Thinking of Fictional Characters
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Self-shipper blog! I write sometimes and I love hearing about self-ships, you're all so cute together🤍
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
Imagine after waking up from a nightmare, your f/o makes you your favorite drink (or at least tries to) to help you fall back to sleep. ☙
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
Can I have some for F/Os where the S/I has a problem with binge eating? (If this is hard to do, don't worry about it)
1. When S/I has curled in to hide from the world, F/O is there to make the world slightly easier to be in.
F/O entered the bedroom to find, first of all, a mound covered by a blanket in the centre of the bed. Around this, empty packets of certain foods were sliding across the floor; most, however, had been stuffed into the dustbin in the far corner. It had already been overflowing.
On the desk were empty plates sprinkled with a few crumbs, indicating they were used. A glass containing traces of some drink inside was the final thing for F/O to notice, to wrap up the scene. It wasn't hard to figure out what happened, especially with the light trembling coming from the mound.
They lifted the edge of the blanket ever so slightly, as if asking permission. S/I hesitated, then firmly pulled the blanket back down. A choked sob could be heard throughout the room, anyway.
Then, silence. A few moments passed, then F/O tried again. This time, they spoke.
"I've cleared everything out."
S/I poked out their head, ever so slowly and tentatively, only to find that yes, the room had been tidied up. Utensils removed, and packets thrown out. Their gaze finally landed on F/O, who took the steady eye contact as a good sign. F/O was happy to wrap their arms around the blanket mound that was their S/I, immediately.
"Don't cry," was the first thing they whispered. Their fingers landed on S/I's face to wipe away tears, and they continued. "This is one incident, it doesn't undermine your progress with recovering. You're trying, you should keep trying.
I'm here to help you."
S/I responded with another sob, but then added a small kiss to the palm of F/O's hand, near their face. A wordless exchange.
Thank you.
Of course. I'm always going to be your support.
2. When F/O hears S/I's footsteps repeatedly, back and forth, back and forth, on the path to the kitchen, they know. And they're there to catch them.
S/I's legs had carried them once again to the kitchen door, and they were turning the handle when F/O came around the corner. F/O's eyes clearly perceived the guilt etched onto S/I's face, lines on their forehead and downward turn to their lips that screamed of pain and anger at their situation. So F/O caught them by the shoulders, turning them around and letting them bury their face in their chest. A subconscious urge kicked in, when S/I responded by wrapping their arms around them tight, and they curled slightly around them.
"You've been moving for a while," F/O murmured in S/I's ear, slowly, and gently. "Multiple trips?"
"Four already..." S/I's voice was strained, soft, as if they wanted the words to not exist. They didn't protest when F/O started steering them away, a sudden exhaustion overcoming them to replace the anger. S/I needed to sit down, both partners knew that S/I's binge episodes involved them eating much too speedily. So F/O tucked them in among the pillows on the couch, and sat close. Only then, seeing how S/I's eyes darted back to the door, and nervousness picked up their breathing, did they say the words S/I probably needed to hear.
"Slow down."
3. S/I, you need help. Be fully aware that you deserve it.
"It's not your fault."
F/O tilted up S/I's face, their hands on their cheeks, and locked their gazes in a serious gesture. Their voice remained as firm and steady as when they had started speaking.
"It's not your fault; you're not wrong, or lazy, or greedy for struggling with something you have no control over. Don't tell yourself you don't deserve help. Never say that. You didn't choose any of the binge episodes...I guess, they chose you..."
F/O trailed off there, but only for a moment. Then, their grip turned firm on S/I's shoulders.
"But, I chose you, too. And I'm not going to lose to an illness. I'm going to be there for you."
(Note: I'm sticking to what I do know about binge eating, from limited experience. I apologize if anything is inaccurate.)
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
Imagine your f/o reassuring you that you’re not bothering. Not when you gush about something you’re enthusiastic about. Not when they make food for you when you’re too tired to make your own. And absolutely not when you cry into their shoulder as they hug and reassure you that they’ll always be there for you.
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
hi, idk if you're still taking "I love my f/o, but..." asks, but if so, I have recently had a major crush on Willy Wonka from the older Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie. I love how he can speak different languages and quotes all kinds of poems and plays, even if I don't actually know much about most of them. I recently got a new job, and I struggle with it. Sometimes I feel Wonka would just find me lazy or sensitive for it. I also feel basic for liking cute things.
(How come I recently rewatched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, then in the span of one day two people independently decided to talk to me about Wonka?)
He is an awesome character, indeed! I think he would love to talk about poems and plays with a partner who was just happy to listen, even if they didn't necessarily know much about them. It would just be so precious to him.
