Hello friends!
Just thought I’d share another score with y’all. This time, it’s a revision of a piece I wrote back in 2021 (I believe, haha)
Here is “Adonai Ro’i” for Alto Flute, SATB Choir, and Harp.
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elizabethskipp · 5 months
CE 1997: Israel forces al-Hadidiyah residents to move their village
Before the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the people of al-Hadidiyah used to live a few kilometers east of the village’s current location. However, the area was designated as a firing zone in 1997, and the residents were told to leave.1 The village’s current location is near the settlement of Ro’i and is home to around ninety residents who work as shepherds and farmers.2 B’Tselem (2014).…
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workersbushtelegraph · 8 months
US imperialism in Egypt and Palestine
On 29 April 1956 a former Israeli soldier turned farmer, Ro’i Rothberg, was caught in a prepared ambush near the border with Gaza, then under Egyptian mandate. Rothberg’s reward for Israeli Occupation Forces service was stolen Palestinian land. Chief of Israeli General Staff, Moshe Dayan, in 1956 [wikipedia]. A couple of weeks before Rothberg was killed, under Israeli Chief of General Staff…
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nupati · 2 years
Ini Pesan Ro'is Syuriyah PCNU Pati Jelang Tahun Politik
Ini Pesan Ro’is Syuriyah PCNU Pati Jelang Tahun Politik
Pcnupati.or.id – Rapat koordinasi PCNU Pati yang dilaksanakan hari ini, Ahad (18/12) siang dihadiri oleh puluhan tokoh NU. Mereka adalah para pengurus harian PCNU Pati, pengurus lembaga dan juga ketua MWC-NU dari penjuru Kabupaten Pati.  Dalam agenda bertajuk Rapat Koordinasi menyambut 1 Abad NU dan Sosialisasi AD/ART NU tersebut, KH. Aniq Muhammadun, Ro’is Syuriyah PCNU Pati banyak menitip…
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kmac4him1st · 3 years
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ilyamatic · 2 years
Look who's back with a new au! After watching the gayest of pirate shows, Our Flag Means Death, I decided to try my hand at a pirate au. So I present to you all:
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Ghosts in the Water
Song: Ghosts in the Water by Julian Velard
Note: Julian is reciting Pslam 23 in Hebrew
One foot in front of the other. One, two.
“Adonai ro’i lo echsar,” he muttered under his breath.
An impatient tug on the ropes binding his wrists. Sharp words in an unknown tongue.
“Bi-n’eot desheh yarbitezeni, al may menuchot ye-nahaleni.”
A darkness all encompassing. A heat so oppressive.
“Nafshi yeshovev, yancheni be-ma’aglay tzedek le-ma’an Shemo.”
One foot in front of the other, one two, until he is roughly pulled to a stop. A strike to the back of his legs bringing him to his knees.
“Gam ki aylaych b’gay tzalmavet, lo ira ra, ki ata imadi,” he whispered tearfully. “Shivtecha u-mishantecha hayma yenachamuni.”
A light so bright it burned his eyes. The bag over his head had finally been removed.
He kneeled in the middle of the deck. Angry eyes glared from all sides. Blades, sharp and ready, glinting in the harsh sun. A beautiful man stood tall before them all, his gaze cold and calculating. His judge, jury, and executioner. 
This was it. This was how Ilya Pavelovich Dvorak would die.
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roikinneret5784 · 2 years
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hey homies, i’m ro’i kinneret; i do poetry, collage, and street art
are.na magnum opus judaism channel
pseudonym instagram
zine on zionism i’m creating
(i am not a spokesperson for israel, despite the fact that it would benefit immensely for my efforts. chill and engage gently with kindness and discernment)
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rowynnellis · 3 years
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The enormous Faenol estate in Bangor is often a spot renowned for music festivals, but wander the grounds at night and you may chance an encounter an ominous giant crow with glowing eyes. It’s shrill cry echoing across the grounds ‘Gwae! Gwae! Imi erioed, ro’i bwyall mewn troed I dori coed y Faenol! The dark bird is believed to be the spirit of a Welsh man, exicuted for felling trees on the estate for fire wood. - Learn more about the mythical creatures of Wales in my book ‘Welsh Monsters & Mythical Beasts’ coming out March 2022! - - - #halloween #spookyseason #spooky #raven #crow #ghost #ghoststories #welsh #welshfolklore #welshghosts https://www.instagram.com/p/CUri0LeqRdh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scarletbow · 3 years
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RO’YS PROSTHETIC ARM WAS DEVELOPED BY A LOT OF PEOPLE. from palmer tech to queen tech, and specially put together by cybor.g.  the arm is, while more advanced than other prosthetics, still that, a prosthetic, that he doesn’t just use for a fight but also for every day life. He detaches it every night when he sleeps, and cleans it at least 2 times a week, while his friends keep an eye on the technology to improve it. I
t attaches itself to the upper side of his arm. it allows him to continue his work as a vigilante but the feeling isn’t the same, a few reference below. the metal does weight and has changed the way he walks and even holds his bow, forcing him to learn how to shoot with his opposite hand to keep the accuracy at times. more information about how he feels about it here.
