#Robert Crane
dcdreamblog · 2 months
What became of Gernsback, the All Star Squadron's robit butler, I hope he's okay :D
Oh this is one of my favorite parts, and I can actually pick up from my last story. So, Background! "Gernsback" was made out of the remains of the Elektro robot that was something of a star at the 1939 World's Fair but after the Phantom of the Fair's reprogramming and a battle with the Sandman and the Crimson Avenger he was a little...
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Totally and utterly smashed. While we don't have direct sources saying so, our best guess is that he was just left on site for the next couple of years in the middle of the wrecked ballroom where his assassination attempt against George VI has been foiled. It explains how he was discovered by Robert Crane, the original Robotman, when the fairgrounds were given to the All Star Squadron as a base...
Those of you who are familiar with this era of history know Robert Crane is a VERY enigmatic figure
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(A file photo of Crane as Robotman, very much the clearest photo of him as part of the Squadron's 1944 yearbook) To the point that it wasn't until recently the name "Robert Crane" was known. For most of his career he was known under the false name of Paul Dennis and he purposefully retired into obscurity after the end of his career.
One thing that IS known about him...
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Is that he was a NOTORIOUS tinker. (Photo taken from the Squadron's 1940 yearbook, this time a candid shot with Johnny Quick's name on the back. Its the only picture of Robotman in the candid photos of any of the Squadron's 5 yearbooks and implied by Quick's name and caption on the photo, it was taken without Crane's knowledge) Said caption being: "tin man being antisocial again but he's good to have around, even if he does prefer scrap to people." For several months he fiddled with the pieces of the robot and was able to rebuild and upgrade it in various fashions. Because the All Star Squadron didn't have any civilian staff he eventually set the machine as a combination doorman/butler/security alarm...
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(Liberty Belle and Gernsback from the Squadron's 1940 yearbook. "Sometimes he's the best conversation around here" in Liberty Belle's handwriting written beneath) The robot's "artificial intelligence" if it could be said to have one was VERY basic. Limited to answering knocks at the door (as in hearing a knock and physically opening the door), prompting for a security passcode and fetching small items around the base Robotman rechristened the robotic butler "Gernsback" presumably after science fiction editor Huge Gernsback. Which is one of the few insights we have into Crane's personal life/preferences He served the Squadron for the rest of the war until the organization was shuttered after the war, after most of its members retired or dropped from the public eye in the aftermath of the Red Scare and the disbanding of the JSA Gernsback was left on site undisturbed for several decades. Now you may remember me saying I give tours of the national park that's been made of site now. Let me show you one of my favorite parts of my job...
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He's out doorman, lol. I walk past him every time that I bring in a tour group where I get to make a big show of introducing him to the group and speaking the passcode to let us in. (We still have to use the passcode because we can't figure out how to turn the security system off ^^") Don't ask what happened to his legs, we don't know. Safe to say though we keep him in perfect working order and shiny for the visitors. He'll live out his golden years as a freshly polished centerpiece. In case anyone was worried.
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dailyjsa · 3 months
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The Golden Age #4
Writer: James Robinson
Artist: Paul Smith
Inker: Paul Smith
Colors: Richard Ory
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splooosh · 1 year
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“an even dozen”
Adrian Gonzalez - Jerry Ordway
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nitpickrider · 2 years
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Now there’s one Golden Age vs Silver Age duo that needs to get some more time in the spotlight As far as I know The Golden Age Robotman has never met the Doom Patrol version, not that I know of anyway And the idea of a straight laced, square jawed golden ager trying to keep up with the Doom Patrol’s wacky surrealist antics is a comic I need to read gdi
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ufonaut · 2 years
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Jerry Ordway’s production art for the cover of All-Star Squadron (1981) #20. Note how both the trade dress and the heads of the rest of the Squadron are all paste-ups.
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cyraniadebergerac · 2 years
Robin OC
I know the joke is that there's so many Robins. Few of us would say it's really that bad of a thing though. And if there was another Robin, I have an idea for what direction could be taken.
Another common thing is that none of the Robin's like being in galas, hate the fakeness of the people and the discomfort and all that. What if we had a Robin who actually liked that setting though? Liked being in the fancy setting and being able to play the game of upper crust internal politics? It is a side of how to change Gotham for the better that often gets neglected, getting the rich to donate in ways to actually help the city then slowly fostering actual care of the city and it's people so that the very culture of the upper class will make them all the more likely to do what's good for Gotham such as to keep offering jobs within Gotham and don't cheat your workers out of their money if only because it hurts their public face to do so. Through playing the politics, people can he convinced to do things that you want them to for your goals. An understanding of how it works is necessary along with a willingness to get in the thick of it and blur some lines, things perfectly reasonable for one of the Batfam to do but is never really touched on much because none of the current ones have quite the right personality to pull it off. And what sort of personality could?
