River/Rose Central
12 posts
Host of RiverRosetober Icon by @lupine-nebula
Last active 3 hours ago
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Expect an update from me and lots of queuing tomorrow evening!
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
RiverRosetober Day 2: Heart(s)
Headcanon: Rose finds having two hearts a bit sexy, a statement that includes BUT is not solely about the Doctor. She would also think this is sexy in relation to River. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 4, Prompt: Death
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[ID: River Song and Rose Tyler from Doctor Who. River is holding Rose’s body close to her, River's right arm is cradling Rose’s head and her left arm and hand are wrapped around Rose’s midsection. River's eyes are closed and tears are falling, Rose's visible eye is open and looking off into the distance, a singular tear in her eyes and blood leaking from her mouth. River is dressed in a nude tank top, black leggings, and brown boots. Rose is dressed in a brown jacket, a pink shirt, TARDIS blue pants, and dark purple low-heeled boots. In the top right corner it reads "And River cradled Rose as she drew her final breath." The background is a pale blue. /end ID]
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 3, Prompt: Life
Saving... Saving... Saving... Save Process: 72% Saving... Saving... Save File Corrupted Retry? Yes <-- No Saving... Saving... Saving... Save Process: 32% Saving... Saving... Saved! River Song has been Saved. River Song has been Saved to Data Banks.
Rose walked. No-not Rose, Bad Wolf. Bad Wolf walked through the library, her hands trailing over the books, a disinterested look in her eyes. She wasn't here for the books, she was here for her. The precious child of Amy and Rory. The Stolen Child.
Her gaze flicked over to the Vashta Nervada, making her body glow in warning, if they dared come close they best be prepared.
Finally she reached her destination, with a flick of her hand she was taken up to where the data banks are. The metaphorical heart of the library. She gazed around before focusing on the port. Walking over she looked at it, tsking she made her way over to a terminal.
"Save File: Song, River. Classification: Person." while waiting for the terminal to pull up the correct information she pulled a hard drive from a pocket.
"File Search.... File Search..... File Found!"
A smile overtook her face, she inserted the hard drive into the port on the terminal, "Download File: Song, River. Full."
The computer terminal made a ding, before beginning the download. She leaned against the wall, patiently waiting for the download to finish, but to be fair she didn't expect this to be a quick thing. After all, it required the download of everything. River Song's consciousness. She'd been alive for a few hundred years, quite a lot.
Eventually the download finished and she pulled the hard drive out, a smile on her face as she turned and disappeared.
When she reappeared, in front of her stood a prefect recreation of Melody's- River's latest body. With one small change, a port in the side of her neck. Perfect for the hard drive Bad Wolf had in her pocket.
Inserting the drive she stood back as the data was put into the body. Her eyes flicked over to the drive, it was slowly disappearing into River's neck.
Several hours, or maybe days later the download finished. "Perfect."
Breathing out Bad Wolf added the final piece that was missing. The spark that made something alive, a heartbeat.
And slowly, after the task was finished. Bad Wolf receded back into Rose's mind, pulling the metaphorical door closed. Moving, Rose lowered herself onto the bed nearby before she passed out from exhaustion.
And as her eyes closed shut she heard a whirring sound.
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023- Day 1, Prompt: Alternate Universe
When Rose first met River it was by accident, she was hoping through the dimensions- trying to find the Doctor. She landed in the right one, but not at the right time. It had been on an asteroid known for its wide market, she'd wandered around, following the device's beeping towards a two-hearted person.
Eventually she ran into them, literally. She ran into River, who she tentatively looked at, her voice wavering as his name slipped from her lips, "Doctor?"
Her voice had made River freeze, she looked at her, Rose Tyler-the Bad Wolf, the Woman The Doctor Loved, Defender of Earth, and many more titles. And a bittersweet smirk overtook River's face, "Sorry Sweetheart, I'm not him."
River's response had made Rose furrow her eyebrows as she looked between River and the device, she shook it- maybe it was malfunctioning? But nope, the reading was clear as daylight- HEARTS SEARCH: 2 | PEOPLE FOUND: 1 | DISTANCE: 2 ft RESPIRATORY BY-PASS: SEARCH | PEOPLE FOUND 1
"Are you a Timelord? But no- that wouldn't make any sense considering-" Rose's voice droned on, making River laugh.