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A Psalm (sacred song about or to God) of David [Beloved].
1 Yehovah Ro’i [Messiah Pre-Incarnate My shepherd]; I shall not lack.
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for youi [are] with me; youri rod and youri staff they comfort me.
5 youi prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: youi anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord-Yehōvah [Messiah Pre-Incarnate] forever. — Psalm 23 | New Messianic Version (NMV) The New Messianic Version Bible by Tov Rose © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Cross References: Deuteronomy 20:1; 2 Samuel 22:19; Psalm 5:8; Psalm 16:5; Psalm 19:7; Psalm 25:7; Psalm 25:10; Psalm 36:8; Psalm 46:4; Luke 7:46; John 10:11; Philippians 4:19; 1 Peter 2:25; Revelation 7:17
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quotesfromscripture · 4 years
What’s up with Abraham: Genesis 16
This is in response to that post I saw about Abraham sacrificing Isaac. I want to get a fresh look at more of the story, especially God’s role and Abraham’s relationships with his kids. 
Before Genesis 16, God makes a ritual promise using animal sacrifices, where He tells the future of the whole geographic region. This type of ritual was apparently common [Jer 34:18-21]. The word “covenant” is applied [Gen 15:18], a word which was used for God’s promise of protection over Noah, God’s protection of all life after the Flood, the covenant of circumcision, and Abraham’s contract with Abimelech, to name a few.
Up to this point, the only thing God has asked Abram to do is follow Him to a new country. All of the promises thus far are unconditional; there is no portion of the contract that Abram has to keep. Also Abram has become impressively rich and politically influential. 
Enter Hagar in Genesis 16. God had promised Abram a blood-related son, but so far that hadn’t happened [Gen 15:4]. So at Sarai’s request, Abram sleeps with their servant Hagar, thinking that Sarai is barren and Abram’s promised son will have to be born from a different wife. And, hey, that’s not an outlandish assumption. God made no mention of Sarai in His promise, so the son by Hagar would still fulfil the prophecy. However, Abram was once again taking his future in his own hands, which keeps getting him in trouble. God had praised his faith earlier [Gen 15:6], but now he seems to doubt that God can fulfil His promises.
There is instantly tension between Hagar and Sarai [Gen 16:4-6]. Sarai blames Abram and demands judgment, and Abram lets Sarai do whatever she thinks is best. 
Hagar runs away. 
And guys. GUYS. There is no Isaac yet. There is no promise of a second miracle baby. For Abram, Hagar is the mother of God’s fulfilled promise. Abram just let Sarai mistreat a pregnant woman; the woman bearing his chance at being the Exalted Father, the ancestor of multitudes. Hagar is gone, taking Abram’s future with her. 
Enter a new character; a new way for God to interact with humanity. Mal’ak Y---, God’s messenger. 
Ever since I was a child this part stood out to me, because God chases after her. He comforts Hagar. But now I think it is even bigger than that. The first time we meet the angel of the LORD is in connection with Hagar.
This messenger finds her by a wilderness road and talks to her, telling her to return and submit as a servant. Then he gives her a promise akin to what God gave Abram: that her descendants will be too numerous to count [Gen 16:9-10]. 
He also gives her son a blessed name: Ishmael, God Hears. That is a beautiful name! 
And you know what? Hagar gives a name to God in return! This is an exchange of names and promises between Mal’ak Y--- and a mortal; a servant; a woman.
“You are ‘El Ro’i”, she says. God who sees me [Gen 16:13-14]. 
