#Rip Curl
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blu3-h0ur · 1 year ago
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look at this fire jacket i got
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justinssportscorner · 1 year ago
Liza Monroy for Assigned Media:
Sasha Jane Lowerson, the only publicly known trans-woman competing in professional surfing, is the first trans-woman to win a female longboarding competition—which also means she has solely borne the brunt of online hatred from trolls who follow the surf world, as well as anti-trans industry figureheads like Bethany Hamilton.  Hamilton, the devout Christian champion surfer famed for losing her arm in a shark attack age 13, has been making anti-trans comments publicly since the World Surf League adopted  a policy requiring trans-female athletes to maintain a testosterone level of less than five nmol/L for at least 12 months in order to compete in the women’s division. Most recently, Hamilton and swimmer Riley Gaines embarked on a tour to promote their agenda. For a brief moment, a possibility of change flickered: international surf corporation Rip Curl, purveyor of wetsuits, apparel, and swimwear, released a documentary ad featuring Lowerson in the 2024 “Summer Looks Good on You” campaign, a long-running Rip Curl Womens series. 
Rip Curl also sponsored Hamilton, at the time. “I didn’t want anything to do with a company that supported someone like that,” Lowerson says of when they first approached her. In thinking about it further, though, she reconsidered. The fact that they had approached her could mean “they’re distancing themselves from those attitudes and that stigma, from misinformation and the spread of hate. So I said yes.”  Lowerson has spent over thirty-five years in the industry as a longboarder, including as a sponsored surfer. Longboarding uses a board typically longer than 9 feet where the sport is more about style, flow, and grace and allows for more of a platform for the dance than the fast, highly maneuverable shortboards typically seen in pro-surfing. She’s currently an Ambassador for Athlete Ally, an organization working for LGBTQI+ inclusion in sport, and to end transphobia and homophobia. 
In her video, the phenomenal longboarder discusses how surfing has influenced her life and the joy she finds in riding waves. “I believe it’s the only sport where we get to perform on a changing platform, a moving dance floor,” she says. The video, an artful mini-documentary focused on Lowerson’s love of her sport, appeared online on January 24th of this year.  On January 29th, Hamilton tweeted  “Male-bodied athletes should not be competing in female sports,” targeting Lowerson. Then, on January 31st, six days after Lowerson’s ad was posted, Rip Curl pulled the ad, appeasing the anti-trans side. They released this statement soon after their decision:
The head of the campaign, Lowerson says, “told me, ‘we’re removing the post for your safety, Sasha.’ And I turned around and said to him, ‘that’s bullshit, you’re doing this for brand protection.’ I’m not stupid; my safety’s not a consideration. I’m so disappointed for believing that a major corporation as big as Rip Curl would stick by this sort of campaign with someone of a diverse gender. It was stupid to think they cared. I feel so hurt from that.” Rip Curl made a decision not to support and stand behind the athlete. Lowerson points out other situations that have included trans-women in previously only cis- woman spaces - the modeling industry in particular, she says, “Victoria’s Secret - they were the first to put trans women on the catwalk. Their response to backlash was after having one trans woman on the catwalk, the next time there were three and the time after that, five. There’s trans women on more catwalks than ever in fashion shows these days.” The affair left Lowerson with unanswered questions. Why didn’t the surf industry respond more like the modeling industry? Why didn’t Rip Curl double down, start featuring more trans-surfers?  “I have not had a financial sponsor in so many years,” Lowerson says.
Brennan of Surf Equity is concerned that the trend towards “prohibiting trans athletes from competition has been growing.” She senses “frustration across all these different sports that at some points things were moving in a more positive direction, and now it's just really awful. There's a lot of anger, frustration, and heartbreak, and people coming together on the question of what to do. Activists and lawyers who work in that space are just running into so many roadblocks. I tried to understand the psychology of why we are in this situation. There's a fear of getting involved in the politics of it because that can result in death, frankly. Pretty severe consequences to activists being public. There are just so many considerations.”  In the aftermath of the ad’s removal, Lowerson traveled to California and connected with surfboard shaper Mando, owner of Mando Surf Co in the Monterey Bay area, who is nonbinary. They’re launching two key collaborations: releasing a Sasha Jane signature model surfboard under the Mando label, and working on the soon-to-be nonprofit, GNDR Surf. 
Trans female surfer Sasha Jane Lowerson was all set to do an ad for Rip Curl… only for it to be scuppered, thanks to anti-trans extremists such as Bethany Hamilton and Riley Gaines.
