#august rush
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texaschainsawmascara · 4 months ago
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Keri Russell curls
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casualavocados · 11 months ago
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You know what's out there? A series of higher tones. It's arranged by nature. It's governed by the laws of physics of the whole universe. It's an overtone, it's an energy, it's a wavelength. And if you're not riding it, good lordy, you'll never hear it.
AUGUST RUSH (2007) dir. Kirsten Sheriden
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danananapple · 8 months ago
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"This Wish (Reprise)" - Wish (2023) // "Become" by Emery Allen // Midnight Mass [S1E7] (@flanaganfilm) // "The Cosmic Connection" by Carl Sagan // "shine your icy crown" by Amanda Lovelace // "Fighting the Stars" by @thealyssataylor-blog // August Rush (2007) // "Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann
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travelingtwentysomething · 24 days ago
Rules: Without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films, then tag ten people to do the same.
Thanks for tagging me @mundaneone , I don't normally like doing 'get to know me' posts, but I am a massive movie buff- evidenced by my own personally curated (and half inherited from my dad) Blockbuster-esque movie wall. When I die, I'm gonna haunt the Criterion Closet. So without further ado, and maybe a lil over sharing because ofc-
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∆ The first movie I ever watched on DVD. My dad took me on our weekly trip to Blockbuster (he worked for Phillips, so got a 50% discount on a brand new, $500 DVD player), and he let me help him pick our first 10 DVDs. He let me pick the first movie we would watch from the stack. It was the year 2000, the summer before I turned 8. It was also the very last movie I watched with my dad in the summer before I turned 27 and he would have turned 59, in 2019. This movie always made me cry, but now I bawl.
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∆ The first DVD I got for Christmas when I was 8. This was the start of my illustrious movie collection, alongside my Dad's.
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∆ The first movie I watched with my mom when I visited her after she moved almost 1000 miles away after my parents divorce when I was about 14. We cuddled on her boyfriend's pullout sofa (a Christmas tree lit up in the corner of the room even though it was summer because she hadn't seen me or my brothers since the summer before and missed Christmas with us), and rented a movie "on demand" through his cable DVR. (Streaming before Netflix murdered Blockbuster, for anyone who wasn't alive before we stopped summoning the internet with the demonic tones of a dial-up connection.)
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∆ The best Studio Ghibli movie. If you don't agree, may all your bacon burn.
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∆ The first movie I can recall crying to. I was absolutely obsessed. At least for the first 3 of what would eventually be a 14 movie franchise. (My Grandma brought the first one on VHS when she took a break from retired life- sailing around South America with my Grandpa on their little sailboat, and came to stay with us when my little brother was born.)
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∆ The first Disney movie I remember being obsessed with (followed closely by The Little Mermaid). I got it on VHS for my fourth birthday, but that night, before I could watch it, my big brother tore the tape out before my very eyes. When my mom asked him wtf?! he told her he was mad he didn't get any presents on my birthday. I never got a replacement. Still bitter about it.
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∆ The movie I've been falling asleep to since I was 5. The soundtrack slaps. (Coming in 2nd place for a nostalgic bedtime OST: Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron.)
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∆ This one has a killer soundtrack as well, and I was obsessed with Freddie Highmore and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. (My Dad understood that I loved movies, he's the one who instilled that love of storytelling in me. But I hated his other favorite pass-time- going out to restaurants for 2+ hours while my parents hung out and drank with family or friends. Once I was old enough to go alone, he'd take me to a nearby theater, drop me off to see a movie while everyone else enjoyed their evening at the loud, crowded restaurant, then would come pick me up in time to order food just before everyone called it a night. He may not have fully understood me, but he really tried to make me happy. It's a shame we never got me diagnosed with autism. Anyway, saw this movie instead of having to go to dinner, and felt very special, because on the way back to the restaurant it was just me and my dad, and he let me ramble on about how great the movie was. He always trusted my taste in movies.)
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∆ Also, strangely, a comfort movie.
