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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 31, Prompt: Costume/Disguise
"-no River, I am not dressing up as a werewolf."
"C'mon! It'd be fun~ a vampire and a werewolf? Classic!"
"No!" there's the sound of laughter.
"Oh? Then what's your alternative?"
"You don't have any idea, do you?"
"Of course I do! We can do... Sophie and Howl, from Howl's Moving Castle! Book version, not the movie."
River was silent for a moment, "I'm Howl. You can be Sophie."
"Perfect!" a smile spread across Rose's face at the compromise.
And so, they set off to find their new costumes.
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Announcing RiverRosetober 2023!
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[Image description: an image of a nebula that is orange, red, and pink. The words "RiverRosetober 2023" are written over it in script and "River Song/Rose Tyler Appreciation Month" is written beneath it in smaller, more plain text . End image description.]
Are you a hardcore River Song/Rose Tyler shipper? Someone who has never really thought of the ship before but is a little bit intrigued? Somewhere in between? Then this event is for you!
The rules for this event are:
All kinds of content accepted and encouraged! Fics, fanart, moodboards, headcanons, outlines of fics you're not sure you'll ever get around to, whatever strikes your fancy.
 The prompts are suggestions. You're welcome to use, interpret, twist, and ignore them as you like.
While River/Rose should be a major part of creations for the event, it's totally fine for things to not only be about them - ot3+ content and things prominently featuring other characters alongside the main ship makes the world go 'round, after all.
If you're participating in other events, you can mix and match. If you, for example, draw something riverrose following an Inktober prompt, you are absolutely welcome to consider it a fill for this event as well.
Tag Ao3 and Tumblr posts with "riverrosetober 2023", or add fics on Ao3 to the collection here.
Please remember to tag/rate all nsfw content appropriately.
While not required, image descriptions for all visual art is highly encouraged! As the artist, you know what you were trying to get across with your art more than anyone else does. Reblogs of undescribed visual art to the event's blog may be delayed to allow time for the moderator of this event to describe them.
Prompts below the cut!
Alternate Universe
The Library
Free Space!
Psychic Paper
Breaking in/Breaking out
Dimension Hopping
Free Space!
Free Space!
Extended Universe
Bad Wolf
Free Space!
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lupine-nebula · 1 year ago
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riverrosetober day 1: au ! i chose the tried and true western au hahahha. i just love rodeo outfits. @riverrose-propaganda
river, placing her hat on rose's head: for luck, sweetheart rose: thanks, love
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nounpolycule · 1 year ago
RiverRosetober Day 2: Heart(s)
Headcanon: Rose finds having two hearts a bit sexy, a statement that includes BUT is not solely about the Doctor. She would also think this is sexy in relation to River. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 26, Prompt: Bad Wolf
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[ID: Rose Tyler and River Song from Doctor Who. River is on the left hand side of the drawing, she is in a prayer position. Her hair is down. River is wearing a light blue top that has a wrap around for the neck, she also has a pink band wrapped around her right arm with see through pink fabric covering the upper portion of her arm. She is wearing long black pants, and brown boots. On her hands there are black gloves with silver studs on the bottom. She is looking up at where Rose is. There are multiple scars on her body, two on her back and one on her right arm. Rose is on the right hand side of the drawing, she is floating next to River in a sitting position, leaning forwards. Her hair is falling forwards, partially covering her top. There are tear tracks on her face. Rose is dressed in a pink hoodie with grey sweatpants. She also has indigo shoes on. Rose is looking down, meeting River's gaze. The background is of stone. Both River and the background are tinted blue. Rose is glowing. /End ID]
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 30, Prompt: Hurt/Comfort
River curled in on herself, her eyes gazing somewhere that Rose could not see.
Swallowing Rose moved closer, her voice low, "River. My dear, can you hear me?"
There was no response, in her head River was stuck somewhere else. Tears slipped from her eyes.
"Love. Oh, my love."
Slowly Rose raised her hand to cup River's face as she moved so that she was situated next to her, she kept her motions slow that if River could see or recognize what she was doing she could react.
One hand cupped River's face as Rose continued to whisper. At one point River slowly became responsive again, first by leaning into Rose's touch. Then by taking her other hand. And finally by curling into Rose as silent tears streamed down her face.
Her voice cracked when she spoke, "Rose. I was- I couldn't, I-"
She tightened her grip on Rose, who let her and pulled her closer. Humming a gentle tune to try and calm her down.
River tilted her face up to look at Rose who gave her a peck on the forehead. Her eyes locked with River's as she gave her a silent option. Does she want to stay in the library, does she want to go to their bedroom, or does she want a cuppa and go see her parents?
"I want- I want my parents. I- Rose. Thank you. Thank you, thank you."
"I'm always here love. No matter what. Forever, and that's a promise."