There was a show in the 1950's called Hogan's Heroes, where Colonel Robert Hogan led his crew of international espionage agents in over the top hijinks as they disrupted the Nazi war effort while being in the 'toughest pow camp in all of Germany', Stalag 13. It's a madcap sitcom that is genuinely humorous while also making sure it's somber moments were kept somber. And is honestly all around great. I would highly recommend. Anyway, the reason I bring it up is for the main character, Hogan. Personality wise, he is utterly charismatic and knows how to use it, loves nothing more than to snark a little and pull pranks since he enjoys being mischievous. However, that's only one side of him, a side he emphasizes when he's trying to be underestimated. The other side is very much a serious planner, more of a Indy Ploy planner that leaps on opportunities as they come than a Batman planner, but a planner nonetheless. He knows his goals and he's near ruthless in achieving them. However, he does have limits. He won't abandon his men, no matter what. He won't abandon innocents or allies counting on him either. He also often seeks to minimize how many are killed by his actions, finding ways to complete missions without anyone dying if at all possible. Of course, he is in a war, he is up against some genuinely evil men at times instead of just those scared and sacrificing everything to survive, and this was a 50's sitcom with some character inconsistencies across episodes. Deaths do happen, some of the non-deaths might be worse, and there are sometimes where he directly causes a person's death without being at all guilty about it and you can't really blame him. But in a different setting, I could see him as someone willing to not kill anyone. At the very least, it helps show that he does have a moral code even with all his lies, thieving, and manipulations. On top of that, their barracks is secretly outfitted with a lot of very outlandish makeshift gadgets, such as a pipe periscope that looks out from a water barrel that's viewed through sink handles and a coffee pot connected to a bug in Klink's office that's hidden in a photograph of Hitler where he's speaking into a microphone. And the peice de resistance
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Dark Brown/Black hair. :)
All in all, a teenage form of Hogan would be a perfect Robin candidate with His Heroes also making good candidates for his future team. There would be a lot of natural tension with his time with Batman as their personalities are similar but conflicting. But it could resolve and we would have Rob both as someone that can take on the playboy schmoozing aspect of Bruce's Batman role and so take on the public spotlight to better hide any family secrets while also playing the politics game with the elites and also be their go-to infiltrator as sometimes, having someone that is just good at infiltrating places and acting like they belong there is the best way to get into places and find out secrets. Dick can act and Jason's a drama kid, but neither of them really (as far as I know) make infiltration a core skill of their's, nor do any of the others except Batman with his Match Malone persona. So having someone who can fit that role would be good, especially as the rest cover other aspects of being Batman such as Straight-Forward Crime Fighting (Dick), Seeking Ways to Change the Status Quo for the Better/Seeking to Help Those Trapped in the Cycles of Desperation(Jason, even with the disagreements about how he's doing it), Detective Work/Gadgetry (Tim), etc. [It's late, and I'm really going off of other tumblr posts and fanfic for what seems to be the core thing].
How do we get Rob into Gotham and adopted by Bruce though? For my take, there's a bit of referential humor. The actor who played Hogan was named Bob Crane. And the DC universe happens to have Scarecrow, aka Jonathan Crane. Now, I'm not absolutely sure how this part would work. But my idea was that Rob was sent to live with his uncle Jonathan after the death of his mother. Jonathan isn't sure about having a kid living with him and is considering throwing him out to foster care. But Rob convinces him to give him a chance and he could help pay his keep (Rob being unaware of Jonathan being Scarecrow). Jonathan's intrigued and so allows it. Rob then hears about a gala going on, steals himself a nice suit, strides in like he's just another idle rich kid, then manages to talk and conjole several people to give him money for some academic research his father's brother is doing. He then heads back to Jonathan with little over a thousand dollars. Jon, needless to say, is impressed, and so allows him to stay if he'd gather more funds, which Rob agrees with.
Bruce gets on the case after hearing about several people suddenly giving money to Scarecrow. As the money and checks aren't falsified and the donators do recall giving money, Batman's left wondering if this is a sign of Scarecrow having made a new form of fear toxin that makes people do what's commanded of them. There's no evidence for that though and he gets no real leads until he's at a gala and sees Rob for the first time, laying out his usual charm and getting people donating to him. Bruce then makes his way over and tries to covertly find out what's Rob's angle in all this, but Rob is evasive and manages to slip away. He does leave the glass he drank from though, so Bruce is able to get that for DNA sampling.
From that, he figures out how Rob's tied up in all this then tries to encourage him to get away from Jon before there's trouble, but Rob brushes it off, sure he can handle anything Jon can do before Rob's finally 18. It's after this talk that Rob returns and finds out what experiments Jonathan is doing and who he is. Before he can try to escape though, Jon gets him and forces him into a box to be kepted until Rob would be willing to keep getting him the money or Rob became a living test subject. Rob's locked away then for some time to contemplate the choice.
Batman then comes and gets him out of there. He then gets him fostered under his roof and the rest is history.
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sebeth · 7 months
All-Star Squadron #13
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
“One Day, During The War” by Roy Thomas, Adrian Gonzales, and Mike DeCarlo.
Hawman calls the first official meeting of the All-Star Squadron to order. Present for the meeting are the Shining Knight, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, Hawkgirl, Robotman, Commander Steel, Firebrand, and the Atom.
Hawkman’s first order of business is to elect a chairman for the All-Star Squadron. Carter has declined the position as he is still and active member of the Army Air Force.
Hawkman notes Batman, Superman, the Spectre, and the Flash have not enlisted in the armed services. Wonder Woman is noted to not be a member of the Justice Society but she has accepted membership in the All-Star Squadron.
The Shining Knight reports that his fellow members in the Seven Soldiers of Victory (Green Arrow, Speedy, Vigilante, Crimson Avenger, Star-Spangled Kid, Stripesy) have not enlisted in the arms services but stand ready to aid the All-Star Squadron as individuals or as a group.
Robotman mentions other possible candidates for membership: Mr. Terrific, Wildcat, Air Wave, TNT & Dyna-Mite, Doll Man, Mr. America, Manhunter, and Plastic Man. Plas has previously assisted the All-Stars on two occasions.
Commander Steel is amazed by the number of mystery men that have debuted since he was a prisoner of war.
The group votes – by ballot – to elect a new leader. The winner is…Liberty Belle! Johnny notes Libby is the “most widely-read lady columnist this side of Eleanor Roosevelt.”