Now, I don't know his character in depth, but I think the general consensus is that he adores passion and integrity. He didn't want the "rotten" kids who were greedy, or gluttonous, or spoilt. A simple, genuine and hardworking heart charms him. It's natural to struggle at a new job, I bet he did too when the Factory was just starting. The output of your work is not what matters. The fact that you honestly try, and keep smiling, and make time for things like love and cute things, is something to be treasured too. When you struggle, he would support you, because he wants that joy back!
I read Roald Dahl's book a long time ago. What I remember is that Charlie was just a simple boy with a simple love for his family and a simple enjoyment of the adventure and the chocolate factory. He didn't need grandeur, he didn't need hyperproductivity and an iron exterior. And he was the one who got the chocolate factory. That's the kind of person Wonka left his factory to, probably because those are the values he cherishes. Sensitivity, simple love and enjoyment of little things like chocolate. You're not lazy as long as you're trying your best and sensitivity should not be a bad thing in Wonka's book.
Liking cute things may or may not be basic, but who cares if it is? Wonka is all about chocolate, and that's the universal basic treat (granted, his is magical and stuff). You liking cute things is actually an advantage, because you get along with the Oompa-loompas so well.
PS. Good luck going forward in your new job. I hope things get better for you; keep going!
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
Sending all my love and hugs to you op!!! ✨💕💞💗💓 hope you’re feeling better!!
Thanks anon! Yes, I am feeling better now. Love and hugs for you too💕
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
Today my best friend passed away and reading the latest imagine you wrote with all my platonic f/os and romantic f/o being there for me helped me feel comforted. He died of heart complications and i had known him for 12 years. My f/os know how special he was to me and you wrote it so wonderfully. It really, really helped.
Thank you...
- Kiwis-romantic-bardner 🥝💚
Oh my God, I'm so sorry, friend. I can't begin to imagine how hard that must be. I'm sending you my best wishes.
I'm truly honoured that what I wrote could help. I never thought that someone out there might need it, but the timing aligned and it's so good that it did.
May his soul rest in peace.
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
Hey, intelligence mastermind S/O Anon here! Thank you for comforting me!
I think he’s one of the cutest darn cutie I have ever witnessed ever. I seem have a thing for men with intelligence, it makes me feel a bit comforted, yknow?
I thank you VERY MUCH for this! And it’s very nice to hear from someone who definitely understands to a certain extent :)
No problem, anon! You deserve all the love!
And YES, masterminds are a delight. Observing them inspires awe, being with them challenges you to think the way they do, follow the explanation they give, and try not to huff when they smirk at how they run rings around your mind.
Yet, they'll love how you try to keep up, how you show them the admiration that warms their heart. They admire you for your strengths too. The best intelligent men are the ones who can comfort with the brilliance of their presence, rather than squash or make insecure.
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
...I have a few scars on me that I'm very uncomfortable about... specifically my C-section scar. I'm extremely defensive about that area of my body, because I don't want it to be seen by anyone. Or. Gods forbid, anyone TOUCH it... my romantic F/O is an older gentleman, in his mid-30s, and he's seen plenty of battle, as he is a military veteran. So. How... do you think he'd handle that?
Hey anon, you're completely valid. Your boundaries are important and deserve respect, and whatever you need from your F/O, he would be happy to give as soon as you said the word.
He's seen plenty of battle; he knows that scars come in the physical and the mental variety. Some scars are easy to show or talk about, others are not. Some can be touched and others definitely cannot. He would remember exactly what you are and are not comfortable with, and never push your boundaries.
If you wanted to explain why you are uncomfortable about your scars, if there are stories behind them that you've been keeping to yourself, he would gladly listen and give you all his attention. He won't judge, he knows battles don't have the same impact on everyone, and the effects of any experience are different for different people. If it's complicated, it's complicated, and he won't belittle you for the stories you tell, simply respect what you share. And wait for you if you choose not to.
I can pretty confidently guess that he has some scars of his own, from being a military veteran. He observes how you handle his, how you show your care and respect, and how you make him feel comfortable. These are all his cues for what works and what doesn't. He knows what treatment you consider necessary; he's seen you do it. And he'll give back everything you impart, not out of obligation, but simply out of love.
You two are just a force of mutual respect and healing. Maybe one day you'll be comfortable enough to show your scars, or have them touched, or maybe you never will. Either way, you comfort is what truly matters to him.