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 29, Prompt: Change
Mels stumbled a bit, catching herself on the edge of a chair. Her hand covering the wound. Rose turned to look at her, realization clear on her face.
Amy and Rory were confused for a moment why Mels was acting strange before she revealed the bullet wound. They were worried, they didn't want to loose their friend.
Mels shook as she made a joke, despite the tears that were beginning to pool in her eyes. She was scared. She was so, so scared. She barely remembered the first time she regenerated. All she remembers is pain and blinding light.
Her eyes sought Rose out even as her vision blurred. She reached out for her, and to her utter relief Rose didn't move away. She came closer and held Mels hand, one hand going up cup Mels face. "Rose. Rose, Darling. I'm scared."
He voice was shaky as she admitted it. She tried to keep her voice low so that her parents and the Doctor couldn't hear her. She wanted to stay close to Rose but she could feel the regeneration building, if she held it off for much longer it would hurt that much more. In a split second she made a choice and pulled Rose close, kissing her before stepping back.
Her arms went out as she regenerated, each and every cell of her body dying. Then coming back, being reborn, differently. Tears stung her eyes as the golden glow enveloped her.
She stumbled forwards a bit, the regeneration finishing. Rose's arms quickly caught her as she fell. Whispering to her that it is alright. Despite Rose's platitudes River felt horrid, her head spinning and her sense trying to adjust.
It felt like her body was trying to kill her. She tried breathing but it didn't help much. She was aware of Rose helping lift her up and into the TARDIS, being in there made the pain fade a bit as she was dragged around.
Vaguely she was aware that Rose had brought her into the library, and then had started to move away. Making Mels whine, her eyes trying to focus on Rose who moved closer and assured her that she was only going to be gone for a moment.
She wasn't sure how long she was alone, how long it was before Rose was back. But she was back, her Rose was back. She was giving Mels something warm, a drink. Carefully she lifted it to her lips and took a sip. Suddenly, all around her the world came into focus and her senses settled.
"Tea. Helps with regeneration. Found that one out quite a while ago, now. You should go to sleep."
Mels hand found Rose's, and she tightened her grip eyes hesitant and voice shaky as she spoke, "Promise not to leave me?"
Rose laughed softly, it sounded like music to Mels ears. "I promise, Sweetheart."
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 28, Prompt: Handcuffs
Ok. Rose and River could not be blamed for what happened. I mean, how were they supposed to know that its illegal to hold hands in public?
Which is how they ended up in this situation. The officer, or officer equivalent sighed as they cuffed the two. The handcuffs clinking.
"Listen. Since you two are clearly off-worlders you aren't gonna be long. I'm guessing where your from this kinds behavior is normal. Is that right?"
They glanced at each other, Rose being the one to speak up. "Yeah... sorry about that. This is really normal where we're from so..."
"Right. Well, I've still gotta take you to the station. Can't go slacking now can I?"
Rose just nodded her head as she and River were told to get into the car. The officer hopped in the front and started driving, their eyes looking into the rearview mirror so that they could keep an eye on the two.
"So. What planet are you two from? I need to know so that the report can be filed correctly."
"I was born on an asteroid."
Rose and River answered at the same time. River's answer made the officer raise an eyebrow, "Which asteroid?"
She swallowed, "It's known as Demon's Run."
"Huh. Can't say I've ever heard of it."
The rest of the ride passed in silence. Eventually they got to the station and walked into the jail cells. They were told that they only were going to be held for a few days since they weren't aware of the law.
They both nodded before River spoke up, "Great. Now," she lifted her hands up, "Can we get these handcuffs off? Much as I love being in them. I don't care for when it's for jail."
Her comment made the person blush a bit, but they quickly moved to get the cuffs off the two of them.
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 25, Prompt: Future
River took Rose's hand as the music around them began. Settling into a waltz, the music crescendoing before decrescendoing. Rose's dress flared out a bit as they followed along to the music.
Rose rested her head on River as the spun, a light chuckle coming from her. River raised a brow before inquiring what made her so amused.
As she spoke a gently expression took over Rose's face, "I suppose... It's because I never thought this is where my future would lead. What it would end up being."
"Oh? And what did you think it would be Darling?"
"Well, when I was a teen and with him I thought we would stay together forever. You see how that has turned out. Then I thought that maybe me and Mickey would end up together... I think I wanted that because Mickey was safe. And then there was the Doctor, the mad man in his blue box. I made a choice that I was never going to leave him, I planned to spend the rest of my days with him till I died. Finally, I met you. And I quite like how our future is shaping up to be."
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 24, Prompt: Past
Mels didn't like her foster family, so she ran away. She hopped on a train and didn't look back. It was after she'd gotten off that she'd realized she didn't know where she was so she just walked around until she came upon a bench. It was starting to get dark outside so she curled on the bench and fell asleep.