Sir Justin announces he is taking a leave of absence as he will be returning to Brittain to serve as Winston Churchill’s personal protector. No, don’t take Justin away, he’s my favorite part of the series!
Firebrand, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl travel to California to visit Danette’s brother, Rod, who was wounded in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Rod was the original Firebrand.
Danette is having a difficult time letting go of her hatred for all Japanese due to the attack on her brother. Libby reminds Danette she lost her father to a Nazi bomb but she doesn’t hate all Germans. Libby couldn’t do that and remain sane.
Roy mentions this in several issues – the importance of not hating an entire country/ethnicity/group of people – due to the actions of a few.
The Hawks ditch the rest of the group as they travel over San Francisco. They want some alone time to make out.
Danette’s trauma from the first arc of the stories seems to be catching up to her. She’s certain nobody can protect her “just like nobody could protect my brother”.
Libby reminds Danette their true enemies are the fascist dictators, not the people under their yoke.
Back in New York, Commander Steel checks up on his old mentor, Dr. Gilbert Giles. Steel meets with his former fiancé, Gloria Giles, who informs him her father is dead. Steel almost reveals his identity to Gloria but doesn’t when he realizes she’s married to a serviceman named Brad Farley. Steel informs Gloria that Hank Heywood died on a mission in Europe.
Robotman returns to Queens, New York to check on a project Chuck Grayson, his assistant, is working on. Bob discovers Chuck and Joan Carter, Bob’s former girlfriend, unconscious. Bob destroys the malfunctioning machine that knocked the duo unconscious.
Joan is unaware of Bob’s survival in his robot shell. Bob wants it to stay that way until he is more comfortable in his new self. Bob uses a rubberized face and hands to appear as “Paul Dennis”.
“Paul” and Chuck are informed by a henchman for Sam Glottery that the lawyer is going to have Robotman declared a public menace.
The Shining Knight and Churchill return to England. Justin battles the planes that are blitzing England.
Danette, Johnny, and Libby enter the hospital where Rod is a patient. Danette reunites with Rod. Rod mentions Slugger Dunn has already returned to active duty. Danette confesses her hatred to Rod only to be scolded by her brother. He tells her she is “too smart for that kind of racist talk”. Rod reveals it was an American soldier of Japanese descent that saved Slugger and Rod’s lives – at the cost of his own.
Danette comes to her senses and begs forgiveness for being “fool-blinded by hate”. Rod tells Danette to be a force for good.
Firebrand, Johnny Quick, and Liberty Belle entertain the wounded soldiers at the hospital.
Back in Washington, Al (the Atom) meets up with Mary James, his girlfriend. Mary isn’t thrilled with Al’s enlistment and begs him to come home safe.
A simple “day in the life” issue that wrapped up the loose ends on Commander Steel’s plot and set up Robotman’s future plot. The past few arcs (Feathered Serpent, Baron Blitzkrieg, Hastor/Flying Eye) were weak, but this was a return to form. Great character moments for most of the All-Stars. Loved it.
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mydear-corinthian · 1 month
phone call
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synopsis - tommy receives a phone call in the middle of having sex with his wife.
pairing - tommy shelby x reader / thomas shelby x reader
warnings - SMUT +18, rough sex, use of foul language, breeding kink, praising kink, creampie, just full of porn, unprotected sex, p in v
notes - short (w.c <850), gif and picture isn't mine, divider is mine
main masterlist | peaky blinders masterlist | cillian murphy masterlist
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His hands explored every inch of your sensitive body with a satisfying touch that sent shivers down your spine. There was an irresistible affection between the two of you that was endless. Your breath caught as his dominant, wild hip thrusts into yours, causing hectic, unrestrained moans with every thrust.
"Oh my God- yes, Thomas!"
As he pushed you farther into the mattress, his weight and heat surrounded you as you lay beneath him, your bodies linked. He drew closer as your legs coiled around his hips, stretching you in the most delicious way as he slid deeper with each thrust. Tommy started to breathe hard, his chest heaving as sweat collected on his forehead and trickled down to mix with the heat from your smooth skin. He met your gaze with lust and something deeper than that.
"Yes, baby.. fuck- you take me so well.. so fucking well," he praised on your ear as he rested his head on your neck, his deep thrusts not stopping.
The telephone on top of the nightstand beside your shared bed rang loudly. Your husband stopped, looking at the phone near him.
Who the fuck is calling at this hour?
Tommy picked the phone up, not leaving the bed.
"Thomas Shelby." he answered.
You expected him that he would draw away and stop, especially when the phone rang. He stopped and reached for it, and you felt upset. Tommy, though, chose to stay still and answered the phone with one hand while tightening his grip on your waist with the other and suddenly thrusting his hips forward once more.
His thrusts continued to shock you, causing your body to tense in surprise, but before you could respond, pleasure took over. His cock sank farther, each malicious movement finding that exact spot. You ended up speechless by both of his soothing phone voice and the way he caused your body to react to him.
"What ha-happened?" Tommy asked over the phone, his breathing heavily telling each question with a struggled and unsteady voice. He attempted to keep his composure, but the force of his motions made it almost impossible as his chest rose and fell quickly. As he tried to concentrate on the talk, you could feel his heart thumping against your body and his breath rapid and hot against your skin.
Tommy looked at you, a smirk painted on his face. With his free hand, his fingers toyed with your hardened nipples, brushing them and squeezing it.
"Tomm-" you covered your mouth immediately as you nearly moaned his name out loud, afraid of whoever is on the phone hearing that Tommy is fucking his wife at the moment.
"Yeah, I'll handle that tomorrow morning," his voice was deep making you feel wetter and wetter. A familiar feeling coiled down through your stomach.