She placed one hand on her shoulder, calming her down. Extending her hand Rose took it, "Professor River Song, Archeologist, Wife of The Doctor. And yes- I'm a Timelord, naturally born- mind you. Pleasure to meet you Rose Tyler. I do believe he'd hinted that I'd met you at some point but I thought he was simply joking. Never know with that man."
River said it all so easily, but Rose's mind was spinning. Focusing on one part of what she'd said, "...wife of the Doctor...?"
At that point Rose's recall had activated, pulling her back to Pete's World. And with her sudden disappearance, River cocked her head. A smirk spreading across her lips as she laughed, "Rose Tyler. How interesting," with that she continued forward to get the thing she'd been there for. The interaction lingering in her mind.
Then there'd been their second meet, several years had passed for River. But for Rose only 2 or so years, considering what River had said, they had the correct Dimension, just not the place or time. So when she jumped this time she was quick to look around, not quite sure when or where she was.
Finally her eyes landed on something that gave her an idea, "New York." she sighed, "At least it's Earth this time and-" she pulled out her phone, "April, 2012. Damn it."
But it was close, closer and more accurate than some of the other jumps. They were getting better at making sure she landed in the correct dimension, and time was getting more and more accurate. And yet she still shook her head, turning to come face to face with a statue. It's styling was unique, reminding Rose of more Greek clothing, at least- Rose thinks Greek. It's been a while since she looked at their outfitting so she wasn't 100% sure.
And the wings, nicely carved- though she wasn't one able to truly judge, the Doctor would know though- reminiscent of angel wings. She shook her head as she turned her back. Her mind spinning as she suddenly fell, she looked around-still New York but... something was different. She pulled out her phone again, eyes balking, "1938?"
Pushing herself up Rose started walking, trying to restart or fix her communicator, she'd fallen on it.
Behind her, Rose heard a slightly familiar voice, "Rose Tyler? What're you doing here in 1938?"
Turning, her surprise colored her voice, "River? I suppose I could say the same to you."
"Angels." was River's only response.
"Weeping Angels, nasty things. Sends people back in time with a touch then feeds off their time," River explained.
"Yeah, well. Luckily I've got a Vortex Manipulator. Need a lift?"
Rose nodded, "April, 2012 if you could. It's when I landed. 'bout noon I think?"
River said nothing, just simply nodded before pulling Rose close. Her arm wrapped and Rose's waist, practically melding their bodies. She gave a wink before she hit a button, pulling them forward. Rose stumbled a bit.
"Not nearly as nice as the TARDIS I'm afraid. But, best I can do."
And before Rose could respond River stole a kiss, "Bye Sweetheart~" and she was gone.
Rose touched her lips, a flush rising up to her ears. "Rose- an---- us? Ag--- ---er, do you ---y?"
The static coming in from the communicator roused Rose out of the state she was in, she pressed her mic, switching it on. "This is Agent Tyler, requesting pull back."
And if anyone had been looking that way, they would see a blonde disappear as suddenly as she had appeared.
They met many more times, sometimes in order, sometimes not. But, it is one of these that is most important.
Rose Tyler had just been left on a beach in Norway, the Meta-Crisis Doctor stood beside her as they stared at the spot the TARDIS had been. Slowly the two of them began to turn away before that glorious sound came back.
Rose turned sharply, her eyes narrowing in on the TARDIS. Once the doors opened she was ready to start yelling yet she found her voice stolen from her once she saw who was in the doorway.
"Hey," River said casually, as though her being there wasn't the strangest thing in the universes.
"You two want a lift back to Universe Prime?" she looked between the two of them.
Rose looked at the Doctor, and he looked at her. Through their eyes an understanding passed, this was their only chance. And neither of them wanted to be here.
Running to her Mum quickly Rose hugged her, apologies spilling from her lips. Jackie looked at her, then at the Doctor, and then at the TARDIS and the strange women standing in its doors.