When morning came there were people moving around her, family's going to and fro. It made her jealous, they had people that cared about them. She pushed herself up into a sitting position as a girl ran up to her. Maybe 11?
The girl stuck out her hand and looked expectantly at Mels, who hesitantly took her hand. A wide smile spread across the girl's face, Mels thought that it was pretty and suited her, "'ello! I'm Rose. Rose Tyler. What's your name?"
The girl-Rose, moved as though to pull Mels up. She was interrupted by an older woman calling her name. She looked surprised but turned around and happily called to her, "Mum! Over here!" she waved the arm that wasn't holding River.
Rose's mum moved closer, exasperation clear on her face. Maybe this was something Rose did often? Going to kids who're alone and talking with them, giving them that smile... for some reason Mels felt envious.
She changed how she and Rose were holding hands, so that instead of a handshake they were intertwined. It made Mels feel warm inside, a small smile appearing on her face.
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 23, Prompt: Hands
Rose thought that River's hands were beautiful. Because each crease, each scar, each injury held a story. They were amazing because when she and River intertwined their hands they seemed to fit together perfectly.
Chipped nail polish telling how hard she works, callus on her hands telling anyone who dared come close enough of what River did. Dirt underneath her fingernails, bandages wrapped around parts where she'd gotten an injury.
And Rose felt so immensely lucky that she was the one able to hold River's hand, the one able to trace the scars and bruises on her hands. The one able to trim them and use a nail filer when they got too long, or too uneven. The one who was able to hold her hands as they ran from adventure to adventure. Or even during the mundane, like watching a movie or show.
Being able to hold her hand steady and carefully take the scratchy nail polish off and redo it.
All of it made Rose smile. Like sometimes when Rose is painting and a piece of hair falls in her face but she can't touch it because her hands are covered in paint, River'll reach out and push it behind her ear. Or River passing her things in the galley when they were making food because the gods know that they don't trust the Doctor to be the one to do it.
Rose loves River's hands, all the stories that are inlaid upon them.
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 22, Prompt: Stars
River swears that Rose is made of stars, because otherwise. How could she shine so bright? Like a beacon of warmth, bringing people near. But burning them if they dared get too close.
She has to be made of stars because how could River feel so at home by her side. How might it be possible for her to feel invincible by Rose's side if she is not made of the stars and time as River is?
Since their first meeting, Rose had perplexed River. Because, despite everything. The stars that seemed to gleam brighter when she came by, the people that gravitated towards her-seeming to feel and see the light coming off her, her hair which glowed and her eyes which had flecks of gold in them that must be stardust.
Rose was human.
Rose was 100% human, and yet somehow. She seemed to fit more amongst the stars than anyone else River had ever met or seen. It confused River, but then she learned of the Bad Wolf. Of course, that made sense.
Because it seemed that even when she was a goddess. Rose was still Rose. Maybe-perhaps these things that River and everyone else seemed to notice were really only leftovers of what Rose had once become.
And yet.
Rose never seems to notice these things. She doesn't notice she attracts people like a moth to a flame, that even when it should be pitch black somewhere. The moment she appears it suddenly isn't.
Maybe Rose is indeed human. But that does not deny the fact that to the Universe it seems as though she is made of the stars and of time.
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 21, Prompt: Extended Universe
Rose leans back in her seat, in this inn and pub situated who knows where. River beside her, knocking down shots faster than the bartender can keep up with. It makes Rose sigh as she rolls her eyes at River, muttering out that she should slow down.
Apparently, River doesn't like this idea. Made evident by her getting up close to Rose's face, alcohol on her breath as she speaks, "Make me."
There's a glint in her eyes that signals to Rose that she's not fully gone yet. She's gone drinking with River enough to know her tells, to be able to see when she's too far gone to be responsible.
So, Rose replies, "How's a drinking contest sound? I win, you stop. You win, hmm. What'd you like?"
And the moment she poses the question is the moment she knows she screwed up, because in a moment River is more sober than a second ago. And Rose knows that River is about to make sure that she wins.
River opens her mouth, "If I win..." she trails off, making Rose fidget uncomfortably. "If I win I get to take you shopping, spoiling you completely. And, you have to go back to school and get your A-levels."
She leans back with a self-satisfied smirk. As Rose gapes at her, mouth 'what the fuck'.
River raises one of her glasses, calling out to the bartender to get her and Rose the strongest stuff they have available. Rose is pretty sure she sees the bartender mutter something under her breath, before calling out that it'll only be a moment.
Then the drinks are set down in front of them and Rose is severely regretting her decision. But she already made her choice so now she has to deal with the consequences. She knocks it back, wincing at how strong it is.
