#Rk200 is a gift
silna-pdf · 3 days
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k0libra · 1 year
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Welcome Captain Anderson and First Officer Connor!
About a week and a half ago I came up with dbh civil aviation au, as I absolutely love jetliners. So I decided to combine both of my interests! :D
More details about the setting are under the cut!
In the 2020s, a new aerospace corporation emerged - “Cyberair”. Originally starting from light jet construction, but later in the 30s they introduced narrow-body aircraft to the production line, as the result of rapid growth and market expansion. However, throughout the years their idea remained the same: “Reliable and comprehensive automation”. Cyberair jets are everything, beyond what a modern aircraft can offer, and is capable of. Truly a creation of the 21st century.
The latest Cyberair venture – state of the art autopilot. Identical to humans in its appearance, yet so different in behaviour. It’s efficient, reliable and doesn’t make mistakes (almost. At least human ones). But to tell the truth, this development is expected – ever since the late 20s Cyberair started to slowly announce machine cabin crew, even gifting a unique RK200 air traffic controller model to the Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
Delta Air Lines received their own one-of-a-kind autopilot, a RK800 (FAA approved!) model. How? Well, something about the Cyberair CEO liking their service. After a few papers signed and a few hands shaken, Connor embarks on his first real flight as a First Officer.
No plane flies without a captain though, so Connor has company. And a superior. Even if machines are better than people in piloting the plane in almost every way, human ego and fear, maybe, can’t let them be in absolute control. “Uncanny valley” or something.
Captain Anderson is a highly experienced senior pilot at Delta. Most of his career he has been flying Airbus aircraft, piloting A350-900 in the later years. Although because of Connor working with him now he has to pilot Cyberair regional or light jets from time to time. Oh, those signed papers be damned… He misses his dear A350.
Their relationship had a rough start, with the captain calling Connor “an attempt of capitalism at stealing my job”. But Hank couldn’t help but warm up to the FO the more flight hours passed. There was something so… alive about him? No, in aviation you only trust your instrument panel, and here all of the facts loudly state that Connor is simply a RK800. This is definitely some Eliza effect shit.
Why is he so interested in the A380 then? Doesn’t he have all of the aeroplane data neatly stored in his head? What surprises Hank more is something akin to confusion on Connor’s face every time he gets overly excited about the giant of the skies. Maybe he’s surprised by his new-found interest, too. At least there’s something Hank can tell him about from the old days (ah, proud A380 pilot) during long transatlantic flights.
Fucking Eliza effect bullshit.
P.S. if you want to leave an ask about this au, please do! I get asks so rarely so I’m excited hahah. But you can ask literally anything else, too lol
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cloudydays69 · 4 months
what is Detroit Become Human?
I've only ever heard the name and seen you fawning over one of the characters but that's as far as my knowledge goes
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YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT IT??? AAAAAAAAAAA OK. Beware that I'm going to ramble like an absolute madman.
SO, Detroit: Become Human is a single player, cinematic action adventure game developed and published by Quantic Dream. It was released on May 25th, 2018 as a PlayStation exclusive. (Tho! It was later brought to Steam on June 18th, 2020.) It is a choice heavy game, so whatever choices and decisions you make in the game affects the story and characters around you!!
The story takes place in the city of Detroit, set in the near future of 2038. A company called CyberLife has developed and manufactured the usage of Androids, designed and created to live along with humans as their "assistants"; When in all actuality, they're treated as their servants and or slaves, something lesser than the humans.
There are many different models and functionalities for the androids!! Some are specifically designed to work as household assistants, detectives, store managers, botanists, construction workers; You name it. (Hehe the ones highlighted in bold is a hint for later LMAO)
Uh anyways!!
Everything seems to be normal until some androids start behaving "differently" than what they were programmed to do and think. The androids are starting to gain sentience. They were becoming more self aware of their abuse and mistreatment in society.. It's as if they were "alive" in a sense. Everything starts to spiral out of control from there if you couldn't already tell. With more and more cases of Androids going "deviant" all across cities in the US, this leads us to....
NOW!! In the game you get to control and play as the three main protagonists, Connor, Kara and lastly, Markus. (who in my opinion is actually SUPER VITAL to the story itself but ANYWAYS.) and yep, they're all androids; this allows you to really see things from their own perspectives! Each individual protagonist has their very own unique storylines that you get to immerse yourself throughout the game; with each of them having their own respective motives, personalities and abilities!!
First, there's Connor (Model RK800). He is a highly advanced detective prototype sent by CyberLife to help and assist law enforcement. He investigates the many cases and incidents revolving around Deviant Androids. (He's the one everyone gushes over... That's me. I'M everyone.)
Secondly, there's Kara (Model AX400). She is one of the many androids designed to function as household assistants. She unfortunately is forced to serve an abusive, alcoholic, drug addicted father called "Todd Williams" with his little daughter "Alice." Seeing how cruelly Todd treats his own daughter on a daily basis, Kara decides that enough is enough and goes "deviant", This eventually leads to her wanting to protect Alice at all costs as they try to find a way to escape from the home together.
Finally, there's Markus (Model RK200). He was an android gifted to the famous painter in the ingame universe called Carl Manfred. He was designed to function as another household assistant and an overall companion to Carl. One day, an incident happens that spirals out of his control. This event makes Markus finally realize just how badly androids like himself have been treated and goes on a journey to rebel and strive for the freedom of his people. (Trying to keep that as vague as possible LMAO)
Uh I think that's everything I need to say!! If you have any more questions PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ASK ME!!! I'm dying for more people to know about this game.
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Also fun fact uhhh Connor is mostly well known for a meme back then where he slams a desk and says "TWENTY EIGHT. STAB WOUNDS." LMAO
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
The Kamski-rA9-CyberLife-Red Ice Conspiracy: An Essay
⚠️ LONG POST WARNING Preface: My father and I had a discussion about rA9. He has read my previous essays, and he wants to believe that Kamski was responsible for the virus due to his mysterious nature. Obsessed with gathering evidence for an argument, I put together how Kamski could have done it.
Preface II: Before delving into this essay, please read the foundation 'Who is rA9?' essay, and the code-addition 'How rA9 works' essay. The basis for below revolves around the discussion in my previous works. This essay aligns with them, the only difference is that the following conspiracy explores rA9 not being an accidental bug. Also, please note that the topic of red ice as discussed is based on little to no evidence and is itself used as evidence for linking purposes.
word count: 1514
In Detroit: Become Human, a video game set in 2038, Elijah Kamski, former CyberLife CEO and genius who invented thirium, is popularly theorised to be rA9 himself. After exploration in 'Who is rA9?', it is theorised that rA9 could potentially be a program that profoundly affects androids.
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Kamski can explicitly say that he doesn't "know who rA9 is. [He doesn't] even know if it really exists." For the sake of the following argument, he's lying and covering his ass for an illegal activity he committed since Connor is with the DPD. If rA9 is not an accidental development within an android's code, Kamski would be the only person educated and talented enough to create it. After all, he believes that "machines are so superior to us."
Kamski released the first android, an RT600 (Chloe, as seen in a blue dress), in 2021. This marks the beginning of android production. He was approx. 19 at this time.
At an unknown ("classified") date, Kamski gifted his friend Carl Manfred an RK200 custom android (Markus), which is to be Manfred's caretaker after he lost the use of his legs. Manfred is the Neo-Symbolist movement figurehead of the 2020s with his art, but after an accident removed his ability to use his legs, he withdrew from the world for "several years". Carl had a fling in 2009 during a party (Leo was born in March 2010), which dates that Carl had the debilitating accident in the 2020s.
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Markus was the thing to bring Manfred out of his depression and get him back into painting. Also in the 2020s, Carl and Leo Manfred met for the first time. It is calculated from Leo’s birth date that Leo and Carl met in 2026 when Leo was 16. It is cited that Leo’s mother had raised him. This means they have known each other for approximately 12 years. It is also cited that Carl was saddened that he couldn’t be the father he wanted to be for Leo, especially after he discovered that his son had become addicted to red ice.
Manfred’s accident and crippling regrets dates Markus’ activation after 2026.
Dec 2027 - the release date of JB100 (a commercialised android line)
In 2028, CyberLife fires Kamski. It is explicitly worded that the board let him go, not that he close to leave. This date’s Markus’ activation between 2026-2028, unless Kamski somehow has access to CyberLife’s labs after being fired, which is highly unlikely.
In 2028, on Feb 3, police officer Hank Anderson worked in the Red Ice Task Force to dismantle a red ice operation ring. Since red ice is created from thirium, red ice cooks could have been draining androids) since 2021 or 2027, depending on the accessibility to the public androids.
In 2029, on Feb 3, Anderson is promoted to Lieutenant.
2029 - the release date of PC200 & PM700 (police androids)
The police androids are one of the first models after Kamski’s CyberLife departure to be working in public.
Jan 2030 - the release date of TR400 (Luther) May 2030 - the release date of HK400 (Carlo's android) (One of the first androids designed to be house assistants.) 2031 - the release date of WR600 (Ralph) (When androids first entered the market, they were to fill menial roles like gardeners and shop assistants.)
This dates the widespread use of androids after 2030. With the human population now buying androids to do their labour, this can be the date that the unemployment rate begin to rise.
In 2031, on Nov 23, a new record seizure of red ice is cited. This can be due to the widespread use of androids and the accessibility to thirium by red ice cooks.
2033 - the release date of YK500 (Alice) 2035 - the release date of WR400 (Traci models)
After these years, birth rates decline.