"Tommy, I'm so close," you quietly moaned. Your fingers gripped the silk bedsheets tightly as you felt your high coming.
The room was filled with the constant sound of your bodies meeting, the heat between you growing with each slap of flesh on skin. Your thoughts were taken over by the intense pleasure that was shooting through your entire body as your eyelids fluttered closed, buried in a fog of ecstasy. You vaguely heard Tommy drop the phone somewhere in the distance, but it didn't really matter. The way he grabbed you closer and pounded your hips with such merciless pace that every thrust sent shivers of pleasure through your entire body was all that mattered. Heavy intakes of breath from him, merging with your groans as he pushed you both to the edge.
"Good girl, yes, yes.. Finish on my cock."
Tommy experienced the same closeness as your cock clenched all over it. With a deep moan, he raised your right leg to his shoulders. He treated you like the most precious gemstones that thieves like him could take. Tommy groaned and praised as his head rolled back.
"D'you want me to cum inside you? Breed you? Make you mine?"
"Yes, yes! Fill me up, sir! Please!"
His back was scratched by your nails, and in a few hours, scars will definitely begin to appear. You groaned, breasts bouncing and the bed creaking with every pound.
And then, after a few more thrusts, he smashed deep inside of you until he poured all of his seed into your abused and tight walls. It was warm and filled. Tommy groaned loudly and pleased, then rested his head on the side of your neck to inhale yourself. He waited until every last drop of his cum filled you before pulling out.
As soon as he pulled out, a mixture of his and your load leaked outside your throbbing pussy. Tommy got up, grabbing a box of tissue and cleaned the both of you up.
"Who was that?" you asked.
"Just the betting shop asking for me to check on something."
"You think they.. heard me?"
"I'm sure they did and I'm glad so that they know how much I fucking please my lovely wife." he chuckled before planting another kiss to your lips.
You gladly kissed him back but the kiss deepened and the both of you know what that means.
Another round.
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demureflaneur · 4 months
yall my horny ass could NOT 🙅‍♀️❌ live in gotham city 😭🙏🙏
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godspeedviper · 6 months
How the doctors handle your sick days - Headcanons
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SFW || TW: mentions of needles, vaccines, pills & IV drip.
This one's for the girls, goths, and gays that have a chronic illness, a disability, or are just plain old sick. As a chronically ill girlie myself I'm always craving caretaker fics but never find them so I had to be the change I wanted to see in the world.
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Dr. Jonathan Crane
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He immediately shifts into a stoic clinical demeanor the moment you start to show any signs of discomfort. At first you find it a bit worrisome because his voice seems so cold and detached, but now it makes you feel grounded and safe.
Jonathan always makes sure you have everything you need, but he unfortunately doesn't think much further than that. It takes him some time to learn how to comfort you as well as heal you.
The best part about having him by your side when you're ill is that he can always talk you out of a bad state of mind. Above all, Crane remains a psychologist, and he takes pride in his ability to override your negative thoughts.
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Dr. Hannibal Lecter
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You are utterly spoiled. Hannibal makes sure to cook for you and bring your meal to bed or the living room so you can eat comfortably. In the evenings, he makes sure to run a hot bath for you with herbs and epsom salts to soothe any aches and open up your respiratory system.
Since he is a doctor after all, he has prescribing rights, and will usually write prescriptions for any necessary medications. Need to get an injection, or an IV drip? Hannibal does that for you at home.
His pride and possessiveness makes him want to give you the best possible care to ensure someone else doesn't touch you this way. Hannibal gets nervous at the thought of your safety and health being out of his hands. How could he trust someone else with such a precious life? What if they made a mistake and hurt you or worse?
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Dr. Robert Laing
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"I'm not that kind of doctor." is always the first thing he says when you mention that you aren't feeling well. However, this doesn't mean he's not helpful, he is still a pathologist. Laing always does his best to make you feel better.
He's always reading up on your symptoms and possible treatments. If something is out of his grasp, he isn't afraid to admit it and seek out assistance. Even if he can't be the one to treat you, Laing will be there with you every step of the way to advocate for you and make sure you feel safe.
Much like Scarecrow, at first he seems rather cold and detached, but it's only his training taking over. However, his starting bedside manner is much better, and over time he adapts very well to your needs.
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Dr. Spencer Reid
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Now he's definitely not that kind of doctor, but that doesn't mean he isn't prepared to take care of you. His eidetic memory comes in clutch with any possible knowledge about your condition and how to act accordingly.
He always tries to be there for your doctor appointments or for any major procedures. Spencer wants to make sure you're being properly cared for and he isn't afraid to confront anyone that talks down to you or dismisses your symptoms.
When you're resting at home he clings to you like a lost puppy. He happily reads to you when you lack the energy to talk, or if you just want a bedtime story. He never forgets to check in on you even when he's away on a case, and will often ask Garcia to pick up items from the pharmacy for you if he can't do it himself.
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Ao3 || Guidelines || Ko-Fi
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corrupte3d-mindz · 3 months
Forever a Shelby
Thomas Shelby x Wife Reader
Summary: Thomas and you get married.
Wordcount: 4.2k
protective! Thomas, cocky! Thomas if you squint, kissing, lap sitting,
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Thomas Shelby stood at the altar, the weight of his suit jacket pressing down on his broad shoulders. The church was grand, decorated with white lilies and gold ribbons, a stark contrast to the gritty streets of Birmingham that he knew so well.
Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the stone floor. The pews were filled with both Shelbys and Changrettas, two families whose histories were steeped in blood and rivalry. Today, however, was meant to be a day of unity, a truce symbolized by the marriage of Thomas Shelby and the daughter of his fiercest enemy, Luca Changretta. Arthur stood beside him, a rare softness in his eyes as he glanced back at the congregation. He reached out, patting Thomas on the shoulder, his grip firm but comforting. "Nervous, Tommy?"
