#River Cobb
eulaliasims · 9 months
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cutestkilla · 19 days
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New art for my @carry-on-big-bang collab with @aristocratic-otter on her epidemiology AU: The Rat and the River! Chapter 3 is now live and Baz is having thoughts about things other than microbiology. (Maybe macro biology is on his mind though...) Definitely get on this fic y'all it's so good.
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pedroam-bang · 25 days
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Inara Serra - Firefly (2002-2003)
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waywardwizzard · 2 months
I just went through an old notebook and found a vague outline for an idea I forgot about.
So, uh... Firefly coffeshop AU anyone?
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slyandthefamilybook · 27 days
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amarkofcain · 2 years
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Is there anyone out there in the Firefly (2002) fandom who is interested in seeing gifs? I have drafted a bunch of gif sets but I don’t want to post them unless there’s interest:)
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mistandshcdow · 10 months
the firefly character autism list
1. simon (AUTISTIC NUMBER 1!!! terrible at masking but he tries)
2. river (well yes)
3. kaylee (ships special interest!)
4. jayne (special interest in guns, doesn’t bother masking)
5. wash (well yes 2.0)
6. mal (i can read his autistic inner monologue on his face)
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musicalfreak24601 · 3 months
Finishing Firefly is hard because it’s just like. That’s it? I knew it ended after 1 season but. That’s it?
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for whatever reason i just find it fvckin hilarious in the firefly episode where the guy working for niska is being so dramatic like ‘i will hunt you to the ends to the earth and the blade of my knife will be the last thing you will see’ and mal’s just like ‘darn’ and kicks him into the spinning engine like lol you dead
and when he does it with the other guy working with niska and he’s just like ‘YUH UH HUH ILL GET HIM THE MONEY oh god please don’t kill me-‘
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eulaliasims · 9 months
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That's probably a good idea, all things considered.
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River: Help, we can't play catch, the bench is in the way!
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Anyway, Julian Fletcher tagged along with River from school, and they're fast friends. Turns out they both love learning and school! River actually comes home from school with his fun tanked everyday, which is super great since all he ever wants to do is read and do homework.
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belanor · 4 months
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20 Firefly icons.
200x200 px.
Please like (or reblog) if you use any of these!
Some icons under the cut, you can find the rest of them on my icon page.
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aristocratic-otter · 1 month
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Here we goooo! Chapter 2:
Into the hot zone...
The sound of the helicopter’s rotors pounds out a metronome that matches the rhythm of the churning in my gut. We’re minutes away from my first sight of our destination. I hope I can keep from vomiting before we land.
I hadn’t known I was prone to motion sickness—I’ve only ever flown on commercial aircraft. But then, the way this copter bounces and rolls its way through the air, I’m more shocked that I’m the only member of my new team who’s turning green.
Of course, I’ve got a toxic brew of fear adding to the misery in my gut. Nobody else in the plane looks worried—I suppose this sort of mission is old hat to Snow and his team.
Read on AO3
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waywardwizzard · 3 months
"When they die, Mal, it'll be your fault. Sure, I'd be the one to kill them, but your arrogance will be the reason why."
Ash rained down around them, forming a thick layer on the ground.
Inara put a hand on Mal's shoulder but he ignored her, dark blue eyes staring at the still smoking ruins of the building.
Behind him, Zoë and Wash hugged each other, their whispers drifting on the breeze.
"Mal - " Inara began but the captain shook his head.
"Don't, 'nara. Just... don't."
The sun hung low in the sky, painting it a dark red.
River would have loved sketching it.
"This is all your fault, Mal!" Jayne yelled, striding closer until they were nose to nose, "If it wasn't for your yu ben de plan - "
The captain's blood boiled.
"Why do you care? It's not like you did back on Ariel - "
He should have seen the punch coming. Blinking the stars out of his vision, he felt Inara kneel down next to him, her turquoise dress full of ash and dust.
It had been Kaylee's favorite.
Warm blood dripped down his cheek, staining the sand dark.
'Why'd you come back for us?'
'You're on my crew.'
They were 6 instead of 9, now. It didn't feel right.