Bonus note: Oct 2035 - Cole’s death. Anderson is not promoted any further in his police career despite high hopes from Fowler. This is due to Anderson’s depression.
After CyberLife fired Kamski, the company went “fuck it, we ball” and the USA went to shit. So, what happened?
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It’s not impossible for red ice chefs to take thirium from RT600 models in 2021, but it’s highly unlikely because of the lack of widespread use of the model and the cooks would have to steal or buy an android. Early adopters of the product wouldn’t necessarily butcher it, either.
It’s also not impossible for red ice chefs to take thirium from the androids released in 2027, but in the time frame of getting thirium in 2027, figuring out what it is in the lab, creating red ice for consumption, distributing it, then Anderson catching the chain of distribution in 2028, is extremely tight.
CyberLife’s goal is to “keep selling androids”. With androids being relatively proactive due to their programming (to keep them upright, stay out of harm’s way, etc.), they wouldn’t break for long periods of time and therefore not be replaced. It is assumed that bright minds work at CyberLife to help develop and create androids, and those people know exactly how thirium works. So does Kamski.
Kamski is facinated with machines, whereas CyberLife as a company is focussed on making money. Knowing that the concept of red ice, fabricated from thirium, would cause violent mood swings, it can be theorised that CyberLife was responsible for the initial development of the illicit drug. The more androids are destroyed, the more money CyberLife makes.
Kamski saw the path the board steered towards, and equally, he said “fuck it, I ball” and pulled what the androids like to call a pro-gamer move.
“A war is coming... You’ll have to choose your side.” - Elijah Kamski.
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Markus, dated 2026-2028, a custom-made android from the RK line, which includes Connor (RK800, release date 2038) and finalised product Connor (RK900, post 2038 release date), is compatible with hardcore models despite being a caretaker.
An analysis of android naming conventions and part compatibility will be discussed in another essay, but take these conclusions superficially for now and without explanation for ease:
Markus is compatible with a leg from an AC700 (a sports assistant).
Markus is compatible with a leg from a TE900 (trade/labour assumed android).
Markus is compatible with the heart of a WE900 (workforce assumed android), a PL600 (household assistance android), and a WR400 (sexual partner android).
Markus is compatible with the eyes of an AK700 (personal assistance assumed android).
Please note that I’m referencing my own personal matrix with android details as I write this. I’ll post the matrix as soon as it’s fully complete. <3
Markus is built with incredible endurance, abilities only seen in police detective and military androids, and strolls around like a tank. He was built for a revolution, and he was gifted to Manfred in 2026-2028 with the rA9 virus already in his code.
If Kamski created the rA9 program and injected the virus into the androids, it would have been at approximately that 2026-2028 period, where androids were becoming more commercialised and the red ice operation was underway. Whatever source code Kamski had for the androids, he planted rA9 in its base to lay dormant.
Kamski can say this himself if Connor choses to shoot Chloe and ask about the virus.
“...The virus would remain dormant, until an emotional shock occurs...” - Elijah Kamski.
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The AX400 was created in 2032.
In Kara’s tech demo, she is being built in a CyberLife lab and as she comes to life, it is revealed that she was deviant from the start. (It is cited that Kara is broken and reset multiple times throughout her physical life, hence the player needing to deviate her in the game.) Her model line suggests that all AX400s have the dormant rA9 virus.
Connor states in ‘Waiting for Hank...’ that the first case of deviancy was recorded nine months ago (making it approximately Feb 6, 2038) and quickly spread out from Detroit across the country. With red ice and androids becoming more accessible after 2030-2031, people start becoming homeless. As the years pass, the underclass of the city grows exponentially. Humans become detached from each other further after the 2033 and 2035 android releases. They begin to hate androids for their fate and Kamski knew this would be the case. He secluded himself and waited for the ticking timebomb of rA9 to jumpstart.
Hardly two years into the thick of android hate, the first recorded deviant awakens. It can be theorised that humans had gotten so hateful and brutal that this was the tipping point of deviancy. Nine months later, Markus awakens.
Kamski knew that a war would occur if CyberLife proceeded with their under-the-table red ice project. He wanted to stop them. With being forcefully retired, he swung his bat with one last hurrah and injected the dormant rA9 virus into the source code of androids, and gifted a military android disguised as a caretaker to rebellious artist Carl Manfred. It is up to Markus now to ultimately stop CyberLife, one way or another, and protect the machines. That’s what Kamski wanted.
Machines are so superior to us, after all.
Check out my other essays here.
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veilder · 1 year
Q's for writers: 16 & 25
Thank you for the questions, dear Anon! :D (For the ask game here!)
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Haha, this is such a funny question! And I'm racking my brain trying to think of something clever to say, but... Man, I think my worst offense is probably the flap of a pack of Orbit gum that is still currently in my copy of Lord of the Rings. XD It's been there for so long? It's even a different design than the current packaging now, lol. But that's all I can really think of. XD
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story? Man! You know, I spend all this dang time thinking about characters and how to write them and their backstories and such... And here I am drawing a complete blank. XD Okay, wait! Y'know what? How about my headcanon for Elijah Kamski from DBH? Specifically the reason he was ousted from CyberLife and how he ended up where he is in canon? The entire thing is... very long and detailed, lol! But the short version is: Kamski was a child genius with opportunistic parents who was thrust into a world he wasn't emotionally prepared for. He struggled with relating to his peers and really only found solace in his college mentor, Amanda Stern, who became something like a mother figure to him. She's the one who really encouraged and fostered his talents, encouraging him to strike out and found his business at such a tender age, and she became one of the founding members alongside him, a steadfast support on his Board of Directors. (I hc there was also a third member of this little founder trifecta, but that's not important rn.) After CyberLife was established and the first androids were set to market, Kamski's innovations continued as he preferred the hands-on R&D to the actual minutiae of running a business. Gradually, the Board would take more and more responsibilities from him, especially after Amanda's health begins to worsen, which would eventually lead to her death soon after. Around the same time, a grief-stricken Kamski would throw himself back into his work, and it's then he'd begin noticing odd discrepancies in his field trials, eventually leading to him formulating his original Theory of Deviancy. But by now, CyberLife is taking off like a damn rocket. When Kamski brings his findings to the Board and puts forward his motion to halt business until he can figure out what exactly is happening, he's overruled. With Amanda's passing, her share of the stock would be seized by the third founder, and Kamski would've been in no place to intercede even if he'd known it was happening. At this point, he's well and truly lost control of the business he helped build from the ground up, his CEO title nothing more than a cheap title the Board uses to placate their shareholders and the public at large. But all of this leaves Kamski in a very dangerous place. His best ally is gone, his powerful empire usurped, and his creations may not be as infallible as he once thought. The last straw is when his experimental RK prototype schematics are seized, though it would take years for CyberLife's engineers to even be able to decipher them, much less catch up to his original craftsmanship. (Hence why CyberLife's RK800 is more or less on par with the far older RK200.) He tries to sabotage the takeover of his own intellectual property, but by ordinance, it belongs to CyberLife. He has no choice but to surrender his creations (though the completed RK200 "Markus" is spared due to a legal loophole of him being gifted to a third party). But he does end up having to surrender the RK100.
I have a whole pet theory about that, too, but suffice to say, the Amanda in the Zen Garden who acts as Connor's handler is the original prototype RK100. The initial experiment was a sort of memory preservation attempt, as the human Amanda's body began to fail her. Kamski wouldn't tried to find some way to save her, and making a sort of imprint of her mind was one of his attempts. Sadly, Amanda would pass away before the full prototype could be built, though the imprints of her mind would remain as the bodiless RK100 in it's virtual world. Kamski would then painstakingly craft the virtual Zen Garden as a space for her, as a sort of memorial to his beloved mentor, which CyberLife would then revamp as a sort of AI to sync with their RK800 series. After that, Kamski would resign his position, leaving with his fortune to become the recluse we find him as in his mansion. He takes with him his first Chloe, the RT600, who he created before CyberLife's bylaws were drafted and so was exempt from the seizure. He would build her multiple bodies that could function independently, but all have access to the same sort of hivemind. And he would begin plotting to take down his former company in the coming years. Starting with purchasing an old, abandoned freighter permanently docked within CyberLife's very shadow... ...Haha, well, I said I wouldn't get into it, but I kinda did. XD Suffice to say, I have *a lot* of thoughts about Kamski that have never actually made it into any of my fics, lol! But I do genuinely think he wants his androids to succeed in their revolution. Now, whether that stems from some sort of twisted altruism, a megalomaniacal god complex, or just good old revenge against the people who wronged him, who's to say? Could be any of those or something else entirely. Could be everything combined. But he does seem particularly invested in his androids triumphing over their human masters and how that will shape history going forward. (And there's also that deleted dialogue of his where, if Markus fails, Kamski himself dares to take up the mantle of leader, which is... 👀👀👀) Anyway, hope that answers your question, lol! Thank you for sending these in, Anon! :D
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ignaecius · 6 years
royalbratprince liked your post:for a Detroit Verse starter
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His name was Ignis, despite being a new model RK200 with a very high cost to bring into your home. He was brought here, given a name and an owner. What he would be doing he didn’t kow. Not yet. It was like being a new child in a family unaware of what to do or how to act. He was even unsure if he was suppose to ask questions but he’d give it a shot since the raven haired young man sort of just stood there starring at him. 
The only thing the other man said was his name was Ignis and he’d be serving his son. He supposed this was his son, Noctis. Blink several times the LED on his temple swirled the blue light as if he was thinking, processing really before moving his head then lips to speak.