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∆ The first movie I remember seeing at the Drive-In Movies, 6 years old, sitting on the roof of my family's ugly green van and eating popcorn. It was the encore of a Double Feature, with a movie that had come out the year before- Men In Black. (This started my obsession with the Drive-In, my safe place.)
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∆ And +1 Bonus: If asked what my favorite horror movie is, this is the first one that comes to mind. (2nd place goes to The Shining, the movie I considered tied with Titanic as my absolute favorite when I was 6 years old. My mom was appalled, my dad thought it was hilarious. Also, weirdly, my mom would only let me watch the second VHS for Titanic because the first half had a sex scene and the "Paint me like one of your French girls" scene. It's like she thought sex was worse than an explicit mass casualty event?!)
*Disclaimer, this is not a ranking, just 10 of my favorite movies that are clearly very important to me because of the memories attached. The oversharing was optional 😂 so don't feel pressured guys. Feel free to make your own post or attach 10 gifs to this one and keep the movie recs going, I'd love to see your responses-
@richard-michael-afton @steddiecameraroll @eddiethebrave @finalmoondragon @dragonsandgayships @spectrum-spectre @cloudedsunshines @demon-loverss @asexualasshat @subcultureblues @thatfaeb1tch @zombiethingy (oops I can't count 😎)
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cherish--these--times · 2 months ago
Digging up a gem. All Jane Austen fans should watch this to reminisce and have a good time.
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chrisshields18 · 1 year ago
August Rush.
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pezboisworld · 7 months ago
Louis: I think I can get a good grade in husband and father.
Lyla: *happy to have two whole decent non-abusive family members*
Evan: *happy to have any family at all*
Louis: Yes. Being the perfect husband and father is a perfectly reasonable thing to want and obtain.
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Best Jonathan Rhys Meyers movies and performances:
1. Match Point - Woody Allen (2005)
2. August Rush - Kirsten Sheridan (2007)
3. Velvet Goldmine - Todd Haynes (1998)
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comfortfromyourpain · 2 years ago
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August Rush 2007
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aikoiya · 2 years ago
Arcane Prompt - Victor x Toph-like Fem!Reader
I'd kinda like to see Viktor with a Toph-like fem!reader. Not in attitude or power or anything (except for the hearing when someone's lying thing), but in that she's blind, but does not let that stop her from being the best at what she is.
Maybe she's a musician/musicologist? As in the science behind music & sound & how it interacts with the world around it. As well as the study of music's impact on cultures. How sound interacts with the brain. Things like that.
An "everything gives off vibrations" sort of thing. And maybe she has access to sound magic? But in the way that, instead of using it as a means to attack, she uses the vibrations to interact with the world around her. Also, a musical & mathematics genius.
A little bit of an August Rush-flavored Toph in that the whole world is full of music, you just have to be open to it.
I see her as being sassy, sarcastic, & very direct like Toph, seeing herself as no less than anyone else. Sure, she has moments of insecurity, but she's secure enough & genuinely likes herself enough that they don't last very long.
I see her as the sort who, much like Toph, doesn't tiptoe around being blind. It's just like, "I'm blind. Moving on." And she doesn't lament her disability because she genuinely doesn't see it as one. Because if she wasn't blind, she wouldn't be who she is now.
Sure, she'd like to understand what people get all jazzed about with "views" & "colors" & "aesthetics" & stuff, but ya know, whatever.
What she gets insecure about sometimes is whether or not she's pretty. Because she legit doesn't know.
She sort of acts as a 3rd to Viktor & Jayce's duo, but one that came later.
She's honestly not much for hardware, but her theories & ideas have helped them to advance HexTech a great deal.
For instance, one of their most used inventions was the Susurrecorder, which is a HexTech device that produces sounds at a frequency of 25 to 150 Hertz to mimic a cat's purr, which she discovered is a frequency which aids in bone repair & healing. This, when put together with the Hex Crystal powering it, simulates low-level, gentle sound-based healing magic that gives listeners low-level health regen & boosted immune systems.
