#Rob Watson
omegaplus · 1 year
# 4,415
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Pure Disgust: self-titled (2016)
It was about time I finally snatched a Katorga Works record; being I’m a fan of d.i.y punk and the Brooklyn scene in general. Three-in-a-row lined up makes Pure Disgust a sure-fire purchase. Active until 2016, this D.C. punk band made sure their city wasn’t ignored in the hardcore scene and relied on well-crafted musicianship over speed. Not to say that their ten-track second self-titled record isn’t pit worthy and hopefully that went down.
The center labels say to play at 45 r.p.m., but they both fucking lied to you. Play it at 33 r.p.m. where you can hear vocalist Rob Watson pin his face to the red and toss every object in sight like he’s fucking had it. Watson insists he nor his band are political, instead opting to write and shout about his personal experience as a punk person-of-color. A rough rodeo of a hardcore / punk record, so here’s to more Katorga Works acquisitions in the near future.
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panelshowsource · 3 months
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out of context would i lie to you? (1/∞)
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224bbaker · 2 years
important reminder that holmes and watson transitioned from polite roommates to friends because watson read one of holmes's articles, called it and the writer a hack piece of shit, and holmes went "tell me more. btw i wrote that--no don't stop" and proceeded to call all watson's favorite detectives hack pieces of shit in return
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papa-evershed · 1 month
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Rob James-Collier as Daniel Watson
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transfemmbeatrice · 25 days
some of the great maul talk from amca 92 on "visions and voices" (rebels s3e11)
transcript under the cut
(audio from star wars: rebels s3e11)
darth maul: it is unfortunate about your friends, ezra, but this, this is your opportunity to embrace your destiny... as my apprentice.
ezra bridger: i told you, that is never going to happen!
darth maul: forget the past! forget your memories! forget your attachments. our futures converge on a planet with two suns; we can walk that path together! as friends! ...as brothers.
(audio from a more civilized age ep 92)
rob: ...with sam witwer putting in that work!
austin: every time!
rob: to the point where... he gets a shakespearean monologue here, and is in full--the tragedy of maul unfolding here as he tries to get ezra to join him one last time. and it becomes clear that for maul--all really maul wants--beyond just the revenge--he needs all this to not be meaningless!
rob: that is how it feels. the thing that haunts him is that he's become aware. like rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead type self awareness. that ultimately, his role in the story is episode one. he is an apprentice who shows up, he fights one duel where he appears to be tougher than they expect, and then... he kills qui gon and is slain as part of obi wan's journey to becoming the great obi wan kenobi, master of anakin skywalker and future teacher of luke skywalker.
austin: he's a character who knows that without his specific actions, he's only going to have two paragraphs on the wookiepedia. and he's like, "i ain't goin out like that. i'm a main character!"
rob: and because of those two paragraphs, everyone he's ever known has been wiped out. dathomir is gone. he had a brother: wiped out. everything he's ever attempted is crushed and erased from history.
austin: it's like, "okay, do you want some more paragraphs? okay! each one's gonna be a tragedy." and he's like: "give me another one. i want another one. i'm going to have as many paragraphs as any of these other motherfuckers. i'll take the tragedy! i want them. i want it all."
ali: he's going through it. there was a pause when he says "forget your past forget your memories." i think he's projecting a little bit...
austin: are you kidding me??
ali: i think it would be healthy if he took that to heart.
austin: listen to yourself, my man. it's great. yeah, "forget your past, forget your memories, forget your attachments." you are the most attached man in the world! and you are attached to: obi wan kenobi.
rob: the only person who remembers who he is!
natalie: it's true! the only one who witnessed him at his peak!
austin: well, at every stage, in a way.
natalie: yeah true true true.
rob: he's bound to this guy!
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My celebrity crushes are just panel show guests/british stand up comedians
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foolsocracy · 4 months
I can't get the idea out of my head, so please consider; MJ invites Peter out along with some of her friends for dancing. Results may vary
ok this has been SITTING in my inbox. I was thinking about drawing something but ive caved and im just gonna talk.
YES. That girl can DANCE and she loves it!! I feel in the 19th and 20th century everyone could do a bit of social dancing because thats just what people did for fun. I think the Parkers and the Watsons both taught their kids to dance 'older' stuff they would have done when they were younger, like a solid waltz, quadrille, two-step, polka, what have you. MJ learned them all with fervor. Pete... learned some of them.
I think MJ and Pete would probably do (east coast) swing most often. Because they are hip and of the times. I think Pete probably would have had MJ and Robbie get to know each other through dance, actually. Like Robbie was around the welfare center when MJ was and Pete immediately was like Yes, now MJ can practice with him and not me (ultimate backfire because how he's got 2 partners)! Harlem is definitely the hot spot for swing, with black Americans engineering the whole thing. MJ was totally ecstatic to have a friend over there to run into who was a ready and willing partner!
I do have to say that MJ is a total back lead when it comes to Peter. They will ARGUE on the floor (in good fun). She'll be like 'do that one move I just taught you!' or 'If you fumble this texas tommy i'll kill you' or 'ok on this next backstep we're doing Charleston... aaand triple step, back step.' And Peter will snark back. Whenever she really wants to piss him off she'll make him practice Balboa (he thinks it looks stupid).
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hauntedrose555 · 2 months
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Live fast
Die young
Bad girls do it well
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oleander4 · 1 year
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Rob James-Collier as Daniel Watson | The Inheritance | S1 E3
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kaaaaamii · 7 months
I have a teory that Rob James Collier is a natural babygirl and every character he plays becomes a babygirl because of him
(also Saul from winx fate saga has it in his veins he is also a natural babygirl)
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hawleywilby · 1 year
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gay-celestial-being · 2 years
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the holy trinity
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shokuto · 2 years
A show about Mary Jane would be rife with casual fourth wall breaks and direct addresses the camera to remind not just the audience but herself that she’s the main character, that she’s the star
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papa-evershed · 1 month
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Rob James-Collier → → Sad Edition 🥺 (requested by: anon)
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nofatclips · 9 months
The Cyanide & Happiness Show S03E01: Now That's What I Call Pain
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artistamateurieuse · 1 year
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Nialuna's Febuwhump 2023 -✨RJC Edition✨
This is SO late but: You're craving whump but can't decide in which fandom you'd like to see RJC suffer? Don't worry, I've got you! Four weeks of making our boy bleed, cough and panic, delivered in nice little (or not so little) packages, from Ackley to Alfea, each day for the next 27 days! Pick whatever tickles your fancy, and enjoy whumping the hell out of this beautiful man with me!
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