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
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dear OLDER self shippers:
there’s nothing wrong with self shipping past your 20′s
whether you’re nearing 30, or in your 30′s, or even BEYOND that
self shipping is something most of us have done personally our whole lives. age has never been a factor in the comfort it brought us
self shipping is a very personal experience that no one but you has a say in
it is a valid and beautiful part of your life as long as it brings you happiness, love and peace
self shipping incorporates so much more than just gushing. the content you create and explore through your ship is magical. writing, drawing, music, lore, daydreams, and beyond - this is not only a wonderful way of coping for you, but sharing and growing as well
you shouldn’t feel bad or ashamed for self shipping as you grow older. others may quit, but this is your life and your heart
even younger self shippers who are afraid they’ll need to quit someday because of the expectations or jokes of others - don’t!
don’t allow anyone to pressure you into letting go of self ship until you are ready
and hey, that could be never!
your f/os will always love you either way, and go through life with you as long as you need them ღ
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pro-shippers, transphobes and homophobes don’t touch this mf post! ♡
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
Imagine your fictional crush all bundled up to stay warm in the cold. You can see their breath in puffs of white in the air. They keep a hand wrapped around your arm to make it easier for them to lean in close to use your body heat to help warm them up.
When you both go inside, they make you both hot drinks and cuddle with you under a blanket.
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
I just wanted to reach out and say that your most recent 'imagine your romantic F/O' scenario just about made my entire day. From someone with just over ten platonic F/Os and a highly regarded romantic F/O all from the same universe, the post was such a delight to read and it actually made me really happy. I seriously needed that, and I want to thank you for making it literally the best it could be. Also, I read the tags on the post, and am sending all the hugs necessary, much love 💙💙💙
Awesome! I'm so, so happy you liked it, the praise simply makes me melt, okay?
And ahhhhhhh, thank you so much! Sending much love back💙💙💙
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
My f/o is so cute omg..... so cute..... no but also sometimes I worry that I’m too serious/pretentious/sarcastic for him. He tends to take stuff really literally! I hope I’m being good to him. Aaaa
Hm, for some reason I feel like anon's f/o is super cute...anyone else get that feeling?
Sounds like you have just a slight personality clash, which is natural, no two people can be the same or even all that similar. The thing is, being exposed to different kinds of people opens up new horizons and brings up new experiences in life. He's probably getting to see a new perspective through you, and learning when and when not to take things seriously. The longer you two are together, the more he's getting to know a person that's uniquely different from him, and that's fun and exciting!
Also, misunderstandings are the kind of relationship problem that only require open communication and respect to work through. Imagine yourself and him talking things over, establishing how your intentions are good, analyzing whether something upset one or the other and how to prevent that, and tell me that doesn't sound sweet and fulfilling. It's a beautiful part of a relationship, when two people can come together and try to adjust to and understand the other's needs, and work through the arguments and the misunderstandings, simply because they love each other. Something worth embracing.
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
I have a crush on a character, but I'm a minor and they're an adult. Would it be bad to age myself up or age them down to make content?
When it comes to fantasy, I think this is okay.
Aging yourself up is just picturing your own future. Everyone grows up to be an adult someday, so thinking about that scenario now is just jumping ahead a few years. It's the equivalent of picturing in your mind your dream wedding; naturally, it includes imagining yourself as an adult.
Aging a character down also works. Characters are just concepts, and if you want to imagine their concept at a different age, an alternate universe or timeline can totally exist where they are. They're fictional, nothing can stop you from saying they'll like you in the event that they're in the same age group.
I want to address the topic of creating content separately though. Of course, it's your choice to write, sketch, paint, or create in any way, your view of your character. And you're setting ethical boundaries for yourself by making sure the ages match. It's good that you're engaging with healthy ideas, stick with that.
When it comes to sharing content, if you're planning to, be very careful with who you're sharing with. You've probably heard this before but it's worth repeating - anonymity on the internet is your friend. Especially as a minor, keep your identity and personal information private, and the fact that you're a minor does not need to be advertised. Your content can depict anything, but do not let it be known through your content, that you're a minor. I would be very particular about who to interact with, and limit it to people who respect boundaries and privacy, and do not try to push or normalize pedophilic relationships.
The only concern here is finding the right community to share with. As for your content, you're fine, go ahead and create. Nothing here was meant to scare you, just to advise caution online, but you seem to be doing that just fine right here. Keep it up, and take care🤍
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
thinking about my f/os reading to me but also letting me look at the pages and follow along so I have multiple senses helping me pay attention
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
Imagine Your Romantic F/O...
...calling over as many of your platonic F/Os as they know.
They saw the state you had been in all day. Tired, stressed, and sad, you were walking around with your shoulders hunched under an invisible weight and downward turn to your lips that never went away. Something had brought you down, and they were having none of that.