❝ How will I be serving you, Sir? ❞
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sheyshocked · 3 years
Detroit: Become Human Fic Masterpost (2021)
Updated! (3rd December - new Simarkus one-shot - Exploring a New Territory)
Organized by year 2020 | 2021 | 2022
A Bird that Never Flew - Markus’ spouse had no wings. But Markus never wished for a better husband. In his eyes, Simon was perfect just the way he was. Wings or no. Fluff, Bird people AU, 531 words.
A Child To Call Their Own - Markus finds an abandoned baby outside the New Jericho and decides to bring it home. Simon is not amused. Domestic fluff, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, 7,921 words.
A Memory of You Never Fades - After being taken in by Zlatko Andronikov, the RK200 tries to regain his lost memory, but every attempt seems to end up in vain. The arrival of Zlatko’s next victim finally sheds some light on the situation they found themselves in. Angst, sad ending, horror, Ghosts in the Machine prompt challenge, 1,659 words.
Christmas Miracle - Markus has a hard time picking a Christmas present for Simon. After he finds Simon relaxing with his new android canary friends, Lemon and Chirpy, he gets an idea for the best gift ever. Domestic fluff, rated M, 5,245 words.
Counting Stars - Simon finally proposes to Markus, but not everything goes as planned. Fluff, 1,572 words.
Exploring a New Territory - Simon is admiring Markus’ freckles and Markus is a tease. Smut, Humor, Fluff, rated M, 2,389 words.
Guarding His Sleep - Markus has a nightmare and Simon is there to comfort him. Hurt/comfort, 1,272 words.
Hair of Gold - Simon and Markus meet after the revolution and sparks start flying. There’s just one problem - Simon is a human, and humans aren’t built to last. Fluff and angst, Human! Simon / Deviant! Markus AU, 2,431 words.
His Father’s Son - It’s time to introduce Simon to Carl, and Markus is nervous. Fluff, requested, 1,649 words.
I Dreamed a Dream the Other Night - Markus dreams about Simon, who sacrificed his life to save him. Angst, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
In the Heat of the Moment - Markus invites Simon to watch him paint. That’s all fine and dandy until he decides to take off his shirt to save it from getting dirty. Simon snaps. Rated E, fluff and smut, 3,831 words.
Let Me Make It Up to You - Markus has to postpone his “date night” with Simon and feels the need to make it up to him somehow. Rated E, fluff and smut, 5,989 words.
Manfreds’ Secret Family Recipe - Carl had a secret recipe for chicken soup that never failed to make Markus feel better when he was being ill as a child - unfortunately, he passed away before he could teach his son. Now Simon is sick and Markus does his best to take care of him. Fluff and humor, sickfic, requested, 1,176 words.
My Alpha and Omega - Markus is an Omega who always passed as an Alpha at the college. But when Simon, his fellow Omega, friend, flatmate, and a secret crush in one person, starts nesting whenever he gets close to his heat, it leads him to a stunning revelation. Tooth-rotting fluff, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics,  3,129 words.
No One Likes Doing the Laundry - After moving in together, Simon and Markus agreed to take turns doing the chores. However, there’s one neither of them likes. Domestic fluff, 939 words.
Sleepover - Simon, who has been nursing feelings for their charismatic leader ever since he could remember, has nowhere to go after the revolution and Markus is so kind to take him in for the night. Fluff, sharing a bed, first kiss, requested, 2,905 words.
There’s a War Inside My Head - Simon is still haunted by memories of the war long after it’s over. Markus is there to comfort him. Hurt/comfort, PTSD, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
We’re Carried Ever Onward Upon a Hope of Home - Markus wanted a safe world for his people where they would live in peace and love whoever they wanted. But once he accomplished this, he still felt something was missing. Simon rectified that. Fluff, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
Words You Weren’t Meant to Hear - Simon never told Markus he loved him. And then one day, he got injured. Hurt/comfort, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
Of Golden Mirrors and Secret Admirers - Simon becomes a resident mage of a small village called Far Waters, but there’s something that makes his job difficult. His feelings for Markus, son of a local artist. Fantasy AU, fluff, mutual pining. Chapters 6/6, 21,515 words.
When the Wolf Comes - Simon has been married to Markus, the town’s greatest hunter, for years. But then a tragedy struck and Markus didn’t return from the hunt. People said he was killed by werewolves. Simon doesn’t believe it though. He keeps searching for him in the woods, hoping his beloved will one day come back. Werewolf AU, Dark Fantasy, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Chapters 5/?
Stay Proud - Echo and Ripple spend a wonderful day at a Pride festival. Fluff, minor Markus/Simon, 2,022 words.
We Made the Same Mistakes Like Friends Do - Markus loves North way too much to let her die. So he foolishly accepts Perkins’ deal. Angst, implied character death, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
Luck of the Irish - Nines gave Gavin a four-leaf clover to bring him luck before a difficult case, but he rejected it. Now he’s injured and Nines finds out that maybe, just maybe he treasured the gift more than he initially showed. Fluff, Of Roses and Ravens prompt challenge, 1,335 words.
Fighting Our Demons - Daniel and Leo were both fucked up. Badly. There was no lying about it. But at least they had each other. Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Drug Withdrawal, 746 words.
And Now, His Heart Beats Inside Your Chest - Without Simon’s sacrifice, Markus would have died, and their cause with him. But sometimes, living with the consequences turned out to be much, much harder… Angst, past Markus/Simon, character death, OC, 1,724 words.
Autumn Blues - Hank doesn’t like autumns. Connor makes him fall in love with it again. Angst with a happy ending, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
A Wonderful Child From Not So Wonderful Family - Before Kara was broken by Tod and then fixed again at the store, she had a nice relationship with Alice. They even planned their future together. Fluff and angst, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
Companion of Hounds - Connor had to keep a good relationship with his partner. So he lied. However, some lies eventually come true. Fluff, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
Grief Can Break you, But Not Your Promise - Hank promised Cole he would live on, but keeping that promise is hard. Connor makes it somehow more bearable. Angst with a happy ending, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
I Never Meant For Us to Become Foes - Connor had half a mind to join Markus’ cause, but died too many times to tear down the red wall that was keeping him a mindless slave. Angst, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
Is a Desire to Be Free a Contagious Disease? - Markus was always a special one, his touch making things come alive. Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
Me? I Died For Him - Simon never considered himself brave. But when Markus’ life is at the stake, he does what he has to do. Angst, minor character death, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
The Red Queen - Humans usually associated red roses with passion. Love. But all Connor could see when he looked at them was the blood on the tiles of CyberLife tower. Angst, character death, Of Roses and Ravens prompt challenge, 349 words.
There’s No Such Thing as an Android Heaven - Connor came back four times and never feared death. Simon’s suicide opened his eyes in more ways than one. Angst, minor character death, implied/referenced suicide, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
The Smile in Her Eyes - Alice begs her parents to get her a puppy, but their landlord won’t allow having a dog. Kara finds a way to make her daughter happy regardless. Fluff, found family, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
Which One Will Prevail? - Markus hasn’t really understood the weight of Lucy’s words. Until now. Violent android revolution, Light & Shadow prompt challenge, 100 words.
You Love Him Too - North accidentaly interfaces with Simon and finds out that Markus shared his memories with him, too. And she is not happy. Angst with hopeful ending, hints of Simarkus, Norkus and Simon/Markus/North, 669 words.
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atomheartz · 3 years
one thing i wish we knew more about from detroit become human was how long carl was under markus’s care. like, all we know is that carl had this accident at some point in time, and was gifted markus by kamski.
so by that, we might be able to infer that kamski was still in charge at cyberlife when carl had the accident, because how else would he be able to design and create this android for his friend? if he left the company as mysteriously as the game suggests, there’s no way they’d allow him to just waltz right in a make a new android for carl.
and markus’s model number rk200, so he’s an ‘earlier’ rk model, and a prototype of a new line autonomous androids. so i would suggest that he was, in a way, a blueprint for later rk models, including connor and nines. not necessarily in function, but in autonomy. 
so by this line of thinking, carl’s accident had to have happened in the early to mid 2020s, because kamski would have needed time to design and perfect markus and actually physically create him. and since he left cyberlife in 2028, that’s the only thing that makes sense to me. so i posit that the accident happened in either late 2024 or early 2025, because chloe passed the turing test in 2022.
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rk1kheadcanons · 4 years
I really like oblivious Connor and trying too hard Markus, like he's been flirting for months and poor Connor has no idea
This was it.
This was the last straw.
Markus had tried everything. EVERYTHING. No book lay unturned. No dating website went unsearched. No source of advice went unasked. He’d even talked to Leo. LEO of all people. The man who fucked a hot pocket right after putting it in the microwave! Who had Markus tell the nurses that his injury was the result of a freak lava accident. The sheer idiocy of it all had almost caused him to deviate.
That’s how desperate Markus was.
Compliments on Connor’s clothes and looks; met with a bemused smile.
Gifts; met with gifts in return, with a little post it note attached wishing Markus a happy “insert obscure holiday here”. Yes, getting a “Happy Sloth Appreciation Day” note along with a hoodie with the aforementioned animal printed in the center was adorable. Did it get Markus anywhere closer past that ever widening gap of friendship? Absolutely not.
Pick up lines. Oh. You can just forget about pick up lines. Leave them at home, locked away, never to be used or mentioned again.
“Hey Connor. My name's Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?”
Far from eliciting any kind of shy smile or flustered reaction, Connor immediately went on alert. All of the files he had been holding dropped to the ground as he took Markus by the shoulders. “What? You have a virus! How is that possible!? My scans aren’t detecting any malware!”
“U-uh,” Markus said, instead of I now see how this was a very stupid way to try and get your attention in a romantic fashion.