It was a success & is now used in Piltovan hospitals to aid in recovery.
She also discovered Alpha Waves, Beta Waves, & Delta Paterns. Alpha Waves peak around 10Hz. Good healthy alpha production promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in the ability to mentally coordinate. Beta Waves are the fastest frequency of brainwaves (13-40 Hz). They are responsible for focus, concentration & analytical thinking. Binaural beats in the Delta Pattern operate at a frequency of 0.5–4 Hz with links to a dreamless sleep. Meanwhile, 432 Hz frequency is ideal for use as a sleep aid as it is known for its relaxing, calming effects.
Later models of the Susurrecorder are built with a knob allowing users to switch between the Healing Frequency, a mix of Alpha & Beta Waves called Brain Beats, & a mix of Delta Patterns & the 432 Hz frequency called Sleep Tunes.
An even later model built specifically for hospital patients has the Healing Frequency with a switch to turn on Sleep Tunes so that both can be on at once to both aid in sleep while still allowing for increased healing.
It was very successful!
She later helped the HexBros to create antigravity tech by discovering what in our universe is called Einstein's E=mc², then using it to change soundwaves into a negative energy current then conducting that energy into a ball which began to float. Basically, the idea of acoustic levitation.
This allowed the boys to create a simple device that would allow ships to fly through the air with much fewer resources.
What she considers to be her magnum opis was something called the HexTech Violin. It's basically an electric violin made of HexTech. Depending on how she plays it & what frequency she plays it at, a variety of different things can happen.
There's the healing, brain beats, sleep tunes, & acoustic levitation frequencies from above, as well as hydromanipulation at 23-25 Hz, acoustic phytomanipulation, & hydrophonic remediation at 423 Hz. Acoustic Phytomanipulation being based on how music seems to help plants grow. And Hydrophonic Remediation being the use of sound to purify water, which she would've been researching for a long time to help Victor with making Zaun a better place.
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stephjw · 6 months ago
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OTP photo dump
Lyla Novacek & Louis Connelly
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memoriesofthingspast · 6 months ago
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baeaisling · 1 year ago
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star-shard · 1 year ago
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If u wanna know me, watch these two movies fr
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fiddlepickdouglas · 1 year ago
omg august rush! that movie was so touching. thanks for reminding me of its existence :')
Hello bestie you have cracked open an Old Obsession of mine, welcome to the ride!
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This was me with the door shut to the basement listening to the ~demo~ soundtrack on my iPod in high school pretending I was the virtuoso composer. I would later discover such an activity is called "stimming" 😂
For some reason the story seemed like such an obvious plot when I was younger, but having watched it again years later I was like no??? It doesn't really follow most formulas? It just makes you hope so much for the things to happen and actually pays off on the setup. What a notion.
And this song?
The lyrics destroy me every time I listen to it.
"The angel on the stairs will tell you I was there"
"I've been sitting, watching life pass from the sidelines"
Hardcore resonate. 2nd child syndrome? Undiagnosed neurodivergent? Yet to realize I'm queer and my life has been dictated by the choices and influences of everyone except myself for so long? GOD.
Also, I wish Leon Thomas III got more material like this to work with.
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I did not watch Victorious, but I did watch every minute of the Quinton Review on it and I'm sorry, Nickelodeon had so much talent on their hands and squandered it in favor of. The white people. Totally understand why his filmography ends in 2017 - I would focus on music too if I were always getting snubbed like that.
I could really go on about this movie and how it was so fundamental to solidifying my love for so much in the sense of art, storytelling, creating a lot of August-like OCs, second chances/new beginnings, and of course, the heavily implied autism for both August's character and *aherm* myself. Still wish I could pick up the organ like that though. Would be neat. And very on brand.
Thanks for the ask 😅
also I just realized there's totally a KimChay AU in this bitch somewhere :D
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wild-words-and-wounds · 2 years ago
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“Sometimes the world tries ot knock it out of you. But I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales.” ~August Rush
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