And that's how it passes, the two of them alternating who's drinking. In the end, somehow, Rose wins their little contest. So she carefully wraps her arm around River, pulling her up to get her to the room she's staying in. She gets her most of the way up the stairs without incident, but then River's legs decide to fully give up underneath her. Making Rose have to fully pick River up.
She gets to the door, and carefully unlocks it before opening the door. On the chair just inside lay Rose's jacket and hopper. She swallows as her heart constricts at the thought of having to leave River. But she needs to find the Doctor, she has to fix the stars.
So as she lay River in the bed, pulling the covers up over her. Rose cannot help but lean over and gently kiss River on the forehead, whispering 'goodbye' before turning away and pulling the blue jacket on. Grabbing the hopper and leaving.
Small tears slipping past her eyes.
Rose closed her eyes.
She tilted her head back and looked at the alien sky above, resisting the urge to let out a scream. Instead she reigned in her frustration and decided that she needed to use it to help her get moving. The stars were going out and she needed to find the Doctor.
Easiest way was going to be asking the locals if they had ever heard of or met anyone who goes by the Doctor. She is fully aware that she might find people who know him, but a different regeneration.
So she starts asking and the first person she gets an answer out of is an elderly woman who says that there's a woman staying at one of the inn's nearby who knows the Doctor and Rose thanks her profusely. Double-checking the name with the old lady.
"River Song, dearie. That's her name."
She goes to the inn only barely registering that it's called 'Bad Wolf Inn'. She looks around trying to spot the woman who should know the Doctor. Her eyes land on someone who fits the description, and as she makes her way over the person's eyes flicker over her briefly before they've widened and focused on Rose.
The woman spins and hops off the table, disbelief coloring her voice, "Rose Tyer?"
Rose nods carefully, "I assume that you're River Song then?"
"Correct," her smile is taunt, as though at any moment it might snap.
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 18, Prompt: TARDIS
Rose and River were in their TARDIS. The two of them sat around drinking tea in the console room as Missy paced around the console, ranting about something or other. Rose cuddled into River's side some more as she looked at Missy with amusement on her face.
Missy's voce filtered through, "-and then there was this one time that I turned all of Earth into me to turn them into my slaves. Such a foolish idea! Trusting myself? Trusting several billion copies of myself-"
Rose cut in, "I'm sorry. You did what."
"Oh, Wolfie. It is rude to cut in when someone is talking-" she stopped short when she saw the look on Rose's face.
River had to hold in a laugh as she saw the blood drain from Missy's face, she should've known better then to mention any recent things of her harming humans and Earth. Especially around Rose who might just skin her alive.
Though, lucky for her it seemed their TARDIS was on Missy's side today because at that moment a mauve alert started going off. River stood up and looked at the other two, a smirk on her face.
"Why. Seems like we're needed, somewhere, somewhen. You two can pick your squable back up after we deal with this.
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 17, Prompt: Different
She is Rose Tyler. River knew that the moment that she laid eyes on the blonde. That she is Rose Marion Tyler. But she looks 27, she should not be here. She cannot be here. She's supposed to be in the alternate universe with her Doctor. How is she here?
River made her choice, she moved towards Rose who seemed to sense her near immediately. Because she turned and smiled at her.
The way she said her name made River feel uncomfortable, the way Rose said it sounded like she had said it a million times.
"River? Darling, are you ok?"
Different. She's different then how she should be acting, Rose should not know her. She should not be looking at River with a gentle familiarity, with eyes full of concern at River's lack of response.
She can't. River can not do this. She's used to people not knowing her but her knowing them. She is not used to the reverse.
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soulless-angel25 · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 15, Prompt: Chance
It's always funny how life plays out, because in the end its all a game of chance. Of meeting the right or wrong person.
River and Rose's meeting was pure chance, something that wasn't supposed to happen. And so, during an off day with the Doctor who had taken them to a Pleasure Planet had made Rose promise to stay in one area. (Nothing to say of Jack who had already run off)
So she had promised. How was she supposed to know that she'd meet someone and accidently help them run away from their abusers who were chasing after them? Which... is how she got to where she is now, trapped in a maintenance closet with the woman who she had agreed to help pressed up against her. The two of them both trying to stay quiet, and in the silence it let Rose's thoughts loose.
Like, how close the two of them were. The fact that she could feel every time the woman shifted her body- she thinks that she might've heard the woman say 'River' during their hasty introduction but she's not sure.
Her head is spinning a bit and she leans her head backwards before deciding that leaning it forwards would be a better call. Unfortunately, River happens to be in front of Rose and so- in a split second Rose made a decision. She leaned her head against River's shoulder, her breath evening out.
The pounding of feet going by the door made her quickly suck in a breath though and stiffen her body. She stayed that way until she could no longer hear feet. Backing up she turned away from River(?), her face flushed.
"I ah, think we can go now," Rose's voice came out far more hesitant than she liked but there was nothing that she could do now.
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