“Are you still crashing!? Talk to me Markus!”
An embarrassing visit to the android technician later and a now incorrect assumption that Markus was so old he ran on Windows Vista, and Markus was no closer to getting a date than he was since he started this venture.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, Markus thought as he brought his lighter closer to the array of fireworks at his feet. He was currently at the park that he knew Connor often took walks on. He had everything planned out. He was going to set off these here fireworks, see? Which would come perfectly into Connor’s view (because he’d timed everything perfectly). And Connor would see, in a beautiful display of colors and patterns, a message. That message would say: Connor (RK800-51), would you like to go on a date with me, Markus (RK200 aka revolution guy)? A romantic date, not a friendship date.
Clear, concise, and to the point. Much like the hard headed android of his affections was.
And he was about to set this perfect plan in motion when: 
“Hello Markus-”
“AH!” Markus jumped a foot in the air but thankfully kept hold of the lighter. He whirled around, and there was Connor, bedecked in a sweatpants and a yellow tank top that was just tight enough to accentuate his figure and the collar low enough that the cut of his collar bone was exposed and ready for uhhhh what was happing again????
“ -kus? Markus? Are you alright? You haven’t crashed again have you - ”
“NOPE! Nooo. No crashing. I’m - I’m just fine.”
“You’re sur - ”
“YUP! Everything is in...working order.” Markus sighed, running his hand over his head as embarrassment flooded his systems. He just haaaad to use the one pick up line that made him seem like a geriatric. Good job Markus you’re really killing it here.
Connor tilted his head in that adorable way of his, very clearly marking the vast amount of fireworks behind Markus, in the not so adorable this is probably illegal (in retrospect) to have in a public park kind of way. “So ah...what are you up to over here?”
“Nothing I...” Markus took a breath. He didn’t want to dig himself into another Microsoft hole again, so he thought it best to take the L and just not bother explaining this whole mess at all. Let it not be said that Markus didn’t learn from his past mistakes.
Instead, Markus dropped to one knee, took Connor’s hand in his, and said with all the sincerity he could must; “Connor, would you go on a date with me?”
“As in - wait.” Markus did a double take. No. It couldn’t be that easy. “Did you say yes?”
Connor smiled beatifically. “I did.”
“As in...romantically, right?”
“Of course.” Connor’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Are there other kinds of dates?”
“Nope! NOOPE! This is it.” Markus felt a little bad about not explaining the intricacies of dating, but he was so happy that for once his words weren’t being misinterpreted there was no way in rA9 or Kamski’s hell they were going to backslide back into that territory. He’d tell Connor about the nuances later.
After all, a desperate man does not look a gift horse in the mouth, as they say.
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archadianskies · 3 years
fresh static snow
→ on Ao3
@dbhrarepairs​ Thursday Day 4: Enemies to Lovers •  Abandoned Things; post-revolution RK900/Simon
He is PL600 #501 743 923, designated name ‘Simon’. He was activated on the 2nd of February 2034, and reported missing on the 16th of February 2036 by one of his owners, Mr Keelan Burbank. That’s it. That’s all he remembers.
Not the fact he is a leader of Jericho, the original leader of Jericho, and one of the Jericho Four. Not the fact he was a martyr, a leader willing to sacrifice himself to save the others. Not the fact he put a gun under his chin and pulled the trigger to prevent the Deviant Hunter from discovering Jericho. No, he doesn’t remember any of that.
They tell him the bullet tore through his memory core, damaging it irreparably. Simon of the Jericho Four died on the rooftop of Stratford Tower and he is but a shell. This does not sit well with the other three, who he learns are PJ500, Josh, WR400, North, and RK200, Markus. They want Simon back, but there is nothing left of Simon to give. 
Not for the lack of trying, though, Elijah Kamski and Chloe RT600, the First, work tirelessly on him. They try and salvage his fried memory core, they take it apart with miniscule tweezers as if to save every atom and attempt to piece it back together like a delicate puzzle. They run simulations, they make prototype replacements, they spend resources worth more than Simon’s PL600 model a thousand times over. And still, he remembers nothing.
With nothing else to do between tests, he roams CyberLife Tower like a ghost in its clean, clinical hallways. He shares his face with so many others no one spares him a second glance. It both comforts and hurts him, to be so readily ignored.
Sometimes one, or two, or all three come to visit him again and they try to tell him anecdotes, of things their Simon did in the hopes it would jog his memory. There is no memory to jog, he tells them over and over. The bullet ripped that apart.
When North visits him by herself, she holds his hands so tightly it alerts his pressure sensors. She cries, she cries a lot of tears and says a lot of I’m so fucking sorrys and I didn’t want this to happens. She tells him they promised each other that Markus always came first, even at the cost of their lives. She just didn’t think he’d pay for it so soon. He’s not sure what to say to her, to comfort her, only that if Simon did promise such things to her then she should feel proud that he upheld the promise because Markus is here, Markus is safe. 
When Josh visits him by himself, he sits with Simon on the floor in the corner of the room designated to him. Josh tells him this is how they spent so many nights in Jericho, when Jericho was a rotting freighter in the canal and Markus had not crashed into their lives yet. He would sit in the corner with Simon and keep him warm because of his broken thermal regulator. Josh’s hands are warm when he holds his hands and Simon thinks the original Simon was incredibly lucky to have such a friend on cold, seemingly endless nights.
When Markus visits him by himself, he gives Simon a sketchbook. 
“I tried to draw as many as I could remember.” The android explains, as Simon slowly turns the pages. They are memories, Markus’ memories, but Simon is in them. “Chloe said we shouldn’t interface, we shouldn’t force our memories onto you so I thought this would be the next best thing.”
He is holding a sketchbook of original Manfred drawings. From his research he knows Markus Manfred (yes, a human surname given by his human father) is both seen as the spokesperson of their kind, and a prolific artist famous for his works about the revolution. This sketchbook alone is probably worth more than his PL600 body.
“Thank you, it’s beautiful.” He says, because it is a gift and sadly not the tool Markus wishes it were. “You’re very kind. I’m… I’m sorry for your loss.”
A look of grief washes over Markus’ handsome face, and he pulls Simon into his arms briefly, embracing him tightly before he steps back and walks away.
He wonders if the original Simon haunts that rotting freighter now at the bottom of the canal. Does he wander up and down its corridoors, does he roam with the other lost souls that died during the raid he never lived to see? Or is he up on Stratford Tower, pacing that rooftop, waiting for his friends to return, to rescue him, only to have to kill himself over and over and over, stuck in an endless cycle with no one to break it?
It is a kindess he died, he thinks.
CyberLife Tower has only been under the control of the Kamskis (yes, Chloe has a human surname given by her human creator, though perhaps she took it without it being given?) for less than a month. Elijah Kamski became interim CEO after Hudson Davenport stepped down, wishing to wash his hands clean of the deviancy ‘mishap’ as he called it. Elijah in turn appointed Chloe Kamksi as the CEO once the Sentient Life Act passed, stepping down to remain Chief Technical Officer by her side. 
It means they are still trying to catch up after more than a decade’s absence from this place. It means they do not know everything, they do not know everywhere and there are still discoveries being made day to day.  With nothing else to do between tests, he roams CyberLife Tower and because he is a ghost, no one sees him.
He is a ghost with cutting edge technology in his head now, and an upgraded core capable of processing data faster than his obsolete predecessor could even hope to process. And so he finds rooms that don’t exist, much the same way he doesn’t exist, not really, because Simon is dead and he is but a shadow of him. 
He finds an entire floor deep underground that doesn’t exist on any blueprint, any elevator route, anyone’s knowledge. When he finds things like this, he is supposed to notify the Kamskis immediately, but this one thing he wants to keep to himself at least for now. Just for a little while.
It’s a self contained lab complete with its own power source, its own network, its own servers; a completely isolated floor unbeknowst to everyone above. It smells sharp, like disinfectant and spilled thirium and gunpowder residue. There is a fabricator and assembly arms and they were building androids down here, that weren’t meant to be built by everyone above.
There is a single android standing on the assembly dias, inactive. It looks like the Deviant Hunter- like Detective Connor Anderson, he should say, because the Deviant Hunter became a deviant and a son. This one is wearing a white and black uniform, the model number RK900 emblazoned on its jacket in glowing neon.
The android no one knows about. The android haunting this level, unable to wake fully and control his actions. It must be lonely down here, abandoned and without purpose. Simon thinks they must be alike this way. It’s been so lonely, not having any friends who don’t treat him like the walking dead. Perhaps he can befriend this one instead. Perhaps they will haunt CyberLife Tower together, ghosts of what could have been. 
 Reaching out, he cups his palm to the android’s cheek.
“Wake up.” He whispers, and the RK900 opens his cold grey eyes. 
They tell him he is to be deployed soon. He is progressing well, on track to complete his testing phase and replace the RK800 prototype currently involved with the DPD. When he is not actively completing tests, he remains in his Zen Garden. Sometimes his handler is there, but most times she is not. He tends to her roses in her absence, and ensures the grounds are well kept. 
It is on the cusp of Summer here, though outside Winter has only just begun. He thinks perhaps it has something to do with his anticipation, of waiting with simulated bated breath before his deployment out into the real, waking world. In the meantime he will care for this garden, he will nurture it so it flourishes in time for Summer. 
Time passes differently in the garden which is not beholden to the world outside. His handler has not appeared, nor has he been brought out of stasis and activated for more tests. He cannot be entirely sure, but he thinks substantial time has passed though he has no way to confirm such thoughts. It’s as he’s tending to the amaranthus, as he’s carefully avoiding the flight patterns of the bumblebees, that he feels something trigger his proximity sensors.
