too tempting.
She ran to the store, practically dragging Bob to the door, but paused before she entered. “Can we? Please? Can we get bears?”
He could hardly say no to her; in fact, he rarely did. She deserved the world, and Bob would give it to her over and over if it meant he got to see her smile like that. Yeah, she could kill a man with no regrets; she was a part of the most dangerous organization in the world, but that didn’t mean she didn’t still like her teddy bears.
He adored the way she looked, her eyes wide as she looked up and down the bins of deflated bears and creatures waiting to be stuffed. The brightly colored axolotl caught her eye as she immediately grabbed one and held the creature's head between her hands. “This one!”
Bob laughed; of course, she’d choose that one. He looked up and down the bins himself. He was going to go for a plain bear, but a Star Wars logo caught his eye. He looked through the bin and found a Darth Vader bear. That was definitely the one.
Bun led him over to the stuffing station where a worker was sitting at the giant machine churning fluff, ready to stuff their bears with.
“Are you all finished picking out your bears?” she asked.
Bun nodded and handed over her bear first, excited to finally go through the whole process of making her bear.
“Okay, and who is this special bear for?” the worker asked.
She looked shyly, but with encouragement from Bob, she spoke up, “It’s for me.”
“Okay, so if you want to put your foot on the pedal, I’ll fill the bear up and tell you when to stop. Do you want them soft and cuddly or firmer?”
She thought for a moment before she spoke again, “In between.”
“Sure thing, I can make them the perfect balance!”
Bun stepped on the pedal and watched as her teddy came to life. Bob watched as her eyes lit up and she looked up at him, excitement in her eyes as a little happy giggle escaped her lips.
“Okay, step off the pedal for me and have a feel. Is that okay?”
She cuddled the bear to her chest and nodded, “He’s perfect!”
The worker set the bear aside and took Bob’s bear next. “Same for you; do you want it firmer or soft and cuddly?”
Bob opted for a firmer bear. He stepped on the pedal and watched as his bear was stuffed. He had to admit, it was a cool concept, and if they ever had kids one day, he’d love to take their child and watch the same excitement fill their eyes as they made bears together as a family.
With both the bears stuffed, the worker spoke up again, “Okay, so now we need to bring the bear to life. I need both of you to choose one of those two little hearts, and we’re going to make a big wish.”
With both of their hearts selected, they held them in their hands and waited for the next instruction.
“Okay, so we’re going to rub it on our heads so our bear is always thinking about our wish.”
The look Bun flashed Bob had him joining in the wish ceremony with no arguments. She smiled as they both rubbed the small fabric heart on their foreheads.
“Then we’re going to tap the heart to make it start beating and bring our bear to life!”
Again, the pair of them followed the directions, holding the heart in their palms and tapping it with their fingers.
“We’re going to hold it to our hearts so it’s always full of love.”
They both did as they were instructed and held the hearts to their chests.
“Then we’re going to rub it on our arms for all the cuddles because these bears give the best cuddles.”
Bun rubbed the fabric heart on her arms a few extra times; she needed her bear extra cuddly.
“Last but not least, I need you to hold it tight in your hand and make that big wish!”
Bob was actually getting into it when it came time to make his own wish, not that he needed much more. He had Bun, a decent job that paid extremely well, and life was pretty good for the pair of them. Still, he scrunched his eyes shut and made his wish in his mind as Bun did the same. It must have been a big wish because when Bob opened his eyes, hers were still scrunched shut, her tongue poking out with concentration.
With both of their wishes made, they stuffed the hearts into the bears and watched as the worker sewed them up.
“What did you wish for, Bun?”
She looked at him with a shocked look on her face. “Do you not know how wishes work, Floyd? If I tell you, it won’t come true!”
With both of their bears complete and handed back to them, Bun immediately clutched hers to her chest.
Bob was so in love with this woman.
“Okay, now you can go and pick out the accessories for your bears and dress them over there,” the worker let them know before she began the whole spiel again with the woman and her child who were behind Bob and Bun in line.
Bob opted to keep it classic for his bear, it was already decorated enough with the embroidered designs and sewn in cape, he did however buy a tiny red lightsaber for it. Bun, however, had so many options to choose from. Did she get the tutu and tiara? Did she get the colorful onesie? She opted for the onesie, knowing it would be more comfortable to cuddle.
The last step after dressing their bears before checking out was the birth certificate. Bob already had a name planned out. He typed out the name ‘Ani.’ He turned to Bun to see what name she’d chosen, hoping she’d kept it clean, and he saw the name ‘El Diablo’ typed on the screen. He wasn’t sure devil was a fitting name for a bright pink axolotl wearing a big smile, but he supposed it was fitting for his girl.
With their bears dressed and named, Bob led them over to the counter to pay. Bun could have opted to put her teddy in a box to make it easier to carry, but of course, she didn’t. She clutched El Diablo to her chest, and the smile that she wore on her face as she left the store was something Bob could stare at all day and never grow tired of.
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