She whispered one word, "Go." though her eyes betrayed her, tears slipping down.
Rose smiled and said, "I love you Mum." for the last time. Turning she hurried back and grabbed the Doctor's hand hauling the two of them past River and on board the TARDIS.
And the doors slammed shut as River hurried over to the console, her eyes flickering over to the Doctor, "Mind giving me a hand Sweetie?"
Numbly he moved forward, helping her pilot the ship. Eventually they landed, the ship thudding against the ground. River opened the doors for them, "Maglia, 34th century. No wars or revolutions of any kind take place until the 37th if I'm recalling correctly. It's a planet many people migrate to, if only to see the beauty of it. Warm almost all year round 'cept in the far North were it's quite cold-"
Her explanation of where they where was cut of when Rose threw her arms around River. Pulling back she pulled River into a fervent kiss, "Thank you," her smile was like the sun.
"No problem Sweetheart, good luck." River pulled back, she tossed Rose something, "Credit Stick, unlimited. Maybe see you later." she closed the doors of the TARDIS.
Rose and the Doctor stood next to each other as the Old Girl vanished once more, "Together?" "Together."
Rose sat down, a smile on her lips, "You ever think we'll see her again dear? It's been quite a long time, I wonder how she's been." "Silent as always, huh? Fair enough, not sure what I expect."
Beside Rose is a gravestone with no body, once she'd asked him- when he was getting older. What funeral rites were customary for Timelords, and when he'd passed she had done just that. Set his body alight on a pyre. Staying until the flames died and his body was nothing more than ash, and then she'd gathered that ash, placed it in a box. And dug a small, but deep hole just in front of the gravestone.
She sat, 4 centuries later. She sat next to his grave on Maglia. Her eyes closed, before springing open when she heard someone walk up and sit next to her. She looked at the person sat next to her, it took her brain a moment to recognize them.
They both sat, looking at one another before River extended her hand. "What'd you say to some adventures?"
"What kind?" for the first time in a while something more than dullness was in Rose's voice.
"Oh- just the running kind I do think. But, perhaps maybe some domestics too, Sweetheart?"
A grin broke out across Rose's face as she took River's hand and pulled her close, "Well, I'd never say no to an adventure. Darling."
A competitive gleam appeared in River's eyes, she pulled Rose closer. Kissing her, "Well then. I suppose we should get started then."
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
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riverrosetober day 1: au ! i chose the tried and true western au hahahha. i just love rodeo outfits. @riverrose-propaganda
river, placing her hat on rose's head: for luck, sweetheart rose: thanks, love
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
RiverRosetober Day 1!
Did I know this existed? No! But I ended up writing something that fits into the first prompt entirely on accident anyways! A win for the riverrose girlies (gn) etc etc. Also my writing blog is @vwritesawholelothm but I'll post entries on my main since I'm already posting doctorjackrose week stuff here so I might as well.
Fandom: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: River Song/Rose Tyler Characters: River Song, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor, Parents Amy Pond/Rory Williams, they're also dead sorry, Fluff, i have no idea how tattoos or flower shops work we're just gonna suspend our disbelief for a bit Summary: Rose gets a new job at a tattoo parlor, and her first client is from the flower shop next door.
Event hosted by @riverrose-propaganda
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Everything that was posted in the last week was added to the queue! Thank you all for participating in days 1-8, here's to the next 23 days!
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Riverrosetober 2023: Day 2, Prompt- Heart(s)
Rose's body fell to the ground, the turbulence from using a Vortex Manipulator catching her of guard. Though, honestly she couldn't be blamed, quick and nasty time travel. She turned so that River wouldn't have to actually see everything that came out as she emptied her stomach.
Eventually what she managed to say was, "Bleh, fucking hate that shit."
River rolled her eyes as she moved closer to Rose, bending down she wrapped one arm around her midsection and heaved her up, "C'mon now Sweetheart. One journey with a Manipulator won't kill you."
From her slightly bent position Rose spat out, "Oh, what wonderful advice Darling! But perhaps your view would change if you were the one who felt like death incarnate."