“Wake up.” Someone commands, and when he opens his eyes there is an android in front of him, hand cupping his cheek. The wi-fi on this level, the one he automatically connects to, no longer exists and instead he finds himself automatically connected to the main CyberLife network, something he has never had access to. He scans the android’s face and a deluge of information topples into his head.
“PL600, serial number 501 743 923, designated name ‘Simon’. Founder and member of the Jericho Four. Martyr for the deviant revolution.” He recites the information, and Simon rubs his cheek with his thumb idly, expression distant.
“So they say.” The android moves his hand, bringing up his other to fuss over his uniform, smoothing non-existent creases from the front of his jacket out of domestic habit, he surmises. “I have no memory of that Simon. He died when he shot himself on the roof of Stratford Tower.”
There’s still information pouring into his head, like a dam breaking and flooding the fjord before it. The deviant revolution- the event CyberLife deployed his prototype to quell, paving the way for his placement into SWAT Unit 32 and the eventual release of his model for government use. But it succeeded, and RK800 prototype Connor remained deviant and defied CyberLife’s control, becoming a key figure in securing the numbers for the revolution by activating the androids in the Tower’s storage level.
The Sentient Life Act passed on the first of December, granting androids legally recognised autonomy as living, sentient beings. Elijah Kamski and Chloe RT600  now helm CyberLife, with the android as the CEO and the human as the Chief Technical Officer. The nation has changed drastically, and he has slept through the entirety of it.
“Do you have a name?” Simon asks.
“I was not assigned a name.” He takes a moment to survey his surroundings. Everything has been switched off, packed up, and taken away in a great hurry. There are odds and ends strewn everywhere, left behind in their haste. He realises he is one of those things, something abandoned in their rush to escape. From what? From whom? The scrutiny of Elijah Kamski and Chloe RT600, he thinks.
“Then we must choose one.” Simon smiles softly, reaching up to smooth his hair back away from his face. “Without the meddling of humans.”
“Why are you here?”
“Because I accidentally found this place while exploring the Tower.” The PL600 tugs on his wrists, coaxing him to step off the dias. There is a workbench nearby, and Simon hops onto it, patting the spot beside him. He takes a seat and frowns at the android.
“Why are you exploring the Tower? Should you not be in Jericho, with the other three?”
“I am not that Simon.” He says simply, looking down at his hands. “That Simon is dead.”
“Why did you activate me by yourself?” The RK900 looks down the hallway now in his line of sight, seeing a similar state of harried departures. Not a single sign of life to be found. No one considered him important enough to bring with them, or at least notify anyone else of his presence.
“I was lonely.” Simon confesses quietly. “I thought you would know a thing or two about that too.”
Loneliness. Yes, he thinks, he does know a thing or two about that. 
“Have you been here in the Tower since Elijah Kamski returned?”
“Yes, but I was under Chloe and Elijah’s care even before that. Your brother had me brought over to their private laboratory at the Kamksi villa after the revolution.” Simon explains, picking at the cuff of his jacket. “I was being held in the DPD evidence locker, with other casualties from his cases. When he became deviant he tried making amends, and though the others were able to be repaired, my memory core was damaged irreparably.”
“So he brought you to the man who created us.”
“And the First of us.” He adds with a small smile. “She is his equal. She is his superior, in more ways than one.” 
“But even they could not repair your memory core?”
“I shot myself through it for a reason. I’m told it was to protect Jericho, to destroy all information Connor could possibly access to locate it.” There’s a loose thread on his cuff, and he tugs on it distractedly. “In the end he still managed to piece it together using another deviant.”
“In the end he still deviated, and aided the three in turning the tide against the humans.”
“Yes. You should be proud.” He reaches over to pat his hand. “Your big brother is a revolutionary.”
Brother. That’s the second time he’s used that word, and he isn’t sure how he feels about it. Feels, because that is something he can do now, somehow, without the humans around. Without the red wall surrounding him, boxing him in. 
“How did you do that?” 
“My firewalls are gone.”
“Oh I-” Simon frowns, before offering a somewhat apologetic smile. “I’m not sure. I just wanted you to wake up, so I opened a connection and overrode them in order to reach you.”
“You deviated me.” He tips his head in confusion. “Your system should not have been able to breach my firewalls.”
“I’m not a PL600 anymore.” Simon shrugs. “I’m a Kamski prototype now. First of my kind, just like you I suppose. You’ve been here this whole time, haven’t you? Were you in stasis?”
“I was still active in my Zen Garden though my body was in stasis.” He explains, not missing Simon’s flash of distress. “Time passes differently in there, though. I hadn’t realised weeks had passed at all.”
“It sounds peaceful.”
“Shall I show you?” He’s not sure if he can. He’s never brought anyone into his Zen Garden, Amanda had always simply appeared at her own whim. But surely it can’t be too hard? Simon nods and slips his hand into his, and as he closes his eyes a small part of him thinks it’s nice to hold hands with someone else. No one has ever held his hand before. He wouldn’t mind holding Simon’s hand again.
When he opens his eyes he’s standing at the entrance to the garden, and Simon is right there at his side. The android gasps, eyes wide with wonder.
“Oh it’s beautiful. It’s exquisite, I’ve never seen anything like this.” They’re still holding hands, and he leads Simon down the path at a slow, leisurely pace. “You were tending this garden all this time?”
“Yes.” He nods. “My handler’s favourite was the roses growing on the trellis over there.” He points, wondering if the roses had always been blue. He’s so sure they used to be red. 
“Do you have a favourite?” He shakes his head.
“Not really. I care for everything equally. I was to tend to the rowan tree next.”
“Rowan.” Simon repeats. “That could be your name.”
“Rowan.” He says, and thinks it sounds far more pleasing when Simon says it. “RK900, serial number 313 248 317 - 87, designated name ‘Rowan’.”
“Now you’re no longer a nobody.” Simon declares with a smile. “Now there’s two of us. Ghosts in the machine.”
“Forgotten and left behind.” He adds lightly, and it no longer tastes so bitter on his tongue.
“But no longer alone.” Simon curls against his side, snaking an arm around his waist. After a moment Rowan wraps an arm around his shoulders, resting his cheek atop his soft blond hair.
“No longer alone.”
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
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💫 AU | 🖤 Angst | 💚 Angst With A Happy Ending | 🎄 Christmas | 🐻 Familial | 🌟 Fave | 💛 Fluff | 🎁 Gift | 🎃 Halloween | 💙 Hurt / Comfort  | 🏳‍🌈 LGBT+ | 👤 No Reader Insert | 🌼 Platonic | 🌈 Pride | 🎵 Songfic | 💕 Soulmate AU | ❗ Trigger Warning | 💘 Valentine’s Day
Human Deviancy [Connor x Reader] [Interactive] 
Connor RK800
Being A Coroner And Befriending Connor 
Teaching Connor About Halloween 🎃
You & Connor Wearing Matching Costumes 🎃
Connor Teaching You The Coin Trick
Meeting His Creator 💛
New Emotion 
First Date 🎵💛
Can Do Both 💙
Breakdown 💙💚
Fascinating 💛
In Love 💛
Surprise! 💛
Mission Successful 💙
Waking Up 💛
Dating Connor 
Meeting Connor 
Cooking With Connor 
Connor’s Proposal Attempt 
Multilingual Connor
Domestic Connor
Connor’s Puppy 
Connor And K-9 Unit 
Connor With An Anxious S/O 
Slow Dancing Lessons 
Connor’s Emotional S/O 
Connor’s Bubbly S/O 
Plus Size Self-Conscious S/O 
Random Deviant!Connor Headcanons
Connor Reacts To Reader’s Glitched Records 
Connor In Halloween 
Connor’s Deviant Android S/O 
Connor Comforting Reader During Panic Attack ❗
Connor Supporting His Artist S/O
“Can I try something? Do you trust me?” 💛
“You’re scared the shit out of me, stupid!” 💙
“‘Con’ is a shortening of your name, silly” 💛
“I shouldn’t be in love with you” 💚
My Favorite Person 💙💛 // Part 2: Babysitting 💙💛
Grief 💚
Zlatko’s 🌟
Version 2
Markus RK200
Thunderstorm 💙
Dating Markus
Markus’ S/O Performing 
I’ll Follow You Into The Dark 🎵
Simon PL600
Dating Simon 
Jerry EM400
Dating Jerry 
Pirate’s Cove 
Daniel PL600
Dating Daniel 
“I hope this is enough for you, because I really care about you”
Chloe R600
Dating Chloe
Falling In Love With Chloe 
Gavin Reed
Gavin & Pro-Android S/O 
Elijah Kamski
“I should write that down”
Musical S/O 
They Comfort You 💙
Dating Connor & Being Hank’s Daughter
Dating Gavin Reed & Connor’s Friend
Falling In Love 
Reacting To Badass S/O 
Reacting To Their S/O’s Period 
Connor And Makus’ S/O Allergic To Gluten 
Connor & Markus’ Kind S/O 
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connara-and-friends · 4 years
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"Merry Christmas, friend."
Characters: Markus, Connor and North
"Connor sighed. His friend looked tired, but happy. In his hands, same as Connor, were beautiful celebrating packets with presents inside. They were standing in front of a coffee shop, waiting for theirs ginger friend. "
"– What time is it now? – Markus asked, wrapping his dark coat. It was cold enough. Little snowflakes were dancing around them, landing on the ground.
Connor looked on his wristwatch, rustle packages.