"Enough!" Shepherd yelled, stepping between them, his voice hard, "Do you really think now is the time? They wouldn't have wanted this."
It was quiet for a few seconds.
Reluctantly, Jayne held out a hand.
Mal took it and they shared a look, the merc looking away into the distance.
"Just because I didn't care then doesn't mean I don't care now," he muttered and Mal nodded, his chest feeling tight.
"When they die, Mal, it'll be your fault - "
Author's note -
Yeah... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill them.
I was feeling weird today and I was craving Serenity family angst so this just kind of popped up.
Again, sorry 'bout this.
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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admrlthundrbolt · 11 months
Wait A Minute My Girl (Jayne x Chubby Reader)
After you go through a near death experience, Jayne decides it time that he officially makes you Mrs. Cobb.
Hi guys, I'm back at it again. Firefly has always been a favorite of mine, so it was a lot of fun to finally write something for it. I also enjoyed putting the curses and insults in Mandarin, as an homage to the show.
Also don't be shy, suggestions are always welcome.
You laid in your room, bored to the brink of sleep. After your recent run in with a different bad guy group, you were on bed rest, Dr. Simon's orders. Thankfully everyone else walked away with only scraps and bruises. You however, had an explosive that you were setting up get shot by someone on the other team. It was small, but it still packed a punch.
A sudden noise broke you from your dozing. You were happy to see it was Jayne, checking up on you for the umpteenth time today. He may have a rough exterior, but he was a teddy bear on the inside. Your teddy bear at that.
It wasn't long after being hired as the explosion expert for a one off job, that you became a permanent crew member. Though being able to cook something out of almost nothing, seemed to help the decision along.
It was an even shorter time that Jayne made it clear how attracted he was to you. It felt like every conversation you had was littered with compliments. How he could watch you for the rest of his life and be happy. Or that you had the best child bearing hip he had ever seen. The list went on and on.
So you gave him a chance and it's been the happiest choice you’ve made.
“How you doin' darlin’?“ He strolled your way and sat next to you on the bed.
“I’d be better if I wasn't stuck here all day.” You threw your body in his lap and stared up at him. “It’s already been weeks.”
He smirked down at you. “Barely, today marks two weeks.”
You huddled and rolled your eyes. “Like I said weeks.”
His smile broadened. “How about I carry you up ta the mess and make you something ta eat.”
You perked up, the very thought of getting out of your bunk sounded like a dream. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders you said. “Yes please.”He
Pressing your body against his own, he hefted you off the bed. “Now you hold on tight darlin', wouldn't want ta drop you.”
“You're just saying that so I'll press against you.“
“An' what's wrong with that.” He followed that statement up with a squeeze to your rear.
He couldn't believe how lucky he was. Stirring the pot of nutritional porridge, one of the only things he could manage to cook, he stared at you. You were lounging in the kitchen nook, trying to hide the fact that you were favoring your left side.
To think that he ever offered Vera to Mal for some random woman, when you were out there. Waiting for him to find you. The day you stepped on Serenity, he was a goner. You were the softness to his hard edges. The calm to his storm. You were the clean sheets after a long day, not knowing how comforting they were until you were wrapped in them.
He couldn't tear his gaze from your pillowy form, it was plenty enough to hold his attention.
Until Mal entered the room. “You're burning it, Bèndàn.”
“Lā shī!” He yanked the pot off the heater and stirred it vigorously. “I’m sorry darlin'. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you.”
A smile blossomed on your face, making you glow.
While a sour expression slid into Mal's. “Could you stop it with that lovey dovey fèihuà. “
As your happy look fell from your face, Jayne grew furious. Lately Mal had been laying into him about showing how he felt about you. He had become more public with his displays of affection, but what did he expect. You had almost died and it made Jayne realize how much you meant to him.
Grabbing Mal's elbow, he glanced over at you. “I’ll be right back darlin'. We need to have a quick man ta man conversation.”
You nodded as they left the room.