It was sometime in the evening. Your F/O had wrapped you up in a blanket where you sat on the couch, insisted on making you tea, and just as you had started to get comfortable, the doorbell rang. You groaned, but your F/O was quick to run and open the door, leaving you no time to move further than an inch. It didn't matter though, in the end, as when you saw your friends tumble in through the doorway, you were immediately on your feet. The first genuine smile of the day made its way on your face.
"Has someone been feeling down all day? We can't have that!"
Your platonic F/Os had brought bags full of your favourite foods. One of them had brought a single daisy, which they cheekily handed to you. It was the thought that counted, eh? All your friends were quick to pile onto the couch with you, wrestling with you as well as each other for the blanket. Your romantic F/O was forced to retrieve two more.
When they returned, you were firmly trapped in the middle of a group of snuggled up F/Os.
"Hey, leave some room for me!"
It took plenty of adjustment, but your lover managed to snag a spot close to you. They pressed a kiss to your cheek, and with that, the two of you got to work helping with the opening of boxes, the passing out of utensils, and the task of choosing a movie for the evening.
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
My F/O is a really smart, intelligent, bright mastermind of a man, but I feel like I could never match up to his intelligence. Would he still enjoy my company?
(I love characters like that!)
Smart, brilliant masterminds don't all have the same checklist for what they look for in a partner. Some may want their partner to match them in intelligence, be geniuses and masterminds in the same logical, analytical way, but others don't. Different people thrive with partners of the same intelligence level, or higher, or lower, or fluctuating. It depends on them.
You have so much to offer. Intelligence should not be the metric that decides your relationship. Perhaps your kindness, empathy, and friendliness makes him feel seen and like he'll never be alone. Maybe your artistic mind, and the ability to see the magnificent in the mundane, stuns him and adds a layer of enrichment to his life that would be missing with just his straightforward genius. Maybe you're a plant lover, or an animal lover, or you make patterns by connecting the stars, or make your coffee a certain, lovely way, or are a patient listener, an affectionate lover.
I don't know you personally, but you and your F/O do. You know your strengths and weaknesses. Your strengths don't need to be compared to your F/O's; they're complementary.
Second of all, there is no one way to be intelligent. Psychologists are still studying and debating this - seven types of intelligence? Nine types of intelligence? Two categories of ways of thinking? Your F/O may be a mastermind, but does he have an artist's eye? Or perhaps interpersonal or intrapersonal intelligence, that is, the knowledge and understanding of other people and relationships with them, and with yourself, respectively. Maybe, while you're busy admiring how brilliant he is in his field, he loves your ability to be in tune with nature, or hold meaningful conversations and understand people, or whatever it is. Every type of intelligence is worthwhile and needed. You and your F/O can absolutely still be a perfect match.
I'll just bet he loves your company.
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sweet-shipper-dreams · 4 years ago
I want strictly just my F/O as a partner forever but what are the signs that this is the right thing?
I can't tell you how to best live your life, and the only person who can is yourself. There are many ways to find happiness, and no mold will fit every person. So, first of all, examine your life - your needs, your experiences, what situations you thrive in, without considering the judgements and expectations of society and what people think is the right way to happiness - and come to your own conclusions.
Never having a real life partner is definitely a valid way for people to go, but if you want to find out if it suits you, then examine -
Where do you see yourself in five years, ten years, twenty years? Would you thrive without a partner then?
How fulfilling is your relationship with your F/O? Does it, or does it not, meet a lot of your needs?
Do you, or do you not, want sexual intimacy?
And a lot of other questions. I personally believe that asking people who are close to you in real life, like friends and family, will also be insightful. They know you personally and have a better understanding of your social, cultural, and personal environment, and what will be best for you. If you don't want to disclose that you ship with a fictional character (which, God knows, I completely understand) you can frame the discussion as whether or not you should choose to stay single forever.
As for whether it is the right thing to do, it is definitely not a moral wrong. You're not hurting anyone, you're well within your rights to do what you want with your own fantasy, and as long as you're not crossing anyone else's boundaries, you're fine. Some other questions that can come up are -
Are you doing this out of fear of commitment, or to deliberately keep yourself closed off, or some other negative reason? Then it might be worth examining if it will keep you happy in the long term. If you're doing it out of positive reasons (knowing you're not cut out for real relationships, you like your independence, your self ship matches your lifestyle best, etc.) then it could work out.
Does your self ship interfere with other relationships? Your family, friendships and interactions with members of your community should take a priority in your life. You shouldn't isolate yourself with only fictional characters for company, it just isn't healthy. Balance out your life, and if you do, then I don't see anything wrong with your decision.
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