So Hagar returns and Ishmael is born and God’s covenant is fulfilled! Party all around! Abram has a son of his own flesh and blood, he can now be the ancestor of a nation that will take over Canaan. Except Abram has shown he doesn’t want this son. He was willing to throw Hagar away. 
Thirteen years pass. The Protestant Bible has no record of what was going on between God, Abram, or Ishmael during that time. Radio silence.
In Genesis 17, Y--- meets Abram and calls Himself ‘El Shaddai, “God Almighty”. This is a title of power and respect. Not nearly the title of comfort and tenderness that was used when God spoke with Hagar. I think God is pissed, and I think that’s why in chapter 17 God changes Abram’s name and now asks something of Abram in return. To take part in this next contract with God, Abraham and his descendants will have to undergo circumcision for the rest of time [Gen 17:9-14]. I’ll tackle that in a separate post.
The earlier covenant still stands (and will always stand). God still promises to multiply Abram’s descendants [Gen 17:2]. However, Abram will now be the father of “many nations” (<- plural). His name of Exalted Father is changed to Abraham, Father of Many. And yes, that’s a powerful promise and a blessing, but it loses the honor of “Exalted”. Abraham will no longer be the father of one nation, but several; his family will no longer be united as one people group. This may very well be a demotion.
tldr; a hugely personal and momentous encounter occurs between God and Hagar, one that God would use in future interactions between Him and humanity. God honors Hagar and Ishmael, while Abram rejects them. Sleeping with Hagar showed doubt in God’s ability to fulfil His promise, but mistreating Hagar was an outright rejection of the son that would be born. Abram didn’t consider Ishmael to be the promised son, so Abram would no longer be an “exalted father” but a father of multiple nations. His descendants would no longer see each other as family. 
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
Finding Yeshua (Jesus) in the Names of God
Finding Yeshua (Jesus) in the Names of God
In Jewish culture, names are not chosen randomly or on a whim like my name William ויליאם. A person’s name is believed to affect their entire spiritual identity and even their destiny.  Scripture seems to enforce this idea; for instance, the Messiah was named Yeshua (Jesus).  That name means salvation, and Matthew 1:21 confirms that it reflects His destiny. “She will give birth to a son, and…
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girlactionfigure · 6 years
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11 years since the Mercaz Harav Massacre.
On March 6th 2008, a Palestinian terrorist entered the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva and opened fired on students who were studying Torah, killing eight and wounding eleven.
Victims of the massacre, from left to right. Top row: Avraham Dovid Moses (16), Ro’i Roth (18), Neria Cohen (15), Yonatan Yitzhak Eldar (16); Bottom row: Yochai Lifshitz (18), Segev Peniel Avihail (15), Yehonadav Haim Hirschfeld (19), Doron Meherete (26).
May their memories be a blessing.
My Nation Lives עמי-חי
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gnetophyte · 2 years
aaaaaadonai ro’i lo ehsar
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nupati · 2 years
Mahasiswa Thoriqoh Peringati Hari Pahlawan
Mahasiswa Thoriqoh Peringati Hari Pahlawan
YOGYAKARTA – Mahasiswa Ahlith Thoriqoh Al Mu’tabaroh An Nahdliyyah (MATAN) UIN Sunan Kalijaga (Suka) Yogyakarta menggandeng PWNU DIY gelar rutinan Masjid Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Pada Jumat (10/11) lalu, para maahasiswa santri tersebut menghadirkan KH. Mas’ud Masduki, Ro’is Syuriyah PWNU DIY dan Gus Awwaludin Mualif, Ketua Lesbumi PWNU DIY untuk menjadi pemateri. Menurut PLT ketua Matan UIN…
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mandirinews · 2 years
Sekjen ALARM : Peredaran Rokok Illegal Masuk Pidana Murni, Penegakan Hukumnya Mati Suri
BATAM, Mandirinew ( 08 /07 /2022 ) Bang Ipin, demikian Sekjen ALARM ini biasa dipanggil pada akhirnya buka suara juga terkait ro’i ( rokok illegal) yang peredarannya semakin membabi buta di Kota Batam. Menurut pria berkacamata ini, penegakan hukum ro’i mati suri. Lebih lanjut Bang Ipin mencontohkan rokok merk HD. Menurutnya, ALARM pernah menemukan rokok HD dengan pita cukai palsu. Di pita cukai…
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