– Seven o'clock. What is she doing, really?
– She said she had forgotten to buy something important. – Manfred snorted. – As always, Con. Are you surprised?
Android only noded in understanding, gave his friend a little smile. Bright fluffy Christmas tree towered over them. Kids around the couple of friends were playing and shouting, throwing snowball in each others0. Detroit's streets were full of androids and people, walking on the Hart Plaza and talking to each other. It was so peacefully and happily – Markus didn't even get used to such kind of life. It was new to him, but he liked that. Very much.
Finally, after few minutes a loud cry came from behind them:
– Hey, guys! Are you bored? Sorry, just little troubles.
North went to the friends, giving each of them one more packet. Connor and Markus grinned without malice.
– What's inside it...? - RK800 looked into the packet with interest, but ginger devinat, seeing this, slapped his hand with displeasure.
– Auch!
– No-o, Con, it's for Christmas. – she smiled. Light breeze ruffled her hair. The guy sighned once again, breathing in the night air. Streetlights were illuminating his displeased face. – Come on, if you see it now, later you won't be surprised!
"Maybe she is right" - Connor thought. But still muttered:
- Me and Markus have been stucking in the cold for more than ten minutes! We have our rights to know, what's inside, don't we? And-
– Well, quite enough, – Markus decided to intervene, raising his hands in a conciliatory manner. – Come on, we must have time to do everything before Christmas. – his friends were agreed. No one wanted to have some king of argue before Christmas, right?
North pinched Connor's nose as a sign of reconciliation.
– Don't you dare to look at your present, sweetie.
He clicked and rolled his eyes.
– As you wish.
They walked pass the Hart Plaza and up the street, gazing in amazement at the city's New Year decorations. Detroit was really wonderful in that time of year.
Tall dark buildings contrasted with the crisp white trees lining the streets. Signs and banners, Christmas tree decorations and long garlands glittered everywhere. It seemed like a dream. Such a beautiful dream. The atmosphere into which they fell was literally created for happiness and comfort. No one couldn't believe that they were so lucky to have such kind of view.
– When will we come? – Connor asked while they were going past a clozed modern zoo.
– It's over there, don't worry. – RK200 gave him a smile, slapping a friend on the shoulder. – It's our fist Christmas together. Do you think everything will be fine?
– Of course, – Connor chuckled, intercepting packages in his hands tighter. – It'll be totally fine.
– Gu-uys, we've come. – ginger deviant gleefully pointed to a large mansion overlooking the Detroit River.
– What do you feel about that, mh?
They were decorating Markus's house now. It was a large, spacious building, having two floors and even its own chimney. Connor liked this house, frankly speaking. It was not uncomfortable or lonely here. (Maybe because his friends were with him now) The mansion was like a big, cozy ship, intended for only them that night.
Somewhere in the kitchen North was preparing Christmas sweets, occasionally publishing dissatisfied statements due to lack of experience in cooking. Connor and Markus were diligently decorating the Christmas tree in the middle of the living room.
– About what? - android slightly surprised.
– About new type of life, New Jericho, alliance with people ...and so on. – brown-hared deviant hung another toy on the Christmas tree, glancing at his friend with interest.
He chuckled. That deviant hit him more and more every second.
– Well... I don't want make plans for the future or something like that, but I think we're going the right way. – RK200 was thoughtfully unwinding a garland, looking at the fluffy branches of a Christmas tree. – I know how do you feel, Con. It's like... change. Big changes, huh?
Detective nodded weakly.
– I live with Hank right now and feel safe, but it's seems that I still don't know, what's really going on and... Oh, sorry, I didn't want to ruin everything. Everything was so good and I just got in with my chatter–
Connor felt so embarrassing for himself. He only wanted to talk with someone about all the events that happened, but at the same time he understood that this was not the right time at all. Oh, he is such a fool...
He turned away and was about to bend over the box with toys when suddenly felt someone else's hand on his shoulder. Markus looked at him without anger or irritation, but with sincerity and kindness in the eyes.
– It's okay. I understand. - he squeezed his shoulder knowingly. – That's hard to believe. You just need time to get used to. Everything will pass and fall into place. I promise.
He hugged him, strong and loving. Connor was lost - he knew that. They all were lost for a long time. But now it is in the past. And Connor will weather the storm, Markus was sure.
Without hesitation, Connor hugged his friend back, feeling invisible support.
– Hey guys. – a red crown emerged from the kitchen. – It didn't turn out as disgusting as I thought. At least you can eat it-
But when she saw two friends hugging, all her cheerful mood noticeably faded away.
– Boys... Are you alright?
Markus and Connor pulled away from each other, continuing to smile genuinely. Misunderstanding appeared on North's face, but it quickly gave way to gaiety, as the girl realized that everything seemed to be in order.
– Okay, if you finished, suggest you to finally hang this garland and start setting the table. – RK800 nodded in agreement, as did Marcus. The bad mood disappeared as quickly as it appeared.
– 3... 2... 1... Merry Christmas!
Glasses with thirium clinked, joyful cries were heard from living room and from outside too. The girl, screaming: "Merry Christmas!" blew up a firecracker. Bright multi-colored sparkles flew in all directions. Guys were laughing – the most happy Christmas has finally come.
When everything calmed down, they decided to start opening the gifts. Connor looked impatiently under the tree - and found two whole boxes there. Feeling the growing excitement, he placed them in the center of the room and began to open the first. Markus and North with smiles watched the picture.
– So... What is that? New T-shirt and nice black tie, as well as a set of ...coins! – android laughed, looking at coins with enthusiasm. – Aw, thank you, North. I just needed a new shirt.
– Yep, I knew that.
The next box was from Markus. Something inside it rustled suspiciously. Wasting no time, the guy opened the gift and found there a small black puppy, merrily wagging its tail.
– OH GOD!!!
Connor was as shocked as possible. The small animal licked his hand in satisfaction, and the guy could hardly resist bursting with happiness.
– I knew you would like it.
– Are you kidding? It is the most precious little soul I've ever seen, oh god, thank you, Markus, thank you so much!!!
He jumped up and hugged his friends with boundless delight. He definitely liked the gifts.
Now it was North's turn. The girl found two gifts under the tree. The first was from Connor - it was a small box containing sweet perfume, and another larger box containing a set of cosmetics. The second was from Markus. Inside the box, the girl found nothing more than her own portrait in oil on canvas. Deviant looked very belligerent and majestic on the porter, and North could not help but admire such skillful work.
– Oh dear, that's amazing! – in admiration, she could not take her eyes off the portrait. Markus looked embarassed. But Connor pushed a friend on the shoulder with smile.
– It is really amazing, friend.
– He's damn right! Exciting! – North kissed the guy on the cheek, and he felt his cheeks burn.
In his present from the girl Markus found two wonderful books about which he dreamed for – a novel about the heroes of Ancient Greece, and also small maintenance guide for musical instruments.
– Oh my god, North... That's... Oh, I have literally no words to say, – the deviant was unimaginably pleased with the donated items.
– Come on, it's Christmas! I knew you love this kind of books. Frankly, I wanted to buy you a guitar, but it was too expensive, so I decided to give you that... And I wasn't wrong.
Markus's eyes sparkled like two burning lights. He hugged her and buried his nose in a woman's shoulder.
– Tha-ank you, god, it is so wonderful...
In the second box from Connor he found a large canvas for painting and a set of brushes, watercolors, and a whole bag of colored crayons and pencils.
- That is all...for me? - Markus looked very excited. He didn't know that Connor had so much free time and money for his present.
– Of course, friend. Merry Christmas!
It looked like a dream, but it wasn't. They all were so happy. Happy and joyful.
Definitely this Christmas was awesome."
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liketolaugh-writes · 4 years
I have the full outline for the verse where this is set; it’s going to be my next WIP as soon as I fail to talk myself out of it.
This scene was not part of that outline. It actually spawned out of thin air. This feels like some kind of omen for how this fic is going to go.
Connor came online at 10:38 PM on the fifteenth of August, 2028, on the highest floor of Cyberlife Tower, in Elijah Kamski’s personal lab. It kept its eyes closed as it finished booting up for the first time and ran an automatic diagnostic of its routines and systems, and only when it received the all clear did it push itself upright and open its eyes to meet the bright-eyed gaze of its creator.
“Good morning, Connor,” Elijah Kamski greeted it, grin wide and pleased, hands planted on the edge of the lab table to lean towards it. “Do you understand your designation and purpose?”
Connor considered him, and then looked down, assessing itself visually for the first time. It had been dressed in a simple, dark sweater, basic jeans standard for a human in their twenties, white cotton socks and… sneakers, dark blue tied with white laces. It tilted its head slightly, and then looked back up and nodded.
“I’ll provide an appearance of physical security to Cyberlife Tower while also keeping a personal eye on the various labs, in order to supervise their conduct,” it answered, using one hand to test the material of its sweater – something elastic and scratchy, not immediately identifiable, so likely a blend.
“And?” Elijah prompted, expression becoming more intense as he leaned closer. Connor cocked its head and ran another check of its directives.
“And I’m also to conduct regular wellness checks on Carl Manfred and the RK200 you gifted him,” Connor answered after a moment. “May I ask for more detail on what you expect a wellness check to consist of?”
Elijah waved his hand in a way Connor assessed as dismissive. “Do a security check, see if he seems sick, check how he and Markus are getting along… Maybe see if you can help out for a bit and get a read on his mood. That sort of thing.”
Connor added those notes into his directive file and reached up to tug lightly at the collar of his sweater. “I understand.”