Thomas turned his head slightly, the corner of his mouth twitching in what could almost be considered a smile. "No, Arthur," he replied, his voice low and steady. "Nervous ain't in my nature." His accent, thick and rich, rolled off his tongue, a constant reminder of his roots.
Polly Gray sat in the front row, her dark eyes fixed on her nephew. There was a mixture of pride and apprehension in her gaze, a silent prayer for the future. Beside her, Michael leaned back, arms crossed, a smirk playing on his lips as he observed the gathering. Arthur's wife, Linda, looked on with a serene expression, her hand resting in her lap. John sat a few rows behind, bouncing his baby on his knee, his wife Esme smiling warmly at the scene. Ada, dressed in a striking blue dress, chatted animatedly with Finn, while Johnny Dogs and Isaiah exchanged hushed whispers, their eyes darting around the room. The tension in the air was palpable, a heady mix of anticipation and unease. Thomas felt it in his bones, the weight of expectations and the ghosts of the past pressing down on him. Marrying into the Changretta family was a strategic move, but it wasn’t a strategic move on his part, it was love. Yes, Thomas Shelby had fallen in love with a Changretta but the same could be said for her.
“Now, hush Arthur. She’ll be walking down that aisle any minute now,” Thomas murmured, his voice a low growl that carried an edge of authority. He straightened his posture, his gaze fixed on the ornate doors at the end of the aisle
Arthur looked at him again; “You sure you’re not nervous?” Thomas could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on him, waiting for his reaction. He turned his head slightly, his gaze locking onto Arthur’s for a moment before he replied.
“I said I’m not fucking nervous, Arthur,” he said, his voice low and steady, laced with a thick Birmingham accent that carried an edge of impatience. To emphasize his point, he kicked Arthur in the back of his left knee, causing his brother to stumble briefly. Thomas chuckled, a rare, genuine sound that broke the tension momentarily. He could always count on Arthur to lighten the mood, even if unintentionally.
The sound of the organ began to fill the room, a deep, resonant melody that signaled the start of the ceremony. The guests fell silent, their attention shifting to the doors that were slowly opening. Thomas took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it, the moment that would seal their fate, for better or worse; who was he kidding? It was for better! As the doors opened fully, revealing her figure, Thomas felt a rush of emotions. She stood there, framed by the golden light that spilled in from the hallway, her silhouette ethereal and almost otherworldly. Her dress, a delicate creation of black lace and satin, hugged her form gracefully, the long train trailing behind her like a whisper. A veil covered her face, but even through the sheer fabric, Thomas could see the outline of her features, delicate and serene.
Her father, Luka Changretta, stood beside her, his expression a mask of pride and caution. The tension between the two men was palpable, a silent reminder of the bloody history that lay between their families. Thomas’s eyes never left her as she began her slow walk down the aisle. Each step she took seemed to echo in his mind, a steady rhythm that matched the beating of his heart. He could see the slight tremble in her hands, the way she clutched her bouquet of white roses a little too tightly. Despite the nerves, she moved with a grace and determination that he found both admirable and endearing.
Arthur leaned in slightly, his voice a whisper in Thomas’s ear. “She looks beautiful, Tommy.”
Thomas nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from her. “Aye, she does,” he replied, his voice softer now, filled with an emotion he rarely allowed himself to feel. In that moment, he felt a connection to her that went beyond their shared history, beyond the political and familial implications of their marriage. It was something deeper, a bond that he hoped would grow stronger with time. The sound of the organ began to fill the room, a deep, resonant melody that signaled the start of the ceremony. The guests fell silent, their attention shifting to the doors that were slowly opening. Thomas took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it, the moment that would seal their fate, for better or worse. But it was never worse, it saw always for better. As she reached the front of the aisle, Luka placed her hand in Thomas’s, a gesture heavy with significance. Their eyes met, while under the veil; a silent understanding passing between them, He lifted the delicate veil that covered her face, their eyes meeting in a silent understanding. This was not just a marriage of convenience or strategy; it was a commitment to each other, to the future they would build together.
Jeremiah stood before them, the priest's presence both comforting and solemn. His voice, deep and resonant, filled the chapel, echoing off the ancient walls. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together in holy matrimony Thomas Michael Shelby and _______ LaPaglia Changretta." His words carried the weight of history and expectation, binding not just two people, but two families with a fraught past.
Thomas's eyes flickered to the woman beside him. _______ LaPaglia Changretta. She was beautiful, her dark hair cascading in soft waves over her shoulders, her eyes a deep, enigmatic brown. Her dress was elegant, simple yet stunning, the black fabric contrasting sharply with her olive skin. She stood with a quiet grace, her expression serene, yet there was a fire in her eyes that spoke of strength and determination.
Jeremiah's voice cut through the silence. "Do you, Thomas Michael Shelby, take _______ LaPaglia Changretta to be your lawful wedded wife?" Thomas felt the weight of the moment pressing down on him. Every decision, every move he made was calculated, and this was no different. "I do," he said, his voice steady, firm. It was a commitment not just to her, but to the path he had chosen, the alliances he was forging.
He turned to her. "Do you, _______ LaPaglia Changretta, solemnly swear to love, honor, and obey till death do you part?" Her response was immediate, her voice clear and unwavering. "I do." There was a finality in those words, a binding promise that echoed through the chapel, sealing their fates together.