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blackros78 · 10 months ago
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adribosch-fan · 1 year ago
Rip Curl sufre el boicot a sus productos tras contratar a un surfista trans
Como ocurrió con Bud Light y Nike, la firma se convierte en el foco de las críticas por contratar a personas trans en lugar de mujeres Bethany Hamilton y Sasha Lowerson. REBECA CRESPO Go woke, go broke. Juega a ser progre y te arruinarás. El lema que se utilizó para alentar el boicot contra empresas como la cervecera Bud Light después de que eligiese a una persona transgénero para promocionar…
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aideshou · 1 year ago
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lulubelle-art · 1 year ago
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Surf Grubb
Brave little creatures when you consider the size of the even the smallest wave relative to a Grubb. And that any Grubb surf rescue team moat likely have their snoots in a punnet of woowoo berries.
Missing at sea registry at www.grubbs.info
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vicmemories · 3 months ago
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Rip Curl's first surf shop in the old Torquay Bakery at 5 Boston Road, Torquay, Victoria
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ripcurlschoolofsurf · 7 months ago
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Catching your first wave at Bali’s Rip Curl School of Surf is an unforgettable experience. With the correct technique, you’ll be up on your feet and surfing in no time. Our Bali surf school offers a range of courses designed to enhance your skills, no matter your level. Our expert coaches will assess your ability and guide you on how to improve, whether it’s catching more waves, perfecting your bottom turn, or executing faster cutbacks. From theory sessions in the classroom to hands-on practice on the beach, our surfing syllabus at Rip Curl School of Surf covers everything you need to make the most of your surf sessions and get you stoked for the waves. #RipCurl #RipCurlSchoolOfSurf #SurfLessonBali #SurfSchoolBali #BaliSurfSchool
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cardicode · 9 months ago
AD for Rip Curl || Concept/Edit by @CardiCode
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jefrozyul · 1 year ago
Quand la vague se retourne contre Rip Curl.
Bof! Je n'ai plus le goût de faire du surf et encore plus avec de l'équipement de la célèbre marque Rip Curl.
Il faut vraiment être baveux pour renvoyer son égérie et athlète Bethany Hamilton et la remplacer par ce qu'elle se disait contre soit la présence de femmes transgenres dans les compétitions. Surprise inattendu pour l'entreprise, la vague n'est pas allé en leur faveur.
La présentation de Sasha Lowerson a fait des vagues même dangereuse pour surfer en Rip Curl ou encore magasiner du Rip Curl.
Le consommateur est roi
On rejoue dans le même film de 2023, l'année où Bud Light, Target ou d'autres enseignes ont vu leurs finances dégringolés en raison du ras-de-bol du wokisme agressant dans le monde occidental.
Rien à faire, le consommateur est roi et il se dégêne de plus en plus.
Pourtant, certaines enseignes ne semblent pas avoir fait le devoir de mémoire.
Le mois de la fierté ou pride month est de plus en plus délaissé par les entreprises car les vents changent et le progressisme semble de moins en moins attrayant. Alors que les logos deviennent arc-en-ciel en Occident, il est dingue de savoir que dans le reste du monde les arc-en-ciel sont inexistant.
Même la chaîne de café Starbucks, une entreprise connue pour être progressiste, a fait scandale lorsqu'elle s'est positionné au niveau de la décoration du mois de la fierté mais le syndicat est parti en croisade contre l'entreprise par des critiques et grèves.
De nos jours une enseignes peut tomber dans l'embarras en une fraction de seconde via la puissance que sont les réseaux sociaux. Bref souriez le monde vous surveille.
Rappelons par exemple Target, suite à un boycott pour une collection LGBTQ+ en mai 2023. En 10 jours, l'entreprise perd 10 milliards $US en valeur boursière. Target en a vraiment vu de tout les couleurs même de retirant la collection de ses magasins des activistes LGBTQ+ font de fausses alertes à la bombe.
Pour certains membres de la communauté LGBTQ+, voir les gens en colère contre du marketing est un retour en arrière.
Excusez-moi! Ma sexualité est-elle une vache à lait ou un aspect personnel de ma vie?
"Comment me taire comme j'y pense" comme chantait Gerard Lenorman dans Chanson d'innocence, on peut se rebeller même au sein de la communauté LGBTQ+.
Essayez-nous encore
On le sait tout que les entreprises ne le font pas elle-même mais pour le score ESG. Vous savez quoi? C'est votre but de perdre des clients au nom du progressisme bien vous êtes à vos risques et périls. Longue vie à la liberté d'expression!
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stopthewoke · 1 year ago
Allowing trans men to compete against biological women must stop!
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theoriginaldresslove · 1 year ago
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tblsomedoodles · 11 months ago
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The Preferable Alternative-prologue-part 2
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And here we go! : )
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texaschainsawmascara · 5 months ago
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Keri Russell curls
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terrorofthetrident · 1 year ago
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i fear the war has aemond neglecting his hair care routine
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vicmemories · 9 months ago
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Rip Curl's first surf shop in the old Torquay Bakery at 5 Boston Road, Torquay, Victoria.
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