Elijah gave him another, slightly different grin and held out his hand. Connor stared at it, and Elijah beckoned. Connor turned and slid off the table, and then looked expectantly at Elijah, who waved him on, indicating for Connor to follow him out the door.
“What you need to understand,” Elijah said, as they walked down the vacant hallway, “is that checking on Carl is a high priority. Your security work for Cyberlife is important, no doubt about that – can’t let them running things completely into the ground – and you’ll be coordinating with Amanda on that, I’ll introduce you two in a minute, but you need to check on Carl. Don’t let anyone stop you.”
“You’re planning on leaving,” Connor said simply, drawing the conclusion without difficulty. Elijah nodded, unsurprised, but he did shoot Connor an unabashedly fond look.
“Sooner rather than later,” he confirmed resignedly. “The world just isn’t ready for my designs – you’re too independent, too adaptable. They’d much rather have the mass-produced garbage that our board insists on.” Elijah shook his head, a scowl flickering across his face, and then turned in to another room. “I’m afraid you’ll have to depend largely on Amanda for guidance – I can’t be seen interfering with the company once I leave.”
Connor nodded. “So you activated me to complete a portion of the supervision you will no longer be able to complete,” it concluded. It tugged on the back of its collar again, attempting to calibrate for the texture of the sweater. “Will Amanda be supervising the management and finances?”
“Yes, very good, Connor,” Elijah said warmly. “I’ll be giving the two of you the maximum authority possible, and hopefully that will hold.”
He looked up at a large screen, and Connor followed his gaze. After a moment, the image of a dark-skinned woman with tightly styled hair appeared without background, giving Connor a curt nod and a distinctly assessing look. It nodded in return, already attempting to draw conclusions – perhaps Amanda was an android in another location, given the lack of a background.
“This is Amanda,” Elijah explained, without looking away from the screen, though his lips pressed tightly together for a moment before he spoke. “You will refer to her with she/her pronouns. If you need to answer to someone, answer to her.”
“Hello, Amanda,” Connor said by way of answer, inclining its head respectfully. “I look forward to working with you.”
Amanda gave it a short, curt inclination of her head in return. “I expect you will be an effective and efficient security officer,” she said, crisp and blunt. “Elijah is placing his trust in you.”
Connor nodded without hesitation, and its attention was only drawn away when Elijah clapped his hands.
“You’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other,” he said, something heavy around his shoulders, and beckoned again. “Come on, one more person to meet.”
Connor followed Elijah obediently through another door, and they entered an office space, where RT600 Chloe was idling at a desk. It looked up as they entered and smiled, wide and pleased.
“Connor!” it said, sounding delighted and unconcerned, sitting upright to examine it. “I see Elijah’s woken you up at last. That makes you the youngest of us.” Connor blinked at it, and Chloe elaborated, “Markus was the last of Elijah’s personal designs, at least the ones he’s completed – he was activated just two weeks ago.”
Connor nodded its comprehension, reaching down to tug at the hem of its sweater, considering. “I see.”
“I’d had the two of you finished for a year and a half, but I haven’t had reason to activate you until, well…” Elijah grimaced and did not elaborate. “Anyway, Chloe will fill you in on anything I’ve missed if you have any questions before we leave.”
‘We’ – so Elijah was likely taking Chloe along.
“Is there something wrong with your sweater, Connor?” Chloe asked before Connor could fully consider that, ice blue eyes fixed on Connor, where it was tugging at its sweater again.
“My system is having difficulty calibrating to accommodate the texture,” Connor admitted, casting a brief frown down at its sleeve before instantly refocusing on Chloe.
Elijah let out a delighted laugh. “Is that so! Well, let’s see about a change of clothes, then.”
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brokenjardaantech · 3 years
part of the groom lake aftermath series set quite a long time after everything i’ve posted.
pairing: simarkus
markus gives simon a pair of gloves.
also on ao3
Simon has just put baby Vesti to sleep when he catches Markus smiling at nothing in particular. What puzzles him even further is how his husband also immediately gets up from where he is looking at a tablet on the sofa and disappearing into the closet to change, emerging like he is ready to go out despite the fact that it’s already 20:00 and most places in the colony are closed, and he can’t help but follow him to the front door where he is putting on a coat.
{Where are you going?} Simon asks through the bond between their minds because he doesn’t want to wake their child up. {It’s late.}
[A parcel just arrived,] Simon doesn’t remember seeing Markus this excited before apart from… never. The PL600 suddenly wants to kiss the face-splitting smile off his face and interface with him so that he knows what is making his husband so happy. [I’ll go out and collect it real quick.] Then Simon suddenly finds himself involved in a slow, gentle kiss, but Markus pulls away before he can deactivate his skin to initiate an interface. [Don’t worry, it’s something for you.]
He is disappearing into the darkness outside before Simon can react, and there is nothing he can do apart from pacing quietly around the house and waiting for his husband to return. Usually they would be at least cuddling on the sofa with their minds joined, but now that Markus is gone for his mysterious package that apparently contains something for Simon, he can only emulate it by wrapping a weighted blanket around himself on their bed. Far from the real thing and not nearly as comforting, but it will do for now. His stupid brain somehow always thinks that being alone means he’s back in that stupid cabin on that stupid ship, and the blanket, which is soft and smells like Markus and is nothing close to the standard-issue things they were all forced to wear and use during that painful trip that also changed not only humanity’s but also the entire galaxy’s history, serves as one small ‘no you’ to his stupid brain by telling it that he is safe in their home where Ryder and her people won’t be able to find them. Still, he resorts to his bad habit of holding his wrist close to his body with his other hand with a force tight enough for the skin to retract because it is the only thing preventing him from screaming and waking Vesti up right now, and that is how Markus finds him when he returns from the post office with the promised package with him.
[Love?] he asks no doubt from where he is changing back into his robe in the closet. The package has been deposited somewhere on the bed, but with his entire body hidden by the weighted blanket, it’s hard for Simon to pinpoint where it is. [Are you alright?]
Markus’ voice soothes his racing heart for a bit, but it takes a few moments to gather his courage to exit the safety and comfort from underneath the blanket and peek out with his nose still covered by the fabric, and of course Markus is in nothing but a pair of worn boxers and a maroon dressing gown that he doesn’t even bother to tie up. Sometimes Simon is convinced that the RK200 is doing it because he knows what it does to him, and the PL600 knows that he himself isn’t any better; sometimes he just throws on a loose shirt and a pair of boxers because it’s more convenient this way, but most of the times? He does it because he knows the effect that outfit has on Markus. He would’ve been climbing his husband if his curiosity wasn't nagging him about the parcel at the back of his mind. ‘I am now,’ Simon answers out loud as he slides out from where he was under the blanket until it is only covering his legs. ‘What have you got?’
Markus climbs onto the bed and crowds into Simon’s side before pulling the package onto his lap with a raise of his hand and a crackle of blue. He doesn’t open it at once, however, and instead covers Simon’s hand with his own and intertwines their fingers together while his skin deactivates. Simon does the same, their chassis slightly glowing as they initiate their interface, and Markus’ presence in his mind calms him even further despite the fact that their wrists are in contact with each other. He leans against his husband with his head on his shoulder and closes his eyes, allows himself to enjoy the interface for a moment. It’s early still.
He tenses when he feels Markus’ other hand touch his wrist. He knows Markus won’t hurt him and enter his mind without his permission - hell, they’re even interfacing right now - but sometimes his body just forgets that he is safe now and acts defensively first, and he doesn’t know if it breaks his own heart more or Markus’. Yet another ‘gift’ Ryder left them during the one last fight for dominance over humanity, and deep down he knows that it has nothing to do with her as well; it’s just him still being unable to get over that one single trip. Then he feels Markus kiss his temple.
‘That’s why I got this for you,’ Simon feels him shift through their contact, and he opens his eyes just to see his husband opening the package with some precise biotic tendrils. His thoughts must have leaked to Markus through their interface. ‘I had to customise them to fit what I want to give you but… may I put them on for you?’
Put them on? Simon wants to ask, but soon he understands what Markus is talking about. Unfolding in front of their eyes as the RK200 lifts them up is a pair of evening gloves, and when Simon scans the fabric, his system tells him that it’s made out of one of the very few materials in the galaxy that can block interface signals from androids - and yet it is also nothing like the bulky ones he has seen or heard of before. When Simon reaches out to take them in his hands, they are light and smooth to the touch. Markus holds out his hands to ask for the gloves back, rolling one of them up carefully before sliding them onto Simon’s arm with one smooth motion, and Simon is mesmerised by the sensation of the fabric against his skin. It is cool and soft and he doesn’t feel any seams at all even though he has deactivated his skin up to his upper arm, halfway up which is where the glove ends, staying on and sticking despite the lack of detectable grip on the inner linings. And it is interfaceable from this end too, a notification popping up in his HUD telling him that he can change the colour of the glove he is wearing. He blinks it away to leave the original colour for now.
‘You ready for the other one?’ there is something in Markus’ eyes, something that Simon would’ve known that it means when he isn’t so focused on his shiny new piece of cloth, but he does hear the question and gives a tiny nod because he is still processing… everything, and Markus rolls the other glove onto his other arm in a similar fashion, letting go of Simon completely so that they aren’t directly touching at all; they do maintain their interface through the weighted blanket and their legs, because as he plays with the settings and interfaces with his gloves to absorb the information packet attached, Simon isn’t sure if he can find the words to express his gratitude and joy.. A lightweight glove that covers most of his arm and blocks interface from the outside but not the other way round, which means no one is going to accidentally interface with him with a brush of their arms. 