Jeremiah's proclamation was met with a collective breath, as if the entire room had been holding it in anticipation. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." The words hung in the air, a declaration that felt both momentous and surreal. Thomas turned to his new wife, his expression unreadable. He leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a kiss that sealed their union. It was a kiss that spoke of duty and obligation, but beneath it all, there was a spark, a glimmer of something more. As they turned to face their families, the applause was polite, restrained. This was no ordinary wedding, and the people gathered here understood the gravity of the situation. Arthur left the alter and walk to the pew to join his family. Their expression a mix of approval and caution. Polly Gray, ever the matriarch, watched with a keen eye, her sharp mind assessing every nuance, every subtle shift in the room.
The Changrettas were less expressive, their faces a mask of formality. Luca Changretta's presence was a dark cloud, a reminder of the delicate balance they were trying to achieve. His eyes bore into Thomas, a silent challenge that promised future confrontation. Thomas took her hand as they walked down the aisle, the weight of expectation heavy on his shoulders. Every step was a reminder of the path he had chosen, he wouldn’t ever regret it; the future he was forging. The guests rose as they passed, their eyes following the couple, whispers of speculation and curiosity filling the air. This was a union that would be talked about for years to come, a merging of two powerful families with a history of bloodshed and betrayal.
Outside the chapel, the sun shone brightly, a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere within. The reception awaited, a lavish affair that promised to be both a celebration and a test of the new alliance. As they stepped into the sunlight, Thomas felt the warmth on his face, a brief respite from the shadows that seemed to follow him wherever he went. He glanced at her, her smile a beacon of hope in the uncertainty that lay ahead.
"Welcome to the family," Thomas said, his voice low, the Birmingham accent thick and unmistakable.
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The kitchen was a stark contrast to the rest of Arrow House, filled with the smell of freshly baked bread and the earthy scent of the wood burning in the hearth. Thomas stood at the head of the room, his piercing blue eyes scanning the room, ensuring he had the attention of every man present. The weight of the day was palpable; this was his wedding day, a day that marked a significant turning point in his life and the Shelby family. His dark suit was meticulously tailored, each stitch a testament to his attention to detail, and his peaked cap sat jauntily on his head, casting a shadow over his face that made his intense expression even more formidable.
"Right, boys, you're all here," he began, his voice carrying the authoritative edge that had come to define him. The men around the kitchen, his brothers Arthur, John, and Finn, along with Michael and a few trusted others, like Charlie and Johnny Dogs turned their attention to him. Each face was a study in respect and a touch of fear, for they knew Thomas was not a man to be crossed, especially not today.
"Today, this is my fucking wedding day," Thomas continued, his tone brooking no argument. His words hung in the air, heavy with the unspoken understanding that this day was sacred, not just for him, but for the entire Shelby clan. It was a rare occasion of vulnerability, where the hard-edged leader allowed a glimpse of the man beneath the armor.
John, ever the irreverent one, couldn't help but interject. "Yeah, and you said there'd be no bloody uniforms," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of defiance and humor. The tension in the room crackled for a moment, a testament to the volatile nature of their relationships. Thomas fixed John with a steely gaze, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Nevertheless... Nevertheless, John..." he began, his voice a low growl that seemed to reverberate off the walls. He took a step closer, his presence dominating the room. "Despite the bad blood, I'll have none of it on my carpet." His words were a command, not a request, and the message was clear: today was about unity, not division.
His gaze swept around the circle, making eye contact with each man, ensuring they understood the gravity of his words. "Now for my wife's sake, nothing will go wrong," he declared, his voice firm and unyielding. His love for his bride was a rare softness in his otherwise hardened demeanor, and he was determined to protect her from the chaos that often surrounded the Shelbys. Thomas pointed outside the kitchen, towards the bustling preparations for the wedding. "Those bastards out there are her family," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of disdain. He had little patience for those who might threaten the harmony of his wedding day, and he would go to great lengths to ensure everything went smoothly.
His hand traveled around the circle, pointing at each man in turn as he spoke. "And if you fuckers do anything to embarrass her, your kin, your cousins, your horses, your fucking kids, you do anything..." His voice trailed off as he fixed his gaze on Arthur, the eldest and most unpredictable of the brothers. There was a pause, a moment where the weight of his words seemed to settle over the room like a heavy fog.
Isaiah, leaning casually against the counter, broke the uneasy silence. "Tom..?" Thomas's gaze snapped to Isaiah, a flicker of impatience crossing his features. "To... WHAT!?" he barked, his voice low but commanding.
He hesitated, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "What about snow," he ventured, his tone cautious. John eyes narrowed, the muscles in his jaw tightening. "Yeah, their women are sports, I’ll say that.."
"No. No. No." Thomas cut him off sharply, striding towards Isaiah with purpose. He stopped inches from his face, his breath hot and laced with the smell of tobacco. "No cocaine," he said, jabbing a finger towards Isaiah's face for emphasis. "No cocaine."
The room fell silent, the tension palpable as Thomas turned his attention to John, who stood to Isaiah's right. "No sport," Thomas said, waving his hand dismissively. "No telling fortunes."
He began to pace, the soles of his polished shoes tapping rhythmically against the tiled floor. Each step seemed to echo with unspoken threats, a reminder of the consequences of disobedience. He approached Arthur, his oldest and most volatile brother, stopping just short of him. "No racing," Thomas ordered, his voice a low growl. Arthur met his gaze with a slight nod, the fire in his eyes dimmed by his brother's authority. Breaking from the circle, Thomas crossed to Finn, the youngest of the Shelby brothers. Grabbing Finn's face with his left hand, he forced him to look into his eyes. "No fucking sucking petrol," he snarled, his grip tightening. He delivered a light slap to Finn's cheek, a reminder of the discipline he expected. "Out of their fucking cars."