After dragging him to the cargo bay, kicking and screaming, Jayne turned to face the captain. Before the other man could open his mouth, he said. “Shut up. I don’t give a flyin' tā mā de what you say ta me. But if you go upsetin’ her one more time, were goin’ ta be havin’ more than words the next time. “
Mal's face scrunched up at the accusation. “I didn't say a thing to her.”
“That don’t matter, the way you acted in there made her smile go away.” He prodded a finger in the captain chest. “Just ‘cause your miserable you don’t have someone lovin' like her, don’t mean you can crap all over us for havin’ it. “
He took a step closer to the mercenary, getting in his face. “You think your the only one who almost lost her. That girl means a whole heap to all of us. Yet you’ve been hovering over her since the accident. We need her to Jayne.” He looked away with sagging shoulders. This was the first time he had admitted it to himself, let alone someone else.
Seeing the hardship the other man was going through, Jayne's face softened at the confession. “Well, I never thought of it that way.” He rubbed a rough hand over his head. “You have ta understand Mal, besides my Ma, no one has ever cared about me the way she does. After that whole thing I pull with the Doctor and his siter, I knew I had messed up. I tried ta do better, but she makes me want ta do better. Be the person my Ma always wanted me ta be. “ He took a deep shuddering breath. “Almost losing her was a wake up call.”
He fished around in his pocket and pulled out something metallic. Holding his hand out, he showed the misshapen metal to the captain. “I made it from a round she fired from Vera.”
As Mal took it from his hand and examined it, he shook his head. “Are you trying to cut her finger off? Go see Kaylee and get her help making this thing decent.”
Realizing that this was the closest thing to a blessing the captain would give him, he nodded. Closing the other man’s hand around it he said. “Could you take it ta her and explain. I need ta get (Y/N) back ta bed first.”
Giving him a pat on the shoulder, he headed to the engine room. “Ok, meet us in there soon. You know once Kaylee hears about this it’s only a matter of time before the whole ship catches wind of it.“
With that Jayne rushed to your side.
By the end of the week everyone, except for you, had heard about what was going on. After a brief meeting in the cockpit it was decided that a dinner would be planned. Where Jayne would pop the question during dessert. He wasn't sure there was a time in his life that he felt more prepared and yet anxious ever. If you said yes this would be the best thing that ever happened to him. He was more than prepared to spend the rest of his life with you, but did you feel the same?
Shaking himself from those thoughts, he went to get you from your room. Where he helped you into a ‘nicer’ outfit, though in his option you made a potato sack look good. He had told you that everyone wanted to celebrate your recovery. While they did, they also wanted to make this a special night for other reasons.
“I don’t get why you guys are make such a fuss over me.” Huffing as you pulled on the flowy top, one of the only unstained items you have.
“You mean a lot to us darlin’. All of us. “ He added, thinking over the last few days of everyone's help. While he knew he was a hard person to deal with, the crew would do anything they could to make this go well. And he was thankful for that.
Your eyes became glossy at the sentiment.
“Sorry it’s not the best. You’re honestly the best cook on the ship.” Kaylee ducked her head at the admission. Although they all knew it was the truth. Between supply runs they wouldn't eat much beyond the nutrition packs. Then you came along and would make even those bland blocks somehow taste better.
You placed your hand on hers. “It's great.” Then glancing around the table you smiled. “I’m glad that I get to enjoy this with all of you.“ Your smile seemed to spread across the dinning table.
Then Jayne abruptly shot up. “I can’t wait another second.”
You looked at him in confusion, while the rest of the room gave him grimaces of disbelief.
Mal was the first to speak up. “Now Jayne, we haven't even started yet. Are you sure you can't let us eat first.”
Turning to the captain he shook his head. “If I don’t get this off my chest, I might pass out.” He knelt next to you and took out the ring. It was much more smooth and polished than the previous version. It actually took the entire group of women on board to get it ‘perfect'. “I need you like Vera needs ammo. Without you I feel useless. Like a stick of dynamite missing gunpowder. What i’m trying to say is… will you marry me? “
For the second time that day tears gathered in your eyes. Launching yourself at him, you planted kisses all over his face and repeatedly said yes.
The crew stared at the happy couple and couldn't help but think about how you really did make Jayne a better man.
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