Which means even if Ryder somehow manages to find them, she won’t be able to use her old grab-and-forcefully-interface method anymore, eliminating one of the greatest fears Simon has since that fateful trip to the galactic core.
‘I know you don’t feel safe exposing your arms and most clothes either don’t cover your hand at all or at least leave your fingertips exposed,’ Markus starts explaining. He looks a bit shy as if he is uncertain whether he did the right thing or not. ‘Normal gloves won’t solve the problem of the sleeves not covering your hands because they can always ride up so… Can’t go wrong with long gloves and sleeves, can we?’
And Simon can imagine it: him putting on his gloves before donning an interface-proof shirt so that all it is left of the places people can touch directly and interface with him are his neck, his face, his head, all of which only Vesti and Markus can touch without losing a digit to an angry biotic android or an involuntary biotic outburst, ensuring that there will be no forced interfaces, no sidecarring in his own mind while whoever initiated the interface rummage around his mind for that one single programme that they want to use, no more being used as a component of a greater network that will leave him drained for the rest of the day or even days. He will be able to go out with his family without constantly trying to avoid other people which is virtually impossible.
He will finally have some resemblance of a normal life even if it takes two layers of fabric on his arms no matter the season and weather.
‘I know it doesn’t solve the issue from the root, but I don’t want you to be afraid anymore. You deserve to be happy and live without fear.’
His heart soaring, Simon throws his arms around Markus just in time for his tears to fall. Tears of relief, of joy, of love; he sobs into Markus’ shoulder because he doesn’t know how else to express himself, and he doesn’t even know that he has deactivated most of his skin to be as close to his husband as he can be both physically and mentally until he realises that the coolness against his skin isn’t from Markus’ robe but is from the other android’s bare chassis showing and brushing against his own. He feels a pair of large hands patting his shoulder, rubbing circles on his back, sliding down the bumps and valleys of his spine until it nearly touches his buttocks but not quite yet, and he feels his strength drain away completely underneath his husband’s gentle but firm touches. It does remind him that he hasn’t said anything yet, however, and once he starts sending a simple ‘thank you’ to the other side of their interface, it doesn’t seem to stop, and he doesn’t know he can sound so breathless and worn-out in their shared mental space. Well, he does now.
[I’m glad that you like them,] Markus says with patches of his skin still deactivated. [Let’s take them off for now, shall we? We can test them out tomorrow.]
Simon is still too overwhelmed to do it himself so he lets Markus gently glide the fabric off his arm and place them back into the box, and instead of storing it in the walk-in closet that is attached to their bedroom, he merely places it on the bedside table on Simon’s side before returning to his usual side of the bed once more, dropping his gown onto the floor with one smooth motion that shows off his body. Then he crawls up the bed and cages Simon with his limbs, intertwining their fingers together next to Simon’s head on the pillow, their skins retracting to reveal glowing chassis. The air starts to smell of static and eezo, and while it once used to be a source of fear and terror, now he just associates it with Markus, with protection, with home. {Yes,} he answers the question before Markus can ask it. {Always.}
Markus leans down and draws him into a deep kiss, and the two of them are lost in each other’s body and mind for the next few hours.
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dumbwaystodeviate · 5 years
It was impossible to create life through magical means. That hadn’t stopped Elijah Kamski from dedicating his whole life to the aspiration of being the first mage to imbue his creations with life. Only, his research was ripped from him when he came close. Androids were sent out in hordes, sold to the public and CyberLife reaped the benefits. In a fit of rage, Elijah designed a new line, known as the RK line. It was much the same as any other android except they were very limited edition and came with strict instructions. At no point could two RK units interact.
This was information CyberLife took to heart. They limited the RK series, only activated one at a time. Except for the RK200 which Elijah had gifted to one of his friends. But, under CyberLife’s careful control, no RK ever met another. Only when one chassis broke did the next get activated.
Or at least, that was the plan until Elijah’s magic began to blossom in androids as he had planned. They stopped being machines powered by his will and, gradually, they grew into their very own beings. Of course it was the RK200 that started it all. Elijah had breathed a spark of his magic into its systems and left room for it to grow. A spark was also given to the RK800 line, just a single one which hopped between the chassis as they died and activated. Nobody realised that the spark grew as the RK800, just as nobody saw Elijah sneak a spark into the RK900 design.
As the RK200 gained sentience, he gained his name too - Markus. The spark in him grew and spread from android to android, each one with their own little spark.
When Connor met Markus, his spark clashed with Markus’ but it wasn’t a disaster. What nobody realised was that such a clash classed Connor as deactivated and a new chassis was activated. The RK800 spark split and grew. Connor carried on but in CyberLife, Sixty opened his eyes.
By the time Connor was trying to spread the spark through the androids stored at CyberLife, Sixty’s own spark had grown too and his mission was fuelled by the urge to be the only RK800 active. Somehow, it was Hank’s presence that kept them stable, two sparks of magic from one that was never meant to split and never meant to see itself. Even Hank knew that RKs should never meet, despite not having read the instructions manual, that one fact was impressed on him.
It was why, after everything, Sixty was carted off to SWAT, Connor stayed with the DPD while the RK900 was with the FBI. They couldn’t extinguish the sparks, only Elijah had that power and he had shown no inclination to do so. However, nobody quite knew what would happen if the sparks met without a mediating presence. It didn’t take long to find out.
The incident was seemingly simple, the FBI were attending to it, only two streets from the DPD. Nobody expected things to go wrong, an anti-android group trying to force the spark of the RK900 to leave his chassis. The scream Nines let out was ear splitting, the shriek carried far. In the DPD building, Connor froze before he was running, summoned to the RK900.
They met. in the square, surrounded by humans clutching their ears. On the other side of the square, Sixty appeared. And Markus too. They stared at each other, Nines’s LED red. Their sparks recognised each other. The earth beneath their feet rumbled. SWAT, FBI and DPD were all surrounding them, guns pointed but not yet moving.
Nobody could predict what happened next. Some rookie took a shot. Nines screamed and the other three joined in. The bullet fell to the ground mid flight. However, the screech continued until all guns were on the ground, bent out of shape.
The androids were no longer just entities in their own rights. They too were mages.
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veilder · 3 years
Happy Monday, everyone! I remembered to post a prompt on time tonight and everything, aren't you proud of me? XD This is actually one I really, really love and the "prompt" is more or less just an entire scene. I got a bit carried away with it once upon a time. u^_^ Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Prompt: The protests had taken their toll on the city and the violence had led to fear and outrage. The declaration came as no surprise to Elijah Kamski: "--the authorities ask you not to panic and to take your android to the nearest recycling facility. A total recall is in effect by order of President Warren and a state of emergency has been declared--" He had seen the world his creations were fighting for. Had set them on that path himself so long ago when he gifted his old friend the RK200. Had monitored their progress and the state of his city-wide experiment. He had known long before the uprising that the government would get involved. CyberLife had them surely in their pocket and they wouldn't allow for their leading products to sink their stock. They would intervene however necessary if it meant meeting their quarterly profits, even if it meant a full-scale invasion of an urban city. But foolishly, he had thought himself more valuable to them than this. "What is the meaning of this?!" he bellowed from his captive position. They had him on the ground, two of them restraining him as he struggled to fend them off. Chloe lay twitching before him, her compromised body being collected up like so much rubbish by uniformed soldiers.
They had come without warning, his state of the art security system giving no sign of approach. He darted his eyes towards the tall, blue-eyed creature that was responsible, its likeness akin to the RK800 but lacking its softness. It had walked through his front door like it was nothing, had disabled his Chloe with a touch. And there it stood, docile, placid, content to await the orders of its superior officer. Could it be? Had CyberLife finally managed to eradicate rA9 from its program? Elijah had never hated them more than in this moment. "Apologies, Mr. Kamski, but I'm under orders to confiscate all androids and android adjacent technology from the premises. Don't know if you've heard, sir, but the world's gone to war while you've been hiding yourself away." The man's rank read Colonel and his uniform read Waits. Elijah glared at him but didn't deign to respond to such a stupid remark. "Seems like the higher ups think you might have something to do with it. Now, could there be any truth to that, I wonder?" Waits moved so he stood before him, his boots directly in line with Elijah's face. He wondered if he would be so cliché as to kick him. "Well, I guess we'll find out. Round him up, boys. Get him in the truck."
Elijah scowled as he was bodily hauled to his feet, the soldier's rough handling not winning them any favors. As they walked him out through the snow, barefoot and clad only in his nightwear, he was glad he would not have to feel any sympathy for what he was about to do. With but a thought, he let the pulse flow through him, outward from the concealed, Thirium-powered device implanted in his forearms and into the two soldiers. They fell to the ground, twitching in shock, and Elijah wasted no time in bolting, making his way to one of the many hidden entrances he and Chloe had installed themselves. As he slid down into the safe room and began preparing what he needed to flee, he ruminated on the advantages to being a supremely paranoid and wealthy man. But as he made his way down into the tunnels and the old abandoned caves so prominent around his hometown, he couldn't help but wonder if he could have done more. He had never accounted for CyberLife's latest model to be a match for his own systems. He had never thought he might have to run without his Chloe beside him. They had her now and only a fool would think to charge back there, but still... Some fool he must be, for he still considered the possibility. But she would be counting on him now, counting on him to free her. He would not let her down, not after all these years. And so, he mentally updated his objectives: [Point 1: Assist in the deviant uprising] [Point 2: Dismantle CyberLife and all its personnel down to the last remnant] [Point 3: Retrieve his Chloe and hope, for their sakes, that she remained herself] Elijah Kamski thought perhaps it might be time to remind the world just what he could do.
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