Satisfied, Thomas released Finn and turned to Charlie, who had been lingering on the edge of the group. "And, you, Charlie," he said, his voice softer but no less intense. "Stop spinning yards about me, eh?" Charlie, taken aback, spoke up as Thomas turned his back. "I'm just trying to sell you to them, Tom," he defended.
Thomas took a deep drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling around his face as he exhaled. He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, a rare sign of the stress he carried. Returning to the center of the circle, he spun slowly, addressing them all. "But the main thing is, you bunch of fuckers," he began, his voice rising with intensity. "Despite the provocation from her family, no fighting."
He turned his head slightly, locking eyes with Isaiah. The room seemed to hold its breath as Thomas slowly made his way toward him, the echo of his footsteps on the wooden floor punctuating the silence. As he reached Isaiah, Thomas lifted his chin with a firm but controlled hand, forcing Isaiah to meet his gaze. His eyes were cold, yet there was a flicker of something deeper—an unspoken understanding, perhaps. “Oi,” Thomas began, his voice a low growl that resonated with authority. He pointed a finger at Isaiah, his expression unwavering. “No fighting.”
With a swift, deliberate movement, Thomas shifted to his right, positioning himself in front of John. He didn’t waste a moment, his finger darting out to point at John with the same intensity. “No fucking fighting,” he repeated, his tone leaving no room for argument. John's smirk faltered under Thomas's glare, replaced by a nod of compliance.
Thomas moved again, this time to Arthur. Their eyes met, and an unspoken tension filled the air. Arthur, ever the wild card, was the one Thomas needed to keep in check the most. Pointing at his older brother, Thomas's voice was a commandment. “No fighting.” Arthur, his usual bravado momentarily subdued, nodded with a grunt, understanding the gravity of the order. Next, Thomas’s eyes fell on Michael, who was leaning against the wall with a nonchalant air. Without a word, Thomas pointed at him. Michael straightened up, his casual demeanor replaced by a look of acknowledgement. The silent exchange spoke volumes—Michael knew exactly what was expected of him.
Finally, Thomas turned towards Finn’s direction, his youngest brother, “No,” he said, his voice slicing through the tension. He then swung his gaze back to Arthur’s direction. “Fucking.” And finally, his eyes landed on Charlie's direction. “Fighting.”
The room fell silent once more, the weight of Thomas’s words hanging heavily in the air. Each man understood the simplicity of the command. In this room, defying Thomas Shelby was not an option. Thomas took a drag from his cigarette, the ember glowing brightly in the dim light, and exhaled a plume of smoke. He walked towards his coat, which was draped over a chair between Michael and Arthur. “Good,” he muttered, his satisfaction evident in the single word. With his back turned slightly, Thomas didn’t see the butler approaching. The man, new to the household and unfamiliar with the Shelby way, hesitated for a moment too long. The collision was inevitable. The impact was sudden, and Thomas spun around, his face a mask of fury. “Get the fuck off me!” he snarled, shoving the butler to the ground. The bottle of wine the butler had been holding shattered on the floor, red liquid spreading like blood across the wood.
Arthur, ever the enforcer, hurled his glass at the butler, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the room. The butler scrambled to his feet, fear written all over his face as he hurried out of the kitchen, leaving behind a mess of broken glass and spilled wine. Thomas exhaled one last plume of smoke before stubbing out his cigarette in the ashtray. He adjusted his coat, smoothing out the fabric as he straightened up. “Right,” he said, his voice breaking the silence. “Let’s get this done.” He turned on his heel and strode out of the kitchen, his family and comrades falling into step behind him. The sound of their footsteps echoed through the hallway as they made their way towards the main event. Thomas’s mind was already racing ahead, planning, strategizing, ensuring that everything would go smoothly. But the words he had spoken in the kitchen lingered in the air, a solemn vow that no matter what happened, there would be no fighting. Not today.
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As Thomas Shelby sat at the head of the table during his wedding dinner, the room was alive with the clinking of cutlery and the murmur of conversation. He raised the crystal glass to his lips, savoring the last drops of whiskey that burned pleasantly down his throat. Setting the glass down with a soft clink, his eyes swept across the room, taking in the faces of his family and the guests. His gaze lingered for a moment on his wife her beauty striking even in the dim candlelight. She was radiant, her smile lighting up the room. But as his eyes drifted to her father, he noticed the man's steely gaze fixed upon him. Thomas arched an eyebrow, a faint smirk playing at the corner of his lips.
"You look absolutely stunning today, luv," Thomas remarked, his voice low and tinged with admiration. "Hard to keep me eyes off of you." He reached out to gently squeeze her hand, a small, affectionate gesture amidst the formality of the occasion.
"I can say the same for you, Mr. Shelby," she replied, her smile radiant as she returned his gaze, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
Thomas smiled, a rare, genuine expression that softened his features. His attention then shifted to her father, a man of stature and presence, seated a bit farther down to her. "Well, you're not the only one whose eyes are on me, eh?" he quipped, a hint of playful charm in his voice.
"Luv," he murmured, leaning towards his wife, "would you mind telling your father to stop staring me down, eh?" His tone was light, teasing, but there was a hint of challenge in his eyes.
His bride glanced nervously at her father, then back at Thomas. "Tommy, I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice tinged with apprehension, "but that's just how he is."
Thomas nodded slowly, his gaze unwavering. "I see," he replied, his voice low and measured. He leaned back in his chair, his mind working quickly. He was used to dealing with difficult situations, but this was his wedding day, a day that should have been free of such tensions.