River stayed silent as she dragged Rose over to a nearby bench, muttering under her breath as she took in their surroundings, "Lyscia, 72nd century. Slave trade has finally died here for the most part... hospitals are shit, what else? What happened in the 72nd century....?"
Shaking her head her attention returned once more to the blonde in front of her who still looked slightly queasy. She raised her hand to Rose's neck, simply needing to check and make sure her heart wasn't going too fast. But when she touched Rose's neck she drew back almost immediately. Her brows furrowing.
"....don't mean to alarm you Dear but it appears that you have two hearts."
The two of them looked at each other, and Rose promptly broke down.
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Happy RiverRosetober, everyone!
Announcing RiverRosetober 2023!
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[Image description: an image of a nebula that is orange, red, and pink. The words "RiverRosetober 2023" are written over it in script and "River Song/Rose Tyler Appreciation Month" is written beneath it in smaller, more plain text . End image description.]
Are you a hardcore River Song/Rose Tyler shipper? Someone who has never really thought of the ship before but is a little bit intrigued? Somewhere in between? Then this event is for you!
The rules for this event are:
All kinds of content accepted and encouraged! Fics, fanart, moodboards, headcanons, outlines of fics you're not sure you'll ever get around to, whatever strikes your fancy.
 The prompts are suggestions. You're welcome to use, interpret, twist, and ignore them as you like.
While River/Rose should be a major part of creations for the event, it's totally fine for things to not only be about them - ot3+ content and things prominently featuring other characters alongside the main ship makes the world go 'round, after all.
If you're participating in other events, you can mix and match. If you, for example, draw something riverrose following an Inktober prompt, you are absolutely welcome to consider it a fill for this event as well.
Tag Ao3 and Tumblr posts with "riverrosetober 2023", or add fics on Ao3 to the collection here.
Please remember to tag/rate all nsfw content appropriately.
While not required, image descriptions for all visual art is highly encouraged! As the artist, you know what you were trying to get across with your art more than anyone else does. Reblogs of undescribed visual art to the event's blog may be delayed to allow time for the moderator of this event to describe them.
Prompts below the cut!
Alternate Universe
The Library
Free Space!
Psychic Paper
Breaking in/Breaking out
Dimension Hopping
Free Space!
Free Space!
Extended Universe
Bad Wolf
Free Space!
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Should I have made a note about Free Space Fridays on the main post? Probably. However I spent way longer on that than intended and need to go clean so that's a problem for later <3
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riverrose-propaganda · 1 year ago
Announcing RiverRosetober 2023!
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[Image description: an image of a nebula that is orange, red, and pink. The words "RiverRosetober 2023" are written over it in script and "River Song/Rose Tyler Appreciation Month" is written beneath it in smaller, more plain text . End image description.]
Are you a hardcore River Song/Rose Tyler shipper? Someone who has never really thought of the ship before but is a little bit intrigued? Somewhere in between? Then this event is for you!
The rules for this event are:
All kinds of content accepted and encouraged! Fics, fanart, moodboards, headcanons, outlines of fics you're not sure you'll ever get around to, whatever strikes your fancy.
 The prompts are suggestions. You're welcome to use, interpret, twist, and ignore them as you like.
While River/Rose should be a major part of creations for the event, it's totally fine for things to not only be about them - ot3+ content and things prominently featuring other characters alongside the main ship makes the world go 'round, after all.
If you're participating in other events, you can mix and match. If you, for example, draw something riverrose following an Inktober prompt, you are absolutely welcome to consider it a fill for this event as well.
Tag Ao3 and Tumblr posts with "riverrosetober 2023", or add fics on Ao3 to the collection here.
Please remember to tag/rate all nsfw content appropriately.
While not required, image descriptions for all visual art is highly encouraged! As the artist, you know what you were trying to get across with your art more than anyone else does. Reblogs of undescribed visual art to the event's blog may be delayed to allow time for the moderator of this event to describe them.
Prompts below the cut!
Alternate Universe
The Library
Free Space!
Psychic Paper
Breaking in/Breaking out
Dimension Hopping
Free Space!
Free Space!
Extended Universe
Bad Wolf
Free Space!
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