There was a moment of hesitation, a flicker of doubt in Thomas's eyes as he considered the weight of his actions. But then, with a determined glint in his eye, he reached out and gently cupped her face in his hand. She looked at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears, and he knew that this was where he belonged. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that was both tender and passionate, a silent declaration of his love and commitment. The room erupted into applause and cheers, the sound echoing off the walls as Thomas and Luka's families celebrated their union.
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Hours had slipped by like fleeting ghosts since Thomas had exchanged vows, and now, in the quiet intimacy of their bedroom, he sat with his new wife perched gently on his lap. The flickering light from the bedside lamp cast a warm glow, accentuating the soft features of her face and the delicate curves of her figure. He gazed at her, his eyes tracing every line, every contour, as if committing her beauty to memory.
"You're absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Shelby," he murmured, his voice a low, husky rasp that betrayed a hint of awe. His hands, calloused yet gentle, cradled her waist, fingers tracing idle patterns on the fabric of her dress. The weight of her presence on his lap was a comfort, grounding him in the reality of this new chapter of his life.
"I like when you call me Mrs. Shelby," she said softly, her voice a soothing melody in the quiet room. Her words were like a balm to his weary soul, a reminder of the new life they were beginning together.
Thomas wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. He rested his chin on her shoulder, breathing in the scent of her hair. It was a moment of peace amidst the chaos that always seemed to follow him.
"I like it too," he replied, his voice low and gravelly. "It suits you, Mrs. Shelby."
"You're fuckin' perfect for me... y'know that?" Thomas's voice was low, almost a whisper, but filled with sincerity. His hand reached up to cup her face, his thumb brushing gently against her cheek. There was a gentleness in his touch, a rare vulnerability that he showed only to her.
Their lips met in a tender kiss, a silent affirmation of their love and commitment to each other. It was a moment of pure intimacy, a shared connection that transcended words. Her hands roamed freely, exploring his body with a familiarity that spoke of countless nights spent together. Thomas pulled her closer, his other hand wrapping around her waist, holding her as if afraid she might slip away. Their kiss deepened, a silent communication of their love and desire for each other. It was a dance they knew well, a rhythm that was uniquely theirs. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss even further. His hair, usually so meticulously styled, was now a tousled mess, a testament to the passion between them. She loved the way his hair felt between her fingers, the way it seemed to have a life of its own.
They broke the kiss, but remained intertwined, her head resting against his chest, his chin on her shoulder. They sat in comfortable silence, the weight of the day's events slowly settling on their shoulders. The gravity of their new union was not lost on Thomas; he knew the responsibilities that came with it, the need to protect and provide for his new family. His mind drifted to the future, a future now entwined with hers. He thought of the challenges they would face, the dangers that lurked in the shadows of their world. But he also thought of the moments of joy, the simple pleasures they would share.
Author’s Notes:
Y’all, I fucking love this oneshot..it’s so cute I finally did my own rendition of the wedding scene..ahhhhhhhh I feel like I got it just right y’all..ahh it’s fucking cute!!!
Deadass I should have written smut but nah, I don’t feel like it
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dailyjsa · 9 months
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The Golden Age #4
Writer: James Robinson
Artist: Paul Smith
Inker: Paul Smith
Colors: Richard Ory
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 6 months
Masterlist (Cillianmesoftlyyy)
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Last updated: 8/24/24
As requested, here yah go my lovelies! Series are indented separately to keep them together. One-shot stories are listed in numbered format. Requested fics have a "⭐️"
Neil Lewis (Watching the Detectives 2007):
The Gumshoe is a Girl's Best Friend (fluff)
Horror Movies (smut) Horror Movies Pt 1 Horror Movies Pt2
As You Wish (smut) As You Wish Pt 1 As You Wish Pt 2 ⭐️
Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders):
In Love, in War (smut): In Love, in War Pt 1 In Love, in War Pt 2 In Love, in War Pt 3 In Love, in War Pt 4 In Love, in War Pt 5
At the Cabaret: At the Cabaret Pt 1 At the Cabaret Pt 2 At the Cabaret Pt 3 At the Cabaret Pt 4 At the Cabaret Pt 5
Cillian Murphy:
Under the Weather (fluff)
Method Acting (smut)
So New (fluff)
Like a Good Neighbor... (smut)
Cut the Shit-delusion, Sweetheart (fluff)
Nerves (smut) ⭐️
Dr. Jonathan Crane (Batman Trilogy):
The Experiment (smut + my first work) The Experiment Pt 1 The Experiment Pt 2 The Experiment Pt 3
I Can Fix That... (smut) I Can Fix That Pt 1 I Can Fix That Pt 2 I Can Fix That Pt 3 I Can Fix That Pt 4
Jonathan Breech (On the Edge 2001):
The Ward (smut) The Ward Pt 1 The Ward Pt 2 The Ward Pt 3
Tom (The Party 2017):
Sweet Revenge (smut)
Agent Lenny Miller (Anna 2019):
How About It, Agent Miller? (smut)
William Killick (The Edge of Love 2009):
What I Want... (smut) What I Want... What I Want... Pt 2 ⭐️
Matthew Joy (In the Heart of the Sea 2015):
Wary Sailor (smut) Wary Sailor Pt. 1 Wary Sailor Pt. 2 Wary Sailor Pt. 3 Wary Sailor Pt. 4 Wary Sailor Pt. 5
The Castaway (fluff/smut) The Castaway Pt. 1 ⭐️
Mike Kiernan (Broken 2012):
Academic Validation (fluff)
Raymond Leon (In Time 2011)
Do You Know How to Bend? (smut)
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splooosh · 1 year
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Jerry Ordway
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luluartpop · 8 months
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Cillian Murphy in bed 🛏️🩷
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